Application Programming Interface

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Application Programming Interface.

An API is a set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that programmers can use to create
software or interact with an external system. It provides developers with standard commands for
performing common operations so they don’t have to write code from scratch.

Example. JQuery.

1. APIs to create software. (JQuery, Google or IOS give us API to create softwares.)
2. APIs to interact with external system. (Example, In Pubg we login via FB , then we see FB online

If we want to access some data from some one’s else server. Then we need an API that API will send get
Request from our server and then it will move that to our website or app.

API will defined what are the things we can request and how should we do it?

Curl is a way of making a http request from an command line.(It is a way to interact with URL in
command lines.)

>curl (We can get HTML code in curl back)

You can use parameters to send data to an API.

And API authencation allows you to access someone else server by using some kind of keys. is a website that contains a giant list of API.

There are API accessable to public and some are accessable to internally.

Private API are undocumented. Perticuler people use that API such as in a police station only police staff
use API to access criminal data from their servers.

Example. Instagram and Followgram issue. Link is available in The APP Brewery resourses.

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