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GARMA, Bryan Neil C.

Clinical Bioethics – Section B – Group 3

Assignment on Solidarity and Cooperation - Dr. Arnel V. Herrera

1. Make a program using the principles of Solidarity and Cooperation with the
present Covid 19 situation.

As an individual, with the use of social media platforms, I can start a group
and gather people around my community that have willingness to help those who
are in need at this time of crisis. I can collaborate with my neighbors to check in
on the most vulnerable in my community like the elderlies, single parent that
have babies, and homeless. We may chip in our savings to buy things that can
help each family in our community, like we can give diapers and milk products to
those families that have babies. We can also make do it yourself face mask or
face shields and distribute them to institutions near our community, And
hopefully, by doing this, we may get the attention of those who have capacity to
do a community –wide programs that can help those in need.

2. How do you apply the Good Samaritan Act in this present Covid 19 enhanced
community quarantine.

I can apply Good Samaritan Act in this present Covid 19 ECQ by

volunteering to do groceries and buy medicines for those elderlies and
immunocompromised since they are more vulnerable compared to me. I am
more than willing to do different errands and to wait in long queues for them. By
doing this they don’t have to get outside and expose themselves. At times like
this, we should help each other out. I can also make DIY face masks and face
shields then distribute them to the frontliners who work tirelessly for us to be

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