Gharanda Samhitha Chapter 3 Notes

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Second year (Fourth sem) - Paper 1

Gharanda Samhita, Chapter 3 -Mudras

1. Yonimudra (verse 37 – 44)

Practicing method
- Assuming the Siddhasana
- through Käkimudrä inhale deeply
- Closing the ears with the two thumbs, eyes with the index fingers, nostrils with the
middle fingers, the upper lips with the ring fingers, and the lower lips with the little
- Join prana and apana
- Contemplate on 6 cakras in order by repeting hum and hamsah
- Awaken and rise the kundalini with jiva and place at sahasrara cakra
- Contemplate on the union of shiva and Shakti
- Realize that he is a brahma

- One enters into samadhi
- Can overcome all the mortal and venal sins.
- One has to practice who wishes for emancipation.

2. Vajronimudra/Vajrolimudra (verse 45 – 48)

Practicing method
- The palms are placed on the ground
- Legs are crossed behind the neck
- The body is lifted on the hands.

- Awakens the Shakti
- Prolongs the life
- Leads to emancipation
- Gives siddhi to yogi
- Bindu siddhi is obtained
- Enjoys many fold pleasures

3. Shakticalanimudra (verse 49 – 60)

Description of kundalini
- Kundalini Shakti or atma Shakti sleeps in mooladhara cakra
- She has a form of a serpent having three and half coil.
- As long as she is slept, the jeeva is mere an animal
- One has to practice yoga until kundalini is awakened.
- As by key a door is opened, so by awakening the kundalini by Hatha yoga, the door of
Brahman is opened or kundalini will enter the sushumna naadi.QA
Practicing method
- One should practice Shakticalana in a closed room.
- Covering the navel region with piece of cloth measuring one-vitasti( 9inches or 1
cubit) long and four-angula(3 inches) wide.
- Cloth should be soft, fine texture and white in color.
- Cloth should be secure by kati sutra (waistband).
- Smear the body with basma
- Sit in siddhasana
- Inhale through both the nostrils, forcibly join prana and apana.
- Practice Aswini mudra by contracting the rectum until the vayu is forced into the
Sushumna and manifests its presence.
- By restraining the breath by kumbhaka in this way, the kundalini feeling suffocated
awakes and rises upward to the Brahmarandhra.
- Before practicing Yoni mudra, one has to practice Shakticalani first.

- It destroys decay and death.
- Who wishes for siddhi has to practice this mudra
- Who practices daily, acquires adeptship
- Attains vigraha-siddhi
- All the diseases can be cured.

4. Tadagimudra (verse 61)

Practicing method
- Draw the abdomen backwards so as to make it look like a pond.
- Destroys old age and death.

5. Mandukimudra( verse 62)

Practicing method
- Closing the mouth move the root of the tongue.
- Then slowly drink the nector.

- Prevents wrinkles or old age.
- Enjoys perennial youth.
- Hair does not turn grey.

6. Shambhavimudra( verse 64 – 67)

Practicing method
- Fixing the gaze between the eyebrows.
- Meditate on atman.

- Who know shambhavi, he is like adinatha, Narayana, and Brahma the creator.
Panchadharanamudra( verse 68 - 81)

- Being in human body one can visit and revisit svargaloka.

- Can move as swiftly as mind.
- Aquaires a sidhhi to walk in sky

7. Paarthividharana (verse 70 – 71)

Practicing method
- Prithvi-Tattva has the colour of orpiment (yellow).
- Beeja mantra is ‘La’
- Form is four sided.
- Presiding deity is Brahma
- Place the Prithvi-tattva in heart
- Hold parana along with citta their for five ghatikas.

- Conquers the earth.
- No earthly elements can injure him.
- Brings steadiness.
- He becomes conqueror of Death
- As an adept walk over this earth.

8. Ambhasidharanamudra( verse 72 – 74)

Practicing method
- Ap-Tattva
- White like kunda-flower or a conch or the moon
- Beeja mantra is ‘Va’
- Form is circular like moon.
- Presiding deity is Vishnu.
- Place the Ap-tattva in heart
- Hold parana along with citta their for five ghatikas.

- Destroys all the suffering and sin.
- Water cannot injure him.
- Never dies even in the deepest water.
- Should be kept secret, if reveled its success will be lost.

9. Agneyidharanamudra( verse 75 – 76)

Practicing method
- Agni-Tattva situated in the navel.
- Color is red like the Indra-gopa insect.
- Beeja mantra is ‘Ra’
- Form is triangular.
- Presiding deity is Rudra.
- It is refulgent like the sun.
- Place the Agni-tattva in heart
- Hold parana along with citta their for five ghatikas.

- Destroys the fear of dreadful death.
- Fire cannot injure him.
- By virtue of this mudra, practitioner remain alive even if he is thrown in burning fire,
without fear of death.

10. Vayavidharanamudra( verse 77 – 79)

Practicing method
- Vayu-Tattva .
- Color is smoky and looks like a heap of power Collyrium.
- Beeja mantra is ‘Ya’
- Presiding deity is Ishvara.
- Full of satva quality.
- Hold parana along with citta for five ghatikas in this tattva.

- Aspirant experiences of flying in air.
- Never killed by any aerial disturbances.
- Should not be taught to the wicked or to those devoid of faith. By doing so success is

11. Akashidharanamudra( verse 80 – 81)

Practicing method
- Akasha-Tattva .
- Color is of pure sea-water.
- Beeja mantra is ‘Ha’.
- Presiding deity is Sadashiva.
- Hold parana along with citta for five ghatikas in this tattva.

- Openes the gates for emancipation.
- Death does not approach him.
- He does not perish at pralaya.

12. Ashvinimudra( verse 82 – 83)

Practicing method
- Contract and dilate the anal aperture repeatedly.

- Awakens Kundalini Shakti.
- Cures Guhya roga
- Gives bhala and pushti
- Prevents premeature death.

13. Pashinimudra( verse 84 – 85)

Practicing method
- Place both legs on the neck towards the back; hold them strongly together like a pasha
(a noose).
- Awakens Kundalini Shakti.
- Gives strength and nourishment.
- It should be practiced with care by who desire to attain siddhi.

14. Kakimudra( verse 86 – 87)

Practicing method
- Contract the lips like beak of the crow.
- Draw in the air slowly through it.

- Destroys all the diseases.
- One becomes free from disease like a crow.

15. Matangimudra( verse 88 – 91)

Practicing method
- Stand in neck deep water.
- Draw in the water through the nostrils, and throw it out by the mouth.
- Then draw in water through the mouth, and expel through the nostrils.
- Repeat it again and again.
- Should be practiced in solitary and lonely place with concentration.

- Destroys old age and death.
- Becomes strong like Elephant.

16. Bhujanginimudra( verse 92 – 93)

Practicing method
- Protruding the neck and mouth a little, draw in the air through the throat.

- Destroys old age and death.
- Destroys all stomach disorders like indigestion, dyspepsia, etc.\

Benefits of Mudra and conclusion (verse 94 -100)

- Destroys decay and death.

- Gives happiness
- One gets emancipation.
- Destroys all the diseases.
- Increases gastric fire.
- No fear from pancha bhutas.
- Destroys cough, asthma, enlargement of spleen, leprosy, 20 types of Kaphaja
- All the siddhis in the world can be acquired.

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