Educating Josefina Script Final

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Educating Josefina (Play Script)

Scene 1

Intro: In the living room of a poor Filipino home. Calendars and a picture of Pres. Duterte cut from
newspaper is hung ad pasted on the walls. A window at the center back. Two benches and a table in
the middle of the room. Josefina is on the bench of their house, preparing her things for the university
in the city. Tonia is tearing up.

Tonia: Pinang, this is a really big sacrifice for me and your Tatay. The only payback that we would want is
for you to graduate on time.

Ingo: take good care over there, Anak. The city is very different from our sitio.

Josefina: Nay. Tay. Don’t worry, okay? I won’t come back here without getting a diploma and I will just
stay in my boarding house when I don’t have a class. I’ll be good.

[Ingo and Tonia went to the other side of the stage away from Josefina]

Ingo: Tonia, please come here for a while.

Tonia: (Went to Ingo) any problem, Ingo?

Ingo: Do you still have a little money left?

Tonia: I only have 100 pesos in my pocket. I paid our debt to Aling Milagros yesterday. Why?

Ingo: Jusmeyo!

Josefina: (interrupted) what’s wrong Nay? Tay?

Ingo: (handed the money to Josefina) This is the only money I have left from the pagsasaka and your
Nanay paid our utang to Aling Milagros. Please take this as your pocket money.

Josefina: Just keep that, Tatay. When I get to the city I will immediately look for a job. I wouldn’t mind
even if I’m going to be a tindera or a dishwasher in the karenderia. I can do that after my class.

Tonia: No! Anak, you don’t have to do that. Focus on your studies, your expenses will be our problem.

Ingo: Your Nanay is right, Pinang. Oh sha! You should go now. You’ll be late for the bus’ first trip.

Josefina: Nay, don’t forget to take your medicines regularly and Tatay please drink enough water when
you are in the fields.

Tonia: Oh my sweet girl. I won’t forget, Anak.

Josefina: You won’t have to work anymore when I become a pharmacist.

Tonia: (laughs) We will always believe on you, Anak. We were so proud when you became the
valedictorian in elementary and high school and I know you will make us proud again.
Josefina: (hugs her Nanay) Thank you, Nanay. I will do my best to make you proud of me. Goodbye Nay
and Tay. I’m going to miss you.

(Close curtains. )

Scene 2

[Insert background music Wild Nothing by Chinatown. Open the curtains. Powerpoint of a city setting.
Light focuses on Josefina while she wanders. Powerpoint changes to school setting Josefina arrives in
school. Light focuses on the hallway Walks in the hallway feeling astonished. She suddenly bumps
into Tyler who was looking to his phone. Background music off. ]

Tyler: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Josefina: (Looks at Tyler and immediate runs off) I’m sorry.

Tyler: (just looks at Jo as she walks toward the classroom)

[Lights shifted from the hallway to the classroom. The professor and students are already inside the
room. Nita stands in front.]

Prof: You’re late! We’re almost finished with the 1 st activity.

Josefina: I’m sorry, Ma’am. I just arrived from the province and I was having a hard time looking for this

Prof: Okay! Just take your seat. Go ahead, Ms. Olaivar.

Nita: Well, I don’t think I still have to introduce myself. I’m pretty sure y’all know me already since my
dad is a stakeholder in this university and who wouldn’t know Nita Olaivar, right?!

Prof: Oh well. (rolls eyes) You’re next! (points at Josefina)

Josefina: Uhm. Good morning! I am Josefina Dimaano. I came from Sitio Malining.

Samantha: (cuts her off) ohhh. Another girl from the boondocks.

Macy: No wonder why her clothes look disgusting.. hmmm? Just like them?! (points at the girls from the

Sabrina: And of course, never forget to mention… out. of. Style…

Nita: You guys don’t have to be rude, you know!

Prof: Alright, that’s enough! Our formal classes will start on Wednesday. I’ll see you then! Class

(Everyone exit except Nita and Josefina)

Nita: hey, are you okay? I’m sorry about those girls.
Josefina: Yes. Thank you.

Nita: I haven’t seen you around before though?

Josefina: Oh, I’m just new here. It’s actually my first time to live in the city.

Nita: I see that.

Josefina: Uhm. Do you know where this building is? (shows COR)

Nita: Oh, I’m going to the same room and we got the same classes.

(Tyler walks in)

Tyler: What’s up, little sister?

Nita: Hey, bruh.

Tyler: (Looks at Jo) Wait, you were the girl in the hallway!

Nita: You two have met?!

Josefina: I—I just bumped into him while I was looking for the classroom.

Nita: Wow! Sounds like the movies! (laughs) Kuya, this is Josefina and Josefina this is Tyler, my older

Tyler: Nice to meet you. Can I just call you “Jo”?

Josefina: Can you just call me Pinang, instead? That’s how they call me in our sitio.

Nita: Oh c’mon! You’re not in the sitio anymore and besides, Jo is better.

Tyler: Finally! My brat sister agrees to me in a point.

Nita: Shut up! I’m not a brat! (grabs Josefina in the hand and walks out)

Tyler: See, you are! (laughs) Hey Jo, we should hang out sometimes.

(close curtains)

Scene 3:

(At the school hallway, Veronica is carrying her phone)

Veronica: Look bruh, I bet you already found your next victim! (sarcastically laughs)
Tyler: Victim? What do you mean?
Veronica: Haha Do not act as if you’re innocent man, I know you very well, (pushes Tyler)
What’s the catch for Josefina! Aka the sitio girl!! Haha
Tyler: You’re really my sister huhh!! Well, I will make her fall in love with my charm. (smiles like a devil)
Veronica: But c’mmon, Jo is different, she’s very strong-willed lady with all her baon core values coming
from their sitio , I doubt if you would win this time.
Tyler: Believe me my little sister, (whispering) no one has ever refused by my charisma.
If this will not work then….
Veronica: Wait!! (stop Tyler from talking) you still didn’t tell me the plan.
Tyler: I will make sure that Pinang would say “yes” to my proposal.
Veronica: Proposal of what? Don’t tell me it’s a business proposal.
Tyler: My gooshh Veronica!! What the hell are you thinking, where do you get those stuffs? You think
like an idiot. It’s not a business but a marriage proposal!! (looks irritated)
Veronica: What? (laughing out loud) Are you insane? I never thought you would gone this far bruhhh,
you’re amazing. (smiles like a devil)
And if this will not gonna work, you have to give me what I want. (looks up, thinking)
Tyler: Sure, what do you want? A car, a new phone or a new bag. Name it, I can even buy Pinang and her
family. (Laughs)
Veronica: Haha, that’s my bruhhh. Well all I want is 500,000 thousand pesos if this stupid plan will not
gonna work. Deal? (waiting for response)
Tyler: Deal

Shaking their hands (close curtains)

Scene 4

(At the mall, in the cosmetic section, Josefina and her new rich friends were together to buy some
accessories and make up)

Samantha: Look girls!! I found my new lovie dovie make up kit. It’s pretty right? (Smiling very wide)
Macy: Oooohhh, that was really meant for you Sam, only few people can but that one like us. (laughs
Sabrina: That’s right girls, and look what I’ve got. (shows her new brought earrings and necklace)
Veronica: What about you Jo? Did you buy any?
Josefina: (Looks ashamed) No, I’m not really into that. I am looking for book sale, do you guys have an
idea, where can we find it?
Girls: Duuuhh!!! Books? Old school …..
Veronica: Look Jo, this is already a city and it’s kinda really different from your sitio. Books are not
valuable here. Right girls? (laughs)
Sabrina: Don’t you dare to fight with us Jo, or else … (Looks very boastful)
Macy: Ladies stop!! Okay? Jo, if you want to be part of our group, then you have to leave and forget
everything!! Your lifestyle, your hobbies, your likes and even who you are as Pinang. Eeeeewww, it’s
sounds so cheap.
Veronica: So, are you willing to give up everything for the sake of our friendship? (Looks at the other
girls. smiling)
Josefina: (Hesitant) hmmmmm, hmmmm, okay, I am ready and I willing to do everything just to be with
you guys. Thank you very much. (Hugs the girls)
Girls: Okay, stop, stop, stop.
Veronica: So girls? (Looks the other girls and nodded)
Girls: Welcome to the club, Jo (fake smile)
Veronica: Alright, since you’re a tyro here, and I guess you don’t have enough money to buy these
stuffs, so I am letting you borrow my 5 thousand pesos, accept this Jo. (lend it to Jo)
Josefina: But this is too much, I cannot pay this back easily. (feel sorry)
Veronica: It’s okay, you don’t have to worry for that, okay?
Josefina: Ooooh, thank you so much, you guys are really my true friends. (hugging each other)
Girls: You’re welcome Jo!! (smiling like a devil)
Samantha: Wait, let’s have some groupieeee.
Macy: Ohhh my gossshh, tag me sis.
Samantha: Ohh sure, I’ll tag you guys on facebook and insta… (Looks so happy)
Samantha: What about you Jo, do you have facebook or an instragram?
Josefina: What’s that?
Veronica: (Laughs out loud)
Josefina: I haven’t heard of that in our sitio. Are you guys going to make a book with my face printed on
it? Wow, that’s cool. Then, I would be the most famous author in our generation. (Imagining)
Macy: Are you crazy? (laughs) You’re such a poor little girl of sitio Malining. (Laughs)
Veronica: Girls, that’s enough. Shall we continue? I am so hungry already. Let’s look for a restaurant.

(Close curtains)

Scene 5

At the restaurant
(The girls are sitting together, Veronica is on the right side reclining at the table, Jo is on the left and
the other girls occupying the seats at the center).

Josefina: Hala lami-a gud ani, naa d i ing-ani nga pagkaon noh! (Feeling amazed)
Sabrina: What? What are you talking about?
Josefina: Ohh my goossshh, I forgot that was our dialect in our sitio.
Macy: That sounds so grossed.
Veronica: By the way Jo, since you don’t have facebook yet, we are going to make you one. And again,
because we love you, we brought an Iphone 6+.
Josefina: (Surprised) Wow, you guys are so generous. I really don’t know how can I pay you back.
Samantha: Well, do not try to pay us back anymore coz you’re really can’t afford though, haha just
kidding (looks like a devil)
Veronica: Okay here, your name on facebook would be Jo _______.
Josefina: But that’s not my real name. are you really sure of this? I don’t want to be arrested (looks
Veronica: Of course not!!! Jo, I thought we’ve already talked about this?
Josefina: Okay, I get it.
Sabrina: Great!!! Hi, Jo ___________!! (smiles)
Veronica: Hey girls, I almost forget, I need to buy 1 bottle of tequila coz you know my hot boyfieee is
coming home tonight. (Feeling excited)
Samantha: That sounds romantic girl, I can feel the heat and sexy Veronica Olaivar tonight. (laughs)
Josefina: Hmmmm, can I ask something?
Samantha: Yes, what’s that, be sure that it would be worth answering Jo. (speaks in sarcastic manner)
Josefina: What’s tequila? It sounds so familiar, it sounds like a fruit juice. (smiles) Am I right?
Sabrina: Yeahhh, You’re right Jo, it’s perfect for thirsty schedule. It’s just quite expensive. (pointed the 3
other girls and smiles with bad intention) that’s why Veronica loves it very much.
Josefina: I see, I bet I need to try that one too.
Girls: You really have too. (smiles)

(Close curtains)

Scene 6

At Jo’s boarding house

(Jo is preparing for her sleep and she drinks a 1 bottle of tequila which she thinks a fruit juice. After
drinking, Jo felt dizzy and was not able to wake up early for her class.)

Josefine: Ouuuchhh!!! Kalabad sa akong ulo. Was this really the effect of fruit juice, (looks at her clock)
Oh my gooosshhh, Shit!! I’m late!! Huuuuuuuu

(Phone rings, Tyler is calling, Jo answers)

Josefina: Hello?
Tyler: Hey Jo, how are you, I’ve been looking for you this day. Do you have any class today? Can I see
Josefina: Uuuuhhhhh, (Stuttering) Hmmmmm, I don’t have any class today. I just had my general
cleaning in my boarding house. Hmmmm, wait are you serious?
Tyler: What do you mean?
Josefina: Are you hanging out with me? (Kilig)
Tyler: Of course, you know what, you have no idea how I think of you every single day Jo.
Josefina: (Blushed) Goshhh, I can’t believe this, where we are going?
Tyler: Maybe it would just be fun if we go somewhere far from school, I mean you deserve a quiet place
to stay, I know a place that’s perfect for both of us.
Josefina: Ohhhhh, you’re so sweet.
Tyler: Anything for you Jo, so I am picking you up today.
Josefina: Alright, I’ll wait for you.

(Close curtains)

Veronica: Hey bruhhh!! What’s up? Any update from your pretentious feeling? (laughs)
Tyler: Hey sis, (smiles) I am hanging out with her today, stop teasing me like that, I what this day to be
perfect for us.
Veronica: That sounds serious, are you telling me that you already fallin in love with her?
Tyler: (Laughs loudly) Of course not!! Don’t be stupid sis, that’s incredible. Can we just stay with deal,
okay? Nothing more nothing less.
Veronica: Okay, haha enjoy Bruhhh, I don’t know if you would really have fun today. Praying for your
safety with Jo. (laughs loudly)

(close curtains)

Scene 7 (Music played, May I have this dance – Every day Movie)

Josefina: Wow, Tyler this place is so romantic, thank you.

Tyler: Anything for you Jo, you know I planned this long before coz I really wanted to make you feel
something very special.
Josefina: What do you mean? Well, I feel special when I’m with you and with Veronica along with the
other girls coz you guys are very true to me. When I arrived here in the city, everything was a scratch,
and you guys have helped to adjust and embrace my environment that’s really far away from our sitio.
Tyler: (Lay his hands to Jo’s face) Jo, this time is different, it’s not just about our friendship anymore. It’s
about me and you already. Jo, I’m falling in love with you. (Music played changes to Out of My League)
This is crazy but it’s true, I can’t explain my feelings, you are just so beautiful inside and out for me and
no matter what the other people say about you, I don’t care. All I know is that I love you and that is
Josefina: (Tears falling from her eyes) I feel like I am dreaming right now, tell me that I am just
Tyler: You’re not dreaming (smiles) Hey, this is real. I love youuuu (take Jo’s hand)
Would you be my girlfriend forever? I love you badly Jo, would you accept me as your boyfriend?
Josefina: (smiles) YESSSS Tyler, thank you, and I love you too.
Tyler: (Shouted) Whoooaaaaaa, Yesssss (Hugged Jo tightly)
(Looks to Jo seriously) Jo, I promise I won’t disappoint you, I won’t destroy your trust. And we will work
this relationship to last forever.
Josefina: Thank you Tyler, I believe in you.

(Tyler smiles mischievously)

Tyler: Wait, can I call you babe? (smiles)

Josefina: Wow,that sounds so sweet babe. (smiles)

(close curtains)

Scene 8

At the school
(Jo and Tyler are holding their hands together going to the cafeteria, students from the corner are
strangely looking at them).

Student 1: (Whispering) Oohhh, I smell something fishy right here!!

Student 2: Duuuhhhhh!! How can this sitio girl being tied with Tyler Olaivar, I feel so sorry for him this
Tyler: Excuse me? What are you guys talking?
Stud 1 & 2: Hmmmm, nothing (stuttering)
Tyler: If you don’t have a nice thing to say, please shut your mouth, mind your own business. And
besides, you don’t even know my girl!!!
Josefina: Tyler stop! That’s enough

(They walked away from the cafeteria)

Josefina: You don’t have to fight babe, but thank you I really appreciate it.
Tyler: My pleasure, Jo, remember that I love you and I will fight for you. (Kisses Jo on her forehead)

(close curtains)

Five months later

Veronica: This is it!! I’m so excited, I can’t wait to receive my 500,000 thousand (laughs loudly)
Tyler: Chill sis!! Haha, This time I will win.
Veronica: I not going to believe you this time, I swear. Poor Josefina!!! Everything is set for tomorrow,
you should have thank me for this!! Ouuuchh, you’re not grateful.
Tyler: Well, thank you my dear sister. So blessed to have you sis!!
Veronica: Haha, I don’t feel like you’re sincere though. Whatever!!!

(close curtains)

Scene 9

(Open the curtains. Party music background on. Changes into a bar setting)
Nita: Jo! Where are you? Did you wear the dress Kuya gave you? Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see you!
Hurry up and get your ass in here. We’re gonna have a great night! Bye!

Tyler: Nita! Is everything okay?

Nita: of course! Everything goes well with our plan.

Tyler: You sure?

Nita: I should be the one asking you that! Are you sure you are ready for this?

Tyler: I’m sure!

Nita: Like 1001% sure?

Tyler: Oh c’mon! Just help me out in this okay?

Nita: Do I have any choice?! Well, goodluck bruh.

(Josefina arrives)

Tyler: Oh wow babe! You look goddamn gorgeous! (kisses on the cheeks)

Nita: OMG girl!

Josefina: Ohhhh, don’t mention it. Just like a city girl, right?!

Nita: Just like a city girl. (giggles and make beso)

Josefina: (wraps herself around Tyler) My parents sent me money yesterday.

Tyler: For what?

Josefina: That was supposed to be for my tuition fee.

Tyler: What? (in a serious tone) You didn’t tell them you….

Josefina: (interrupts) Babe, c’mon! We should be having fun tonight. Just eat and drink all you want. My

Tyler: Well, whatever you say.

Josefina: Let’s party!

Nita: Woohoo! Cheers!!

(Party background music goes loud. Everyone dances.)

Tyler: (holds both hands of Josefina then looks into her eyes)

(Everyone exit. Except Tyler and Josefina. Background music changes to Capital Letters by Hailee

Josefina: (Looks at Tyler) What? (smiles)

Tyler: What, what?

Josefina: Why are you looking at me like that?

Tyler: (Looks at Josefina gently) I’m just adoring the view of my whole world in front of me.

Josefina: Babe….

Tyler: (Puts her index finger on the lips of Josefina to hush her) Just listen to me first. You are the most
beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. I’ve liked you when I first saw you in the school’s hallway
and I have fallen in love with you deeper since day 1 of our relationship and I couldn’t imagine living my
whole life without you. (kneels down)

Josefina: (Tearing up)

Tyler: (Shows the ring) Please marry me.

Josefina: (cries) Yes!

Tyler: (Stands up) Yes?

Josefina: Yes, I will marry you!

Tyler: Oh God! Thank you! (Hugs Josefina)

(Fireworks video and sounds on the background)

Tyler: (Leans closer to Josefina. When they’re almost kissing on the lips, the curtain closes)


(Back to Dimaano’s house. As the curtain rises, Tonia is walking restlessly around the room. Ingo is
smoking a cigar, one of his legs is up on the bench where he is setting.)

Tonia: Pinang ought to be coming now. She said in her text that she would be here before ten o’clock.

Ingo: Have the church bells rung?

Tonia: Yes, didn’t you hear?

Ingo: then Pinang will be here any moment now. I wonder how the child will look with her curly hair. Do
you think she looks like the pictures she sent us? You know, I haven’t much faith in pictures.

Tonia: Ingo, you know Pinang is pretty. Anything will look pretty on her.

Ingo: But curly hair, bah! Curly hair is all right for American girls and mestizas. I don’t know what’s come
over her. She used to be very simple, but now her texts are full of silly ideas.

Tonia: (setting at the end of Ingo’s bench) Let’s hope for the best. I’m sure Pinang wouldn’t curl her hair
unless she was sure she would look better.

Ingo: (with a sigh) I wish we hadn’t sent her to the city.

Tonia: Oh, don’t you want to have an educated daughter? This is her third year in the university. The
year after next, she will be a pharmacist—the first in this town. Won’t you be proud as her father? I only
hope you don’t lose your head when people say as you pass, “That’s the father of Pinang, the
pharmaceutica.” Now, don’t you be wishing that we hadn’t sent her to the city to study.

Ingo: Pinang must amount to something. Think how much we are sacrificing for her education.

Tonia: Don’t worry. Very soon she will have her own drugstore and we shall live comfortably.

Ingo: Most of our savings have been used up and all the returns of our farm have gone to pay her
expenses. And you and I are living on as little as we can. In fact, I’ve given up drinking.

Tonia: Let’s sacrifice now, Ingo. We’ll have our reward afterwards.

Ingo: Don’t be cocksure. I’ve just been thinking that a girl like her won’t stay unmarried long. There are
many boys in Manila, you know.

(Noise of a truck outside, voices)

Tonia: (Running out) She’s here. (Exit)

Ingo: Ay, at last! (Exit)

(More noise. Laughter. Then Ingo and Tonia enter with Josefina. Ingo is carrying a suitcase, which he
sets on the floor and Tonia bag of packages which she places on the upstage bench, Josefina is
carrying her bag.)

Josefina: Well, here I am at last!

Tonia: I’m so glad you’re home, Anak.

Josefina: The same old place. Nothing’s changed.

Ingo: Aren’t you glad to see your old home? You haven’t been here for a year.

Josefina: (Sitting on the bench) I’m so tired. Mother, will you get me a glass of water?

Tonia: Yes! Yes! (Exits on the right)

Ingo: What have you brought with you?

Josefina: I went shopping before I came. Father. Oh what nice things are in the city. And so cheap too.
Look here. Father, I bought a Burberry polo shirt for you. (Fumbles among packages) And for Mother, a
Dolce and Gabbana dress.

Ingo: Your mother and I don’t care to be postura. You know that. You should not have spent your

Josefina: I can save on some other things, Father. Here it is. (Holds up the polo shirt) It makes you look
twenty years younger.

(Ingo struts down. Tonia enters)

Ingo: Look what our daughter has brought for me.

Tonia: It’s beautiful. You can wear it at the town fiesta next week. Here’s your glass of water, Pinang.

Josefina: Mother, will you remember this? Please don’t call me Pinang again. I don’t like the name. It’s
awfully provincial. My city friends call me Jo.

Tonia: Dio! Doesn’t it sound like the name of a boy?

Josefina: Or you may call me Josephine.

(Tonia touches Josefina’s hair)

Ingo: Diosepin!

Josefina: (Drinks) How nice and cool the water is. Mother, what are you doing with my hair?

Tonia: How beautifully you fix your hair. How do you do it?

Josefina: Please don’t touch it, Mother dear. I just had it fixed in the salon last night. It costs me 5
thousand pesos.

Ingo: You spent thousand pesos for somebody to fix your hair? You think you are a millionaire’s
daughter, ha?!

Josefina: Please, Father, you can’t expect me to do this by myself.

Ingo: 5 thousand pesos for getting your hair curled?! You can save that 5 thousand and ask for less
money. You don’t know the value of money. You think it grows like a mushroom. By looking at the
things you’ve brought, I can tell where most of the money I’ve been sending you has gone.

Josefina: Mother, can you give me a fan please? I’m so warm.

Tonia: Better go outside for a while first. You’ll feel better.

Josefina: Okey-doke!

(Josefina exits to the left)

Ingo: What did she say?

Tonia: That must be German. She told me that she studies German.

(Sits down and looks on the packages)

Ingo: I hardly recognize her when she came down from the truck curled hair, red lips, and cheeks like
those artistas. And did you notice her nails? I thought at first they were bleeding.

Tonia: I didn’t recognize her at once either. To me she looked funny but I guess that is how modern girls
dress nowadays. A modern girl must be up-to-date with fashion. I understand. I wonder whose pictures
are these. (Holds up framed pictures of Patrick Schwazernegger and Zac Efron). They look like
Americans. Maybe they are her classmates.
Ingo: Didn’t I tell you that there are many boys in the city?

Tonia: (Looking clearly at Patrick’s photo). This one looks like my Manong Terio. He was a very
handsome young man, and he shouldn’t have died young. What’s with this, a stuffed toy? (Holds up a
stuffed to) Pinang is too big to play with stuffed toy. But perhaps she wants to have one anyway. She
didn’t stuffed toys before, except the cheap ones I bought at the fair. Ingo, you put your polo away in
the baul now. You will be very postura indeed on the day of the fiesta. Aba! This is so nice! I wonder if
she intends this for me. How lovely it is! Pinang has good taste.

(Josefina enters)

Josefina: So you’ve opened the packages, Mother. That dress is for you. Don’t you like it?

Ingo: Since been you’ve been wearing short skirts?

Josefina: (laughs) Of course this the first time you’ve seen a girl getting dressed up. Nita’s gave this to

Ingo: (Angry tone) And who is this Nita? Another crazy girl like you?

Josefina: there, there, don’t get angry. I said Nita is my bestfriend. Remember why I didn’t come home
during the semestral break vacation? I was a guest at her house. Oh, Father, this is the first time I
noticed your hair. It’s white. But I think it’s beautiful I will put the polo in the trunk now, ha, Father?

Ingo: Never mind. Tell me why you have brought a stuffed toy.

Josefina: It isn’t for me. It’s for my little godchild, Sela. I’ll go to Aling Luisa’s by and by and give the toy
to Sela. It’s bargain. Imagine, I got it for 1000 pesos only.

Tonia: 1000 pesos!

Ingo: 1000 pesos only! Jesus! You can’t go on spending like this. What a spendthrift your daughter is,

Tonia: She is your daughter also. She gets it from your brother, Juan. Remember, child, your uncle died
of hunger. At first, he owned a farm much bigger than your father’s. he was free with his money that he
lost everything he had a few years.

Josefina: Oh, I know when to stop. Besides, that doll is a bargain. It ordinarily costs twelve pesos. Father,
did you miss me while I was away?

Ingo: What?

Josefina: You didn’t feel sad while your little girl was away? Father, please, may I ask you something?

Ingo: What is it?

Josefina: May I have 5000 pesos?

Ingo: 5000 pesos! Susmariosep! What do you think I am—a gold mine? Didn’t I send you 10,000 last

Josefina: That was not enough. Nita had to lend me 5,000 pesos of her own money.
Tonia: You see, that’s what comes from buying these bargain of yours.

Josefina: Please, Father. Sigue na!

Ingo: I have no money.

Josefina: You have, but you just don’t want to give me any.

Ingo: (raising his voice) I have no money, I tell you.

Josefina: (sits weeping) Nita will call me balasubas, if I don’t pay her. And she won’t be my friend
anymore. I’ll lose all my friends. (No answer. She weeps louder) Yes, you want me to lose all my friends.
You don’t love me anymore. (walks like any spoiled brat)

Tonia: Hush, Pinang.

Josefina: How many times must I tell you not to call me Pinang!

Tonia: Diosepin. Your father will give you the money as soon as he gets it. Stop crying.

Ingo: Leave her alone, Tonia. The girl’s getting spoiled because you pet her too much. Go and cook the

Tonia: Alright. (Exit. Ingo follows to see her if she is out of hearing)

Ingo: How much do you want?

Josefina: (stops sobbing) 5,000 pesos only.

Ingo: It’s fortunate that Kadio paid his debt this morning. Here, it is exactly 5,000 pesos.

Josefina: (jumping up) I said you had the money.

Ingo: but not a word to your Nanay, or I’ll take it back.

Josefina: (laughing) You’re the best Father on earth

Ingo: Never mind.

Tonia: You must go out and buy a box of matches, Ingo.

Josefina: Mother, you’ll help me take down those ugly photos on the walls. They are simply unbearable.

Tonia: What’s wrong with them? President Duterte is good-looking enough.

Josefina: but civilized people don’t cut pictures from newspaper and paste them on walls. I have some
new pictures with me. (Holds the frames) This is Patrich Schwazernegger and this one is Zac Efron.

Ingo: Your classmates?

Josefina: (Laughing) Of course not. They are actors from Hollywood. Patrick—Midnight Sun! Zac—The
Greatest Showman.

Ingo: Pueh!
Josefina: And this is Nita. She looks very much a like Emilia Clarke but of course you don’t know who
Emilia Clarke is. This is Nita’s brother, Tyler.

Tonia: What’s his name?

Josefina: Tyler.

Tonia: Tiger?! What a funny name.

Josefina: Oh you people! You should see Nita’s house. It’s like a little palace. When I stayed at her house,
I had a nice room to myself and a maid too. Nita’s mother is beautiful and kind. She has plenty of jewels.
She doesn’t work. What white, smooth hands she has! And her brother—he’s so dashing and handsome.
I wish we were rich as they.

Tonia: Wait till you finish your studies and become a pharmacist. We’ll have a better life then.

Josefina: I don’t wanna study anymore. I’m getting sick of it.

Ingo: How can you have a profession if you don’t study first? And you want to live as rich people do.

Josefina: You will like high life. I’d like to live in the city, in an elegant house, with jewels, servants,

Tonia: Remember that we are only poor country folks. We must be satisfied with our lot.

Josefina: I’ll have those things soon.

Tonia: How?

Josefina: Do you wanna know? Well I might tell you now that next month I’ll be married to Tyler, Nita’s

Tonia: (Sinks on a bench) Are you out of your mind?

Ingo: Do you realize what you said, Josefina?

Josefina: What’s wrong with me getting married? You two got married, didn’t you?

Tonia: My God!

Ingo: What about your studies? Don’t you realize how much we have done to keep you in the

Josefina: My studies? I’ve stopped studying since last month. Nita’s brother is rich. There’s no need for
me to have a profession anymore.

Ingo: Why didn’t you tell me that before? I could have stopped sending you money. You’re going to
marry a rich man. (with increasing anger) A rich man!

Tonia: Pinang, how can you be so thoughtless? How can you do this to us? You can get married
afterwards but finish your studies first. After all, it was you who asked us to send you to the city to study
because you wanted to be a pharmacist. Don’t you know how much we have already sacrificed for you?
Josefina: I’m sorry I told you about it now. I wanted to keep it a secret after we were married.

Ingo: Ungrateful child! After all the hardships and pain we suffered to give you an education, you turn
out to be like this. Walang hiya! Give me back my 5,000 pesos!

Tonia: Ingo, did you----?

Ingo: Get out of my sight, you bad daughter! (Josefina saunters out indifferently. Silence) Well, what
have you to say now? The reward comes afterwards, eh? Reward! Pueh! (silence) Why don’t you say
something now? (Tonia stifles a sob) Why, Tonia, you’re crying! (No response) If there is nothing more to
say, then I’ll go to Kiko’s store and have some Ginebra. It’s 3 years now since I’ve tasted wine.

(Ingo exits. Tonia was left on the bench crying. The curtains close)

Scene 11

(Josefina traveled alone going back to her boarding house in the city, she cried so much while dialing
on her phone to call Tyler)

(Tyler’s phone is ringing but he’s not answering)

The subscriber cannot be reached, please try again later

(Josefina arrived at her boarding house when she suddenly vomit)

Josefina: Ohhh my God, this could not be, Nooo!!! I’m not pregnant, No, this is just a normal feeling
when travelling too far. Oouuch my head is aching. (Crying)

(She gets her phone and scrolls up on her account on facebook, then suddenly, she saw a video posted
from her newsfeed and it was a conversation between her boyfriend Tyler and Veronica – as it is
shown in the video)

Josefina: No!!! (shouted) How could you do this to me!! Mga walay uwaw, mga bakakun, sangko sa
langit akong kasuko, gibuhat nako tanan para lang sa inyo. Ako ra d I inyong gibuang. (Crying and

(close curtains)

Scene 12

(Josefina went to Tyler’s condo and raging her anger outside his condo unit)

Josefina: Tyler!! Open the door!! Tyler, you talk to me. Hoyyyy!! Gawas ayaw kog hagita.
Maid enters

Maid: I’m sorry who’s you’re looking for?

Josefina: I am looking for Tyler, where is he??
Maid: He’s not here, he went to Canada just this week.
Josefina: Are you kidding me? I know you’re lying!! Dili ko muhawa diri kung dili ka mutug-an ug tarung
kung aha si Tyler!! Please nanghangyo ko, ayaw ninyo sya tagu-i. (crying)

(Then Tyler suddenly went from his room)

Tyler: Who’s that? It’s early in the morning Manang. (shocked)

Why are you here…
Josefina: What? Why you are asking me like that! How can you do this to me? You told me that you
won’t break my heart, that you won’t destroy my trust and we’ll keep our relationship last forever.
Tyler: Jo, I have nothing to explain about this, I’m sorry. We’re done okay? Leave me!!
Josefina: Just because of this video? (shows the video conversation)
Tyler: That video would explain everything, and it was all a mistake. It was just a game. Now did I have
answer you question? You may now leave.
Josefina: Noooo! Please do not do this to me. I gave up everything for you Tyler, I even forsake my
family just to be with coz I thought that we’re getting married. And tyler we’re having a baby now. I’m
pregnant. (smiles)
Tyler: What? Are you crazy? Who do you think I am? So, you presume that I am the father of that baby!
No way, that cannot be. I cannot accept that, you better abort that besides that is still a fetus.
Josefina: What? Hayop ka Tyler!! Wala ko nagdahum nga ing.ana ka ka dautan! Sige dili taka pugson
pero nungka nga ako ning ipakuha,ayaw pagdahum nga makakita ka aning bataa. Sangko sa langit akong
pagbasol nganung naila taka.

(Josefine exits crying loudly)

(close curtains)

Scene 13

(Curtains open. Tonia is sweeping the floor in the living room. Ingo is reading a newspaper and
drinking coffee on the bench)

Tonia: Ingo?

Ingo: hmmm? (puts down the newspaper and takes a sip of the coffee)

Tonia: 5 months na sukad nihawa si Pinang sa atong balay. Wala ba ka nabalaka sa iya?
Ingo: Tonia, bisan magkina unsa anak gihapon nako si Pinang u goo, gakabalak ko sa iya.

Tonia: Wala ko kabalo asa ta o asa ko nagkulang sa atong anak. Wa ko kabalo ngano na ing.ato siya.
Hangtud karom ginabasol gihapon nako akong kaugalingon.

Ingo: (goes to Tonia and holds her shoulders) Tonia, dili nimo angay basulon imong kaugalingon. Gibuhat
man nato ang tanan para sa atong nag inusarang anak.

[Josefina suddenly enters the living room carrying some bags]

Tonia: (drops the broom)

Josefina: Nay! Tay!

Ingo: Pinang!

Tonia: Anak?! (runs to Josefina and hugs her)

Josefina: (cries hard)

Tonia: Anak, asa ka man gikan? Nabalaka kayo mi sa imong tatay.

Ingo: (Goes near to Tonia and Josefina)

Josefina: (kneels down) Nay.. Tay.. pasaylua ko ninyo. Daku kayo akong sala ug akong pagbasul.

Tonia: Nak, tindog diha. (helps Josefina to stand up)

Josefina: (keeps on begging) Nay, pasaylua ko. Tay pasaylua ko.

Ingo: (kneels down) Pinang, gibuhat man namo tanan sa imong Nanay. Gihatag namo tanan imo
panginanghanglanom pero nganong naabot man gihapon sa ingon ani?

Pinang: Tay sorry tay. Gusto lang jud ko ma belong ug mo fit in sa mga tao sa siyudad. Gikapoy ko Tay na
perme nalang ko laiton kay dili ko pariha sa ila. Gusto lang sad nako matagamtaman kung unsa ang
hayahay na kinabuhi. Ug nag tuo ko na sila akong mga tinuod na mga amiga ug amigo.

Tonia: Pinang, dili nimo kinahanglan ang mga ingon ana klase na mga tao kay tinuod sila na makig amiga
nimo, dawat ka nila bisan unsa pa ka.

Ingo: unya?! Asa man ang amahan ana imong gipag buntis?

Josefina: (keeps on crying)

Tonia: Nak, tubag.. Asa ang amahan sa imong anak? Kahibaw siya na buntis ka?

Josefina: Dili niya angkunon na iya ning anak. Iya ra kong gi binuangan nay, tay. Wala ko kabalo unsa
akong buhaton. Sa 5 ka bulan nay nag inusara rako, dili makatulog ug huna2x unsaon nako ni pagpadaku
ang bata na naa sa akong tiyang. Mamakak ko nay, kung mo ingon ko na bisan kas.a wa ko kahuna2x
magpakamatay. Wa nako kabalo.. wa nako kabalo unsa akong buhaton. Taga adlaw gaka wad-an kog
paglaum. (cries hard)

Ingo: Kung dili ka panagutan sag ago na amahan sa imong anak, andam mi sa imong nanay na maoy mo
tabang pagpadaku kay bisan unsaon amoa ng apo. Pinang, nasuko kayo ko sa imo pero akong pag
higugma isip amahan nimo, wa jud to nabag-o o nawala bisan kas-a.

Tonia: Nak, gihigugma kaayo ka namo. Inampingan sukad sa imong pagkabata. Magkinaunsa dawat ka
namo. Kabalo ka na bisan unsa pa na, andam mi mo alalay ug suporta sa imoha.

Josefina: Nay, Tay. Dili ko angayan sa inyong sobra nga paghigugma na pakyas nako tanan ninyo
expectation sa ako. Sorry jud kaayo sa tanan. Sa kasakit na akong gihatag sa inyo. Pasaylua ko nay tay.

Tonia: Tama na nak. Timan-I perme, walay ginikanan nga dili mo pasaylo sa ilang mga anak.

Ingo: Pinang, gusto lang ko makabalo ka na wala namo basuli ang among tanan gibuhat sa imo kay amo
sad tong obligasyon sa imo. Ayaw na na kabalak-I ang imong anak, ato ng padak-un sa matarong na
pamaagi inubanan sa grasya sa atong Ginoo.

Josefina: Salamat kaayo nay tay. Gihigugma kaayo ta mo. (hugs nanay and tatay)

[close curtain]

Scene 14

(when the curtain opens, Josefina and her daughter is on the living room. Modern living room setting)

Josefina: And that was the story of my life before you, sweetie. After I gave birth to you I decided to go
back to college and finished my degree. After I graduated, I was given an opportunity to work as a
pharmacist here in Las Vegas.

Abby: Was that the reason you never told me where my dad is, mom?

Josefina: I’m sorry, love. I just don’t know the rights words to say and besides you were too young then.
But now, that you are already grown up I know that you can understand things better. Nak, I hope you
learned something from my story.

Abby: Yes mom. I understand.

Josefina: It’s fine, sweetheart. Can you do me a favor?

Abby: What is it mom?

Josefina: I don’t want you to hate your dad. He never became a father to you but still, I would never
have a beautiful, sweet and very loving daughter like you.

Abby: Alright mom. And thank you because you made me feel complete with the kind of love you are
giving me. I couldn’t ask for more.

Josefina: I love you, anak. You are my everything. Just like what you’re Lolo and Lola said, parents will
always love their children unconditionally.

Abby: I love you so much, mommy. Hmmmm, I’m so excited to go home to the Philippines tomorrow
and finally see Lola and Lola.

Josefina: Me too! Well, we better get going. We have to sleep early and prepare for a long flight
tomorrow. Goodnight, sweetheart.

Abby: Goodnight, mommy.

[they hug each other and the curtain closes]

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