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Tips for Read Aloud:

 Fluency is your first priority

 Scan for hard words and Spell it clearly before it starts
 Rising and falling tone for some words is important.
 Be aware of Plurals, don’t spell wrongly.
 No long disconnection of sentences.(i.e. Gap to each
 Uneven words, Irregular Phrasing 
 Beware of Inappropriate stress and incorrect pronunciation to
some words.
 Before it starts recording, read once the total sentence.
 Don’t be too fast (in recording cannot understand) and too
 Time for this section is more sufficient.
 Don’t keep silence more than 3sec.
 And the last tip is your tone must be NATURAL. 

Tips for Repeat Sentences:

 Fluency
 Close your eyes and listen to keep concentration on listening.
 No long pauses, Clear voice.
 Be careful of adding new text or omitting Listened text.
 If you can’t remember whole sentence at-least give
importance to Keywords.

Tips for Describe Image:

Many of them feel it difficult, but it is not that much difficult. Just
follow the below tips.

 Use the words like To illustrate…, It depicts to show that…,

 Speak about Highest and Lowest figures or key points. ( Most
 Fluency, Speak with a good voice.
 In describing image use the words – on the left-hand side, on
the right-hand side, next to, above, below or bottom, at the
top, foreground, background. Just keep on practicing with
these words.
 For graphs you can use –  ‘X-axis on graphs shows….
range……’, and ‘Y-axis on graph shows…. range….’
 Use the words like over, about, under… to point out the values
on the axis. If you use those words no need to be the exact
 Don’t keep silent, speak something about the image you see.

Tips for Retell Lecture:

 Note the keyword by understanding the context of the topic,
so you can give your best.
 For the name, you can use titles. ex: Dr. James Alexandra
says…. so you can say just ‘ Dr says…’.
 If possible try to catch 3-5 sentences it’s enough to re-tell the
 While taking notes just omit vowel and note keywords it saves
the time. (practice it)
 Use phrases like ‘The lecture provides brief information
about….’ or  ‘According to the speaker , he said…..’ etc… to
elaborate the given lecture.
 Fluency is most important, whatever you speak also.
 Don’t keep silent, speak something relates to lecture. 

Tips for Short Answer Questions:

 If you don’t know the answer, just repeat the words in the
 Don’t forget the articles a,an,the before some words.
 Below are some questions and answers, whatever I have

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