STD Tough Test

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Speed Time Distance Test

1. Walking at a speed 3/5th of the usual a person reaches the office 12 minutes late to the office. Find the
time required usually.

2. A person travelled a certain distance in 6 hr. Had he travelled the same distance with a speed of
10km/hr more he would have reached the destination in 1 hr less. Find the distance.

3. A person travelled a distance of 1200 km with a certain speed. Had he travelled the distance with a
speed 20 km/hr more he would have reached the destination 5 hrs earlier. Find the new time needed.

4. A person travelled a certain distance from home to office with a speed of 30km/hr and reached the
destination 20 min late. Had he travelled the distance with the speed of 40 km/hr he would have reached
10 min early. Find the speed with which he should travel the distance to be on time.

5. A person travelled a certain distance in two equal stretches with the speed of 40km/hr and 60km/hr
resp. while coming back he travelled the whole distance with the speed of 30km/hr. find the average
speed for the whole journey.

6. A train of length 800 m crosses the entry point of the tunnel in 15 sec. while the train crosses the whole
tunnel in 40 sec. find the length of the tunnel.

7. There are two stations X and Y 840 km apart. A train starts from X at 8:30 am with speed of 80km/hr
and a train starts from Y at 9:15 am with the speed of 100 km/hr. find at what time will the two of them will

8.There are two trains X and Y running in the opposite direction between the stations nagpur and pune.
both of them start at the same time and after meeting in between the first needs 3 hr 36min and the
second needs 4hr 54 min to reach the destination. find the ratio of their speeds.
9.A train started from Nagpur towards pune at 7:30 am with the speed of 60 kmph . another train started
from the same station in the same direction at 9:15 with the speed of 90kmph . find at what time the two
trains will meet.
10. a policeman saw a thief 100m away. the same moment thief saw the policeman and started running
away. for every 5 steps of policeman the thief takes 6 steps. while in 2 steps policeman covers 5 m, the
thief in 3 stpes covers 4 m.Find the distance travelled by the thief before being caught by the policeman.

11. Two trains of length 300m and 500m crossed each other in 2 min40 sec while going in same direction.
and in 40 sec while going in opposite direction. Find speeds of the two trains.

12. A train is of length 1.2 km moving with a speed of 60km/hr. There is a butterfly caught up in the train
in the last compartment. it starts flying towards the engine with the speed of 30 kmph.the moment it
reaches the engine it starts moving back towards the last compartment and continues to and from till the
train comes to a halt . find the distance travelled by the bird if train started at 6am and stopped at 8 am.

13.A person went a distance of 30 km upstream and returned back to starting point in total 5 hr 20
min.find speed of boat in still water if the water runs at a speed of 3 kmph.
14.A boat went 24 km upstream in 4 hr and returned back in 1hr 30 min. find the speed of boat in still
water if the water is flowing with the speed of boat in still water.
15. In a 100 m race A beats B by 25m or by 6sec. While in a 200m race A beats C by 20m, Find the time
required by C to cover a distance of 1km
16. A person started a journey from pune to Bombay on expressway. But after travelling for 1 hr the tyre
got bursted. he changed the tyre and to be on a safer side travelled the remaining journey with a speed
3/5th of the original and reached the destination 40 min late.Had the tyre bursted 60 km further on he
would have reached 10 min earlier. Find the distance from pune to Bombay if the time take to change the
tyre each time is 10min.

17. Silky finishes of with her office everyday at a fixed time at 6 pm. and her driver starts from her home at
a fixed time so that he reached the office exactly at the same time to pick her up. One day office got over
40 min early. and in order not to waste on time , she started walking towards her house. met the driver in
between and reached home 20 min earlier that the routine. find the time whe was walking?
18. There are two persons Ram and Shyam swimming along the opposite ends of a swimming pool with a
constant speed. both of them started together and first time they met at a distance of 26m from one of the
ends, they continue to swim , reached the respective ends and turn back and then next time they met at a
distance of 14 mtr from the other end. Find the length of the swimming pool.

19. There are two persons running along a circular track with the constant speed. Both of them started at
the same time from the same starting point but in the opposite direction. First time they meet at a distance
of 350mtr from one of the ends
They continued to run and next time they meet at a distance of 250mtr from the starting point but in the
opposite direction. Find the length of the circular track.

20. The arch rivals Hare and tortoise decided to run a race on a circular track , but in the opposite
direction the over confident hare did not start till the tortoise had covered 1/6 th of the distance. The two of
them met , when hare had covered just 1/3 rd of the distance. Find by how many times the hare should
increase his speed so that he just manages to finish the race at the same time as tortoise.

21. Three friends Karina, Saif and Shahid decided to travel a certain journey from Bombay to Pune but
they had just one Scooty which could carry only two persons at a time so Karina decided first she will take
Shahid with her on her bike and Saif will start walking towards Pune after travelling a certain distance she
drops Shahid in between, who continued to walk towards Pune and Karina returned back picked Saif
somewhere in between and started the journey towards Pune. All the three of them reach Pune at the
same time. Find the distance from Pune to Bombay, if they all started at 6.00 a.m. and reached Pune at
12.30pm. Given that the walking speed of every person is 20 km/hr and Karina rides Scooty at a constant
speed of 80 km/hr.

22. There are two stains X and Y 72 km apart. Santa starts from X with a speed of 4km/hr while Banta
starts from Y with a speed of 2 km/hr and increases his speed by 0.5 km/hr every hour. Find after how
many hours will the two of them meet.

23. Two gun shots are fired from a same point with an interval of 30 min. But a person travelling in a car
an approaching the point heard them at an interval of 28 min. Find the speed of the person, given that
speed of the sound is 330 m/s.

24. Krrish starts on his bicyle from his house for his school every day at a fixed time. A train coming in the
same direction crosses him every day at a fixed point at a fixed time. On Valentines day he was ½ hr late
to start from his house and the train crossed him at a distance of 12 km before the normal meeting point.
Find the speed of the train if Krrish rides his bicyle with a speed of 18 km/hr.

25. There are two stations Kanpur and Nagpur 800 km apart. A train starts from Nagpur at 6 am with a
speed of 90 km/hr and stops for 5 min after every 60 km. Another train started from Kanpur at 7 am with
the speed of 60 km/hr and halts for 5 min after every 1 hour. Find at what time the two trains will meet.

26. There is a cat stuck up in a tunnel at a distance 5/12 of the length of the tunnel and suddenly it heard a
train whistle. It ran towards the nearer end and just managed to come out of the tunnel when the train was
going to enter the tunnel. Had, it ran towards the other end still it would have just managed to come out of
the tunnel. Find the ratio of speed of the cat and the train.

27. there is a battalion of soldiers 50 m long marching ahead at a constant speed the last person is asked
to deliver an important message to the first person. he runs fast meets the first person without wasting
time just hands over the parcel and joins back the battalion at his original position. in the whole time the
battalion had travelled 50 m . find the distance travelled by him in the whole process

28. A train started from started from Nagpur towards pune at 6 am and the same time A train started from
Nagpur towards pune. they met at a distance 384 km from pune. After meeting the first train needs 4 hrs
48 min and the second train needs 7hrs and 30 min to reach the destinations. Find the distance between
pune and Nagpur.

29. A train started from Nagpur towards Pune at 6 am and reached the destination at 11am . While a train
started from Pune towards Nagpur at 7 am and reached the destination at 11 am. find at what time will the
two trains meet .

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