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sirehT, <WM<
fWrniPTH 07/2020/T^/f^^ 04/06/2020 10/06/2020
:: ::

^ 1^-2020
16/06/2020 JTVqnFf 12:00 15/07/2020 11:59^^

itRlT ^ : 20 rydM< 2020

%nf5m ajTcR^ gura sihcHISh ^ ')4l<tiK fei;: i ill itjpr ^ %3Ict amgr sm liut inj snlr^ ira afmlir snt f%i; wjl|i
tiltsTT ^ fcT^: wcRiT cn^ cH-«if2Wt ipt arrfe cfc ^ fit" ^ ^ ^ Tratn ?T?if ^ fi inw
?mt 5/1 girl gra artglsW g/r #1 sncigg gs^gr pnf%i? 1 gUsn wH wit tR ot<pt sm ^dcT: aigfirfi^rn? i gRrni ?rat g/l^gR^ #r 1 aweff
glr sRigr—ipg vnH utt% gg ore! eVi i f% ^rrg^ arRrffilcTT dTRfhr gRT gifrig ^^ g/rlggg gR ^ g^ § 1 gUgg/grignrggg ^ sTRidl ^ fg^igjg
^ grg ^ grrgtg Migni ^icil gfrg gRcTi 11
viM/lgri gitgn i! ten; arsjeft gRi gHw ?j?gi g tfi€c=i gg ■ggmg ggi/^cg^ ff^/c^ fegtfSrs iwi ter arr wktt 11 gllaTT
g?g> -giRng ^ firi; l%# #g> jrc awn ^ ^?4lgg? g# fell gifeil i
ag/lgri gUsn fei; angai^g aifegg fegfe 16/06/2020 g/l gajp? i2;oo g^ ll 15/07/2020 Tife 11:59 sfe tra tR fei; an Tfeil 1
aiHHi^H aniigg i| ^ ^gejR gg gg4 an^gg gR^ g5l alfrig fcife gig fegfe 18/07/2020 aiw? 12:0a g^ ^ 24/07/2020 gife 11:59 get cig; fegr
gg gfegr 1 vjgg ^yR gg gg^f giga ggi gig angaisg ^ fegr gg gfegr 1
^dl ^yR gigal l| gfe fe^H aTRjejf gRT 3iR%cT gif gg 11 g^ g^ arg^ afrgcn^g agqgg gy l| ^yR gR vi-w argRf^gr gif fegr vjiioi ^ ?fl ai-i
^ al?R g5| grfe gg ■^gyrg ■^Ri r ^ aifaRgg gRgr fen fe^ amRfslcT gif ^ gg li nl g^ armai^ an^gn gg g/| aiRfSm fe If gfefer gH feife
l| Tjogi aRR gj| gife qmn n^ gl| ggfel 1

(1) hioR* aft? ?rrfR sm angjWf ^ udl-ood ^ R-hio cf? arir# RhRiRsIci n?
wrnl'H'Ki cilg) giqi anyVi si"(i annciiS'i 3ii^g-i annTsa uTT^ f I 14^ ^ Rqg"i cf5t ail^qii ^ qRla % —
^ TR gja Rfewt gH gfeiR TRsgr Rfeiql gft gifgR gfem li % Rfeigl l| ^ g|g fem ^feggi
gjqa wrqltigg ^ gyiglg Pigiiil ^cfefPTS ^ wifeg
nffenail feg arRfen gg fegRit fegignvpfi ^
3FIT. at. an. aiatatr. a?,feg. aHT. ai.Pl.g. fen angfen gg
10 11 12 13

giWRRp gg trsw 19 fen ^feggr

2 q|ga-i2 (t56ioo)
gnsfegra 66 19 SO 22 19 15 157 fen Af^ggi
clga-9 (? 38100)
gg :- 178

*16cq>^yf :— aggRRT 11
1. qql ^ gtssyi qRqcf-Tlq ^ I (ii) ifrfRfga maa ^ ssg^g^ ^ arRrRga arw gfft
2. 7T? Raiq-i nrwfSliT fcTHFT ^ ^icft Piqn ijg woilgmc gg "^gr (wtxfRras graa ^ argmRra gg wofRras graa ^
(gi^qy) g^fiTT Plyn, 2014 ar^nig wqiiRia Phyi gn n5T ^ 1 aiRiRtW arw graa ^ arwaff) ^ aig^ apTRRrg
3. arRferT RgiiRd g^ 7^ ftfnn gg^ gic=n ggg Hn-lly 7^ apxpfg angq) 1
aw RjiyicHy, Tt grg? UTRrgrafi (fffefgs 591 /2012, 5. g^sn aiuTar mRRi®c "gg/, graagig gRRgse *g)" gg arfgcn^g
f^rSRpT (nfr) gRiig? 592/2012, Ra fM^rg (#) ffsgfcp aiRgg gsn^ aqa Pi^a gg ana vnggg^ gRftr^ 'din'
593/2012 gag Rg R^Rrg (nil) gjgfgj 594/2012) grRtr gfelfeid 11
el-) giR aifeln arRir/RiRg aiwiiJl-i gg'll ijg ninnly 6. aiMdign aiijgn ^ apgaff PiaHl gg 3igdl<6n
aw WRfTeRT ^ affcm aiRgr/RRif gfi argam RinRg Rrft gs? ggg a.fnRao g>g R f% a^ MiTlgTr ^ aPaf^ci
tRi gg) c[it gRiR Rffeiy) tR fesn gRcfeg ift ^ mggrr ^ gMdi t aiafgr g^ 1 aft gi)^ arwaff gfign ^ ftsgft
ti 7ft a>;"i ^ aiaigT qdlitiiqigi ylRg gl-) ^ qiq ^ ai-id
4. Rffeiy) angerig ;- (ineligible) iiai ami ^ afargr aaig gRT 4) a^ g>)^
(i) aq^qg ailcigi qiicin ggg 4. 5 gg 6 qRifl gg gqei viiM4>i-?) aoRT gi^ wicfr t a) aag?) aiwRRn/gaa
sgfRrgg 7^ aiRrg^Rm aw R ^ Rgigft argg^Rra gnfe, gRara Pin-ki f^ar an a^aTi
aijgjfeci grggnfe gg ana RijaT gif (iR gfefiRan) ^ aiwRiai (2) gg gg Rgna, ^erRigs ardgr gg gTRtRgs arag"^ 1—
agnRgr f gg ag^ ciifcHgi gi ggcig ^ 7, 8, 9 gg asiaqi gg aygiqi gg ggs^amei :—
10 tRtct BRvfRma wRa Rrgmfl gRgg arwRRfi (i) 3iiq?yqj gtffrRrgj af^ar:—
(1) PinlcHRsId 3TSjtrT (l)^f^sTH (2) '•frfercfj ?TFra (3) ^ uiR'fl zRz^ §g<g gRufpRg^iTi «i^ arr^ Riuc^ g?
xi'iHWH W5[ ^^^ cfvn ^frra? *^^5^ g^zRR srr^ ^flgj ^ cflg zr^ ^ arfSr^ g b^ i
^frerr zn xjrM #tt ?nfl^ 1 (v) gjzTTzzj TjgRH f^grg z^ gRqg zfRW zjqj 3-1/2016/1-3
(2) "TRTfTf WcT R?qfclEllclzi p1<-dfclRad f^WZTT 3TytcT ZTZJT gzrj7, Rdich 11.01.2017 Z^ 3TggR Z^cfR JJZZftgTO gog
cRwfct ?TR^, ctiHZ^dxl dT^nzM/f^iTH, Mijkxiui %IH, c||P|c(9l, ci5t Rrg# gftcgat z^ gsicR arrg ^ 10 g^
■^-fzriTH, e(MNl4l, "Tf&m, -difejct^, ZTg fzflTR, IJT^ ^I
ZFT * W fitWZ? * ■yi^T Z=Tmcf? ZIT WTcfifff aTSjqT (vi) grgizg ggjgg ftgpr z^ gRqg ?f7. ijtg 1-2/2002/1/3
3Tlzirzjf1Mt/?TZf?zM cA zit ?nZ3T/fzmzT if ZRTcTzp zn RzjfcfT 02.06.2004 Tjg fRTfzp Znjj 1-2/2002/1/3 ftzjRj JQ
ZTW8T itzTT znf%z; I gRg^ 2006 z^ 3(ggR ftlW zpftzfr/ggizig ctiRgI g^r !!im<g|g
(ii) i^lI'DRct, HIMc;u^ (zz^WT) :- ^ zgft z^ gg^ g^ gfr ^ -4) gnrjzft f^rg^ g^
Risgzfofl/gxnggggff Z^ grg Z^ t Bgz^ 6 zg? -^r
_3£1. Hf^HI arfSTg? '^fzg zgt ijcp cf^ jjpq gff ag gzMt gag zjb
(^) (3Rr1Si?t, ar^zjf^m 163 ^.zfl. 150 ^.zfl. arfSrzRTg 45 zr^ gft arr^ git gldi gzg T^zff |
Wfrf l^zj 3TZZJ Rw-si cpf) (vii) grzrMt zjzr <^Ric/i (gjcggff BtgzTni) zzzr arzggzfg arizJggRzfr
z^ zTPT^ ij zjrajcR agg #zg it gz# BRT Bg gzpR g?r zjI
(^) yjrdlj (ai^ZjJ^d 'JldvJllIc^) 152 145

(#3) zfRT 79 74
g>t ggzft g>iHig(fer gg^ arrg g^ zft ^ftzg ^
aiczgEftg tb^ |t; ^ uiR'fl. zfl gm ^
(ZIR) -zj^ddH Zftzff f^ZcTR 5 5 Z^.z%.
gzj^ 3n^ 38 g^ ^ 3ii^ zj^ BWt grf^zi 1
(qra) ZIlZlRch SRcTT zfflSPT, ZIR 26 fzp.zfl. 16 Ri.zft.
(viii) fctzjzg, gRgjzjgT gag gggzfRjgT glBeiiatt z^ IcHi! g^zjg^ agj
y"li Llde) Hei-ii ^ftzg 05 g^ z^t wg B^zzft I
(3) zrf^en sralfer :- duPid arwrfStzTf z^t R^Rki 02 ^ zf?t (ix) 3g1^ ggf^, argz^Rrg ggfrr zzg fersgr gzf giegm fzrgrg zf5t
4R9I8TT ZR Zf^t uflZpft I arggrfzflg Rue gtzgiBg zftuRj argzfg gzglerzfr z^
gzM ggzgzft gft gggzg gmgg Rgjg z^ fggg gjzgzg
(i) 3r«iaft ^ trra armzi^ ^erPg^ arjzr^ #-3/10/85/3/1 f^zjjzg 28.06.1985 z^ggzt it gWR3gg
xzg apq 3r#m oiThcHI^-i 3ii4<h Rrerff^ arftTT #ZTJ it 05 zr^ Z|?f # uTTTzzft |
£TTf^ 3rrcr?zi^ 11 (x) ggg (arajkr u?#ggg ggg) it ygf^d "g^g zg#g gg#
(ii) aiTddl^d ^ Tft g^nTr ZRI ggrgg?, zjdbizj^ gRH, gBWMi g*zgzg zRs#g gzzgg jtrj
^ 3n^?zT^Hn zrfii 11 fecgfezff gag g^ ^ ^ggpR ggg ■ggrsft" z^ gggzg
(4) PltlfRd 3TT^ ^fhn:— g^RR 3gg #ztt it 05 zt^ zf?t j|g # grgpft 1
aizzjsfl cf?t 3ng Rdi-^ 01.01.2020 zf^ 21 zj^ ^ zpi w 30 zM (xi) Bgftgzre ?ngg ziiHi-g ggrgg ftgrg ^ gf#g gggg? Tjg?
Zft 3lte ZT iRzg QKxfRFre Z^ zf8jTzfrq/g^ Rrzn# aizzjaft 3-2/2002/1-3 gzjg^ Rzjjcfj 30,01.2012 z^ arggR ggg it
Z^ 1^ 31Tg #ZTT 30 zM Z^ 7-SnzT ZR 40 ^ Ffzft I ZR t^rggg zgR^ gir-sgggftg #g it agcTgg gg gjgg
^g^ERR arr^ zftgr ^ ^trizt. -hihi-zi zfRif Rig^ artrgrgg agg #ztt it gzj^ z^^ g^t #
W?TRTZT R-H|Z| 5RT ^RZRi-^lTRfTl IR gnfl ZJ^ f^?f) gggzfr, f^rair zj^ ggir #tgT ^gnit#cgg?ttigB^
^ zTFzT PlHig.'HK RS ^ zTT^Tcn ?tzft:- ari^rgrgg 38 g^ g>t agg #tzn gg> 1
(i) Tjf^ aizzjafl woflzH'id ?ngzf gRT arfSiz^Rid arfgRtrr zsnf^, dBtggzif cTIh:-
argz^flRT vridvriifri ijzr arzzj Rw-si znf (% ziMtdzR) zpr "gtzfR (i) Uotlg'iti gggg, gjzgzg ggjgg fcggg z^ gRgg gggzf> zjgi
gozt cR zjR f^zrrri! t, cfr g^ g^dz 3115 zM zrra z[^ crzp 3-2/2002/1-3 gzjg? Rdjch 15.06.2010 it zjTj fit^ z^
zizt -^r zmzzzfi I arggR wrilg'ici ggg z^ zjejT^j Rrzg# ajzgfg}# z^ Ic#
wa^lzH'id WR z^ wzft/3R«nzlft/zrzii 'EiKit zjT zmfM# ^rs ad^rggrg agg 35 g^ RigfRg t, 'Rgg gRgg gggzg zjzg
<+)')-diRiil gsjT wzdlzi'iti gzjzj P)'i*ii/4«cii snR" z^ cfitiyiRyi
3-2/2015/1-3 zjzjTggy, Ryicn 30.01.2019 it #zz zr
zffZRT ^i g-cddd airg zftR 36 ^ 'ztzft | arfzTzRTzi airg z^ arggR w#g'i<i gag z^ zfejj^j fSrzg# agglaM ^
oRzjIuHI chiyftliH ZHft^Rl ^ aRTzfcT zrzRzt chz^-dlRill' ^ 1cTZJ ad#^ arrg 35 znf zd wg gr 4o g^ ## iRzg ajRj fzt?tg
zft Z#cPTz} ^ I gzf xfr^-QSxfRrng zf; Ren# argzjjJxtg agf^, arggRrg agjag#,
(Mi) tpTTT anzjaSf gft wc4l f^Tzn zi-ijt gwrft z^zfzfj aRzft arrg ^i agg [LtwBi zjzf (% gftdt^zR), hRchi ag# zfj ad^tgrnzT
ggz^ SRT ^i z[?t zj^ gzzjxif sRaji^ zlqi zi?t arfSTzp agg #zg d gag gggg srg # rjg # zT^ t ^ r|g gsggg cgz]^
3Tf^ 7 ZI^ cTzr cf?( chidlciRr, ^ zti chHIdRt ^ ^ 3ri5izf> ##, ?rag gigi-g trtrtzt Rzgg brt agg zd ggg d gzrg-gzrg
WR zf^ zrf i^afi cfjT Tfprr cpg zir^ zfi arprrcr ZR or# IRd# zd aggR grr arzgfaf# gd agg d # and gr#
dlli'll ZRzg ZRTZ^ ilRuMH-Zd'hM g^SRPT 3ng, ^ftzR. cfrg g# yzRR gft weY gd gRnRid gRzf # ^ mggftg
^ ^ 3ff^ g Bt I zgtcf)<i>z"i:-"0gzft 17^ #gT d Rrgfdg ^ arf^rgurg arng 45 <Rf ^ arfdr^ zj^
^ cTTgrzJ f aft wi (aiartg wdlg'ii ggzj) gi Bfzfti
Rr^ zft gggzf) ^zpit 3R«nz}t ^ if d'lidiz zpg ^ ziri (ii) arrg g?t zrzzrgT fdzrigj - 01.01.2020 # ggd d zjd amz# I
zg? gzp ^ ^ gsjT OTt ■zKstztr zfJTzrtRg ii 31ZRT zgg (5) arzgaff aitgcnBZT arrdgzr # zj^ fd$nzrg d gftfg
zfRT^ ZJT gycniyl ■^Tzg RTzfRrg an^q-i gft di'fl<a anggzjg; dtgrf#^ ar^graff zzg arrg # arggnr arr#
arf^Rj ^ arfligj Tfrg t:{4 ww ^ gnft zjrr^ ar^BT gd arfg gR wg nRiRgg gR zrg ar^cn gft
^ giR"T t^ligTd R>zil '111 b) 1 gzRB ?tbT ^ z^ ^gd gd fdarRr ^ z^ufani gzpg Bfd
(iv) ^ aRzjaff zpT, gfr gcTg4 z^Pich ajqzft an^ gg^ grzT ZR # d andgg-zRi gd 1 zjftag d gfigfdig gRd arajgj
zTB^ z(?t Tf^ gzRxT gfrRCT '^zn zi?t aTzrfEl zfjzf cox-^ c(5t ajggf^ gragzzfTR zd feR andRtg gr# zpT araf zjB grgrfd z#f #TT fd)
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(b) WR gRT 31#^ PlijIvjiH ^ cffltTT RT SttEt^jRld 3r3?jffF RT^, 31j?i_Rld RRRltrt Ijf 3TR fft5FT Rf
■(Hcii'll, 3i^ ("f? nfftetR?) nf fft f snf t, ef Rnf 300/- (Rnf
(c) ^ ?TRR 3?EflR ^ ft ^ ^i Ft ft WfcRTTg^ ffn "ft) FR ftR Rft fft ef IJR wftRRF ^ RF? ft
r^k; "RJ 3CT1M*1 ^ fcFsI v3R ^ 3T^?TRff^ <^l4cjlft ^ ^ tfRft SnfcRf e^ tcTq Rif 400/- (RR£t RT? ft) 3nfRT
^fRtft, ?JeR "fn ftR I
viM^cfn ct)|iScii^ c^ "sptf sjmR-^ (12) RftSTT ^ "WRET f :-
cR ?R> 3TRtf^t?T -rft eft Wtpft, 'OT cR' fe!i— (i) 3nftn 5TF 3nftfftF nfan mmft f ^df"Hi strr ^rJcrrr
(i) STRsSf ^ RtRga f kj-HI STRTlfR^, uft efF 7R9 RT RIRTH nft 11 3TF: FF FRR f ffrft RRR e^ 3T>RfRT R?
^ RTt, ^TfgcT c[Rf em arcRR ^ 1^ w Ft. afr? ffw? nft fftR rhi'ii I
(ii) arwistt gRT arjim atcri^ ftm ?RgfT (ii) sTRft snftR eff Rfan # rrf-rr f gsR rrt-rr nf
STRTlfFR f^RR f^RTT 'mi Ft 1 "f^RR RR T3Tt? f e^ FRR f Rfan e^ RRRF Rfan Ptdden,
(9) 3nfcii;- ®t#rFT5 Rrffm #n (^ ^ft wfr ?Tf) Rm, OicflF'Iti RtR fR Snftn, RRFTR? fiF, FRg? Rt RR RtFlfft
1961 cf Rm 6 ef afJfTR PlHlclRiJd 3RfFT Ftft :- RRlft ef srwnfRR/ftlRTRF fffF R? FRR t, Rt Rfan ff^
(i) ^ ft 5^ 31^41, ffRTeft IRI f 3TlStcp 3ftff?r Ft ft 07 ffRF ftF? snftn RTRteTR f 3lPle||4d: RTRT ft Rtf
3fR gtrf ft hRhI STRjft ftRrf ff SjffF if ffRT Ft RlffR I FRT STRlf 7^ R?RTF RTRT STRTfRR/ftlRTRF R? 3nftn
f^RRtt qF^ ft irfif ifttfcT Ft, l%ft ifcfT ^JT ^ gTF ffRT? nft If) <11 "RTTJR I
ffgffF em iTR i=lft FtTT/'Tft ftft I (13) RTRT am RT ■yTFTR :-
TTRPf em F'T WTF "f ■CTTMR ft WJ ff? (i) Ijcfln'Ici e^ ff ^ ffntft Rt, Rt fftft ftR f R ft FRT
^m?f ^ ffft^ ^FRR f, ft W tff 3TWRff ^ F^ ffjR ef Ucft?H'lei RRTF gTF RtffF ST^TjffF Riff, 3Tg?jffF RdRlId
MfiT ^ f -def'I! I
Tjf 3TRT ftTJFT Rf (f? iftftftR?) ^ STRlft f, Wrfl-H'Iti
(ii) effi ft 3TRift ffRtt fren Rf iR 1R cR Fep ffgjR irft ffRr RtFR ^ RRletF ffRRt ft 3TEftR Rfan f F|tf (ctd ftf R7
vjijt^'il ijR cR> Ijf Cjfl "RTIR^J qftsF f, ^ ffffcT ^ vTR, ?nRTFn Rif RT RFlffR fffftF ffiRR Fftt RT RRR ■gnFTR
HuRHef) 3ft? ^nftRef) if ir?«ji sft? fen m ir f cpfR cimfl RRT e^ 1}f Rfen ef;^ R? efmitziar 5TF ff)RT RTRR I
ef Rc=R f WTEIT FTcT ?R5f ffift RrRW R ?nftfF fw 3rRT®ft nf fft^ efjREnar Rt qilwd ftRR—rr rrr?
f yiTO "R Hmi uTR I fFT ftRt Fsn RTRT Rcf Rf RTRFT ft "fftfF 3nRRRR Fft
RRTF-RR R?^ R?f ftf I 3TF: f TfcftFRF RTIFR 5TF
nfsn ^ ijf if>ft feTT RT1R iR F^ ?if ef 3R£nftit sRsnft nilfelgd 3TlfRTf FTF RRF RTff RRTF-RR Rf RRR gTF
?R f (f^eM ffrm uTT ?Hef)J|| % "Jiff uf RK-azi ^ "f STSTR FRRffF SttfRRf gTF UHlf^ld Rfffetff FFT RRT
arftR ITRIT "TJJT ft M-MeR "felR (TRjM ?RFtT elf uTT "TRtft 1 fffetJF ftRRT RR e^ FTF fcHH Rttt, Fft TJif Rl[f)C IfrFR
(iii) efff ft 3THiaSt 1%ft ifelT R 1R 1R ffgffF ef feR 13?T f^eiff ffdl RTTJRt I
f RR lift fRT, ?lf^ fift RTR ef iff ff) aneRJR) "^TRFft (ii) FT&tlfRK ^ fetf - "FTanrRR fg FRftsTF ftf RTf FRRtRF
RR, PiyRkl Wllfehlf em F^ W if ?RRR ft RR ffl FF ff&rft e^ 3T«Tfatff "Rf FitlN"! "Ref RR RRFlfR fffftF ffrRR
•fRT "R 1R ef f^ ffjft f vJil^eW ^ 11 "FffT RT ■gnFTR PiRHI^FK R'f^RtT 13(i) f viwtRgd lifwd
(iv) Rtf ft 3THia5t J#mT3f ef ffRg fjTRft 3FRR RT 1%^ RRTF RR R?gF RT?f R? StTflR RTRteTR gTF ff)R RTKRTTI
fR FFROT W ft, fepft fen R 1R R? ffgtfvT f^ RR (14) ffirffT f vicxtRsId Rf/nFtRgf fffRT/vlMRI'f 3TTR
^ ftR I
RT fdfdd (Interpretation):—
R?ig RFT FR ffpft SRnft tfRg RTRcRf f ff , FF IfFttfr f defied RTf RFcRjf fffRT/RTFRtTf 3TTff e^
cffF ft ft RIRf RT RRR SFRFlStR RFct RT Stfrtrt fffRR RR 3TlfRR? SnftR RR RfnT Tjf FRI Rif^ f
ffff?Rl frf rTR dRcl ?<ai RRR 1 apFsfl e^ gTF RRgF 3T«TTfnF RTF! Fft fftR RTTtpTT Tjf
efff ft Sfwift, f^RTf ffRF ef> fcR ffRT Ff ^?JRR 3ng f 3nftn gTF fetFT "RRT fffn 3fffF FFT STFlft RR RFFRRf
^ fcRiF Ri? fetR ft, tfift fR R iR R? Riyf4a f^ RR ftFT I
^ FtR I
(10) RRT yf^IR :— ffFnffct iR n? RRt ef fcR ff^fffr snFRTR
■fsrf&IR "ftRFR f 3ft7 FF R'9(1l3f ftf "f ft
cttR ifRT anFtR.
vJifteJelK Rfffn/RSncRW fg Jdlf Rtf ef FRR? nft ft
Rtf f I 3nflR gRT 3I«lft RT RRT, ffsfffT -JJHdH ftRRaft
aiajR Rgn jjt'ildisf aiaRT ftft ef sttr? r? rsrrt? fg
ejtfteiclKl nf R?3R fttfcT R?f ^ StlftR SRT "e^R?" RlBtTcRR
gm 3ISIRT RfaiT RT RffRRR ef RERR ft 1flR RRR I
ftR:- Rf^ ff^lPtd RR fg RTRT 3tTfRR RRt ^ srifefR
Ftft t ft PtHI'i'HK RRI f^>R RRRT:-
(i) xjiftRR? Ri RRT nftan tr "RamRR "ef rert ft f^R rtrr i
(ii) R^an iilvjidi nf^ftiR-fR fr rfrrf nff^-ft f nRiftiF
(iii) Rfen fg rrj?, ^-tfrnif, rrrft^?, 3t1^fRTg? ijr ffenng?
Rfan e^ ftf I
(11) 3)tncTTFF anfRR ^trfRF !fj,cR i—
(i) WatlF'ieJ ^ TJ^/itRftn pjejift, Rt fft Wefl-M'ia ef

0) HfeTEMt 'FftaTT f^rRTJFTR

(i) HnfRpTS ^■^gr (^to) - yam (f^Rsid yftsTr) f^RTc^ yreJiy ^ ^ ("ffg^RT) yftarr - flrfty
(wancffSR) %g ar^rMi cm ar^ %iit yrrcrm i
(ii) fefty Tiyi {■?IT5TRy>R)—
fJifed y^an ^ mnccfjR yra awf antm ^tfe c^ a^g^ f^rf^RT ^rRjff y?t ^aff cTsjt fM arwif^ yji 'etifi
arftJHi-ydi ^ amrm feyj uttwi
(2) fcffecT yft«n:-
(i) nsTR (feiRild yfran) cRgPt^ scItr ^ ^ tra PinigFiR ^:-
y?^ y^.i oiHi-aj aiKHRT, -yTyT (f%^. antaft yg onfRnr^) yy ff^w yftem. ftTc^yiyTryyi yy yrftfyi yl'^di
y?^ cj?t Thsji 150 yyy, 2;30 y^, afyi aoo

y^y yy.2 R5IH. ytW^ryft, yyfyyn, f^sin yy yrl^raft

y?yf ci5t aRSTT 150 5Ry, 2:30 y^, afyj 300

(ii) yajy yay (fcifey yfrerr) yyy yy (yf fctocy n?y) yyiR ^ #jt, yRfy n?y fcTii yR atmcy yya ^ ai,
y. yf alk y if %yi arryyT f^ry^t ^ yyi yya ytfl/f^rcRyyy arfl ariysff yft ytR gRyyy 5rt l^rWd
yr^/PicheciH arftyr^yttai, y, aiyryif^ yy, ya f%pg errTTyr ^ 1
(iii) PRy yyf ii ytyyyy? ijcyfcpy yy yramy ^ 1 atwro ijcyfyjy fiyy ajy yy yyty yrryyr: -
M0 = MxR-V3MxW
C1161 MO = aRysfi wiMTiicn, M = yy? arft acnx c^ f^tylRa HTyrryj ajyyr y?y RlcilPla f^jy yyil y?t i^srfcr it gy: fyyfRa wimico,
R = apyaft gRT fty yy yRRf y?t aRsyr yay w = apyaff irt yy yRd ycd^ y5t wfi 11 yryy aja yy yyty g?^ ypyfyff
yit yyyr yyymy ^ yR aryit yy? y?t ymyfi 1
(iv) yryr (fl^, arcraft afia yr#m^) ^ yyf^ iRy yaft yryr it ^yyy argyry ^ayym y^ #nT 1 ^ PRy 1%^ yay aRtpfr
ii #itl

(v) feffecT qftarr apypfy arwifafyf yii y?y yyf if yjy ^ yry 33 yfcRRT afy? ypy yRii 1 argajf^td ynfrT/arggflm
uUvjiilri/apy firEfdT yf c^ yyjWf ppr^ if ar^cmft ayp c^ 23 yfrRid #>) 1

(3) aymicyjia c^ fc^y anyf^y %it yyii yr^ arwjfafyf y?t atasyr, i^siim ii ^ y# a-erRff yft arasyr ^ cryyy afty g^ #f( yay yyfyR
affrm apyaff yaraa afyj ypt yr^ apft apyfafyt yir f^y yay (aTTanayya) ar# yryr yrryyi 1 a^ if arwraff, arryty yiai
foiRaa y?l8TT ii ar^ pIRp Rhpi uTT^yr, ^ aysiicpia a^ yyy yfit 1
(4) ayenayya:- anaTTaama a^ 75 af^ ^ (^ara^ yrtl ar^yyft -gypH afap y^ #)) 1

im - 1 m ?f[mm, mrnr m amtRm 7m sir^Tm}, tjigaft 7m Tfatmm, Rfm
argT! 1 armTgrn- ancR} Ttrmfl if aimrgaft m5} Rartcl m -tHimi-ej ijjt^
wr 1 - aicqTR mWRTm. mr^^Wm m aff7Rftmm cist gmtmrnmr fcriSm ym m
1. wfrWTS cm Wrsra ^<r^T3RTT 3Tret^ if wWtc cm I OTEfrm 1 7p5 m^Ttppjf cm^Rm ajtRm-^cTPtmr Tfcf tiRtfJcp atm
2. WfRTTC cm ijTfra, Mtdcll^ ifttr[cfi ^?m;, mWRT, li^ildlfacj, 4Ri^ 7i;t gmtmmcm fcrfSi, Tjm ircf wfrm. 7^^? mrnmrn c^f^
^ mfCT c^^ I qgdcf), qlfdlatm, mictt Iclmi^oi ch-fiki^'S, imciM, nijq mcf amqiofcp 1
3. Sf#FFT? cm cpmr tjcf ^fr^, Fmra^,
?PTT TJcf dlchlRlill l (2) mIRiqs Rsiim
4. Wcdl'Fi'lcJ cfit vFTuTTfrRIT, fcT^ WRm,(ftm IJcf cdlsR I vhvjif ^ TqjtTT— vhotf 7^ qcjlq mgtcT 7171 MKcqRcn T^tcT, ^ll-t viiotl
5. WfRTTS clft 3?a}cJIcRSJT, cR c^ I 7m T^itcT, ^ if smf vjivifca 7^ Tmrm mftor cnqq ^Rkiqi, Tftem
6. HccflcH'Ici sm nWHftcp RaiT^ ?im=T qrlRcft^| c^qsy, yttciy ^ei, qqq malt, \jici mut, qiqVlyt, oflqRm ^rnm,
7. udldH'ici if mm '?cf 7#rm cfRmjm i aum?} ^Eim, apg?} ^ -uPtcistd maif, rniRrastm fctT^sm,
■Mciqq, ?^<geii aiftfiqi, qiPlcniti RtjcmR, milmcplq mTnf Tf; mrm
m ^iPliif I wm- yqsi^i citt gc^, g7imr 7m grmfm, qyiqrlq 7^
TFT 2 — TWT (f^'cfl, 317}uft f^mm, Tmra m cm tict? ^ gncmfm, -mmcid, ^STrra 7;g aracfd
(1) 'HIHI-^ gTftm 5T7T yfciRrq -tm-n, qjl^-ti ciaTT qqjai Bicrqi if TfmtT, 7m
•HTm—cfiy, RTf?p?i (torn, Tufimrdf '^Rf fctcffn RFitwf^ si«^i fifm fci1& gM ai7i7m mfw 7i>t gftcURT ^ wr 7mm, u-V-l if
^ 3?a} ir^, cITcWra C^ fcR tjcp mrafe 3Ti?, 7# TJcf fcT^, Tfgsi I gw?T gJT arggcfm— ammfm 7^ Rram, qiim 7^ 'pccn gm
FHIHir?Hcb TRRcHi If? TRRT-fctTT?, cTmR IJct cT^ TM,9Tc5 aigcicfm, rbflrich 7i7mi, ^ aifriRcb TRTciTtm, tptf aifriRcb TRTcitfm 7m
cTTcfq viM'iH'l umiTj, gsTO^ *jcf cMtte (ma} xjcf jrafm), era attcR if viymVi, #h (arfirm^ Tjcf 3mm?r #h) gRmm,
ct75mi Rirflrit c^ ^IrrgTH if 7mm fcmram xicf mmTm, mlct)^ gcmftm 7^7^, cfn grm yfdf3«i tert, rnimm ^ ^ttcn
wWtttc c^ miflrmTcfTR tj^ci?} TrRixj i ■^ig gcf [q-<icf)<u| cisji tpt^ giftm c^rR aitm rrti if gmrnr,
(2) General bn)>llsh TRm Tjemggff ciag TsmMm ^ttt?}}, tritr, tjgmtm, cm4[^|?r,
Coniprcliension, Precis Writing, Re arrangement and Correction of Rmr am^ (733 7i;t Tajigmr m^) 1 aftm gmrg-fTrgfT
Sentences,Synonyms,Antonyms, filling the Blanks,Correction of (ftcRT, fctmrn-fclmTifTR, fTtgcT eiri, aft^ 7m Rwm, gfcRtm, 14Rm
Spellings, Vocabulary and usage. Idioms and Phrases, Tenses, gfcT^j, gmrrfTfri 71^4 cn^ cmrm, gfri^ 7m TrotTSR m
Prepositions, Active Voice and Passive voice. Parts of Speech, aitfctm gm, fct^ tjM cm isisttm gmra, ^rrnist aydlRidi, gifTfrt
Translation- English to Hindi, Letter writing. tjcf fct^ mjit ara psi mtjRT (mfTim) (4^ gTjtmtf if T7#t Tmit
(3) Wrvflet'lcA 'TRT 7iic}t wcRiRrzif, fci^a mm 7;cf TmroRm gigci, giaiRm, f^cftmm
mrar c^ fiH, mm c^ fcfcmm ara $frr?TO, yfd, §qcp g,"i—q}q, c^cnciiaH yid, Tid, ^tltn yimiqcp yid
Bf?#Fn^ mm ci> 177} gg® mWrnm, fjcrftmrn^ 7^ 7RT7RI «TRi ^ Timm-fct^ arm ^ ^Hct^lii
cdlchF"!, ^ »w}l>H'lil 3bJ ^ yiJIKHplch gmrci, aftrSs 7m gTitm, fcf^ -grqcnlg smmr, fct^ mtsr, dfqm 7i?i
i^lcdcblsi I ct)i4y"iidl, Ri<gi-a 7371 viqgl'i, ydjiqal arm tjci f^cc sim cm
<iRi-tt 316ZITR 1 ftrit if fclya fcl7io}q, f4nuRi qifdcpi,
mrm 3 — mftsm, Rtf<^ gm aiR)m> mf'mrti fctmff, x-f^Rtif Tjcf ?g7^ i '^Hdseq-'fRm 7[ci gcmr,
1. Tram 7f^?im MKwRcb ctfrmm 1 T^Rr ^rqcn, ^rqcp 7Rt4 71?1 [ciRiqi, ^rqcpcq 7m atl"|[c|qs Rlgl-d,
2. aifc|)ct> 7T7|} aftr f^?cW'iT7m7i5 afRTTi 1 ^Wiqilg fcRm, ^tqqslg '^Sm, ^tqqslg sRl y<gni g aqcfi ^jni TTaiT
3. Pivlii - PrmW ait? Ttmrmr tomm | «tet y<gn; T^fTRT I ■^•qqsrq, ^tqcnig qqsR, ^rqcpfg trg gi'ilfdqi
4. mrmrmi mrmRm cii'mm 1 gimtrvR V.H.I, m 0 if WSJ I
5. 73^ TRsttrmm 7f)Ti} (wmrmi mf^itfto cfit^rm) (tctt—7fj8TT gmcf}'),
arfcb^ cirt oqTBm W7mT, Tnfcmim, arfcm^ Mdlkicii (a) Ttffg f^5TFT
5wt^) (T7m-7P8TT gmff) I ui-^gtgui-gmr gggT wMt, fctgmM, grRRRiMi
riaiT 7R7j?t4t I yiRrnggldi, citgoi yf^qi 7^ Tig^ gg 1 7m cnif^iqslg
STSFT q5r - 2
Tiftci (apffcTf) m qgcnif^iqsig uifq (fessi) if gfER I 1^«t 7m gpER
TRi iTci gicR gf^m I g7mgT—Hi3(4y"i-yRdiyi yfem cfi gg^g gg,
mi'l 1 — R511-1, yletlRlctTl, Hi|fq>iu|, trg qiPtctTI g7m?i arfirf^ 1371 afemR aiRrf^gr ggam TRcigm 7iit gmf^TT
ciRii gi^ girm 7371 ggiRT-TRemw Tfgtff gTitg 1 ?7RPT- yRpihi
(1) RTumm R51M gftg 7^ iTRR mr, wrg 7371 mratwgm mrR 7^ ggm?, apcRtt
tmimPiqi arfmftjqi mf} tjm emimf-iq) TTfRf— ><i<diq(qq) ?7RR 7371 aRTcRff 5gTR, q-joq 7m ggtflR rfg 7371 ?crr yf4>qi
arfiilrhqi cj?t gR cm witTncr) 51M, cTiq m mm TRrrmf-m atRtlshqiy, (nRTm TjiRTisRt) ?cmg Tpjifgi (r.o.) gmfa^fg gm 7371 gt#R
tjTTmpjfrm TfT aRyTmrnffm TraraPm arfirfMrn, TmrmRm wm cm I gRq^H-tM if TPei 737} 7#ra cmn gg gfWr Tipgait if
mfcTTft tjT^, amm 7^ etm, pH Wmr (mmm airf^ mm) mmiM yRddri (mgg ^ Tfgi} if) ttRr gfi trtri tisit gii4 fgg gft
m a,mti5ht}| a#rf^7nxT 1 cgs memTPjyf TrmraRm TffRm-^pm m •pRgrii gap 7m4f4f4 t4Sr gif^Rraf gft TfmRT Trap gjrf (TJirfim
viqqVi, qqi-3 7j?t vtotiqq (vjiet, 7mT% cm TtTsr, <!tN 7m wg) cm ajTmi gggr, gfSR Tn3^ gg airaR Tif?R tgi cRttgg
til'Si, fcRum^ m rmTTsm mm mR<i), mqq f-Fifm TmSt 7gs cRi 7^ gg41 fgg ^ TfgfStci #g 1 \JrBvjf-i- tM if doHufg 734
amafl mm Rrmfm— Tfrifs, 7f)fEi 177} §ygia 1 ejt^—anqcf Tpf^tifi vSdfvjfl Tigis} t3pg3if if gdHuf-1 73g aoPvf} afg gigg if TjmgRi
if ajT^aff 7i5t Rajf^ ijcf Tpmrmj 3pm, sm^ of-m arTrm, <aPivn trcf rfg 734 vjonu}q yf4>qi (TfRmg TmmRt) c^[^r ^gg; (srafeiRm)
aRRTp if afcR I tiidch*}- aRRTfif cm Timm, ftmrmm, mafm, gmrnm 7mTmT f-rmpT ^ <iqf2irT gfg 1 Rramor 73g ■^ppgg—rfts}


xjcf wptRi MK4 shI-i, jbt rrf^raT iR-aon cjit <si<Mddi<, yychl [3i?ldciiy, ycRfc'ly rfSTT [313—1 yKTeff ^ yrfST
(^i4, "^TTcPTT cf)i4 yfrlcicll f^ill, 3r^: cjyy?f <idcscii, TjycRT ■yry, <a<4adi<l yy cr^^i, cjI(3cr ctsjt
^-^iql'irfeTTT SI'lT-l XJcT ctjkJ I yvit'l'l 9uFPT c^ 9cPR, <i<iiy[3cR RfddFi I
ST^ff'tcf) MmI'1'1, Ic|<au^-i gcfjeR >7^ 4,'1'0c;*ic|'i, cllft Mul-I-I, ^yr—ylfacR, <i<iid[ycR trjt tM3cr ^yT <y-ii c^ ycRyy cistt
ct>eiH ciMi*ii, srRr^cf) 9uft^, ^ c^Ri0
yyyyi, yi<c[fy ^aff yy angPfcR yflcRyui, ijyT c^ oRtyr yay
WFR 3fT (^t^) 'f't TRtHT ''^ yul-l-l yfi^JI ffTPTFT vHMcni^l)
cri4Picr <ittccR cTSTT ^yr vicMidcRcii fiiyi3 «£i3 if yychl ijfifyy,
TRFPT, Pi^xiH I J^Hci y^iHH ?ra mi yuiHH yftjiji (■hihi^j
^Hchi^l) a^yiRici?! iTcf RlchKH^jdiRicjTl PiHciiy, ai^ciiRichdi c^ [^ ytryyycR ytyy) dcy ysTT ijyT sfR #[[ ^ ayy
cfJT 3imR ^ DNA (5NPtcf) vdHchl^) BTyyyft crt, ^ y4<cii, ^ y4<di c^ Ri^id ttstt [33cri^u[
f5l#?i3I d)i4(dcf> fctcRra ct)T ywf^fcR (idcl sMf^ cPT f^t^RT) I d4<cR nyty afR wrryifcRT yfw yysr yy •jdiicR-i, ijyT 3 yi^sjfvjiy
y?t ?TRf, ciidMH STR 3 yii^Wy yyyfy erydT, ijyT if
(4) yrf^fyR y[Rict51cR<ui ^ 3 yyvRfTO yy yf^Rfyy yy TftRTySfyrM
fclsid yleilRlctTl Cf?t ■<105^^ ■Tlfel IJcf dllrldl ^ did—'(IHd
?T8TT y-lcRI ysf OMMIM, <1M<-<1i uIMcR cTSTT Vi-ICR ■^ETjy, c^ d<lcR I
^ cTI^ yRcli^H, oMfMt C^ I ■HRcI CRT STdRa chUlsRH
yTei f^yTyry c^ artny qy yfysyy yWyr, q4dfy, Ri<lmyl' ctstt
T^ ylalPlctil, C^ g 3T^ TJTWT fitcRTTT ^ cRdiyl' ^TT^
yiRyf if 3fq4y dSTT 3i4di6 yy'ETy, gycRl ttttIcIct yiy^ yi^ qgyr
if cy^ydVl, 5^ TJct 3T[^.3R7.TJ^. cT^ | •fTTTfr if
tiMfMr ci?[ ^jftcRT, cRTOj^ CRT 3Tmr7)j^ stth, #eit^ ^ irtt^ daTT yyyy), yryjiif c^ afR irrRf dyfSid dRyTy, yq[ qfftd c^
if cRU^e>i, Sn^fcR ffe ^ripj^cRR cRT RcRKH, STT^.A c^ sfyft 3 ^[^ x3dTTyy 3 Rai<di diy yf^ sfRftRTcA 1
3j^yiJMI I vRvJil ^T'iTltld — vRcjll cj^t HIM, MmImIcJicI OlMdlMlcl^rl yrfy dcqiyy "^f yfyfStd yfef dqyfy srydT, Rfyii yy4$Ry c^
cRvjiI c^ ^-pffcT, MiI^crIm vRvJll cRT 4^1 ^ RcRKi siMMll^id! I ^TTTcT MMcju-g, Ridi^ TiTef eft 3mdi6 ?Tf-f cRt cRy yry^ y^ [3ltiqi daTT
if cic{mm [3511-1 1?^ yleilRicRl cRT fcfcRT^, c(i(3 cRT cjdM^, ciiR yrmy, %q craiT fe^yyy yryi Rfyii, ddicRid ijRf ^ yryr yy
if Tmfrl yTTTcT, WfT if IR^ fcTfTH, f^TJoFT TTcT PicRKi Rfyi^ yfei y?f 'j,f|dcdi, ^ day yrei q^qR yy aftatPtcR
•fITTcT if ^ yR<5«1 I
dfg-wiid4 yy iRTy I
qyj[ yysT, fcfqy ygdT daTT f^dydiy, qy4 yfidldyi, ^rfdwyf
(s) MilfcK"!
Rf^TJdi ^ vj'dcRi ^Rer^iT- -iHiHi-ii yRdd-yR'Miyi, yy ^tcidH dqtffy day yyry dyiyi, [3Pi-y qyyy y?f <yf3 wiifdyl
3I^c||R|cR UTirrfrt TJcf qTf^«TfrFR cf^ f%fct«cTT I ^TIRcT cRT y>[ 3faJaicR«y I
T^—'HImIfetch d'HcD'C"! I v^cl [313wai cRT MgCd—|c|-1RIcRI'<1 cjyiTlM c^f^ f-fcFTt yfty ycqidl yy fcfqwy sfR cjed Rmfdy, ydi<
dcMKcR vjycjfM. WTTfuTcR, 4fcTcR, SchfeMcu Mgcd | fcfM yyiy afR dyyff erryd, c^ yraJoycRfgy 3 "dgyrRt dwaff yff
^TTT%T T^ fclf3?TcTT, >l|6sJ1d TJcf wifk ^ ^ f3fc|TTdT I TRTcT ijRryy, cf) qyyy day yuiifciii! alR ddcRl qyif^d yvRf yicf
Ijgi fctfctlTrTT cTTet ^ c^ if I ^ fcrfcftTfTT c^ cTicT WcT I
f?tf3«Trn cRf «Ttrt-3TTcIT#II, eifrl, cRT T^fcH dft arfct, W
c^ fcRdRT, fyfyy y^ alk ijlifyy, ^ [3<di< yyaSsRyf c^
CRT TR^ ^rra^l iTRTfT Jlit TTcRdm-l (fctgid ^) Tjg ^TSIT%T
ycRlfrlilf I TScr-fcrf!|?TcTT cRT WOT-3TfffMrtcR TMT tfff^aifrlcR ^81^ I
ij_c<iicRy yff fcfRmf, diyifeicR ayRfyr yrcfard day y# alR
MilfcK"! TT^W- 8RRTF, TRlcT T;cf fiRfoFT c^ Wq-dTg TI^W, #fTfd ditjcRf y ijfit#y c^ 8TfifcRf y^t Rarfci, [3<dK yyafyidfaff
^ TT^w, ^ szrfit cTTiftn c^ fc^ yftierd yy^yry, yyViaiidi ^ dy? yy yyzfcRy 1
-iififc)T|it yc^yui 1 ^ aryf^ yw=T—T'l^ld ijcf aileill^cR ^ cRfftiyy Ri.gia, cRtRiyy <i<y-ii, yftftTyy afyyi day y-icR yyaj,
c^-cR^tcRcT ^ yysT^ crrfr, tthtct yy RW5R i y^w c^ Pimc:i"i if crIRicri f^yryry, -<if3dcR ayyi <H<y-ii day yya}, y[ty wertt day
oZTf^cT y?f ijpfcRT I 3TiyyT yyER—yT?, ''jcRy, cisRciin yy ij^'t-taet-i/ •yyyy crt4, arrgyfRicRdT c^ Rfyy day qiyq qyryy if yyyff
yryy vii-i<10111 yy yyiyyT 1 \Ji-i<ioMi [cIIm-i <1^1 if vtrtott diaJcRdi, ij,ui<id ((RfyRrfy) <H<-d-ii, f^qary, ngd-yni i?y
if fiRTcTT I xttrrstt f3<y)1e-yRcti< cRc-ufi crt^crjt i yyfyyci yy
yffy [ctRfyy yg g^yfyry qxyyy 3 dyyil <iis4cRdi, yggRidi,
yrycr WT-wi I
<ggRid day arggRid, ^ay yy "g^o ddrRycfy yy qRra gsTR if
yyyjf gPfyy, f3f3ydT, f3fcrETdT c^ dsay, ydiyRfcy, ysodT day
(6) f3 511-1
3TdyfyydT, yffyidy day iRTei gayy^ yyyy aiguyVi, yrfftiyy
yiRfMctyr frfsTR yy RHy c^ yrrfffWn, mc^fcrcR
yyft dRii'ifri, [^ dgdH, oyrf^d day [cRt y?f13d efOT 1
WTTER, ^ cRtyy yy yy^T ct«tt #?£tf, iR<Hdf ^ yyrryy
qryq qyryy yy ^fiTgrd, yryy y^ f3fStyr, <yP3qy day yfyidy
yy f3ri<cj| c^ cRKcR c^ oy if hIIcicr yy <iiMifcricR yyfyyuT, MKicif
dcR-flcfS, qyfTcft qfsit yy ygyy yy f3cRKH, ygyy yy ■yyyyd
c^f if uTcTyrg^ty ^ cRyf yy yTiy, yytyyy c^ <icrcicr c^ wt
affiift yy Rfyy, wy aygyfflTcR ddTSR- ifRayy day yqarry, qgay
<i <tto yjy qy MRdcf-iyTfei yyfyyy yy yTiy, tRTcff, yiRiyl' y
qyfTcif c^ gayy 3 qiyq qyryy c^ Ri^idl' yy argqyfy, y?ifRy
lyycff cfe yyfcRxiffy gijisFr yt yf«ra yray I
cTOT, d'aiidcfl, qyp day g-Kidtfl ydy, ■yyfyfr arydf, qiyq wd-i-i
• 3?! ^ fcfR-RT c^[3 cdeidi^ sfyff if <i<<j sRM if [3<"^11M-1 yy 3tI^cr
3 ^<HcRi qgcy, dyy? arfyr qy Tjdyy dqyfy. wd-1-1 yft wdm<icR<"i
OdidK yTe?t cTSTT 3ic-yid[®t f^Rpff yy yyry, y^ <i<y-i, dg<d<ld,
[c[f&, ^ qy iftsy' qfMd c^ fcrq qxyyy, afd<iuii41y day
argyy cT8tt 3fci<i<i«n y?f <icRey-ii (Tstt ora ^cyryy if ^yyy
sfddyafry <icr<"i yit gRfyy, qiyq yd-1-1 3 41d TfRrfffTyft yif
ysry, 3?! c^ f3[ii-i sfytrf if crt y4f m1<hh)' if ycyiRa g<5y
gpfcRi, (313—1 qRTeff qtarf yff y—id [3><3, <icr<, f^ar 1
aryiyf. ddgH. f?idgH, yfyfyr, yiW^yyj yy yryr y^TTerf c^
cffyr ultilPidfl qy d<icRi y?cy, [3l3-i nyyy c^ ^Ry day ddyyy
ycTTyy ^ Qcrvr <|[ricii i
qy ddiaR yft cryyfRS | iryrd 3 4Ry d?qryy, ddiaR day f3M"i-i
• fcff3y yyyy c^ yyyfyiy cj1<3 f3i yy [3<cii<, wyrfuTcR yrt-fyif, c^f3
3 <i<cRi<l qy [3vjil yif gf3yy 1
d[f3chl yy yjc^fach yyf y^t ^<£<1 f3yfycTTy, sfy ct^tt [3<-cii< i

• fclgi-i 3tU fclslH 5WiT 3ra: 3ftvr,Part -2 - Language (Hindi, Lngllsh and Chhattlsgarhl)
(1) General Hindi Langitage - Comprehension, Understanding. Precis
cT^, 3ft^ TOTTTtT, ^ cpl 3Tcf?frw 3}h TefHTcRW,
Writitig, Synonytiis and Antonytns, Homonytiis and their meaning,
ciwIod^H 3fl^ ^ git f^cTcuRmr i^cf vjgmgg ^ ^rfg^ ^i tirgxr
meaningful words for a phrase. Vocabulary and usage. Compound
cf)i(<5ct?1 Rh<sici, ijgr - ^Tef wi wr i words and their separation. Words taken from Sanskrit language as
uft>ug ;jcf ^H?^g^-3mjRrEp ■iHcbeM-TPj sfk it Is and with some changes, word and sentence correction. Prefix
ggR gjt ?mTftcT gic^ gjRg;, arfg# cr sRfg# atid Suffixes, Proverbs (meaning and use), letter writing, Different
phases and nomenclature of the History of Hindi literature Writers
C3. C4 & CAM ftbgiRISigi, cfiiglei^^c, silcTlg 3jcf crtt v)4iggg,
of Chhattisgarh and their works.
^1^ 'jg gRgtIg, 41Ra giilciai gg g'^olgi^i^i, sifteR, giglg afR
(2) General English - Comprehension. Precis Writing. Re
3RI grgg Prtto, ?gg5t f^ g5t IsbgiRiltJ ctstt gsR, arrangetnent and Correction of Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms,
gfertRg af^gw g51 ggWi, ut^gigcfig aggggg^ cTsg Filling the Blanks, Correction of Spellings. Vocabulary and usage.
gg® -nf&Jigl" ggf gsfm #Tf gg g?^, gil ^tfcraf afR Idioms and Phrases. Tenses, Prepositions. Active Voice and Passive
voice. Parts of Speech. Translation-English to Hindi. Letter Writing.
^jggg clsiiPich amjR, g^ff g ^rrfcrgf gi ^rmeng cwr fitwr g5t
(3) Clihattisgarhi Language - Knowledge of Chhattisgarhi language.
wRgrg, Hgcggyl wcfr ftsir ^rfcrot vjgggt g! gR^stw g^ g^sg
History and development of Chhattisgarhi language, literature of
fctgtwrg, ^rowg ag>4l0 cT^it vjg^gj^, grgg gtw if g>c4l g Chhattisgarhi language and laureates. Chhattisgarhi grammar, Hindi
TrfsuTgr g^l gftgg, gftgigg^ glwt gir vi'iNi, c-tr afR gR—gifrgt to Chhattisgarhi and Chhattisgarhi to Hindi Administrative Dictionary.
gg arftcfcMg gsg arPlfciRKi i
• RRfi if xFrfsZfi, giei irapTt afR gtRT 4)>Hcil g^l 41'iiRgi aftg 41■sg) Part -3 - Intelligence Test. Analytical and Logical Ability
1. Communication Skills and Mutual Skills.
(gisigi gffg), giggi 4l>sg>l trar gfgiRgl ^k"! ^arr g^ffg^OT,
2. Logical reasoning and ability to analyze.
grgg ifrggff gg fRrfM Rrtrt i; f^ngfa, 4tegff affg ^ gg 3. Decision making (Development and Problem Solving)
4lfcicf> f^nggpg, 41>sg>l g 41'il gg TRrgrfcR ggsR, vn-rgf^^ 41 g 4. General Mental Ability
fiRR gg ggtggR, g 4gff gg -nggiifJid ygsR, ggggf^ 5. Basic Statistical Works (General Mathematics Ability) (level - Class
X) Analysis of numbers. (Chart, underlines. Tables
4r f^gR gg 'jglggR, 4RgRiRrat, gfwi gg IsggiRltJ, gi^gfrfcfg^l
firElTr ggg ^ w?j Rggft gfgcrai i ^aggM aifcR i QUESTION PAPER - 02
• 3RRT g gicil RgN 4l-sgi gag 4r affg gggii f^Ursw i
1RR if ?gra wrrgg crag rrR g5t srffaRf, gi^fg gag SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, AGRIC I LTl RE
afrRf^ ora -flRigf, x?gggg gggg, fcr?ggg ^arr gfgnaR & FORESTRY

aiggR gr^k aggrg gfrRR il ?gra ygggg gg gigar, cSeftfM

afk gkk g?t fMg giiwr i
Rate of chemical reaction and chemical equilibrium - Preliminary
knowledge of rate of chemical reaction. Fast and slow chemical
(7) grrf^T^ reactions. Reversible and irreversible chemical reactions. Reversible
-MRi-g gg kgafg, gg gfgafg ggieff, ggiggrg gg Tfgatg afR ^ reaction and dynamic nature of equilibrium Acids and bases. pH
scale (simple numerical questions. Exothermic and endothermic
^Rk-cir, gg gg gfgtk, cgf^ gif^gil, gggrfuR? giPic41, Tfggg
reactions. Some important chemical compounds - properties and
gg ggsR gg gr^gRggfl, gg "ggr ggfem gg gRTwr wr,
uses. Method of production manufacture (water, washing soda,
gqtggg gRarg gg ^Sg fcrfcitRT (g^ grttg), far gg baking soda, bleaching powder and plaster of Paris] preparation of
aiiRico MleilPigl, gg msr gg gggg wiidl, gg ggaJ aggkRi, building rnaleriai-limc cement glass and steel Metals - Position of
gg gg Tfigg, gg gf^aig afr? arftgiBigl, gg metals in the periodic table and general properties. Metal, mineral
grRfMrra?!, grkk ggRf^, gg ggwgl gg wfm, gg gRm ore. Differenced between mineral and ore. Metallurgy -
concentration, roasting, smelting refining of ores. Metallurgy of
gg ggRffg fclwg, gg arahlTRI gg fcRR I
copper and Iron corrosion of metals. Alloys Nonmetals - position of
nonmetals in the periodic table. Preparation properties and use of
Hydrogen Oxygen and nitrogen. Some important organic compounds
QI KSTION PAPKR - 01 - laboratory method of preparing alcohol and acetic acid, properties
and uses some general artificial polymers. Polythene, polyvinyl
Part -I - General Studies chloride Teflon soap and detergents.
1. History ofChhalllsgarh and Role ofChhatlisgarh In the Independence
Movement. PART - 02- PHYSICS

2. Geography, Environment. Physical Directions,Census. Archaeology Source of Energy - Conventiojial and new sources of energy, sources
and places ofTourist interest in Chhaltisgarh. of solar energy, causes of origin of energy in the sun, solar heating
3. History, Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Riddles. Proverbs, local devices. Solar cooker solar cell, wind energy, hiogas, fossil fuels,
proverbs of Chhaltisgarh. ideal fuel properties of ideal fuel. Nuclear energy, nuclear fission
4. Tribal, Special, Traditions, Festivals ofChhattlsgarh. fusion, chain reaction, nuclear reactor uses and harms of nuclear
5. Economy, forest and .Agriculture of Chhattlsgarh. energy. General information about CREDA Light - nature of light
6. Administrative Setup, local administration and PanchayatI Raj in reflection of light, laws of reflection, reflection from plane and curved
Chhaltisgarh. surface, image formation by plane convex and concave mirror,
7. Industries. Energy, Water and Mineral Resources of Chhattlsgarh, relation hefween focal length and radius of curvature determination
8. Current Alfairs ofChhattlsgarh. of focal length of concave mirror by single pin method. [Relation

between u-v-f] numerical examples. Refraction of light - laws of in India and its applications with special reference to industrial,
refraction, refraction by glass slab, critical angle, total internal agricultural and other rural developmental activities, INSAT and IRS
reflection, use oftotal internal reflection in daily life. Lens converging systems. Role of information Technology in Rural India, basis
and diverging lens. Definition focal length optical centre image knowledge of computers. Computers in communication and
formation by lens. Human eye, its defect and remedies. Comparison broadcasting, software development for economic growth. Broad
between photographic camera and human eye. Simple telescope applications ofIT. Energy Resources ; Energy demands, renewable
and astronomical telescope. Construction working uses, ray diagram and nonrenewable energy resources unclear energy, the development
(no formula derivation). Flcctricity and its cITccts - electric intensity, and its utilization in the Country. Current Science & Technology
potential ,potential difference,electric current ohtn's law. Resistance Developments in India origin ofagriculture. Progress ofAgricultural
specific resistance inlluencing factors,combination ofresistance and Science and its impacts. Crop science in India, Fertilizers, control of
related numerical examples thermal effect of current it's use. pests and disease scenario in India.
calculation of power and electrical energy spent (numerical)
precautions observed in electric experiments. Chetnical effects of PART - 05 - ENVIRON.MENT
electric current. Primary and sccondaix' cells their properties and Bio-diversity and its conservation-General introduction - definition,
drawback. I.eclanche cell, dry cell, lead accumulator cell, species and genetic diversity. Bio-geographic classification of India,
construction. Magnetic effect ofcurrent - Magnetic effect ofcurrent. Importance of Bio-Diversity-Constructive and Destructive
Oersted experiment, elector magnetic induction, electric motor, application. Importance ofsocial, moral and alternative vision. Global
working principle and use of generator, general studies ofaltemating National and Local level Bio-diversity, India as a wide diversity nation,
current and direct current, electric discharge in gases, discharge Hotspots of Biodiversity, threats to biodiversity. Residential damage,
tube, cathode rays. X-rays and their properties, magnetism - Magnet damage to wildlife, humans and wild animals struggle. India's
and it's types artificial magnet, methods of preparing magnets, threatened (endangered) and local species. Conservation of bio
molecular theory of magnetism, demagnetization, magnetic keepers, diversity. Topological and No topological conservation. Environmental
magnetic lines of force and their properties. Plotting the lines of pollution - Reason effect and conservation - Air pollution water
force Terrestrial magnetism magnetic storm, magnetic meridian pollution,see pollution, soil pollution,sound/noise pollution,thermal
geographical meridian, relation between VHI and 0 pollution, nuclear pollution, solid waste management - Urban and
Industrial solid waste management reason effect and control. Human
P.\RT - (13- 8101.003' role in pollution control. Disaster Management, Floods, Earthquake.
Anitiial nutrition - Types of nutrition, Autotrophic nutrition, Cyclones and Landslide. Human Population and Environment,
heterotrophic nutrition, Holozoic, Parasitic, Saprophytic,Symbiotic. Population growth. Variation in the population in various countries.
Insectivorous Important terms of nutrition process. Digestion in Population explosion and family welfare Programme Environment
unicellular cell animal (amoeba) and multi cellular animal grass and Human health.

hopper. Hutnan digestive system and digestive process.

Photosynthesis, amino acid metabolism steps of the process light PART - 06 - AGRICULTliRE

reaction and dark reaction, factors influencing photosynthesis. • Ecology and its relevance to man,natural resources, their sustainable
Experitnents related to photo synthesis. Respiration - Definition management and conservation. Physical and social environment as
respiratory organs of animals breathing and respiration. Types of factors of crop distribution and production. Climatic elements as
respiration. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, respiratory system factors ofcrop growth,impact ofchanging environment on cropping
of human being and mechanism of respiration (general information) pattem as indicators ofenvironments.
respiratory quotient(RQ)ofcarbohydrate, fat and protein. I ransport • Environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals,
of mineral and water in plants and aniinals (in context of human and humans. Cropping pattern in different agro-climatic zones of
being). Composition and function of blood, structure and working ol the country. Impact of high-yielding and short-duration varieties on
heaif. structure and function of blood vessels(preliminary knowledge) shifts in cropping pattem. Concepts of multiple cropping, multistorey,
coagulation of blood, blood group, blood transfusion, blood bank, relay and intercropping, and their importance in relation to food
function of lymph system diseases related to heart. Excretion - production. Package of practices for production ofimportant cereals,
excretion in plants and excretory product. Excretion in animal and pulses, oil seeds, fibres,sugar,commercial and fodder crops grown
excretory organs. Excretion systctn of man and excretion process during Kharif and Rabi seasons in different regions ofthe country.
(general information) artificial kidney dialysis. Osmoregulation Important features, scope and propagation ofvarious types offorestry
Diseases related to kidney. Control and Coordination - Coordination plantations such as extension, social forestry, agro-forestry, and
in plants and animal phytoharmones. Nervous system of human being. natural forests.
Structure and function of human Brain and Spinal cord, reflex action, • Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination and association with
endocringe glands harmone and their function. Reproduction and various crops; their multipl ication; cultural, biological and chemical
growlh - type ofreproduction Asexual reproduction fission, budding, control of weeds. Soil-physical,chemical and biological properties.
regeneration, vegetative reproduction, layering cutting, grafting, Processes and factors of .soil formation. Modem classification of
porthcnogcnesis. Sexual reproduction in plants, structure of flower Indian soils, Mineral and organic constituents ofsoils and their role
and reproduction process(general infbnnation)pollination tertilization. in maintaining soil productivity. Essential plant nutrients and other
Human reproductive system and reproduction process, fleredity and beneficial elements in soils and plants. Principles ofsoil fertility and
evolution - heredity and variation basis of heredity chromo some its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use, integrated nutrient
DNA(Preliminary information) gene sex determination preliminary management. Losses of nitrogen in soil, nitrogen-use efficiency in
knowledge oforganic evolution (Oparin's theory only) submerged rice soils, nitrogen fixation in soils. Fixation of phosphorus
and potassium in soils and the scope for their efficient use. Problem
PART - 04 - TECHNOLOGY soils and their reclamation methods.
National policy of science and technology and changes in
the policy from time to time, purpose oftechnology. Space programme

Soil conservation planning on watershed basis. Erosion and run-off products, processing techniques and equipment. Role of fruits and
management in hilly, foot hills, and valley lands; processes and faetors vegetables in human nutrition. Raising of ornamental plants, and
affecting them. Dry land agriculture and its problems. Technology design and layout of lawns and gardens.
ofstabilising agriculture production in rain fed agriculture area. • Diseases and pests of field vegetables,orchard and plantation crops
Water-use efficiency in relation to crop production, criteria for of India. Causes and classification of plant pests and diseases.
scheduling irrigations, ways and means of reducing run-offlosses of Principles ofcontrol ofplant pests and diseases Biological control of
irrigation water. Drip and sprinkler irrigation. Drainage of water pests and diseases. Integrated pest and disease management.
logged soils, quality of irrigation water, effect of industrial effluents Epidemiology and forecasting. Pesticides, their formulations and
on soil and waterpollution modes ofaction. Compatibility with rhizobial inoculants. Microbial
toxins. Storage pests and diseases of cereals and pulses, and their
Farm management, scope, important and characteristics, farm
planning. Optimum resources use and budgeting. Economics of
different types of farming systems.
• Food production and consumption trends in India. National and
international food policies. Production, procurement,distribution and
Marketing and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs, price
processing constraints. Relation offood production to national dietary
fluctuations and their cost; role of cooperatives in agricultural
pattern, major deficiencies of calorie and protein.
economy; types and systems of farming and factors affecting thetii.
Agricultural extension, its importance and role, methods ofevaluation PART - 07 - FORESTRY
of extension programmes, socioeconomic survey and status of big, Silviculture-General,Silviculture-System. Silviculture-Mangrove and
small,and marginal fanners and landless agricultural labourers;farm cold desert. Silviculture oftrees, Agroforestry, Social Forestry, Joint
mechanization and its role in agricultural production and rural Forest Management and Tribology, Forest Soil, Soil Conservation
employment. Training programmes for extension workers; lab-to- and Watershed Management, Environment Conservation and
land programtnes. Biodiversity (including pollution). Tree Improvement and few
Cell Theory, cell structure, cell organellcs and their function, cell technology, Forest Management and Management Systems, Forest
division. Working Plan, Forest Mensuration and Remote Sensing. Survey and
Nucleic acids-structure and function, gene structure and function, Forest Engineering, Forest Ecology, Ethno Botany, Forest Resources of heredity, their significance in plant breeding. Chromosome Utilisation, Forest Protection and Wildlife Biology, Forest Economics
structure,chromosomal aberrations, linkage and cross-over,and their and Legislation.
significance in recombinafion breeding. Polyploidy. euploidy and
aneuploidy. Mutation-micro and macro-and their role in crop
improvement. Variation,components ofvariation. Heritability, sterility □□□
and incompatibility.
Classification and their application in crop improvemetit. Cytoplasmic
inheritance, sex-linked,sex influenced and sex-limited characters,
ffistory of plant breeding. Modes of reproduction, selling and
crossing techniques. Origin and evolution of crop plants, centre of
origin,law of homologous series,crop genetic resources-conservation
and utilization. Application of principles of plant breeding to the
improvement of major Held crops. Pure-line selection, pedigree, mass
and recurrent selections, combining ability, its significance in plant
breeding. Hybrid vigour and its exploitation, backcross method of
breeding, breeding for disease and pest resistance, role ofinterspecific
and inter-generic hybridization Role of biotechnology in plant
breeding. Improved varieties, hybrids, composites of various crop
Seed technology, its importance, fififferent kinds of seeds and their
seed production and processing techniques. Role of public and private
sectors in seed production, processing and marketing in India.
Physiology and its signillcance in agriculture. Imbibitions, surface
tension, diffusion and osmosis. Absorption and translocation ofwater,
transpiration and water economy. Enzymes and plant pigments;
photosynthesis-modern concepts and factors affecting the process,
aerobic and non-aerobic respiration; C, C and CAM mechanisms.
Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
Growth and development; photo-periodism and vernalization. Auxins,
hormones,and other plant regulators and their mechanism of action
and importance in agriculture. Physiology of seed development and
germination; dormancy
Climatic requirements and cultivation of major liiiits, plants, vegetable
crops and flower plants; the package ot practices and their scientific
basis. Handling and marketing problems of fruit and vegetables.
Principal methods of preservation of important fruits and vegetable
=BX% ^ ti=i8i if Pi3?l

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istration RPcT gVll I atfd if -iiH, feldl 351 -111, *tldl ctJI did, Copies) afTfi 3777 3t3?3 77^ i qfcfSf i3777713 5777 pl^f^ld #3
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