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Exercise 1

Receptionist: Good _________, Brownton swimming _____.

Tyrone: Hello, I’d like some _________ about the water _____ club.

Receptionist:  Yes, of course. We have an _______ 14s _____, an under 16s _____, an under
18s _____ and an adults _____. How _____ are you?

Tyrone: I’m _____.

Receptionist: OK, so you _____ the under 16s club.

Tyrone: Yes.

Receptionist: Just a moment ... yes, we have two _____ in the under 16s club.

Tyrone: When do they _____?

Receptionist: Let’s see, the under 16s train two _____ a _____, on Mondays, no sorry, on
_____ and _____ from 6:30 – 8:00pm. And matches are on _____ mornings.

Tyrone: When does the _____ start?

Receptionist: Training starts _____ _____, on September _____.

Tyrone: OK. And how _____ are the classes?

Receptionist: Classes are free for under _____.

Tyrone: Great! What do I _____ to do to _____?

Receptionist: You have to come to the _____ _____ and complete a form. You need to bring a
_____ too.

Tyrone: OK.

Receptionist: Can I _____ your name?

Tyrone: Yes, it’s Tyrone _____. 

Receptionist: OK, thanks. Tyrone. 

Tyrone: Thanks. Bye.
Exercise 2 (British accent)

Tamara: Hi, Mario. Do you want to _____ and _____ a film?

Mario: Hi, Tamara. Sure, what’s _____?

Tamara: Well, _____ _____ two action films, Mr and Mrs Jones and War _____, and _____
both in 3D.

Mario: I’ve already seen Mr and Mrs Jones. I haven’t seen _____ Games, but I _____ really
_____ to _____ an action film. What else is on?

Tamara: There’s that science fiction film, Robot 2075, but I’ve already seen it.

Mario: Is it _____?

Tamara: Yes, it is, but I don’t want to see it again. There’s a romantic comedy called Forever.

Mario: Mmm, I’m not sure. Are there _____ horror films on?

Tamara: Yes, _____ Midnight Moon. It’s got vampires in it. 

Mario: OK, sounds good. Let’s _____ and _____ Midnight Moon. _____ _____is it on?

Tamara: It’s on at _________ or at half past two.

Mario: Is it on this _____?

Tamara: Yes, _____ 7:30.

Mario: Perfect. Let’s go at 7:30.

Tamara: OK, shall we _____ at the cinema at 7:00?

Mario: Great! _____ you later.

Tamara: Bye.

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