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Second Year – Paper 1

Gheranda Samhita, Chapter 7


Introduction to Samdhiyoga

- Samadhi, the supreme Yoga, is attained by great merit earned previously.

- It is achieved by the grace of Guru by intense devotion to him.
- Samadhi is attained soon by who
Has confidence in Knowledge
Faith in his own Guru
Faith in his own self
Whose mind awakens to intelligence day after day.
- Detaching the mind from body, unite it with the Paramatma.
- This is known as Samadhi or Mukti from all states of consciousness.
- I am Brahman and nothing else.
- Brahman is certainly I
- I am not the participator of sorrow
- I am Existence, Consciousness and Bliss.
- I am ever free, I am always what I really am.

Kinds of Samadhiyoga - 6

1. Dhyana Samadhi by Shambhavi

2. Nada Samadhi by Bhramari
3. Rasananda by Khecari Mudra
4. Layasiddhi by Yoni Mudra
5. Bhakti yoga
6. Rajayoga Samadhi by Mano-Murccha Kumbhaka

1. Dhyanayoga Samadhi

- Performing Shambhavi Mudra realize the self.

- Once Brahman seen in Bindu, fix the mind on that.
- Merge the self in Khamaya Brahman.
- Fill the self with the Khamaya Brahman.
- Seeing the self as Khamaya Brahman, nothing else is seen.
- Being full of perpetual bliss, the Yogi enters Samadhi.

2. Nadayoga Samadhi
- Inhale slowly, perform Bhramari Kumbhaka and exhale slowly.
- There will be heard a humming sound like that of big bee.
- Listening to this internally aroused humming sound fix the mind on that.
- By so doing, there will be Samadhi and knowledge of SoHam araises, a great
happiness takes place.
3. Rasanandayoga Samadhi

- When Khecari Mudra is performed and tongue is turned upwards, Samadhi is

- There is no necessity of performing other ordinary Yogic practices.

4. Layasiddhi Yoga Samadhi

- Perform Yoni Mudra.

- Imagine that he is Shakti and Paramatman is Purusha.
- Both have been united in one.
- By this he becomes full of bliss, and realises Aham Brahma, I am Brahma.
- This conduces to Advaita Samadhi

5. Bhaktiyoga Samadhi

- Contemplate within his heart his special Diety.

- Let him be full of ecstasy by such contemplation
- Shed tears of happiness
- By so doing he will become entranced.
- Leads to Samadhi and Manonmani.

6. Rajayoga Samadhi

- Performing Manomurccha Kumbhaka unite the Manas with the Atman.

- By this Union is obtained Raja-Yoga Samadhi.

Importance of Samadhi

- Samadhi leads to Mukti or emancipation.

- The essence of Rajayoga and Samadhi is becoming one with Atman.
- Synonyms of Samadhi are Unmani, Sahajavastha.
- Vishnu is in water, on land, on the peak of a mountain and in the flames of fire.
- The whole universe is pervaded by Vishnu.
- All those that walk on land or move in the air, all living and animate creation, tree,
shrubs, roots, creepers and grass, etc., oceans and mountains – all know to be
- See them all in Atman.

- The Atman is Caitanya residing in the body.

- It is without a second, Eternal and highest.
- Knowing it to be separate from the body one should be free from desires and passion.
- Such Samadhi is free from all consciousness.
- One should attain it, becoming disinterested in everything, in his own body, in his
children, wife, relatives and in his wealth.

- Shiva has revealed many Tattvas, such as Layamrta of them.

- This is an abstract, leading to emancipation.

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