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Vulnerability of the United Kingdom’s food

supply chains exposed by COVID-19
Insufficient capacity in domestic food production, just-in-time supply chains and Brexit-related labour market
challenges have weakened the UK’s food system. Building redundancy and diversity in the food system is essential
for resilience in the COVID-19 recovery.

Philip Garnett, Bob Doherty and Tony Heron

he UK imports almost half of its Assigned to Resource 1 Waiting for
food and 84% of it is fresh fruit1. It is
heavily reliant on European Union
(EU) countries such as Spain for vegetables
and salads, and Italy for ambient goods
such as tinned tomatoes and pasta. Despite
advances in supply chain technology Process A Process C
and logistics, sourcing efficiency has
paradoxically made supply chains more
vulnerable to disruptions2. The length
and complex networks of contemporary
supply chains make them difficult to Waiting for Deadlock Assigned to
regulate and manage3. Approaches such as
‘lean sourcing’, just-in-time (JiT) logistics,
standardized components and reductions in
the supply base have tended to neglect the
systemic risks caused by exogenous shocks Resource 2 Resource 3
or disruptions to supply chains4,5. Despite
its breadth and importance, research into
supply chain vulnerability — exposure to
serious disturbance arising from within or
Assigned to Process B Waiting for
external to the food supply chain — and
by implication supply chain resilience, is
in its infancy. The COVID-19 pandemic
has exposed a number of vulnerabilities Fig. 1 | Resource deadlock. All parts of the system are waiting for each other. A situation that cannot be
in the UK food system and affords the resolved without external intervention to break the deadlock.
opportunity to study how food supply chains
function in crisis conditions, to identify
key vulnerabilities and choke points, and to as it is hard to understand conceptually or some of which can be a consequence
explore options for strengthening the overall computationally what the consequences for of the interdependencies themselves13.
resilience of the system6–8. this connectivity might be10 — particularly Failure in complex supply chain networks
in terms of resilience to systemic shocks. might also manifest as a form of deadlock,
Supply chains as complex networks In situations where the supply chains where all parts of the network are stopped
The term ‘supply chain’ is suggestive of operate normally, the flow of materials waiting for resources, and the complex
a linear chain of suppliers, where one and resources can be close to frictionless11, interdependencies between the parts
organization feeds resources or materials and in complex supply chain networks (organizations and processes in the supply
into another. However, with contemporary will become highly optimized to maximize chains) of the network make freeing the
supply chains in particular, it is more flow of resources through the system. This deadlock extremely difficult (Fig. 1). This
accurate to consider networks of multiple optimization might result in little or no is a problem that can often be observed in
and bidirectional interdependencies between redundancy at any node in the network. computational systems, such as concurrent
organizations (nodes in the network)9. Though these conditions are often viewed systems, where processes can end up
Complex supply chain networks can as advantageous from the point of view of deadlocked waiting for each other14.
also be thought of as essentially open efficiency, failure in one part of a network Within food supply chains, the nature
systems, rather than isolated systems with could propagate through the (complex) of the dependence between organizations
clearly definable boundaries. Unbounded network, exposing the supply chain to and processes varies. Some food supply
interdependence between organizations in ripple effects12. chains are highly vertically coordinated15, to
the supply chain challenges the theoretical Tightly coupled networks may undergo move the product from source to customer
understanding of how supply chains operate, failure in a number of different ways, as quickly as possible, although they still
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operate within and are dependent on the organizations, including disrupting their
greater organizational network. Many food ability to produce goods and services. Table 1 | Imports through the Dover Strait
items are sourced globally (not concentrated Reduced production in one part of the Product Reliance on the Dover
in any one region or country) and, even if network will have knock-on effects for Strait for EU imports (%)
a single product is vertically coordinated, production elsewhere. Ordinarily, such
organizations in different countries are resource issues would either be resolved Apples 81
dependent on multiple, highly coordinated, quickly or the deficit would be filled by Pears 57
global supply chains. These chains and another organization in the network. Raspberries 77
networks are vulnerable to failures in that COVID-19, however, might be enough of
Strawberries 77
wider supply chain network due to loss of a systemic shock that mechanisms in the
access to inputs or other support functions. system that normally resolve problems can Oranges 81
Food supply chains rely on a high no longer function. The out-of-home sector, Bananas 23
degree of temporal coordination, based such as restaurants for example, has come Lettuces 83
on the principles of JiT delivery to operate to a halt as citizens stay indoors and rely on
Tomatoes 67
vertically coordinated chains from food retailers. Hence, suppliers are having
producer to customer. JiT retail-ordering to find new markets for their produce while Broccoli 74
systems for EU-sourced fresh fruit and some are going direct to consumers20. Mushrooms 39
vegetables work on algorithms created by As part of the drive for optimization, Cauliflower 74
the in-store electronic point of sale (EPOS) during the past 20 years supermarkets have
Potatoes 48
system. Typically, this creates an order in reduced the diversity of their supplier base
the morning, which is then placed with to drive efficiencies. In the case of a large, Pigmeat 35
supermarket headquarters for example, in far-reaching and systemic shock such as Poultry/meat 59
the UK and then before 12 noon the same COVID-19, the inability of suppliers to Beef 18
day is relayed to one of their third-party provide a diverse set of resources to complex
Lamb 24
suppliers in the EU27, such as Spain. networks of organizations can lead to
The labour used to harvest and pack the large parts of the supply chain becoming Cheese 41
product is often sub-contracted. The deadlocked. Those resources include labour. Data shown are estimates for 2017 (refs. 1,32).
supermarket then expects delivery of this Workforce safety concerns21 and lack of
order at some point the next day. This is available workforce due to travel restrictions
termed a ‘day one for day two system’8. and social distancing measures22 could large proportion of fresh foods and meat are
The efficiency of this system relies heavily hold up the picking of fruits and vegetables imported via the Dover Strait network. The
on frictionless trade, especially in the EU in the EU or UK, directly affecting the business objective of maintaining low stock
context. Food supply chain networks are supply of fresh food, but also slowing or levels, especially for short shelf-life products,
therefore also temporally vulnerable — both halting the production of ambient food based on JiT supply chain strategies, relies
in terms of the speed at which supermarkets products such as tinned vegetables. Labour on the Dover Strait and Channel Tunnel
rely on the delivery of products to refill shortages impact the transport system routes. This therefore represents something
shelves, but also blockages in the supply capacity to move products due to a lack of close to a single point of failure in the UK
chain may render the product unusable or drivers, dockworkers and infrastructure food distribution network, potentially
inedible (or both). maintenance workers. exposed by COVID-19.
Supply chains are also not the only In addition, shortages of inputs for It is also the case that a large proportion
source of systemic vulnerability in food machinery, sprays, fertilizers, feeds and of the fruit and vegetables sold in the UK
systems. Climate change is and will continue packaging23 could hold up a range of comes from a relatively small number
in the future to have a huge impact on critical agricultural tasks such as planting, of growing areas in Europe, particularly
the production and availability of food harvesting a range of key crops and lead to Andalusia and Murcia in southern Spain24.
affecting supply, the location of production, a reduction in yields. There are a number As of the time of writing, this area has
and increasing the risks associated with of points where the UK food supply chains not been seriously disrupted by COVID-
extreme weather both in the UK16 and are particularly vulnerable to problems 19, although future disruption cannot be
internationally17,18. Political disruptions, with labour, inputs and access to services. ruled out. Any significant deterioration of
such as Brexit in the UK2, can also expose UK food imports, for example, are heavily conditions in Spain or Italy (for ambient
vulnerabilities in systems, for example, reliant on the Dover Strait maritime route. goods such as tinned tomatoes and pasta)
dependence on a small number of suppliers Ferry services between Dover and Calais could cause further and more significant
(see below). However, political risks do not and Dover and Dunkerque, and the Channel disruption in the UK. The UK’s lack of
only impact supply, but could also impact in Tunnel’s Freight Shuttle services between diversity in sourcing of products remains a
other areas such as food prices2. Therefore, Folkestone and Calais, are the country’s point of acute vulnerability.
it is worth considering how large-scale most significant arteries for the movement The concentration of international
systemic shocks, such as COVID-19, could of food imports carried in accompanied sourcing options also makes supply chains
overlap and trigger shocks elsewhere in road trailers. If there is disruption through vulnerable to protectionism, as producers
the system, potentially exposing multiple one or the other route, or both, over an and supermarkets come under pressure
concurrent systemic vulnerabilities and extended period, the alternatives are few. For from local populations to secure food
causing perturbations in the food system19. the purpose-built Dover ferries and for the supplies for their area25. Therefore, the
Freight Shuttle trains there are effectively failure of supply chains to distribute to
COVID-19 as a systemic shock no alternative options. The dependency of places such as the UK does not have to
COVID-19 is creating, and will continue the UK distribution system is highlighted be due to production problems or labour
to create, problems for food sector by the data in Table 1, which shows that a shortages; it could be due to societal

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problems including civil unrest26. In introducing export restrictions on wheat, the G7 and G20 more than ever to limit the
addition, COVID-19 has also exposed the as it did in 2008 (ref. 29). Although some negative consequences of protectionism.
fragilities in our food banking system, states, including Kyrgyz Republic, North Finally, a much stronger evidence base
particularly in the independent food Macedonia and Thailand, have introduced around risk and resilience in our food
banking network, which has found it temporary export restrictions on certain system must be built across government,
challenging to keep going, thus impacting foodstuffs30, fears of a wider outbreak of involving partnership at the policy–science–
on the supply of food to vulnerable trade protectionism have — so far — proven industry interface. This cannot simply be left
groups27. to be unfounded. That said, compared with to the market. ❐
the global response to the 2008 financial
Food system solutions in COVID-19 crisis, COVID-19 has so far prompted only Philip Garnett   1, Bob Doherty   1 ✉ and
recovery limited amounts of international policy Tony Heron2
The approach of JiT supply chains, reliance coordination. It needs to be recalled that 1
The York Management School, University of York,
on imports and diminished domestic food during the financial crisis, global leadership York, UK. 2Department of Politics, University of York,
production has reduced the resilience of was provided by committed multilateralists, Derwent College, York, UK.
the UK food system and increased the including Barack Obama and Gordon ✉e-mail:
risk of both blockages and deadlocks. Brown, and the rules-based system was
Although the UK’s food system has so generally in much better shape. In contrast, Published: xx xx xxxx
far been proven remarkably resilient in today’s political climate is dominated by the
the face of the COVID-19 shock, this populist nationalism associated with Donald
resilience has benefited from a large degree Trump in the US and Brexit in the UK. Even References
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