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Experiment No.

Object: To control the speed of D.C. shunt motor by

(a) Field current control method & to plot the curve for speed Vs field current.
(b) Armature voltage control method & to plot the curve for speed Vs armature voltage.

Apparatus Required

S. No. Name Type Range Quantity

1. Voltmeter MC 0-300 V 1
2. Ammeter MC 0-2 A and 0-5 A 1 each
3. Rheostat Single tube 45 Ω, 5 A 1
4. Rheostat Single tube 272 Ω, 1.7 A 1
5. Tachometer Digital 0-2000 rpm 1


Any D.C. motor can be made to have smooth and effective control of speed over a wide range. The shunt
motor runs at a speed defined by the expression.

Eb= and Eb =V – IaRa
60 A
V - I a Ra ZP
i.e., N = where K=
KΦ 60 A
1 1
Since IaRa drop is negligible N α V and N α orN α
Φ f

Where N is the speed, V is applied voltage, Ia is the armature current, and Ra is the
armature resistance and Φ is the field flux.
Speed control methods of shunt motor:
1. Applied voltage control.
2. Armature rheostat control.
3. Field flux control.

Applied voltage control

In the past, Ward-Leonard method is used for Voltage control method. At present, Variable
voltage is achieved by SCR controlled AC to DC converter unit is used to control the speed
of a motor. In this method, speed control is possible from rated speed to low speeds.

Armature rheostat control
Speed control is achieved by adding an external resistance in the armature circuit. This
method is used where a fixed voltage is available. In this method,a high current rating
rheostat is required.

(a) Large amount of power is lost as heat in the rheostat. Hence, the efficiency is low.
(b) Speed above the rated speed is not possible. The motor can be run from its rated
speed to low speeds.

Field flux control

Speed control by adjusting the air gap flux is achieved by means of adjusting the field
current i.e., by adding an external resistance in the field circuit. The disadvantage of this
method is that at low field flux, the armature current will be high for the same load. This
method is used to run the motor above its rated speed only.

Circuit Diagram

Fig 1.1 Circuit diagram for speed control of dc motor

Fig.1.1 shows the circuit diagram for speed control of dc motor. Instruments used in the circuit serve the
function mentioned against each.
Rheostat (45 Ω, 5 A): to vary the voltage applied to the armature winding of dc motor.
Voltmeter: to measure the applied voltage across the armature winding.
Rheostat (290 Ω, 1.8A): to vary the field current of dc motor.
Ammeter: to measure the field current.

Armature control method
1. The connections are given as per the circuit diagram.
2. The DPST switch is closed.
3. The field current is varied in steps by varying the field rheostat.
4. In each step of field current the armature voltage is varied in steps by varying the
armature rheostat.
5. In each step of armature rheostat variation the meter readings (Voltmeter
&Tachometer) are noted.

Field Control Method

1. The connections are given as per the circuit diagram.
2. The DPST switch is closed.
3. The armature voltage is varied in steps by varying the armature rheostat.
4. In each step of armature voltage the field current in steps by varying the field
5. In each step of field rheostat the meter readings (Ammeter & tachometer) are noted.

Observation Table

Voltage Control Method

S.No Applied Voltage Armature Current Speed

Resistance control in the armature circuit

S. No. Supply Armature Armature Speed(Rpm) External res

Voltage Voltage Current

Flux Control Method

S. No. Field current If (amp) Armature current If (amp) Speed (rpm)

1. Armature Rheostat control method and voltage control methods are useful to obtain the
speed less than the rated speed.
2. Among the above two methods voltage control method is preferable than Armature
Rheostat control since large amount of power is wasted in the external resistance.
3. Field control or Flux control method is used to obtain the speed more than the rated
1. For voltage control method, Plot graph between applied voltage Vs speed.
2. For resistance control in the armature circuit method, draw a graph between
Armatures Vs Speed.
3. For flux control method, draw a graph between Field current Vs Speed.

The speed control of the given DC shunt motor using field control and armature control method has been
done and its characteristic curves are drawn

1. All the switches are kept open initially.
2. The field rheostat should be kept at minimum resistance position.
3. The armature rheostat should be kept at maximum resistance position.

Viva Questions
1. What are the three methods of speed control?
2. What is the main purpose of speed control?
3. Why is three point starters not used in this circuit?
4. What is the method opted to get speeds above rated speed?
5. How is flux per pole related to the speed of the machine?

These motors are used in presses, lathes, centrifugal pumps, fans, blowers, conveyers, Lifts traction etc

“Electric Machinery Fundamentals” (class text)
Stephen J. Chapman
McGraw Hill, 3rd. Ed., 1999

Experiment No. 2

Object: To perform O.C. and S.C. test on a 1-phase transformer and to determine the parameters of its
equivalent circuit, its voltage regulation and efficiency..

Apparatus Required

S. No. Name Type Range Quantity

1. Ammeter MI 0-2A 1
2. Wattmeter Dynamometer 2.5A, 200 V 1
3. Voltmeter MI 0-300 V 1
4. Single phase variac 230/0-270 V, 15 A 1
5. Ammeter MI 0-15 A 1
6. Wattmeter Dynamometer 15 A, 75 V 1
7. Voltmeter MI 0-30 V 1


Open Circuit Test

In this test low voltage winding (primary) is connected to a supply of normal voltage and frequency (as per
the rating of transformer) and the high voltage winding (secondary) is left open as shown in fig (6.3 a). The
primary winding draws very low current hardly 3 to 5 percent of full load current (may be upto 10 % for
very small rating transformers used for laboratory purposes) under this condition. As such copper losses in
the primary winding will be negligible. Thus mainly iron losses occur in the transformer under no load or
open circuit condition, which are indicated by the wattmeter connected in the circuit.

Hence, total iron losses = W0 (Reading of wattmeter)

From the observations of this test, the parameters R 0 and Xm of the parallel branch of the equivalent circuit
can also be calculated, following the steps given below :

Power drawn, W0 = V0 I0 cos Ф0

Core loss component of no load current, Iw = I0 cos Ф0
And, magnetizing component of no load current, Im = I0 sin Ф0

Short circuit test

In this test, low voltage winding is short circuited and a low voltage hardly 5 to 8 percent of the rated
voltage of the high voltage winding is applied to the winding. This test is performed at rated current flowing
in both the windings. Iron losses occurring in the transformer under this condition is negligible, because of
very low applied voltage. Hence the total losses occurring under short circuit are mainly the copper losses of
both the winding, which are indicated by the wattmeter connected in the circuit as shown in fig. 6.3 b.

Thus total full load copper losses = WSC (reading of wattmeter)

The equivalent resistance Req, and reactance Xeq referred to a particular winding can also be calculated from
the observations of this test, following the step given below.

Thus equivalent reactance referred to H.V. winding, Xeq =  (Z2eq – R2eq)

Performance calculations

Complete performance of the transformer can be calculated based on the above observations of open-circuit
and short-circuit test following the steps given by,

Efficiency at different loads

Efficiency at full load :

Total losses at full load, = W0 + Wsc
Let the full load output power of the transformer in KVA be P0.

Equivalent circuit
All the parameters of the approximate equivalent circuit has been calculated above. Thus an approximate
equivalent circuit of the transformer can be drawn with these values of parameters marked on it. The
equivalent circuit can be solved easily for estimating the performance like terminal voltage across the
secondary etc.

Voltage Regulation
Voltage Regulation of the transformer can now be calculated based on the parameters of the equivalent
circuit, using the approximate formula given below.

Where, I – rated current of the winding, referred to which Req and Xeq have been calculated.

V – Voltage of that winding.

cos - Power factor at which regulation is to be calculated

Circuit diagram
Fig 2.1 shows the circuit diagram to perform the no load test at rated voltage of the transformer. Ammeter,
Voltmeter and wattmeter have been connected in the circuit to measure, no load current, rated voltage
applied and the no load power drawn by the transformer respectively.

Fig 2.2 shows the circuit diagram to perform the short circuit test at a reduced voltage, such that the
current flowing in the windings is of full load value. As such a single phase Voltage variac has been
included in the circuit. Ammeter, wattmeter and voltmeter connected in the circuit measure, full load short
circuit, power drawn under this condition and the reduced voltage applied to the winding of the transformer

Fig 2.1: Open Circuit Test of 1-Phase Transformer

Fig 2.1: Short Circuit Test of 1-Phase Transformer


Open Circuit Test

It is usually done on the L.V. side, keeping the H.V. side open.
1. Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Apply the rated voltage (V0) to L.V side using variac
3. Note down the no load current I 0 and power W0 for rated voltage V0.

Short Circuit Test

Short circuit test is usually done on the H.V. side keeping the L.V. side short circuited.
1. Make connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Apply rated current (ISC) by varying variac.
3. Note the corresponding power input (WSC) and (ISC) for VSC

Observation Table

S. No. No Load Test Short Circuit Test

V0 I0 W0 Vsc Isc Wsc


S. No. Cos φ0 Iw Im R0 Xm Req Xeq Load  Voltage


Efficiency & Regulation of transformer are determined and equivalent circuit is drawn

1. Loose connections are to be avoided.
2. Circuit connections should not be made while power is ON.
3. Ensure variac position is zero before starting the experiment.
4. Readings of meters must be taken without parallax error.
5. While doing the open circuit test, ensure that the H.V. side is open.
6. While doing the short circuit test ensure that the L.V. side is short circuited.
7. High voltage & low voltage sides of T/F should be properly connected.
8. Check the corresponding meters are connected as per the circuit diagram of the corresponding test

The data obtained from these tests is used to calculate efficiency and voltage regulation of transformer

Viva questions
1. Why iron losses are negligible in short circuit test?
2. The leakage flux in a transformer depends upon?
3. Why is it preferred to determine the efficiency of transformer indirectly rather than by loading it.
4. What will happen if DC supply is given to the transformer?
5. Why is the core of transformer laminated?
6. What is the role of power transformers in 'power systems'?

“Electric Machinery Fundamentals” (class text)
Stephen J. Chapman
McGraw Hill, 3rd. Ed., 1999

Experiment No.3

Object: To perform back-to-back test on two identical 1-phase transformers and find their efficiency &
Parameters of the equivalent circuit.

Apparatus Required

S. No. Name Type Range Quantity

1. Ammeter MI 2.5/5 A 1
2. Ammeter MI 15/30 A 1
3. Voltmeter MI 300 V 1
4. Voltmeter MI 600 V 1
5. Voltmeter MI 30 V 1
6. Wattmeter Dynamometer 2.5 A, 200 V 1
7. Wattmeter Dynamometer 15 A, 75 V 1
8. Single phase variac Fully variable 230/0-270 V, 15 A 1

Fig 3.1 shows the complete circuit diagram for performing Sumpner’s test on two identical single phase
transformers. Primaries of the two transformers are connected in parallel. Ammeter and wattmeter have
been connected in the primary circuit to record the total no load current and no load power of both the
transformers. Secondaries of the two transformers have been connected in phase opposition. A voltmeter of
higher range i.e. 600 V has been connected across the two terminals of the secondaries to verify the phase
opposition. It should be remembered that the voltage would be much higher, in case the two secondaries are
in phase addition. The voltage applied to the secondary circuit is quite low, as such a voltmeter of 30 V
range has been connected in place of the voltmeter of 600 Volts after verifying the phase opposition of the
two secondaries. Single phase variac has been used in the secondary circuit to obtain a low voltage.
Ammeter and wattmeter has been included in the secondary circuit to measure full load current flowing in
the circuit and the corresponding power drawn by the secondaries respectively

This test needs two identical transformers. The primary windings of these transformers are connected in
parallel and supplied at rated voltage and frequency, while the two secondaries are connected in phase
opposition as shown in Fig (6.4.). Thus the voltage across the two secondaries is zero, when the primary
windings are energized. As such, this test is also called back to back test. In this test, iron losses occur in the
cores and full load copper losses occur in the windings of the two transformer. Current flowing in the two
secondaries is rated full load current of the transformer. Thus, heat run test can be conducted on the
transformer can be estimated. The current drawn by the primaries is twice the no load current of each
transformer. The wattmeter W1 connected in the circuit of the primaries measures the total core losses of
both the transformers.

Thus, iron losses of each transformer = 1/2 W0

Where, Wc is the reading wattmeter W2, when full load current is flowing in the secondary circuit. A low
voltage, hardly 8 to 10 percent of the rated value is applied across the secondaries for full load current to

(a) Efficiency at full load :

Let the output in KVA of each transformer be P0

Total losses of each transformer under full load operation = 1/2 W0 + 1/2 Wc

P0 X 1000 X cos φ
Percentage efficiency at full load, fl = X 100
P0 X 1000 X cos φ + 1/2 W0 + 1/2 Wc

(b) Efficiency at half full load

Power output of each transformer at half full load = 1/2 P0

Iron losses at half the full load = 1/2 W0 (constant)
Copper losses at half the full load = (1/2 )2 [1/2 Wc ] = 1/8 Wc

1/2 P0 X 1000 X cos φ

Thus, efficiency at half full load, 1/2fl = X 100
1/2 P0 X 1000 X cos φ + 1/2 W0 + 1/8 Wc

Circuit Diagram

Fig 3.1: Back to Back Test of two 1-Phase transformers


1. Make connections as per circuit diagram.

2. Apply a small voltage to the L.V. windings of the transformers. The voltmeter connected across
SPST must give zero reading. Otherwise interchange the HV terminals of the transformer.
3. Now rated voltage is applied to the L.V. windings of the transformers.
4. Close the S.P.S.T. switch in secondary circuit and give supply to the secondary. Slowly increase the
voltage till the rated current flows through secondaries.
5. Note down the readings of all the meters

Observation Table

S. No. Primary side Secondary side

V0 I0 W0 Vsc Isc Wsc

Efficiency and voltage regulation of each transformer is calculated as per the formulae discussed above.

Efficiency and voltage regulation of each transformer at different load have been calculated.

1. There should not be loose connections in the circuit.
2. Don't apply the secondary current greater than full load current of a transformer.
3. Ensure that the variac should be at zero position while switching ON.
4. LV range voltmeter must be connected in secondary side after checking the phase opposition

The data obtained from these tests is used to calculate efficiency, voltage regulation and temperature rise of

Viva questions
1. What is necessary condition required to conduct this test?
2. What is the condition for maximum efficiency?
3. What is all day efficiency?
4. What are the conditions for parallel operation of transformers?
5. Why transformer rating in KVA?
6. How to reduce the magnetic losses in a transformer?

“Electric Machinery Fundamentals” (class text)
Stephen J. Chapman
McGraw Hill, 3rd. Ed., 1999

Experiment No. 4

Object: To determine the efficiency and voltage regulation of a single-phase transformer by direct

Apparatus Required

S. No. Name Type Range Quantity

1. Voltmeter MI 0-300 V 1
2. Ammeter MI 0-15 A 1
3. Wattmeter dynamometer 15A, 200 V 1
4. Lamp bank load resistive 250 V, 5 kw 1


Each of the terminals of primary as well as secondary winding of a transformer is alternately positive and
negative with respect to each other. It is essential to know the relative polarities at any instant of the primary
and secondary terminals for making correct connections under the following type of operation of the

Referring Fig 4.1, if at any instant, the induced emf E 1 in the primary winding acts from the terminals
marked A2 to A1, the induced emf E2 in the secondary winding will act form a2 to a1 i.e. if at any instant A1 is
positive and A2 negative with respect to the applied voltage V1 across the primary winding then the terminal
voltage V2 across the secondary winding will be positive at a1 and negative at a2.
If the two windings are connected by joining A 1 to a1 as shown in (fig 6.2a), and an alternating voltage V 1
applied across the primary, then the marking are correct if the voltage V 3 is less than V1. Such a polarity is
generally termed as subtractive. The standard practice is to have subtractive polarity for transformer
connections, because it reduces the voltage stress between the adjacent leads. In case V 3 is greater than V1,
the emfs induced in the primary and secondary windings have an additive relation and the transformer is
said to have additive polarity.

Voltage ratio

The induced emf per phase in the primary and secondary windings of a transformer is given by,
Induced emf in primary, E1 = 4.44 f Ф T1
Induced emf in secondary, E2 = 4.44 f Ф T2

However, E1 ≈ V1 and E2 ≈ V2

V2 T2
Hence, the voltage ratio, =
V1 T1

Performance of the transformer can be determined as follows from the observations of load test.
Power input to the transformer = W1 (reading of wattmeter)
Power output of transformer = VI watts (cos Ф being unity for lamp bank load)
Thus, efficiency at a particular load,  = X 100 percent
No load voltage across secondary = E2
Terminal voltage across secondary at a particular load = V2

E2 – V2
Then, regulation of the transformer at that load = X 100 percent

Circuit diagram
Fig (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) shows respectively the circuit diagram for polarity test, voltage ratio test and load test on a
single phase transformer which are self explanatory.

Fig 4.1 Polarity Test

Fig 4.2 Voltage Ratio Test



Polarity Test
1. Connect the circuit as per Fig 4.1
2. Switch-on single phase ac supply.
3. Record the voltage V1, V2, and V3. It is advisable to use a single voltmeter with probes to measure
these three voltage. In case V3 < V1, the polarity is subtractive.
4. Repeat step 3, after connecting the terminals A 1 and a2. The transformer should be disconnected
before making this change. In this case V3 > V1 which indicates additive polarity.
5. Switch off the dc supply.

Voltage Ratio test

1. Connect the circuit as per Fig 4.2
2. Switch on ac supply.
3. Record the voltage V1 across various tapping of the secondary. It will be preferred, if all the voltages
are measured by the same voltmeter.
4. Switch off the supply.

Load Test:
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram shown in Fig 4.3
2. Ensure that there is no load on the secondary winding of the transformer.
3. Switch on the ac supply and record the no load voltage across the secondary winding.
4. Adjust approximately 10 percent of full load current in the secondary by switching on certain lamps
in the lamp bank load. Record the readings of all the meters.
5. Repeat step 4 for various load current till the full load value.
6. Reduce the load on the transformer by switching off the bulbs in the lamp bank load.
7. Switch off the ac supply.

Observation Table
(a) Polarity test (b) Voltage Ratio test
S. No. V1 V2 V3 S. NO. V1 V2 V2/V1

(c) Load test

S. No. W1 V2 I2 V2I2 % % Voltage Regulation

S.NO. V1 I1 W1 V2 I2 W2 %


Calculate efficiency and voltage regulation of the transformer from the data obtained from observation

Efficiency & Regulation of transformer have been calculated.

1. Loose connections are to be avoided.
2. Circuit connections should not be made while power is ON.
3. Ensure variac position is zero before starting the experiment.
4. Readings of meters must be taken without parallax error.

The data obtained from these tests is used to calculate efficiency and voltage regulation and temperature rise
of transformer

Viva questions
1. Can Transformers be Operated at Voltages other than Nameplate Voltages?
2. Can 50-Hz Transformers be Operated at 60 Hz & Vice versa?
3. Why is the core of transformer laminated?
4. What is the role of power transformers in 'power systems'?
5. What are the assumptions made in drawing the equivalent circuit?

“Electric Machinery Fundamentals” (class text)
Stephen J. Chapman
McGraw Hill, 3rd. Ed., 1999

Experiment No. 7

Object: To perform the heat run test on a delta/star connected 3-phase transformer and determine the
parameters for its equivalent circuit.

Apparatus required

S.No. Name Range Qty.

1 3Ø Transformer 1 KVA 1KVA 1
2 M.I. Voltmeter 0-500 v 2
3 M.I. Ammeter 0-5A 2
4 Temperature indicator P.T.-100 with sensor 1
5 Lamp Load Lamp Load 1

Heat Run Test on 3Ø transformer can be carried out on a Delta/Star 3Ø Transformer connected unit- For
this test, Primary & Secondary winding connected in delta/Star. The Low Voltage winding (Primary) is
excited at normal voltage and frequency & load the secondary side. The temperature changes after loading
the transformer.

Circuit Diagram

Fig 7.1: circuit diagram for Heat run test on 3-Phase transformer

1. Connect the Circuit as per circuit diagram.
2. Switch On the M.C.B.
3. Take the Reading of temperature Indicator
4. Apply the Lamp Load provided on the Panel step by step for 5 minutes and take the reading of all
the measuring instrument provided on the Panel.
5. Switch off the Load.

Observation Table

S.No. Primary Side Secondary Side

VP IP IS IS Temperature

Plot the graph between temperature rise and time.

Temperature rise test on three phase transformer is conducted. A graph between temperature rise of
windings and time is plotted.
The Final temperature rise of the winding is ……….°C.
The Test is performed under the full load conditions without actually loading. Hence the power wastage is
avoided. The method is a dummy test on the transformer.

1. Loose connections are to be avoided.
2. Circuit connections should not be made while power is ON.
3. Ensure variac position is zero before starting the experiment.
4. Readings of meters must be taken without parallax error.

The data obtained from these tests is used to analyze the temperature rise in transformer

Viva questions
1. Can Transformers be Operated at Voltages other than Nameplate Voltages?
2. Can 50-Hz Transformers be Operated at 60 Hz & Vice versa ?
3. Why no load current and no load power factor is low.
4. Why transformer oil is used in the transformer.
5. Why half of LV & half of HV are placed on the same limb in Core type Practical Transformer.
6. Why HV Winding is placed over the LV winding.

“Electric Machinery Fundamentals” (class text)
Stephen J. Chapman
McGraw Hill, 3rd. Ed., 1999


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