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GARMA, Bryan Neil C.

Clinical Bioethics – Section B – Group 3

Assignment on Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization - Dr. Jenell Y. Oczon

Movie review: The Good Doctor Quarantine

1. What Bioethical Issues did you identify in the movie? Cite which part of the

Autonomy – this is when Dr. Lim sedated the person who tried to
break the window and escape and Nonmaleficence to avoid harm and to
protect the greater group. Dr. Brown represents a framework of care
ethics — all about empathy and willing to lie and exploit the system to do
what she thinks is best for her patients - Beneficence. Dr. Melendez is
generally a virtue ethicist since he is a citizen of decent faith who makes
positive decisions out of obligation and is a role model for other people.

2.  Were these issues Affirmations or were they Violations. Explain.

There is violation of autonomy; Dr. Lim violated the autonomy of

the person who tried to escape, by sedating without the person’s
permission even if it is for the good of majority.  Autonomy can be defined
as the ability of the person to make his or her own decisions. This faith
in autonomy is the central premise of the concept of informed consent and
shared decision making. Nonmaleficence to avoid harm and to protect
the greater group. This is affirmation because sedating a patient is a small
price to pay if it is for the good of many people, for the sake to protect the
people outside the ED from unknown infection. The principle of double
effect attempts to differentiate intended and non-intended effects of an
action. the principle of double effect must satisfy certain conditions for it to
be morally justifiable, The good result must outweigh the evil permitted,
that is, there must be proportionality or favourable balance between the
good and bad affects of the action. It is affirmation of Beneficence, All
medical practitioners have a moral duty to promote the course of action
that they believe is in the best interests of the patient, beneficence is
simplified to mean that practitioners must do good for their patients –
although thinking of it in such a simplistic way can land you in trouble.

3. If you were the Director, How would you end the movie?
If I were the director, I would end the episode the same way as the
director ended this episode. It is perfect the way it is and I think there’s no
alternative way to end this.

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