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Chapter 1.

Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’

Saverio Cinti

Introduction logical daily routine, it could not be very impor-

White and brown adipose tissues have long been Its histological aspect (Fig. 1) was similarly
considered as two distinct and independent enti- uninspiring, consisting of spherical cells 70–90 µm
ties, underestimated by researchers. in diameter with a thin rim of cytoplasm sur-
White adipose tissue (WAT) has largely been rounding a single lipid droplet (triglycerides);
ignored by researchers for many years. One major scarce cytological tissue elements (macrophages,
reason for this is its diffuse distribution and its mast cells and fibroblasts); and unimpressive vas-
apparently uninteresting localisation in the mam- cularity and innervation.
malian body, as if filling the interstitial spaces The description of mammalian brown adipose
among the various organs like a connective tissue. tissue (BAT) had a separate history. The term adi-
WAT is distributed at the cutaneous (dermis), sub- pose is due to its high triglyceride content, whereas
cutaneous, perivisceral (mediastinal, retroperi- brown is due to its darker hue compared with
toneal, intraperitoneal: omental, mesenteric, etc.) white fat, a colour that is visible to the naked eye
and intravisceral (parotid, bone marrow, parathy- and stems from its different cellular and tissue
roid, pancreas) levels. When the cellular nature of anatomy: smaller (30–50 µm in diameter) and not
this connective tissue was first unveiled, the func- properly spherical (polyhedral) cells with a round-
tional interpretation came quickly and intuitively: ed nucleus occasionally located in a central posi-
given its high fat content (triglycerides), WAT had tion.
to be an energy depot for short or prolonged fast- The distinctive feature of BAT is the multilocu-
ing periods; however, not being used in the physio- lar organisation of cytoplasmic triglycerides into

Fig. 1. Human subcutaneous white adipose tis-

sue made up of unilocular adipocytes. Light
microscopy 550x
4 Saverio Cinti

multiple separate droplets that are easily seen at animals.

the light microscope (Fig. 2). The electron micro- The function of BAT – heat production – and
scope shows large and cristae-rich mitochondria its large proportion in hibernating animals were
filling the cytoplasm (Fig. 3), another distinguish- described in the 1960s. This led to circumscription
ing characteristic from white fat. The histological of the importance of this tissue, also because it was
features of BAT are also different: vessels are much increasingly clear that its amount was negligible in
more diffuse and the nerves appear to infiltrate the large mammals, man included.
parenchyma, forming numerous neuro-adipocytic In the late 1970s, Stock’s group in London re-
synaptic contacts. It is the high capillary density of vived the biomedical interest in BAT. In addressing
this tissue and the large amount of mitochondria the issues connected with human eating habits, es-
found in brown adipocytes that confer on BAT its pecially in relation to the growing proportion of
brown colour. Despite a similar interstitial distri- obese individuals in Western countries, these re-
bution, the mammalian BAT is easier to localise searchers – wondering why laboratory rats did not
precisely compared with WAT, especially in smaller become obese – tried feeding them a diet similar to

Fig. 2. Mouse brown adipose tissue composed

of multilocular adipocytes. Note the dark
dots in the cytoplasm corresponding to large
mitochondria. Resin-embedded tissue. Light
microscopy 1200x

Fig. 3. Electron micrograph of the cytoplasm

of a brown adipocyte. Note the large mito-
chondria rich in cristae. Transmission elec-
tron microscopy 10 000x
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 5

the one widely diffused in the West: the fat-rich, so- University discovered the gene of obesity [8]; their
called cafeteria diet. Unexpectedly, although the rats subjects were mice, which in the 1950s had devel-
did gain weight, they did not do so by the amount that oped a spontaneous mutation resulting in hyper-
had been forecast based on the calculation of the phagia, infertility and reduced activity of the sym-
calories administered [1]. There therefore had to be pathetic nervous system, and consequently in
a protective mechanism, whose enhancement could early, massive obesity (ob/ob mice) [9].
maybe help address human obesity and its compli- The alteration – detected on chromosome 6 –
cations (diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular dis- consisted of a C to T point mutation at codon 105,
ease). turning it into a stop codon and interrupting the
The significantly increased tissue function of BAT synthesis of a 167 amino acid secretion protein,
observed in rats fed the cafeteria diet prompted the hy- which was named leptin from the Greek leptos
pothesis that the factor protecting against obesity (thin) [8]. The mouse gene appears to be expressed
could be the energy consumed by the tissue in re- solely in WAT and is 84% homologous to the
sponse to food administration (diet-induced thermo- human gene.
genesis). Indeed, a very large amount of energy is the- Within a few months, three groups demonstrat-
oretically dissipated through thermogenesis. It has ed independently that leptin administration to
been calculated that a gram of BAT can develop 300 obese mice corrected in a few weeks all the defects
Watts, i.e. 300 times the amount developed by all oth- related to its absence, and that treated mice were
er mammalian cell types [2]; thus, 1 kg of BAT is ca- then no longer distinguishable from lean controls
pable of dispersing about 6200 kcal/day, corresponding [10–12]. The leptin receptor was discovered in
to the energy requirements of an individual doing a 1995 [13]. Demonstration of at least five alterna-
heavy manual job (while most of us expend about tively spliced forms [14], and reports that the func-
one third of this energy). Therefore, a few hundred tional form (i.e. the one activating intracellular
grams of fat tissue in our body can use the amount of signalling) appears to be prevalently expressed at
energy required for the functioning of the whole body, the hypothalamic level and is mutated in mice
and 50 g of BAT can use 10–15% of the whole energy phenotypically very similar to ob/ob mice (except
turnover [2, 3]. for a proneness to develop diabetes, hence called
In 1993, the hypothesis that BAT could be an db/db) [14, 15], came the following year.
anti-obesity factor received further support from These findings lent support to the hypothesis –
experiments by the Boston group of Lowell and advanced by Coleman in the 1970s based on para-
Flyer, who obtained genetically manipulated mice biosis experiments [16] – that a circulating lipo-
lacking BAT and reported that they became obese static factor must be implicated in maintaining
[4]. However, subsequent research on mice lacking body fat constant. By making the blood of lean and
the mitochondrial protein UCP1 – which is ob/ob mice circulate in parabiosis, Coleman noted
responsible for BAT’s thermogenic activity and that obese mice lost weight, benefiting from the
thus for its ability to disperse energy – showing lipostatic factor present in the bloodstream of lean
that they were sensitive to cold (did not produce mice. The same did not apply to db/db mice, since
heat) but did not become obese [5], reopened the whereas ob/ob mice do not produce leptin, db/db
question of the role of BAT. In contrast, mice made ones do not produce its functional receptor.
to produce UCP1 ectopically in WAT were lean and The researchers’ enthusiasm was dampened by a
resistant to obesity [6, 7]. paper in which Maffei [17] reported in a large sam-
ple of patients an unexpected, close correlation
between BMI (the body mass index obtained by cal-
Functional Anatomy of White Adipose Tissue culating the ratio of weight in kg to the square of
height in metres) and leptinaemia; as this entails
Important discoveries in the 1990s rekindled the that obese subjects have high values of leptinaemia
interest in white adipose tissue. In December 1994, and are thus prone to leptin resistance, they would
the team of Friedman at New York Rockefeller be unaffected by the leptin treatment beneficial to
6 Saverio Cinti

ob/ob mice. Until now, rare cases of human genetic ber of laboratories began to focus on BAT, soon lead-
leptin deficiency have been discovered and success- ing to the description of the main mechanisms of ac-
fully treated with leptin [18]. tion of brown adipocytes.
Flyer, noting that its administration restored An uncoupling protein (UCP1) expressed solely
plasma levels of thyroid, adrenal and gonadal hor- in brown adipocyte mitochondria was identified
mones in fasting mice, hypothesised a prominent [23–25], as an atypical β-adrenergic receptor (β3-
role for leptin in controlling the endocrine secre- AR), which appeared to be prevalently expressed
tion in relation to food intake [19]. Accordingly, by adipose tissue [26, 27]. Therefore, brow n
leptin functional receptors were identified in sev- adipocytes are activated by adrenergic stimulation
eral peripheral organs [20], considerably broaden- of these receptors, leading to triglyceride lipolysis
ing its role. and new synthesis of UCP1. The fatty acids thus
Further sites of leptin production were identi- released are burnt by β oxidation, which gives rise
fied in placenta, mammary gland, stomach and to a hydrogenionic gradient between the two mito-
salivary glands, further supporting the notion of a chondrial membranes. This gradient, commonly
wider functional action of this protein (in vasculo- used by adenosinetriphosphatase to produce ATP,
genesis, immune defence, food absorption) (see is abrogated by the abundance of UCP1 in the
[21] for a review). inner mitochondrial membrane, UCP1 being a
These reports revolutionised the concept of protonophore [28].
WAT, which finally came to be recognised as a real All this allows for a fast and highly regulated
endocrine tissue capable of affecting the feeding transformation of the potential energy contained
behaviour of mammals. in triglycerides into heat, also accounting for
Over time, other molecules were reported to be brown adipocyte anatomy: given the enormous
WAT secretion products (adipokines), and the demand for oxidisable substrate (the lipid vac-
relationship between their excessive secretion and uoles), and that lipolysis can take place only on the
the severe complications of obesity became surface of the vacuoles, a multilocular organisa-
increasingly apparent. Especially interesting was tion is essential to increase the contact surface
the correlation between secretion of tumour between lipids and hyaloplasm. Such ready sub-
necrosis factor (TNF)-α, resistin and adiponectin strate availability would be useless without a large
and diabetes; between angiotensinogen and min- number of mitochondria – which large size and
eralocorticoid-releasing factors and arterial hyper- abundance of cristae make very efficient – ready to
tension [21]; and between plasminogen activator carry out the oxidation process.
inhibitor (PAI 1) and coagulation problems [22]. The presence of the protonophore UCP1 is thus
These data contributed to clarify the molecular the final step in a series of events beginning with
mechanism underpinning the early clinical obser- the adrenergic stimulus and proceeding through
vation that androgenic obesity (i.e. central adipos- lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation to the formation
ity with a greater accumulation of visceral fat) car- of an electrochemical gradient that is dissipated.
ries more dangerous complications than gynoid These cells therefore represent a unique phenome-
obesity (peripheral adiposity with a greater accu- non in the mammalian organism because, unlike
mulation of subcutaneous fat), because of the all the other cell types, which pursue optimal effi-
inhomogeneous secretion of adipokines across ciency, they work via a loss of efficiency.
depots. An especially close relationship was The enor mous amount of heat produced
described for adiponectin and diabetes. requires a vascular bed capable of ensuring a large
oxygen supply and the rapid transport of the heat
from the tissue to the rest of the organism, not
Functional Anatomy of Brown Adipose Tissue least to prevent the high temperature from damag-
ing the tissue itself. This accounts for the impres-
In the 1990s, advances were also made in the study sive vascularity of BAT.
of brown adipose tissue. Especially following the The obvious physiological stimulus capable of
studies by Stock et al. reported above, a rising num- activating BAT is cold, and virtually all facultative
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 7

non-shivering thermogenesis is to be ascribed to specific phenotype in transgenic mice lacking this

this tissue. As mentioned above, food intake is also protein [35, 36] and the absence of alternative
capable of activating it [1], and several synthetic non-shivering thermogenesis in cold-acclimatised
molecules, called specific β3-AR agonists, have transgenic mice lacking UCP1 [37]. Nonetheless,
been manufactured industrially. Pharmacological these studies opened new avenues of research in
utilisation demonstrated their effectiveness in cell physiology, and the group of Lowell went on to
treating obesity and the consequent diabetes in discover the important role of UCP2 in pancreatic
both genetically and diet-induced rodent obesity insulin secretion [38].
[29, 30], whereas the drugs developed in the hope
of treating human obesity gave disappointing
results [31] commonly attributed to the scarce The Adipose Organ
presence of BAT in adult humans.
For this reason, the work published in 1997 by The new concept of an adipose organ was first
Fleury et al. [32] has had the merit of rekindling proposed in the late 1990s.
the hope for a pharmacological intervention aimed
at dissipating the excess energy accumulated by
obese subjects. These researchers identified a new Anatomy
protein, homologous to UCP1 and also expressed Using anatomical microdissection, our group
in man, which they denominated UCP2, and demonstrated that not only is it possible to excise
demonstrated that UCP2 is not only expressed in and isolate nearly the entire adipose content of
BAT, but that it is widely distributed in all tissues mammalian organisms, but also that BAT is wholly
and is thus well represented in adult human tissues found in fat depots that are often prevalently
[32]. white. In other words, in adult rodents kept in
Shortly after the publication of this paper, two standard feeding and environmental conditions
different teams [33, 34] independently described a there are no totally brown depots distinct from
protein highly homologous to UCP1 and UCP2, WAT depots, but a single organ articulated into
hence designated UCP3. UCP3 is expressed in mice several subcutaneous and visceral depots contain-
and human BAT and skeletal muscle. The enthusi- ing both tissues [39].
asm generated by these findings was chilled by Rodents have two subcutaneous fat depots, one
subsequent research showing the absence of any anterior and one posterior, ly ing in discrete

Fig. 4. Adipose organ of an adult C57/BL

mouse maintained in standard conditions.
The organ is made up of two subcutaneous
and several visceral depots. The most repre-
sentative visceral depots are shown. Kidneys
and testes were dissected together with the
depots. White areas made up of white adipose
tissue and brown areas composed of brown
adipose tissue are indicated by the scheme
8 Saverio Cinti

anatomical locations (Fig. 4). The anterior depot is lined by the two peritoneal leaflets holding the
the more complex; it lies at the base of the fore- intestine against the posterior abdominal wall.
limbs and mainly occupies the dorsal body region The perigonadal depot is consistently white
between and under the scapulae, the axillary and and is simpler in males, where it is well circum-
proximal regions of the forelimbs, and the cervical scribed, enveloped and bound to the epididymis
area. The interscapular is the most conspicuous by the peritoneal leaflets. In females it surrounds
central portion of the depot (body) and extends the ovaries, uterus and bladder.
laterally (lateral wings) and anteriorly (anterior Thus, in adult mice and rats maintained in
wings). The body is made up of WAT in its superfi- standard conditions, the BAT component is macro-
cial portion, and of BAT in its depth. The latter scopically visible in the sole anterior subcutaneous
extends to the lateral wings and to the subscapular depot and in part of the thoracic and perirenal
and axillary regions (all brown), which in turn are depots. However, light microscopic examination of
continuous with the region occupying the proxi- WAT deposits shows the consistent presence of
mal portion of the forelimb and the lateral tho- brown adipocytes, especially in the inguinal region
racic wall (both white). The anterior wings extend of the anterior subcutaneous depot, in the perio-
anteriorly between the superficial dorsal muscles varian region of the gonadal depot, and in the
and reach the base of the neck. In this area, the retroperitoneal region. It is important to stress
anterior wings are often white, whereas the more that the amount of brown adipocytes found in the
anterior region following the course of the neck different depots is genetically determined, since in
nerve-vascular bundle is generally brown. similar environmental and feeding conditions it is
The posterior depot is located at the base of the substantially species-related [40].
hind legs. It is simpler, consisting of a single tissue Subject age is also important in this respect. In
band beginning from the dorsum at the lumbar a systematic study of the anterior subcutaneous
level (dorso-lumbar portion), extending anteriorly depot in animals of different ages, we demonstrat-
in the inguino–crural region (inguinal portion) ed that in ageing rats the BAT component under-
and further at the pubic level into the gluteal goes a progressive substitution by WAT, albeit
region (gluteal portion). At the pubic level this retaining a considerable size in older (2 years) ani-
depot is continuous with the contralateral depot. mals [41, 42]. In general, the number of brown
The posterior depot is usually white. adipocy tes tends to decrease w ith age in all
The visceral depots are located in the thorax depots.
and abdomen. The former lie prevalently against Minor WAT depots are found in bone marrow,
the intercostal nerve-vascular bundles, the heart parotid, parathy roid and pancreas. Different
and the aorta. They are usually mixed, but in con- amounts of mixed adipose tissue are found along
stant environmental and feeding conditions much the vasculo-nervous bundles of the limbs, and
depends on age and species. close to the superficial lymph nodes the adipose
The abdominal depots can be subdivided into tissue is often brown.
retro- and intraperitoneal. The retroperitoneal
depot par excellence has an elongated conical
shape and lies in the paravertebral position, i.e. on Vessels and Nerves
the border between the spine and the posterior Each deposit is endowed with a well-organised
abdominal wall, and is generally white. The best vascular and nerve network. Whereas the former
know n perirenal deposit is divided from the aspect is well explored and exhaustively described,
retroperitoneal by a peritoneal fold and can be dis- studies addressing the specific innervation of each
sected separately. It is generally mixed, with the depot are few and scarcely informative.
brown component prevalently located at the level The most widely investigated deposit is the
of the renal hilus. anterior subcutaneous, which exhibits a dense vas-
The omental deposit is small in rodents and is cularity and innervation [43]. Two anterior vessels
made up of WAT, as is the mesenteric depot out- reach the wings of the depot bilaterally from the
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 9

axillary artery, accompanied by veins and nerves parenchymal fibres in the brown areas (BAT) obvi-
of different calibres. The thinner nerves are less ously depends on the fact that the adrenergic stim-
myelinated and contain a larger number of nora- ulus is the trigger activating the molecular process
drenergic fibres. The thicker and more myelinated of heat production, it is rather more difficult to
nerves also contain fibres immunoreactive for explain the role of adrenergic fibres in WAT. White
neuropeptides that co-localise with noradrenaline adipocytes express both β-ARs (including β3-AR)
in noradrenergic fibres (neuropeptide Y [NPY]) or and α-receptors. The former are responsible for
that localise in sensitive fibres (or at least fibres the lipolysis induced by the adrenergic stimulus
immunoreactive for the neuropeptides that are [46], whereas α-receptors have the opposite effect.
commonly localised in sensitive fibres: substance P Their physiological role is thus still unclear.
[SP] and calcitonin gene-related peptide [CGRP]). Recent work prevalently conducted by the
A peripheral cy totrophic and vasculotrophic group of Lafontain and Valet points to a prominent
action of the sensitive fibres containing these neu- role for α-ARs in the control of adipocyte precur-
ropeptides has been described [44]. Five nerves, sor proliferation [47]. Indeed, stimulation of these
prevalently made up of noradrenergic fibres, run receptors would induce adipocytic secretion of a
bilaterally and symmetrically from the intercostal protein, autotaxin, capable of promoting the pro-
spaces into the body of the deposit. A large solitary liferation and differentiation of new adipocytes by
vein (Sulzer’s vein) ensures a conspicuous outflow acting on lisophosphatidic acid (LPA) [48]. This is
from the depth of the BAT body and reaches the in line with previous work carried out by this
azygos vein via the intercostal space. group in collaboration with the team of Lowell,
Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural where transgenic mice expressing only α-AR in
studies from our and other laboratories have adipose tissue and fed a high-fat diet consistently
shown that the fibres innervate the vessels down to developed small cell hyperplastic obesity [49].
the more peripheral capillary ramifications and According to a hypothesis recently advanced by
also branch directly into the parenchyma, giving Hodgson [50] based on anatomical studies of the
rise to real, consistently noradrenergic, neuro- distribution of adrenergic fibres, there would be
adipocytic junctions [39]. The WAT component of two separate adipocyte populations, one preva-
the depot is similarly, but not quite as densely, vas- lently expressing α-ARs and the other prevalently
cularised and innervated. expressing β-ARs. Only the latter would be directly
Much less is known about the other depots. As in contact with adrenergic parenchymal fibres.
a rule, all receive vessels from the main arterial These two populations would respond differential-
and venous branches of the organs to which they ly to the adrenergic stimulus: those expressing β-
are closest, and their innervation is very similar to receptors would undergo prompt delipidisation,
the one described in the anterior subcutaneous whereas those expressing α-receptor would
depot; vessel and nerve density depend on the remain intact to distribute paracrinely the fatty
amount of BAT in the depot, greater vessel and acids to delipidised cells.
ner ve density being associated w ith greater If this hypothesis is correct, there would be two
amounts of BAT. white adipocyte populations sharing functional
A recent immunohistochemical investigation tasks during hormone-driven lipolysis. This
by our group has demonstrated that the periaortic hypothesis is in line with the observation that dur-
thoracic depot is also endowed with independent ing lipolysis due to acute adrenergic stimulation,
cholinergic parenchymal fibres of likely parasym- only a fraction of adipocytes are delipidised, while
pathetic origin [45]. the others are ostensibly unaffected. However,
This pattern of vessel and nerve distribution is things seem to be rather more complicated,
easily accounted for by the considerations made because a homogeneous delipidisation response by
above on the physiology of brown and white adipocytes has been described during chronic
adipocytes. lipolytic stimulation [51]. Although a role for
Whereas the high density of noradrenergic parasympathetic fibres in WAT lipolysis has also
10 Saverio Cinti

been hypothesised recently [52], unpublished

immunohistochemical data from our laboratory
do not lend support to this hypothesis.

Development of the Adipose Organ

Developmental studies have mainly been conducted
on small mammals on two depots considered repre-
sentative: epididymal for WAT and the interscapular
portion of the anterior subcutaneous depot for BAT.

White Preadipocytes
The epididymal tissue is recognisable in the fetus
in the last days of gestation. At this time, only the
capillaries are morphologically visible, immersed
in the extracellular matrix together with collagen
fibres and undifferentiated cells. Postnatally, a pro-
found rearrangement takes place (in rats and mice
on days 4–6) marked microanatomically by areas Fig. 5. White adipocyte precursor. This cell has a distinct
well circumscribed by fibroblast-like cells and by morphology mainly due to early unilocular lipid accumu-
lation, glycogen particles, pinocytotic vesicles, ‘white’
numerous dilated capillaries. Among these vessels mitochondria and external lamina. Resin-embedded tis-
a rich cell population is observed, the vast majori- sue. Light microscopy 1200x
ty of which is made up of preadipocytes at various
stages of differentiation from cells barely showing
the first signs of differentiation (glycogen and
small triglyceride vacuoles) to unilocular cells lipids. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi
similar to mature adipocytes in all but size (5–10 apparatus are well represented when lipids are still
µm in diameter compared with the 70–80 µm of scarce. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is variable
mature adipocytes) (Fig. 5). and is frequently associated with lipid vacuoles.
It is important to note that the less differentiat- Mitochondria are typically elongated with small,
ed cells are often found in the pericytic position variously oriented cristae.
(completely enveloped in a doubling of the basal Vasculo-adipocytic islands are found in the
capillary membrane). The extracellular matrix first week of postnatal development, but
inside the area circumscribed by the fibroblast-like preadipocytes are recognisable until postnatal
cells is very rich in collagen fibrils and is clearly weeks 3–6 in the epididymal depots of mice and
different from the one surrounding it, where an rats (our unpublished data).
amorphous matrix predominates. We designated The study of subcutaneous adipose tissue in
these areas as vasculo-adipocytic islands and human fetuses has evidenced morphological
believe them to be the primary sites of adipocyte developmental features very similar to those of
development in the epididy mal depot. The mice and rats reported above. At present, it is
preadipocytes developing in these areas are easily impossible to say whether they are stem cells or
distinguished from the other cell elements cells genetically predisposed to differentiate into
(endothelial cells, fibroblasts, mast cells, adipocytes, or to understand whether they origi-
macrophages) by their characteristic cytoplasm, nate from the vessels of the tissue itself or at dis-
which contains varying amounts of glycogen and tant sites like bone marrow.
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 11

Brown Preadipocytes of mature brown adipocytes are detected at this

time in most cells in the depot. In the first few
In perinatal rat fetuses, the anterior subcutaneous
postnatal weeks, elements at various stages of dif-
depot contains exclusively brown adipocytes and
is recognisable from day 15 of gestation. At the site ferentiation continue to be seen.
where the anlage arises, few dilated capillaries are All such features of brown adipocy tes are
immersed in an extracellular matrix poor in cells recognisable in subcutaneous BAT of human fetus-
and collagen fibrils and rich in amorphous sub- es (our unpublished data).
stance. At this stage pericytes – which cannot be Therefore, also in the case of BAT, stem cells
defined as ‘pure’ undifferentiated cells because of cannot be identified based solely on morphologi-
their characteristic mitochondria – are already cal features; in fact, the most undifferentiated cells
recognisable. They are often numerous, large and found in the pericytic position already exhibit
rich in cristae (pretypical mitochondria), antici- minimal features of differentiation that allow them
pating their differentiation into typical brown to be distinguished from ‘pure’ stem cells.
mitochondria. Another distinctive feature is the There thus seem to be two different types of pre-
variable amount of glycogen (Fig. 6). Anlage cellu- cursor. Both appear to be programmed to form the
larity, but not cell differentiation, increases on the organ’s parenchyma independently of the animal’s
following days. functional requirements; indeed, the complete
Around day 18 of gestation, cell number and absence of β1, 2 and 3 adrenergic receptors (which
degree of differentiation augment greatly through mediate thermogenic activity) does not prevent the
the arising of further differentiation features of arising of brown preadipocytes with a normal
mitochondria, which become typical; the first lipid ultrastructure (our unpublished data), and the
vacuoles also appear. Of note, lipid accumulation nearly complete absence of insulin receptor (which
seems to be multilocular from the very first steps mediates liposynthesis) does not prevent the forma-
of differentiation. tion of either type of precursor in the adipose
Around day 20, mitochondria express the func- organ, even though they do not attain complete dif-
tional protein, and all the morphological features ferentiation into mature adipocytes [53].

Fig. 6. Brown adipocyte precursor. This cell

shows a distinct morphology mainly due to
multilocular lipid accumulation, glycogen
particles, pinocytotic vesicles, ‘brown’ mito-
chondria and external lamina. Transmission
electron microscopy 7000x
12 Saverio Cinti

Adipose Organ Plasticity and Medical Implications during adipocyte delipidisation.

In conditions of protracted fasting, brown
Different types of stimulation produce dramatic
adipocytes with a complete lipid endowment can
anatomical changes in the adipose organ, which is
be observed side by side with slimmed-down
endowed with striking plastic properties. Given
adipocy tes, easily recognised for the features
the considerations made above with regard to
described above [39]. We feel that this is the most
functional anatomy, it is easy to understand how
convincing evidence that despite the organ’s plas-
nutritional stimuli or modifications in environ-
ticity, a small component of either type of cells is
mental temperature can bring about anatomo-
consistently found in the organ. Indeed, in extreme
functional modifications.
fasting conditions a part of the energy contained
in the organ’s triglycerides is stored for the critical
Fasting thermogenic requirements, obviously in brown
Fasting and food restriction produce organ modi-
The fate of totally slimmed-dow n cells is
fications that vary based on their duration [39]. In
unclear. According to some researchers they may
the case of fasting, changes regard the sole white
undergo apoptosis. Still unpublished data from
component via a focal tissue response. Indeed,
our laboratory seem to indicate that this is not the
areas can be observed where some adipocytes
case: after protracted fasting, the retroperitoneal
have shrunk and are surrounded by still apparent-
depot of three adult mice was completely deli-
ly unaffected adipocytes. At extreme degrees of
pidised, but careful electron microscopic examina-
delipidisation, white adipocytes are elongated or
tion (highly sensitive to signs of apoptosis) of
star-shaped and are still easily distinguished from
about 500 delipidised cells/mouse showed no sign
all other parenchymal cells, essentially due to the
of apoptosis in any slimmed-down cell (Fig. 7).
distinctive presence, on the surface of these slim-
ming cells, of invaginations (described by some
researchers as surface evaginations or villus-like Warm Exposure
structures) characterised by abundant pinocytotic
vesicles. These invaginations arise early in the cell War m exposure entails a reduction of the
slimming process, because nearly unaffected cells orthosympathetic stimulus, resulting in BAT inac-
(exhibiting prevalently unilocular lipid accumula- tivation. Morphologically, this corresponds to a
tions) show ‘tails’ of slimmed-down cytoplasm transformation of brown fat cells into cells similar
rich in invaginations. The tannic acid technique to white adipocytes. During this transformation,
devised by Blanchette-Mackie and Scow [54] has we have observed a reduced genic expression of
made it possible to follow at the electron micro- UCP1 and increased genic expression of leptin
scope the process of fatty acid migration during [55]. This suggests that such morphological trans-
the slimming process by allowing electron-dense formation is accompanied by a new functional sit-
myelinic figures (corresponding to migrating free uation, with adipocytes losing their thermogenic
fatty acids) to be detected in the adipose tissue. ability and acquiring the properties of white fat
These figures are found on the surface of lipid cells, including production of such an important
vacuoles; in the hyaloplasm; in direct contact with hormone as leptin. This is in line with the observa-
mitochondria and in close relation to the cyto- tion that classic multilocular brown adipocytes
plasmic invaginations rich in pinocytotic vesicles subjected to adrenergic stimulation express UCP1
that are characteristic of this slimmed-down state; but not leptin [56, 55], whereas cold exposure and
they are seen free in the interstitial space, in the sympathetico-mimetic drugs reduce leptinaemia
cytoplasm of endothelial cells, and in vessel lumi- [57] and induce the transformation of white into
na. In practice, they are found at all the sites of brow n adipocy tes [58] (see below
fatty acid migration during lipolysis. Although ‘Transdifferentiation’).
they are not exclusively seen during the lipolytic It is interest ing to note that the energ y
process, they are significantly more numerous required for basic metabolic activities is consider-
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 13

WAT shrinks almost to disappearance at around

10°C, whereas it is nearly unchanged if the animal
is kept at 28°C [39].

Cold Exposure
This condition involves the immediate activation
of the orthosympathetic system, with the conse-
quent, immediate functional activation of brown
adipocytes via the innervation and the neuro-
adipocytic junctions described above. In a matter
of hours, activated adipocytes exercise their ther-
mogenic function by synthesising new mitochon-
dria and UCP1; in the course of a few days new
cells develop, giving rise to a new tissue organisa-
tion characterised by an increased number of ves-
sels and nerves [59, 60]. In the framework of the
new concept of adipose organ, it is easy to under-
stand that the arising of new brown cells involves
Fig. 7. Delipidised (slimmed-down) white adipocyte. not only some areas long considered as pure BAT,
Slimmed adipocytes (asterisks) show distinctive morpho- but the whole organ. It follows that its macroscopic
logical features: external lamina, pinocytotic vesicles, appearance veers towards a brown aspect and that
cytoplasmic invaginations, cytoplasm rich in organelles the microscopic features of the different depots
including mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
complex and lipid droplets of variable size. Lipid droplet
progressively turn them into BAT (Fig. 8).
size depends on the stage of delipidisation. Cap, capillary. It is important to note that this process does
Transmission electron microscopy 5500x not necessarily entail the arising of brow n
adipocytes in white depots – since, as mentioned
ably reduced in animals maintained in ther- above, brown cells may be present in the various
moneutral conditions. Indeed, in an adult mouse depots (depending on age, strain, etc.; see above) –
subjected to prolonged fasting (48 h), the whole but rather an increase in their number [61, 62].

Fig. 8. Adipose organ of adult Sv129 mice

maintained at 29°C or 6°C for 10 days. Note
the evident reduction in organ size and the
increase of brown areas corresponding to an
increase in the brown component of the
14 Saverio Cinti

Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) Transdifferentiation

studies, which are very sensitive in detecting the
Transdifferentiation is a biological phenomenon
different stages of cell development (see
by which a differentiated cell turns phenotypically
‘Development’), have shown that the adipose organ
and functionally into a differentiated cell of anoth-
of adult mice and rats kept in thermoneutral con-
er type without undergoing dedifferentiation [64].
ditions and fed a normal diet contains neither
We believe that brown and white adipocytes can
totally undifferentiated nor scarcely differentiated
transdifferentiate into one another in the adipose
organ. We report some data providing evidence for
By contrast, in cold-exposed animals undiffer-
physiological transdifferentiation of white into
entiated pericytes and brown preadipocytes (i.e.
brown fat cells.
cells with minimal differentiation features that Since Ashwell’s pioneering work (1984), it has
allow their morphological identification as cells been known that, after cold exposure, brown
committed to differentiate into brown adipocytes) adipocytes expressing UCP1 arise in WAT areas of
arise both in BAT and in WAT. Preadipocytes may the adipose organ [61]. Our group has demonstrat-
be found in the pericytic and/or perivascular posi- ed that the precursors developing in the periovari-
tion, suggesting that cold exposure induces the tis- an depot have ultrastructural and genic expression
sue conditions that lead to the arising of brown features typical of brown precursors [62]. A recent
preadipocytes in all WAT and BAT areas of the study of WAT tissue in different mice strains
organ. Therefore, irrespective of the existence of exposed to cold for varying periods of time has
distinct white and brown cell precursors, their suggested that a significant number of multilocu-
arising in different depots of adult animals clearly lar adipocytes arise in a matter of days in visceral
depends on microenvironmental tissue conditions. as well as subcutaneous WAT depots [65]. Analysis
Cold exposure induces an increased activity of of the genic expression of these tissues after acute
noradrenergic parenchymal fibres and simultane- cold exposure (2 days) showed a significant
ous branching of nerve fibres both in WAT [63] increase in UCP1mRNA from baseline, suggesting
and in BAT [43] areas. In turn, this induces an that the new multilocular cells express
overall increase in noradrenaline tissue concentra- UCP1mRNA.1
tion followed by the development of brown cells in Interestingly, these cells do not express UCP1
the various depots of the organ. protein (as demonstrated by immunohistochemi-
In contrast, development of white pre- cal and Western blotting techniques), indicating
adipocytes in the various areas appears to be trig- that after 2 days of cold exposure a significant
gered by different stimuli (see ‘Positive Energy number of well-differentiated multilocular
Balance: Overweight and Obsesity’) directed at adipocytes express the UCP1 gene but not the pro-
increasing the energy storage capacity. tein. Considering that, in the course of fetal organ

1Whereas in the opinion of several researchers the presence of UCP1 is a brown adipocyte hallmark, in our view it is

merely a cellular feature that subserves the main function of BAT; however, brown adipocytes do not consistently express
it, and in some conditions in which they do not do so, they assume the appearance of white fat cells. For instance, in an
animal maintained above its thermoneutral temperature (see ‘Warm Exposure’), the BAT-activating adrenergic stimulus
is off; brown adipocytes thus undergo a morphological transformation: they become unilocular and lose the typical
mitochondrial features, thereby becoming similar to white adipocytes. This morphological transformation is accompa-
nied by inhibition of UCP1 gene and by ob gene (leptin) activation [55]. The same process takes place in mice lacking all
β-AR subtypes, demonstrating that this phenomenon is mediated by the β-adrenergic stimulus [66]. Although these data
seem to be consistent with the concept that a brown adipocyte lacking UCP1 is a more or less typical white fat cell, this is
denied by the fact that multilocular brown adipocytes quite different from white fat cells are found in the adipose organ
of UCP1 knock-out mice (our unpublished data).
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 15

development, brown adipocyte precursors express cells (33%) without a concurrent increase in the
UCP1 quite early with respect to the overall stage number of multilocular cells (our unpublished
of cell differentiation, it seems reasonable also to data). This suggests that only a subpopulation of
hypothesise that the arising of the multilocular white adipocy tes would be committed to this
adipocytes in WAT depots after cold exposure is a transformation, confirming that white-to-brown
phenomenon quite distinct from mere transdifferentiation passes through successive
preadipocyte differentiation. steps, beginning with the transformation of the
In the course of the same experiments, we also lipid vacuole from unilocular into multilocular,
noted that the number of multilocular adipocytes followed by the expression of UCP1.
increased further after a longer exposure to cold β3-AR receptor agonists administered to rats
(10 days), and that, unlike those arising after acute with genetic or diet-induced obesity are known to
exposure, these cells also expressed UCP1 protein. activate BAT, to induce the transdifferentiation of
It thus appears that the continuous adrenergic white into brown adipocytes [58], and to cure both
stimulus prompted the multilocular cells already their obesity and the consequent diabetes.
expressing UCP1mRNA to express also the protein Unfortunately, although some recent data indicate
and thus to acquire the functional thermogenic the presence of the receptor also in the human adi-
properties of brown adipocytes. pose organ [67], a drug inducing the same effects
In transgenic animals not expressing β3-AR, in man is still not available.
the same experiments evidenced a nearly complete In a recent paper, Toseland [68] demonstrates
inhibition of this phenomenon, suggesting an that other drugs could be involved in the plastic
important role for this receptor in its mediation. In modulation of the adipose organ, particularly the
addition, given that brown adipocyte precursors agonists of PPARγ – a nuclear receptor acting as a
do not appear to express β3-AR, the hypothesis transcription factor and implicated in the process
may be advanced that brown preadipocytes do not of development of fat cells [69, 70] – which induce
play a critical role in determining the presence of the transformation of the adipose organ of treated
the new population of multilocular or brown dogs and rats into BAT.
Immunohistochemical studies demonstrate
that UCP1 protein is expressed by varying propor- Molecular Mechanisms of Transdifferentiation
tions of multilocular cells in the different depots. Energ y expenditure v ia activation of the
In this context, the most interesting observation, orthosympathetic system is essential for the ener-
made in our laboratory in collaboration with the gy balance; indeed, mice lacking all β receptors (1,
group of J.P. Giacobino (Geneva), was that in the 2 and 3), though not exhibiting changes in the
subcutaneous depot of cold-exposed (6°C for 10 amount of food intake or in motor activ ity,
days) SV129 mice, about 35% of adipocytes were become precociously and massively obese [66].
multilocular cells, 85% of which expressed UCP1. These mice exhibit a complete and early transfor-
Also in this condition, then, the absence of β3-AR mation of BAT into WAT, in line with the observa-
receptor significantly reduced the number of mul- tions that absence of BAT results in obesity and
tilocular adipocytes (our unpublished data). that ectopic UCP1 expression in WAT makes mice
These findings seem to substantiate the resistant to obesity. These data also agree with the
hypothesis, advanced in a previous work by our finding that BAT activation and the white-to-
group, that chronic (7 days) stimulation with the brown transdifferentiation induced by administra-
β3-AR agonist CL 316,243 could induce direct tion of β3-AR agonists cure obesity. On the other
transfor mation of white into multilocular hand, the mechanism by which mice lacking UCP1
adipocytes, around 8% of which would express fail to become obese is still obscure.
UCP1 [58]. Prolonged stimulation (7 more days) Since the white-to-brown transdifferentiation
w ith the same drug induced a considerable induced by the adrenergic stimulus appears to be
increase in the proportion of UCP1-expressing difficult to harness for human therapeutic goals,
16 Saverio Cinti

recent works indicating possible alternatives to expression would be responsible for the white phe-
achieve transdifferentiation appear all the more notype and its inhibition would trigger white-to-
interesting. brown transdifferentiation.
Transgenic mice lacking the RIIβ subunit (one Promising metabolic routes to induce transdif-
of the subunits regulating AMPc-dependent pro- ferentiation have thus been opened downstream
teinphosphokinase A, abundant in adipose tissues) from β-ARs; we hope that they will provide fresh
overexpress RIα subunit, which involves increased therapeutic options for human obesity and related
sensitivity of proteinphosphokinase A to AMPc in diseases.
WAT, and consequent UCP1 gene activation [71].
This entails a brown phenotype of abdominal fat
and resistance to obesity. Positive Energy Balance: Overweight and
Foxo2 is a gene for a transcription factor
expressed exclusively in adipose tissue. Its overex-
pression in the adipose tissue of transgenic mice When the energy balance is positive, the adipose
gives rise to an obesity-resistant and more insulin- organ prevalently undergoes an increment in its
sensitive lean phenotype. These mice show a trans- white component. White adipocy tes become
formation of white into brown adipocytes [72]. hypertrophic and subsequently hyperplastic (likely
Interestingly, individuals with greater insulin due to a close causal relationship). In fact, it has
resistance exhibit a reduction of FOXO2 (human been suggested that adipocy tes are unable to
foxo2) in subcutaneous abdominal fat accompa- expand beyond a given maximum volume, or ‘criti-
nied by down-regulation of other genes of the cal size’, which is genetically determined and spe-
brown adipocytic phenotype. cific for each depot [77]. Adipocytes that have
Expression of protein 4E-BP1, which is essen- reached the critical size trigger an increase in cell
tial to regulate post-transcriptional protein syn- number [78–80]. In a recent review, Hausman et al.
thesis, is high in WAT. In transgenic mice lacking [81], after considering the evidence for this theory,
4E-BP1, brown adipocytes arise in WAT and the conclude that not only paracrine factors, but also
adipose organ shrinks in size [73]. This entails that circulating factors as well as neural influences may
4E-BP1 protein regulates the post-transcriptional play a large role in regulating adipose tissue devel-
synthesis of some factor involved in the mainte- opment and grow th. They suggest that in the
nance of the white phenotype in a portion of the development of obesity, enlarged fat cells produce
adipose organ. The authors suggest that this factor and release proliferative paracrine factors as inter-
may be PGC1 (peroxisome proliferator-activated nal controllers of preadipocyte proliferation, and
receptor-gamma coactivator) – a recently that their proliferative response is modulated by
described protein [70] acting as a co-factor of neural inputs to fat tissue and/or serum factors. In
PPARγ (see above) in the transcriptional modula- any case, paracrine factors appear to play a pivotal
tion of the adipocyte genome – and that it might role. Adipose tissue expresses numerous factors
be essential to induce transdifferentiation to a that could be implicated in the modulation of adi-
brown phenotype [74]. pogenesis: IGF-1, TGF-α, TNF-α, macrophage
The recent demonstration that white colony-stimulating factor (MCSF), angiotensin II,
adipocytes from human subcutaneous fat can turn autotaxin-lysophosphatidic acid (ATX-LPA), lep-
into brown cells via PGC1 transfection [75] lends tin, resistin, etc. [20].
support to this hypothesis. Of note, in genetically obese ob/ob mice (lack-
A final observation stemming from our collab- ing leptin) and in other types of genetic and diet-
oration w ith Kristiansen’s group [76] is the induced obesity, the fat mass is hypertrophic and
demonstration of the important role of protein RB, hyperplastic, while in genetically obese db/db mice
both during development and in the transdifferen- (lacking leptin receptor) the fat mass is increased
tiation induced by the β3-AR agonist CL316,243, in only by a hypertrophic mechanism ([82] and our
inducing the two phenotypes. In particular, its unpublished observations). Therefore, the pres-
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 17

ence of leptin receptor seems to be essential to the mammary and gluteo-femoral subcutaneous
induce hyperplasia. In the subcutaneous adipose depots being more developed in women.
tissue of a massively obese patient lacking leptin The visceral depots are very similar to those
receptor [83], we recently observed that mean described in small mammals. In overweight or
adipocyte volume was about half that usually seen obese individuals, the abdominal visceral depots
in the same depot of patients with similar BMI due tend to grow in men and in post-menopausal
to ‘primitive obesity’. women. This type of fat accumulation is dangerous
A recent study showed that obesity induced by a for its association with the diseases secondary to
high-fat diet in mice is hypertrophic, while that overweight and obesity (diabetes, hypertension,
induced by hypothalamic lesion due to administra- myocardial infarct).
tion of monosodium glutamate is hyperplastic [84]. There are no histological differences between
A positive energy balance also affects the human and murine adipocytes, except for the larg-
organ’s brown component. The brown adipocytes er size of the former. The maximum diameter
of obese animals are generally similar to white measured in obese mice is ca. 140 µm (about 1.30
cells. Prevalently unilocular cells are observed at µg/cell in the epididymal depot), whereas in the
the sites where brown adipocytes are normally subcutaneous depot of massively obese individuals
found, but these cells often exhibit typical mito- the maximum diameter we measured is ca. 160 µm
chondria distinct from the ‘normal’ organelles of (about 1.95 µg/cell), a difference of 30–40%.
white fat cells. They usually – though modestly – All the major molecules produced by murine
express UCP1 as well as the typical protein of fat cells (e.g. leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α,
white adipocytes: leptin [56]. Interestingly, the angiotensinogen, PAI 1, resistin, adipsin) are also
large amount of TNF-α found in obese mice produced by human adipocytes.
induces an increased rate of apoptosis of brown fat Human adipose tissue development entails a
cells [85]. long phase of preadipocyte proliferation, which is
Transgenic animals lacking β1, 2 and 3 recep- complete at around 20 years of age. This is similar
tors become massively obese eating the same to rats and mice, where this phase is achieved by
amount of food as lean ones [66]. In such animals, the second month of postnatal life [86].
brown adipocytes are identical to those found in Also in our species, regulation of the amount of
the genetically obese (ob/ob) and db/db mice fat tissue depends on the energy balance. If there is
described above: they are unilocular and show a positive balance, adult individuals exhibit an
leptin expression and modest UCP1 activity in increase in adipocyte size, which, upon attainment
mitochondria with the typical morphology. This is of a critical size, will induce the development of
in line with the fact that obesity due to lack of lep- new fat cells (see also ‘Vessels and Nerves’).
tin (ob/ob) or its receptor (db/db) is accompanied Indeed, the number of adipocytes, total fat
by reduced BAT adrenergic stimulation owing to mass and proportion of body fat correlate with age
the absence of the stimulus normally exerted by in both sexes, whereas adipocyte size does not
the hormone on hypothalamic orthosympathetic appear to correlate with age, but with the amount
centres. of fat mass and its proportion of body weight in
both sexes [87].
In massively obese individuals, the fat mass
The Human Adipose Organ may quadruple to 60–70% of body weight [88, 89].
Recent works reporting a massive presence of
As in small mammals, the adult human adipose macrophages in the adipose tissue of obese sub-
organ is made up of subcutaneous as well as viscer- jects hypothesise that many cytokines produced
al depots. In normal adult individuals it accounts by adipose tissue and responsible for most of the
for about 9–18% of body weight in men and adverse symptoms of obesity are in fact histiocyt-
14–28% in women. Most of the organ is located ic in origin. The cause of this macrophage infiltra-
subcutaneously; its distribution is sex-dependent, t ion is unclear, but seems to be related to
18 Saverio Cinti

adipocyte size [90]. thermogenic requirements; the greater heat dissi-

A negative energy balance induces a reduction pation occurring in these compared with larger
in both fat mass and adipocyte size. The latter fact animals (which have a smaller volume/surface
is important, because it results in improved cellu- ratio) results in greater heat dispersion; hence, also
lar insulin sensitivity. Completely delipidised cells the smaller proportion of human vs murine BAT.
may be seen in the adipose tissue of individuals For the same reason, human newborns exhibit a
with a negative energy balance. Their morphology greater amount of BAT than adults. In the human
is very similar to that of the slimmed-down rat newborn’s adipose organ, BAT occupies the same
and mouse cells described above. In a TEM study sites as in the murine organ. In the adipose organ
of subcutaneous fat tissue from obese individuals of adult humans, several studies have detected
administered a very low-calorie diet for 5 days, we small amounts of BAT with the same morphologi-
detected severely slimmed-down adipocytes very cal and functional characteristics as murine BAT
similar to those observed in acutely fasted rats and [93]. An increase in BAT in cold-exposed human
mice. Interestingly, slimmed-down cells were side subjects has also been reported [94]. Considerable
by side with unilocular adipocytes ostensibly not amounts of BAT, especially perirenal, have often
affected by the slimming process. The fate of com- been described in patients with pheochromocy-
pletely slimmed-down cells is still unclear, and the toma (a tumour made up of endocrine cells secret-
hypothesis that they may undergo apoptosis is so ing large amounts of adrenaline and noradrena-
far unsubstantiated. line) [95, 96].
Not all fat depots respond identically to a nega- It has recently been demonstrated that human
tive energy balance. Indeed, the gluteo-femoral preadipocytes from different depots stimulated in
subcutaneous tissue of adult pre-menopausal vitro with thiazolidinediones (drugs that act by
women is known to be much more resistant to the stimulating the PPARγ transcription factor, which
slimming process than abdominal subcutaneous seems to have a large role in adipocyte differentia-
fat, whereas both depots behave similarly in post- tion) express UCP1 [97]. This suggests that human
menopausal subjects. This seems to be due to a brown adipocyte development may be induced by
combination of increased lipoproteinlipase activity drug treatment.
and reduced lipolytic activity in the former area. UCP1mRNA has been detected in the abdomi-
The reduced lipolytic activity appears to stem nal visceral depots of both lean and obese patients,
from a relative preponderance of the antilipolytic though in significantly smaller amounts in the lat-
activity of α2-ARs over that of lipolytic β-ARs [91]. ter [98]. It is interesting to note that after dieting
In general, α2-ARs are more represented in human and consequent weight loss, UCP1mRNA levels
than murine adipose tissue. Transgenic mice with remained lower than in lean subjects, suggesting a
adipose tissue similar to human fat tissue have lesser genetic predisposition to energy dispersion
been obtained to mimic this situation in a murine in obese individuals [99]. This is in line with the
model. These animals lack β3-ARs and express observation that combined mutations of UCP1 and
abundantly human α2-AR (β3-AR-deficient, β3-AR induce additive effects on weight gain in
human α2-expressing transgenic mice) [92]. In human obesity [100].
these animals obesity induced by a high-fat diet Two recent papers stress the importance of the
was exclusively of the hyperplastic type and the concept of the adipose organ in humans. In the
mice were not insulin-resistant. These data are in first, in agreement with the experimental finding
line with the important role of α2-AR in relation to that transgenic mice lacking insulin receptor at the
the proliferative stimulus, and with the relationship sole level of BAT are hyperglycaemic, a reduced
between insulin sensitivity and adipocyte size. ‘brown’ phenotype in human subcutaneous adi-
Like the murine organ, the human adipose pose tissue has been shown to predispose to dia-
organ also contains BAT. Given its thermogenic betes [101]. In the second, in vitro transfection of
function, animals with a small body volume and a PPARγ co-factor 1 (PGC1, see above) induced the
larger relative body surface clearly have greater transformation of human white adipocytes into fat
1.1 Functional Anatomy of the ‘Adipose Organ’ 19

cells capable of expressing UCP1, the molecular Murine and human ZAG protein exhibit 59%
marker of brown adipocytes [75]. homology of the amino acid sequence and 100%
homology at the sites functionally involved in the
action on lipid metabolism [105, 106]. Its adminis-
tration to lean and obese animals induces a
Protein ZAG and Cachexia of the Adipose
marked reduction in body fat, and a dose-depend-
Organ ent lipolytic activity has been demonstrated in
Protein ZAG: A New Adipokine vitro [107].
The specific β3-adrenoreceptor antagonist
A dramatic weight loss, entailing a reduction of SR59230 reduces its lipolytic activity, suggesting that
the adipose organ by up to 85%, is a characteristic in rodents its action is mediated by β3-AR [108].
feature of tumour cachexia. Several factors are A recent study of its normal expression in adi-
implicated in this process; one of them is possibly pose tissues in vivo and in vitro showed that pro-
ZAG (zinc-α2-glycoprotein), a 43-kDa protein tein ZAG is expressed in WAT and BAT in different
originally isolated in human plasma [102] and murine depots as well as in human subcutaneous
later described in several organs: breast, prostate, and visceral WAT. In particular, it has been detect-
liver, lung and skin [103]. Overexpression of pro- ed in white adipocyte cytoplasm using immuno-
tein ZAG occurs in several malignant tumours and histochemical techniques. It is also found in the
is thus used as a tumour marker. stroma-vascular fraction of adipose tissue [109].
The biological function of this protein is still Adipocytic overexpression of the protein in
largely unknown; its molecular identity with a cachectic mice is consistent with a role for it in the
lipid-mobilising factor isolated from MAC16 (a local control of lipolysis. A recent paper reporting
that protein ZAG stimulates adiponectin expres-
murine tumour inducing deep cachexia) and the
sion in adipocytes in vitro suggests that it may be
urine of cachectic cancer patients has recently
a gene for body weight regulation.
been reported [104].

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