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6/8/2020 Olympiad English pronouns worksheet grade 5


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Pronouns Worksheet-5
Pronouns Worksheet-5

1. Find the direct object pronoun in the following sentence.

My brother and I built a fence around our backyard. We finished it in one day.
A. my B. it C. our D. we

2. ____ saw a Black SUV parked behind the bushes.

A. Me B. Someone C. Anyone D. Everything

3. I left messages to many of them but ____ came forward to help.

A. either B. or C. none D. anyone

4. Fill in the blank with a CORRECT object pronoun.

He often helps ____ with my English language.
A. I B. mine C. me D. she

5. You can't have any cookies! It's all _____!

A. us B. mine C. our D. her

6. I didn't bring my coat, so I borrowed _____.

A. him B. us C. its D. hers

7. She came across a friend of _____ at the seminar last week.

A. his B. us C. me D. hers

8. Fill in the blank with a CORRECT relative pronoun.

She's the woman _____ husband works for IBM.
A. who B. whose C. whom D. hers

9. Which option shows personal pronouns?

A. that, these, this, those
B. who, what, where, which
C. you, she, he, they, we, it, mine, your
D. myself, yourself, herself, ourselves, themselves

10. Identify the underlined pronoun.

These girls are not happy with his decision.
A. Indefinite Pronouns B. Demonstrative Pronoun
C. Interrogative Pronouns D. Reflexive Pronoun

Answer Key:
(1)-B; (2)-B; (3)-C; (4)-C; (5)-B; (6)-D; (7)-D; (8)-B; (9)-C; (10)-B 1/2
6/8/2020 Olympiad English pronouns worksheet grade 5

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