Past Papers 2018 Faisalabad Board 9th Class Chemistry Group 1 English Medium Subjective

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02. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions:

tit [H11- tltc 11111111: ttl'hiuul111111'111tr31".
tiit Ilulitrc empirical li1r11111|111111l11111 cauurplc.
1iii1 H1111 11111". I11111111111'111'11us 1111111111: 1lil't'er l'ruru
heterogeneous 1111111111".

th 1 llciiue 111111111111 allow 11i11- isotopes ulcltlurinc.
1111 31:111' 11l11111 pudding Iltcul‘}
t1il ii it} 1111: 1111bl1‘ 11'1I1111'11 tltll reactive"
11iit 1H1} hitiL‘iLiilil; ci'tuct 1.1I'cluctt1ttts 111:1l11'1 111111111
l'111"111:1tirnt 1:11.11"
11 iii 11 1:11: the tt"1‘111l 11I' i111111':1ti1111 1111111111 111 :1 |tct"1111l
[13. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions:

(5 12:11])
1i] ‘1’1l11 1l1= 111111-i1'1"t1"111111 111111-11 liceljr irt 1111111111“!
liil “it? 1|1ll.'11 itt 111111141: 1i1't1‘lrttt in 11 tti11|1:1."11|1' .'
1iiit '11 ltat 15.111r 111'1111111cti1c 111111111 1'1i11 i11't11c1:11 lli‘l
H1 1 111111- 1lilit1-r1-111-1: l11't11111-11 1:1".111111111i1111 111111
{1| ilclittu 11l|111111111 111111 1111-1111 1111 cxutttttic.
1111 it her 11111111111 1131 111111111111 1111111111111”!
it iit it |":11I 11111111111111111.1111'11111:1111 1131111111111.
11 iiilli 1111: 11111 11111111111115 ul‘ 111l11l 11'1l11 111|icl solution
{11. Write short answers to any FM (5) questions:

til ll1'li111: 1111111111 clcclr11l1te 11111i uisu L'Ettlilllll.’
till it I131 steel i1t1|1tlc1l 11itlt ttickcl [11111111-
tiiil l11 111111111 cell 11 hiclt 1.111111111111111 11}. 11111111111111 are
lit} Ilctiltc rtxidirittg 111111111
111 I111111111111 11111 1.1111111111111111 trtctul.
I1it ‘1'11'111'11111 1111: 1"i111111i1"11| properties wittultllttcluls
11ii1 11111111 the 11 :111111111 ml 1 | .-'\l1t1i"111 lll1111111|1l 111111
l11rt111n1liti11111 111 11111111111]111

11iii1‘111111 [1111111111111111'1-111111l11'1"1111111|.

hlote: Attempt any Tthlll questions.

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15. tat How Huthertord discovered that stem has nucleus located at the
center at
atom? 5
[11] Describe the importance oi chemistry in daily lite.

15. to] Deltne metallic bond and explain it.

[11] Detine vapour pressure. What is the ellect ot temperature on it?

1?. (at Discuss manutactcrinp ol NaflH try Nelson's cell in detail.
{11] Detine solubility and explain the sotuhilittr ot Mall] in water.fl fl©
E It

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