1st Online Hersonissos International Chess Tournament PDF

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Leon Candia Chess Club and Public Benefit Company of Municipality of Hersonissos will organize

through the platform of chess.com the 1st Online Hersonissos International Chess Tournament from
5th to 14th of June 2020 under the aegis of Municipality of Hersonissos and the support of Novelty
Mind Games.



(Προκήρυξη στην Ελληνική Γλώσσα )


Leon Candia Chess Club and Public Benefit Company of Municipality of Hersonissos will organize
through the platform of chess.com the 1st Online Hersonissos International Chess Tournament from
5th to 14th of June 2020 under the aegis of Municipality of Hersonissos and the support of Novelty
Mind Games.


2 Groups Swiss FIDE system 9 (nine) rounds with one round per day + 1 day blitz tie-breaks of first
16 players of the final standings in knock out system.

• Group A: Open section

• Group B: up to 1100 FIDE rating

The tournament will not be valid for ELO FIDE.


Deadline of participation Wednesday, 3-6-2020 CEST TIMEZONE GREEK TIMEZONE

Pairings 1st round Thursday, 4-6-2020 16.00 17.00
Opening Ceremony Friday, 5-6-2020 15.30 16.30

Round 1 Friday, 5-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 2 Saturday, 6-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 3 Sunday, 7-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 4 Monday, 8-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 5 Tuesday, 9-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 6 Wednesday, 10-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 7 Thursday, 11-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 8 Friday, 12-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Round 9 Saturday, 13-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Blitz Tiebreaks Sunday, 14-6-2020 16.00 17.00

Closing Ceremony Sunday, 14-6-2020 20.00 21.00

Time Control

90 min for the game + 30sec per move from move one. Default time is 30 minutes; players arriving
later will be forfeited.


Swiss manager will be used for the pairings of the tournament. Starting list will be sorted according to
FIDE rating lists.

Participation & Fees

Group A: Participation fee 20€. (Only players with FIDE ID can participate in Group A).

Group B (under U1100 rating): Participation Fee 10€.

Registrations by latest 1st of June through the electronic form

in: http://hersonissos.noveltymindgames.com

Participation fees should be deposited by latest 1st of June to the following bank account

Piraeus Bank, IBAN: GR96 0172 7510 0057 5109 1778 649
Account Holder: Leon Candia Chess Club
25th August str., No 39, Heraklion 712 02



1st winner 500€ + trophy
2nd winner 200€ + trophy
3 winner
rd 100€ + trophy
4 to 8 winner 25% discount in noveltymindgames.com e-shop + medals
th th

9th to 16th winner 20% discount in noveltymindgames.com e-shop

Special Prizes in Categories: Senior +50, Senior +65, U18, U16, U14, U12, U10:

1st Trophy, 2-3rd Medals + 20% discount in noveltymindgames.com e-shop

Group B Prizes: 1st Trophy, 2nd-6th Medals.


Number of byes a player can request is unlimited. For each bye requested, zero points will be
assigned. Byes should be requested by sending an e-mail to the organization
committee hersonissos@noveltymindgames.com before the end of the round before the one they are
requesting the bye for. Prior to the start of the tournament byes can be requested by e-mail as well.


After the 9th round, a provisional classification of the Group A of the tournament will be obtained by
applying the following tie-break system, and in the following order:

1) Particular games’ results among players still tied, should they have played against all against each

2) Buchholz FIDE (virtual opponent)

3) Sonnenborg-berger

4) Total Buchholz FIDE least the worse result (virtual opponent)

Tie-break games will be held on the 14th of June 2020 in order to decide the final classification, as
well as for obtaining trophies and/or cash prizes. No trophies and cash prizes will be divided among
the players who have tied points.

First 16 classified players in that provisional classification (after the results of 9th round) will have to
play match tie-break games that will decide the final general classification. It will be used the knock
out format system (round of 16, quarter-finals, semifinal and final) among the top-16 players of Group
A of the tournament, with the following format:

• 2 blitz games with time control of 5 minutes + 3 seconds per play (5 '+ 3 "), alternating colors.

In case of a tie, an "Armageddon" blitz game, with 6 minutes for the player with white and 5 minutes
for the player with black (no increment). The color of each player will be randomly decided and, in
case of draw, the player who has played with black will win.

Fair play – Anticheating

• All players must have a webcam and the possibility of audio activation in their playing devices
and will be requested to join prior to each round through their browser to a specific
teleconference link where referees will be able to remain in contact with them.
• It is not allowed the presence of more than one player in a room, and no more persons can be
in that room while the game is being played. It is also strictly forbidden to have in the playing
room any other electronic device than the one being used to play.
• All games will be surveilled by Chess.com’s fair play algorithm. They will also be surveilled by
arbiters. Furthermore, arbiters will be entitled to use video surveillance of players. Games
under video surveillance can be decided both prior to the start of each round, randomly during
each round or even by request of a player (arbiters reserve the right to decide in each case).
• A player who fails to let arbiters use that video surveillance (using the player’s webcam), even
of the room or playing area he or she is playing at, may be removed from the tournament
• Games will be reviewed using Chess.com's fair play review process that may – after arbiters’
additional review – lead to removing a player from the tournament between or in the middle of
rounds. If a player is removed from the tournament mid-round, they will lose the game and,
thus, his or her opponent will get a full point. The player who is removed from the tournament
will lose all his or her points, although no previous games’ results will be altered. If a player is
removed from the tournament, he or she will lose the right to obtain cash prizes or trophies,
and will not be entitled to get a refund of registration fees.

• If arbiters need to contact a player during the round they will use the teleconference
application. If a player does not allow such communication, he or she may also be withdrawn
from the tournament, losing all his or her rights. The Tournament Organization may request
identification proof from all participants.

• Players authorize referees to take control of their playing device in order to check if they are
running other inadequate software. The Organization reserves the right to make some specific
modifications in the tournaments’ fair play control measures, in order to improve their
effectiveness. Players will be notified if this occurs.


• Any claim of an arbiters’ decision will have to be addressed by e-mail to the Organizer, who
will forward it to the Competition Committee. It must be done no more than 30 minutes after
the end of the game in which the decision in dispute took place. In this case, the player must
state to the corresponding referee of the tournament his intention to appeal so that it is taken
into account and, if necessary, can be considered to delay the publication of pairings. Once
this time limit has passed, the claim will no longer be admitted. The Competition Committee’s
decisions will be final and unappealable.

• This Competition Committee shall consist of the Director of the tournament and 5 players (3
holders and 2 alternates, the latter for those conflicts that involve any of the holders, or if they
could not be located). During the first round of the tournament, the Organization will choose
that Committee.

• In blitz games (final match-play tie-breaks), the decisions of the tournament’s main referee will
be final and not subject to appeal.

Additional participation rules

• The breach of any of the general rules listed below may result in the loss of a game or even in
the dismiss from the tournament, as well as in the loss of any right to cash prizes or trophies,
or the refund of any amount that the player could have paid (i.e. registration fee).
• Chess games that take place during Online Hersonissos International Chess Tournament are
governed by the tournament’s regulations, by the Laws of Chess and by current FIDE
regulations, interpretations and supplements.

• Participation in the tournament implies the knowledge and tacit acceptance of its rules of play.

• It will be the responsibility of each player to be assigned to the correct group of play in the
tournament. Also, the player must ensure that his or her details that appear in the registration
list and ranking are correct, and should inform the Organizers in the event of a mistake. If a

player is found out not to be assigned to the correct group or to have provided some incorrect
information deliberately, he or she will immediately be expelled from the tournament.

• The winners of games (or both players in the event of a draw) will be responsible for
communicating the results of their games to the referees. If the outcome of a game has not
been notified to the referee team, both players will be considered to have lost that game.

• The Organizers reserve the right to make some small specific modification in tournaments’
schedules, in order to improve their development.

• Registration and Participation in the tournament implies acceptance by the player that his or
her personal details and games’ information may be published in different types of media that
the Organization considers desirable for better publicity of the event.

• Players are not allowed to talk to anyone during the dispute of their game.

• All participants accept the tournament’s regulations.

• The use of physical chess boards to support games is permitted but only for realizing the
actual moves played on the digital boards on chess.com platform.

Communication – Staff:

ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE EMAIL: hersonissos@noveltymindgames.com


Tournament Manager: Georgios Georgopoulos

Tournament Organizer: FIDE IO Kostas Klokas

Chess.com Business Development Manager: Anastasios Tzoumpas

Chief arbiter: FIDE IA Anastasios Mihailidis

Deputy Chief Arbiter: Maria-Anna Stefanid

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