Building Customer Relations Through Direct Marketing: September 2017

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International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017


Dr. K. R. Subramanian
Professor of Management and Senior Consultant
T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017

Abstract : Marketing in general and Sales

in particular is interested in improving sales 1. Introduction
and market shares of products and services.
This of course, is achieved through building Direct marketing discipline is currently
relationships and transactions with
driven by an evolving marketing
customers. The first one is a long term
orientation and process whereas the second
scenario where the interaction of
one is short term increases in sales. Direct response, engagement, sales, and
Marketing has evolved over a period of time measurability is reducing the lines of
and companies have found cost effective difference between direct marketing and
means of serving customers and this process advertising. Now more than ever before,
has been accelerated with the development it cannot be defined in terms of any one
of electronic media and the mobile medium, or as a channel, or in terms of
technologies. Conventional techniques have any single technology. It's not just about
become redundant or inadequate to cope ―going direct‖ to a consumer, either. But
with the pressures of modern times. while the lines are blurring, direct
However it is sad that some companies have
marketing remains a distinctly unique
resorted to short term benefits of direct
marketing by smart increases in volume
discipline demanding particular skills
sales. The purpose of this research paper is and techniques. Nearly all
to focus attention on the techniques of communications today are direct. They
Direct Marketing and the imperative need to all target a segment of consumers or
develop such ideas and methodologies businesses, attempting to generate a
which will have a lasting impression and first-step response or action to engage
long term benefits to consumers. with the advertiser. To approach any
Relationship building and enhancing marketing communication today without
customer experiences and satisfaction a direct marketing discipline limits a
through transactions need to be the ultimate consumer's motivation and options to
objective of marketing and sales. One at the
respond and a marketer's ability to track
cost of the other is detrimental to the total
meaningful response and actionable
Keywords: Direct marketing, Customer
Today, businesses have access to more
relationships and transactions, Effective
media and distribution channels than
means of serving customers, impact of
ever. With direct mail, Social Media,
modern technologies, enhancing customer
email marketing and mobile advertising,
experiences. Page 799

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

ability to reach a targeted consumer has and contacts and the usual focus on
become easy. As direct marketing has transactions for incremental volumes of
evolved, the use of data has been more sales. After a lot of deliberations and
important and successful personalized extensive research, the author has come
direct marketing lies in unlocking the to the conclusion that Direct Marketing
power of customer data. Leveraging the is built on Customer Confidence in your
right insights to deliver the right product or services. This is not a fly by
message, to the right customer, at the night operation; needs careful building
right time, on the device they prefer has of meaningful relations with customers
become easy. Direct Marketing to gain their confidence and thereby gain
campaigns can be created around their acceptance for your products and
specific customer, geographic and services. Any approach to speed up this
budget needs to make them incredibly process has to consider how the
effective in terms of reach and cost. relationship is not disturbed by the
Because direct marketing is cost- process and rather how the process is to
effective and highly targeted, it is be designed to enhance the relationship
possible to try out new messaging, building and Marketing.
platforms or markets. Testing ad copy
allows you to send the right message to Government Employees Insurance
the right audience, every time. Self- Company has been around long enough
service applications mean fast to remember what GEICO stands for;
turnaround times so marketing doesn‘t even before the recent campaign that
get stale, allowing you to run new actually explains it. But about a decade
campaigns on the fly. Whether it‘s an ago, Berkshire Hathaway bought GEICO
email campaign, a mobile advertising and Warren Buffet put the full muscle of
program or direct mail, direct marketing his company behind the objective of
connect you directly. The evolution of making the GEICO brand a household
direct marketing techniques makes an name. Berkshire went after this goal in a
interesting study. most unconventional way, not with the
standard approach of one campaign
followed by another over the years, but
with each new campaign idea building
on the momentum of the last. When
advertising becomes ubiquitous in every
medium, the only way to fairly attribute
outcome is to accept the fact that all
media are working together to produce
the remarkable results that GEICO has
achieved. In the most simplistic sense,
GEICO looks at the entire flow of leads
and quotes and sales, and divides each
metric by the total media spend to
Figure 1: Direct marketing measure high-level effectiveness. So,
GEICO is a classic example of a direct
Direct marketing techniques focus on marketer
two aspects: Building customer relations Page 800

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

2. Objectives & Methodology analysis and compilation. This has been

Direct Marketing has been there for done and hopes the conclusions will be
some time now and newer forms of found suitable for academicians,
direct marketing through internet and practitioners and researchers for further
digital media is developing every day. study and focus on specific areas.
With the proliferation of direct
marketing techniques, one of the 3. Review of Literature
decision challenges for a company is to For many years, there has been a false
identify the right technique and the impression amongst people that direct
process. Of late many techniques have marketing is associated exclusively with
been developed to enhance the direct mail because it was the earliest
penetration and improvement in sales and most commonly used direct
volumes, but the concern is the marketing technique. In fact, along with
sustainability of such methods and the development of the industry, there
techniques. With these thoughts in mind are an increasing number of forms and
the following Objectives have been techniques employed in direct
identified for this research paper. marketing. Nevertheless, most direct
marketing techniques were developed by
1. A broad review of history and the mid 1970s. By and large, direct
development of Direct Marketing marketing has become part of a multi-
techniques media era; that is, most direct marketing
2. Current Marketing techniques activities involve more than one medium
which are popular and their use. and produce an aggregate effect on the
3. Direction of development of market. It has a strong impact not only
these techniques. on direct marketing practice, but also on
4. Futuristic potential of such direct marketing research. There are an
techniques and their impact increasing number of studies,
5. A critical comparison of sales particularly in the US, which focus on
enhancement and customer newly developed media such as
orientation. interactive TV and the Internet.
6. Impact of current techniques and
suggestions for futuristic In 1984, the major US industry trade
development. association changed its name from the
Direct Mail Marketing Association
Several methodologies were considered (DMMA) to the Direct Marketing
for research and data collection. The Association (DMA) to reflect the true
proliferation of available literature on nature of its memberships' widening
the print and electronic media has operations in practice. Similarly, in the
encouraged the author for a desk UK, the DMA was founded in 1992 in
research and thorough examination of response to the rapid growth of direct
available data through published marketing and its increasing importance
literature. It was found that adequate in the economy. It was formed from the
literature is available for the purpose of original trade organizations of the
the current research and what was Association of Mail Order Publishers;
needed was a comprehensive data the British Direct Marketing Page 801

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

Association; the British List Brokers definition, "direct marketing does not
Association and the Direct Mail include other forms of non-store
Producers Association. The functions of retailing, such as door-to-door sales and
direct marketing have also been vending machines." (Moschise, et al.,
broadened from selling goods or 1990, pp.8) Ogilvy, who is one of the
encouraging customers to purchase, to few people to define what direct
include customer care and service. marketing is, defines direct marketing as
"any advertising activity which creates
Not surprisingly, direct marketing has and exploits a direct relationship
drawn a lot of attention from marketing between you and your prospect or
professionals, academics, and customer as an individual" (Ogilvy,
researchers in the past two decades. 1989, p.28). Though there is no general
However, they express different views agreement on the definition, by
towards this subject from three different contrasting the different definitions,
perspectives. The first perspective looks Katzensten and Sachs summarized the
upon direct marketing in terms of the general opinions pointing to four basic
promotional medium (e.g. Smith, 1993; features:
Burnett, 1993 Chapter 2 Direct
Marketing & Mail-Order). The second a) A combination of advertising
perspective looks upon it as a channel of and selling into a single function.
distribution which is one of the elements b) A prominent service concept
of the marketing mix (e.g. Rosenbloom, that will affect repetitive buying.
1987; Lewison & Delozier,1982). The c) A strong trend toward
third view considers direct marketing as specificity.
a subset of marketing (e.g. Hoke, 1982; d) An existence of built-in
Stone, 1984). Apart from the different feedback mechanisms (Katzensten &
perspectives employed by researchers Sachs, 1986).
and academics, there are also different
opinions over the definition of direct A database is an essential component of
marketing. For instance, there are vague direct marketing which facilitates the
attitudes towards direct selling. Some development of a medium to long-term
researchers (e.g. Ogilvy, 1982) treat commitment or relationship with both
direct selling synonymously with direct existing and potential customers. A shift
mail or telemarketing, as part of direct from the product or service-focused
marketing, however others (e.g. Roman, marketing to customer and market
1987) exclude it. segment-focused marketing has meant
that customer databases have started to
The DMA in the US formally defines replace the traditional product-based
direct marketing as follows: database (Shaw, 1991). A database is not
"Direct marketing is an interactive only a list of names and addresses but
system of marketing that uses one or should also be distinguished by the
more advertising media to affect a quality and quantity of relevant
measurable response and/or transaction marketing information on customers.
at any location." (DMA, 1982, pAxiii) There are primarily two types of
Moschis, Korgankar, and Mathur (1990) information retained on a marketing
also argued that, according to DMA's database: historical data and predictive Page 802

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

data. Historical data is simply GEICO advertising campaigns are

transactional data that indicates a known for using surreal humor and
customer's past orders, that is the satire, often featuring distinctive
frequency of purchases, responses to characters such as the company's
offers and size of the orders, as well as mascot, the GEICO gecko, which is
containing personal data such as name, actually a Lizard. Investor Warren
address, and gender. Predictive data is Buffett, chairman and CEO of GEICO
processed data which is derived through parent Berkshire Hathaway, has stated
statistical methodology. Historical data that he would spend $2 billion on
and customer attributes are scored to GEICO ads if he could, approximately
predict their future buying behavior. double the spending in 2012, which was
Predictive data usually identifies those $1.1 billion, over twice that of second
who are more likely to respond to a place Progressive Corporation, with
certain offer. Therefore, database 6.8% of premiums going into
marketing relies heavily on computer commercials. In 2016, GEICO was the
technology. It involves the collection, top spending brand in the United States,
selection, and analysis of customer with over $1.4 billion in advertising,
records. ousting second place Verizon and
previous leader AT&T. However, this is
Currently, investment in databases varies offset by not paying agents‘
according to company type, often related commissions, since GEICO uses a direct
to the size of the marketing department. to consumer model. This has resulted in
For instance, British Telecom and the GEICO being the second largest auto
Automobile Association are examples of insurer in the United States (behind State
companies which made huge Farm).
investments into databases. At an
industry level, the manufacturing sector
invests the least in database, whilst the
retail sector is the biggest investor in
software, data, and hardware for its
database, with more than half (55 per
cent) reporting expenditure of more than
£250,000 and 22 percent more than £1
million (Marketing Business, 1993).
Dunn Humby Associates surveyed 113
of the UK‘s top advertisers in their 1992
annual study and reported that at present
the database is usually under-utilized
and that companies do not get the full
benefit from it. The survey identifies that
13 per cent of companies did not make
use of names and addresses held on Figure 2: The GEICO Mascot
computer. This represents a significant
loss and waste of resources (Marketing
Business, 1993). Page 803

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

longest-running call-to-action strategies

and taglines in recent history. Because
GEICO hasn't moved from its
positioning, has stuck with a target
segment that values price over paying
for a traditional agent network model,
and has continued to beat a steady,
relevant drum through a series of clever
ads and characters—whether its
cavemen, pigs, the gecko, banjo players
or the newly minted camel of Hump Day
Figure 3; Prominent characters of fame—customers know exactly what to
GEICO Campaigns expect from GEICO. GEICO also
realizes that consistent brand positioning
Many of the most prominent TV ad and relevance must go hand in hand.
campaigns, such as the GEICO Gecko,
the GEICO Cavemen, Maxwell the Pig, So while the message has stayed the
and the GEICO Hump Day Camel were same, GEICO‘s advertising campaign
developed by The Martin Agency. tactics and medium usage have evolved.
Professor Tim Calkins of the Kellogg For example, in 2010, GEICO provided
School of Management explains: mobile users with a first in the insurance
―GEICO is a perfect example of why industry — the ability to quote and buy a
positioning matters. Why buy from policy from mobile-friendly pages on
GEICO? To save money; this is the core their I Phone and Android mobile
of the brand. GEICO is a reputed devices. Just recently, GEICO was
company with low rates. GEICO doesn‘t announced as the premier sponsor for the
promise the best service or the most pilots of Amazon Studios' new series,
complete coverage. It promises low streaming on the Amazon Prime Instant
rates.‖ The idea for the Gecko grew from Video service. It's a wide-ranging ad
a creative session at GEICO‘s ad deal that also includes banners and
agency, the Martin Agency in placement on the Amazon Pilot Series
Richmond, VA. The name ―GEICO‖ home page, as well as ads on Kindles
was often mispronounced ―Gecko,‖ and with Special Offers, the cheaper version
as the brainstorming began, a quick of the Kindle that shows ads. The
doodle of a gecko appeared. Successful expansion continues on new, relevant
ad campaigns from the past have proven mediums but continues the ―save you
animals create a strong connection money‖ messaging. The Gecko was
between customers and companies voted America‘s favorite advertising
icon in 2005.
To Tim‘s point, when you have a
singular brand focus and idea, customers Good direct marketing campaigns focus
have total clarity on what you are and on promoting a specific product or
what you are not. And to GEICO‘s service, and call on your customers to
credit, it has stayed true to the same act - to receive further information,
brand positioning relentlessly for almost register their interest, visit your website,
20 years with arguably one of the to make a booking or a purchase. Direct Page 804

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

marketing gives you the opportunity to that it was only possible to read it when
promote your products and services it was held underwater
directly to the customers who most need
them. A good direct marketing campaign
will help you build relationships with
new customers; test the appeal of your
product or service; tell you which
marketing approaches reach your target
market; provide customers with
compelling content they can share with
potential customers and help increase
Fig.4: Direct mailer on World Water Day
Image via Athens Business Group
However, direct marketing campaigns
require careful planning and a clear Direct marketing is often used as a tool
understanding of responsible direct to promote food products, with chocolate
marketing practice. Being aware of the manufacturers Nestle also getting in on
benefits and challenges of direct the act. They sent out a mailer that was
marketing will help you use direct made to look like the card left by
marketing effectively. Direct marketing postmen when they‘re unable to deliver
lets you adapt and respond to the needs a parcel. Instead of saying that a package
of your market, and your business. You couldn‘t be delivered, however, the
can achieve fast and flexible sales results mailer claimed that the package (Kit Kat
using direct marketing. For example, chunky) was unable to be posted as it
you could use a direct marketing was ‗too chunky for your letterbox‘. The
campaign to: lucky recipients were able to exchange
their card at their local news agency for
 boost sales of a particular a free Kit Kat Chunky chocolate bar.
 run out discontinued stock
 renew stale sales figures
 increase customer contacts
 Follow up on a promotion.

Word-of-mouth is the most powerful

form of marketing. An effective
marketing campaign will provide
customers with collateral about your
business that they can easily share with
their friends, colleagues and
family. This can generate new leads for
your business. To mark World Water
Day, a mailer was sent to various
companies and the press. The letter Figure 5: The chunky Kit-Kat mail
contained inside was a little unusual, in Page 805

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

The unifying concept that underline This consolidation provided a number of

Direct Marketing practice is that there opportunities for saving costs. Like a
are many circumstances in which it department store, the mail order
makes better business sense to market catalogue provides the consumer with
goods and services directly to consumers the option to purchase across a range of
rather than rely on intermediaries located different products. It could be kept
in retail outlets, or ―bricks and mortar‖ handy until the time when these products
as they are now popularly described. were needed. Purchasing from a single
Selling directly, as distinct from face-to- supplier was more convenient and
face, implies the existence of media involved less risk than buying from
through which people can communicate multiple suppliers. Quality of service
with each other using channels other and timeliness of delivery could be
than face-to-face. Until thirty years ago assured. And, in many cases, the
that communication relied almost catalogue company could use its
exclusively on a communications purchasing power to negotiate better
channel developed over four hundred terms from suppliers and so supply
years ago, the printing press. merchandise at more attractive prices.
The business model on which this
The practice of including direct response marketing proposition was based is little
advertisements in newspapers naturally different from that employed by
evolved into the promotion of Britain‘s most successful catalogue
manufacturers‘ catalogues. Before retailer Great Universal Stores, founded
World War I it would have been in Manchester in 1900, and, albeit using
customary even for manufacturers different channels, more recently by
selling through ―bricks and mortar‖ to Argos and by Amazon..
produce illustrated catalogues to display
their range of stock. William Morris first The centralization of the interaction with
did this in England in 1862. Promoting individual customers made Direct
these catalogues directly to end Marketing a much easier environment in
customers was a natural evolution. In which to examine the impact on the
due course it became clear that, rather business of micro-decisions. Individual
than each manufacturer developing its assistants behind the counter of a retail
own bespoke catalogue, there was an multiple may each have known more
opportunity for an intermediary to about the preferences of individual
source products from a variety of customers. But this knowledge could not
manufacturers and consolidate them into be aggregated to build an understanding
a single, larger catalogue. The most of how best to promote which products
successful of these catalogues was that to which groups of customers using a
of Sears, first published in 1888. The process of controlled experimentation. It
company‘s headquarters were in is not clear exactly to what extent the
Chicago, its prime market mid-Western early catalogue companies managed to
farmers. Many of America‘s foremost link individual customer orders together.
data compilers and data analytics Prior to World War II punched cards
companies continue to be based in this were the means by which customer
city. behavior was analyzed and target
customers selected. But it is likely that Page 806

International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD)
eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

even before the advent of the computer computing techniques and enhancement
most orders were filed at the level of the of computer capabilities and the digital
individual customer and it was not revolution have changed the scenario.
impossible even in the pre-digital age to Present technologies enable companies
test the impact on business performance to have access to customer data instantly
of variations in copy, pricing or terms and sharpen their campaign focus.
and to learn how best to make use of
previous response history when Digital Technologies have enabled
communicating with repeat customers. Companies to access customer profiles
Renowned for its unparalleled expertise and preferences quickly and sharpen
in these techniques was Reader‘s Digest, their marketing strategies and product
formed in 1922. In its hay day it was the offerings. The Development and growth
best-selling magazine in the US and, of DMA has made direct marketing
after the launch of its United Kingdom techniques more popular and cost
edition in 1938, the company became the effective. Direct Marketing enabled
most internationally admired exponent companies to roll Advertising and
of Direct Marketing practice. Marketing into one seamless effort.
Direction of development of this
4. Analysis & Conclusions technology will be for better usage of
mobile technologies.
While Marketing has evolved ever since
it began, the digitalized world is seeing The Future is bright as is evident from
some phenomenal changes. While the campaign success of GAICO. Their
changes have taken place in the formats, combination of Advertising and
customer has been centric to all Marketing efforts s commendable and
developments. We see that the latest their Advertising budget is projected at $
formats have been evolved with a 2 billion! The GEICO promise is simple
customer centric focus, the only change and direct – cost savings and economy
being the digital proliferation of media and it has produced success! As pointed
and the corresponding fine tuning of the out by Prof. Tom Calkins of Kellogg
methods to align with such changes in School of Management, brand
consumer perception and choice. positioning with strong image has helped
Direct Marketing techniques originated The future of such techniques is
and developed as a necessity to reduce definitely bright!
marketing costs and improve customer
contacts at the same time. As seen from Throughout the development and history
the review of literature this started n the of Direct Marketing techniques, it is
direct mail campaigns. While word of clear that development of customer base
mouth publicity forms the basis for and service enhancement has been
customer acceptance of a product, Direct emphasized and that s the reason for its
Marketing techniques developed and success. While companies sharpen their
constantly evolved as seen from the focus and techniques to serve the
World Water Day direct mailer! While customer well the sales pitch becomes
punch card data of customers were irrelevant as it is automatically taken
originally stored, the development of care of. Such marketing techniques Page 807

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eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 6; Issue: 9; September -2017

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