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Installation Effects in Geotechnical


Michael A. Hicks
Section of Geo-Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Jelke Dijkstra
Section of Geo-Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Marti Lloret-Cabot
Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling, University of Newcastle, Newcastle,
Australia & Section of Geo-Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft,
The Netherlands

Minna Karstunen
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chalmers University of
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden & University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Table of contents

Preface ix
Committees xi
Keynote speakers xiii

Computational methods
Large deformation analysis of cone penetration testing in undrained clay 1
L. Beuth & P.A. Vermeer
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for strain-softening materials in geomechanics 8
C.E. Heaney, R.B.J. Brinkgreve, P.G. Bonnier & M.A. Hicks
A dynamic material point method for geomechanics 15
I. Jassim, C. Coetzee & P.A. Vermeer
Pile penetration simulation with Material Point Method 24
L.J. Lim, A. Andreykiv & R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Coupling triangular plate and volume elements in analysis of geotechnical problems 31
S. Tan, M.A. Hicks & A. Rohe
Fracture growth in heterogeneous geomaterials 38
P.J. Vardon & J.D. Nuttall

Constitutive modelling
Modelling rate-dependent behaviour of structured clays 43
M. Karstunen, N. Sivasithamparam, R.B.J. Brinkgreve & P.G. Bonnier
FEM simulation of large vertical deformations caused by land subsidence and verification
of the results by using radar interferometry techniques 51
C. Loupasakis, D. Rozos, F. Raspini & S. Moretti
Numerical modeling of fracturing in soil mix material 58
G. Van Lysebetten, A. Vervoort, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, J. Maertens,
F. De Cock & B. Lameire
A 3D practical constitutive model for predicting seismic liquefaction in sands 65
A. Petalas, V. Galavi & R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Comparison of two anisotropic creep models at element level 72
N. Sivasithamparam, M. Karstunen, R.B.J. Brinkgreve & P.G. Bonnier

Installation effects
Displacement pile installation effects in sand 79
A. Beijer Lundberg, J. Dijkstra & A.F. van Tol
Cyclic jacking of piles in silt and sand 86
F. Burali d’Arezzo, S.K. Haigh & Y. Ishihara
Influence of installation procedures on the response of capacitance water content sensors 92
M. Caruso, F. Avanzi & C. Jommi

The load capacity of driven cast in-situ piles derived from installation parameters 99
D. Egan
On the numerical modelling and incorporation of installation effects of jacked piles:
A practical approach 104
H.K. Engin, R.B.J. Brinkgreve & A.F. van Tol
Analytical and laboratory study of soil disturbance caused by mandrel driven prefabricated
vertical drains 111
A. Ghandeharioon
CEL: Simulations for soil plugging, screwed pile installation and deep vibration compaction 118
J. Grabe, S. Henke, T. Pucker & T. Hamann
Towards a framework for the prediction of installation rate effects 128
S. Robinson & M.J. Brown
Rate dependent shear strength of silt at low stresses 135
S. te Slaa & J. Dijkstra
Control of excess pore pressure development during pile installations in soft sensitive clay 140
T. Tefera, G. Tvedt & F. Oset
Seabed pipelines: The influence of installation effects 146
D.J. White

Offshore construction and foundations

LDFE analysis of installation effects for offshore anchors and foundations 162
L. Andresen & H.D.V. Khoa
Investigation into the effect of pile installation on cyclic lateral capacity of monopiles 169
T. de Blaeij & J. Dijkstra
Development of a coupled FEM-MPM approach to model a 3D membrane with an application
of releasing geocontainer from barge 176
F. Hamad, C. Moormann & P.A. Vermeer
Leg penetration assessments for self-elevating tubular leg units in sand over clay conditions 184
D.A. Kort, S. Raymackers, H. Hofstede & V. Meyer
Investigating the scales of fluctuation of an artificial sand island 192
M. Lloret-Cabot, M.A. Hicks & J.D. Nuttall

Soil improvement
Volume averaging technique in numerical modelling of floating deep mixed columns in soft soils 198
P. Becker & M. Karstunen
Comparison between theoretical procedures and field test results for the evaluation
of installation effects of vibro-stone columns 205
E. Carvajal, G. Vukotić, J. Castro & W. Wehr
Numerical analyses of stone column installation in Bothkennar clay 212
J. Castro, M. Karstunen, N. Sivasithamparam & C. Sagaseta
Execution of Springsol® deep mixed columns: Field trials 219
S. Melentijevic, F. Martin & L. Prieto
A method of modelling stone column installation for use in conjunction with unit cell analyses 226
B.G. Sexton & B.A. McCabe
Cement grout filtration in non-cohesive soils 233
X.A.L. Stodieck & T. Benz
The undrained cohesion of the soil as a criterion for column installation with a depth vibrator 241
J. Wehr

Soil-structure interaction
Modeling of rock fall impact using Discrete Element Method (DEM) 245
G. Grimstad, O. Melhus, S. Degago & R. Ebeltoft
Investigation into the factors affecting the shaft resistance of driven piles in sands 252
D. Igoe, K. Gavin & L. Kirwan
Monitoring and risk assessment in EPB TBM’s in urban environments: High speed railway
tunnel Sants-Sagrera running next to Sagrada Familia Basilica (World Heritage) 258
J.E. Paris Fernández & J. Gómez Cabrera
Effect of roughness on keying of plate anchors 264
D. Wang, C. Han & C. Gaudin

Author index 271

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4


The partners of the European project GEO-INSTALL extend a warm welcome to all participants of the
International Conference on Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering (ICIEGE). This is the closing
conference of GEO-INSTALL (FP7/2007-2013, PIAG-GA-2009-230638), an Industry-Academia Path-
ways and Partnerships project funded by the European Community from the 7th Framework Programme.
Infrastructure construction involves the installation of structural elements, such as piles and various
ground improvement techniques for soils and rocks. The installation process itself can be quasi-static (for
example jacked piles) or dynamic (vibratory methods, such as stone columns and driven piles), and generally
involves very large deformations and changes in pore pressure. The fact that natural soils are complex geo-
materials, exhibiting structure and rate-dependent behaviour, makes analysis of such problems yet more chal-
lenging. In particular, the influence of installation on key design parameters, such as mobilised strength at the
soil-structure interface and soil stiffness, is difficult to quantify and, as yet, impossible to model. Numerical
analyses using the standard Finite Element Method (FEM) are unable to produce accurate descriptions of
large deformation problems due to excessive mesh distortions and novel techniques need to be developed.
The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for presenting the latest developments
in monitoring, analysing and managing installation effects in geotechnical engineering. Active discussion
on important topics will be facilitated through invited keynote lectures, which set the scene for the main
theme of the conference. In addition, the partners of GEO-INSTALL will present selected highlights of
their joint research programme, which has been achieved through intense collaboration between industry
and academia.
The peer review papers contained in these proceedings were accepted for presentation at ICIEGE, held
in Rotterdam, The Netherlands 24–27 March 2013. They have been authored by academics, research-
ers and practitioners from many countries worldwide and cover numerous important aspects related to
installation effects in geotechnical engineering, ranging from large deformation modelling to real field
applications. The main topics are:
• Computational methods
• Constitutive modelling
• Installation effects
• Offshore construction and foundations
• Soil improvement
• Soil-structure interaction
The submitted abstracts were reviewed and the authors of those abstracts that fell within the scope
of the conference were invited to submit full papers for peer review. The editors would like to thank the
Scientific Committee who provided assistance in the review process. They would also like to thank the
keynote speakers, authors, participants and members of the Organising Committee. The editors are grate-
ful for the support of the European Community and the partner organisations of the GEO-INSTALL
project: University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (Project Coordinator); Delft University of Technol-
ogy, The Netherlands; Deltares, The Netherlands; Keller Limited, United Kingdom; Norwegian Geotech-
nical Institute, Norway; Plaxis BV, The Netherlands; Stellenbosch University, South Africa; University
of Stuttgart, Germany.
On behalf of the partners of GEO-INSTALL, we welcome you to The Netherlands and hope that you
find the conference both enjoyable and inspiring.

Michael Hicks
Jelke Dijkstra
Marti Lloret-Cabot
Minna Karstunen
January 2013

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4



Prof. Michael Hicks, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (Chair)

Dr. Jelke Dijkstra, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (Co-Chair)
Dr. Marti Lloret-Cabot, University of Newcastle, Australia & Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands
Ms. Bahar Akbarian, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Mr. Marius Ottolini, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Mr. Remon Romp, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Dr. Lars Andresen, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway

Dr. Patrick Becker, University of Strathclyde, UK
Prof. Alan Bell, Keller, UK
Prof. Thomas Benz, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Dr. Ronald Brinkgreve, Plaxis, The Netherlands
Dr. Mike Brown, Dundee University, UK
Dr. Jorge Castro, University of Cantabria, Spain
Dr. Corne Coetzee, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr. Jelke Dijkstra, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dr. Derek Egan, Keller, UK
Dr. Gustav Grimstad, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway
Dr. Claire Heaney, Plaxis, The Netherlands
Prof. Michael Hicks, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Prof. Minna Karstunen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden & Strathclyde University, UK
(GEO-INSTALL Coordinator)
Dr. Marti Lloret-Cabot, University of Newcastle, Australia & Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands
Mr. Dirk Luger, Deltares, The Netherlands
Prof. Cesar Sagaseta, University of Cantabria, Spain
Dr. Nallathamby Sivasithamparam, Plaxis, The Netherlands
Prof. Pieter Vermeer, Deltares, The Netherlands & University of Stuttgart, Germany
Dr. Jimmy Wehr, Keller, Germany
Prof. Zdizslaw Wieckowski, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
Prof. Zhenyu Yin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Keynote speakers

Dr. Lars Andresen, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway

Prof. Minna Karstunen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden & University of Strathclyde, UK
Mr. Alain Puech, Fugro, France
Prof. Pieter Vermeer, Deltares, The Netherlands
Dr. Jimmy Wehr, Keller, Germany
Prof. David White, University of Western Australia, Australia

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Large deformation analysis of cone penetration testing

in undrained clay

L. Beuth
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands

P.A. Vermeer
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands
University of Stuttgart, Germany

ABSTRACT: Cone penetration testing is a widely-used in-situ test for soil profiling as well as estimating soil
properties of strength and stiffness. In this paper, the relationship between the undrained shear strength of clay
and the measured cone tip resistance is investigated through numerical analysis. Such analyses serve to refine
and establish correlations between cone penetration testing measurements and soil properties; thus enabling
more reliable predictions of soil properties. The presented analyses are performed by means of a Material
Point Method that has been developed specifically for the analysis of quasi-static geotechnical problems
involving large deformations of soil. Both, the load-type dependency of the shear strength of undrained clay
as well as the influence of the anisotropic fabric of natural clay on the undrained shear strength are taken
into account through a new material model, the Anisotropic Undrained Clay model. Results indicate that
the deformation mechanism relevant for cone penetration in undrained normally-consolidated clay differs
significantly from predictions based on the Tresca model, but resulting cone factors appear to be useful.

1 INTRODUCTION deformation processes imposed by the cone on

the surrounding soil. Because the cone is pushed
The undrained shear strength of soil, su, represents into the ground with a constant rate of penetra-
no unique soil parameter, but largely depends on tion of 2 cm/s, inertia and damping effects can
the type of loading. For normally-consolidated be neglected. Thus, the considered problem full-
clays, the undrained shear strength found for tri- fills the requirements of quasi-static analysis. The
axial compression is for instance much larger than method used in this study, the quasi-static Material
the strength found for triaxial extension. Simple Point Method (MPM), has been developed specifi-
shear tests render an undrained shear strength that cally for the analysis of such problems.
lies in between the strength values obtained for Furthermore, the non-linear stress-strain rela-
triaxial compression and extension. This has to be tionship of undrained clay must be considered.
taken into consideration when using this param- When using the well-known elastic-plastic Tresca
eter in geotechnical analyses. When deriving an material model for such analyses, su is specified as
undrained shear strength from cone penetration the cohesion parameter of the model. Such com-
measurements of tip resistance, qc, it is important putations assume an undrained shear strength that
to know which undrained shear strengths domi- is independent of the loading path. Generally, an
nate the failure mechanism found during cone undrained shear strength obtained from simple
penetration testing. shear tests is used as a kind of average for such
In this paper, results of numerical analyses of simplifed analyses.
cone penetration testing (CPT) in normally-con- Although the widely-used Mohr-Coulomb
solidated undrained clay are presented to provide model does predict a higher undrained shear
new insight into the mechanical processes that strength for triaxial compression than for triaxial
occur during a cone penetration test. extension, it overpredicts the magnitudes of both
An accurate computation of the stress field undrained shear strengths, at least for normally-
that evolves in the vicinity of the penetrating cone consolidated clays. In order to reproduce the mag-
requires one to take into account the complex large nitudes of undrained shear strengths for triaxial

compression and extension more accurately, a The Material Point Method discretises a solid
model based on critical state soil mechanics such body by means of a cloud of material points that
as the well-known Modified Cam Clay model move through a fixed finite element grid. Thereby,
might be used. This model takes into account the material points capture the arbitrary large
the shear-induced volume change of drained clay deformations of the solid body without the occur-
(Schofield & Wroth 1968). Indeed, for normally- rence of severe deformations of the finite elements.
consolidated clay as considered in this paper, this Material and state parameters of the solid body as
model correctly predicts lower undrained shear well as applied loads are stored in material points
strengths for triaxial compression and extension whereas the mesh does not store any permanent
than the Mohr-Coulomb model. information.
Due to the deposition process of clay, natural With the MPM, the underlying finite element
clay generally shows a different strength in hori- grid is used as with the UL-FEM to solve the sys-
zontal directions than in the vertical direction. tem of equilibrium equations for an applied load
In order to further increase the accuracy of CPT increment on the basis of those finite elements that
analyses, this anisotropic strength of clay must also contain material points at the considered loading
be taken into consideration. Therefore, the Aniso- step. Once displacement increments are mapped
tropic Undrained Clay (AUC) model is used in the from nodes to material points, once strain incre-
presented analyses. ments are computed at the locations of material
It implements the theory of critical state soil points, the mesh is usually reset into its original
mechanics and also considers the strength anisot- state. It might be changed arbitrarily.
ropy of natural clay (Vermeer et al. 2010; Beuth Obviously, the finite element grid used with the
2012). It is largely based on the S-CLAY1 model MPM must cover not only the solid in its initial con-
developed by (Wheeler et al. 2003) but consid- figuration as with the UL-FEM but the entire region
ers neither density and rotational hardening nor of space into which the solid is expected to move.
softening. It should be emphasised, that in contrast to
To the authors knowledge, usage of a quasi- mesh-less Lagrangian methods such as the Dis-
static MPM in combination with the AUC model crete Element Method, the material points repre-
for CPT analysis exceeds the accuracy of numerical sent subregions of a solid body and not individual
studies reported so far in literature, such as (Van particles such as sand grains. The mass and volume
den Berg 1994) and (Lu et al. 2004). of subregions is memorised with material points,
In the following section, the used numeri- but changes in the shape are not traced.
cal method will be introduced briefly. A detailed With one exception (Guilkey & Weiss 2003),
description of it would exceed the scope of this existing implementations of the MPM are dynamic
paper. For further information, the reader is there- codes that employ an explicit time integration
fore referred to (Beuth et al. 2007; Vermeer et al. scheme (Sulsky et al. 1994; Wi eckowski et al. 1999;
2009; Beuth et al. 2011) and (Beuth 2012). The con- Coetzee et al. 2005). Using these codes for the
stitutive modelling of undrained clay is treated in analysis of quasi-static problems is computation-
Section 3. Subsequently, the geometry and discreti- ally inefficient as explicit integration requires very
sation of the performed numerical analyses are pre- small time steps. The quasi-static MPM makes use
sented in Section 4. In Section 5, results obtained of an implicit integration scheme and thus circum-
for the analysis with the AUC model are compared vents the limitation on step size of dynamic codes.
to results for the Tresca model. The paper ends In recent years, the quasi-static MPM has been
with an outlook on possible future work. validated with numerous geotechnical benchmark
problems. Furthermore, it has been extended by a
contact formulation for modelling reduced frictional
2 QUASI-STATIC MATERIAL POINT or adhesive contact between structure and soil based
METHOD on interface elements (Vermeer et al. 2009).

The quasi-static MPM can be considered as an

extension of the classical Updated Lagrangian
Finite Element Method (UL-FEM). With the UL-
FEM, a solid body is discretised by finite elements
3.1 Modelling of undrained elasticity
that follow the deformations of the solid body.
In case of large deformations of the solid body, The total mean stress rate of the undrained soil is
the finite element grid might eventually experi- ′ , and the
split into the effective mean stress rate, p′
ence severe distortions which lead to numerical change of excess pore pressures, pw , through con-
inaccuracies and can even render the calculation sideration of strain compatibility between the two
impossible. materials

K water
pw = εvol and
d p′ K′ εvol (1)

where Kwater is the bulk modulus of water, n is the

porosity and K′ is the bulk modulus of the soil
skeleton. The term Kwater/n can be written as

K water 3( vu v′ )
= K′ (2)
n ( − vu ) ( + v′ )

where vu is an undrained Poisson ratio and v′

Figure 1. Yield locus of the AUC model for triaxial
the effective Poisson ratio of the soil skeleton.
compression and extension.
Incompressibility of the soil implies vu being
close to 0.5. In this paper, it is taken to be 0.49 for
the computation with the Tresca model and 0.495
for the computation with the AUC model. The giving the well-known Modified Cam Clay yield
effective Poisson ratio is assumed to be v′ = 0.25 condition for α0 = 0, i.e. for isotropic consolida-
and the Young’s modulus is E′ = 6 MPa. This tion with K0 = 1. In this particular case, the yield
yields K′ = 4 MPa and Kwater/n = 110 MPa for condition is represented by an ’isotropic’ ellipse in
vu = 0.49 and 235 MPa for vu = 0.495. It should p′-q-space.
be noted that elastic behaviour (inside the yield For non-isotropic consolidation, the yield locus
surface) is assumed to be isotropic according to is rotated away from the p′-axis, as illustrated in
Hooke’s law. Figure 1. In the special case of 1-dimensional
consolidation, the rotation parameter, α0, follows
3.2 Modelling of undrained plasticity
η02 + 3η0 − M 2 1 K0
The AUC model requires 4 input parameters: the α0 = with η0 = 3 (6)
elastic parameters, E′ and v′, the friction angle 3 1 2K0
for the critical state, φcs, and the overconsolida-
tion ratio, OCR, defined as the preconsolidation where K0 is the coefficient of earth pressure at rest.
stress, σp0, divided by the vertical effective stress. In this paper, normally-consolidated clay is consid-
In this paper, only normally-consolidated clay with ered with K0 = 1 − sin φcs.
OCR = 1 is considered, φcs is taken to be 30°. Only associated plasticity is considered, so that
The yield function of the AUC model is defined as a separate specification of a plastic potential func-
tion is not needed. For OCR = 1, as considered in
T the following, the isotropic preconsolidation stress,
3⎛ α ⎞ ⎛ α ⎞
⎜ s p ′ 0 s0 : s − p ′ 0 s0 ⎟ p′po, can be initialised for the initial stress state
2⎝ q0 ⎠ ⎝ q0 ⎠ from the condition f = 0.
f p′ + − p′p 0
(M 2 2
0 ) p′
where s is the deviatoric stress tensor, and s0 is the A 20° slice of the axisymmetric cone penetration
initial in-situ one. Furthermore, it yields problem is considered as shown in Figure 2. The
mesh extends outwards by 14 cone diameters D,
6 sin φcs
3 − sin φcs
d q0 =
3 T
s0 : s0 ) (4)
D being for the standardised cone penetrometer
3.57 cm. In the initial configuration, the cone tip
is located 4.9 cm below the soil surface which ini-
For special stress loading paths with s propor- tially coincides with the cone base, see Figure 3 (b).
tional to s0, implying q proportional to q0, the yield The cone is slightly rounded in order to circum-
function can be written in the simpler form vent numerical problems induced by a discontinu-
ous edge at the base of the cone. Apart from this
modification, the dimensions of the penetrometer
f p′ +
(q p )2 − p ′p 0 (5) correspond to those of a standard penetrometer:
(M 2 2
0 ) p′ the apex angle is 60° and the horizontal base area
is 10 cm2.

The height of the discretised space has been
chosen so as to accomodate a penetration depth
of up to 18 D measured from the base of the cone.
The lower mesh boundary is located 18 D below
the tip of the cone. Considering a rigid penetrom-
eter, there is no need to discretise the penetrometer
itself which simplifies the application of boundary
conditions along the penetrometer surface.
Rather than incrementally moving the pen-
etrometer downwards into the ground, the soil is
pushed upwards against the fixed penetrometer
surface. The upward displacement of the material
point discretisation is realised by prescribed dis-
placements applied on the bottom boundary of the
mesh. Material points are continuously fed along
the lower boundary into the mesh from a cloud
of material points that is initially located outside
the discretised region (feeder). Figure 2 shows the
material point discretisation including the feeder in
its initial and final configuration.
Along the sides of the mesh, displacements are
fixed normal to the vertical planes (roller bound-
aries). Only smooth contact between soil and
penetrometer is considered by prescribing roller
boundaries fixed normal to the penetrometer sur-
face. Reduced adhesive or frictional contact along
the penetrometer surface might be considered by
placing interface elements along the fixed bound-
ary of the penetrometer but this is not considered
Soil weight is not considered with the presented
Figure 2. (a) Material point discretisation for the initial; computations since the gradient of vertical stress
(b) Final configuration at a penetration depth of 18 D. is not relevant at the greater depths of cone pen-
etration that are reached in the performed analy-
ses. Because the computation with the AUC model
requires initial stresses for initialisation of the extent
and orientation of the yield surface in principal
stress space, a surface traction of 10 kPa is applied.
K0 is set to 0.5. Thus, in an initial loading stage, a
vertical stress of 10 kPa and horizontal stresses of
5 kPa are realised. For the AUC model, the iso-
tropic preconsolidation pressure is then −7.1 kPa.
The computations were performed with
4-noded tetrahedral elements that were extended
by a strain-smoothing algorithm to prevent lock-
ing. A mesh with 15,678 degrees of freedom has
been used. Mesh re-finement has been applied in
the region around the penetrometer cone as shown
in Figure 3 (a) where large stress gradients occur.
Furthermore, a mesh re-finement is required on
the narrow edge along the longitudinal axis of the
discretised slice.
Initially, the soil surface coincides with element
boundaries adjacent to the cone base, see Figure 3
(b). An equal number of 10 material points is
initially placed inside each finite element. In total,
Figure 3. (a) FE discretisation with local mesh refine- 286,410 material points are used for the performed
ment along the cone tip; (b) Geometry of the cone tip. analyses.

5 RESULTS factor for the computations with the Tresca and
AUC model. For the Tresca model, a cone factor
FEM simulations of triaxial compression and of 12.5 is obtained, for the AUC model a cone fac-
extension tests were performed with the AUC model tor of 11.6.
for anisotropically consolidated soil under K0 = 0.5 The Tresca cone factor of 12.5 agrees well with
up to σp0 = 10 kPa. Similarly, a direct shear test was results of previous numerical studies based on
computed for K0-consolidation up to σp0 = 10 kPa in this model. Indeed, (Van den Berg 1994) reports
order to obtain the respective values of undrained for a smooth cone and a rigidity index Ir = G/
shear strength relevant for the performed CPT su = 600 a cone factor of approximately 13. (Lu
analyses. The resulting undrained shear strengths et al. 2004), who additionally take into considera-
are for triaxial compresssion su,comp = 3 kPa, for tion the initial stress state, report a matching cone
triaxial extension su,ext = 1.2 kPa and for simple factor of 12.5. Total stress analyses were consid-
shear su,ss = 2.15 kPa (see also Figure 1). For the ered in these studies whereas in the computations
computation with the Tresca model, an undrained of this paper distinction is made between effective
shear strength of 4 kPa is specified. An overview stresses and excess pore pressures as described in
of the undrained shear strengths relevant for the Subsection 3. Supplementary numerical analyses
two computations is provided in Table 1. show that the choice of analyses has little impact
In Figure 4 the obtained relative tip stresses σc/su,ss on the obtained cone factors, at least for und-
for the two computations are plotted over the rela- rained Poisson ratios above a value of 0.49 (Beuth
tive cone penetration. Once the influence of the soil 2012).
surface on the movement of soil particles around the Figure 5 (a) shows the loading types found within
penetrating structure subsides, a steady-state defor- the soil body at a penetration depth of 10 D; on the
mation process evolves, as can be seen in Figure 4. left half for the AUC model, on the mirrored right
The tip stress σc for the fully developed steady-state half for the Tresca model. Points colored dark grey
penetration process corresponds to the tip resistance represent regions of triaxial compression states-
qc measured during cone penetration testing. of-stress. Light grey points represent regions that
The relative tip resistance qc/su corresponds cannot be associated with a specific loading type.
to the cone factor Nc which is commonly used to For the Tresca model, triaxial compression states-
correlate the undrained shear strength of soil to of-stress dominate in the vicinity of the cone. The
measurements of cone tip resistance. Equating AUC model predicts triaxial compression states-
su to su,ss results in approximately the same cone of-stress to occur only in a small wedge below the
advancing cone.
Figure 5 (b) shows the effective vertical stresses
for the AUC model and the Tresca model at a pen-
Table 1. Undrained shear strengths [kPa]. etration depth of 10 D. Compressive stresses are
negative. Low vertical effective stresses occur next
su,comp su,ext su,ss to the cone for both material models forming wing-
shaped stress bulbs. This can be explained by the
Tresca 4.0 4.0 4.0 reduction of vertical compaction once soil leaves
the ‘shadow’ of the penetrating cone. Within the
AUC 3.0 1.2 2.15
shadow of the cone, soil is pushed to the sides and
downward, outside it, soil moves to the sides in an
upward direction as noted by Lu et al. Some of
the vertical compression previously applied on soil
particles is consequently released.
For the AUC model, as a consequence, mean
effective stresses decrease within the region of the
wing-shaped stress bulb. The stress paths obtained
for the AUC model correspond to soil yielding in
a critical state: stress states in this region follow
the critical state line. They do not correspond to
triaxial compression nor triaxial extension which
corresponds to the results shown in Figure 5 (a).
Soil yields in the vicinity of the cone with effec-
tive mean stresses decreasing down to −2.5 kPa
and deviatoric stresses q as low as 3 kPa which
Figure 4. Relative tip stress plotted over the relative explains the lower tip resistance found with the
cone displacement for the Tresca and AUC model. AUC model.

Figure 5. (a) Regions of triaxial compression states-of-stress colored dark gray; (b) Comparison of effective vertical
stresses σ ′yy [kPa].

6 CONCLUSIONS for given soil parameters of strength and stiffness,

the relationship between cone tip resistance and
For a normally-consolidated clay, the relationship undrained shear strength as a function of OCR as
between cone tip resistance and the strength of suggested by Vermeer (2010). Formulating such a
undrained clay has been investigated. Penetration relation would simplify the analyses of geotechni-
of a smooth cone has been simulated. Large soil cal problems involving undrained clay and increase
deformations are taken into consideration through their reliability.
use of a quasi-static MPM. The load-type depend-
ency of the undrained shear strength and the
strength anisotropy of natural clay are considered ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
through use of the new AUC model.
The cone factor obtained for a computation with The research leading to these results has received
the Tresca model agrees well with results from the funding from the European Community’s Seventh
AUC model. Hence, the Tresca model seems well Framework Programme FP7/2007–2013 under
suited for determining cone factors for normally- grant agreement n° PIAG-GA-2009-230638 (Geo-
consolidated undrained clays, provided the cone Install).
factors are related to an undrained shear strength The authors would like to express their gratitude
for simple shear. to Deltares, especially to Peter van den Berg and
Apart from the Tresca model, the Von Mises Hans Teunissen, for their support of the numerical
yield criterion might be used for such CPT analy- study on which this publication is based and of the
ses. However, when fitting the Von Mises to the development of the AUC model.
Tresca yield surface so that the yield stress coin- The authors would like thank Plaxis B.V. and
cides for triaxial compression and extension, the Deltares for their funding of the development of
Von Mises model will give larger cone factors. the quasi-static MPM. Here, the authors would
For a proper cone factor, the Von Mises criterion especially like to thank Paul Bonnier from Plaxis
should be matched to the Tresca yield criterion in B.V for kindly providing his expert advise in this
the case of simple shear. In order to obtain this, the work and Issam Jassim from the University of
Von Mises tensile strength, σtension, should be equal Stuttgart for his contributions to the research
to 3 su,Tresca. efforts leading to this publication.
It would be important to also investigate cone
penetration in overconsolidated clays since the
overcon-solidation ratio has a considerable influ- REFERENCES
ence on the undrained shear strength of clay. It
would seem that the AUC model is not only suited Beuth, L. 2012. Formulation and application of a quasi-
for normally-consolidated but also for overconsoli- static material point method. Ph. D. thesis, University
dated clays. This work would allow one to identify, of Stuttgart, Holzgartenstr. 16, 70174 Stuttgart.

Beuth, L., Benz, T., Vermeer, P., Coetzee, C., Bonnier, P., & Schofield, A., & Wroth, P. 1968. Critical state soil
Van Den Berg, P. 2007. Formulation and validation mechanics. McGraw–Hill New York.
of a quasi-static Material Point Method. In Proceed- Sulsky, D., Chen, Z., & Schreyer, H. 1994. A particle
ings of the 10th International Symposium on Numerical method for history–dependent materials. Compu-
Methods in Geomechanics, Volume 10, pp. 189–195. ter Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Taylor & Francis Group. 118(1–2), 179–196.
Beuth, L., Więckowski, Z., & Vermeer, P. 2011. Solution Van den Berg, P. 1994. Analysis of soil penetration.
of quasi-static large-strain problems by the mate- Ph. D. thesis, Delft University of Technology, The
rial point method. International Journal for Numeri- Netherlands.
cal and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 35(13), Vermeer, P., Jassim, I., & Hamad, F. 2010. Need and per-
1451–1465. formance of a new undrained clay model.
Coetzee, C., Vermeer, P., & Basson, A. 2005. The mod- Vermeer, P., Yuan, Y., Beuth, L., & Bonnier, P. 2009.
elling of anchors using the material point method. Application of interface elements with the Material
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Point Method. In Proceedings of the 18th Interna-
Methods in Geomechanics 29(9), 879–895. tional Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics,
Guilkey, J., & Weiss, J. 2003. Implicit time integration Volume 18, pp. 477–478. Polish Academy of Sciences.
for the material point method: Quantitative and algo- Wheeler, S., Näätänen, A., Karstunen, M., & Lojander,
rithmic comparisons with the finite element method. M. 2003. An anisotropic elastoplastic model for soft
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engi- clays. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 40(2), 403–418.
neering 57(9), 1323–1338. Więckowski, Z., Youn, S., & Yeon, J. 1999. A particle–in–
Lu, Q., Randolph, M., Hu, Y., & Bugarski, I. 2004. cell solution to the silo discharging problem. Interna-
A numerical study of cone penetration in clay. Geo- tional Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
technique 54(4), 257–267. 45(9), 1203–1225.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Adaptive Mesh Refinement for strain-softening materials

in geomechanics

C.E. Heaney & R.B.J. Brinkgreve

Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

P.G. Bonnier
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

M.A. Hicks
Geo-Engineering Section, Faculty of CITG, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the implementation of Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) within
the geotechnical software package Plaxis 2D. The algorithm is recovery-based and aims to reduce the
discretisation error estimated as a measure of the incremental deviatoric strain. Once the global discre-
tisation error exceeds a user-defined tolerance, certain elements in the mesh are marked for refinement.
The refinement procedure is based on a combination of regular subdivision and longest-edge bisection.
Mapping from the old mesh to the new mesh is accomplished by using the recovered solutions at the
nodes and the shape functions. The AMR algorithm is demonstrated for a vertical cut problem for a
softening Drucker-Prager material. Regularisation prevents the mesh-dependency which would otherwise
be seen for such softening constitutive models.

1 INTRODUCTION integration points at the nodes; (ii) error

estimation—estimating the error in the finite ele-
Localisation is commonly observed in soils, often as ment solution; (iii) refinement—refining elements
a precursor to failure. It manifests itself in the forma- which have an error larger than a pre-defined
tion of shear bands, across which develop very high tolerance; and (iv) mapping—the FE solution is
gradients of displacement and strain. This poses a mapped from the old mesh to the new mesh so that
considerable numerical challenge. Ideally the high the calculation can continue.
gradients in the shear band would be modelled with Although widely used in some areas, AMR is not
a fine mesh, whereas, in other areas of the domain often fully exploited in geotechnics. Some noteable
where the spatial gradients are much lower, a coarser exceptions are Perić et al. (1996), Hu & Randolph
mesh would be used. However, it is not known in (1998), Hicks (2000) and Kardani et al. (2012).
advance where the shear band will form, so the mesh
cannot be pre-refined. Uniform refinement of the
mesh would be wasteful as the shear band occupies 2 FORMULATION
typically only a small part of the domain.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) can be used The AMR algorithm has been implemented within
to tackle such problems. This method monitors Plaxis’s 2D displacement-based FE solver (see
the discretisation error in the finite element (FE) Brinkgreve et al. (2011)). The meshes are unstruc-
solution, and, when the global error norm exceeds tured and composed of 6-noded triangular elements
a specified tolerance, certain elements are marked resulting in a quadratic approximation of the dis-
for refinement. Once the mesh has been refined placements. For elastoplastic materials the load or
and the solution has been mapped to the new displacement boundary conditions are applied in
mesh, the loading is resumed. This allows the mesh increments. Once an increment has converged, the
to be refined in regions where the error is high (due AMR algorithm recovers the nodal fields and calcu-
to the large gradients) resulting in a more accurate lates the error. If the error exceeds the user-defined
description of the shear band. tolerance, the refinement and mapping algorithms
The AMR algorithm implemented here has four are called. The FE solver then applies the next
steps: (i) recovery—recovering fields defined at the increment. The four stages of the algorithm are

now briefly discussed. A more detailed description especially suitable for geomechanical problems
can be found in Heaney et al. (2013). which exhibit large changes in strain.
The error estimator for element iEl is given by
2.1 Recovery
Variables defined at integration points are recov-
|| e ||iE1
Δγ ∫iiE1( γ* γ )2 , (3)
ered at the nodes in order to estimate the error
and to facilitate the mapping process. For this pur- and from this, the global error norm can then be
pose, Superconvergent Patch Recovery (SPR) is calculated:
used (Zienkiewicz & Zhu 1992a). It is an efficient,
local method involving the inversion of a relatively nE 1

small matrix (small when compared to the size of (|| ||Δγ )2 (|| ||Δi γ1 )2 . (4)
the global stiffness matrix). iE1 1

The implementation of SPR involves two stages:

first, defining the patches (groups of neighbouring Either of the above error measures can be made
elements) and second, fitting least squares sur- relative by dividing by
faces to the integration point values in each patch.
|| Δγ * |||| ∫Ω ( Δγ **) d Ω .
Node-based patches are implemented here, which 2
are formed around each interior vertex node (often
referred to as an “assembly node”). The patch is
made up of all those elements which contain the Both local and global errors can be utilized in
assembly node. To recover the solution at nodes adaptivity. The global estimate is compared
on or near the boundary, the standard node-based against a user-defined tolerance, and, if it exceeds
patches containing elements in contact with the the tolerance, mesh refinement is triggered. The
boundary can be extended to include the boundary marking strategy (a method of determining which
nodes (as suggested in Zienkiewicz & Zhu (1995)). elements to refine) is now outlined. The approach
In each patch, a least squares fit is carried out followed here is to link the user-defined global tol-
to the data at integration points. In SPR the least erance with the local, element scale. This method
squares fit is of the same degree as the displacement relies on the concept of an optimal mesh where the
shape functions, which are quadratic in this case. error is equally distributed over the elements (for
Each patch is mapped onto the domain [–1,1] × example Mar & Hicks 1996)). Given a user-defined
[–1,1] to avoid ill-conditioning of the matrix which global tolerance η (which is a relative measure), the
is inverted to obtain the least squares coefficients. condition for triggering refinement is

|| e || Δ γ
≥ η. (6)
2.2 Error estimation || Δγ * ||
Zienkiewicz & Zhu (1992b) prove that their
error estimator (described in Zienkiewicz & Zhu Introducing the assumption that the local errors
(1987)) is asymptotically exact for linear elastic are equally distributed over the mesh gives
problems. For elastoplastic problems Boroomand &
Zienkiewicz (1999) devised an error estimator based η || Δγ * ||
Δγ ≥
|| e ||local , (7)
on incremental energy. More recently Hicks (2000) nE1
employed an error estimator based upon a meas-
ure of incremental deviatoric strain. He defines the where nE1 is the total number of elements. So, once
incremental shear strain invariant, Δγ, as the global error exceeds the user-defined (global)
tolerance, then all elements whose error exceeds
η || Δγ *||
Δγ Δε ijdev Δε ijdev , (1) nE1
will be marked for refinement.

where Δε ijdev is the ijth component of the incremen-

tal deviatoric strain tensor. The error in this quan- 2.3 Mesh refinement
tity with respect to the L2 norm is given by
In h-adaptivity, the mesh can be refined in two
ways: either by regeneration or by subdivision.
|| e ||
Δγ ∫Ω
( γ* γ) 2
, (2) Regeneration is often used and produces elegant-
looking meshes directly indicative of the (numerical
where Δγ* is the recovered field based on the recov- approximation to the) underlying physical mecha-
ered incremental strains. This estimator should be nism. However, one consequence of regeneration

is that the solution over the entire domain must be
dk = 2 / 3 || d p
|| . (10)
transferred from the old to the new mesh. In order
to limit the numerical diffusion which may occur
as a result of transferring the solution between The regularisation employed here follows the
meshes, and to be more efficient, subdivision is non-local approach whereby strains are averaged
used. in the region around the integration point of
Regular bisection refers to the splitting of an interest. A weighted combination of the non-local
element into four elements by joining the mid- and local strains is used in the calculation of dκ.
points of the triangle’s edges (Bank et al., 1983). During the averaging process a parameter is intro-
Between a regularly-refined element and a non- duced which effectively controls the minimum
refined element will be a non-conforming edge width of the shear band. The interested reader is
with hanging nodes. A straightforward solution referred to Brinkgreve (1994) for further details.
to this is adopted here based on Rivara’s longest- This approach has already shown good results for
edge bisection method (Rivara 1984). One advan- standard FE calculations (Rolshoven & Jirásek
tage of using longest-edge bisection is that the (2003), Rezania et al. (2012)).
minimum internal angle of subsequent meshes
is never less than half of the smallest interior
angle of the original mesh (Rosenberg & Stenger 4 RESULTS
A vertical cut is modelled, the geometry of which can
be seen in Figure 1. The (effective) material param-
2.4 Mapping eters are shear modulus G = 3355 kNm−2, Poisson’s
New elements require values of displacement and ratio υ = 0.49, initial cohesion c0 = 5 kNm−2, mini-
stress, and also any state variables which are asso- mum cohesion cmin = 1 kNm−2 and softening modu-
ciated with the constitutive model. Displacements lus H = 100 kNm−2. The problem is undrained so the
can be mapped using the shape functions and the friction angle is zero and the yield surface becomes
nodal values of displacement. In order to map the a cylinder. Displacement is applied in increments
stresses, they are first recovered at the nodes using along half of the topsurface up to a total displace-
SPR, then they can be mapped to the new mesh ment of 0.03 m. Plane strain is assumed and self-
just as the displacements were. Any integration- weight is not considered.
point values can be mapped using this method. A number of meshes were used comprising
After mapping, the stress field will no longer be 6-noded triangular elements: the mesh densities
in equilibrium with the applied force. A zero-load are given in Table 1. First the problem was run for
increment can be applied in order to resolve this, each mesh with the standard FE method. Then
if necessary. the problem was run again for each mesh with
regularisation. Finally mesh 2 was used as a start-


The stress invariants p (the mean hydrostatic stress)

and q (a measure of deviatoric stress) are used to
define the conical Drucker-Prager yield surface:

f = q + α (p − c cot φ) = 0, (8)

where α is related to the friction angle, φ, and c is

the cohesion of the material. In order to represent
softening, c depends linearly on a scalar measure
of plastic strain, κ, the constant of proportionality
is the softening modulus, H:

c = max (c0 − Hκ, cmin). (9)

Once an integration point starts behaving elasto-

plastically, the cohesion reduces at a rate governed
by the softening modulus from the initial value (c0)
to the minimum value (cmin). The evolution of κ is Figure 1. A vertical cut. The s-axis labelled here is used
governed by later.

Table 1. Numbers of elements and degrees of freedom
in each mesh used in the standard and the regularised FE

Number Number of degrees

of elements of freedom

Mesh 1 147 660

Mesh 2 288 1250
Mesh 3 603 2552
Mesh 4 1150 4794
Mesh 5 2314 9530
Mesh 6 4606 18810
Mesh 7 8011 32552

Table 2. Numbers of elements and degrees of freedom

in the AMR simulation.

Number Number of degrees

of elements of freedom

Initial mesh 288 1250

First refinement 357 1536
Second refinement 490 2078
Third refinement 884 3662
Fourth refinement 1528 6254
Fifth refinement 2310 9046

ing mesh for the AMR algorithm used in combina-

tion with the regularisation.
The AMR algorithm triggered refinement at
the end of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th displace-
ment increments. The mesh densities are given in
Table 2.
Figure 2 shows how the displacement varies
across the shear band along the s-axis (shown in
Figure 1) for the three sets of results: (a) stand-
ard FE results; (b) FE results with regularisation
and (c) AMR results with regularisation. For the
standard FE results it can be seen that, on increas-
ing the number of elements, the gradient tends to
infinity and the shear band width tends to zero.
For the FE results with regularisation, the gra-
dient and shear band width remain finite as the
mesh density increases. This is also true of the
AMR results seen in Figure 4 where there is excel-
lent agreement between results using the finest
mesh with FE and regularisation, and the AMR
Figure 3 shows the load displacement curves for
the three sets of results (the standard FE results;
FE with regularisation; and AMR with regulari-
sation). Figure 4 shows that on increasing mesh Figure 2. The variation of the magnitude of the dis-
density, the FE results are clearly mesh dependent. placement vector along the s-axis (see Figure 1). (The dis-
Figure 4 shows how the regularisation alleviates placement has been normalised by its maximum value.)

Figure 3. The total reaction force (kNm-1)along the top surface against the applied displacement (m) for the vertical cut.

Figure 5. The deformed mesh at the end of the
AMR simulation. Displacements have been exaggerated
by a factor of 10.

mesh dependence. Once the mesh is fine enough

to resolve the shear band, on further increasing
the mesh density, the load displacement curves
converge. Finally, Figure 4 demonstrates that the
AMR algorithm when combined with regularisa-
tion also does not suffer from mesh dependence.
The AMR results are again in excellent agreement
with the finest mesh used in the regularised FE
Figure 4 shows contours of Δγ, the variable on
which the error is based. The FE results show that
the orientation of the mesh has an influence of
the results and the shear band is very thin when
compared with the regularised results (with and
without AMR). Figure 4 shows the deformed,
final mesh for the AMR simulation.


An AMR algorithm has been described and imple-

mented in Plaxis 2D. For softening materials, mesh
dependency is a known weakness when modelling
problems with the FE method. As an AMR algo-
rithm will aim to reduce the element-size in the
shear band, a softening material will prove a stern
test of the regularisation. In this paper, non-local
regularisation is used to provide the length scale
required to obtain mesh-independent results. With
Figure 4. Contours of Δγ for mesh 7 without regu- fewer elements, the AMR results show excellent
larisation (top), mesh 7 with regularisation (centre), and agreement with the fixed-mesh FE results (with
AMR with regularisation (bottom). regularisation applied in both cases).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mar, A. & Hicks, M.A. 1996. A benchmark computa-
tional study of finite element error estimation. Int.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of J. Numer. Meth. Engng 39(23), 3969–3983.
GEO-INSTALL: a project funded by the European Perić, D., Hochard, C., Dutko, M. & Owen, D.R.J. 1996.
Transfer operators for evolving meshes in small strain
Community through the Marie Curie IAPP pro- elasto-plasticity. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg
gramme (Contract No. PIAP-GA-2009-230638). 137, 331–344.
Rezania, M., Bonnier, P.G., Brinkgreve, R.B.J. &
Karstunen, M. 2012. Non-local regularisation of
REFERENCES Drucker-Prager softening model. In Z. Yang (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 20th UK National Conference of
Bank, R., Sherman, A.H. & Weisser, A. 1983. Refine- ACME, Manchester (UK), pp. 275–278.
ment algorithms and data structures for regular local Rivara, M.C. 1984. Design and data structures of a fully
mesh refinement. In Scientific computing (IMACS adaptive multigrid finite element software. ACM
Transactions), North Holland, pp. 3–17. Transactions on Mathematical Software 10, 242–264.
Boroomand, B. & Zienkiewicz, O.C. 1999. Recovery Rolshoven, S. & Jirásek, M. 2003. Numerical aspects of
procedures in error estimation and adaptivity. Comput. nonlocal plasticity with strain softening. In Compu-
Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg 176, 127–146. tational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Austria,
Brinkgreve, R.B.J. 1994. Geomaterial models and numeri- pp. 305–314.
cal analysis of softening. Ph.D. thesis, Delft University Rosenberg, I.G. & Stenger, F. 1975. A lower bound on the
of Technology. angles of triangles constructed by bisecting the longest
Brinkgreve, R.B.J., Swolfs, W.M. & Engin, E. 2011. side. Mathematics of Computation 29, 390–395.
Plaxis 2D 2011. Plaxis BV. Zienkiewicz, O.C. & Zhu, J.Z. 1987. A simple error esti-
Heaney, C.E., Bonnier, P.G., Brinkgreve, R.B.J. & mator and adaptive procedure for practical engineering
Hicks, M.A. 2013. Adaptive mesh refinement with analysis. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 24, 337–357.
application to geomaterials. In preparation for submis- Zienkiewicz, O.C. & Zhu, J.Z. 1992a. The superconver-
sion to Comput. Geotech. gent patch recovery and a posteriori error estimates.
Hicks, M.A. 2000. Coupled computations for an elastic- Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 33, 1331–1364.
perfectly plastic soil using adaptive mesh refinement. Zienkiewicz, O.C. & Zhu, J.Z. 1992b. The superconver-
Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 24, 453–476. gent patch recovery (SPR) and adaptive finite element
Hu, Y. & Randolph, M.F. 1998. H-adaptive FE analy- refinement. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg 101,
sis of elasto-plastic non-homogeneous soil with large 207–224.
deformation. Comput. Geotech. 23, 61–83. Zienkiewicz, O.C. & Zhu, J.Z. 1995. Superconvergence
Kardani, M., Nazem, M., Abbo, A.J., Sheng, D. & and the superconvergent patch recovery. Finite Elem.
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Mech. 49, 21–33.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

A dynamic material point method for geomechanics

I. Jassim
Institut für Geotechnik, Universität Stuttgart, Germany

C. Coetzee
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

P.A. Vermeer
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands
University of Stuttgart, Germany

ABSTRACT: A dynamic Material Point Method for use in Geomechanics is presented. Soil and structural
bodies are represented by (material) particles, which move inside an unstructured mesh of four-noded 3-D
tetrahedral elements. As such low-order elements tend to show locking for fully developed plastic flow,
a strain-enhancement remedy is described. As a first example, the penetration of a drop anchor into a
Mohr-Coulomb soil is considered. As both a soil body and a metal anchor are considered, an algorithm for
dynamic contact is used and described. An improved type of absorbing boundaries to avoid the reflection
of stress waves is also described. The second example consists of dynamic cone penetration. Finally, the
example of a collapsing tunnel is considered.

1 INTRODUCTION The early beginnings of MPM can be traced back

to the work of Harlow (1964), who studied fluid flow
Over the last decades the Finite Element Method by material points moving through a fixed grid. Sul-
(FEM) has become the standard tool of analysis sky et al. (1995) extended the method to the mod-
in the field of solid mechanics. However, due to its eling of solids. It was then called the Material Point
reliance on a mesh, the FEM is not well suited for Method (Sulsky & Schreyer 1996). Bardenhagen
the treatment of extremely large deformations. To et al. (2000) further extended the method by includ-
overcome the mesh dependency of the FEM, mesh- ing frictional contact between deformable bodies.
free methods have been developed, for example the The potential of MPM for simulating granular
Element-Free Galerkin Method (Belytschko et al. flow, e.g. in silo discharge, was first recognized by
1994) and the Material Point Method (MPM). The Więckowski et al. (1999). Coetzee et al. (2005) used
latter might be classified as a meshfree method, a the MPM for studying the large deformation prob-
Particle-in-Cell method or an Arbitrary Lagrang- lem of anchor pull-out. All previous developments
ian-Eulerian method (Więckowski 2004). of MPM are based on dynamics, Beuth et al. (2010)
MPM uses two discretizations of the material, were the first to develop a quasi-static MPM.
one based on a computational mesh and the other In Chapter 2 of this paper, the weak formulation
based on a collection of material points or “par- and space integration of the momentum equation is
ticles”. Within the standard MPM large deforma- presented. Chapter 3 describes integration in time.
tions are modeled by particles moving through a Here, explicit forward marching is used. A numeri-
fixed mesh. The particles carry all the properties cal example of a drop anchor is provided in Chap-
of the continuum (material properties and state of ter 4. The formulation of a contact algorithm used
stress and strain) as well as external loads, whereas to model the interaction between different bodies
the mesh and its Gaussian integration points carry is explained in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, mesh lock-
no permanent information at all. The computa- ing and strain smoothening are discussed. Absorb-
tional grid is used to determine incremental dis- ing boundaries and wave reflection are discussed in
placements of particles by solving the governing Chapter 7. A second numerical example is given in
equations. Through this approach, MPM combines Chapter 8. In this example, dynamic cone penetra-
the advantages of both Eulerian and Lagrangian tion is investigated. Chapter 9 contains the exam-
formulations. ple of a collapsing tunnel.

2 WEAK FORMULATION AND SPACE and storage advantages, is used instead of the con-
INTEGRATION OF EQUILIBRIUM sistent-mass matrix defined in Eq. (5). On denot-
ing the entries of the lumped-mass matrix, as mi
The Cauchy form of conservation of linear it yields
momentum is given by the equations
⎡ m1 0 ... 0 ⎤
ρ  ∇ + ρ g and t σ n (1) ⎢0 m2 ... 0 ⎥
ML = ⎢ (6)
⎢0 0 ... mn ⎥⎦
where ρ is the material density, ü is the displace- ⎣
ment, a superposed dot denotes differentiation
with time, σ denotes the Cauchy stress tensor and where n denotes the number of degrees of freedom.
g is the gravitational acceleration vector. The sur- In order to conserve the mass of the continum,
face traction acting on the external boundary is particle-based integration is used i.e.
denoted by t and n is the outward unit normal of
the boundary. Applying the virtual work principle np
on a domain of volume V surrounded by boundary
S yields mi ∑ m p Nip and
p =1

∫δ ρ u dV = − ∫ δεε T σ dV + ∫ δ ρ g dV ∑ BTp σ p Vp
F int = ∫ B σ dV ≈
V V V V p =1
+ ∫ δ uT t dS (2)
where np denotes the number of particles, mp is the
mass of particle p, Nip is the shape function evalu-
where δ implies a virtual quantity, ε is the strain ated at particle p and Vp is the volume associated
tensor and the script T denotes the transpose. with particle p. The drawback of using a lumped-
For space discretisation, the displacement field mass matrix is a slight numerical dissipation of the
u is approximated in terms of interpolation func- kinetic energy (Burgess et al. 1992).
tions N and nodal displacements a by u = Na. The
strain tensor is now written in vector notation as
ε = Ba with B = LN and
ε=( )
(3) On applying Euler-forward time integration with
lumped-mass matrix, Eq. (4) yields
where B is the usual finite element strain-displace-
Δt −1
ment matrix, as computed from the linear dif- a t = a t + Δt  at = ⎡⎣ MtL ⎤⎦
at ,  Ft (8)
ferential operator L and the shape functions N.
Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) gives
where Δt is the current time increment, a t and a t Δt
δ T
δa T
(F ext
F int
) or M 
a= F are the nodal velocities at time t, t + Δt respectively.
The incremental nodal displacement is obtained by
with F F ext − F int (4) integrating the nodal velocity by the Euler-back-
ward rule and the position of the particles are sub-
in which sequently updated, i.e.
Δ Δt
Δat Δ at , xtp Δ xtp + N p Δat Δt
M ∫ N N F = ∫ ρ NT g dV + ∫ NT t dS
where xtp and xtp Δt are the particle positions at
and F int ∫ B σ dV
( )
time t and t + Δt respectively. Strains and stresses
at particles are updated using the same algorithms
as for Gaussian integration points within the
Equation (4) is identically used within FEM and standard FEM. In updated Lagrangian FEM, one
MPM. However, in the Material Point Method M would use Δa to update the finite element mesh,
can also change in size when particles move into but within the MPM only particles positions are
empty elements. In other words, the total number updated. Particles eventually cross element bound-
of degrees-of-freedom of the system can vary. A aries, which entails that the new element of a cross-
lumped-mass matrix, which offers computational ing particle has to be detected.

Figure 1. A torpedo-shaped drop anchor.


The analysis of a drop anchor as shown in Figure 1

is presented in this chapter. These torpedo-shaped
anchors are used in the offshore oil and gas indus-
try as a cost effective anchoring solution in clays.
The anchor is dropped from a particular height and
penetrates the seafloor by the kinetic energy gained
during its free fall (Fig. 1). In the present paper, a
fully dynamic penetration process is simulated. As
the problem is axisymmetric, only a sector of 20o is
discretised. The drop anchor resembles a foundation Figure 2. Initial and final configuration of the problem.
pile, where soil deformations are intense around the
tip. Accurate computations require a relatively dense
mesh around the tip, as also shown in Figure 2a. standard MPM by using a mesh which is fixed to the
Within the standard MPM, however, the anchor (par- anchor so that it moves into the soil. Thereby, the fine
ticles) would move through the mesh and one would part of the mesh will always remain around the tip of
need mesh refinement over the complete penetration the anchor. The occurrence of elements containing
depth. In order to avoid this, we deviated from the particles of different material is also prevented as the

Figure 3. Penetration depth for different values of the
friction coefficient. Figure 4. Illustration of two bodies in contact for a
regular mesh.

boundary of the anchor coincides throughout the

analysis with element boundaries.
The material properties of the anchor are: La =
F A , M BL a B FB , M A
a A+ B = F A
 B (10)
Young’s modulus of 50000 kPa, Poisson’s ratio
of 0 and unit weight of 78 kN/m3. The anchor is From these solutions, predictor velocities a A, a B
modeled as linear elastic. The soil is modeled by the and a A B are computed. Contact at a considered
Mohr-Coulomb model with a Young’s modulus of node is detected by comparing the velocity of a
5000 kPa, Poisson’s ratio of 0.3, cohesion of 5 kPa, single body to the velocity of the combined bodies,
friction angle of 30o and unit weight of 18 kN/m3. as illustrated in the chart of Figure 5, with n being
Simulations were done with different friction coef- the outward unit normal at a considered node.
ficients μ of the contact surface between the anchor When these velocities differ, the considered node is
and the soil. Hence, we do not consider penetration a contact node. Now we detect whether or not the
in undrained clay, but in a drained sand. This is sim- contact at that node is broken (by separation) or
ply done because frictional sand is computationally continued (by approaching). For an approaching
more challenging than (undrained) cohesive clay. contact node, we check for sliding as explained in
Figure 3 shows the computed penetration depth the next section.
for different μ-values plotted over time. For fully
rough contact (μ = 1), the final penetration depth
is found to be 5D, where D is the diameter of the 5.1 Check for sliding and subsequent correction
anchor. In the very beginning the anchor resist- for a contact node
ance is linear with penetration depth, but later the In the following, only body A is considered. The
penetration is slowing down because the anchor relative normal and tangential velocities at a con-
looses its kinetic energy. As the anchor is penetrat- tact node are
ing deeper into the soil, the resistance is getting
higher because the contact between anchor and
soil is increasing and because the shear resistance a n
⎣ ( ⎦)
⎡ a A − a A+ B n ⎤ n and
of the soil increased with depth. The ultimate pen-
etration depth obviously increases with smaller
a t ( )
a A − a A+ B a n (11)
friction coefficients. The largest penetration depth
obviously corresponds to the case of smooth con- The normal and tangential components of the
tact. Figure 2b shows the particle distribution after interaction force at a contact node can then be
a penetration of 6.5D for the case of smooth con- computed from
tact. It also shows soil heave around the anchor.
mA mA
FnA a n and FtA
and a t (12)

Following Bardenhagen et al. (2000), Eq. (8) is where mA is the mass of a contact node computed
solved for the combined bodies A and B (see Fig. 4) only from body A as in Eq. (7). In frictional con-
as well as for each body separately, i.e. tact, the tangential force is limited by


Difficulties arise when determining the displace-

ment field for a solid that is nearly incompressible.
For such a material, the bulk modulus is very large
and small errors in strain will yield large errors in
stress. Furthermore, when dealing with low-order
elements the mesh may lock when incompress-
ibility constraints from neighboring elements are
imposed. For high-order elements, it is common
to prevent locking by reduced integration (Bathe
1982), but for low-order elements a kind of strain
smoothening can be applied, being referred to as
nodal-mixed-discretisation by Detournay and Dzik
(2006). This technique involves first of all the com-
putation of the strain rates for each element in the
usual manner subsequently they are decomposed
into a volumetric strain rate, εv, and a deviatoric
strain rate, ε d . An averaged volumetric strain-rate
εv for an element is now defined as

1 4 
∑ (εv )k
εv ∑ εvi with εvn = k
4 i =1 ∑ ( )k

where the sum is over all elements k attached to the

node n. Ω is the volume of an element. The work-
ing assumption is that deviatoric strain rates need
not be enhanced, only the volumetric components.
As a result, the final strain rate within an element
is redefined as

ε = ε d + ε v I with I = (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )T (16)

Figure 5. Flow chart of the contact algorithm applied This approach is applied in all examples of the
on body A. present paper.

mA ⎡ A
FtA max μ FnA = μ
Δt ⎣
a ( a A+B ⋅ n ⎤
⎦) (13)

In numerical simulations of wave propagation,

where μ is the coefficient of friction. Sliding the use of finite boundaries leads to reflection of
between the two bodies will only occur when the waves upon reaching the boundary. In Geo-
FtA FtA,max . Thus, only then a correction of the mechanics rigid boundaries are mostly numeri-
cal antifacts and reflecting waves are not physical
nodal velocity is required. It can be derived that the and they will affect the solution considerably. This
corrected velocity of a sliding contact node is problem might be overcome by choosing the finite
a A
new ⎣(
a A − ⎡ a A )
a A+ B ⋅ n ⎤ ( n + μ t )

boundary of the mesh far enough so that no reflec-
tion occurs. But this is not always practical solu-
tion as it makes the mesh unnecessarily large. On
where t is the direction vector of the tangential top of that, the computational effort increases con-
velocity. siderably. A partial solution to this problem was

introduced by Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer (1969).
They proposed a solution in which the boundary is
supported on a dashpot. On denoting the normal
stress at a boundary node as tn and the shear stress
as ts, it yields

tn n ρVp an a d ts = α s ρVs as (17)

where an and as are the normal and tangential

velocities at a boundary node respectively, ρ is the
mass density of the material, αn and αs are dimen-
sionless parameters, Vp and Vs are the p-wave
speed and the s-wave speed of the material respec-
tively. It yields

Vp Ec ρ d Vs G ρ (18) Figure 6. Displacement of the bottom of the mesh for

dashpot and spring in parallel.
where Ec is the constrained modulus and G is the
shear modulus. They relate to Young’s modulus
and Poisson’s ratio by the equations On the other hand, the dashpot with spring in
parallel will limit the creep of the boundary as

Ec =
( )E and G =
E shown in Figure 6. This displacement corresponds
(19) to δ = 0.5 m and αn = 2.5. Sensitivity study showed
( ))(( + ) 2( + ) that those are the best values for the problem con-
sidered. The final displacement of the bottom of the
The drawback of supporting the boundary by mesh can be calculated as an = (σ/Ec)δ. For σ = 1 kPa
dashpots is that the boundary will continuously and Ec = 100 kPa, this displacement is found to be
creep as long as the dashpot will receive stresses 0.05 m. Points 1,2 and 3 of Figure 6 indicate that
from the soil body. In order to limit the creep of the wave is just reflected after reaching the bottom
the boundary, a spring is added parallel to the of the mesh. Stress fronts correspond to point 1, 2
dashpot to obtain a Kelvin-Voigt type of bound- and 3 are (1.28, 1.86 and 1.14) kPa respectively.
ary response. Hence Eq. (17) is rewritten as


tn n ρVp an + an and
G The analysis of a cone (with a diameter of 3.57 cm)
ts s ρVs as + as (20)
δ being hammered into the soil is considered in this
chapter. Block is successively dropped from a cer-
where δ is a virtual thickness being used to limit the tain height as shown in Figure 7. The maximum
creep of the boundary. impulsive load, Fmax, corresponding to the drop
As a numerical example a soil layer with a thick- weight, can be calculated from the conservation of
ness of 1 m is considered here. The layer has a momentum i.e.
Young’s modulus of 100 kPa, a Poisson’s ratio of 0
t pulse
and unit weight of 18 kN/m3. A uniformly distrib- ⎛ πt ⎞
uted load of 1 kPa is applied instantaneously at ∫ Fmax sin ⎜ ⎟ dt = η m 2 gh
⎝ t pulse ⎠
the surface. Three different boundary conditions 0
were considered at the bottom: fully fixed, dashpot
and dashpot with spring in parallel. With the fully where η is the hammer efficiency (fraction of
fixed boundary, the entire energy is reflected when energy transferred to the cone). It was chosen as
the wave reached the bottom. Hence, the stress is 64% (Borja 1988). The initial configuration of the
doubled after reflection and oscillates later con- problem is shown in Figure 8a. The same moving
tinuously. When replacing the fixities by dashpots, mesh technique used to simulate the drop anchor
only a small portion of the energy is reflected, problem of chapter 5 is used here. The material
but (as explained previously), the drawback of properties of the elastic cone are: Young’s modulus
using only dashpots is a continuous creep of the of 50000 kPa, Poisson’s ratio of 0 and unit weight
boundary. of 78 kN/m3. Adopting the elastic-plastic Mohr-

Figure 7. Applied load of dynamic penetration test.

Coulomb model, the soil properties are: Young’s

modulus of 5000 kPa, Poisson’s ratio of 0.3, cohe-
sion of 5 kPa, friction angle of 30o and unit weight
of 18 kN/m3. The dropped weight has a mass
m = 10 kg, the drop height h = 50 cm, tpulse = 0.02 sec
and tperiod = 0.1 sec. The case of fully rough contact,
μ = 1, between the cone and the soil is considered.
Figure 9 shows the penetration verses the number
of blows. Figure 8b shows the principal stresses at
the end of the penetration.


Tunnel collapse can pose a danger to life and prop-

erty. Both the life of the workers standing in front
of the tunnel face and individuals at the ground
surface might be in danger. An example of tunnel Figure 8. Initial configuration and final state of stress.
collapse in Munich is shown in Figure 10. The aim
of this analysis is to estimate the real collapse time
of a tunnel and the crashing of the ground. The In the first stage of the analysis, initial stresses
pattern of the tunnel face collapse is also inves- are generated based for a Ko-value of 0.5, where
tigated. The dimensions of the tunnel mesh are Ko is the co-efficient of lateral earth pressure at
shown in Figure 11. The boundary conditions are: rest. Adopting the elastic-plastic Mohr-Coulomb
the upper surface is free to move, the side surfaces model, the soil properties are: Young’s modulus
are roller supported, and the base is fixed. of 10000 kPa, Poisson’s ratio of 0.3, cohesion of

Figure 9. Penetration as a function of number of blows.

Figure 12. Pattern of the tunnel face collapse.

Figure 10. Collapse of tunnel face Munich under-
ground in September 1994. tem until the kinetic energy is dissipated and static
equilibrium is reached. The total displacements for
the final static equilibrium are shown in Figure 12a.
The collapse time for the tunnel face is found to be
7 seconds. The settlement of the ground surface is
shown in Figure 12b.


Existing dynamic MPM codes are based on a regu-

lar grid. For complex structures, being represented
by a cloud of material particles, this would require
a special CAD type preprocessor. On the other
hand existing user-friendly preprocessors can be
used in combination with non-regular and non-
Figure 11. Description of tunnel geometry. structured meshes. This is the main reason for the
use of the non-structured meshes. Another advan-
tage of the present non-structured mesh approach
1 kPa, friction angle of 25o and unit weight of is that it allows for mesh-refinements. In this paper
16 kN/m3. A relatively fine mesh is used to discre- this has been applied for reason of achieving good
tise the material around the opening of the tun- accuracy in zones of intense soil deformations. For
nel where the material is expected to flow. The face a consequent application of mesh refinement, the
support pressure is removed in single step and the concept of moving mesh has been introduced.
calculation is carried out by applying time steps of In dynamic soil analyses one usually introduces
Δt = 0.001 second. For time increment, the parti- absorbing boundaries to prevent the reflection of
cles move due to the unbalanced forces in the sys- stress and strain waves at the more or less arbitrary

bottom of the mesh. Hence, one usually employs material point method’’. International Journal of
so-called dashpots that will continually creep under Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,
load. In order to limit such non-physical displace- Wiley Online Library ( DOI:
ments, the dashpot is combined with a spring to 10.1002/nag.965.
Borja, R.I. 1988, “Dynamics of pile driving by the finite
obtain a Kelvin-Voigt type of boundary response. element method’’. Computers and Geotechnics,
At present the main limitations of the code is the Vol. (5), 39–49.
lack of pore pressures and a soil model for cyclic Burgess, D. Sulsky, D. & Brackbill, J.U. 1992, “Mass
loading. Meanwhile, dynamic generation and dis- matrix formulation of the FLIP particle-in-cell
sipation of pore pressures is nearly finished and method’’. Journal of Computational Physics,
remains to be reported. The implementation of a Vol. (103), 1–15.
cyclic loading model for genuine simulations of Coetzee, C.J. Vermeer, P.A. & Basson, A.H. 2005,
pile driving has been planned. “The modelling of anchors using the material point
method’’. International Journal for Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. (29),
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Detournay, C. & Dzik, E. 2006, “Nodal mixed discretiza-
tion for tetrahedral elements’’, Proceedinh of ‘4 inter-
This research was carried out as a part of the ‘’GEO- national FLAC symposium on numerical modeling in
INSTALL‘’ project (Modelling Installation Effects geomechanics, Itasca Consulting Group.
in Geotechnical Engineering). It has received fund- Harlow, F.H. 1964, “The particle-in-cell computing
ing from the European Community through the method for fluid dynamics’’. Methods for Computa-
program (Marie Curie Industry-Academia Part- tional Physics, Vol. (3), 319–343.
nerships and Pathways) under grant agreement Lysmer, J. & Kuhlmeyer, R.L. 1969, “Finite dynamic
model for infinite media’’. Journal of the Engineering
no PIAP-GA-2009-230638. The PhD study of the Mechanics Division, Vol. (95), 859–877.
first author at Stuttgart University is funded by the Sulsky, D. Zhou, S.J. & Schreyer, H.L. 1995, “Application
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). of a particle-in-cell method to solid mechanics’’. Com-
puter Physics Communications, Vol. (87), 236–252.
Sulsky, D. & Schreyer, H.L. 1996, “Axisymmetric form
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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Pile penetration simulation with Material Point Method

L.J. Lim & A. Andreykiv

Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Conventional finite element method (FEM) faces mesh distortion and mesh tangling
when it is used in the simulation of extreme deformation in pile penetration. To avoid the shortcoming
of FEM, material point method (MPM) is used owing its abilityto analyse engineering problems involv-
ing extreme deformation. However, MPM generates numerical noise in the calculation of stresses when
material points cross element boundary due to discontinuity of gradient of shape functions. Dual domain
material point method (DDMP), introduced earlier within an explicit framework, provides a continuity
of the gradient of shape functions which helps to eliminate the numerical noise in stress and strain fields.
In this paper we further extended the application of DDMP within an implicit scheme by formulating a
consistent tangent system. Additionally, we have presented a method to couple MPM and FEM analyses
in order to limit the application of MPM to the areas with extreme deformation, which allows to increase
computational efficiency. Numerical analysis results for a pile penetration problem have been presented
and compared with analytical solution for validation.

1 INTRODUCTION solve this problem as well, especially in large defor-

mation problem which GIMP is unable to solve. The
Large deformation in pile penetration simulation advantage of DDMP over the other two methods is
causes finite element method (FEM) to suffer from that it does not require additional particle domain
mesh distortion and mesh tangling. The material tracking. In Zhang et al. 2011, DDMP is imple-
point method (MPM), a type of “meshless” meth- mented in explicit integration method. We extended
ods, can be used to eliminate these issues. MPM the method by formulating it with the implicit time
was first introduced by Sulsky (Sulsky et al. 1995), integration method. The implicit time integration is
where it evolved from a fluid dynamics method unconditionally stable, thus larger time step can be
called particle-in-cell (PIC) method, introduced by employed to analyse dynamic problems, addition-
Harlow (Harlow 1964). MPM can also be compared ally, it allows solution of static problems.
to Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian finite element Meanwhile, the surrounding soil continuum
formulations in the way it separates the motion of which is not severely deformed by pile penetration
the computational and physical domains. can be analysed by conventional FEM, while the
MPM, however, introduces numerical artificial MPM will only be used on soil region with large
noise when the material points “cross” over the deformation. This will reduce the computation
boundary of computation grid (Bardenhagen & load of overall analysis because the MPM analysis
Kober 2004). Non-physical numerical noise in MPM by default is more computationally expensive than
is caused by the discontinuity of the gradient of FEM. We have proposed a mesh relaxation method
the shape functions across the mesh. This artificial to couple the analysis of MPM and FEM.
noise can seriously degrade the accuracy of the solu- The description of MPM and the implementation
tion, as well as introduce instability especially when of implicit time integration scheme are written in sec-
explicit time integration method is used (Zhang et al. tion 2. Meanwhile, section 3 will deal with the formu-
2011). The Generalized Interpolation Material Point lation of tangent stiffness matrix for implicit DDMP.
Method (GIMP) has been introduced (Bardenhagen In section 4, the MPM-FEM coupling technique with
& Kober 2004) to reduce the numerical noise. Later, mesh relaxation method is briefly explained. In sec-
Convected Particle Domain Interpolation (CPDI) tion 5, the pile penetration modelling in 2D and 3D
(Sadeghirad et al. 2011) and Dual Domain Material will be presented. Next, section 6 discusses the results
Point (DDMP) (Zhang et al. 2011) were proposed to of the simulation. Finally, conclusions are drawn.

2 IMPLICIT FORMULATION OF MPM As mentioned in Zhang et al. 2011, the numeri-
AND DDMP cal noise is caused by the discontinuity of gradient
function of MPM in Eq. 5 when the internal force
2.1 Governing continuum equations is calculated.
Consider a continuous body Ω ⊂ Rn with a bound-
ary Γ = ∂Ω, the conservation equations for mass 2.3 Implicit time integration scheme
and linear momentum can be defined as,
During a load step, the computation grid will be
dρ solved using conventional FEM. The linearized
+ ρ∇⋅v = 0 (1) equation of motion during the Newton iteration
dt κ for current time step can be defined as (Wieck-
owski 2004),
ρa = ∇.σ + ρb (2)
k 1
where ρ is the mass density, v is the velocity, a is the ij du j ( fiext ) − (f
( fiint )k 1
m ij ⋅ a kj 1
Qkj (6)
acceleration, σ is the Cauchy stress tensor, and b is
the specific body force. where K is the stiffness matrix, mij =
∑ p =1 ρυυ pSi ( p ) S j ( p ) is the mass matrix, duj is

2.2 Discretization of continuum equations the incremental displacement of node j of com-

To solve the continuum equations, the strong form putation grid, Q is the residual vector,and
of the equations are discretized to weak form by k is the iteration step. Eq. 6 is solved itera-
using standard FEM procedure (Wells 2009). After tively, until the residual of the system is less
discretization with FEM, linear momentum equa- than a defined iteration convergence criteria
tion becomes, (|Q| < ∈). The displacement update is given as,

N u kj = u kj −1 + duu j (7)
∑ ∫Ωc ρ Si S j d c j ∫Ωc ∇Si σ d Ωc
j =1
Meanwhile, the acceleration term can be calcu-
+ ∫ ρ Si d c ∫Γt tSi d Γc (3) lated by discretizing the time derivative with trap-
ezoidal rule. The discretized acceleration term is
where N is the total number of nodes in a compu- given as,
tation domain Ωc, i, j are the nodal indices, aj is the
acceleration at node j, Si is the shape function of 4 k −1 4 0
a kj uj − vj a 0j (8)
node i, t is the surface traction, and Γt is the sur- Δt 2 Δt
face boundary of the computation domain. The
first term of the right hand side of Eq. 3 is defined where v 0j and a 0j terms are the nodal velocity and
as the internal force of the system, fiint. The sum of acceleration at the start of time step.
the second and the third terms of the right hand
side of Eq. 3 can also be defined as the external
force of the system, fiext . Comparable to conven- 2.4 Numerical implementation of implicit
tional FEM, the numerical integration of MPM MPM
over the computation domain Ωc is approximated At the start of a time step, the material points carry
by following, current state variables of acceleration a, velocity v,
Np mass m, volume V, and deformation gradient F.
∫Ωc F d Ωc ≈ ∑ υ p F ( p) (4) Meanwhile, the position of a material point can
p =1
be directly takenfrom the spatial position of mate-
rial points in the computation domain. These state
where F is an arbitrary function to be integrated variables are then interpolated to the computation
over the computation domain, xp is the location of grid using the standard shape function interpola-
material point p and υp is the volume of the mate- tion. The nodal velocity (and nodal acceleration)
rial point p. The internal force vector fiint can be can be interpolated by using conservation of
approximated by, momentum,

Np Np
fiint ∫Ωc ∇Si σ d ∑ p∇Si p (x p )
(5) mi i ∑ ρν pSi ( p )v p (9)
p =1 p =1

In the Updated Langrangian formulation, stiff- gradient term, ∇Si (x) with ∇S i ( ), the internal
ness matrix is defined by, force vector Eq. 5 can be defined as,
K ijk −1 = ∫ ∇Si C T
∇S j d Ω 
Ωc f i int = − ∑ v pσ p : ∇ S i (x p ) (13)
+ ∫ ∇Si σ ∇S j d Ω (10) p

where Ωc is the current configuration of computa- To ensure conservation of energy, all the gra-
 i ( ) consistently.
dient quantities have to use ∇S
tion domain, Cσ T is the Truesdell rate of elastic tan-
gent modulus and σ is the Cauchy stress tensor. The The gradient of displacement at location x can be
second identity of Eq. 10 also shows that stiffness calculated by,
matrix includes the term of material nonlinearity N
( ) = u ∇
(first term) and geometrical nonlinearity (second
term). The tangent modulus tensor depends on the
∇ ∑ i S i ( x ) (14)
i =1
type of constitutive model of the material and will
not be elaborated in here. Eq. 6 is solved to obtain The term ∇S  i ( ) has enlarged influence to
incremental displacement du. Computation grid is neighbouring elements, where ∇  i ( ) ≠ 0 if com-
then deformed with du, and kinematics of the sys- putation grid element of node i and computation
tem is then updated before next iteration begins. grid element of location x are neighbouringele-
The update of velocity term is given by, ments. As a result, conventional FEM assembly
method cannot be used. In order to include the
2 k influence of neighbouring elements, the calcula-
v ik = v ik −1 + duu i v i0 (11)
Δt tion of gradient of displacement is done by using
two separate assembly procedures. First, the nodal
while the nodal acceleration a ik is updated by using gradient of displacement is calculated by mapping
Eq. 8. If the Newton procedure is converged with gradient of displacement to the nodes with,
defined convergence criteria, a convective stage of N
) = 1
current time step will be performed. In this stage,
the solution from the computation grids is inter-
∇ j
∑ ui ∫Ωc S j ∇Si d Ω (15)
i =1
polated back to material points by using shape
functions. By the end of the convective stage, the Subsequently, the gradient of displacement at x
computation grid will be disposed because all the is readily interpolated from the nodal gradient of
required state variables are carried by material displacements by using the shape function,
points to the subsequent time steps.
 ) S (x)
∇ ( ) = ∑ (∇ (16)
j j
j =1
Eq. 16 can be computed by using the conven-
3.1 Continuous gradient of DDMP tional FEM local assembly, while Eq. 15 is com-
puted using global tensor multiplication. Because
DDMP calculates the value involving gradient of the integral in Eq. 15 is calculated independently,
the shape function by doing two-step mapping we have redefined it as a tensor,
procedure (Zhang et al. 2011). The method intro-
duces a continuous gradient of the shape function, 1
which is defined as,
Aij =
Vj ∫Ωc S j ∇Si d Ω (17)

N S ( )
i ( ) =
∑ V ∫Ωc S j ∇Si d Ω Meanwhile, the assembly of stiffness matrix also
∇ (12)
j =1 j requires the calculation of gradient quantities. By
using the same analogy of mapping material point
stress to the node of computation grid in Eq. 15,
where Vj, is the nodal volume of computation grid
( j ∫  ( x ) is continuous over the
)).. ∇
tangent modulus tensor of material stiffness at
Ωc j material point is mapped to the nodes of computa-
boundary of computation grid because it is calcu- tion grid by,
lated by interpolation of the shape function. This
continuous gradient is able to solve the problem of p N
numerical noise caused by discontinuity of gradi- ( στ
)mn ∑
VmVn p
p m(
p )C ( p )Sn ( p) (18)
ent quantities. By substituting the conventional

With the nodal tangent modulus, (Cστ)mn, quan- from travelling out of the computation domain,
tity at location x can be approximated by using a buffer zone is provided on the free surface of the
shape function, MPM region.

1 N N
C T (x) = ∑ ∑ Sm ( x )(Cστ )mn Sn ( x )
VmVn m =1 n =1
Substituting Eq. 19 into the first term of
Eq. 10, 5.1 Two dimensional model

Fig. 1(Left) shows a symmetrical half of a sheet
1 N N p pile penetrated into a soil medium. The mesh was
Kij = ∑ ∑ ∑ ...
VmVn m =1 n =1 p generated using Gmsh (Geuzaine & Remacle 2009).
The model was fixed at the sides horizontally, and
× pSm ( p ∇Si ( p)(Cστ )mn n ( xp)∇Sj ( p) (20) fully fixed at the bottom. The analysis was carried
N N out by coupling MPM analysis and FEM analysis.
= ∑ ∑ A im ( )mn ATnj (21) MPM region was located exactly below the pile,
m =1 n =1 where extreme deformation during pile penetration
process. The mesh was progressively finer towards
The assembly of stiffness matrix is now simply the penetration region to simulate more accurate
a product of nodal tangent modulus tensor (Cστ)mn result. The mesh region with less deformation
and A tensors. Eq. 21 is calculated by first assem- was defined as FEM region. Conventional FEM
bling the global tensor (Cστ)ij using Eq. 18. This ten- method was used to calculate this region during
sor is a container of fourth order tensor described the analysis, and relatively coarse mesh was used to
on nodes i and j. A tensor is also assembled locally save calculation cost. In the MPM region and the
to form a global tensor. Because the size of both pile region, the deformed mesh was relaxed back
terms is large but the elements are mostly zero val- to its previous undeformed stage at the end of each
ued, sparse matrix is used. load step to prevent excessive deformation in the
The direct use of continuous gradient may cause mesh. A buffer zone of meshes was defined on
numerical instability because of zero-energy mode, top of the soil to contain the material points from
thus Zhang et al. 2011 introduced a modified gra- translating beyond the computation grid. Inthis
dient of shape function that combines both con- simulation, the contact between the pile and the
tinuous and conventional gradient quantities. This soil was simulated by the inherent no-slip contact
hybrid approach was implemented in this work as of MPM. A very fine layer of mesh was predefined
well. on the predicted soil and pile contact region to
increase the contact accuracy. The Mohr-Coulomb
failure criterion was used as the constitutive model
4 COUPLING OF MPM WITH FEM of the soil. We chose three soil models with differ-
ent cohesion values of 0.25 kN/m2, 0.50 kN/m2 and
The analysis of MPM requires more computation
effort than FEM. To couple the calculation process
between MPM and FEM, a mesh relaxation tech-
nique is introduced. In this technique, both MPM
and FEM are sharing the same computation mesh.
A special mesh relaxation procedure is carried out
only on MPM region at the end of the load step
calculation to recover the deformed mesh back to
the initial undeformed configuration. To perform
relaxation procedure, the deformed mesh is applied
with same boundary conditions but the external
force contribution is taken out during the relaxa-
tion process so that the mesh will be deforming
back to initial configuration. Addionally, the stiff-
ness of the FEM region is temporarily increased to
prevent the relaxation procedure from “relaxing”
the mesh on the FEM region. Thus, the relaxation Figure 1. (Left)2D plane-strain model of the pile
procedure will only recover the deformed mesh in penetration simulation. (Right) 3D model of the pile
the MPM region. To prevent the material points penetration simulation.

1.00 kN/m2 to simulate this pile penetration proc- contact. The maximum shear stresslimit is exactly
ess. The soil has elastic stiffness, Es, of 100 kN/m2 the cohesion value of the soil. The shear stress
and Poisson ratio of v = 0.33. Meanwhile, the pile concentration starts at the corner of pile tip, and
stiffness, Ep, was set to 20,000 kN/m2 and the Pois- spreads out beneath the soil at about 45°. The soil
son ratio, v was chosen to be zero. The pile was is also yielded along the contact region between
defined as a hyperelastic material. Both the soil the side of the pile and the soil. The average ver-
and the pile were set to be weightless (γsoil = 0, tical stress on top of the pile has been measured
γpile = 0).The pile penetration was carried out by to determine the pressing force during penetration
applying prescribed displacement of 0.05 m per process. Fig. 3 shows the stress-penetration depth
step at the top of the pile until a maximum of plot of the simulation for soil samples with dif-
2.5 m penetration depth. Linear triangular ele- ferent cohesion values. All the soil samples show
ments were used for the meshes, and 12 material distinct elastic zone and hardening zone. In the
points per element were prescribed on the Gauss hardening zone, the vertical pile stress increases lin-
integration points initially. Separately a compari- early with the penetration depth. The contact gap
son of mesh fineness at contact region was carried between the side of the pile and the soil is directly
out with quadrilateral elements to investigate the influenced by the element sizes in the contact zone.
influence of rigid contact to the penetration force. Three different meshes with varying fineness are
Both MPM and DDMP analyses were carried out used to examine the effect of mesh refinement on
in these simulations. the analysis. Fig. 4 shows the plots of the vertical
stresses of the pile against the penetration depth
for the three samples of mesh refinements for the
5.2 Three dimensional model
first 1.0 m of penetration. The simulation with
Fig. 1(Right) shows the 3D model of the simula-
tion. The pile was penetrated into the soil by 0.02 m
per step until a maximum of 2.0 m, or about two
third of the actual pile length. Purely cohesive soil
with cohesion value of c = 1.0 kN/m2 was used
in this simulation. The analysis used linear tetra-
hedron elements, where the finest element size in
the contact area was set to 0.10 m, while the size
was progressively increasing in size to 0.50 m at the
boundary between the MPM region and the FEM
region. A total of 40 material points per element
initially was used.


6.1 2D Simulation Result Figure 3. Vertical stress values of the pile with increas-
ing penetration depth for all three soil samples with
Pile penetration for selected load steps is presented
different cohesion values.
in Fig. 2 for the simulation of soil with cohesion
of c = 0.5 kN/m2. High shear stress concentration
has been located at the corner of the pile and soil

Figure 4. Vertical stress values of the pile with increas-

Figure 2. Shear stress (σxy) for the soil at penetration ing penetration depth for different mesh fineness at the
depth of 1.25 m and 2.50 m for soil with c = 0.5 kN/m2. contact region.

coarser mesh has given stiffer response, where
higher transitional stress has been reached before
the soil starts to have hardening response. To vali-
date the stress-displacement response, an analytical
solution is established by calculating the pile load
capacity from the contribution of soil end bearing
capacity and the rigid skin friction. The Terzaghi’s
equation of calculating the bearing capacity for
shallow foundation is used (Das 2007). Meanwhile,
the skin friction of the pile is calculated by taking
the rigid friction resistance of the soil, which is the
cohesion of the soil. The skin friction resistance
can be readily approximated by taking the product
of soil cohesion and total contact area. Thus the
analytical solution plotted as the dashed line in Figure 5. Vertical stress of the soil, σyy, along the sec-
tion beneath the pile, for MPM and DDMP at selected
Fig. 4 is given as, pile penetration depths.
2csoil d
qt = qb + , (22)

where, qt is the maximum allowable vertical stress

of the pile, qb is the stress calculated from allowable
bearing capacity proposed by Terzaghi, csoil is the
cohesion of the soil, d is the depth of the penetra-
tion, and b is the width of the pile. The stress value
at the transition zone between elastic response and
hardening response is approximately equal to the
end bearing capacity of the pile. As the mesh refines
further, the stress-displacement response of the pile
is expected to converge to the analytical solution.
Because there is a contact gap between the soil and Figure 6. Shear stress distribution (σxy) in three dimen-
the pile, the pile width is overestimated during the sional pile penetration simulation at penetration depth of
simulation, which causes the simulated bearing 1.00 m, for the MPM analysis and DDMP analysis.
capacity of coarser meshes to have higher values.

6.1.1 Comparison of DDMP with MPM the figure, element discretization effect is clearly
In this case of comparison between DDMP and seen in the stress distribution in the MPM result,
MPM analyses, we have used the results obtained where clear discontinuity of stress values can be
from the model with quadrilateral mesh with finest seen. This discontinuity is reduced by the DDMP
mesh size of 0.0625 m at the contact region. The analysis.
initial number of material points per element is 16.
The soil is defined with cohesion, c = 0.5 kN/m2.
MPM analysis results show that vertical stress, σyy, 7 CONCLUSIONS
along the soil below the pile for selected penetration
depths has much higher numerical noise, which is The extreme deformation during pile penetration
reduced by DDMP analysis. This is depicted in has been successfully simulated using MPM and
Fig. 5. These numerical noisesin MPM has caused DDMP, which allow to overcome mesh tangling
the line search method in Newton iterative proce- problems of conventional FEM. In the simulation
dure to have slower convergence rate than DDMP. with purely cohesive soil samples, the pile resist-
ance of the simulation is compared with the ana-
lytical solution. The comparison has shown that
6.2 3D Simulation result
the simulation accurately predicted the pile stress,
Fig. 6 shows the shear stress colour maps of σxy at which is contributed by the end bearing of the pile
penetration depth of 1.00 m. The maximum shear and rigid contact resistance between the soil and
stress distribution, which is also the cohesion value the pile. The mesh refinement analysis meanwhile
of the soil, are spreading from the tip corner of the shows that coarser mesh has produced stiffer pile
pile. Maximum shear stress of the soil is activated resistance. Meanwhile, the DDMP analysis has
along the rigid contact next to side of the pile. In shown less numerical noise in the stress results. We

have also successfully coupled the MPM and the to extend applicability of the material point method
FEM analyses using the proposed mesh relaxa- for problems involving massive deformations.
tion method. The coupled system has shown an International Journal for Numerical Methods in
improvement in computation efficiency. Engineering 86, 1435–1456.
Sulsky, D., Zhou, S. & Schreyer, H. 1995. Application of
a particle-in-cell method to solid mechanics. Computer
Physics Communications 87, 236.
REFERENCES Wells, G.N. 2009. The Finite Element Method: An
Introduction. University of Cambridge and Delft
Bardenhagen, S.G. & Kober, E.M. 2004. The generalized University of Technology.
interpolation material point method. Computer Wieckowski, Z. 2004. The material point method in large
Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 5(3), 477–495. strain engineering problems. Computer Methods in
Das, B.M. 2007. Principles of Foundation Engineering. Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193, 4417–4438.
Cengage Publisher. Zhang, D.Z., Ma, X. & Giguere, P.T. 2011. Material
Geuzaine, C. & Remacle, J.F. 2009. Gmsh: a three- point method enhanced by modified gradient of
dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in shape function. Journal of Computational Physics 230,
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A convected particle domain interpolation technique

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Coupling triangular plate and volume elements in analysis

of geotechnical problems

S. Tan
Geo-Engineering Section, Faculty of CITG, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

M.A. Hicks
Geo-Engineering Section, Faculty of CITG, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands

A. Rohe
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: In geotechnics, it is common to have a thin layered material with high stiffness on top of
soil, to prevent damage from external loading or erosion. To model this numerically a very fine mesh is
often needed, which decreases the critical time step in explicit time integration algorithms, severely affect-
ing simulation performance. The use of 2D plate elements connected to 3D elements is investigated to
overcome this problem. The presented three-noded plate element is based on Kirchhoff thin plate theory,
and uses non-conforming polynomial shape functions. The lumped mass matrix, with both the transla-
tional and rotational degrees of freedom considered, is implemented with an explicit time integration
scheme. This plate element is coupled with volume elements and the implementation is tested for several
cases in which analytical or numerical solutions are available. All simulations show that the plate element
with the lumped mass matrix is working properly in geotechnical problems.

1 INTRODUCTION to construct the lumped mass matrix by neglect-

ing the inertia effects of the rotational degrees of
The plate bending problem was one of the first freedom (Surana, 1978; Batoz et al., 1980). Unfor-
problems to which the Finite Element Method was tunately, this can lead to low accuracy results,
applied in the early 1960s. A three-noded triangular especially when solving geotechnical problems
plate bending element with nine degrees of freedom with the combination of plate elements and vol-
was first derived by Bazeley et al. (1965), based on ume elements.
Kirchhoff thin plate theory. Although it satisfies Therefore, a lumped mass matrix, considering
the constant strain criterion, it unfortunately does both the translational and rotational degrees of
not pass the test for arbitrary mesh configurations freedom, is introduced for the three-noded trian-
(Batoz et al., 1980). However, Specht (1988) pro- gular plate element. The modified non-conform-
posed a successful modification procedure, which ing shape functions based on area coordinates are
passes the test perfectly by using three fourth-order explained in detail, and the lumped mass matrix for
terms in the plate polynomial function. the plate element is derived without neglecting the
In order to analyze dynamic problems, the rotational degrees of freedom. Based on the plate
explicit time integration procedure is often used, theory, the explicit time integration procedure for
which has been extensively developed for dynamic dynamic analysis is presented. By assembling the
analyses to meet the increasing demand of geo- plate and volume elements in a 3D code, the plate
technical applications. Moreover, the consistent elements can be used to model a thin layer material
mass matrix is well established, but it requires instead of volume elements.
a considerable computational cost and storage For validation purposes, the implementation is
effort. The use of a lumped mass matrix simpli- tested for several cases in which analytical solutions
fies the program coding and significantly reduces or numerical results are available. 2D problems of
the computational requirements. However, for a square cantilever plate and a circular plate are
plate elements with both translational and rota- considered, followed by a plane strain problem of
tional degrees of freedom, it has been customary a plate resting on an elastic foundation and a cir-

cular concrete plate resting on a homogeneous half
space. Finally, the conclusions are provided.


Kirchhoff plate theory is an extension of the Eul-

er-Bernoulli beam theory for thin plates. It uses the
mid-surface plane to represent the three dimen-
sional plate in a two dimensional form.
The fundamental assumptions are that straight
lines normal to the mid-surface are infinitely rigid
and that, after deformation, they remain straight
and normal to the mid-surface (Reddy, 2007; Figure 1. Area coordinates of triangular element.
Bauchau & Craig, 2009). Experimental measure-
ments show that these assumptions are valid for thin
plates made of homogeneous, isotropic materials. where bi = yj − yk, ci = xk − xj; x and y are the coor-
All the equations are based on these assumptions. dinates of the nodes (Figure 1); i, j, k are cyclic
permutations of 1, 2, 3; and P is the polynomial
2.1 Shape functions with area coordinate system expression used to define the shape functions in
terms of nine parameters,
For the three-noded triangular plate element, three
degrees of freedom (one deflection and two rota-
tions) at each vertex are used as nodal variables. P = [ 1, L2 , L3 , L1L2 , L2 L3 , L3L1,
The nodal displacement vector at node i can be 1
defined as ai. The element displacement will there- L12 L2 + L1L2 L3{ (1− μ3 ) 1 (1 3 μ3 ) 2 (1 3 μ3 ) 3 },
fore be given by a listing of nine nodal displace-
ments, i.e. {3(1 μ1 )
L22 L3 + L1L2 L3{3 2 (1 3 μ1 ) 3 (1 3 μ1 ) 1},
⎧a i ⎫ ⎧wi ⎫ {3(1 μ2 )
L23 L1 + L1L2 L3{3 (1 3 μ2 ) (1 3 μ2 ) 2 }]
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 2
3 1
a e = ⎨a j ⎬ , a i = ⎨θ xxi ⎬ (1)
⎪⎩a k ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩θ yyi ⎪⎭ (5)
where μi is defined as,
in which wi is the deflection of the node; and θxi and
θyi are the rotations relative to the x- and y-axes of lk2 l 2j
the plate, respectively, and are defined as, μi = (6)
∂w ∂w
θ xi , θ yi = − (2) and li is the length of the triangle side opposite to
∂y i ∂x i node i (Figure 2).
L1, L2 and L3 are the area coordinates, which are
The continuous displacement variable, in this defined by the following linear relationship with
case the deflection w, is approximated in terms of the Cartesian system,
discrete nodal values as follows,
x L1x1 L2 x2 L3x3
w ≈ Na e = [ Ni N j N k ][a iT a Tj a Tk ]T (3) y L1y1 L2 y2 L3 y3
1 = L1 L2 + L3
where N is the matrix of shape functions derived
by Specht (1988), given by,
The coordinate L1 of a point P is defined as the
ratio of the area of the shaded triangle to that of
⎧Pi Pi + 3 + Pk 3 2( Pi + 6 − Pk + 6 ) ⎫ the entire triangle, i.e.
⎪⎪ ⎪⎪
NiT = ⎨−bb j Pk +6 + 6 − Pk 3 bk Pi + 6 ⎬
⎪ ⎪ (4) area P 23
L1 = (8)
⎪⎩−c j ( Pk + 6 − Pk +3
+ ) − ck Pi + 6 ⎪⎭ area 123

where Ai indicates the area related to node i in an
element, as shown in Figure 2.

2.3 Equations of motion in dynamic analysis

Considering a dynamic process using an explicit
time integration scheme, the discrete equation of
motion can be written as,

M L w = F ext Fint (11)

where w is the displacement vector, which includes

Figure 2. Mass lumping for 3-node triangular plate deflections and rotations; ML is the lumped mass
matrix of the plate element; Fext is the nodal exter-
nal force vector, including the external traction
2.2 Lumped mass matrix and body forces; and Fint is the nodal internal force
vector resulting from the bending and torsion
The lumped mass matrix is built up by mapping moments. The internal force vector is given by,
the mass of the surrounding elements to the respec-
tive nodes of the elements. Considering the three
Fint ∫S B
degrees of freedom of each node, the construction MdS (12)
of the mass matrix consists of two different types
of terms. For the translational degree of freedom, where S is the area of the element, and M is the ele-
it is equivalent to the normal mass matrix. The ment bending moment vector, which contains Mxx,
mass of the element is divided into three parts by Myy and Mxy. It is calculated as,
the central point of the element (Figure 2). Each
node in the element carries 1/3 of the total mass
(m) and it goes to the term for the translational M DBa e (13)
degree of freedom.
In classical mechanics, the moment of inertia in which B is the matrix of the second derivative of
is the property of a mass in space that measures the shape functions, namely,
its resistance to rotational acceleration around an
axis. It plays the same role in rotational motion as T
⎡ ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ⎤
mass does in translational motion, describing the B ⎢ 2 2 ⎥ ⎡ Ni N j N k ⎤⎦ (14)
relationship between the moment of momentum ⎣ dx dy 2
dxdy ⎦ ⎣
and angular velocity, torque and angular accelera-
tion. Therefore, the moment of inertia (J) is used and D is called the “flexural rigidity” which is anal-
for the terms of the rotational degree of freedom. ogous to the bending stiffness EI of a beam, i.e.
It is calculated in the local coordinate system of
each node, as shown in Figure 2. Therefore, the ⎡ ⎤
diagonal terms of the mass matrix are, ⎢ D vD 0 ⎥
Et 3
D = ⎢vD D 0 ⎥, D = (15)
⎢ ⎥ 12( − 2 )
ML = ⎢ J x1 J y1
Jx 2 J y2
m ⎤
J x 3 J y3 ⎥ (9) ⎢0 0 (1 − v )D ⎥
⎣ 3 3 3 ⎦ ⎣ 2 ⎦

where the moments of inertia can be defined as, where t is the thickness of the plate and ν is Pois-
son’s ratio.
In order to reach an the equilibrium state for the
J x1 ∫∫ y12dx
d 1dy
d1 J y1 ∫∫ x12dx1dy1 dynamic problem, the local damping is introduced
A1 A1 as defined in FLAC (1998) by adding an artificial
damping term into equation (11), i.e.
∫∫ ∫∫ ρx2 dx2dy2
2 2
Jx 2 y2 dx2dy2 J y2 (10)
A2 A2
M L w = F ext Fint − F damping (16)
∫∫ ∫∫
2 2
Jx3 y3 dx
d 3dy
d 3 , J y3 x3 dx
d 3dy3
A3 A3 in which Fdamping is the damping force vector. Its
components are defined as,

3.2 Circular plate with simply supported edge
Fi damping α Fi ext − Fiint sig (wi ), i=1,2, Ndof
Figure 4 shows a simply supported circular plate
(17) with a point load applied at its centre. The plate is
modelled as linear elastic, with a Young’s modu-
where α is the damping factor and Ndof is the total
lus E = 200 MPa, and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0. The
number of degrees of freedom.
radius of the plate is a = 0.45 m and the thickness is
t = 0.1 m. The applied point load is q = 10 kN.
The analysis has been done using a local damp-
3 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS ing factor of 0.5 to reach the equilibrium state.
OF 2D PROBLEMS Figure 5 shows the deflection of the loaded point
as a function of time, with the final deflection of
The plate element presented above has been imple- 7.24 mm being in close agreement to the analytical
mented in a 3D code and coupled with tetrahedral solution of 7.25 mm. Figure 6 shows the contour
elements for representing the underlying soil. The plot of the deflection of the plate.
implementation has been tested for both 2D and
3D cases in which analytical or numerical solutions
are available for validation.

3.1 Cantilever square plate

The plate element was first tested for a 2D problem;
this being the modelling a square plate, clamped
at one end and subjected to a vertical line load at
the free end, as shown in Figure 3. The plate has
a thickness of 0.01 m. The material is consid-
ered to be linear elastic, with a Young’s modulus
E = 180GPa, Poisson’s ratio ν = 0, and density
ρ = 1000 kg/m2. The magnitude of the lateral dis-
tributed load is assumed to be 2 kN/m. Figure 4. Geometry of circular plate: a. elevation of the
Three finite element meshes have been consid- mesh; b. side view.
ered and the deflection of the corner point B for
each mesh is listed in Table 1, along with the ana-
lytical result. As can be seen in Table 1, the calcula-
tion error reduces to almost zero with increasing
number of elements, indicating that the plate ele-
ment performs well.

Figure 5. Plot of deflection of the loaded point.

Figure 3. Cantilever plate subjected to a uniform end


Table 1. Comparison of results for deflection of Point B.

Deflection Analytical result

(m) (m) Error

4 elements 0.0433 2.47%

8 elements 0.0437 0.0444 1.58%
12 elements 0.0442 0.45% Figure 6. Contour plot of deflection of the circular


In order to solve the problem of a thin layered

material resting on soil, the 2D plate element has
been implemented in a 3D finite element code
which uses tetrahedral elements for modelling the
soil volume. In this case, the assembling nodes
share information of both the plate element and
tetrahedral element, with five degrees of freedom,
three for translation and two for rotation. Because Figure 8. Contour plots of vertical stress in the soil
below loaded plate: a. results using implemented plate
of the different shape functions of the plate and element; b. results using Plaxis.
volume elements, the continuity equation is only
applied to the vertical displacements of the nodes,
which belong to both types of element.

4.1 Plate resting on elastic foundation

A plate resting on an elastic foundation has been
considered by using the 3D code to model what
is a plane strain problem, as shown in Figure 7.
The plate has a virtual thickness of 0.05 m, and
a uniform load of p = 12 kN/m2 has been applied
to the middle area of the plate over a width of
0.1 m. Both the plate and soil are modelled as Figure 9. Contour plots of vertical displacement in
linear elastic, with the Young’s modulus for soil the soil below loaded plate: a. results using implemented
being 2000 kN/m2 and for the plate 20000 kN/m2, plate element; b. results using Plaxis.
and with both having a Poisson’s ratio of 0.0. The
dimensions of the problem are shown in Figure 7.
As expected, the highest stresses and displace- comparison, the same problem has been analyzed
ments are concentrated just below the loaded area, by the Plaxis 2D code using Mindlin plate ele-
as indicated in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. For ments. Similar results are obtained for both the
stresses (Figure 8b) and displacements (Figure 9b),
although the values from Plaxis are slightly higher
than those from the 3D code. However, although
the two meshes are similar, Plaxis 2D uses 6-noded
high order elements, while the 3D code uses low
order elements, which is likely to be the reason for
the slight differences in the results.

4.2 Concrete plate resting on elastic soil

In this subsection, a circular plate has been used to
model a concrete layer resting on top of a homoge-
neous elastic soil layer. The plate is subjected to a
load q = 12 kN/m2 applied centrally over a circular
area of 10 cm diameter. As shown in Figure 10, the
discretized region has a diameter of 90 cm, and a
depth of 80 cm. The plate has a virtual thickness
of 5 cm.
The soil is idealised as linear elastic, with a
Young’s modulus of E2 = 2000 kN/m2 and Pois-
son’s ratio of ν = 0.0. The plate is modelled as lin-
ear elastic, with a Poisson’s ratio of ν = 0.0. In order
to study the interaction between the soil and the
plate, different values of Young’s modulus are used
Figure 7. Geometry of centrally loaded plate resting on for the concrete plate, namely, E1 = 10000 kN/m2,
elastic foundation. 20000 kN/m2 and 40000 kN/m2.

Figure 11. Vertical stresses in a two layer system
(Burmister, 1958).

Figure 10. Geometry of loaded plate resting on half


This problem can be considered as a two-layer

problem. The concrete plate significantly reduces
the stresses and deflections in the soil, especially
when the modular ratio of the plate and soil (E1/E2)
is large. Solutions for the two-layer problem have
been obtained by Burmister (1945) using strain
continuity equations, which indicate the depend-
ency on E1/E2. Figure 11 shows the vertical stress Figure 12. Contour plots of vertical stress: a. 3D view;
b. cross section through problem (E2 = 20000 kN/m2).
ratio below the centre of the circular plate for the
two-layer system (Burmister, 1958; Yoder & Witc-
zak, 1975), as a function of E1/E2.
After applying the load to the circular area,
stresses and deflections are generated in the soil.
The soil just below the loaded area experiences
the highest stresses, as shown in Figure 12, for the
plate with a Young’s modulus of E2 = 20000 kN/m2.
The vertical stresses in the soil decrease with depth,
but the maximum value occurring at the interface
between the plate and soil is equal to 3.33 kPa,
which is 27.8% of the applied load. According to
Figure 11, for a modular ratio of 10, the vertical Figure 13. Contour plots of settlement: a. top view;
stress at the interface of the two layers is approxi- b. cross section through problem (E2 = 20000 kN/m2).
mately 30% of the applied load. As the maximum
value obtained in the numerical analysis is com- 4.62 kPa and 2.33 kPa, respectively. Once again, there
puted at the stress point of the volume element is a good agreement with the theory (Figure 11).
just below the loaded area, which means that the
parameter z/a in Figure 11 is slightly bigger than
1, the vertical stress is consequently less than 30%. 5 CONCLUSIONS
Therefore, the obtained stresses in the numerical
analysis are reasonable compared with the analyti- Based on Kirchhoff thin plate theory, the lumped
cal results. Figure 13 shows the contour plots of mass matrix of the three-noded triangular plate
the settlements after loading. element has been introduced, considering both the
The calculations were also done with plate Young’s translational and rotational degrees of freedom.
moduli of 10000 kN/m2 and 40000 kN/m2. The In combination with high order non-conforming
maximum vertical stresses occur for both cases at polynomial shape functions, the explicit time inte-
the same stress point as before, with magnitudes of gration scheme was presented for dynamic plate

analysis. The static problems considered in this Bazeley, G.P., Cheung, Y.K., Irons, B.M. & Zienkie-
paper were solved using a transient dynamic pro- wicz, O.C. 1965. Triangular elements in plate bending
cedure with the dynamic relaxation method. Dif- conforming and non-conforming solutions. Proceed-
ferent cases were studied in 2D and 3D, and the ings Conference on Matrix Methods in Structural
Mechanics, Wright Patterson A.F.B., Ohio. 547–576.
results were validated using analytical or numerical Burmister, D.M. 1945. The general theory of stresses and
solutions. All simulations showed that the lumped displacements in layered systems. International Jour-
mass matrix works properly with the plate ele- nal of Applied Physics, 16: 89–94.
ment. The plate element can be applied to layered Burmister, D.M. 1958. Evaluation of pavement systems
geotechnical problems, to simulate a thin layered of the WASHO road test by layered systems methods.
material instead of using volumetric elements. Highway Research Board Bulletin 177.
FLAC 1998. Fast lagrangian analysis of continua: theory
and background. Itasca Consultin Group, Inc., Min-
Reddy, J.N. 2007. Theory and analysis of elastic plates and
shells. CRC, Taylor and Francis.
This research is funded by the CSC (China Scholar- Specht, B. 1988. Modified shape functions for the three-
ship Council), TU Delft and Deltares. The authors node plate bending element passing the patch test.
appreciate the contributions of Professor Vermeer International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engi-
from Deltares, and Professor Wieckowski from neering, 26: 705–715.
Lodz University of Technology and Deltares, who Surana, K.S. 1978. Lumped mass matrices with non-zero
gave valuable advice while doing this research. inertia for general shell and axisymmetric shell ele-
ments. International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, 12: 1635–1650.
Yoder, E.J. & Witczak, M.W. 1975. Principles of pave-
REFERENCES ment design (2nd Edition). John Wiley & Sons.
Batoz, J.L., Bathe, K.J. & Ho, L.W. 1980. A study of
three-node triangular plate bending elements. Interna-
tional Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
15: 1771–1812.
Bauchau, O.A. & Craig, J.I. 2009. Structural analysis
with applications to aerospace structures. Springer,
The Netherlands.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Fracture growth in heterogeneous geomaterials

P.J. Vardon & J.D. Nuttall

Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: A method to simulate fracture growth in heterogeneous geomaterials is presented. The

method links a statistical description of spatial material properties, random fields, with the extended
finite element method. A probabilistic description of the growing fracture is then generated which can be
incorporated into risk and reliability design based methods. Initial model development, verification and
output is presented.

1 INTRODUCTION XFEM provides non-continuity representa-

tion via locally enriched shape functions, e.g.
Geomaterials are by their very nature heterogene- Belytschko & Black (1999):
ous (e.g. Hicks 2007). This affects material behav-
iour and causes uncertainty in analysis and design. n ⎡ ne ⎤
Non-continuous behaviour, such as fracturing and uh ( ) ∑ Ni ⎢ui + v( )ai ⎥
∑ v( (1)
fracture flow, occurs often in installation of geo- i =1 ⎢⎣ j 1
j= ⎥

technical structures and is highly influenced by
heterogeneity in geomaterials in situations where where uh is the variable numerical approximation,
the process is not highly geometrically dominated.
x = ( , z )T , Ni is the traditional shape function, n is
In fact, in geomaterials, an accurate deterministic
the number of nodes, ne is the number of enriched
description of material properties and their spatial
nodes, v is the enrichment function and a is the
variation is difficult, therefore realistic determinis-
enriched degree of freedom.
tic descriptions of fracturing processes are equally
difficult to describe. Consequently adequate predic-
tion is almost impossible. For continuum (finite ele- 3 MATERIAL HETEROGENEITY
ment) modelling a recent advance is the inclusion
of statistical descriptions of material properties 3.1 Geomaterials
and a probabilistic description of material response
(Hicks & Spencer 2010). This paper provides the Materials such as those found in the subsurface,
initial steps towards extending this approach to the called in this paper geomaterials, are often inher-
simulation of fracture growth behaviour. ently variable due to the processes in which they are
created and subsequent material history. Therefore
the materials are not randomly variable, but have
variability correlated to location and formation
2 EXTENDED FINITE ELEMENT (e.g. Hicks & Spencer 2010).
3.2 Random fields
The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM)
allows the representation of non-continuous and Material heterogeneity was initially proposed to be
non-mesh dependent properties and processes to statistically quantified via random fields by Fenton &
be incorporated into the Finite Element Method Vanmarcke (1990). The spatial variation of materi-
(FEM) (e.g. Belytschko & Black 1999; Bordas als is described via a set of statistics e.g. the amount
et al. 2007). In particular the advantage is that non- of variability, the rate of change and the distance
continuities, such as fractures, can be represented between maximum variation. Mapping this descrip-
easily where they do not coincide with the mesh tion onto the geometric description of the models
topology. Therefore moving non-continuities, e.g. (the domain) allows a variable material to be included
fracture growth, can be represented without the in simulation. A single geometric representation
need for explicit remeshing. achieved in this manner is known as a ‘realisation’.

3.3 Random finite element method the method of local average sub-division (Fen-
ton & Vanmarcke 1990) to maintain global mean
To incorporate the effect of heterogeneous materials
into the finite element method, the Random Finite
The material property that is varied can be
Element Method (RFEM) has been developed,
expressed as:
where random spatial perturbations in material
properties are included in analyses via the incorpo-
ration of random fields e.g. Hicks and Samy 2002; u( ) = μ( z ) + σ( z )Z ( ) (3)
Hicks and Spencer 2010 and as described in sec-
tion 3.2. In this approach, the material properties where u is the material properties to be varied, μ(z)
are represented by a mean and standard deviation, is the mean, σ(z) is the standard deviation and Z(x)
and by a definition of the spatial variation and cor- is the local average. The local average is based upon
relation. This leads to a stochastic analysis, where an Gaussian distribution and a spatial correlation
multiple realisations (100 s or 1000s) are analysed function, giving a covariance function for an iso-
and compiled. The results of the analyses may be tropic random field, after Hicks & Samy (2002)
quantified in terms of risk and reliability, in con- and Hicks & Spencer (2010), of:
trast to traditional deterministic analyses which
β τ ) = σ 2 exp ⎛ − τ ⎞
generally result in a single characterisation e.g. a 2
single factor of safety. ⎝ θ ⎠

where β is the local covariance, τ is the lag and θ is

4 RANDOM-XFEM the spatial scale of fluctuation.
Figure 1 shows an example of a random field
4.1 Approach with a log-normal distribution for Young’s modu-
The approach a deterministic XFEM implemen- lus, E, with a spatial variation, θ = 1.0 m, mean,
tation and executes multiple realisations, with Eμ = 1 × 109 kN/m2, and standard deviation
material properties randomised spatially in each Eσ = 2.5 × 109 kN/m2, with domain dimensions of
realisation using the random field technique. A 6 m × 4 m.
Monte Carlo analysis is then carried out to estab-
lish the range of behaviour. 4.4 Deterministic analyses
Deterministic analyses are able to be simulated and
4.2 XFEM the results are taken as a single possible outcome for
An existing XFEM implementation was utilised a domain defined by the material statistics. Utilising
(Pais 2010), offering structured grids and shape a standard deviation of zero yields the same results
function enrichment for both strong and weak as a continuum model including no material hetero-
discontinuities. In this paper only fracture meth- geneity. This can be used as the reference case.
ods are considered. The Heaviside step function is
used as the enrichment function to represent the
discontinuity in elements that are fully split by a
fracture and linear elastic crack tip displacement
fields are used in elements that contain a fracture
tip. Crack growth angle is modelled utilising the
maximum circumferential stress criterion (Shih &
Asaro 1988) utilised by Moes et al. (1999):

⎡ ⎛ 2 ⎞⎤
⎛ K ⎞
θc = 2 tan−1 ⎢⎢ ⎜ I − sign ⎥
1 K
i ( K II ) ⎜ I ⎟ + 8 ⎟ ⎥
4 ⎜ K II ⎝ K II ⎠ ⎟
⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦
where KI and KII are stress intensity factors.

4.3 Random field realisations

A random field generator is used following the Figure 1. Typical example of a Young’s modulus,
approach of Hicks & Spencer (2010) utilising E (kN/m2) random field.

4.5 Monte Carlo analysis
Monte Carlo analyses can then be undertaken uti-
lising a series of possible realisations, each realisa-
tion valid based upon the material statistics, and
the results compiled. Each realisation consists of
the random field properties being mapped to the
finite elements and then a deterministic XFEM
analysis. The resulting analysis provides a possi-
ble outcome, therefore the compilation of results
provides the range of possible outcomes. Suffi-
cient realisations must be undertaken so that the
required response of the system, in terms of prob-
ability, has converged. In terms of crack propaga-
tion the required response is likely to be in terms of
geometry, i.e. length, direction, angle, etc.

4.6 Justification
Bordas et al. (2007) showed that the inclusion of soft
and hard inclusions, with contrasting Young’s mod-
uli, created deviations within the crack propagation
as shown in Figure 2, with the analyses repeated by
the Authors’ here for verification purposes.
The presence of the inclusions in Figure 2, illus- Figure 3. Plots of predicted crack propagation pathway
trate that the hard inclusion (Figure 2(a)) repels in the presence of a soft inclusion of varying radii (solid
crack propagation while that of the softer inclu- line propagation path and dashed line inclusion).
sion (Figure 2(b)) attracts the path. This numerical
experiment shows and justifies the need to investi-
gate further the affects of spatial variability within
material properties that vary continuously within a
material when analysing crack propagation.

4.6.1 Inclusion size and placement

The Authors undertook further numerical experi-
ments to try to understand the influence of the

Figure 4. Illustration of predicted crack propaga-

tion in the presence of varying material properties.
(Blue, E = 107 kN/m2, Green, E = 108 kN/m2 and Red,
E = 109 kN/m2).

material variability. This included varying the

size of the inclusion in the Bordas et al. (2007)
Figure 3 shows a plot of the crack propagation
for the soft inclusion of varying radii, all centred at
the same location.
The results indicate that the size and proximity of
Figure 2. Illustration of predicted crack propagation in the inclusion to the crack effects the path of propa-
the presence of (a) hard and (b) soft inclusions. (Blue, gation. Furthermore, the proposed inclusion of a
E = 107 kN/m2 and Red, E = 108 kN/m2). random field to model material properties will have

a analogous effect, with the propagation paths vary- It can be seen that the two paths are signifi-
ing with the spatially varying Young’s modulus. cantly different and show that the spatially vary-
Figure 4 illustrates the predicted crack propaga- ing Young’s modulus has a significant effect on
tion in the presence of regularly placed regions of the direction and path of the crack propagation.
contrasting Young’s moduli. Figure 7 shows the propagated crack paths for 100
realisations of the methodology.
The predicted paths are shown to be relatively
5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION smooth, as would be expected due to the local aver-
aging within the random field. This is a character-
5.1 Initial model istic that may change as the random fields become
more abruptly changing, with larger gradients
A model of uni-axial tensile stress was modelled
within the material properties, changes in the mate-
with a central edge crack within a 6 m × 4 m
rial behaviour models, or discrete changes in mate-
domain, as shown in Figure 5.
rial properties. In fact, the model illustrated here,
The boundary conditions on the base of the
shows a material with slowly changing properties,
domain restrict vertical displacement and horizon-
or as the results of material averaging, considering
tal displacement is restricted on the left corner. At
a rather large representative elementary volume
the top of the domain a uni-axial vertical load (of
(or at least significantly larger than grain size).
unity) is enforced. No explicit boundary condi-
Where grain level behaviour, or other local behav-
tions are enforced on the fracture surface allowing
iours, causes much stronger discontinuities these
displacement to occur, but not to support load.
effects can also be incorporated into this model,
The material variation is then model via the
either by altering properties on a element basis or
generation of a random field for Young’s modu-
via XFEM enrichment itself.
lus, E, with a log-normal spatial variation where
θ = 1.0 m, mean, Eμ = 1 × 109 kN/m2, and standard
deviation Eσ = 2.5 × 109 kN/m2. The variation is
then mapped to the domain, during each realisa-
tion of the analysis.
The crack is then allowed to propagate through
the domain using 40 iterative steps of 0.1 m with
the direction of the fracture determined via the cir-
cumferential stress as shown in equation (2).

5.2 Example results

Figure 6 illustrates the path of fracture propa-
gation through the modelled materials for two
example random fields with the same statistical

Figure 6. Two example realisations of the predicted

crack propagation, including the two random fields of
Figure 5. 6 m × 4 m domain with initial 0.5 m edge crack Young’s modulus generated using identical problem
(blue horizontal line half way down left hand side). statistics.

Figure 7. Predicted crack propagation paths of 100
realisations. Figure 8. Percentage probability of a fracture occurring
at any location using 100 realisations.

This simple initial numerical experiment shows ing the positions of likely crack initiation, and the
that by spatially varying the Young’s modulus, by probability of its occurrence.
means of random fields, results in deviations in the
propagation paths of the cracks. There is likely to
be an infinite number of statistically relevant path- 6 CONCLUSIONS
way solutions due to the infinite number of possi-
ble random field variations. These results indicate A method to simulate the fracturing process in het-
that utilising a single deterministic analysis could erogeneous geomaterials is presented. Initial results
cause significant design oversights. Therefore a demonstrate that coupling random fields into the
probabilistic means evaluating problems of this eXtended Finite Element Method provides a range
nature would be advantageous. of equally valid solutions. Further analysis can
Probabilistically the methodology can used to yield a probabilistic depiction of the fracture and
provide predictions of pathway or network likeli- fracture growth process.
hood as illustrated in Figure 8. This may provide
significant design advantage, for example where
fracture paths tend towards formation bounda- REFERENCES
ries or are distributed (non-) uniformly around
structures. However this methodology can require Belytschko, T. & Black, T. 1999. Elastic crack growth in
several hundreds if not thousands of realisations finite elements with minimal remeshing. Int. J., Numer.
and therefore significant computational resources. Meth. Engng. 45: 601–620.
However, with more recent computational devel- Bordas, S., Nguyen, P.V., Dunant, C., Guidoum, A. &
Nguyen-Dang, H. 2007. An extended finite element
opments, where many cores can be situated on a library. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng. 71 (6): 703–732.
single chip, these sort of analyses can become more Fenton, G.A. & Vanmarcke, E.H. 1990. Simulation of
commonplace. Furthermore many other probabil- random fields via Local Average Subdivision. ASCE J.
istic performance measures can be easily incorpo- Eng. Mech. 116(8): 1733–49.
rated into this methodology and therefore it can Hicks, M.A. editor. 2007. Risk and variability in geotech-
be introduced into reliability and risk based design nical engineering. London: Thomas Telford.
and project management tools. Hicks, M.A. & Samy, K. 2002. Influence of heterogeneity
on undrained clay slope stability. Quart. J. Eng. Geol.
5.2.1 Future work Hydrogeol. 35(1):41–9.
Hicks, M.A. & Spencer, W.A. 2010. Influence of het-
This work is an initial investigation into the feasi- erogeneity on the reliability and failure of a long 3D
bility, reliability and usefulness of the methodology slope. Computers and Geotechnics 37 (7–8): 948–955.
presented. It is anticipated to be extended into a Moes, N., Dolbow, J. & Belytschko, T. 1999. A finite ele-
coupled hydro-mechanical formulation to increase ment method for crack growth without remeshing.
validity to further geomechanical processes. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 46: 131–150.
The robustness of the methodology will be fur- Pais, M.J. 2010. MATLAB eXtended Finite Element
ther tested and compared with experimental results Method (MXFEM): User guide. Gainesville, Florida:
from the laboratory testing. University of Florida.
The Authors are also keen to incorporate crack Shih, C. & Asaro, R. 1988. Elastic-plastic analysis of
cracks on biomaterial interfaces: part I—small scale
initiation into the model, not only as this aspect yielding. J. App. Mech. 55: 299–316.
is of practical importance, but also as the meth-
odology should be of particular use when predict-

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Modelling rate-dependent behaviour of structured clays

M. Karstunen
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

N. Sivasithamparam
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

P.G. Bonnier
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Due to the desire of reducing the embedded CO2 in construction and the pressure in public
finances to get more value for money in big infrastructure projects, the demands for the accuracy of deforma-
tion predictions increase. Instead of piling, alternative environmentally friendly and cost effective solutions,
such as preloading via surcharge, vertical drains and column methods, such as deep-mixing, are becoming
increasingly attractive. Installation of piles and ground improvement into the ground will modify the state of
the soil. This is sometimes beneficial, and sometimes detrimental, and so far this effect has been rarely taken
into account. One reason for this is that the numerical techniques and the constitutive soil models have not
been able to represent the changes in soil structure and state in a satisfactory manner. The aim of the Europe-
an GEO-INSTALL project has been to develop numerical techniques that can be used to model installation
effects in geotechnical engineering. A key part of this has been constitutive model development, and their ro-
bust implementation. The aim of this paper is to discuss some recently developed rate-dependent constitutive
models for structured clays, which formed the basis for new developments, resulting in a new rate-dependent
model able to represent the complex rate-dependent stress-strain behaviour of soft structured clays. The im-
portance of modelling key features of soil behaviour in the context of rate-dependency are discussed in the
light of experimental evidence, and demonstrated through a series of numerical benchmark simulations.

1 INTRODUCTION drains, deep mixing and stone columns, are becoming

increasingly attractive. This puts additional demands
Infrastructure construction of soft soils relies on rep- on the accuracy of deformation predictions. In addi-
resentative predictions on long-term deformations, tion, more and more construction occurs in densely
as often the serviceability considerations are con- populated urban areas on poor ground conditions
trolling the design solution. This is particularly true and the effects on structures nearby is important.
for construction of embankments on soft soils. For This creates new demands for soil modelling and
example, in Sweden the earthwork and foundation numerical analyses, as due to the complexity of the
costs are typically over 20% of the total construction materials involved, and the complexity of the actual
cost (SGI 1995), and can form even a higher propor- problems, no analytical solutions exist.
tion than that in major infrastructure projects, due Most natural soils, perhaps with the exception
to the soft ground conditions. With the global drive of extremely fibrous peats, can be considered as
to reduce the embedded CO2 in construction and particulate materials, which when fully saturated
the increasing challenges in both public and private consist of an assembly of soil particles surrounded
finance, there is increasing need to consider design by pore water. The strength and stiffness of the
options that can be used as alternatives to rather soils depends on the arrangement and packing of
CO2-heavy and relatively expensive solutions, such as the soil particles, in particular the assembly of the
piling. Hence, methods such as preloading, vertical intergranular contacts, as well as the presence of

any apparent bonding between the particles. The reconstituted clays samples given the difficulties
latter results from natural bio-chemical processes in micromechanical testing of intact natural clays.
such as the precipitation of calcites by bacteria in During irrecoverable straining for kaolin clay there
the soil and/or some complex geo-chemical pos- is evidence on re-orientation of particles, and
sesses associated with sedimentation environment changes in particle contacts, at microstructural
and subsequent geological and flow history. level (see e.g. Bai & Smart 1996, Hicher et al. 2000).
Particularly fascinating is this aspect are the so- This supports the macro-level evidence that the
called sensitive clays, which in extreme cases are anisotropy of clays, when undergoing large strains,
referred to as quick clays. Highly sensitive clays can can evolve.
be found in large areas of Northern Europe and Based on experimental studies on natural
North America (Rankka 2003), and they tend to Otaniemi clay, Wheeler et al. (2003) proposed an
change from rather stiff consistency to a flowing elastoplastic model, called S-CLAY1, with a rota-
liquid gel when disturbed, forming a potential geo- tional hardening law describing the changes in the
hazard. Sensitive clays were formed when clay parti- inclination of the yield surface due to irrecover-
cles and other fine fractions were sedimented in cold able straining. The calibration of the parameters
and salty marine environment after the Pleistocene for the S-CLAY1 model is rather straightforward
epoch. Due to the bi-polar electro-chemical charges and the model has been thoroughly validated
associated with the clay minerals, in salty sedimen- experimentally by Karstunen and her co-workers
tation environments the clay particles flocculate and (Karstunen & Koskinen, 2004, 2008).
form very open card-house structures (see e.g. Pusch As shown by i.e., Burland (1990) & Leroueil &
1970). Since their formation the clays have been con- Vaughan (1990), when natural clays are undergoing
solidating and creeping under their self-weight. Due large deformations, the initial apparent bonding is
to leaching, the salt ions at the surface of the clay progressively lost, and at large strains, soil starts to
particles have dissolved. The possible leaching proc- behave as a fully destructured material. The degra-
esses involve percolating water through the deposit, dation of bonding due to irrecoverable straining is
water seeping upwards through the deposit due to referred to as destructuration (Leroueil et al. 1979).
artesian pressure, and diffusion of salts towards Most constitutive models that attempt to account
zones with lower ion concentrations (Rankka et al. for the effect of bonding and destructuration, uti-
2004). This way the initially stable structure of the lize the conceptual ideas by Gens and Nova (1993).
clays has become meta-stable and sensitive. The same applies to the S-CLAY1S model (Kars-
When piles or any column-type of ground improve- tunen et al. 2005), in which the sudden collapse of
ment are installed in the ground, there are large defor- the sensitive clay structure upon yielding is rep-
mations in the soils, involving both shearing and the resented using the concept of intrinsic yield sur-
lateral expansion of the soil. Consequently, there are face (Gens and Nova 1993) in combination with
changes in the vertical and horizontal effective stresses, the rotational hardening of the S-CLAY1 model
and the parameters associated with the state of the soil, (Wheeler et al. 2003). This was the first constitutive
such as void ratio, preconsolidation pressure, density, clay model that was able to represent the changes
K0 (coefficient of earth pressure at rest) etc. are modi- in the state of the structured clays in a simple com-
fied. As demonstrated by Dijkstra et al. (2010, 2011) prehensive manner. The next stage was to incorpo-
using photoelastic techniques, installation causes rate rate-effects into the model.
significant density changes and rotations of princi- Given it was thought that anisotropy and its evo-
pal stresses. The former are of course beneficial, but lution has a major effect on the soft clay response,
effects of the latter on soil state are usually ignored. the S-CLAY1 model was extended to account for
In granular media, pile driving may also cause particle creep and rate effects by Leoni et al. (2008) using the
crushing Lobo-Guerrero & Vallejo (2005) and break- creep formulation by Vermeer and his co-workers
age of the apparent bonding in the soil, which in turn (Vermeer et al. 1998, Vermeer & Neher 1999). The
may have a detrimental effect on the pile capacity. resulting model, called ACM (Anisotropic Creep
In this paper, the focus is on structured natural model), has the advantage that the model param-
clays, and modelling the changes in their stress- eters are easy to derive. Most importantly, the
strain response due to loading and possible instal- concept of reference time or time shift (see Leoni
lation effects. et al. 2008) enables, for the first time a systematic
way to take into account the strain-rate in the tests
that are used for defining the model input param-
2 CONSTITUTIVE MODELLING eters. This is a very powerful feature of the model,
OF STRUCTURED CLAYS which gives it a major advantage over the so-called
overstress models, based on Perzyna’s (1963) over-
The response of clays is dominated by their micro- stress theory, proposed by e.g. Hinchberger & Gu
structure, which has been studied with the help of (2009) and Karstunen & Yin (2010).

As discussed the in following, and pointed out
by Grimstad et al. (2010) and Karstunen & Yin
(2010), some of the key assumptions in the ACM
model are, however, both inconsistent with experi-
mental evidence and fundamentally wrong (see
also the companion paper by Sivasithamparam
et al. 2013). As a consequence, in practical context,
the ACM model often ends up grossly overpre-
dicting deformations in structured soft soils (see
Karstunen et al. in press), when the values of soil
constants are objectively selected. This affects the
predictive ability of the model and prevents its use
in practical context on structured soil deposits.
The work by Hinchberger & Gu (2009), Kars-
tunen & Yin (2010) and Yin et al. (2011), demon-
strates that for predicting certain features of natural
clay behavior, such as tertiary creep and creep rup-
ture, or indeed the phenomenon of progressive
failure, it is also necessary to account for the effects
of bonding and destructuration. In the following
some features of the ACM model are highlighted,
which necessitated the development of a new rate- Figure 1. Current state surface (CSS) and normal con-
dependent model Creep-SCLAY1 (for details see solidation surfaces (NCC) of the ACM model and the
the companion paper Sivasithamparam et al. direction of viscoplastic strains (triaxial stress space).
2013). The importance of modelling key features
of soil behaviour in the context of rate-dependency
are discussed and demonstrated through a series of In the ACM model, there is a separate failure sur-
numerical benchmark simulations. face on which zero dilatancy condition is imposed
in order to comply with the condition of zero
volumetric strain rate at critical state. Hence, the
3 ACM AND CREEP-SCLAY1 MODELS there is no “dry side” of the critical state. Because
an associated flow is assumed on the CSS, there
The creep formulation in the ACM model (Leoni is actually a “jump” in the volumetric creep rate
et al. 2008) is based on the idea of a Normal Con- when approaching critical state (see Figure 1): the
solidation Surface (NCS), see Figure 1, which is constant volumetric creep rate at the CSS surface
treated as the contour of constant volumetric creep suddenly reduces to zero (results of simulations
strain rate. For simplicity, the model is plotted in showing this can be found in Sivasithamparam
Figure 1 in triaxial stress space, in terms of mean et al. 2013).
effective stress p’ and deviator stress q. The scalar Most importantly, because the volumetric creep
α represents the current degree of anisotropy, M strain rate is assumed to be constant, large volu-
is the stress ratio at critical state and ψ is the dila- metric creep strains and very large deviatoric creep
tancy angle. strains are predicted in the stress space between
The volumetric creep strain rate is given by a the K0 line and critical state line. As shown in the
simple power law as follows: simulations in this paper, this results in severe
overprediction of deformations at boundary value
problems. Because of these assumptions, quite
μ ⎛ peq
′ ⎞ λ κ* significant apparent strain-softening is predicted
εvc = ⎜ ⎟ with β = (1) in undrained simulations of shearing of normally
τ ⎝ p′p ⎠ μ* consolidated or lightly overconsolidated samples.
Furthermore, as shown by Sivasithamparam et al.
where μ* is the modified creep index, λ* in the (2013), the ACM model cannot model the isotach
modified compression index, κ * is the modified behaviour that is observed in soft clays caused by a
swelling index and τ is the reference time (see Leoni step-change in strain rate. This is not satisfactory,
et al. 2008 for details). The ratio in the brackets is and these insufficiencies inspired further model
an inverse of a generalised yield stress ratio. Hence, developments.
creep is occurring even within the overconsolidated In the Creep-SCLAY1 model (Figure 2), instead
region, when the current stress surface (CSS) in of assuming constant volumetric creep strain rate,
Figure 1, is smaller than the NCS. similarly to Grimstad et al. (2010) and Yin et al.

Figure 2. Current state surface (CSS) and normal con- Figure 3. The Creep-SCLAY1 model (general stress
solidation surfaces (NCC) of the Creep-SCLAY1 model space).
and the direction of viscoplastic strains (triaxial stress
the general stress space as the CSS and NCS rotate
(see Figure 3). In order to incorporate the effect
(2011), it is assumed that the viscoplastic multi- of bonding and destructuration in some of the
plier is constant along the CSS. The viscoplastic simulations, an intrinsic surface has been added
multiplier is defined in such a way that the model together with a destructuration law that is analo-
gives identical volumetric creep strain rate to Eq. gous with the S-CLAY1S model (Karstunen et al.
(1) under oedometric loading (see Grimstad et al. 2005). In the following, this version of the model
(2010) for details) as: is referred to as the Creep-SCLAY1S model. It is
basically a rate-dependent model that accounts for
μ ⎛ peq
′ ⎞ ⎛ M 2 − α 2 NC ⎞ the changes in fabric arrangement and bonding,
εvc = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟ (2) enabling a rather complete representation of the
τ ⎝ p′p ⎠ ⎜⎝ M − ηK2 NC ⎟⎠ stress-strain behaviour of structured clays.
The usability of a constitutive model in a practi-
cal context relies on its robust implementation into
Where η = q / p′ is the stress ratio, and subscript
the finite elements. The Creep-SCLAY1 model
K0NC refers to the normally consolidated K0 stress
is implemented into the PLAXIS (Brinkgreve
path. The corresponding strain rate vectors are
et al. 2010) finite element code as a user-defined
plotted in Figure 2. Due to the evolution of ani-
soil model (UDSM) using a Modified Newton-
sotropy, the Creep-SCLAY1 model predicts some
Raphson scheme (Sivasithamparam 2012), whilst
minor apparent strain softening in undrained
the ACM model is using a fully implicit Newton
shearing in normally consolidated region. Because
iteration (Leoni et al. 2008). In the following the
there is now a “dry side”, with increasing strain
model is applied to a typical benchmark problem,
rate it is also possible for the stress path to pass
a simple embankment.
over the critical state line, which is in agreement
with experimental evidence (see simulations in
Sivasithamparam et al. 2013).
For finite element analyses, the model needs to
be generalised. Instead of a scalar α, the anisot-
4.1 FE model and model input
ropy is described with a fabric tensor, and invari-
ants can no longer be used (see Wheeler et al. 2003 The performance the ACM model and the Creep-
for details). In order to account for Lode angle SCLAY1 model are demonstrated in a benchmark
dependency, instead of the Drucker-Prager model problem using the 2D PLAXIS finite element
that assumes constant M, the formulation of Sheng code. An embankment constructed on soft soil is
et al. (2000) has been adapted, in order to have a assumed to be 2 m high, with a width at the top
smooth variation of the Lode angle of the fabric in of 10 m and the side slopes with a gradient of 1:2.

The soft soil is assumed to have the properties of Such a model would of course not be able to repro-
soft Bothkennar clay (Symposium 1992), which duce the stress-strain response in cases where there
extends to a depth of 30 m. The groundwater table are major changes in the stress path directions, and
assumed to be located at 1 m below the ground sur- in principle would not be able to reproduce the ele-
face. At the surface there is a 1 m depth over-con- ment level tests done by Karstunen & Koskinen
solidated dry crust. The problem has been analysed (2008).
as a small strain simulation. The values for the
model parameters for the soft clay layer are shown
4.2 Results
in Table 1. The embankment, assumed to be made
of granular material, was modelled with a simple The predicted vertical displacements by ACM
Mohr Coulomb model and the same applies to and Creep-SCLAY 1 as function of time are plot-
the dry crust layer (see Table 2 for material param- ted in Figure 4 and the corresponding settlement
eters). This problem is expected to be dominated through at the end of construction and at the end
by the soft soil response and is not sensitive to the of consolidation have been plotted in Figure 5.
embankment and crust parameters. The settlement predicted by both models are huge
The most difficult model parameter to deter- (unrealistically large considering that the embank-
mine is constant ω representing the evolution of ment is only 2 m high. The results clearly demon-
anisotropy. Hence, for comparison the simulation strate that the problem is not a one-dimensional
is also run with a version of Creep-SCLAY1 model problem, as for K0 consolidation the predictions by
where the anisotropy has been fixed, i.e. only initial the two models would have been the same.
anisotropy is considered, with no evolution of ani- The introduction of the constant viscoplastic
sotropy. This assumption was made e.g. by Bodas multiplier, is clearly improving the results, and this
Freitas et al. (2011) in their rate-dependent model. is even more apparent in Figure 6, where the lateral

Table 1. Model parameters for the soft clay.

Parameter e0 OCR K0 α0 χ0

Soft clay 2.0 1.50 0.50 0.59 8

Parameter [kN/m3] κ* ν′ λ* M

Soft clay 16.5 6.67E-3 0.20 0.10 1.5

Parameter λ*i ωd ω ζ ζd
Figure 4. Predicted vertical displacements as a function
Soft clay 0.06 1.0 50 9 0.2 of time by ACM and Creep-SCLAY1.

Layer μ*i μ* [days]

Soft clay 2.0E-3 5.07E-3 1

Table 2. Model parameters for the embankment and

the dry crust.

γ Ε ϕ′ c′ ψ
Layer [kN/m3] [kPa] [°] [kPa] ν′ [°]

Embankment 20 40000 40 2 0.35 0

Dry crust 19 3000 30 6 0.20 0 Figure 5. Predicted vertical settlement through by
ACM and Creep-SCLAY1.

Figure 7. Predicted vertical displacements as a func-
tion of time by Creep-SCLAY1, Creep-SCLAY1 with no
Figure 6. Predicted lateral displacements by ACM and rotation and Creep-SCLAY1S.
Creep-SCLAY1 at the end of consolidation.

deformations under the toe of the embankment

predicted by the two models have been plotted.
The assumption in ACM model about CSS being
the contour of constant volumetric creep rate and
combining that with associated flow rule simply
results in much higher shear strain prediction, and
hence also larger horizontal deformations than
predicted by Creep-SCLAY1. Both models predict
notable deformations outside the loaded area (see
Figure 5), which of course is not satisfactory.
In order to investigate what the effect of the
evolution of anisotropy is, the benchmark problem Figure 8. Predicted vertical settlement through by
has been re-analysed with Creep-SCLAY1 model Creep-SCLAY1, Creep-SCLAY1 with no rotation and
with the evolution of anisotropy switched off Creep-SCLAY1S.
(ω = 0). As a consequence, no rotation of the CSS
and NCS is allowed. The predictions of the vertical
and horizontal deformations by this version of the
model are high (Figures 7, 8 and 9), which demon-
strates that the evolution of anisotropy dissipates
plastic energy, so any predictions that ignore that
are essentially over-conservative. Again, as would
be expected, far too large deformations are trig-
gered by the in situ stresses only.
When considering installation effects, account-
ing for changes in anisotropy is extremely impor-
tant. Castro & Karstunen (2010) and Castro et al.
(2013) simulate stone column installation in Both-
kennar clay by modelling the problem as a cavity
expansion with S-CLAY1S model. Their results
show that due to the installation for typical centre
to centre spacings the soil fabric flips totally over.
When the actual structure is then constructed, Figure 9. Predicted lateral displacements by Creep-
the fabric needs to rearrange once again. Prelimi- SCLAY1, Creep-SCLAY1 with no rotation and Creep-
nary analyses suggest that the resulting deforma- SCLAY1S at the end of consolidation.
tions might actually decrease up to 25%, all due
to this dissipation of energy due to evolution of turation is that both the compression index and
anisotropy. the modified creep index are assumed to be con-
One problem with creep models that do not stant. The experimental data on structured clays
account for the effect of bonding and destruc- however clearly demonstrates that neither of

these are constants for structured natural clays. tural effects by advanced macroscopic constitutive
Due to the gradual degradation of bonds, both models. These models have also the advantage that
the apparent compression index and the appar- they enable us to improve our understanding of
ent creep index have maximum values just after what might be happening, when piles and ground
the onset of yield (see e.g. data by Graham et al. improvement elements are installed into soft struc-
1983). Indeed, even their ratio (and consequently tured clays.
exponent β in Eq. 1) is not constant. As shown by
Karstunen & Yin (2010) this type of behaviour
can be represented with a rate-dependent model ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
that accounts for the effect of bonding and its
gradual destruction. The work presented was carried out as part of a
In order to explore the effect of bonding and Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and
destructuration at boundary value level, the bench- Pathways project GEO-INSTALL (PIAP-GA-
mark was simulated with Creep-SCLAY1S model, 2009-230638). The first author is also benefitting
i.e. an extension of the Creep-SCLAY1 model that from the financial support by Marie Curie Indus-
accounts additionally for initial bonding and the try-Academia Partnerships and Pathways project
subsequent degradation of bonding. The results CREEP (PIAP-GA-2011-286397). The experimen-
have been included in Figures 7, 8 and 9, labelled tal work facilitating the model developments was
Creep-SCLAY1S. The predicted vertical and hori- done at Aalto University sponsored by Academy
zontal deformations have reduced by nearly 45% of Finland (Grant 128459).
and 55% respectively, and most importantly the
unrealistic large deformations due to the in situ
stresses only have virtually vanished. REFERENCES

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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

FEM simulation of large vertical deformations caused by land

subsidence and verification of the results by using radar
interferometry techniques

C. Loupasakis & D. Rozos

Laboratory of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

F. Raspini & S. Moretti

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Firenze, Firenze, Italy

ABSTRACT: Land subsidence induced by the over-exploitation of aquifers is a very common phenom-
enon affecting extensive areas worldwide. Knowledge about the range and the rate of the deformations is
necessary for the installation and the protection of constructions. A detailed study was conducted aim-
ing to validate the efficiency of the Mohr–Coulomb and the Hardening soil models, introduced in the
PLAXIS 2D finite-element code, for the simulation of land subsidence. The data used for this case study
came from the Kalochori region on the west side of Thessaloniki, Northern Greece. The rapid develop-
ment of the area and the extensive need of water led to the development of surface subsidence, reaching
maximum values of 3–4 m, in several parts of the study area. The validation of the simulation results was
conducted by using all available subsidence indications as well as a land motion mapping produced by PSI
(Persistent Scatterer Interferometry) analysis.


The simulation of land subsidence phenomena

induced by intense water pumping encounters sev-
eral difficulties. The fact that these phenomena have
taken place for several decades, sometimes without
being noticed at the beginning, makes the estima-
tion of the total vertical displacements, and as a
result the conduction of back analysis, impossible.
Furthermore, the great extent of the affected areas,
the interaction of the engineering, geological and
hydro-geological settings, along with the impact of
human activities, makes their study complicated
and requiring numerous data.
Several regions in Greece have experienced land Figure 1. Location map of the study area. Background
subsidence induced by intense water pumping optical images from Google Earth and Visual Earth.
during recent decades. Kalochori village (Fig. 1)
on the west side of Thessaloniki is one of the
most well known and widely investigated areas finite element simulation model. Furthermore, the
(Hatzinakos et al., 1990; Andronopoulos et al., availability of PSI (Persistent Scatterer Interfer-
1991; Rozos & Hatzinakos, 1993; Stiros, 2001; ometry) data allowed cross-checking of the results
Stiros et al., 2001; Rozos et al, 2004; Psimoulis et al., and validation of the simulation procedure. Practi-
2007; Loupasakis & Rozos, 2009; Doukas et al., cally, this case study was considered as the perfect
2004; Psimoulis et al., 2007; Raucoules et al., 2008; chance of applying the FE method for the analysis
Mouratidis et al., 2010). of water pumping induced subsidence phenomena
The numerous studies conducted for the and verifies the results by the use of space meas-
Kalochori region provided plenty of data, covering urement of past displacements derived from PSI
all the requirements for setting up a polyparametric analyses.


The Thessaloniki plain, located in the northern

part of the Thermaikos Gulf, is the largest del-
taic area of Greece with an area of more than
1500 km2. From a geological point of view the
plain corresponds to a complex delta formed in the
last thousand years in a 600 m deep Quaternary
At the bordering mountains Mesozoic lime-
stones, marbles and other metamorphic rocks
outcrop, while Neogene and Pleistocene sediments
occur in the hilly areas. Within the plain the rocky
basement is covered by Neogene and Quaternary
deposits. The Neogene deposits outcrop in the
north and north-eastern parts of the study area.
Figure 2. Equal subsidence contours, in meters, for
Quaternary formations cover the Neogene depos- the period 1955–1980 based on data coming from the
its throughout the rest of the area acquiring a sig- comparison of 1:5000 topographic diagrams, (Stiros,
nificant thickness towards the coast. 2001). The outlines present the land use distribution in
The evaluation of the data coming from geo- Kalochori: A: the residential area of Kalochori village,
technical boreholes drilled in the Kalochori region B: the lagoon—partly flooded area, C: the residential
showed that the quaternary deposits consist of clays, waste dumping site, D: areas containing the productive
silty clays, sands and silty sands including organic wells of the Water Company of Thessaloniki, E: the
material. (Andronopoulos, 1979; Andronopoulos industrial area of Kalochori until the 1980’s. Finally, the
location of the embankments is also presented.
et al., 1990). Particularly, the top horizons, from
the surface to a depth of 4.5 to 15 m, are occu-
pied by yellow-brown fine to medium grain sands
and silty sands. Under the sands and down to a
varying depth of 26.5 to 35.3 m extends a black-
gray silty sands horizon including organic materi-
als (Loupasakis & Rozos, 2009). The geophysical
investigation results and data coming from water
well profiles showed that the above mentioned
alteration routine continues down to the Neocene
basement (Nikolaou & Nikolaidis, 1987).
In agreement with the above described geologi-
cal setting, the formations of the wide study area
contain an unconfined shallow aquifer extending
in the overlaying sands and a system of successive
confined artesian aquifers developing below the
impermeable black-gray silty sand layer.
Figure 3. Emerged well pipes due to the subsidence
phenomenon. Deep productive well located NW of
3 LAND SUBSIDENCE EVOLUTION Kalochori. The pipes have been extracted more than 1 m
above the ground surface.
3.1 Field observations—historical background
The land subsidence phenomena were first noticed Since then several damages and extensions of the
in 1965, in the form of a progressive marine embankment were recorded, but the main con-
invasion. In 1969, during a period of intensive struction managed to resist.
rainfall, the seawater reached the southern houses Through the years several signs referring to the
of the village. Since then several attempts to total amount of the subsidence were reported. For
reclaim the lost land were made by constructing instance, the main square of the village was recon-
embankments. The continuous subsidence phe- structed about 1.2 m higher to prevent it from
nomena combined with the structural defects of flooding, in many wells the pipes were raised above
the embankments led repetitively to their collapse. the ground surface by about 1 m (Fig. 3) and sev-
Finally, a new larger dam was constructed in eral areas around the village are still submerged.
1980 providing security to Kalochori (Fig. 2). Note that in contrast to many other areas in Greece

affected by subsidence phenomena, no surface The main limitations encountered in single-pair
ruptures were located throughout the entire study interferograms can be overcome through PSI (Per-
area. This is clearly related to the absence of tec- sistent Scatterer Interferometry) techniques, a family
tonic lines as well as the big thickness and the rela- of different approaches based on processing several
tive uniformity of the Quaternary deposits. multi-temporal space-borne SAR imagery (at least
The total amount of subsidence deformations 15–20, or more) of the same target area. The PSI
was estimated to exceed 3 m in several locations. approach uses long stacks of radar dataset (as those
This aspect was supported by Stiros (2001), who in the ESA ERS1/2 archive) and analyzes the signals
compared the 1:5000 topographic diagrams for the backscattered from the observed scene to estimate
period 1955–1980. This comparison proved that, and remove atmospheric artifacts. The electromag-
until the 1980’s, the maximum subsidence regions netic returns of electromagnetically stable, highly
(subsidence > 3 m) were located within the areas reflective point-wise targets (the so-called Perma-
containing the productive wells of the Water Com- nent Scatterers, (PS) is statistically processed and
pany of Thessaloniki (Fig. 2) as well as the south- analyzed to retrieve estimates of the displacements
western section of the industrial area containing occurred between different acquisitions (Ferretti et
the most water-consuming industries. Currently, al., 2000; 2001). PS usually correspond to man-made
along the embankments the inland is at least 4 m structures (i.e. buildings, roads, bridge, monuments,
below the sea level. pylons), as well as natural reflectors, such as out-
cropping rocks. Thanks to this multi-interferometric
approach, at each Permanent Scatterer, the relevant
3.2 Interferometric techniques
LOS velocity can be estimated with unprecedented
3.2.1 Basic principles accuracy, sometimes even better than 0.1 mm/year.
Assessment of ground motion is historically based Displacement time series can be retrieved, acquisi-
on conventional geodetic methods (GPS, level- tion per acquisition, with accuracy on single meas-
ling network above everything else), or on timely urements usually ranging from 1 to 3 mm (Colesanti
updated surveying. These methods represent some et al., 2003). Each measurement is temporally and
of the most reliable geodetic measurements tools, spatially referred to a unique reference image and to
but are time consuming and resource intensive. In a stable reference point, respectively.
addition to conventional geodetic monitoring sys- Since the pioneering studies of Massonnet et al.
tems, Earth Observation (EO) techniques have suc- (1993; 1994; 1995; 1996) and Singhroy et al. (1998),
cessfully demonstrated, in recent years, to be highly satellite SAR data have been fully exploited to
valuable in measuring land motion in a wide range retrieve ground deformations related to geohazards.
of application fields (Tralli et al., 2005).
The study of land subsidence in the wider
3.3 SAR data used
Thessaloniki Plain exploited the PSI technique,
a remote sensing technology based on multi- Within the framework of the ESA GMES Ter-
temporal satellite SAR (Synthetic Aperture rafirma project (GMES—Global Monitoring for
Radar) imagery. Environment and Security), 9 satellite image frames
A single SAR image is of no practical use, since it were processed using a special semi-automated proc-
is not possible to distinguish the different phase con- essor to produce a PSI ground motion map covering
tributions related to atmosphere, topography and a 65,000 km2 area of Greece. This WAP (Wide Area
noise. Differential Interferometry SAR (DInSAR), Product) over Greece is based on stripmap ERS1/2
a technique that exploits the phase variations (or images, obtained from the European Space Agency
interference) of two SAR images gathered at differ- (ESA). Among these 9 satellite image frames, track
ent times on the same target area by the same satel- 7_3, made of a dataset of 63 SAR imagery in C
lite using the same acquisition mode and properties band (5.6 cm wavelength), acquired along descend-
(beam, orbit, off-nadir angle, etc), is a far more suit- ing orbits in 02/05/1992–30/12/2003, was employed.
able approach (Zebker et al., 1986; Massonnet & The reference points of the stack—to which the
Feigl, 1998, Rosen et al., 2000). Since the 90s sig- displacement estimates are referred—was selected
nificant results have been obtained in detecting, in the southernmost part of Thessaloniki’s urban
mapping and quantifying surface deformation with fabric, in a sector unaffected by ground motions.
millimeter precision over large, contiguous areas The master image for Track 7_3 dataset has been
along the sensor’s Line-Of-Sight (LOS) direction. chosen on December 31st, 1996.
Conventional DInSAR is limited by temporal and
geometrical decorrelation (Zebker and Villasenor,
3.4 Evaluation of the PSI data
1992). Moreover, phase distortions introduced by
atmospheric effects, can compromise the accuracy The analysis of the mean annual displacement
of the results (Massonnet & Feigl, 1995). velocities, retrieved by PSI processing, provide

essential information. As expected, the density of a large part of the urban fabric is built over Neogene
measurement points is higher for the urban area formations the above observation is reasonable. On
of Thessaloniki (maximum density up to about the contrary the Sindos-Kalochori area presents sig-
300 PS/km2), and over the urban fabric of the nificant deformations. Particularly, the PSI results
Sindos and Kalochori villages (up to hundred of show that subsidence was widespread throughout
PS/km2), but lower for agricultural and vegetated the western suburbs of the Thessaloniki metropoli-
terrains (few point/km2). Nevertheless, more than tan area in the time period from 1995 to 2001. Land
1.000 point-wise measurements targets have been subsidence can be clearly identified in the coastal
yielded for the 15 km2 wide-Kalochori village and area of Kalochori, where the highest LOS velocities
its industrial area. An overview of the WAP results range between 15 and 25 mm/yr in 1995–2001, with
for ERS1/2 datasets is presented in Figure 4, peaks of 40 mm/yr recorded in the SW of the vil-
as measured by the SAR sensor along the satellite’s lage. The observed subsidence rate in Kalochori is
line of sight and expressed in mm/y. The black dots extended to another subsidence bowl affecting the
refer to stable areas. The triangles pointing south village of Sindos, on the right side of the Gallikos
represent increasing deformation rates, moving River. In this area the LOS deformation rate ranges
away from the sensor (subsidence). between 5 and 15 mm/yr, with peaks of 46 mm/yr.
The PSI results reveal that the city of Thessalo- These two well defined areas of land deformation
niki shows very low LOS deformation rates, ranging are abruptly truncated along a NW-SE alignment:
between −1.5 and 1.5 mm/yr (close to the PSI tech- northeast of Kalochori and Sindos.
nique detection sensitivity), indicating relatively sta- The potential of repeat-pass space-borne SAR
ble ground conditions since the 90s. Considering that interferometry can be exploited not only to map

Figure 4. The LOS deformation rates in Kalochori—Sindos between 1995 and 2001, obtained through the PSI
analysis. Time series for selected PS A, B, C, D and E are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 6. The simulation profile. The soil layers are
indicated in respect to their reference at Table 1.

Both Mohr–Coulomb and Hardening soil models

Figure 5. LOS displacement time series and yearly were used in order to check their performance on
velocities of PS A, B, C, D and E, located in Kalochori simulating land subsidence phenomena.
village and indicated in Figure 4. Time series are rescaled The piezometric level in the majority of the deep
to the first available acquisition (i.e. 10 April 1995). water wells constructed in the Kalochori region in
1955 was over the surface. Therefore, for the con-
figuration of the models’ initial pore pressure the
the extension of affected areas but also to evaluate confined aquifers’ piezometric surface was set at
their deformation history. The displacement time 5 m above the ground surface. On the contrary,
series, available for each PS in the area of inter- the water table depth of the unconfined shallow
est, are ideally suited for large-scale, spatially con- aquifer was set 5 m below the ground surface and
tinuous monitoring of geohazard-related ground it was kept stable during the entire calculation
motion (Fig. 5). procedure.
The time series of Figure 5, referring to five Per- The simulation procedure was divided into four
manent Scatterers located in areas with different calculation phases. During the first three phases
magnitudes of deformation, reflecting the differ- the piezometric level of the confined aquifers was
ent behavior of the various sectors of the ground, reduced from +5 m to −27 m and during the last
allow the evaluation of the temporal evolution phase the level was reduced for an extra −1 to
of each measurement point. The time series are −3 m, simulating the variations occurring between
rescaled to the first acquisition date (i.e. 10 April 1995–2001 (Soulios, 1999). In order to isolate the
1995) for visualization purposes only. deformations caused by the extra drawdown and
compare them with the PSI data, the displace-
ments were “reset to zero” at the beginning of the
4 MODELLING ACTIVITY last calculation phase.
The calculations were carried out using the
This simulation of the land subsidence mechanism “consolidation analysis” procedure. The gradual
was conducted by using the PLAXIS (V 9.02) two- reduction of the piezometric surface was applied
dimensional finite element code (Brinkgreve et al., by means of the “stage construction” routine. Prior
2002). The application of a two-dimensional code to the four calculation phases mentioned above, the
could be considered sufficient because, considering “Ko procedure” was applied in order to configure
the geological setting of the site, the present study the initial stress fields.
deals with the simulation of a simple cross section The simulation results (Table 2) indicate that
with no horizontal transitions. the displacements calculated by applying the
The simulation procedure was applied in two char- Mohr–Coulomb model approximate the space
acteristic profiles of 100 and 150 m. The thickness measurements (PSI data) as well as the in situ
of the profiles was selected by considering the thick- records perfectly. The simulations indicated defor-
ness of the loose Quaternary deposits (200–100 m), mations ranging from 10.36 to 40.29 cm, and the
the mean depth of the productive drills (100 m) and space measurement deformations up to 42.31 cm
the water level variations (25 to 34 m). The altera- (Fig. 4), for the same time period. Considering the
tion and the thickness of the geological formations cumulative vertical displacements since the ‘50 s,
are clearly presented in Figure 6 and it is identical in the simulation results presented a maximum value
both profiles. The only difference is that in the 100 m of 4.16 m, coinciding perfectly with the maximum
deep profile the bottom layers are missing. in situ records along the embankments.
The simulations were conducted by using On the contrary, the displacements calculated by
geotechnical data coming from the reevalua- applying the Hardening soil model decline widely
tion of all available former studies (Table 1). from the measured values. For instance the maxi-

Table 1. Soil data sets parameters coming from the reevaluation of the available laboratory and in situ tests.
[1] YB [2] BG Silty [3] B Sand [4] BG Silty [5] B Sand [6] B Sand
Draining conditions Sand sand Silty Sand Sand II Silty Sand II Silty Sand III

γunsat [kN/m3] 19.00 17.40 19.50 17.50 18.50 19.50

γsat [kN/m3] 20.00 18.00 22.00 19.80 20.60 22.00
kx, ky [m/day] 8.928 0.638 8.928 0.638 8.928 8.928
[MC]* Eoed [kN/m2] 3950 3100 11600 8800 15000 20000
[HS]** Cc [−] 0.148 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.067 0.423
[HS] Cs [−] 0.0311 0.018 0.0156 0.0168 0.021 0.086
[HS] einit [−] 0.622 0.387 0.387 0.387 0.623 1.243
cref [kN/m2] 10 60 35 80 10 40
ϕ [°] 38.5 7 40 15 38.5 40
ψ [°] 3 0 5 0 3 5
Einc [kN/m2/m] – – – 360 – –
yref [m] – – – 40 – –

*[MC]: Mohr–Coulomb model, **[HS]: Hardening Soil model.

Table 2. FEM vertical displacements. Furthermore the current research presents the
applicability of space-borne interferometry on the
150 m deep 100 m deep study of land subsidence phenomena.
profile profile

Vert. disp. (in cm) MC HS MC

+5 to −27 m drawdown 376 718 283
1 m extra drawdown 15.6 24.2 10.4 The Terrafirma Extension project has funded the
2 m extra drawdown 27.4 44.3 20.5 SAR imagery processing as well as the interpreta-
3 m extra drawdown 40.3 64.7 30.7 tion presented in this paper. The project is one of ten
services being supported by the Global Monitoring
for Environment and Security (GMES) Service Ele-
ment Programme, promoted and financed by the
mum cumulative vertical displacements indicated European Space Agency (ESA). The authors grate-
by the simulation are more than 7.8 m, exceeding fully acknowledge the German Aerospace Centre
severally all available measured values. (DLR) for having processed SAR data.


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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Numerical modeling of fracturing in soil mix material

G. Van Lysebetten & A. Vervoort

KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

N. Denies & N. Huybrechts

Belgian Building Research Institute, Geotechnical division, Limelette, Belgium

J. Maertens
Jan Maertens BVBA, Belgium
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

F. De Cock
Geotechnical Expert Office GEO.BE, Lennik, Belgium

B. Lameire
Belgian Association of Foundation Contractors ABEF, Brussels, Belgium

ABSTRACT: The deep soil mixing technique consists of an in situ mechanical mixing of the soil with
an injected binder (e.g. cement). However, the presence of soil inclusions (poorly or even unmixed soil)
in the artificial material is unavoidable. This heterogeneous character of soil mix material makes it differ-
ent from traditional building materials. The presented research investigates the influence of the volume
percentage of inclusions on the strength, stiffness, stress-strain behaviour and fracture pattern of soil mix
material. 2D numerical simulations are conducted using a Discrete Element Program (UDEC) and the
results are compared with experimental data. It is observed that the reduction of the strength and stiffness
of a sample is significantly larger than the weighted average of the UCS and Young’s modulus, taking into
account the volumes of the well mixed material and the softer inclusions. However, the strength is remark-
ably more affected by the volume percentage of inclusions than the stiffness. Moreover, other parameters
than the percentage of weak material are also important (e.g. shape, size and relative position of the inclu-
sions) and result in wide ranges of resulting strength and stiffness.

1 INTRODUCTION However, since a natural material (i.e. soil) is

being mixed, it is to be expected that the entire wall
1.1 Deep soil mixing technique is not perfectly mixed and homogeneous. The vol-
ume percentage of inclusions depends on the soil
The application of the soil mix technology in
type and mixing technique (e.g. 0 to 3.5% in sandy
Belgium is sharply increasing (Denies et al. 2012a).
soils up to 35% and more in stiff clays (Ganne et al.
Next to soil improvement applications, soil mix
2011). This heterogeneous character makes the
walls are extensively used for excavation support
material different from traditional building materi-
because of its economic and environmental advan-
als. In order to formulate alternative design rules,
tages compared with classical techniques such as
a Flemish regional research project (IWT 080736)
concrete secant pile walls, diaphragm walls and
in collaboration with the BBRI, ABEF and KU
king post walls (i.e. soldier pile walls). The soil mix
Leuven was initiated. This paper deals with one
technique is based on an in situ mechanical mixing
particular aspect of the project which is the influ-
of the soil with an injected binder (e.g. cement). By
ence of the volume percentage of inclusions on the
executing overlapping rectangular panels or cylin-
strength, stiffness, stress-strain behaviour and frac-
drical columns a continuous wall is obtained. As
ture pattern of soil mix material.
soon as the panel or column has been mixed, steel
H or I profiles are inserted into the fresh soil mix
1.2 Aim of the study
material to increase the shear and bending resist-
ance of the wall. Depths up to 20 meters are cur- Apart from an experimental part consisting of lab-
rently reached. oratory experiments on small scale samples as well

as large blocks, complementary numerical simula- adjacent blocks does not represent a physical crack
tions (2D) are conducted in UDEC, a numerical as long as it is not activated. An example of a mesh
program based on the discrete element method. of triangles for a rectangular medium is shown in
The followed approach allows simulating frac- Figure 1a. Since fracture growth is limited to the
ture initiation and growth in and around the soft available contacts, the distribution of the contacts
soil inclusions. This allows a correct distinction should be as uniformly as possible so that there is
between shear and tensile fractures, but helps also no bias by the mesh. Moreover, on a larger scale a
to understand and quantify the effect of heteroge- given fracture with a certain overall direction tends
neities in the studied material. A large number of to develop as a combination of activated individ-
simulations have been executed to study the influ- ual contacts with sometimes very different orienta-
ence of the volume percentage, shape, number and tions, as illustrated in Figures 1b and 1c for a 60°
relative position of the inclusions. inclined crack.
In this study, the blocks only deform elastically.
The strength parameters of the material are thus
1.3 Advantage of discrete simulations not explicitly implemented in the blocks. However,
During the past decades, several numerical the contacts are modelled with a Mohr-Coulomb
approaches have been elaborated to realize the sim- failure criterion with tension cut-off. After activa-
ulation of crack initiation and propagation. Some tion, the strength parameters are set to residual
of these codes are based on finite elements, on values. In addition to this, UDEC models the con-
finite differences or on displacement discontinuity tacts with stiffness, in shear and normal direction
boundary elements. Though, it is found that the (respectively ks and kn). This stiffness allows defor-
Distinct Element Method (DEM) is a more than mation of contacts prior to activation. The defor-
valuable alternative (Debecker et al. 2006). Several mation due to this contact stiffness has an effect on
DEM codes have been developed. In the Parti- the stress distribution within the sample (Debecker
cle Flow Code (PFC) materials are modeled as a et al. 2006).
dense packing of rigid spherical elements, bonded
together at their contact points (Potyondy & 2.2 Calibration of model parameters
Cundall 2004). For this study, the Universal Dis- On the one hand, material properties as obtained
tinct Element Code (UDEC) is chosen. This code from laboratory tests are assigned to the triangu-
is originally developed for the simulation of frac- lar blocks (Table 1). On the other hand, the stiff-
tured rock mass behavior, e.g. slope stability and ness and strength parameters of the contacts are
rock fall which depend on the activation of existing not physically measurable and their values are
fractures (Itasca 2004). However, in the past it has deduced from a calibration process. First, the con-
been successfully used for the numerical modeling tact properties for a homogeneous model of well
of fracture initiation and growth in rock (Debecker mixed material are calibrated based on the stress-
2009, Tempone & Lavrov 2008). strain behavior and typical fracture patterns dur-
ing uniaxial compression tests. These properties
are all well-known from laboratory tests (e.g. peak
2 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS strength, Young’s modulus, post-peak behavior,

2.1 Concept and global approach

UDEC is a 2D numerical program that is based
on the discrete element method (Cundall 1971).
The discrete element model consists of discrete
blocks that are mutually connected by contacts.
For these contacts tensile and shear failure crite-
ria are defined, allowing them to open and deform
upon activation. The UDEC solution scheme is
based on a (dynamic) explicit finite-difference
method which is also used in continuum analysis
(Cundall & Board 1988).
The philosophy followed in this study is that by
Figure 1. (a) Simplified example of adjacent triangular
dividing a medium in multiple discrete small blocks blocks that form the sample. A contact only represents
(tightly bounded together), their boundaries can a physical crack when it is activated. (b) Fracture along
act as potential fracture paths when an external activated contacts with a global dip of 60° (straight line).
load is applied (Debecker 2009, Vervoort et al. (c) Apart from the activated contacts the sample is still
2012). Or in other words, a contact between two intact.

Table 1. Material properties of the blocks correspond- predefined shape and location of the inclusions
ing to the matrix material and the soft inclusions (Van are incorporated in a (random) mesh of triangles.
Lysebetten 2011). Since UDEC does not provide a mesh generator
that can meet these requirements, a mesh generator
Material properties Matrix Inclusions
was implemented in Matlab. The algorithm divides
Density ρ [kg/m3] 1820 1820 the sample in multiple small rectangular sectors in
Young’s modulus E [GPa] 11.6 0.165 which grid nodes are randomly generated around
Poisson’s ratio υ [−] 0.3 0.4 the predefined nodes of the inclusions. Finally,
Bulk modulus K [GPa] 9.67 0.275 Delaunay triangulation is performed on the entire
Shear modulus G [GPa] 4.46 0.059 collection of nodes (i.e. nodes that define the
boundary of the inclusions as well as the randomly
generated nodes). The triangulation algorithm is
based on the Quickhull algorithm for constructing
convex hulls (Barber et al. 1996). To keep calcula-
tion time in UDEC reasonable, the number of tri-
angles is limited to approximately 8000. Of course,
this limits the minimal representative length of
the individual contacts of the discrete model and
consequently the minimum fracture length that
can be simulated (Debecker & Vervoort 2006). The
quality of the generated mesh is largely dependent
on the choice of the input parameters, such as the
minimum distance between grid nodes in relation
to the dimensions of the sectors.
An appropriate mesh for fracture simulation
Figure 2. (a) 2D sample (120 × 240 mm) from a real soil must meet several geometrical requirements. First,
mix column cross-section. (b) Mesh of the basic model. the boundary of the inclusions must be respected
by the edges of the generated triangles (the edges
are called ‘elements’ from now on). Second, the
failure by 60 to 70° inclined shear fractures, distribution of the element orientation should be
etc.). This time-consuming process finally leads as uniformly as possible, as discussed in paragraph
to the matrix—matrix contact strength and stiff- 2.1. Third, adjacent triangles should be of approx-
ness parameters. Next, the strength properties of imately the same size and sharp triangles should
matrix—inclusion and inclusion—inclusion con- be avoided, both to guarantee reasonable solution
tacts are easily deduced from the matrix—matrix accuracy in UDEC. In order to check the gener-
contact strength by applying the strength ratios of ated triangles, quality parameters have been intro-
mixed and unmixed material. duced (Debecker & Vervoort 2006):
• ‘Minimum triangle angle’: the smallest angle of
2.3 Basic model the triangle and a degree to evaluate the skinni-
ness of the triangles. Its aimed interval is [20°,
The starting point for the soil mix samples is a sec-
tion through a real soil mix column, of which an
• ‘Triangle aspect ratio’: a measure for the maxi-
area of 120 × 240 mm is considered (Fig. 2a). This
mum edge size to the minimum altitude of the
2D sample contains 11 inclusions which account
triangle. Its ideal interval is [1, 2.5].
for 11 vol%. Based on this sample, the basic model
• ‘Triangle quality’ Q: the ratio of the smallest
is assembled. It consists of 9 of the 11 inclusions
angle to the largest angle of the triangle. The
or 10 vol% of inclusions (Fig. 2b). Note that the
ideal interval of Q is [0.4, 0.9].
term vol% is justified, since the 2D model in fact
has a unit thickness. Moreover, using this termi- The present algorithm provides an overview of
nology the link with the measurements on real soil all quality parameters after the mesh has been gen-
mix material is more easily made. erated. Note that all quality parameters are only
indicative and not stringent.
2.4 Mesh generation algorithm
2.5 Results of the simulations
As illustrated by the basic model in Figure 2b, the
mesh of a soil mix sample is built up by a com- In order to study the influence of several inclusion
bination of a predefined structure and a certain properties (e.g. vol%, shape, size, relative position),
degree of randomness. Or in other words, the about 200 uniaxial compression tests on soil mix

models (120 × 240 mm) with different inclusion reached (Fig. 3b), also shear fractures are induced.
geometries have been simulated. Finally, this results in a shear zone that extends
from the upper left corner to the lower right corner
2.5.1 Influence of volume percentage, shape of the sample (Fig. 3c).
and size of the inclusions Figure 3d presents three detailed fracture pat-
On the basis of the real 2D section and the basic terns of tested samples, cored from a real soil mix
model (Figs. 2a and 2b), 68 additional models are wall with several soil inclusions. The inclusions
generated with 1, 5, 10 and 20 vol% inclusions. For are clearly visible, as well as the induced fractures.
these models, the relative position of the inclu- Moreover, the observed fractures are comparable
sions is varied as well as the shape (e.g. explic- to the simulated fracture patterns around inclu-
itly rounded or sharp-ended) and the number of sions. For example in the left picture, two fractures
inclusions (e.g. 1 large rounded inclusion against are induced at both extremities of the bottom part
3 smaller rounded inclusions). of the inclusion, which is also observed around
The evolution of the fracture pattern of the basic several inclusions in the simulations. In the central
model (Fig. 2b) is presented in Figures 3a, b and c and right pictures, fractures are observed some-
for 3 different loading steps (just before, at and just where along the middle of the inclusion or at the
after peak strength). The basic model has a UCS most top or bottom point of the inclusion. Again,
value of 4.4 MPa against a UCS value of 11.7 MPa these fractures are also visible in the simulations.
for the pure soil mix sample without inclusions. The Figure 4 compares laboratory data of in situ
9 inclusions (a total of 10 vol%) reduce the strength cored samples from 12 different Belgian construc-
thus with more than 60%. At relatively low vertical tion sites with the results of the numerical simula-
loads (less than 50% of the peak strength) a part of tions (69 models). Both sets of results show a similar
the material inside the inclusions starts to fail. This downward trend in function of the volume percent-
is logical since the inclusions have lower strength age of inclusions. The results of the simulations are
properties. However, failure is clearly limited to clearly situated within the (wider) range of labora-
specific parts of the inclusions. At 2.6 MPa vertical tory results. The fact that the experimental data have
load several vertical splitting type of fractures are a wider range is logical, as the soil type at the 12 con-
induced in the matrix at the top and at the bottom structions sites is different. Clayey, as well as loamy
of the grouped inclusions (Fig. 3a). At higher ver- and sandy soils were encountered, and of course the
tical loads, especially after the UCS value has been mechanical characteristics of the different soil mix
materials are different (Denies et al. 2012b). For the
numerical simulations one single value is considered
for the model without any inclusions, i.e. a strength
value of 11.7 MPa for the homogeneous sample.
Other reasons for the wider range are that in reality a
real soil mix sample is never perfectly homogeneous

Figure 4. Comparison of the variation of strength

(UCS) in function of the volume percentage of unmixed
Figure 3. (a, b, c) Evolution of the fracture pattern of material for the numerical simulations (results based on
the basic model. (d) Examples of real fracture patterns of Van Lysebetten (2011)) and for the results of laboratory
uniaxial loaded soil mix samples. experiments.

and that two samples even without any inclusions and stiffness of a sample (Van Lysebetten et al.
(or with exactly the same amount of inclusions) still 2012). For example, it is observed that strength
have different strength values because of variations and stiffness decrease if the inclusions are located
in e.g. cement content. along the diagonal of the sample. This configu-
Therefore, the numerical simulations are more ration probably facilitates a global shear failure.
suitable to study the effect of the volume percent- Figure 5a shows that there is a clear negative trend
age of unmixed material on the strength of a sam- between strength and stiffness and wi/t: the ratio
ple. The numerical results of Figure 4 are based of the total width of inclusions, i, and the sample
on the basic model and the 68 additional models width, t (Fig. 5b). However, a significant overlap is
(diamond-shaped markers). First, the decrease also observed, e.g. the largest UCS value for a width
of strength is clearly larger than the percentage ratio of 60% is still larger than the smallest value for
of inclusions in the sample. For a mere 1% of 20% ratio. For the stiffness, the overlap is probably
unmixed material strength is reduced by 13% on even larger. In these additional simulations, it was
average. For 10% of inclusions even half of the also observed that the strength and stiffness also
strength disappears on average (Van Lysebetten decrease if the vertical distance between the inclu-
2011). The same can be concluded for the stiffness sions decreases, since inclusions tend to act as one
(Vervoort et al. 2012), though it is less influenced larger inclusion. However, this effect is less impor-
(for 1 and 10 vol% of inclusions the stiffness is tant than the influence of the ratio wi/t.
reduced on average with respectively 3 and 32%).
Second, there is an overlapping zone between the 2.5.3 Link with simulated fracture patterns
strengths of 5 and 10% and of 10 and 20%. This Figs 6a, b, c and d show the evolution of the frac-
overlap is caused by the relatively large range for ture pattern of 4 models for successive loading
each volume percentage of inclusions. For the stiff- steps. At relative low stress levels (less than 50% of
ness, there is just no overlap between successive the strength) vertical extension type of fractures
volume percentages. initiate at the lower and upper parts of the inclu-
Strength and stiffness of a sample are clearly sions (see also Figs 3a, b and c for the evolution
not only determined by the volume percentage. of the fracture pattern of the basic model). Only at
This is further analyzed for additional models with stress levels near the UCS value of the sample, shear
10% of inclusions. It is observed that strength and fractures are observed at the sides of the inclusions
stiffness are reduced more by sharp-ended inclu- after which the sample finally fails due to a combi-
sions than by rounded inclusions. Apart from this, nation of shear and extension type of fractures.
the strength of a sample also drastically decreases Most of the described effects of inclusions can
when less inclusions (but with the same shape and be related to and explained by the observed fracture
the same total percentage of inclusions) are present patterns. For example, stress peaks near sharp-
(Vervoort et al. 2012). ended inclusions are higher than close to rounded
inclusions, causing fracture initiation at lower
2.5.2 Influence of the relative position
of the inclusions
Apart from the volume percentage, size and number
of inclusions, the relative position has also an influ-
ence on strength and stiffness. 123 additional mod-
els are generated to study this effect. All additional
models represent 10% of inclusions and are com-
posed of two sets of respectively 3 and 5 inclusions.
The main difference between all models is the relative
position of these inclusions. In some models, they
are concentrated, in others they are spread as wide
as possible, or they are nicely situated along a vertical
line or along a diagonal, etc. The ranges of strength
(3.8–8.1 MPa) and stiffness (5–8.7 GPa) increase in
comparison with the results of the 69 models for
the study of the influence of the volume percent-
age, shape and number of inclusions (respectively
3.1–9.2 MPa and 6.3–7.9 GPa). This is logical since
the more simulations, the greater the probability that
new minimum and maximum values are found. Figure 5. (a) Relation between the strength (left)
The simulations clearly show the influence of the and stiffness (right) and wi/t. (b) Definition of the ratio
relative position of the inclusions on the strength wi/t = i/t.

Figure 6. Illustration of the fracture pattern at successive loading steps of 4 samples of the original set each with
10% of inclusions. Shape and number of inclusions are different. The stiffness of the models is respectively 7.2 GPa,
8.0 GPa, 6.7 GPa and 7.4 GPa.

stress levels. Finally, this results in lower strength the sample is damaged. Again, this results in lower
and stiffness (compare Figs 6a and c). Fractur- strength and stiffness.
ing also initiates at lower stress levels when 1 large
inclusion is present instead of 3 smaller inclusions,
at least if these 3 inclusions are vertically aligned
(compare Figs 6a, b and d). Again, this is caused
Although calibration of the numerical discrete
by higher stress peaks near the largest inclusions
model is very time-consuming, the results show
(i.e. because a higher horizontal distance has to be
that numerical simulations are very interesting
to perform relatively easily sensitivity analyses.
However, the fact that the 3 inclusions are verti-
The influence of soil inclusions on the strength
cally aligned is very important. Figure 6d shows the
and stiffness of soil mix material has been inves-
fracture pattern of a sample with the same 3 inclu-
tigated by a total of 192 simulations. It has been
sions positioned diagonally. This sample results in
observed that soft inclusions have a large impact
about the same strength and stiffness as the sample
on the resulting strength and stiffness of a sam-
with 1 large rounded inclusion. The large reduc-
ple. However, not only the volume percentage is
tion of strength in comparison with the model
important, but also the relative position of the
with 3 vertically aligned inclusions is caused by
inclusions, their shape and number, etc. Moreover,
the diagonal orientation of the inclusions result-
UDEC has shown to be suitable for the simula-
ing in a larger wi/t ratio. Moreover, the stress peaks
tion of fracture initiation and growth in soil mix
around the stress relieved zones interfere and prob-
material with soft inclusions. Similar trends of
ably amplify each other.
the influence of the volume percentage of inclu-
Finally, if the vertical spacing between the inclu-
sions on the strength are observed for the results
sions of Figure 6b is decreased, the inclusions
of laboratory data of in situ cored samples from
tend to form one larger inclusion. Overlapping
different Belgian construction sites and the results
zones with increased stresses expand again and the
of numerical simulations. The simulated fracture
amplifying effect grows. This causes earlier fracture
patterns are also comparable with these observed
initiation (at lower vertical loads), but the vertical
in real soil mix samples.
extension type fractures around the central inclu-
sion also reach faster the upper and lower inclu-
sions. The travelled distance through the stronger ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
material before reaching other weak inclusions is
thus lower. Because propagation through these This project has been made possible by the finan-
inclusions goes much faster, a much larger part of cial support of the Flemish government agency for

Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT). It Denies N., Huybrechts N., De Cock F., Lameire B.,
is the result of cooperation between the Belgian Vervoort A., Maertens J. 2012b. Soil mix walls as retain-
Building Research Institute (BBRI), the Belgian ing structures, mechanical characterization. Proceedings
Association of Foundation Contractors (ABEF) of the TC 211 International Symposium on Ground
Improvement, Brussels (Belgium), Vol. 3, pp. 99–115.
and KU Leuven. Ganne P., Denies N., Huybrechts N., Vervoort A.,
Tavallali A., Maertens J., Lameire B., De Cock F. 2011.
Soil Mix: influence of soil inclusions on the structural
REFERENCES behavior. Proceedings of the 15th European conference
on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Athens
Barber, C.B., Dobkin, D.P, Huhdanpaa, H. 1996. The (Greece), pp. 977–982.
Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls. ACM Trans- Itasca 2004. UDEC v4.0 manual. Itasca Consulting
actions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 22 (4), Group, Inc., Minnesota, USA.
pp. 469–483. Potyondy D.O. & Cundall P.A. 2004. A Bonded-
Cundall P.A. 1971. A computer model for simulating Particle Model for Rock. International Journal for
progressive large scale movements in block rock sys- Rock Mechanics & Mineral Sciences, Vol. 41(8), pp.
tems. Proceedings of the International Society for Rock 1329–1364.
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Cundall P.A. & Board M. 1988. A microcomputer pro- losses into single fractures and fracture networks.
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Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on of the international association for computer meth-
Numerical Methods in Geomechanics. Rotterdam ods and advances in geomechanics, Goa (India),
(Netherlands), pp. 2101–2108. pp. 2475–2482.
Debecker B. 2009. Influence of planar heterogeneities on Van Lysebetten G., Vervoort A., Maertens J.,
the fracture behavior of rock, Ph.D. Dissertation, KU Huybrechts N. 2012. Discrete modelling for the study
Leuven, Leuven (Belgium). of the effect of soft inclusions on the behaviour of soil
Debecker B., Vervoort A., Napier J.A.L. 2006. Fractur- mix material. In preparation.
ing in and around a natural discontinuity in rock: a Van Lysebetten G. 2011. Soil Mix for Construction pur-
comparison between boundary and discrete element poses: Quality control. M.Sc. Thesis (Geotechnical
models. Proceedings of the 5th International Confer- and Mining Engineering) KU Leuven, Leuven.
ence on Engineering Computational Technology, Las Vervoort A., Van Lysebetten G., Tavallali A. 2012.
Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), paper 168. Numerical modeling of fracturing around soft
Debecker B. & Vervoort A. 2006. A 2D triangular Delau- inclusions. Proceedings of the Southern Hemisphere
nay grid generator for the simulation of rock features. International Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sun City
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on (South-Africa), pp. 33–46.
Engineering Computational Technology, Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria (Spain), paper 220.
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retaining structures, Belgian practice. Proceed-
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Improvement, Brussels (Belgium), Vol. 3, pp 83–97.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

A 3D practical constitutive model for predicting seismic liquefaction

in sands

A. Petalas & V. Galavi

Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a three dimensional formulation of a simple and practical constitutive
model developed for evaluating seismic liquefaction in sands. The model is an extension of the two dimen-
sional UBC-SAND model developed at University of British Colombia (Beaty & Byrne 1998) which
utilises isotropic and simplified kinematic hardening rules for primary and secondary yield surfaces, in
order to take into account the effect of soil densification and predict a smooth transition into the liquefied
state during undrained cyclic loading. By means of a simplified Rowe stress-dilatancy theory the model is
capable of modelling cyclic liquefaction for different stress paths. To show the capability of the model to
predict cyclic liquefaction in soils, the mechanical behaviour of some sands is numerically studied under
direct simple shear conditions and compared with experimental data. The effect of densification and
parameters selection on the results is discussed. Finally, the model is used for simulating an experimental
dynamic centrifuge test and the numerical results are compared with the real measurements.

1 INTRODUCTION function based on Drucker-Prager criterion is used

in order to maintain the assumption of stress-strain
The use of numerical methods in earthquake coaxiality in the deviatoric plane for a stress path
engineering practice for liquefaction prediction beginning from the isotropic line (Tsegaye 2010).
has many pitfalls, due to the very complicated In the proposed formulation of the UCB3D-PLM
soil behaviour under undrained dynamic loading. model a soil densification rule is added to predict
This behaviour is investigated by researchers and more realistic evolution of excess pore pressures
field engineers for decades but still there is not during cyclic loading. A correct procedure of count-
enough confidence from both sides in order to use ing the cycles during dynamic and cyclic loading is
these kind of tools in the design of structures and implemented in order to achieve higher accuracy
superstructures. in the stress paths which do not start from the iso-
The UBC3D-PLM model which is presented in tropic line. The densification rule allows the increase
this paper is an attempt of using a simple but pow- of thepore pressures with a decreasing rate during
erful plasticity framework to analyse and predict shearing which is observed during experimental
the onset of dynamic induced liquefaction. The studies by different researchers (Martin et al. 1975).
UBC3D-PLM is a 3-D extension of the UBC- Moreover, a rule which governs the predicted
SAND model which was introduced by Puebla behaviour during post-liquefaction is introduced
et al (1997). The 3D formulation was initially devel- in order to model the degradation of the stiffness
oped and implemented as a User Defined Model during the liquefied state. This also allows the pre-
in PLAXIS by Tsegaye (2010). The formulation diction of cyclic mobility in dense sands and solves
of the model described in this paper is a continua- the issue of volumetric locking which was encoun-
tion of the work presented by Petalas et al. (2012) tered in previous formulations. Finally, a rule for
and new elements are included in order to achieve taking into account the non-symmetry in cycles is
higher accuracy and to model more key features of implemented in order to correct the evolution of
soil behaviour under dynamic and cyclic loading. excess pore pressure during loading.
The UBC3D-PLM model uses the MohrCoulomb The main characteristics of the model are pre-
yield condition in a 3-D principal stress space. More- sented in the next section after which a validation
over, a modified non-associated plastic potential of the model is presented.

⎛ p′ ⎞
⎧⎪ ⎛ sin φ ′ ⎞ ⎫⎪
G *
kGp ⎜ ⎨1 − ⎜
⎟ RF ⎬ (5)
2.1 Yield surfaces ⎝ PA ⎟⎠ ⎪⎩ ⎝ sin φ p′ ⎠ ⎪⎭
The UBC3D-PLM model uses the well-known
Mohr-Coulomb yield function generalized in 3-D where kGp is the plastic shear modulus number; dλ
principal stress space (Tsegaye 2010). The formula- stands for the plastic multiplier; np is the plastic
tion of the surface is given bellow: shear modulus exponent; φmob is the mobilized fric-
tion angle; φpeak is the peak friction angle; and Rf is
σ ma
′ x −σm
′ in
fm = (1) the failure ratio qf /nult based on the Duncan-Chang
2 model, ranging from 0.5 to 1.0, where qf is the devi-
⎛σ ′ + σm ′ in ⎞ atoric stress ratio at failure and qult is the ultimate
− ⎜ max c ′ cot φ p′ ⎟ i φm

⎝ 2 ⎠ mob
stress ratio from the best fit hyperbola. The hard-
ening rule relates the amound of plastic strain with
where σ ma′ x is the maximum principal effective
the mobilized friction angle which is computed
stress and σ mi
′ n is the minimum principal effective
at each step. A schematization of the hyperbolic
stress, c′ is the cohesion of the soil, φ p′ is the
shear hardening rule is depicted in Figure 1.
peak effective friction angle of the soil and φm′ is
the mobilized friction angle during hardening.
The intermediate stress does not influence the yield 2.4 Plastic potential function and flow rule
surface in three dimensional stress space.
A non-associated flow rule based on the Drucker-
Prager plastic potential function is formulated in
2.2 Elastic behaviour 3-D space as follows:
The elastic behaviour which occurs within the yield
6 sinψ m
surface is governed by a stress dependent non-lin- g q− ( p + c cot φ p ) (6)
ear rule defined by Puebla et al. (1997). The bulk 3 − sinψ m
modulus K and the elastic shear modulus G are
stress dependent and are given by the following where, g is a conical surface passing through the tri-
equations: axial compression point and is independent of the
Lode angle θL. The q and p terms are the deviatoric
⎛ p⎞ and the isotropic parts of the stress tensor. The influ-
Ke kBe PA ⎜ ⎟ (2) ence of the Lode angle in different stress paths was
⎝ PA ⎠ investigated with a Lode angle dependent formula-
ne tion of the plastic potential function and proved
⎛ p⎞ not to play a key role during modelling the onset of
Ge kGe PA ⎜ ⎟ (3)
⎝ PA ⎠ liquefaction.
In the UBC3D-PLM model the mobilized dila-
where kBe and kGe are the bulk and the shear moduli tancy angle is computed based on the flow rule
numbers respectively, at a reference stress level. The
factors ne and me are parameters to define the rate
of stress dependency of stiffness. In the literature,
the reference stress level Pref is commonly taken
as the atmospheric pressure (PA = 100 kPa). Pure
elastic behaviour is predicted by the model during

2.3 Elasto-plastic behaviour

In the latest version of the UBC3D-PLM two yield
surfaces (primary and secondary) are introduced
(Petalas et al. 2012) and its formulation is based
on mixed isotropic and kinematic hardening. The
hardening rule as introduced by Puebla et al. (1997)
for both yield surfaces is described as follows:

⎛ pA ⎞ ∗ Figure 1. Schematization of the hyperbolic shear hard-

d sin φmob . G dλ (4) ening rule for both the primary and secondary yield sur-
⎝ pm ⎠ face (Puebla 1997).

simplified kimematic hardening rule is used for the
secondary surface.
The plastic shear modulus number kGp during
primary loading is identical with the one entered
as input parameter. However, during secondary
loading it increases as a function of the number of
cycles in order to capture the effect of soil densifi-
cation as follows:

⎛ n ⎞
KGp KGp 4 + rev ⎟ × hard f achard (11)
⎝ 2 ⎠

where, nrev is the number of stress reversals from

Figure 2. Schematization of the linear flow rule. loading to unloading or vise versa. Four reversals
in any direction counts for one full cycle. The term
hard is a factor to correct the densification rule for
used in the original UBCSAND model by Puebla loose non cohesive soils and f achard is a multiplier
et al. (1997). It is derived by the stress-dilatancy which is a user input parameter in order to cali-
theory developed by Rowe (1962), linearised and brate the densification rule.
simplified according to energy considerations. The This rule is the result of calibrating a number of
relationship is given as follows: direct simple shear tests. Thus, the calibration factor
plays a key role when the user wants to model dif-
d p
υ si ψ mobdγ p
(7) ferent stress paths (cyclic triaxial tests etc.) and the
final value is a matter of judgement according to
sinψ mob i φm′ ob − sin φcv
sin ′ (8) the most critical stress path for a specific problem.
It finally leads to an increase of the excess pore
where, d∈υp is the plastic volumetric strain incre- pressure during undrained cyclic loading until the
ment and φcυ is the constant volume friction angle. liquefied state is approached. The rate of genera-
The schematization of the flow rule is given in 2. tion of excess pore pressure decreases by increasing
number of cycles which is proven via experiments.
2.5 Stress reversal and densification
2.6 Post liquefaction behaviour and cyclic
Based on the mobilized friction angle an unload- mobility
ing-reloading criterion is defined in the model as
follows: One important issue during the modelling of cyclic
(Unloading; elastic behaviour) liquefaction in sands is the volumetric locking. The
evolution of the volumetric strains, after the stress
sin φmo
(9) path reaching the yield surface defined by the peak
b b
friction angle, becomes constant due to the formu-
lation of the flow rule (in Equation 8 φmo ′ b becomes
(Loading or reloading; elasto-plastic behaviour) φ p′ and remains constant while φcv ′ is also constant).
Due to this issue the stiffness degradation of the
sin φmo
b φmo
b (10) soil due to the post-liquefaction behaviour of loose
non-cohesive soils or due to the cyclic mobility of
where, φmo0
b is the initial and φ mob is the current
dense non-cohesive sands, which is observed in the
mobilized friction angle. During unloading, pure experimental studies, cannot be modelled. This lim-
elastic behaviour is predicted until the stress point itation is solved in the formulation of the UBC3D-
reaches the p′ axis. PLM with the implementation of an equation
A soil densification rule is introduced in order which gradually decreases the plastic shear modu-
to have higher accuracy in the predicted evolution lus kGp as a function of the generated plastic devia-
of the excess pore pressures following Beaty & toric strain during dilation of the soil element.
Byrne (1998). A secondary yield surface was also The stiffness degradation is formulated based on
introduced in the model for the secondary load- the plastic deviatoric strain related with the dila-
ing in order to ensure a smooth transition into tion of the soil element, due to the deconstruction
the liquefied state of the soil. The secondary yield of the soil skeleton which occurs during dilative
surface generates less plastic strains compared to behaviour (Beaty & Byrne 2011). This leads to the
the primary yield surface. An isotropic hardening decreasedsoil stiffness during contraction which
rule is used for the primary yield surface, while a follows after the unloading phase. This behaviour

Table 1. Input parameters for the validation of the
UBC3D-PLM in modelling monotonic element tests,
cyclic element tests and a dynamic centrifuge test.

Cyclic and
Monotonic tests dynamic tests

Input Monotonic Monotonic Cyclic Dynamic

parameters T×C DSS DSS centrifuge

φp(deg) 33.7 33.7 33.3 31.2

φcυ(deg) 33 33 33 34.6
KBe (−) 300 300 848 720
KGe (−) 300 300 594 1031
Figure 3. Undrained cyclic shear stress path reproduced KGp (−) 310 98.3 243 700
with UBC3D-PLM for dense sand. Cyclic mobility, stiff- me and ne(−) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
ness degradation and soil densification are mentioned on np(−) 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4
the graph. Rf (−) 0.95 0.95 0.81 0.74
PA(kPa) 100 100 100 100
is presented in Figure 3 picturing the process of σt(kPa) 0 0 0 0
cyclic mobility of a dense sand. The stiffness deg- f achard (−) 1 1 0.45 0.45
radation is computed as follows: N160(−) 10 10 8 13
facpost(−) 1 1 0.01 0.01
× 110
KGp KGp × e E ; Edil × 110 ≤ fac post (12)

where Edil is accumulation of the plastic deviatoric

strain which is generated during dilation of the soil
element. With the input parameter facpost the mini-
mum value of the exponential multiplier term in
the above mentioned equation is set.



3.1 Validation of the UBC3D-PLM

in monotonic loading
The validation of the UBC3D-PLM in monotonic
loading is presented in this section. The behaviour Figure 4. Numerical modeling of loose Syncrude sand
of loose Syncrude sand is modelled with UBC3D- under undrained triaxial compression. Comparisson of
the UBC3D-PLM with the original 2D UBCSAND and
PLM and the numerical results are compared with experimental data.
experimental data as well as numerical results
(modelled with the original 2D UBCSAND model)
both published by Puebla et al. (1997). The input
parameters for modelling the monotonic triaxial
compression test (TxC) and the monotonic direct
simple shear test (DSS) on loose Syncrude sand
are given in Table 1. The results are presented in
Figures 4 and 5. The results of the UBC3D-PLM
are in a good agreement with the experimental and
numerical results of the original UBCSAND as
published by Puebla et al. (1997).
One of the limitations of the current implemen-
tation is that the effect of the rotation of the princi-
pal stresses and its influence in the stiffness cannot
be modelled. Thus, the user has to enter a differ-
ent input parameter for the plastic shear modulus Figure 5. Numerical modeling of loose Syncrude sand
number kGp in order to model properly the triaxial under undrained simple shearing.

and the direct simple shear loading path. This issue
has to be taken into account during the calibration
of the model according to the most critical stress
path expected in a specific case.

3.2 Validation of the UBC3D-PLM in cyclic

The behaviour of loose Fraser sand under cyclic
direct simple shear is modelled and the numerical
results are compared with experimental data as
published by Sriskandakumar (2004). The relative
density RD of the tested sand is 40%. Three
different shear stress ratios are used (CSR = 0.08,
Figure 8. Evolution of excess pore pressures during
0.1, 0.12) with the same set of parameters. The ver-
simple shearing on Fraser sand (RD = 40%). CSR = 0.12.
tical applied stress is 100 kPa in all cases. The K0 συ = 100 kPa.
factor in the numerical calculations is assumed to
be 0.46 computed with the well known Jaky for-
mula. Therefore the initial stresses after consolida- in Table 1. Even though modelling the onset of liq-
tion in the two horizontal directions equal 46 kPa. uefaction in the framework of classical plasticity
In Figures 6, 7 and 8 the evolution of excess is very complicated, the UBC3D-PLM constitutive
pore pressure in three stress controlled DSS tests model can reproduce the evolution of excess pore
are presented. The input parameters are presented pressures towards cyclic liquefaction with adequate
accuracy for three different shear stress ratios using
the same set of parameters. The updated formula-
tion of the densification rule is helping the model
not to predict very steep evolution of the excess
pore pressures in the case of the anisotropic con-
solidated soil which was reported by Petalas et al.
(2012) for previous formulations.
One of the main limitations of the model is pre-
sented in the case of the higher shear stress ratio
(CSR = 0.12). The formulation of the UBC3D-
PLM cannot take into account the anisotropic
consolidation effects during the primary loading
which causes higherevolution of the excess pore
pressures during the first full cycle. Due to this
issue the UBC3D-PLM predicts a slower evolution
Figure 6. Evolution of excess pore pressures during
for this CSR. The slope of the curve in the experi-
simple shearing on Fraser sand (RD = 40%). CSR = 0.08.
συ = 100 kPa. mental results is much steeper during the first two
half cycles as can be seen in Figure 8. The ability of
the UBC3D-PLM of reproducing with high accu-
racy the cyclic stress paths which are started from
the isotropic line was presented by Petalas et al.
(2012). The influence of induced anisotropy dur-
ing the process of anisotropic consolidation is an
aspect under research and a new formulation for
the framework of classical plasticity is needed.
In Figure 9 the influence of the post liquefac-
tion formulation can be seen for the case of the
lower shear stress ratio (CSR 0.08). The predicted
total shear strains are in a good agreement with
the experimental results and prove the liquefied
state of the soil. The same good agreement in the
predicted relationship between the shear stress
Figure 7. Evolution of excess pore pressures during and the shear strain is observed for the other two
simple shearing on Fraser sand (RD = 40%). CSR = 0.1. shear stress ratios as well, still with the same set of
συ = 100 kPa. parameters.

Figure 9. Evolution of shear strains during undrained
simple shearing. Fraser sand (RD = 40%). CSR = 0.1.
συ = 100 kPa.


IN A FINITE ELEMENT SCHEME Figure 10. Comparison of the predicted evolution of
excess pore pressure by the UBC3D with the experimen-
A dynamic centrifuge test is modelled with PLAXIS tal results published by Byrne et al. (2004).
2D dynamics in order to validate the UBC3D-
PLM in a boundary value problem. The numerical
results are compared with the experimental results 5 CONCLUSIONS
published by Byrne et al. The input parameters are
presented in Table 1. The formulation of the UBC3D-PLM as well as
The depth of the sand in the model on proto- the new features implemented by the authors is
type scale is 38.1 m. The width does not have any presented in this paper. The model is simplified
influence in numerical modelling and a 1D soil but powerful in modelling the onset of liquefac-
response is predicted. The total time of the input tion in sands. The model can predict with high
acceleration is 33 seconds. 50 loading cycles are accuracy the monotonic behaviour of sands and
modelled with constant amplitude of acceleration the comparison with real element test presented
equal to 1.96 m/s2. by the authors. One of the main limitations is the
The results of the predicted evolution of excess inability of the model to reproduced the behaviour
pore pressure are presented in Figure 10. At 13.1 of the sand under triaxial and direct simple shear
meters depth the numerical predictions is in a close loading conditions with one set of parameters. The
agreement with the experimental result. The model difference in the predicted stiffness due to the rota-
can predict the onset of liquefaction with adequate tion of the principal stresses in the direct simple
accuracy for this depth. However, in the two higher shear test has to be taken into account when the
depths, i.e., at 24.8 and 30.8 meters, the model input parameters are derived.
shows inaccuracy during the first loading cycles. It It is concluded that after the improvements pre-
predicts a much steeper evolution of excess pore sented in this paper the model can predict with
pressure which lead earlier to the liquefied state adequate accuracy the onset of liquefaction in var-
compared with the experiment. This issue gets ious stress paths as proven when compared with
more crucial in the deeper layer. real element tests. The main limitations arise dur-
The influence of the higher relative density in the ing cycling loading after anisotropic consolidation
deeper layer is critical in that case. The UBC3D- of the soil element. The model can not reproduce
PLM cannot take into account the specific feature the influence of the induced anisotropy after the
and the layer is treated as homogeneous. Moreover, consolidation stage which causes steeper evolution
the densification of the soil in the two cases is notin of the excess pore pressures during the first load-
close agreement with the experimental results and ing cycle.
reveals the complexity of the soil behaviour under Finally, when the model is used in a boundary
undrained cyclic loading. It is concluded from this value problem the aspect of stress densification
research that the absence of a stress densification plays a key role when modelling the onset of lique-
feature in the model leads to a rapid evolution of faction in the deep soil layers. The effect of stress
the pore pressures in the first loading cycles. The densification as well as the accuracy of the den-
effective confining pressure does not influence the sification rule should be further investigated for a
behaviour of the current model. future reformulation.

REFERENCES predicting liquefaction in sands. Proceedings of the
22nd european young geotechnical engineers conference,
Beaty, M. & Byrne, P. 1998. An effective stress model Gothenburg, Sweden., 167–172.
for predicting liquefaction behaviour of sand. Geo- Puebla, H., Byrne, M. & Phillips, P. 1997. Analysis of
technical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics can-lex liquefaction embankments prototype and
III ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.75. 1, centrifuge models. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 34,
766–777. 641–657.
Beaty, M. & Byrne, P. 2011. Ubcsand constitutive model Rowe, P.W. 1962. The stress-dilatancy relation for static
version 904ar. Itasca UDM Web Site, 69. equilibrium of an assembly of particles in contact.
Byrne, P.M., Park, S.S., Beaty, M., Sharp, M., Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A,
Gonzales, L. & Abdoun, T. 2004. Numerical model- Mathematical and Physical Sciences 269A, 500–527.
ling of dynamic centrifuge tests. 13th World Confer- Sriskandakumar, S. 2004. Cyclic loading response of
ence in Earthquake Engineering. fraser sand for validation of numerical models simu-
Martin, G., Finn, W. & Seed, H. 1975. Fundamentals of lating centrifuge tests. Master’s thesis, The University
liquefaction under cyclic loading. Journal of the Geo- of British Columbia, Department of Civil Engineering.
technical Engineering Division, ASCE 101. Tsegaye, A. 2010. Plaxis liqueafaction model. report
Petalas, A., Galavi, V. & Bringkreve, R. 2012. Validation no. 1. PLAXIS knowledge base.
and verification of a practical constitutive model for

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Comparison of two anisotropic creep models at element level

N. Sivasithamparam
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

M. Karstunen
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

P.G. Bonnier
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a comparison of two anisotropic creep models, ACM and Creep-
SCLAY1, which differ in their formulation of creep strain rate. Creep is formulated in ACM using
the concept of contours of constant volumetric creep strain rate, whereas the newly developed Creep-
SCLAY1 model uses the concept of a constant rate of visco-plastic multiplier. The two models are identical
in the way the initial anisotropy and the evolution of anisotropy are simulated. A key assumption of both
models is that there is no purely elastic domain. The models are compared at element level. The numerical
simulations show that the Creep-SCLAY1 model is able to give a better representation of natural clay
behaviour at element level.

1 INTRODUCTION enhance the confidence of practicing geotechnical

engineers for adopting the models for numerical
Natural soils behave in a highly anisotropic man- analysis.
ner due to the deposition process and subsequent The ACM (Leoni et al. 2008) is an extension of
loading history, and show time-dependent (creep) the Soft Soil Creep model (Vermeer et al. 1998)
behaviour. An accurate description of anisotropy with rotated ellipses (similar to the S-CLAY1S
and rate-dependent behaviour of soft soils is nec- model (Karstunen et al. 2005)) used as contours of
essary for safe and economic design of structures volumetric creep strain rates. The formulation for
on soft soils deposits. To obtain realistic solutions the Creep-SCLAY1 model was proposed recently
for geostructures on natural clays, it is essential by Siv-asithamparam (2012). Anisotropy in both
to use a constitutive model that accounts for ani- models is described by introducing a fabric tensor
sotropy and time dependency. Many constitutive to represent the rotation of the constitutive ellipses
models for time-dependency and anisotropy have in the p′ – q plane, similar to the S-CLAY1S model
been proposed in the literature. Time-dependent (Karstunen et al. 2005). Moreover, a rotational
models that represent only inherent anisotropy hardening law describes the evolution of anisot-
have been proposed (e.g Sekiguchi & Ohta (1977) ropy due to volumetric and deviatoric creep strain
and Zhou et al. (2006)) as well as time-dependent rates. However, the Creep-SCLAY1 model differs
models accounting for both inherent and plastic considerably from the ACM in the formulation of
strain induced anisotropy (e.g. Leoni et al. (2008) creep strain rates. Creep is formulated in Creep-
and Karstunen & Yin (2010)). The constitutive SCLAY1 using the concept of rate of the visco-
models should be relatively simple and easy to plastic multiplier (Grimstad et al. 2010). Unlike
understand. Ideally, it should be possible to deter- Grimstad et al. (2010) model that used Janbu’s time-
mine the values of the model parameters from resistance concept, the present model uses the more
standard laboratory tests. This would namely familiar creep coefficient, modified creep index μ*

which can be easily derived from standard labora-
tory tests. This paper shows a direct comparison
of both models and their prediction capability at
element level.
The first part of this paper gives a short descrip-
tion of the ACM and Creep-SCLAY1 models in
triaxial stress space. In further sections the single
element simulations results obtained using the
SoilTest facility in the finite element code PLAXIS
(Brinkgreve et al. 2012) are presented, followed by
brief conclusions.


The elastic and creep parts in both models are

combined with an additive law expressing the total
strain rate as a combination of elastic and creep
component as in classical elasto-plasticity.

∈= ∈e + ∈ (1)

where ∈ is strain, a dot over a symbol implies rate

(differentiation with respect to time) and super-
scripts e and c refer to the elastic and creep compo-
nents respectively.
For the sake of simplicity, the mathematical
formulation of both models is presented in triaxial
stress space, which can be used only to model the
testing of cross-anisotropic samples (cut vertically
from the soil deposit) in oedometer or triaxial
apparatus in the laboratory.

2.1 ACM
Leoni et al. (2008) proposed the Anisotropic Creep
Model (ACM) extending from a previously devel-
oped isotropic creep model (Vermeer et al. 1998;
Vermeer & Neher 1999) which is based on ellipses
of Modified Cam Clay (Roscoe & Burland 1968).
An extract of the mathematical formulation from
Leoni et al. (2008) is presented below. The outer
rotated ellipse defines the normal consolidation
surface (NCS) and the size of this ellipse evolves
with volumetric creep strains according to the Figure 1. Current state surface and normal consolida-
hardening law tion surface in triaxial stress space.

⎛ ∈c ⎞
p′p = p′p 0 exp ⎜ * v * ⎟ (2) (CSS). The intersection of the CSS with the hori-
⎝ λ −κ ⎠
zontal axis is called the equivalent mean stress p′eq,
and it is defined as
where λ* and κ* are the modified compression
index and modified swelling index respectively. The
( q − p ′ )2
intersection of the vertical tangent to the ellipse ′ = p′ +
peq (3)
with p′ axis is the isotropic preconsolidation pres- ( M 2 − 2 ) p′
sure p′p (see Figure 2.1).
The inner ellipse passes through the current state where M is the stress ratio at critical state and a
of effective stress called the current stress surface scalar quantity α is used to describe the orientation

of the normal consolidation surface and current
stress surface.
The volumetric creep strain rate is given by a
power law as follows:

μ * ⎛ peq
′ ⎞
 vc =
∈ ⎜ ⎟ (4)
τ ⎝ p′p ⎠

μ* is referred to as the modified creep index, τ is

called the reference time and is set to 1 day if
the NCS is found by performing a standard 24 h
oedometer test, and β is defined as:

λ* κ *
β= (5)

The ACM cannot predict swelling on the ‘dry’

side of critical state line as it does not allow the
stress state to cross the failure line represented by
Mohr-Coulomb criterion i.e. allowing d ∈vc ≤ 0.
Because of this, the ACM is limited to the ‘wet’
side of the critical state line only (see Figure 2.1).
In addition, the ACM cannot give a satisfactory
response for strain rate changes in undrained tests
of normally consolidated clays (Grimstad 2009) as
discussed later. For further details of the anisot-
ropy and creep formulation, the interested reader
is referred to Leoni et al. (2008), Wheeler et al.
(2003) and Karstunen et al. (2005).

2.2 Creep-SCLAY1
In Creep-SCLAY1, Eq. (4) is modified to an
expression that gives the rate of the visco-plastic
multiplier as follows:

′ ⎞ ⎛ M − α K 0NC ⎞
2 2
 μ * ⎛ peq
Λ= ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟ (6)
τ ⎝ p′p ⎠ ⎜⎝ M − ηK2 NC ⎟⎠

where η = q/p′ and the additional term

Figure 2. Normal Consolidation Surface (NCS) in gen-
( 2 2
(M 2 − ηK2 NC ) is added to ensure that
) /(
/(M eral stress space.
under oedometer conditions, the resulting creep
strain corresponds to Eq. (4), where subscript K 0NC
refers to the normally consolidated K0 stress path. of the mathematical formulation of the model, the
Grimstad (2009) suggested that creep expressed reader is referred to Siv-asithamparam (2012).
directly on the rate of plastic multiplier gives the
“proper” response.
The current stress surface (CSS) and normal
consolidation surface (NCS) are defined similar
Both models require the same parameters described
to ACM. However, Creep-SCLAY1 predicts swell-
ing on the ‘dry’ side of the critical state line, unlike
ACM (see Figure 2.1). Figure 2 compares the nor- Parameters which are similar to the Modified
mal consolidation surface of ACM and Creep- Cam-clay model include soils constants v′
SCLAY1S in general stress space. For further details (Poisson’s ratio), M (stress ratio at critical state),

λ* (modified compression index) and κ* (modified PLAXIS as user-defined soil models. The Creep-
swelling index). Furthermore, the initial value for SCLAY1 model has been implemented by the
a state variable p′p (initial size of the ellipse) is first author and the ACM has been implemented
required. In the context of finite element analy- by Leoni et al. (2008). Single element simulations
ses, the initial value of p′p is calculated based on were done using the PLAXIS SoilTest facility to
the OCR (vertical overconsolidation ratio) or highlight the similarities and the differences in the
POP (pre-overburden pressure), normally con- model predictions. Parameters used for these simu-
solidated K 0NC value (estimated by Jaky’s formula) lations corresponding to Both-kennar clay parame-
and the initial vertical effective stress. ters (Symposium 1992) are summarized in Table 1.
Parameters describing initial anisotropy (α0) Firstly, Creep-SCLAY1 and ACM were com-
and its evolution, include soil constants ω (rate pared in undrained compression simulations with
of rotation of the surfaces) and ωd (relative rate two strain rates (10% per day and 100% per day).
of surface rotation). The scalar value α0 and ωd Initial effective stress σ 3′ = 100 kPa and K0 = 0.5
can be theoretically derived based on M values were assumed and 10% maximum strain was
(see Wheeler et al. (2003) for details) as follows: applied. Figures 4 and 4 show the stress paths and
deviatoric stress versus axial strain predicted by
η02 + 3η0 − M 2 the two models. Though both models are able to
α0 = (7) predict dependence on strain rate, the peak und-
3 rained strength predicted by ACM is lower than
3 4M 2 − 4η02 3η0 that predicted by the Creep-SCLAY1 model. In
ωd = (8) contrast to Creep-SCLAY1, ACM predicts stress
8 η02 M + 2η0
path approaches the CSL with reducing p′ and q,
converging towards the stress origin due to the
where η0 = 3(
3 1−
1 NC
0 ) /(1 2 K 0NC ) . assumption of constant volumetric creep strains.
The parameter ω can be estimated based on In the ACM simulations, jumbs were observed
initial anisotropy (α0), modified compression as highlighted in Figure 3 due to the transition
index (λ*), M and ωd (see Leoni et al. (2008) for between current state surface to Mohr-Coulomb
details) as follows: failure surface. Furthermore, the ACM cannot
reach to a critical state condition with shearing at
constant volume and effective stresses.
1 10M 2 − 2α 0ω d
ω= ln (9) Several publications (e.g. Graham et al. (1983),
λ* M 2 − 2α 0ω d Tatsuoka et al. (2002), Leroueil & Marques (1996),
Tavenas et al. (1978) and Vaid & Campanella
In derivation of Eq. (9), a number of assump- (1977)) showed the influence of step changes in
tions has been made (see Leoni et al. (2008)). strain rate on the stress-strain behaviour of soft soil
Consequently, with certain parameter combina- in undrained triaxial compression. Immediately
tions Eq. (9) might result with a negative value, after an increase in strain rate the stress-strain path
which makes no physical sense. As an alternative, is seen to jump upwards and show an initial stiff
an empirical formula suggested by Zentar et al. response. If the strain rate is reduced back to the
(2002) to estimate the ω value can be used: original strain rate then a downwards stress jump
is observed after which the path rejoins the original
10 20 curve defined by the lower strain rate. The paths
≤ω ≤ (10)
λ λ in stress-strain curves are indicated to be uniquely
Table 1. Bothkennar clay parameters.
μ* (modified creep index) can be obtained by
measuring the volumetric strain on the long Parameters value
term and plotting it against the logarithmic
time. τ (the reference time, which is linked to the λ* 0.1
definition of vertical preconsolidation stress) v′ 0.2
can usually be taken to equal one day (see κ* 0.00667
Brinkgreve et al. (2012) for details). M 1.5
OCR 1.5
α0 (initial anisotropy coefficient) 0.59
4 NUMERICAL SIMULATION ω (anisotropy coefficient) 50.0
ωd (anisotropy coefficient) 1.0
This section discusses the performance of both μ* (viscosity coefficient) 5.07 × 10−3
models in a single element simulation. Both models τ (viscosity coefficient) 1.0 day
are implemented into the finite element code

Figure 3. Simulation of undrained triaxial compression with varying strain rate.

Figure 4. Simulation of undrained triaxial compression with varying strain rate.

defined by the strain rate and the effects of strain 5 CONCLUSIONS
rate changes are observed to be persistent, which
is a characteristic of isotach behaviour, i.e., there This paper studies the performance of two aniso-
is a unique stress-strain strain-rate relation for tropic creep constitutive models at element level.
a given soil. Most soft clays in both undisturbed In ACM, the creep strain rate is formulated using
and reconstituted states, undisturbed natural stiff contours of volumetric creep strain rates whereas in
clays and cases of soft rock all show isotach vis- the newly developed Creep-SCLAY1 model, creep
cous behaviour. Figure 4 shows a stepwise change strain rate is formulated using the concept of rate
in strain rate undrained compression simulations of visco-plastic multiplier. The model simulations
using Creep-SCLAY1 and ACM to verify the demonstrate that the new formulation results in
capability of both models to predict the isotach a better prediction of natural soft soil behaviour.
behaviour. Figure 4 clearly demonstrates that The following observations are made from the
ACM cannot properly simulate the isotach behav- comparison:
iour observed in natural soft clays under a stepwise Though both models are able to predict rate
change in strain rate. Furthermore, the stress path effect dependence in undrained compression simu-
simulated by ACM cannot overpass the critical lation, in contrast to the Creep-SCLAY1 model,
state as shown in Figure 4. This too is not in agree- the ACM predicts stress paths which approach the
ment with experimental observations for slightly CSL with reducing p′ and q, converging towards
structured or reconstituted clays (Yin et al. 2010). the stress origin. ACM cannot reach a critical state
There is a mathematical difference between the condition with shearing at constant volume and
two models to calculate the creep strain compo- effective stresses. Undrained compression using
nents in general stress space. In ACM and Creep- stepwise change in strain rate simulations demon-
SCLAY1, creep strains are calculated as follows: strate that the ACM cannot reproduce the isotach
ACM: behaviour observed in natural soft soils. Further-
more, ACM cannot overpass the CSL; this may
∈ vc ∂peq
′ not be in agreement with experimental observa-
 cij =
∈ ∂peq′ tions for slightly structured or reconstituted clays.
∂σ iij
∂p ′
(11) There is a mathematical difficulty in ACM. When
calculating creep strain rates, the value of ∂p′eq/∂p′
Creep-SCLAY1: can reach infinity when η/M becomes to 1, i.e., the
stress condition reaches a critical state.
∈ ∂peq
′ Further work will involve comparing the per-
 cij =

( )
(12) formance of the models against experimental data
′ ∂σ iij and instrumented test structures.
∂p ′

The value of ∂p′eq/∂p′ in the ACM reaches to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

infinity when η/M becomes to 1, i.e., the stress
condition reaches to critical state (see Figure 5). The research was sponsored by FP7 programmes
This causes numerical problems. GEO-INSTALL (PIAP-GA-2009-230638) and
CREEP (PIAP-GA-2011-286397).


Brinkgreve, R., Engin, E. & Swolfs, W.M. 2012. PLAXIS

Finite Element Code for Soil and Rock Analyses.
The Netherlands: 2D-Version 2011.
Graham, J., Crooks, J. & Bell, A. 1983. Time effects
on the stress-strain behaviour of natural soft clays.
Geotechnique 33(3), 327–340.
Grimstad, G. 2009. Development of effective stress
based anisotropic models for soft clays. Ph. D. thesis,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), Norway.
Grimstad, G., Abate, S., Nordal, S. & Karstunen, M.
2010. Modeling creep and rate effects in structured
anisotropic soft clays. Acta Geotechnica 5, 69–81.
Karstunen, M., Krenn, H., Wheeler, S., Koskinen, M. &
Figure 5. dp′eq /dp′ versus η/M plot. Zentar, R. 2005. The effect of anisotropy and

destructuration on the behaviour of Murro test Tavenas, F., Leroueil, S., La Rochelle, P. & Roy, M. 1978.
embankment. Int. J. of Geomechanics (ASCE) 5(2), Creep behaviour of an undisturbed lightly overcon-
87–97. soli-dated clay. Can. Geot. J. 15(3), 402–423.
Karstunen, M. & Yin, Z.Y. 2010. Modelling time-de- Vaid, Y. & Campanella, R. 1977. Time-dependent behav-
pendent behaviour of Murro test embankment. Geo- iour of undisturbed clay. ASCE J Geotech Eng Div
technique 29, 1–34. 103(7), 693–709.
Leoni, M., Karstunen, M. & Vermeer, P. 2008. Aniso- Vermeer, P.A. & Neher, H. 1999. A soft soil model that
tropic creep model for soft soils. Gotechnique 58 (3), accounts for creep. Beyond 2000 in Computational Geo-
215–226. technics, R.B.J. Brinkgreve(eds), Rotter-dam. 4, 249–261.
Leroueil, S. & Marques, M. 1996. State of art: Impor- Vermeer, P.A., Stolle, D.F.E. & Bonnier, P.G. 1998. From
tance of strain rate and temperature effects in geo- classical theory of secondary compression to modern
technical engineering. measuring and modelling time creep analysis. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Comp. Meth. and
dependent behaviour of soils. ASCE, Geotechnical Adv. Geomech., Yuan(eds) 4, 2469–2478.
Special Publication 61, 1–60. Wheeler, S., Näätänen, A., Karstunen, M. & Lojander,
Roscoe, K. & Burland, J. 1968. On the generalised stress- M. ¨ 2003. An anisotropic elasto-plastic model for soft
strain behaviour of wet clay. Engineering Plasticirv, clays. Can. Geot. J. 40, 403–418.
535–609. Yin, Z.Y., Chang, C.S., Karstunen, M. & Hicher, P.Y.
Sekiguchi, H. & Ohta, H. 1977. Induced anisotropy and 2010. An anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic model for
time dependency in clays. 9th ICSMFE, Tokyo, Con- soft clays. Int. J. of Solids and Structures 47, 665–677.
stitutive equations of Soils 17, 229–238. Zentar, R., Karstunen, M., Wiltafafsky, C., Schweiger, H.F. &
Sivasithamparam, N. 2012. Modelling creep behaviour Koskinen, M. 2002. Comparison of two approaches for
of soft soils. Internal report Plaxis B.V. Symposium modelling anisotropy of soft clays. Proc. 8th Int. Symp.
1992. Bothkennar soft clay test site: Characteriza- on Numerical Models in Geomech. (NU-MOG VIII),
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print). Géotechnique 42(2), 161–380. Zhou, C., Yin, J.-H., Zhu, J.-G. & Cheng, C.-M. 2006.
Tatsuoka, F., Ishihara, M., Di Benedetto, H. & Kuwano, Elastic anisotropic viscoplastic modeling of the strain-
R. 2002. Time-dependent shear deformation charac- rate dependent stress–strain behaviour of K0-consoli-
teristics of geomaterials and their simulation. Soils & dated natural marine clays in triaxial shear test. Int. J.
Foundations 42(2), 103–138. Geomech 5(3), 218–232.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Displacement pile installation effects in sand

A. Beijer Lundberg, J. Dijkstra & A.F. van Tol

Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Installation of jacked or driven displacement piles imposes large deformations in the soil.
These installation effects will influence the subsequent load-deformation response of the installed piles
and should be taken into account in the description of the soil-structure interaction. A series of model
pile tests were carried out in the geotechnical centrifuge at TU Delft. The tests combined horizontal con-
tact stress measurements on an instrumented model pile and visual observation of the soil deformation
adjacent to the pile. The model scaling, experimental set-up and results of pile installation in samples with
various initial relative densities are discussed. The results indicated good consistency and reproduced the
friction fatigue effect, the lateral loads at rest acting on the pile show surprisingly small influences from
the pile installation.

1 INTRODUCTION White & Lehane, 2004). This phenomenon has

been called friction fatigue or fluffing (White &
1.1 Pile installation Lehane 2004, Kraft, 1991). Several different mod-
els for the rate of shaft friction reduction have been
Pre-fabricated driven and jacked piles are com-
proposed (Randolph et al, 1994).
monly installed by forcing the pile into the ground
Field tests on a pile which is instrumented at
with a pile hammer or a hydraulic jack. In the
several levels suggests that the reduction in normal
installation phase the pile displaces the soil which
stress was proportional to D/L, where D is the pile
causes large soil deformations and high stress levels
diameter and L is the distance from the pile tip
in the ground. These installation effects influence
(Lehane et al, 1993). A possible explanation for the
the subsequent load-deformation response of the
friction fatigue is the effect of cyclic interface load-
piles and can make bearing capacity prediction of
ing between the pile and the soil (White & Lehane,
displacement piles relatively precarious (Klotz &
2004). The gradual reduction of shaft friction
Coop, 2001).
has been introduced in conceptual models of pile
The pile installation results in a pre-stressed soil
installation effects. Cyclic interface loading during
mass around the pile base which results in a stiffer
every installation cycle results in step-wise shearing
pile base response compared to bored piles (Li et al,
and an initial stress build-up at the interface. With
2012). The pile base penetration mechanism is sim-
on-going load cycles the soil near the interface will
ilar to that of a cone penetration test and the ulti-
contract, which subsequently reduces the contact
mate base capacity has shown to be proportional
stress level. This mechanism is reasonably approxi-
to the cone resistance (Lee & Salgado, 1999). An
mated in constant normal stiffness shearbox tests
ultimate base capacity of around 60% of the cone
(DeJong et al., 2006). The effect is most noticeable
resistance is used in most design codes (e.g. Lehane
for sand with high cyclic compressibility, such as
et al, 2005), however the employed normalization
calcareous sands (White, 2005).
and averaging techniques of the measured cone
Most field and model tests have been carried out
resistance complicate direct comparisons between
in variable relative densities or at different stress
the different design codes (Eslami & Fellenius
levels (Lehane et al, 1993, White & Lehane, 2004,
Klotz & Coop, 2001). The governing mechanisms
The governing mechanisms of the pile shaft
of shaft friction and friction fatigue have therefore
friction are not directly related to the cone resist-
not been systematically studied for soils of different
ance which makes direct correlation between these
relative densities and stress levels in a large number
quantities more cumbersome. Furthermore, both
of tests. Also, the combination of the measurement
field tests and model tests show a reduction of
of contact loads on the pile and deformations in
normal stress and shaft friction between the soil-
the soil has not yet been attempted. These mecha-
pile interface at any given depth as the pile tip
nisms may change with the soil state (Axelsson,
moves further into the ground (Lehane et al, 1993,

A series of geotechnical centrifuge tests in sand
samples with different initial relative densities have
therefore been performed to bring some further
clarification of this phenomenon.
Stress measurements on the pile-soil contact
and soil deformation measurements adjacent to
the pile have been made. These tests have been per-
formed with a small instrumented model pile. The
influence of the scaling conditions on the effect
of friction fatigue and the difference between the
model and prototype scale is also discussed.

1.2 Scaling of model tests

Figure 1. Additional normal stress relative to the size of
Previous studies have mainly been concerned with the dilative interface according to equation 1.
the influence of friction fatigue for stress meas-
urement of an unloaded pile (White & Lehane,
2004, Lehane et al, 1993). At full shaft friction statically loaded this is negligible. However, even
mobilization an additional normal stress compo- in model tests this could be significant if dynamic
nent by dilation at the pile surface will be present pile installation and open ended piles are used
(Boulon & Foray, 1986). This has been called con- (Di Nicola & Randolph, 1993).
strained dilatancy because of the high level of kin- Nevertheless, the centrifuge offers necessary
ematic constraint around the pile (Axelsson, 1998, modelling conditions at continuum scale. At
Houlsby, 1991). The additional normal stress Δσ n′ the moment only measurements when the pile is
is often approximated, using elastic cavity expan- unloaded and at rest will be discussed here.
sion theory, as:

Δσ n′ = (1)
The pile installation was modelled in the TU Delft
where G is the shear modulus, Δh is the width of geotechnical centrifuge (Allersma, 1994). The tests
the dilating interface and D is the pile diameter. were carried out at 50 g. A 380 mm × 150 mm ×
The size of the dilating interface depends on the 144 mm strongbox was used for the test. The sam-
grain size and is assumed to be relatively constant. ple container was equipped with two Plexiglas
Hence, the latter will not scale in the centrifuge. An windows where visual observations were made.
interface width of 0.02 mm has been proposed in The Plexiglas edges were marked at regular inter-
design procedures and has been seen to correlate val for correction of lens distortion. The test pro-
well with field measurements (Lehane et al, 2005, cedure consisted of stress measurements and visual
Axelsson, 1998). measurements. These were carried out pairwise in
Smaller model piles will have a significantly the same sample. The stress measurements were
higher additional normal stress at full mobilization. performed in the center of the sample container
Figure 1 shows the additional normal stress for with a 10 mm diameter instrumented model pile
different width of the dilating interface for a 10 mm connected to a data acquisition system. The soil
diameter pile with 50 MPa shear modulus. deformation measurements were performed in
The much higher interface stress during the half-space at one side of the Plexiglas borders with
shearing load cycles may result in a different a 5 × 10 mm non-instrumented pile. The experi-
magnitude of the friction fatigue effect in the mental set-up is shown in Figure 2.
model tests. The length of the frictional interface A machine vision camera (VC 4012Nano) was
is smaller in the centrifuge tests. Ring shear tests mounted on the centrifuge for the visual meas-
show very large mobilization length is needed to urements. The sample container was illuminated
reach a constant interface friction angle (Klotz & with portable LEDs attached to the centrifuge
Coop, 2001, Jardine et al, 2012). The ultimate shaft swing.
capacity will therefore be much larger in the model Stress measurements were conducted on an
test compared to the prototype pile, which has instrumented model pile. The model pile had
been observed in centrifuge tests (White & Lehane, two levels of normal contact stress sensors situ-
2004). Also, the pile diameter will slightly increase ated at 2.5 D and 7.5 D distance from the pile tip.
during pile installation because of the Poisson’s Each consisted of two separate sets of full-bridge
ratio effect. However, for small stiff piles which are strain gauges embedded inside the pile in sensing


In all test the pile was installed approximately

100 mm into the soil. Two different installation
methods were used, continuous installation and
cyclic installation. Continuous installation con-
sisted of jacked installation at a continuous rate of
approximately 0.25 mm/s. The cyclic installation
consisted of a downward stroke of 10 mm, which
was followed by an upward stroke which was ter-
minated at zero pile head load. Therefore, this
cyclic installation simulates the load reversal dur-
ing installation, but excludes the stress wave effects.
After the installation the pile was unloaded, and a
load test to 0.2 D (20% of the pile diameter) was
performed. Subsequently, a tension test was exe-
cuted, by completely retracting the pile out of the
Figure 2. Experimental set-up showing the sample con- soil with the same rate as during installation, whilst
tainer in the centrifuge swing. measuring all the loads acting on the pile.
The tests were performed in dry air pluviated
sand. Drained conditions were assumed to be gen-
erally applicable for the prototype. Dry sand only
displays small rate effects of 10%/decade small
variations in the installation rate would therefore
not significantly influence the test results.
Sand samples were prepared at three different
initial densities. Uniform sub-rounded silica sand
with a mean grain size of 0.235 mm was used in
the tests. The sand samples were prepared by air
pluviation and additional vibration was used to
prepare the dense (80% relative density) sand sam-
ples. Due to the modest size of the strongbox, the
whole box was vibrated.
The test series are described in Table 1. The
instrumented model pile was installed in the cen-
tre of the sample, whilst the half width pile wasn’t
instrumented and installed near the transparent

Table 1. Test series with initial relative density of the

Figure 3. Half part of the instrumented pile showing soil samples and the installation method.
sensing membranes equipped with strain gauges and
cables. Unit. rel. Cont. Cycl Stress Visual nr.
dens. inst inst. meas. meas. tests.

membrane in perpendicular positions. Dynamic 40% x x 3

strain gauge bridge excitation was used to reduce 40% x x 2
thermal disturbances. The sensors were mounted 40% x x 3
on two identical 5 × 10 steel bodies, shown in 40% x x 2
Figure 3, connected by Bison epoxy glow. The 60% x x 3
strain gauges were calibrated in a water-pressured 60% x x 3
calibration pressure vessel (Beijer Lundberg et al, 60% x x 3
2012). 60% x x 3
The model pile was also equipped with a base
80% x x 2
stress sensor consisting of strain gauge pairs ori- 80% x x 2
ented in the axial direction of the pile. The pile 80% x x 2
head load was measured with a load cell (Burster 80% x x 2
8431-6005), shown in Figure 2.


The results consisted of stress measurements and

measurements of soil deformations (from the
image data). Here pile head load measurements
of the continuous installation tests and measure-
ments of normal contact stress for the unloaded
pile during cyclic installation are shown in addition
to displacement path measurements of soil at dif-
ferent initial relative density.

4.1 Stress measurements

The pile head load was measured during the tests.
Figure 4 shows the pile head load measurements
for the continuous installation tests. Figure 5 shows
the pile base stress measurements. Figure 5. Pile base load (MPa) for continuous
The horizontal contact stress was measured installation.
after pile head unloading for the tests with
cyclic installation. Figure 6 shows the horizon-
tal normal stress for the lower stress center with
2.5D distance to the pile tip. The measurements
at both sides were combined to give an average
The higher stress sensor at 7.5D distance from
the pile tip was used to measure the effect of
friction fatigue during the measurements in the
same test. Figure 7 shows the measurements in
loose sand. Figure 8 shows the measurements in
medium dense sand. Figure 9 shows the measure-
ments in dense sand. The average normal stress
is either normalized by the initial effective ver-
tical stress before installation (Fig. 10) or either
normalized by the average pile base stress qb
(Fig. 11). All Figures plot the model against the
load. Figure 6. Average horizontal normal stress (kPa) as
function of depth (mm) after pile head unloading dur-
ing cyclic installation with 10 mm increment for the lower
normal stress sensor.

Figure 7. Normal stress measurements for the higher

Figure 4. Pile head load for continuous installation. and lower stress sensor in loose sand.

Figure 8. Normal stress measurements for the higher Figure 11. Average normal stress normalized by the pile
and lower stress sensor in medium dense sand. base stress qb.

Figure 9. Normal stress measurements for the higher

and lower stress sensor in dense sand.

Figure 12. Displacement paths around the pile for

medium dense sand after displacement increment extrac-
tion with JPIV.

4.2 Soil deformation measurements

Soil deformation measurements were performed
with the machine vision camera. These measure-
ments were transformed to displacement increment
with the program JPIV (Vennemann et al., 2007).
The displacement increments were collected to
form the full displacement paths. These are shown
for medium dense sand in Figure 12.
The displacement paths for loose, medium
dense and dense are compared in Figure 13. The
displacement paths start at 3.5 D depth and the
Figure 10. Average normal stress normalized by the horizontal distance of 0 D, 0.5 D, 1 D. 1.5 D
initial effective vertical stress. and 2 D.

Figure 13. Displacement paths for loose, medium dense and dense initial density.

5 DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS of normal stress distribution along the shaft and
friction fatigue are similar at all densities. If the
The results in Figures 4 and 5 show good similarity different magnitudes of the material behavior can
with other centrifuge measurements (Klotz & Coop be taken into account, the same conceptual model
2001, White & Lehane, 2004), hence supporting the would therefore be applicable for pile design at any
quality of the setup. The small amount of meas- densities. The results also show that the cone resist-
urements points for the horizontal measurements ance is a relatively good tool for normalization of
in Figure 6 create somewhat non-continuous stress the measurements, at least when pile installation in
distribution, but a clear trend with increasing depth silica sand is modeled.
and dependence on higher initial density is shown.
A friction fatigue phenomenon is also observed in
the current tests (Figures 7–9). Interestingly, the REFERENCES
magnitude of the stress reduction scales well with
the initial stress as registered during the first pas- Allersma, H.G.B., 1994, The university of Delft Geo-
sage of the pile, where the initial stress is density technical centrifuge, Proc. Int. Conf 1994.
Axelsson, Gary, 1998, Long-term increase in shaft capac-
dependent. Also, the normal stress measurements ity of driven piles in sand, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Case
in Figure 10 show a surprisingly good fit to the Histories in Geotech. Engng., St. Louis, Missouri.
preferred design values for K0 in Kraft, 1991, espe- Beijer Lundberg, A., J. Djikstra, and K. van Beek, 2012,
cially, when taking into account the complex load- Measurements of soil contact stress in a harsh envi-
ing path experienced by the soil near the interface ronment, Instrumentation and Measurement Technol-
during installation. Currently, it is unclear whether ogy Conference (I2MTC), 2012 IEEE International.
this is a test specific result or more generally appli- IEEE, 2012.
cable. A more detailed interpretation of the test Boulon, M. & Foray, P., 1986, Physical and numeri-
data is required to verify the general applicability. cal simulation of lateral shaft friction along offshore
piles in sand, In numerical methods in offshore pileing,
Also, the unloaded horizontal stress have been 3rd international conference, Nantes, 1986.
used for this analysis. DeJong, J.T., White, D.J. and Randolph, M.F. (2006).
The normal stress measurements are normalized Microscale observation and modeling of soil-structure
by the base stress in Figure 1. This normalization, interface behavior using particle image velocimetry,
which can be assumed to be proportional to the Soils and Foundations, 46(1): 15–28.
cone resistance, shows that there is a clear connec- De Nicola, A. & Randolph, M.F., 1993, Tensile and com-
tion between the normal stress and the base stress. pressive shaft capacity of piles in sand, Journal of geo-
The displacement path measurements in Figure 13 technical engineering 119(12), 1952–1973.
show the larger horizontal displacement for dense Eslami, A. and Fellenius, B.H., 1997, Pile capacity by direct
CPT and CPTu methods applied to 102 case histories.
sand, which could influence the final normal stress Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 34(6): 886–904.
around the pile tip. Houlsby, G.T., 1991, How the dilatancy of soils affects
The measurements show a relatively continuous their behavior, Proceedings of the 10th European
change in governing mechanism between loose to Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
dense sand. This implies and that the mechanisms Engineering.

Huy, N.Q., Dijkstra, J, and Tol, A.F. van, 2005, Influence Lehane, B.M., J.A. Schneider, and X. Xu, 2005, The
of loading rate on the bearing capacity of piles in UWA-05 method for prediction of axial capacity of
sand. Proceedings of the 16th International Confer- driven piles in sand, Proc., 1st Int. Symp. on Frontiers
ence on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, in Offshore Geotechnics. Perth, Australia: Balkema.
pp. 2125–2128. Randolph, M.F., Dolwyn, J. & Beck, R., 1994, Design of
Jardine, R.J., Zhu, B.T., Foray, P. & Yang,. Z.X., 2012, driven piles in sand, Geotechnique, 44(3), 427–448.
Measurements of stresses around closed ended dis- Vennemann, P., Lindken R. & Westerweel J., 2007, In
placement piles in sand, Geotechnique, 56(9), 1–17. vivo whole-field blood velocity measurement tech-
Klotz, E.U. & Coop, M.R., 2001, An investigation of the niques, Experiments in fluids, 42(4), 495–511.
effect of soil state on the capacity of driven piles in White, D.J., 2005, A general framework for shaft resist-
sands, Geotechnique, 51(9), 733–751. ance on displacement piles in sand, Proceedings of the
Kraft, L.M., 1991, Performance of axially loaded pipe 1st International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore
piles in sand, J. of Geotech. Engrg, 117(2), 272–296. Geotechnics, ISFOG 2005. Taylor and Francis.
Lee, J.H., and R. Salgado, 1999, Determination of pile White, D.J., and B.M. Lehane, 2004, Friction fatigue
base resistance in sands, Journal of Geotechnical and on displacement piles in sand, Géotechnique, 54(10),
Geoenvironmental Engineering, 125(8), 673–683. 645–658.
Lehane, B.M., Jardine, R., Bond, A. & Frank, R., 1993,
Mechanisms of Shaft friction in Sand from instru-
mented pile tests, J. of Geotech. Engrg. 119(1), 1–19.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Cyclic jacking of piles in silt and sand

F. Burali d’Arezzo & S.K. Haigh

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Y. Ishihara
Giken Seisakusho Co. Ltd, Kochi, Japan

ABSTRACT: Jacked piles are becoming a valuable installation method due to the low noise and
vibration involved in the installation procedure. Cyclic jacking may be used in an attempt to decrease the
required installation force. Small scale models of jacked piles were tested in sand and silt in a 10 m beam
centrifuge. Two different piles were tested: smooth and rough. Piles were driven in two ways with monot-
onic and cyclically jacked installations. The cyclically jacked installation involves displacement reversal
at certain depth for a fixed number of cycles. The depth of reversal and amplitude of the cycle vary for
different tests. Data show that the base resistance increases during cyclic jacking due to soil compaction
at the pile toe. On the other hand, shaft load decreases with the number of cycles applied due to densifica-
tion of soil next to the pile shaft. Cyclic jacking may be used in unplugged tubular piles to decrease the
required installation load.

1 INTRODUCTION Even though “Press-in” is an appealing installation

method for piles there are still numerous problems
Pile jacking is a common installation method for dis- related to the prediction of strength and stiffness of
placement piles due to the low noise and vibration jacked piles. Some of them are:
involved in the installation procedure. A method
1. The installation procedure involve large dis-
called “Press-in” was developed in Japan by Giken
placements for which the standard Finite Ele-
Seisakusho Co. Ltd. Pre-formed tubular piles are
ment Method (FEM) is unsuitable.
pressed into the ground with a static load gener-
2. “Press-in” piles are positioned at lower spacing
ated by hydraulic rams. The static load is obtained
when compared to pile groups. At the moment
with a push-pull system by gripping the previously
there are only few information on performance
installed piles (see Figure 1). The jacking machine is
of contiguous piles to vertical loads.
able to ‘walk’ forward after the installation of each
3. Tubular piles cannot be easily tested in the centri-
pile while standing on the advancing pile wall. The
fuge due to the difficulties in placing strain gauges
centre-to-centre spacing is usually one pile diameter.
along the pile shaft. Furthermore during the instal-
lation of tubular piles the shaft friction develops in
a localised region along the pile shaft and scaling
effects can occur in centrifuge (Balachowski 2006).
White (2005) studied the behaviour of jacked
piles during installation. The author described the
behaviour of soil elements next to the pile while
the pile is being installed. The key observation was
that while the pile is being installed along the pile
shaft an interface layer of crushed grains forms.
Grain crushing leads to volume reduction in the
interface layer and hence to a decrease in the shear
stress. White & Bolton (2004) called the occur-
rence “friction fatigue”. Field data and model tests
link friction fatigue to the displacement amplitude
applied at the interface, the mode of shearing and
Figure 1. Giken piler for tubular piles. the number of shearing cycle applied.

Cyclically jacked installation can be used to scaling effect can be reduced with a ratio Dp /d50 > 50.
promote friction fatigue and hence reduce the jack- Fioravante (2002) also observed that the shear resist-
ing load by applying displacement reversal at a cer- ance mobilised depends on the normalised roughness
tain depth for a fixed number of cycles. The paper RN = Rt/d50 being Rt the pile surface roughness meas-
presents centrifuge tests on jacked piles installed in ured over a length of 0.8 to 2.5 mm. For monotonic
flight with cyclic jacking. The depth of reversal and loading no dilation is expected for RN < 0.02 (fully
amplitude of the cycles vary for different tests. The smooth) and for RN > 0.1 (fully rough) the interface
paper examines the effect of stroke amplitude and dilates and high values of τsu are expected.
installation rate on friction fatigue. Pile stiffness and The experimental work presented in this paper
strength after the installation are also assessed. was carried out in a 10 m beam centrifuge at
Cambridge University. Two different (Dp /d50) ratios
were tested in centrifuge using sand (Dp /d50 = 60)
2 CENTRIFUGE MODELLING and silica flour (Dp /d50 = 100). The aim of the
modelling is to prove whether silica flour can be
Centrifuge modelling is widely used in soil mechan- used in centrifuge in replacement of sand in the
ics due to the possibility of reproducing at model attempt of reducing scaling effects. Also the influ-
scale the correct stress level. The geotechnical cen- ence of the normalised roughness was analysed
trifuge increases the gravitational acceleration in by using two different piles: one rough and one
the model by spinning it at high centrifugal accel- smooth.
eration. The increase in acceleration compensates Tests were performed in a circular strong box of
the reduction in the model size. Scaling laws are diameter 850 mm and high of 400 mm. The height
derived for correspondence between the model and of the soil in the tub was 320 mm for all tests. Tests
the prototype (Taylor 1995). A detailed description were performed at a centrifugal acceleration of
of the geotechnical centrifuge at Cambridge uni- 50 g and piles were installed in flight by means of
versity may be found in Schofield (1980). an automatic 2D actuator. Full details of the test
Problems may occur when modelling of piles in programme and pile installation procedure will be
centrifuge, especially of shaft piles in centrifuge, given in the next paragraphs.
is affected by scaling effects related to the ratio of
shear band thickness/grain size on the mobilised
shear stress which does not scale in centrifuge. The 2.1 Test programme
thickness of the shear band depends on the sur- Monotonic and cyclically jacked installations were
face roughness and varies between 2–5 times d50 for performed in saturated silica flour and in dry sand.
smooth piles 10–15 times d50 for rough piles being In total 14 pile installations were installed, 6 in silica
d50 the mean grain size. flour and 8 in sand. A summary of the pile instal-
Fioravante (2002) studied the effect of the ratio lations programme is presented in Table 1. For the
of the pile diameter/mean grain size (Dp /d50) on the cyclically jacked tests the displacement was reversed
shear resistance mobilised τsu and observed that the at three different depths: 25 mm, 75 mm and 125 mm

Table 1. Test programme.

Installation Installation speed Stroke

Test Soil Pile type method [mm/s] = [mm] = RN =

Si_M01 Silica flour Smooth M 0.1 – 1.60

Si_M02 Silica flour Smooth M 0.5 – 1.60
Si_M03 Silica flour Smooth M 4.0 – 1.60
Si_S01 Silica flour Smooth CJ 0.5 10 1.60
Si_S02 Silica flour Smooth CJ 0.5 2 1.60
Si_S03 Silica flour Smooth CJ 0.5 0.4 1.60
Sd_M01 Sand Rough M 1.4 – 1.00
Sd_S01 Sand Rough CJ 1.4 14 1.00
Sd_S02 Sand Rough CJ 1.4 2 1.00
Sd_S03 Sand Rough CJ 1.4 0.8 1.00
Sd_M02 Sand Smooth M 1.4 – 0.12
Sd_S04 Sand Smooth CJ 1.4 14 0.12
Sd_S05 Sand Smooth CJ 1.4 2 0.12
Sd_S06 Sand Smooth CJ 1.4 0.8 0.12

Note: M = monotonic; CJ = cyclically jacking.

for the number of cycles. The stroke is the maxi- cal properties of silica flour are summarized in
mum displacement in one cycle. Figure 2 shows the Table 2. No standard preparation exist for prepara-
typical displacement history applied during cyclic tion of centrifuge models with silica flour. Due to
jacking, the stroke varies as indicated in Table 1. the impossibility of pouring dry silica flour, silica
The cyclic jacking speed was 1.0 mm/s for sand and flour was mixed with water and pumped into the
0.5 mm/s for silica flour. The rates of penetration are tub (Silva (2005)). A layer of sand was used as bot-
comparable to the rate used at prototype scale. tom drainage. In the attempt to obtain a very dense
model the tub was vibrated on a vibration table
during filling. The operation also was necessary
2.2 Materials
for the release of air bubbles eventually trapped in
2.2.1 Marine Quartz sand during mixing.
Fine sand and silica flour were used in the attempt
of reducing scale effects. The sand is called Marine
2.3 Testing apparatus
Quartz sand and was supplied by Specialist Aggre-
gates Ltd.1 The sand is mostly silica at 96.2% 2.3.1 Model pile
and its mean grain size is between 0.1–0.3 mm. A stainless steel model pile was used for the tests.
Figure 3 shows the particle size distribution (PSD) The pile has an outside diameter of 12 mm, inside
obtained both by sieving and by SPOS (Single diameter of 10 mm and length of 160 mm. The
particle Optical Sizing) (White 2003). The PSD bending stiffness of the model pile is not reliant
obtained by SPOS overestimates the grain size of on accurate scaling. The purpose of having a very
20–30% as described by White (2003). Sand was stiff pile in centrifuge was primarily due to avoid
poured dry with an automatic sand pourer at a pile buckling during driving. Strain gauges were
relative density of 90%. A dense sample was aimed positioned at the pile base and at the pile head
in order to enhance friction fatigue under cycling to measure loads experienced during the tests.
shearing (Mortara 2007). The strain gauges consisted of a full Wheatstone
bridge circuit, compensating for any tempera-
2.2.2 Silica flour ture changes in the pile material. Finally, in order
Silica flour is >99% silica and it has a mean grain to obtain the rough pile, on the outside surface
size of 12 μm that classifies it as silt. The mechani- of the pile sand grains were stuck with gel glue.
Figure 4 shows the pile before and after the proce-
dure was terminated.
Values of the maximum surface roughness of the
pile were obtained by using an Taylor & Hobson
Form Talysurf series inductive profilometer over a
pile length of 2.5 mm. The value of Rt obtained for
the smooth pile was 25 μm. Due to the full scale of

Table 2. Silica flour properties (M.F. Silva (2005)).

Property Value

Figure 2. Displacement vs time (CJ). Grain size, d10 6.6 μm

Mean grain size, d50 15.5 μm
Minimum saturated density, γmin 15.5 kN/m3
Maximum saturated density, γmin 19.2 kN/m3
Permeability, k 6 × 10−8 m/s
Specific gravity, Gs 2.652
Critical friction angle, Φ′cv 36.6 degrees

Figure 3. Particle size distribution of Marine Quartz sand.

1. Figure 4. Piles used for centrifuge modelling.

the instrument, it was impossible to measure the
surface roughness of the rough pile in the same way.
Rt can roughly be estimated as Rt = d50. From this
values, values for RN can be calculated as described
in section 2, which are reported in Table 1.

2.3.2 Static actuator

Piles were installed in flight with a 2D actuator
designed by Haigh et al. (2010). The actuator is able
to apply a combination of loads and displacements
in both vertical and horizontal direction. Multiple
installation could therefore be carried out in the
same flight. Piles were installed at centre-to-centre
spacing greater than 11 times D (being D the pile
diameter). As described by Gui & Bolton (1998) the Figure 5. Installation load (M).
effect of the container/pile diameter is negligible for
a distance greater than 10 times the pile diameter.

2.4 Pile installation procedure

Piles were installed in two ways: monotonic and
cyclically jacked. The maximum installation depth
was 160 mm. For cyclically jacked installation the
pile was stopped and displacement reversed at 25,
75 and 125 mm depth for a given number of cycles.
Mortara (2007) showed that for cyclic shearing
in modified shear box, the shear stress degrada-
tion reaches an asymptote after a maximum of
30 cycles. For each depth, therefore, the displace-
ment was reversed 30 times, the first inversion was
for half of thestroke as indicated in Figure 2.

2.5 Instrumentation
Miniature pore pressure transducers (PPT) were
used for measuring excess pore pressure induced
by pile installation in silt. The transducers have a
maximum pressure reading of 700 kPa. Sensors Figure 6. Mobilised shaft load vs base load.
were placed at 20 mm from the pile centre after
the consolidation phase was terminated. An hol-
low tube was used for drilling holes in the model
and for driving the transducers in the holes easier. flour and (b) sand. As expected the loads required
Data from all channels were acquired at a sampling for installation in silica flour were considerably
frequency of 500 Hz. lower than those recorded in sand. The maximum
load recorded for silt was 289 N whilst in sand was
4.9 kN. The inconstant trend of the installation
loads recorded for Si_M03 in Figure 5(a) is prob-
ably due to the presence of in homogeneities in the
soil body. For the tests in sand, Figure 5(b) clearly
3.1 Monotonic installations
shows that the load required for installing the rough
Five monotonic installations were performed in pile (Sd_M01) is 80% higher than for the smooth
total: 3 in saturated silt and 2 in dry sand. In silt pile (Sd_M02). This is believed to be primarily to the
the installations were carried out at different instal- increase in the effective base area after roughening.
lation rate as indicated in Table 1, in sand an instal- It is interesting to observe the amount of
lation rate of 1.4 mm/s was used in both tests but shaft load mobilised during the installation.
two different piles were used. Figure 6 shows the maximum base and shaft load
Figure 5 shows the installation loads recorded recorded at the end of each installation normalised
by the strain gauges on the pile head for (a) silica by the total head load. It can be observed that,

for all installations, the shaft load is always less
than 50% of the head load and it is maximum for
Sd_M01 (30%). The lowest value is 8% for Sd_M02.
As observed by Uesugi & Kishida (1987) in direct
shear tests, the interface friction angle can be cor-
related to the normalised surface roughness RN of
the interface sand/steel. In the tests performed RN
is 0.12 for smooth piles in sand, 1 for rough piles
in sand and 1.6 for smooth piles in silica flour. The
interface friction angle increases with normalised
roughness. Figure 8. Head, Base and Shaft load—Sd_S01 at
z = 75 mm.
3.2 Cyclically jacking
As described in Section 2, cyclically jacking cycle whilst the shaft load reduces. As the shaft
involves pile displacement reversal at a given depth load is only a small percentage of the total head
for a fixed number of cycles. Typical results for load, for closed-ended piles, cyclic jacking leads to
silica flour and sand are shown in Figure 7. For a overall increase in the head load.
simplicity only the installations with the largest Nevertheless it is interesting to analyse shaft load
stroke are shown. reduction which becomes important when install-
After displacement reversal it is clear that for ing unplugged tubular piles. The authors believe
all installation the head load required for installing a phenomenon similar to friction fatigue occurs
the pile increases more than the monotonic value. when the pile is sheared cyclically. In fact after
The extra load required diminishes when the pile the pile is being installed, as described by White &
is pushed deeper and goes toward its monotonic Bolton (2004), an interface of crushed grains
value. Typically the area influenced by cycli- develops between the pile shaft and the surround-
cally loading is between 2–3 pile diameter. This is ing soil. During cyclic shearing the grains in the
believed to be due to compaction occurring under interface rearrange and, according to stress level,
the pile toe during cyclic jacking. there may be additional particles breakage and vol-
Although Figure 7 clearly shows the effect of ume contraction. If volume contraction occurs, the
cyclic jacking on the required force for installation, horizontal stress acting on the pile shaft decreases
it does not give information on the behaviour of leading to a decrease in the shaft friction.
shaft and base load evolution during cycling. For A parameter called ’degradation ratio’ (R) can
this aim, Figure 8 shows a typical history of head, be defined in order to evaluate the reduction of
base and shaft load during cyclic jacking. For com- shaft friction during cyclically jacking. The param-
parison base and shaft loads are normalised by the eter R is the ratio between the peak values recorded
value at the first cycle. It can be observed that dur- in the shaft load for each cycle n to the peak value
ing cyclic jacking, the base load increases for each recorded in the first cycle.

Fshafft ( n )
R= (1)
Fshafft ( )

Figure 9 shows the degradation ratio com-

puted for the tests Sd_S01 at 25, 75 and 125 mm
depth. The increase shown in the curve at 25 mm is
believed to be due to the shallow depth of cycling
compared to the cycling stroke. For this depth,
data are not representative of the phenomenon.
For z = 75 and 125 mm, shaft load reduces with
the number of cycles and it reaches an asymptotic
value after about 10 cycles. The observation reflects
the ‘friction fatigue’ mechanism: after the first
10 cycles, the possible grain crushing has occurred,
the volume contracts to its maximum value and the
shear stress reduces to its minimum value. The mini-
mum value for R is 0.08 after 13 cycles at z = 125 mm.
Figure 7. Installation load (CJ). For z = 75 mm the minimum value recorded is 0.35.


Centrifuge tests were carried out at the Schofield

Centre at Cambridge university. A special thank
must therefore be addressed to all technicians in
the lab, without whom the testing would not have
been possible.
I am also very grateful to Giken Seisakusho Ltd.
for the financial support they are giving me for the
entire course of my Ph.D.

Figure 9. Degradation ratio R—Sd_S01. REFERENCES

Balachowski, L. 2006. Scale effect in shaft friction from

4 CONCLUSIONS the direct shear interface tests. Archives of Civil and
Mechanical Engineering VI(3).
Monotonic and cyclically jacked installations were Fioravante, V. 2002. On the shaft friction modelling of
performed in the centrifuge in order to assess the non-displacement piles in sand. Soils and foundations
effects of the installation method on the stress state 42(2), 23–33.
of the soil surrounding the pile. An area below the Gui, M. & Bolton, M. 1998. Guidelines for cone penetra-
pile tip 2–3 times the pile diameter was detected to tion tests in sand. Centrifuge 98, Kimura, Kusakaba
and Takemura, 155–160.
be affected by cyclic jacking. The compaction at Haigh, S., Houghton, N. & Lam, S. 2010. Development
the pile base lead to an addition head load when of a 2D servo-actuator for novel centrifuge modelling.
the pile is pushed deeper. The method can be used (2001), 239–244.
in closed-ended piles to improve pile stiffness and Mortara, G. 2007. Cyclic shear stress degradation
strength. and post-cyclic behaviour from sandsteel interface
The effect of the normalised roughness RN was direct shear tests. Canadian Geotechnical … 752(1978),
also investigated by testing a smooth and a rough 739–752.
pile. The load required for the installation of the Schofield, A.N. 1980, January. Cambridge Geotechnical
rough pile was larger than that for the smooth pile, Centrifuge Operations. Géotechnique 30(3), 227–268.
Silva, M. 2005. Numerical and physical models of rate
the increase was mainly due to an increase in the effects in soil penetration. (July).
effective base area after pile roughening. Also the Taylor, R. 1995. Geotechnical Centrifuge Technology.
percentage of shaft load mobilised with the rough Blackie Academic and Professional.
pile is greater than for the smooth pile, in accord- Uesugi, M. & Kishida, H. 1987, January. Tests of the
ance with the observation by Fioravante (2002) on interface between sand and steel in the simple shear
the normalised roughness. RN is therefore demon- apparatus. Géotechnique 37(1), 45–52.
strated to have a significant effect in the increase of White, D. 2003. PSD measurement using the single par-
the mobilised shaft load that was increased from ticle optical sizing (SPOS) method. Géotechnique 53,
8% in Sd_M02 to 30% in Sd_M01. 317–326.
White, D. 2005. A general framework for shaft resist-
During cyclic jacking, conversely to the base load, ance on displacement piles in sand. Proceedings of
the shaft load decreases with the number of cycles the International Symposium, on Frontiers in Offshore
applied. A parameter R called ’degradation ratio’ Geotechnic, 19–21 Sept 2005, Perth, WA, Australia.
was defined in order to evaluate the amount of deg- White, D.J. & Bolton, M.D. 2004, January. Displacement
radation. It was shown that the degradation occurs and strain paths during plane-strain model pile instal-
for the first cycles after which R reaches and con- lation in sand. Géotechnique 54(6), 375–397.
stant value. The minimum value for R is 0.08 when
cyclic jacking is performed at z = 125 mm in Sd_S01.
Cyclic jacking can be used for unplugged tubular
piles for reducing the installation load required.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Influence of installation procedures on the response of capacitance

water content sensors

M. Caruso & F. Avanzi

Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

C. Jommi
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: The effects of installation procedures on the performance of capacitance probes for moni-
toring water content changes in surficial soils are analysed numerically. The sensors measure the resonant
frequency of an inductive-capacitive circuit, which includes the surrounding soil as capacitive element.
Literature calibration curves are most often adopted to determine the soil water content from the measured
resonant frequency. Alternatively, specific calibration for a given soil is performed in the laboratory. In both
cases, reference is made to ideal conditions, in which perfect contact is assured between the probes access
tube and the soil sample, prepared at uniform void ratio. Installation procedures in the field affect the sys-
tem and they may hinder correct estimation of volumetric water content in the field. Numerical results are
presented to quantify the influence of soil density changes promoted by installation operations and of the
saturated kaolin/cement paste used to guarantee continuous contact between the access tube and the soil.

1 INTRODUCTION Sensors based on electromagnetic properties

appear to be particularly advantageous, as they
Monitoring water content exchanges in surficial are safe, durable, less invasive compared to other
soils and embankments is becoming increasingly techniques, and they have very short response time.
important in a number of engineering applications The soil dielectric constant of soils, at frequencies
related to soil stability and water management. between 1MHz and 1 GHz, is strongly dependent
The hydraulic state of the soil is completely known on volumetric water content (Topp et al. 1980), due
if independent measurements of suction and water to dielectric constant of water being much higher
content are performed. than that of the other soil constituents. This obser-
Different suction and water content probes have vation has promoted the development of non-
been developed to the aim of tracking soil hydraulic destructive experimental techniques inferring the
state. Water potential can be measured directly by amount of water in the soil from measurement of
tensiometers. Nonetheless, the measurement range electrical permittivity. Time Domain Reflectom-
of commercial equipment, without incurring in etry (TDR) allows for water content determination
cavitation after a short time lapse, is narrow com- from measurement of the propagation velocity
pared with the expected suction changes in most of a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse signal.
soils exposed to soil-atmosphere interaction. High Noborio (2001) offers a general TDR technique
capacity tensiometers are being developed, but in review, putting in evidence its powerful capabilities,
fine grained soils direct suction measurement still its excellent accuracy, and a measurement range
may be difficult. Therefore, water content deter- covering the expected in situ variations for water
mination appears to be mandatory to follow the content. However, soil electrical conductivity and
hydraulic state of the soil. salinity problems may be a major issue not easy
Among current equipment and techniques for to deal with (e.g., Mojid et al. 2003, Schwank &
measuring monitoring soil-water status (Scanlon Green 2007). The main issue in the use of TDR is
et al. 2002, Charlesworth 2005), gravimetric water its installation procedures, which requires manual
content determination is the only direct way to probe insertion into the soil, with direct access at
determine the amount of water in the soil. All the the depth were the probe is installed.
other techniques rely on indirect methods in which The dielectric constant of soils can also be derived
different properties of the soil depending on water based on capacitance. This method includes the soil
content are measured. as a part of the capacitor in which the permanent

dipoles of water in the dielectric medium (i.e. the 2 CAPACITANCE SENSORS
soil) are aligned by electric field and become polar-
ized. The capacitor is arranged to be part of an The EnviroSCAN® capacitance sensors consist
oscillator circuit, so that the frequency of oscilla- of two brass rings (50.5 mm outer diameter and
tion is a direct measure of capacitance (Gardner 25 mm height) mounted on a plastic sensor sup-
et al. 1991). Capacitance probes are a fast, safe and port (Fig. 1). The probes are inserted inside a PVC
relatively inexpensive way of measuring the relative access tube, strictly in contact with the rings and the
permittivity of soils, which in turn can be used to surrounding soil. Up to 16 probes can be mounted
estimate soil water content (Robinson et al. 1998, on a plastic guide at different depths. Minimum
Kelleners et al. 2004). Response time of the probes, relative distance between probes is 10 cm.
less than 1 second, is one of the most attractive The resonant frequency of the inductive-capacitive
features of capacitance probes. circuit, in which the probe is inserted, Fr, is linked to
This contribution focuses on the performance the inductive L and capacitive C elements,
of capacitance sensors (Sentek® 2001), which can
be mounted in series into an access tube plugged
into the soil, down to two meters from the soil sur-
Fr ⎡2 p
⎣ ( LC ) ⎤⎦ , (1)
face. Monitoring depth can reach 5 meters below
the ground level, by means of appropriate install- where L is the circuit inductance and C = Cs + Cp is
ing procedures (Caruso, 2007). the total capacitance, including the soil component,
The sensors measure the resonant frequency Cs, together with probe constants, Cp (Kelleners
of the inductive-capacitive circuit, which includes et al. 2004). The volume of soil which effectively
the surrounding soil as capacitive element. Cali- contributes to the resonant frequency of the probe
bration relationships are then adopted to infer is a cylinder of about 20 cm diameter and 10 cm
soil water content from the measured resonance height, and its capacitance is a function of its rela-
frequency. tive dielectric permittivity, ε r.
As soil capacitance strongly depends on volu-
metric water content more than on any other prop-
erty, literature calibration curves are most often
adopted (e.g. Robinson et al. 1998, Kelleners et al.
2004). Better practice reckons on specific calibra-
tion for a given soil performed in the laboratory,
on samples prepared at uniform void ratio and
water content (Schwank et al. 2006).
In both previous cases, calibration refers to ideal
conditions, in which perfect contact is assured
between the probes access tube and a soil sample,
which is assumed to have a uniform void ratio in
the whole representative volume contributing to
the system response.
When the access tube is installed in situ, two
different procedures may be adopted: tipically, it
can be driven into the soil (to a maximum depth of
one to two meters, depending on the soil), or it can
be inserted into a drilled hole of slightly smaller
diameter. In the latter case, a mortar made of
kaolin, cement and water is added in the borehole
before inserting the access tube, in order to assure
perfect contact between the tube and the surround-
ing soil.
Both procedures create a disturbance in the
soil, which affects the resonant frequency of the
equipment, which in turn may hinder correct esti-
mation of volumetric water content in the field
based on ideal calibration procedures. Relevant
results of numerical analyses performed to quan-
tify the influence of installation procedures on
the response of the system are presented in the Figure 1. Capacitance sensors, internal circuit and
following. plastic support.

Since the sensors output primarily varies with
the air/water ratio, the resonant frequency is scaled
to the maximum measurement range. The scaled
frequency, SF, is defined as

SF = ( Fa Fr ) ( Fa Fw )

where Fr is the reading in the soil, and Fa and Fw

are the frequency readings when the access tube
is surrounded by air and water, respectively. After
scaling, unique relationships between the scaled
frequency SF and the soil volumetric water con-
tent, θ, are established, which play the role of
calibration curves for water content (Paltineanu &
Starr 1999).

Figure 3. General view of the discretisation domain.
To analyse the possible effects of installation
procedures on the system response, three differ-
ent experimental configurations were simulated the system imposing a fixed potential difference
numerically. of 10 V between the brass rings, and solving for
The analyses were performed by means of full medium capacitance. Afterwards, the resonant
3D finite element discretisation, implemented in frequency of the circuit was derived based on its
Comsol Multiphysics®. Preliminary analyses had definition (eq. 1).
shown that, due to the shape of the plastic sup- A reference system was first analysed
port (Fig. 2), axisymmetric scheme should not be (configuration 1), representing the ideal labora-
adopted in the simulation, because of the relevant tory calibration protocol, where perfect contact is
error induced in the simulated electrical response. assured between the access tube and a sample hav-
Charge conservation throughout the domain ing uniform void ratio in the whole representative
and null electrical fluxes across the external volume. The results of this analysis were compared
boundaries were imposed. The radius of the dis- to the two numerical schemes representing, respec-
cretisation domain was fixed in all the analyses to tively, the driven access tube (configuration 2),
220 mm (Fig. 3). Different discretisation meshes and the access tube plugged into a pre-drilled hole
were adopted, up to a maximum of roughly filled with mortar (configuration 3).
150000 tetrahedral elements. Maxwell laws were The resonant circuit of a probe was simulated
solved with reference to steady state response of by reconstructing the real geometry of the relevant
portion of the system, composed by the sensor, the
access tube and the PVC internal support, with a
total height of 212 mm.
As for configuration 1, the ideal installation
procedure has been modeled by defining a simple
porous media of average properties around the
tube, with a porosity of 0.45.
As for configuration 2, the driven procedure
has been reproduced by decreasing the void ratio
in an inner portion of the domain (Fig. 4), fol-
lowing field and model experience on driven
piles (Randolph et al. 1979, Dijkstra et al. 2012).
Configuration 3 entails the definition of an inner
zone of 1.5 mm filled with kaolin, cement and water
around the access tube, while the surrounding soil
volume was assigned an undisturbed porosity of
0.45, as a first approximation (Fig. 5).
Figure 2. Top view of the inner part of the mesh, As for the relative dielectric constants, values
showing the plastic support section. of 1 for air (εr,a), of 88 for water (εr,w), of 3 for

To analyse the behaviour of sensors in contact
with moist soil, a mixture law had to be adopted to
assign dielectric properties to the soil layers. Two
different mixture models were tested, the one pro-
posed by Dirksen (Hilhorst et al. 2000),

ε S (θ ) θ ε + ( − n) ε ( θ) ε , (3)
r r,w r,s r,a

where εr is the relative dielectric constant of the mix-

ture, n is the soil porosity, θ is the volumetric water
content, and S(θ) is the experimental relation:

S (θ ) = (4)
Figure 4. Schematic top-view of driven installation
3( n − θ )
and the simple model by Topp et al. (1980):

ε = 3.03 + 9.3 θ 146 0 θ 2 − 76.7 θ 3. (5)


The resonant frequency of the sensor as function

of the liquid water content is reported in Figure 6.
Simulations have been performed varying θ from 0
to 0.45 in steps of 0.05. The results of the simulation
are compared to experimental data obtained at the
Politecnico di Milano on soil samples of sandy silt
at different θ (0.04, 0.22 and 0.38). Samples were
prepared by moist tamping around the access tube
at constant porosity of 0.45. The model was able
to reproduce the experimental data in the range of
volumetric liquid water content investigated, even
if paucity of experimental data limits the validity
Figure 5. Schematic top-view of drilled installation

the soil particles (εr,s) and for PVC, and of 103

for brass rings were imposed. The imaginary
component of the relative dielectric constant of
water was neglected, because the operational fre-
quencies of the probe are far from the value of
frequency at which relaxation of water occurs
(Mojid et al. 2003).


Preliminary analyses were performed to simulate

the resonant frequencies of the system ideally
inserted in air or water, which bound the response
range of the sensors in contact with soil. The cal-
culated resonant frequency in water and in air were
99.8 MHz and 145.5 MHz, respectively. These val-
ues agree with the typical resonant frequencies of Figure 6. Simulation results for reference conditions:
the capacitive sensors in air and water, as reported mixture models compared with experimental data in the
e.g. by Kelleners et al. (2004). laboratory.

between the soil volume prior to and after instal-
lation was imposed to determine the final aver-
age porosity in the disturbed volume. A porosity
profile for the disturbed area was determine
imposing it had this average value, and the initial
porosity n0 = 0.45 at the external boundary of the
disturbed soil volume. The final porosity profile

⎛ R2 ⎞
n(r ) = 0.4558 − 0.144 ⎜ 20 ⎟ (6)
⎝r ⎠

The porosity profile was then discretised in lay-

ers, while assigning the dieletric characteristics to
the numerical model. Continuity of the degree of
Figure 7. Electric field in an ideal soil with θ equal to saturation was assumed across the layers having
0.05 (mixture model by Topp et al. 1980). different posrosity.

5.2 Drilled hole with mortar

To simulate the drilling procedure, an additional
volume of kaolin, cement and water was added
between the access tube and the undisturbed soil.
The mixture model was assumed for the mortar
fixing the water content of the mixture to the value
of 0.17, which is the mean value of water content
used in the field.

5.3 Results
Simulated resonant frequencies for the three con-
figurations as a function of volumetric water
content of the undisturbed soil, θ0, are shown in
Figure 9.
Figure 8. Electric field in an ideal soil with θ equal to
0.45 (mixture model by Topp et al. 1980).

of this statement. The mixture model by Dirksen

seems to better reproduce experimental data on the
entire water content range.
In Figures 7 and 8, the calculated electric field
generated by the probes for θ equal to 0.05 and
0.45, respectively is shown. As expected, the vol-
ume of soil significantly affecting the response of
the system decreases at increasing water content.


5.1 Driven access tube

To model the effects of the driven access tube, a
disturbed inner zone was introduced.
The disturbed zone has a thickness of roughly
110 mm, which corresponds to a ratio between
the disturbed thickness and the access tube radius Figure 9. Simulation results for the three models in
(R) equal to r/R = 5. Soil mass conservation terms of resonant frequency as function of θ0.

As evident, the driven access tube procedure 6 CONCLUSIONS
entails a change in the resonant frequency of the
system, which increases with the undisturbed volu- A finite element model was designed to assess
metric water content, θ0. The actual resonant fre- the influence of installation procedures on the
quency is always greater than that of the ideal case, response of capacitance water content sensors.
at the same θ0. The results allow for quantifying the sensitivity
The difference between the estimation of θ0, of the system to porosity changes, relevant for the
with respect to the ideal reference scheme, is in driven installation procedure, and to the presence
the range between 10% and 20%. The maximum of the kaolin mortar adopted in the drilled instal-
difference corresponds to θ0 equal to 0.2, which lation procedure.
means around a degree of saturation of about If disturbance induced by installation is disre-
0.5. garded, erros up to about 20% of the actual value
As for the drilled procedure, 3, the effect of the may affect the estimation of water content. In
kaolin mortar changes with θ0, since it represents both cases, the estimated water content is gener-
a wetter layer in dry soils, and a drier layer in wet ally lower than the actual one, although for differ-
soils. Therefore, the results for the ideal scheme ent reasons and with different relevance at varying
and for the drileld scheme intersect, at a value of water content.
θ0 which is roughly equal to the volumetric water The conclusions of this numerical study were
content of the mortar. confirmed by recent preliminary data coming
The difference between the estimations of θ0 in from a dedicated experimental investigation in the
this case, with respect to the ideal reference scheme, field.
may be higher than for the driven procedure, and
ranges from 0 to 40%. The maximum difference
occurs for dry soil. REFERENCES
These conclusions are confirmed also by the
elaboration in Figure 10, in which the comparison Caruso, M. 2007. A theoretical, experimental and numer-
between the actual θ0 and the values of θ one would ical approach to predict the hydrologic balance in the
estimate relying on a ideal scheme are compared. upper unsaturated soil layers (in Italian). Doctorate
The latter were calculated by scaling the simulated Thesis, Università di Parma.
resonant frequencies with the values of resonant Charlesworth, P. 2005. Soil water monitoring. An infor-
frequency in air and water, as suggested in a stand- mation package. 2nd ed. Irrigation Insight No 1.
ard interpretation procedure. Dijkstra, J., Broere, W. & Van Tol, A.F. 2012. Electrical
resistivity method for the measurement of density
changes near a probe. Géotechnique 62(8): 721–725.
Gardner, C.M.K., Bell J.P., Cooper J.D., Dean T.J.,
Hodnett M.G. & Gardner N. 1991. Soil Water Content.
In Smith R.A., Mullings C.E., (eds) Soil Analysis—
Physical Methods. Marcel Dekker, New York.
Hilhorst, M.A., Dirksen, C., Kampers, F.W.H. &
Feddes, R.A. 2000. New dielectric mixture equation for
porous materials based on depolarization factors. Soil
Science Society of America Journal. 64: 1581–1587.
Kelleners, T.J., Soppe, R.W.O., Robinson, D.A., Schaap, M.G.,
Ayars, J.E. & Skaggs, T.H. 2004. Calibration of capaci-
tance probe sensors using electric circuit theory. Soil
Science Society of America Journal. 68: 430–439.
Mojid, M.A., Wyseure, G.C.L. & Rose, D.A. 2003.
Electrical conductivity problems associated with
time-domain reflectometry (TDR) measurement in
geotechnical engineering. Geotechnical and Geological
Engineering 21: 243–258.
Noborio, K. 2001. Measurement of soil water content
and electrical conductivity by time domain reflectom-
etry: a review. Comp and Elec in Agric 31: 213–237.
Paltineanu, I.C. & Starr, J.L. 1997. Real time soil water
dynamics using multisensors capacitance probes. Soil
Science Society of America Journal 61: 1576–1585.
Figure 10. Simulation results for the three models in Randoplh, M.F., Carter, J.P. & Wroth, C.P. 1979. Driven
terms of inferred volumetric water content as function piles in clay—the effects of installation and subse-
of θ0. quent consolidation. Géotechnique 29(4): 361–393.

Robinson, D.A., Gardner, C.M.K., Evans, J., Schwank, M., Green, T.R., Mätzler, C., Benedickter, H. &
Cooper, J.D., Hodnett, M.G. & Bell, J.P. 1998. The Flürer, H. 2006. Laboratory characterization of a com-
dielectric calibration of capacitance probes for soil mercial capacitance sensor for estimating permittivity
hydrology using an oscillation frequency response and inferring soil water content. Vadose Zone Journal.
model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2 (1): 5: 1048–1064.
111–120. Sentek 2001. Calibration of Sentek Pty Ltd Soil Moisture
Scanlon, B.R, Andraski, B.J. & Bilskie, J. 2002. Miscel- Sensors. Sentek Pty Ltd, Stepney, South Australia.
laneous methods for measuring matric or water poten- Topp, G.C., Davis, J.L. & Annan, A.P. 1980. Electromag-
tial. In Dane, J.H. & Topp, G.C. (eds), Methods of Soil netic determination in soil-water content: measure-
Analysis, part 4, Physical Methods. Soil Sci Soc. Am: ment in coaxial transmission lines. Water Resources
643–670. Research. 16: 574–582.
Schwank, M. & Green, T.R. 2007. Simulated effects of
Soil Temperature and Salinity on Capacitance Sensor
Measurements. Sensors, 7(4): 548–577.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

The load capacity of driven cast in-situ piles derived from installation

D. Egan
Keller Foundations, UK

ABSTRACT: The theoretical estimation of the ultimate capacity and serviceability performance of
common displacement foundation systems such Driven Cast In-Situ (DCIS) piles is difficult due to the
huge disruption in soil structure and insitu stress regime caused by the installation process. Even though
much research effort is expended on complex numerical modeling and reduced scale laboratory or centri-
fuge modeling there remains the difficulty of translating the knowledge gained into practical prediction
tools appropriate for routine design and installation of the full size product in the field. So to advance
and validate the conclusions drawn from numerical and small scale research the third strand of measuring
and analysing full size field behaviour must be added. This paper will summarise recent advances made in
the field measurement and analysis of installation parameters to predict the load capacity of driven cast
in-situ piles. The results from installation and testing of a DCIS pile is used to illustrate the methodology
now being routinely by Keller Foundations in the UK. The conclusions drawn from this paper are already
raising the standard of reliability, efficiency and sustainability of DCIS piles on routine projects.

1 INTRODUCTION laboratory or centrifuge modeling there remains

the difficulty of translating the knowledge gained
The Driven Cast In-Situ (DCIS) piling method into practical prediction tools appropriate for rou-
has been in use for many decades and has over tine design and installation of the full size product
this period demonstrated its effectiveness and in the field. This paper considers a method to esti-
efficiency. mate DCIS geotechnical capacity based on instal-
Examples of more recently completed large lation parameters measured during the installation
structures supported on DCIS piles installed of a pileby modern instrumented piling rigs.
by Keller in the UK include the O2 Arena (con-
structed within the Millennium Dome—itself
supported in DCIS piles) and the London 2012 2 MODERN DCIS PILING EXECUTION
Olympic stadium.
The body of published literature relating to the In recent times advances in piling rig instrumenta-
design of DCIS piling is not large. Neely (1991) tion and telecommunications have enabled a new
created a database of load tests on DCIS piles with level of sophistication in the recording of installa-
expanded bases and developed correlations for tion parameters and this opens up the potential of
design. Evers et al. (2003) provided a useful study assessing pile capacity in real time.
for the performance of DCIS piles compared to DCIS design using a static design approach,
CFA piles at a site in France & Flynn et al (2012) based on ground parameters derived from bore-
present a case study for the performance of a DCIS holes and laboratory testing has for many years
test pile at a site in London. been the approach used to estimate ultimate pile
Development of a complete theoretical model capacity, but, as noted above, this approach has
for the design of DCIS piles is complicated by the its difficulties. At the start of execution of piling,
very significant disruption in soil structure and trial drives, are undertaken to validate the ground
insitu stress regime caused by the installation proc- conditions are as envisaged in the initial design.
ess. Even the selection of appropriate soil param- (Historically with manual counting of the number
eters for use in design equations from ground of hammer blows to achieve a given penetration.)
investigation tests is problematic due to the state The control criteria can then be set for installa-
changes occurring during pile installation. tion of the production piles. Where required this
Even though much research effort is expended can be supplemented with project specific static
on complex numerical modeling and reduced scale load testing to support and validate the achieved

pile load capacity. While this approach has been
used satisfactorily for the installation of hundreds
of thousands of piles over many decades, mod-
ern instrumentation now allows both robust and
detailed control and feedback of the pile driving
process, in real time, for every pile installed.
On modern instrumented DCIS piling rigs the
energy delivered to each pile can now be meas-
ured and used to validate that pile’s ultimate load
capacity. As the pile is driven the driving param-
eters (drive energy, drive tube depth and rate of
advancement) are displayed to the rig driver giving
a high degree of control to the installation proc-
ess. Additional benefits of an automated electronic
data capture system include a reduction of manual
recording and on-site paperwork (which requires
a finite manpower resource), robust archiving of
records and real time access to installation data
remote from the work site.
From the experience of developing a large
database of systematically acquired pile instal-
lation data it has been possible to map the proc-
ess required to allow real time assessment of pile
capacity. Initially focused on piles founded in
granular soils an empirical approach has been
developed which has been used to validate, in near
real time, the adequacy of DCIS piles as they are
driven. Of course these advances should be seen
in the context of dynamic pile driving formulae
which have been used on preformed piles for many
decades. Not withstanding widespread the use of Figure 1. Typical borehole from the test site.
set calculations for pre-formed piles, their appli-
cability (and reliability) for driven cast in-situ pil-
ing, where the drive tube is firstly driven into the and Alluvium were not considered as contribut-
ground and then removed and replaced by cast in ing to the pile geotechnical capacity, but rather a
place concrete, is highly questionable. source of potential negative skin friction, they are
The development of real time assessment of ignored in the assessment of ultimate pile capacity
DCIS pile capacity for piles driven into coarse for design purposes.
grained soils is presented in detail below. This
method has been developed over a period of time
and is based on drive data and load test data 4 DRIVEN CAST INSITU PILE
carried out on a series of sites. However to bet- INSTALLATION
ter illustrate the process reference to a single test
pile (TP3) installed at a site in Erith, London is Figure 2 illustrates the pertinent features of the
made. DCIS system. A steel drive tube, closed at the base by
a sacrificial base plate, is top driven to the required
depth. The steel tube is then charged with a free
3 DESCRIPTION OF TEST SITE flowing concrete and withdrawn from the ground.
Steel reinforcement can be inserted in the pile bore
The test site was located within the Thames basin before or after the concrete is placed. The require-
to the south of the river at Erith, London. The ments for the execution of DCIS piles are set out
ground conditions comprised a mantle of Made in EN 12699 ‘Execution of special geotechnical
Ground, overlying soft and very soft clay and works—Displacement piles’. In addition Keller
peat Alluvium. The piles were founded in coarse monitor all aspects of the installation process by
grained River Terrace Deposits (RTD) comprising onboard computer, with the key parameters for
medium dense to very dense gravelly sand. Thanet capacity assessment being the hammer energy
Sand was found beneath the RTD. Figure 1 shows imparted for each blow, the rate of advancement
a typical bore hole for the site. The Made Ground of the tube per blow and the tube and base plate

Figure 2. The DCIS installation process.

geometry. The recorded data are instantly fed back

to the design office by modem enabling secure
backup of the information as well as providing the
facility for the design engineer to see feedback on
the ground conditions encountered immediately
the pile is completed.


From the recorded parameters the tube drive resist-

ance with depth is calculated, where Ru is the drive
Figure 3. Dynamic drive resistance, Ru, plotted with
resistance, N is the hammer energy, s is the rate of
tube advancement per hammer blow and c is the
elastic compression of the tube.
500 kN and 700 kN as shown in Figure 3. This
f1 f2 N
Ru = (1) corresponds to medium dense to dense gravelly
⎛ c⎞ RTD. Below 12 m the anchor piles encountered a
⎝ 2⎠ further sharp increase in drive resistance to around
2300 kN at 15 m, which is thought to coincide
The factors f1 and f2 are hammer and energy with the top of the Thanet Sand at this location.
transfer efficiency factors. The elastic compression The test pile was intentionally stopped within the
of the drive tube is calculated using the following medium dense zone so as to ensure geotechnical
equation, which is based on the Danish pile driving failure during the maintained load test.
formula, and where N is the hammer energy, L is
the tube length, A is the cross sectional area of the
tube and E the elastic modulus. 6 CORRELATION OF PILE
c= (2)
The installation of each pile where state of the art
instrumentation is used can be considered as a form
Figure 3 shows the drive resistance, Ru, plotted
of large scale ground investigation test from which
with depth for TP3 and the four associated anchor
ground parameters may be derived. Dividing the
piles used for reaction in the maintained load test.
drive resistance by the area of the base plate, Ab,
The piles were DCIS piles of nominal diameter,
gives the bearing pressure, qpc, at the pile toe.
d, of 340 mm with a base plate diameter, db, of
380 mm. TP3 was driven fractionally over 11.0 m
(11.01 m) and the anchor piles to 15 m. q pc = (3)
The Made Ground and Alluvium proved to be Ab
of very low strength which drive tube easily pen-
etrated with little energy required. The RTD was Taking qpc to be analogous to the cone resist-
encountered at around 8.25 m depth as indicated ance, qc, obtained by a static cone penetration test
by a sharp increase in drive resistance to between a ready and quick evaluation of the nature of the

ground into which the pile is being driven can be
obtained. In developing the analogy between qpc
and CPT qc factors such as energy losses within the
drive/tube system, frictional losses along the drive
tube shaft, rate effects and size effects have all to
be considered.
An extensive series of field tests using dynamic
pile driving analysis has been undertaken to assess
the loss in energy between the point of impact of
the hammer at the top of the drive tube and the
pile base plate.
The ratio of the area of the base plates of differ-
ent sizes of DCIS pile and a standard CPT range
between 26 and 6, and taken in the round this is
considered beneficial. One of the disadvantages
of the CPT, especially in coarse soils, is the pro-
pensity for the tip resistance to be influenced by
larger soil particles (or localised weaker or softer
layers) in the soil. In contrast the larger diameter
of the DCIS base plates stresses a greater depth
of soil leading to somewhat of lower bound (and
safe) smoothing effect when compared to the CPT
qc. Indeed the zone of soil stressed beneath the
pile toe at the end of driving is exactly that which
will be stressed by the finished pile in the working
condition. (This is in the context of a single pile,

Figure 5. Angle of friction, φ′, from drive resistance Ru.

where piles are grouped such that they interact

suitable consideration of group effect must be
made in the design.).
Figure 4 compares qc from a CPT test under-
taken about 4 m from TP3, and pile toe bearing
pressure, qpc.
Once qpc is derived a correlation with effective
angle of friction, φ′, may be made, for example
using the method shown in Lunne et al (1997).
From the measured drive resistance, Ru, the
dynamic bearing pressure, qpc, is derived and cor-
related to in-situ angle of friction for the gravelly
sand founding stratum. Figure 5 shows the derived
angle of friction over the socket length of TP3
driven into the RTD.



The ultimate pile socket capacity, Qult, comprising a

shaft component, Qs,ult, and base component, Qb,ult,
may now be derived using standard soil mechanics
principles, where:

Qult Qs ,ult + Qb,ult (4a)

Figure 4. Comparison of qc an qpc for TP3. Qult β ′

v l + Nq ⋅ σ v′ ⋅ Ab (4b)

The above equation is readily implemented in the procedure to assess the ultimate capacity of DCIS
commercially available software or spreadsheets. piles located in coarse grained soils based in pile
The program Oasys Pile, using the Berezantzev installation data is available.
formulation for the bearing capacity factor, Nq,
(Oasys Pile user manual, 2012) was used to give:-
Qult , socket kN kN kN (5)
Driven cast in-situ piling has proved a popular and
efficient piling method over many decades, which,
Test Pile 3 was subjected to a maintained in suitable ground conditions, produces piles of
extended proof load test to failure following the high capacity and efficiency. Recent developments
procedure outlined in the ICE Specification for in rig instrumentation have enabled the routine and
Piling and Embedded Retaining Walls (2007). systematic acquisition of high quality installation
Figure 6 shows the load settlement response. records. The benefits of an automated electronic
A plunging failure of the pile under an applied data capture system include a reduction of manual
load, Qf, of 1947 kN and at a displacement of recording and on-site paperwork (which requires
45 mm was observed. a finite manpower resource), robust archiving of
In the analysis of the pile test results the tem- records and real time access to installation data
porary hold up resistance generated over the pile remote from the work site. In addition Keller has
shaft passing through the made ground and allu- demonstrated the development of a real time vali-
vium was estimated at 80 kN, which must be added dation method for DCIS piles is viable. A rational
to Qult,socket as calculated in pile to give the true link between the installation parameters, funda-
anticipated theoretical pile capacity of 2060 kN. mental soil parameters relevant after pile installa-
Thus the pile under test achieved 94% of its the- tion, the physical mechanisms of load generation
oretical capacity which is considered an excellent and observed load capacity has been established.
correlation between the calculated capacity and These developments in the driven cast in-situ
that shown by the static load test. piling process have lead to improved efficiency
The results of the illustration of the installation (and hence sustainability) of the DCIS method.
and load testing of pile TP3 show that a rational


EN 12699:2001. Execution of special geotechnical works—

Displacement Piles. 2001. BSI. London.
Evers, G. Hass, G. Frossard, A., Bustamante, M. Borel, S. &
Skinner, H. 2003. Comparative perfomances of con-
tinuous flight auger and driven cast in place piles in
sands. Deep foundations on bored and auger piles.
Van Impe (ed) Millpress, Rotterdam.
Flynn, K. McCabe, B.A. & Egan, D. 2012. Proceedings
9th International Conference on testing and design
methods for deep foundations, Kanazawa, Japan.
ICE Specification for Piling and Embedded Retaining
Walls 2007. 2nd Ed. ICE. London.
Lunne T., Robertson P.K. & Powell, J.J.M 1997. Cone
Penetration testing in geotechnical Practice.
Neely, W.J. 1990. bearing capacity of expanded-base piles
with compacted concrete shafts. Journal of geotechni-
cal Engineering, 116(9): 1309–1324.
Oasys Pile 19.2 User manual 2012 http://www.oasys-

Figure 6. Load settlement response of test pile 3.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

On the numerical modelling and incorporation of installation

effects of jacked piles: A practical approach

H.K. Engin
Geo-Engineering Section, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Geo-Engineering Section, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

A.F. van Tol

Geo-Engineering Section, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: The installation process of a displacement pile causes a considerable amount of soil dis-
placement and high levels of stresses, and therefore alters the soil state and properties around the pile.
These installation effects may have important consequences on the performance of the pile in its service
life (e.g. load—displacement behaviour) and on the neighbourhood (e.g. vibrations, nuisance). A more
realistic behaviour and therefore an improved design would be achieved by considering the installation
effects in the analyses. In current practice, the installation effects are taken into account by some empiri-
cal design methods in order to estimate the bearing capacity of foundation piles. The objective of this
numerical study is to investigate and model the installation effects of pile jacking in sand in a numerical
framework. In the first part of the study a simplified numerical technique was employed to investigate
the installation effects. The results are approximated by nonlinear regression. Despite the limitations and
simplifications, it was shown that the installation effects can be represented in terms of functional forms
reasonably well. Furthermore, these functions can be easily applied in a standard FE analysis.

1 INTRODUCTION analyses employ small deformation formulations.

The installation effects can be obtained by simu-
The bearing capacity of a pile depends on the soil lating the penetration process. However, it is not
properties and the stress state. The stress and density possible to model the penetration process using FE
dependent behaviour determines the soil response. method with small deformation formulation unless
Depending on the installation method as well as extra update of the FE mesh is employed (e.g.
the geometry of the pile, the mechanical (i.e. stress Einav & Randolph 2005). Simple techniques such
and density) and physical (i.e. grain size, sphericity, as the use of prescribed boundary conditions at the
roundness) properties are altered due to large stress pile soil interface (Broere & van Tol 2006; Said et al.
and strains dictated by the penetration of a dis- 2008; Pham et al. 2010) could provide case specific
placement pile. These installation effects have been solutions in obtaining the installation effects. There-
investigated throughout field (Lehane 1992; Chow fore the solutions could not be generalised.
1996, among others), laboratory (White 2002; In this paper first the Press-Replace technique
Dijkstra 2009; Liu 2010, among others) and numer- (Engin & van Tol 2011), which employs a small
ical (Baligh 1975; The & Houlsby 1991; Mahutka deformation FE model, yet accounting for large
et al. 2006, among others) studies. Incorporation of deformation effects, is briefly explained. The
the installation effects is important in order to make method was used to obtain installation effects of
better predictions on the pile bearing capacity and a jacked pile in sand using hypoplasticity to model
its behaviour under different loading conditions. the sand behaviour.
In geotechnical engineering practice, it is common Secondly, the possibilities of approximating the
to numerically model displacement piles as ‘wished- installation effects by mathematical surfaces were
in-place’ without simulating the installation process. investigated. As the most relevant state for the geo-
Furthermore, most of the FE packages used in such technical practice is the state after pile installation,

the final equalisation states have been analysed, i.e. behaviour. A simple sketch of the geotechnical
the situation after the jack force has been removed. problem considered and the corresponding axisym-
For the approximation of the installation effects metric FE model employed in the numerical analy-
a nonlinear regression algorithm is employed. By ses is given in Figure 2. The soil profile consist of
the approximated form the state around a pile that approximately 15m thick very soft clay layer over-
is modelled as wished-in-place, can be altered to lying a sand layer, which is a typical profile in The
incorporate the installation effects without simu- Netherlands and places having similar geological
lating the installation process. Finally a compari- sequences (e.g. Pleistocene glacial and interglacial
son of the results obtained by the approximated periods). The clay layer is modelled as an elas-
effects and the simulation results using the Press- tic layer of 1 m thickness having an effective unit
Replace technique are given. weight of γ ′ = 100κN/m3. The purpose of modelling
the clay layer as such is to facilitate the generation
of geostatic (K0) stresses in the sand layer. There-
2 NUMERICAL MODELLING fore the clay layer is considered to generate a proper
OF PILE JACKING stress level on top of the sand layer. The interaction
between the pile and the clay layer is also ignored
The installation effects around a jacked pile have due to very low cohesion of the clay layer.
been investigated using the the ‘Press-Replace’ (PR) To model sand behaviour, hypoplasticity (von
technique (Engin & van Tol 2011). The technique Wolffersdorff 1996) was used in the analyses due
was introduced to promote the modelling of large to its state dependent stiffness and strength for-
deformation effects using small deformation for- mulation. Having a state dependent stiffness and
mulations. It was shown that the installation effects strength results in different levels of stiffness and
could be modelled reasonably well. In Figure 1, a strength mobilisations at different levels of pen-
general view of the model and four subsequent cal- etration depths. Similarly, different levels of mobi-
culation phases are shown. The calculation phases lisation of stiffness and strength is obtained for
continue until the desired level of penetration of the different pile diameters and different sand densi-
pile is achieved. In order to facilitate the PR tech- ties. As a result, the effect of change in stiffness is
nique, an axisymmetric FE mesh with small slices taken into account in the analyses. Table 1 presents
is introduced in the region where the pile will be the hypoplastic model parameters of Baskarp sand
jacked. Interface elements are also defined between used in the analyses. The soil state (stress and den-
the pile tip and the underlying soil to model proper sity) around the pile is altered as a result of the dis-
interaction with the continuum. In order to avoid placement of the soil dictated by the pile jacking
stress oscillations at the corner of the pile tip, inter- operations. At the same time, the stiffness of the
faces should be extended into the soil volume (van soil changes. Hence, these three major installation
Langen 1991). Based on the preliminary study, the effects should be assessed in order to quantify the
vertical as well as horizontal interface extension new state around the jacked pile. A state dependent
lengths equal to the slice thickness (lext tslice ) were
suggested. Furthermore, an optimum slice thick-
ness in terms of numerical accuracy and CPU time,
tslice = 0.10 ⋅ Dp was found.
In this study, the PR technique is used to model
continuous pile jacking in sand to investigate the
installation effects for different pile geometry and
soil density variations. Due to lack of space, only
one variation (D = 0.40m; L = 10D; Id = 0.80) is
presented in this paper. The focus is on the change
in state around the pile due to the installation
process, which also dictates the load displacement
Figure 2. a) Sketch of the geotechnical problem
modelled b) General view of the FE model.

Table 1. Hypoplastic soil model parameters for Baskarp

sand (Anaraki, 2008).

ϕc hs
(°) (MPa) n ed0 ec0 ei0 a β
Figure 1. Details on the Press-Replace modelling tech-
nique and progress of penetration of the pile (Engin 30 4000 0.42 0.548 0.929 1.080 0.12 0.96
et al., 2011).

constitutive model such as hypoplasticity, reduces All length scales in the model were also
the number of unknowns since the stiffness is normalised with the size of pile diameter, D. This
defined in terms of stress and void ratio. Therefore, normalisation enables a more objective evaluation
to assess the installation effects for each case ana- of the effects of pile diameter and length on the
lysed, the Cartesian stresses at the end of equalisa- Rrr, Rzz, Rθθ, and Rrz and Re values.
tion, σ rr′ f , σ zz
′ f , σ θθ
′ f , and σ rz
′ f and the void ratio, ef
distributions around the jacked pile are normalised
with the corresponding K0 states as: 3 APPROXIMATION OF INSTALLATION
σ rr′ f σ′f σ′f
Rrr = , Rzz = zz , Rθθ = θθ , In this part of the study the possibility of incor-
p0′ p0′ p0′
porating the installation effects around a wished-
σ rz
′f ef in-place pile to account for the installation effects
Rrz = , Re = (1)
p0′ eK 0 without simulating the whole penetration process
is investigated. A practical way to represent the
For the K0 state, installation effects is using model functions for
each variable and applying a regression analysis to
σ rr′ ,0 σ rr′ ,0 determine the coefficients of the model functions.
Rrr,0 = = Once having the fit, less data, i.e. only the fitting
p0′ 1
( rr,,
rr zz,,0
zz θθ ,0 ) coefficients, are required to represent a continuous
3 field of installation effects.
3K 0
= (2) Based on the preliminary study the following
1 2K0 model functions, in which the length scales are also
normalised by the pile diameter D, are proposed
Similarly, for the rest of the normalised Carte- for the representation of each normalised Carte-
sian stresses the following can be obtained: sian stress and void ratio field:

3 3K 0 ∧
Rzz ,0 = , Rθθ ,0 = (3) ψ m = Rm, + ∑ aim ⋅ e − ρ im (5)
1 2K0 1 2K0
i =1

Since σ rz ,0 = 0,
0 and e eK 0 , and,
Rrz,0 = 0, Re,0 = 1 (4)
ρim = biim (r / D riim )2 + cim ( z / D + L / D zim )2 (6)
Since the initial (K0) state is known, one can
determine the altered state by multiplying the where m (m = 1, 2,…, 5) represents the variable
normalised values by mean effective stress at considered and n represents the number of expo-
K0 state ( p0′ ). Based on the new stress and void nential terms used for that variable; such that
ratio, the hypoplastic model spontaneously alters m = 1 represents the radial, m = 2, the vertical,
the stiffness to a consistent level as a result of its m = 3, the tangential, m = 4, the shear stress com-
efficient stiffness formulation. ponents and m = 5 represents the void ratio. The
approximation functions have n = 3, 4, 3, 6, and 4
exponential terms, respectively. Rm,0 is the constant
term calculated for the K0 state of corresponding
variable (see Equations(2)–(4)). aim, bim and cim are
the fitting coefficients representing the magnitude
and spread of the exponential forms and rim and
zim are the fitting coefficients representing the loca-
tion of the Gaussian forms of corresponding vari-
able m. For the sake of compatibility for different
L/D analyses, the vertical position of the Gaussian
form is given relative to the location of pile tip (e.g.
the term in the exponent cim(z/D + L/D + zim)2).
The PR results of each case have a different dis-
cretisation level. Most of the effects are pronounced
near the pile, as expected. To have a more reliable
correction factor and a consistent distribution of
Figure 3. Description of the surface plots. the data points, the PR field data were interpolated

onto a uniform grid. The grid spacing is smaller
near the pile, in the influence region, where the
installation field shows clear deviation from the K0
state, and larger otherwise. As a result of using the
new grid the regression analysis is preconditioned
to fit better in the influence region. Furthermore, in
order to eliminate the spurious concentrations and
to obtain the underlying functions that describe
the installation fields, median filtering was applied
on the interpolated PR analysis results.
The model functions have in common two spatial
variables r and z, one constant K0 and five fitting
coefficients aim, bim, cim, rim and zim. Since the model
functions are not linear in r and z, the resulting
regression analysis applied on the surface data is
a bivariate non-linear regression. Figures 4–8 give
a comparison of the approximate surface and the

PR simulation results (data points). Figure 4. Fitting results of normalised radial stresses ψ rr.
After obtaining the fitting coefficients and
substituting the normalised forms back into
Equations (1)–(5), the following forms can be
obtained for the Cartesian stresses, σ rr′ , σ zz ′ , σ θθ

and σ rz′ and the void ratio, e:

⎡ 3 ⎤
σ rr′ = p0′ ⋅ ⎢Rrrr,0 + ∑ ai1 ⋅ e − ρi 1 ⎥ (7)
⎣ i =1 ⎦
⎡ 4 ⎤
′ = p0′ ⋅ ⎢Rzzz ,0 + ∑ ai 2 ⋅ e − ρi 2 ⎥
σ zz (8)
⎣ i =1 ⎦
⎡ 3 ⎤
′ = p0′ ⋅ ⎢Rθθθ ,0 + ∑ ai 3 ⋅ e − ρi 3 ⎥
σ θθ (9)
⎣ i =1 ⎦
⎡ 6 ⎤
′ = p0′ ⋅ ⎢Rrrz ,0 + ∑ ai 4 ⋅ e − ρi 4 ⎥
σ rz (10)
⎣ i =1 ⎦

Figure 5. Fitting results of normalised vertical stresses ψzz.
⎡ 4 ⎤
e eK 0 ⋅ ⎢1 + ∑ ai 5 ⋅ e − ρi 5 ⎥ (11)
⎣ i =1 ⎦

Considering the hypoplastic relation of (Bauer

1996) Equation (11) can also be formulated as:
⎛ 3′ p0 ⎞
⎝ hs ⎟⎠ ⎡ 4
−ρ 5 ⎤
e e0 ⋅ e ⎢1 + ∑ ai 5 ⋅ e i ⎥ (12)
⎣ i =1 ⎦

where, e0 is the void ratio at zero stress level, hs and

n are hypoplasticity model parameters representing
granulate hardness and exponent of the logarithmic
decay function. Figures 9–13 compare the surface
fits of the cases evaluated back on the reference FE
mesh with the PR results.
Alternatively, the accuracy of fits can be checked
by comparing the load—displacement behaviour
of the pile after the installation effects are imposed Figure 6.∧
Fitting results of normalised tangential
stresses ψθθ .

Figure 10. Comparison of the surface fit of σ ′zz with

Figure 7. Fitting results of normalised shear stresses ψ rz. PR data.

Figure 11. Comparison of the surface fit of σθθ

′ with
∧ PR data.
Figure 8. Fitting results of normalised void ratio ψ e .

Figure 9. Comparison of the surface fit of σ ′rr with Figure 12. Comparison of the surface fit of σ ′rz with
PR data. PR data.

obtained using the formulas was on the conserva-
tive side of the curve obtained from the PR results.
An improvement factor, η at any displacement
level can be defined using the total reaction force,
Ft of each case as:

FtPR − FtK 0 (13)

η= ∧


Using Eqn. (13), a resonable improvement factor

of approximately 0.65 was found at u− y 0.10 D.


In this study, first the installation effects in sand due

Figure 13. Comparison of the surface fit of e with PR to pile jacking were investigated. In order to quantify
data. the installation effects a simplified FE technique—
the Press-Replace technique—was employed. The
change in stress and density at the final equalisa-
tion states was considered as the main installation
effects. In view of the results obtained from FE
simulations, the possibilities of incorporating the
installation effects were investigated. An approxi-
mation of the installation effects, which allows flex-
ibility for imposing the installation field around a
wished-in-place pile to model it as a jacked pile, has
been presented.
The Cartesian stress and void ratio fields result-
ing from pile jacking simulations by the PR tech-
nique, have been approximated by model functions
of Gaussian forms. The fitting results have shown
that the approximated surfaces successfully rep-
resented the stress and void ratio distributions
obtained from the PR simulations. A numerical load
test was performed by imposing the approximated
installation effects around a wished-in-place pile.
A comparable, but conservative load-displacement
Figure 14. Comparison of the calculated pile load test curve was obtained. Nevertheless, an improve-
curves of∧ the imposed installation effects using the fitting ment of final capacity more than 65% compared
results Ψ with PR result and K0 state. to the load displacement curve of the pile load
test starting from the K0 state has been obtained.
using the forms given in Equations (7)–(11). The One of the reasons for obtaining reduced capacity
load tests were performed on the equalised state of the imposed states is the approximation error
of the imposed stress and void ratio to compare introduced during the regression analyses. More
the force displacement curves with the reference importantly, the surface peaks were smoothened
curves obtained from load tests performed on by the median filtering. The approximations also
the directly interpolated PR simulations results. introduce unbalanced stresses, which are equalised
Figure 14 shows that the imposed states using by a NiL step performed after imposing the instal-
the proposed functions of stress and void ratio lation effects.
underpredict the PR results. It can be seen that the As a next step, the stress and void ratio fields
load displacement curve obtained from the case in of the geometry and density variations can be rep-
which the proposed formulas were employed yield resented in a unique form. Obtaining the unique
an improved response compared to a situation form requires a second regression over the fitting
with simply K0 stress state. As expected, the curve results of each variation.

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Bauer, E. 1996. Calibration of a comprehensive hypo- (NSC06), pp. 235–246.
plastic model for granular materials. Japanese Geo- Pham, H.D., Engin, H.K., Brinkgreve, R.B.J. & van Tol, A.F.
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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Analytical and laboratory study of soil disturbance caused

by mandrel driven prefabricated vertical drains

A. Ghandeharioon
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Laval University,
Quebec, Canada

ABSTRACT: Analytical investigations and large-scale laboratory experiments were conducted to study the
soil disturbance due to the installation of mandrel-driven Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) in soft saturated
clays. Considering the mandrels commonly used for installing PVDs in the field, an elliptical Cavity Expan-
sion Theory (CET) was formulated to analyze the shear strain and pore pressure developed in soil during the
mandrel installation. The elliptical CET was developed using modified Cam clay parameters for the undrained
analysis of PVDs installed in soft soil deposits. This formulation identifies a critical zone, a plastic zone, and an
elastic zone around mandrel-driven prefabricated vertical drains. The large-scale laboratory tests consider the
effects of in-situ stresses using a specially designed consolidometer, and a rate controlled installation machine.
The pore water pressure was measured at various locations during the installation of a PVD and withdrawal
of the mandrel. The analytically predicted pore pressures agreed with the measurements in the laboratory. The
results of moisture content tests were also analyzed to verify the concept of an elliptical smear zone around
drains, and to derive a relationship between in-situ effective stresses and the extent of the smear zone.

1 INTRODUCTION In this paper the installation of mandrel-driven

PVDs and resulting disturbance in soft saturated
Soil stabilization is an effective method to improve clays are analyzed with a new elliptical CET. The
the engineering properties of soil clay lands and total and effective stresses and excess pore water
to alleviate unacceptable differential settlements. pressure in the soils surrounding the mandrel are
When the soft layer is thick, use of Prefabricated predicted. The theoretical variations of excess pore
Vertical Drains (PVDs) combined with pre-load- pressure are then validated with the measurements
ing is an economically viable approach for improv- in large-scale laboratory tests. Laboratory studies
ing ground. This technique increases the shear have been previously performed to evaluate driv-
strength of soft soils by decreasing the moisture ing vertical drains and its effect on soil disturbance
content, which in turn reduces the void ratio. and consolidation. Bergado et al. (1991) con-
An analogy between installing mandrel-driven ducted tests by installing a PVD in a transparent
PVDs and driving cone/pile led to modeling the cell made of polyvinyl chloride and filled with a
installation procedure using Cavity Expansion reconstituted soft Bangkok clay. Hird and Moseley
Theory (CET). While this theory deals with the (2000) measured the loss of head in multi-layered
changes in stresses, displacements and pore pres- soils and examined the characteristics of the smear
sures resulted from the expansion of cavities in zone to suggest that the radius of inner smear
geomaterials, it considers the elastic and plastic region would be 3 times the equivalent radius of
deformations during the penetration process, and the drain. Sharma and Xiao (2000) performed
the effect of penetration on the initial state of large-scale laboratory experiments and found that
stress (Yu and Mitchell 1996). Following Gibson the smear zone was about 4 times the equivalent
and Anderson (1961), the CET has been adopted radius of the drain. The laboratory experiments in
as the most significant method for interpreting self- this research incorporate a novel machine for driv-
boring pressuremeter tests. As highlighted by Vesic ing mandrels at rates in the range of usual prac-
(1972), and Yu and Houlsby (1991) solutions of the tice and a large-scale consolidometer specifically
limit pressure of spherical and cylindrical cavities manufactured for this purpose to examine the dis-
can be used to predict the end bearing and shaft turbance in soil and the excess pore pressure while
capacities of piles in soil and rock. In addition, installing a PVD. At the end, the results of mois-
stability and serviceability of tunnels and under- ture content tests were used to assess the extent of
ground excavations have been analyzed by CET. the smear zone around the PVD.

2 ELLIPTICAL CAVITY EXPANSION In terms of effective stresses, Equations (1)
THEORY become:

2.1 Assumptions and definition of the problem ∂ Δu ∂ Δσ r′ 1 ∂ Δ rθ Δσ r′ − Δσ θ′

+ + + +S =0 (2a)
It is assumed that driving a mandrel (with a common ∂r ∂r r ∂θ r
rectangular or rhomboidal cross section) into soil
creates an elliptical cavity, which expands concentri- 1 ∂ u 1 ∂ Δσ θ′ ∂ Δτ rθ Δτ θ
+ + +2 0 (2b)
cally along the horizontal plane. It is also assumed r ∂θ r ∂θ ∂r r
that the soil is homogeneous and that interface
between the mandrel and saturated soft clay is fric- where, Δu is the excess pore water pressure.
tionless. The shape of the anchor is not included in The strain-displacement relationships in the
this analysis, and the mandrel penetration is consid- polar coordinates are:
ered as undrained. Figure 1 illustrates a planar view
of an elliptical cavity (in polar coordinates) with an ∂U
initial semimajor axis of a0 and a semiminor axis of εr = (3a)
b0. σ0 is the initial internal pressure of the cavity, and
also the uniform pressure acting on the soil bound-
U ∂V
aries at infinity. As the mandrel is driven into the εθ = + (3b)
ground the cavity pressure increases to Pi and the r r ∂θ
axes of cavity expand to a1 and b1, respectively. Con-
sequently, as this elliptical cavity expands the soil is ∂U ∂V V
γ rθ = + − (3c)
assumed to have in-plane displacements. Moreover, r ∂θ ∂r r
it is assumed that Hook’s elasticity law and modi-
fied Cam clay govern, respectively, the elastic and where, εr, εθ and γrθ are the radial, tangential and
plastic behavior of soil. shear strain, respectively. U and V are, respectively,
the components of displacement in a radial and
2.2 Analysis of the elastic state tangential direction.
In view of the undrained plane strain condi-
The equations of equilibrium in polar coordinates,
tion and with reference to Equations (3), the set
expressed as total stresses are:
of Equations (2), in absence of the body forces,
convert into:
∂ Δσ r 1 ∂ Δτ rθ Δσ − Δσ θ
+ + +S =0 (1a)
∂r r ∂θ r
∂ Δu 2G ⎛ ∂ 2U ⎞ 2G ∂U
+ 2 ⎜ 2 +U ⎟ + =0 (4a)
1 ∂ Δσ θ ∂ Δτ rθ Δτ θ ∂r r ⎝ ∂θ ⎠ r ∂r
+ +2 0 (1b)
r ∂θ ∂r r
1 ∂ u 2G ⎛ ∂U ⎞
r ⎝ ∂θ ∫
+ 2 ⎜ + U dθ + f r )⎟
where, Δσr, Δσθ and Δτrθ are variations in radial, r ∂θ ⎠
tangential, and shear stresses, respectively. S and T
are radial and tangential components of body force. ∂ 2U ∂3U
− 8G ∫ d 2Gr ∫ dθ
∂r 2 ∂r 3
d 2 f 2G ⎛ ∂U df ⎞
r ⎝ ∫ ∂r
−2G − ⎜ dθ + ⎟ = 0 (4b)
dr 2 dr ⎠

This system of differential equations is solved

by considering the applicable boundary conditions
and the loading pattern in the developed cavity to
yield (Ghandeharioon 2010):

⎛ P − σ 0 ⎞ ⎛ r12 ⎞
U =⎜ i ⎜ ⎟, V τ rθ 0, u=0 (5)
⎝ 2 G ⎟⎠ ⎝ r ⎠

⎛r ⎞
Figure 1. Expansion of an elliptical cavity in an infinite Δσ r Δσ r′ = − Δσ θ′ Δσ θ = − ( Pi − σ ) ⎜ 1 ⎟ (6)
⎝ r⎠
soft saturated clay, shown in polar coordinates.

where, r is the position of a soil element measured where, σrp is the total radial stress at the elastic-
from the center of the cavity and r1 is the radius of plastic boundary.
an elliptical cavity. G is the shear modulus of soil. As shown by Cao et al. (2001), a closed form
The pressure-expansion relationship in the elas- solution of the total stresses may be derived by
tic phase is developed as: taking the deviator stress in the plastic zone equal
to the deviator stress at failure (qf). By incorpo-
2G rating the logarithmic strains to justify the large-
r1 = r (7)
2G (Pi − 0 )0 strain effects, the internal pressure in cavity is
expressed as:
in which, r0 (θ ) a0 b0 b02 (a02 b02 ) 2
θ is the ini-
tial radius of the elliptical cavity. np 1 qf 3G (r − r )
Pi p0 − Mp0′ − ln (12)
3 3 r12 q f
2.3 Analysis of the plastic state
As the mandrel penetrates the soil, internal pres- M ′ ( n p /2 ) λ
in which, q f Mp
sure in the cavity increases and as a result, the devi- According to Ghandeharioon (2010), the rela-
ator stress (q) of every soil particle increases. The tionship between radial distance and its associated
total stress parameters are used in this research to deviator stress can be determined by:
analyze the cavity expansion in the context of criti-
cal state. In the plane strain condition: ⎛ r2 − r2 ⎞
ln ⎜1 − 1 2 0 ⎟
⎝ r ⎠
p ( + )/ q = 3( − )/ 2 (8) κΛ ⎡ η⎞ ⎤
r r q
= −2 3 ⎢ζ − tan ⎝ M ⎠ np − 1⎥
3G υM ⎣ ⎦
The constant deformation in soil establishes a
link between q p′ and the initial state of effective (13)
stress, p0′. Based on Cao et al. (2001), the effective
stress path in the p′ : q plane in modified Cam clay The principle of effective stress denotes that
context under an undrained condition is given by: the excess pore water pressure is the difference
between changes in the states of total and effec-
1 tive stresses:
M ′ n p ( p′ p′ )

q Mp Λ −1 (9)
Δu = Δp − Δp' (14)
where, n p pp′y0 /pp0′ and Λ = 1 −κ λ are the isotropic
overconsolidation ratio and plastic volumetric Based on Equations (13) and (12), q and p can
strain ratio, respectively. py′0 is the maximum iso- be calculated at any soil element inside the plas-
tropic preconsolidation stress. κ is the slope of tic region. Equation (11) is then used to derive
elastic swelling line and λ is the slope of the normal the state of total stress at that particular posi-
compression line in the ln p′:υ plane where υ is the tion, while noting that p σ r q/ 3 . Finally,
specific volume. by using Equation (14), the value of excess pore
Using Equation (9), the minimum internal pres- pressure can be determined at the location being
sure required to yield the soil elements adjacent to considered.
the wall of the cavity is determined as:

Pimin p0 − Mp0′ ( n p )/3 (10) 2.4 Analysis of the critical state

Driving the mandrel further will ultimately lead
Once the mandrel is driven in further the pressure to the soil being at critical state at the wall of the
in the cavity increases from the value identified by cavity. Thus, the internal pressure will approach its
Equation (10), and the plastic region extends into maximum value at:
the elastic area. In view of the simulated loading pat-
tern and Equation (5), in absence of the body forces, np − 1
Mp0′ ⎛ n p ⎞
integrating Equations (1) along a particle path start- Pimax p0 − Mp0′ −
ing at the elastic-plastic boundary results in: 3 3 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
⎡ ⎛ 2 ⎞ Λ 3G ⎤
2 r dr ln ⎢ − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ (15)
σr σ rp − ∫ q
3 rp r
(11) ⎢ ⎝ n p ⎠ Mp0′ ⎥
⎣ ⎦

The deviator stress of a particular soil element porous brass tips were used to monitor changes
can then be related to its radial distance from the in pore pressure during initial consolidation and
center of the cavity by: during installation of the mandrel and its with-

r1 ⎛ q κΛ ⎡ −11 ⎛
η⎞ ⎤⎞
= 1 − exp ⎜ −2 3 ⎢ζ − tan ⎜⎝ M ⎟⎠ + ta np − 1⎥ ⎟
r ⎝ 3G υM ⎣ ⎦⎠

1 (η + )( − − ) and η = q . drawal. The transducers were installed at different

where, ζ = ln positions, as depicted in Figure 3, and were con-
2 (η − )( − + ) p′ nected to a digital data logger.
After assembling the cell, a soft clay deposit was
By incorporating the results of laboratory tests prepared, but because the consolidometer is a large
on soil permeability conducted by Sathananthan
and Indraratna (2006), Hird and Moseley (2000)
and Indraratna and Redana (1998), it is proposed
that the plastic shear strain normalized by the
rigidity index can be adopted to characterize the
disturbed soil surrounding the mandrel-driven
PVDs. Normalized plastic shear strain is as large as
0.86%−1.05% at the boundary of soil that is in crit-
ical state, depending on the properties of the soft
clay. The smear zone, within which the horizontal
coefficient of permeability varies rapidly with the
radial distance from the center of the mandrel,
extends to where this ratio is about 0.10%–0.17%.
The magnitude of normalized plastic shear strain
varies between 0.01% and 0.05% at the bound-
ary of the marginally disturbed zone, that region
where the horizontal permeability changes slightly
with distance. The plastic zone of soil experiences
generation of Δu during the installation of mandrel
and covers the area where the plastic shear strain Figure 2. Large-scale consolidometer cell with the
is larger than zero. Finally, there is an outermost doughnut pressure chamber mounted on top of it.
elastic zone with zero plastic shear strain and no
change in the total pore pressure before and after
the mandrel penetrates the soil. Full details of the
analytical derivations and subsequent proposed
theory are provided by Ghandeharioon (2010).


3.1 Test apparatus and materials

The large-scale laboratory tests, in this research,
utilize a consolidometer cell that is manufactured
from two cylindrical half sections of 7 mm thick
stainless steel, bolted together along their edges
and then placed on a base. With a flange mounted
on top of the cell, the outside diameter would be
664 mm and the height would be 1070 mm. The
surcharge loading is applied to the surface of the
soil by an air jack compressor system via a cali- Figure 3. Radial positions of the fast response pore
brated regulator to the piston mounted on top of pressure transducers (Ts) in relation to the center of the
the consolidometer, as shown in Figure 2. Fast cell at the horizontal plane 0.26 m below the soil surface
response pore pressure transducers equipped with (unit: mm).

apparatus, a sample of undisturbed saturated clay After the PVD was installed, a consolidation
was deemed to be impractical. Therefore, a com- pressure was applied to the soil deposit. Once con-
mercially available reconstituted clay was used for solidation reached 90%, 54 samples were cored
the tests. The reconstituted soft clay was assessed to from various locations along three different direc-
have a moisture content of 60% (1.1 times its liquid tions, to determine the extent of the smear zone.
limit) and a plasticity index of 28%. The PVD and More details of the large-scale laboratory tests are
mandrel used in the tests were 100 mm × 4 mm and presented in Ghandeharioon (2012).
125 mm × 28 mm in cross section, respectively.


3.2 Test procedure
The procedure for filling the consolidometer cell
with the reconstituted clay and applying a sur- The pore water pressure has been measured in this
charge loading to the piston mounted onto the top research at various locations of the consolidometer
plate is discussed by Ghandeharioon (2012). An while different surcharge loads (20 kPa, 32.5 kPa,
initial consolidation pressure of 37 kPa was applied and 50 kPa) were applied to the surface of soil dur-
to the top plate before the PVD was installed. Once ing installation of a PVD and withdrawal of the
initial consolidation was 90% complete, the top mandrel. The large-scale tests also made it possible
plate was removed and replaced by another plate to investigate the effect of in-situ effective stresses
specifically designed to enable a surcharge load on the size of the smear zone. The variations of
to be applied while the PVD was being installed. pore water pressure measured in the laboratory at
A novel machine for driving mandrels at a pre- different locations in the consolidometer (Fig. 3),
desired rate was manufactured to study the instal- while the mandrel was being driven into the soil
lation of mandrel-driven PVDs. Figure 4 shows and then withdrawn, are shown in Figure 5 for
the final setup of the laboratory equipments where a surcharge pressure of 50 kPa. The initial pore
the mandrel-driving machine is mounted onto the water pressure recorded by pore pressure trans-
large-scale consolidometer. ducers T1–T6 was 22.6 kPa, 34.9 kPa and 52.2 kPa

Figure 5. Variations of excess pore pressure measured

Figure 4. Final setup for large-scale laboratory tests in the laboratory during installation of a PVD and with-
where the mandrel-driving machine is mounted onto the drawal of the mandrel by the transducers identified in
consolidometer. Figure 3 (surcharge loading = 50 kPa).

for tests conducted under surcharge pressure of
20 kPa, 32.5 kPa and 50 kPa, respectively.
The changes in excess pore water pressure show
that the maximum pore pressure at any given level
develops owing to the compression ahead of the
mandrel during the installation process just before
the base of the mandrel passes the observation
level. When the base of the mandrel passes the
observation level, the vertical compression changes
because of a shearing force developed at the inter-
face of the mandrel and soil, and consequently
the pore pressure drops off until the PVD is fully
installed. Once the mandrel is started to be with-
drawn the pore pressure drops due to the sudden
decrease in mean stress. Figure 7. Variations of the moisture content of
As soon as the base of the mandrel passes from soil measured in the laboratory along the 0°, 45° and
the observation level during withdrawal, the pore 90° axes in relation to the installed PVD (surcharge
pressure experiences a sudden decrease attrib- loading = 50 kPa, consolidation pressure = 80 kPa).
utable to the vacuum created by passing of the
mandrel. The residual excess pore pressure that
exists once the mandrel has been completely with- As discussed by Ghandeharioon (2010), install-
drawn will drain over time as a result of radial and ing mandrel-driven PVDs affects both the hori-
vertical consolidation. These observations were zontal coefficient of permeability and the moisture
also used to validate the numerical simulation in content of the soil adjacent to the drain. Variations
Ghandeharioon et al. (2012). These variations of of moisture content are investigated in this research
pore water pressure reveal that when the vertical to determine the extent of smear zone, and also to
drain was fully installed the excess pore pressure evaluate the effect of in-situ effective stresses on
that built up decreased as the radial distance to the the size of the smear zone. Figure 7 illustrates the
PVD increased, but when the mandrel was com- results of laboratory measurements of the mois-
pletely withdrawn the residual pore pressure was ture content of 54 samples cored from various
larger further away from the PVD. locations along three different directions in the test
Distribution patterns for excess pore pressure corresponding to a surcharge pressure of 50 kPa,
with the radial distance from the center of the after consolidation was 90% complete. r, rm(θ) and
cavity predicted with the developed elliptical CET rsmear are the radial position measured from the
and conventional cylindrical CET, and measured center of the cell, equiv alent radius of the mandrel
in the laboratory are compared in Figure 6. It is and radius of the smear zone, respectively.
evident that the developed elliptical CET evaluates Based on the variation of the measured moisture
the pore pressure during mandrel installation more contents and by implementing the concept devel-
accurately than the conventional cylindrical CET. oped by Sathananthan and Indraratna (2006), it is
found that the radius of the smear zone normalized
by the equivalent radius of the mandrel is 2.55 in
that test. The normalized radius of the smear zone
is 2.65 and 2.85 for tests where the surcharge load-
ing applied to the surface of soil during installa-
tion was 32.5 kPa and 20 kPa, respectively. These
results verify the concept of an elliptical smear
zone identified by Ghandeharioon et al. (2010) for
the cases where drains were driven by rectangular
mandrels. Furthermore, these results indicate that
for a given type of soft soil subjected to a particular
rate of mandrel installation, the size of smear zone
decreases as the in-situ effective stresses increase.
Figure 6. Distribution patterns predicted for excess
pore pressure with radial distance using the elliptical CET
and cylindrical CET along the major axis of the mandrel 5 CONCLUSIONS
0.26 m below the soil surface, and measured when base of
the drain shoe passed that horizontal plane, with a sur- The disturbance and pore water pressure in soft sat-
charge loading = 50 kPa. urated clays were analyzed during the installation

of mandrel-driven prefabricated vertical drains. Cao, L.F., Teh, C.I., & Chang, M.F. (2001). Undrained
A new elliptical cavity expansion theory for an cavity expansion in modified Cam clay I: Theoretical
undrained condition was developed by incorpo- analysis, Géotechnique, 51(4): 232–334.
rating the modified Cam clay parameters to study Ghandeharioon, A. 2010. Analytical and numerical study
of soil disturbance associated with the installation of
the installation of PVDs in soft clay deposits. As mandrel-driven prefabricated vertical drains, Ph.D.
a mandrel is driven into the soil, the internal pres- Thesis, School of Civil, Mining & Environmen-
sure in the cavity that is expanding, and the cor- tal Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of
responding stresses and excess pore pressure in the Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia.
soft soil were predicted. The plastic shear strain Ghandeharioon, A. 2012. Large-scale laboratory assess-
normalized by the rigidity index of the soil was ment of smear effects in soft soils stabilized by prefab-
used to characterize the disturbed soil surround- ricated vertical drains. Proceedings of 65th Canadian
ing the mandrel-driven PVDs. Based on this con- Geotechnical Conference: GeoManitoba—Building on
cept, the boundaries of critical zone, smear zone, the past, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Canada.
Ghandeharioon, A., Indraratna, B., & Rujikiatkamjorn, C.
marginally disturbed zone, plastic zone, and elastic 2010. Analysis of soil disturbance associated with man-
zone were identified. drel-driven prefabricated vertical drains using an ellip-
In this research the installation of PVDs was tical cavity expansion theory, International Journal of
studied in the laboratory under the field conditions Geomechanics, 10(2): 53–64.
using a large-scale consolidometer and a mandrel- Ghandeharioon, A., Indraratna, B., & Rujikiatkamjorn, C.
driving machine capable of working at realistic 2012. Laboratory and finite element investigation of
rates. Variations of pore water pressure during the soil disturbance associated with the installation of
installation of a PVD and withdrawal of the man- mandrel-driven prefabricated vertical drains, Journal
drel were monitored by pore pressure transducers. of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
138(3): 295–308.
Subsequently, the pattern of distribution calculated Gibson, R.E., & Anderson, W.F. 1961. In-situ measure-
for excess pore pressure by the developed theory ment of soil properties with the pressuremeter. Civil
was verified by the measurements performed in the Engineering Public Works Reviews, 56, 615–618.
laboratory. Hird, C.C., & Moseley, V.J. 2000. Model study of seepage
Using the results of moisture content tests on in smear zones around vertical drains in layered soil,
samples, which in relation to the installed PVD Géotechnique, 50(1): 89–97.
were cored from various locations and directions, Indraratna, B., & Redana, I.W. 1998. Laboratory deter-
the extent of smear zone was measured in the mination of smear zone due to vertical drain instal-
large-scale consolidometer in each test performed lation. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, 124(2): 180–184.
under a different surcharge loading. The results Sathananthan, I., & Indraratna, B. 2006. Laboratory
verified the concept of an elliptical smear zone evaluation of smear zone and correlation between
around drains that was identified in previous stud- permeability and moisture content, Journal of Geo-
ies for cases where PVDs were driven by common technical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(7):
field mandrels. These results also showed that for 942–945.
a given type of soft soil subjected to a particu- Sharma, J.S., & Xiao, D. 2000. Characterisation of
lar rate of installation, the extent of smear zone a smear zone around vertical drains by large-scale
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tive stresses increase. 1265–1271.
Vesic, A.S. 1972. Expansion of cavities in infinite soil
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Division, ASCE, 98, 265–290.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Yu, H.S., & Houlsby, G.T. 1991. Finite cavity expansion
in dilatant soil: Loading analysis. Geotechnique, 41,
This research was supported by a scholarship from 173–183.
the Cooperative Research Center (CRC Australia) Yu, H.S., & Mitchell, J.K. 1996. Analysis of cone resist-
for Railway Innovation awarded to the author for ance: A review of methods. The University of Newcas-
his Ph.D. studies at University of Wollongong, tle, Australia, Report No. 142.09.1996.
Australia. Their support is acknowledged.


Bergado, D.T., Asakami, H., Alfaro, M.C., &

Balasubramaniam, A.S. 1991. Smear effects of
vertical drains on soft Bangkok clay, Journal
of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 117(10):

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

CEL: Simulations for soil plugging, screwed pile installation

and deep vibration compaction

J. Grabe, S. Henke, T. Pucker & T. Hamann

Institute of Geotechnical and Construction Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany

ABSTRACT: In many geotechnical applications like pile installation processes or soil improvement
large deformations of the surrounding soil occur. These large deformations in combination with the com-
plex material behaviour of the soil lead to numerical boundary value problems which are often difficult to
solve. These difficulties are related to large mesh distortions and numerical problems due to complex con-
tact conditions. One possibility to overcome these difficulties is to use special numerical techniques which
are especially invented for large deformation simulations. In this work, the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian
method (CEL) is identified to be well suited for such boundary value problems involving large distortions
of the surrounding soil. Therefore, the numerical technique is presented and its suitability is shown in dif-
ferent geotechnical applications. The screwed pile installation and the deep vibration compaction process
are investigated using the CEL method.

1 INTRODUCTION process is investigated in a numerical study. The

results are discussed regarding the influence of
In many geotechnical applications like pile instal- the screwed pile installation on the surrounding
lation processes or soil improvement large defor- soil.
mations of the surrounding soil occur. These large 2. Deep vibration compaction: In this study the
deformations in combination with the complex main parameters frequency and vibration force
material behaviour of the soil lead to numerical are varied to study their influence on the com-
boundary value problems which are often difficult paction success.
to solve. These difficulties are related to large mesh
distortions and numerical problems due to com-
plex contact conditions.
One possibility to overcome these difficulties
is to use special numerical techniques which are
especially developed for large deformation simula-
2.1 Eulerian and Lagrangian formulation
tions. The Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method
(CEL) is used to model the following geotechnical There are two alternatives to describe the move-
applications: ment of a small volumetric element as a function
of time (Fig. 1): the Lagrangian approach and the
1. Screwed pile installation: The whole installation
Eulerian approach.
process of screwed piles with variation of the
main parameters influencing the penetration 1. Lagrangian approach: The movement of the
continuum is specified as a function of the
material coordinates and time. This is the tra-
ditional approach used in conventional small
strain finite element analyses. The nodes of
the Lagrangian mesh move with the material
as it deforms. The interface between two parts
is accurately tracked. Large deformations may
lead to severe mesh distortions and pose limita-
tions to this approach.
2. Eulerian approach: The movement of the con-
tinuum is specified as a function of the spatial
Figure 1. Deformation of a continuum in a Lagrangian coordinate and time. This approach is often used
(left) and an Eulerian analysis (right). in fluid mechanics. An Eulerian reference mesh,

which remains stationary enables the motion of
the material to be traced. Materials can move
freely through an Eulerian mesh, which remains

2.2 Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach

The Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) method
aims at capturing the advantages both of the
Lagrangian and the Eulerian approach. The CEL-
Figure 2. Schematic illustration of the contact between
Method allows an interaction between Lagrangian a Lagrangian and a Eulerian part.
elements and Eulerian material by using an
Eulerian-Lagrangian contact formulation. The
Eulerian time integration is realized applying the 2.4 Hypoplastic constitutive model
“Lagrange-plus-remap” formulation. First of all, a
traditional Lagrangian phase is calculated in each The choice of an appropriate constitutive model is
time increment and the nodes of the Eulerian mesh a challenge, because of the complex behaviour of
are temporarily fixed within the material. Therefore soils due to large deformation, i.e. critical state or
the Eulerian elements can deform temporarily soil softening. The hypoplastic constitutive model
in the Lagrangian phase. Second, in the Eulerian according to von Wolffersdorff (1996) with the
phase, the so called transport phase, elements are extension of intergranular strain by Niemunis &
tested for significant deformation. These elements Herle (1997) is used in this paper. The constitutive
are automatically remapped and the material flow model is able to reproduce the non linear and inelas-
through these elements is calculated. The timestep tic behaviour of soils realistically. Specific properties
has to be sufficiently small, so no element distor- of granular soils are considered, including dilatancy,
tions occur during one timestep in the Lagrangian different stiffnesses for loading and unloading
phase. In the analyses the movement of the Eulerian paths, barotropy and pycnotropy. The extension of
material through the mesh is tracked by comput- intergranular strain allows the simulation of effects
ing its Eulerian Volume Fraction (EVF). Each such as accumulation of deformation and hystereti-
Eulerian element is designated a percentage, which cal behaviour under cyclic loading. The constitutive
represents the portion of that element filled with a model is rate independent in a rate-type formulation
material. If an Eulerian element is completely filled defined by the tensorial function:
with a material, its EVF is 1; if there is no material
in the element, its EVF is 0. This approach is avail-
M (T ):D (1)
able in Abaqus (Dassault Systèmes, 2010).
The application of the CEL-Method on geo- Ο

mechanical problems involving large deformations In this equation T is the objective Jaumann stress
has been approved e.g. by Qiu et al. (2009, 2010), rate, D the strain rate and M a fourth order tensor,
Qiu & Grabe (2011), Henke et al. (2010), Bienen which depends on the actual Cauchy stress T, the
et al. (2011), Pucker & Grabe (2012), Pichler et al. void ratio e and the intergranular strain δ. One
(2012). advantage of the constitutive model is the consid-
eration of the void ratio. Thus, compaction proc-
esses can be described accurately.
2.3 Contact formulation
Contact between Eulerian and Lagrangian struc-
tures is enforced using a general contact formu- 3 SIMULATION OF SCREWED PILE
lation that is based on a penalty method. The INSTALLATION
algorithm does not enforce contact between the
Lagrangian elements and the Eulerian elements. The installation process of piles influences the
The Lagrangian elements can move through surrounding soil depending on the installation
the Eulerian mesh without resistance until they method. The piles can be driven, jacked, vibrated
encounter an Eulerian element filled with mate- or drilled into the ground. The effects inside the
rial (EVF ≠ 0), see Figure 2. The penalty contact soil are still not completely investigated. There-
method is less strict compared to the kinematic con- fore, most methods to predict the pile behaviour
tact method used in the Lagrangian approach. It or its bearing capacity are based on empirical
approximates hard pressure-overclosure behavior. approaches.
This method allows small penetration of the The influences of the installation process on
Eulerian material into the Lagrangian domain. the surrounding soil have been investigated for

driven, jacked and vibrated piles by Mahutka has a diameter about 51 cm and the drill rod about
(2007), Henke (2008), Henke & Grabe (2009) in 32 cm. The diameter of the auger elements relate
numerical studies. In this section, the numerical to the displacement body.
simulation of the installation process of drilled The soil is modeled as an Eulerian area. The
piles is presented. Using this simulation, new shape is cylindrical with a diameter about 16 m
insight can be gained in understanding effects and a height of 20 m. Thereby, the distance
in the soil nearby installed piles. The installation between the boundaries and the drilling tool is
of a full displacement pile with lost bit (FDP) is more than 15 D (15 times of the pile diameter
simulated. Full displacement piles push the soil D), so that no influences of the boundary con-
sideways without excavating soil. The installation ditions on the results are expected. Above the
process is divided into six steps schematically pre- soil, a 2 m void area is provided, so that the soil
sented in Figure 3. can avoid into this free space during the drilling
In the first step the drilling tool is taken into process. The whole Eulerian area is discretized
position. During the second and the third step, the with approx. 163,000 eight-noded elements with
drilling tool is drilled to the purposed depth. Dur- reduced integration. The discretized model is
ing the drilling process, the soil is transported to shown in Figure 5.
the displacement body where the soil is compacted. The drilling tool penetrates the soil velocity
The reinforcement basket is installed in step four. controlled. Assuming, that the response of the soil
The drilling tool is removed in step five and the pile model does not depend on the velocity, the pene-
is concreted simultaneously. The concrete hardens tration velocity is taken to 1 m/s. The ratio between
in step six and the installation is completed. The the penetration velocity and the rotation velocity
presented numerical study simulates only the steps should be approx. 10. Therefore the rotational
two and three. A detail of the drilling tool is illus- velocity is chosen to 10 U/s. The reaction forces
trated in Figure 4. and moments are recorded during the simulation.

3.1.2 Contact and constitutive model

3.1 Numerical simulation
The general contact algorithm is used. The normal
3.1.1 Modeling contact is chosen to hard contact and the tangen-
Due to the asymmetric drilling tool and the applied tial contact uses the Mohr-Coulomb model with a
CEL-Method, a three dimensional model has to be friction angle about δ = 1/3 φ'.
used. The drilling tool is modeled as a rigid body, The hypoplastic constitutive model presented in
because it is assumed, that the deformations of the section 2.4 is used to simulate the drilling process.
drilling tool are neglectable according to the large The material is chosen as Mai-Liao sand and its
deformations of the soil. The displacement body parameters are given in Table 1.

Figure 3. Schematic illustration of the installation process of full displacement piles (Busch et al., 2010).

3.2 Results
3.2.1 Changes of the stress state
The stress state around the drilling tool is signifi-
cantly influenced, see Figure 6. The transport of
the soil to the displacement body causes a compac-
tion of the soil at the height of the displacement
body. After the displacement body passes through,
a gap between the soil and the drill rod occurs
and the soil can relax. Therefore, the horizontal
stresses, illustrated in Figure 6, decrease nearby the
drilling tool. The massive compaction of the soil
in combination with the changing cross-section of
the drilling tool lead to a reduction of the horizon-
Figure 4. Scheme of the FDP drilling tool invented by tal stresses nearby the drilling tool.
BAUER (Busch et al., 2010) (left); numerical discretiza-
tion of the drilling tool (right). 3.2.2 Changes of the soil’s bulk density
The hypoplastic constitutive model is able to predict
changes of the soil’s bulk density, see section 2.4.
These changes caused by the drilling process are
shown in Figure 7. The influence of two different
velocity ratios between the penetration velocity vz
and the rotation velocity vr are investigated. Nearby
the drilling tool, the soil is loosened up, caused by the
changing cross-section of the drilling tool. Between a
distance of 1 D to 3 D, the soil is strongly densified.

3.3 Conclusion
The CEL-method is able to reproduce the soil’s
behaviour during a drilling process. The changes
of the stress state and of the bulk density can be
investigated. Therefore, this method can be used
to gain deeper insights into the soil behaviour and
the influencing installation parameters, such as
Figure 5. Discretized model with void area and mesh the penetration and rotation velocity as well as the
of the soil in detail. geometric properties of the drilling tool.

Table 1. Soil parameters for Mai-Liao sand for the

hypoplastic constitutive model. 4 DEEP VIBRATION COMPACTION
Parameter Value Description
4.1 Introduction
ϕc 31.5 Critical state friction angle (°)
hs 32.0 Granular hardness (MPa) The deep vibration compaction method is a method
n 0.32 Exponent for deep compaction of granular soils to reduce
ed0 0.75 Minimum void ratio settlements and porosity of the soil and to increase
ei0 1.04 Critical void ratio the vertical bearing capacity of foundations.
ec0 1.20 Maximum void ratio The deep vibration compactor consists of a
α 0.40 Exponent steel tube with a length of 2 to 4 m and a diameter
β 1.00 Exponent between 30 cm and 50 cm. Inside the tube one or
Rmax 1 exp (−4) Maximum value of more rotating masses are located. These masses are
intergranular strain rotating around the vertical axis of the compac-
mR 5.00 Stiffness ratio at 180° change tor such that the compactor is oscillating during
of direction the compaction process. Therefore, the vibration
mT 2.00 Stiffness ratio at 90° change
of direction
energy is directly transferred from the tube into
βR 0.50 Exponent the surrounding soil. The compactor is hinged at a
Χ 6.00 Exponent stay tube with the same diameter which is carried
by a crane for example, see Fellin (2000).

Figure 6. Horizontal stresses in the soil before (left) and after the drilling process (right).

Figure 7. Bulk density of the soil along horizontal paths at depths of 1 m, 3 m and 4.5 m after completion of the 6 m
drilling process for different drilling ratios.

The deep vibration compaction process is sche- the self-weight of the vibrator and vibration of the
matically depicted in Figure 8. First, the vibrator compactor. It is possible to reach depths of up to
is installed up to the wished penetration depth 60 m with this technique. Afterwards, the vibrator
by the help of a drilling fluid as it can be seen in is pulled stepwise in combination with compaction
Figure 8. The penetration is achieved only due to of the surrounding soil. The steps are between 0.3

Figure 8. Schematic description of the deep vibration compaction process after “Keller Grundbau”.

and 1.0 m and the vibration time at one penetra- allow material transport into this region during
tion depth lies between 30 and 90 s, see Witt (2009). the analyses. The vibrator itself has a length of
The vibration energy leads to shear waves in the 2.5 m and a circular cross-section with a diameter
soil such that the grain structure is rearranged. of 30 cm. At the beginning of the deep vibration
Therefore, cyclic shearing acts on the soil such compaction simulation the vibrator is modeled
that the void ratio is reduced and the soil is com- wished-in-place at a penetration depth of 10 m.
pacted. Due to this compaction soil is transferred The vibrator is vertically hinged to a tube with the
into the compacted region such that settlements at same cross-section. The vibrator and the stay tube
the ground surface become evident. To cope with are modeled linear elastic with the parameters of
these settlements the funnel is refilled with material steel.
(Fellin, 2000). To compact a large area the com- In all simulations the soil continuum is discretized
paction process is redone in discrete distances such using eight-noded-Eulerian elements whereas the
that a narrow grid can be improved. The vibra- vibrator components are modeled with Lagrang-
tion frequencies of typical vibrators lie between 30 ian elements (eight-noded-hexaeder elements with
and 60 Hz such that the maximum deflection of reduced integration). Contact between vibrator
the vibrator lies between 3 and 21 mm at the toe. and soil is considered using Coulomb’s friction
This comes along with horizontal forces between law. As a simplification the contact between soil
150 and 700 kN (Witt, 2009). Fellin (2000) points and vibrator is considered to be frictionless.
out that the soil around the vibrator is compacted All simulations are done using the hypoplastic
up to a dense packing in distances between 0.6 m constitutive model with soil parameters for loose
and 1.75 m. In greater distances it is not possible to Mai-Liao sand.
receive a dense packed sand. As loading history first a K0-stress state is
applied on the soil continuum. Afterwards, the
simulation of the deep-vibration compaction proc-
4.2 Numerical modelling
ess is carried out for a total duration of 3 s. The
A three-dimensional coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian vibrator’s movement is discretized both displace-
model is used to simulate the deep vibration com- ment and force-controlled. In the displacement
paction process, see Figure 9. The soil continuum controlled simulations the toe of the vibrator
has a diameter of 30 m and a height of 27 m. At oscillates at a certain frequency with a predefined
the beginning of the simulation the first two meters radius around the centre of gravity of the vibra-
of the soil continuum are modeled material-free to tor whereas in the force-controlled simulations the

Figure 9. Three-dimensional numerical model to simulate the deep-vibration compaction process.

force acting at the toe of the vibrator is predefined Table 2. Parameter combinations investigated regard-
and the frequency is considered to be f = 30 Hz. ing the deep vibration compaction process in sand.
The top point of the vibrator is connected to the
stay tube in all simulations. Vibration Oscillation Vibration
frequency f amplitude uH force Fdyn
All varied parameters in this numerical study Name (Hz) (mm) (kN)
are summarized in Table 2.
f30u4 30 4 –
f30u8 30 8 –
4.3 Results f30u12 30 12 –
During the displacement-controlled simulations f30u16 30 16 –
the movement of the vibrator is forced along a f30u20 30 20 –
circular path around the vibrator’s centre of grav- f40u12 40 12 –
ity. In contrast during the force-controlled simu- f50u12 50 12 –
lation the movement of the vibrator depends on f60u12 60 12 –
f30F150 30 – 150
the acting forces and the soil stiffness such that the
f30F300 30 – 300
deflection does not follow an ideal circular path. f30F500 30 – 500
In Figure 10 the deflection of the vibrator’s toe is f30F700 30 – 700
depicted as a plot in the x-y-plane. This line repre-
sents 3 s of vibration.
At the beginning of the deep vibration com-
paction process the soil is in a loose state. The the soil the stiffness increases and the amplitude of
surrounding soil is very compactable and has a the vibrator therefore is reduced. The drift of the
relatively low stiffness such that after start of the vibrator shown in Figure 10 results out of the local
vibration process large deformation amplitudes differences in soil stiffness due to the compaction
can be reached. With increasing densification of of the sand.

Figure 10. Deformation of the vibrator in x-y-plane Figure 11. Dependency of maximum oscillation ampli-
during the deep vibration compaction process, force- tude and vibration force—Comparison between numeri-
controlled simulation, Fdyn = 150 kN, f = 30 Hz. cal simulation and values found in literature.

Figure 12. Normalized force and horizontal displacement in time domain during the deep vibration compaction
process, force-controlled simulation, Fdyn = 150 kN, f = 30 Hz.

Furthermore, a phase shift between the direc- frequency the area of influence where a dense soil
tion of the vibration force and the direction of state is reached increases significantly. In contrast,
vibrator movement can be seen, see Figure 11. the oscillation amplitude, at least in the investi-
The vibration force is shifted with an angle ψ to gated range does not significantly influence the
the normalized horizontal deformation. The angle ψ void ratio distribution around the vibrator.
depends on the soil damping and the eigenfrequency To judge the quality of the numerical simula-
of the system. The higher the damping the closer this tions the calculated deflections of the vibrator in
angle is to 90° (Fellin, 2000). In the present case for a dependency of the vibration forces are compared
vibration force of Fdyn = 150 kN and a frequency of to results found in literature (Fellin, 2000), see
f = 30 Hz the phase shift is ψ = 113°. Figure 13.
Furthermore, the influence of the main parame- Regarding this graph, it can be seen that the
ters vibration frequency and oscillation amplitude numerically received results fit well into the data
on the compaction process is of main interest. In given by various companies and literature. Only
Figure 12 the results of displacement controlled the simulation with a vibration force of 700 kN
simulations with varying frequency and oscillation seems to overestimate the oscillation amplitude.
amplitude respectively are shown. This is caused due to the high force compared to
It is evident that mainly the frequency has an the comparatively low soil stiffness which leads to
impact on the void ratio distribution around non-uniform movement of the vibrator which was
the vibrator. It can be seen that with decreasing not judged to be realistic.

Figure 13. Top: Influence of the vibration frequency on the compaction success, Bottom: Influence of the oscillation
amplitude on the void ratio around the vibrator—displacement-controlled simulations; results along a horizontal path
at the height of the centre.

A more detailed discussion regarding the numer- dry granular soil material using a hypoplastic con-
ical simulation of deep vibration compaction proc- stitutive model.
esses using the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian In case of screwed piles the CEL method is used
method can be found in Henke et al. (2011) and to simulate the drilling process. The CEL-method
Henke et al. (2012). is able to reproduce the soil’s behaviour during this
process. The changes of the stress state and of the
bulk density can be investigated. Therefore, this
5 CONCLUSION method can be used to gain deeper insights into
the soil behaviour and the influencing installation
The simulation of large deformations of soil often parameters, such as the penetration and rotation
cause numerical boundary value problems in many velocity as well as the geometric properties of the
geotechnical applications like pile installation drilling tool.
processes or soil improvement. These large defor- Another geotechnical application to simulate
mations in combination with the complex material with the CEL method is the deep vibration com-
behaviour of the soil are often difficult to solve paction. It can be shown that the process of soil
numerically. The Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian compaction can be simulated realistically. Effects
method (CEL) is well suited to model complex such as a phase-shift between the direction of
geotechnical installation processes, like screwed the vibrator force and the direction of motion
pile installation and deep vibration compaction, in of the vibrator and the size of the area of influ-

ence around the vibrator as observed in reality can Henke S., Hamann T. & Grabe J. 2011. Coupled
be simulated. Furthermore the numerical model Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of the Deep
is used to investigate the influence of the main Vibration Compaction Process as a Plastodynamic
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Veröffentlichung akzeptiert.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Towards a framework for the prediction of installation rate effects

S. Robinson & M.J. Brown

Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK

ABSTRACT: There is a need for an improved understanding of rate effects over a wide range of strain
rates in order to improve the modelling and analysis of installation effects. Using triaxial testing on recon-
stituted kaolin over a wide strain rate range this paper examines the impact of strain rate on the aspects
of soil response which are important in the analysis of installation effects. It is demonstrated that shear
strength, small strain stiffness and the elastic shear strain threshold are rate dependent. The implications
of this for a common stiffness degradation model are analysed and an improved model proposed.

1 INTRODUCTION (Brown 2009), as it is based on a correlation using

only peak shear strengths. Similarly, only und-
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is increasingly rained testing was used, meaning that the impact
being used in the industry to analyse complex geo- of drainage on the determination of the rate effect
technical activities that cannot be easily dealt with was not dealt with.
using hand calculations. This increasing range of Drainage effects are significant as the strain
activities means that soil behaviour over a wider rate influences whether there is time for drain-
range of strain rates needs to be considered, no age to occur. This means that rate effects form
more so than in installation effects, where activi- a “U-shaped” curve as shown in Figure 1. At
ties such as pile driving and testing can induce high extremely slow rates, there is time for pore pres-
strain rates. sure developed during shearing to fully dissipate.
Splitting the geotechnical model into a series As the strain rate increases, the reducing time for
of elements forms the basis of FEA. For each drainage means that increasing pore pressures and
element, knowing the stress-strain response over hence lower shear strengths are observed in the par-
the entire range of strains induced is crucial to tially drained region. As the strain rate is increased
the accuracy of the model, especially in the small further, the soil response becomes almost fully und-
strain domain. rained, where pore pressures are at their maximum.
The fact that strain-rate effects can have a sig- After this point, viscous effects cause the observed
nificant impact on this relationship is well known shear strength to increase with strain rate up to a
(Krieg & Goldscheider 1998). However, in order to potential viscous limit, which Chow & Airey (2011)
improve the ability to use FEA to analyse instal- demonstrated using free falling penetrometers. The
lation effects, there is a need for a better under- form of this shear strength-strain rate relationship
standing of how strain-rate effects vary with strain has been verified by studies using a wide range
This paper considers the strain-rate dependence
of rate effects over a wide range of strain magnitudes
at shear strain rates from 0.333 to 60,000%/hr.

1.1 The influence of strain rate

The most commonly used assumption in terms of
rate effects is that of Kulhawy and Mayne (1990)
which states that for every log cycle (tenfold)
increase in strain rate, a ten percent increase in
shear strength is expected. However, this has been
shown to be variable, with the rate effects observed
ranging from 9.5 to 20% (Bea 1982). Another key Figure 1. U-shaped curve showing the idealised vari-
consideration is that this assumption does not con- ation of rate effect with strain rate (Quinn and Brown
sider any variation of rate effects with strain level 2011).

of test methods from cone penetrometer testing Table 1. Properties of the speswhite kaolin used.
to large scale shear boxes (Steenfelt 1993, Lehane
et al 2009). Property Value
As previously mentioned, small strain behaviour
Plastic limit, wP (%) 32.5
is important to FEA. Shibuya et al (1996) showed Liquid limit, wL (%) 65.0
that the initial small strain stiffness, Emax, is rate Plasticity index, PI (%) 32.5
independent and constant for the range of strain Clay fraction (%) 80
rates investigated (0.6 to 84%/hr). It was also found Activity (%) 40.6
that this linearity continued up to a strain defined Specific surface area (m2/g)* 36.7
as the elastic strain threshold, εEL, which was itself Permeability (mm/s)# 1.17 × 10−6
rate dependent, increasing with increasing strain cv (m2/year)+ 23.52
rate. These findings were confirmed by Mukabi & MCSL 0.9
Tatsuoka (1999). λ 0.101
Lo Presti et al (1996) found that soil stiffness is N 2.678
rate independent below 0.001% shear strain, and
increases with strain rate beyond this point. To *Determined from methylene blue spot testing;
allow comparison of relative stiffnesses at differ- #
Determined at an effective stress of 300 kPa; +Determined
ent strains and strain rates, Lo Presti et al (1996) for a 100 kPa stress increment.
defined the strain rate coefficient, α.
There are numerous geotechnical applications
where rate effects are an important consideration, the additional benefit of significantly reducing
including free falling penetrometer tests where consolidation times.
velocities can reach up to 12 m/s and Statnamic pile
tests where the pile is displaced at rates of the order 2.1 Testing apparatus
of 1 m/s (Chow & Airey 2011). In these cases, rate
The tests were carried out in a GDS advanced elec-
effects cause the capacities derived from the tests to
tromechanical dynamic triaxial rig specially modi-
exceed static values; an issue which is usually dealt
fied to carry out high speed monotonic tests. The rig
with by the inclusion of damping co-efficients in
is capable of axial displacement rates of 100 mm/s,
the analyses (Brown 2009). These damping co-
and during high speed testing it is controlled by
efficients are not always uniform throughout each
a GDS digital control system capable of control-
test, but may vary with strain level. This highlights
ling the axial displacement within a time interval
the importance of understanding the strain level
of 0.1 milliseconds. Both the back and cell pres-
dependence of rate effects in order to improve the
sures were provided by GDS pressure controllers.
accuracy of dynamic testing and installation effects
Lubricated end platens of a similar design to those
in the field, as well as for use in FEA.
proposed by Rowe & Barden (1964) were used in
order to minimise the inhomogeneity caused by
end restraint conditions. As these can introduce
errors into the measurement of small strains using
external methods, these were measured using
The tests were carried out on reconstituted
Hall effect transducers, two axial and one radial,
speswhite kaolin, the properties of which are
mounted directly on the sample providing a resolu-
shown in Table 1.
tion of 1 × 10−6% strain. Pore pressures were moni-
The samples were first prepared as slurry with
tored using a mid-height pore pressure transducer
a moisture content of 120% using de-aired, de-
mounted on the surface of the sample.
ionised water before being one dimensionally con-
solidated to an effective stress of 180 kPa for three
2.2 Testing programme
days. These were then trimmed to 200 mm length
and 100 mm diameter to create triaxial samples. The testing programme consisted of triaxial tests
Once installed in the triaxial apparatus, the sample at shear strain rates from 0.333 to 60,000%/hr in
was saturated to an effective stress of 50 kPa at a order to investigate strain rate effects over as large a
back pressure of 300 kPa and then re-consolidated range as possible. These were carried out at a com-
to an effective stress of 300 kPa to restore isotropic paratively low effective stress of 300 kPa as previ-
conditions. Sample drainage was facilitated by ous studies have shown that greater rate effects are
using vertical filter paper drains on the surface of observed at higher moisture contents (Bea 1982,
the sample, connected to both the top and bottom Chow & Airey 2011). Throughout the testing pro-
drainage valves. These were required as the use of gramme, the samples were allowed to drain through
lubricated end platens in the testing meant that the filter paper drains in order to allow rate effects
conventional drainage was not possible, and had due to consolidation to be investigated.

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION velocity associated with chosen reference rate and
V0 is the point after which time for consolida-
3.1 Observed rate effects and their modelling tion effects are negligible. This process was also
repeated for the measured rate effects at selected
The rate effects observed at the various strain rates
strains to identify the influence of strain level on
are shown in Figure 2, with a shear strain rate of
rate effects as shown in Figure 3. The parameters
100%/hr taken as the reference rate. In order to
obtained from the curve fitting process are shown
allow comparison with other studies using dif-
in Table 2.
fering materials and sample sizes, the strain rates
The fitting parameters at peak strength (which
have been converted in the normalised dimension-
occurs at varying strain levels) show that the rate
less velocities used by Randolph & Hope (2004) as
effect per log cycle was found to be 22.5% which
shown in Equation 1.
is higher than previous studies. This highlights the
need to develop a framework to predict rate effects
V= (1) based on the current state and properties of the
cv material in question.

where V is the normalised dimensionless velocity, v

is the strain rate applied (in m/year), d is the sample 3.2 Strain level dependence of rate effects
diameter (in m) and cv is the coefficient of consoli-
Figure 3 shows that in the partially drained domain
dation in m2/year. As can be seen, the curve follows
rate effects increase with strain level, which is intui-
the behaviour expected with time for consolidation
tive as at greater strains there will be more time for
effects dominating up to V = 11, after which und-
consolidation to occur. Additionally, at the point
rained viscous effects are significant.
at which the transition to undrained behaviour
In order to quantitatively assess the data, the
occurs, the rate effects were found to be relatively
rate effects model proposed by Randolph & Hope
independent of the strain level. Beyond this point
(2004) shown in Equation 2 has been fitted to the
the rate effect per log cycle reduces from 27.5%
data using least mean square regression.
at 0.17% shear strain to 18.1% at 2.67% strain,
indicating that undrained rate effects reduce with
q ⎛ b ⎞
= 1+ strain level, which is important in areas such as
qrefe ⎝ 1 + cV d ⎟⎠ Rapid Load Pile Testing (RLT) and assessment of
⎪⎧ λ ⎡ ⎛V ⎞ ⎛ Vreef ⎞ ⎤ ⎪⎫ static pile working loads.
⎨1 + i −1 ⎜ ⎟ − sinh
⎢ sinh i −1 ⎜ ⎥⎬ (2) Lo Presti et al (1996) developed a method for
⎩⎪ ln( ) ⎣ ⎝ V0 ⎠ ⎝ V0 ⎟⎠ ⎦ ⎭⎪ comparing rate effects at different shear strain
levels by defining a strain rate coefficient, α
where b, c, and d are curve fitting parameters used (Equation 3). This is the change in shear modulus
to model the time for consolidation effects and λ is at a given strain over the log cycle increase in shear
the rate effect per log cycle increase in strain rate strain rate normalised by the shear modulus at a
used to model viscous effects. Vref is the normalised reference shear strain rate.

Figure 2. Graph of rate effect against normalised veloc-

ity at peak strength with the model by Randolph and Figure 3. Graph of rate effect against normalised
Hope (2004) using a shear strain rate of 100%/hr as the velocity at various shear strain levels shown with the
reference rate. model proposed by Randolph and Hope (2004).

Table 2. Parameters used to fit the model by Randolph & Hope (2004) to the data at each
shear strain level.

Property 0.17% 0.33% 0.67% 1.67% 2.67% Peak

b 0 0 0.153 0.505 0.888 1.387

c 26.52 25.55 24.61 23.11 23.53 25.09
d 1.865 1.859 2.163 2.589 2.556 2.309
λ 0.275 0.251 0.244 0.212 0.181 0.225
V0 18.17 21.08 17.76 14.10 6.81 23.39
Vref 11.17 11.17 11.17 11.17 11.17 11.17

ΔG (γ )
α (γ ) = (3)
)) G (γ ,γ refe )
Δ (log(γ ))

This method was used to further investigate the

apparent dependence of rate effects on strain level.
Figure 4 shows the variation of the strain rate co-
efficient, α, with shear strain for the shear strain
rates considered. This confirms the earlier findings
that for rates where there is time for consolidation,
the rate effects observed increase with increas-
ing strain. Similarly, the rate effects reduced with
strain for the undrained tests. However, the graph
highlights a significant difference in the strain rate
co-efficient between the partially drained and und-
rained tests at extremely small strains.
Figure 4. Graph of strain rate co-efficient against shear
strain for various shear strain rates using a shear strain
3.3 Small strain behaviour rate of 100%/hr as a reference.
To further investigate the effect of strain level on
rate effects the small strain data from the Hall
effect transducers was examined. Figure 5 shows
the variation of the shear modulus, G, for each of
the rates. Of particular interest is the fact that the
initial small strain shear modulus, G0, appears to
vary with shear strain rate, reducing according to
the correlation shown in Figure 6. One possible
explanation for this is that at slower rates, there
is more time for sample drainage at a micro-scale,
causing an increase in the shear modulus at low
shear strain rates. However, this does not explain
the increased initial strain rate co-efficient at low
strains in the fast tests.
Figure 7 shows the variation of the elastic shear
strain threshold and this confirms that as found by
Mukabi & Tatsuoka (1999), the elastic shear strain Figure 5. Graph of shear modulus against shear strain
threshold increases with rate. A best fit was applied for various shear strain rates from Hall effect small strain
transducer data.
to this data and found that for the soil properties and
stress conditions used, γEL varies as in equation 4.

γEL = 0.003 γ 0.2

(4) greater stiffness than the slower rate tests, explain-
ing the discrepancy in the initial values of the strain
Considered in conjunction with Figure 5, this rate coefficients. This is due to the delay in stiffness
shows that at the initial strain levels considered degradation caused by the increase in the elastic
in Figure 4 (γ = 0.2%), the faster tests exhibited a shear strain threshold.

(Figs. 8 and 9). This was done for the slowest
(0.333%/hr) and fastest (60000%/hr) tests.
This showed that at the low strain rate, the cur-
rent HS small model matched the measured shear
moduli with relatively good accuracy, with a devia-
tion of less than 12%. However, for the high strain
rate test, the increase in εEL and the more rapid
subsequent degradation meant that this variation
increased to up to 71%. Clearly, this margin of
error is significant.
It is proposed that this can be better modelled
using the form shown in Equation 6.

Figure 6. Graph of G0 against shear strain rate.

Figure 8. Comparison of the current and proposed

stiffness degradation models with the measured data for
Figure 7. Graph of elastic shear strain threshold a shear strain rate of 60000%/hr.
against shear strain rate.

3.4 Modelling of shear modulus degradation

One commonly used method for modelling shear
modulus degradation is the HS small model (Plaxis
2011) shown in Equation 5.

G 1
= (5)
G0 ⎛ γ ⎞
1 + α HHS ⎜
⎝ γ 0.0 7 ⎟⎠

where αHS is equal to 0.384, G is the shear modulus

observed at a given shear strain, γ, and γ0.7 is the
shear strain at which G degrades to 70% of the ini-
tial stiffness, G0.
As small strain degradation is important in
FEA, the predicted values of G/G0 from this model
were compared with those obtained by normalis- Figure 9. Comparison of the current and proposed
ing the observed shear moduli by the value of G0 stiffness degradation models with the measured data for
determined at the corresponding shear strain rate. a shear strain rate of 0.333%/hr.

G 1 γ 0.7,dyn = γ 0.7 × 1.5 γ 0.2 (7)
= β
G0 ⎛ γ ⎞
1 + α HHS ⎜ β = 0.043 log( γ ) + 1.13 (8)

⎝ γ 0.7,dyn ⎠
where γ is the shear strain rate in%/hr.
where αHS = 0.384 as in the existing model. γ0.7,dyn
is the shear strain at which G/G0 = 0.7 in the fast 4 CONCLUSIONS
(dynamic) test, which has the effect of moving the
G/G0 curve to the right to intercept the measured Based on triaxial tests on reconstituted kaolin at
data. Similarly, the new power, β, allows the steep- strain rates over more than 5 orders of magnitude,
ness of the rate of degradation after the elastic it has been shown that rate effects have numerous
shear strain threshold to be increased. The pro- effects on the response of the soil, ranging from
posed model is shown alongside the current HS increased deviatoric strength to changes in small
small model in Figure 8 and Figure 9. As can be strain behaviour. These effects have also been
seen it closely follows the current model at slow shown to be strain level dependent.
strain rates, while better approximating the data at
faster rates, reducing the variance from the data to a. Peak strength rate effects in the partially drained
11%. For the soil tested, γ0.7,dyn and β were found domain due to time for consolidation have
to vary according to the following relationships been shown to be greater than undrained rate
(Equation 7 and Equation 8) such that the pro- effects.
posed model resolves into the existing model at low b. The undrained rate effects observed have been
strain rates. (Figs. 10 and 11). shown to be higher than those reported by
other studies at 22.5% per log cycle for peak
c. The importance of strain level in relation to rate
effects has been highlighted, with rate effects
increasing with strain when partially drained
and reducing with strain when undrained.
d. The applied strain rate was found to have a sig-
nificant impact on the small strain response,
with the elastic shear strain threshold increasing
with rate and G0 appearing to reduce with rate.
e. The need for a new model to accurately rep-
resent shear modulus degradation was high-
lighted, and a potential form for achieving this
It is hoped that the results and discussion in
this paper will be of use in the FEA of installation
effects and in their analysis more generally.
Figure 10. Graph of γ0.7, dyn/γ0.7 against shear strain rate.


This work is supported by funding from the Uni-

versity of Dundee Division of Civil Engineering
and the Institution of Civil Engineers Research &
Development Enabling Fund, which is gratefully


Bea, R.G. 1982. Soil strain rate effects on axial pile

capacity. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in
Offshore Eng: 107–132.
Brown, M. 2009. Recommendations for Statnamic use
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Figure 11. Graph of β against shear strain rate. Testing on Piles: 23–36. London: Taylor & Francis.

Brown, M.J. & Powell, J.J.M. 2013. Comparison of rapid Plaxis bv. 2011. Material models manual 2011. Delft:
load test analysis techniques in clay soils. ASCE Jour- Plaxis.
nal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering. Quinn, T.A.C. & Brown, M.J. 2011. Effect of strain rate
Available online 21/03/12. on isotropically consolidated kaolin over a wide range
Chow, S.H. & Airey, D.W. 2011. Rate effects in free fall- of strain rates in the triaxial apparatus. Proc. Int.
ing penetrometer tests. Proc. Int. Symp. on Defor- Symp. on Deformation Characteristics of Geomateri-
mation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Seoul, 1–3 als, Seoul, 1–3 September 2011.
September 2011. Randolph, M.F. & Hope, S. 2004. Effect of cone velocity
Krieg, S. & Goldscheider, M. 1998. Bodenviskotät und on cone resistance and excess pore pressures. Proc. Int.
ihr Einfluβ auf das Tragverhalten von Pfählen. Bau- Symp. Eng. Practice and Performance of Soft Deposits:
technik 75: 806–820. Ernst und Sohn. 147–152.
Kulhawy, F.H. & Mayne, P.W. 1990. Manual on estimating Rowe, P.W. & Barden, L. 1964. Importance of free ends
soil properties for foundation design. Report EL-6800, in triaxial testing. ASCE journal of the soil mechanics
Electric Power Research Institute, Pala Alto. and foundations division 90 (SM1): 1–27.
Lehane, B.N., O’Loughlin, C.D., Gaudin, C. & Shibuya, S., Mitachi, T., Hosomi, A. & Hwang, S.C.
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resistance in kaolin. Geotechnique 59: 41–52. observed in monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests. ASCE
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developing Africa: 365–377. Rotterdam: Balkema.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Rate dependent shear strength of silt at low stresses

S. te Slaa & J. Dijkstra

Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: The penetration resistance of freshly deposited silt is measured. Therefore, a miniature
ball-cone is designed with high accuracy at the applied scale. This paper presents the operation charac-
teristics of the newly designed ball-cone and presents the first results. The first results indicate that subtle
differences in penetration resistance are resolved.

1 INTRODUCTION Additionally, the probe geometry should facili-

tate a reliable relation between the penetration
Recently, researchers start to treat the erosion of data and the undrained shear strength in the sedi-
cohesive sediment from a soil mechanical perspec- ment. The ball-cone fulfills these requirements as
tive, e.g. (Jacobs, 2011; Winterwerp et al., 2012). a ball has a relatively large penetration surface
Such approaches are based on the assumption that and a closed form solution exists between the pen-
the mobilization of shear strength results from etration resistance and the undrained strength.
interaction between sediment particles on a micro- Although strictly speaking the latter only applies
scopic scale. The undrained shear strength Su is for a perfectly plastic material only, it is a reason-
used as the strength parameter in these approaches. able first estimate for this intermediate soil with a
In riverine environments hydrodynamic conditions very low permeability.
are predominantly characterized by shear flow. This For loosely packed intermediate soils, the shear
shear flow exerts a load on the bed. The response strength is depending on the shear rate however
of this bed is a function of the combined hydraulic (Chung et al., 2006; Randolph & House, 2001).
and geotechnical conditions. Only limited research Therefore, variation in shear strength with shear
has been carried out for freshly deposited silt beds. rate is considered to be a function of the failure
These mainly empirical studies lack a thorough mechanism only. Figure 1 shows a range in tran-
underpinning of the underlying physical mecha- sition from undrained to drained penetration
nisms (Roberts et al., 1998). resistance as the normalized velocity is reduced
As opposed to conventional geotechnical research obtained from experiments in a perfect plastic
the focus in this study is on the characterization of
the strength properties in the first 100 mm of a fresh
silt bed. Typically, in this surface layer the material
is loosely packed and the stress levels are very low.
The material behaviour of these sediments in these
conditions is poorly understood and is very hard to
study in classical geotechnical element tests.
Therefore, in the present study we investigate the
soil mechanical surface strength of fresh silt deposits
with the aim of finding a relation between geome-
chanical and hydrodynamic failure mechanisms of
silt. Hence, an in-situ penetration test is scaled to lab-
oratory dimensions as a first approach to measure
the undrained strength properties of the sediment.


2.1 Ball-cone penetrometer Figure 1. Experimental derived range of constant pen-

etration test results. Shaded area represents the varia-
The very low shear strength in the sediment requires tion in normalized resistance as function of penetration
a penetration test with a very high sensitivity. velocity (Redrawn after Randolph & House 2001).

material. The dimensionless number on the x-axis The standard TU Delft 2 axis actuator, which
is a Peclet-like number and is used to express the has originally been designed for the geotechnical
variation form drained to undrained response. centrifuge, has been used to push the ball-cone into
Peclet numbers are used as well for assessing the sediment. This actuator has sufficient linear
drained and undrained erosion of sediment beds stroke for 100 mm penetration and the penetra-
(Winterwerp & Van Kesteren, 2004). tion rate has been varied between 0.05 mm/s and
The dimensions of the ball-cone are chosen 0.3 mm/s.
such that the full flow conditions are reached as
early as possible, in order to capture the resistance
2.3 Calibration procedure
in the first 100 mm of the bed, whilst maintain-
ing high sensitivity for low shear strengths. At the Calibration of the ball cone penetrometer is carried
same time scaling considerations require that the out on a regular basis using a calibration rig com-
minimum diameter of the ball should be large prising of a lever system. Figure 3 shows a schema-
enough to consider continuum conditions around tization of this calibration set up. The ratio of the
the probe. Hence, the ratio of the ball diameter Dball length between the hinge and loading point (L1) and
and the largest mean diameter of a silty sediment the hinge and the ball cone (L2) is 1:5. Care is taken
(D50 ∼ = 60 μm) is chosen to be Dball/D50 ≥ 200. that the ball cone is loaded vertically at all times.
Next a stepwise loading cycle is applied varying
within the range of 0–100 N. At the end of a load-
2.2 Mechanical setup
ing cycle the lever was removed again and a gently
Following the requirements above the final design tap against the shaft is given in order to check for
for the penetrometer used in our experiments remaining friction between the tube and the con-
is equipped with a 12.0 mm diameter ball. As nection rod. This turned out to be negligible.
opposed to the design of Randolph & Hope (2004) Calibration results show a linear relation between
the ball resistance isn’t measured directly above the the output voltage and the applied mass during the
ball but the load is transmitted by a rod to a meas- loading cycle and some small hysteresis during the
uring bridge on top of the probe above the water subsequent unloading cycle (Fig. 4). A linear fit
table. The rod (ø = 3.0 mm) is guided in a tube
(ø = 4.0 mm), which is not connected to the ball, to
prevent pick up of shaft resistance on the rod and
assure that only the ball resistance is measured. The
normal load in the rod is converted in a bending
moment of the sensing element in the measurement
bridge. This design is more sensitive for registering
small loads and not susceptible for temperature
fluctuations. The design is optimized for loads up Figure 3. Schematization of calibration set-up. Ratio
to 150 N with accuracy better than 0.01 N. The L1:L2 = 1:5.
dimensions of the ball-cone are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 4. Characteristic calibration results. Dark and

light blue dots indicate mean measured output volt-
ages during the loading cycle and unloading cycle,
Figure 2. Ball-cone penetrometer (not to scale). respectively.

them with the solutions for the more classical
T-bar. The lower and upper bound solution follow
from using either a Tresca (upper bound) or Von
Mises (lower bound) yield criterion. Their solu-
tions lead to a non-dimensional bearing capacity
factor that varies in the range of 11.80–15.54 as the
ball interface condition varies from fully smooth
to fully rough. The corresponding values for a Von
Mises yield criterion are about 8% lower. Corre-
sponding lower bound solutions range from 10.98
for a smooth interface to 15.10 for a rough inter-
face as can be seen in Figure 6 (Randolph et al.,
2000). Here, only the theoretical solutions for pen-
etration resistance in isotropic Tresca soil will be
considered. The interface friction coefficient α is
assumed to be 0.3 (Low et al., 2011), resulting in
Figure 5. Grain size distribution of used silt, a bearing factor of 12.8. Now the net cone resist-
D50 = 18 μm. ance can directly be diverted to the measured shear

of the loading cycle shows a small offset near the

3.2 Vertical bed strength profiles
origin for which a correction is applied during the
actual measurement. The first results for tests without the outer tube
installed show that the performance for the mini-
ature ball-cone in water is excellent. Both a high
2.4 Sample preparation
sensitivity and low hysteresis is obtained for the
Silt is defined as granular material with particle setup (Fig. 7).
sizes ranging from 2 to 63 μm with a non-cohesive This small hysteresis of 0.01 N (or 0.1 kPa) is
base mineral like quartz or feldspar. This material similar to the measured hysteresis during calibra-
is refrained from true cohesion. tion (Figure 4). The maximum reading agrees well
For present experiment, an artificially produced with the buoyancy of the small ball cone at 8 mm
silt sized material is obtained from industry. The below the water surface. However, when the ball-
preparation method should result in a freshly cone is used to penetrate a silt water mixture with
deposited and saturated sample. In order to prevent initial densities of 2020 kg/m3 (Fig. 8) a remaining
entrapment of air, the silt is sprinkled into the sam- offset is observed while retracting the ball-cone.
ple boxes which are filled with de-aired water. An This offset is not only the hysteresis in the system,
amount of silt is added at which the concentration since this is only 0.35 kPa. Also, when ingress of
of the silt-water mixture was low enough so it was material between the inner rod and the outer tube is
still easy to mix up, but high enough te prevent seg- minimized by sealing the opening with some grease
regation of particles after mixing: the density of the the offset reduces but does not vanish (Fig. 9).
mixture was still below the structural density. Next,
the silt-water mixture was allowed to settle and con-
solidate for some time. This time was varied.


3.1 Bearing factor N

The bearing factor (N = qnet/su) of a penetrometer
is of paramount importance to relate the net cone-
resistance to the shear strength. The cone resist-
ance can be determined directly by dividing the
measured force by the projected area. The used
ball-cone has a radius of 6.0 mm, corresponding
with a projected area of 113.1 mm2. Randolph et al
(2000) analyses the upper and lower bound solu-
tions for the bearing factor of a spherical object Figure 6. Variation of bearing factor for ball and T-bar
penetrating a rigid-plastic material and compare with interface roughness (Randolph et al., 2000).

Figure 7. Net upward force due to buoyancy measured
during immersing in water.
Figure 9. Results of penetration tests after friction
reduction between the inner rod and outer. All test al
performed on the same sample.

Figure 10. Cross calibration results for penetration tests

with and without tube with additional response measure-
ments on a balance.
Figure 8. Results of initial penetration tests with con-
stant penetration velocity. A remaining offset exists while
retracting the ball-cone. All test al performed on the same 4 CONCLUSIONS
The newly developed ball-cone penetrometer
shows to be a valuable tool for the characterization
A cross calibration of the probe performance of the first 100 mm of a silt bed. Subtle differences
in silt is made by performing a penetration test in penetration resistance are resolved with a high
in silt on a balance (+/−1 g). The results shown in sensitivity by using a measurement bridge which
Figure 10 show that an immediate constant pick is configured for bending. This high sensitivity
up of shaft resistance between rod and tube (result- resulted into the need to solve some subtle issues in
ing from some inclined penetration) is mobilized the mechanical system, before being able to use the
(black line in Figure 10). This offset of about 3 kPa probe for the intended application.
remains when pulling the ball-cone out of the silt.
This offset will subsequently be used to correct
the penetration data in results shown below. The REFERENCES
source of is offset is found in the friction between
the outer tube and inner rod, since the results Chung, S., Randolph, M. and Schneider, J., 2006. Effect
from penetration tests without the outer tube are of Penetration Rate on Penetrometer Resistance in
refrained from this remaining offset (blue line in Clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Figure 10). Engineering, 132(9): 1188–1196.

Jacobs, W., 2011. Sand-mud erosion from a soil mechani- Randolph, M.F., Martin, C.M. and Hu, Y., 2000.
cal perspective, Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of Limiting resistance of a spherical penetrometer in
Technology. cohesive material. Géotechnique, 50(5): 573–582.
Low, H.E., Randolph, M.F., Lunne, T., Andersen, K.H. Roberts, J., Jepsen, R. and Gotthard, D., 1998. Effects of
and Sjursen, M.A., 2011. Effect of soil characteristics particle size and bulk density on erosion of quartz par-
on relative values of piezocone, T-bar and ball pen- ticles. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 124: 1261.
etration resitances. Géotechnique, 61(8): 13. Winterwerp, J. and Van Kesteren, W., 2004. Introduction
Randolph, M.F. and Hope, S., 2004. Effect of cone to the physics of cohesive sediment in the marine envi-
velocity on cone resistance and excess pore pressures, ronment. Elsevier Science Ltd.
Int. Symp. on Engineering Practice and Performance Winterwerp, J.C., van Kesteren, W.G.M., van Prooijen, B.
of Soft Deposits, Osaka, Japan, pp. 147–152. and Jacobs, W., 2012. A conceptual framework for
Randolph, M.F. and House, A.R., 2001. The complemen- shear-flow induced erosion of soft cohesive sediment
tary roles of physical and computational modelling. beds. Journal of Geophysical Research—Oceans.
IJPMG—International Journal of Physical Modelling
in Geotechnics, 1: 01–08.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Control of excess pore pressure development during pile

installations in soft sensitive clay

T. Tefera, G. Tvedt & F. Oset

Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway

ABSTRACT: During the construction of the 148 m long Øvre Sund Bridge on soft sensitive clay in
Drammen, in the south-eastern part of Norway, the stability of the river banks was a challenge. The
installation of displacement piles strongly compresses the adjoining soils and leads to build up of excess
pore water pressure. This temporary build up of excess pore water pressure, coupled with the sensitivity of
the clay soil, causes the soil to lose a good fraction of its shear strength in the short term. Dissipation of
the excess pore pressure generated during pile installations may allow pore pressure to rise in the vicinity
of the river bank slope, thus leading to failure of the slope, even where the soil has not been remoulded.
A strict construction control mechanism during the construction of the Øvre Sund Bridge in Drammen
was planned. The follow up of the development of excess pore pressure during piling activity was one of
the measures taken. Based on stability analyses of the slope along the river banks a criterion for excess
pore pressure margins due to pile installations was established. This paper discusses the result of this strict
pore pressure control for the piling activity. The result shows a systematic monitoring of the development
of excess pore pressure during pile installations in sensitive clay helps to observe the safety margins of
the slopes continuously during pile installation, saves waiting time due to excess pore water pressure and
avoids extra cost of the project due to the build up of excess pore pressure related to pile installations.

1 INTRODUCTION of soft, silty clay with an undrained shear strength

determined by vane shear test in the range of
The Øvre Sund Bridge project in Drammen, 10–20 kPa.
south-eastern Norway, is the recently completed The detailed geotechnical analysis of the slide
bridge construction across the Drammen River showed that the piling activity reduced the stability
which was officially open to public on the 10th of of the riverbank by 23% from 1.3 to 1.0.
September 2011. The bridge connects the Grønland To follow up and control the stability problem
part with the Hamborgstrøm part of the city. The during construction of the Øvre Sund Bridge
bridge is 148 m long, 23.1 m wide and has 5 spans of in this relatively sensitive site condition differ-
25.8 m and 32 m long as shown in Figure 1. The soil ent measure had been taken to limit the effect of
conditions on both sides of the river and in the river pile installations on the river banks. This action
bed are relatively similar. The soil is composed of
three layers. The relatively thin layer of silty sand soil
is overlying a relatively thick layer of soft clay. The
thick soft clay is overlying dense moraine. A total
of 191 concrete piles on the Grønland side, 32 steel
pipe piles in the river and 100 concrete piles on the
Hamborgstrøm side of the river were installed.
According to the geotechnical report of the
project there had been many slides along the riv-
erbanks of the river. One of the slides and a more
dramatic one that had occurred related to pile
driving for a factory building was on December 9,
1971 (Aas 1975). The piling activity triggered a
large slip at which approximately 1000 m2 of the
site subsided and slid out into the Drammen
The soil condition where the slide had occurred Figure 1. Plan and section view of the Øvre Sund
composed of 5 m of sand and silt over 15–20 m Bridge.

includes measures taken before piling started as 3.1 Before the pile driving started
part of site preparation, during piling activity and
In order to improve the safety factor of the river
after piling. These measures taken are discussed in
banks slope during pile installation, the river
section 3.
banks top terrain was unloaded by excavating the
top soil. This unloading improved the safety factor
of the riverbanks slope before starting the instal-
lation of piles by 10–20%. Figure 2 shows the site
preparation which is mainly unloading the top soil
The Øvre Sund Bridge construction site is located
on the Grønland side of the river bank.
in the city of Drammen in the south-eastern part
of Norway about 50 km from Oslo, across the river
Drammen. The general soil condition on both sides 3.2 During pile driving
of the river and in the river bed is relatively similar. The installation of displacement piles strongly
The site condition consists of mainly three differ- compresses the adjoining soils and leads to build
ent soil layers. The thin top layer of silty sandy soil up of excess pore water pressure. The dissipation
with some gravel is overlying a relatively thick layer of the excess pore pressure generated during pile
of soft sensitive clay. The thick soft sensitive clay installations may allow pore pressure to rise in the
is overlying dense moraine. The depth to the dense vicinity of the river bank slope, thus leading to fail-
moraine layer is dipping in the direction of the ure of the slope, even where the soil has not been
Hamborgstrøm side of the river (Fig. 1). The depth remoulded. The development of excess pore pres-
to the bottom dense moraine layer varies from about sure during pile installation for the construction of
10 m on the upstream side of Grønland to about Øvre Sund Bridge was a major concern for the sta-
25 m on the downstream of the Hamborgstrøm side bility of the river banks. To reduce this build up of
of the river. The clay layer is normally consolidated pore water pressure due to pile installation proper
on both sides of the river and has an undrained selection of pile type, special installation technique
shear strength of 10–15 kN/m2 at the top of the on the riverbanks and strict monitoring of the
layer and increases with depth to 20–30 kN/m2 at build up of pore water pressure were carried out.
the bottom of the layer. The remolded undrained The foundation for axis 5 pillar, in the river, which
shear strength is in the order of 1 kN/m2, the unit is close to the river bank on the Hambergstrøm side
weight is in the order of 19–20 kN/m3 and the sen- of the river (Fig. 1) was designed using 813 mm
sitivity is 6–35. The transition between the soft clay diameter open ended steel pipe piles to reduce the
layer and dense moraine layer consists of stratified effect of soil displacement during pile installation.
sand and gravel. Clogging of these open ended pipe piles during
installation was a main concern which will affect
the main intended purpose to reduce the build up
3 MEASURES TAKEN TO CONTROL of excess pore pressure. The development of pore
THE STABILITY OF THE RIVER BANKS water pressure during pile installation in axis 5 was
also followed by piezometers.
The geotechnical evaluation of the river bank’s Vertical drains (Mebradrain) were also installed
slope stability shows that the safety factor is mar- on the outside wall of the open ended steel pipe
ginal. Any additional loading on the river banks piles (Fig. 3). A technique commonly adopted in
and construction activities which will increase the Scandinavia to reduce the effect of soil displace-
pore pressure in the soil will adversely affect the sta- ment during installation by preboring a slightly
bility of the slopes. This implies that there is a need
to take different counter measures in design and
during construction of the abutments foundation.
The bridge abutments foundation was therefore
designed in such a way that the load will be trans-
ferred deep down to the dense moraine layer. Pre-
cast concrete piles with dimension 270 × 270 mm
were chosen for the abutments foundation. Fur-
thermore different actions were taken to control
these marginally stable river bank slopes. These
actions include measures before piling started as
part of site preparation, during piling activity
and after piling completed. Based on economical Figure 2. Unloading of the top terrain on the Grønland
aspects and practical considerations of the river side of the river bank to improve the stability situation
system the following measures were taken. before piling.

water pressure value, alarming boundary, varies
for each piezometer according to their correspond-
ing locations in the ground. The excess pore water
development due to pile driving activity in the
Grønland side of the riverbank is discussed more
in detail in section 4.

3.3 After pile driving is completed

The main concern for the stability of the river-
bank slopes after the installation of piles for the
abutment foundations were the additional terrain
loads from backfilling and the possible erosion at
the foot of the river bank slops. The geotechnical
evaluation shows that these activities reduce the
Figure 3. The four vertical drains installed on the safety factor of the river banks below the accept-
outside wall of the open ended steel pipe piles in axis 5. able margins. Based on economical and practical
considerations to reduce the effect of backfill-
ing on the stability of the riverbanks light weight
materials were used. Accordingly the top layer of
the river bed was carefully replaced by properly
designed gravel material to protect the river bed
from erosion.



To predict the excess pore water development

related to pile driving is a complex task. Further-
more prediction of excess pore water pressure
and rate of dissipation is, however, still not suf-
ficiently reliable for an evaluation of the stability
to be made in advance of the construction. The
preferred method is of course to couple the theo-
retical predictions and evaluations made by meas-
urements and following up out in the field during
construction. Based on the field measurement of
the excess pore pressure it is, however, possible
Figure 4. The soft clay material (clay sausage) drilled/ to evaluate the stability of the slope during con-
sucked out of the hole before driving the concrete pile. struction at any time. This is the measure that has
been taken during the construction of Øvre Sund
Bridge in Drammen to evaluate the stability of
undersize hole (clay sausage) before driving piles the river bank slopes during pile installation. The
was also considered. This technique was carried same principle was adopted on both sides of the
out for 6 concrete piles in the Hambergstrøm side river bank. In the Grønland and Hamborgstrøm
of the river bank (Fig. 4). sides near the edges of the river banks (Fig. 1) 8
Furthermore the development of excess pore piezometers on each side, and in the river near the
pressure during piling activity was monitored by edges of the river banks 6 piezometers, all together
piezometers systematically installed at different 22 piezometers were installed. Based on the con-
depths in the ground. A total of 8 piezometers in tractual agreement piling activity has to stop when
the Grønland side of the river bank, 6 piezometers there is high excess pore water pressure build up
in the river and 8 piezometers on the Hamborg- in the soil. Furthermore it is the client’s respon-
strøm side of the river bank were installed. Based sibility to cover the downtime (waiting time) cost
on thorough evaluation of the critical slip surfaces due to excess pore water pressure. The follow up of
of the river bank slopes maximum allowable excess excess pore pressure development on the Grønland
pore water pressure during pile installation was side of the river bank is discussed more in detail in
established. This maximum allowable excess pore this paper.

The development of pore water pressure was Table 1. Elevation of the tip of the piezometers in the
monitored by piezometers at four locations in each Grønland side of the river bank.
side of the river bank and at three locations in the
river bed. Because of the relative proximity to the Station Piezometers Elevation, masl
river bank, pile driving activities in axes G4, G5, GP4 G-71306 −4.9
G6 and river front foundations (Figs. 1 and 5) were G-71606 −9.9
critical for the stability of the river bank slope. G-71706 −13.1
Figure 5 shows the locations of piezometer sta-
tions in the Grønland side of the river bank. GP3 G-53108 −10.0
Table 1 shows the elevation at which the tips of G-52808 −14.0
the eight piezometers where placed in the ground. GP2 G-53008 −9.0
The piezometers at station GP4 were installed two G-52908 −14.0
years before the startup of the construction of the
bridge. The two years measurement shows that the GP1 G-52508 −7.0
pore water pressure in the soil is close to hydro-
static and follows both the seasonal as well as tidal
variation of the river water level. The piezometers
at stations GP1, GP2 and GP3 were installed two
weeks before the piling activity started. The tips
of the piezometers in these three stations were
located along the critical failure plane where a
change in shear strength of the soil has a signifi-
cant effect on the stability of the river bank slope.
Figure 6 shows the follow up of the development
of excess pore water pressure during pile driving
for the riverfront foundation near station GP4.
Pile driving on land started near the river bank.
This piling activity near piezometer stations GP3
and GP4 was a very good chance to document
recorded data for the specific site condition. Based
on these data a pore pressure chart was developed.
Figure 6. Station GP4 with three installed piezometers
In the chart the maximum build up of excess pore in the Grønland side of the river and driving pile G184.
water pressure vs. distance from the pile can be Note that the river was frozen due to cold temperature
correlated. in January.

As anticipated during installation of piles into

the soft clay layer excess pore water pressures were
generated at both shallow and deep piezometer
locations. The excess pore pressure was gener-
ated within approximately 13 m radius from the
center of the pile. No significant changes in pore
water pressure were observed beyond this distance.
Figure 7 shows the relative location of piezometer
tips and length of pile driven into the ground.
The effects of pile installation alone on the
development of excess pore water pressure with-
out preboring a slightly undersize hole were care-
fully monitored before, during and immediately
after pile installations in the Grønland side of the
river bank. Table 2 and Figure 8 show the excess
pore water pressure recorded due to driving pile
number G184 and G182. At station GP4 the pore
water pressure increase due to driving the two piles
G182 and G184 was relatively large, 80 kPa in the
Figure 5. Locations of piezometer stations in the middle and 45 kPa at the shallow depth of the soft
Grønland side of the river. GP1, GP2, GP3 and GP4 are clay layer. At the deeper piezometer location near
piezometer stations. to the permeable moraine layer the pore pressure

Figure 8. Measured excess pore water pressure build up
at piezometer G-71606 station GP4 during driving pile
Figure 7. Relative location and length of Pile G182 and G182 and G184.
Pile G184 installed into the ground near station GP4.

Table 2. Measured excess pore-water pressure due to

driving pile nr G184 and G182 near station GP4.

Distance from Excess pore

piezometer pressure
Piezometer Pile nr. (m) (KPa)

G-71306 G184 4.1 8.2

G182 2.0 25.2
G-71606 G184 5.1 11.6
G182 0.5 68.1
G-71706 G184 4.7 1.0 Figure 9. Measured excess pore water pressure per pile
G182 1.5 −1.0 vs. horizontal distance from the pile at station GP2, GP3
and GP4.

increases were much less pronounced. In Figure 8 depth in the soft clay layer where the piezometer
the reference numbers are: number 1—before pil- tip is located. Based on the recorded excess pore
ing activity, 2—after driving pile G184 about 12 m water pressure at stations GP2, GP3 and GP4 an
into the ground, 3—after driving pile G184 about excess pore water pressure chart was developed.
26 m into the ground, 4—after driving pile G184 Figure 9 shows the development trend of the antic-
and before driving pile G182, 5—after driving pile ipated excess pore water pressure in the 10–15 m
G184 and driving pile G182 about 12 m into the thick soft clay layer due to driving 270 × 270 mm
ground, 6—after driving pile G184 and driving pile concrete pile.
G182 about 24 m into the ground and 7—one day
after both piles were driven.
Furthermore the recorded excess pore water 5 CONTROL OF EXCESS PORE WATER
pressure for the deepest piezometer at station GP4 DEVELOPMENT DURING PILING
confirms that the piezometer tip is located just
on top of the dense moraine layer which consists Based on stability analysis critical failure planes of
of stratified sand and gravel. As is clearly seen the river bank slopes were identified. Further analy-
in Table 2 the recorded excesses pore water pres- ses were made to determine the maximum allowable
sure depends not only on the horizontal distance excess pore water pressure in the slope beyond which
between the pile and the piezometer but also on the the safety factor drops below the acceptable margin.

It was also observed that during pile driving the
excess pore pressure developments were measured
within approximately 13 m from the center of the
pile. No significant changes in pore water pres-
sure were observed beyond this horizontal distance
from the pile center immediately after driving. Sig-
nificantly high pore water pressure increases were
not recorded by deep piezometers when the piles
were driven into the underlying dense moraine.
The development of excess pore water pressure
was successfully controlled by limiting the mini-
mum distance between piles to be driven per day.
The pile driving schedule prepared based on mini-
mum distance between piles to be driven per day
was very effective. It was possible to keep the devel-
oped excess pore water pressure within the allow-
able range, continuously control the safety margin
of the river bank slopes and save the client from
Figure 10. The location of piezometer tips and the waiting time cost. Total lengths of about 2980 m of
critical failure planes. L1is the sandy, silty soil with some
gravel, L2 is the soft sensitive silty and sandy clay layer
pile length were driven into the ground in 28 days
and L3 is the dense moraine layer. which was about 106 m pile length per day.

Figure 10 shows the critical failure planes and the
locations of the piezometer tips at GP1, GP2 and The authors would like to thank the Norwegian
GP3. The established alarming boundary zones for Public Roads Administration, NPRA, for provid-
the excess pore water pressure at station GP1, GP2 ing resources for this publication.
and GP3 were 10, 50 and 60 kPa respectively. When
the build up of excess pore water pressure along
the critical failure plane at station GP3, GP2, and REFERENCES
GP1 reaches a critical value of 60 kPa, 50 kPa and
10 kPa respectively piling activity has to stop until Aas, G. 1975. Skred som følge av peleramming i bløt leire.
it dissipates. The stability analyses also show that NGI Publication 110. 49–54 (In Norwegian).
a localized build up of excess pore water pressure Eigenbord, K.D. & Issigonis, T. 1996. Pore-water
more than 60 kPa can be tolerated if there is no pressures in soft to firm clay during driving of piles into
substantial change on the adjacent stations along underlying dense sand, Can. Geotech. J. 33, 209–218.
the critical failure plane. Based on the excess pore Fleming, K., Weltman, A., Randolph, M. & Elson, K.
2008. Piling Engineering, Taylor & Francis, New York.
water pressure development trend line (Fig. 9) a Johansen, S. & Finstad, J.A. 2009. Øvre Sund bru
detailed schedule for pile driving was prepared. A alarmgren-se poretrykksmålere Grønland, RIG
minimum distance between piles of 8 m for piles to 026-Rev A. (In Norwegian).
be driven per day was planned (Tvedt 2009). Based Kirkebø, S. 2006. Forslag til sikkerhetsfilosofi, RIG 001.
on the measured excess pore water pressure the (In Norwegian).
safety margins of the river bank slopes were con- Nr. 115513-4, Rv 283 HP: 400, Parsell Øvre Sund bru,
tinuously checked during construction. Geoteknisk rapport, 1. februar 2007 (In Norwegian).
Tvedt, G. & Tefera, T. 2009. Øvre Sund bru erfaringer
med poretrykk og bæreevne under peleramming på
Grøn-land, Notat. (In Norwegian).
6 CONCLUSION Tefera, T. Tvedt, G. & Oset, F. 2011. Excess pore pressure
during pile driving in soft sensitive clay. Proceedings
As was anticipated during driving of piles into the of 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
soft clay layer excess pore water pressures were gen- Geotechnical Engineering, Athens. 1285–1290.
erated at both the shallow and deep piezometers.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Seabed pipelines: The influence of installation effects

D.J. White
Shell EMI Offshore Engineering, University of Western Australia, Australia

ABSTRACT: Seabed pipelines exemplify the type of geotechnical challenge addressed by the GEO
INSTALL project. Pipeline laying involves complex soil-structure interaction. The seabed undergoes
large deformations that are accompanied by changes in strength. Pipeline design requires assessment of
the available pipe-soil interaction forces after installation, and the potential mobility and scour of the
surrounding soil. These all depend on the installation process. This paper summarises recent research into
the geotechnical aspects of pipeline installation, including numerical and physical modelling as well as
field observations.

‘Rigid’ pipelines are made from steel tubes, typi-
cally 0.1–1.5 m in diameter, with layers of internal
1.1 Offshore pipeline networks
and external coating for corrosion, abrasion and
Pipelines form the vital transport network of off- impact protection, thermal insulation, and to add
shore hydrocarbon developments. They carry the weight for improved stability. ‘Flexible’ pipelines
hydrocarbon product and other fluids between are composites of metal and polymer, and range
wells and in-field processing facilities, and also to in diameter from 0.1–0.5 m. ‘Risers’ are separate
shore. A pipeline network is accompanied by vari- tubes or continuations of a pipeline that provide
ous forms of infrastructure to support, connect and the connection to the floating or fixed structure at
stabilize the pipelines, as illustrated in Figure 1. the ocean surface.

Figure 1. Pipeline networks and associated infrastructure.

As offshore developments extend into deeper is a rather niche area of research and practice—to
waters located further from shore, pipelines and a wider geotechnical audience.
risers represent an increasingly important part The uncertainties on which GEO INSTALL
of the development infrastructure. Typical costs has focused, associated with soil-structure inter-
of gas export pipelines on the North-West Shelf of action and the resulting large deformations and
Australia now exceed $4 million per km, a signifi- changes in soil properties, are shown for pipelines
cant proportion of which is for measures to stabi- in Figure 2.
lise the pipe on the seabed. Stability is the major The laying process for a seabed pipeline is
focus of geotechnical design for pipelines, both dynamic. The pipe is either stored in short sections
under the action of hydrodynamic loading from and welded together as part of the lay process, or
waves and currents, and due to expansion and con- (for smaller diameter pipes) it is stored on a reel
traction arising from the elevated temperature and and ‘unwound’ as the vessel sails along the route.
pressure of the contents. In regions where over-trawling is not a hazard,
Even if long export pipelines are not required, pipelines are usually laid directly on the seabed
because the product is exported via tankers from without burial.
a floating facility, a large network of infield pipe- Depending on the lay method and soil conditions,
lines may be needed. BP’s Greater Plutonio devel- the process of pipe embedment may be drained,
opment provides a well-documented case study undrained or partially-drained. Motions of the ves-
(Jayson et al., 2008). This project is located 165 km sel and hydrodynamic loading on the hanging pipe
north-west of Luanda off the coast of Angola in section lead to slow dynamic motions between the
a water depth of 1400 m. A Floating Production, pipe and the seabed. The pipe is not simply lowered
Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel is moored statically onto the seabed. The seabed is disturbed
adjacent to a top-tensioned riser tower, which is a by these dynamic motions, and in soft soils heave
column of vertical pipes, or risers that carry prod- and remoulding occur around the pipe.
ucts between the FPSO and the seabed. The risers After laying, there is typically a period of sev-
are maintained in tension, to prevent buckling, eral months before the pipeline enters operation.
by a buoyancy unit at the top. The wells are dis- During this time, any excess pore pressure gen-
tributed over a wide area, and are each supported erated during the lay process dissipates and the
on subsea foundations. Connecting the wells are surrounding soil changes in strength. It is this
more than 100 km of pipelines. These are laid post-equalisation consolidated strength—which
directly on the seabed and are subject to signifi- varies spatially around the pipe—that controls the
cant expansion loads during cycles of startup and subsequent resistance of the pipe to lateral and
shutdown, as the temperature and internal pres- axial movements.
sure change. These issues will be familiar to piling engineers.
Pile design methods for axial capacity in clay soils
1.2 Pipeline installation effects
The GEO INSTALL project, which this confer-
ence forms the closing event of, has focused on a
research area that is extremely relevant to the anal-
ysis of seabed pipelines. The research activities in
GEO INSTALL mirror some of the research efforts
underway in our own group at the University of
Western Australia (UWA). Quoting from the GEO
INSTALL programme outline:

“Infrastructure construction involves the installa-

tion of structural elements [such as pipelines]. The
installation process itself can be quasi-static or
dynamic, and generally involves very large defor-
mations and changes in pore pressure. … the influ-
ence of installation on key design parameters, such
as mobilised strength at the soil-structure interface
and soil stiffness, is difficult to quantify and, as yet,
impossible to model.”

Pipeline engineering exemplifies precisely these

geotechnical challenges, and this keynote provides an
opportunity to expose pipeline geotechnics—which Figure 2. Pipeline installation effects.

are often couched in terms of the post-installation change due to seabed mobility. In shallow water
strength or lateral effective stress on the pile, (<150 m depth) the action of waves and tides can
accounting for changes in strength from installa- lead to sediment transport at the seabed, and scour.
tion and equalization (e.g. Randolph et al. 1979, Depending on the metocean and seabed conditions,
Jardine et al. 2010). as well as the installed (or ‘as-laid’) embedment of
the pipeline, this seabed mobility may lead to net
erosion or burial around the pipe (Figure 2).
1.3 Pipeline design for global expansions
Installation of a pipeline on the seabed causes an
During operation, the internal temperature and increase in the local sediment transport capacity due
pressure cause a pipeline to expand. This expan- to the change in flow conditions around the pipe-
sion is opposed by the axial resistance between the line. A consequence of the increase of local sedi-
pipe and the seabed. Excessive compressive force ment transport capacity is the scour of sediments
may lead to buckling of the pipeline, depending away from an area surrounding the pipeline. Once
on the soil resistance and the pipe weight. Once a local scour is initiated at a cross-sectional location,
buckle forms, the axial force drops significantly as it can spread longitudinally along the pipeline to
a length of pipe feeds axially into the buckle. Exces- form a free span. The pipeline may then sag into the
sive feed-in—due to low axial resistance—leads to scour hole as the result of the structural deflections
high bending strains within the buckled section. and extra penetration into the soil at the span shoul-
In deep water, where there is no requirement ders (which attract increased load from the span-
to bury the pipe for protection from trawling, on- ning lengths of pipeline). As the pipeline sags into
bottom buckling in the horizontal plane is now a a scour hole, it deflects more flow over the top of
widely adopted solution to accommodate temper- the pipeline. This leads to a reduction of sediment
ature and pressure-induced expansions. However, transport capacity directly below the pipeline. The
controlled lateral buckling requires very careful scour hole is then backfilled with sediments and this
design in order to ensure that buckles form as induces the natural self-burial of the pipeline. Once
planned, and that the fatigue response within the the pipeline is buried or sags into the scour hole, its
buckle is acceptable throughout the operating life stability is enhanced through hydrodynamic shield-
of the flowline (Bruton et al. 2007, 2008). Thermal ing and the increase of lateral soil resistance.
cycles can also lead to the accumulation of axial Accurate modelling of the installation process
movement, which is termed pipeline walking (Carr and the resulting as-laid embedment is an important
et al. 2006). The walking arises from asymmetry in input to assessments of seabed mobility processes.
the heat-up and shutdown processes, or from other These processes are illustrated in Section 6.
asymmetries in the pipeline such as a high riser ten-
sion at one end or a seabed slope. Over many ther-
mal cycles, walking can lead to significant global 1.5 Soil mechanics context
displacement of the pipeline. Walking is not a limit
The stress levels relevant to pipeline geotechnics are
state for the pipeline itself, but can lead to failure at
significantly lower than found in conventional foun-
the mid-line or end connections.
dation engineering. The bearing pressure imposed
Buckling and walking must be assessed during
by pipeline is typically 0.5–5 kPa, and the soil in the
design, in order to control the stresses within the
shallowest 0.5 m of the seabed is generally very soft
pipeline and the movements relative to any asso-
(if fine-grained) or mobile (if coarse-grained).
ciated structures. Structural analyses of pipelines
Pipeline laying, and any subsequent movements
incorporate interaction forces between the pipe and
across the seabed, lead to large strains in the sur-
the seabed in the vertical, axial and lateral direc-
rounding soil. The consequent remoulding and
tions. The conventional approach is to construct
reconsolidation of the seabed soil leads to changes
independent models of the force-displacement
in topography and strength. Site investigation
response in each direction—in a manner analo-
technology is advancing rapidly, to provide bet-
gous to the ‘t-z’ and ‘p-y’ models used for axial and
ter tools to quantify these near-surface seabed
lateral pile-soil analysis. The pipe-soil resistance
in each of these directions depends on the pipe-
Two important aspects of the constitutive
line embedment and the surrounding soil strength.
response of fine-grained seabed soils, which affect
Correct modelling of installation effects is required
the interaction forces on seabed pipelines, are:
to assess these forces accurately.
1. The curvature of the effective stress failure enve-
lope at low stresses.
1.4 Pipeline design for hydrodynamic stability
2. The generation and dissipation of excess pore
During the period between installation (laying) and pressure during and in between episodes of
operation, the embedment of the pipeline may also shearing to very high strains.

This first effect is illustrated by the two types during the initial packet of cycles is partly due to
of data shown in Figure 3. The red lines are effec- the generation of positive excess pore pressure
tive stress paths determined from load and pore in this lightly over-consolidated material. As this
pressure data gathered by the ‘SMARTPIPE’—an positive pore pressure dissipates and the effective
instrumented model pipe that operates in situ, at the stress rises back to the geostatic state the mate-
seabed. As the pipe was slowly cycled axially, alter- rial densifies and the subsequent undrained shear
nating shear stresses were mobilized, tracing out the strength is higher.
failure envelope. The cross-shaped markers are the After just three episodes of full remoulding and
results from model tests performed in a large tank reconsolidation, the current remoulded strength is
of the same soil, reconstituted at NGI’s laboratory. comparable to the original intact strength. These
The second effect is best demonstrated by cyclic results illustrate the contrasting effects of remould-
penetrometer tests with periods of reconsolida- ing and reconsolidation that are shown schemati-
tion between each cyclic episode, such as the T-bar cally around a pipeline in Figure 2.
test shown in Figure 4. The reduction in strength This behaviour is best explored in a critical state-
type framework, since this provides an explicit
link between moisture content (which reduces as
positive pore pressures dissipate) and undrained
strength. White & Hodder (2010) describe a critical
state-type model that produces the back-analysis
indicated by the line ‘Model’ in Figure 4.


2.1 Pipeline laying processes

The first and most well-recognised installation
effect relevant to the assessment of pipeline embed-
ment is simply the geometry of the lay process.
Pipelines are usually installed by laying from a ves-
sel, using an S-lay, J-lay or reel-lay configuration.
In an S-lay arrangement, the pipe is assembled in
a horizontal position and then offloaded over the
rear of the vessel in short sections, concurrent with
Figure 3. Failure envelope curvature at low stresses: a forward motion of the vessel. The pipe steepens
Comparison of residual effective stress states measured in an overbend behind the vessel, and is supported
during axial pipeline sliding on very soft clay (Hill et al. by a frame extending from the vessel, called a
In a J-lay arrangement the pipe is assembled on
the vessel at a steep inclination, close to vertical,
which eliminates the overbend at the offloading
point. The departure angle from a reel lay arrange-
ment may be steep like a J-lay system, or more
shallow, over a stinger, like an S-lay system.

2.2 Touchdown stresses

The static bearing capacity of a pipeline on und-
rained soil is well established, based on plasticity
solutions (Murff et al. 1989, Randolph & White
2008a, Martin & White 2012), finite element
analyses (Aubeny et al. 2005, Merifield et al. 2009,
Chatterjee et al. 2012a), and model testing (Dingle
et al. 2008).
Figure 4. Undrained strength through episodes of Example vertical penetration responses are
remoulding and reconsolidation: a T-bar test in lightly shown in Figure 5. These were obtained using
overconsolidated kaolin in the UWA beam centrifuge different software but the same large deforma-
(White & Hodder 2010). tion finite element technique (Hu & Randolph

Figure 5. Typical undrained static vertical penetration
response (Randolph & Gourvenec 2011).
Figure 6. Pipeline laying notation (Randolph & White
1998a, b), which is described in Section 4.1. The
variation in normalized vertical load V/su-invertD
with embedment, w/D fits a power law (where V is
the vertical pipe-soil load, su-invert is the in situ und-
rained shear strength at the pipe invert level, and D
is the pipe diameter).
However, assessment of as-laid pipe embed-
ment is not simply a matter of equating the pipe
submerged weight, W′, with the bearing capacity,
V, to determine the embedment, w. For a pipeline
being laid from a vessel, the maximum value of V
within the touchdown zone is greater than the sub-
merged pipe weight W′ due to the catenary effect.
This stress concentration can be estimated from
the lay tension, pipe bending stiffness and the sea-
bed response (Fig. 6) (Pesce et al. 1998, Lenci &
Callegari 2005, Randolph & White 2008b, Palmer
Parametric solutions for the static lay condi-
Figure 7. Effect of seabed stiffness on the static pipe-
tions have been presented by Randolph & White soil contact stress through touchdown zone (Westgate
(2008b). For most practical values of lay tension, et al. 2013).
analytical solutions (Lenci & Callegari 2005) and
numerical analysis using OrcaFlex (Orcina 2008)
all converge to unique design lines. The touchdown interaction in pipeline laying: the stiffness of
stress concentration, flay, can be expressed approxi- the seabed affects the loads applied to the struc-
mately as: ture. The range of stiffnesses, k = V/w, shown in
Figure 7 is wider than the usual uncertainty faced
Vmax ⎛ EIk ⎞
0.25 in bearing capacity calculations. This is because
f lay = ≈ 0.6 + 0.4 ⎜ (1) the lay process introduces additional uncertainty
W′ ⎝ T0 ⎟⎠ in the operative seabed strength, which is discussed
in Section 3.
where Vmax is the maximum vertical pipe-soil
load and the other parameters are as shown in
The stiffness of the seabed affects both the max-
imum stress concentration and also the length of While a pipeline is being laid, the vessel is sub-
the elevated contact stress through the touchdown jected to waves and the hanging length of pipe also
zone. Example profiles of stress concentration are attracts hydrodynamic load in the water column.
shown in Figure 7 for a range of seabed stiffnesses. These effects cause the pipe to oscillate at the
This illustrates the influence of soil-structure seabed, softening the soil and entraining water.

Also, in rough sea states, transient reductions in 4 SOIL DISTURBANCE FROM PIPE
lay tension can occur which increase the vertical LAYING
pipe-soil load (Westgate et al. 2009, Westgate et
al. 2010a). 4.1 Numerical modelling technique
The combination of both vertical and horizontal
Assessments of the degree of soil remoulding
pipe-soil loading reduces the available vertical
during pipeline laying can be made using Large
bearing capacity of the soil, as shown through
Deformation Finite Element (LDFE) analysis.
theoretical plasticity analysis for planar contacts
Our group at UWA has made extensive use of the
(Green 1954) and also shallowly-embedded pipes
‘RITSS’ form of LDFE analysis, which was set
(Randolph & White 2008a). Lastly, horizontal
out by Hu & Randolph (1998a, 1998b) and has
oscillations can displace the seabed soil laterally,
recently been coupled with the commercial soft-
creating a trench by lowering the seabed elevation
ware ABAQUS.
adjacent to the pipe, as shown via experimental
The RITSS scheme is illustrated in Figure 9. In
simulations in a geotechnical centrifuge (Cheuk &
this method, large displacements of the pipe are
White 2011) and via field observations (Lund 2000,
divided into many small steps in which the pipe
Westgate et al. 2009).
is moved to a very small incremental distance
During pipe laying, remotely operated vehi-
and small strain Lagrangian calculations are per-
cles are used to survey the touchdown zone dur-
formed. Stresses and other material parameters
ing pipelaying. Video observations show that the
are then recovered from the integration points to
amplitude of pipe oscillations are typically a frac-
the nodes following the superconvergent patch
tion of a pipe diameter, with a period comparable
recovery technique (SPR, Zienkiewicz & Zhu
to the wave period (Westgate et al. 2009). Struc-
tural modelling of the vessel response and the pipe
At the end of each step, the displaced soil
catenary can be used to estimate these movements
boundary is updated and the whole soil domain
a priori (Westgate et al. 2010a).
is remeshed. After that, the stresses and other
The amplitude of the pipe oscillations in the
parameters are interpolated from the old nodes to
touchdown zone increases with the seastate.
the integration points of the new mesh. With the
Westgate et al. (2010a) back-analysed the observed
interpolated stresses as initial conditions for the
embedment of a pipeline installed across uniform
next step, another small strain step is performed.
soil conditions but in a range of seastates. These
This process is repeated until the pipe is moved the
data show a strong correlation between seastate—
required distance. Mesh generation, small strain
and thus vessel motion and pipe oscillations in the
calculations and post processing of the data are
touchdown zone—and embedment (Fig. 8).
performed using ABAQUS. Python, the in-built
Experimental and numerical simulations have
scripting language of ABAQUS, is used to auto-
been performed to explore these dynamic installa-
tion effects. The critical questions are:
1. How does the installation process alter the
strength of the soil surrounding the pipeline?
2. What is the consequent effect on the as-laid
embedment and the breakout resistance?

Figure 8. Effect of metocean conditions on as-laid pipe Figure 9. RITSS FE analysis scheme (after Wang et al.
embedment (Westgate et al. 2010a). 2010).

mate the process. The whole process is executed 4.2 Numerical simulations of pipeline laying
by a main Fortran program that calls different
This numerical technique has been used to explore
subroutines and Python scripts to carry out the
the pipe-seabed interaction during laying. An
entire task.
example analysis is shown in Figure 10. The in
Within each small strain analysis, the soil is
situ soil strength profile was su0 = (sum + kz) with
modelled as an elastic perfectly-plastic material,
sum = 0.75 kPa, k = 1.6 kPa/m, and the soil sof-
with failure according to the Tresca yield criterion.
tened according to Equation (2) with parameters
The particular value of the Tresca shear strength
ξ95 = 10, δrem = 0.25, μ = 0. The pipe was held under
for each element within the mesh is calculated
a constant vertical load of V/sumD = 3.7 and oscil-
when each small strain analysis is initialised. This
lated laterally with amplitude of +/−0.05 D.
calculation accounts for the influences on the soil
These parameters were chosen to represent a
of the cumulative strain (i.e. the level of distur-
centrifuge model test reported by Cheuk & White
bance or remoulding) strength, as well as the cur-
(2011), which is discussed in Section 4.3. The
rent strain rate.
amplitude of horizontal oscillation is comparable
The cumulative strain induced in a soil element
to the video observations of pipe laying reported
by any previous pipe movement will cause soften-
by Westgate et al. (2009). The resulting pipe embed-
ing of that soil and a decrease in the operative shear
ment and the measured horizontal resistance agree
strength—akin to the behaviour shown during the
well with the centrifuge model test results.
initial cyclic episode shown in Figure 4.
The calculated patterns of lateral resistance
The effects of strain rate on the shear strength
and embedment and the local soil remoulding are
of soil have also been studied extensively by many
shown in Figure 10. Even small lateral motions
researchers (e.g. Casagrande & Wilson 1951,
of just +/−0.05 D lead to a remoulded zone that
Graham et al. 1983, Biscontin & Pestana 2001,
extends by al-most one pipe diameter to each side,
Lunne et al. 2006, Low et al. 2008).
and the pipe it-self rests on fully remoulded soil.
To combine these softening and strain rate
The horizontal resistance initially rises through
effects within an undrained analysis, the simple
the first few cycles, as the pipe embedment and
Tresca soil model is used. After each analysis step,
soil contact width increase. With further cycles the
the original shear strength of the soil at every node,
effect of soil softening on either side of the pipe
su0, is modified to an updated value, su, according
dominates, as plastic strain accumulates. This leads
to the following formula (Einav & Randolph 2005,
to a reduction in the normalized lateral resistance
Zhou & Randolph 2007, 2009, Chatterjee et al.
in the later cycles. The vertical embedment after
2010, 2012a):
20 cycles is significantly greater than the 0.1 D
penetration achieved under purely vertical loading
⎡ ⎛ ⎛ ( ε1 − ε3 ) v p / D ⎞ ⎞ ⎤ prior to the lateral cycles.
s u = ⎢1 + μ log ⎜ max ⎜1, ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎝ δ D γ ref ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ The pipe embedment has almost stabilized after
30 cycles. Any additional cycles do not signifi-
e + ( − rem ) e
× ⎣⎡δ rem −3 ξ ξ95
⎤⎦ s u 0 (2) cantly deepen the pipe, because the soil influenced
by the lateral motions is already fully softened,
and the vertical bearing capacity is provided by
The first part of the relationship captures the
deeper soil that is less influenced by the motions.
increase in strength due to the strain rate effect and
the second part reflects a strength decrease due to
strain softening. Δε1 and Δε3 are the major and
minor principal strains, respectively, resulting from
a displacement increment, δ. vp is the pipe velocity
and μ is the rate of strength increase per decade
of strain rate, typically in the range of 0.05–0.2
(Biscontin & Pestana 2001, Lunne & Andersen
2007). γ ref is the reference strain rate taken as 1%
per hour or 3 × 10−6 per second. Softening is mod-
elled as an exponential decay function of the cumu-
lative absolute plastic shear strain ξ. δrem is the ratio
of fully remoulded strength to the initial strength
and is essentially the inverse of sensitivity, St. The
parameter ξ95 indicates the relative ductility of soil
and is the value of ξ at which the soil strength has
reduced by 95% of the way from the initial to the Figure 10. LDFE simulation of soil strength after
fully remoulded values. dynamic pipe laying (after Wang et al. 2009).

This stabilization is a useful concept for the assess-
ment of dynamic embedment in practice, since it
narrows down the input parameters necessary for
a simplified analysis of the lay process. It may not
be necessary to specify precisely the number of
cycles that will be imposed during the lay process
if that number is sufficient for the embedment to
approach the steady value.

4.3 Geotechnical centrifuge simulations

To complement the numerical LDFE studies of
pipeline laying, several physical model testing stud-
ies have been performed using the UWA geotech-
nical beam centrifuge. The typical arrangement for
a pipe-soil interaction test is shown in Figure 11.
The UWA centrifuge is equipped with a motion
control system that allows load-controlled or
displacement-controlled operation on independent
vertical and horizontal axes. The software control
system allows sequential operations to be pre-
programmed, providing a flexible basis for mim-
icking the behaviour of an element of pipe during
the laying process. Details of the control and data
acquisition systems are given in De Catania et al.
(2010) and Gaudin et al. (2010).
An example result from the study reported by
Cheuk & White (2011) is shown in Figure 12. The
soil properties and simulated pipe weight, V, were
the same as the LDFE simulation described in Sec-
tion 4.2. The settlement under the static load was
∼0.1D (point A in Figure 12). The imposed lat-
eral motions were 20 cycles of ±0.05 D (as for the
LDFE simulation, Figure 10) followed by further
sets of 20 cycles of amplitude ±0.1, ±0.2, ±0.1 and
finally ±0.05.
Like the LDFE simulation, the pipe initially
settled at a rapid rate. On each occasion that the

Figure 12. Physical modelling of the response of a pipe-

line element during laying (Cheuk & White 2011).

amplitude of lateral motions steps up, the lateral

resistance jumps up then falls back as the newly-
disturbed soil becomes remoulded (points B and
C in Figure 12).
A visual indication of the remoulding that takes
place during dynamic pipeline penetrated into a
soft clay seabed is provided by images from a sub-
sequent study (Westgate et al. 2013). In these tests
the model seabed was lightly over-consolidated
kaolin clay with a mudline strength of ∼1 kPa.
After penetration of the pipe monotonically into
Figure 11. Typical arrangement for a pipe-soil interac- this seabed, the disturbed soil appears as a blocky
tion test in the UWA beam centrifuge. rubble (Fig. 13a). In contrast, after dynamic

Figure 13. Disturbed soil after (a) monotonic
penetration and (b) dynamic embedment of a model pipe
(Westgate et al. 2013).

embedment the surrounding soil has the appear-

ance of being fluidized (Figure 13b).

4.4 Calculation model for softening and embedment

The simulations reported by Cheuk & White
(2011) and Westgate et al. (2013) have been used
to devise approximate methods for assessing pipe-
line embedment accounting for the progressive
remoulding due to small-amplitude oscillations
within the touchdown zone.
These methods use as inputs an assumed pattern
of lateral oscillations within the touchdown zone and
the concentrated vertical load that emerges from the
catenary solution. The lateral movements are com-
bined with a ‘macroscopic’ version of Equation (2) to
capture the progressive softening of the soil. Rather
than considering the strains within a soil element,
the ‘macroscopic’ approach lumps the softening
of the surrounding soil into a single quantity that is
linked to the cumulative lateral movement—which is
analogous to the cumulative shear strain in the soil.
This process provides an estimate of the changing
strength and therefore bearing capacity of the sur-
rounding soil through the assumed number of oscil-
lations within the lay process. Based on this changing
bearing capacity, theoretical failure envelopes in
Vertical-Horizontal (V-H) load space are used to
assess the consequent settlement of the pipe, based
on the assumption of associated flow.
This embedment calculation method can be
applied in a cycle-by-cycle manner (Cheuk & White
2011) or through the full displacement response of
the pipe element (Westgate et al. 2013).
Figure 14. Comparisons of calculated (vertical lines)
4.5 Comparison with field surveys and observed pipe embedment for three field sites (West-
gate et al. 2013) (sites referred to as A-C. Case 2 calcu-
Three sets of as-laid field survey data have been lations use average lay conditions. Cases 1 and 3 use
back-analysed by Westgate et al. (2013) using this calmest and heaviest seas respectively).

embedment calculation method. The pipelines Krost et al. (2011) and Gourvenec & White
ranged from 0.33 to 0.63 m in diameter, with (2010) present numerical solutions for consolida-
submerged pipe weights between 0.22 and 0.95 tion around pipelines ‘wished-in-place’ in elastic
kN/m. The sediments were fine-grained sediments soil. The dimensionless time factors, T = cvt/D2,
with undrained shear strength gradients between for 50% and 90% dissipation of the average excess
4 and 38 kPa/m (and negligible strengths at the pore pressure around the pipe surface are T50 ∼ 0.1
mudline). and T90 ∼ 2 respectively. Subsequent solutions,
Estimates of pipe embedment were made for using the Modified Cam Clay constitutive model,
each site using the pipeline properties, soil con- have considered the effect of the installation proc-
ditions, and model parameters representative of ess (Chatterjee et al. 2012b).
the site-specific lay conditions. Three calculations
of the embedment process were performed for
5.2 Lateral breakout resistance: Numerical results
each site, representing the range in sea state (wave
height) measured during laying, and therefore the Theoretical solutions for the combined vertical-
amplitude of oscillations in the touchdown zone. horizontal bearing capacity of a pipeline embed-
The ranges of calculated embedment values are ded in uniform undrained soil are well-established
compared to histograms of as-laid embedment for (Randolph & White 2008a, Merifield et al. 2008,
each site in Figure 14. In all cases, the agreement Martin & White 2012). However, the dissipation of
between the calculated and observed embedment is installation-induced excess pore pressure changes
excellent, capturing both the average embedment the strength of the surrounding soil, with a conse-
(when using the best estimate parameters) and quent enhancement of the V-H bearing capacity.
the range of embedment (when using the extreme Numerical simulations of pipe penetration
minima and maxima parameters). and lateral breakout in Modified Cam Clay soil
A less accurate but simpler approach to assess are reported by Chatterjee et al. (2013). The pur-
as-laid pipeline embedment on fine-grained soils, is pose of this study was to investigate the potential
to assume that the soil is fully remoulded and apply enhancement of lateral breakout resistance due to
this strength within the vertical bearing capacity consolidation hardening of the surrounding soil.
equation (Westgate et al. 2010b; Westgate et al. Two types of analyses were performed: undrained
2012). This approach is often sufficiently accurate vertical penetration followed by either unconsoli-
for typical lay conditions, but probably only suc- dated or consolidated undrained lateral breakout.
cessful due to compensating errors: the reduction After the initial penetration (modelled using the
in bearing capacity under V-H loading is ignored, LDFE approach—Section 4.1), the pipe was either
but the loss of strength is probably over-estimated immediately broken out laterally (the unconsoli-
through the assumption of full remoulding. dated case), or full pore pressure dissipation was
permitted before breakout (the consolidated case).
The unconsolidated and consolidated fail-
ure envelopes for an undrained embedment of
w/D = 0.1 and 0.5 are compared in Figure 15.
5.1 Equalisation
The seabed softening that results from the dynamic
movements during laying of a pipeline is princi-
pally due to positive excess pore pressure being
generated as the soil is sheared. After laying, this
excess pore pressure, and any excess pore pressure
generated simply in response to the static pipeline
self-weight, will dissipate.
During this dissipation period, the effective
stress around the pipe-soil interface will rise and the
strength of the surrounding soil will also increase.
These ‘set-up’ processes will cause the available
axial and lateral pipe-soil resistance to rise.
There is typically a period of several months
between the laying of a pipeline and the initial
operation. It is therefore the consolidated axial and
lateral resistance that is usually relevant to design, Figure 15. Unconsolidated and consolidated undrained
but some assessment of the pore pressure dissipa- yield envelopes for w/D = 0.1 and 0.5 (Chatterjee et al.
tion rate is required to confirm this. 2013).

The initial undrained strength was uniform with installation (Gourvenec & White 2013). Details of
depth and the soil was normally consolidated. a subset of these tests are set out in Table 1. The
After consolidation, the failure envelopes have purpose of these tests was to explore the changes
expanded by approximately 50% for purely verti- in lateral breakout resistance that can result from
cal loading, and the horizontal load at the apex installation effects in soft clay, associated with dis-
point (where H is maximum) is approximately turbance and reconsolidation. The model seabed
doubled. The changes in strength in the surround- was normally—consolidated kaolin clay.
ing soil, and the additional embedment that arises In all three cases, the initial embedment was
during the consolidation process, are shown in w/D = 0.5 and immediately after reaching this
Figure 16 for the w/D = 0.5 case. Clearly the post- embedment the simulated pipe weight was reduced
installation consolidation process has a significant to V/D = 3 kPa. Two alternative ‘laying’ methods
influence on the lateral breakout resistance, and were considered: undrained monotonic vertical
‘set-up’ effects of this magnitude should not be penetration and a specified pattern of oscillations
neglected. that remould the surrounding soil. The adopted
However, it should be noted that in these analy- ‘zig-zag’ pattern of lateral movement during pen-
ses the simulated pipe weight was maintained at the etration (visible in Fig. 17) mimics the disturbance
unconsolidated undrained vertical bearing capac- and remoulding associated with the real lay proc-
ity during the dissipation process, thus maximiz- ess, and the results from case RemCU are therefore
ing the potential strength gain. In practice, most the most representative of field conditions.
pipelines will be ‘overloaded’ on laying, because For the monotonic installation method, two
the self-weight will be lower than the maximum cases involving full (90%) and negligible dissipa-
vertical load applied in the touchdown zone (by at tion were performed (cases UU and CU). The
least a factor of flay, Section 2.2). The changes in same pipe weight was maintained during breakout,
V-H bearing capacity in this example are therefore
upper bounds for set-up in normally consolidated
Modified Cam Clay. Table 1. Lateral breakout comparison cases.

Case V/D ‘Laying’ Consolidated?

5.3 Lateral breakout resistance: Centrifuge results
UU 0.9 kPa Push→w/D = 0.5 No: immediate
Centrifuge model tests provide complementary breakout
data of the ‘set-up’ around pipelines installed into CU 0.9 kPa Push→w/D = 0.5 Yes: 90%
soft soil. Using the general experimental arrange- dissipation
ment shown in Figure 11 and Figure 13, a set of RemCU 0.9 kPa Specified Yes: 90%
model tests has recently been performed to compare oscillation dissipation
the lateral breakout response from different initial
conditions that involve varying levels of genera-
tion and dissipation of excess pore pressure during

Figure 16. Contours of ratio of consolidated to original Figure 17. Pipe invert trajectories during lateral
shear strength after pore pressure dissipation (Chatterjee breakout for different installation and ‘set-up’ cases
et al. 2013). (Gourvenec & White 2013).

and the pipe was able to rise or fall to maintain that observed in case UU. This gain in resistance
this load. is less brittle, reflecting a wider zone of strength-
The displacement paths during lateral breakout ened soil. The remoulding during ‘laying’ leads
are shown in Figure 17. In all cases, the trajectory to a larger zone of elevated pore pressure and a
is approximately the same with the pipe moving correspondingly higher gain in undrained strength
upwards at a slope of approximately 10°. The after consolidation. The outcome—which is ini-
mobilised lateral resistance is significantly differ- tially counter-intuitive—is that more softening
ent in each case. during laying leads to more net hardening after
The UU case involves no consolidation effects so consolidation.
the original undrained strength might be assumed to
apply throughout, notwithstanding some softening
5.4 Summary of post-laying breakout observations
due to the accumulated strain. In this case, the
penetration and breakout resistance should be pre- These complementary simulations of pipeline
dictable using the in situ su profile and theoretical laying and breakout, using numerical modelling
solutions, such as failure envelopes based on plas- (Section 5.2) and centrifuge testing (Section 5.3)
ticity limit analysis (Randolph & White 2008a, show a strong installation effect. This effect results
Martin & White 2012). The line marked LA in from post-laying consolidation, and is enhanced
Figure 18 shows this calculated breakout resistance, if the lay process involves remoulding. Three key
ignoring heave (i.e. assuming a horizontal sea- conclusions emerge, which provide some answers
bed beside the pipe) and using the in situ strength to the questions raised in Section 3 for pipelines
profile. There is indeed good agreement with the laid on soft clay seabeds:
UU result, with the ∼10% under-prediction being
1. Pipeline installation can significantly enhance
attributable to the neglect of heave.
the strength of the surrounding soil due to con-
The more realistic CU case shows an 80%
solidation under the pipe self-weight.
increase in peak breakout resistance, which is com-
2. The dynamic pipe movement during installa-
parable to the LDFE results shown in Figure 15.
tion creates additional shear-induced excess
This gain in capacity is highly brittle, which is
pore pressure in the soil surround the pipeline.
also consistent with the small size of the zone of
Although this remoulding weakens the soil in
enhanced strength shown in Figure 16. However,
the short term, the subsequent strength gain
even beyond this initial peak, the CU case still
during consolidation is greater than following
shows higher resistance than the UU case, as the
monotonic installation.
strengthened soil continues to be mobilised and
3. The subsequent breakout resistance is signifi-
pushed ahead of the pipe.
cantly enhanced (‘set-up’) by these changes
The most realistic case—RemCU—shows an
in strength, and suitable modifications to the
even greater breakout resistance, more than double
operative strength are required when using the-
oretical calculations for breakout resistance.
It should however be noted that in these tests
the soil was initially normally consolidated. This
state provides the greatest tendency to contract
and harden in response to shearing. At a higher
OCR these ‘set-up’ effects will be smaller, and the
effects of remoulding and reconsolidation may
balance, meaning that use of the in situ strength
may be appropriate in assessments of breakout


The studies described in Sections 4 and 5 relate

principally to fine-grained soils, in which the
response during laying is undrained. These soils
are not usually mobile under environmental
hydrodynamic loading. However, coarser materi-
als, such as sands and silts, do move under wave
Figure 18. Lateral breakout response for different instal- and current action in sufficiently severe storm or
lation and ‘set-up’ cases (Gourvenec & White 2013). tide conditions.

When pipelines are installed on mobile soils,
there is generally a risk of global instability—i.e.
gross movement of the pipeline—under hydro-
dynamic action. The design must ensure that any
such movements are tolerable.
Current design practice to assess global pipe-
line stability generally neglects the mobility of the
seabed. The analysis instead focusses on simulat-
ing fluid-pipe and pipe-seabed interaction without Figure 19. General view of UWA large O-tube facility.
including the fluid-seabed interaction that leads to
the scour and erosion processes that were intro-
duced in Section 1.4 (e.g. Zeitoun et al. 2008).
Significant research efforts have been devoted
to pipeline on-bottom stability and seabed mobil-
ity at UWA over the past three years, supported
by the ARC1 and industry partners Woodside and
Chevron through the STABLEpipe Joint Indus-
try Project. An innovative Large O-Tube (LOT)
testing facility has been established to simulate
ocean-seabed interactions at large scale (Cheng et Figure 20. Images from a large O-tube test showing
al. 2010, An et al. 2011, Jas et al. 2013). The LOT scouring and settlement of a pipeline on a mobile seabed,
followed by breakout.
is a recirculating water tunnel that can generate
cyclonic and tidal flow conditions that cannot be
modelled in traditional wave flumes of similar shallowly embedded, a scour tunnel opens beneath
dimensions (Fig. 19). the pipe, widening into a scour hole that grows
Precise control of the inline propeller allows longitudinally. As the pipe sinks into this hole is
maximum wave and current conditions of approx- becomes more stable, because of the shielding
imately 3.0 m/s with a peak period of 13 s and from the flow and the increased soil resistance that
4.0 m/s respectively. Irregular flow can also be gen- results from the trench.
erated, and typical 100-year return period tropical If the pipe is initially too deeply embedded for
storm conditions for Australia’s NWS are com- a scour tunnel to open up, then this process is
fortably within the performance envelope of the delayed or may not occur. Consequently, a pipeline
facility. that is installed at a deeper embedment can be less
The facility is also equipped with an instrumen- stable than a pipeline that is initially resting on the
ted model pipe mounted on a sophisticated actuator seabed at zero embedment.
system to record the applied horizontal and vertical Figure 20 shows a sequence of images from a
forces. The pipe is also equipped with a network of large O-tube test in which an irregular storm was
surface pressure cells to record the hydrodynamic imposed on a pipe initially at a very shallow embed-
load around the pipe circumference. The actuator ment. The images show this sequence of (i) tunnel
system prevents model pipe movements in unreal- scour, (ii) propagation of the tunnel (away from
istic degrees of freedom such as rolling. The feed- the window), (iii) settlement of the model pipe and
back system can provide neutral horizontal control, then (iv) breakout at the height of the storm. In
allowing the pipe free lateral movement in response other tests, different responses have been observed
to the natural balance between hydrodynamic load- for different installed embedments.
ing and soil resistance.
Model tests in the large O-tube have high-
lighted the influence of pipeline installation—and 7 CONCLUSIONS
the resulting as-laid embedment—on the subse-
quent on-bottom stability. Some of the results are Seabed pipelines are their own foundation. The
counter-intuitive, and show the reverse trends rela- geometry of this foundation—the depth and
tive to conventional design practice. width—is set by the installation process, which is
For example, on mobile sandy soils the gen- subject to uncertainty even until the day of installa-
eral response is for the seabed to begin scouring tion when the prevailing weather determines the lay
before the storm is sufficiently intense to dislodge vessel motions and the consequent oscillations as the
a pipe resting on the seabed surface. If the pipe is pipeline touches down on the seabed.

Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP0989936.

The installation of seabed pipelines exemplifies the at large scale, to provide data to underpin these
particular class of geotechnical engineering that the new approaches.
GEO INSTALL project has been focused on. Pipeline
installation causes large seabed deformations and
changes the properties of the surrounding soil. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
These effects alter the subsequent pipe-soil interac-
tion behaviour. This work forms part of the activities of the Cen-
This paper has summarised recent research tre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS),
efforts that have involved numerical analysis, exper- currently supported as a node of the Australian
imental testing and field observations. The over- Research Council Centre of Excellence for Geo-
arching aim has been to create an understanding of technical Science and Engineering. Support from
installation effects to allow more reliable estimates the ARC Future Fellowships program and Shell is
of the subsequent in-service behaviour to be made. acknowledged.
Large deformation finite element analysis is a The pipe-soil interaction studies described here
mature research tool that is increasingly being used have been performed in collaboration with many
in industry practice. The particular LDFE method colleagues at UWA, including Mark Randolph,
used at UWA provides a flexible basis for incorpo- Susan Gourvenec, Dong Wang, Zack Westgate,
rating the constitutive behaviour that is most rele- Santiram Chatterjee and Matt Hodder. The O-tube
vant to the problem being simulated. Softening and team includes Liang Cheng, Hongwei An, Cheng-
rate effects have been superimposed on a conven- cai Luo and Scott Draper.
tional Tresca model. Modified Cam Clay has been Industry support from BP (Andy Hill), Subsea 7
used to capture consolidation and drainage effects. (Paul Brunning), Woodside (Andrew Pearce, Nino
An equally important research tool is well- Fogliani) and the SAFEBUCK and STABLEpipe
controlled physical modelling. Examples from JIPs is also acknowledged.
both the UWA geotechnical centrifuge facilities
and the new O-tube flume have been presented.
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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

LDFE analysis of installation effects for offshore anchors

and foundations

L. Andresen & H.D.V. Khoa

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway

ABSTRACT: During installation of offshore anchors and foundations the soil undergoes large defor-
mations. Effects of installation such as penetration resistance, punch-through, changes in contact stresses
and strengths should be accounted for in the design and planning. Typically such effects have been
assessed by semi empirical methods and engineering judgement skills obtained from field and model
testing. Numerical methods for modelling large deformation and penetration problems in geomateri-
als are now available, and although research into new developments and improvements is still ongoing,
these methods can already be used for some design problems. This paper presents and briefly reviews two
modelling approaches: the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method and the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian
method of Abaqus/Explicit. The CEL method is found to be the most promising of the two and this
method is used to model the penetration of a spudcan foundation. Excellent agreement is obtained with
the penetration resistance and failure mechanism measured in a centrifuge test.

1 INTRODUCTION often used to describe the governing equations are

the Lagrangian and the Eulerian frames.
Installation effects are considered in the design of
– Lagrangian framework: The mesh is attached on
offshore foundations and anchors. Some of the
the material so that they move together in the
design issues related to the installation are: the pre-
entire computational process. When the mate-
diction of total penetration resistance and penetra-
rial deforms, the mesh deforms accordingly.
tion depth, the effect of multilayered soil profiles
The advantages of the Lagrangian formulation
and punch-through failure during the penetration
are: the time history of the field variables at
process, and the build-up of pore pressure and
a material point can be easily tracked and an
strength weakening caused by the large deforma-
irregular mesh can be conveniently modelled.
tions imposed during installation.
The main disadvantage is when the mesh is
The objective of this paper is to present the Large
heavily distorted, the accuracy of the solution
Deformation Finite Element (LDFE) analysis as a
will be severely affected. In addition, the time
suitable method to model penetration and installation
step, which is controlled by the smallest element
problems in offshore geotechnics. A brief overview of
size, can become too small to be efficient for the
numerical methods used for large deformation mod-
time marching, and may even lead to the diver-
elling is given in section 2. Section 3 contains a brief
gence of the computation procedure.
review and comparison between two different model-
– Eulerian framework: Contrary to the Lagrangian
ling techniques: the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
mesh, the Eulerian mesh is fixed in space and
method and the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian
does not change with time while the material
method. Modelling issues such as boundary effect,
flows across the mesh. Therefore, it is difficult
discretisation errors and loading rate effect are dis-
to analyze the time history of field variables at
cussed and recommendations given.
a fix point on the moving material. Expensive
In particular we have found the Coupled
numerical mapping is required to accurately
Eulerian-Lagrangian method of Abaqus to be a suit-
treat the irregular mesh. The major advan-
able tool and this is demonstrated in section 4 by back-
tage of this method is, since the Eulerian mesh
analysis of a centrifuge test of spudcan penetration.
remains during motion, large deformations of
the material do not cause any deformation of
the mesh itself.
Various techniques have been developed
In traditional continuum mechanics based finite ele- based on the two frameworks in order to over-
ment formulations, two fundamental frameworks come numerical difficulties in LDFE analysis.

Among the techniques proposed used in whereas the soil is discretised with the Eulerian
geotechnical engineering are: Updated Lagrangian elements. The effect of different FE discretisations
(UL), Material Point Method (MPM) and Smooth will be considered in section 3.3.
Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). The different but The interaction between the pile and the soil is
complementary features of the Lagrangian and modelled as frictionless (smooth).
Eulerian frame suggest that it would be compu- If not otherwise specified, all analyses are
tationally beneficial to combine these two so as conducted with a constant penetration rate of
to strengthen their advantages and to avoid their 0.1 m/s.
disadvantages. This idea has led to the develop- Generally the authors advocate a stepwise mod-
ment of three approaches that apply both the elling approach from a simple 2D/Axisymmetric
Lagrangian and Eulerian formulation: Arbitrary FE-model which preferably can be validated
Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE), Remeshing and Inter- against known analytical results towards a full 3D
polating Technique with Small Strain (RITSS) and FE-model with the full complexity of soil layering
Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL). etc. Table 1 summarises the different LDFE analy-
This paper mainly focuses on application of the ses performed in this section. It’s worth noting that
ALE and CEL methods which are available in the the CEL method implemented in Abaqus/Explicit
commercial finite element program Abaqus. can only be used with the three-dimensional brick
3.2 Effect of boundary
3.1 General description
An ALE axisymmetric FE-model with a radius of
A 5 m long cylindrical “anchor pile” with diameter 10 m (equivalent to 25D) from the centre line and
D = 40 cm and a tapered tip, which is penetrating a depth of 10 m is established to study the bound-
into a weightless uniform clay domain, is mod- ary effect. Figure 1 plots the radial displacements
elled using both the ALE and the CEL methods calculated at two different depths of 4 m and 5 m
in Abaqus/Explicit. During the penetration proc-
ess the clay is assumed to be undrained with an
undrained shear strength su of 5 kPa and rigidity Table 1. Summary of different LDFE analyses of
index G/su of 200. The clay material behaviour is anchor pile.
described by the Tresca constitutive model.
Both axisymmetric and full three-dimensional FE-models Modelling Different effects
FE-models are considered. The objective is to (Abaqus/Explicit) techniques studied
compare the two methods and to present and Axisymmetric ALE Boundary
discuss some modelling issues common to the Axisymmetric ALE Discretisation
LDFE analysis. Owing to axisymmetry, only a Three-dimensional ALE Penetration rate
15°-domain of the 3D problem is modelled so that Three-dimensional CEL CEL versus ALE
the computational time is optimized without caus-
ing excessive skewing of the elements close to axis
of symmetry.
In all the FE-models fully fixity is applied at the
base of the soil domain and roller conditions at its
vertical sides. At the axisymmetric line while the
roller conditions are used in the CEL FE-model,
a zipper-technique (Cudmani & Sturm 2006) is
employed in the ALE FE-model. This technique is
necessary to improve contact between pile and sur-
rounding soil during large penetration. For the 3D
FE-models, the symmetric boundary conditions
are in addition imposed on the two planes of sym-
metry by constraining the two in-plane rotations.
In the ALE FE-models the anchor pile is mod-
elled by analytical rigid elements. The soil domain
is discretised with Lagrangian elements except for
the soil within a depth of 7.5 m and a radius of
3 m from the axisymmetric line where the ALE
elements are applied. In the CEL FE-model, the Figure 1. Effect of boundary on LDFE analysis of
pile is modelled by Lagrangian rigid solid elements anchor pile.

versus the radius of the FE-model at the end of soils given by Liyanapathirana (2009) and Yu et al.
the anchor pile installation, i.e. the tip at 5 m deep. (2000). From the results presented in Figure 3, it is
It can be seen that from a radius of 5 m (12.5 D) seen that the coarser meshes give faster run times
the effect of the side boundary is considered to but also less accurate solutions. The mesh density
be insignificant with respect to the soil responses. of 0.1 D below the pile tip is considered to be suffi-
Therefore, the radius of 5 m will be adopted for all cient fine in order to satisfy both the accuracy and
following simulations. the efficiency of the simulations. Thus, it will be
used in the following 3D FE-models.
3.3 Effect of discretisation
3.4 Effect of penetration rate
The effect of discretisation is investigated using an
axisymmetric FE-model with the ALE method. In most real installation problems the rate of pen-
A total of six mesh densities with element size etration is so slow that dynamic effects can be
ranging from 0.05 D to 0.3 D as presented in disregarded and the problem can be regarded as
Figure 2 are generated and run with the same being static. Solving a static problem with Abaqus/
constant penetration velocity of 0.1 m/s. Figure 3 Explicit requires choosing a penetration velocity
plots the calculated end bearing pressures which all that is artificial but which does not introduce iner-
agree fairly well with the analytical solution for the tia effects of significance for the solution. Slower
bearing capacity of a cone penetration in cohesive velocity, however, requires longer computation
time. The aim is to find the highest penetration
rate that gives acceptable accuracy, i.e. gives insig-
nificant inertia.
An ALE 3D FE-model shown in Figure 4(a)
is created. Its geometric dimensions and discreti-
sation are decided based on the calculated results
discussed in sections 3.2 and 3.3. Three installa-
tion rates of 1, 0.75 and 0.5 m/s are considered.
Figure 3 reveals that the corresponding computa-
tion time required for a penetration depth of 5 m is
approximately 59, 74 and 108 minutes, respectively.
Figure 5 plots the calculated end bearing pressures
versus the penetration depth. It is shown that all

Figure 2. Six different FE meshes used for studying

effect of discretisation on LDFE analysis of anchor pile.

Figure 3. Computation times (hours) and calculated Figure 4. Geometry and discretisation of ALE 3D FE-
end bearing pressures for six different discretisations. model (a) and CEL 3D FE-model (b).

pile installation problem as used with the ALE FE-
model is re-analysed using the CEL approach. The
comparison results are discussed in next Section.

3.5 CEL method versus ALE method

Figure 4(b) presents a CEL 3D FE-model of the
anchor pile. By disregarding the void layer, the dis-
cretisation in the remaining part of the FE-model
is nearly identical to the ALE 3D FE-model (8911
compared to 9044 elements). The purpose of the
void layer is just to capture the soil heave during
the pile installation process. The penetration rate
of 1 m/s is used.
Figure 5 plots the calculated end bearing pres-
sure of the pile versus the penetration depth. It can
be seen that the CEL result agree rather well with
Figure 5. Comparison of empirical and calculated bear- the both the empirical prediction and the ALE
ing pressures of anchor pile. Effect of loading rate. result. With regard to computational efficiency,
the CEL analysis takes slightly longer time than
the ALE one (64 compared to 59 minutes).
Through the comparisons above, it can be con-
ALE 3D results are almost identical to the ALE cluded that similar to the ALE method, the CEL
axisymmetric results obtained with a relatively method is suitable for the LDFE analysis. Hence
slow installation rate of 0.1 m/s. Hence the pen- in the next section, the CEL technique in Abaqus/
etration rate of 1 m/s will be adopted in all subse- Explicit will be applied to back-analyse the cen-
quent analyses. trifuge test E2UU-II-T5 of a spudcan foundation
It has been demonstrated that the ALE adap- penetrating into stiff over soft clay layers carried
tive meshing in Abaqus/Explicit is suitable to deal out by Hossain and Randolph (2010a).
with this pile penetration large deformation prob-
lem. Other valuable advantages of using the ALE
method in Abaqus are:
– The method is available for both Abaqus/Explicit PENETRATION PROBLEM
and Abaqus/Standard, which largely expands its
application fields such as: steady-state transport 4.1 General description
analysis, couple pore fluid flow and stress analy-
The spudcan is a circular or polygonal conical
sis as well as couple temperature-displacement
foundation commonly used in the offshore oil and
gas industry as footings for the three independ-
– It can be used in planar, axisymmetric as well as
ent legs of mobile jack up rigs. Different types of
three-dimensional boundary value problems;
spudcans and installation methods are described in
– Mass scaling is supported so that the computa-
Menzies & Spoor (2008). The spudcan foundation is
tional efficiency can be significantly improved
penetrated by up to three diameters into the seabed
while retaining the necessary degree of accuracy
and pre-loaded by ballasting the hull of the rig.
of solutions.
LDFE analyses of spudcan penetration have
The main limitation of the ALE method in previously been presented by Hossain & Randolph
Abaqus is that the “physical” boundary between (2010b), Wang & Carter (2002) and Yu et al.
two different materials is always associated with a (2012) using the Remeshing and Interpolating
Lagrangian boundary region, i.e. a non-adaptive Technique with Small Strain (RITSS) developed
mesh boundary. In other words, no material can by Hu & Randolph (1998). Qiu & Henke (2011)
flow through the boundary regions. Therefore, this and Tho et al. (2012) have recently applied the
method cannot handle layered soils where large CEL method in Abaqus to simulate large instal-
deformations can occur at the material bound- lation of spudcan foundations. These contribu-
ary regions. To overcome this drawback the CEL tions study, among other effects, the effect of
method in Abaqus/Explicit will be used. punch-through failure of spudcans on stiff clay
Before applying the CEL method to LDFE overlaying soft clay and loose sand overlaying clay.
analysis including a more complex structural Qiu et al. (2011) from the group at the Hamburg
geometry and multilayered soils, the same anchor University of Technology have also demonstrated

the applicability of the Abaqus CEL method for 85% of the strengths given in Table 2 are applied to
geotechnical large deformation problems. the CEL 3D FE-model.
This section focuses on applying the CEL The contact between the soil and the spudcan
method in Abaqus/Explicit to back-analyse foundation is modelled as smooth. The numeri-
the centrifuge test E2UU-II-T5 carried out by cal penetration rate of 1 m/s is adopted, which
Hossain & Randolph (2010a). In this laboratory is assumed slow enough such that the calculated
test, a spudcan of prototype diameter 6 m was results are not affected by inertia effects.
installed into a stiff clay (Clay 1), with a thick-
ness of 4.5 m, overlaying a soft clay (Clay 2). 4.2 Results
Figure 6 shows a CEL 3D FE-model of the centri-
fuge test and its discretisation. Figure 7 presents a comparison of the numerically
The undrained shear strengths and the rigidity predicted bearing pressure against the centrifuge
indexes of the two clay layers are adopted from the result. The penetration depth d is defined as zero
T-bar test given by Hossain & Randolph (2010a). from the level at which the maximum contact area
The soil behaviour is described by the Tresca consti- of the spudcan is at the original soil surface. Hence
tutive model of which the parameters are detailed in the normalised penetration depth d/D starts from
Table 2. In order to account for the effect of strain negative value. It can be seen from the figure that
softening due to the soil gradually being remoulded the CEL FE-model predicts very well not only
as it flows around the spudcan and the effect of strain the magnitude of the punch-through load (peak
rate, Randolph et al. (2008) suggested to reduce the load) but also the depth where the punch-through
undrained strength by about 15%. Therefore, only failure occurs (i.e. stage A). An excellent agreement
between the numerical and experimental spudcan
responses is observed until the normalised depth
d/D = 1. For penetration depth beyond d/D = 1
the two spudcan responses gradually diverge from
each other. This mismatch could be explained by
the fact that when the spudcan is displaced closer
to the container base at 11.5 m (equivalent to
d/D ≈ 1.92), the bottom boundary effect become
more and more prominent. The bottom bound-
ary in the CEL FE-model is, however, taken deep
enough (d/D = 6.67) so that the spudcan response
is not affected.
Figure 8 shows the deformed soil layers and flow
mechanisms depicted by the velocity fields at three
installation stages: stage A (d/D = 0.07), stage B
(d/D = 0.75) and stage C (d/D = 1.6). The numeri-
cal results are also compared with the centrifuge

Figure 6. Geometry and discretisation of CEL 3D FE-

model of spudcan.

Table 2. Tresca parameters of two clay layers used in

CEL 3D FE-model for back-analysis of centrifuge test


Parameter Unit Clay 1 Clay 2

Submerged unit weight, γ ′ kN/m3 8.0 7.4

Rigidity index, G/su – 500 500
Poisson’s ratio, ν – 0.49 0.49
Undrained shear strength, su kPa 38.3 11.0 Figure 7. Comparison of measured and calculated
bearing pressures of spudcan.

the two clay layers. Potential punching failure sur-
faces are observed and depicted by the dark red
solid lines. It is recalled that Stage A corresponds
to the peak spudcan resistance (see Fig. 7). In con-
sequence of the punch-through failure, the subse-
quence penetration leads to a significant reduction
of the calculated bearing capacity of the spudcan
foundation. When continuing to displace the spud-
can deeper down till Stage B at which the spud-
can base is at the original stiff/soft clay interface,
the stiff clay plug trapped beneath the spudcan is
gradually reformed in an inverted truncated cone
as shown in Figure 8(b). The underlying soft clay
is correspondingly forced to squeeze outward
because of the inward sidewalls of the inverted
truncated cone containing the stiff clay. The stiff
clay wall above the spudcan edge is seen to remain
standing thanks to its high cohesion. Figure 8(c)
shows that at Stage C, a complete deep penetration
mechanism is revealed. Very good agreement in
terms of the soil back-flow pattern and the cavity
depth are observed from the CEL FE-model and
the centrifuge test model results. It is also found
from Figure 8(c) that at this Stage the numerical
simulation predicts a localize failure mode while
it is a more diffuse type of failure observed in the
laboratory test. The difference of the failure modes
can be attribute to the fact that since the penetra-
tion depth is very close to the container base of the
centrifuge test, the measurement results, especially
beneath the spudcan base, are most likely affected
by the boundary condition. The observation
clarifies further the divergence of the two bearing
pressure results obtained beyond the normalised
penetration depth d/D = 1, which is presented in
Figure 7.


The capability of the Large Deformation Finite

Element (LDFE) in modelling of penetration
and installation effects of offshore anchors and
foundations has been investigated in this paper.
Both the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE)
Figure 8. Comparison of experimental and numerical method and the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian
spudcan failure mechanisms at three different penetra- (CEL) method available in Abaqus/Explicit were
tion depths for test E2UU-II-T5 performed by Hossain successfully used to simulate deep penetration of
and Randolph (2010a). a typical anchor pile from the free surface into
uniform clay. The pile resistance calculated by the
two methods agrees very well with the empirical
model test results. Excellent agreement in terms prediction. Through the comparison between the
of the flow mechanism including surface heave, two approaches, it was found that in the Abaqus
soil displacements, failure pattern can be found at program, the ALE method is more flexible since it
stages A and B. Figure 8(a) shows that at the shal- can be applied in planar, axisymmetric and three-
low penetration depth stage A, a stiff clay wedge dimensional boundary value problems whereas
of truncated cone shape is formed from the edge of only the later is available for the CEL method. In
the spudcan based towards the interface between addition, for the same discretisation and loading

rate, the ALE simulation runs slightly faster and Hossain, M.S. & Randolph, M.F. 2010a. Deep-
predicts more accurately the pile bearing pressure penetrating spudcan foundations on layered clays:
than the CEL one. However, the ALE method in Centrifuge tests. Géotechnique 60(3): 157–170.
Abaqus does not support the boundaries between Hossain, M.S. & Randolph, M.F. 2010b. Deep-
penetrating spudcan foundations on layered clays:
different materials as they are considered as non- Numerical analysis. Géotechnique 60(3): 171–184.
adaptive mesh (or Lagrangian) boundaries. There- Hu, Y. & Randolph, M.F. 1998. A practical numerical
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complex boundary value problem in terms of struc- Eulerian based finite element analysis of cone pen-
tural geometry and layered soils, the CEL method etration in soft clay. Computers and Geotechnics 36:
has been applied instead. Through the compari- 851–860.
son results it was found that except for some later Menzies, D. & Roper, R. 2008. Comparison of jackup rig
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excellent agreement with the experimental observa- clay. Marine Structures 24(4): 528–550.
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ance but also predict and capture well the failure cal problems involving large deformations. Computers
mechanisms experimentally observed during the and Geotechnics 38(1): 30–39.
penetration process. Randolph, M.F., Wang, D., Zhou, H., Hossain, M.S., &
Hu, Y. 2008. Large deformation finite element analy-
sis for offshore applications. Proc 12th Int Conf of Int
Association for Computer Methods and Advances in
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Geomechanics 3307–3318. Goa, India.
Tho, K.K., Leung, C.F., Chow, Y.K. &
The research has been performed as a part of Swaddiwudhipong, S. 2012. Eulerian finite-element
“GEO-INSTALL” (Modelling Installation Effects technique for analysis of jack-up spudcan penetration.
in Geotechnical Engineering) project. The work Int J Geomech 12(1): 64–73.
is partially funded by the European Community Wang, C.X. & Carter, J.P. 2002. Deep penetration of
through the program “Marie Curie Industry- strip and circular footings into layered clays. Int J
Geomech 2(2): 205–232.
Academia Partnership and Pathways”, under Yu, H.S., Herrmann, L.R. & Boulanger, R.W. 2000.
Contract No PIAP-GA-2009-230638 and partially Analysis of steady state cone penetration in clay.
supported by the Norwegian Research Council. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 126(7): 594–605.
All these supports are gratefully acknowledged. Yu, L., Hu, Y., Liu, J., Randolph, M.F. & Kong, X. 2012.
Numerical study of spudcan penetration in loose sand
overlying clay. Computers and Geotechnics 46: 1–12.

Cudmani, R. & Sturm, H. 2006. An investigation of the

tip resistance in granular and soft soils during static,
alternating and dynamic penetration. In H. Gonin, A.
Holeyman, and F. Rocher-Lacoste (Eds.), TransVib
2006: International Symposium on Vibratory Pile
Driving and Deep Soil Compaction 221–231.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Investigation into the effect of pile installation on cyclic lateral

capacity of monopiles

T. de Blaeij & J. Dijkstra

Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Monopiles are being used more extensively for offshore wind turbine foundation. Research
into the behaviour of these large open-ended piles generally do not examine the installation effect on
lateral capacity. This paper presents the results of model pile load tests on monopiles in the geotechni-
cal centrifuge. The effect of monotonic pile installation on the subsequent cyclic lateral capacity were
investigated. In order to study these effects, a novel actuator was developed which simultaneously allows
to install the piles in-flight and is able to load the piles laterally without interrupting the test. A series of
initial tests on open-ended monopiles, which show the effectiveness of the setup, are presented. These
initial tests investigated the effect of 1 ⋅ g and N ⋅ g pile installation on the subsequent lateral capacity in
two way cycling for two different initial densities. The preliminary results indicate that N ⋅ g installation
has a small positive effect, which decays with the number of cycles, on the lateral capacity of short stiff
monopiles. Hence, for open-ended model piles the installation effects are negligible. At the present stage,
given the accuracy of the experimental setup, no conclusive results for the initial stiffness response were
gathered. However, tentatively, the conclusions for the lateral capacity also hold for the initial stiffness.
The latter needs to be confirmed in future experiments, where the setup is optimized for the measurement
of the small strain response of the monopile and a large number of loading cycles. These conclusions
are for tests on open-ended model piles only. If for similitude a close-ended model pile will be used the
pile installation stage could be omitted in order to better approach the negligible installation effects as
presented in this paper.

1 INTRODUCTION The p-y method (Reese et al. 1974, Murchison &

O’Neill 1983) is often used for the design of these
In general, offshore structures are used for the monopile foundations. However, this method is
oil, gas and offshore wind farm industry. Due to based on long slender piles with diameters < 2 m
placement of wind farms at an increasing dis- and a length over diameter ratio L/D of 34.4.
tance from the coast, environmental conditions Several other design standards such as API (2007),
have become harsher in the recent years (Clauss DNV (2011) and GL (2005) rely on this method.
et al. 1988). Several types of foundations exist for However, large diameter monopiles are considered
offshore wind turbines. The choice of which foun- to be short and rigid which rotate rather than bend
dation to be used depends on the site and loading when subjected to lateral loads (Byrne et al. 2010,
conditions. Nowadays non-slender (stiff) mono- Achmus et al. 2007). As a result recently, numer-
piles piles are used with a diameter in the range of ous studies have been performed on the response
4–6 m driven 20–30 m into the seabed. These piles of monopile foundations. These studies typically
are non-slender because of their low length (L)/ carried ouut the experiments in the laboratory at
diameter (D) ratio of about 5. 1 ⋅ g (Dührkop & Grabe 2008, Byrne et al. 2010,
Wind turbines are extremely sensitive to transla- Peng et al. 2011, Cuéllar et al. 2012) and at N ⋅ g
tion and vibrations of the wind turbine. The latter in the geotechnical centrifuge (Barton et al. 1983,
could easily affect the efficiency and the service- Oldham 1985, Dyson & Randolph 2001, Brant &
ability of the turbine. Therefore, the serviceability Ling 2007, Rosquoet et al. 2007, Klinkvort et al.
limit for rotation is generally 0.5° where 0.25° is 2010, Li et al. 2010, Alderlieste et al. 2011, Bienen
allowable rotation from the installation and 0.25° et al. 2011). Only in few studies the piles were
rotation is due to loading (Vattenfall 2008). In installed in-flight and subjected the pile to lateral
order to meet these requirements an adequately load without stopping the centrifuge. However, as
designed foundation is required to transfer loads shown by Craig (1985), White (2004) and Dijkstra
from the wind turbine to the surrounding soil. (2009) the installation effects of single close-ended

piles are significant and should be incorporated in 2.2 Mechanical features
the tests. Unfortunately, the latter is complicated
The aim for the new design of the actuator is to
by the scaling conditions. Especially, in cases where
allow for the simulation of the installation stage,
a closed-ended pile is used instead of an open-
whilst at the same time offering possibility to apply
ended pile, in order to properly scale the lateral
a lateral load on the pile head after installation
stiffness, this could have an over pronounced effect
has fin-ished. The load application of the mecha-
on the resulting lateral capacity. Hence, the effect
nism on the free pile head is designed such that no
of the pile installation on the subsequent lateral
bending moment is transferred to the pile head. To
pile response is still not completely understood.
accomplish this a transversal rod through the top
Current paper presents novel results of the
of the model pile which fits in the template of the
effect of the installation of an open-ended pile
actuator acts as a hinge at the pile head. The pin
in sand on the subsequent cyclic lateral capacity.
only falls into place in the template after the full
A series of geotechnical centrifuge tests were per-
pile installation stage has been accomplished. The
formed to investigate the effect of pile installation
actuator is illustrated in Figure 2. This new actua-
at low stress level (1 ⋅ g) and at large stress level in
tor allows for 106 mm vertical penetration of the
the geotechnical centrifuge (N ⋅ g). The cyclic lat-
model pile and 55 mm lateral displacement, which
eral load tests have in both cases been executed at
is about two times the outer pile diameter (Do is
N ⋅ g. These tests require a novel actuator, capable
27.36 mm). The displacement of the pile head is
of both pile installation and lateral loading with-
measured by registering the absolute position of
out fixing the pile head and without interruption
the actuator. At present no load cell is applied in
of the test.
between the actuator and the pile head to maxi-
mize the penetration length.
The template in the actuator which catches the
2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP pile is instrumented with strain gauges to meas-
ure the lateral load on the pile head. The loca-
2.1 Geotechnical centrifuge tion of the strain gauges is chosen such that the
The geotechnical centrifuge at Delft University load measurement is insensitive for vertical loads
of Technology is a small beam centrifuge with
a radius of 1.22 m and is equipped with all the
necessary data acquisition and camera facili-
ties for contemporary centrifuge testing (Fig. 1).
The flight computer (ITX computer board with
National Instruments PCI-6221 data acquisition
card), strain gauge amplifiers (custom made 16
channels, 1x-10000x gain, <100 kHz) and motor
control (3 channels DC-servo) are all hosted on
the centrifuge. The communication to the com-
puter is by means of a wireless network link or
wired over the slip rings. The network camera has
its own set of slip rings.

Figure 2. Load mechanism installed on load frame,

Figure 1. Delft University of Technology centrifuge. scaled monopile and actuator.

and bending moments in the horizontal and ver-
tical plane. After construction of the frame it has
been calibrated for static loads in the laboratory.
However, the complete system as constructed in
the centrifuge, is more extensively calibrated at 1 ⋅ g
and N ⋅ g in order to deal with internal variation and
hysteresis of the stress and strain in the mechanism
resulting from cyclic loading at 1 ⋅ g and N ⋅ g. The
cyclic loading in compression has been calibrated
with a mechanical spring, due to the remaining hys-
teresis in the mechanism, the calibration of the test
data has been done with a typical hysteresis loop
as presented in Figure 3. Practical difficulties only
allowed the frame to be calibrated in compression.
However, the linearity of the static calibration of the
mechanism in tension and compression give confi-
dence to use this cyclic calibration also for tension.
Besides hysteresis also the stiffness of the actuator
is taken into account for the correction of displace-
ment which is measured on the actuator spindle.
The brass model pile, depicted in Figure 4,
is designed to properly scale the lateral bending
stiffness (Alderlieste 2011) and to prevent plugging
during installation (large Do/D50). The maximum
height of the roughness profile (Rz) of the pile Figure 4. Model pile.
is 1.54 μm and the mean deviation of the rough-
ness profile (Ra) is 0.37 μm. The low normalized
roughness (Rn) of 0.007 implies a smooth inter-
face and dilative behavior of the interface shear
band is expected to be low (Paikowsky et al. 1995,
Garnier & König 1998). The strongbox with actua-
tor and relevant physical dimension are depicted in
Figure 5. Dimensions such as eccentricity (e, 0.71 ⋅
Do), distance to vertical boundary (B1, 3.85 ⋅ Do),
distance between bottom and pile tip (B2, 1.3 ⋅ Do),
embedded pile length (Lemb, 5 ⋅ Do) and installed
pile length (A1, 3.9 ⋅ Do) are kept constant during
the experiments.

Figure 5. Schematic cross-section of the strongbox.


3.1 Sample preparation

The model pile tests are performed in a homogene-
ous single layer of dry sand with two different rela-
tive densities of 60 ± 2% and 80 ± 2% (Table 2). The
sand consist of uniformly graded quartz grains,
with a D50 of about 230 μm, the latter is a reason-
able approximation for North-Sea soil conditions.
Figure 3. Specific frame hysteresis loop during cyclic Medium dense samples with a relative den-
calibration. sity Id of 60 ± 2% are prepared by incrementally

Table 1. Test execution sequences for different installa- where in each cycle the pile head displacement is act-
tion conditions. ing in two opposing directions, has been applied.
1 ⋅ g installation 48 ⋅ g installation
3.3 Test program
Monotonically jack the Spin up of the centrifuge
pile 106 mm at 0.5 mm/s to 48 ⋅ g The test program was designed such that the dif-
Retract the actuator Monotonically jack the pile ference in lateral cyclic response between 1 ⋅ g and
106 mm at 0.5 mm/s N ⋅ g installation of an open-ended pile can be
Spin up of the centrifuge Retract the actuator identified. The initial density of the sample has
to 48 ⋅ g been varied to gain more insight into the influ-
ence of the initial soil state on the installation
Cyclical loading with a displacement amplitude of 1 mm, effect in subsequent lateral loading. Each test is
a rate of 0.23 mm/s and 200 cycles. performed in a newly prepared sample. Given the
very large pile diameters of the monopiles where
Table 2. Test details.
plugging is not likely to occur, at the present stage
plugging of the open-ended pile should not occur
Test code Installation Id Cycles in the model test either. Preliminary tests show
that even at higher acceleration levels no plugging
T01-80-1 ⋅ g 1⋅g 60 ± 2% 200 did occur.
T02-80-N ⋅ g 48 ⋅ g 60 ± 2% 200
T03-60-N ⋅ g 48 ⋅ g 80 ± 2% 200
T04-60-1 ⋅ g 1⋅g 80 ± 2% 200 4 RESULTS

The results of the cyclic lateral loading stage for

filling the strongbox using a funnel. Material is each test are summarized in Figure 6. Of each
dispersed on top of a sieve which is subsequently cycle the peak load and peak displacement (cor-
retracted after an incremental filling step, cre- rected for deformation of the actuator) are plotted
ating a very loose sample. After the necessary against the number of cycles. The peak loads show
amount of soil is dispersed in the strongbox, the that, as expected, the maximum capacity increases
box is vibrated in order to densify the soil to the with increasing density. Also the main gain in lat-
desired target density. There is no seggregation eral capacity is yielded in the first 20 cycles (see
observed in the samples, due to the uniformity Fig. 7). The latter indicates a progressive stiffen-
of the sand. The reproducibility and consistency ing of the lateral response. Differences between the
of this method proves to be satisfactory for these 1 ⋅ g and N ⋅ g loading are modest, i.e. a pile which
relatively small sample sizes. Dense samples with is installed at 48 ⋅ g yields up to 5–10% more lateral
a relative density of Id of 80 ± 2% are prepared capacity which decays as function of the number
in a similar manner but now by vibrating the of loading cycles to about 0–5%. The displacement
filled strongbox for a longer duration with a sur- peaks indicate that the actuator has a small drift in
charge on top of the material until the material its zero position. The position error grows to about
sufficiently densified within the required target 0.007Do after 200 load cycles. Also, due to the

3.2 Test stages

During the tests two different execution sequences,
in which mainly installation conditions vary, have
been carried out. Table 1 presents the sequence for
both low stress level installation (1 ⋅ g) as well as full
stress level installation (48 ⋅ g in the middle of the
sample). The aim of the tests was to compare the
effect of 1 ⋅ g installation to that of N ⋅ g installation.
Therefore, as presented in Table 1, after installation
in all tests a similar cyclic lateral loading scheme
has been implied.
The loading was by means of a computer con-
trolled displacement amplitude, loading frequency Figure 6. Peak loads (black) and displacements (gray)
and number of cycles. In all tests two-way cycling, for tests presented in Table 2.

correction of the displacement data for the stiff-
ness of the actuator, the corrected displacement
which is actually applied on the pile head reduces
as the load increases.
In order to better understand the effect of
installation on the lateral pile response the full 1st,
2nd, and 150th loading loops have been presented
in detail in Figures 8–10. Each Figure shows the
same cycle number for each test as function of
the initial relative density and the pile installation
method (1 ⋅ g and 48 ⋅ g). All these cycles have been
corrected for stiffness of the loading mechanism
and hysteresis. For ease of comparison the initial
offset at the beginning of the 150th cycle has been
The results indicate that at the start of the test,
i.e. in the first load cycle (Fig. 8) the differences Figure 9. Cycle 2 for tests presented in Table 2.
between 1 ⋅ g installation and 48 ⋅ g are large. The
negative load at the start of the cycle, for the 48 ⋅ g
test, most probably originate from pre-loading
of the actuator as a result of inclined pile instal-
lation during in flight installation. Although the

Figure 10. Cycle 150 for tests presented in Table 2.

Figure 7. First 20 peak loads (black) and displacements maximum loads are quite similar for all tests, the
(gray) for tests presented in Table 2. stiffness of the pile-soil at the end of the primary
displacement do show a higher stiffness for the
piles installed at 48 ⋅ g. Load reversal in backward
direction shows a higher lateral resistance in case
of 48 ⋅ g installation. The latter is still visible for
backward loading direction in the second cycle,
as presented in Figure 9. Figure 10 shows a very
consist response for both 1 ⋅ g and 48 ⋅ g installa-
tion, i.e. the differences in response resulting from
pile installation decay as function of cycle number.
However, the differences between the tests per-
formed at different initial densities remain. Also,
a progressive stiffening of the pile-soil response
becomes apparent when the second cycle within
one test is compared to the 150th cycle.
Typical for all the cycles is the shape of the
loop. It seems that the passive earth pressure in
Figure 8. Cycle 1 for tests presented in Table 2. loading is being mobilized gradually whereas

the active earth pressure decreases more rapidly API 2007. Recommended Practice for Planning, Design
after reversal of displacement and thus loading and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms—Work-
direction. ing Stress Design. American Petroleum Institute.
5 CONCLUSIONS Barton, Y., Fin, W., Pary, R., & Ikuo, T. 1983. Lateral pile
response and p-y curves from centrifuge tests. Offshore
Technology Conference Paper number OTC 4502.
A series of model pile tests on open-ended mono- Bienen, B., Dührkop, J., Grabe, J., Randolph, M., &
pile in medium dense and dense sand have been White, D. 2011. Response of piles with wings to monot-
performed. The effect of pile installation at 1 ⋅ g and onic and cyclic lateral loading in sand. Journal of Geotech-
at 48 ⋅ g (in flight during the centrifuge test) on the nical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 138(3), 364–375.
subsequent cyclic lateral capacity at elevated stress Brant, L. & Ling, H. 2007. Centrifuge modeling of piles
level (48 ⋅ g) in sand have been studied for two dif- subjected to lateral loads. In H.I. Ling, L. Callisto,
ferent initial densities (Id = 60 ± 2% and 80 ± 2%). D. Leshchinsky, J. Koseki, and G.M.L. Gladwell (Eds.),
Similar to previous model pile tests the results Soil Stress-Strain Behavior: Measurement, Modeling
clearly show a progressive stiffening of the lateral and Analysis, Volume 146 of Solid Mechanics and
Its Applications, pp. 895–907. Springer Netherlands.
pile response as function of the number of load 10.1007/978-1-4020-6146-2_68.
cycles. The N ⋅ g installation has a small positive Byrne, B., Leblanc, C., & Houlsby, G. 2010. Response of
effect, which decays with the number of load cycles, stiff piles in sand to long-term cyclic lateral loading.
on the lateral capacity of short stiff monopiles. Gotechnique 60(2), 79–90.
Hence, for open-ended model piles installation Clauss, G., Lehmann, E., & Östergaard, C. 1988.
effects are negligible. At the present stage, given the Meerestechnische Konstruktionen. Springer.
accuracy of the experimental setup, no conclusive Craig, W. 1985. Installation studies for model piles.
results for the initial stiffness response are gathered. Publication of: Balkema (AA).
However, tentatively, the conclusions for the lateral Cuellar, P., Georgi, S., Baeßler, M., & Rücker, W. 2012.
On the quasistatic granular convective flow and sand
capacity also hold for the initial stiffness. The latter densification around pile foundations under cyclic lat-
needs to be confirmed in future experiments, where eral loading. Granular Matter, 11–25.
the setup is optimized for the measurement of the Dijkstra, J. 2009. On the Modelling of Pile Installation.
small strain response of the monopile and a large Ph. D. thesis, Technische Universiteit Delft. ISBN:
number of loading cycles. 9789085704324.
These conclusions are for tests on open-ended DNV 2011. Offshore standard dnv-os-j101—design of
model piles only. If for similitude a closed-ended offshore wind turbine structures.
model pile will be used the pile installation stage Dührkop, J. & Grabe, J. 2008. Monopilegrundungen
could be omitted in order to better approach the neg- von offshore-windenergieanlagen–zum einfluss
einer veränderlichen zyklischen lastangriffsrichtung.
ligible installation effects as presented in this paper. Bautechnik 85(5), 317–321.
Dyson, G. & Randolph, M. 2001. Monotonic lateral load-
ing of piles in calcareous sand. Journal of Geotechnical
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and Geoenvironmental Engineering 127, 346–352.
Garnier, J. & König, D. 1998. Scale effects in piles and
The first Author of this paper acknowledges the nails loading tests in sand. In Centrifuge 98.
received financial support from Deltares for pre- GL 2005. Guideline for the certification of offshore wind
paring the manuscript. turbines.
Klinkvort, R., Leth, C., & Hededal, O. 2010. Centrifuge
modelling of a laterally cyclic loaded pile. Physical
REFERENCES Modelling in Geotechnics, 959–964.
Li, Z., Haigh, S.K., & Bolton, M.D. 2010. Centrifuge
Achmus, M., Abdel-Rahman, K., & Kuo, Y. 2007. modelling of mono-pile under cyclic lateral loads.
Numerical modelling of large diameter steel piles under 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in
monotonic and cyclic horizontal loading. In Tenth Geotechnics 2, 965–970.
International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geo- Murchison, J. & O’Neill, M. 1983. An Evaluation of P-y
mechanics, pp. 453–459. Taylor & Francis London. Relationships in Sands. Report (American Petroleum
Alderlieste, E. 2011. Experimental modelling of lateral Institute). University of Houston-University Park.
loads on large diameter mono-pile foundations in Oldham, D. 1985. Experiments with lateral loading of
sand. thesis, Delft University of Technology. single piles in sand. Publication of: Balkema (AA).
Alderlieste, E.A., Dijkstra, J., & van Tol, A.F. 2011. Paikowsky, S., Player, C., & Connors, P. 1995. A dual
Experimental investigation into pile diameter effects interface apparatus for testing unrestricted friction of
of laterally loaded mono-piles. ASME Conference soil along solid surfaces. ASTM Geotechnical Testing
Proceedings 2011(44397), 985–990. Journal 18(2), 168–193.

Peng, J., Clarke, B., & Rouainia, M. 2011. Increasing Vattenfall 2008. Kriegers flak offshore wind farm-design
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Engineering 137(10), 977–982. White, D.J. & Lehane, B. 2004. Friction fatigue on dis-
Reese, L., Cox, W., & Koop, F. 1974. Analysis of laterally placement piles in sand. Geotechnique 54, 645–658.
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OTC 2080, 473–486.
Rosquoet, F., Thorel, L., Garnier, J., & Canepa, Y. 2007.
Lateral cyclic loading of sand-installed piles. Soils and
Foundations 47(5), 821–832.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Development of a coupled FEM-MPM approach to model a 3D

membrane with an application of releasing geocontainer from barge

F. Hamad & C. Moormann

Institute of Geotechnics, Stuttgart, Germany

P.A. Vermeer
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands
Institute of Geotechnics, Stuttgart, Germany

ABSTRACT: In a wide spectrum of geotechnical applications, materials undergo large deformations and/
or large displacements. On modeling these problems with a Lagrangian finite element method, the mesh
can become too distorted and re-meshing is essential. In the past decades, considerable efforts have been
made to adopt what is called meshfree methods to mitigate the problems related to mesh distortion. One
of these methods is the Material Point Method (MPM) that represents the continuum field as Lagrangian
material points (particles), which can move through the fixed background of an Eulerian mesh.
The objective of this paper is to formulate and validate a coupled FEM-MPM approach for the numer-
ical simulation of large deformation of a membrane containing soil e.g. dumping of a geocontainer. In
this approach the membrane is discretised by a surface mesh with accurate computation of the membrane
stresses. This membrane mesh is free to move through a 3D mesh of non-structured tetrahedral elements.
Furthermore, the proposed approach is applied successfully to model geotextile of a geocontainer being
released from a split barge. Frictional contact is defined between the geotextile and the barge. On the other
side, rough contact is assumed between the geotextile and the Mohr-Coulomb soil type inside.

1 INTRODUCTION fall velocity and placing the container (Bezuijen

et al. 2002). Nevertheless, numerical modeling of
In recent years, traditional forms of river and this problem still has a gap of handling the entire
coastal works became very expensive to built and process.
maintain. Various coastal engineering applications
can be of use from traditional construction materi-
als to the more novel materials such as geotextile. 2 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK
By the late eighties, a new application for the geo-
textile has been developed then called Geocontain- Numerical methods such as the finite element
ers. A geocontainer is a prefabricated geotextile method (FEM) have the capability for modeling
placed in a split barge and mechanically-filled with membranes by using a formulation that resembles
sand or slurry up to several hundred cubic meters to some extent the formulation of shell elements;
then dumped from the scow bed in the desired obviously without rotational degrees of freedom.
position. Single and structure of geocontainers In many engineering problems large displacements
can be constructed for many applications in shore and deformations occur. When these problems are
protection such as breakwaters or to store and iso- modeled with a Lagrangian finite element method,
late contaminated materials. These applications of the mesh can become too distorted and re-meshing
geotextile and geosynthetics in coastal engineering is needed.
are extensively addressed by Pilarczyk (2000). Large deformation problems can, however, be
Generally speaking, the geotextile would expe- solved using so-called meshfree methods. These
rience high stresses on releasing it from the barge methods trace the history of the state variables at
and when it is hitting the ground. Therefore, study- material points, which are not related to the ele-
ing installation effects of a geocontainer is an ment mesh. The mesh does not deform, and the
important aspect to be considered. In this regards, problem of severe mesh distortion is overcome.
several field and lab tests were accomplished at One of these methods is the particle-in-cell method
Deltares to tackle this issue e.g. measuring strains, (PIC) which was used to model fluid dynamics in

the 1960s. Sulsky & Schreyer (1993) adopted the rately over the membrane using surface discretisa-
PIC for solid mechanics and gave it later the name tion. Due to deformation, this mesh would move
Material Point Method (MPM). MPM has been through the 3D mesh producing stresses in local
successfully used to model several problems related plane. Then, the in-plane stresses are integrated
to geotechnical applications, such as the discharge accurately to have the membrane forces acting on
of granular material from a silo (Wieckowski et al. the membrane nodes. Finally, the computed forces
1999) and pile hammering (Jassim et al. 2011). are mapped on the original tetrahedral mesh, where
York (1997) developed MPM for the modeling momentum equation is solved, by the location of
of thin membranes, in which a 2D membrane is the considered membrane node.
discretised by a collection of material points on its As in classical finite elements, MPM formu-
surface. lation starts with the weak formulation of the
By definition, the membrane is a thin-walled momentum equation as formulated in Section 3.
structure that has stiffness in its plane and no stiff- Subsequently spatial and time integration form
ness in bending. In addition, the stress over thick- the general solution scheme of the method. Sec-
ness is assumed to be constant. The condition of tion 4 details the representation of the membrane
constant stress through the thickness of the mem- using a new approach. Furthermore application of
brane is automatically enforced by using a single the new approach on a real problem of a releas-
layer of material points as shown in Figure 1. In this ing geocontainer from barge is investigated in the
approach, standard MPM procedure is adopted Section 5. Finally, the conclusion and outlook is
except that the stresses of the membrane material summarized in the last section 6.
points are computed on local coordinate (ξ, η, ς)
where a plane-stress condition is satisfied, rather
than compute it on global (x, y, z) coordinate. 3 BRIEF REVIEW OF MPM
Fernandes (2004) shows that linear shape func-
tions may result in unphysical stress oscillations In MPM the continuum body is discretised by
when a material point crosses from one element to Lagrangian material points as shown in Figure 2.
another. Furthermore, the accuracy of the integra- The momentum equation is solved on the back-
tion depends mainly on the considered number of ground Eu-lerian mesh which provides a conven-
material points inside the element. As an improve- ient means of calculating discrete derivatives.
ment, (Zhang et al. 2011) proposed a hybrid finite
element-material point (FEMP) method for mod-
eling reinforced concrete being subjected to impact 3.1 Spatial discretisation
loading. The essential of this method is to intro- The conservation of linear momentum is given by
duce a hybrid bar element into MPM, where the
nodal variables are updated from background Šu ∇ + Šg (1)
nodal displacements of the grid and the stresses
are updated on the element. where σ (x, t) is the Cauchy stress tensor at posi-
Similar to the above FEM/MPM combination tion x and time t, (x, t) is the mass density, g (x, t)
scheme, the membrane can be introduced accu- is the gravitational acceleration vector, u (x, t) is
rately in a new computational framework that is the displacement with the superposed dot denoting
valid for low order tetrahedral mesh. To have such differentiation with time.
a scheme, the integration should be done accu-

Figure 1. 3D membrane with its MPM representation. Figure 2. Continuum body represented by MPM.

By taking the virtual displacement δu as test np
function for a domain of volume V surrounded
by boundary S, the weak form of the momentum
mi ∑ mpN (xp ) (7)
p =1
equation can be written as
Referring to Equation 4, the internal force vec-
∫V δ ∫V δδεε dV ∫V δ u
Š dV ŠggdV tor is given by,
+ ∫S δ uT tdS (2)
t np

where t = σ ⋅ n is the prescribed traction on bound-

F int ∑Vp BT ( x p ) σ p (8)
p =1
ary St, n is the outward unit normal and the script
T denotes the transpose. Similar to the standard where the quotient of the material point mass
finite element method, the value of a variable and density is the volume of the material point,
inside the element can be based on the nodal values Vp = mp / p and B is the strain-displacement matrix,
and the nodal shape functions. For example, the as also used in standard finite element method
displacement vector can be written as (Wieckowski et al. 1999), σp is a vector containing
the stress components at the material point p. The
u( ,t)) d δ u = Nδ a
Na and
Na (3) external nodal force vector is given by,
where N is a matrix containing global shape func- np
tions over the whole computational grid and a is
the nodal displacement. Using these definitions
F ext ∑ m p N T (xx p g ∫S t
N T t dS (9)
p =1
and discretising the momentum Equation 2, it
takes the form (Wieckowski et al. 1999),
3.2 Time integration
M a = F ext F int (4)
So far the momentum Equation 4 is defined and
where M is the consistent mass matrix, ä the nodal needs to be solved for discrete time intervals. With
acceleration vector, F ext and F int are the external the mass matrix being a diagonal matrix, solving
and internal nodal force vectors respectively. The the system of equations becomes trivial. The Eul-
mass matrix is given by er-forward time integration scheme is adopted to
solve this equation, i.e.
M ∑ m p N T ( x p )N ( x p ) (5) a t Δt
a t + Δt at , at = [ M lt ] 1 F t (10)
p =1

where np is the number of material points and where Δt is the current time increment, at and
mp is the mass of material point p at location xp. at Δt are the nodal velocities at time t and t + Δt,
However, in practice, the lumped mass matrix is respectively. The incremental nodal displacement is
preferred over the consistent mass matrix. This obtained by integrating the nodal velocity by the
simplifies the computations at the expense of Euler-backward rule (Jassim et al. 2011)
introducing a slight amount of numerical dissipa- Δt Δt
tion (Burgess et al. 1992). The lumped mass matrix at tat (11)
Ml is the diagonal matrix. The structure of the
lumped mass matrix is as follows The positions of the particles are subsequently
updated from
⎡ m1 0 0 ⎤
Δt Δt
⎢0 m … 0 ⎥ xpt xpt + N p at (12)
Ml = ⎢ ⎥
⎢    ⎥
⎢ ⎥ where xpt and xpt Δt are the particle positions at time
⎣0 0 … mn ⎦ t and (t + Δt) respectively.
For the present MPM solution procedure, a
where n is the total number of degrees of freedom slightly different algorithm has been adopted for
which could increase or decrease within the calcu- updating the particles velocity following Sulsky
lation as particles move between elements. How- et al. (1995).
ever, each component of the diagonal term (mi) in By solving the equation of motion for the nodes,
Equation 6 being the corresponding row sum of the elements deform and the material points in the
the consistent matrix is performed as interior of the element move in proportion to the

motion of the nodes, based on the nodal basis presented for a rectangular element with the rein-
functions. The position of the material points is forcement of a bar/membrane element embedded
updated using a single-valued continuous velocity through the width as shown in Figure 3. In the ini-
field and, hence the interpenetration of material is tial configuration of this figure, an external force is
precluded. This automatic feature of the algorithm applied on top. As a result, the membrane particles
allows simulations of no-slip contact between dif- would follow the deformations kinematically pro-
ferent bodies without the need for special interface ducing in-line strain εξ which in turns produces the
tracking and contact algorithms. stress σξ. Accordingly, this stress is integrated along
After getting the grid node velocities, the strain the length to get the membrane forces acting on
increment Δεp of the material point p at time opposite direction to the deformation. Lastly, the
(t + Δt) is calculated from, internal membrane force is transferred to the original
mesh by weighting taking into account the location
Δ Δt
Δ εpt Δt B ( x p )aet (13) of the computational nodes relative to the membrane
where aet Δt is the vector of nodal velocities of
the element e which the material point belongs 4.1 Membrane formulation with accurate
to. Based on the calculated strain increment, the integration
stress increment Δσ pt Δt at each material point
In the new membrane representation, the surface of
is updated by applying the appropriate constitu-
the membrane is discretised by 2D triangular mesh
tive model. The constitutive models are applied at
as shown in Figure 4. The mesh connectivity is main-
material points and this allows easy evaluation and
tained during the simulation where the membrane
tracking of history-dependent variables. It also
nodes are free to move through the 3D mesh. The
allows computations with more than one material,
displacement of these nodes is described by the solu-
since each material point retains its material prop-
tion of the momentum equation on the 3D compu-
erties throughout the computation, for example in
tational mesh, but the increment in membrane strain
the modeling of soil/membrane interaction.
and stress is based on the deformation of the 2D
As the mass of the material point mp is kept
triangular mesh. The membrane strains and stresses
constant during the calculation, the density of the
are calculated at the integration point as shown in
material is implicitly updated by updating the vol-
Figure 4. As long as 3-noded triangular element is
ume of the material point through
adopted in this scheme, the location of the integra-
Δt t Δt tion point could be anywhere inside the triangle and
Vpt Vpt ( + Δ v p ) (14) does not need to correspond to the Gaussian point.
In standard MPM integration approach the
where Δεv,p is the incremental volumetric strain of internal force vector is calculated using the strain-
the material point p computed from the incremen- displacement matrix of the 3D element and the
tal strain components (Δεv = Δεx + Δεy + Δεz) in integration is performed by summing over material
(x, y, z) coordinates. point volumes (Equation 8). In the new approach,
At the end of time (t + Δt) all the material point the strain-displacement matrix is based on the 2D
variables are updated and a new cycle is begun linear triangular element and integration point is
using the information carried by the material used to obtain the internal force vector on the 2D
points to initialise nodal values on the grid. Note mesh. The internal force is then mapped from the 2D
that at this stage, a new grid can be defined since grid nodes to the 3D grid nodes where the momen-
all the state variables are carried by the material
points. In practice however, the most efficient way
is to keep the original grid.


In this section, the representation of the MPM

membrane is improved by introducing new method.
Within this method, an accurate integration of the
membrane force is achieved, in addition to reduc-
ing the oscillations related to particles crossing ele-
ment boundaries. For more clarification about the
approach, a schematic diagram of this procedure is Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the new approach.

(Equation 17) and the derivates of the shape func-
tions. At this stage, the matrix β is transformed to
local coordinate βl using the transformation ten-
sor T which is defined by the directional cosines
as given by (Bathe 1996). The tensor T should be
adjusted to satisfy the membrane theory, i.e. the
out-of-plane stresses are zeros, which is done by
eliminating rows three, five and six. The reduced
rotation tensor Tl then takes the form,

Figure 4. Membrane discretisation using 2D triangular ⎡ tx2ξ tx2η 2txξ txη ⎤
element. ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ty2ξ ty2η 2tyξ tyη ⎥
⎢ ⎥
l ⎢ tzξ ⎥
tum Equation 4 is solved. The mapping is based on tz2η 2tzξ tzη
the shape functions of the 3D mesh and not on the T ⎢ ⎥ (18)
gradient of the 3D shape functions. Hence, there is ⎢txξ tyξ tx tyη t ξ tyη + txηtyξ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
no change in the sign of the material points contri- ⎢tyξ t ξ tyηtzη tyξ t η + tyηt ξ ⎥
bution to the internal force vector when the point ⎢t t tzηt tzξ t η + tzηtxξ ⎥⎦
crosses an element boundary in the 3D mesh. Apart ⎣ zξ ξ η
from the membrane, the other materials are mod-
eled using the standard MPM procedure. where txξ is the directional cosine between x and ξ.
The general formulation for 2D elements in 3D The local strain-displacement matrix βl is given by
space with three translational degrees-of-freedom
per node were used to model the membrane. The l l
local coordinate system of an element is shown in 4. (19)
The displacement field v is approximated in terms
of interpolation functions H and nodal displace- Subsequently, the incremental local strain Δεt+Δt
ments d, v = H d. Hence, according to Bathe (1996) of the membrane element is calculated from
the x-component of the nodal displacements is
Δε l t +ΔΔt t Δt
Δ β l am with ε l [εξξ εηη εξη ]T (20)
nn nn
x(ξ ,η,ζ ) ∑ Hi xi ∑ hi Hi nxi
2 i =1
(15) t Δt is the nodal velocities vector of the
where a m
i =1
membrane element m. This vector is updated con-
where, Hi is the interpolation functions of node i tinuously by finite element interpolation of the 3D
represented at location (ξ, η, ς), nn is the number nodal velocity a t Δt .
of nodes per element, h is the membrane thick- Afterward, the membrane constitutive model
ness, and nx is the x-component of the unit normal is applied to compute the incremental local stress
n. For specific application of 3-noded elements tensor Δσl at the integration point of the triangular
with constant membrane thickness h, Equation 15 element,
reduces to,
l t +Δ
Δ Δt
Δσ Δε l ,t , (21)
ζ hhn
x(ξ ,η,ζ ) ∑ Hi xi + 2 x (16)
where D is the constitutive tensor given for linear
i =1
elastic material by,
The Jacobian matrix J which involves the deriv-
atives of global coordinates (x, y, z) with respect to ⎡( − v ) v 0 ⎤
the local coordinates (ξ, η, ς) can be constructed D=
E ⎢ v ( − v) 0 ⎥⎥ (22)
as follows ( + v )( − v ) ⎢
⎢⎣ 0 0 ( − v ) ⎥⎦
∂ ∂
= Jiij where iand j = 1, 2, 3 (17) The total stresses tensor at the integration point
∂ξi ∂x j
σl is then updated using the increment given by
Equation 21
The global strain-displacement matrix β of the
membrane element can be formed in the usual
σ l t Δt σ l t σ l ,t Δt
way of using the inverse of the Jacobian matrix

The membrane force F2D is calculated on the
membrane mesh, using standard finite element

F 2D = ∫ A β l ,T σ l h dA
d (24)

where A is the membrane surface area. This force

can now be transfered to the 3D mesh using the
following mapping procedure,

f i3 D ∑ i
f m2 D (25)
m =1

where fi3D is the membrane force vector of node i in

the 3D mesh, nm is the total number of membrane
nodes, Nim is the shape function of node i evaluated
at the location of the membrane node m, and fm2 D Figure 5. Geocontainer initial configuration.
is the force vector of m. After getting this force for
the entire 3D mesh, its contribution is added to the
global internal force Fint in Equation 4.


The releasing of a geocontainer from a split barge

is a quite challenging application. Most traditional
numerical methods can not model a large deforma-
tion soil-geotextile interaction problem dynami-
cally. In the present section, the potential of MPM
to handle this problem is demonstrated.

Figure 6. Equilibrium Forces on geocontainer.

5.1 Analyis of releasing geocontainer
The releasing process of a geocontainer from a velocity. Trying to get an overlap with De Groot &
barge has been modeled using MPM. The dimen- Bezuijen (2000) who present the quasi-static solu-
sions of the barge, as described by De Groot & tion of a simplified geocontainer, the problem needs
Bezuijen (2000), with the initial MPM mesh dis- to be modeled without the dynamical effects. There-
cretisation is illustrated in Figure 5. Owing to sym- fore, the opening process is modeled in this paper
metry, only a half of the problem is modeled. The by small loading steps of an angle of opening θ = 3°
plane-strain problem is represented in a 3D code which is applied gradually during the step. In addi-
using 4-noded tetrahedral elements. Sand is mod- tion, some artificial damping is added to the system
eled by the Mohr-Coulomb model with the prop- to get the quasi-static solution faster. At the end of
erties: Elastic modulus of 820 kPa, Poisson’s ratio each loading step equilibrium state should be satis-
of 0.33, cohesion of 1 kPa, friction angle of 30° fied, otherwise, the calculations proceed with keep-
and unit weight of 18 kNm3. Linear elastic geotex- ing the angle of opening θ constant. Equilibrium is
tile is considered with (Young’s modulus × thick- illustrated in Figure 6. In this figure, the force (Fh)
ness) = 400 kN/m and Poisson’s ratio being zero. results from the horizontal stress in soil along the
Frictional contact is assumed between the barge symmetry plane representing the load that squeeze
and the geotextile with a friction coefficient of the soil. Moreover, the normal reaction force to the
(μ = 0.3). In the present calculations, the effect of barge (Fn) which produce the frictional force (μ Fn).
water is not considered and the soil inside the geo- All these forces plus gravity and the geotextile tensile
container is assumed to be dry. force (TGT) should keep the geocontainer in place as
Initially, the gravity solution is carried out by soon as the opening stopped.
keeping the barge closed. After solving gravity, the At the beginning of the opening process and
barge opening is controlled by a prescribed angular due to the location of the hinge, part of the soil is

lifted up by the barge. On the contrary, the center
part of the geocontainer will move downward as it
loses the support underneath. Hence, the deforma-
tion pattern of the soil will take a circular shape,
whilst its center does not have any deformation as
shown in Figure 7 for an angle of opening θ = 14°.
As the barge opening increases, tensile forces in
the geotextile (TGT) increase as the membrane keeps
the soil together. Eventually, these forces pull the
soil away from the barge which in turn decreases
the frictional forces between the geotextile and the
barge. As a result, the geocontainer will lose con-
tact gradually with increasing angle of opening.
The top left part of Figure 9 shows the vertical dis-
placement of the very bottom point as a function
of the opening angle. The last mark in this curve
represents the state where there is not equilibrium Figure 8. Principal stress directions showing the arch-
state possible anymore which is corresponds to ing effect.
θ = 14°. For this state, the total displacement of the
soil is already shown in Figure 7.
The stress field inside the soil is redistributed
during loading; showing the effect of arching as
illustrated in Figure 8. During this process, the
horizontal force (Fh) increases gradually and simul-
taneously with the geotextile tensile forces (FGT) as
shown in Figure 9. Holding quasi-static equilib-
rium, the difference between these curves increases
with loading, however, this is due to the loss con-
tact during the releasing shown in Figure 6. Since
the frictional force (μ Fn) and the normal force to
the barge (Fn) decrease, the term (Fh − TGT ) would
increase to insure equilibrium state.
The last part of this analysis is done to simulate
the geocontainer beyond quasi-static equilibrium
state. Accordingly, the opening angle increase fur-
ther by opening the barge continuously. Similar to
the previous quasi-static solution phase, the open-
ing is done slowly to reduce the dynamic effects. As

Figure 9. Displacement and forces of the geocontainer.

a result, the vertical displacement of the bottom

increases gradually until θ = 22° at which point
the geocontainer accelerates gradually out of the
barge as shown in the right side of Figure 9. In
this figure, the forces (Fh) and (TGT) increase par-
allel to another for the quasi-static side while the
horizontal force Fh decreases suddenly because the
soil becomes more free to dilate outside the barge.
At this point, the calculation is stopped as the solu-
tion is dominated by dynamic effects. It is impor-
tant to notice in this figure that the two forces (Fh)
and (TGT) eventually approach each other, which
indicates that the barge does not apply any signifi-
cant force on the geocontainer. The shape of the
Figure 7. Norm of total displacement |u|. geocontainer at (θ = 22°) is shown in Figure 10.

Allowing water to penetrate into the geocontainer
and including the effect of water drag would be
more attractive for real geocontainer applications.
Currently, modeling free water with MPM is under


This research was carried out as a part of the

“GEO-INSTALL” project (Modeling Installa-
tion Effects in Geotechnical Engineering). It has
received funding from the European Community
through the program (Marie Curie Industry-
Academia Partnerships and Pathways) under grant
agreement no PIAP-GA-2009-230638.


Bathe, K. 1996. Finite element procedures, Volume 2.

Prentice hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Figure 10. Total displacement |u| at θ = 22°. Bezuijen, A., R.R., S., & Klein Breteler M., Berendesen
E., P.K. 2002. Field tests on geocontainers. In Pro-
ceedings of 7th International conference on Geosythet-
ics, Nice.
For the Mohr-Coulomb soil inside the geocon- Burgess, D., Sulsky, D., & Brackbill, J. 1992. Mass matrix
tainer the critical opening angle, to maintain equi- formulation of the flip particle-in-cell method. Jour-
librium is θ = 14°; whereas the maximum computed nal of Computational Physics 103(1), 1–15.
geotextile force is FGT = 157 kN/m at an opening De Groot, M. & Bezuijen, A. 2000. Forces in geocon-
angle of θ = 22°. These values deviate from those tainer geotextile during dumping from barge. In Pro-
got by De Groot & Bezuijen (2000). However, the ceedings of 2nd EuroGeo2, pp. 623–627.
later used different approach to analyze the releas- Fernandes, I. 2004. Exploring quadratic shape functions
in material point method. Masters thesis, Department
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Dynamic material point method with applications
in geomechanics. In 2nd International Symposium on
6 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK Computational Geomechanics (COMGEO II), Cavtat-
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
In the present paper, an important application Pilarczyk, K. 2000. Geosynthetics and geosystems in
in the geotechnical field has been tackled, i.e. the hydraulic and coastal engineering. Taylor & Francis.
releasing of a geocontainer from a split barge was Sulsky, D. & Schreyer, H. 1993. A particle method with
large rotations applied to the penetration of history-
modeled with MPM. In this modeling, a new for-
dependentmaterials. Advances in Numerical Simu-
mulation for the geotextile has been introduced lation Techniques for Penetration and Perforationof
and successfully validated. The opening process Solids, ASME, AMD AMD-Vol 171, 95–102.
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velocity of the barge in the presence of frictional a particle-in-cell method to solid mechanics. Compu-
contact with the geocontainer. ter Physics Communications 87(1), 236–252.
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model such an application of combing geotextile in-cell solution to the silo discharging problem. Inter-
with soil under large deformations. However, it national journal for numerical methods in engineering
45(9), 1203–1226.
is important to mention that the modeling of the
York, A.R. 1997. The development of modifications to
entire process of releasing a geocontainer from a the material point method for the simulation of thin
barge into water requires more elaborate work. For membranes, compressible fluids, and their interactions.
example, the soil should be modeled using a more Ph.D. thesis, The University of New Mexico.
advanced constitutive description which considers Zhang, D., Ma, X., & Giguere, P. 2011. Material point
the effect of density change. method enhanced by modified gradient of shape
Furthermore, the realistic modeling of geo- function. Journal of Computational Physics 230,
textile should take into account the permeability. 63796398.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Leg penetration assessments for self-elevating tubular leg units in sand

over clay conditions

D.A. Kort
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway

S. Raymackers
GeoSea NV, Zwijndrecht, Belgium

H. Hofstede
GustoMSC B.V., Schiedam, The Netherlands

V. Meyer
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway

ABSTRACT: Leg penetration assessments were performed for two self-elevating units with tubular legs
operating at 21 locations within an offshore wind farm. The assessments were performed on the basis
of available CPT data, experience-based soil parameters and the calculation methods recommended by
SNAME T&RB 5-5A. In general the soil conditions are dense sand over stiff clay with strong variations
of the sand layer thickness across the wind farm. Initially at some locations the assessment indicated a
significant risk of punch-through, which could potentially lead to problems with insufficient leg length
and create difficulties for leg extraction after installation of the wind turbines. To reduce the uncertain-
ties of the leg penetration assessments, preload trials were performed at three critical locations. The three
preload trials provided a useful basis to revise the input soil parameters and thereby enhance the leg pen-
etration predictions. No indications of large penetrations or rapid penetrations were encountered during
the offshore field campaign.


For the Thornton Bank offshore wind farm located

in the North Sea leg penetration assessments were
performed for the jack-up vessels Neptune and
Vagant, both owned by GeoSea (DEME group)
and designed by GustoMSC (see Fig. 1). Both ves-
sels are four-legged self-elevating units with tubu-
lar legs without spudcans with diameters of 3.5 m
(Neptune) and 2.0 m (Vagant). The soil conditions
at 21 selected locations at the wind farm consisted of
dense sand over stiff clay with strong variations of
the sand layer thickness across the wind farm. Initial
leg penetration assessments indicated a significant
risk of punch-through. As a result, possible large leg Figure 1. Self-elevating units Neptune and Vagant side-
penetrations in the deep clay were predicted, which by-side installing an offshore wind turbine. © Photo:
could potentially lead to problems with insufficient GEOSEA/DEME.
leg length and create difficulties for leg extraction
after installation of the wind turbines. To reduce
the uncertainties of the leg penetration assessments, The first part of this paper presents the basis
preload trials were performed with the Neptune at and the methodology for the leg penetration
three critical locations. The preload trials provided a assessments. In the second part of this paper soil
useful basis to revise the input soil parameters and data, field measurements and back-analyses from
thereby enhance the leg penetration predictions. three jacking trials at selected windmill locations

are presented. The methodology of the leg penetra- 2.2 Available geotechnical data
tion assessments was then used to predict leg pen-
The available geotechnical data consisted of one
etrations at other locations at the Thornton Bank
CPTU at each windturbine location. Sampling
wind farm. The third part of this paper compares
was performed at selected locations and index and
predicted leg penetrations to field measurements
advanced laboratory testing (triaxial testing and
from 21 different locations.
DSS testing) were performed on samples from the
underlying clay layer.
ASSESSMENTS 2.3 Dredging activities
Dredging activities had taken place at the windtur-
Basis for the leg penetration assessments include
bine locations after the site investigations, resulting
the leg specifications and the available geotechnical
in updated reference seabed levels.
data. Relevant data are briefly summarised below.

2.1 Leg specifications 3 JACKING TRIALS

The legs of both the vessels Neptune and Vagant are
Initial leg penetration assessments carried out before
close-ended piles with constant diameter. The legs
the jacking trials suggested a possibility of rapid leg
have a number of stiffners fixed on a closed-ended
penetrations for a number of locations due to punch-
bottom plate, creating a slightly conical shape at
through—dense sand over soft clay. Those assess-
the leg tip. A similar leg is shown in Figure 2 and
ments were based on the methodology presented in
Table 1 summarises the main leg specifications of
Section 4, although lower friction angles were used
both vessels.
than those presented in Figure 12, combined with a
The legs of four-legged self-elevating vessels
smaller load spread angle (larger n; Fig. 13).
are typically penetrated stepwise: Two diagonal
As the initial leg penetration predictions were
legs are slightly pushed into the subsoil and subse-
somewhat careful because they were based on
quently unloaded to less than 50% of the platform
relatively few site-specific soil data and to further
weight to provide the reaction forces needed for the
evaluate the risk of rapid leg penetrations, it was
opposite penetrating diagonal legs. This process is
decided to perform preload tests at three critical
repeated until (1) the maximum preload is reached
locations with regard to rapid penetrations.
and (2) when the additional penetrations in a load
Figures 3 to 5 present profiles of corrected cone
step are negligibly small.
resistance (qt), undrained shear strength (su) and

Figure 2. Example of a leg.

Table 1. Summary of main leg specifications.

Neptune Vagant

Leg diameter (m) 3.5 2.0

Max. preload at leg tip (MN) 30.1 8.4
Distance leg tip to end plate (m) 0.75 0.70
Figure 3. Interpreted soil profile at Trial 1 location.

Figure 4. Interpreted soil profile at Trial 2 location. Figure 6. Predicted and measured penetrations at Trial 1.

Figure 5. Interpreted soil profile at Trial 3 location. Figure 7. Predicted and measured penetrations at Trial 2.

relative density (Dr) interpreted from the CPT conical shape of the leg tip, penetration resistance
data, and simplified profiles used in the penetra- is only built-up when the soil becomes in contact
tion analyses. The profiles are related to the water with the end bearing plate of the pile (Figure 2).
depth in TAW (Tweede Algemene Waterpassing). The applied foundation load is composed of the
The leg penetration depths presented are buoyant weight of the leg and the load applied to
related to the leg tip. However, due to the open the leg.

strength profile for the clay layers. As the friction
angles are assessed from correlations with relative
density, assessment of the relative density is also
required. The significant soil parameters for the
bearing capacity analyses include relative density,
friction angles and undrained shear strength pro-
files; soil parameter assessment is discussed below.
4.1.1 Assessment of relative density
A best estimate of the relative density was assessed
from the corrected CPT data using the method of
Baldi et al. (1986). The CPT data was corrected
for in-situ stress relief due to dredging following
the procedure for normalising the cone resistance
given by Gregg (2007), which includes some minor
updates for interpretation of silt-sand mixtures
and clay-silt mixtures compared to the procedure
developed by Robertson & Wride (1998).
Although the Robertson & Wride (1998) proce-
dure for normalising cone resistance was originally
developed for liquefaction analyses, the method is
widely supported and frequently used world-wide.
The stress-corrected cone resistance due to dredging
was significantly lower than the original cone resist-
Figure 8. Predicted and measured penetrations at Trial 3. ance in the upper metre but the effect on the calcu-
lated relative density appeared to be insignificant.
To account for a possible loosening of the sea-
The results of the jacking trials could be con-
bed due to dredging and other effects (such as tidal
sidered as an additional soil investigation on the
current), a maximum relative density of 80% was
basis of which the soil input parameters could be
assumed in the upper 0.5 metre.
revised. Because none of the jacking trials resulted
in rapid penetrations and the measured leg penetra- 4.1.2 Assessment of friction angles
tions appeared to be relatively low compared to the In the present method the relevant friction angles to
predictions, it was obvious that the assumed fric- be considered for very dense sand are peak friction
tion angles of the upper sand could be increased, angles, φ′p, and constant volume friction angles,
as presented in Section 4. φ′cv, from drained triaxial testing in sand. Drained
peak and constant volume friction angles are con-
sidered applicable for the following reasons:
– The process of leg penetration may involve very
large shear strains (say 100–1000%) and shear
strain rates in the soil underneath the leg tip.
The leg penetration analyses have been performed
Experimental data show that the density of very
in accordance with the industry standard guidelines
dense sand around a penetrating pile tip will
published by SNAME (2008) for spudcan penetra-
decrease during penetration to a certain criti-
tion analyses. The method is based on conventional
cal density state (Dijkstra, 2009). In that case
bearing capacity analyses. Punch-through—dense
the sand underneath the pile tip will behave in a
sand over soft clay—has been analysed using the
drained manner.
method described in the commentary of SNAME.
– Peak values of the drained friction angles are
The leg penetration analyses consisted of two
associated with shear strains of order of mag-
main activities:
nitude 1% and constant volume drained fric-
1. Assessment of soil parameters. tion angles are applicable from say 10% shear
2. Leg penetration calculations. strain and more. Hence, peak values of the
drained friction angles may be applicable in
the outcropping zone of the failure mechanism
4.1 Assessment of soil parameters
whereas constant volume friction angles may
Soil parameters needed for the leg penetration be applicable underneath the leg tip. This state-
analyses include unit weight, equivalent friction ment is supported by the simplified FE analysis
angle for the sand layers and undrained shear in Figures 9–11.

– Appendix E of ISO 19905 (2012) proposes use
of critical state friction angles (constant volume
friction angles) increasing by up to 5% with
increasing relative density on the basis of back-
analyses of field penetration records and cen-
trifuge tests.
The weighting between peak and constant vol-
ume friction angles is based on a simplified back
analysis of the field measurement from Trial 2
(Section 4) using Plaxis (2008).
Figure 9 presents a detail of an FE mesh show-
ing the most relevant geometry and soil parameter
input and the calculated principal stresses. The
model is based on a 3.5 m diameter pile with a rigid
base at 2.1 m depth, which is a simplified represen-
tation of Trial 2 at 2.85 m.
The FE result in Figure 10 confirms that rela-
tively large shear strains below the leg tip may be
expected, and thus applicability of constant vol-
Figure 9. Model detail of a simplified bearing capacity ume friction angles, and that relatively small shear
FEM analysis of a tubular leg. strains outside the leg tip may be expected, and
thus applicability of peak volume friction angles.
Figure 11 shows three load-displacement
– Full end bearing: φ′ = 40.4º is taken underneath
and outside the leg tip
– Reduced end bearing: φ′ = 34.0º is taken under-
neath the leg tip and φ′ = 40.4º outside the leg
– Equivalent friction angle: φ′ = 37.5º is taken
underneath and outside the leg tip.
Figure 11 shows that the reduced end bearing
capacity can be assessed with equivalent friction
angles as defined in Figure 9. Based on the simpli-
fied model it is suggested to assess the equivalent
friction angle by taking 45% of the friction angle
underneath the leg tip and 55% of the friction
angle away from the leg tip.
Figure 10. Typical shear strain contour diagram at
Low estimate and high estimate friction angles
used in the calculation are therefore based on a
weighted combination of peak friction angles and
constant volume friction angles:

φ ′ LE φ ′ cv , LE + 0.55 ⋅ φ ′ cv , HE (1)

φ ′ HE φ ′ cv , HE + 0.55 ⋅ φ ′ p BE (2)

The low estimate parameters are based on con-

stant volume friction angles for high consolidation
stresses underneath the leg tip and on constant vol-
ume friction angles for in situ consolidation stress
conditions outside the leg. This refers to the case
where the soil underneath the leg tip is experienc-
ing a significant consolidation pressure prior to
loading to failure and the soil outside the leg tip
Figure 11. Load displacements curves. has experienced large shear strains (disturbance

from shallower penetrations). On the other hand, 4.2 Leg penetration calculations
the high estimate parameters are based on con-
The leg penetration calculations were performed
stant volume friction angles for in situ consolida-
for the characteristic foundation loads given in
tion stress conditions underneath the leg tip and
Table 1. Low and high estimated characteristic soil
on peak friction angles for in situ stress conditions
strength parameters have been selected to evaluate
outside the leg. This refers to the case where the
the range in leg penetration for a given location.
soil underneath the leg tip is experiencing low
The punch-through—dense sand over soft
consolidation pressure prior to loading to fail-
clay—analyses require input of a load spread fac-
ure and the soil outside the leg tip is experiencing
tor (Fig. 13).
small shear strains (no disturbance from shallower
A load spread factor of n = 2.5 is used, which
seems to be justified by the FEM analyses pre-
Figure 12 provides guidance on the assessment
sented in Figure 10. A load spread of 1:2.5 is out-
of the various friction angles from the relative
side the 1:3 to 1:5 range recommended in SNAME
density, which are based on the empirical database
T&RB 5-5A and ISO 19905-1, but can be justified
from Andersen & Schjetne (2012).
for these locations on the basis that:
4.1.3 Assessment of undrained shear strength 1. Trial installations have been undertaken at these
in clay locations on which the analyses have been sub-
The undrained shear strength for triaxial com- sequently calibrated.
pression in clay was assessed from the CPT data 2. A load spread of 1:3 to 1:5 has been reported,
using suC = (qt − σv0)/Nkt as presented by e.g., under certain conditions, to under-predict peak
Lunne et al. (1997). Nkt ranging from 15 to 20 punch-through loads for both centrifuge tests
was concluded for the purpose of the leg penetra- (Teh et al., 2010; Lee, 2009) and from back-
tion assessments at the Thornton Bank site on analysis of field data (Baglioni et al. 1982).
the basis of a study of the available laboratory Note, however, that this is not always the case.
data and literature. 3. A load-spread of 1:2.5 is within the range sug-
The deep clay layer was described as highly plas- gested in DNV Classification Note 30.4 (DNV,
tic with plasticity index Ip > 100% and on the basis 1992) for spudcan penetration analysis (1:2 to
of Bjerrum (1973) the undrained shear strength of 1:3).
the clay is assumed isotropic. Hence, the average
As the bearing capacity formulae and empirical
undrained shear strength accounting for strength
relationships given in by SNAME (2008) have been
anisotropy is suavg/suC = (suC+suDSS+suE)/(3 suC) = 1.0.
derived specifically for spudcans, the contribution
Here is suC = undrained shear strength measured
in triaxial compression; suDSS = undrained shear
strength measured in direct simple shear; suE = und-
rained shear strength measured in triaxial exten-
sion (Bjerrum 1973).

Figure 12. Assessment of friction angles from relative Figure 13. Load spread method according to SNAME
density. (2008).

of the leg shaft friction capacity has been added to field campaign, predictions of leg extractions have
the calculated penetration resistance. The leg shaft not been included in this paper.
friction capacity has been determined using

The methodology of the leg penetration assessments

where Fs = leg friction capacity; τs = leg shaft
explained in Section 4 was used to improve the pre-
friction capacity at depth z, in clay: α ⋅ su; in sand
diction of the leg penetrations at other locations at
K ⋅ σ′v ⋅ tan δ; α = remoulding factor; su = average
the Thornton Bank windfarm. Because of the het-
undrained shear strength (suavg); K = earth pressure
erogeneity of the soil layering and soil conditions
coefficient; σ′v = effective vertical stress; δ = leg-soil
across the wind farm site, use was made of the site
interface friction angle; O = leg circumference at
specific CPT data for the individual locations.
depth z; z = depth below seafloor.
The predictions were made those legs that were
Typical values of K = 1 and δ = 0.67 φ′ have been
located in the dredged zone and they were consid-
used for the leg shaft friction capacity assessments
ered most susceptible for punch-through.
in sand (e.g., Lambe & Whitman, 1979). For the
For a large number of locations the revised pre-
clay, α = 0.5 is estimated which is based on the fol-
dictions resulted in the conclusion that the risk of
lowing simplified assumptions:
rapid penetration during installation was signifi-
– During penetration, a zone of remoulded clay cantly reduced. Only for two locations (both vis-
is assumed to be developed along the shaft. For ited during the jacking trials) the predictions still
installation of suction anchors α-factors have indicated a risk for rapid penetrations.
been back-calculated of α = 1/St, where St is Figures 14 and 15 show the predicted and meas-
the sensitivity of the clay (e.g., Schroeder et al. ured leg penetrations at 21 selected critical windfarm
(2006). Using a typical sensitivity of St = 3 gives locations for the Neptune and the Vagant vessels,
α = 0.33. respectively. At all locations the measured leg pene-
– After stopping penetration the shear strength trations fit very well within the predicted range. This
in the remoulded zone may quickly increase means that the methodology proposed in Section 4
due to both thixotropy (thixotropy is the worked well for the Thornton Bank wind farm.
regain of remoulded undrained shear strength The leg installation at all locations and in par-
with time when the soil is allowed to rest under ticular at the critical locations went according to
constant water content) and reconsolida- plan. The penetrations measured during preload at
tion of the remoulded clay. An estimated the “critical” locations were comparable to those
factor 1.5 accounting both for thixotropy and measured during trials. No deep penetrations were
reconsolidation during leg penetration yields encountered.
α = 1.5 × 0.33 = 0.5.
Additional set-up and thixotropy effects may
lead to a significant increase in leg friction capacity,
even after a week, which is especially relevant for
leg extraction. Purwana et al. 2009 report that dif-
ficulty with leg extraction is often experienced dur-
ing departure from location, especially in the case
of deep leg penetrations or extended operations,
which confirms the relevance of the additional
set-up and thixotropy effects to leg extraction. Spe-
cial purpose laboratory testing is recommended for
projects where extraction forces in the clay need to
be predicted. Such laboratory testing may include:
– Standard DSS testing of intact and remoulded
– Special-purpose DSS testing on remoulded,
subsequently reconsolidated samples
– Thixotropy testing
– Standard classification tests.
As no indications of large penetrations or rapid Figure 14. Predicted and measured penetrations with
penetrations were encountered during the offshore Neptune during windfarm installation for 20 locations.


GeoSea and GustoMSC are greatly acknowledged

for giving permission to publish this material.


Andersen, K.H. & Schjetne, K. 2012. Data base of fric-

tion angles and consolidation characteristics. Accepted
for publication in ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering.
Baglioni, V.P., Chow, G.S. & Endley, S.N. 1982. Jack-up
rig foundation stability in stratified soil profiles. Jour-
nal of Offshore Technology, OTC 4409, pp. 363–383.
Baldi, G., Bellotti, R., Ghionna, V. Jamiolkowski, M. &
Pasqualini, E. 1986. Interpretation of CPTs and CPTUs;
Figure 15. Predicted and measured penetrations with 2nd part: drained penetration of sands. Proceedings of
Vagant during windfarm installation for 21 locations. the 4th International Geotechnical Seminar Singapore:
Bjerrum, L. 1973. Problems of Soil Mechanics and Con-
6 CONCLUSIONS AND struction on Soft Clays. State-of-the-Art report to Ses-
RECOMMENDATIONS sion IV, Proceedings 8th ICSMFE, Moscow. Vol. 3,
pp. 111–159.
For the installation of an offshore wind farm three Dijkstra, J. 2009. On the modelling of pile installation.
field trials of leg penetrations for a self-elevating Dr. Thesis Delft University of Technology. Zutphen:
unit with tubular legs have been performed. The Wöhrmann Print Service.
DNV 1992. DNV Classification Note 30.4. Det Norske
soil conditions at the trial locations comprise dense Veritas.
sand over stiff clay. The three preload trials pro- Gregg 2007. Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Interpretation.
vided a useful basis to revise the input soil param-
eters and thereby enhance the leg penetration MethodologyPDF/cptinterpretationsummary.pdf.
predictions. No indications of large penetrations Downloaded 15 December 2011.
or rapid penetrations were encountered during the ISO 19905-1 2012. Petroleum and natural gas industries.
offshore field campaign. Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units—
The measured leg penetrations at 21 selected Part 1: Jack-ups.
locations for two vessels with different leg Lambe, T.W. & Whitman, R.V. 1979. Soil Mechanics.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
geometries fit very well to the revised prediction Lee, F.H. 2009. Investigation of potential punch-through
of the leg penetrations based on the methodology failure on sands overlying clay soils. Ph.D. Thesis, The
presented in this paper. The number of locations University of Western Australia.
for which a significant risk of punch through and Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K. & Powell, J.J.M. 1997. Cone
deep penetrations was predicted reduced to only Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice. London:
two (both also visited during the trials), whereas Blackie Academic & Professional.
the initial leg penetration assessments indicated Plaxis 2008. Plaxis Version 9.02.
this risk for a larger number of penetrations. Purwana, O.A., Quah, M. Foo, K.S. Nowak S. &
The leg penetration predictions such as carried Handidjaja, P. 2009. Leg Extraction/Pullout
Resistance—Theoretical and Practical Perspectives.
out in this paper are strongly dependent on the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference The
input soil parameters. It is therefore recommended Jack-Up Platform Design, Construction & Operation,
to monitor leg penetrations on the job site and, London.
where necessary, adjust predictions on the basis of SNAME 2008. Technical and Research Bulletin 5-5A.
measured penetrations. Guidelines for Site Specific Assessment of Mobile
Monitoring leg penetrations and extractions can Jack-Up Units. Society of Naval Architects and Marine
be considered as a form of pile load testing. From Engineers, Jersey City, New Jersey. August 2008.
this point of view it would be beneficial for future Schroeder, K., Andersen, K.H. & Jeanjean, P. 2006. Pre-
wind-farm projects to instrument the legs with dicted and observed installation behavior of the Mad
Dog anchors. Proceedings of the Offshore Technology
strain gauges to measure the shaft friction along the Conference, Houston, OTC 17950.
depth. The costs for such testing are believed much Teh, K.L., Leung, C.F. Chow, Y.K. and Cassidy, M.J.
lower than special purpose pile load tests on which 2010. Centrifuge model study of spudcan penetration
input parameters are based now) and the results are in sand overlying clay. Proceedings of the Offshore
believed to be highly relevant for the industry. Technology Conference, Houston, OTC 20060.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Investigating the scales of fluctuation of an artificial sand island

M. Lloret-Cabot
Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

M.A. Hicks & J.D. Nuttall

Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Artificial sand islands were constructed in the Canadian Beaufort Sea for use as
hydrocarbon exploration platforms in the 1970s and 1980s. For some of these islands, extensive Cone
Penetration Test (CPT) data are available for characterising the hydraulically placed sand during and after
the construction process. Tarsiut P-45 was the first island using the ‘Molikpaq’ concept, which consisted
of a mobile arctic caisson system to provide the temporary structure for the exploitation. Two main sand
fills were constructed: (a) a sandfill berm on which the caisson system was founded; and (b) the body of
the island structure (island core). This paper presents an investigation of the variability of the sand in the
berm in terms of the vertical and horizontal scales of fluctuation. This geo-statistical investigation is car-
ried out using CPT data from the berm before and after the founding of the caisson system, and sets the
basis for a preliminary discussion on the potential soil variability changes caused by the installation and
infilling of the caisson structure when placed on the berm.

1 INTRODUCTION study. This paper uses in situ Cone Penetration

Test (CPT) data from an artificial sand island to
The spatial nature of soils is of particular estimate the scales of fluctuation in the vertical θv
importance in geotechnical engineering because and horizontal θh directions during two different
the mechanical response of a geotechnical structure stages of the construction process. In particular,
is typically governed by how ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ the available CPTs are used to describe the vari-
zones vary throughout the soil domain (Griffiths & ability of the sand in the berm before (Stage 1) and
Fenton 2001, Spencer 2007, Hicks & Spencer 2010). after the founding of the caisson and subsequent
In the light of this, a fundamental statistical char- core infilling (Stage 2). A comparison of the results
acteristic is the scale of fluctuation θ, which is a obtained is used to provide a preliminary assess-
measure of the distance between zones of similar ment of the potential effects that the caisson instal-
‘strength’ (Hicks & Onisiphorou 2005). In other lation and core infilling may have on the vertical
words, θ describes the distance over which proper- and horizontal scales of fluctuation.
ties are significantly correlated (Vanmarcke 1984)
and it may be used to describe the spatial vari-
ability. Indeed, the scale of fluctuation is the key 2 ISLAND CONSTRUCTION
parameter in the correlation model used to gener-
ate numerical predictions of spatial variability. It is Numerous artificial islands were constructed
therefore crucial, in order to accurately represent during the 1970s and 1980s in the Canadian
the soil variability of a particular site, to obtain Beaufort Sea, to provide temporary structures
representative estimates of θ for the site. for hydrocarbon exploration. Data from one of
Although a number of analyses are available in these islands, Tarsiut P-45, is investigated in this
the literature for the vertical scale of fluctuation, paper. Tarsiut P-45 was the first island to use
very little information is generally found for the hor- the ‘Molikpaq’ concept, a mobile arctic caisson
izontal scale of fluctuation. The horizontal scale of system designed to reduce the required fill vol-
fluctuation, however, is an important consideration umes (Hicks & Smith 1988). Two main sand fills
in geotechnical computations, as demonstrated in were constructed: (a) a sand fill berm on which
a number of studies (Hicks & Samy 2002, Hicks & the caisson system was founded; and (b) the body
Onisiphorou 2005, Hicks & Spencer 2010, Nuttall of the island structure (referred to as the core).
2011) and has therefore been incorporated in this The fill material used in most of the constructed

3.1 Scale of fluctuation
Based on the concept of the variance function
discussed in Vanmarcke (1977), Wickremesinghe &
Campanella (1993) proposed an alternative strategy
to estimate θv which has since been used in a number
of studies (Wong 2004, Hicks & Onisiphorou
2005, Lloret-Cabot et al. 2012). Their strategy is
very convenient for analysing the vertical soil vari-
ability, not only because the method can be eas-
ily automated (Wickremesinghe 1989) but also
Figure 1. Side view of Tarsiut P-45 (Wong 2004). because many data points are typically available
in the vertical direction of a CPT. In addition, in
the current study, it has been considered useful to
also include results using an alternative method to
islands was sand, which was typically dredged
allow for comparison. Both approaches are out-
from local borrow pits.
lined in the following paragraphs.
The island of Tarsiut P-45 was constructed
during 1984 in a water depth of 25.5 m. The
3.1.1 Approach A
berm was constructed from the seabed up to
Approach A assumes that the available data are
19.5 m below Mean Sea Level (MSL) using a
statistically homogeneous (or stationary). The nec-
bottom dumped placement method. The caisson
essary requirements for a function to be statistically
was then positioned on the constructed berm
homogeneous are: (a) constant mean and constant
and the core was filled-in with sand using a pipe-
standard deviation; (b) an autocorrelation func-
line placement technique. The sand specifica-
tion independent of the location and dependant
tion for the berm and core was for a D50 greater
only on the separation distance (or lag distance,
than 300 μm and a silt content less than 4%
τ). For geotechnical engineering purposes, this is
(Wong 2004). Figure 1 illustrates a cross-section
equivalent to saying that the mean and standard
through Tarsiut P-45 in which the two sand fills
deviation do not spatially vary and that the cor-
are shown.
relation between property values at two different
locations is only a function of their separation dis-
tance. A constant mean can be obtained after de-
trending the data as illustrated in Figure 2b, where
the identified linear trend of qc with depth (Fig. 2a)
Two analyses are included in this study. In the
has been removed from the data. The approach of
first analysis, the cone tip resistances qc from
removing a linear trend of qc with depth from the
four CPTs are used to estimate the vertical and
horizontal scales of fluctuation of the berm prior
to set-down of the caisson. The second analysis
uses six CPTs for the calculation of the scales of
fluctuation of the berm after core infilling. All
the CPT data comprise tip resistance readings
at 2 cm intervals. In each analysis two comple-
mentary methods are used to determine the verti-
cal scale of fluctuation θv. The first of these two
methods will be referred to as Approach A, and
uses the strategy proposed by Wickremesinghe &
Campanella (1993). The second method will be
referred to as Approach B and estimates the ver-
tical scale of fluctuation by best fitting the the-
oretical correlation model to the experimental
correlation model. Due to the limited data avail-
able, Approach B is the only technique used for
the estimation of the horizontal scale of fluctua-
tion θh. A brief description of each approach is
given below, further details can be found else-
where (Wickremesinghe & Campanella 1993,
Baecher & Christian 2003, Wackernagel 2003, Figure 2. Example of a CPT profile: (a) original data,
Fenton & Griffiths 2008). (b) detrended data, (c) normalised data.

data, provides a useful approximation that has Note that various alternative expressions for
been applied in a number of prior studies (Uzielli the correlation model are also possible (Fenton &
et al. 2005, Hicks and Onisiphorou 2005, Lloret Griffiths 2008) but, for simplicity, only the expo-
et al. 2012). A constant standard deviation and the nential correlation model is used in this paper, i.e.
condition (b) stated above, are likely to be reached
if the data are extracted from the same soil layer, as ⎧ −2 τ ⎫
approximate uniform fluctuations are likely to be ρ ( τ ) = exp ⎨ ⎬ (3)
observed if the analysed data are contained within ⎩ θ ⎭
the same soil type layer (Phoon & Kulhawy 1999).
Note that this is a reasonable assumption for the where θ is the scale of fluctuation in the vertical or
case studied here, as all the berm sand was dredged horizontal direction. The experimental correlation
from the same location and deposited in the same function is given by
manner (Wong 2004).
n − j +1
Once the linear depth trend of the soil layer 1
ρˆ (jΔτ ) = ∑ (X i − μˆ )(X i + j − μˆ ) (4)
investigated has been removed, the next stage in σˆ (n − j) i =1
Approach A is to normalise the detrended data as
shown in Figure 2c. Then, the normalised data are where μ̂ and σ̂ are the estimated mean and stand-
considered in pairs (n = 2) and the moving average ard deviation from the in situ CPT data. Note
of the data is calculated with an averaging length that for this estimator it is desirable that the data
equal to the spacing between data points (τn = 2). The be equispaced (Fenton & Griffiths 2008) at a
variance of this series is then calculated (σ2n = 2). spacing Δτ.
This procedure is repeated for the case of triplets
n = 3, with the corresponding variance (σ2n = 3) and a
spacing average (τn = 3) being equal to twice the spac- 4 RESULTS
ing between the original data points. The process
can be further extended until the total number of This section presents the results obtained for the
data used in the averaging are n = N. A consequence estimation of θv and θh, before and after core infill-
of spatial averaging is that the variance tends to ing. The results are presented in two parts. The
decrease with increasing n, due to the cancelling first part describes the soil variability of the sand
out of fluctuation as a result of spatial averaging. in the berm before caisson installation. It includes
For each n, the variance function can be estimated the estimation of the vertical scale of fluctua-
from (Wickremesinghe & Campanella 1993): tion (using Approaches A and B) followed by the
results obtained for the horizontal scale of fluctua-
σ 2n tion (using Approach B). The second part of the
Γ ( τ) ≈ (1)
σ2 analysis includes the results for the soil variability
in the berm after core infilling. All results are sum-
marised in Tables 1 and 2.
where σ2 is the variance for the original data. On the
other hand, for large τ the variance function Γ(τ)
can be estimated as (Vanmarcke 1977, Vanmarcke 4.1 Variability of the sand in the berm
1984): before caisson installation

θ ≈ Γ ( τ) τ (2) Four aligned CPTs along the same straight hori-

zontal line are used in this section to assess the soil
Wickremesinghe & Campanella (1993) found
that Equation 2 reaches a peak at a large value of Table 1. Estimation of the scales of fluctuation in
τ and that this maximum gives a good approxima- Tarsiut P-45 berm before caisson set down.
tion of θ.
θv (m)* θv (m)** θh (m)**
3.1.2 Approach B
A useful alternative approach (Approach B) is to CPT01 0.37 0.44 –
simply estimate θ by best fitting the theoretical cor- CPT02 0.21 0.24 –
relation function ρ(τ) (see Equation 3) to the exper- CPT03 0.47 0.46 –
imental correlation function ρ̂ (τ ) (see Equation 4) CPT04 0.35 0.37 –
using statistically homogeneous data (section 3.1.1). Mean, m 0.35 0.38 12.7
In the analyses presented here, the experimental Variance, m2 0.11 0.10 –
correlation model has been estimated using the
same normalised data as used in Approach A. *
Values using Approach A. **Values using Approach B.

Table 2. Estimation of the scales of fluctuation in
Tarsiut P-45 berm after caisson set down and subsequent
core infilling.

θv (m)* θv (m)** θh (m)**

CPT05 0.89 0.88 – Figure 3. Plan view of CPT locations for berm before
CPT06 0.62 0.61 – caisson installation.
CPT07 0.29 0.26 –
CPT08 0.42 0.44 –
CPT09 0.32 0.30 –
CPT10 0.66 0.63 –
Mean, m 0.53 0.52 18.1
Variance, m2 0.05 0.05 –
Values using Approach A. **Values using Approach B.

variability in the berm prior to set-down of the

caisson. Each CPT has an approximate depth of
8 m. A plan view of the CPTs (indicated as AA’)
is plotted in Figure 3, where the distance between Figure 4. Estimated vertical scales of fluctuation from
CPTs is also indicated. the berm before caisson installation using Approach A.
Figure 4 shows the consistency of the results
obtained for the vertical scale of fluctuation when
using Approach A. The maximum fluctuation
is generally reached when the lag distance τ is
between 0.8 and 1.2 m (out of a total vertical CPT
length of approximately 8 m), giving values of θv
ranging from 0.21 m and 0.47 m (see Table 1). The
average vertical scale of fluctuation for this case is
0.35 m, with a variance of 0.11 m2.
Figure 5 shows a typical result for the estima-
tion of the vertical scale of fluctuation when using Figure 5. Typical result for the estimation of the vertical
Approach B. The solid line indicates the theoretical scale of fluctuation using Approach B (berm before
correlation model that uses the optimised value of caisson installation).
θv and the dashed line indicates the experimental
correlation function computed from CPT02. Simi-
lar results are obtained for the other CPT profiles points of the experimental correlation model can
(i.e. CPT01, CPT03 and CPT04). Note that in order be estimated when using only 4 CPTs (see Fig. 6).
to better illustrate the important parts of the curves Furthermore, the result estimated for θh is likely to
plotted (i.e. values of τ that give a correlation higher be dependent on the horizontal distance between
than 0) the horizontal axis has been intentionally CPTs. This aspect has not been investigated
limited to 3.5 m (although the total vertical length here because only one single line (section AA’ in
of the CPTs used is about 8 m in all cases). Figure 3) has been used for the analysis of the
Comparing Figures 4 and 5, it is interesting to berm before caisson installation. Further studies
see the agreement between the values of θv obtained in this area are required in order to obtain more
for the profile CPT02 when using the two methods. conclusive results.
This consistency between the estimated values of In Figure 6 the solid line indicates the theoreti-
θv, when using the two different approaches, is also cal correlation model that uses the optimised value
observed for the other three CPT profiles as sum- of θh and the dotted line represents the estimated
marised in Table 1. In fact, both methods give a experimental correlation model. The symbols in
very similar mean θv of about 0.4 m and a very the figure represent the estimated values of the
similar variance of 0.1 m2. Table 1 also includes the experimental correlation model, which are com-
result obtained for the horizontal scale of fluctua- puted using Equation 4 and the CPT data at the
tion when using Approach B (i.e. θh = 12.7 m). Note horizontal spacing considered.
that only one value can be estimated from the four A useful parameter can now be defined by divid-
aligned CPTs used here. Hence, the result for θh ing the horizontal and vertical scales of fluctuation
should be treated with caution, because only a few (i.e. the degree of anisotropy of the heterogeneity

Figure 7. Plan view of CPT locations for berm after
caisson infilling.

Figure 6. Typical result for the estimation of the hori-

zontal scale of fluctuation using Approach B (berm
before caisson installation).

ξ = θh/θv). Using the values shown in Table 1, the

degree of anisotropy for the berm before caisson
installation is approximately 35.

4.2 Variability of the sand in the berm

after caisson installation and subsequent
core infilling
Figure 8. Estimated vertical scales of fluctuation from
Six aligned CPTs along the same straight horizon- the berm after caisson infilling using Approach A.
tal line are used in this section to assess the soil
variability in the berm after positioning the caisson
and infilling of the core with sand. In this case, the
CPTs were taken from the core surface and pen-
etrated the core fill before arriving in the sand of
the berm. Hence, the initial 19.5 m measurements
are not considered in the analysis (see Figure 1)
as they correspond to the core. All CPTs have
different penetration depths through the berm
ranging from approximately 3 m to 6 m. A plan
view of the six aligned CPTs (indicated as BB’) is
plotted in Figure 7, where the distance between Figure 9. Typical result for the estimation of the ver-
CPTs is also indicated. Figure 8 shows the results tical scale of fluctuation using Approach B (berm after
obtained for the vertical scale of fluctuation using core infilling).
Approach A, and highlights the different CPT
depths considered.
The results obtained in this second analysis for
the vertical scale of fluctuation are again consistent
between Approaches A and B. Figure 8 shows the
results obtained for θv when using Approach A. The
maximum fluctuation is generally reached when
the lag distance is between 0.5 m and 1.6 m, giv-
ing values of θv ranging from 0.29 m and 0.89 m
(see Table 2). The average vertical scale of fluctua-
tion has slightly increased in this second analysis.
When using Approach A, θv increases from 0.35 m Figure 10. Typical result for the estimation of the hori-
to 0.53 m whereas the increase in Approach B goes zontal scale of fluctuation using Approach B (berm after
from 0.38 m to 052 m. A significant reduction in the core infilling).
variance is observed when comparing Tables 1 and
2, probably due to more CPTs being used in this sec-
ond analysis. Figure 9 shows a typical result for the obtained for this CPT when using Approach A, i.e.
estimation of the vertical scale of fluctuation when θv = 0.62 m (see Figure 8 and Table 2).
using Approach B. In particular, Figure 9 shows A slight increase of the vertical scale of fluctua-
the estimated correlation model for CPT06 giving tion after the installation of the caisson and sub-
θv = 0.61 m which, again, is very similar to the value sequent core infilling is observed when comparing

the results from Tables 1 and 2. Furthermore, REFERENCES
when looking at the results for the horizontal scale
of fluctuation, a significantly larger value of θh is Baecher, G.B. & Christian, J.T. 2003. Reliability and
obtained following Stage 2 of the construction. In statistics in geotechnical engineering. John Wiley &
this second analysis, the estimated horizontal scale Sons Inc.
of fluctuation gives a value of 18.1 m as illustrated Fenton, G.A. & Griffiths, D.V. 2008. Risk assessment
in geotechnical engineering. John Wiley & Sons,
in Figure 10 and the degree of anisotropy of the New Jersey, USA.
heterogeneity ξ is once again approximately 35. Griffiths, D.V. & Fenton, G.A. 2001. Bearing capacity
The increases in the estimated scales of fluc- of spatially random soil: the undrained clay Prandtl
tuation seem to suggest that the installation, and problem revisited. Géotechnique 51(4): 351–359.
subsequent infilling of the caisson system, lead to Hicks, M.A. & Onisiphorou, C. 2005. Stochastic evalua-
less variability across the site. However, it has been tion of static liquefaction in a predominantly dilative
already highlighted that the values of the hori- sand fill. Géotechnique 55(2): 123–133.
zontal scale of fluctuation should be treated with Hicks, M.A. & Samy, K. 2002. Influence of heterogeneity
caution due to the limited data. In fact, the results on undrained clay slope stability. Quarterly Journal of
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Approach B are expected to be influenced by the of Arctic caisson performance. Géotechnique 38(4):
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been studied in here. Thus, a deeper investigation Hicks, M.A. & Spencer, W.A. 2010. Influence of het-
involving a larger number of CPTs with smaller erogeneity on the reliability and failure of a long 3D
horizontal spacing is desirable. slope. Computers and Geotechnics 37(7–8): 948–955.
Lloret, M., Hicks, M.A. & Wong, S.Y. 2012 Soil char-
acterisation of an artificial island accounting for
5 CONCLUSIONS soil heterogeneity. GeoCongress 2012, R.D. Hryciw,
A. Athanasopoulos-Zekkos & N. Yesiller (Eds.), San
The vertical and horizontal scales of fluctuation have Francisco, 2816–2825.
been estimated for the berm of Tarsiut P-45 before Lloret-Cabot, M., Hicks, M.A. & Eijnden, A.P. van den.
and after caisson set-down. Two methods have been 2012. Investigation of the reduction in uncertainty
used for the computations of the vertical scale of due to soil variability when conditioning a random
field using Kriging. Géotechnique letters 2: 123–127.
fluctuation and these mainly give consistent results. Nuttall, J.D. 2011. Parallel implementation and applica-
This suggests that both approaches provide good esti- tion of the random finite element method. PhD thesis,
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fluctuation of the berm before caisson installation is Phoon, K-K., & Kulhawy, F.H. 1999. Characterization
0.35 m when using Approach A and 0.38 m if using of geotechnical variability, Canadian Geotechnical
Approach B. On the other hand, the average θv of Journal 36(4): 612–624.
the berm after core infilling when using Approach A Spencer, W.A. 2007. Parallel stochastic and finite element
is 0.53 m and 0.52 m when using Approach B. modelling of clay slope stability in 3D. PhD thesis,
The estimated horizontal scale of fluctuation for , UK.
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the berm prior installation of the caisson system is Random field characterisation of stress-normalised
12.7 m whereas θh for the berm after core infilling is cone penetration testing parameters. Géotechnique
18.1 m. The degree of anisotropy of the heterogene- 55(1): 3–20.
ity is therefore approximately 35 for both analyses. Vanmarcke, E.H. 1977. Probabilistic modeling of soil
The increase in the estimated scales of fluctuation profiles, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Div.
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material. The computed results, however, should be and Synthesis. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
treated with caution due to the limited data consid- Massachusetts.
Wackernagel, H. 2003. Multivariate geostatistics: An
ered here. Further studies would be desirable for introduction with applications. Springer, Germany.
more conclusive results, particularly with regard to Wickremesinghe, D.S. 1989. Statistical characterization
the horizontal scale of fluctuation. In this investi- of soil profiles using in situ tests. PhD thesis, University
gation θh may have been overestimated due to the of British Columbia, Canada.
spacing between CPTs being too large. Wickremesinghe, D.S. & Campanella, R.G. 1993. Scale
of fluctuation as a descriptor of soil variability.
Proc. Conf. Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Engineering, Canberra, 233–239.
Wong, S.Y. 2004. Stochastic characterisation and
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support reliability of saturated soils. PhD thesis, University of
provided by the EU FP7 programme under the Manchester, UK.
project: ‘Geo-Install’ (PIAP-GA-2009-230638).

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Volume averaging technique in numerical modelling of floating deep

mixed columns in soft soils

P. Becker
Kempfert und Partner Geotechnik, Hamburg, Germany, previous University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

M. Karstunen
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

ABSTRACT: The deformation behaviour of deep mixed columns in anisotropic soft soil is a three-
dimensional problem which has to be considered adequately in numerical modelling. However, in litera-
ture simplifications are often to be found due to computational costs of fully coupled 3D analyses by
either modifying geometry of the problem or material parameters in 2D-plainstrain or -axisymmetric
conditions. This paper uses an enhanced 2D volume averaging technique for numerical modelling of deep
mixed columns. The method enables mapping the 3D problem in two dimensions, and yet modelling the
two constituents (column and soft soil) appropriately within a homogenized material. The performance
of the technique is demonstrated by considering unit cell simulations of floating columns in soft soil, in
which the results from 2D finite element simulations utilizing volume averaging technique are compared
against conventional and fully 3D coupled finite element analyses. It is shown that the quality of the
match is very good but depending on the number of columns and stiffness ratio between columns and
soft soil.

1 INTRODUCTION take the complex stress-strain behaviour of natural

soil and stabilized columns into account. The prob-
The properties of very soft clays, silts and organic lems involving a grid of circular columns under an
soils can be improved with deep mixing, a soil embankment or a strip footing are fully three-dimen-
improvement technique in which stabilizing agents, sional problems. As 3D analyses are computation-
such as lime and/or cement are mixed into the soil ally very expensive an enhanced 2D technique using
in situ by using auger-type mixing tools. Deep the so-called Volume Averaging Technique (VAT) is
mixed columns are nowadays extensively used to adopted. The basic idea is to describe the column-
reduce settlements and to improve the overall sta- improved ground as a homogenized composite
bility of road and railway embankments and foun- material and map the true 3D problem into 2D.
dations on soft soils. Once the constitutive relations of both composites
Whilst the most typical applications are embank- are defined, the response of the column improved
ments, increasingly the method is used under foun- ground can be studied in two dimensions subject to
dations. The first category of applications is very arbitrary loading and boundary conditions.
common in Scandinavian countries, whilst the In this paper the volume averaging technique by
latter application has been pioneered in Poland as Vogler & Karstunen (2007, 2009) is used in which
a cost effective alternative for piling. Due to eco- two advanced constitutive models for soft soil
nomic, sustainability and environmental reasons and deep mixed column were implemented: the
there is an increasing interest to the technique in S-CLAY1S model (Karstunen et al. 2005) to rep-
the rest of Europe. With deep mixing, the strength resent the soft soil and the MNhard model (Benz
and deformation properties of the soft soil can be 2007) to represent the deep mixed columns.
improved and the risk of large horizontal or verti- The performance of the volume averaging tech-
cal deformations is substantially reduced. nique is demonstrated by comparing the results of
Numerical methods, such as Finite Element (FE) discrete 2D axisymmetric and full 3D models of
analysis, can be used as an alternative to conven- unit cell simulations of floating deep mixed col-
tional design methods. They are particularly suit- umns, i.e. column and soil are modelled separately,
able for serviceability limit state design. FE analyses with enhanced 2D analyses using the volume aver-
allow adopting advanced constitutive models that aging technique.

2 VOLUME AVERAGING TECHNIQUE local equilibrium between the soil and the column
material in each integration point can be formu-
2.1 Introduction and fundamental assumptions lated with the following equilibrium conditions,
which assure that there is no stress discontinu-
The basic idea of the volume averaging technique
ity between soil and column material in terms of
is to model the periodic system as a homogenous
radial and shear stress, see also Figure 2:
material instead of modelling columns and natural
soil separately (Fig. 1). The principles adopted by
σ eq
x σ sx = σ cx (2a)
Vogler & Karstunen (2007, 2009) are based on the
ideas of Schweiger & Pande (1986), further refined
by Lee & Pande (1998). The formulation has been σ eq
z σ sz = σ cz (2b)
extended to three dimensions and a new solution
routine has been developed to cope with the highly τ eq
xy τ sxy τ cxy (2c)
non-linear constitutive models.
Within the volume averaging technique a peri- τ eq τ syz = τ cyz (2d)
odic distribution of the columns in the natural soil
is assumed. Furthermore perfect bonding, in other
words no slip between natural soil and columns, is Furthermore, perfect bonding between the col-
assumed. The method allows for adopting any elas- umns and the soft soil is assumed, and hence no
to-plastic constitutive model to the two constitu- slip is permitted between the two materials. This
ents: natural and improved soil. Local equilibrium can be achieved with the following kinematic con-
between soil and column as well as compatibility ditions, see also Figure 3:
and validity of the constitutive relations are satis-
fied through stress/strain redistribution within a ε eq
y ε sy = ε cy (3a)
sub-iterating procedure.
γ zx
γ zx
= γ zx
2.2 Equivalent material stiffness matrix
The constitutive equations for the constituents
Homogenisation is carried out by determin- can be described in terms of effective stress incre-
ing the strain increment and the stress increment ments as:
in the homogenised equivalent material according
to the following averaging rules:
(σ s )′ Ds ε s (4a)
σ eq
Ωs σ + Ωc σ
s c

ε eq Ωs ε s + Ωc ε c (1b)

where Ω is a volume fraction. The superscripts eq,

s and c refer to the homogenized material, the soil
and the column material, respectively. σ̇ and ε̇ are the
(total) stress and strain rate tensors, respectively.
In the following it is assumed that the y-axis is
in the vertical direction. The initial assumption of
Figure 2. Local equilibrium conditions between column
and soil for radial (left) and shear stress (right).

Figure 3. Kinematic conditions of perfect bonding

Figure 1. Discrete (left) and homogenised (right) repre- between column and soil for axial (left) and shear strain
sentation of embankment problem. (right).

(σ c )′ Dc ε c (4b)

where Dc,s represent the appropriate elasto-plastic

material (or elastic) stiffness matrices for the soil
and the columns, expressed naturally in terms of
effective stress.
In principle any elasto-plastic constitutive law
can be chosen for either of the two constituents.
Here, the soft soil has been modelled with the
S-CLAY1S model (Karstunen et al., 2005) and the
columns with the MNhard model (Benz, 2007), Figure 4. Yield surface of S-CLAY1S (triaxial stress
which are described in Section 3. Considering the space).
averaging rules (Eq. 1), the equilibrium and kin-
ematic conditions (Eqs. 2 & 3) and the constitutive
relations (Eq. 4), the constitutive relation for the The values for the model parameters for the
averaged material can be written as: soft soils considered in the unit cell simulation, the
Swedish Noedinge clay are given in Tables 1 to 3.
(σ eq )′ Deq ε eq (5)
For definitions of the soil constant and state vari-
ables, the reader should refer to Karstunen et al.
with the equivalent stiffness matrix defined as

D Ωs Ds S1 c Dc S1c (6) 3.2 Modelling of deep mixed columns

The deep mixed columns have been modelled with
the MNhard model (Benz 2007). MNhard is for-
3 CONSTITUTIVE MODELING mulated in the classical theory of plasticity. Dif-
ferent stress-dependent stiffnesses are assumed
3.1 Modelling of soft soil with S-CLAY1S for both elastic unloading/reloading and primary
The S-CLAY1 model (Wheeler et al. 2003) is a shear loading. The hyperbolic stress-strain relation-
critical state model that is based on the Modified ship for primary loading is defined by the secant
Cam Clay (MCC) model. Similarly to the MCC stiffness modulus E50 (Fig. 5). E50 (and similarly
model, S-CLAY1 is assuming isotropic elastic- Eur representing unloading/reloading) are defined
ity within the yield surface. Additionally to the stress dependent:
MCC model, S-CLAY1 is capable of simulating
anisotropic soil behaviour, induced by the geologi- ⎛ c ′ cos ϕ ′ + σ 3′ sin ϕ ′ ⎞
E 50 E ⎜ (7)
i ϕ ′ ⎟⎠
cal and mineralogical history, and the subsequent
ϕ ′ + p′ sin
⎝ c′
loading of natural soil deposits. This anisotropy is ref

modelled by inclining the yield surface to represent

experimentally observed yield points for soft clays. where E50,ref is the secant stiffness modulus at iso-
Furthermore, changes of anisotropy due to plastic tropic reference pressure p′ref, c′ and σ′ are cohesion
straining are taken into account by an additional and friction angle, σ′3 is the effective minor princi-
hardening law. S-CLAY1 is capable of simulating ple stress and the power m is defining the amount of
accurate yield points and the correct development stress dependency. Failure criterion of the MNhard
of volumetric strains and shear strains for recon- model is the Matsuoka-Nakai failure criterion,
stituted clays, as demonstrated by Karstunen & which is closer to the observed failure behaviour of
Koskinen (2008). granular materials than Mohr-Coulomb. However,
The S-CLAY1S model (Karstunen et al. 2005) is the pre-failure behaviour for serviceability limit
an extension to the S-CLAY1 model which allows states is not affected by the failure criterion.
additionally for modelling destructuration of As there are not many triaxial tests done on in-
bonds as necessary for natural soft clays. The effect situ column material, the parameter values for deep
of bonding is described by an “intrinsic yield sur- mixed columns have been chosen to correspond to
face”, which is of the same shape and inclination a series of triaxial tests (Aalto, 2003) performed on
as the yield surface of the natural soil (Fig. 4), but excavated columns, which have been fabricated in
with a size p′mi that is related to p′m of the natural soft Finnish clay. The input parameters for the col-
clay by the amount of bonding × (p′m = p′mi(1 + x)). umn are given in Table 4 using the equation E = 2G
The initial value for the amount of bonding x0 can (1 + ν′) based on the elasticity theory where G is
be estimated based on the sensitivity of the clay. the shear modulus.

Table 1. Initial values for state parameters and K0. integration scheme. Because both constituents
exhibit highly non-linear behaviour and an implicit
Layer e0 OCR K0 α0 x0 integration scheme is used, a sub-iteration scheme
was necessary: If the initially predicted internal
Soft clay 2.9 1.25 0.56 0.458 10
strain distribution between soft clay and improved
columns leads to an violation of the equilibrium
conditions (Eq. 2), the strains between this two
Table 2. Conventional soil constants.
materials are redistributed in an iterative scheme
Layer γ (kN/m3) κ ν′ λ M until equilibrium is satisfied (more details in
Vogler & Karstunen, 2007).
Soft clay 15 0.02 0.15 1.15 1.2


Table 3. Additional soil constants.
4.1 2D and 3D unit cell FE modell and analysis
Layer λi β μ a b
The performance of the volume averaging tech-
Soft clay 0.275 0759 30 10 0.2 nique is demonstrated with the unit cell simulation
of floating deep mixed columns. The soft soil is
improved with lime-cement column of 10 m length
and 0.6 m diameter and a centre to centre spacing
of 1.0 m and 1.5 m, resulting in an improvement
ratio, i.e. volume ratio, of Ωc = 28.3% and 12.6%
Furthermore, the performance of the volume
averaging technique is demonstrated by varying
the stiffness of the deep mixed column with values
of Gur,ref = 10, 20 and 50 MPa with a constant ratio
G50,ref = Gur,ref/2.25. The influence of an embank-
ment was modelled using a distributed load of
10 kPa and 50 kPa above a layer of dry crust
with 1 m height. Full three-dimensional and two-
dimensional discrete axisymmetric finite element
Figure 5. Hyperbolic stress-strain relationship in pri- calculations have been compared with enhanced
mary loading for a standard drained triaxial test. axisymmetric calculations using volume averag-
ing. The 3D mesh contains about 4,500 15-noded
wedge-elements, whereas for the axisymmetric
Table 4. Input parameters for the columns.
analysis 480 15-noded triangles were sufficient,
γ G50ref Gurref c′ see also Figure 6. For both calculations first the
Layer (kN/m3) (kPa) (kPa) m ϕ′ (kPa) ν′ stresses were initialized using a K0-procedure. Then
the embankment load was brought up undrained,
Column 15 4444 10000 0.8 35 15 0.35 before simulating consolidation to a maximum
remaining excess pore water pressure of 1 kPa.
Reference stress for stiffness, p′ref = 100 kPa.

4.2 Local equilibrium conditions

Table 5. Input parameters for the dry crust.
Local equilibrium conditions (Eq. 2) between col-
γ Ε c′ umn and soft soil are fulfilled if radial stresses of
Layer (kN/m3) (kPa) ϕ′ (kPa) ν′ column and soil are equal at a virtual column-soil
Dry crust 15 750 30 6 0.15
The radial stresses of column (C) and soil (S)
from discrete modelling of the unit cell with
axisymmetric (2D-Disc) and full 3D simulations
3.3 Solution strategy and implementation
(3D-Disc) are compared with the Volume Aver-
into finite element code
aging Technique (VAT) in Figure 7. The results
The volume averaging technique is implemented are presented for a volume ratio Ωc = 0.283,
into the PLAXIS (Brinkgreve et al. 2010) finite Gur,ref = 50 MPa and a variation of loading condi-
element code using an implicit backward Euler tions with Δσ = 10 kPa and 50 kPa.

Figure 8. Shear stresses in column, soil and VAT.

Figure 6. Unit cell FE models (2D and 3D) of floating


Figure 9. Radial strains in column and VAT.

For shear stresses local equilibrium is achieved

for all loading conditions, variations of input
parameters and volume ratios. Figure 8 shows for
example the results for higher loads. Scatter at the
top and toe of column is due to the load transfer
and is negligible.
The radial strains have to achieve equilibrium
for radial stresses between column and soil. It can
be seen from Figure 9 that radial strains of the vir-
tual column within VAT are in accordance with the
Figure 7. Radial stresses in column, soil and VAT. discrete simulations. But the radial strains of VAT
are increasing with higher load or reduced volume
Local equilibrium is perfectly achieved for
Δσ = 10 kPa. However, higher loads result in
4.3 Kinematic conditions
slightly over predicted radial stresses within the
columns whereas the stresses in the soil and VAT The kinematic conditions of the volume averaging
are almost equal. technique are based on perfect bonding between

column and soft soil, i.e. no differential displace-
ments between column and soft soil.
Perfect bonding is achieved for the presented
variations. Figure 10 shows the axial strains with
a perfect match for 10 kPa loading conditions.
There is a small overestimation of axial strains
of VAT with increasing vertical load which is still
acceptable. Whereas the vertical strains in column
and soil are showing perfect bonding with the dis-
crete simulation of floating columns.

4.4 Settlements Figure 12. Settlements (load Δσ = 50 kPA).

The time dependent settlements in the centre of
the column and the soil at the unit cell boundary
are shown in Figure 11 for 10 kPa loading and in 5 CONCLUSIONS
Figure 12 for 50 kPa loading with variations of
column stiffness. The performance and accuracy of the volume
The previous described sensitivity of the volume averaging technique has been demonstrated with
averaging technique related to increasing loading simulations of floating columns in a unit cell.
conditions and their influences on the equilibrium The technique has been verified against conven-
and kinematic conditions can be seen in the settle- tional, fully three-dimensional analyses, where
ments as well. The VAT provides very good results soft soil and deep mixed columns were modelled
for the 10 kPa load case and slightly overestimates separately.
the settlements for 50 kPa loading. The volume averaging technique provides a good
agreement with conventional and full 3D analyses.
Equilibrium and kinematic conditions have been
shown to satisfy the requirements within the natu-
ral range of applicability of ground improvements
with deep mixed columns in soft soil.
Furthermore, the volume averaging technique
allows for fully coupled analyses. The implemen-
tation allows for the determination of the time-
settlement behaviour of improved areas.


The research leading to these results has received

funding from the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under
grant agreement n° PIAG-GA-2009-230638.

Figure 10. Axial strains in column, soil and VAT.


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Benz, T. 2007. Small strain stiffness of soils and its
numerical consequences. PhD Thesis, University of
Stuttgart, Germany, book 55.
Brinkgreve, R.B.J., Swolfs, W.M. & Engin, E. 2010. Plaxis
2D 2010, manual.
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Figure 11. Settlements (load Δσ = 10 kPA). Journal 45: 314–328.

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Zentar, R. 2005. Effect of anisotropy and destructu- ling of deep mixed columns with volume averaging
ration on the behaviour of Murro test embankment. technique. In Pande, G.N. and Pietruszcak, S. (eds.),
ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 5, Proc. of the 10th intern. Symp. on Numerical Mod-
No. 2, 87–97. els in Geomechanics (NUMOG X), Rhodes, Greece,
Koskinen, M. & Karstunen, M. 2004. The effect of, 25–27 April 2007, London: A.A Balkema, 495–503.
structure on the compressibility of Finnish clays. Vogler, U. & Karstunen, M. 2009. Application of volume
SGF Report 3:2004, Proc. of XIV Nordic Geotechni- averaging technique in numerical modeling of deep
cal Meeting 19–21 May 2004, Ystad, Sweden, Vol. 1, mixing. In Karstunen, M. & Leoni, M. (eds), Geo-
A-11–A-22 Linköping: Swedish Geotechnical Society. technics of Soft Soils – Focus on Ground Improve-
Lee, J.-S. & Pande, G.N. 1998. Analysis of stone-column ment, London: Taylor & Francis Group, 189–195.
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and Geotechnics, 347–372.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Comparison between theoretical procedures and field test results

for the evaluation of installation effects of vibro-stone columns

E. Carvajal & G. Vukotić

Kellerterra S.L., Madrid, Spain

J. Castro
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain

W. Wehr
Keller Holding GmbH, Offenbach, Germany

ABSTRACT: Several theoretical procedures to estimate the soil improvement produced by installation of
vibro-stone columns are described. Particularly, finite element model and analytical solutions of a cylindrical
cavity expansion were compared with results from an actual field test which was performed in silty sand and
clayey soil treated with a column group. The results show that after dissipation of pore pressure the instal-
lation effects produce considerable improvement due to a large increase of the horizontal effective stress
and due to densification process of sand. The load settlements response of the tested column group has
been analyzed and compared with theoretical estimation of the improvement with and without installation
effects, and with Priebe’s analytical solution. It is observed that the column group installation effects have an
important influence that should be evaluated with more advanced modelling or directly with in situ testing.

1 INTRODUCTION installation effects. However, densification effect

could be considered in design on the bases of the
1.1 Soil grain size influence to installation effects properly evaluated final soil characteristics (Priebe
1995). Experience has demonstrated that evaluation
The main goal of the vibrocompaction method is
of the compaction suitability is not related only with
to increase the relative density of soil (Dr). To allow
the grain size distribution but also with an indicator
the adequate transmission of vibratory energy it is
of soil strength, e.g. cone penetration resistance. In
necessary to fluidise the soil by controlled water jets
this sense, Figure 1 shows empirical relation pro-
that increase pore water pressure and reduce the fric-
posed by Massarsch (1991), for the evaluation of
tional contact between the soil particles. Then, after
compaction suitability as a function of friction
a certain time of compaction, rearrangement of the
ratio and cone penetration tip resistance.
particles in a denser state will be achieved. More
Several authors analyzed effects of the
details related to vibrocompaction and its effects
vibro-stone column installation based on field
can be seen in the literature (Sonderman & Wehr
2004, Greenwood & Kirsch 1984, Slocombe et al.
2000, Kirsch & Kirsch 2010). Fines content superior
of 10% (Degen 1997) and permeability lower than
10−3 cm/s (Greenwood & Kirsch 1984) are consid-
ered as limits for the soil densification by the appli-
cation of vibrocompaction due to strong damping
of vibratory energy and time effects. Vibro-stone
columns represent a technological development
that has allowed extension of the application limits
of deep vibration techniques to fine cohesive soils
(Kirsch & Kirsch 2010).

1.2 Assessment of installation effects

Standard procedures for the stone column
design commonly do not take into account any Figure 1. Compactability of soils. Massarsch (1991).

measurements (Watts et al. 2001, Kirsch 2006, Gäb induced into the ground, hypoplastic model has
et al. 2007, Castro 2008), but related to a specific been considered, which fits more accurately to the
cases and hence, cannot be generalized in a straight- sand behavior. In general, results obtained from
forward manner (Castro & Karstunen 2010). models are in accordance with the experiences on
On the other hand, there have been various actual observed effects, stressing the importance
attempts with different approaches for theoreti- of the compaction time in order to achieve better
cal modelling (Kirsch 2006, Elshazly et al. 2007, results. It is also important to emphasize the model
Guetif et al. 2007, Castro & Karstunen 2010, performed by Arnold et al. (2008), which confirms
Castro et al. 2012). In general, field measurements the existence of a zone with low densification
and theoretical approaches have shown that instal- immediately close to the vibrator, a second zone
lation of vibro-stone columns in saturated clays with best compaction results that extends from
cause its remolding close to the vibrator, and pro- approximately 0.5 to 3 m from vibrator axis, and
duces increase of pore pressures and horizontal a third zone at a distance of more than 3 m, where
stress. However, after a relative short period of soil compaction does not occur.
consolidation, soil tends to gain in stiffness and Mentioned findings are directly related to the
additionally provides greater confinement to the vibrocompaction process and may be applied
columns. Whereas, in intermediate soils with vari- to vibro-stone column installation for predomi-
able fines content such as silty sands or sandy silts, nantly sandy soils. For predominantly fine grained
vibrations could also achieve a significant den- soils the densification is insignificant using
sification by rearranging the soil particles into a vibrocompaction.
denser state. This would be the case of soils in the
marginal compactable zone shown in Figure 1.
2.2 Cavity expansion
In the following sections some theoretical pro-
cedures that are considered as reasonably suitable As it was mentioned, if vibro-stone column are
to evaluate the vibro-stone column installation performed in saturated clays the vibration energy
effects will be described and compared with field has a negligible effects on the densification of the
trial measurements obtained during column natural soil, but effects caused by the displacement
installation. of soil due to column installation can be evaluated
by the application of the cylindrical cavity expan-
sion theory. As columns are built in a reasonably
short period the undrained conditions should be
considered even for relatively permeable soils, e.g.
sandy silts. Due to difficulties to determine the
2.1 Vibro equipment performance
internal cavity pressure produced by the vibrator
A rigorous modelling should consider both, the it is more suitable to simulate column expansion
actions imposed by vibrator and the soil response. considering radial displacement (Castro 2008).
Due to the complex interaction between vibrator Egan et al. (2008) summarized the development
and soil, densification modelling of vibro tech- of analytical solutions in three aspects: soil behav-
niques is still a challenging task (Heibrock et al. ior, consideration of finite or infinite medium,
2006). However, various attempts have been done and the influence of the initial radius of the cav-
by several authors (Fellin 2000, Cudmani et al. ity. Concerning mentioned aspects there are sev-
2003, Arnold et al. 2008, Arnold & Herle 2009). eral solutions proposed by various authors, e.g.
Ranges of vibrators basic characteristics, and ones Vesić (1972), Carter et al. (1986), Yu & Houlsby
usually considered for modelling are shown in (1991), Yu (2000). For complex soil models numer-
Table 1. ical analysis very frequently is selected as more
Usually dynamic effects are substituted by adequate, but large strains should be enabled and
quasi-static loading; one-dimensional or 2D considered.
axisymmetric conditions are often adopted, as In any case the key aspects to be analyzed will
well as dashpot-spring and full numerical models. be the rapid increase of pore pressure and its dis-
Furthermore, in order to simulate the shear waves sipation over time, as well as the final stress state in
terms of the at rest earth coefficient K0.

Table 1. Vibrator characteristics. 2.3 Stress distribution

Freq. Amplitude Horiz. force Weight Diameter When the cavity expands to a certain radius, a
(Hz) (mm) (kN) (kN) (mm) plastic boundary is obtained at a radial distance
ρF measured from the cavity axis. Stresses between
25–60 6–50 150–700 15–45 300–500
cavity and ρF are in the plastic zone, whereas

beyond ρF stresses are in the elastic zone. Thus, the pore pressure increments take place only in the
radial stress pF at point ρF represents fully plastic plastic zone. In the same way, if we take into
behavior. For a cohesive and frictional soil in an account the equilibrium equation of cylindrical
infinite medium and assuming Mohr Coulomb cavity expansion and adopting zero pore pressure
behavior Baguelin et al. (1978) proposed the in the elastic zone as a boundary condition, it can
expression (1) to determine the plastic radius, be obtained the equation 6 to determine de excess
based on the assumption of no volume change and pore pressure distribution as function of ρ.
considering total stresses:
⎛ρ ⎞
a 2 (p0 + c ⋅ cot φ ) ⋅ sin φ Δu 2c u ln ⋅ ⎜ F ⎟
= (1) ⎝ ρ⎠ (6)
ρF2 G

where a is the radius of the cavity; p0 is the pre- 2.3.2 Influence of soil constitutive model
existence horizontal stress; and G is the shear In the previous sections the elastic perfectly-plastic
modulus. φ is the angle of internal friction and c models have been applied in order to highlight
the cohesion of the soil. the possibilities of available and relatively simple
It can be noted that for purely cohesive clay with analytical solutions to reach a simple approach
φ = 0, or adopting Tresca criterion, equation 1 turns of most important effects of vibro-stone columns
into equation 2, which is the same solution devel- installation. In fact, saturated clays with low sensi-
oped by Randolph & Wroth (1979) for large strains: tivity may be well modelled with these approaches.
With hardening plastic behavior a first enhance-
a2 cu ment of the modelling could be made consider-
= (2)
ρF2 G ing the stress state modification due to plastic
strains and stress dependency of stiffness. This
where cu is the undrained shear strength. model is suitable for the application of both, sandy
Since plastic radius is known, and combin- and clayey soils subjected to a cavity expansion,
ing the equilibrium equation of cylindrical cavity although calculations usually have to be done with
expansion with Mohr Coulomb failure criterion, numerical model.
the solution for distribution of major principal On the other hand, Castro & Karstunen (2010)
stress σr in the radial direction within the plastic presented a numerical modelling of Bothkennar
zone can be obtained for purely cohesive soil with clay based on S-CLAY1 and S-CLAY1S, which
equation 3, and for cohesive-frictional soils with are Cam clay-type models that consider anisotropy
equation 4, as a function of radial distance ρ. and destructuration. Results agree with practical
experience, showing a great remolded zone close
ρF to vibrator. Authors recommend for practical pur-
σ r = pF + c u ⋅ ln (3) poses a reduction of 15%–20% of initial undrained
ρ strength for standard columns grid.

where pF = p0 + cu
2.4 Back-calculation procedures
1− K a
⎛ ρ2 ⎞ 2 As it was stated by contractors experience and
σ r = (pF + c ⋅ cotφ ) ⋅ ⎜ F2 ⎟ − c ⋅ cot φ (4) several field measurements, during vibro-stone
⎝ρ ⎠ columns installation a certain heave on the
surface could appear (Egan et al. 2008), and is
where pF = p0 ⋅ (1 + sinφ) + c ⋅ cotφ; and Ka = tan2(45- more important for closer distances between
φ/2). columns. It confirms that soil stress state var-
Whereas in the elastic zone the well-known ies, and from the heave measurement data it is
solution can be used to determine radial stress possible to perform back-calculation of final soil
distribution: characteristics.
The real scale load test on treated soil might be
ρF2 very useful for back analysis regarding the addi-
σr p0 (pF − p0 ) ⋅ (5) tional stiffness of the soil. This procedure can be
used to estimate the installation effects of column
groups, e.g. Kirsch (2006) proposed the evaluation
2.3.1 Pore pressure of an enhancement zone placed around column
Considering that excess pore pressures are caused group by means of stiffness variation and its com-
only by the variation of mean total stresses, all parison with measured settlements.

3 FIELD TEST piezometer and its comparison with the theoretical
predictions that are exposed in next chapter.
3.1 Field measurements Maximum values of 65 kPa and 110 kPa were
measured at depths of 10 m and 16 m respectively,
In order to evaluate the installation effects of
and at radial distance of 1.8 m. At a radial dis-
vibro-stone columns executed with dry bottom
tance of 5 m were observed peaks values of 50 kPa
feed method in a profile of intermediate soil i.e.
and 68 kPa, probably related to the presence of
silty sand and clayey silt, field test consisting of
sand layer that is able to transmit the generated
a group of 13 vibro-stone columns, 20 m to 25 m
long and with diameter between 0.90 and 1.00 m
Figure 4 shows that after column installation
was carried out. Instrumentation campaign was
the excess pore pressure is rapidly dissipated and
composed by 12 piezometers distributed along
after 5 hours (300 minutes) almost no excess pore
4 lines and located at depths of 6 m, 10 m and
pressure was detected. Moreover, the same Figure
16 m each. To control vertical displacements and
shows that consolidation rate estimated with finite
stresses 1 extensometer was extended up to depth
element method reasonably agrees with the meas-
of 40 m. Figure 2b shows a section and plan view
ured consolidation rates.
of the field test. In order to compare measurements
with theoretical procedures, the pore pressure was
monitored during the installation of one column
3.2 Modelling of field measurements
(see column A, Fig. 2b).
Piezometer radial distances from the axis of the Finite element modelling with Plaxis v8 code was
column A can be seen in Figure 2b (distance of performed and results were compared with analyti-
1.25 m for piezometer Pz3, 1.8 m for piezometer cal solutions presented in chapter 2.2. Modelling
Pz4, whereas both piezometer Pz1 and Pz2 were set comprises an axisymetric model of 4 soil layers
at radial distance of 5 m). with Mohr-Coulomb behavior and extrafine mesh
The first evaluation step of the effects of col- of 15-noded elements close to the column axis. The
umns installation can be seen in Figure 2a. Typical whole geometry is indicated in Figure 2c.
cone penetration resistance between columns Column expansion was modeled by a prescribed
increase 8 to 14 times comparing with tip resist- displacement. According to Carter et al. (1979) the
ance before the treatment. From the combination expansion from a finite radius can be related to the ide-
of friction ratio FR% and tip resistance it can be alized expansion on an infinite medium where radius
observed that soil most probably experienced a starts from 0, by the relationship r2f,fin − r20,fin = r2c – 0.
certain improvement due to densification accord- Therefore, adopting initial radius r0,fin of 0.1 m and
ing to the marginal compactable zone shown in actual column radius rc of 0.55 m, the magnitude of
Figure 1. expansion to be considered is rf,fin − r0,fin = 0.46 m.
Regarding excess pore pressure, in Figure 3 To enable the soil free movements roller bound-
are presented both, the peak values measured by aries were assumed on all sides. Soil properties are

Figure 2. Field test characteristics, (a) cone penetration resistance after and before the treatment, (b) plan view and
section of field test and (c) geometry of finite element modelling.

decrease with depth, reaching approximate radial
distances of 4 m, 3 m and 2.5 m at 6 m, 10 m and
16 m depths respectively. It is also in accordance
with the increase of undrained shear strength cu,
while the maximum values of Δu increase with
depth. At a radial distance close to 1.75 m the pore
pressures are almost equalized at the three ana-
lyzed depths (6 m, 10 m and 16 m), and the Δu
values that fits best with theoretical procedures are
close to this zone, near normalized radial distance
of 4 column diameters.
On the other side, Figure 6 shows the results
from finite element method for the distribution
of normalized effective mean stress p and normal-
ized coefficient of earth pressure K at the end of
consolidation. Therefore, it is supposed that the
stress state associated to increased K and p values
Figure 3. Predicted and measured peaks of excess pore will be suitable to estimate the stiffness generated
pressures. due to column installation. Although the increase
of the stiffness is dominated by the great increase
of the radial stress, the reduction of the circum-
ferential stress in the plastic zone has to be taken
into account.
Consequently, for the estimation of the enhanced
modulus of soil, instead of the coefficient of lateral
earth pressure K, the mean effective stress should
be considered. In general, a power law in the form
E = E0 (p’/p’0)m might be used. However, K is still
the best indicator to assess the extent to which the
soil stiffness increases due to columns installation.
Figure 6 also shows that the zone influenced by
K/K0 = 1.5–2 could be very suitable for the esti-
Figure 4. Measurements of excess pore pressure mation of the stiffness increase. This zone is in
dissipation. between 4 and 6 column radii at 16 m depth, while
at 6 m depth is between 10 and 14 column radii.
It is important to emphasize that in the analyzed
listed in the Table 2. The water table was situated case less difference between K/K0 and p/po was
at 1.20 m depth. Because the modelling is aimed to observed with the increase of the depth.
study the effects on the soil, the column was con-
sidered only as a void with infinite permeability.
3.3 Field load testing
It was adopted Plaxis K0-procedure corresponding
to normally consolidated soil. An equivalent load of 75 kPa was placed above
Calculations were performed in two phases, the field-test site shown in Figure 1b. Loading
with undrained conditions for the first phase and was made of 4 m height backfill material, widely
consolidation analysis for the second phase. The larger than the testing zone. In Figure 7 the load
“up-dated” option of Plaxis software was activated settlements behavior of a group composed of
to take into account large strains. 13 columns are indicated.
Figure 5 shows the distribution of initial excess Several theoretical estimations are compared
pore pressures Δu after cavity expansion, obtained with the actual measurements, taking into account
at the same depths of piezometers. It is observed the situation without improvement and situations
that results from finite elements modelling and the considering the improvement with and without
analytical solution (equation 6) are quite similar. any installation effects.
The undrained shear strength, adopted to estimate Thus, a settlements estimation with coefficient of
the plastic radius ρF, was determined combin- lateral earth pressure at rest K0 is compared with the
ing equations (1) and (2) and considering effec- case of improved lateral earth pressure K* = 1.75
tive stresses and effective soil parameters (c’, φ’). according to the modelling results shown in
Results show that the plastic radius ρF coincides Figure 6, and with the analytical solution proposed
with the influence zone of Δu, and its values by Priebe (1995) which represents the case of K = 1.

Table 2. Soil properties.

Depth γ’ c’ φ’ Eoed* kh
Layer (m) (kN/m3) (kPa) (o) (kPa) (m/s)

1. Silty sand 0–3 8.50 1 33 20,000 1.15 ⋅ 10−8

2. Silty sand 3–8 8.50 5 25 4500 1.15 ⋅ 10−8
3. Clayey silt 8–17 8.50 10 17 3600 2.30 ⋅ 10−9
4. Silty sand 17–25 8.50 5 28 7200 1.15 ⋅ 10−8

*confined modulus.

Figure 5. Estimation of excess pore pressures due to

vibro-stone column installation.

Figure 7. Load settlements results of field test.

Figure 6. Distribution of effective mean stress and

coefficient of lateral earth preasure.

Figure 8 shows the accumulated compressibility Figure 8. Accumulated compressibility results of field
monitored by the incremental extensometer test.
installed in the middle of field test, together with
the theoretical estimation of improvement consid-
ering the same cases described in Figure 7. During Furthermore, as have been stated by Kirsch
the load testing the extensometer only provided (2006), the settlement reduction in terms of
data up to a maximum foundation load of 35 kPa. improvement factor “n” depends on the load
The reduction of settlements obtained with the level, which can be noted comparing results from
consideration of K* improved by cavity expansion Figures 7 and 8. It has to be stressed that the dif-
is about 20–30% greater than the case of improve- ference between actual measurements and theo-
ment without any installation effects (K0). The retical estimation could be attributed to the global
results closer to the actual measurements are those installation effects of the column group, possible
estimated according to Priebe (1995). densification effects and the global increase of

horizontal stresses. The evaluation of these global Elshazly, H., Elkasabgy, M. & Elleboudy A. 2008. Effect
effects should be made with more advanced model- of Inter-Column Spacing on Soil Stresses due to
ling or directly by means of in situ testing. Vibro-Installed Stone Columns: Interesting Findings.
Geotech Geol Eng 26:225–236. Springer Science—
Business Media.
4 CONCLUSIONS Fellin, W. 2000. Rütteldruckverdichtung als plastodyna-
misches Problem. Advances in Geotechnical Engineer-
ing and Tunnelling Vol 3.
Installation effects should be considered in the Gäb, M., Schweiger, H.F., Thurner, R., & Adam, D.
design of vibro-stone column treatments, and can 2007. Field trial to investigate the performance of a
be estimated according to cavity expansion theory floating stone column foundation. In Proceedings
with reasonable accuracy. The improvement induced of the 14th European Conference on Soil Mechan-
by individual column installation can be expressed ics and Geotechnical Engineering, Madrid, Spain,
by the increase of coefficient of earth pressure. For 24–27 September 2007. Millpress, Amsterdam, The
the evaluation of global effects induced by a column Netherlands. pp. 1311–1316.
group installation, advanced modelling should be Greenwood, D.A. & Kirsch, K. 1984. Specialist Ground
Treatment by Vibratory and Dynamic Methods.
performed to consider more realistic characteristics Piling and Ground Treatment. The institution of Civil
of vibro-stone column execution and its effects. Engineers: Tomas Telford, London.
Guetif, Z., Bouassida, M. & Debats, J.M. 2007.
Improved soft clay characteristics due to stone col-
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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Numerical analyses of stone column installation in Bothkennar clay

J. Castro
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain

M. Karstunen
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

N. Sivasithamparam
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands

C. Sagaseta
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain

ABSTRACT: The paper presents the results of numerical simulations studying the installation effects
of stone columns in a natural soft clay. Stone column installation is modelled as an undrained expansion
of a cylindrical cavity, using the finite element code PLAXIS that allows for large displacements. The
properties of the soft clay correspond to Bothkennar clay, a soft Carse clay from Scotland (UK). The
complexity of this material is simulated via two advanced recently developed constitutive formulations
able to account for the soil structure, namely S-CLAY1 and S-CLAY1S. Modified Cam Clay model is also
used for comparison purposes. The paper shows the new stress field and state parameters after column
installation and the subsequent consolidation process. This sets the basis for including installation effects
in studying the settlement reduction caused by stone columns.

1 INTRODUCTION The study is restricted to those cases where

columns are used in purely cohesive soils and the
Stone columns are a common improvement tech- main effect is considered to be the cavity expansion
nique for foundation of embankments or struc- induced by the vibrator penetration. Stone columns
tures on soft soils. The gravel columns have a may also be used in soils that have an important
higher strength, stiffness and permeability than the granular fraction and in those cases, the densifica-
natural soft soil. Therefore, they improve the bear- tion caused by the vibration is probably the main
ing capacity and the stability of embankments and installation effect. That process is beyond the scope
natural slopes, reduce the total and the differential of the paper and has been analysed using mostly field
settlements, accelerate the soil consolidation and measurements (Slocombe et al. 2000, Massarsch &
reduce the liquefaction potential. Besides, column Fellenius 2002), as the numerical modelling is quite
installation also modifies the properties of the sur- complicated (Arnold & Herle 2009).
rounding natural soft soil. However, design of stone Experimental studies have shown some of the
columns does not usually consider those installa- effects of column installation. For example, the
tion effects and is typically based on their perform- increase of pore pressures and horizontal stresses,
ance as rigid inclusions (Barksdale & Bachus 1983, and the remoulding of the surrounding soil have been
Balaam & Booker 1985, Castro & Sagaseta 2009). measured in the field (Watts et al. 2000, Watts et al.
Some authors (Priebe 1995) account for a certain 2001, Kirsch 2004, Gäb et al. 2007, Castro & Sagaseta
changes in the stress state during installation by 2012). There have also been attempts to investigate
using higher values of the earth pressure at rest these effects through physical modelling of the proc-
than that for the natural soil. This paper discusses ess by means of centrifuge testing (Lee et al. 2004,
the alteration of the stress state and the initial state Weber et al. 2010), but the soils used are reconstituted
parameters of the soil caused by the column instal- and hence, not fully representative of natural clays.
lation, which is nowadays one of the major con- Numerical modelling is a useful tool that may help
cerns in an accurate design (Egan et al. 2008). to derive some conclusions or recommendations

about installation effects for column design, if the bonding and degradation of bonds, using an
assumptions made in the model are validated by intrinsic yield surface and a hardening law describ-
experimental measurements. Furthermore, few ing destructuration as a function of plastic straining.
attempts (Kirsch 2006, Guetif et al. 2007) had been The models have been implemented as User-defined
made in this field, using simple soil models. There- soil models in Plaxis. An implementation that uses
fore, the authors recently decided to study installa- an implicit integration scheme (Sivasithamparam
tion effects numerically using advance soil models 2012) has been used, instead of an explicit previous
to reproduce the behaviour of natural structured version in Castro & Karstunen (2010).
soft soils (Castro & Karstunen 2010). The results The values for S-CLAY1 model param-
were satisfactory, as they compared well with field eters (soil constants) and the initial state vari-
measurements (e.g. Roy et al. 1981, Kirsch 2006). ables for Bothkennar clay are listed in Tables 1
Here, a detailed analysis of those numerical results and 2, respectively. The additional parameters for
once the excess pore pressures have been dissipated is S-CLAY1S are detailed in Table 3. S-CLAY1 model is
presented. The new state of the soil that is obtained formulated to be a hierarchical model, which reduces
after column installation and full consolidation sets to MCC model by assuming μ = 0 and α0 = 0.
the basis of a future study of the influence that stone The geometry of the numerical model and
column installation has on the ground improvement, the finite element mesh is shown in Figure 1.
especially on the settlement reduction. Parametric studies were carried out to check how
wide the model should be to have a negligible influ-
ence of the outer boundary. Mesh sensitivity stud-
2 NUMERICAL MODEL ies were performed to confirm the accuracy of the
mesh. Calculations accounted for large displace-
The finite element code Plaxis v9 (Brinkgreve ments using the “updated mesh” option in Plaxis,
2008) was used to develop a numerical model of which uses an updated Lagrangian formulation
a reference problem to study installation effects of described by McMeeking & Rice (1975).
stone columns. The installation of only one stone Column installation is modelled as the expan-
column was considered, to simplify the problem sion of a cylindrical cavity, which is considered to
to an axisymmetric two-dimensional geometry. In occur in undrained conditions, because columns
order to consider a realistic situation, properties are usually installed in a short period of time. The
of Bothkennar clay were used for the soft soil. The expansion of the cavity is modelled as a prescribed
Bothkennar soft clay test site has been the subject of displacement from an initial radius, a0, to a final
a number of comprehensive studies (Géotechnique one, af. Values of a0 = 0.1 m and af = 0.41 m rep-
Symposium in print 1992). The soil at Bothkennar resent the installation of a column with a radius
consists of a firm to stiff silty clay crust about 1.0 m of rc = 0.4 m (Carter et al. 1979). After undrained
thick, which is underlain by about 19 m of soft clay.
The ground water level is 1.0 m below the ground
surface. Typically, in a structured soil, the in situ Table 1. S-CLAY1 parameters for Bothkennar clay.
water content is close to the liquid limit.
Depth γ
Stone columns have been applied in Bothkennar (m) (kN/m3) κ ν′ λ M μ β
clay (Watts et al. 2001, Serridge & Sarsby 2008)
or other Carse clays (Egan et al. 2008). For the 0–1 18.0 0.02 0.2 0.48 1.4 30 0.94
numerical model in this paper, a column length of 1–10 16.5 0.02 0.2 0.48 1.4 30 0.94
10 m is used. The untreated clay underneath is not
modelled, because the installation effects in this
part of the soil are not particularly significant and Table 2. S-CLAY1 initial state variables.
furthermore, modelling the tip of the column may
lead to some numerical instabilities. Depth POP
The behaviour of Bothkennar clay was modelled (m) e0 α0 OCR (kPa) K0
using two advanced constitutive models, namely
S-CLAY1 (Wheeler et al. 2003) and S-CLAY1S 0–1 1.1 0.539 – 30 1.35
(Karstunen et al. 2005). The Modified Cam Clay 1–10 2 0.539 1.5 – 0.544
model (MCC) (Roscoe et al. 1958) is also used for com-
parison purposes. S-CLAY1 is a Cam Clay type of
model with an inclined yield surface to model inherent Table 3. S-CLAY1S additional parameters.
anisotropy, and a rotational component of harden-
ing to model the development or erasure of fabric λi χ0 a b
anisotropy during plastic straining. The S-CLAY1S
0.18 5 11 0.2
model accounts, additionally, for interparticle

Figure 1. Model geometry and finite element mesh.

expansion of the cavity, the generated excess pore

pressures are dissipated through the permeable col-
umn and the surface. Further details of the numer-
ical model can be found in Castro & Karstunen
(2010). The study here focuses on the results after
full consolidation.


The aim is to study how the stress field in the natural

soft soil around the column has changed. Horizon-
tal stresses increase after column installation and,
therefore, the changes in the stress field are usually
considered through an increase in the lateral earth
pressure coefficient, K0. For example, Priebe (1995)
already assumed in his method a value of K0 = 1,
which is higher that the initial value at rest for most
soils. Kirsch (2006) presented field measurements
of K0 and showed that after column installation
values between 1 and 1.7 times the initial one have
been measured, depending on the distance to the
column. Elshazly et al. (2006, 2008) have numeri-
cally back-calculated, from field measurements of
load-displacement curves, values of K0 between 0.7
and 2.5, with average values around 1.3.
Assuming an increase of the K0 value is a use-
ful approach for column design but it is just a sim-
plification of the changes in the stress field during
column installation. Figure 2 shows the results
for the three soil models considered. The vertical,
radial and hoop (circumferential) stresses may be Figure 2. Effective stresses after column installation
still considered as the principal stresses as the shear and full consolidation: (a) MCC, (b) S-CLAY1 and
stresses are negligible. The stress changes are dif- (c) S-CLAY1S.
ferent at different depths but they are directly pro-
portional to the undrained shear strength, cu, and
therefore, also to the depth and the initial vertical column, but for S-CLAY1S vertical stress decreases
stress in this case. because of destructuration. Interestingly, the hoop
As expected, radial stresses increase near the stresses are quite different to radial stresses. Three
column, but vertical and hoop stresses also change. different areas may be distinguished: (1) an elas-
Vertical stresses increase in the part nearest to the tic one (beyond 11.5–13.5 column radii depending

on the soil model) where soil behaviour is always around 3 times the initial value of the undrained
elastic and hoop stresses decrease, (2) an area that shear strength and the radial stresses are between
is plastic during undrained expansion of the cav- 4 and 5. Randolph et al. (1979) predicted a slightly
ity but is not after consolidation, where vertical higher value because their analysis is in perfect
stresses change only slightly and (3) points that plane strain conditions while in the present analy-
are on the yield surface also after consolidation sis there are some vertical strains since the model
(closer than 4.5–6 column radii), where densifica- realistically considers the soil surface. That also
tion and the increase in mean effective stresses are causes subtle differences in the shape of the curves.
important. In the far field, the initial stresses of the present
Randolph et al. (1979) presented similar results analysis are lower because of the lower value of the
for normally consolidated Boston Blue clay using σ'z/cu relationship.
the MCC model and a similar numerical model The stress field described in Figure 2 is the basis
for driven piles. The results from this study with for an ongoing study on the influence that the instal-
the MCC model are compared with those results lation effects have on the settlement reduction. As the
(Fig. 3). The comparison shows that, although finite element mesh gets very distorted after column
there are differences in the OCR, the soil param- installation, it is advisable to input directly the stress
eters and the initial stresses used in the current field as the initial one in a new model. That requires
study, the values near the column/pile are very sim- curve fitting of the stress field and the modification
ilar and well correlated with the initial undrained of the soil model input parameters to allow for this
shear strength. The vertical and hoop stresses are particular initial stress field. Special care should be
taken to ensure that equilibrium is fulfilled:

∂σ ′ r σ ′ r − σ ′θ
+ =0 (1)
∂r r

neglecting shear stresses to avoid unnecessary

In the present model, the installation of only
one column is considered. Obviously, the installa-
tion of several columns will cause some interaction
and overlapping of the stress changes.



Column installation not only alters the stress field

but also the values for the state parameters of the
soil, such as the void ratio (Fig. 4). The void ratio
decreases just near the column, less than 4.5–6
column radii (Zone 3). However, the densification
is especially important in the area closer than 2
column radii (Zone 3a). Weber et al. (2010) meas-
ured a similar value of 2.5 column radii for the
densification area. They fitted the data points of
porosity and density using a hyperbolic function;
a similar function may be here proposed to fit the
void ratio:

e a3 − (2)
r rc − a2

The coefficient a3 must be equal to the initial

void ratio prior to column installation, in this case
Figure 3. Effective stresses after column installation and a3 = 2.0. Furthermore, the coefficient a2 must be
full consolidation. Comparison with a previous study by lower than 1 because the void ratio cannot be nega-
Randolph et a. (1979) using MCC model. tive in the soil domain.

Figure 4. Void ratio after column installation and Figure 5. Size of the yield surface and mean effective
consolidation. stresses after column installation and consolidation.

The results for MCC and S-CLAY1 are quite sim- on the improvement as the column is better laterally
ilar but soil destructuration due to column installa- confined and (b) the increase in the mean effective
tion causes a greater densification of the soil. stresses, which may be positive if the yield surface is
The value of the void ratio is directly related to expanded and the soil hardens (Zone 3a) or may be
the changes in the mean effective stresses and the negative if the yield surface is not clearly expanded
mobilized soil stiffness. The mean effective stresses as the soil loses its overconsolidation and for a sub-
and the size of the yield surface, given by p′m, are sequent loading process, there is not an elastic region
plotted in Figure 5, where the distance to the col- anymore and the soil has not hardened either.
umn axis is in logarithmic scale to amplify the zone
of interest near the column. The different zones
previously distinguished are also visible here: (1) far 5 ANISOTROPY
from the column, the mean effective stresses does
not change, (2) the mean effective stress increases The advanced soil models S-CLAY1 and
but without expanding the yield surface because S-CLAY1S can be used to reproduce the changes
the overconsolidation ratio is OCR = 1.5, (3) the in soil fabric due to column installation. The incli-
current stress point is on the yield surface and (3a) nation of the yield surface changes, as shown in
the yield surface is notably expanded through strain Figure 6, where the components of the fabric
hardening, p′m increases. Note that the extension tensor, {αi}, are plotted. The two models predict
of these zones is slightly different depending on the almost identical changes in anisotropy.
soil model. The current mean effective stress, p′, do To help to visualize the changes in soil fabric,
not necessarily coincide with p′m when the point is Figure 7 shows the (αz − αθ, αr − αθ) vector in arbi-
on the yield surface because p′m is the mean effec- trary points. This vector changes from horizontal
tive stress at the apex of the yield surface on the direction for an initial vertical cross anisotropy
right (Wheeler et al. 2003). For MCC, the differ- towards a nearly vertical one for radial cross ani-
ences are noticeable but for S-CLAY1 type models, sotropy. Its length is equal to α0 = 0.539 for the ini-
they are very similar. The relative expansion of the tial situation and changes only slightly.
yield surface is similar for MCC and S-CLAY1, The components of the fabric tensor after col-
which explains the similar results for the void ratio. umn installation and consolidation (Figure 6) must
For S-CLAY1S, the intrinsic yield surface, p′mi, is be input as the initial values to study the influence
significantly expanded in Zone 3a. that those changes have on the settlement reduc-
For normal column spacings, the soil is in tion. That requires curve fitting of those compo-
Zone 3, but the densification or the strain harden- nents. By definition of the fabric tensor, the fitting
ing is only important in Zone 3a, i.e. for closely of those components must fulfilled that
spaced columns.
The changes in the stress field and the initial α r + αθ + α z = 3 (3)
state variables, if anisotropy and destructuration
are not considered, have an influence on the ground So, for the sake of simplicity, it seems sensible to
improvement through the following features: (a) the keep αθ constant and decrease αz the same amount
increase in the radial stress, which has a positive effect that αr increases.

case occurs for closely spaced columns. In any
case, the increase of the radial stress improves the
lateral confinement of the column. The initial ver-
tical cross anisotropy of the soil changes towards
a radial one when approaching the soil-column


The research was carried out as part of a GEO-

INSTALL project by the European Community
through the programme Marie Curie Industry-
Academia Partnerships and Pathways (PIAP-GA-
Figure 6. Components of the fabric tensor after col-
umn installation and consolidation in S-CLAY1.

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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Execution of Springsol® deep mixed columns: Field trials

S. Melentijevic, F. Martin & L. Prieto

Grupo Rodio-Kronsa S.L.U., Madrid, Spain

ABSTRACT: The reparation and underpinning of existing structures and infrastructure, due to differ-
ent post-constructive pathologies, often needs the ground improvement of man-made fills and soft soils
in general. The increasing growth of deep soil mixing methods has evolved into the development of the
special Springsol® tool, which permits the installation of deep mixed soil-cement columns under existing
superstructures by the application of new procedures linked with a controlled opening system. Based on
the results of different recently executed field trial tests and projects, this paper describes some advantages
of the Springsol® tool used for the construction of deep mixed columns. The execution parameters and
methods of quality control during and after column installation are described and analyzed, taking into ac-
count installation effects and its influence on the geo-mechanical characteristics of the improved soil. Full
scale test results are presented and compared with results obtained by laboratory tests on core samples.

1 INTRODUCTION investigation. These field tests were conducted as

a base for an R&D project in progress dealing with
The Springsol® tool was initially developed as a new numerical modeling of the process of deep soil-
wet deep mixing technique for improvement of the mixing by the Springsol® tool.
ground under existing railway infrastructure, with-
out interference of the binder with existing ballast
and sub-ballast layers and without removing exist- 2 EXECUTION OF SPRINGSOL® COLUMNS
ing rail-tracks (Le Kouby et al., 2010).
This technique can also be applied in any under- The typical process of construction of the
pinning works for existing structures due to the Springsol® column is presented in Figure 1 and
spreadable form of the Springsol® tool, which rep- assumes:
resents the main advantage when comparing it to
conventional single axis deep mixing techniques. – Positioning of the drilling machine, drilling of
It permits the installation of the column through the existing superstructure, placing the steel
existing structures (foundations, both slabs and casing to the required depth of the head of the
footings), roads and railway embankments, by intro- column.
duction of casings in existing small diameter bore- – Introducing the mixing tool in the folded
holes of 165 mm. After the passage of the casing, form through the casing to the end of the steel
the tool is expanded to a larger diameter that allows casing.
the formation of columns up to 700 mm. This tech- – Opening the tool to a larger diameter once out-
nology requires the installation by small basic drill- side the casing and introduction of the binder in
ing machines that provide its suitability for works in slurry form through nozzles located at the tip of
reduced spaces and under low headroom conditions. the tool to the required depth of the column.
It also requires small batching plants that provide
necessary flow rates and pressures.
As with all other deep mixed soil-cement col-
umns, the Springsol® column has a higher strength,
lower compressibility and lower permeability than
the original ground. Its construction reduces set-
tlements, increases bearing capacity and slope sta-
bility, and remediates liquefaction potential, etc.
In this paper, some of experiences during field
trials of the execution of Springsol® columns are
presented, with the emphasis on geotechnical
properties obtained after detailed laboratory Figure 1. Construction process of the Springsol® column.

Part of the column with the maximum diam-
eter of 600 mm and part of the column with the
reduced diameter of approximately 300 mm can
be observed. It is important to emphasize that the
variation was executed in a programmed and con-
trolled way. The installation of both vertical and
inclined columns is possible.



The quality of the soil-cement column, regarding

its homogeneity and strength, is influenced by the
Figure 2. Original and modified Springsol® tool. mixing efficiency defined as follows:

⎛ω ω ⎞
Im = N ⎜ b + s ⎟ (1)
⎝ U b Us ⎠

where Im = blade rotation number is the total

number of mixing blades passing along 1.0 m of
tool penetration used as an indirect measure of the
degree and efficiency of mixing (rev/m); N = total
number of mixing blades where a full diameter
blade is counted as two blades; ωb = rotational
speed of the mixing tool during penetration (rpm);
ωs = rotational speed of the mixing tool dur-
Figure 3. Diameter variation of the Springsol® column. ing withdrawal (rpm); Ub = penetration velocity
(m/min); Us = withdrawal velocity (m/min). The
– The Springsol® tool is pulled up after reach- recommendation of a minimum required value of
ing the final depth of the soil-cement column. 360 rev/m is established in Japan for the wet deep
The mixing during withdrawal is continued in mixing method for ensuring a low coefficient of
order to homogenize the soil-cement mixture. variation of the unconfined compressive strength
The tool is closed once the casing is reached in (CDIT, 2002).
order to be pulled out. Another important parameter for the quality and
geomechanical characteristics of the column is:
The injection of the slurry can be done during
the penetration or during the withdrawal of the Wc C co Q
Ii = = (2)
(π ⋅ Φ 4) ⋅ U
tool, or by combining both phases of the construc-
tion of the column. Vs 2
The original Springsol® tool was developed for
enlarged diameters of 400 mm, with the retracted
where Ii = cement quantity introduced per m3 of
tool of only 150 mm that significantly reduces
the treated soil (kg/m3); Wc = the cement consump-
interference with existing foundations. The con-
tion quantity per 1.0 m of the column (kg/m);
tinuous development of the Springsol® tool due
Vs = volume of the column in 1.0 m (m3/m);
to recent requirements for the application of soil-
Cco = kg of the cement per m3 of the slurry (kg/m3);
cement columns of larger diameters, evolved in
Q = flow grout of the slurry (l/m); Φ = diameter
modifying the tool for opened diameters up to
of the column (m) and Up = penetration velocity
700 mm (see Fig. 2). The automatic system for
opening and closing the arms of the tool in order
During construction of Springsol® columns
to change the diameter of the column along the
there are 3 important systems or levels that permit
depth has also been introduced. Nowadays the
control during execution:
Springsol® tool involves the successful execution
of columns with diameters ranging from 400 to – The system for automatic flow grout injection
700 mm. Figure 3 presents an example of the exe- as a function of the penetration velocity (see
cuted column varying in diameter along the length Fig. 4). By normal rate of advancement the
of the column, obtained during one of the field pump is functioning according to the established
trial tests described in the following sections. flow rate, with it being possible to control it

predominantly cohesive and granular types of
soils. The cement used for the construction of
these columns in both field trial tests presented
was the Portland type CEM II/B-M 32.5 R. More
details on experiences based on various projects
performed in Spain with the Springsol® tool appli-
cation are given in Melentijevic et al. (2012).
Considering that the soil-cement columns are
stiffer than the surrounding soil, the stress is con-
centrated on them so that the main factor for the
design is the compressive strength. Unconfined
Compressive Tests (UCS), being the most com-
Figure 4. Pumping and automatic flow rate control monly used test for cement treated soil, were con-
equipment. ducted both on core samples and full scale tests,
observing the typical crushing failure for these
types of tests. Core samples (cylinders of 2″ diam-
eter with the relation diameter/height = 0.5) were
obtained in the laboratory by the coring of blocks
that were cut from excavated columns at the field
trial test site. The relationship between axial strain
at failure (εf) and UCS is shown in Figure 14, mostly
covering typical low values for cement treated col-
umns of εf < 1%. The stress-strain curves of the
cement stabilized soil are generally characterized by
high strength and low values of axial strain at fail-
ure, while the native soil is defined by small strength
and large strain at failure. The modulus of elasticity
(E50) is an important parameter for design and is
Figure 5. Spoil collection system, peristaltic bomb, mostly determined by the relationship with uncon-
spoil container. fined compressive strength. These correlations
obtained during the tests are given in Figure 13.
The compressive strength is taken at peak value and
automatically in order to meet the increasing the value of E50 as a secant stiffness modulus at a
or decreasing resistance of soil layers that could stress equal to 50% of the failure stress.
affect the penetration velocity. Triaxial compression tests (CU type—consoli-
– The monitoring by the continuous registering of dated undrained) have also been carried out on core
the execution working parameters in real time samples, presenting clear shear bands developed
(depth (m), penetration velocity (m/h), torque during failure. In triaxial compression tests, with
pressure (bar), rotational speed (rpm), flow rate the increase of the confining pressure the stress-
(L/min) and grouted volume (L/m)). strain relationships change from strain softening
– The system for the management of spoil (see to strain hardening. The typical stress-strain corre-
Fig. 5). The construction of Springsol® columns lations of the soil-cement columns are comparable
is characterized by the “clean” environment after to ones observed in the cases of overconsolidated
its execution due to the system of spoil collection clays or dense sands, considering the increase up
installed at the base of the mast of the drilling to the peak value and then decreasing to residual
rig, which is connected to the peristaltic pump value at the post peak state (see Figure 15).
that is drawing the spoil directly to the container.
Apart from the prevention of contamination of 4.1 Field trial test 1
the working platform with spoil, it allows indirect
control of homogeneity and geomechanical char- Field trial test 1 comprises 12 test columns of 5.0 m
acteristics of the treated or improved soil. length and 400 to 530 mm diameter, performed in
sandy clay. The Springsol® tool applied for the test
is shown on the left side of Figure 2 and represents
4 COLUMN GEOMATERIAL its basic form or mechanism. The consumption of
CHARACTERIZATION cement varied from 250 to 350 kg/m3 of the treated
soil, while the average blade rotation number was
Some of the field trials that were carried out 650, ranging from 350 to 1000, basically due to the
in Spain are presented in this section, both for penetration velocity that was influenced by the soil

density/consistency. The lower value of the blade test 1 for the laboratory testing (UCS and triaxial
rotation number corresponds to the upper part CU tests) is presented in Figure 8.
of the column and in general to a softer original
soil layer. The rotational speed of the blades dur-
4.2 Field trial test 2
ing penetration was maintained at 50 rpm, while
the mixing penetration blade velocity ranged from A total of 5 trial test columns were performed,
10 to 25 cm/min. The soil-cement columns were with a minimum length of 3.0 m and 600 mm
exposed after 28 days of their execution, allowing diameter. The ground was defined as silts (ML)
observation of the column shape, diameter, homo- and silty well graded sands (SW-SM), whose sieve
geneity, etc. (see Fig. 6). analysis chart is presented in Figure 9. The average
A few columns were completely extracted for blade rotation number varied from 250 to 750, the
full scale tests. The extracted columns were also lower value being representative to the first meter
cut in blocks in order to obtain core samples for of the column corresponding to soft materials and
laboratory testing by unconfined compression higher penetration rate. The average consump-
tests and triaxial tests. The full scale test and the tion of cement was 300 kg/m3. Trial columns were
failure cracks of the column after the test can be executed with the new modified and improved tool
observed in Figure 7. shown in the right photo of Figure 2. The rota-
Considering that core samples are most prob- tional speed of the blades during penetration var-
ably the principal source for verification of the ied from 55 to 110 rpm in accordance with the soil
properties of cement treated soils, and taking into density/consistency. The mixing penetration veloc-
account that coring is an invasive method that pro- ity ranged from 10 cm/min in a stiffer sandy layer
vokes micro fractures influencing the quality of to 45 cm/min in silts and automatic flow grout
results, less affected or better core samples were injection control was applied.
selected with the objective to provide more realistic The soil-cement columns were fully exposed after
results. The aspect of some core samples of field 28 days of construction to be verified geometrically
and geotechnically. Some of the columns were
extracted to be tested in the laboratory at full scale
in order to determine the unconfined compressive

Figure 8. Core samples of field trial test 1.

Figure 6. Excavated Springsol® column (Diam. = 400 mm).

Figure 7. Failure of the column (Diam. = 400 mm)

before and after UCS full scale tests. Figure 9. Sieve analysis chart.

strength and its corresponding elastic modulus 4.3 Results
(E50) after 28 days. The general appearance of the
The correlation of E50 and UCS varies between
excavated columns is given in Figure 10. This shows
50 and 1000, as reported by several published
the column with the uniform diameter of 600 mm
investigations (Bruce, 2001; CDIT, 2002; etc.) for
and the one with the controlled diameter variation
different soils, basically depending on the natural
achieved by the application of the system for open-
soil grain size. This relationship for the field trial
ing and closing blades.
tests is given in Figure 13, varying from 50 to 420
The UCS tests on columns of 600 mm diam-
for core samples and 90 to 380 for full scale tests.
eter were performed at full scale (with the rela-
The summary of values of failure axial strain for
tion of height to diameter greater than 2). The
both field trial tests is presented in Figure 14, with
cracks observed after failure of the columns are
the majority of strains at failure being low values
presented in Figure 11. The UCS and triaxial tests
(εf < 1%).
were also conducted on cored samples of the trial
The results of triaxial tests (CU) for the core
test columns. The appearance of some of the core
samples of field trial test 2 are shown in Figure 15.
samples before and after the failure during tests is
The undrained residual strength parameters are
presented in Figure 12.
5 to 40% lower than the peak values.
The correlation between the blade mixing
number and the UCS is presented in Figure 16,
with the proposed relationship taking into account
both field trial tests.
The quantity of cement in some of the con-
structed Springsol® columns during field trial test 2

Figure 10. Excavated Springsol® column (Diam. =

600 mm).

Figure 13. Correlation between E50 and UCS for both

field trial tests on Springsol® columns.

Figure 11. UCS full scale tests on Springsol® column

(Diam. = 600 mm).

Figure 12. The aspect of core samples before and after Figure 14. Correlation between axial failure strain and
UCS tests for field trial test 2. UCS for core samples and full scale tests.

Table 1. Parameters of Springsol® columns.

Diameter 400–700 mm
W/C 0.6–1.2
Perforation velocity 15–50 cm/min
Im min 350 rev/m
Ii 150–350 kg/m3
UCS 0.5–6.0 MPa
E50 (50–500) UCS
Shear strength 20–40% UCS
Bending strength 8–15% UCS

was verified by the technique of X-ray fluorescence

(UNE-EN 15309:2007), resulting in a total amount
of cement of 25 ± 4% (Rodriguez et al, 2012).
These results are in very good agreement with the
average amount of cement of 300 kg/m3 used for
the construction of columns, thus confirming the
high efficiency of the automatic grout injection
Figure 15. Triaxial test results on core samples
(Column diam. = 400 mm). and mixing system.
Figure 17 shows the appearance of cross sec-
tions of extracted Springsol® columns. A certain
difference in the homogeneity along the cross sec-
tion is observed, with the higher cement content in
the center of the column.


The application of the Springsol® tool for the

construction of soil-cement columns is specially
focused for the underpinning of existing structures
(slabs and footings), roads and railway embank-
ments due to its geometrical characteristics. The
technique makes use of existing soil, thus reducing
the needed amount of cement. In general there is
Figure 16. Correlation between UCS and Im. no limit regarding depth of columns, but until now
the maximum applied depth in different projects
and field trial tests is up to 15 m.
The retractable mixing blades can be rotary
drilled to the desired depth of the column’s head,
allowing the treatment to a larger diameter down to
specific depths without interference of the binder
with the subgrade layers and reducing the effect on
existing foundations.
In practice the unconfined compressive strength
is the mostly used geotechnical parameter for the
evaluation of the deep soil mixing column resist-
ance or capacity. Unconfined compressive strength
tests are widely used in practice as other important
design parameters can be estimated using this
parameter. Experimental relationships obtained in
the described field test are given in Table 1.
The results of the field tests are in agreement
with worldwide published data for deep mixed col-
Figure 17. The cross section of extracted columns. umns (Bruce, 2001; CDIT, 2002; etc.).

The relationship between axial failure strain and CDIT (Coastal Development Institute of Technol-
UCS obtained in presented tests covering typical ogy), Japan. 2002. The Deep Mixing Method,
low values of εf < 1% for cement treated columns. A.A. Balkema.
The stress-strain curve is characterized by high Laboratorio de Geotecnia. Cedex. 2011. Informe de lab-
oratorio para Grupo Rodio-Kronsa. Columnas suelo-
strength and low values of axial strain at failure. cemento para el proyecto de investigación de nuevas
The results of UCS tests on core samples, influ- técnicas y herramientas de soil-mixing.
enced by the disturbance produced during their Le Kouby, A., Bourgeois, E. & Rocher-Lacoste, F. 2010.
coring, are lower than values of UCS obtained on Subgrade improvement method for existing railway
full scale tests. It confirms that, for more repre- lines—an experimental and numerical study. EJGE
sentative results, the dimension of the test sample Vol. 15: 461–494.
is of major importance. Actually more tests are Melentijevic, S., Prieto, L. & Arcos, J.L. 2012. Aplica-
being performed in order to verify the influence of ciones de columnas suelo-cemento tipo Springsol®. 9º
test sample dimension, which can be of additional Simposio Nacional de Ingeniería Geotécnica. Ciment-
aciones y Excavaciones Profundas. Proc. Symp.,
importance in heterogeneous soils, very character- Sevilla, 17–19 October 2012: 175–189.
istic for the Iberian Peninsula. Rodriguez Abad, R. & Estaire Gepp, J. 2012. Determi-
nación mediante WD-XRF del contenido de cemento
en suelos inyectados y en mezclas de suelo-cemento. 9º
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Simposio Nacional de Ingeniería Geotécnica. Cimenta-
ciones y Excavaciones Profundas. Proc. Symp., Sevilla,
The authors are grateful to the personnel of 17–19 October 2012: 255–268.
Rodio-Kronsa that participated in the execution UNE-EN 15309:2007. Characterization of waste and
of the Springsol® columns, with special assist- soil. Determination of elemental composition by
X-ray fluorescence.
ance from Juan Manuel Dimas, Esteban Casado
and José Luis Arcos. The research program is
partially financially supported by CDTI con Ref:


Bruce D.A. 2001. An introduction to deep mixing meth-

ods as used in geotechnical applications, Volume III:
The verification and properties of treated ground.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, report FHWA RD-99-167.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

A method of modelling stone column installation for use in conjunction

with unit cell analyses

B.G. Sexton & B.A. McCabe

College of Engineering and Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

ABSTRACT: Traditionally, the majority of numerical studies investigating stone column behaviour
have studied the problem under unit cell (axisymmetric) conditions, in which the granular columns tend
to be ‘wished-in-place’ (no installation effects). In this study, cylindrical cavity expansion is used to work
out post-installation lateral earth pressure coefficients (and hence a post-installation stress-regime in the
ground) arising due to the lateral expansion and subsequent soil remoulding caused by the vibrating
poker as columns are installed in a soft clay. Two sets of two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element
analyses have then been carried out using PLAXIS 2D to examine load-settlement behaviour, the first set
assuming the coefficient of earth pressure to be unaffected by column installation, while the second set
have been conducted using increased earth pressure coefficients based on the cavity expansion procedure.
The Hardening Soil Model (no viscous effects) has been used to model the behaviour of the granular
column material and the soft clay. Settlement improvement factors calculated using both approaches have
been compared to establish the effect of column installation. Predicted improvement factors have been
put into context by comparison with existing analytical settlement design approaches. The results indicate
that this approach can be used as a realistic means of accounting for column installation in conjunction
with unit cell analyses, with larger improvement factors predicted when installation (increased K) is taken
into account.

1 INTRODUCTION and subsequent compaction of the columns,

i.e. K values remain at the at-rest (K0) values.
Settlement considerations tend to govern the However, field measurements by Kirsch (2006)
design of stone columns in soft or marginal soils, have indicated K/K0 values in excess of unity post-
and the extent of settlement reduction achiev- construction. Some authors have aimed to cap-
able is quantified by a dimensionless ‘settlement ture this effect with global increased K values; e.g.
improvement factor’ (n = suntreated/streated), where Gäb et al. (2008), based on approaches adopted
suntreated and streated are the settlements of untreated by Priebe (1976, 1995) and Goughnour & Bayuk
ground and the ground treated with stone col- (1979) have adopted K = 1, while Domingues et al.
umns respectively. Most analytical formulations (2007) have used K = 0.7 (between the conserva-
are based on a unit cell approach, which repre- tive K0 = 1 − sin ϕ′ for normally consolidated soils
sents the behaviour of a single column within an and K = 1 approaches).
infinite grid of regularly spaced columns (Fig. 1).
The area replacement ratio, Ac/A, is a measure of
the amount of in-situ soil replaced with granular
column material and is a function of the column
spacing (s), the column diameter (D = 2Rc, where
Rc is the column radius) and a parameter k cap-
turing the arrangement. The value of Ac/A has a
major bearing on the value of n.
Several authors have analysed stone columns
using 2D (e.g. Ambily and Gandhi 2007) and 3D
(e.g. Killeen and McCabe 2010) finite element
analyses. Some of the analyses have involved
‘wished-in-place’ columns, in which the coeffi-
cient of lateral earth pressure (K) is assumed to
be unaffected by the vibratory action of the poker Figure 1. Typical column grids encountered in practice.

In this paper, PLAXIS 2D (Brinkgreve et al. process must start from a finite radius, the final
2010) is used to provide an indication of the possi- cavity radius, af, should be obtained by rearranging
ble effect of column construction on K values sur- Equation 2 (i.e. observing volume conservation),
rounding the columns, and in turn, the influence of where a0 is the initial cavity radius.
the new K values on the settlement improvement
factors for an infinite grid. Benchmark (Case A) af 2 a 2 = Rc 2 (2)
unit cell analyses were performed on columns that
were wished-in-place. Case B unit cell analyses Elshazly et al. (2006) have backfigured the post-
involved a modified initial K profile derived from installation coefficient of lateral earth pressure, K,
prior Cylindrical Cavity Expansion (CCE) analy- by matching measured load-settlement behaviour to
ses of single columns. The approach used in Case finite element analyses (by changing K values) car-
B is novel, as the prescribed displacements in the ried out using PLAXIS and found that K/K0 may
CCE stage would cause both excessive heave and range from 1.1 to 2.5, with best estimates of approx-
numerical problems (due to boundary proximity) imately 1.5. Guetif et al. (2007) have used CCE to
for the size of unit cell required to give typical Ac/A evaluate the improvement to the Young’s Modulus
ratios. of a soft clay as a result of column installation.
The improvement factors derived have been put Castro & Karstunen (2010) have applied the cavity
in the context of those derived from existing ana- expansion technique to the undrained installation
lytical settlement design methods based on the unit of a single stone column. The authors confirm that
cell approach (i.e. Priebe 1995, Castro & Sagaseta column installation generates excess pore pressures
2009, Pulko et al. 2011). and increases the horizontal stresses in the soil.


Although not entirely representative of the vibra- The numerical modelling carried out consists of
tory action of the poker and the progressive com- two distinct parts. The first part involves the use
paction of the columns from the base upwards, of CCE to establish post-installation lateral earth
CCE nevertheless provides a convenient means pressure coefficients generated by column installa-
of simulating the lateral expansion of a granular tion in a soft clay soil. The second part involves
column into the surrounding soil. In practical situ- carrying out two sets of wished-in-place unit cell
ations, column installation involves the ‘creation’ analyses under an applied load for (i) a soft clay
of a cavity in the soil, i.e. modelling column instal- assuming the clay properties to be unaffected by
lation using CCE should thus involve expand- column installation (Case A) and (ii) a soft clay
ing a cavity from a zero initial radius to the final with increased lateral earth pressure coefficients
radius of the column. However, numerical simu- calculated using the CCE analyses (Case B).
lations must begin with a finite cavity radius to Essentially, the analyses carried out in this paper
avoid the development of infinite circumferential are intended as a progression of some of the afore-
strain. Consequently, it must be ensured that the mentioned work by Guetif et al. (2007), Castro &
internal cavity pressure reaches the limit pressure Karstunen (2010), etc., albeit with a simpler soil
(plim), as defined by Gibson & Anderson (1961) model in the latter case.
in Equation 1 (p0 is the original in-situ horizontal
total stress, cu is the undrained shear strength of 3.1 Finite Element (FE) model parameters
the soil, E is the Young’s Modulus of the soil and ν
is its Poisson’s ratio). The Hardening Soil (HS) Model has been used to
model the behaviour of both the granular column
⎧ ⎡ E ⎤⎫ material and the soft clay soil. The HS model is a
plim = p0 + cu ⎨1+ ⎢ ⎥⎬ (1) hyperbolic elastoplastic model that takes account
⎩ ⎣ u 2c
c ( ) ⎦⎭ of the stress dependency of stiffness moduli but
does not account for viscous effects such as creep
Carter et al. (1979) have described the use of the or stress relaxation. The formulation of the model
cavity expansion technique in two different types has been described by Schanz et al. (1999). The
of elastoplastic soil, and report that doubling the clay has been modelled as an undrained material
cavity size is sufficient in most cases (the internal (PLAXIS Undrained A approach), with param-
cavity pressure will be within 6% of the ultimate eters defined in terms of effective strength and
limit pressure; any further expansion beyond this effective stiffness. The stone has been modelled as
will only cause further growth of the annular a highly permeable drained material (permeability,
region of yielded soil). Since the cavity expansion k = 1.7 m/day).

The soft clay properties (Table 1) are representa- boundary is located 30 m away from the axis of
tive of a simplified single layer profile (no crust) symmetry (to ensure that results are unaffected
loosely based on parameters for the Bothkennar by boundary proximity). For the unit cell radii
soft clay test site (e.g. Nash et al. 1992). A reference required for typical Ac/A ratios encountered in
cohesion of 1 kN/m2 has been used for numerical practice, the boundary would have been too close
stability. The power, m, dictating the stress depend- (leading to numerical problems). Roller bounda-
ency of stiffness moduli with depth has been set ries have been applied to all sides. The finite ele-
equal to 1 in order to simulate logarithmic com- ment mesh (Fig. 2), consisting of approximately
pression behaviour (e.g. Brinkgreve et al. 2010). The 5000 6-node triangular elements, has been refined
soil stiffnesses have been defined so that the ratio in the region surrounding the cavity (largest strains
of the oedometric/constrained moduli between the in this region).
granular material and the clay (commonly referred Simulating column installation in PLAXIS
to as the modular ratio Ec/Es) is approximately 20. 2D using a cavity expansion technique will
The ratio of λ (=Cc/ln10) to κ (=Cs/ln10) has been involve three phases after initial stress generation
fixed at approximately 7 (representative of Both- (initial stresses have been generated using the K0
kennar clay, e.g. Allman & Atkinson 1992) where procedure):
Cc and Cs are the compression and swelling indices
a. Install ‘dummy material’ (e.g. Guetif et al.
(2007) suggest modelling the cylindrical hole
The parameters for the granular column mate-
created by the poker using a ‘dummy material’
rial have been chosen based on Killeen & McCabe
with a weak Young’s modulus) over the entire
(2010). The friction angle, ϕ′, has been set equal to
column length to a radial extent, a0.
45o (representative of bottom feed columns). The
b. Apply a prescribed displacement (undrained
dilatancy angle has been calculated as ψ = ϕ′ − 30o.
conditions) from the initial radius, a0, to a final
The oedometric modulus, Eoedref, was assumed equal
radius, af (Fig. 2). Three different a0 values of
to the secant modulus, E50ref and the unload-reload
0.10 m, 0.15 m and 0.20 m have been used for
modulus, Eurref, was calculated as Eurref = 3E50ref (the
which af values have been calculated accord-
default setting in PLAXIS). A complete listing of
ing to Equation 2 as af = 0.316 m, 0.335 m and
model parameters is given in Table 1.
0.361 m respectively.
c. This cavity expansion stage is followed by a
3.2 Installation (CCE) stage for Case B consolidation phase to allow excess pore pres-
sures to dissipate to establish the long-term
A column diameter (D) of 0.6 m (column radius,
stress changes in the ground caused by column
Rc = 0.3 m) has been adopted for this study, which
is typical of columns at soft cohesive soil sites, e.g.
Watts et al. (2000). The unit cell model is 5 m long This approach is described in detail by Castro &
(i.e. column length, L = 5 m) and the external far Karstunen (2010). The application of a prescribed
displacement in this manner was deemed to be the
best option for numerical stability purposes (Kirsch
Table 1. FE model parameters. 2006, Castro and Karstunen 2010), as opposed to
the application of a volume strain to an expand-
Clay (drained) Stone backfill (drained) ing soil cluster. Based on the increased horizontal
stresses (after the consolidation phase), it will be
γunsat (kN/m3) 16.5 19.0
possible to work out post-installation lateral earth
γsat (kN/m3) 16.5 19.0
pressure coefficients, K, as detailed in Equation 3,
kx (m/day) 1 × 10−4 1.7
ky (m/day) 6.9 × 10−5 1.7
einit 2.0 0.5
φ′ (o) 34 45
ψ (o) 0 15
cref (kPa) 1.0 1.0
K0nc 0.441 0.296
Eoedref (kPa) 3500 70000
E50ref (kPa) 4350 70000
Eurref (kPa) 21874 210000
m (power) 1.0 0.3
pref (kPa) 100 100
ν′ur 0.2 0.2
K0 0.441 0.296
OCR 1.5 –
Figure 2. Finite element mesh for CCE stage.

where σ′xx, σ′yy and σ′zz are the effective radial, ver- modelled. Field values of K/K0 are slightly greater
tical, and tangential (hoop) stresses respectively. than HS model values for r/Rc > 8, but the agree-
ment, for the most part, is relatively good for the
⎛ σ ′ + σ ′ zz ⎞ ‘Field 2’ data. Field values are below those pre-
K = ⎜ xx ⎟ (3) dicted by the HS model for r/Rc < 8 (Castro &
⎝ 2.σ ′ yy ⎠ Karstunen (2010) have suggested that this ‘dip’
close to the column may be due to remoulding and
The variation of K/K0 with r/Rc (r is the radial dynamic effects).
distance from the axis of symmetry) calculated by The numerical predictions by Castro &
the HS model is shown in Figures 3a and 3b. K/K0 Karstunen (2010) have been obtained using two
is independent of the amount of lateral expan- ‘user-defined’ anisotropic (the HS model is an iso-
sion and it has also been verified that the K/K0 tropic soil model) constitutive soil models imple-
values are independent of depth (K0 was set equal mented in PLAXIS 2D (L = 10 m, D = 0.8 m). The
to 1 − sin ϕ′ = 0.441 for the normally consolidated S-CLAY1 model, based on the Modified Cam Clay
clay considered in this study). (MCC) model, employs an inclined yield surface
The K/K0 values calculated using the HS model and a rotational component of hardening to model
have been compared to field values of K/K0 anisotropy of plastic behaviour. The S-CLAY1S
reported by Kirsch (2006) mostly beyond r = 5Rc model is an extension of the S-CLAY1 model
and numerical predictions of K/K0 presented by that also takes account of bonding and destructu-
Castro & Karstunen (2010) in Figures 3a and 3b ration (in addition to anisotropy). The computed
respectively. The first set of field data (‘Field 1’) values of K/K0 are lower for S-CLAY1S than for
pertains to 9 m long 0.8 m diameter stone columns S-CLAY1 owing to the destructuration caused by
installed in a silt layer (K0 = 0.91) while the sec- column installation (Castro & Karstunen, 2010).
ond set of data (‘Field 2’) was obtained for 6 m The K/K0 values obtained using the S-CLAY1
long columns installed in a sandy silt (K0 = 0.57); and HS models are in excellent agreement for r/
the latter set are more comparable to the situation Rc < 5 with deviation at higher r/Rc values. K/K0
values obtained using S-CLAY1S appear to be in
good agreement with the HS model for r/Rc > 7.
However, it is clear that the model predictions will
not (and should not) be in perfect agreement owing
to different assumptions inherent in their develop-
ments (in addition, the different geometries and
soil types employed in the different studies will
lead to different predictions). The purpose of the
comparisons carried out was simply to indicate
that the HS model K/K0 values are in reasonable
agreement with previous studies.
The K/K0 decay with r/Rc is approximated by a
stepwise reduction as shown in Figure 4; average
K/K0 values have been interpreted at intervals of
0.10 m representing concentric rings around the
axis of symmetry. Extrapolation has been used
to estimate K/K0 values for r/Rc < 1.15 (numeri-
cal discontinuities in this region lead to difficul-
ties in establishing accurate values, e.g. Carter
et al. (1979)). These values are used as input
parameters for the unit cell (Case B) models.
Also demarcated on Figure 4 is the radial extent
(r/Rc = 3.16) relevant to the largest unit cell mod-
elled (A/Ac = 10).

3.3 Unit cell settlement behaviour

The axisymmetric unit cell model consists of
a 0.6 m diameter (Rc = 0.3 m) column 5 m in
Figure 3. (a) K/K0 versus r/Rc (comparison with field length (Fig. 5). The modelling approach adopted
data). (b). K/K0 versus r/Rc (comparison with numerical in this paper is similar to approaches adopted by
data). Debats et al. (2003) and Ambily & Gandhi (2007).

Figure 4. Adopted K/K0 profile.

Figure 6. (a) p’ with depth for Case A and A/Ac = 10.

(b) p’ with depth for Case B and A/Ac = 10.


4.1 Case A—Comparison with analytical

Settlement improvement factors for Case A are
compared with a selection of analytical settlement
design methods based on the unit cell approach (i.e.
Priebe 1995, Castro & Sagaseta 2009, Pulko et al.
Figure 5. Axisymmetric unit cell model. 2011) in Figure 7. These methods are based on
elastic-plastic theory (Mohr-Coulomb failure crite-
rion) assuming the soil to remain elastic as the col-
The base is fixed in all directions while the vertical umn yields. Priebe (1995) assumes constant volume
boundaries are fixed only in the radial direction. deformation during yield while Castro & Sagaseta
The unit cell analyses are performed for a range of (2009) and Pulko et al. (2011) have accounted
reciprocal area-replacement ratios (A/Ac) between for dilation of the granular column material as
2 and 10 (typical values used in practice based on it yields. In spite of its empirical nature, Priebe’s
a database of n values compiled by McCabe et al. (1995) n2 (correction to Priebe’s basic improvement
(2009)). The desired A/Ac ratio has been attained factor, n0, accounting for column compressibility
in each case by altering the unit cell diameter (i.e. and the bulk densities of the soil and column mate-
column spacing), with Rc fixed at 0.3 m. rials) tends to be widely used in European geotech-
The stages in each analysis are as follows: nical practice. The methods derived by Castro &
Sagaseta (2009) and Pulko et al. (2011) are analyti-
a. Initial stress generation using the K0 procedure.
cal solutions based on Balaam & Booker’s (1981)
b. Install (wish-in-place) stone column.
elastic solution. Castro & Sagaseta (2009) have con-
c. Place a plate (loading platform to prevent dif-
sidered an undrained loading situation followed by
ferential settlement - arbitrary properties) over
a consolidation process whereas Pulko et al. (2011)
the soil/column surface.
have considered a drained loading situation. As is
d. Apply a 100 kPa load in undrained conditions.
evident from Figure 7, the agreement between the
e. Consolidation phase to allow the excess pore
PLAXIS-predicted improvement factors and the
pressures to dissipate.
improvement factors predicted by the analytical
Cases A and B follow the same steps for stages (b) methods is excellent. This gives confidence in the
to (e). However, initial stress generation is different unit cell modelling procedure used in this study.
for each case. Initial stresses in the clay for Case A
are generated using a uniform K value (e.g. mean
4.2 Case A versus Case B
effective stresses (p’) are plotted in Fig. 6a) while
initial stresses for Case B are generated using the Settlement improvement factors generated for
profile generated from the CCE analyses in sec- Cases A and B are compared in Figure 8. As
tion 3.2 (Fig. 6b). can be seen, accounting for column installation


The authors would like to acknowledge the Irish

Research Council for Science, Engineering, and
Technology (IRCSET) for funding this research.


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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Cement grout filtration in non-cohesive soils

X.A.L. Stodieck
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, Karlsruhe, Germany
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

T. Benz
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

ABSTRACT: This paper is concerned with cement grout filtration during installation of pressure
grouted ground anchors in non-cohesive soils. It is aimed for a simple model that can predict the build up
of filter cake during grouting. A series of laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the time depend-
ent expulsion of water from cement grouts at different grouting pressures and water contents. Addition-
ally, permeability tests were performed on filter cake material. Different approaches to model the filtration
process of cement grouts are compared and applied in back calculation of the performed tests. Material
parameters such as permeability and consolidation coefficients are provided for the cement grouts tested.
Amethod to estimate the time required for filter cake formation is proposed.

1 INTRODUCTION device. The applicability of the two models is then

validated by back calculation of the laboratory tests.
The ability to predict filter cake formation and Model parameters are determined for each model.
its mechanical behaviour is a vital first step in These parameters are then used to find correlations
understanding the effects of anchor installation. between the initial water content of cement grout,
Pressure grouting may increase the load bearing grouting pressure and filtration time. Finally, both
capacity of grouted anchors in non-cohesive soils. models are compared with respect to the capability
A modelthat can predict the build up of filter cake to predict the filtration rate of cement grouts.
in such soils is therefore essential in determining In the presented study cement grout is consid-
installation parameters such as grouting pressure ered as granular material with constant material
and duration. Today, these parameters are typi- properties in time. A retarding agent was used to
cally chosen on an empirical basis. It is assumed delay the hydration process and to ensure constant
that during grouting water, is filtered from the grout properties during the test duration. Tests
grout while the majority of cement particles are conducted with identical grout mixture at different
retained by the soil. If a sufficient amount of water ages showed very similar behaviour.
is expelled from the grout, cement particles contact
each other and form a filter cake. This filter cake
1.1 Filter cake formation
material enables the transfer of effective stresses to
the soil, leading to expansion of the borehole walls A filtration process is the separation of solids and
and increase of the radial effective stresses in the liquids. Pressure is applied to a suspension in order
soil. Given that a stiff filter cake material exists, the to drain the liquid part through a filter while the
stress increase will be partially maintained. solid particles are retained. Particles pile up at the
In this paper a study on the filtration behaviour filter medium and build a so-called ‘filter cake’
of cement grout is presented. First, two models to which then acts as filter medium itself. Within the
calculate the expulsion of water from cement grout filter cake particles are in contact to each other
are reviewed, a two-dimensional filtration approach and effective stresses are transferred between the
and classical consolidation theory. Then, a series of grains. The concentration of particles where they
laboratory tests on cement grout filtration is pre- start to contact each other might be compared to
sented, which was conducted to validate both mod- the loosest packing of a material. The bulk den-
els. Filtration tests at different grouting pressures sity ρ without compaction of the used dry Ordi-
were carried out on cement grout with varying ini- nary Portland Cement ranges between 1.23 kg/l
tial water contents, using a simple pressure filtration and 1.38 kg/l. With a specific grain density ρs of

3.15 kg/l the respective void ratio ranges from gives the discharge rate Q in relation to the filter
e = 1.56 to e = 1.28. cake’s current thickness Lc and its permeability kc
The concentration of cement grouts is usually
specified by the mass ratio w / z = mwc . Assuming kc σ
Q= A (2)
all voids are fully saturated, the relation between γ w Lc
e and w/z is
where A is the drainage area and σ the total stress
V m γ acting on top of the sample.
e= w = w c, (1) Assuming a constant concentration of cement
Vc mc γ w
particles within each phase, the calculation of filter
cake formation with time is straight forward. The
where mw and mc are the masses of water and
piston deformation during filtration δ, shown in
cement respectively.
Figure 1, can be calculated with the initial void ratio
The void ratio of the dry cement without com-
of the grout eg and the final filter cake void ratio ec:
paction corresponds to a water content between
w/z = 0.5 and w/z = 0.4. The highest bulk density eg − ec
which can be achieved by vibration ranges from δ = Lc . (3)
1.6–1.9 kg/l, which corresponds to e = 0.96 − 0.66 1 + ec
and w/z = 0.30 − 0.21 for full saturation.
Warner (2004) states that cement grout is a non- If water and cement particles are regarded
Newtonian fluid that is a viscous fluid for water incompressible, the volume change of the sample
contents above w/z = 0.6, but has paste consistency is equal to discharge rate of water. Dividing
for water contents below w/z = 0.4. In between it Equation (2) by A gives
flows to some extent but is also capable to store
some energy. dδ kc σ
= . (4)
Therefore, it is assumed that the particles start dt γ w Lc
to contact each other for water contents between
0.4 and 0.5, but might rearrange easily as only little Combining equations (3) and (4) and integrating
contact forces are established between the grains finally gives the filter cake thickness with time
and most stresses are transferred by pore pres-
sure. In this study it is however looked for a filter 2σ kc ⎛ ec ⎞
cake with a stable grain skeleton and consider- L2c = ⎜ ⎟ t. (5)
able strength and stiffness. For grouting pressures γ w ⎝ eg ec ⎠
between 5 kPa and 60 kPa McKinley (1993) found
filter cakes with water contents between 0.3 and The filtration process ends, when the piston
0.5, while Picandet et al. (2011) and Lee et al. (2012) reaches the filter cake at Lc,fin = h0 − δfin.
report filter cake water contents of around 0.3.
1.3 Terzaghi consolidation
1.2 Filter cake formation analysis Other authors used Terzaghi’s classical consolida-
tion theory to describe the filtration process of
The one dimensional filtration process of a suspen-
cement grouts (Lee et al. (2012), Kleyner & Krizek
sion can be modelled by a simple two-phase filtra-
(1995) and Picandet et al. (2011)) and they claim
tion approach. McKinley (1993) used this model
that the process could be modelled reasonably well
to describe the filtration process of cement grouts
with this approach.
and states that the formation of filter cake can be
Classical consolidation theory is based on the
considered as a distinct phase change from a liquid
assumption of homogeneous material properties
to a solid phase. The cement particles retained by
within the sample, constant over time. The dissipa-
the filter medium form a filter cake with constant
tion of excess pore pressures over sample height is
material properties while the suspension retains the
initial concentration. The build up of filter cake is du d 2u
defined by the amount of water expelled from the = cυ 2 , (6)
suspension. dt dz
The rate of water expulsion is limited by the
hydraulic resistance of the filter cake and filter where cv is the consolidation coefficient, related to
medium. McKinley (1993) found that for a suf- the permeability k and stiffness of the material
ficient large permeability of the filter medium, it
only influences the very first part of the filtration cυ = . (7)
process and can thus be disregarded. Darcy’s Law γ w mv

Figure 1. Filtration test set-up. Figure 2. Typical deformation and pore pressures
measured at the piston during filtration test with grout-
ing pressure = 1000 kpa and w/z = 0.5.
The compressibility coefficient mv is defined as

mv = (8)

where ∈ is the vertical strain caused by the effective

stress σ ′.


2.1 Materials
Figure 3. Typical piston deformation compared to the
For all tests Norcem Standard Portland Cement two phase cake filtration solution and classical consolida-
with a specific grain density of 3.15 kg/l was used. tion theory.
The retarding agent (Sika® Retarder) was added to
prevent setting effects during the test procedure.
which only little further deformations takes place.
The pore pressure at top of the sample remains
2.2 Test procedure
constant in a fist phase until it suddenly drops at a
The experimental set-up for a filtration test is shown certain point in time (filtration time tfilt). This shows
in Figure 1. A 54 mm diameter steel cylinder is filled that in the first phase of the tests some parts of the
with cement mix up to a height of h0 = 80 mm and grout are still liquid and do not transfer effective
a piston is placed on top of the sample. stresses. The drop of pore pressures at tfilt indicates
The piston is loaded until the desired constant that cement particles are in contact and trans-
pressure is reached. Then a valve is opened at the bot- fer effective stresses from piston to the bottom.
tom of the test apparatus to allow drainage through Considering cake filtration theory this would be
a filter paper and porous stone. During the filtration the time when the piston reaches the top of the fil-
test water is drained out of the cement grout while ter cake material and all excess water is filtered out.
cement particles are retained by the filter medium. However, more water is expelled after the filtration
The piston deformation δ and pore pressure u are point which shows that after a first phase of filtra-
recorded at top of the sample during the test. tion the filter cake material consolidates further.
Tests with grouting pressures of 100, 200, 500, Figure 3 shows the deformation curve from the
1000 and 1400 kPa were carried out with water test results lying between the deformations calcu-
contents of w/z = 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 and 0.6. With each lated with Terzaghi’s consolidation theory and the
mixture, a minimum of two tests were conducted two-phase filtration model. The two approaches
for each grouting pressure. represent an upper and lower limit. The two
phase filtration model allows a clear distinction
between grout and filter cake while in consolida-
2.3 Results
tion approach the expulsion is associated with the
Results of a filtration test with w/z = 0.5 and a dissipation of excess pore pressure which happens
grouting pressure of 1000 kPa is shown in Figure 2. gradually. While in the filtration approach the pore
The piston deformation is approximately linear pressures on top would theoretically stay constant
with time until it declines at a certain point after until the piston reaches the filter cake, they decrease

gradually from the beginning when using the Based on the filtration model the coefficient of
consolidation approach. Although it seems that the permeability of the filter cake kc was determined
filtration approach describes the test results more by rearranging (5) to
accurately, using consolidation theory would be
very handy as it is readily available in common finite h2fiin γ w ⎛ eg ec ⎞
kc = . (10)
element programmes for geotechnical applications. 2σ t ⎜⎝ 1 + e ⎟⎠
fiin c

2.3.1 Water content

The water content of the grout was determined The time tfin represents the point where the pis-
directly before and after the filtration test by drying ton touches the filter cake and was determined by
a small sample in a microwave oven until the weight extrapolating the linear part of the deformation
remained constant. Although drying in the micro- − t curve to get tfin = 4 × t50
wave requires much less time than conventional Assuming consolidation theory, the mean coef-
drying in an oven, the method is not very accu- ficient of permeability km was determined by rear-
rate as water may be bound chemically. Therefore, ranging Equation (7)
the water content of the filter cake material was
alternatively calculated from the final void ratio. km = (11)
The filter cake’s final void ratio ec was assessed by γ w mv
rearranging Equation (3), and using Lc = h0 − δfin.
and inserting
⎛ ( + eg )δ ffin ⎞
ec eg − ⎟⎠ (9) ∈ δ ffin
⎝ h0 mv = = . (12)
σ h0σ
Water contents determined by drying in the
microwave oven were on average 8% lower than the For some samples permeability tests were carried
theoretical w/z values. out after filtration. A constant hydraulic head was
The filter cake water contents w/zfin versus grouting applied at top of the probe and the flow through the
pressure are presented in Figure 4. Taking the mean sample was recorded. Based on Darcy’s law, the coef-
values for all tests at a certain grouting pressure gives ficient of permeability was then determined using
a final water content of around w/zfin = 0.29 for pres- the specific discharge q and the applied gradient i.
sures above 200 kpa and w/zfin = 0.32 for pressures at
dh p
200 kpa, based on the calculated values. i= = (13)
dz γ w h fin
2.3.2 Permeability
dh γ w h fin
The permeability of the filter cake material was q k →k q (14)
determined directly from permeability tests and dz p
compared to the values achieved from back calcu-
lation, using the two-phase filtration model as well The filter cake’s permeabilities k determined
as classical consolidation theory. directly from permeability tests and by back

Figure 5. Coefficient of permeability k, versus final

water content. Determined directly from permeability tests
Figure 4. Final water contents of filter cake versus ( ); from filtration tests, using filtration theory ( )
grouting pressure. Measured values ( ) and calcu- and consolidation theory ( ). Compared to values
lated values ( ). from Picandet et al. (2011) (dashed line).

calculation are presented in Figure 5. The The filtration rate for different initial water con-
permeabilities calculated with the consolidation tents and grouting pressures is illustrated in Figure 6.
approach are in general higher than the values from Filtration rates clearly increase with grouting pressure,
filtration approach, as the mean value of the entire due to higher pressure gradients causing higher dis-
sample is taken into account while the filtration charge rates (Equation (2)). Although the test results
approach only considers the permeability of the show some scatter, the filtration rate decreases with
filter cake. The results form permeability tests are increasing initial water content. This finding is plau-
close to the results derived from the filtration tests sible, as with higher initial water content, more water
using two-phase filtration theory. Figure 5 shows must be drained to reach the final water content.
a clear dependency between permeability k and The theoretical filtration rate was back calcu-
final water content of the filter cake. This agrees lated for different initial water contents, using the
with the understanding of a void ratio dependent filtration model. Rearranging Equation (5) and
permeability of granular materials. Picandet et al. differentiation with respect to t gives
(2011) propose to describe the void ratio dependent
permeability of cement grouts with the function
Lc ⎛ 2kk ⎞⎛ ec ⎞
= ⎜ c⎟⎜ ⎟σ. (19)
e 3 d t γ
⎝ w ⎠ ⎝ g ec ⎠
k Cx (15)
1+ e
In reasonable agreement with Figure (4), the back
which was originally introduced by Carman (1956), calculation was conducted with a constant, represent-
or with an logarithmic approach ative filter cake void ratio ec = 0.95, corresponding to
a water content of w/zc = 0.3. For w/zc = 0.3 the perme-
Δe ability kc = 7.5 × 10−8 m/s was then determined from
Δ (log10 k ) = (16) the correlation presented in Figure (5). The back cal-
culated filtration rates fit well with the test data.
suggested first by Taylor in 1948. The Carman
equation fitted for permeability tests on cement 3.2 Coefficient of consolidation
grout filter cake carried out by Picandet et al. (2011) (Consolidation Model)
is plotted in Figure 5. For the permeability tests Using Terzaghi’s consolidation theory the defor-
of this study a better fit was found with Taylor’s mation rate is defined by the coefficient of con-
logarithmic relation given in Equation (16). solidation cv and compressibility coefficient. The
compressibility coefficient mv was estimated with
Equation (8), assuming full consolidation was
3 BACK CALCULATION OF TEST achieved at the end of the test. The coefficient
RESULTS of consolidation cv was estimated from t50 at 50%
consolidation, assuming that the consolidation
3.1 Filtration rate (Filtration model) curve is linear with t . The theoretical solution of
Based on the two-phase filtration model, the filter
cake formation can be calculated directly from the
filtration rate, which is considered constant with
t . The rate of filter cake formation is defined
as the change of filter cake thickness Lc with t
and was determined from test results using the
filtration approach. Assumingg a linear relation
between deformation δ and t , the inclination of
the filtration curve was approximated with

dδ δ
≈ 50 . (17)
d t t50

Combining Equation (17) and (3) yields filtra-

tion rate dL
Figure 6. Filtration rate versus grouting pressure.
d t
Lc δ 50 ⎛ 1 + ec ⎞ Test results (symbols) and calculated values from
= ⎜ ⎟. (18) filtration approach—assuming kc = 7.5 × 10−8 m/s and
d t t50 ⎝ eg ec ⎠ w/zfin = 0.3 (lines).

Terzaghi’s consolidation theory at this point gives Figure 9 shows the degree of consolidation U = δ/
the time parameter T = cvt50 /h2 = 0.197 and therefore δfin of a typical filtration test compared to consoli-
the consolidation parameter is determined with dation curves for different values of cv. The consoli-
dation curve for the cement grout passes through
t50 different Terzaghian consolidation curves, which
cv = 0.197 . (20) means cv changes gradually with degree of consoli-
dation U and therefore with effective stress σ′.
This method is a simplification of the ‘log(t)- The filtration tests were back calculated with a
method’ (Casagrande & Fadum 1940), which addi- modified Terzaghi consolidation approach, using
tionally includes the determination of an initial the finite difference method. The sample height was
and final deformation. For this study it was found divided in 30 elements and in each element the con-
adequate to assume δ0 = 0 and take the last meas- solidation coefficient cv was updated for each time
ured deformation as δfin. step. A linear interpolation between the initial cv,ini
The coefficients of consolidation cv versus and final cv,fin consolidation coefficient was used:
grouting pressure determined from this method
are plotted in Figure 7. An increase of cv with cv = cv,ini + (cv, fin
i cv,ini )U . (21)
increasing grouting pressure is shown, while no
clear correlation of initial water content and cv can Unfortunately the correlation presented in
be identified. A linear correlation of cv and grout- Figure 7 can not be used for this purpose as the
ing pressure was hence used for all test results: parameters were determined from t50 and represent
cv = 6.07 × 10−8 ⋅ σ + 7.79 × 10−6. Using this cor- the cv value at 50% consolidation for the given pres-
relation for cv, tests at different grouting pressures sure. The result of this back calculation is shown in
were back-calculated with Terzaghi’s consolidation Figure 9 (solid line).
theory. Results are presented in Figure 8. The cal-
culated consolidation curves fit reasonably well
with the test results.
The assumption of a constant cv value during the
test, as used in classical consolidation theory, might
not be appropriate for this material, as it exhibits large
changes in permeability and stiffness during the con-
solidation process. Both parameters, permeability km
and compressibility mv, decrease with decreasing void
ratio σ ′ or increasing effective stress cv. Looking at
Equation (7), cv could either decrease, increase or stay
constant with effective stress, dependent on which
parameter changes more. It is usually assumed that
the change of km and mv cancels each other out and
the assumption of a constant cv is appropriate. This
does not apply for all materials, and Abuel-Naga &
Pender (2012) proposea modified consolidation
approach with linear effective stress dependent cv. Figure 8. U versus t for w/z = 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 and 0.6
for different grouting pressures. Back calculation of test
results with Terzaghi consolidation theory (red line).

Figure 7. Consolidation parameter cv versus grouting Figure 9. Consolidation curve of filtration test in com-
pressure. Best fit for all values cv = 6.07 × 10−8σ + 7.79 × 10−6 parison to back calculation with constant cv and effective
with R2 = 0.976. stress dependent cv (cv,ini = 2.5e − 5; cv,fin = 8.0e − 5).

3.3 Estimation of filter cake thickness tents of the cement grouts used range between the
limit for liquid and plastic consistency and in this
In the two phase filtration model consolidation
case the two models represent an upper and lower
of the filter cake is not taken into account and the
limit to describe the filtration process.
extension of the final filter cake material is directly
Required parameters for the filtration model are
calculated from Equation (5). A clear distinction
the initial and final water contents and the perme-
between filter cake and unfiltered grout is made.
ability of the filter cake. The filter cake material
In contrast, no distinction is made between fil-
exhibits a void ratio dependent permeability kc
ter cake and grout in classical consolidation the-
between 3.81 × 10−8m/s and 1.97 × 10−7m/s. The val-
ory, as the whole sample consolidates gradually
ues calculated on the basis of filtration theory com-
with time. Material properties such as stiffness and
ply well with the directly measured values, which
permeability are regarded constant. However, if
confirms that the filtration model is applicable.
we assume that a stable contact of grains is estab-
Assuming a final water content of w/zfin = 0.3 and
lished at a certain void ratio, the expansion of filter
the corresponding permeability kc = 7.5 × 10−8m/s
cake could then be related to the degree of consoli-
from figure (5) the filtration rate could be back-
dation U.
calculated for all tested grouts.
The consolidation model requires the consoli-
U= . (22) dation coefficient cv and compressibility mv of
δ ffin
i the material. The compressibility mv can be deter-
mined from the strain required to achieve the final
The consolidation ratio U at tfilt, at which pore water content and the applied grouting pressure.
pressures at top of the sample start to decrease, Values for cv were found between 6.86 × 10−6 m2/s
ranges between 0.75 to 0.95, which corresponds and 1.33 × 10−4 m2/s, based on Terzaghi’s consoli-
to water contents between 0.28 to 0.36. Theoreti- dation theory. The mean values of all tests can be
cally the deformation and therefore degree of con- described by a linear correlation between cv and
solidation at tfilt depends mainly on the initial water grouting pressure. With this correlation tests could
content of the grout, as this defines the amount of be back calculated using consolidation theory. To
deformation needed to reach a certain mean water determine the filtration point, it is proposed to use
content in the sample. In addition the applied the degree of consolidation U. By assuming a final
grouting pressure defines the compression of the water content w/zfin = 0.29, a mean water content
filter cake material. at the filtration time w/zfilt = 0.32 was found as
However, no significant correlation between maximum value to set limits to the determined U
initial water content, grouting pressure and U values.
was found. This could be due to variations of The determined calculation parameters for both
the test results and inaccuracies of the interpreta- models are dependent on the final water content
tion. Assuming that all tests result in a final water of the filter cake material which was found to vary
content of 0.29 as indicated in Figure 4, a mean between 0.25 and 0.35. No correlation between
water content at the filtration time of w/zfilt = 0.32 w/zfin and grouting pressure could be identified.
would give Ufilt values of 0.75, 0.83, 0.87 and 0.91 Therefore it is not possible to determine the void
for initial water contents of 0.75, 0.83, 0.5 and 0.6 ratio at which the grout actually acts as a solid
respectively. Although the compression of filter and deformation is stress dependent. It seems that
cake for different grouting pressures is ignored in the scatter of test results exceed the influence of
this approach, it fits in the range of test results. grouting pressure and initial water content for the
range of water contents and grouting pressures of
this study. Where no correlations could be identi-
4 SUMMARY fied, mean values of all tests were taken for back-
calculation of test results, which gave reasonable
This paper presents a series of filtration tests on results. These parameters might not be applicable
cement grouts with water contents ranging from for water contents and grouting pressures outside
0.4 to 0.6. The influence of initial water content the test range.
and grouting pressure was investigated and test The filtration model allows a straight-forward
results were back calculated with a two-dimen- determination of the filter cake thickness with
sional filtration model and classical consolidation time, but for an investigation of the filtration proc-
theory. ess in borehole geometry the use of consolidation
Both models could be used to back-calculate theory could be favourable, as it is already imple-
the laboratory tests. While the filtration model is mented in common geotechnical FEM software.
designed to describe filtration of solid particles When using consolidation theory it is not straight-
from a suspension, consolidation theory considers forward to define the filtration time, especially as
the expulsion of water from a solid. The water con- calculated deformations are inaccurate in the final

part of the curve. However, a rough estimation of Lee, S.-W., Kim, T.-S., Sim, B.-K., Kim, J.-S. & Lee, I.-M.
the minimum filtration time is possible. 2012. Effect of pressurized grouting on pullout resist-
ance and group efficiency of compression ground
anchor. Can. Geotech. J. Canadian Geotechnical
Journal 49(8), 939–953.
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coefficient of consolidation. Gotechnique Letters 2(2), paste. Cement and Concrete Research 41(3), 330–338.
43–48. Taylor, D.W. 1948. Fundamentals of soil mechanics. New
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London: Butterworths Scientific Publications. Warner, J. 2004. Practical Handbook of Grouting—Soil,
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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

The undrained cohesion of the soil as a criterion for column installation

with a depth vibrator

J. Wehr
Keller Holding GmbH, Offenbach, Germany

ABSTRACT: Piles, vibro concrete columns and rigid inclusions cannot be installed in liquid media like
water with cu = 0 kPa, because a cone shaped slope will form instead of a cylindrical body. In international
standards a limit of cu = 15 kPa is currently used as a lower boundary. Additionally the minimum center
to center distance between fresh concrete displacement piles without permanent casing is specified in
EN 12699 between 6–10 times the diameter depending on the cu-value. These limits should be applied
to all kinds of displacement piles like rigid inclusions in order to avoid damaging neighbouring columns
during installation.
However, recent world-wide site experiences reveal that these limits are not valid for granular columns like
vibro stone columns. The limit of the undrained cohesion should be reduced to cu ≈ 5 kPa.

• Klagenfurt, VSC, metro-market, cu = 5–10 kPa
It is common knowledge that vibro stone columns (Marte et al., 2005)
and vibro concrete columns cannot be installed in
liquid media like water with cu = 0 kPa, because a Germany:
cone shaped slope will form instead of a column. • Lübeck-Herrenwyk, VSC, metal factory,
In the German recommendation (FGFS 1979) for cu = 11–26 kPa (Völzke, 2001)
soil improvement with depth vibrators, dated 1979, • Mering, VCC, railroad embankment,
limits of cu = 15–25 kPa are given. Since that time cu = 5–20 kPa (Borchert et al. 2004)
the lower limit value has been, and still is, used in • Rethen, VSC, sugar plant, cu = 12–18 kPa
all kinds of German and international standards. • Zossen, VCC, dam for ring road, cu = 4–8 kPa
However, more than 10 years of site experiences of (Zimmermann, 2003)
the Keller company around the world reveal that Malaysia:
this limit value is far too conservative and should
be reduced to cu = 5 kPa. • Shah Alam Expressway, VSC, (Raju/Hoffmann
The aim of this publication is to find out the limit 1996, Raju 1997)
value of the undrained cohesion where a column Kinrara Interchange, VSC, cu = 6–40 kPa
installation is no longer possible. Site experiences Sri Petaling Interchange, VSC, cu = 8–50 kPa
of Keller have been compiled and summarized and Shah Alam West, VSC, cu = 5–15 kPa
furthermore systematic model tests are presented • Putrajaya Boulevard,VSC, cu = 5–20 kPa
varying the cu-value. (Raju, 2002)
2 PREVIOUS SITE EXPERIENCES • VSC, highway embankment, cu = 5 kPa
(Marte et al., 2005)
The cu-values of Keller sites have been com- In summary, the experience of all the above pre-
piled, where an installation of vibro stone col- vious sites show that the installation of vibro stone
umns (VSC) or vibro concrete columns (VCC) columns and vibro concrete columns is possible
with a depth vibrator was possible in soils with well below the old limit value of cu = 15–25 kPa,
cu < 15 kPa. Details may be found in the following and that the actual limit value should be approxi-
references. mately cu = 4–5 kPa.


The aim of these model tests is to find a new cu

limit value for dynamic excitation using a liquefi-
able very well defined silt. Here the results of a
Diploma thesis are presented (Gundacker 2004).

3.1 Test materials

All tests were executed in silt with different water
contents. For each water content the correspond-
ing undrained cohesion was determined with labo-
ratory shear vane tests, see Table 1.
Perlea (2000) describes the liquefaction of silt
under dynamic excitation with impressive case his-
tories, i.e. earthquakes, and emphasizes that not
only sand can liquefy.
He gives the following conditions for liquefac-
tion of silts:
• Clay content < 20%
• Plasticity index Ip ≤ 13
• Liquid limit wL < 33.5% and water content Figure 1. PVC container.
w > 30% or w > 0.87 wL and w < 30%
• Sensitivity S > 4
ing sand filling, because no water or pressurized
A mixture of 97.5% crushed stone powder and air is used as in reality.
2.5% caolinite fulfills all these criteria, except To model the vibrations of a real vibrator,
for the sensitivity of 1.6 being below the recom- a small vibrator was fixed to the lower end of a
mended value of 4. This mixture is used for all fur- second PVC-tube (“vibrator tube”) with an outer
ther tests. diameter of 4.5 cm. The vibrator tube fits exactly
In order to model the stone material a uniform into the first tube. Horizontal vibrations were
coarse sand is used with d50 = 0.77 mm, emax = 0.875 applied. Details are given in Table 2.
and emin = 0.434. Being able to observe the shape of the model
columns after the tests, the sand was mixed with
cement in the ratio of 4:1. This changes the behav-
3.2 Test layout
ior of the sand column only in a negligible way.
The model scale is 1:10 and results mainly from the The cement is able to harden by sucking water out
size of the PVC-tube modeling the depth vibrator. of the surrounding silt.
A PVC container with an inner diameter of
29 cm and a height of 60 cm was filled with silt up
3.3 Column installation and definition of failure
to a height of 50 cm, see Figure 1.
In order to install the sand columns, a PVC- Although static penetration has been included in
tube with an outer diameter of 5.0 cm and an the test program, in the following sections only
inner diameter of 4.6 cm was used. This PVC-tube dynamic penetration will be reported. In this
replaces the vibrator and follower tubes which have way the reality is modelled best. Applying a static
a diameter of approximately 40 cm in reality. The weight of 40 N on both tubes this assembly creates
PVC-tube is necessary to keep the hole open dur- a hole in the soil. In reality static pull down forces
of up to 200 kN are used.
After reaching the desired depth the vibrator
Table 1. Undrained cohesion depending on the water
tube is removed. Subsequently sand with a height
content of the silt. of 3 cm is filled into the outer tube and then the
tube is pulled upwards resulting in a 2 cm high
Water content in% 29.9 30.5 32.0 35.5 sand column only supported by the soil. As a next
step the vibrator tube is reintroduced with the
Undrained cohesion in kPa 5.5 4.0 3.5 2.0 static weight on top. The vibrations are stopped,

Table 2. Comparison of vibrators.

Reality Model

Frequency 40–60 hertz 50 hertz

Diameter 30–45 cm 4.5 cm
Double amplitude 3–15 mm 1–2 mm

if the settlement of the column does not change

anymore. Empirically this procedure ends after a
maximum time of 2 minutes. However, if the sand
settles more than 1 cm, the vibrations are stopped,
a new layer of sand is added and finally the vibra-
tor is reintroduced and started again. Before the
start of the tests it has been calculated how much Figure 2. Column with cu = 3.5 kN/m2, where failure
sand is necessary to double the diameter of the has occurred.
sand column. Such an increase is regarded as fail-
ure during the installation of a column. If it is pos- 4 CONCLUSION
sible to introduce even more sand, only a negligible
resistance of the soil can be expected. In this case Site experiences and systematic model tests dem-
the test is ended. onstrate that the installation of vibro stone col-
umns and vibro concrete columns is possible with
3.4 Test results a depth vibrator, even in a very soft soil with an
undrained cohesion of cu ≥ 4 kPa. The old limit
Test no. 1: cu = 5.0 kN/m2 − w = 29.0% value of cu = 15 kPa is no longer valid.
In the literature there are several examples where However, vibro columns in such soils should
the undrained cohesion of 4 to 5 kN/m2 was suffi- only be installed by specialist contractors with
cient to install vibro stone columns, see section 2. intense monitoring (depth, amperage of motor,
For this reason the first test was executed with a stone/concrete consumption, vibration frequency),
cu = 5 kN/m2. The aim of this test was to prove preferably online. This is absolutely necessary,
that this undrained cohesion of a soil which is liq- because the above criterion can only serve as an
uefiable according to Perlea (2000) is sufficient to indicator of the soil before the ground improve-
support a vibro column. No failure was observed ment starts, but does not cover aspects of the
during installation. dynamic behavior of the system, i.e. centrifugal
Test no. 2: cu = 4.0 kN/m2 − w = 30.5% force of the vibrator, tendency for soil liquefac-
In the following tests the water content is sub- tion, etc.
sequently increased by 1.5%. With a water content In the case of vibro concrete columns it may
of 30.5% an undrained cohesion of 4.0 kN/m2 is be necessary to install a vibro gravel drain first in
reached. Here as well there was no failure during order to improve the existing soil. Then the vibro
column installation. concrete column is protected by a ring of gravel.
The drain and the column can be installed with the
Test no. 3: cu = 3.5 kN/m2 − w = 32.0% same bottom feed vibrator unit.
In this test the water content was again raised by
1.5%. Here failure was observed with an enlarge-
ment of the diameter by 100%, see Figure 2. The
closer the installation comes to the surface the REFERENCES
smaller are the stresses acting as soil resistance and
Borchert, K.-M. & Kattner, G. 2004. Prüfbericht der
the faster failure is reached. Probebelastungen an 3 Fertigmörtelstopfsäulen, inter-
Test no. 4: cu = 4.0 kN/m2 − w = 30.5% nal report.
In this test the same cu-value as in test no. 2 was FGFS, Forschungsgruppe für Straßenwesen. 1979.
Merkblatt für die Untergrundverbesserung durch
chosen, but the static weight was doubled from
40 N to 80 N. Under this higher load more sand Gundacker, S. 2004. Anwendungsgrenzen bei der Herstel-
was vibrated into the surrounding soil, but no fail- lung von Schottersäulen, Diploma-thesis, Technical
ure was observed. university of Kaiserslautern.

Marte, R. & Schuller, H. 2005. Verbesserung sehr weicher Raju, V.R. 2002. Vibro replacement for high earth
Seesedimente und Torfe durch Schottersäulen—zwei embankments and bridge abutment slopes in Putra-
Fallbeispiele, Bauingenieur, Volume 80, 430–440. jaya, Malaysia, International Conference on Ground
Perlea, V. 2000. Liquefaction of cohesive soils, soil Improvement Techniques, Malaysia, p. 607–614.
dynamics and liquefaction, ASCE geotechnical special Völzke, B. 2001. Böschungssicherung für die Sanierung
publication, no. 107, 58–76. des Metallhüttengeländes in Lübeck-Herrenwyk, 8.
Raju, V.R. & Hoffmann, G. 1996. Treatment of tin mine Darmstädter Geotechnik Kolloquium, 233–239.
tailings in Kuala Lumpur using vibro replacement. Proc. Zimmermann K.-U. 2003. Gründung von Verkehrswege-
12th SEAGC, May 1996, Kuala Lumpur. bauten in Feuchtgebieten mit organischen Böden
Raju, V.R. 1997. The behaviour of very soft cohesive soils geringer Scherfestigkeit, Mitteilungen des Instituts für
improved by vibro replacement, Ground Improvement Grundbau und Bodenmechanik, Universität Braunsch-
Conference, London. weig, Pfahlsymposium, Issue 71, 71–81.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Modeling of rock fall impact using Discrete Element Method (DEM)

G. Grimstad & O. Melhus

Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway

S. Degago & R. Ebeltoft

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway

ABSTRACT: Buried corrugated steel culverts, cushioned on top by a layer of granular material, are
sometimes used to protect infrastructure from rock falls. A crucial point in design of such structure is
the cushion material ability to absorb the kinetic energy from the rock block. This is evaluated by two
important parameters, i.e. the resulting impact load and penetration of the falling rock. In this article a
Discrete Element Model (DEM) is used in simulation of the impact from a falling rock block on such a
cushion layer. The simulation is compared to measurement data from a full-scale field test. Applicability
and potential of DEM to simulate rock fall impacts on cushion are assessed and discussed in the light
of measurements from full scale test and estimations using empirical relations proposed by Norwegian

1 INTRODUCTION classical mechanics (Gupta and Saigal 2003);

contact mechanics (Kawahara et al. 2006, Kishi,
Norway is a country with several types of poten- 1999, Montani et al. 1999, Jacquemound 1999);
tial geohazards such as quick clay slides, snow ava- semi-empirical approaches (Yoshida et al. 1988).
lanches, debris flows and rock falls. The country is Detailed discussions on the above methods can be
also characterized by its mountainous features and found in e.g. Degago (2007).
scattered population. The population spread calls In this article the penetration depth and impact
for a need of infrastructures in potentially hazard- forces from a spherical object falling on a cushion
ous areas. One of such hazards is rock falls, which layer, consisting of spherical discrete element (DE)
poses a threat to adjacent infrastructures as well as particles, is presented. Numerical simulations, by
human lives using the infrastructures. In areas with means of the DE method, have previously been
high risk of rock fall incidence, roads or railways
are sometimes shielded with concrete or steel pro-
tection shelters (rock sheds). Rock sheds are usually
preferred in situations where the bounce height is
too high for other mitigation options and in cases
where there is a confined rock fall zone with fairly
high frequency of rock falls. These structures typi-
cally consist of a load-carrying primary structure
with a soil cushion layer on top. This layer is oper-
ating as an energy-absorbing and load-distributing
system (Labiouse et al. 1995, Pichler et al. 2005).
Figure 1 shows a sketch of such a protection sys-
tem. For more info on rockfall and rockfall protec-
tion see e.g. Volkwein et al. (2011).
With regard to design of rock sheds, much
emphasis has been given to estimation of impact
load. However, penetrations related to rockfall
constitute an important part of rockfall study. Dif-
ferent estimation methods have been employed to
estimate peak impact loads on rock sheds that is
the primary input in design of rock fall protec- Figure 1. Sketch of typical rock shed and soil cushion
tion structures. These methods are based on e.g. (Labiouse, et al. 1995).

applied for rockfall impact analysis on e.g. embank- large scale odeometer has diameter 500 mm and a
ments (see Plassiard and Donzé, 2009). The experi- height of 400 mm. The tests were run by loading
mental study presented by Ebeltoft et al. (2006) to several load levels with unloading between each
and Ebeltoft and Larsen (2006) is used as a basis load increment. Figure 3 shows results of such
for the numerical study presented in this paper. two oedometer tests, where preloading to 25 kPa
was done prior to the presented data. During the
preloading as much as 10 mm of displacement was
measured. The two tests shows some differences,
however, one can estimate the oedometer stiffness
to be between 18 and 26 MPa for a stress increment
2.1 Experimental work
of 500 kPa loading from 50 kPa.
Ebeltoft and Larsen (2006) studied an alternative Figure 4 shows high speed–camera documenta-
protection system based on a buried steel structure. tion of the rock fall during impact.
Figure 2 shows an illustration of the experimen-
tal setup. A 15.0 m long structural MP200 arch
type metal culvert was installed. Backfill material
in the near zone consists of 8–16 mm gravel. The
outer zone consists of 23–64 mm size gravel. The
top 1.2 m of the fill made the so-called cushion
layer, which was constructed without compaction.
The experimental study used natural rock boul-
ders with different weights and drop heights. The
test discussed in this paper involves a 200 kg rock
dropped from a 10 m height.
Large scale oedometer tests were ran on the
gravel to find oedometer stiffness properties. The

Figure 3. Oedometer tests results.

Figure 2. Illustration of experimental setup (Ebeltoft Figure 4. High speed-camera documentation of

et al. 2006). impact.

2.2 Semi empirical approaches and Strack (1979). STAR-CCM+ uses a classical
mechanics method to model DEM, and is based on
The Norwegian practice for calculating penetra-
soft-particle formulation where particles are allowed
tion depth and maximum contact force (SVV,
to develop an overlap. The calculated contact force
2011) is adopted from the Swiss recommendations
is proportional to the overlap, as well as to the parti-
given by the “Bundesamt für Strassen” (ASTRA,
cle material and geometric properties (CD-adapco,
2008). Accordingly, Equation 1 and 2 are adopted
2012). In addition to the standard linear momen-
to estimate a maximum contact force, Pmax [kN],
tum, the formulation incorporates the angular
and penetration depth, t [m], respectively.
momentum conservation equation (equation 4).
R 02
Pmax = 2.8 R tan ϕ ⋅ Ek 0.6
M E 0.4 tan (1) ⎛ ⎡ ω p ⎤⎞
e d
Ip p ) ∑ ⎜ rc ⋅ ⎢ Fc Crr Fc ⋅ n c ⋅ ⎥⎟
dt contacts ⎜
⎝ ⎢⎣ ω p ⎥⎦⎟⎠
t= (2) (4)
where, Ip is the particle moment of inertia, ωp is the
where, R is the radius of falling boulder [m], e is particle angular momentum, rc is the vector from
the soil layer thickness [m]. ME is the soil modulus the particle center of gravity to the contact point,
(Modulus of subgrade reaction) [Pa], ϕ is the fric- Fc is the contact force vector, Crr is the Rolling Fric-
tion angle [°], and Ek is the energy of the falling tion Coefficient and nc is the is a particle surface
boulder during impact [J]. normal at the contact point. The contact force vec-
According to SSV (2011), ME can be estimated as: tor is controlled by the contact theory.
In the work presented in this article, the Hertz
Eoed Mindlin contact theory is used for the simula-
ME = (3) tions. The inputs to the simulations are then the
Static and Rolling Friction Coefficient (μ and
where, Eoed is the oedometer modulus. Crr respectively) and the Normal and Tangen-
If one assumes ME = 10 MPa, Ek = 19.6 kJ, tial Coefficients of Restitution (COR) (εn and εt
tanϕ = 1.0, R = 0.26 m, and e = 0.6–1.2 m, then respectively), both for particle-particle interac-
Pmax = 240–330 kN and t = 0.12–0.16 m. Figure 5 tions and particle-wall interactions. In addition to
gives the deceleration history for the 200 kg stone these properties, the elastic stiffness of the parti-
in the field test. From the figure one can estimate cles, E, Poisson’s ratio, ν and particle density, ρ,
the maximum force to be about 220 kN, when are analysis inputs. In this study spherical parti-
multiplying the deceleration with the weight of cles with normally distributed diameters of the
the stone. The measured penetration depth after particles were used.
impact was 0.20 m.
2.3 Discrete element method
In this work, the Star-CCM+ program v. 7.04 (CD- 3.1 Discrete element properties
adapco, 2012) is used for the dynamic discrete ele- The properties used in the simulations are as given
ment simulations. DEM was established by Cundall in table 1 and table 2. The spheres used in the sim-
ulations were normally distributed with a mean
diameter of 43 mm and a standard deviation of
9 mm. In addition, the minimum and maximum
diameters were set to 23 mm and 64 mm, respec-
tively. This gives a cumulative weight distribution
curve as presented in figure 6. The particles were
loosely packed with a random distribution that
gives a void ratio of about 0.9.

Table 1. DEM particle properties.

ρ [kg/m ]
3 E [GPa] ν

2700 50 0.3
Figure 5. Deceleration history for the 200 kg stone.

Table 2. DEM particle interaction

μ Crr εn εt

0.7 0.2 0.8 0.8

Figure 7. Determination of friction angle by measuring

Figure 6. Cumulative weight distribution curve for the
angle of repose.

Imre et al. (2008) found a value for the CORs

of dynamic collision of granite with granite to
be around 0.8 and this value was adopted in this
work. The Rolling Friction Coefficient was set to
a “high” value of 0.2 to take into account that the
actual gravel particles were of non-spherical shape
(see equation 4).

3.2 Simulated odeometer stiffness

and friction angle
Two analyses were run in order to estimate proper- Figure 8. Simulated oedometer results.
ties of the discrete element assembly.
The first analysis involves a simple estimation of
the friction angle by measuring the angle of repose,
3.3 Modelling of impact
θ, under 1 g condition. Thereafter the assumption
of tanϕ = tanθ is used. Figure 7 shows such analy- To model the impact on a cushion layer, a 2 m by
sis where the friction angle was determined to be 2 m box filled with 0.6 m thick gravel was used.
around 50° (tanϕ = 1.2). This resulted in about 50 000 particles. The parti-
The second analyses is an oedometer test sim- cles were allowed to settle to rest under the action
ulation where a box of 400 mm by 100 mm by of gravity alone. Then the boulder was dropped
400 mm was used. The elements were loaded on with an impact speed of 14 m/s. The boulder was
top with an initial load of 10 kPa before a 500 kPa modeled as a spherical object, with a radius of
stress increment was applied. Figure 8 gives the 0.26 m and weight of 200 kg.
results of the oedometer simulation. For the time The global time steps, Δt, during this analysis
interval of 1.4 s, the oedometer stiffness can be were 1e-5 s/step. However, the program does sub-
estimated to 18 MPa. The time used for the stress stepping based on three criteria: The 1st criteria is
increment was chosen such that the strain rate the time it takes the Rayleigh wave to propagate
before and after application of the 500 kPa was across the surface of the sphere to the opposite
the same. pole (for this the sphere with smallest radius in the
According to equation 1 and 2, a penetration of problem is used in the calculation), the 2nd criteria
0.102 m and a maximum force of 384 kN (or an is that the duration of a collision of two perfectly
estimated maximum deceleration of 192 g) for a elastic spheres should be done in a minimum of
cushion layer of 0.6 m thickness are calculated. 10 steps, finally the 3rd criteria is that it should

take at least 10 time steps for the particle to move
the full length of the radius. The three criteria are
given in equation 5 to 7 below.

π ⋅ Rmin
Δtt1 = (5)

⎛ 5 2 ⋅π ⋅ ρ 1− ν 2 ⎞ R
Δt2 = 0.1 ⋅ 2.94 ⋅ ⎜ ⋅ ⎟ ⋅ (6)
⎝ 4 E ⎠ vimpact

Δt3 = 0.1 ⋅ (7) Figure 10. Penetration depth versus time simulated
v particlel with DEM.

where R is radius, vRayleigh is the Rayleigh wave

velocity, vimpact is the velocity at impact and vparticle
is the particle velocity. The theoretical background
of equation 5 is found in Timoshenko (1951).
The penetration and deceleration of the boulder
was monitored during the analysis. The analysis
was run with an implicit solver. The simulations
were parallelized to 8 processes, which gives a rea-
sonable calculation time for 50 000 particles.


Figure 11. Deceleration simulated with DEM.
Figure 9 shows the final configuration of the dis-
crete element simulation of the impact. As can be
seen the boulder is about one radius into the cush- actually attributed to settlement due to the dead
ion layer. Slight heave of the cushion layer around weight of the boulder close to rest (static).
the boulder can also be noticed.
4.2 Deceleration history
4.1 Penetration depth Figure 11 shows the deceleration of the boulder in
Figure 10 shows the calculated penetration depth the DEM simulation. As can be seen from the plot
in the DEM simulation where the final penetration is the calculated deceleration twice the measured
was 0.229 m. This is quite similar to the measured deceleration (Figure 5). However, when compared
penetration in the field test (i.e. 0.2 m). However, to the estimated maximum deceleration using the
as can be seen in the figure much of the penetra- Swiss formula that gave 192 g, the values from the
tion happens after the deceleration of the test was DEM simulation are quite comparable.
finished (i.e. after approx. 0.02 s). This indicates
that much of the penetration in this simulation is

The numerical simulation, with DEM, and the

measured values, in terms of deceleration were
quite different. Parts of the reasons for the differ-
ences can be attributed to discrepancies between
idealizations in the DEM simulation and the actual
test conditions, which can be briefed as follows;
− The cushion layer thickness was different. The
DEM simulations were done on the top 0.6 m
layer, in the test the cushion layer consisted of
two uncompacted layers with 0.6 m thickness
Figure 9. Final configuration of the DEM simulation. each.

− The test was done with a flexible culvert. The age will increase the demand for computational
idea with the flexible culvert is to reduce the resource.
impact load. The numerical study support such The DEM simulations should be coupled with
an effect. Hopefully further studies will support the finite element or the finite volume method
this hypothesis. for the simulation of the culvert and far field parts
− The shapes of the boulders in the tests were not of the model. This is not possible in the present
as spherical as in the DEM simulation. Degago version of the software. However, it is in the future
et al. (2008) gave attention to the shape effect plans of the software developers. For details on
on penetration depth and maximum peak load. such coupling one can see e.g. Rojek and Oñate
They found that spherical objects give larger (2008). Such analysis will potentially provide a bet-
impact forces and less penetration depths than ter documentation on the effects rock fall on flex-
pyramidal shaped objects. ible culverts and will potentially be used in design
− For peak deceleration it is believed that the hori- of rock shield structures.
zontal distance to the boundaries has no effect Finally back calculation of other drop heights
on the results. However, for final settlement and and boulder masses should be carried out. In the
the deceleration process a box of 2 m x 2 m is tests mass up to 2650 kg and drop heights of 20 m
small, both when it comes to reflections from the were used. Such large boulders with such high
boundaries and particles sliding/rolling along kinetic energy would require that a large zone
the boundaries. should be modeled with DEM, again increasing
calculation time.
The effect of particle properties in the DEM
simulation, when it comes to both shape and mate-
rial properties, such as stiffness etc. should explain ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
some of the differences. Finally the DEM simula-
tion done in this study does not take into account Authors are grateful to acknowledge the Norwe-
particle crushing. gian Public Roads Administration for financial
support for the experimental studies. The authors
also wish to thank the International Centre for
6 CONCLUSIONS AND Geohazards (ICG) and the Research Council of
RECOMMENDATIONS Norway for supporting this research.

This paper presents some initial studies to use

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A proposed New Design Procedure for RC Rock- Timoshenko, S. 1951. Theory of Elasticity. McGraw-Hill
Sheds, Joint Japan-Swiss Scientific Seminar on Impact Book Company.
Load by Rock Falls and Design of Protection Struc- Volkwein, A., Schellenberg, K., Labiouse, V., Agliardi, F.,
tures, 103–112. Berger, F., Bourrier, F., Dorren, L.K.A., Gerber, W. &
Labiouse, V., Descoueudres, E. & Montani, S. 1995, Jaboyedoff, M. Rockfall characterisation and struc-
Numerical Analysis of Rock Blocks Impact a soil Cush- tural protection—a review. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst.
ion, Numerical Models in Geomechnics-NUMOG V, Sci., 11, 2617–2651.
Pande & Pieetruszczak (eds), 645–650. Yoshida, H., Masuya, H. & Ihara, T. 1988, Experimen-
Masuya, H., Tanak, Y., Onda, S. & Ihara, T. 1999, tal Study of Impulsive Design Load for Rock Sheds,
Evaluation of Rock Falls on Slopes and Simulations IABSE Proceedings P-127/88, 61–74.
of the Motion of Rock Falls in Japan, Joint Japan-
Swiss Scientific Seminar on Impact Load by Rock
Falls and Design of Protection Structures, Kanazawa,
Japan, 21–28.
Montani, S.S., Labouse, V. & Descoeudres, F. 1999,
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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Investigation into the factors affecting the shaft resistance of driven

piles in sands

D. Igoe, K. Gavin & L. Kirwan

School of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

ABSTRACT: The paper presents the results of field tests performed to study the effects of the installa-
tion technique, degree of plugging, cyclic loading and ageing on the shaft resistance developed on open-
ended piles in sand. Two instrumented model piles were jacked and driven into an artificially created
loose sand deposit in Blessington, Ireland. The results from these tests indicated that the equalized radial
effective stresses which are suggested to control the shaft capacity vary strongly with the degree of plug-
ging and number of load cycles experienced during installation. A comparison of jacked and driven
installations suggest similar radial stresses were developed provided the jacked pile had experienced a suf-
ficient number load cycles. The degree of plugging experienced during installation controlled the radial
stresses near the bottom of the pile, with closed-ended or plugged piles developing high stresses near
the pile base and exhibiting friction fatigue up the shaft, compared with open-ended coring piles which
exhibited relatively low stresses along the length of the pile shaft. A comparison with full scale 340 mm
diameter pipe piles driven into the dense sand in Blessington noted comparable radial stresses when the
pile was fully coring but exhibited a larger increase in radial stress near the pile toe as the pile became
plugged. Further tests on the effects of ageing show a pile shaft capacity increase of 260% over 220 days
after driving. Further research is underway in Blessington to investigate the mechanisms controlling this
ageing behaviour.

1 BACKGROUND In addition, the ICP tests suggested that the σ′rf

could be separated into two components namely;
Significant advances in the design of axially loaded the stationary radial effective stress measured after
piles in sand have been made over the past 20 years. installation before loading (σ′rc) and the increase in
Field tests using instrumented piles and database radial effective stress occurs due to dilation during
studies have shown traditional earth pressure based loading (Δσ′rd).
design methods for predicting a piles axial capacity
to have poor reliability. Research campaigns at sev- σ′rf = σ′rc + Δσ′rd (2)
eral research centers around the world were under-
taken to better understand the mechanisms which It was found that the σ′rc (which was suggested
control this behavior. Some of the most important as the primary component controlling τf) at each
insights into pile behavior were provided by Impe- level along the shaft clearly mirrored the CPT cone
rial College (Lehane, 1992, Chow, 1997, Jardine resistance, qc, and reduced with distance from the
et al. 2005 and others) using a highly instrumented, pile toe (h). This corroborated previous research
101 mm diameter, closed-ended model pile, known in clays by Hereema (1980), who introduced the
as the Imperial College Pile (ICP). The pile, which term friction fatigue to describe the reduction in
was jacked into both medium-dense and dense the mobilized shear stress developed in a given soil
sand deposits, used an array of instruments to horizon during driving, as the distance to the pile
simultaneously measure the radial (horizontal) toe increased. Chow (1997) postulated that (i) free
stresses acting at the pile-soil interface and the surface effects (ii) pile driving whip (iii) the geom-
shear stresses at multiple levels along the pile shaft. etry of the steady flow around the pile tip and (iv)
The model tests confirmed that the shaft friction the cyclic loading imposed by jacking (or driving)
was controlled by the Mohr-Coulomb failure cri- were the mechanisms which principally caused
terion relating the ultimate unit shaft friction, τf, friction fatigue, with the last two being the most
to the radial effective stress at failure, σ′rf, and the important. Based on database studies of driven
interface friction angle, δf, where: piles which were seen to match quite reasonably
with the radial stress predictions from the jacked
τf = σ′rf ⋅ tanδf (1) ICP, Jardine et al. (2005) considered the geometri-

cal spreading and cyclic degradation (the primary where ΔLp is the change in plug length for a given
causes of friction fatigue) to vary principally with change in pile penetration, ΔL (IFR = 0 means fully
h/R, where R is the pile radius, for closed-ended plugged, IFR = 1 means fully coring). It was sug-
piles. gested that using qb instead of qc as a design input
Chow (1997) sought to extrapolate from the parameter in equation 3 (and using R instead of
closed-ended ICP tests to establish an approxi- R*) could provide a more logical extrapolation from
mate link which could be used for the design of closed-ended behaviour. White et al. (2005) pre-
open-ended piles. It was suggested that using a sented cavity expansion analyses which suggested
modified R* term, where R* is equal to the radius a weaker dependence on IFR than that proposed
of an equivalent closed-ended pile of the same by Gavin and Lehane (2003). The UWA-05 design
solid area, would result in a higher rate of friction method was developed by modifying the original
fatigue degradation which could be applicable for ICP equations slightly, by dropping the vertical
open-ended piles. The aforementioned research led effective stress function and using Ar,eff instead of
to the development of the Imperial College Pile R* to account for open-ended behaviour, as seen
design method (ICP-05) shown in equation 3: below:

σ′rc = 0.029 ⋅ qc ⋅ (σ′v0/Pa)0.13 ⋅ (h/R*)−0.38 (3) σ′rc = 0.03 ⋅ qc ⋅ (h/D)−0.5 ⋅ Ar,eff0.3 (6a)

where σ′v0 is the in-situ vertical effective stress Ar,eff = 1 – IFR (Di/D)2 (6b)
and Pa is atmospheric pressure (≈100 kPa). The
ICP-05 method includes an expression to predict where D is the external pile diameter and Di is the
the stress increase caused by dilation, Δσ′rd, based internal pile diameter.
on the work of Lehane and Jardine (1994): While both the UWA-05 and ICP-05 methods
offer comparably good performances in database
Δσ′rd = (4G/D) Δy (4) studies, Gavin et al. (2011) showed that when these
were used to design piles for a typical North Sea
where G is the operational shear modulus of the oil platform, each method gave significantly differ-
soil (which can be correlated with CPT qc) and Δy ent pile length requirements. Recognizing that the
is the radial displacement occurring during pile ICP-05 and UWA-05 methods for open-ended pile
loading (≈ 0.02 mm for lightly-rusted steel piles). design were fundamentally based on the results of
The Δσ′rd component is inversely proportional instrumented closed-ended model piles and which
to pile diameter and as such was considered to be were subsequently adapted and calibrated against
relatively small for field scale piles. The method databases of field scale open-ended piles, the
for predicting local shear stress, which was seen to UCD Geotechnical Research Group conducted a
be primarily controlled by the CPT qc and (h/R*) prolonged research campaign to further improve
components, was a major advancement over tra- understanding of open-ended pile behavior.
ditional design methods and has been shown to
offer significantly improved reliability in database
The extrapolation of the measurements of
2.1 UCD instrumented piles
radial stress on closed-ended piles to the design of
open-ended piles has caused much debate. Gavin Model open- and closed-ended piles were used
and Lehane (2003), Lehane et al. (2005), Igoe et al. in the tests described in this paper. The stainless
(2011) and others have suggested that using the steel open-ended pile had an external diameter of
R* parameter to extrapolate to open-ended pile 168 mm and a wall thickness (t) of 9 mm, giving a
behavior does not account for the complex con- D/t ratio typical for pipe piles. The lower instru-
ditions such as soil plugging experienced during mented section, 2 m in length, was constructed
the installation of an open-ended pile. Gavin and using the twin-walled technique, where two strain
Lehane (2003) suggested that an open-ended pile gauged steel pipes with slightly different diameter
would have a lower installation base resistance are joined (at the top) thus allowing separate meas-
(qb), which in turn would result in lower shaft urement of the internal and external shaft resist-
resistance. The qb was shown to depend on the qc ance and the base load developed on the annulus of
and the amount of plugging experienced during the pile toe itself. Three instrumented units which
installation as defined by the Incremental Filling housed the radial total stress sensors and pore
Ratio (IFR): pressure transducers were located at h/D = 1.5,
5.5 and 10.5. Spacer sections machined from the
IFR = ΔLp/ΔL (5) same pipe, which were 1.0 m in length and of equal

diameter, could be used to allow pile installation to of the pile have been described by Kirwan et al.
6 m. The stress sensors were TML (Tokyo Sokki (2012). For continuity with previous publications
Kenkyujo Co.) PDA-500 kPa, and had a rated the open—and closed-ended model piles are des-
capacity of 500 kPa. The same sensors were used ignated pile OE and CE respectively while the full
to measure pore pressure response (located diamet- scale pile is designated pile S5.
rically opposite the total stress sensors). A porous
ceramic disc was mounted flush with the outer pile
2.2 UCD test site
surface in front of each of the pore pressure sen-
sors. The location of the instrumentation, includ- The experimental pile tests were performed at the
ing the electrical resistance strain gauges are shown University College Dublin (UCD) sand test site
in Fig. 1. Full details of the design, construction which is situated in Blessington, 25 km southwest
and calibration of the model pile are contained in of Dublin city. The ground conditions comprise
Igoe et al. (2010). of glacially deposited, very dense, fine siliceous
The model closed-ended pile used in the field sand with a CPT qc resistance in the range of 15 to
tests was a 73 mm, stainless steel pile with radial 20 MPa, and small strain stiffness (G0) in the range
total stress and pore-water pressure sensors at the 75 to 150 MPa. Sand replacement tests indicated
same relative locations (h/D = 1.5, 5.5 and 10.5) as that the relative density of the in-situ sand deposit
the open-ended piles and a similar level of overall was between 90% and 100%. Particle size distri-
instrumentation. This instrumentation is described bution analyses performed on samples indicated
in detail by Igoe et al. (2010). that the mean particle size, D50, was approximately
In addition to the model piles, a larger scale, 0.15 mm. The equilibrium ground water table was
340 mm diameter, 7 m long, steel, open-ended approximately 13 m bgl. The natural water content
pile was instrumented with four radial total stress was relatively uniform at 10–12% above the water
sensors at relative locations (h/D = 1.5, 5.5, 10.5 table and was found not to vary seasonally.
and 17.5). The sensors used were the same make/ To allow for comparison of pile behaviour in
type as those used in the model piles only with a conditions where only the sand state varied, a
higher rated capacity of 3 MPa (to survive driving trench 2.5 m wide, 10 m long and 6 to 7 m depth
and denser soil conditions). Details of the design was excavated at the site. Immediately following
excavation the material was backfilled into the
trench at its natural moisture content (10–12%)
using an excavator bucket maintaining a drop-
height of between 1 and 2 m, with the intention
that this air pluviation technique would produce
a uniform loose sand deposit. Four CPT profiles
were performed at 2 m spacings along the trench.
The CPT qc profiles are compared with profiles
measured in the in-situ, dense sand in Fig. 2a. The
CPT profiles were consistent at all locations in
the trench, with qc decreasing from 2 MPa near the
ground surface to 1.0 MPa at depths below 1.5 m
bgl until the cone reached the base of the trench
at 6–7 m bgl. This compared to CPT qc values of
15–20 MPa in the dense in-situ soil over this depth
range. The friction ratios (Fr = ratio of CPT sleeve
friction fs to cone resistance qc) were similar at
1–2% in the loose and dense sand deposits. Profiles
of the small strain shear modulus, G0, determined
by Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves
(MASW) are shown in Fig. 2c. The G0 values in
the trench increased from 20 MPa near the ground
surface to 40 MPa at depth.

2.3 UCD pile testing program

The model pile tests described in this paper have
been described in further detail in Igoe et al. (2011).
Figure 1. UCD open-ended model pile (after Igoe et al., All model pile tests were conducted in the loose
2011). backfilled trench at Blessington. The piles were

Figure 2. CPT profile at Blessington.

installed through initial starter holes, varying from lent to the short term equalized radial stresses (σ'rc),
0.85–1.9 m in depth. The first test (OE1) involved were measured between jacking strokes. The jacked
jacking the open-ended model pile into the sand, closed-ended model pile (CE) developed large σ'rs
using the CPT truck as reaction, in 100 mm jacking values near the pile toe during installation, and
strokes to a final depth of 5.9 m. The installation exhibited friction fatigue with much smaller values
was paused between each jacking stroke to moni- noted further up the pile shaft. Similar behaviour
tor the plug development and record the stationary was noted for the jacked OE model pile when it
radial stresses. The second test (OE2) involved driv- was experiencing full plugging during installation.
ing the pile to a depth of 4.1 m, using a specially fab- The driven OE model pile, which was virtually
ricated 25 kg hammer falling through a drop-height fully coring throughout installation (IFR > 80%),
of 0.5 m. The pile was jacked a further 1.45 m into exhibited very little friction fatigue, with low σ'rs
the ground using the CPT truck with 50 mm jack- values noted along the entire shaft. Compression
ing strokes. The third test involved the installation cyclic load tests performed on the CE and OE
of the 73 mm diameter closed-ended model pile jacked piles showed a significant reduction in σ'rs
(CE), which was installed using the CPT truck in over the first 20–50 load cycles, reducing to values
50 mm jacking strokes to a final depth of 3.55 m. similar to those measured on the driven model pile
At the end of installation for each model test (OE1, (at sensor locations remote from the pile toe). The
OE2 & CE) a series of cyclic tests were performed combined effect of plugging and cyclic loading on
to assess the effects of cyclic loading on the radial the model piles is shown in Fig. 3. It is evident that
stresses. A final pile test involved driving the full for closed-ended piles or fully plugged open-ended
scale pile S5 into the dense natural sand deposit piles (IFR = 0) that the σ'rs values near the pile toe
using a Junttan PM16 pile driving rig to a final (at h/D = 1.5) are significantly higher than further
depth of 7 m bgl. Driving was paused every 1 m to back up the shaft, even after 100 or more cycles (i.e.
assess the IFR and stationary radial stresses. friction fatigue is evident). This is related to high
stress mobilized in the vicinity of the pile toe and
the geometry of the steady flow around the pile tip.
3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS For a fully coring pile (IFR = 100%), much lower
stresses are noted at h/D = 1.5 and these are in line
During installation of the model piles, the station- with the minimum threshold values further up the
ary radial effective stresses (σ'rs), which were equiva- pile shaft (i.e. no friction fatigue is evident).

ICP-05, UWA-05 and UCD-11 design methods
compared to the radial stresses measured from
the full scale pile, S5 driven into Blessington. Due
to damage to two of the sensors during driving,
radial stress data is only available from sensors at
h/D = 1.5 and 5.5. The IFR during installation of
pile S5 reduced steadily from 95% over the first 1 m
of penetration to 45% at the end of installation. It
is evident that ICP-05 and UWA-05 methods do
not capture the full effects of plugging near the pile
toe. The UCD-11 method predicts a larger range

Figure 3. Effect of cycling on stationary radial effective

stresses along the pile shaft (after Igoe et al. 2011).

The effect of cyclic loading is evident (repre-

sented by the arrows in Figure 3) and shows that
jacked piles, which experience a small number of
cycles during installation, can develop significantly
higher stationary radial stresses during installation
than driven piles or piles which have experienced a
large number of load cycles. However it should be
noted that the benefits of these high radial stresses
can be removed after only a small number of load
From this research, Igoe et al. (2011) proposed
a new design method, referred to as UCD-11, in
order to predict σ'rc for the end of driving condi-
tion (after many cycles had been experienced):

σ′rc = qc ⋅ [0.025 – 0.0025(h/D)] ⋅ Ar,eff > σ′rc,min (7a)

σ′rc,min = γ ⋅ qc (7b)

where γ accounts for the minimum threshold value

which was thought to depend on the sand state.
Based on the limited available data, tentative val-
ues of γ = 0.003 and 0.006 were proposed for loose
and dense sand, respectively, with higher values
possible in very dense over-consolidated deposits.


Figure 4. (a) Comparison of UCD-11 and (b) UWA-05
Figure 4 shows a comparison of the equalized and ICP-05 design methods against measured radial
radial effective stresses determined using the stresses from full scale pile S5.

ington show that while recent CPT based design
methods provide significantly improved radial
stress predictions, they are still unable to capture
the full combined effects of installation plug-
ging, cyclic loading and ageing. Further research
is being undertaken at UCD using a new highly
instrumented full scale pile to reliably measure the
radial and shear stresses during installation, ageing
and load testing.


Chow, F., Jardine, R.J., Brucy, F. and Nauroy, J.F., 1997.

“Time related increases in the shaft capacities of
driven piles in sand,” Geotechnique, Vol. 47, No. 2,
pp. 353–361.
Figure 5. Ageing tension static load tests on previously Gavin, K.G. and Lehane, B.M., 2003. “The shaft capac-
untested piles full scale piles at Blessington (after Gavin ity of pipe piles in sand,” Canadian Geotechnical Jour-
et al., 2013). nal, Vol. 40, pp. 36–45.
Gavin, K.G., Igoe, D. and Doherty, P., 2011. “Use
of open-ended piles to support offshore wind tur-
of σ′rc values near the pile toe for the varying IFR bines: A state of the art review,” Proceedings of the
values but over predicts the σ′rc at high IFR values ICE—Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 164, No. GE4,
provided γ = 0.006 is used (as suggested for dense pp. 245–256.
sands). From the limited available data it appears Gavin, K.G, Igoe, D. and Kirwan, L., 2013. “The effect
a γ = 0.003 may be applicable to predict the end of of ageing on the axial capacity of piles in sand”, ICE
Geotechnical Engineering Special Edition, In Press.
installation radial stresses in both loose and dense
Heerema, E., 1980. “Predicting pile driveability: heather
sands, however this research is still ongoing and as an illustration of the friction fatigue theory,”
further testing using a new instrumented pile is cur- Ground Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 15–37.
rently underway to verify this. The effect of ageing Igoe, D., Doherty, P. and Gavin, K.G., 2010. “The devel-
or pile ‘set-up’ also has a very large influence on opment and testing of an instrumented open-ended
the pile capacity. Tests conducted at Blessington by model pile,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 33,
Gavin et al. (2013) on three piles (identical to pile No. 1, pp. 1–11.
S5) show the effect of ageing on the pile capacity. Igoe, D., Gavin, K.G. and O’Kelly, B.C., 2011. “The shaft
The piles were load tested in tension at differ- capacity of open-ended piles in sand,” Journal of Geo-
technical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,
ent time intervals after driving. It is evident from
Vol. 137, No. 10, pp. 903–913.
Fig. 5 that a 260% increase in pile capacity was Jardine, R.J., Chow, F.C., Overy, R.F. and Standing, J.,
noted over the 220 days after driving. Jardine et al. 2005. ICP Design Methods for Driven Piles in Sands
(2005) included the Intact Ageing Characteris- and Clays. T. Telford. London, University of London
tic in the ICP-05 design method which suggested (Imperial College).
similar increases in capacity over time. Axelsson Jardine, R.J. and Chow, F.C., 2007. “Some Recent Devel-
(2000) measured the radial stresses on precast con- opments in Offshore Pile Design,” 6th International
crete driven piles in sand and suggested that the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Confer-
effect of pile ageing was primarily due to enhanced ence, London.
Lehane, B.M., 1992. “Experimental investigations of pile
constrained dilation at the pile soil interface. Fur-
behaviour using instrumented field piles,” PhD Thesis,
ther research is required to investigate the ageing University of London (Imperial College).
phenomenon. Lehane, B.M. and Jardine, R.J., 1994. “Shaft capacity of
driven piles in sand: a new design approach,” Confer-
ence on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures, Boston,
Lehane, B.M., Schneider, J.A. and Xu, X., 2005. “The
The paper presents field data from model and full UWA-05 method for prediction of axial capacity of
scale open—and closed-ended piles jacked and driven piles in sand,” Frontiers in Offshore Geotech-
nics: ISFOG, Perth, University of Western Australia.
driven into loose and dense sand deposits. Recent
White, D.J., Schneider, J.A. and Lehane, B.M., 2005.
CPT based methods which were developed to bet- “The influence of effective area ratio on shaft friction
ter capture the mechanisms controlling pile behav- of displacement piles in sand,” Frontiers in Offshore
ior were discussed. Radial stress measurements Geotechnics, ISFOG, University of Western Australia,
from a full scale open-ended driven pile in Bless- Perth.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Monitoring and risk assessment in EPB TBM’s in urban environments:

High speed railway tunnel Sants-Sagrera running next to Sagrada
Familia Basilica (World Heritage)

J.E. París Fernández & J. Gómez Cabrera

Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A., Barcelona, Spain

ABSTRACT: In this paper we are going to summarize the procedures used to manage the operation
of a TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) type EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) with continuous and “real time”
monitoring of working and parameters. To show the characteristics of this method we chose a relevant
example, Sagrada Familia Basilica designed by Antoni Gaudi, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Some control parameters have been followed in order to detect possible damage to the building structure.
During this time, Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas supported the project with direct monitoring and risk as-
sessment to the TBM, reaching an advanced level in order to detect anomalies in the TBM operation,
ground movements or building failure.


During the last decade the use of EPB TBM’s to

create underground communication networks in
our cities has grown considerably. In parallel, the
risk of an accident or incident associated with
underground activities has increased because of the
very sensitive environment. When talking about a
world architectural symbol like the iconic Sagrada
Familia Basilica by Antoni Gaudi, the red alarm
light flashes immediately. For this reason, continu-
ous monitoring and follow up to the TBM’s opera-
tions are done to give a high grade of confidence
about the work undertaken.

1.1 The scenario

One of the most recognizable symbols of Barcelona
is the Sagrada Familia Basilica, located between
Sardenya and Marina Streets looking from west to
east. From north to south the location is between
Provença and Mallorca Streets (see Figure 1). The
high-speed railway tunnel runs along Mallorca Figure 1. Sagrada Familia location and tunnel position.
Street affecting principally the south façade of the
Temple from P.K. + 3.650 to P.K. + 3.540, as ref-
erenced in the Construction Project. In terms of at a depth of 18 to 20 m. In the location that is the
excavated rings, the affected zone is approximately focus of this article the principal component of the
between ring 950 and ring 1050. soils is sand with random layers of brown argil-
laceous marlstones.
1.2 The geology A pile wall was driven all along Mallorca Street,
in order to give protection to the foundations and
The geology of the tunnel route is principally structure of the historic building. It is possible to
quaternary materials comprising a mix of clay, see a descriptive section in Figure 2. The pile wall
sand, gravel and lime. The water table is located was completed with three concrete beams and soil

pressure inside the excavation chamber. To regulate
the pressure and the amount of material inside, a
screw conveyor is used with two relevant param-
eters: the rotation speed and the gate aperture
percentage. Additional to these parameters is the
treatment of the excavated soil by foam and differ-
ent kinds of polymers.
When an EPM TBM is working, the operator
always tries to find a balance between the material
entering the chamber, the screw conveyor rotation
and the aperture of the gate at the end of the screw
conveyor. This state is very difficult to reach in
mixed soils with different densities and behaviors.
It is accepted that the safest way to operate an EPB
is with the chamber full of material, but sometimes
this is not possible. Think, for example, of a mixed
ground formed by sand and clay. The friction of
Figure 2. Typical cross section showing tunnel location the clay against the internal wall of the chamber
with respect to the temple. raises the temperature and it is necessary to cool it
down through injecting water that can wash away
the sand very fast, making a chaotic scenario of
densities inside the chamber.
treatment in the surface. During the execution of
A critical moment for the front support occurs
the pile wall the settlements detected in the Temple
when the TBM must stop. There are different
were around 2 mm.
causes. During normal operation for a single shield,
when the stroke of the hydraulic jacks reach the
1.3 The construction project end a new ring has to be installed. At this moment
the cutter head stops its rotation, the gate of the
This urban tunnel is part of the High Speed Railway
screw conveyor is closed and some excavated mate-
Line Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-France border
rial remains in the chamber. To prevent unexpected
and it crosses Barcelona city. The total length of the
loss of pressure during the ring installation, the
track is 4849 m and the average cover around 28 m.
TBM has been equipped with a bentonite injection
The geometry design parameters are as it follows:
system which is prepared to actuate if the pressure
− Minimal free surface: 85 m2 drops below the reference level. The engineer takes
− Internal radius: 5.2 m care during this moment and, in the case of exces-
− Free height of the section: 7.36 m sive pressure loss, informs the operator to turn on
− Cover in considered section: 25.5 to 26.5 m the bentonite system. In this way, during stops it is
possible to maintain the pressure.
Taking account of the geotechnical properties of
Another important issue is the hyperbaric oper-
the excavated material, it was decided to perform
ation. Human intervention at the front is one of
the job using an EPB (Earth Pressure Balance)
the most dangerous and complex situations that
TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) manufactured
can happen during tunnel driving. The different
by Herrenknecht, with an excavation diameter of
phases to form the bentonite “cake”, that gives the
11.55 m, 105 m length, 2300 ton weight and named
stability to the ground and allows work inside the
chamber, must be followed and monitored with
A very complex monitoring system for the struc-
special attention. Also, during long time mainte-
ture was installed. Level sensors were placed at dif-
nance stops the bentonite “cake” can modify the
ferent heights, and extension gauges, piezometers,
surrounding ground behaviour.
inclinometers and a robotic survey complete a huge
network that can detect any single movement.
2.2 Monitoring EPB operation
The complexity of the operations requires a big
control of parameters, in some cases around 200.
The monitoring system hereby proposed and
described is not only oriented to the operator or
2.1 EPB working operation
the Contractor. The system gives support to all
An EPB TBM was operated with continuous front parties implicated in the job from a global and
support using the excavated material to keep the dedicated point of view.

Figure 3. Scheme of monitoring and data acquisition
in real time.

Figure 4. Pressure sensor distribution inside the excava-

The principle of the system is taking data from tion chamber.
the EPB computer and, at the same time, data from
the monitoring net placed along the track. All the
data collected in one control center are analyzed Figure 4 shows the sensor configuration and
in “real time” by an expert team that has direct the optimal values of pressure considered for this
contact with the TBM’s operator. The scheme is interval of rings. The caption is directly taken
shown in Figure 3. from a tool used by the monitoring engineer to
In the first instance, the system could look very determinate if there is an air bubble in process. In
simple, but there some characteristics that make it “Level 1”, at the top of the chamber, the ground
very efficient. These characteristics are: cell shows a value of 1.4 m3 and the cell “Air Bub-
ble” 0.15 m. This means that, at this moment and
− Total independence of the monitoring team from
with these working conditions, the air bubble in the
the Owner and Contractor. This fact avoids sub-
top of the chamber is reduced to 15 cm and, in
jective decisions.
terms of EPB operation, completely depreciable.
− Global vision in “real” time of the TBM
Measuring the difference of pressures between the
sensors (the height difference is known) it is pos-
− Possibility to improve TBM performance by
sible to calculate the density at every instant in
analyzing all the data collected.
the zone under consideration. In this case we are
− Continuous monitoring 24/7 and specially
going to pay special attention to the sensors P1 and
dedicated surveillance during the hyperbaric
P2-P3 that control the top of the chamber.

3.2 Monitoring FER (Foam Expansion Rate)

3 MONITORING DURING CROSSING The optimal working condition considers a density
UNDERNEATH SAGRADA FAMILIA of 1.4 t/m3 in the top of the chamber. In section 2
it was mentioned that the ground treatment was by
Considering the importance of the Temple and foam and polymers. The purpose of this treatment
the evident risk of damage of its structure, special is to get a better mixture of the material inside the
attention was focused from ring 950 to ring 1050. chamber, but the excess of compressed air used to
This does not mean that for the rest of the drive inject this component into the chamber can accu-
less attention was paid, but this part really has a mulate in the top of the chamber producing an air
special relevance. To better understand the work bubble, around 15 m3 over the sensors P1-P2P3, a
executed we are going to reduce the study field situation that is completely unacceptable for safe
from ring 970 to 990. operation. To correct this excess of air, the bulk-
head is equipped with a vent valve in the top, just
over the sensors level P1-P2P3. When the moni-
3.1 Excavation chamber
tored parameters indicate the presence of air, the
We can divide the excavation chamber into different vent valve is immediately opened, evacuating the
parts as a function of the height. To determine the air and filling the empty space in the chamber with
pressure at those heights the bulkhead is equipped the injection of bentonite as a face support until the
with several pressure gauges (see Figure 4). conditions of the excavation allows the top to be

filled with excavated material. Of course, the effect consequent formation of an air bubble. After con-
of the purge is not immediate; the shift monitoring veying the situation to the operator the vent valve
engineer calculates the amount of material needed starts to drain the air and the FER is corrected. Of
to refill the chamber and, in the case of the density course, this operation is not a matter of seconds; it
not recovering in a reasonable stroke length, the takes at least, in the case shown in the figure, eight
engineer informs the EPB operator. rings (ring 976 to ring 984) excavated to recover the
Taking into account that the scales are not the right density. Eight rings means, in terms of dis-
same in Figure 5, we can check the importance tance, 32 m. This is one of the principal reasons for
of a good soil treatment in terms of operational this dedicated survey. Without noticing this situa-
safety. It is represented by the density measured tion the distance could have been 2–3 times more,
in the top of the chamber together with the FER causing an enormous risk of suffering a “blow-
(Foam Expansion Rate). FER is a parameter that out” in the ground.
gives a good idea about the quality of the foam
used at each moment. The value comes from the
3.3 Monitoring densities
A good tool for the monitoring engineer is to com-
V compressed air pare the densities between the different levels in the
E =
FER (1) chamber. If we pay attention to Figure 6, which is
V foam solution representing the density at two levels of the cham-
ber, it is possible to recognize an anomaly after ring
where: 978; the density at the medium level remains around
the same value without significant variations and
− Vcompressed air indicates the volume of compressed
the density in the top of chamber (P1-P2P3) goes
air injected
down. This is a signal that something is happen-
− Vfoam solution indicates the total volume of foam
ing at the face; a soil change, or, in the TBM, a
mechanical problem or a bad operation.
A normal working ratio of FER is between 8
and 20, but these values must be adapted to the
3.4 Monitoring bentonite injection
geological conditions every time. For example, a
saturated soil needs dry foam which will be indi- Another parameter to take account of to control the
cated with a high FER value. On the other hand, a presence of an air bubble in the top of the chamber
lower expansion rate is normal for wet foams. is the bentonite injection through the shield. The
The dashed line represents the optimal density function of this injection is to fill the gap gener-
for operation with minimum risks. It is clearly ated by the cutter head. This gap could be suscep-
demonstrated that, when the FER increases, the tible to filling with air, causing a risk just behind
densities in the top of the chamber decrease with the cutter head and before the installation of the

Figure 5. Graphical representation of FER (Foam

Expansion Rate) vs rings excavated. Density P1-P2P3 is Figure 6. Graphical representation of the two levels of
represented as a reference. density inside excavation chamber.

concrete ring. It is a volume without any apparent the ground composition and TBM characteristics.
support and means a big risk of settlements in the For the Sagrada Familia crossing, a theoretical
surface. The injection of bentonite must create a weight of 368 tons extracted per ring excavated
pressure balance with the material inside the cham- was calculated.
ber; in fact, if the top part of the chamber is empty Of course there is an interval of admittance in
the bentonite without pressure will displace to the the weight. The upper alarm limit was established
front filling the empty space. In Figure 7 we can see as 405 tons and the lower alarm limit as 331 tons.
a good example. These two limits are represented in Figure 8.
Using the same ring interval as before and Coming back to ring 980, the density in the top of
comparing the cubic meters of bentonite injected the chamber goes down and the extracted amount
through the shield with the density in the top of of material shares this tendency (this is also possi-
the chamber, we can observe that when the density ble to detect two rings before). The reason for this
in the top of the chamber decreases, the amount behavior is the necessity to refill the chamber with
of bentonite injected rises dramatically to 4.6 m3, material after the wrong treatment occurred in ring
ring 980, before going down to around 1.0 m3 when 978 (FER rises to 15). The TBM operator receives
the density reaches again the optimal balance. In a from the engineer advice that an air bubble is in
good operation the injection is reduced to a mini- progress and immediately two actions take place:
mum volume, which is needed to fill the gap and
− The volume of bentonite is increased to help
give a certain pressure to it. From ring 981 to 987
during the refilling of the chamber with exca-
the volume of bentonite is more or less constant
vated material.
around 1 m3 and the density is maintained at over
− The extracted material reduces its amount oper-
1.4 t/m3 with a good margin of reaction. In ring
ating over the screw conveyor. In this case the
987 it comes back to the same situation. The FER
rotation speed is reduced in order to keep the
rises very fast (Figure 5), the density drops off
material in the chamber. See Figure 9.
and the volume of bentonite injected is doubled.
This example focuses on a few rings demonstrat- The fast detection of an air bubble progress
ing that these three parameters are directly linked makes changes in the density possible in only three
and that a good interpretation can solve dangerous rings of the advance using a combination of oper-
situations. ations in the TBM:
− Using the vent valve to drain the air retained in
3.5 Monitoring the extraction of material the top of the chamber
The next parameter which focuses the attention of − Filling the empty space with bentonite to com-
the engineer in charge is the amount of material pensate for the absence of material
extracted from the chamber. For each part of the − Controlling the extracted material with the oper-
tunnel a theoretical quantity is calculated based on ation of the screw conveyor.

Figure 7. Graphical representation of bentonite vol- Figure 8. Graphical representation of the material
ume injection. extracted from the chamber.

tions, sand with clay layers and saturated in water,
we can conclude that this kind of monitoring is an
essential tool to avoid the associated risks with this
kind of job.


“Real time” monitoring improves risk assessment

in TBM operations, to avoid dangerous situations
involving structures and people. The supervision
of the different parameters by a dedicated and
Figure 9. Graphical representation of screw conveyor specialized team of engineers makes it possible to
rotation speed. detect the anomalies and to correct these imme-
diately and with good practice. All scenarios are
taken into account, ranging from bad practice of
3.6 Results obtained with continuous monitoring the TBM operator to a geological change.
An air bubble in the excavation face could be a The results obtained in Sagrada Familia and
big problem in the TBM operation, especially in in the rest of the drive reinforced the needed of
urban environments like in this case. From inside monitoring, not only to avoid the essential risk of
the TBM, this is not easy to detect due to the tunneling practice, but also to improve the TBM
complexity of working with this kind of machine, performance through advising about soil treat-
but, from an external point view, collecting the ments and operation procedures.
data in real time and analyzing the situation with
dedicated personnel and tools is possible to offer a
more effective risk control management. Also, we REFERENCES
have to take account that it is not necessary to have
Anagnostou, G & Kovari, K. 1994. Stability analysis for
a massive soil failure to create a dangerous situa- tunneling with slurry and EPB shields. Mir 94 “Gal-
tion in the surface and in the tunnel. With a small lerie in condizioni difficilli”, Torino.
settlement a structure can suffer irreversible dam- Gómez, J. 2009. Excavation monitoring in tunnels exe-
age, and not only in the surface, because today our cute by EPB. SENER’s experience in Oporto and Lis-
city undergrounds are saturated in services, metro boa metro lines. Obras Urbanas. Febrero 2009, nº 13.
lines, sewages lines, storm channels, etc. With con- Gómez, J. 2011. Follow up and risks control in TBM EPB
tinuous monitoring by specialized personnel, it is operation in “real time”. Sants-Sagrera Tunnel. I Foro
possible to avoid these settlements and get a better Internacional Ferroviario. Bcn Rail 2011, Barcelona.
performance of the TBM. Gomez, J. & Roldan, J. 2012. Follow up and risk assess-
ment in EPB TBM operations in urban environments.
If we take a look to the final numbers, the result Sants-Sagrera tunnel crossing underneath Sagrada
is that the settlements obtained in the crossing Familia Temple. Second Colombian and First Andean
underneath. The Temple are lower than 2 mm, five and Central American Congress and Exhibition of
times less than the project calculation. Considering No—Dig Technologies and Underground Infrastructure
the diameter of the EPB, 11.55 m, the soil condi- 2012, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Effect of roughness on keying of plate anchors

D. Wang, C. Han & C. Gaudin

Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia

ABSTRACT: Suction Embedded PLate Anchors (SEPLAs) are a relatively new type of anchorage in
deep waters. The SEPLA is inserted vertically into clayey seabed and then pulled to rotate until it becomes
nearly perpendicular to the loading inclination. The keying response has been studied by means of centri-
fuge tests and large deformation finite element (LDFE) analyses. However, the predicted ultimate losses
of embedment were lower than the experimental results in most scenarios. The effect of anchor rough-
ness on the keying process is then investigated using LDFE approach with contact algorithm. A friction
coefficient of 0.3 in typical normally consolidated kaolin clays is determined by comparing the numerical
results with three groups of experimental data measured. The loss of embedment during keying depends
on the combined influences of anchor roughness, anchor thickness and loading eccentricity. When the
anchor thickness ratio is less than 0.7 and the loading eccentricity ratio not larger than 0.5, the anchor
roughness needs to be considered.


The over-consumption of hydrocarbon reserves

has forced a transition of offshore explorations
from shallow waters to deep and ultra-deep waters
up to 2000 m, which necessitated the replacement
of traditional fixed platforms by floating facilities
moored to the seabed. Suction Embedded PLate
Anchors (SEPLAs), as shown in Figure 1a, are one
of recently developed anchoring systems, which
are increasingly used in the Gulf of Mexico and
West Africa due to their advantages of low cost,
accurate positioning and short installation time.
The plate anchor is normally rectangular in
shape, and is initially slotted vertically inside a
suction caisson. The suction caisson is penetrated
to the target depth and then retrieved, with the
SEPLA being left in the soil. The mooring chain
attached to the padeye is tensioned and the anchor
is led to rotate until an inclination approximately
perpendicular to the chain direction. The installa-
tion process is termed keying. During the keying
process, the SEPLA tends to translate upward,
which induces a loss of embedment referencing to
the original centroid of the plate top. For seabeds
comprised of normally consolidated clay, with
strength increasing with depth, the loss of embed-
ment results in the reduction of anchor pull-out
capacity. Therefore, it is crucial for routine design
to predict the embedment loss during keying
installation. Figure 1. Geometry of SEPLAs.

The embedment loss of SEPLA was firstly ses using the RITSS, the keying process is divided
explored through in-situ and centrifuge model tests into typically dozens to a hundred small steps. In
(Wilde et al. 2001, O’Loughlin et al. 2006, Gaudin each step, the translation and rotation of SEPLA
et al. 2008, Gaudin et al. 2010). The disadvantage must be small enough to avoid severe mesh distor-
of the in-situ test is that the evolved inclination and tion around the SEPLA. Then the deformed soil is
embedment depth of SEPLAs cannot be measured re-meshed and updated Lagrangian calculation is
in a straightforward and accurate way. In the centri- performed for each step, followed by field variables
fuge tests using the advanced Particle Image Veloci- (e.g. stresses and material properties) mapped to
metry (PIV) technique (White et al. 2003), the soil the new mesh at the commencement of next step.
flow mechanism around the keying anchor was cap- Here the RITSS strategy is coupled with com-
tured and the trajectory of the anchor was tracked mercial package ABAQUS/Standard (SIMULIA,
continuously and reliably (O’Loughlin et al. 2006). 2010). The flow chart of ABAQUS-based RITSS
To implement the PIV technique in the centrifuge, a and mapping techniques are detailed in Randolph
transparent side is set for the chamber containing soil et al. (2008) and Wang et al. (2010, 2011).
sample, and both ends of the anchor are placed in The SEPLA’s installation is usually completed
contact with the sides of the chamber, i.e. the anchor within a few hours, therefore, the process can be
is under plane-strain condition. The pull-out resist- regarded as undrained due to low permeability of
ances measured in the PIV tests are not reliable due to clay. An elastic-perfectly plastic model with Tresca
the friction of the chamber sides. However, the posi- yield criterion was used to describe the soil, with
tions of anchor are quantified to demonstrate the his- Young’s modulus of 500su and Poisson’s ratio of
tories of the anchor inclination and embedment loss. 0.49. The undrained shear strength of clay su var-
Apart from the model tests, the keying processes ied linearly with depth as follows:
of strip and rectangular SEPLAs were investigated
by Song et al. (2009) and Wang et al. (2011) using a su = sum + kz (1)
large deformation finite element (LDFE) approach
named ‘remeshing and interpolation technique Where sum represents the undrained strength at
with small strain’ (RITSS). The RITSS approach is seabed surface, k is the strength gradient and z
based on frequent mesh regeneration to overcome denotes the soil depth. The anchor was idealised as
mesh distortion around the keying anchor. Two a rigid body since its stiffness is much higher than
simple equations were presented to predict the ulti- soil. The coefficient of earth pressure at rest was
mate loss of embedment through a large amount taken as 1.
of parametric studies varying the anchor geom- The schematic geometry of the anchor models
etry, soil strength profile and loading eccentricity used in the centrifuge is shown in Figure 1b. The
ratio. However, the SEPLAs modelled in these initial embedment depth of the SEPLA prior to
large deformation analyses were assumed as fully keying (Hi) must be sufficiently deep, Hi ≥ 3B, to
rough, i.e. no relative tangential movement between guarantee deep failure mechanism in the subse-
the anchor and ambient soil was permitted. The quent daily operation stage (Song et al. 2009). B
embedment loss tends to be underestimated, which represents the anchor width. The SEPLA is led to
is on the unsafe side for practical applications. rotate by a vertical or inclined pulling force applied
In this paper, the influence of anchor rough- at padeye. The distance from the padeye to the
ness on the keying response and embedment loss front face of plate is indicated as loading eccentric-
is studied using two-dimensional RITSS approach. ity, e. It was found in previous experimental and
An appropriate range of friction coefficient is sug- numerical researches that the loading eccentricity
gested by comparison with previous vertical pull- ratio, e/B, is a dominant factor for keying response
out tests using the PIV. The inclined pull-out tests (Gaudin et al. 2008, Wang et al. 2011). For practical
were abandoned since the chain-soil interaction SEPLAs, the padeye is connected to the fluke via
would introduce more complexity on determin- shanks. However, the shanks were replaced with a
ing the embedment loss. The focus of this paper slender shaft in most centrifuge tests using PIV, in
is limited to the roughness of anchor, which will order to lower the complexity of manufacturing
be pursued by offsetting the uncoupled factors. the anchor models. The shaft was ignored in the
The combined effect of anchor roughness, anchor numerical analyses, since the area and self-weight
thickness and loading eccentricity ratio on the ulti- of the shaft are marginal compared with those of
mate embedment loss is also studied. the fluke. This may lead to a slight overestima-
tion of the embedment loss. It was assumed that
no separation occurs between the SEPLA and soil
2 METHODOLOGY during the entire keying process. The assumption is
supported by the phenomena witnessed in almost
The RITSS approach can be regarded as a special all centrifuge tests (Gaudin et al. 2006, O’Loughlin
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. In analy- et al. 2006, Gaudin et al. 2008, Gaudin et al. 2010,

Song et al. 2009). This is due to the negative pore trifuge of the University of Western Australia, and
pressures (e.g. suction) generated on the back the soil samples were composed of kaolin clay. The
face of the SEPLA given the anchor embedment model anchors were inserted vertically into the soil
depth is sufficiently deep. This ‘bond’ mechanism, manually. The moderate soil disturbance induced
however, does not necessarily mean the soil can- by the insertion was almost fully recovered during
not slide frictionally along the anchor faces. The spinning to the high g-level for the pull-out test,
frictional soil-anchor interactions was simulated as therefore, the insertion process is not mimicked
Coulomb friction contact, but the frictional resist- in the LDFE analyses. Only vertical pull-out tests
ance is limited by a maximum shear stress, τmax, were replicated, with the prototype geometries of
which was defined as the product of the intact soil SEPLAs and soil properties listed in Table 1. In the
strength at anchor centre (suc) and friction coeffi- table, the thickness of SEPLAs and the submerged
cient α unit weight of soil are represented with t and γ ′,
τmax = αsuc (2)
A rough contact state, in geotechnical sense, 3.1 Case A
is achieved as α = 1. Note that the anchor centre Three model tests were reported by O’Loughlin
does not coincide with fluke centre when a keying et al. (2006), with loading eccentricity ratio
flap is attached (see Figure 1). Previous centrifuge e/B = 0.17, 0.5 and 1. For e/B = 0.17, the meas-
tests concerning offshore installations of suction ured loss of embedment was as high as 2.2B, given
caissons and pipelines have indicated that under the initial embedment depth was Hi/B = 3. In addi-
static loads, the friction coefficient between steel tion, the soil was observed to be separated from
and kaolin clay ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 (Chen and the back face of the anchor before the rotation
Randolph, 2007, Dingle et al. 2008). In ABAQUS- was completed. This ‘separation’ mechanism is not
based LDFE analysis, the maximum shear strength allowed in practical applications. Hence the test
at soil-anchor interfaces was assumed to be con- with e/B = 0.17 was abandoned. For e/B = 0.5 and
stant in each small step, but it was updated at the 1, the experimental and numerical keying responses
end of each step according to the current embed- are compared in Figure 2, where Δz represents the
ment depth of anchor centre. The uncertainties are embedment loss of fluke centre. When e/B = 0.5,
then limited to the determination of the friction the numerical curve of α = 0.3 approach good
coefficient. agreement with the experimental curve until the
anchor inclination is reduced to 40° to the horizon-
3 COMPARISON WITH MODEL TESTS tal. The experimental ultimate loss of embedment
is reached at anchor inclination of 27° rather than
Two-dimensional LDFE analyses were carried out ∼0 obtained from LDFE calculation. The differ-
to reproduce the keying responses of strip anchors ence may be attributed to the experimental errors
in 3 groups of centrifuge tests by O’Loughlin et al. on loading inclination at the padeye and non-uni-
(2006), Gaudin et al. (2008) and Gaudin et al. formity of the soil sample. If the anchor is assumed
(2010), respectively. The 3 groups are ordered as as rough (α = 1), the embedment loss predicted is
Case A, B and C in Table 1. Within our knowl- much lower than the experimental and numerical
edge, these are all the published tests to measure result with α = 0.3. When the loading eccentricity
embedment loss of SEPLAs using the PIV tech- ratio is increased to e/B = 1, the predicted keying
nique. These tests were conducted in the drum cen- responses in terms of α = 0.3 and 1 are close, indi-

Table 1. Centrifuge tests reproduced numerically (vertical pull-out).


Submerged unit Keying B t sum k γ′

Case Material weight (kN/m3) flap (m) (m) Hi/B e/B (kPa) (kPa/m) (kN/m3)

A Stainless steel 67 No 3 0.2 3 0.17, 0.5, 1 0 0.7 6.5

B Aluminum 17 No 2 0.3 3 0.25, 1 0 1 6.5

C Stainless steel 67 Yes 3.2 0.3 3.125 0.625 0 2.72 6.5

3.2 3.125 0.391

At the start of vertical pull-out, V = 0, whereas
H = Ta and M = eTa. Ta is the vertical pulling force
at padeye. These initial values satisfy Eq. 3. The
ratio of rotation and upward sliding displace-
ment δβ/δu at the start of keying is then deter-
mined as:

δβ ∂f ∂M m ⎡⎛ Hmax ⎞ ⎤
= = ⎢⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ (4)
δ u ∂f / ∂H en ⎢⎝ | H | ⎠ ⎥⎦

Figure 2. Comparison for Case A. It can be postulated from the preceding equa-
tion that the reduction of Hmax, resulting from a
decreased friction coefficient α as all other param-
cating that the effect of anchor roughness is mini- eters are maintained, leads to a smaller rotation-
mal and the keying process dependent mainly on sliding displacement ratio, indicating the rotational
the eccentricity ratio. The model anchor ceased to motion has slowed down with respect to soil-fluke
rotate at anchor inclination of 23° to the horizon- movement. On the other hand, when the influence
tal, which is also earlier than those predicted by the of loading eccentricity e is pursued from Eq. 4, it is
LDFE analyses. shown that a smaller e value corresponds to a more
The influence of the anchor roughness can be significant change rotation-sliding ratio. Both pos-
explained using the plasticity model developed by tulations are in agreement with observations in
Cassidy et al. (2012). The plasticity model incor- Figure 2.
porates combined loads into a yield envelop as
follows: 3.2 Case B
1/ p Gaudin et al. (2008) conducted 10 experimental
⎛ ν ⎞
q ⎡⎛ | M | ⎞ m ⎛ | H | ⎞ n ⎤ tests with load inclination varying from 30° to
f =⎜ − 1 + ⎢⎜ +⎜ ⎥ =0
⎝ νmax ⎟⎠ ⎢⎝ Mmax ⎟⎠ ⎝ Hmax ⎟⎠ ⎥ 120°, of which two were vertical pull-out cases with
⎣ ⎦ loading eccentricity ratio e/B = 0.25 and 1. The
(3) experimental and numerical results of the vertical
pull-out cases are compared in Figure 4. For lower
where V, H and M are equivalent normal, sliding eccentricity ratio e/B = 0.25, the numerical curve
and rotational loads at anchor centre and f defines representing α = 0.3 matches the experimental data
a plastic potential, of which the derivatives against very well, whilst the assumption of rough contact
equivalent loads represent the corresponding local tends to grossly underestimate the loss of embed-
normal (δw), sliding (δu) and rotational (δβ) dis- ment. As the loading eccentricity ratio is as large
placements (Figure 3), given an associated flow as e/B = 1, similar to that observed in Figure 2, the
rule is assumed. The fitting parameters within this keying responses are nearly independent of the
equation, p, q, m and n, are pre-decided at current friction coefficient.
depth of embedment.

Figure 3. Schematic of global and localised loads and

displacements. Figure 4. Comparison for Case B.

3.3 Case C It is noteworthy that the strength gradient in
Case C is as high as k = 2.72 kPa/m, which is 3.86
The model anchors used in Case A and B are flap-
and 2.72 times of that in Case A and B, respectively.
less anchors. Gaudin et al. (2010) investigated the
An interesting observation is that the fitting fric-
activation of keying flap in centrifuge, with flap
tion coefficient α = 0.3 for Case A and B is 3 times
width of 0.5 or 0.375 times of the fluke width. It
of that for Case C. Therefore, it is deduced that
was observed in their tests that the flap remains
the maximum shear strength along the anchor-soil
aligned with the fluke until the fluke is nearly
interface is not proportional to the local intact soil
perpendicular to the pull-out force. This unex-
strength at the anchor centre, instead, the real fric-
pected phenomenon can be explained through the
tion coefficient reduces with the local soil strength.
moment applied on the keying flap (Wang et al.
For offshore normally consolidated clays, the typi-
2012). Therefore, the fluke and flap were simpli-
cal strength gradient is in the range 0.9–1.3 kPa/m
fied as a rigid body in the LDFE analyses, with the
and friction coefficient is suggested as 0.3 for pre-
anchor width being the sum of the fluke width,
dicting the keying of SEPLAs (see Figs. 2, 4). If
flap width and the width of gap between the fluke
the strength gradient is apparently higher than this
and flap. The intact soil strength suc in Eq. 2 is rela-
typical value, it is conservative to select a lower
tive to the centre of whole anchor. Gaudin et al.
value, say, α = 0.1.
(2010) reported two experimental keying curves
In the above comparisons (Figs. 2, 4, 5), the
both for B = 3.2 m (see Table 1). The numerical
LDFE analyses with friction coefficient of 0.3 or
keying responses are plotted in Figure 5, where the
0.1 predicts more reliable keying responses than
embedment loss refers to the fluke centre. In the
those with α = 1. As the loading eccentricity ratio
test with e/B = 0.625, the flap is activated as fluke is
e/B < 0.5, the embedment loss is significantly
rotated to ∼20° to the horizontal. The experimen-
underestimated if the friction coefficient is taken
tal curve is located in a narrow range determined
as 1. The influence of friction coefficient is mini-
by the numerical curves with α = 0.1 and 0.3. The
mal as the loading eccentricity ratio is increased to
anchor with α = 1 is predicted to rotate signifi-
e/B = 1.
cantly faster than the measured. For e/B = 0.391,
the experimental loss of embedment is at least
twice of the prediction in terms of α = 1. The fric-
tion coefficient α = 0.1 provides better agreement 4 FACTORS AFFECTING
with experimental curve than α = 0.3. EMBEDMENT LOSS

The resistances to the upward movement of the

anchor during keying consist of the frictional resist-
ances along the front and back faces and the resist-
ances at anchor ends. The former depends strongly
on the friction coefficient, but the latter is almost
independent of the friction coefficient. The end
resistance is directly related to the anchor thick-
ness. Thus, given the influence from eccentricity
ratio as discussed before, the importance of anchor
roughness is also a function of the ratio between
the frictional and end resistance. To explore the
sensitivity of these mutually affected factors in
respect to embedment losses, a series of LDFE
studies were conducted by varying anchor thick-
ness, loading eccentricity and friction coefficient.
For a typical flapless anchor (B = 4 m, Hi/B = 5) in
normally consolidated clay (sum = 0, k = 1 kPa/m),
the friction coefficient is selected as α = 0.3 or 1.
Figure 6 presents a quantified interpretation on
the combined effects of the loading eccentricity
ratio, anchor thickness ratio and frictional coeffi-
cient, in which Δzu represents the ultimate loss of
embedment. It can be seen that:
1. The frictional effect becomes more remarkable
with the reduction of loading eccentricity ratio.
Figure 5. Comparison for Case C. For e/B = 0.5, the predicted loss of embedment

ratio and anchor thickness ratio. The friction effect
becomes dominant for loading eccentricity e/B ≤
0.5 or for anchor thickness t/B ≤ 0.07.


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Installation Effects in Geotechnical Engineering – Hicks et al. (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00041-4

Author index

Andresen, L. 162 Haigh, S.K. 86 Oset, F. 140

Andreykiv, A. 24 Hamad, F. 176
Avanzi, F. 92 Hamann, T. 118 Paris Fernández, J.E. 258
Han, C. 264 Petalas, A. 65
Becker, P. 198 Heaney, C.E. 8 Prieto, L. 219
Beijer Lundberg, A. 79 Henke, S. 118 Pucker, T. 118
Benz, T. 233 Hicks, M.A. 8, 31, 192
Beuth, L. 1 Hofstede, H. 184 Raspini, F. 51
Bonnier, P.G. 8, 43, 72 Huybrechts, N. 58 Raymackers, S. 184
Brinkgreve, R.B.J. 8, 24, 43, 65, Robinson, S. 128
72, 104 Igoe, D. 252 Rohe, A. 31
Brown, M.J. 128 Ishihara, Y. 86 Rozos, D. 51
Burali d’Arezzo, F. 86
Jassim, I. 15 Sagaseta, C. 212
Caruso, M. 92 Jommi, C. 92 Sexton, B.G. 226
Carvajal, E. 205 Sivasithamparam, N. 43, 72, 212
Castro, J. 205, 212 Karstunen, M. 43, 72, 198, 212 Stodieck, X.A.L. 233
Coetzee, C. 15 Khoa, H.D.V. 162
Kirwan, L. 252 Tan, S. 31
de Blaeij, T. 169 Kort, D.A. 184 te Slaa, S. 135
De Cock, F. 58 Tefera, T. 140
Degago, S. 245 Lameire, B. 58 Tvedt, G. 140
Denies, N. 58 Lim, L.J. 24
Dijkstra, J. 79, 135, 169 Lloret-Cabot, M. 192 Van Lysebetten, G. 58
Loupasakis, C. 51 van Tol, A.F. 79, 104
Ebeltoft, R. 245 Vardon, P.J. 38
Egan, D. 99 Maertens, J. 58 Vermeer, P.A. 1, 15, 176
Engin, H.K. 104 Martin, F. 219 Vervoort, A. 58
McCabe, B.A. 226 Vukotić, G. 205
Galavi, V. 65 Melentijevic, S. 219
Gaudin, C. 264 Melhus, O. 245 Wang, D. 264
Gavin, K. 252 Meyer, V. 184 Wehr, J. 241
Ghandeharioon, A. 111 Moormann, C. 176 Wehr, W. 205
Gómez Cabrera, J. 258 Moretti, S. 51 White, D.J. 146
Grabe, J. 118
Grimstad, G. 245 Nuttall, J.D. 38, 192


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