(T It. H 1 I: S R Figurali D 1ive (X 1

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Write short answers lo any FIVE (5) questions: (5X 2 =10)

(i) Differentiate between orgunic and inorganic chemistry.
(ii) Write chemical fonnula of sugar and common suit.
(iii) Write down 1h e elt.-.c1ronic configuralicm of Cl ion.
( h) What is 1hc- uS< of U-1351 Write down chemical equalion.
(') "riu.·do"n t''o propenic of posi 1ive nt)S.
(' i) Odine ioniaition cncl}U
t' ii) Wh) 1hc si1.c of atom decrease: in a period from 1cn 10 rjgh1.
(viii)Statc mendc1ccv' s periodic lnw.
03. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) queslions: (5x 2 = 10)
( i) Jonie compounds arc sohds. Just ify it.
(ii) Mctalsnre good conduc1orofelectrici 1y, Why?
(iii} WhatI) pc of covalcru bond is fonned in nitrob'Cll molecul e?
(h) D10Crc111rn1c bet\\ccn lonl' pair and bond pair of
electrons. (') \\ t11.11 b diffusion? E;>..plain ''ith an C;>..Umplc
(' i) Wh111 is mcan1 b) C\'Uporation? 1-hm i ft ulTectt'd by surface
('ii) Deline allotropy with l\\O c.'«lmplcs
( \'iii)ln "hich fonn sulphut exists al I00°C? (Sx 2= 10)
04. Write short answers lo any FIVE (5) quesllons:
(i) IA-fine aqueous sol utions?
(ii) Diffcrcn t iatc bc1wecn solute and wlvcnt.
(iii) l)cfinc reduction .
( h ) What arc non·clcctroly
1es? ( \ ) Ddinc: \ohaic ccll
('i) Give l\\O chemical propenies of mctab.
(' ii) Wri1c mo uses of sodium.
(\lll)Wri1c 1wo physical propcnics of non-metals.
(2x 9 = 18)
Note:A!lemplany TWO questions.
OS. (a) Deline the follow ing branches ol chemistry.
(I) Physical chemistry.
(ii) Organic chemislry . (lfi) Bio chemistry.
(Iv) lnduslrialchemls1ry.
(v) Environmentalchemlstry.
(b) Describe any lour poslulates of Bohr's alomlc model.
06. (a) Explain major properties 01 meta ls.
(b) Deline boiling point. Explain how is ii allected by different factors.
07. (a) Give compar ison between solution and colloid.
{bl Wri1e the process olrusling oliron.

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