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Hollow fiber membrane modules

Norfamilabinti Che Mat, Yuecun Lou and G Glenn Lipscomb

Hollow fiber membrane modules are used in a wide range of performance by increasing the chemical potential differ-
separation applications. Module design is critical to optimizing ence across the membrane.
process performance. The state-of-the-art in fiber bundle and
module manufacture is reviewed emphasizing industrial A baseline for process performance can be determined by
practice as reflected by the patent literature. Sources of non- assuming the fibers are uniform (identical inner and outer
ideal module performance are identified that arise from non- radii and permeances) and uniformly spaced. Addition-
uniform module flows. Efforts to quantify these effects and ally, baseline performance predictions assume the fluid
evaluate design alternatives to improve performance are distribution is uniform from the external ports on the case
reviewed. Despite this work, gaps in understanding the through the manifolds to the lumen and shell, that is,
relationship between design and performance still exist. the flow rate inside and outside each fiber in the fiber
bundle is identical. The performance of this ‘ideal’ device
can be determined by analyzing the performance of a
Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, University of
Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Street, Toledo, OH 43606-3390, United single fiber.
Unfortunately, actual performance is poorer than ideal
Corresponding author: Lipscomb, G Glenn performance which has driven innovation in module
design to improve performance. The differences are
manifest in lower than expected process throughputs
and higher energy consumption. For example, in nitrogen
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2014, 4:18–24
production from air, the retentate is the desired product
This review comes from a themed issue on Separation engineering and the nitrogen composition typically is specified. Non-
Edited by WS Winston Ho and Kang Li ideality leads to lower flow rates of the desired product
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial and higher energy consumption. The higher energy con-
Available online 30th January 2014
sumption is due to a reduction in the fraction of the
compressed air fed to the process that is recovered as the
2211-3398/$ – see front matter, # 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
retentate product.
This review focuses on the state of the art in module
manufacture and module performance prediction. Note
that the design of unconstrained hollow fiber bundles such
Introduction as those used in membrane bioreactor applications are not
Global need for separation processes is increasing as covered here as these modules and applications possess
society addresses grand challenges in providing water, unique features and operational characteristics not cap-
energy, and health care sustainably. Membrane separ- tured in the design of Figure 1.
ation processes offer unique advantages over alternatives
especially in terms of energy consumption and ability to Module manufacture
handle labile components. The earliest reports of hollow fiber module designs come
from the patents of Dow [1] and DuPont [2]. Dow’s
The focus of this review is hollow fiber membrane design drew most heavily on heat exchanger designs.
modules and devices as illustrated in Figure 1. These Modules were formed by potting the ends of individual
devices are the mass transfer equivalent of a shell and fibers or a small group of fibers (a fiber tow) in plugs.
tube heat exchanger. As such they consist of a tube Subsequently, the plugs were placed in holes arranged in
bundle the ends of which are embedded in a tubesheet. a regular array in two opposing metal plates. The fibers
The tubesheet is created to allow separate fluid com- were held in slight tension between the two plates to
munication with the fiber interior (lumens) and exterior allow uniform packing.
(shell) spaces. The lumens are open along the tubesheet.
Upon sealing the tubesheet to the case separate manifolds The DuPont process represented a significant departure
on the case exterior allow the introduction and removal of that facilitated the formation of larger bundles and was
fluid streams to the lumen and shell spaces. The feed can less labor intensive. Loops of fibers were formed by
be introduced to either the lumen or shell. A permeate winding individual fibers or fiber tows around a rotating
sweep also may be fed to the module. The sweep mixes wheel and enclosed in multiple elastic socks. Tubesheets
with the permeate and can dramatically improve module were formed by placing a mold over the end of the fiber

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2014, 4:18–24

Hollow fiber membrane modules Mat, Lou and Lipscomb 19

Figure 1

External case
Permeate Permeate Sweep

Feed Fiber bundle Retentate

Lumen manifold
O-ring tubesheet-case seal bolted to case
Lumen distribution manifold Shell distribution manifold
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering

Cut-away view of a typical hollow fiber membrane module with a lumen feed and shell sweep operating in counter-current contacting mode. Key
elements and flow paths are indicated: solid lines — lumen flow and dashed lines — shell flow. Note that the hidden portion of the module is a mirror
image of that shown.

bundle that possessed connections to introduce a tube- pressure drop in lumen-fed modules [4], vacuum assisted
sheet forming material (e.g. epoxy resin). The tubesheet potting to improve tubesheet formation [5], and wrapping
material was introduced while the module rotated with its of fiber tows with a support thread to improve handling in
long axis parallel to the ground. The rotation kept the the weaving process, in particular reduce splaying, and
tubesheet material from wicking up into the fiber bundle thereby improve uniformity of fiber packing [6]. Wrap-
due to centrifugal forces; wicking reduces the area avail- ping fibers with one or more support threads also is used
able for mass transfer and weakens fibers. This technique to improve mechanical strength for high permeance fibers
is referred to as ‘centrifugal’ potting and produces that otherwise would be damaged during module manu-
the most uniform tubesheets among the currently avail- facture [7].
able alternatives.
Many examples of helically winding fibers to form a
A modern example of module formation is provided by structured bundle also exist. The earliest work dates back
Generon [3]. This process further reduces labor intensity to the late 1960s [8–10]. Helically wound modules may be
while striving to improve uniformity of fiber packing. formed with a central core tube [11] or without [12,13].
Individual fibers or fiber tows are removed from spools The effect of wind angle on fiber length as the fiber
produced by the spinning process and woven to form a bundle is formed must be considered to ensure fiber
hollow fiber fabric. Weaving allows precise control of the length and flow rate per fiber remain constant [14]. More
spacing between the fibers or tows. This fabric is wound recent work suggests varying the wind angle in the axial
around a central tube to create a fiber bundle. The central direction (in addition to changes with bundle diameter to
tube serves several functions: firstly mechanical support maintain constant fiber length) can produce modules with
of the fiber bundle, secondly contact points to facilitate improved flow distribution and reduced pressure drop in
module movement through the manufacturing process, the shell by forming a tapered bundle [15]. Additionally,
and finally means to introduce or remove a fluid stream increasing the wind angle at the end of the bundle can
from the center of the fiber bundle. Tubesheets were improve tubesheet strength by reducing the diameter of
formed by holding the module vertically, placing one end the bundle and the amount of fiber enclosed in the
into a mold, and introducing the tubesheet material. This tubesheet [16]; pressure drop and lost membrane area
technique is referred to as ‘dunk’ potting and can suffer in the tubesheet are reduced as well. Note that the
from undesirable wicking if formation conditions are not weaving process also can be modified to produce a hollow
controlled carefully. Once rough tubesheets were formed fiber fabric that will yield a tapered module [3].
on both ends of the bundle, machining yielded the
desired final shape and opened fiber ends as in the Fiber bundles also can be produced from square or
DuPont process. Subsequent improvements to the pro- circular fiber disks (wafers). Such wafers can be stacked
cess included introduction of permeate collection chan- to form a stand-alone module [17–19] or used to produce a
nels in the fiber bundle to reduce shell side permeate module that can be placed in-line in a piping system [20]. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2014, 4:18–24

20 Separation engineering

Significant effort has been devoted to adding module Module performance evaluation
design features that facilitate flow distribution in the shell The performance of a hollow fiber bundle most com-
and improve mass transfer performance. These features monly is predicted assuming all fibers possess identical
include the introduction of baffles to improve flow geometry and transport properties. Additionally, the
uniformity in the shell region. The baffles may extend lumen and shell flow rates are assumed to be identical
radially in the form of tori [21,22] or axially in the form of for each fiber. If concentration and temperature polariz-
concentric sheets [23]. Flow distributors along the per- ation are not important, or correlations are known for fluid
iphery of the fiber bundle near the shell inlet and outlet boundary layer resistances, mass balances for the reten-
also are used to improve uniformity [24–27]. These dis- tate and permeate streams can be reduced to a set of
tributors typically consist of collars that create a distri- ordinary differential equations in co-current or counter-
bution manifold around the fiber bundle to improve current contacting [37]. The correlations reported by
uniformity of fluid flow from the external ports on the Lipnizki and Field [38] commonly are used in these
case into the shell region of the fiber bundle. Recent work calculations.
describes the use of grooves and corrugated protrusions in
the distribution collar to reduce pressure drop and reduce One can avoid the use of mass and heat transfer corre-
fiber blocking of the distribution holes in the collar [28]. lations by rigorously solving the two-dimensional con-
Additional work describes modules possessing shell servation equations within a domain surrounding a single
distribution manifolds that penetrate into the interior fiber. This domain can be constructed from an assumed
of the fiber bundle [29] and inserts that divide the bundle regular square or triangular fiber arrangement [39] or by
into uniform sections to facilitate fluid distribution from a defining an equivalent axisymmetric free surface sur-
central inlet tube and reduce solid accumulation on the rounding the fiber [40] based on Happel’s free surface
membrane surface in filtration applications [30]. model [41].

Fiber bundles may be formed from multiple fiber types to While these models can adequately capture real module
perform two separations simultaneously by spiral winding performance, often significant deviations exist which are
[31]. More recent work describes a module consisting of attributed to non-ideal flow behavior. This behavior can
two concentric layers of fibers that perform the separ- arise from fluid distribution from manifolds into the
ations sequentially by controlling the shell and lumen lumen or shell regions or from non-uniform flow within
flows between the two layers with proper tubesheet and the lumen or shell as illustrated in Figure 2. The potential
internal baffle designs [32]. impact of these non-idealities was recognized in the
earliest module fabrication patents [2].
Although not practiced commercially, two novel module
designs were proposed recently [33]. The first design Fluid distribution from external manifolds into the fiber
wraps a woven hollow fiber fabric simultaneously with a bundle is least well understood. Ideally, fluid is intro-
commercial spiral wound module spacer to form a bun- duced and removed such that the pressure drop across the
dle consisting of alternating layers of fiber and spacer. lumen of each fiber is the same and the pressure drop
The second design requires knitting hollow fibers between any two points in the shell, at the same radial
within the mesh of the spacer; the fiber knitted spacer position on opposing tubesheets, is the same. Equal
is wrapped to form the bundle. The performance of pressure drops lead to uniform flow rates.
these novel designs was compared to a randomly packed
fiber bundle, a woven fabric fiber bundle (with Park and Chang [42] demonstrated that with conventional
and without a central distribution tube), and a crimped lumen headers the lumen flow rate is highest near the
(curly or wavy) fiber bundle in direct contact membrane center of the bundle and then decreases rapidly, passing
distillation. The highest water fluxes were observed for through a minimum, before increasing again at the bundle
the fiber knitted spacer bundle followed closely by the periphery. Similar observations were made recently for
crimped fiber bundle. These results were attributed to a hemodialyzers possessing ports that direct flow normal to
transverse flow component across curved fibers that is the tubesheet but flow distribution could be enhanced by
not present when fibers are substantially straight and directing the flow tangentially to the tubesheet surface
parallel. [43].

Such a conclusion is consistent with previous work on the Fluid distribution from the shell manifold into the shell
formation of crimped fiber bundles for dialysis appli- space also is non-uniform. Concentration fields within an
cations [34–36]. This literature identifies specific design operating hemodialyzer determined using X-ray com-
ranges for the amplitude and frequency (wavelength) of puted tomography are consistent with higher shell flows
the wavy structure to optimize performance: ampli- closer to the external port on the shell distribution mani-
tude = 20–200% of the fiber outer diameter and wave- fold [44]. The flow distribution can be altered signifi-
length = 10–500 times the fiber outer diameter. cantly by modifying the manifold to direct flow into the

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2014, 4:18–24

Hollow fiber membrane modules Mat, Lou and Lipscomb 21

Figure 2

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering

Sources of non-ideal flow distribution within hollow fiber modules: (a) flow distribution from the lumen manifold into the fiber lumens; (b) flow
distribution from the shell manifold into the shell; (c) fiber inner diameter induced lumen flow variation; and (d) inter-fiber spacing induced shell flow
variation. The length of the arrows indicates the relative magnitude of the flow rate variation anticipated for each source. (a) and (b) contain the module
elements indicated in Figure 1 while (c) and (d) are abstracted pictorial illustrations of a bundle axial cross-section.

fiber bundle as well as around the fiber bundle using a not account for the performance reductions observed
porous distribution collar or tab [45]. experimentally relative to a module with ideal flows
[53]; the differences were attributed to poor shell flow
Non-uniform fiber properties (e.g. size and transport distribution as discussed here.
properties) can lead to flow maldistribution in the lumen
even with uniform pressure drop across each fiber. A fiber Non-uniform fiber packing affects module performance
inner diameter variation leads to a flow rate variation that in a manner analogous to the effect of fiber inner
can dramatically reduce module performance, especially diameter. Variation in the shell space between fibers will
in the well-developed mass transfer limit (i.e. low feed lead to flow rate variation that can be detrimental to
flow rates) [46–48]. Analyses of gas separation modules performance. The variation may be so large that fluid
indicate variability in fiber size has a much greater effect effectively bypasses the fiber bundle as first noted by
on performance than transport properties due to the Noda et al. [54]. Chen and Hlavacek describe an algorithm
dependence of flow rate on the fourth power of the inner for representing the variation in shell void volume for
diameter [49–51]. For sufficiently broad fiber size vari- randomly packed parallel fiber bundles using Voronoi
ations, a limit on the maximum gas purity achievable may tessellation [55]. The flow through a cross-section of
exist but this effect can be mitigated by module staging the bundle can be calculated from the hydraulic diameter
[52]. Few comparisons between experiment and theory of each tessellated cell and an appropriate friction factor
exist for commercial size modules, but a recent study relationship. This algorithm has been used to evaluate
indicates that the inclusion of the actual fiber size distri- overall effective mass transfer coefficients by flow rate
bution in predictions of gas separation performance could averaging individual cell mass transfer coefficients Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2014, 4:18–24

22 Separation engineering

[56,57]. Mass transfer coefficients for each cell are law has been used to describe flow in the lumen as well as
determined from the hydraulic diameter of the cell and the shell to evaluate the effect of shell-side flow distri-
an appropriate mass transfer coefficient correlation. An bution on gas separation [70] and hemodialysis [71]. The
alternative algorithm represents the variation in shell void results indicate that the residence time distribution can
volume by surrounding a representative distribution of lead to large concentration gradients at the lumen and
fibers with a Happel free surface of varying radius [58]. shell outlets but these gradients have surprisingly little
effect on module performance. Recent work on shell-
The detrimental effect of random packing in parallel fiber swept modules for gas dehydration is consistent with
bundles has been reported for a variety of membrane these observations in that large concentration gradients
separations including membrane distillation [59], mem- exist within the module but have minimal impact on
brane extraction [60], and gas–liquid contactors [61,62]. performance [72].
The effects of a simultaneous variation in fiber outer
radius [63] and a fractal distribution of shell void volumes Recent attempts to reduce concentration polarization in
[64] also have been investigated. Reported agreement the shell region rely on novel fiber shapes. Fibers with a
between experiment and theory generally is good using corrugated or convoluted circumference can increase the
one or more of the shell mass transfer coefficient corre- membrane area available per unit module volume as well
lations available in the literature. Differences between as enhance fluid mixing and thereby reduce concentration
theory and experiment typically are attributed to poor polarization [73,74,75]. Recent work also demonstrates
flow distribution from the shell manifold into the shell that use of elliptical fibers can improve performance [76]
region. as well as introducing baffles around individual fibers [77].

Use of Voronoi tessellation or the free surface model can Future challenges and conclusions
be avoided through the use of a periodic cell containing a The patent literature describing the formation of large
finite number of randomly packed fibers to represent an hollow fiber bundles and modules dates back nearly
infinite fiber bundle [65]. The periodic cell must contain a 50 years. Industry currently favors the manufacture of
sufficiently large number of fibers to provide an accurate structured bundles using hollow fiber fabrics or spiral
representation but the number required can be deter- winding techniques that offer better shell flow distri-
mined by increasing the cell size until the results are bution and lower mass transfer resistance. Fiber crimping
independent of number. The computational demand of also has been introduced to reduce mass transfer resist-
the simulation can be reduced in the entry [66] and well ances. The introduction of fluid into the shell region of
developed [67] mass transfer limits where partial analyti- these devices has received significant attention as it can
cal solutions for the concentration field are available. impact performance significantly.
Comparisons of results obtained with the periodic cell
and either Voronoi tessellation or the free surface model The analysis of hollow fiber membrane module perform-
are limited but the periodic cell appears to predict slightly ance most commonly relies on assuming all fibers are
lower values for effective mass transfer coefficient [63]. identical and the flow rates in the fiber lumen and shell
region surrounding each fiber are identical. However,
Fluid distribution from the shell manifold across the fiber variability in fiber size and packing can reduce module
bundle represents an additional source of flow maldistri- performance dramatically. Well-developed algorithms
bution in the shell. Fluid must flow from the shell inlet exist to assess the uniformity of shell and lumen flows
distribution manifold across the fiber bundle before it can and their effect on performance.
flow along the fiber bundle toward the outlet; likewise,
the fluid also must flow across the fiber bundle at the The effect of fluid distribution into the lumen and shell
outlet end before it can be collected in the outlet mani- regions of the fiber bundle through external ports and
fold. This flow introduces a cross-flow component to the manifolds has received less attention. The impact of the
nominally counter-current flow as well as a residence time lumen manifold on lumen flow uniformity appears to be
distribution due to different flow path lengths between less significant than the effect of the shell manifold on
the inlet and outlet distribution manifolds; the paths near shell flow uniformity. However, additional work is
the shell outlet are illustrated in Figure 1. Attempts to required to clarify the influence of both, especially distri-
evaluate fluid distribution have relied on approximating bution from the shell manifold which has been invoked as
the shell region as a porous media within which Darcy’s the source of unexplained performance deviations.
law provides the relationship between volume-average
pressure and velocity [68,69]. This work demonstrates the Theoretical analyses of modern fiber bundle designs that
residence time distribution and its effect on overall shell- utilize fiber fabrics and crimped fibers have lagged com-
side mass transfer coefficient depends on the product of mercial implementation. The availability of simulation
the radial to axial Darcy permeability ratio and the square tools would help guide the evolution of these designs and
of the module aspect ratio (length to radius ratio). Darcy’s foster future innovations.

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2014, 4:18–24

Hollow fiber membrane modules Mat, Lou and Lipscomb 23

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Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2014, 4:18–24

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