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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself

from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Posted by Ravi Sankar Venna 3 Jul, 2013

You cannot transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant in overnight. It needs lot of
commitment, dedication, sacrifice, effort, expertise and ability to become a reliable SAP Consultant.
Unfortunately, there is no short cut to achieve this. Many people are of the opinion that the SAP Certification
would bridge this gap however, in fact, it is not. SAP Certification would probably give you a better
marketability, however, it does not make you complete SAP Consultant. For that matter, none of the
Certifications in the market can you make you an expert consultant . Many people have asked me that they
are interested in SAP and wanted to know how to become a good SAP Consultant? Unfortunately, there is no
short cut to become an expert SAP Consultant. There could be some people who followed short cut methods
to become SAP Consultants, however, unfortunately, those consultants are only paper consultants. SAP
Consultant jobs are lucrative, at the same time, they are mixed with hard work, lot of sacrifices, enormous
amount of reading and flexibility to adopt new situations. Those consultants who have the real passion can only
become the recognized consultants, remaining all become just workers working for salary. Your reputation lies
in your hands by helping the people across the borders. You need to stretch yourself to level of helping people
with selflessness and give them the real guidance possible.

There are number of qualities that are required to become a successful SAP Consultant. good education,
business process knowledge, good configuration skills, communication, team playing, understanding the
business needs, quality documentation, reading ability, sharing knowledge and many more. A certification
cannot make you a successful consultant in a day, however, it would help you in your life long career journey.
Nothing can replace your hard work. To become a great SAP consultant is a long term process, learning
new points on a daily basis and constructing a palace of knowledge over a period is key to your success.
The way SAP is coming up with new technologies, it is always difficult for the consultants to maintain that
pace throughout their career. If you have a great listening quality, then you will always be open to learn new
things. Learning is a process of life and there is no end to it. It is the greatest quality of any good quality SAP
consultant. Furthermore, you should always willing to share the knowledge, rather than hiding it in your head.
Many SAP consultants, lacking this great quality. The more you share, your knowledge would be doubled,
unlike money.

Many people have asked me how I can become a good SAP Consultant. My only answer is passion. Without
passion, we cannot be successful in what we do. I see myself SAP Consultancy is also skill like swimming.
Before I learn swimming, I was always wondering how the people swim. Though I was so passionate for
swimming, I did not know how to swim it. Once I learned swimming, then compete with other people and

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

learning all other new skills. Similarly, the people who aspiring to become a good SAP Consultant, also must
be wonder, how can they become a good SAP Consultant. Read as much as you can, practice whenever you
find time and listen to what mentors are saying. Never feel you have reached a pinnacle once you become a
SAP Consultant. Becoming SAP Consultant is not the end of story, it is the start of new life and new journey.
New life also gives you more challenges, more awards, rewards, and sacrifices to achieve what you want in
life. Learning new skill is always a challenge, to become a master in that skill it would take years together.
Therefore, to become a great consultant, learn SAP with authority and do not keep any gaps in conceptual
knowledge and basic fundamentals. If your fundamentals are strong, then you can build a great palace.

Many people try to fake / exaggerate their CVs to become consultants. Never try to do such things. It would
hunt you for life. What you know is what you know. What you do not know is what you do not know. There is
always a tomorrow to learn something new and exciting. There is no shame to accept that you do not know
something. There is no hard and fast rule that you should know everything in this world. It is unlikely and
not possible. There are also many people who are really reluctant to share their knowledge. Furthermore,
they would discourage the people who are intending to share the knowledge with true spirit. Forget about
SAP Consultant, being a social animal, every individual in the society has an ethical responsibility to share
something and help the society. The life is only fruitful when you share something to this world and help
the fellow human beings. If we are only taking and fail to give anything back to the society, then there is no
difference between animal and us.

Though following qualities are not comprehensive list to become a good SAP consultant, however, they would
immensely helpful in their life long journey.

Good Education

Strong Education is the great foundation for any knowledge based profession. Just becoming a graduate
or becoming a MBA is not everything, cannot be called as a good education. Always stretch yourself to
toughest professional courses, which will take your knowledge levels to a new a level. Always try for the
new professional courses, which test the waters. You should have a zeal from the childhood to have good
education. Good education does not mean that studying in great B-schools. Good education always comes
from within the individual, that spirit would push you towards learning new skills, subjects and technologies.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Unless, you have strong inclination towards learning and education, it is always not possible to become a
good consultant. For example, if you are a chartered accountant or management accountant, it would always
immensely help you to become a good financial consultant.

Business Process Knowledge

Good SAP consultant should always have sound business process knowledge. What is this business process
knowledge? The process surrounded at each business activity / item. To make it simpler, when you are
working in an organisation, you would see number of jumbling words. For example, credit note, debit note,
invoice, bank statement, good received note, inventory control, stock taking, balance sheet, profit and loss
account, trail balance, purchase returns, production, planning, forecasting, budget, cash flow statement,
cost sheet, funds flow, standard cost, marginal cost, fixed cost, materials, purchases, hedging, negotiable
instruments, inter-bank clearing, banking operations, petty cash, procurement, purchase order, purchase
requisition and what not. Now the question is how can I improve my business process knowledge? Business
processes are dynamic and need not necessarily they are same within the industry. It may change from
company to company. You need to understand each such word in detail and understand the business process
flow surrounded by it. The important things to know is what is the triggering point for this activity and what are
the subsequent business activities that are going to be followed. If you work, on these items, over a period of
time, you would get good base of business process knowledge.

Configuration Skills

Configuration Skills are the most important skills for any SAP Consultant. Unless, you master in this area,
you are not going to get the confidence in any project and you will be dependent on other people. You should
be master yourself not only just configuring the system, but also needs to understand the impact from end
user point of view. There are number of consultants reluctant to put their hands on the key board, however,
intended to become master consultants, that is never going to be happened. I have observed number of
consultants, they would never take the ownership of doing anything on SAP system, however, sit next to you
by just watching and talking. If you are going into that mode, you are never going to be a SAP Consultant. The
number of times you are going to configure and follow the business process / end user documents, it would
give great confidence. Therefore, try to gather configuration documents and do as much practice as you can.
Exploring the options in system gives you enough confidence, as the troubleshooting skills are very required for
SAP Consulting profession.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

SAP Help

SAP Help is like a Bible. Every day start reading sap help. SAP help is written with utmost
care by experts. The more number of times that you are reading it would give enormous conceptual clarity.
Whatever be level of your skill and knowledge in SAP, you should never forget reading SAP Help. SAP
Consultants who mastered has spent thousands of hours reading this. You need to have many years reading
on daily basis and it is not an easy job. Many people find it difficult to read huge amount of text regularly and
religiously. At one point when the consultants become good in their own area, they tend to ignore reading this.
They would refer only as and when required. However, in my opinion, reading SAP Help is habit that needs to
be practiced in case if you need to transform yourself to a great consultant.

SAP Community Network

Over the years, SAP Community Network has transformed itself to a rich source of SAP
knowledge. SAP should itself feel proud of what a great platform that they have created to bring together the
thousands of consultants across the globe. Points etc. has motivated number of people to contribute to the
great extent. More than points, it is knowledge that is being shared through forums, articles, blogs, videos etc.
are really amazing. Without being part of SAP Community Network, I do not consider you as a SAP Consultant.
You may be highly knowledgeable, however, without that being shared for the community, there is really
not much value. I do not think you would get any better platform to share your knowledge than this and get
recognized. It is always worth to contribute / read the forums on a daily basis. This good habit would keep
yourself with good amount of knowledge. Please do not only ask questions, try to share / answer whatever you
can. There are number of people only tend to ask questions, but never tend to give answers. This is a very bad
practice, life is to share and help. Just asking questions would make you nowhere.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Service Market Place

There is no better place than Service Market Place for SAP Consultants. It is really
surprising to know that there are many certified consultants who do not even know where to login and how to
login to this great resource. I understand you need to have the logon credentials to access this, if you do not
have one, please ask your SAP Basis administrators. If you are already certified, please ask SAP Education /
Help Desk, they would give your password. There is not just one type of document. For everything, you would
be asked to refer a particular SAP Note, without having access to this, you could never know what the Note
says. This is not just for referring notes, when you need to raise OSS (Online SAP Support) notes for your
customers. It is not just limited to these things, it has everything. I cannot imagine a SAP consultant without
having access to this great place.

SAP Best Practices Building Blocks

Being new to the consultant world, people tend to configure the system and test end user transactions how
it works. However, there is no idea where to start and how to integrate between various modules. SAP Best
Practices Building blocks would give a great amount of confidence to the consultant, as they provide the
detailed configuration documents, business process documents and scenario overviews etc. The following
link would be helpful. There are different versions of it. It contains guides across industry / country. If you have
problem in accessing the following links, use Internet Explorer (IE) rather than google chrome browser. If you
configure various scenarios in your demo system and test as per the business process documents, then your
confidence levels will be immensely increased. The number of times you configure various scenarios, you
would be mastered in that area.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


21st Century has started with Professional Networking / Social Network. You cannot imagine anybody without
having linkedin / twitter / facebook. You always need to maintain the network and develop them over a period.
Being knowledgeable is half of your task, whereas maintaining professional network is the other half. Both
are like two sides of the same coin. Linkedin the best professional network site, everybody should have one
and keep your profile up to date. You profile is the snapshot of your skills, education and achievements etc. If
you give a name of a person, people tend to search in linkedin. If you do not have linkedin account, then they
would think either you are fake or you do not exist. It is really awful to work in a professional organisation and
do not have an up to date linkedin account. Personally, if I cannot see a person in linkedin, I surely believe, that
person is a fake. Therefore, please update your linkedin profile, have good professional network and try to get
recommendations from others.

Sharing Knowledge

There are number of people who are very reluctant to share their knowledge. You will only be recognized when
you share your knowledge with your clients, colleagues and the community around you. If you do not share
your knowledge, the knowledge inside you will be rusted over a period of time. Therefore, always open to learn
to new things at the same go for an extra mile to share the knowledge with others. I have been negatively

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

criticized by some of my friends / colleagues for writing blogs. When the whole world is writing blogs, why
cannot we? I may not be expert in writing blogs, if anybody is being motivated with my blog, the very purpose
of my task is accomplished. It is not required to have great amount of knowledge to share, but you should have
wonderful heart. If you just work for yourself, earn yourself and educate yourself, then you would never get
an identity in the world. Remove every barrier around you and start using your fullest potential to share the

Communication Skills

Last, but not the least is Communication Skills. 90% of success to your career is dependent on your
communications. Do not underestimate the power of communication skills in your career. It is not that
everybody would have great amount of communication skills. It all depends on the natural skills, environment
you grown up, the education you have undertaken etc. If you think you do not have them, then try to develop
over a period of time. Communication Skills are not just talking in English, being a SAP Consultant you should
always learn to talk both in Business Language and Technical Language. When you go to client places, it is
always expected to talk to them in business language. At the same you should also have good command on
the technical abilities when you are conveying to the other consultants. Nobody is perfect in this world, keep
pushing yourself to fill the gaps in this area.

17214 Views Tags: sap_education;sap_certification;sap_jobs;sap_learning;sap_careers

3 Jul, 2013 8:57 AM Jitendra Kumar Kansal

wow. very impressive with amazing qualities.

definitely will help people like me. become fan of your blogs.

thanks for sharing.



Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

3 Jul, 2013 9:10 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Jitendra Kumar Kansal in response to

Thanks Jitendra,

Much appreciated your motivating words.

Best Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 9:36 AM Raghav rao Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

Very much impressed, awesome, every one should read this blog.... especially those who
want to pursue SAP/been 1yr old. Its true to say non can become expert overnight.

The way you write, is awesome, exactly, one should follow the same.

You are a dynamic business development professional with infectious enthusiasm, creativity
& determination.

Have a wonderful Day,


3 Jul, 2013 10:46 AM Midhun VP

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Exceptional Ravi, Sharing knowlegde based on your long experience is the SAP world really
helps us. Thanks. Keep it up.

- Midhun VP

3 Jul, 2013 11:00 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Midhun VP in response to

Hi Midhun,

Thanks very much for your comments.

SCN provides a learning space for everybody and we should all thank SAP for provided
such a vibrant platform.

Best Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 12:48 PM Raghav rao

Hi Ravi,

Its been very much impressive. Every one should know/read.

Truly said, non can become an expert in this SAP, overnight. And true that Networking,
Communication, Sharing makes perfect any time.

You are extensive in-depth technical experience, business process & project experience,
patience & passion in explaining SAP concepts..... A true asset to any organization.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Best Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 1:03 PM Darwin Lloyd

Hi Ravi,

Excellent post, it will really help us.

Best Regards,

Darwin Lloyd

3 Jul, 2013 2:39 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Raghav rao in response to

Hi Raghu,

Thank you very much for cheerful words. I took long time than expected due to hectic
schedule, so woke up today at 3 a.m. to complete this I am in half sleep now.

Kind Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 2:40 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Raghav rao in response to

Thanks once again Raghu.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 2:41 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Darwin Lloyd in response to

Hi Darwin,

Good to know you. Thanks for your good words.

Kind Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 3:07 PM Pallavi A.N

Hi Ravi,

Very good job. I liked your Contents very much. I compared myself with what you have
mentioned in the blog. Now i know where i lag behind and what i should do to improve
myself to become good Consultant I was searching for such an inspiring blog since many
days. Thank you so much for this great blog.



3 Jul, 2013 3:33 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Pallavi A.N in response to

Hi Pallavi,

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks very much for your honest comments.

There are many wonderful blogs in this forum, particularly written by Thomas Dulaney

I have also written few more blogs, I would be more than happy, if they are in anyway useful
to you.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 4:21 PM SAU SAP Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

Awesome for someone like me who is a fresher.

I am glad to say i am lucky to get guidance from you at the start of my career.



Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

3 Jul, 2013 6:47 PM Venkat Emani

Awesome Blog Ravi !!

3 Jul, 2013 7:51 PM Ravi Sankar Venna SAU SAP in response to

Hi Sausap,

It is good to know you. Thanks for your comments and all the best to you.

Kind Regards,


3 Jul, 2013 7:51 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Venkat Emani in response to

Thanks Venkat for your cheerful words.

Best Regards,


5 Jul, 2013 12:01 PM Indira Palasubramaniam

Nice to read your blog. It’s useful and impressive. Thanks for sharing.

5 Jul, 2013 12:29 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Indira Palasubramaniam in response to

Thanks Indira for your cheerful comments.

Kind Regards,

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


6 Jul, 2013 7:07 AM Mohammad Saad

thank you for writing this article , I find in it nice start to learn SAP Specially company where I
work purchased SAP ERP and HANA database . I decided to learn SAP in deep, and as you
said I should always Acquire new skills if I do not have it

6 Jul, 2013 11:28 AM Balaji M

Dear Ravi,

Thanking you for yours valuable post & its good to know people who spend lot time in Social
network instead of updating latest IT news......



7 Jul, 2013 6:54 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Balaji M in response to

Hi Balaji,

Social networking may be necessary, but it should not be an addiction. Many people go into
addiction mode and they cannot do without that.

As the technology changing very, it is always necessity to learn new skills.

Kind Regards,

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


7 Jul, 2013 6:55 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Mohammad Saad in response to

Hi Mohammad,

It is a great opportunity for you to learn, you can take part in the project and make yourself
available for this great opportunity. At the end of the project, you will be much more
confident with number of new skills under your belt.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


7 Jul, 2013 11:53 PM Jon Reed

Very fine work Ravi. The advice is spot-on and it's similar to things I have advocated.

To me, the key to SAP consulting success is SAP specialization. I argue with those who
think general SAP skills work well for consultants. In my mind maybe for perm employees,
but consultants need expert specialization. But where the general part comes is in "soft
skills" - absolutely necessary, business process skills as you note. Bridging that techno-
functional gap.

Industry expertise is becoming very important. Also, if you are an SAP CRM consultant,
I think it's more important now than ever to study the entire CRM field to some extent.
Be aware of how customers are solving problems with CRM or HCM, not just with SAP.
It's about moving from simply hands-on configuration person (which can be more easily
replaced) to a true industry advisor who can also go deep and configure.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

This keeps the work challenging and keeps you heading passionately towards mastery
- without getting caught up in too much "SAP speak." Also the edges of the enterprise,
understanding impact of cloud, mobile, HANA to your area. Or new approaches to projects -
agile, lean, or design thinking.

These things keep you plenty busy but also keep you in demand. Enjoyed the blog, look
forward to more from you...

8 Jul, 2013 4:51 AM Jarret Pazahanick

Very well done Ravi as I get this question 4-5 times a week and plan on starting to send
them your article :-)

Keep up the good blogs.

8 Jul, 2013 5:03 AM Pradeep Akula

Ravi ,

Seems like you breath,Sleep and Live in SAP world ,you are a genius blogger ,good one



8 Jul, 2013 11:25 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Jon Reed in response to

Hi Jon,

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

It is always great pleasure and privilege to receive your comments. Thanks for your time in
reading my blog.

As you rightly pointed out that the "soft skills" very much needed in order to maintain the
Client's expectations. I strongly agree with your point that every consultant think beyond
SAP and cut across all the technologies to gain the deep understanding about various
industries, which would prove them to be a best industry advisors.

I understood the underline meaning of your words, hopefully, your suggestions are
immensely help to me and to the SAP Community.

Thanks once again.

Kind Regards,


8 Jul, 2013 11:29 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Jarret Pazahanick in response to

Hi Jarret,

Thanks for your motivating comments.

It is always a nice feeling to receive your comments.

You are the true force behind reach the good blogs reaching the wider audience across the
globle. Your help in this regard is most appreciate and very invaluable.

Kind Regards,


Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

8 Jul, 2013 11:35 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Pradeep Akula in response to

Hi Pradeep,

Thanks a lot for your encouraging words.

We are all greatly indebted to SAP for changing our lives. I still feel that are many things left
out learn.

Kind Regards,


8 Jul, 2013 1:45 PM Diwakar reddy Redlapalli Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Dear Ravi,

Thank you so much for your valuable post!!!!

With Regards

Diwakar reddy

8 Jul, 2013 2:22 PM shravan kumar

Dear Ravi,

Absolutely superb......Great blog ....i would refer this blog to get motivated and keep me
on track put the content so well will definitely motivate every one who reads
it .....Thank you for all your efforts ....

8 Jul, 2013 2:56 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Diwakar reddy Redlapalli in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks Diwakar.

Kind Regards,


8 Jul, 2013 2:58 PM Ravi Sankar Venna shravan kumar in response to

Thank you Shravan.

Your amazing words will inspire and motivates me to write some more blogs.

Thanks a lot for your cheering words.

Kind Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 5:32 AM Akshay Gupta

Hi Ravi,

You have written a wonderful blog, right on!

Totally loved these words of your's =>

It is not required to have great amount of knowledge to share, but you

should have wonderful heart. If you just work for yourself, earn yourself and
educate yourself, then you would never get an identity in the world. Remove

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

every barrier around you and start using your fullest potential to share the

I think there exists a natural humanly characteristic about a lot of things but not all, that if you
spend something of your's a lot, it's going to shrink and your greatness will shrink.

However, there is no fact or science to prove other than people who have reached to
ultimate summit, but there are few things in the world that work quite oppositely. Sticking to
the point of Sharing Knowledge is always going to add to your knowledge, it's like a mirror
in front of you, the more you shoot out, the more is going to come back. Greatness/kindness
also works on same principles, but I guess I would refrain from exaggerating on that for now.

Great write up, and hey you write great blogs and sure your readers are motivated.

Looking forward to read more from you.

- Akshay.

9 Jul, 2013 5:38 AM Mohd Shazaly A Jamil

Good coverage Ravi.

Keep up the good work.

Definitely a must read for those who seriously considering SAP Consultant as a career.

9 Jul, 2013 6:41 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Akshay Gupta in response to

Nice to know you Akshay. Well explained.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Hard to find people who share the knowledge, but that is where we grow.

Thank you very much for your motivating words. It really helps me a lot.

Kind Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 6:41 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Mohd Shazaly A Jamil in response to

Thank you very much for your good words.

Kind Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 6:46 AM Angad Singh

Thank you for an inspiring blog.

I always say two things "Share Knowledge to Gain Knowledge" and "Learn like a fool. You
won't loose anything but you will gain many things"



9 Jul, 2013 6:50 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Angad Singh in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Wow Angad. What a nice idioms you have quoted. Good to know you and thanks for reading
my blogs. I truly accept your view and we should always learn things with total commitment
and at the same time share them to the world with double commitment.

Best Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 11:14 AM Farzana Mushtaq Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Thank you very much Ravi.. for great blog as written with so much commitment and dedication and it has all the answers,
as I am planning to given an SAP HCM exam and in preparation phase..and read your article: How to Approach and Pass a
SAP Certification, as Jarret also mentioned on twitter.

As SAP HCM is quite different from other exams, as more conceptual knowledge is tested especially in payroll and time
management and one needs to be expert in that to answer tricky questions

I like the idea of going through SAP help, as I use to visit scn as well to have clear understanding on concepts..

Once gain Thank you

Have a great day!

Kind regards,

Farzana Mushtaq

9 Jul, 2013 11:25 AM narayana narayana

its true from heart

thanks for valuable info

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

9 Jul, 2013 11:36 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Farzana Mushtaq in response to

Thanks Farzana for your good words.

If you are particularly attempting Associate Exam, then mostly the fundamentals and basic
are being tested, unless you are writing Professional Level Exam, where the questions are
mostly based on scenarios.

It is good to know that you spend your good time on SAP Help and SCN, but to pass if you
read the suggested curriculum materials for not less than 5 times, religiously, surely, you
should come up with flying colours.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 1:09 PM Farzana Mushtaq Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Thanks Ravi for very useful advices and scn forum that we come across SAP Guru like you and we can one on one discuss
queries, I am preparing for SAP HCM Associate Exam..

Thanks and kindest regards,

Farzana Mushtaq

9 Jul, 2013 3:42 PM Ravi Sankar Venna narayana narayana in response to

Thank you Narayana. Much appreciated.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 6:05 PM Marssel Vilaça

Ravi, I don't know if you agree, but nowadays I would say consultants should begin as SAP
ABAP, even derived from the domain initially.

The SAP market is different from 10 years ago and there is a higher competition and even
higher expectations. I see technical skills imperative for seniors consultant, and principal,
easier acceptation for fresher.

All the best

9 Jul, 2013 7:02 PM Ravi Sankar Venna

Thanks Marssel for your comments.

It is always good to have technical skills for a functional consultant. But, ABAP is not many
functional people's cup of tea including me.

You are right market became very competitive, broader skills and multitasking is expected.

Best Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 7:27 PM Navedali Chaudhary

Hi Ravi,

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Your " Top 10 Myths @ SAP certification" has given me an inspiration to study SAP.

And with that today i have completed my certification with 90%. Thanks.

And today reading this, gave an edge to learn in-depth the subject & new skill.

positive Learning curve should go with professional experience.

Thanks for sharing such a good blog.

Best Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 7:41 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Navedali Chaudhary in response to

Hi Navedali,

Congratulations on your stupendous scoring in the exam.

Hope you may reach newer heights in your career.

Kind Regards,


9 Jul, 2013 7:44 PM Marssel Vilaça Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

You are stabilished in the area and actually don't need go deep in technical side. I believe
freshers will have more posibilities in competitive times.

Thank you!

9 Jul, 2013 7:47 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Marssel Vilaça in response to

You are right Marssel. Having more skills will always help the consultants in tough economic

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,



Hi Ravi,

Wonderful Post. I am only 1.5 years into SAP. I come into the category you mentioned
in Business Process Knowledge and SAP Best Practices Building Blocks . I have
been developing ojects in ABAP and Web Dynpro ABAP but always thought i missed the
complete business process knowledge. I was only exposed to an overview when i started
off, but thanks for sharing the links where i can get SAP doctumentation on Business
process. Will try to read and better my business knowledge .

Thanks again.

Shanmukh Srinivas

9 Jul, 2013 10:52 PM Ravi Sankar Venna SHANMUKH SRINIVAS MANTHA in response to

Hi Rajasekhar,

Thanks for your comments and reading my blog.

Good to know you. I am happy if any of the information that I shared is useful to you.

Kind Regards,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


10 Jul, 2013 3:01 PM Roberto Vidotti

Hi Ravi,

it's very well done blog. It should be a must for everyone and should be included in the
"How to ... start docs" like The Rules of Engagement, Getting Started with SCN and

Best regards


10 Jul, 2013 3:21 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Roberto Vidotti in response to

Thanks a lot Roberto.

It is a great privilege that you equiated my blog with fundamental blogs of SCN. Hopefully
some of the moderators are viewing your message.

Best Regards,


10 Jul, 2013 3:39 PM Roberto Vidotti Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

I hope so! I truly believe it! I was just kidding for the title of what should be the starter kit.

Thanks and best regards


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

10 Jul, 2013 5:13 PM Sudhakar M

Hi Ravi, as always wonderful contribution! Very nice blog with all the needed information for
one to become an expert.



10 Jul, 2013 5:38 PM D Sea Ravi Sankar Venna in response to


Impressive ! You have pointed out all the major points.

I am not sure who your real audience is, but I do have some points from the point of view of
being a REAL quality pure Functional Consultant so it need not apply to other areas of SAP

The points I would like to focus here are:

Good Education & Business Process Knowledge:

Like Jon Reed has pointed out " It's about moving from simply hands-on configuration
person (which can be more easily replaced) to a true industry advisor who can also
go deep and configure." There again the quality of experience and industries you have
worked for totally matter too.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

I will go a step further. It is a pre requisite. You always required good Industry/Business
Process In Depth Knowledge to become a Consultant. Right education relevant to the area
somebody wants to work on is very important too.

Being a consultant is about having the right mind set where you can have a Bird's Eye View
of things and yet having to dive deep in a particular area if needed. It is a different way of
looking at the system.


On knowing configuration, one of the advices I give to anyone is that we should learn
configuration going through it and learning it with hard work. You need to explore the IMG
thoroughly going through nodes, understanding how it is logically grouped into the right
building blocks.

It seems fancy to talk of Transaction Codes in configuration as if that is the only way
someone becomes an expert. They just give you a miniscule information of the whole
picture. It is the Menu Path and expanding the tree that really opens your world in
configuration. With this approach, are working in silos and missing the big point that SAP is
a tightly integrated ERP Solution.

Building Block & SAP Help:

I am also glad that you brought out the points on Building Blocks and SAP Help. I have seen
so many clients where things have been messed up because people did not have enough
knowledge to do good process mapping and did not know the power of SAP Help in finding

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Also you are in real sense an architect who is building blocks to make any business process
work so it is not required that you know which nut, bolt with size, shape, color, etc. to
connect the pieces.

I always compare SAP with LEGO. It gives you all the building blocks and you should have
awareness of all the different types of blocks, connections, etc. but you are architect who
uses this knowledge to build or maintain the building.

For all the people who are out there wanting to really be good consultants - it takes hard
work, dedication, good communication skills - soft skills included, confidence and ability to
have client facing skills to be a good consultant.

Configuration skills are just one part of it. It is a big, fun, real satisfying working world out
there so happy hard work.

Jon : Years back I used to read your thoughts on SAP on a regular basis, now I should
restart :-)

10 Jul, 2013 5:39 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Sudhakar M in response to

Thanks Sudhakar for reading my blog.

Much appreciated your comments.

Kind Regards,


10 Jul, 2013 7:00 PM Ravi Sankar Venna D Sea in response to

Thank you very much for reading my blog and more meaningful comments.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

You are right, being a functional consultant, probably, I might have written this article in
terms of keeping "Functional Consultants" in mind. Industry / Business Process Knowledge
is the real strength particularly for a functional consultant. My echo goes with your thoughts
as well. To be a good consultant, not just configuration, it is hard work, communication,
client expectations, quality deliverables, team work, dedication, commitment and many

It is good pleasure to have your meaningful thoughts on my blog. I would sincerely feel your
points are complimentary to my blog.

Best Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 2:32 AM Carlos Hurtado Galván

Great blog, congrats!

11 Jul, 2013 5:54 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Carlos Hurtado Galván in response to

Thank you Carlos.

11 Jul, 2013 6:27 AM Jitendra Kumar Kansal

after reading so many beautiful comments i just can say Ravi KAHIN AAP CHAND PE NA

11 Jul, 2013 6:45 AM John Kalaiyarasan

Hi Ravi,

Thank you for posting your valuable information. After read your blog i got different way to
learn SAP and became a good SAP consultant. Really it's very helpful to every one.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks and Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 7:01 AM Farzana Mushtaq Jitendra Kumar Kansal in response to

to reach beyond Moon , as its already been explored, so we expect from Ravi to reach
beyond that.. as he has outstanding qualities..and great passion to help human beings.

Well done your blog show the path..towards SAP career..a light in the tunnel

Kind regards,

Farzana Mushtaq

11 Jul, 2013 7:05 AM Amit Anasane

Dear Sir,

you are truly blessed with very nice heart, and passion about helping others by writing such
exceptional blogs, very nice,


11 Jul, 2013 10:08 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Jitendra Kumar Kansal in response to

Dear Jitu,

I have few more years left to reach moon, yet to get a call from God.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Much appreciate your sense of humour.

Kind Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 10:16 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Farzana Mushtaq in response to

Hi Farzana,

I believe I had always fighting career to achieve something. Remembering the path we
walked in the life is a great treasure given by God. It is always great satisfaction when we try
to give something back to the community, within our able limits.

Much appreciated and overwhelmed with your comments.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 10:18 AM Ravi Sankar Venna John Kalaiyarasan in response to

Thanks John, good to know you.

It is a great motivation for any human when they get an appreciation. Nothing can replace
when some gestured has been appreciated from the bottom of the heart.

Thanks a lot.

Kind Regards,


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

11 Jul, 2013 10:20 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Amit Anasane in response to

Hi Amit,

It is always speechless, when receive such kind of comments. No words to say thanks.

Best Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 10:31 AM Sandeep Bapat

So many people have written so many things, that I do not have anything left to comment
about the original write up.

But I would appreciate Ravi for replying each and every one who has commented. I would
thank him for his sincerity and enthusiasm for doing the same.


~ Sandeep

11 Jul, 2013 11:09 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Sandeep Bapat in response to

Thanks Sandeep for your comments and reading my blog. Good to know you.

The comments of community are important in some or the other way. The fruitful comments
from the community members and their suggestion / comments would really help the future

Kind Regards,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


11 Jul, 2013 11:19 AM Hai Wang

Thanks , my conclusion is nothing else but study hard. Studios is the first of all.

11 Jul, 2013 11:46 AM Ravi Sankar Venna

You are right Hai. Nothing can replace hardwork. Nothing is impossible under the Sun with
hardwork and perseverance.

11 Jul, 2013 11:54 AM Ganesh Sadula

Thanks,It very helpful & its Impressive, Motivating & Inspire like me !!!!

Thank you Very Much!!! Ravi

11 Jul, 2013 12:12 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Ganesh Sadula in response to

Thanks Ganesh. Much appreciated your comments.

Kind Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 12:22 PM Ganesh Sadula

Hi Ravi ,

About my self, I Completed my Graduation from Commerce Stream , & CFA from ICFAI
University !! I am moving from Bank to SAP, its totally different thought of thinking....

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I completed SAP FI from Institue & next month onwards , I am joining in Company as
Trainee !! in FI Module !! I worried about how it work on Project & Support !!!

yours blogs much help & movitated my self to be Confident in SAP


Ganesh R S

11 Jul, 2013 1:06 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Ganesh Sadula in response to

Hi Ganesh,

I strongly believe you have enough academic background. For your kind information, I
started my career with Banking Sector. Therefore, I do not see anything to be much worried.

Since being a trainee, I do not see much stress on you. Please most of the people faced that
kind of anxiety (positive) in their initial days of their SAP Career. In my opinion, that is for a
good sign, because you can push yourself to learn new things.

Surely you are on the right track and I wish you all success.

Kind Regards,


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

11 Jul, 2013 1:19 PM Ganesh Sadula Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Thank you very much !!

11 Jul, 2013 4:00 PM Gaurav Tipnis

Thanks Ravi.Your blogs are very motivating and also a great tool for self learning.

11 Jul, 2013 5:08 PM Benedict Vasanth

Excellent blog Ravi!

You nailed it right when talking about people who fave their experience and CVs. I wonder
if this happens only because SAP is a niche skill or if this is prevalent through out the whole



11 Jul, 2013 5:20 PM Chirag Shah

Thank you very much Sir, for sharing your knowledge and experience by writing such a nice

Perfect guidance, Indeed.

With your permission, I would like to add a point to above.

SAP is a JOB oriented field, to be an expert SAP consultant it requires to get an appropriate
JOB where one can have hands on sap and there after perseverance can take a fresher to
his destination. In case if in spite of having any number of good command and qualities if a
fresher don't get JOB - I would say its purely because of his luck or destiny.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?



11 Jul, 2013 5:23 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Gaurav Tipnis in response to

Thanks Gaurav for your comments.

Best Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 6:02 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Benedict Vasanth in response to

Hi Benedict,

Thanks for reading and your comments.

I said somewhere in one of my blogs 90% (may be more) of the CV in the SAP market
are fake / exaggerated. Unfortunately, mathematics says ( - * - = +). Unfortunately, if the
interviewer and interviewee, both are fake then (fake * fake = genuine)

That is the curse of the industry. Every company should do the background check properly
before recruiting anybody.



11 Jul, 2013 7:20 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Chirag Shah in response to

Thanks Chirag for your comments on this blog.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

On personal front, I may differ your opinion. I believe if there is a will there is a way. If once
committed for anything so strongly, then just do it, whatever be the odds. Sometimes, we
may need to have that killer instinct.

In this context, I remember, Sri Swami Vivekanand's quotes:

Arise, awake and Stop not till the Goal is Reached

Though I believe in Karma Siddantha (Fate Theory), in my opinion, Luck and Destiny are
trash words in dictionary, the biggest hurdles in anybody's development. Only people do not
want to achieve believe and blame Luck. I may be wrong, but my heart still goes and believe
hard work only.

Kind Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 7:49 PM Eduardo Chagas

Really nice blog!

11 Jul, 2013 10:03 PM Eduardo Rezende

Nice blog Ravi!

Very good thoughts and well pointed information website.

11 Jul, 2013 10:09 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Eduardo Chagas in response to

Thanks a lot Eduardo.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,


11 Jul, 2013 10:11 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Eduardo Rezende in response to

Thanks a lot Eduardo.

What a coincidence, two Eduardos replied my blog consecutively.

Kind Regards,


12 Jul, 2013 3:10 AM Tanya Duncan

I am asked this question all the time and I will happily share this blog in the future! It's like
anything.. there are always people looking for a shortcut to success, but the real way to get
there is hard work, passion, constantly improving, and ongoing education. Thanks Ravi!

12 Jul, 2013 4:38 AM Hai Wang Tanya Duncan in response to

Short cut, is to use your time and resources in efficient ways for achieving a goal, It's not
always bad. For finding a short cut to learn effectively, is much more valuable in terms of .
If you have settled yourself down, you can enjoy the 'landscape' and view through the long-
run process.

12 Jul, 2013 5:18 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Tanya Duncan in response to

Thanks Tanya for reading and your comments.

You are inspirational to many on SCN, your blogs are particularly in FICO area are
immensely helpful for many. Your website is having very good and useful stuff for SAP
Community. Well done.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Probably you have pointed out the gist of my whole blog in four simple words.

Kudos !!!

Kind Regards,


12 Jul, 2013 5:38 AM waqas ahmed

Hi ravi,

Great Blog.

Very helpful not only for consultants but non SAP individuals also.Specially I liked the portion
of communication skills.Even you know your subject, you have great thoughts, very creative
& innovative but if you can not transform it & communicate to the world its useless.

Prophets also used to pray to have best capabilities of communication.As they also have
great responsibilty from GOD to convey message to each & every person in his area.

If you have moderate skills in your subject but you can convince people Really you will be a
succesful person......................My Experience

Excellent Struggle!Keep it up!

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?



12 Jul, 2013 5:44 AM Ravi Sankar Venna waqas ahmed in response to

Thanks a lot Waqas for reading my blog and your comments.

Much appreciated your cheerful words.

Kind Regards,


12 Jul, 2013 7:42 AM Akshay Gupta Ravi Sankar Venna in response to


Perhaps, we should catch up some time on this off-line

I feel my thoughts very well echo of yours.

Very well said!

I would like to leave you with this: "Perseverance & Hard-work are great elements of
success. If only you knock long enough and hard enough at the gate, you are sure to wake
up somebody"

12 Jul, 2013 8:11 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Akshay Gupta in response to

Ha ha ha !!!

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks Akshay for the update with a nice quote.

Best Regards,


12 Jul, 2013 10:13 AM Nagesh Gaikwad

Hello Ravi Sir,

I am Nagesh from Pune (India) right now I am working in Sales and Marketing
division since from last 2 years, and I am thinking of doing SAP module.As well as I am a
BE graduate and MBA marketing person. I have enquired about courses in one of the SAP
certified provider regarding course they suggest SD module in online certification. while one
of my friend suggested that there are many professionals in the city who will provide me
hands on experience on projects by taking minimal amount of money and after if I want to
to certification from SAP Germany then you can do online Training. So right now i am in
dilemma what should i do now..Bcoz i am not confident about online training as the fee for
course is too much for me.I don't want to leave my current job and i want to SAP.

1)Kindly suggest me should I go with SD module

2)should i go for online or classroom training (Online- I am not confident about online
training and Classroom - They don't have good faculty here in pune)

3) Do you know any training institutes which provide better teaching? If yes kindly guide me.

Kindly guide me as I want to accelerate my career with SAP


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


12 Jul, 2013 10:34 AM Vivek Singh Bhoj

Hi Ravi,

Awesome blog...

You have mentioned everything that is needed to become successful.

Its like Bhagavad Gita for SAP Consultants. is the lifeline for SAP Consultants.

Both the links that you shared are very helpful.

Everyone who is into SAP should read this blog at least once.

Thanks for sharing such great thoughts.



12 Jul, 2013 10:41 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Nagesh Gaikwad in response to

Hi Nagesh,

Good to know.

This forum prevents me from discussing about institutes other than SAP / SAP Authorised
Training Partner. Furthermore, I have no clue regarding the local institutes. There are few
thousands. But, at the same time, you cannot rely the quality of education and server access
etc. you are going to get it. Though Online training is economical compared to SAP Class
room training, still it is too expensive for anybody. Even if you spend huge amount of money

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

of SAP Education at SAP, there is no such job guarantee that you are going to get. It is a
calculated risk taking and putting your abilities to fetch a decent career. Please note that
there are many Certified consultants still struggling for getting decent jobs. Therefore, please
think twice before making any huge investments.

It is not at all advisable to leave your current job and go for Certification, as this is not a Job
guarantee program.

Please go throuh

DOs & DON’Ts for SAP Career (Certification) on the basis of my on going journey from an
Accountant to SAP FI Consultant.

written by Chirag Shah

Kind Regards,


12 Jul, 2013 10:45 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Vivek Singh Bhoj in response to

Thanks Vivek.

Every SAP Consultant should read on a regular basis to get authority on the
fundamentals. Building Blocks are really helpful for getting good hands on experience. The
more we explore, the more we get it. We can only explore when we have passion.

Kind Regards,


12 Jul, 2013 11:29 AM Chirag Shah Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Yes sir,

I remember our past conversation (link given below) and working hard in the direction.

Ravi Sankar Venna Apr 3, 2013 6:42 PM



12 Jul, 2013 11:50 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Chirag Shah in response to

Hi Chirag,

Thanks for the update. The link is going to wrong place (my profile).

Now a days too many activities, hence, I might have forgotten our discussion.

Humble, Hardwork & Persevere are the greatest qualities a human being can have. Ego is
the end of life. I strongly believe in this. You are a great inspiration for many on this forum. I
respect your thoughts.

Best Regards,


12 Jul, 2013 12:34 PM Chirag Shah Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

You made me speechless, Sir.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Any way follow date and time part instead of your name part that will direct you to the correct



12 Jul, 2013 5:04 PM prabhu karanki

HI Ravi shakar,

This message delivered by you is very good. Sharing and learing is the process of life.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

12 Jul, 2013 7:15 PM Altaf Shaikh


Excellent blog.

Many Thanks,

Altaf Shaikh.

12 Jul, 2013 7:38 PM Ravi Sankar Venna prabhu karanki in response to

Thanks Prabhu for reading and your comments.

12 Jul, 2013 7:39 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Altaf Shaikh in response to

Thanks a lot Altaf.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

13 Jul, 2013 5:02 AM Rituparna Duttagupta

Thanks for such an informative post Ravi. It's really useful to everyone who want to excel in

13 Jul, 2013 7:31 AM Shoaib Tasleem

Hi Ravi,

Great Work... This is really a fruitful blog, specially for freshers.

Good Luck in future with best regards

13 Jul, 2013 10:02 AM Olufolake Ero-Phillips

Hello Ravi,

This is a great article.. Thanks for sharing this,I find it very helpful and informative especially
for someone like me who is just getting into SAP. I just completed my training in SAP FICO
and looking for my first project. Have been doing lot of reading and practicing. I find SAP
very interesting and my goal is to become a very good consultant. I am definitely in it for the
long haul and this blog has just given me the motivation I need. Great blog..

13 Jul, 2013 11:07 AM Quentin Desire Eboa Nda

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for this helpful guideline. It gives me motivation to improve and perform in my dream
(becoming an expert SAP Consultant).


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13 Jul, 2013 1:44 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Olufolake Ero-Phillips in response to

Thanks Olufolake for reading and good to know that contents of this blog could help you.

Wish you all success.

Best Regards,


13 Jul, 2013 1:45 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Quentin Desire Eboa Nda in response to

Thanks Quentin for reading this blog. Hope the contents of this blog would help you.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


13 Jul, 2013 5:54 PM Bala Siddharthan

Brilliant article!

Exact requirements for any fresher to become a perfect SAP Consultant!

Enjoyed reading it!

13 Jul, 2013 10:13 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Bala Siddharthan in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks Bala for reading. Much appreciated your comments.

Best Regards,


14 Jul, 2013 6:34 AM Vikrant Hande

Hi Ravi,

I must say very good motivational Blog, which help especially for fresher to have correct
path towards, to become expert SAP Consultant.


Vikrant Hande

14 Jul, 2013 6:38 AM Dinesh Kumar Agarwal

Thanks Ravi,

Another Exceptional blog. Keep sharing



14 Jul, 2013 9:34 AM Abdullah Qureshi

Thanks Ravi for sharing this Amazing Blog.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Learnt many things from this blog...



14 Jul, 2013 1:50 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Rituparna Duttagupta in response to

Thanks Rituparna.

14 Jul, 2013 1:50 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Shoaib Tasleem in response to

Thanks Shoaib.

14 Jul, 2013 1:51 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Vikrant Hande in response to

Thanks Vikrant.

14 Jul, 2013 1:51 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Dinesh Kumar Agarwal in response to

Thank you Dinesh.

14 Jul, 2013 6:56 PM Suvronil Das

Thanks for bringing up such a nice post Ravi! I do recall my early days in SAP domain, when
I truly used to feel lost at every step & asked others for some help. This continued till I found
SCN & SAP library & since, then I know where to get all my queries answered.

I believe this post can be extended to a second part, addressing how SAP consultants can migrate to newly
introduced, yet game-changing solutions by SAP. Specially, in last few years, SAP landscape has changed a
lot & it's probably going to continue for next 2-3 years more.Hence, the existing consultants need to update &
re-shape themselves as per client's need. This could pose a challenge to everyone.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Hoping to see some more nice posts from you!



14 Jul, 2013 8:23 PM Goutham R

Excellent Blog, Ravi! Thanks for investing your time to share your thoughts to the world!



15 Jul, 2013 1:57 AM Kethan S

Thanks for the Blog Ravi, It's really nice to read. Please continue the good work:)

15 Jul, 2013 4:50 AM Phongthep Nookaew

Thank you for your blog Ravi.

Really good paper,all consultant must read!

15 Jul, 2013 6:24 AM shreyas N

hi Ravi

I think u ll be role model for fresher even i am fresher in sap so nw i am going to it.Just
i read about ur blog its was a good and u know for any one after reading this sm what well
versed.... thnkx for sharing all

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

dude i want some theory notes which notes shall i refer

15 Jul, 2013 7:07 AM Muralikrishnan Swaminathan

Hi Ravi,,

Very well justified writing, We all SAP Consultants will appreciate for writing this.

This makes Consultants to be in right track,,

Once again thanks for good words.

15 Jul, 2013 8:32 AM Vijay Madhavan

Nice Blog....

15 Jul, 2013 8:48 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Suvronil Das in response to

Thanks Suvronil for your comments.

There are lot many technologies are coming up. It is always good to learn Niche
technologies / functionality in your own area. That would always distinguish you from other
people. That is what everybody is struggling to learn.

Wish you all success.

Kind Regards,


Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

15 Jul, 2013 8:48 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Suvronil Das in response to

15 Jul, 2013 11:27 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Goutham R in response to

Thanks Goutham for your comments.

15 Jul, 2013 11:28 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Kethan S in response to

Thanks Kethan for your cheerful words. :-)

15 Jul, 2013 11:29 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Phongthep Nookaew in response to

Thanks Phongthep for your comments.

Much appreciated your comments.

15 Jul, 2013 11:31 AM Ravi Sankar Venna shreyas N in response to

Thanks a lot Shreyas.

The best notes anybody can read is

It is also not bad idea to read the text given at the SPRO paths. Reading and
text at SPRO paths would be really helpful to quickly grasp the fundaments.

Kind Regards,


15 Jul, 2013 11:32 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Muralikrishnan Swaminathan in response to

Thanks Murali, much appreciated your comments.

Really appreciate your times in reading this.

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Kind Regards,


15 Jul, 2013 11:32 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Vijay Madhavan in response to

Thanks Vijay

15 Jul, 2013 11:36 AM deepa p

Hi Ravi,

Myself being a beginner in sap, this article of yours would be a guide for me to acheive my
target.Felt like it was Krishnas gita upadesham to Arjuna.

Thanks once again.



15 Jul, 2013 12:13 PM Ravi Sankar Venna deepa p in response to

Thanks Deepa.

Your comments are too much for me to digest. I have very little knowledge, which I struggled
to put on this blog. Even if I learn a single letter in "Bhagavad Gita", it is more than enough
for my life.

Keep learning.. Enjoy learning.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Best Regards,


15 Jul, 2013 5:37 PM Shashank Revankar

Hi Ravi,

Amazing article with great detail.. really inspiring . I have a small doubt, i am currently
studying for SAP fi certification from a institute and would really like to get my concepts clear
but didn't really get how to use the help portal. Would you please guide me?



15 Jul, 2013 7:09 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Shashank Revankar in response to

Thanks Shashank.

Please go through following link, you will find SAP ERP Central Component details, if you
explode them, you will find SAP Help.



15 Jul, 2013 10:28 PM siraj shaik

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

"One must forever strive for excellence or even perfection, in any task, however small, and
never be satisfied with the second best." - JRD Tata, 1965.

Thanks for the guidance & views.

Super "How to transform *From Fresher to Expert* SAP Consultant" and the quote
shared by you excellent. Being layman "novice in SAP " got opportunity to take up the
course offered by openSAP, for knowledge base & futuristic approach. After enrolling
got inspired to know more about InMDbM. After attending first week webinar & weekly
assignment and generated more interest towards the Subject. Going through blogs in SCN
was more overwhelming. As the weeks passed by interest grew within and going through
your blog had boosted more inspiration. And reviewed the study material to understand in

Yeah, a opening and a getting into this field is surly tough & difficult for Freshers & Starters.
But by crawling one can learn to walk & run like a child. "Sharing Knowledge will Surely
Develop Awareness & Wisdom" and with Support from SCN blogs one will grow in build

I believe "At start everyone is a fresher no one is born Professional. By acquiring

Knowledge, Skills with Hard work and talents mould themselves to Professionals".

Please share & let Freshers/Starters know about any hiring companies/HR agencies. Cause
everyone need a break from someone to grow.By practising & going through knowledge
base topics and self learning materials will surely help.

Look forward to more inspiring topics from you & also from persons like you.

15 Jul, 2013 10:54 PM Arun Reddy

Awesome information Ravi, this is very impressive for me

16 Jul, 2013 4:27 AM shreyas N

hi gd mrng

I want to make projects dude so wr should i refer and how to create projects

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16 Jul, 2013 5:25 AM Ravi Sankar Venna siraj shaik in response to

Hi Siraj,

Thanks for your comments.

This quote by the greatest JRD Tata inspired me a lot from my childhood. Probably, few
thousand times, I must have remembered myself. Still, I feel there is something to be
motivated in this quote.

You are absolutely correct. Every one was born at "0" level, however, later, how we work
hard day and night by acquiring knowledge, skills with hard work. During this process, how
we share our knowledge is also most important. Frankly, there are thousands of companies /
HR agencies in the world. It all depends on country to country. I may not do any justice, if I
try to attempt that blog, as this is a global forum. Furthermore, I have no much visibility about
these agencies.

Wish you all success.



16 Jul, 2013 5:25 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Arun Reddy in response to

Thanks Arun for your comments and reading the blog.

Best Regards,


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16 Jul, 2013 5:26 AM Ravi Sankar Venna shreyas N in response to

HI Shreyas,

I am not sure what you are referring to.

Can you please elaborate and explain your requirements. Probably, I should be able to help

Kind Regards,


16 Jul, 2013 5:45 AM Dinesh Reddy Gurram

Hi Ravi

Thanks a lot

A motivated document

16 Jul, 2013 5:59 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Dinesh Reddy Gurram in response to

Thanks Dinesh.

16 Jul, 2013 7:13 AM Shashank Revankar Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Thanks a ton Ravi.... You Rock the sap world!!!

16 Jul, 2013 7:45 AM Durga Prasad Godavarthi

Hi Ravi,

Awesome blog.. Especially the lines which you wrote about sharing knowledge were

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16 Jul, 2013 7:52 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Durga Prasad Godavarthi in response to

Thanks DP.

Best Regards,


16 Jul, 2013 7:53 AM Satya Prakash

Hi Ravi,

Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable thoughts. Much appreciated.


Satya Prakash

16 Jul, 2013 10:36 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Satya Prakash in response to

Thanks Satya for your comemnts. Much appreciated.

Kind Regards,



Crown to the jewels and hats off Ravi sir

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16 Jul, 2013 11:18 AM shreyas N


I want to make real time project so its my assignment also but wr should get clear
information about on creation of projct

16 Jul, 2013 11:40 AM Ravi Sankar Venna shreyas N in response to

Hi Shreyas,

You can make use of SAP Building Blocks, as stated in the blog:

Please download configuration / end user documents for different countries / scenarios.

Kind Regards,


16 Jul, 2013 11:40 AM Ravi Sankar Venna ABDULRAHMAN ABDULRAHIM in response to

Thanks Abdul.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

16 Jul, 2013 1:33 PM Anil T

Awesome article Ravi!!

16 Jul, 2013 1:55 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Anil T in response to

Thanks Anil.

16 Jul, 2013 2:52 PM Vignesh Veerasamy

Thanks Ravi,

For your wonderful blog..


16 Jul, 2013 2:58 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Vignesh Veerasamy in response to

Thanks Vignesh.

16 Jul, 2013 7:53 PM Rafik Ahmed Pradeep Akula in response to

Confidence level increased like me.

I have learnt SAP MM functional, but not practised. as my existing company doesn't use

And I am willing to do my certification.

Let me practice and get the confidence level before examination.

16 Jul, 2013 10:36 PM Trisha Reddy

Great article... Very inspiring...

16 Jul, 2013 10:56 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Trisha Reddy in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks Trisha.

17 Jul, 2013 9:21 AM Vincent Ong

Nice insight, I will start the habit of reading SAP Help/SCN on daily basis.

Thanks for writing this blog, I think it will shed light on being a true SAP consultants.

P.S. This blog made SAP Consultant sounds like being a Jedi (^^,)

17 Jul, 2013 10:06 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Vincent Ong in response to

Thanks Vincent.

Due to many activities, always missing to read SAP Help. I always like SAP Help, the
fundamentals are written at a crystal clear manner.

Ha ha ha, I appreciated your sense of humour.

Kind Regards,


17 Jul, 2013 4:02 PM Jean Machado

Congratulations for the comment. I liked very much.

17 Jul, 2013 4:08 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Jean Machado in response to

Thanks Jean. Much appreciated.

18 Jul, 2013 9:57 AM Anupam Ghosh

Hi Ravi,

This is a second blog of yours which I went through.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Very well written blog. Thank you so much for highlighting the basic points of success.



18 Jul, 2013 10:06 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Anupam Ghosh in response to

Thanks a lot Anupam for your nice motivating words.

Kind Regards,


18 Jul, 2013 10:08 AM Bryan Arana

Hi Ravi,

Your post is very informative and helpful in pointing people in the right direction for those
starting in SAP.

After reading your post, I have become one of your fans. With your belief system, I believe
you are a great person and role model for all exisiting and future SAP Consultant. Cheers to

18 Jul, 2013 10:23 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Bryan Arana in response to

Hi Bryan,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks a lot for your praising. When somebody praises at this level, usually any person
becomes speechless, me not an exception. Most bloggers look for appreciation, which
motivates them to write more and more.

It is a great pleasure to know you. "Believe in myself" is a great tonic for any human being,
as I believe every person is special in their own way.

Kind Regards,


18 Jul, 2013 11:52 AM Shashi Kanth

Hi Ravi,

Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestion, its very impressive and helpful to all SAP SCN
members and as well as who wants to be an expert in SAP Consultant.


Shashi Kanth.

18 Jul, 2013 12:01 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Shashi Kanth in response to

Thanks Shashi Kanth. Much appreciated your comments.

Kind Regards,


18 Jul, 2013 1:26 PM Delli Kumar

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Hi Ravi,

I am glad you liked this post. Writing it was very enlightening for me. its really important to
know to become good SAP consultant.


Delli Kumar.K

18 Jul, 2013 2:44 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Delli Kumar in response to

Thanks Delli Kumar.

19 Jul, 2013 4:18 AM Kethan S

Hi Ravi,

Congrats for creating this wonderful blog. Ravi i would like to seek your help as i am new to
sap. I would like to study ABAP could you please provide me some study materials or links
to download for free. I would like to pursue career as an ERP consultant or Abap consultant.



19 Jul, 2013 4:24 AM Kethan S

Hi Ravi,

I am bit confused which domain i need to select. SAP is very vast i feel kind of lost . Lots
of functionalities are there. Is there a possiblity to self learn on some like ABAP, Hana

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Netweaver. Could you please suggest which domain to choose for an Engineer graduate
from Compute science background?



19 Jul, 2013 4:43 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Kethan S in response to

Hi Ketan,

I am afraid, I may not be able to provide links to download the materials, as it is against the
rules or engagement on this forum.

ERP is a software and there are many software, whereas ABAP is only programming
language of SAP. If you would like to become development consultant, you may need to
learn ABAP, however, you need to be good in programming.

All the best.



19 Jul, 2013 4:44 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Kethan S in response to

Hi Ketan,

Netweaver is a platform, it is not a module to be selected as such. Since, you are very
fresher and from computer science background, it is always good to start with ABAP. Once
you have some years of experience, then you can look to expand your horizons.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,


19 Jul, 2013 7:53 AM Prajjwal Sharma

Hi Ravi,

Your thoughts and your views are most vital and important for any fresher who want to build
a career in the SAP world.

Do keep writing and sharing your thoughts.



19 Jul, 2013 8:33 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Prajjwal Sharma in response to

Thanks Prajjwal.



19 Jul, 2013 10:40 AM Alok Ranjan

hi ravi

this is a great stuff and informative blog

good one


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

alok ranjan

19 Jul, 2013 10:47 AM Alok Ranjan

its very sad to know that there are some consultants who does not know how to log in to
online access .

i would like to read blogs from you again and again

thank you

alok ranjan

19 Jul, 2013 11:59 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Alok Ranjan in response to

Thanks Alok.

19 Jul, 2013 12:01 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Alok Ranjan in response to

Sad. But it is true. People still do not aware where to access service market place.

19 Jul, 2013 12:19 PM Alok Ranjan

i think SAP best practices Building blocks paragraph is helpful to freshers as well as
experienced.thank u ravi

thank u

alok ranjan

20 Jul, 2013 3:40 AM CRISTINA RAMIREZ

I started to read your blog, because it call my attention as a newest SAP consultant...yes,
trying to find the secret of how to become an expert formula but who not? ...ones I read
it... and you give so good tips.... I am complete agree with you.... so thank you for share your
knowledge ... it help me a lot....

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

20 Jul, 2013 8:53 AM Mahboob Rahman

Thank you again, another great piece of work.

With Warmest Regards,

Mahboob Rahman

20 Jul, 2013 9:57 AM Ravi Sankar Venna CRISTINA RAMIREZ in response to

Thanks Christina for reading this and your comments. Good to know that you like this blog.

Best Regards,


20 Jul, 2013 9:58 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Mahboob Rahman in response to

Thanks a lot Mahboob for your nice comments. Such wonderful comments really motivates
me to write more blogs. Much appreciated.

Best Regards,


20 Jul, 2013 3:23 PM Pankaj Pareek

Hi Ravi,

I was already excited to have a blog from you and that too on how to transform into expert
SAP consultant. Though I have only 2.5 years of experience as SAP consultant and 5 yrs in
IT but I have learned that to become expert consultant I really have to read a lot, practice a
lot, share a lot and the journey is long. I have been getting all the global gyan on this topic
but this is first time someone actually told what to do and how to do.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Your blog was really very motivating and the same time very helpful. You have been really
kind to list all the important resource that a consultant should look for. I was not aware of
SAP Best Practices Building Blocks.

Immense respect for you !!!

Please do keep mentoring us. I will definitely share this blog with my friends and colleagues.


Pankaj Pareek

20 Jul, 2013 3:26 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Pankaj Pareek in response to

Thanks Pankaj for reading and much appreciated your comments.

It is good that you have given the gist of this blog by saying "read a lot, practice a lot, share
a lot and journey is long".

I did practice SAP Building Blocks for few times, it helped me immensely and developed my

Thanks again for your comments.

Best Regards,


20 Jul, 2013 7:04 PM Jitendra Kumar Kansal

Hi Ravi,

i just opened SCN homepage.

and saw yours wonderful and motivational blog listed over here

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How to Transform Yourself into an Expert SAP

its really cool.. congrats !!!



20 Jul, 2013 7:11 PM Suresh N

Nice and impressive.. Very needful information for beginners like me..

Thanks a lot Mr. Ravi Shankar..Great job..

20 Jul, 2013 8:17 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Jitendra Kumar Kansal in response to

Hi Jitendra,

This is all happened because of the support from nice people like you.

Without your support, this would not have placed on the front page.

Thanks a lot once again.

Kind Regards,


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20 Jul, 2013 8:17 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Suresh N in response to

Thanks a lot Suresh for reading and your nice comments.

Best Regards,


21 Jul, 2013 7:51 AM DHANAPRABU M

hi Ravi thanks a lot for this blog its very impressive..

Thank& Regards


21 Jul, 2013 9:49 AM Ravi Sankar Venna DHANAPRABU M in response to

Thanks Dhanaprabu.

21 Jul, 2013 1:15 PM Govind Krishna Kumar Thiagarajan

Hi Ravi,

Thanks a lot for your excellent blog...extremely useful for consultants at all levels.

Best Regards


21 Jul, 2013 1:21 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Govind Krishna Kumar Thiagarajan in response to

Thanks a lot Govind. Good to know you.

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Kind Regards,


21 Jul, 2013 1:47 PM Krishna Chaitanya Tadepalli

Excellent Blog Ravi Very inspiring for folks like me who want to make their passionate
careers entirely in SAP technologies.

Waiting for many more good blogs ahead !! Cheers !! Have a wonderful week ahead !!!

21 Jul, 2013 5:02 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Krishna Chaitanya Tadepalli in response to

Thanks Krishna.

22 Jul, 2013 7:37 AM sanjith natarajan

Dear friend,

Really igniting blog,it would ignite many people like me. Thanks a lot for discussing about
sharing knowledge


Sanjith N

22 Jul, 2013 8:05 AM Murali Krishnan

Excellent blog. Thanks for sharing.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


Murali Krishnan KS

22 Jul, 2013 8:22 AM Rohit Saini

Firstly, there are two types of SAP consultants - one who prepares his resume for job
security, and other who wants to enjoys working in SAP. I consider the second type an
expert. Why? Because you must be willing to learn. Even Lead or Principal level consultants
forget things, and SAP is a vast platform, it supports so many functions, thus an expert must
firstly behave like a student, trying to always learn from experience.

Secondly, you must be a good listener to capture client requirement.

Thirdly, you must be a great negotiator and able to convince client about the right process.

And last but not the least, do more projects, get more experience, travel if possible. That will
change your perspective on how SAP can support different types of businesses.

22 Jul, 2013 8:52 AM PARTH BHATT

Hi Ravi

Appreciate your efforts and zeal to share such a helpful article, Infact it is self explantory &
answers all questions which a consultant get during his career. Have saved this link to read
it again and again it is motivating and helpful.

Thanks & Regards


22 Jul, 2013 10:58 AM Ravi Sankar Venna sanjith natarajan in response to

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Thanks Sanjith.

22 Jul, 2013 10:59 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Murali Krishnan in response to

Thanks Murali.

22 Jul, 2013 11:00 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Rohit Saini in response to

Thanks Rohit, much appreciated your comments.

22 Jul, 2013 11:01 AM Ravi Sankar Venna PARTH BHATT in response to

Thanks Parth, appreciate your time in reading my blog.

All the best.



22 Jul, 2013 12:52 PM Andreas Profitlich

So far the best article about this topic. I will use it as a reference if somebody is asking me

Well done Ravi!

22 Jul, 2013 2:28 PM Poltera Anthony

Brilliant balanced view. One other thing I would add for anyone considering SAP Application
Development. A can-do attitude that never, ever give's up!

22 Jul, 2013 2:34 PM Yogesh Narwani

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Nice Artcile for the beginners !

22 Jul, 2013 2:41 PM Ankit Gupta

Hi Ravi,

An outstanding blog. Will surely share this article with all my fellow consultants and specially
the freshers.



22 Jul, 2013 2:58 PM Priyanka Jain

Really nice blog Ravi.

Liked it a lot.

You covered each and every point that one should work on to become good consultant.

It has surely motivated me to work on my negative points.



22 Jul, 2013 8:11 PM Tadoh Munji

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

I am interested in taking the long term path into SAP/ BI consulting. My initial steps have
been to gain some training and certification as a SAP Certified Application Associate
- SAP HANA 1.0 and SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP BusinessObjects Web
Intelligence 4.0.

I am currently receiving training and subsequent certification in BI Platform 4.0, then Crystal reports,
Dashboards and BI.

My main problem is to find a place to gain real life experience. I am even willing to work for free
where I live ( Ontario, Canada) while I get my certifications. I am also willing to work for free remotely
because for now all I am interested in is getting all the experience I need.

Is there an easy way to achieve this? I am transitioning to BI after spending several years as a
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator.

Thanks for your suggestions.

22 Jul, 2013 9:11 PM Ronaldo Aparecido

I am .; abap.

I liked.

22 Jul, 2013 11:42 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Andreas Profitlich in response to

Thanks Andreas. It is a great honour to receive such honest comments. Much appreciated
once again.

Kind Regards,


22 Jul, 2013 11:43 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Poltera Anthony in response to

Thanks Poltera for your comments. My feelings echo your thoughts, I do always believe in
"no default is final until you give up".

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Best Regards,


22 Jul, 2013 11:43 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Yogesh Narwani in response to

Thanks Yogesh.

22 Jul, 2013 11:44 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Ankit Gupta in response to

Thanks Ankit. Much appreciated your comments.

22 Jul, 2013 11:45 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Priyanka Jain in response to

Thanks Priyanka, really appreciated your comments and motivating words.

22 Jul, 2013 11:47 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Tadoh Munji in response to

Hi Tadoh,

Please do not worry, everybody has come across all these struggles, if you are persistent
and keep your perseverance, then surely you should get your desired job. It is only matter of
time. Meanwhile, kindly carry on your learning with more focus. Surely, you are going to get

All the best.

Kind Regards,


22 Jul, 2013 11:47 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Ronaldo Aparecido in response to

Thanks Ronaldo.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


Hello Ravi.

I have a year certified SAP-ABAP and I am looking for a HCM certification because all my
carrier I was involved in Payroll and HR systems, operating, investigating and developing.
I think I have a lot of experience in this topic but when I had readed your post I was very
wondered. Since I was certified nobody tell me that in SAP Word we need to be an expert to
be a possible job candidate, well after read your blog, I just put myself on the way to be an
expert in SAP topic. I need to work in SAP now.

Thank you very much for this document, many persons find a good Consultant manual in
your document.


William Acosta

23 Jul, 2013 5:01 AM Ri Zaldy

This blog directs me to be an expert. Thank Ravi, thank you so much.

23 Jul, 2013 5:02 AM Ri Zaldy

Thank you Ravi, you make me think " I can do it, you will do it ! " Hahaha, i think i will one of
thousand fans of your blog.

23 Jul, 2013 6:02 AM Ravi Sankar Venna WILLIAM ACOSTA BARBOSA in response to

Thanks William.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

There is always a great demand for techno-functional consultants. It is a very difficult to find
good techno-functional skills. I believe attitude does really matters. Everybody is having
the required intelligence, but the attitude and helping nature makes them different. I am
delighted to meet a person like you. I sincerely appreciate your comments. Thanks once

Kind Regards,


23 Jul, 2013 6:04 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Ri Zaldy in response to

Hi Ri,

Thank you and good to see your comments. Greatly honoured to see much motivating

All the best.

Kind Regards,


23 Jul, 2013 7:46 AM Mohit Pandya

Really Great.. Ravi

i think u must be passionate about being good consultant

23 Jul, 2013 8:35 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Mohit Pandya in response to

Thanks Mohit, much appreciated your comments.

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Kind Regards,


23 Jul, 2013 12:16 PM Pawan Nair

Hello Ravi,

Congrats.. your article on homepage of SCN today..

23 Jul, 2013 12:30 PM Pavan Kumar Neerukonda

Hi Ravi,

Really Amazing ...Now i came to know in which position i am. How to develop more and
more knowledge.

Thanks a lot.


23 Jul, 2013 12:52 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Pavan Kumar Neerukonda in response to

Thanks Pavan.

23 Jul, 2013 12:58 PM Pavan Kumar Neerukonda Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Its a great honor to get a reply from u..


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


23 Jul, 2013 1:08 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Pavan Kumar Neerukonda in response to

Nothing like that Pavan. Everybody is special in their own way. We can learn from anybody
and everybody in this world.

Best Regards,


23 Jul, 2013 1:24 PM Poltera Anthony

Hi Ravi

1. Please call me Anthony J from sunny Johannesburg!

If possible can you point me in the right direction to find the configuration guide for CRM &
ECC Payment Card integration?

I am busy with a project integrating Chase with CRM but the SAP functional help is a bit thin.

I will be most thankful for your help.



23 Jul, 2013 1:25 PM Pavan Kumar Neerukonda Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Ya Ravi you are correct . And one thing just now i read your response to the Balaji
paramesh blog.

Its amazing that u had 50 SAP Press Books with u. I am very great fan of SAP. I will spend
my entire life to learn new things in SAP. I am an ABAP with WORKFLOW developer having
over 3 years of Experience.

Once i want to see my dream company SAP LABS Germany in my life time.



23 Jul, 2013 2:25 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Poltera Anthony in response to

Hi Anthony,

I am sorry if I picked up wrong name. Thanks for the update.

Probably, SAP help would be the best source for this.

Kind Regards,


23 Jul, 2013 2:39 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Pavan Kumar Neerukonda in response to

Hi Pavan,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

If you have the great spirit of learning, then you will be a successful consultant whatever field
you choose.

Realistically speaking, there is no dream company in this world (no offences please).
Employer and employee relation is also based on demand and supply. To keep ourself alive,
always get to know the required skills for the business. At some point of your career, you
need to think beyond dream companies and start your own enterprise.

Kind Regards,


23 Jul, 2013 3:05 PM Pavan Kumar Neerukonda Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

Accepted with your words.



23 Jul, 2013 4:24 PM Upendra Krishna

Hi Ravi,

Though late I would like to comment - that's a very inspiring and an eye opener post. The
instant I went through have book marked it to go through every time and concentrate on my
gray areas. This kind of post is very much needed and is a spot-on and a guide for budding
consultants across the globe to overcome stressful and challenging situations.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks a Ton


23 Jul, 2013 4:45 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Upendra Krishna in response to

Thanks Upen.

Good to know that you liked my blog and much appreciated for making it bookmark.

Best Regards,


23 Jul, 2013 6:09 PM Satya Prakash Mittinti

Well said, especially abt the inhibitions of budding learners abt posting the answers in forum.

And also abt the sharing part. I see many ppl arnd who hardly are willing to share.

All together., a wonderful blog. Simple-Clear-Apt-Perfect !!

23 Jul, 2013 7:12 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Satya Prakash Mittinti in response to

Thanks Satya for your encouraging words.

23 Jul, 2013 7:35 PM kartik velu

Hi Ravi,

Very inspiring article!! Valuable one

23 Jul, 2013 10:19 PM Ravi Sankar Venna kartik velu in response to

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Thanks Kartik.

24 Jul, 2013 7:31 AM GAUTAM MISHRA

Only 1 word - OUTSTANDING .

24 Jul, 2013 8:02 AM aakash bhatter

Hi Ravi,

I think your words very well reflect how do you feel about this sap universe.By and
large everyone must feel the same.Truly appreciable work

24 Jul, 2013 8:19 AM Ravi Sankar Venna aakash bhatter in response to

Thanks Aakash. Much appreciated.

24 Jul, 2013 11:49 AM sap-fi .

Hi Ravi,

This article can bring best out of a person if followed even 50%. For me, you are the one
who actually contributes to SAP world. The sites described by you are really places where
every SAP consultant should be a regular visitor. Very nice blog!!!!!


Ashok Kumar

24 Jul, 2013 11:58 AM Ravi Sankar Venna sap-fi . in response to

Thanks Ashok. Much appreciated your comments.

Kind Regards,

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24 Jul, 2013 2:08 PM dhananjay singh

Dear Ravi,

It is nice read such blog, realy a motivation thing as new bee as well for the experience



24 Jul, 2013 2:32 PM ram kumar

Hi Ravi,

Its very impressive...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts..



24 Jul, 2013 2:42 PM Ravi Sankar Venna dhananjay singh in response to

Thanks Dhananjay.

24 Jul, 2013 2:42 PM Ravi Sankar Venna ram kumar in response to

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Thanks Ram.

24 Jul, 2013 2:49 PM Prasad Tatikonda

Hello Ravi,

Its very nice blog to improve capability of consultants. I hope this blog is help full to not only
fresher even it is use full to every SAP consultant.

Thanks & Regards,


24 Jul, 2013 2:51 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Prasad Tatikonda in response to

Thanks Prasad, much appreciated your comments.

Best Regards,


24 Jul, 2013 3:34 PM Papil Patil

A booster... An eye opener one...



24 Jul, 2013 7:30 PM Muthuraj Chinna Kaliappan

Hi Ravi,

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Thinking about while! Its time to pitch in to learn

Impressive note.


24 Jul, 2013 9:35 PM Krzysztof Ogrodowicz

Thank you,

it is very intresting article.

valuable information from start to an end...

write more please



24 Jul, 2013 9:40 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Muthuraj Chinna Kaliappan in response to

Thanks Muthuraj.

24 Jul, 2013 9:40 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Krzysztof Ogrodowicz in response to

Thanks Kris. :-)

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25 Jul, 2013 8:44 AM Srikanth Ramakrishnan

A very good blog Ravi.. the content is very much true and very motivating..

Good work!!! Bravo!!!

25 Jul, 2013 12:53 PM Awolusi Titilayo


Thanks for the wonderful motivational words of encouragement,this has opened my mind to
be who i want to be.

This is great.


25 Jul, 2013 1:08 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Awolusi Titilayo in response to

Thanks Awolusi.

Kind Regards,


26 Jul, 2013 6:28 AM Sivaram V Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

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I am big fan of your blogs. This blog is additional booster for all the SAP Asprints and

Best Regards,


26 Jul, 2013 6:33 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Sivaram V in response to

Thanks a lot Sivaram, much appreciate your encouraging words.

Best Regards,


26 Jul, 2013 8:03 AM lilkar lilkar

Hi Ravi,

Thank you for the inspiring words for the aspiring SAP ians...



26 Jul, 2013 8:27 AM Ravi Sankar Venna lilkar lilkar in response to

Thanks Roan.

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26 Jul, 2013 8:36 AM sravani bhavaraju

Hi Ravi,

Awesome Blog very useful for fresher like me thank you.



26 Jul, 2013 8:38 AM Ravi Sankar Venna sravani bhavaraju in response to

Thanks Sravani.

26 Jul, 2013 1:40 PM Deependra Shekhawat

Yes Ravi,

Absolutely right. There are some more places for SAP learning but is best. we can
easily understood the exact reason of process flow. Thanks a lot man.

Deependra Shekhawat

26 Jul, 2013 2:12 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Deependra Shekhawat in response to

Thanks Deependra.

26 Jul, 2013 3:18 PM Rajasekhar Ratakundla Pradeep Akula in response to


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Everything you said are true facts and every SAP consultant has to adhare or follow your

Thanks a lot for giving good suggestion and views to become good knowledgeable

27 Jul, 2013 6:12 AM Ayyam Perumal B

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for your time in sharing this motivational blog and enjoyed reading it.

Surely this would be very helpful to everyone.



27 Jul, 2013 7:52 AM suresh tullimilli


its really interesting and good one. thx for sharing


27 Jul, 2013 11:53 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Ayyam Perumal B in response to

Thanks Ayyam

27 Jul, 2013 11:54 AM Ravi Sankar Venna suresh tullimilli in response to

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Thanks Suresh

27 Jul, 2013 7:37 PM Adeel Mirza Ravi Sankar Venna in response to


This one is really helpfull for people like me and im really impresses by your knowledge on
all types of issues....hats off.

Ravi, 2 days back i posteda discussion and need some replies asap..I'll really appreciate if
you could throw some light on it.


27 Jul, 2013 10:33 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Adeel Mirza in response to

Thanks Adeel. I have replied you in the thread, you need to get the right format of file, you
can use FF_5 or FF.5 depending on your requirement.



28 Jul, 2013 4:56 AM Jayaprakash Nandyala


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Great inspirational blog. Thanks for the time. Where can I find line of business (Functional)
related certifications related to SAP? For example if I am working in Financial Services or
manufacturing, there must be some certifications related to those areas. Any leads are



28 Jul, 2013 10:47 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Jayaprakash Nandyala in response to


Thanks for reading my blog.

You can find at

There are some certifications relating to IS-Banking etc. are available.



28 Jul, 2013 12:14 PM KRISHNA KUMAR P

Dear Ravi,

Very much motivating document. So far I was not much active in SCN. If any issue comes I will just
search SCN for solution. But now I decided to contribute knowledge from my side as much I can.

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Krishna Kumar

28 Jul, 2013 7:47 PM Ravi Sankar Venna KRISHNA KUMAR P in response to

Thanks Krishna, good to know your determination.



29 Jul, 2013 7:20 AM Nifrash Rahmathulla Pradeep Akula in response to

Dear Ravi,

Thank you very much for this lovely's really use full i think this blog wrote paticularly
for me..hope lots of people will think same..u have touch everything here, it will really help
fulla and showed a path to start the career coz a we are fresher don't know where to start
what to do..aftrer i read this i have the confident that i can be a good consultant..'

thanks once again..

29 Jul, 2013 9:20 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Nifrash Rahmathulla in response to

Thanks Nifrash.

29 Jul, 2013 10:27 PM A. G. H.


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog.

Keep up the good work.

Best regards,


30 Jul, 2013 12:18 AM Ravi Sankar Venna A. G. H. in response to

Thank a lot.

30 Jul, 2013 6:10 AM Mukesh Kumar Jon Reed in response to

Absolutely Jon Reed ! I do agree with you that specialization in an SAP area is the key for
consultants. General SAP skills seem to be okay for employees. The organizations tend to
hire consultants for specialized jobs. Outsourcing is another risk factor for Consultants with
general SAP skills.

30 Jul, 2013 6:13 AM Mukesh Kumar

Thanks RAVI SANKAR VENNA for sharing your insights into an SAP Consulting Career
building. Enjoyed your post !

30 Jul, 2013 6:21 AM Naga Lakshmi

Hi Ravi,

Excellent post, it will really help us.

30 Jul, 2013 9:00 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Mukesh Kumar in response to

Thanks Mukesh.

30 Jul, 2013 9:00 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Naga Lakshmi in response to

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Thanks Naga Lakshmi.

30 Jul, 2013 7:36 PM Mahboob Rahman

Hi Ravi,

I have been following your blogs with amaze. Currently, I am cracking my head to draft
blueprint document and kind of lost.

Could you please explain contents of a blueprint document? If possible, share a standard

Thanks and Warmest Regards,

Mahboob Rahman

31 Jul, 2013 12:25 PM Ravindra Chavan

Very helpful for people who are changing to nw technology.Appreciate your time.

Ravindra Chavan

31 Jul, 2013 2:19 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Ravindra Chavan in response to

Thanks Ravindra.

1 Aug, 2013 6:07 AM Venkata Siva Rama Rao Kandula

Truly an eye opener. Really helped me a lot recognise my slef. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Ramarao Kandula

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1 Aug, 2013 6:15 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Venkata Siva Rama Rao Kandula in response to

Thanks Ramarao

1 Aug, 2013 7:29 AM Ayyam Perumal B Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

Considering being a Expert SAP Consultant to be a "Vision" as this is what everyone

expectations are, being an Abaper what could be the short term "Goals" that we could have
in order to motivate us to move forward becoming an Expert SAP Consultant.

Just needed a suggestion from your point of view.



1 Aug, 2013 8:46 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Ayyam Perumal B in response to

Thanks for your comments.

I can suggest the short term goals as

* Learn

* Practice

* Read

Kind Regards,


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1 Aug, 2013 8:58 AM Ankita Chhabra

Hi Ravi,

Thank you for sharing awesome content. I am a fresher and it helps me in learning a lot. You
write very well. Keep blogging



1 Aug, 2013 10:03 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Ankita Chhabra in response to

Thanks a lot Ankita, much appreciated your comments.



1 Aug, 2013 10:29 AM Meghna Jain

Very well said...highly appreciated

1 Aug, 2013 10:50 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Meghna Jain in response to

Thanks Meghna.

1 Aug, 2013 12:37 PM Srihari Ramadas


1 Aug, 2013 3:01 PM Philipp Salas

Thanks Ravi,

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Now it's more clear for all of us what a beginner and an advanced SAP geek needs to do to
get the right job


1 Aug, 2013 3:06 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Philipp Salas in response to

Thanks Phil. Much appreciated your comments.

1 Aug, 2013 11:37 PM Raquel Pereira da Cunha

Excellent blog, congratulations and thank you for sharing. Great reading.

There is only one thing that I don't agree: you said that you are not expert in writing blogs.
You are indeed

Keep blogging.



2 Aug, 2013 5:12 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Raquel Pereira da Cunha in response to

Hi Raquel,

Thanks for reading my blog and your comments.

Ha ha ha ha It is always a great privilege to receive comments from great people, it

inspires me a lot

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Thanks once again.

Best Regards,


PS: By the way, congratulations!!!!! on showing your blog on the first page of SCN,
incidentally, my blog also shown on the first page of SCN, last week before your blog.

My Design Thinking experience

2 Aug, 2013 7:13 AM shreyas tp

Hi Ravi,

This blog is fantastic.

For a fresher like me, these are very useful points you made out.

I would go ahead to take a print of this and pin it near my desk.

Make these kind of blogs coming. Its been highly useful.



2 Aug, 2013 8:39 AM Praveen Kumar

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Hi Ravi,

i found it really nice for any fresher to start with.



2 Aug, 2013 8:53 AM Ravi Sankar Venna shreyas tp in response to

Thanks Shreyas for encouraging words, much appreciated reading my blog and your

2 Aug, 2013 8:54 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Praveen Kumar in response to

Thanks Praveen.



2 Aug, 2013 3:28 PM Mandar Bahadrpurkar

Dear Ravi,

You're like a an angel in distrace times. I've completed my certification last year in FI
module. And have 5 years user experiance as well as some process automation experince.
I'm really frustrated & feel like it was waste of money & time that I did certification.
Otherwise, I thought, with 10+ years accounting experiance having MBA in Finance &
M.Com., it was nice life I was leading. And, coupled with current economic scenario,
openings seem to have dried up.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

I feel there needs to be certain aptitude to be a consultant. If you're still tracking the posts,
please revert.

2 Aug, 2013 3:38 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Mandar Bahadrpurkar in response to

Dear Mandar,

Thanks for your comments.

Even I had to wait for 3 months after my first certification and blew off few interview for
different reasons. I must be regretting now, had I been stopped my quest to jump into SAP
Consulting world. I know it is very frustrating period and mentally challenging period. Many
time we feel we almost got the offer, but due to some reason no obvious result. This all
happens and it is all part of life. Perseverance is the key and keep trying yourself until you
get a break. I agree it is difficult, but not impossible. I am sure hopefully, you are able to get
it, if not today, definitely tomorrow.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


3 Aug, 2013 7:56 AM Mandar Bahadrpurkar

Dear Ravi,

Thank you for your encouraging words. The crux is managing the time for practice on Demo.
And, it's me who has to figure out how to do it, given the demands of accountant's job &
family. Let's see. In fact, I'd given up looking for job as SAP consultant, but, thanx to your
blog, I'll start trying again.

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Will keep in touch.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Mandar Bahadarpurkar

5 Aug, 2013 9:26 AM Arshad Sharif


Excellent work and it's spot on for people who are starting a career in SAP.



5 Aug, 2013 10:54 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Arshad Sharif in response to

Thanks Arshad, much appreciated your comments.

5 Aug, 2013 10:15 PM Nishan Dev


Excellect blog, always enjoy reading your blogs.

Thank you,

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Nishan Dev

5 Aug, 2013 11:15 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Nishan Dev in response to

Thanks Nishan. Much appreciated your comments.

6 Aug, 2013 2:42 AM Sven Ringling

Hi Ravi,

Congrats on this excellent article!

I honestly hope all starters and juniors read this and follow your advice.

It may be old school according to the textbook, but there's one point I'd like to add and that's
programming skills. I know the big firms like to differentiate between functional and technical
and not everybody might agree with my cynical interpretation that this allows them to charge
3 people (a func, a tech, and a manager to make them talk to each other), when one would
be enough.

But at our firm (HR only), every consultant needs to obtain ABAP proficiency for 3 reasons:

- when SAP help doesn't tell you everything, a good night of debugging (with Weissbeer and
Pizza) unveils almost every secret

- it is not efficient to get an extra person involved to make small developments for reports
or BAdIs. Sth. programmed in 2 hours would then easily lead to charging 2 days. And a
pure functional consultant would often not even see, what an enhancement can achieve
at reasonable cost, so may call on the developer in vain or forgo easy improvement

- even, if developers are brought in, a func consultant with development skills is much better
at communicating with them, writing specs, and validating their estimates.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

This is not saying everybody must be equally strong at everything. There'll always be
a functional or technical focus. You and the team around you need to understand your
strengths and use them, but quite often it is beneficial to leave one's comfort zone.

E.g. my colleagues always say, I'm the man, if great bullshitting is required (I'd like to believe
they mean I have strong communication and conceptional skills ;-) )

Still I'd never been able to deliver my current project (interfaces into CATS) without getting
my hands dirty with programming myself while fine tuning the design.

This is probably a matter of debate, but anyway: that's the 2p I'd like to add to your excellent

Kind regards


6 Aug, 2013 7:04 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Sven Ringling in response to

Thanks Sven,

Much appreciated your comments.

You are right and I totally agree with your point. Companies always look for consultants with
multiple skills, particularly, techno functional with managerial skills. It is not only company's
point of view, but also from consultant point of view, multi-skills are always of great help.

However, in reality, most of the functional consultants find it difficult, or reluctant to learn
the technical skills. Whereas, technical consultants are always scared of functional
understanding. If the consultants can focus on this area, it would be real productive.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,


6 Aug, 2013 5:57 PM Sven Ringling Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

I guess, that's why it's so sought after - if everybody would easily cross the techno-functional
border, it wouldn't be such a valuable skill ;-)



7 Aug, 2013 1:56 PM Durga Prasad Upadrasta

Thanks for the information

7 Aug, 2013 3:49 PM Milos Jelenkovic

Thanks for an info

7 Aug, 2013 4:24 PM Nikola Zivkovic

True inspiration. Hope to prove it with my own consultant life story in the near future

7 Aug, 2013 4:35 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Nikola Zivkovic in response to

Thanks Nikola for your inspiring comments.

"Thousand miles destination starts with a single step".

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Every consultant in this world start with that single step became consultants to create most
complext business solution. Your strong belief will take you there.

All the very best.

Kind Regards,


8 Aug, 2013 1:39 AM Ron Nitzinger

Thanks Ravi, for this great blog!

This could be applied to any profession, hobby or interest you have. Willingness to learn,
dedication and a desire to help others. If you want to rise to the top, this is the attitude your

I have bookmarked it, as it will serve as a good reference and reminder from time to time.

Best Regards,


8 Aug, 2013 2:49 AM Kumarapillai Pitchumoney


I am very new to SAP world. I am a mainframe professional just completed the Introduction
to SAP HANA Development through I created my profile in SCN, SAP market

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

place. As your advice I read and learn atleast one thing a day. It is an impressive and good
advice blog. Congratulations!


Kumar Pitchumoney

8 Aug, 2013 6:10 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Ron Nitzinger in response to

Thanks Ron. Much appreciated your comments and thanks for keeping as book mark.

You are totally right, whatever be the profession, it is the willingness to learn, dedication and
desire to help others, differentiate the people. Probably, this is the gist of my whole blog :-)

Best Regards,


8 Aug, 2013 6:12 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Kumarapillai Pitchumoney in response to

Thanks Kumar, much appreciated your comments.

If you learn one new thing a day, at some point of your future, you are the most experience

Thanks once again for your encouraging comments.



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8 Aug, 2013 9:13 AM A.MAHADEVAN A

Thanks & It will really help us.


8 Aug, 2013 10:01 AM Ravi Sankar Venna A.MAHADEVAN A in response to

Thanks a lot Mahadevan.

8 Aug, 2013 11:44 AM Uday M

Dear Ravi ,

Nice to see your blog . Its a Valuable content which everyone needs to follow to come-up in
their life and I started analyzing where I am and what to acheive ....

Very Impressive.

Thanks for Sharing.

Best Regards,

Uday .

8 Aug, 2013 11:55 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Uday M in response to

Thanks Uday, much appreciated your comments.

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Kind Regards,


11 Aug, 2013 1:30 AM Sanejkumar Bandgar

well done!

13 Aug, 2013 7:39 AM Komal Ligade

Great...!! It will be definitely helpful for me as a fresher..!!

Thanx a Ton..!!

13 Aug, 2013 8:04 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Komal Ligade in response to

Thanks Komal.

13 Aug, 2013 8:31 AM Komal Ligade Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Ravi, can you give me exact directions, that I should follow as a SAP Basis fresher..?

13 Aug, 2013 11:21 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Komal Ligade in response to

Hi Komal,

My blog should be applicable any consultant, irrespective of the module.

Being a basis consultant,

a) you should have sound system administration / networking / security knowledge

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

b) proper training

c) more practice and clearing understanding of SAP basis activities

d) real time experience

e) SAP Certification (may help you to project yourself)



13 Aug, 2013 11:24 AM Pratish Naidu


I am a Fresher just started working in sap start of this year...what points you have described
is so true and SAP is like an ocean and i am working in MM and WM, which are just 2 Drops
of this ocean...everyday you learn new things...if you dont have the appetite to learn that is
the day you will forget everything in sap and from there its downwards..

Amazing that you jhave put light on this point..very good post..

Kudos to your thought process...

Keep posting.


Pratish Naidu

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13 Aug, 2013 11:29 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Pratish Naidu in response to

Thanks Pratish, much appreciate your comments.

As you rightly said, the appetite for learning is most important for any consultant. Learning is
a process for life and it should be continual.

Thanks again for your thoughts.



13 Aug, 2013 11:37 AM Komal Ligade Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Thank you Ravi for your suggestions.

13 Aug, 2013 11:53 AM santhosh kumar

Hello sir, ur speech was very good and impressive,,, then i am new to this forum ,i need ur
suggestion sir pls help me...

i am santhosh, working as a SAP END USER for past one year, to become a SAP functional
consultant is my dream.but now am getting low salary has end user. then recently i got
selected as IT support in mahindra logistics with some good NOW AM IN
CONFUSION, which to choose .. whether to survive as a SAP END user OR to get into a IT
support then i can search SAP JOBS from there. so pls help me...

before that now am currently pursuing SAP MM module very much
intersted to become as a SAP consultant, its my goal too.. so pls give me ur
suggestion.. i request the people who al reading this , pls give a suggestion.. am
totally confused... sometimes i am thinking the new company whether its any
possible way is avaible to learn sap over there....

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13 Aug, 2013 12:04 PM Ravi Sankar Venna santhosh kumar in response to

Hi Santhosh,

What is IT Support in your new role? Is is related to SAP?

If your new job does not involve SAP, then I do not mind getting low salary at your current
job. Being an end user you can explore many things. Personally, I would prefer working on
SAP. Money is not really important, because, if you have not working on SAP product, then
it would difficult for your convince the prospective employers in future.



13 Aug, 2013 12:25 PM santhosh kumar Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

thanks for replying sir..IT support in d sense, they are in supporting and developing many
apps.. sorry i do know the application name and al in which i got selected, but am damn sure
its not releated with SAP,,, at present am working as a end user in integration module of SD
and WM ,,,, but what my mind say is .. in mahindra logistics they are using a MM module
over there,,, so wen i joined job over there.. simulatenously i can learn few things in MM ,
then i ill get some contacts in d MM field...through tis we can easily get into as a SAP MM
FUNCTIONAL CONSULTANT... i do know my decision is right or wrong.. u oly have to give
solution for my confusion sir

13 Aug, 2013 12:33 PM Ravi Sankar Venna santhosh kumar in response to

Hi Santhosh,

It is your final decision to take where you need to go. If everything goes fine as you
expected, then it is fine. Otherwise, my concern is you may end up in IT support.

Please take a conscious decision.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

All the best.



13 Aug, 2013 12:46 PM santhosh kumar Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

oh k sir..... am interested in SAP oly... but due to my finacial situation oly.. am thinking to
go..anyway ill not go.. now... .then one more doubt am currently working as a SAP
end user, then what i want to do next.. to become a functional consultant sir...



13 Aug, 2013 12:46 PM santhosh kumar Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

oh k sir..... am interested in SAP oly... but due to my finacial situation oly.. am thinking to
go..anyway ill not go.. now... .then one more doubt am currently working as a SAP
end user, then what i want to do next.. to become a functional consultant sir...



14 Aug, 2013 4:54 AM Sarangapani Venkatesh


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

You are beyond ordinary


Sarangapani Venkatesh

14 Aug, 2013 7:48 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Sarangapani Venkatesh in response to

Thanks a lot.

15 Aug, 2013 10:30 PM prasad satam

Hello Expert,

I am FI Consultant working as SAP FICO Support Consultant.

and my work profile includes support to SD and MM integrations also.

I have hardly some knowledge in CO. So support to CO module I am finding difficult these

I need help of yours in this.

Can I go for CO Certification so that I can get some basic knowledge and background of CO
Module integration with FI.So that over the period of time I will have some hands on exp. of
CO with Certification which will help me in my career growth.

But now at the same time currently I am also working on MM module which I am finding
more interesting than CO. I don't know why???

So I am confused what to do. Should I go for CO Certification or MM?

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Will you please guide me in this.



15 Aug, 2013 10:43 PM Ravi Sankar Venna prasad satam in response to

Hi Prasad,

If you are interested on SAP Certification and if I am in your position, I would go with FI
Certification, as you already working on it.

Please note that CO Certification is more tougher exam when compared with SAP FI
Certification. There are some good CO consultants failed this CO Certification.

In CO you should have more conceptual knowledge, whereas in FI, it is more of

configuration. CO has tight integration with FI, MM, SD, PP, PM and PS module. Therefore,
just getting a certificate in CO should not be your goal. Your goal should know how CO is
integrated with these modules and what is the data flow between these modules. Then CO
module would be much more interesting than what you thought to be.

There is nothing like much interesting. Every module in SAP is interesting. It is only your
perspective in which you look at the module.

Hope this helps you.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,


PS: Before this, please contact your local SAP Education and check your eligibility and rules
of evaluation process.

15 Aug, 2013 10:47 PM prasad satam Ravi Sankar Venna in response to


Such a quick!

I am already FI Certified. So I asked whether to go for certification in CO.



15 Aug, 2013 11:01 PM Ravi Sankar Venna prasad satam in response to

Hello Prasad,

Luckily it looks both are logged at same time.

If you are already certified as FI Consultant, I would go for CO Certification.

But, definitely, not immediately.

Because, you should learn the fundamentals, integration with other modules, business
process knowledge, data flows between various module and its integration. It would easily
take 2 years. Then you give reasonably good time to prepare and clear the exam.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

People usually who passed their FI Certification, always immediately eye on CO

Certification. But, CO Certification is something not like FI. Unless, you have sound
knowledge in CO, particularly Product Costing and Profitability Analysis, it is not possible to
clear the exam.

If at all you are going for Certification, you should ensure that you come out of the
examination hall with success, otherwise, large amount of your hard earned money is at

All the best.

Kind Regards,


15 Aug, 2013 11:10 PM prasad satam Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Thanks Ravi...

I have target now ...So no confusion...

Thanks and Regards,


15 Aug, 2013 11:13 PM Ravi Sankar Venna prasad satam in response to

All the best Prasad.

Kind Regards,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


15 Aug, 2013 11:28 PM naga vinay hanuman

Hi Ravi,

Excellent Blog ..You are one of the inspiration to me.



15 Aug, 2013 11:29 PM Ravi Sankar Venna naga vinay hanuman in response to

Thanks a lot Vinay.

Kind Regards,


15 Aug, 2013 11:41 PM Rouissi Wadiaa

Hi Ravi,

Very interesting article,thank you for writing it.

Thank you again

Best Regards.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

15 Aug, 2013 11:45 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Rouissi Wadiaa in response to

Thanks a lot Rouissi, much appreciate your comments.

Kind Regards,


16 Aug, 2013 11:31 AM Anurbhavi Anup

Hi Ravi,

Excellent,truely inspiring.



16 Aug, 2013 11:37 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Anurbhavi Anup in response to

Thanks Anurbhavi.

Kind Regards,


16 Aug, 2013 7:19 PM Utkarsha Khadke

This is really helpful Indeed! May be regarded as the BEST blog post for all the newbies out
there... Who are always in a turmoil, when it come to deciding whether such an expensive
certification will help them or not...or rather, how to do it, what major benefits it'll fetch,
etcetera... Posts like these makes matters so much simpler ! Thank you Ravi Venna!

16 Aug, 2013 7:37 PM Naveen Tharanga Gunarathna Adasooriya Mudiyanselage

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Hi Ravi

It's really great .Appreciate your idea on knowledge sharing

Thank you

16 Aug, 2013 9:19 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Utkarsha Khadke in response to

Hi Utkarsha,

Thanks a lot for cheering words. I am glad to hear that you liked my blog.

There are wonderful blogs in Training and Education section.

You may please go through some of the blogs. Hope they are interesting and useful to you.

Ravi Sankar Venna's Stuff | SCN

Kind Regards,


16 Aug, 2013 9:19 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Naveen Tharanga Gunarathna Adasooriya Mudiyanselage in response to

Hi Naveen,

Thanks a lot and sincerely appreciate your comments.

Kind Regards,


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

19 Aug, 2013 8:07 AM Amjad AL-Dahan

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for the valuable information.


19 Aug, 2013 10:00 PM Mudassir Khan

Amazing blog Ravi...very happy to see that above SAP you are a very nice human being.
Your blogs are straight forward & easy to understand. Looking forward to learn so many
things from you & implement it. Thanks!


19 Aug, 2013 11:10 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Mudassir Khan in response to

Thanks a lot Mudassir for your motivating words.

Kind Regards,


20 Aug, 2013 11:36 AM KARTHIK KRISHNAN

Hi Ravi,

Really a good compilation of what is required to become a good SAP consultant. Appreciate
the blog and keep it coming. SAP being an ocean, I think the more we explore the more we
learn and the more we share the more we become knowledgeable.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks & Regards,


20 Aug, 2013 11:42 AM Ravi Sankar Venna KARTHIK KRISHNAN in response to

Thanks Karthik.

You are right, those who practice more and explore a lot will have good knowledge. Key of
SAP lies in practice.

Kind Regards,


20 Aug, 2013 12:49 PM Thomas WÜRCHER


there' s one overall quality that separates what you call freshers from experts - and that is
project experience.

To put it simple: You' ll start your first projects as a junior getting a simple to-do list, after
some years start building your own to-do lists as a consultant and after even more years
start to build others to-do lists as a senior.

It' s the ability to provide solutions to customers problems that counts - and the more
problems you analyzed, the more solutions you developed and implemented, the easier you
come up with the right answer to a customers question.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?



20 Aug, 2013 12:56 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Thomas WÜRCHER in response to

Thanks Thomas for your comments.

My thoughts echo your comments. Nothing can be replaced real project experience. The
experience and exposure that gained on a real project is really invaluable that stick to the
knowledge base of the individual for the long time.

It is the ability of the consultant to take up most of complex challenges on the project, so that
the knowledge levels are pushed to the different level. It gives ability to the consultants to
resolve the similar issues of the customers with ease.

Kind Regards,


20 Aug, 2013 9:41 PM NIVRUTTI SHIRSATH

Hi Ravi,

This is very useful information / knowledge for new member.Good tips for who r wish to build
career in SAP.

20 Aug, 2013 9:50 PM Ravi Sankar Venna NIVRUTTI SHIRSATH in response to

Thanks a lot Nivrutti.

20 Aug, 2013 11:20 PM Chaitanya Pelluri

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Wow...Thank you very much Ravi for such a motivating blog.

It is really very very helpful for all SAPians!!

waiting for another inspirational blog from you ....

21 Aug, 2013 5:33 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Chaitanya Pelluri in response to

Thanks Chaitanya for your cheerful words.

You can see much more blogs from the following link:

Ravi Sankar Venna's Stuff | SCN

21 Aug, 2013 8:30 AM subbarao M

Hi Ravi,

Inspired alot by reading this blog.

Thanks for sharing such a good blog.

21 Aug, 2013 8:33 AM Ravi Sankar Venna subbarao M in response to

Hi Subbarao,

Thanks a lot. Good to know that you liked my blog.

Kind Regards,


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

21 Aug, 2013 9:35 AM Juha Koivuneva

Hi Ravi,

This article isnpired and awoke me to continue browsing SAP Help & Library articles.

I'm an experienced SAP BW consultant and learned much from learning by doing, but
written instructions can never been ignored by anyone.

21 Aug, 2013 10:01 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Juha Koivuneva in response to

Hi Juha,

Thanks for your comments. Happy to know that you liked my blog.

You are right, particularly in BI / technical courses, it is always good to have the written

I sincerely hope you will like this area:

Kind Regards,


21 Aug, 2013 3:46 PM Neha Chopra

Excellent blog Ravi. The blog is the reflection of the mentioned qualities. Thanks for penning
it down

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

21 Aug, 2013 3:49 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Neha Chopra in response to

Thanks a lot Neha, much appreciate your comments.

These motivating comments would help the bloggers to bring their best.

Best Regards,


22 Aug, 2013 9:35 AM Saravanan Sampath

Thanks for the clear information on the blog. Very informative and though provoking.

Appreciate the effort !!!

22 Aug, 2013 10:12 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Saravanan Sampath in response to

Thanks a lot Saravanan.

22 Aug, 2013 11:30 AM KRISHNA KUMAR

Hi Ravi,

Thank you very much Ravi sharing such a valuable information.

looking forward more blog from you ....Keep rocking.



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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

22 Aug, 2013 11:32 AM KRISHNA KUMAR

Hi Ravi,

Thank you very much Ravi sharing such a valuable information.

looking forward more blog from you ....Keep rocking.



22 Aug, 2013 11:33 AM Ravi Sankar Venna KRISHNA KUMAR in response to

Thanks Krishna for your comments. Good to know you enjoyed my blogs.

You will find some more blogs of mine.

Ravi Sankar Venna's Stuff | SCN

Kind Regards,


22 Aug, 2013 11:39 AM Mayur Priyan

Nice work

22 Aug, 2013 11:40 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Mayur Priyan in response to

Thanks Mayur.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

22 Aug, 2013 11:57 AM Gurunath Kumar Dadamu

Hi Ravi,

excellent blog..SAP is evergreen and build our future as much strong when we are strong
with Fundamentals.



22 Aug, 2013 12:00 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Gurunath Kumar Dadamu in response to

Thanks Gurunath. We all should be proud of being part of SAP world. Undoubtedly, SAP
has given bread and butter to millions of people directly and indirectly. Kudos to SAP!!!!!

Kind Regards,


22 Aug, 2013 1:39 PM Muhammad Waqas Khan

Great blog. Next time I will not miss your any blog

Ravi you have given complete guideline to be a good SAP Consultant.

Ravi I am working on SAP from the last 2 and half years, I want to do SAP MM certification
plus all the points which you cover in your blog but time constraint make me difficult to do all
these things .

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Can you explain how I handle my problem because reading SAP Help / do documentations
with your office work and then prepare for your EXAM is very difficult to manage .

Thanks in Advance

22 Aug, 2013 2:26 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Muhammad Waqas Khan in response to

Thanks Muhammad for your comments.

If you are working on MM and passing certification is not that difficult, as association exam
is related to fundamentals. If you have will there is no constraint of time. You an still read
while you are travelling, while you are taking lunch, during the dinner etc. Therefore, I cannot
time is a constraint. I know reading is bit difficult activity. But, once you are addicted then
you cannot leave reading habbit.

To pass the exam, you need to read SAP Curriclum materials at least 5 times, religiously.

Reading SAP Help is complimentary and bonus.

Hope the following blog is handy for you.

How to Approach and Pass a SAP Certification



22 Aug, 2013 2:54 PM Shankaran Ramakrishnan

Dear Ravi,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

I got your article from google by the way while i searched for some details once i have
read it register into SCN first of all thanks for such wonderful blogs and now am your
big follower, you know am planning to do SAP S & D certification in ATC for class room
training now i dropped the plan because of your previous articles then i took some
ground work finally found one good institute for online training and they helping for financial

I would like to appreciate your effort and Thank you so much for this great blog too.



22 Aug, 2013 3:01 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Shankaran Ramakrishnan in response to

Thanks Shankaran.

It is a great feeling that my blogs are attracting people to open account on SCN and increase
the SAP community network.

I am not sure you are staying in which country, if you are in India and planning for
certification, then either you need to have relevant experience / training from ATC.
Particularly if you are fresh and looking for job in SAP market, certification would be an
added value.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

22 Aug, 2013 6:11 PM Jitendra Kumar Kansal

Dear Ravi,

I just noticed about this has got an entry at SCN homepage as one of the best SCN
Newsletters. great achievement. Many congratulations.



22 Aug, 2013 7:16 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Jitendra Kumar Kansal in response to

Thanks Jitendra, good to know me

Kind Regards,


22 Aug, 2013 8:14 PM Amir Siddiqui

Hi Ravi,

I deep heartedly valued and appreciate your efforts in regards with your attitude of
guidance to the new comer, to resume or break into a SAP market. Which I feels a lot other
professionals in the Market don't want to do for any other reason including professional

You should keep up this valuable work, as we wants to keep follow you.


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


22 Aug, 2013 8:24 PM Mohammad Asad Uz Zaman Sheikh

Great Article Ravi. I think the advises are worth following.



22 Aug, 2013 8:30 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Amir Siddiqui in response to

Thanks Amir, good to know you. Glad that you liked my blogs.

All the best.

Kind Regards,


22 Aug, 2013 8:30 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Mohammad Asad Uz Zaman Sheikh in response to

Thanks Asad. Much appreciate your comments.

Kind Regards,


23 Aug, 2013 7:21 AM Shankaran Ramakrishnan Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Dear Ravi,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks for your inputs Basically i am from india, chennai. I have 4 years of experience in
sales B2B with MBA graduation planning to do certification in Atc only.

Warm Regards,


23 Aug, 2013 10:28 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Shankaran Ramakrishnan in response to

All the best Shankar.

Best Regards,


23 Aug, 2013 11:48 AM swadhin ghatuary

hello Ravi,

First of all , i want give thanks a lot for you , for a such nice Blog. Success path is never
sketched, We have to find out that. Sometime That path is discover with the help and
guidance of someone like you. Thanks a lot for your Guidance.

23 Aug, 2013 11:51 AM Ravi Sankar Venna swadhin ghatuary in response to

Thanks Swadhin, good to know you. Much appreciate your comments.

23 Aug, 2013 12:07 PM Mario Mario


thats very good

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

23 Aug, 2013 12:21 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Mario Mario in response to

Thanks Mario.

23 Aug, 2013 12:28 PM Mario Mario Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi

Can you explain to me how UAT is done and what are the relevant steps to do so?


23 Aug, 2013 12:31 PM Deepak Mishra

Hi Ravi,

Feeling great, influenced and motivated after going through the blog.

It's very much impressive and everybody should go through it once, twice, thrice and till they
get success. This definitely will helps who follows the steps you mentioned.

And who told that you are not an expert in writing I can say "you are a great blogger".

Thanks for sharing, Keep posting


23 Aug, 2013 12:44 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Mario Mario in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Hi Mario,

Hope this thread is helpful.

UAT is the testing done by user community. There must be lot of literature availble on this. It
may differ from company to company and project to project.

Hope the following blog would be useful:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) by SAP Consultants

Kind Regards,


23 Aug, 2013 12:48 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Deepak Mishra in response to

Hi Deepak,

Thanks a lot for your cheerful words. Good to know that you liked my blogs.

It is always great pleasure to receive comments from the community members like you,
which would help the bloggers to bring their best out.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Best Regards,


23 Aug, 2013 12:57 PM Varun Vasudevan

A Quality Blog Ravi ! I wish I should have read this at the beginning of my SAP career.. I would say that it is a
must read for all freshers.. Good job!

Thanks & Regards,

Varun Vasudevan

23 Aug, 2013 1:04 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Varun Vasudevan in response to

Thanks Varun. Good to know you, much appreciate your comments.



23 Aug, 2013 4:46 PM Pratyush Mitra

Really Very Very excited after reading it as it guides us how to face an interview.Seemed
like as if it was appealing me to redefine my strategy.

Thanks Ravi for such nice blog.

Keep posting such blogs.

23 Aug, 2013 5:05 PM Mario Mario Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for your time and the useful link provider.

Much appreciated

23 Aug, 2013 5:56 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Pratyush Mitra in response to

Thanks Pratyush. I can imagine what you are feeling inside.

Glad to know that you enjoyed my blog.

Best Regards,


23 Aug, 2013 5:56 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Mario Mario in response to

Thank you Mario.

23 Aug, 2013 8:33 PM Pratyush Mitra Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

23 Aug, 2013 10:10 PM venkata vamsi krishna ch

Thanks Ravi for your valuable inputs...much helpful to everyone .



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23 Aug, 2013 10:35 PM Ravi Sankar Venna venkata vamsi krishna ch in response to

Thanks Vamsi.

24 Aug, 2013 1:38 PM Dipti Gaikar

its a motivating and full of information blog for a fresher like me . Thanks for your precious
tips will remember it always.

24 Aug, 2013 3:16 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Dipti Gaikar in response to

Thanks a lot Dipti. Much appreciated your comments. Kind Regards Ravi

25 Aug, 2013 7:18 AM Anish Koshy Oommen

Dear Ravi,

While Browsing through SCN, I have come across many blogs with step by step instructions
on how to do stuff and maybe some blogs which aim at another dimension of SAP.

But I have to hand it to you for your hard work and effort into blogging here with some really
inspiring and informative stuff. This will go a long way into helping SAP Consultants get a
positive push into the world of SAP.

Brilliant Job.


Anish Oommen

25 Aug, 2013 10:52 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Anish Koshy Oommen in response to

Hi Anish,

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Thanks a lot for reading my blog. It gives me good feeling to hear your words.

I would be more than happy if some of the people are benefited by my blogs.

Best Regards,


25 Aug, 2013 10:55 AM Anish Koshy Oommen Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Oh Definitely I think a lot would be benefited from these blogs. :-)

Keep up the great work..


Anish Oommen

25 Aug, 2013 10:58 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Anish Koshy Oommen in response to

Thanks Anish.

26 Aug, 2013 11:13 AM venkata krishna

Hi Ravi,

Very clear explanation .



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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

26 Aug, 2013 11:14 AM Ravi Sankar Venna venkata krishna in response to

Thanks Venkat.

27 Aug, 2013 8:41 AM Thrilochana Rajappa

Excellent Ravi! The simplicity in blogging makes it a good read And the content, as many
said it is very well articulated


27 Aug, 2013 9:09 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Thrilochana Rajappa in response to

Thanks Tilu, much appreciated your comments.

Kind Regards,


27 Aug, 2013 9:15 AM Ankita Chhabra

Wow.. Ravi. Please teach me how to write bolgs in such a good way that people are still
liking and appreciating it continuously This is going to be endless.

27 Aug, 2013 9:19 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Ankita Chhabra in response to

Thanks a lot Ankita. It is not in my mind, but, that is because of good readers like you
inspired me. Many thanks for your inspiring words, much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

27 Aug, 2013 9:31 AM Ankita Chhabra

These notifications forced me to appreciate again.. Couldnt help myself

27 Aug, 2013 10:17 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Ankita Chhabra in response to

Thanks once again Ankita.

Hop you would enjoy my new blog.

Why passion alone drive your SAP Career?

Kind Regards,


27 Aug, 2013 10:42 PM Sergio Fontes

I'm very glad of read your post Ravi you show to us some qualities that no more are in
spotlight nowadays and the power of the share knowledge, certainly will change the way that
many people think.

Best regards.

Sérgio Fontes

27 Aug, 2013 10:50 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Sergio Fontes in response to

Thanks Sergio, glad to know that you liked my blog. Much appreciated your comments.

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

Kind Regards,


28 Aug, 2013 6:48 PM Soutik Das

Dear Ravi,

I have 5+ years experience in Banking. I am basically into Client Relationship Management

which is a combination of Understanding Clients requirements, Sales,Providing Solutions,
Service and Updating using various banking softwares. My qualifications is MBA in

However i have decided to change my industry and want to move into IT. I have done my
Prince 2 and ITIL (Foundation) certification. I want to move to SAP and make a career out of
it. I was suggested to do a CRM module looking at my past experience.

Just wanted to understand if this approach of mine is moving in the right direction. Kindly
share your views on the same.


28 Aug, 2013 7:00 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Soutik Das in response to

Hi Soutik,

The module is something that you need to decide on your own. Because, tomorrow you are
the person going to work on that. Usually, the module has to be selected based on your
education, experience and domain knowledge.

If you have decided to go with CRM, then probably, the good starting point is to take formal
training. Then if you are interested you can go with Certification. Certification may help you
for better marketability, but it cannot be taken as guarantee. Keep trying persistently.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

All the best.



28 Aug, 2013 7:08 PM Soutik Das Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi, Thank you very much for replying. I have noticed that you are the most active
person around here so i asked the question to you directly.

I had actually met up with some training person in ATOS and Genovate so this module was
suggested by them based on my resume taking into account the things which you mentioned
which is education, experience and domain knowledge.

You have mentioned about formal training. Can you guide me as to what kind of formal
training will help me? Also what is your view on the module which i have chosen. Please
note that i am desperate trying to move out of Retail Banking.


28 Aug, 2013 7:19 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Soutik Das in response to

Hi Soutik,

CRM is not a bad module, as far as opportunities are concerned. However, if you have 2
years of SD it would be really help you, though it is not mandatory.

There are many ways of training. SAP / Authorised Training partner class room training or

e-learning. Few people go and opt for cheap local institutes. It all depends on you what you

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

SAP Class Room







You cannot repeat

Very fast paced



Economical compared to class room training

Can learn on your own pace

Get ample time to review

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SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


May become lethargic

takes long time

No competitive environment

Local Institutes:


Cheap & Economical



Quality no guarantee

Nobody will recognize

Might be encouraging piracy

Now you need to decide what is the best for you.

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?

All the best.

Kind Regards,


28 Aug, 2013 7:29 PM Soutik Das Ravi Sankar Venna in response to

Hi Ravi,

Wow thanks.. Yes i have decided to opt for Classroom training from ATOS but before joining
i will study through books or elearning courses so at-least i have some knowledge. CRM
module is costing me 4.4L so at this point only one looks feasible for me..As SD is another

I have one question that when i do my certification in SAP CRM and land a job, will my 5
years in banking in CRM go in waste or atleast some part will be counted. Will i be joining as
a complete fresher in SAP with the basic salary or atleast a comparable salary will be paid?.
What are your thoughts on this?

28 Aug, 2013 7:40 PM Ravi Sankar Venna Soutik Das in response to

Hi Soutik,

Please refer the following, I have given answers there.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding SAP Certification & Career Opportunities

Kind Regards,

Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00

SAP Certification: How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?


PS: You may please avoid duplicate postings

29 Aug, 2013 8:56 PM Sai Aditya Omkaram Dipti Gaikar in response to

I am a fresher just like you are, wanted to how you're experience so far in training has been.
I am presently in Canada, planing to go to India for 2 months to get trained on SAP in SAP
ABAP and SAP CRM. Let me know if 2 months is sufficient to learn the modules I specified.
Also please share your experience so far in training.

30 Aug, 2013 11:27 AM Nidhi Mukhija

Hi Ravi,

This blog was much needed. Thanks for posting such a brilliant blog and for the wonderful
advise. Each and every point is very very relevant, and would help not just freshers but even
the experienced consultants out there.

Best wishes


30 Aug, 2013 11:33 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Nidhi Mukhija in response to

Hi Nidhi,

Thanks for your motivating comments. Glad to know that you liked my blog.

Kind Regards,


Generated by Jive on 2013-08-31+02:00


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