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Scenario 1

Facing dire budget predictions, many school districts are moving to a four-day
week. Of nearly 15,000-plus districts nationwide, more than 100 in at least 17
states have moved to the four-day system.37 Suppose that you are employed by a
school district in San Antonio, Texas, that is going to move to a four-day week by
the start of the next school year. What type of planning would need to be done as
your school district embarked on this process? Identify three or four primary goals
for accomplishing this action. Then, describe what plans would be needed to
ensure that those goals are met.

Scenario 2
Google has stopped its updates for Huawei. Huawei has been affected by a US
trade ban. The ban is particularly problematic for the Google-Huawei partnership,
which means that Huawei can't preload new phones with Google apps like Maps
and YouTube, the Play Store or Google Assistant.  You are area manager of
Pakistan for Huawei. How are you gonna handle that situation?

Scenario 3
Corona virus is spreading very fast now a days. Environment is dynamic. You are
CEO of a company. Govt is confused. Your managers are uncertain about what is
gonna happen, They were using MBO to set goals, but now they are afraid about
what if they make some plans which cause loss to company. So, As a CEO what
are you going to do?

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