Pearson R (Ratio/interval)

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1. Pearson r (ratio/interval)
- Entrance exam score
- Ratings
- Self-concept and motivation scores

- Examples: a. Is there a correlation between self-concept and motivation?

b. Are the scores in math related to scores in science?

2. Spearman rank order correlation(ordinal)

- Ranked scores of creativity and reading comprehension

- Example: Is there a relationship between reading comprehension and creativity?

3. Chi-square test of independence/test of association (nominal)

- Nominal or categorical variables
- Sex
- Color preference
- Drinks preference
- Examples: a. Is sex related to color preference?
b. Investigate if the positiveness and negativeness of the students are related to the
language they speak.

1. One population z-test/z-test of one sample mean(ratio/interval)
- population mean
- sample mean
- s.d.

- Is the group of 100 teenagers represent Metro Manila?

- In the study of personality traits of freshman college students in a certain college, the 16
personality factors questionnaire (16 PF) was administered to 919 female students. The researcher
wanted to test the hypothesis that the personality traits of her samples did not differ from traits of
the normative Filipino female college students?

- An administrator of a high school hypothesized that their senior high school students (N= 800)
would achieve a percentile mean of 90 in the NCAE. However, the actual mean of group was 88.5
with as.d. of 22. Was there any significant difference between the hypothesized mean and the
actual mean?

2. Z-test(Hint: summarize naang data, out of…,givennaang mean

a. Z-test of independent proportion(nominal)

- 2 groups - yes/no
- male/female - agree/disagree
- teachers/students - true/false
- Is there a significant difference between teachers and principal who are in favour of
GMA’s running for congress?

- 100 out of 360 boys and 50 out of girls indicated the problem”. My parents allow me to attend
beach parties. Is there a significant difference in the percentage of boys and girls who indicated
in the problem?

- 120 out of 300 public school pupils passed the test in math while 175 out of 350 private school
pupils passed the same test. Is there a significant difference in the percentage of private and
public schools who passed the Math test?

b. z-test for correlated samples/z-test of dependent proportions(nominal)

- single group but 2 questions -true/false
- Agree/disagree -pre-test/post test
- yes/no -expected mean
- given naang mean


-Is there a significant difference of teachers between the responses of teachers before and after
attending the house hearing on RHB?

- In a group of 647th grade children, 32 or 50% answered item #23 correctly and 36 or 56.25%
answered #26 correctly. 26 answered both questions correctly. Determine whether the
difference in percentages of correct answers is significant.

- 150 out of 250 veterans answered yes to question, “Do you suffer from headache?” and 125
answered similarly to the question, “Are you troubled by the fear of being crushed in a crowd?
100 answered yes to both questions.

3. t- test (Hint: scores, raw data, distribution of difference)

a. t-test of independent means(ratio and interval)

-2 groups
- Mean
- # of difference of the experimental (EG) and controlled group (CG)

- Significant difference between the EG and CG in terms of achievement test
- An interest test was administered to 6 boys in a vocational class and 10 boys in a Latin class. Is
there a mean difference between the two groups significant at 0.05 level?
- A gasoline manufacturer runs test to determine the relative performance of automobiles
employing two different additives. The results are as follows expressed in terms of miles per
gallon of gasoline.
- Is there a significant difference between the number of miles run by each kind of additive?

b. t-test of dependent mean/t –test for correlated sample (ratio/interval)

- 1 group
- pre-test / post-test

- Significant difference between the pre-test/post test scores in science of the EG.

- In a school of 16 girls, beginners the 1st grade were selected and paired on the basis of I.Q. ,
socio-economic status, general health and size of family. One member of each pair attended
Kindergarten and the other did not. Is there a significant difference between the scores of those
who had kindergarten and those that did not?

- 12 subjects were given 5 successive trials on a digit symbol test of which only the scores for
trials 1 and 5 are shown. Find out if there is a significant difference between trial 1 and trial 5.

4. Chi – square test of goodness of fit (nominal)

- Observed/expected distribution
- Strongly agree, agree, no opinion…
- Significant difference between the observed distribution and expected distribution of teachers
responses on the k-12.
- A random sample of 80 tagalog HS boys and girls 13 to 16 old boys were drawn from a tagalog
population. The sample population were made to rate 30 concepts using the semantic
differential rate.
- In a big group of people chosen from different regions, the distribution of heights is shown
below… Determine whether height is significantly related to geographical location.

Sample Questions

1. How many cell frequencies are free to vary in tables with 2 rows and 3 colums?
Answer: (3-1) (2-1) = 2

2. What measurement scale is indicated? Michael finished the test in 45 min while Angelo finished the same test
in 25 mins? Answer: Ordinal

3. A study of effectsderived from a short term program on Evaluating Affective and Psychomotor Learning.
Answer: T-test of dependent means.

4. To determine the predictive validity of the PNU Entrance Exam.

Answer: Pearson r

5. An attempt to identify some factors that affect the retentivity of 4-6 years old children of basic mathematical
concept. Answer: t-test of correlated means

6. Who have better study habits, elementary school pupils or high school students?
Answer: t-test of independent means

7. Is civil service rating significantly related to efficiency in teaching?

Answer: pearson r

8. A survey was conducted to investigate if educational levelis related to political attitude.

Answer: x2 test of independence

9. The effect of 2 experimental conditions on the growth of corn plantsare to be tested.

Answer: Analysis of Variance

10. Does the mental ability of graduate studentsinteract with the professor’s method of teaching?
Answer: Anova II

11. Who complains more about office rules and policies, the efficient or the non-efficient employees?
Answer: t-test

12. The stability of an attitudinal test across timeis to be determined, that is scores on two test occasions are
expected to be consistent. Answer: Pearson r

13. Is the performance of the PNU studentsdifferent from the population mean?
Answer: One Population z-test

14. Would 35 graduate students change in their self-perception testafter knowing they had failed an important
test? Answer: t-test of dependent means

15. In a survey it was found that 60 out of 160 females and 28 out of 28 maleswere for the retention of the College
President. Is there a difference in the opinion in terms of the above mentioned issue.
Answer: z-test of independent proportions

16. On a final exam, BSE III – 7 of 49 students obtained of 70.2 and a standard deviation of 5.4, while BSE III – 5
students obtained a mean of 9.3. Can it be said that one class is better than the other?
Answer: t-test

17. In simple of 110 people, 25 passed item A and failed item B, whereas 0 failed item A and passed item B. Is
there a significant difference in the responses to the items?
Answer: z-test of dependent proportions.

18. A group of PNU students was given an attitude test on a controversial subject then they were shown a film
favourable the subject and the attitude test was then re-administered.
Answer: t – test

19. A group of student teachers was classified into “above average” and “average” and “below”. They were asked
how easy they found it to relate with their supervising instructor. Do the responses of the group differ
significantly? Answer: chi-square test of independence

20. On a true –false test of 50 items, a student obtained a score of 35. Does this differ from what the student
would expect to obtain if he or she had guessed all the items? Answer: x2 goodness of fit

21. Twenty two in a group of 45 and 20 in a group of 50 responded to a certain attitude test item. Do the
responses of the two groups differ significantly? Answer: z-test of independent proportions.

22. How many degrees of freedom are associated with the variation in the data for a comparison of 4 means for
independent sample each containing 14 cases.
Answer: df1 = 3, df2 = 52

23. Type II error would occur if one …

Answer: retains a false HO

24. What measurement scale is indicated in the given item below: Benjie’s score in Math test was 90 while
Ronnie’s was 0. Answer: interval

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