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Honeypots & Honeynets

Tech Talk

Rasool Kareem Irfan | @rasoolirfan

1. Preface

2. Value of Honeypot – What & Why

3. Benefits of deploying Honeypot

4. Types – Advantages & Disadvantages

5. Honeynets
• Concept
• Threat and Trends
• Architecture

6. Cyber Security Market

7. Questions

The Problem

 Hacker/ Intruder/ Attacker

 The security state of internet is
 Anyone is the target..!
 Tools getting better
 Why do they attack?

Lionel Giles once said:
“Everybody can see superficially how a
battle is won; what they cannot see are the long series of
plans and combinations which have preceded the battle”
Value of Honeypot
What is Honeypot

• Abstract definition: • Concrete definition:

• “A honeypot is an • “A honeypot is a fictitious
information system resource vulnerable IT system used for the
whose value lies in unauthorized purpose of being attacked,
or illicit use of that resource.” probed, exploited and
(Lance Spitzner) compromised.”

Their Value

• Primary value of honeypots is to collect information.

• This information is then used to better identify, understand and protect against threats.
• Honeypots add little direct value to protect your network

Value of Honeypot
Why Honeypot

• A great deal of the security profession (and the IT world)

depend honeypots, however few know it. Honeypots …

• • Build anti-virus signatures.

• • Intelligence gathering (Symantec / Arbor)
• • Build SPAM signatures and filters.
• • Build RBL’s (Real-time Blackhole List) for malicious websites.
• • ISP’s identify compromised systems.
• • Assist law-enforcement to track criminals.
• • Hunt and shutdown botnets.
• • Malware collection and analysis.

Benefits of deploying honeypot
Advantages & Disadvantages
• Low Interaction Honeypot High Interaction Honeypot
• Low-interaction honeypots are typically the Provide an attacker with a real operating system
easiest honeypots to install, configure, deploy where nothing is emulated or restricted.
and maintain. They partially emulate a service
(e.g. Unix telnet server or Microsoft’s IIS) or Ideally you are rewarded with a vast amount of
operating system and limit the attacker’s information about attackers, their motivation,
activities to the level of emulation provided by
the software. actions, tools, behaviour, level of knowledge,
• Advantages origin, identity etc.
• Logging and analyzing is simple Advantages
Learn as much as possible about the attacker,
• only transactional information are available, no
information about the attacks themselves, e.g. the attack itself and especially the methodology
time and date of an attack, protocol, source and as well as tools used.
destination IP as well as port)
• Disadvantages
Building, configuring, deploying and maintaining
• Very limited logging abilities a high-interaction honeypot is very time
• Can only capture known attacks consuming as it involves a variety of different
technologies (e.g. IDS, firewall etc.) that has to
• Easily detectable by a skilled attacker
be customized.

Honeypot Tools
BackOfficer Friendly:

A free win32 based honeypot solution by NFR Security (a separate Unix port is available but has
restricted functionality). It is able to emulate single services such as telnet, ftp, smtp and to rudimentary
log connection attempts
NFR® BackOfficer Friendly is a useful little burglar alarm - simple, unobtrusive, and easy to install - which
rings when someone rattles your doorknob. It identifies attacks from Back Orifice, one of the nastier
hacking applications, as well as other sorts of scans. NFR is currently offering BackOfficer Friendly as a
FREE download for personal use only

Honeypot Tools

SPECTER is a smart honeypot-based intrusion detection system. It simulates a vulnerable computer,

providing an interesting target to lure hackers away from the production machines. SPECTER offers
common Internet services such as SMTP, FTP, POP3, HTTP and TELNET which appear perfectly normal to
the attackers but in fact are traps for them to mess around and leave traces without even knowing that
they are connected to a decoy system, which does none of the things it appears to do, but instead logs
everything and notifies the appropriate people.

Honeypots Solutions
So you want to build your own honeypot

non-profit, research organization improving the security of the Internet at no cost.

• Concept of honeynet • Threats

project • Hundreds of scans a day.
• High-interaction honeypot • Fastest time honeypot manually
designed to capture in- compromised, 15 minutes
(worm, under 60 seconds).
depth information.
• Life expectancies: vulnerable
• Information has different Win32 system is under three
value to different hours, vulnerable Linux system is
organizations. three months.
• Primarily cyber-crime, focus on
• Its an architecture you Win32 systems and their users.
populate with live systems,
not a product or software. • Attackers can control thousands
of systems (Botnets).
• Any traffic entering or
leaving is suspect


2. Data Control

1. Data Capture

3. Data Analysis

Do this knowledge need for me
What’s happening?

Boundless Informant: US gov't collects 100 billion surveillance records a month

Cyber-Security Market
Growing at a CAGR of 11.3% and to Reach $120.1 Billion by 2017

• Identity & Access Management,

• Risk & Compliance Management,
• Data Encryption,
• Data Leakage Prevention Solution,
• Data Recovery Solutions,
• UTM, Anti-Virus, IPS/IDS, Web Filtering,
• Fire-Wall, Vulnerability Management
• DDoS Protection

The most dramatic cyber attack in recent times was that of STUXNET. In 2010, STUXNET, the first malware able
to take control of low-level industrial devices, i.e., a centrifuge of nuclear power plants was spread. This fact
made everybody reflect on the fact that cyber-security was not anymore a matter of securing servers and
software, company data and continuity, but a matter of citizen safety.

Reference -

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