ZXUN USPP (V4.13.20) Universal Subscriber Profile Platform Hardware Installation Guide PDF

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Universal Subscriber Profile Platform

Hardware Installation Guide

Version: V4.13.20

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2013-10-31 First Edition

Serial Number: SJ-20131014104201-002

Publishing Date: 2013-10-31 (R1.0)

SJ-20131014104201-002|2013-10-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Installation Overview ................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Installation Flow ................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Installation Preparations ..................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.1 Environment Check .................................................................................. 1-3
1.2.2 Tools Preparation ..................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.3 Required Documents................................................................................ 1-7
1.3 Unpacking and Checking Equipment ................................................................... 1-7

Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Removing Cabinet Doors .................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Installation Scenarios ......................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Installing a Cabinet on an Adjustable Base .......................................................... 2-5
2.3.1 Positioning an Adjustable Base ................................................................. 2-6
2.3.2 Mounting an Adjustable Base.................................................................. 2-10
2.3.3 Installing a Cabinet................................................................................. 2-15
2.4 Installing a Cabinet on the Floor ........................................................................ 2-19
2.4.1 Positioning the Cabinet ........................................................................... 2-20
2.4.2 Installing a Cabinet................................................................................. 2-24

Chapter 3 Installation of External Power Cables and Grounding

Cables ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Power Supply System of a Cabinet...................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Cabling Requirements ........................................................................................ 3-3
3.3 Installing Power Cables and Grounding Cables .................................................... 3-7

Chapter 4 Assembly Installation in a Cabinet.......................................... 4-1

4.1 Installing an E4140 Shelf .................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Installing Boards ................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.1 Removing a Blank Panel........................................................................... 4-4
4.2.2 Installing a Board ..................................................................................... 4-6

Chapter 5 Installation of Internal Power Cables and Grounding

Cables ..................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Power Supply System in a Cabinet...................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Installing Cables for an E4140 Shelf .................................................................... 5-3

Chapter 6 Signal Cable Installation .......................................................... 6-1

SJ-20131014104201-002|2013-10-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

6.1 Signal Cable Installation Requirements................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Setting Jumpers and DIP Switches of the Unified PDU ........................................ 6-4
6.3 Installing Signal Cables in the Cabinet ................................................................. 6-8
6.4 Routing Signal Cables out of the Cabinet ........................................................... 6-10

Chapter 7 Cabinet Accessory Installation................................................ 7-1

7.1 Installing the Cabinet Side Door .......................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Installing the Front and Rear Doors ..................................................................... 7-3
7.3 Installing the Top Panels and Top-Side Panels ..................................................... 7-4

Chapter 8 Peripheral Device Installation.................................................. 8-1

8.1 Installing Terminal Devices.................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Alarm Box Installation ......................................................................................... 8-2
8.2.1 Installing the Alarm Box ............................................................................ 8-2
8.2.2 Connecting Cables (AC Power Supply)...................................................... 8-4
8.2.3 Connecting Cables (DC Power)................................................................. 8-6

Chapter 9 Installation Inspection .............................................................. 9-1

9.1 Checking the Cabinets........................................................................................ 9-1
9.2 Checking the Assemblies in the Cabinets............................................................. 9-2
9.3 Checking the Power Cables and Grounding Cables.............................................. 9-2
9.4 Checking the Signal Cables ................................................................................ 9-3
9.5 Checking the Other auxiliary Devices .................................................................. 9-3

Chapter 10 System Power-On ................................................................. 10-1

10.1 Powering on the Cabinet................................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Powering on the E4140 Shelves ...................................................................... 10-2

Chapter 11 Site Clean-Up......................................................................... 11-1

Appendix A Making Power Cable and Grounding Cable ....................... A-1
Appendix B Making Network Cable ......................................................... B-1
Figures............................................................................................................. I
Tables .............................................................................................................V
Glossary .......................................................................................................VII


SJ-20131014104201-002|2013-10-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual
This manual describes the hardware installation procedures of ZXUN USPP.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
l Installation Supervision Engineers
l Equipment Installation Engineers

What Is In This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

1, Installation Overview Describes hardware installation procedure, installation

preparations, and product unpacking and inspection.

2, Cabinet Installation Describes how to install a cabinet.

3, Installation of External Power Describes the power supply system and how to install power
Cables and Grounding Cables cables and grounding cables.

4, Assembly Installation in a Describes how to install boards and other assemblies in a cabinet.

5, Installation of Internal Power Describes the power supply system and how to install power
Cables and Grounding Cables cables and grounding cables for the devices in a cabinet.

6, Signal Cable Installation Describes cable installation requirements, and the procedures for
installing internal and external cables of a cabinet.

7, Cabinet Accessory Installation Describes how to install front, rear, and side doors for a cabinet.

8, Peripheral Device Installation Describes how to install terminal devices and an alarm box.

9, Installation Inspection Describes how to inspect hardware installation.

10, System Power-On Describes how to power on the system.

11, Site Clean-Up Describes how to clean the site.

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:

SJ-20131014104201-002|2013-10-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Typeface Meaning

Danger: indicates an imminently hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in

death or serious injury, equipment damage, or site breakdown.

Warning: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in

serious injury, equipment damage, or interruption of major services.

Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in

moderate injury, equipment damage, or interruption of minor services.

Note: provides additional information about a certain topic.


SJ-20131014104201-002|2013-10-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1
Installation Overview
Before starting hardware installation, you shall complete corresponding preparations, such
as preparing construction conditions, checking installation environment, and unpacking
and inspecting goods, so that the later installation process can be smooth and efficient.
Table of Contents
Installation Flow .........................................................................................................1-1
Installation Preparations .............................................................................................1-3
Unpacking and Checking Equipment ..........................................................................1-7

1.1 Installation Flow

For the hardware installation flow, see Figure 1-1.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Figure 1-1 Hardware Installation Flow


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Chapter 1 Installation Overview

1.2 Installation Preparations

You must know the procedure for installing the hardware, and have knowledge on system
network structure, power supply, cable connection, and hardware maintenance.
Before installation, you need to check the environment and prepare required tools and

1.2.1 Environment Check

Before installation, it is necessary to check the equipment room to ensure that the
environment meets the operating requirements of the equipment.


It is not allowed to install the equipment if the installation environment is unsatisfactory.

l Architectural conditions
Check the size, height, load-bearing capacity, and layout of the equipment room.
l Environmental conditions
Check illumination, air-conditioning, ventilation, antistatic measures, shockproof
measures, lightning protection measures, and fire-fighting devices of the equipment
l Power supply conditions
Check AC power supply facilities, DC power supply facilities, and accumulator
l Grounding conditions
The equipment room must have good grounding conditions. Ground resistance must
meet local technical requirements. In general, ground resistance cannot be greater
than 1 Ω.
l Auxiliary devices

Check Digital Distribution Frames (DDF), cable trays, and cable distribution frames.
l Other facilities

Check workbenches, power outlets, alarm boxes, and other peripheral devices.

For a detailed environmental checklist, refer to Environment Acceptance Report of Core

Network Products.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

1.2.2 Tools Preparation

For a list of the tools and meters that must be prepared before installation, refer to Table

Instruments and meters are subject to local standards. The pictures in the table are for
reference only.
The meters cannot be used unless strictly calibrated and proven qualified.

Table 1-1 Tools and Meters

Picture Name Purpose

Cross head screw- Tightens cross head screws.


Flathead screw- Tightens flathead screws.


Adjustable wrench Tightens bolts.

Torque wrench Tightens bolts.

Socket wrench set Loosens or tightens fasteners to ad-

just the level of the cabinet.

Floating-nut driver Installs floating nuts.

Tape measure Measures length.


SJ-20131014104201-002|2013-10-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Installation Overview

Picture Name Purpose

Angle square Measures length or draws right an-


Spirit level Checks the level of adjustable

bases and cabinets.

Plumb line Checks vertical deviation of a cabi-


Marker pen Marks the positions of drilled holes

on the floor.

Powder marker Marks lines on the ground to de-

termine the position where a socket
bolt is installed.

Claw hammer Installs socket bolts and opens

wooden cases.

Percussion drill Drills holes.

Vacuum cleaner Cleans installation holes and the


Diagonal pliers Prunes cable ties and cuts packing

straps of cartons.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Picture Name Purpose

Paper knife Cuts adhesive tapes on cartons.

Network cable Tests network cables.


Multimeter Tests the insulation condition of cab-

inets, connection condition of ca-
bles, and electric performance in-
dexes of devices, such as voltage,
current, and electric resistance.

Current clamp me- Measures the current in a cable un-

ter der the condition that the loading op-
eration is not interrupted.

Crystalhead crimp- Crimps crystalheads of network ca-

ing pliers bles.

Coaxial-cable Crimps the metal sheath at the end

crimping pliers of a coaxial cable.

Wire strippers Strips off the cable sheath.

Hydraulic pliers Crimps O-type terminals and JG ter-



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Chapter 1 Installation Overview

Picture Name Purpose

Work gloves Used during installation.

Anti-static gloves Used during installation.

Hacksaw Cuts wood floor or metal.

Cable tie Ties up power cables, protective

grounding wires, and signal cables.

Ladder Used for working at heights.

Punch Used to locate a drill bit for making

an indentation at the hole location.

1.2.3 Required Documents

The following documents must be prepared before installation:
l Engineering design documents and packing lists
l Manuals shipped with the products
l Unpacking Inspection Guide of Core Network Products
l Environment Acceptance Report of Core Network Products
l Core Network Product Hardware Installation Quality Standard

1.3 Unpacking and Checking Equipment

This procedure describes how to unpack wooden cases, cartons, and the board package.
For how to count and check equipment, refer to Unpacking Inspection Guide of Core
Network Products.
l A wooden case is used to pack a cabinet.
l A carton is used to pack boards, terminal equipment, and cables.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

A flathead screwdriver, a claw hammer, diagonal pliers, a paper knife, antistatic gloves (or
an ESD wrist strap) are ready.

1. Check the total number of equipment in accordance with the Packing List, and then
verify that the outer packing is complete.
2. Remove the outer packing of the wooden case.
a. Move the wooden case with a fork truck to the cabinet installation site in the
equipment room.
b. Open all tongue pieces with a flathead screwdriver, remove the upper cover of the
case, and then remove the sideboards, see Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2 Unpacking a Wooden Case

1. Tongue 2. Flathead screwdriver

c. Take out the equipment list, technical documents, and tools for equipment
installation from Package 1.
d. Make the bottom of the cabinet downwards.
e. Remove foam corner protectors, foam edge protectors, and plastic package.


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Chapter 1 Installation Overview

3. Remove the outer packing of the carton, see Figure 1-3.

a. Cut the packing straps of a carton by using diagonal pliers.

b. Cut the adhesive tapes sealing the carton.
c. Open the carton, and then take out the foam board and board boxes.

Figure 1-3 Removing the Outer Packing of a Carton

1. Adhesive tape 4. Board label 7. Packing strap

2. Carton 5. Board box
3. Foam board 6. Carton label

4. Remove the board package.

a. Wear antistatic gloves (or an ESD wrist strap).

b. Remove the board package, see Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4 Removing the Board Package

c. For the board that is not installed immediately, put it back in its original package,
and then seal the package.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

5. Check to ensure that the equipment is in good condition and the quantity is correct
before equipment hand-over and storage.
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 2
Cabinet Installation
Choose a proper method for installing the cabinet according to the environment of the
equipment room:
l If the equipment room has an antistatic floor, use an adjustable base to install the
cabinet on the concrete floor of the equipment room.
l If the equipment room has no antistatic floor, install the cabinet directly on the concrete
floor of the equipment room.
Table of Contents
Removing Cabinet Doors ...........................................................................................2-1
Installation Scenarios .................................................................................................2-3
Installing a Cabinet on an Adjustable Base.................................................................2-5
Installing a Cabinet on the Floor ...............................................................................2-19

2.1 Removing Cabinet Doors

The cabinet is delivered with front and rear doors installed. To facilitate installation of the
accessories in the cabinet, you need to remove the front and rear doors. This procedure
describes how to remove the cabinet doors.


The front door and the rear door can be removed in the same way. Removing the front
door is used as an example in this procedure.

A cross head screwdriver is ready.

1. Open the door lock, and then open the cabinet door, see Figure 2-1.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Figure 2-1 Opening the Door Lock

2. Disconnect the end of the grounding cable on the cabinet by using a cross head
screwdriver (it is recommended that only the end connected to the cabinet is
disconnected), see Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Disconnecting the Grounding Cable

1. Cabinet door 2. Grounding cable

3. Install the screws back to the cabinet to avoid losing them.

4. Disassemble the cabinet door, see Figure 2-3.

a. Hold the door with your right hand.

b. Pull down the spring pin located in the middle part of the door with your left hand,
and then hang the spring pin in the gap on one side of the door.
c. Pull down the spring pin on the upper part of the door.

d. Lift the door upwards, and then move the door outwards.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-3 Disassembling the Cabinet Door

1. Front door 2. Spring pin

Put the cabinet at a safe place.

Ensure that the lock of the cabinet door is opened, which prevents the lock rod on the
lower part of the door from being distorted because of pressure.

– End of Steps –

2.2 Installation Scenarios

For selecting the cabinet installation mode in accordance with the equipment-room
conditions, refer to Table 2-1.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Table 2-1 Solutions for Installing the Cabinet

Equipment Room Installation Solution Installation Procedure


The equipment room Install the cabinet on an adjustable base, Refer to 2.3 Installing a Cabinet
has static conductive see Figure 2-4. on an Adjustable Base.

The equipment Install the cabinet on the floor, see Refer to 2.4 Installing a Cabinet
room has no static Figure 2-5. on the Floor.
conductive floor.

Figure 2-4 Installing the Cabinet on an Adjustable Base


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-5 Installing the Cabinet on the Floor

2.3 Installing a Cabinet on an Adjustable Base

Before installing an adjustable base, ensure that the engineering over the cabinet (such
as cable tray installation) is completed, so that dust or metal scraps will not drop into the
cabinet from the top during the cabinet installation process.
For the flow of installing the cabinet on an adjustable base, see Figure 2-6.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Figure 2-6 Flow of Installing the Cabinet on an Adjustable Base

2.3.1 Positioning an Adjustable Base

This procedure describes how to position an adjustable base.

l The related design documents are ready.
l The drilling template (provided with the cabinet) is ready.
l AN01 Socket bolts are ready.
l Instruments such as tape measure, square, powder marker, marker pen, vacuum
cleaner, and claw hammer are ready.

For the installation position of the cabinet in the equipment room, see Figure 2-7.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-7 Installation Position of the Cabinet

The mounting position of the adjustable base should not conflict with the framework of
the static conductive floor. If a collision is unavoidable, remove the floor framework at the
colliding position.

1. Remove the static conductive floor and its braces at the place where the cabinet is to
be installed.
2. Draw lines by using measurement tools and line-drawing tools to mark the installation
holes for the adjustable base.
l For the position of holes for installing a single cabinet, see Figure 2-8.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Figure 2-8 Marking Holes for Installing a Single Cabinet (Unit: mm)

1. Installation hole 2. Wall

l For the installation holes of socket bolts for the adjustable bases to install multiple
cabinets, see Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9 Marking Holes for Installing Multiple Cabinets (Unit: mm)

1. Installation hole 2. Wall

3. Put the drilling template on the marked positions. If the holes on the template match
the installation holes marked in step 2. , mark all installation holes for the base by
using a marker pen, see Figure 2-10.

If the holes do not match, adjust the holes so that the lines drawn in step 2. are correct.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-10 Marking Installation Holes Using the Drilling Template

4. In accordance with the position of the socket bolt marked on the floor, make an
indentation at the hole location first by using a punch to help locate the drill bit, see
Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11 Drilling Indentations

5. Adjust the scale that determines the depth of the hole, and then press the percussion
drill downward vertically to drill holes. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the dust
inside and outside the holes, see Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12 Drilling a Hole

6. Remove the bolt, spring washer, insulating washer, and gasket of the AN01 socket


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

For the overview of AN01 socket bolt, see Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13 AN01 Socket Bolt

1. M12×90 bolt 3. Gasket 5. Expansion tube

2. Spring washer 4. Insulating washer

7. Install the socket bolt vertically into the hole. Hammer the socket bolt by using the
claw hammer until the expansion tube enters the hole completely, see Figure 2-14.

Figure 2-14 Hammering a Socket Bolt

– End of Steps –

2.3.2 Mounting an Adjustable Base

This procedure describes how to adjust the base height and mount the base to make its
surface in level with the static conductive floor.


SJ-20131014104201-002|2013-10-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

l An adjustable base, spacer shims, insulating gaskets, M12×90 bolts (an M12×90 bolt
contains a spring washer, a gasket, and an insulating washer) are ready. For how to
remove an M12×90 bolt from a socket bolt, refer to 2.3.1 Positioning an Adjustable
l A tape measure, a wrench, a torque wrench, a spirit level, and a multimeter are ready.

Adjustable bases fall into three types. For types of the adjustable base, refer to Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Adjustable Heights

Adjustable Base Type Adjustable Heights

Type A 160 mm-240 mm

Type B 240 mm-390 mm

Type C 390 mm-690 mm

The three types of adjustable bases have the same structure. For the overview of an
adjustable base of type A, see Figure 2-15.

Figure 2-15 Adjustable Base of Type A (Unit: mm)

1. Measure the height between the concrete floor and the surface of the static conductive
floor by using a tape measure.

2. Adjust the adjustable base to make the scale indication on the base equal to the height
of the static conductive floor, see Figure 2-16.
The tightening torque of a height-locking bolt should reach 40 N·m.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Figure 2-16 Adjusting the Height of an Adjustable Base

1. Movable bracket 2. Height-locking 3. Fixed bracket

M12×25 bolt

3. Secure the adjustable base, see Figure 2-17.


The tightening torque of a bolt should reach 75 N·m.

Figure 2-17 Securing an Adjustable Base

1. Spring washer 4. Insulating washer 7. Concrete floor

2. M12×90 bolt 5. Adjustable base
3. Gasket 6. Insulating gasket


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

4. Remove M12×35 bolts from the adjustable base by using an adjustable wrench.
Remove spring washers and gaskets from the bolts, see Figure 2-18.

Figure 2-18 Removing Bolts from an Adjustable Base

1. M12×35 Bolt 3. Gasket

2. Spring washer 4. Adjustable base

5. Measure the level of the adjustable bases by using a spirit level.

The deviation should be less than 3 mm. If the adjustable base is not level, place a
spacer shim between the base and the concrete floor, see Figure 2-19.

Figure 2-19 Adjusting the Level of the Adjustable Base

1. Spirit level 2. Spacer shim

6. Perform the following procedures as required:

To... Do...

Install a single cabinet Go to step 8.

Install multiple cabinets Go to step 7.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

7. Mount adjustable bases side by side. Measure the level of the adjustable bases by
using the spirit level, see Figure 2-20.

Figure 2-20 Adjusting the Level of Multiple Adjustable Bases

1. Spirit level 2. Spacer shim

8. Use the multimeter to measure the resistance between the adjustable base and the
concrete floor, see Figure 2-21.

The resistance value must be greater than 5 MΩ.

Figure 2-21 Measuring Resistance for the Adjustable Base

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

2.3.3 Installing a Cabinet

This procedure describes how to install a cabinet on the adjustable base.

l A cabinet and M12×35 bolts (a M12×35 bolt contains a spring washer and a gasket)
are ready. For how to remove M12×35 bolts from an adjustable base, refer to 2.3.2
Mounting an Adjustable Base.
l A cross head screwdriver, a spirit level, a torque wrench, a socket wrench, and a
ladder are ready.

1. Lift the cabinet onto the adjustable base.
2. Align the installation holes at the bottom of the cabinet with the installation holes on
the surface of the cabinet.
3. Secure the cabinet with bolts, see Figure 2-22.

Figure 2-22 Installing a Cabinet

1. Cabinet 3. Spring washer 5. Adjustable base

2. M12×35 Bolt 4. Gasket

4. Measure the level and the verticality of the cabinet with the spirit level.

The horizontal and vertical deviations should be less than 3 mm. If the cabinet is not
level, adjust the fine adjustment screw by using the socket wrench, see Figure 2-23.


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

Figure 2-23 Adjusting the Level of the Cabinet

1. Socket wrench 2. Inching bolt 3. Spirit level

5. Perform the following procedures as required:

To... Do...

Install a single cabinet Go to step 9.

Install multiple cabinets Go to step 6.

6. Install cabinets side by side.

The spacing between the neighboring cabinets in a row should be smaller than 3 mm.
The sides of cabinet rows that are along the walkway must be aligned with a deviation
less than 5 mm, see Figure 2-24.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-24 Space Between Side-by-Side Cabinets

7. Connect neighboring cabinets with junction kits, see Figure 2-25.

Figure 2-25 Connecting Neighboring Cabinets

1. Junction kit 2. M4×12 combination 3. Cabinet


8. Verify that the horizontal and vertical deviations of cabinets in a row are in an
acceptable range.
The deviation should be less than 3 mm. If it does not meet the requirement, adjust


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

9. (Optional) Install a shockproof assembly on the cabinet if necessary.

l For the shockproof assembly installation diagram when all the installation holes
are under the cable ladder in the equipment room, see Figure 2-26.

Figure 2-26 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (1)

1. Horizontal 5. Spring washer 12. Lock rod

support 6. Gasket
2. Vertical support 7. Insulating washer
3. Cable ladder 8. Insulating gasket
4. M12×25/M8×25 9. M6 hexagon nut
hexagon socket 10. Spring washer
cap head bolt 11. Gasket

l For the shockproof assembly installation diagram when the vertical connection
plates are not close to the cable ladder, see Figure 2-27.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-27 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (2)

1. Vertical support 3. Horizontal

2. Cable ladder support

10. Restore the static conductive floor. Adjust the support kit for the static conductive floor
again. Install the static conductive floor.


If bottom routing is used, ensure that cabling is complete.

– End of Steps –

2.4 Installing a Cabinet on the Floor

Before installing a cabinet, ensure that the engineering over the cabinet (such as cable
tray installation) is completed, so that dust or metal scraps will not drop into the cabinet
from the top during the cabinet installation process.

For the flow of installing the cabinet directly on the floor, see Figure 2-28.


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Figure 2-28 Flow of Installing the Cabinet Directly on the Floor

2.4.1 Positioning the Cabinet

This procedure describes how to position the cabinet.

l The related design documents are ready.
l The drilling template (provided with the cabinet) is ready.
l AN01 socket bolts are ready.
l Tools such as tape measure, square, powder marker, marker pen, vacuum cleaner,
and claw hammer are ready.

For the installation position of the cabinet in the equipment room, see Figure 2-29.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-29 Cabinet Installation Position

1. Mark the installation holes for socket bolts by using measurement tools and line
drawing tools.
l For the installation holes of socket bolts to install a single cabinet, see Figure

Figure 2-30 Marking Holes for Installing a Single Cabinet (Unit: mm)

1. Installation hole 2. Wall

l For the installation holes of socket bolts to install multiple cabinets, see Figure


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Figure 2-31 Marking Holes for Installing Multiple Cabinets (Unit: mm)

1. Installation hole 2. Wall

2. Put the drilling template on the marks. If the holes on the template match the
installation holes marked in step 1. , mark all installation holes for socket bolts by
using the marker pen, see Figure 2-32.

If the holes do not match, adjust the holes so that the lines drawn in step 1. are correct.

Figure 2-32 Marking Installation Holes Using the Drilling Template

3. In accordance with the position of the socket bolt marked on the floor, make an
indentation at the hole location first by using a punch to help locate the drill bit, see
Figure 2-33.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-33 Drilling Indentations

4. Adjust the locating rod that determines the depth of the hole, and then press the
percussion drill downward vertically to drill holes. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove
the dust inside and outside the holes, see Figure 2-34.

Figure 2-34 Drilling a Hole

5. Remove the bolt, spring washer, insulating washer, and gasket of the AN01 socket
For the overview of AN01 socket bolt, see Figure 2-35.


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Figure 2-35 Socket Bolt AN01

1. M12×90 bolt 3. Gasket 5. Expansion tube

2. Spring washer 4. Insulating washer

6. Install the socket bolt vertically into the hole. Hammer the socket bolt by using the
claw hammer until the expansion tube enters the hole completely, see Figure 2-36.

Figure 2-36 Hammering a Socket Bolt

– End of Steps –

2.4.2 Installing a Cabinet

This procedure describes how to install a cabinet on the concrete floor.

l Spacer shims, insulating gaskets, M12×90 bolts (an M12×90 bolt contains a spring
washer, a gasket, and an insulating washer) are ready. For how to remove an M12×90
bolt from a socket bolt, refer to 2.4.1 Positioning the Cabinet.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

l A cross head screwdriver, a spirit level, a torque wrench, a socket wrench, a ladder,
and a multimeter are ready.

1. Install a cabinet on the concrete floor, see Figure 2-37.

a. Place the cabinet at the planned position to align the installation holes at the bottom
of the cabinet with the corresponding socket bolts.
b. Lift one side of the cabinet, and then place two insulating gaskets under the
c. Secure the cabinet with M12×90 bolts by increasing the tightening torque of the
bolts to 75 N m.

Figure 2-37 Installing a Cabinet

1. M12×90 bolt 3. Gasket 5. Insulating gasket

2. Spring washer 4. Insulating washer 6. Cabinet

2. Measure the level and the verticality of the cabinet with the spirit level.

The horizontal and vertical deviations should be less than 3 mm. If the cabinet is not
level, adjust the fine adjustment screw by using the socket wrench, see Figure 2-38.


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Figure 2-38 Adjusting the Level of the Cabinet

1. Socket wrench 2. Inching bolt 3. Spirit level

3. Use the multimeter to measure the resistance between the cabinet and the ground,
see Figure 2-39.

The resistance value must be greater than 5 MΩ.


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

Figure 2-39 Measuring Resistance of the Cabinet

4. Perform the following procedures as required:

To... Do...

Install a single cabinet Go to step 8.

Install multiple cabinets Go to step 5.

5. Install cabinets side by side.

The spacing between the neighboring cabinets in a row should be smaller than 3 mm.
The side of cabinet rows that are along the walkway must be aligned with a deviation
less than 5 mm, see Figure 2-40.

The insulation test (refer to step 3. ) must be implemented immediately after a cabinet
is installed.


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Figure 2-40 Space Between Side-by-Side Cabinets

6. Connect neighboring cabinets with junction kits, see Figure 2-41.

Figure 2-41 Connecting Neighboring Cabinets

1. Junction kit 2. M4×12 combination 3. Cabinet


7. Verify that the horizontal and vertical deviations of cabinets in a row are in an
acceptable range.
The deviation should be less than 3 mm. If it does not meet the requirement, adjust


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Chapter 2 Cabinet Installation

8. (Optional) Install a shockproof assembly on the cabinet if necessary.

l For the shockproof assembly installation when all the installation holes are under
the cable ladder in the equipment room, see Figure 2-42.

Figure 2-42 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (1)

1. Horizontal 5. Spring washer 12. Lock rod

support 6. Gasket
2. Vertical support 7. Insulating washer
3. Cable ladder 8. Insulating gasket
4. M12×25/M8×25 9. M6 hexagon nut
hexagon socket 10. Spring washer
cap head bolt 11. Gasket

l For the shockproof assembly installation when the vertical connection plates are
not close to the cable ladder, see Figure 2-43.


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Figure 2-43 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (2)

1. Vertical support 3. Horizontal

2. Cable ladder support

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 3
Installation of External
Power Cables and Grounding
A cabinet power cable obtains -48 V/-60 V power from a DC power distribution cabinet or
DC power supply. Then the power distribution box converts the -48 V/-60 V power into
multi-way DC output power to supply power to the components in the cabinet.
A cabinet protective grounding cable connects the grounding points of multiple cabinets in
parallel, so that the whole set of equipment becomes an equipotential body.
Table of Contents
Power Supply System of a Cabinet ............................................................................3-1
Cabling Requirements ................................................................................................3-3
Installing Power Cables and Grounding Cables ..........................................................3-7

3.1 Power Supply System of a Cabinet

Power Supply System
The power supply system of a cabinet consists of the AC power supply subsystem,
DC power supply subsystem, DC power distribution subsystem, and the unified Power
Distribution Unit (PDU). For the –48 V power supply system with two areas of triple input,
see Figure 3-1.


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Figure 3-1 Power Supply System of a Cabinet

Unified PDU
The unified PDU distributes power in the cabinet. It supports two areas of triple, dual, and
single input, and two areas of decuple output, see Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Unified PDU

1. Input terminal 2. RTN output terminal 3. –48 V/–60 V output terminal

For the relationship between input terminals and output terminals of the unified PDU, refer
to Table 3-1.


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Chapter 3 Installation of External Power Cables and Grounding Cables

Table 3-1 Relationship Between Input Terminals and Output Terminals

Way Number Area A Area B

Input Terminal Output Terminal Output Terminal Input Terminal

Way 1 –48 V (1) –48 V A 1–2 –48 V B 1–2 –48 V (1)

–48 VRTN (1) –48 VRTN(A) 1–2 –48 VRTN(B) 1–2 –48 VRTN (1)

Way 2 –48 V (2) –48 V A 3–4 –48 V B 3–4 –48 V (2)

–48 VRTN (2) –48 VRTN(A) 3–4 –48 VRTN(B) 3–4 –48 VRTN (2)

Way 3 –48 V (3) –48 V A 5–10 –48 V B 5–10 –48 V (3)

–48 VRTN (3) –48 VRTN(A) –48 VRTN(B) 5–10 –48 VRTN (3)

- The maximum Output terminal 1–4: The maximum The maximum input
input current on output current on one way is 60 A. current on each
each way is 100 A. Output terminal 5–10: The maximum way is 100 A.
output current on one way is 60 A
(Breakers of other rated currents can
also be configured as needed).

3.2 Cabling Requirements

Routing Principles
l Power cables and grounding cables should be routed in a smooth and straight manner,
see Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3 Routing of Power Cables and Grounding Cables


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1. Power Cable 2. Grounding Cable

l If a cable is not long enough, use a longer cable. Do not connect or solder two or
more short cables to make a long one.
l Cut off any surplus parts of cables instead of coiling them.
l If two O-type terminals are installed, the terminals should be cross-connected (see A
of Figure 3-4), or one O-type terminal is bent at an angle of 45 degrees or 90 degrees
(see B of Figure 3-4).
O-type terminals must not be overlaid (see C of Figure 3-4). The larger O-type terminal
cannot be placed on the smaller one (see D of Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4 Installation Modes of O-Type Terminals

l The horizontal distance between power cables (or grounding cables) and other cables
should be greater than 300 mm, see Figure 3-5.


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Chapter 3 Installation of External Power Cables and Grounding Cables

Figure 3-5 Distance Between Power Cables and Signal Cables

1. Signal Cable 2. Power Cable

l Cable bends should have the same radius, which should be between 50 mm and 100
mm (the radius requirement varies with different cross-sectional sizes).
l Cables should be routed in a flat and straight manner, without any crossover or cable

Binding Principles
l Power cables and grounding cables should be bundled separately from other cables.
l The distance between two neighboring ties should be 200 mm.
l Avoid cables from being squeezed or stretched by rotatable parts such as a door. Do
not bind the cables at the bends, see Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 Cable Binding


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l Cable ties should face the same direction. The surplus part of cable ties should be

Top Routing Principles

Power cables and grounding cables are routed from the top of the DC power distribution
box to the cable ladder, and then to the cabinet top along the cable ladder, see Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7 Top Routing of a Cabinet

1. Cable ladder 2. Cover plate for power 3. Unified PDU


Bottom Routing Principles

Power cables and grounding cables are routed from the bottom of the DC power distribution
box to the cabinet bottom through the static conductive floor, see Figure 3-8.


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Chapter 3 Installation of External Power Cables and Grounding Cables

Figure 3-8 Bottom Routing of a Cabinet

1. Unified PDU 2. Cover plate for power 3. Vertical cable tray in a

cables cabinet

3.3 Installing Power Cables and Grounding Cables

This procedure describes how to install power cables and grounding cables from the –48
V/–60 V DC power distribution box to cabinets.
If a DC power distribution box is not available, install cables as follows:
l Connect the –48 V/–60 V power cable of the cabinet to the DC distribution panel or
the –48 V/–60 V negative busbar of the DC power supply.
l Connect the RTN power cable of the cabinet to the DC distribution panel or the –48
V/–60 V positive busbar of the DC power supply.
l Connect the grounding cable of the cabinet to the grounding copper bar.

l The related design documents are ready.
l The power distribution switch is set to OFF.
l A cross head screwdriver, a wrench, a multimeter, and a ladder are ready.


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1. Determine how to route the power cables and the grounding cable.
For the principles of the top and bottom routing principles, refer to 3.2 Cabling
2. Determine the connection terminals used at both ends of cables and the accurate
length of each cable.
3. Make power cables and a grounding cable for the cabinet. For more details, refer to
A Making Power Cable and Grounding Cable.
4. Install the power cables and the grounding cable at the cabinet side, see Figure 3-7
and Figure 3-8.
5. Install the power cables and the grounding cable at the DC power distribution box.

a. Connect the yellow-green grounding cable to the "PGND" connection terminal of

the DC power distribution box.
b. Connect the blue power cable to the –48 V/–60 V connection terminal of the DC
power distribution box.

c. Connect the black RTN power cable to the RTN connection terminal of the DC
power distribution box.
6. Use the multimeter to measure the resistance between the –48 V/–60 V input terminal
and the RTN input terminal of the unified PDU.

If the multimeter does not give out any sound, no short circuit exists.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 4
Assembly Installation in a
Depending on the actual requirements, you can install shelves (including boards), disk
arrays, switches, firewalls, or 4-in-1 suites in the cabinet.
Table of Contents
Installing an E4140 Shelf............................................................................................4-1
Installing Boards.........................................................................................................4-3

4.1 Installing an E4140 Shelf

This procedure describes how to install an E4140 shelf in the specified position in a cabinet.

You should maintain balance of the shelf to prevent it from falling or inclining.

Do not move or install a shelf containing boards.
Do not apply force on vulnerable parts such as extractors on a power module, cable tray,
or vents when moving or installing a shelf. Failure to comply can result in damage or
At least two persons are required to install the shelf. Failure to comply can result in personal
injury or equipment damage.

l Brackets and floating nuts have been installed in place.
l Anti-static gloves and a cross head screwdriver are ready.
l An E4140 shelf and M6×20 combination screws are ready.
l The installation position and the shelf number are known.


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1. Wear anti-static gloves.
2. Lift the shelf and place it on the brackets in the cabinet.
3. Push the shelf into position, and then secure it. For installing an E4140 shelf, see
Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Installing an E4140 Shelf

1. Bracket 2. M6×20 combination 3. E4140 shelf


4. Set the jumpers for the New Chassis Data Module (NCDM).
Figure 4-2 shows the jumpers of the NCDM board. For the function of each jumper,
refer to Table 4-1.

Figure 4-2 Jumpers of the NCDM Board

Table 4-1 Function Description of Jumpers

Jumper Location Function

1 The first bit (least significant bit) of a rack number

2 The second bit of a rack number


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Chapter 4 Assembly Installation in a Cabinet

Jumper Location Function

3 The third bit of a rack number

4 The fourth bit (most significant bit) of a rack number

5 The first bit (least significant bit) of a shelf number

6 The second bit (most significant bit) of a shelf number

7 Diagnostic mode

8 Parity check bit (parity check includes diagnostic mode check)

Every bit indicates a one-bit binary number. If the jumper block is used, the value is 0.
If the jumper block is removed, the value is 1.
The total number of jumper blocks on eight bits can only be an odd number, for

l If the rack No. is 2, and the shelf No. is 2, the positions where jumper blocks are
needed are 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8.
l If the rack No. is 3, and the shelf No. is 1, the positions where jumper blocks are
needed are 3, 4, and 6.

If there are two NCDM boards in a shelf, the two boards must have the same jumper
settings, and must be configured with the same rack and shelf information.

– End of Steps –

4.2 Installing Boards

The E4140 shelf backplane supports direct interconnection between the active and
standby slots through an Update channel, implementing the heartbeat function between
the active and standby slots. If a board provides two Update network ports that need to be
set with the heartbeat line, this board must be installed into the slot in an active/standby

The E4140 shelf provides 14 physical slots, where slots 1 to 6 and slots 9 to 14 are
available for processing boards, and slots 7 and 8 are available for switching boards. For
the relationship between active and standby slots, see Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Relationships Between Active and Standby Slots


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4.2.1 Removing a Blank Panel

Blank panels are installed on the board slots before delivery to protect the components in
the shelf. This procedure describes how to remove a blank panel.
A shelf can be pre-installed with blank panels with or without extractors. The following
describes how to remove a blank panel with extractors.

l An ESD wrist strap (or anti-static gloves) and a cross head screwdriver are ready.
l The position of the blank panel to be removed is known.

1. Wear the ESD wrist strap (or anti-static gloves), and then connect the grounding
terminal of the strap into the Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) jack on the shelf. For
how to wear the ESD wrist strap, see Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Wearing an ESD wrist strap

1. ESD wrist strap

2. Loosen the captive screws.

3. Pull up the latches.

4. Lift the extractors.

5. Pull out the blank panel.

Figure 4-5 shows the procedure for removing a rear blank panel from the shelf. Figure
4-6 shows the procedure for removing a front blank panel from the shelf.


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Chapter 4 Assembly Installation in a Cabinet

Figure 4-5 Removing a Rear Blank Panel

1. Extractor 2. Captive screw 3. Latch

Figure 4-6 Removing a Front blank panel

1. Extractor 2. Captive screw 3. Latch

6. Store the blank panels in the warehouse or other moisture-proof and dust-proof places.
– End of Steps –


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4.2.2 Installing a Board

This procedure describes how to install a board in an E4140 shelf by using the front board
as an example.

The procedure for installing a rear board is the same as that for installing a front board.
For an E4140 shelf, rear boards must be installed before front boards are installed.

l An ESD wrist strap (or anti-static gloves) and a cross head screwdriver are ready.
l The position where the board is installed in the shelf is known.

1. Wear the ESD wrist strap (or anti-static gloves), and then connect the grounding
terminal of the strap into the ESD jack on the shelf, see Figure 4-4.
2. Take out the board from the anti-static package, verify that the board memory is
properly installed and the extractors are locked in position. Figure 4-7 shows a
memory properly installed.

Do not directly contact the components in the board. Failure to comply can result in
damage to the board.
Do not hold the board by only catching the extractors. Failure to comply can result in
damage to the extractors.


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Chapter 4 Assembly Installation in a Cabinet

Figure 4-7 Checking the Memory Installation

If the memory bar is not in position, perform the following steps to reinstall it.
a. Move aside the extractors on two sides of the memory bar and remove the memory
bar from the slot, see Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8 Opening the Extractors for the Memory Slots

b. Press the bar on two ends with equal strength to install the bar into the slot. Verify
that the extractors on two ends of the memory slot closely lock the memory bar,
see Figure 4-9.


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Do not press on any board element to avoid any element falling down.

Figure 4-9 Reinstalling the Memory Bar

3. Pull up the latches, and open the upper and lower extractors completely, see Figure


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Chapter 4 Assembly Installation in a Cabinet

Figure 4-10 Opening Extractors of a Board

1. Latch 2. Extractor

4. In accordance with the hardware configuration plan, determine the cabinet, the shelf,
and the slot where the board is installed.
5. Install the board into the shelf and secure it in the shelf, see Figure 4-11.

a. Hold the lower edge of the board with one hand, and seize one extractor of the
board with the other hand. Push the board slowly along the slot rails into the shelf.
b. Close the upper and lower extractors at the same time until the latches lock the
extractors completely.
c. Tighten the captive screws.


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Figure 4-11 Installing a Board

6. Verify that there is no vacant slot in the back/front part of the shelf. If there is, install a
blank panel for the vacant slot.

Note: The procedure for installing a blank panel is the same as that for installing
a board.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 5
Installation of Internal Power
Cables and Grounding
Through power cables, the power distribution box in the cabinet supplies power to all the
components in the cabinet.
Make sure that all the components in the cabinet are grounded safely.
Table of Contents
Power Supply System in a Cabinet.............................................................................5-1
Installing Cables for an E4140 Shelf ...........................................................................5-3

5.1 Power Supply System in a Cabinet

The unified PDU in a cabinet totally provides 20 power outputs (Areas A and B each provide
10 outputs. For details, refer to Table 3-1).

l Output terminals A1-A6 and B1-B6 are connected with the power cables of an E4140
l Output terminals A7-A10 and B7-B10 are connected with the power cables of other
assemblies, such as, disk array, switch, firewall, and four-in-one assembly.
Figure 5-1 shows the cabling in a cabinet fully configured with three E4140 shelves. For
the relationships between each shelf and the control switches of the unified PDU, refer to
Table 5-1.


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Figure 5-1 Cabling in a Cabinet

Table 5-1 Relationships Between Internal Assemblies and Control Switches of the
Unified PDU

Assembly Control Switch

E4140-2 A1, A2, B1, and B2

E4140-1 A3, A4, B3, and B4

E4140-0 A5, A6, B5, and B6


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Chapter 5 Installation of Internal Power Cables and Grounding Cables

5.2 Installing Cables for an E4140 Shelf

The E4140 shelf uses two active/standby redundant power supplies. Each power supply
has two power cables. There are four power cables in total.
The following cables should be installed:
l Two grounding cables
l Four pairs of power cables

If the configuration is determined, the power cables connected at the unified PDU side has
been installed completely before delivery.

l The control switches of the unified PDU in the top part of the cabinet are set to OFF
l Anti-static gloves, a cross head screwdriver, and M6×12 combination screws are

1. Wear anti-static gloves.

2. Install the grounding cables for the E4140 shelf. For installing grounding cables for
the E4140 shelf, see Figure 5-2.

The grounding cables cannot block the path for extracting the NCDM board at either
side of the shelf.

a. Remove the combination screw by using the cross head screwdriver at the
grounding point of the shelf. Secure one end of the grounding cable to the
grounding point.
b. Connect the other end of the grounding cable to the nearest vertical cable tray,
and secure the cable with a M6×12 combination screw.


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Figure 5-2 Installing Grounding Cables for the E4140 Shelf

1. E4140 shelf 3. M6×12 combination 4. Grounding cable

2. Vertical cable tray screw

3. Install the power cables for the E4140 shelf. For installing the power cables for the
E4140 shelf, see Figure 5-3.

The power cables that are output from Area A of the unified PDU (see Figure 3-2) are
routed along the right vertical cable tray of the cabinet. The power cables that are
output from Area B are routed along the left vertical cable tray of the cabinet.

a. Remove the screws of the protective cover from each New Power Entry Module
(NPEM) by using the cross head screwdriver. Take down the cover.

b. Remove the screw of each NPEM connection terminal by using the cross head
c. In accordance with the label on each power cable, connect each end of the four
pairs of power cables to the corresponding connection terminal of the NPEM
modules. Tighten the screws.


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Chapter 5 Installation of Internal Power Cables and Grounding Cables

d. Install the protective cover for each NPEM module, and tighten the screws.

Figure 5-3 Installing Power Cables for the E4140 Shelf

1. Unified PDU 3. E4140 shelf 5. Protective cover

2. Cable tray 4. Vertical cable tray 6. Horizontal cable tray

4. Bind power cables that are routed along the horizontal cable tray, vertical cable tray,
and cable trays.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 6
Signal Cable Installation
Install signal cables among physical entities, so that control and data signals can be
transmitted among these entities.
Obtain the specific wiring table as required.
Table of Contents
Signal Cable Installation Requirements ......................................................................6-1
Setting Jumpers and DIP Switches of the Unified PDU ..............................................6-4
Installing Signal Cables in the Cabinet........................................................................6-8
Routing Signal Cables out of the Cabinet .................................................................6-10

6.1 Signal Cable Installation Requirements

Cabling Principles
l Before installation, signal cables must pass the continuity test. Both sides of each
signal cable should be marked or labeled correctly.
l Signal cables must be free of damage, breakage, and joints.
l Do not route signal cables on ventilation holes because this will affect heat dissipation
and cable life.
l During the cabling, it is not allowed to bind power cables and signal cables together.
l Cabling in the cabinet must not affect door installation.
l Cables must be routed along the horizontal and vertical cable trays in a flat and straight
manner, without crossovers or folds.
l For a small number of optical fibers, the fibers can be routed together with other cables
and protected in soft management sets. For a great number of optical fibers, the fibers
should be routed along vertical cable trays and protected in sylphon bellows.

Binding Principles
l Cables should be bound with appropriate force and tightened properly. Cable ties
should be arranged in the same direction.
l The surplus part of the cable tie should be cut off from the root without any jagged
l Take protective measures when attaching a signal cable to a sharp structural
l Optical fibers should be bound with the optical fiber ties for protection.


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Bending Principles
l Cable bends should be identically even and smooth. The bending radius of optical
fiber should be larger than 30 mm.
l The turning points of cables cannot be bound with cable ties. A surplus length should
be reserved for all signal cables. For how to bind the cables, see Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Cable Binding

Top Routing Principles

Three anti-rodent screens are provided on each side of the cabinet top (see A–F of Figure
6-2). The anti-rodent screen should be cut in accordance with the number of cables routed
out of the cabinet.
If the horizontal cable ladder is more than 0.8 m above the cabinet, a vertical cable ladder
must be used to secure and protect cables.


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Chapter 6 Signal Cable Installation

Figure 6-2 Cable Outlets on the Cabinet Top

1. Anti-rodent screen

Bottom Routing Principles

Three anti-rodent screens are provided on each side of the cabinet bottom. The anti-rodent
screen should be cut in accordance with the number of cables routed out of the cabinet,
see Figure 6-3.

The height of the signal cable bundles cannot exceed two thirds of the floor height to avoid
negative effects on ventilation and heat dissipation.


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Figure 6-3 Cable Outlets on Cabinet Bottom

1. Anti-rodent screen

6.2 Setting Jumpers and DIP Switches of the Unified

This procedure describes how to set jumpers and DIP switches of the unified PDU.

l The location of the unified PDU is known.
l An ESD wrist strap (or anti-static gloves), a cross head screwdriver, diagonal pliers,
cable ties, and a ladder are ready.

If a unified PDU in the Operation & Maintenance Processor (OMP) is required, you need to
configure the 485 jumper and the DIP switch for the unified PDU. Through the 485 jumper
and the DIP switch, you can set the power system type of the unified PDU and the cabinet
in which the unified PDU is installed.
The PDUM board of the unified PDU provides the DIP switch and the RS485 jumper, see
Figure 6-4.


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Chapter 6 Signal Cable Installation

Figure 6-4 DIP Switch and RS485 Jumper

1. RS485 jumper 2. DIP switch for cabinet ID 3. DIP switch for power type

l The RS485 jumper is used to set the operating method for the RS485 bus. By default,
it is set to 485OUT, see Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 RS485 Jumper

l The DIP switch for cabinet ID is used to set the ID of the cabinet in which the unified
PDU is installed. For the setting rules of the DIP switch, refer to Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 DIP Switch Location

Cabinet ID Binary 1 2 3 4

1 0000 ON ON ON ON

2 0001 OFF ON ON ON

3 0010 ON OFF ON ON

4 0011 OFF OFF ON ON

5 0100 ON ON OFF ON

6 0101 OFF ON OFF ON

7 0110 ON OFF OFF ON


9 1000 ON ON ON OFF


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Cabinet ID Binary 1 2 3 4

10 1001 OFF ON ON OFF

11 1010 ON OFF ON OFF

12 1011 OFF OFF ON OFF

13 1100 ON ON OFF OFF

14 1101 OFF ON OFF OFF

15 1110 ON OFF OFF OFF


l The DIP switch for power type selection is used to set the power system for the unified
PDU. By default, it is set to -48 V DC power system.
à When the DIP switch is set to 1010, the unified PDU power system is -60 V DC.
à When the DIP switch is set to other values, the unified PDU power system is -48

1. Wear an ESD wrist strap (or anti-static gloves), and then install the grounding terminal
of the strap into the ESD jack on the cabinet.

2. Use the cross head screwdriver to loosen the captive screws on the panel of the PDUM
board. Hold the handle on the panel and horizontally pull out the PDUM board, see
Figure 6-6.

The PDUM board of the unified PDU supports hot swapping. Users do not need to
power off the PDUM board before removing the board.


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Chapter 6 Signal Cable Installation

Figure 6-6 Removing the PDUM Board

1. Unified PDU 2. PDUM board 3. Captive screw

3. Poke the DIP switch using an object with a sharp end (for example, a pen point) to set
the power type and the cabinet ID in which the unified PDU is installed. Use a jumper
cap to connect the RS486 jumper.
For the settings of the RS485 jumper and the cabinet ID DIP switch, see Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 Settings of RS485 Jumper and Cabinet ID DIP Switch


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4. Install the PDUM board into the unified PDU and push it in place. Use the cross head
screwdriver to tighten the captive screws clockwise, see Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8 Installing the PDUM Board

1. Unified PDU 2. PDUM board 3. Captive screw

– End of Steps –

6.3 Installing Signal Cables in the Cabinet

This procedure describes how to install signal cables in the cabinet.
The signal cables in the cabinet are as follows:
l The Unified PDU RS485 communication cable
l The network cable connecting switching boards in the same shelf
l The cascade network cable connecting two shelves
l The connecting network cable/optical fiber of the disk array
l The clock cable in a shelf or between shelves

l Anti-static gloves, cutters, cable ties, and ladders are ready.
l Cabling connections are known.

1. Wear anti-static gloves.
2. Confirm the installation positions of both ends and length of each cable in accordance
with the cable connection table.
3. (Optional) Construct a cable. For how to construct a network cable, refer to “B Making
Network Cable”.
4. Attach labels on both ends of each cable to identify where the cable should be routed
from and connected to.


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Chapter 6 Signal Cable Installation

5. Connect both ends of each cable into correct ports.

Figure 6-9 shows the connections of network cables and RS485 cables.

Figure 6-9 Cabling Connections in the Cabinet

1. Unified PDU 3. E4140 shelf 5. Connecting network

2. RS485 communication 4. Vertical cabling board cable
cable 6. Horizontal cable ladder

Point a (a1 and a2) and point b identify both ends of the RS485 communication cable
and connecting network cable respectively.

6. Verify that cables are correctly connected, and then bind the cables.

– End of Steps –


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6.4 Routing Signal Cables out of the Cabinet

This procedure describes how to route signal cables out of the cabinet.
The signal cables that should be routed out of the cabinet are as follows:
l The Unified PDU RS485 communication cable
l The network cable connecting the board to the switch
l The clock cable between shelves
l The door access control monitoring cable
l The environment monitoring cable

l Anti-static gloves, cutters, cable ties, and ladders are ready.
l Cable connections are known.

1. Wear anti-static gloves.
2. Confirm the installation positions of both ends and length of each cable in accordance
with the cable connection table.
3. (Optional) Make a cable. For how to make a network cable, refer to B Making Network
4. Attach labels on both ends of each cable to identify where the cable should be routed
from and connected to.

5. Connect one end of the cable into the corresponding port. Take the other end of the
cable out of the cabinet, and then plug it into the corresponding port.
Figure 6-10 shows the connections of network cables and RS485 cables.


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Chapter 6 Signal Cable Installation

Figure 6-10 Cabling Connections Between Cabinets

1. Cabling rack of the 3. Unified PDU 5. E4140 shelf

equipment room 4. RS485 communication 6. Vertical cabling board
2. Network cable cable 7. Horizontal cable ladder

Point a (a1 and a2) and point b identify both ends of the RS485 communication cable
and RS485 cascade communication cable respectively.

6. Verify that cables are correctly connected, and then bind the cables.
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 7
Cabinet Accessory
Install the side, front, and rear door of the cabinet, and ground the doors, so that the
components in the cabinet are damaged accidentally, the power supply of the cabinet is
safe, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements can be satisfied, and the device
is not covered by dust.
Table of Contents
Installing the Cabinet Side Door .................................................................................7-1
Installing the Front and Rear Doors ............................................................................7-3
Installing the Top Panels and Top-Side Panels ...........................................................7-4

7.1 Installing the Cabinet Side Door

This procedure describes how to install the cabinet side door.

When two or more cabinets are installed side by side, only the left-most and right-most
side doors need to be installed.

l A cross head screwdriver, grounding cable of the side door, and M5×12 combination
screws are ready.
l All assemblies and cables in the cabinet are installed.

1. Remove the grounding screw of the side door.
2. Connect one end of the grounding cable to the grounding point of the side door, and
tighten the screw, see Figure 7-1.


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Figure 7-1 Installing the Grounding Cable of the Side Door

3. Install the side door of the cabinet, see Figure 7-2.

Put all screws in place on the side door and tighten them.

Figure 7-2 Installing the Side Door of the Cabinet

1. Side door
2. M5×12 combination

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 7 Cabinet Accessory Installation

7.2 Installing the Front and Rear Doors

This procedure describes how to install the front door and rear door.

The front door and rear door are installed in the same way.

l A multimeter and a cross head screwdriver are ready.
l All assemblies and cables in the cabinet are installed.

1. Install the front door.
a. Align the spring-pin side of the door with the front doorpost of the cabinet, and plug
the lower shaft pin into the shaft pin holder on the doorpost.
b. Pull down the spring pins on the middle of the door and on the top of the door (for
locations of spring pins, see Figure 2-3) to plug the spring pins into the pin holes
in the cabinet.
2. Repeat substeps a. and b. to install the rear door.
3. Install the grounding cable of the door.

a. Use the cross head screwdriver to remove the screw of the grounding point on the
b. Connect the other end of the grounding cable of the door and the side door to the
grounding point of the cabinet, see Figure 7-3.


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Figure 7-3 Installing the Grounding Cable of the Door

1. Grounding cable 2. Grounding cable

of the side door of the front door

c. Use the multimeter to measure the resistance of the grounding cable and verify
that the grounding cable is connected properly, see Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 Measuring the Resistance of the Grounding Cable

4. Verify that the front and rear doors can be opened and closed properly.
For how to open the door of the cabinet, refer to 2.1 Removing Cabinet Doors.
– End of Steps –

7.3 Installing the Top Panels and Top-Side Panels


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Chapter 7 Cabinet Accessory Installation

This procedure describes how to install the top panels and top-side panels on the cabinet

For multiple cabinets installed in a row, only the left-most and right-most top-side panels
are required, and top panels are secured by junction plates.

l All assemblies and cables in the cabinet are installed.
l A cross head screwdriver, a ladder, installation parts, and M4×10 combination screws
are ready.

1. Use the cross head screwdriver to install top panels on the cabinet top, see Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5 Installing the Top Panels

1. M4×10 combination 2. Top panel

screws 3. Cabinet


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2. Use junction plates to connect adjacent top panels, and use combination screws to
connect top panels and top-side panels, see Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6 Installing the Top-Side Panels

1. Junction plate 3. Top panel

2. M4×10 combination 4. Top-side panel
screws 5. Cabinet

For top panels and top-side panels that are installed on multiple cabinets, see Figure


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Chapter 7 Cabinet Accessory Installation

Figure 7-7 Installed Top Panels and Top-Side Panels

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 8
Peripheral Device Installation
Peripheral devices such as terminals and alarm boxes allow you to perform remote
operation and maintenance on the main device and monitor the main device through
sound and light alarms.
Table of Contents
Installing Terminal Devices .........................................................................................8-1
Alarm Box Installation.................................................................................................8-2

8.1 Installing Terminal Devices

This procedure describes how to install terminal devices in the monitoring and maintenance

Cable ties, cutters, and antistatic gloves are ready.

1. Install antistatic computer workbenches at the specified location in the monitoring and
maintenance room.

The workbenches should be arranged with their edges in line. The workbenches
should be close to each other and all workbench surfaces should be on the same

2. Install required terminal devices and external devices (such as HUBs) on

3. Connect the power cables to the terminal devices and the signal cables to the monitors.
4. Connect one end of the network cable to the terminal device. Connect the other end of
the cable along the cable ladder to the corresponding device in the equipment room.
5. Connect the grounding cables of the terminal devices to grounding bars of the
monitoring and maintenance room.


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6. Attach labels to the cables, and then arrange and bind the cables.

A surplus length should be reserved for all the cables.

– End of Steps –

8.2 Alarm Box Installation

In the maintenance and monitoring room, fix the alarm box and connect the power cables
and network cables of the alarm box properly, so that the alarm box can be interconnected
with the alarm server.

8.2.1 Installing the Alarm Box

The alarm box is installed in the control room or in the office to give alarms of different
severities. The alarm box should be placed in a prominent location. The following aspects
should be taken into consideration before alarm box installation:
l Actual situation of the project site
l Length of the power cable
l Location of the AC adaptor
l Location of any other alarm box

l A hammer, expansion tubes, 4×M5 countersunk head wood screws, and a pencil are
l The installation location of the alarm box is determined.
l The mounting plate is removed from the back of the alarm box.

1. Use the mounting plate as a drill template to mark the installation holes on the wall.
Alternatively, you can draw lines properly, see Figure 8-1.
2. Drill four 40 mm-deep Φ8 holes at the marked positions.

3. Hammer lightly the plastic expansion tubes into the holes until the expansion tubes
are completely seated in the holes.
4. Secure the mounting plate on the wall with four M5 countersunk head wood screws,
see Figure 8-1.


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Chapter 8 Peripheral Device Installation

Figure 8-1 Installing a Mounting Plate

1. Φ8 hole 3. Mounting plate 4. M5 countersunk head

2. Plastic expansion tube wood screw

5. Align the hooks on the side edge of the mounting plate with the holes in the alarm box
to hang the alarm box onto the mounting plate, see Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2 Installing an Alarm Box

1. Hole 2. Hook


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6. Lock the alarm box.

– End of Steps –

8.2.2 Connecting Cables (AC Power Supply)

When the alarm box uses an AC power supply, an AC adaptor should be used and an AC
socket should be near the alarm box.

The AC adaptor is delivered with a 2-meter-long DC power cable and a 2-meter-long AC
power cable. The alarm box must be installed within the reach of the AC power cable.

The AC power cable and network cable should be covered by trunking and secured on the
wall. Cable bends should be smooth.

Do not strain the cables because this can result in damage.

This procedure describes how to connect the AC power cable and the network cable to
the alarm box.

l The power cable and a straight-through network cable (RJ-45 connector) are
connected and routed properly.
l A screwdriver and cable ties are ready.
l Ensure that the AC socket is switched off.

1. Connect one end of the network cable to the network interface of the alarm box, and
then connect the other end to the port of the hub or to the layer-2 switch that resides
in the same LAN with the alarm server.
2. Connect the three-pole plug of the AC power cable to the AC socket, and then connect
the other end to the AC adaptor. For the AC adapter and the AC power cable, see
Figure 8-3 and Figure 8-4 respectively.


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Chapter 8 Peripheral Device Installation

Figure 8-3 Top View (Left) and Side View (Right) of the AC Adaptor

Figure 8-4 AC Power Cable

The three-pole plug in Figure 8-4 is for reference only and may vary in different

3. Perform the following procedures to connect the DC power cable to the power supply
terminal on the bottom right of the alarm box.
a. Connect the exposed wire marked with GND to the –48 V RTN terminal of the
power supply.

b. Connect the other exposed wire to the –48 V terminal.

c. Tighten the exposed wires with the in-built screws.

4. Select either of the following cable routing methods to install the PVC cable trunking
on the wall in accordance with the installation place of the alarm box.

Option Description

Top routing Mount the PVC cable trunking along the wall to the cable ladder so that the
cables can be routed along the cable ladder and then into the cabinet.

Bottom routing Mount the PVC cable trunking along the wall to the floor so that the cables
can be routed along the cable tray under the floor and then into the cabinet.

5. Route the power cable and the network cable into the PVC cable trunking, and then
install the cover plate of the cable trunking.


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The AC adapter should be placed in a safe place.

– End of Steps –

8.2.3 Connecting Cables (DC Power)

When the alarm box uses a DC power supply, you can use the 3-meter-long DC power
cable delivered with the alarm box, or select another equivalent cable. For DC power cable
parameter descriptions, refer to Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 DC Power Cable Parameters

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Nominal cross-sectional area 1 mm2 Jacket thickness 0.87 mm

Outer diameter 1.3 mm Outer diameter of the 6.94 mm


Insulation layer thickness 0.65 mm Rated voltage 300/500 V

Outer diameter of the insulation 2.6 mm Maximum temperature 70 ℃

layer resistance

Maximum DC resistance (20 ℃) 20 Ω/km - -

The DC power cable and network cable should be covered by trunking and secured on the
wall. Cable bends should be smooth.

Do not strain the cables because this can damage the cables.

This procedure describes how to connect the DC power cable and the network cable to
the alarm box.


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Chapter 8 Peripheral Device Installation

l The power cable and a straight-through network cable (RJ-45 connector) are
connected and routed properly.
l A screwdriver and cable ties are ready.
l Ensure that the DC power is switched off.

1. Connect one end of the network cable to the network interface of the alarm box, and
then connect the other end to the port of the hub or to the layer-2 switch that resides
in the same LAN with the alarm server.
2. Perform the following procedures to connect the DC power cable to the power supply
terminal of the alarm box.
a. Connect the black wire to the –48 V RTN terminal of the power supply.
b. Connect the blue wire to the –48 V terminal.
c. Tighten the wires with the in-built screws.


Both wires must be respectively connected to the terminal of the same type at both

3. Select either of the following cable routing methods to install the PVC cable trunking
on the wall in accordance with the installation place of the alarm box.

Option Description

Top routing Mount the PVC cable trunking along the wall to the cable ladder so that the
cables can be routed along the cable ladder and then into the cabinet.

Bottom routing Mount the PVC cable trunking along the wall to the floor so that the cables
can be routed along the cable tray under the floor and then into the cabinet.

4. Route the power cable and the network cable into the PVC cable trunking, and then
install the cover plate of the cable trunking.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 9
Installation Inspection
Inspect the equipment room environment and the installation of cabinets, cables, and other
auxiliary facilities. Correct the problems found in the inspection to prepare for subsequent
software installation and system debugging.
Table of Contents
Checking the Cabinets ...............................................................................................9-1
Checking the Assemblies in the Cabinets ...................................................................9-2
Checking the Power Cables and Grounding Cables ...................................................9-2
Checking the Signal Cables........................................................................................9-3
Checking the Other auxiliary Devices .........................................................................9-3

9.1 Checking the Cabinets

This procedure describes how to verify that the cabinet installation complies with the
related design files and related standards.

l A spirit level, a multimeter, and a cross head screwdriver are ready.
l The Core Network Product Hardware Installation Quality Standard is ready.

1. Verify that the cabinets are installed in a proper position in accordance with the design
2. Verify that the cabinet installation meets the shockproof requirements.
3. Verify that the horizontal and vertical deviations of the cabinets are less than 3 mm,
and that cabinet fronts installed in a row are aligned, with a deviation less than 5 mm.

4. Use the multimeter to measure the resistance between the cabinets and ground, and
verify that the resistance is larger than 5 MΩ.

5. Verify that all screws are tightened properly.

6. Verify that no waste material, such as scrap of cable ties or cables, is left in the
cabinets, and that there is no dirt or handprint inside or outside the cabinets.

7. Verify that all inlets and outlets on the cabinets are covered with cover plates or
rodent-resistant bags.


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8. Verify that the ESD wrist strap is connected to the ESD jack of the cabinet.
– End of Steps –

9.2 Checking the Assemblies in the Cabinets

This procedure describes how to verify that the assembly installation in the cabinets
complies with the related design files and related standards.

l A cross head screwdriver is ready.
l The Core Network Product Hardware Installation Quality Standard is ready.

1. Verify that the assemblies in the cabinets are installed in a proper position in
accordance with the design requirements.
2. Verify that all fastening screws of the assemblies are tightened properly, and the board
extractors are locked in position.
3. Verify that the surfaces of the assemblies are free of dirt.
4. Verify that all labels are properly attached.

5. Verify that blank panels are installed in the empty slots.

6. Verify that the air inlets and air outlets of the fans are not blocked.
– End of Steps –

9.3 Checking the Power Cables and Grounding Cables

This procedure describes how to verify that the installation of power cables and grounding
cables complies with the related design files and related standards.

l A cross head screwdriver is ready.
l The Core Network Product Hardware Installation Quality Standard is ready.

1. Verify that the power devices (such as power distribution boxes) are installed in a
proper position in accordance with the design requirements.
2. Verify that the power cables and grounding cables are properly installed.


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Chapter 9 Installation Inspection

3. Verify that the power cables and grounding cables used are free from joints or welding
points in between.
4. Verify that all power cables and grounding cables are connected reliably and correctly.
5. Verify that all exposed wires and O-type terminals are wrapped with insulation tape or
fitted with heat-shrink tubes.
6. Verify that the power cables and grounding cables are properly labeled at both ends.
– End of Steps –

9.4 Checking the Signal Cables

This procedure describes how to verify that the signal cable installation complies with the
related design files and related standards.

l A cross head screwdriver and a tape measure are ready.
l The Core Network Product Hardware Installation Quality Standard is ready.

1. Verify that cable routing meets the engineering design requirements.

2. Verify that each signal cable is connected correctly and reliably at both ends.
3. Verify that no cable is routed through ventilation holes.
4. Verify that all cables are routed along the horizontal and vertical cable trays in the
cabinet and bound properly with cable ties.
5. Verify that all cable bends are identically even and smooth, with a bending radius of
optical fiber larger than 30 mm.

6. Verify that all cables are properly labeled at both ends, and that the labels and cable
ties face the same direction. Verify that the labels are attached 20 mm away from the

7. Verify that the surplus part of the cable ties is cut off without any jagged edge.

– End of Steps –

9.5 Checking the Other auxiliary Devices

This procedure describes how to verify that the installation of power plugs, sockets, and
peripheral devices complies with the related design files and standards.


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The Core Network Product Hardware Installation Quality Standard is ready.

1. Verify that the terminal devices and the alarm box are installed in a proper position in
accordance with the design requirements.
2. Verify that the alarm box is installed in a prominent place, and that the power cable
and signal cable are routed in Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) trunking.
3. Verify that there are sufficient AC power sockets for the terminal devices, and that
these sockets are within the reach of the power cables of the terminal devices.

4. Verify that no waste material, such as desiccant or scrap of cable ties or cables, is left
in the cable trunking, on the cable ladder, or around the cabinets.
5. Verify that the articles in the equipment room are kept in order.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 10
System Power-On
After all the physical devices of the system are installed, supply power to the system and
test the running of the system after power-on.
Table of Contents
Powering on the Cabinet ..........................................................................................10-1
Powering on the E4140 Shelves...............................................................................10-2

10.1 Powering on the Cabinet

This procedure describes how to supply power from the DC power distribution cabinet to
the cabinet.

A multimeter is ready.

1. Perform the following procedures before powering on the cabinet.
a. Verify that the power switches of the unified PDU and the assemblies in the cabinet
are set to “OFF”.

b. Use the multimeter to check the positive and negative pole connections and
grounding connections of the PDU's power input and output. Verify that no short
circuit exists between –48 V/–60 V and RTN, or –48 V/–60 V and PGND, see
Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1 Measuring Resistances Between Poles


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ZXUN USPP Hardware Installation Guide

2. Switch on the DC power distribution cabinet.

3. Perform the following procedures after powering on the cabinet.

a. Use the multimeter to check the PDU's output voltage.

The tolerance of the -48 V voltage is from -40 V to -57 V, the tolerance of the -60
V voltage is from -50 V to -72 V.
b. Verify that the RUN/ALM indicator on the unified PDU is flashing green. For the
front panel of the unified PDU, see Figure 10-2.

Figure 10-2 Front Panel of the Unified PDU

1. Control switch 2. RUN/ALM 3. COM indicator


– End of Steps –

10.2 Powering on the E4140 Shelves

This procedure describes how to power on the E4140 shelves and the boards in these
l Power is supplied to the E4140 shelves in the same cabinet from bottom to top.
l The power supplied to each E4140 shelf is controlled by four power switches. During
the power-on, the switches in Area A of the unified PDU (see Figure 3-2) should be
turned on before the switches in Area B are turned on.
For the power cable connections of the E4140 shelves, see Figure 3-2.

l You know the electrical control relationships between the unified PDU and each
l A multimeter is ready.

1. Perform the following procedures before powering on an E4140 shelf.

a. Verify that DIP switches of the shelf have been set in the correct positions.


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Chapter 10 System Power-On

b. Verify that the switch of the New Power Entry Module (NPEM) in the shelf is set
to "OFF".
c. Verify that all boards are correctly installed into the shelf and the extractors on the
front boards are opened.
2. Power on the shelf.
a. Set the shelf switch in Area A of the unified PDU to "ON".

b. Use the multimeter to check the PDU's output voltages.

The tolerance of the –48 V voltage is from –40 V to –57 V, the tolerance of the –60
V voltage is from –50 V to –72 V.
c. Verify that the –48 V A and –48 V B indicators on the NPEM are flashing red and
the OK indicator is flashing green.
d. Set the shelf switch in Area B of the unified PDU to "ON". Repeat steps b. to c. to
verify that the input voltage of the shelf is normal.

3. Check the operating status of the shelf.

a. Set the switch of the NPEM to "ON".
b. Check the status of the indicators on the shelf components.
l The H/S indicator on the New Fan Controller Module (NFCM) flashes blue
several times and goes off, and then the RUN indicator flashes green.
l The H/S indicator on the NPEM flashes blue several times and goes off, and
then the OK indicator flashes green.
l The HOST indicator on the New Chassis Management Module (NCMM) is
flashing green. The ACT indicators on the active boards are lit, while the
ACT indicators on the standby boards are not lit.
l The OK indicator on the NCDM board is lit.
4. Power on the board and check the board operating status.

If the board cannot be powered on or the memory is decreased after power-on, verify
that the board memory bar is properly installed.

a. Close the handles of the switch boards in sequence to power on the boards.
The H/S indicator on the switch board flashes blue several times and goes off, and
then the OK indicator flashes green.
b. Close the handles of the general processing boards in sequence to power on the


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The H/S indicator on the general processing board flashes blue several times and
goes off, and then the OK indicator flashes green.
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 11
Site Clean-Up
Before leaving the site, perform the following procedures:
l Store the installation tools.
l Hand over remaining materials.
l Remove installation leftovers.
Remove installation leftovers from the equipment room and dispose of the leftovers
in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations.
l Complete the installation report.

Submit the installation report to the person in charge.


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Appendix A
Making Power Cable and
Grounding Cable
This appendix describes how to prepare power cable and grounding cable that are used
between a cabinet and the power distribution box.

Different power distribution boxes may provide different cable terminals. The single-hole
O-type terminal is used as an example.
Power cables and grounding cables are prepared in the same way. Power cable
preparation is used as an example.

l The required length of the power cable is determined.
l Wire clippers, wire strippers, a crimping tool, a heat gun, and gloves are ready.

1. Use the wire clippers to cut out a cable that is slightly longer than the required length,
see Figure A-1.

Figure A-1 Cutting Out a Cable

2. Put a heat-shrink tube onto the cable, see Figure A-2.


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The heat-shrink tube should have the same color as the cable.

Figure A-2 Putting a Heat-Shrink Tube Onto the Cable

1. Cable 2. Heat-shrink tube

3. Use the wire strippers to strip off a section of the insulation layer from one end of the
cable. Ensure that the length of the section is equal to the tube of the copper tubular
lug, see Figure A-3.

Do not scratch the cores of the cable.

Figure A-3 Stripping Off the Insulation Layer

1. Cable 2. Tube 3. Cable core

4. Plug the cores into the tube of the copper tubular lug until the cores are fully seated,
see Figure A-4.

Ensure that no core is left exposed.


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Appendix A Making Power Cable and Grounding Cable

Figure A-4 Plugging the Cores into the Tube

1. Tube 2. Heat-shrink tube

5. Crimp the tube tightly by using a hydraulic cable lug crimper, see Figure A-5. After the
tube is crimped, drag the terminal with full force. The terminal should be tightened.

The dies used in the hydraulic cable lug crimper must have the same diameter as the

Figure A-5 Crimping the Tube

1. Die

6. Move the heat-shrink tube to the tube and cover it completely.

7. Blow the heat-shrink tube by using the heat gun until the heat-shrink tube wraps the
tube of the tubular lug tightly, see Figure A-6.

Figure A-6 Blowing the Heat-Shrink Tube

1. Heat-shrink tube


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8. Check the entire cable to ensure that the tubular lug is free of oxidation and the cable
jacket is free of damage.
– End of Steps –


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Appendix B
Making Network Cable
Network cables are used to transfer data between two devices or terminals. Network
cables are classified as follows:

l By connection type: straight-through cables and crossover cables.

A straight-through cable is used for connecting a network card and a switch (including
a HUB and other devices). A crossover cable is used for connecting two switches
(including HUBs) or two network cards.
l By physical type: shielded cables and unshielded cables.


Shielded cables and unshielded cables are prepared in a similar way. The procedure
for preparing an unshielded cable is used as an example.

An unshielded cable consists of two unshielded RJ45 connectors and four pairs of
eight-core twisted pairs, see Figure B-1.

Figure B-1 Components of an Unshielded Cable

1. Connector 2. Twisted pair 3. Cable jacket

For pin numbers of an RJ45 connector, see Figure B-2.

Figure B-2 Pin Numbers


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For a straight-through cable, the connections between the pins and the core wires at
one end are the same as those at the other end. The wire sequence conforms to the
EIA/TIA 568B standard. For the connection relationships at both ends, refer to Table

Table B-1 Connection Relationships of a Straight-Through Cable

Connector A Connector B

Pin Core Wire Color Pin Core Wire Color

1 White-orange 1 White-orange

2 Orange 2 Orange

3 White-green 3 White-green

4 Blue 4 Blue

5 White-blue 5 White-blue

6 Green 6 Green

7 White-brown 7 White-brown

8 Brown 8 Brown

For a crossover cable, the connections between the pins and the core wires are
crossed at both ends. The wire sequence of End A conforms to the EIA/TIA 568B
standard, while the wire sequence of End B conforms to the EIA/TIA 568A standard.
For the connection relationships at both ends, refer to Table B-2.

Table B-2 Connection Relationships of a Crossover Cable

Connector A Connector B

Pin Core Wire Color Pin Core Wire Color

1 White-orange 1 White-green

2 Orange 2 Green

3 White-green 3 White-orange

4 Blue 4 Blue

5 White-blue 5 White-blue

6 Green 6 Orange

7 White-brown 7 White-brown

8 Brown 8 Brown

Diagonal pliers, wire strippers, crimping pliers, a network cable tester, a multimeter, and
gloves are ready.


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Appendix B Making Network Cable

1. Strip off a section of 16 mm jacket (shielding layer) at one end of the twisted-pair cable,
and then cut out the woven nylon mesh in the jacket, see Figure B-3.

Do not scratch the insulation layer of the core wires.

Figure B-3 Stripping Off the Cable Jacket

2. Arrange the exposed twisted core wires in order. Trim the core wires by using the
diagonal pliers, see Figure B-4.
For the core wire sequence of a straight-through cable, refer to Table B-1. For the core
wire sequence of a crossover cable, refer to Table B-2.

Figure B-4 Arranging the Core Wires

3. Plug the four pairs of twisted core wires into the pins of a connector until the core wires
are completely seated, see Figure B-5. Plug the "white-orange" wire into Pin 1.

Figure B-5 Connecting the Twisted-Pair Cable

4. Crimp the connector by using the crimping pliers, see Figure B-6.


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Figure B-6 Crimping the Connector

1. Crimping pliers

5. Connect both connectors of the network cable to the two sockets of the network cable
tester, see Figure B-7.

Figure B-7 Testing the Network Cable

6. Turn on the tester to test the continuity of the network cable.


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Appendix B Making Network Cable

The indicators on the tester are described as follows:
l For a straight-through cable, indicators 1 through 8 at the master end and remote
end of the tester are lit in turn at the same time.
l For a crossover cable, indicators 1 through G at the master end are lit in turn while
the indicators at the remote end are lit in the following order: 3-6-1-4-5-2-7-8-G.
You may set the switch of the tester to the "S" position to reduce the speed of the
indicators being lit for observing more accurately.

– End of Steps –


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Figure 1-1 Hardware Installation Flow....................................................................... 1-2
Figure 1-2 Unpacking a Wooden Case...................................................................... 1-8
Figure 1-3 Removing the Outer Packing of a Carton ................................................. 1-9
Figure 1-4 Removing the Board Package.................................................................. 1-9
Figure 2-1 Opening the Door Lock ............................................................................ 2-2
Figure 2-2 Disconnecting the Grounding Cable......................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-3 Disassembling the Cabinet Door .............................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-4 Installing the Cabinet on an Adjustable Base ........................................... 2-4
Figure 2-5 Installing the Cabinet on the Floor............................................................ 2-5
Figure 2-6 Flow of Installing the Cabinet on an Adjustable Base ............................... 2-6
Figure 2-7 Installation Position of the Cabinet ........................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-8 Marking Holes for Installing a Single Cabinet (Unit: mm).......................... 2-8
Figure 2-9 Marking Holes for Installing Multiple Cabinets (Unit: mm) ........................ 2-8
Figure 2-10 Marking Installation Holes Using the Drilling Template ........................... 2-9
Figure 2-11 Drilling Indentations................................................................................ 2-9
Figure 2-12 Drilling a Hole ........................................................................................ 2-9
Figure 2-13 AN01 Socket Bolt................................................................................. 2-10
Figure 2-14 Hammering a Socket Bolt .................................................................... 2-10
Figure 2-15 Adjustable Base of Type A (Unit: mm) ................................................. 2-11
Figure 2-16 Adjusting the Height of an Adjustable Base.......................................... 2-12
Figure 2-17 Securing an Adjustable Base ............................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-18 Removing Bolts from an Adjustable Base ............................................ 2-13
Figure 2-19 Adjusting the Level of the Adjustable Base........................................... 2-13
Figure 2-20 Adjusting the Level of Multiple Adjustable Bases.................................. 2-14
Figure 2-21 Measuring Resistance for the Adjustable Base .................................... 2-14
Figure 2-22 Installing a Cabinet .............................................................................. 2-15
Figure 2-23 Adjusting the Level of the Cabinet........................................................ 2-16
Figure 2-24 Space Between Side-by-Side Cabinets................................................ 2-17
Figure 2-25 Connecting Neighboring Cabinets........................................................ 2-17
Figure 2-26 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (1) ................................................ 2-18
Figure 2-27 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (2) ................................................ 2-19
Figure 2-28 Flow of Installing the Cabinet Directly on the Floor ............................... 2-20

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Figure 2-29 Cabinet Installation Position ................................................................. 2-21

Figure 2-30 Marking Holes for Installing a Single Cabinet (Unit: mm)...................... 2-21
Figure 2-31 Marking Holes for Installing Multiple Cabinets (Unit: mm) .................... 2-22
Figure 2-32 Marking Installation Holes Using the Drilling Template ......................... 2-22
Figure 2-33 Drilling Indentations ............................................................................. 2-23
Figure 2-34 Drilling a Hole ...................................................................................... 2-23
Figure 2-35 Socket Bolt AN01................................................................................. 2-24
Figure 2-36 Hammering a Socket Bolt .................................................................... 2-24
Figure 2-37 Installing a Cabinet .............................................................................. 2-25
Figure 2-38 Adjusting the Level of the Cabinet........................................................ 2-26
Figure 2-39 Measuring Resistance of the Cabinet................................................... 2-27
Figure 2-40 Space Between Side-by-Side Cabinets................................................ 2-28
Figure 2-41 Connecting Neighboring Cabinets........................................................ 2-28
Figure 2-42 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (1) ................................................ 2-29
Figure 2-43 Installing the Shockproof Assembly (2) ................................................ 2-30
Figure 3-1 Power Supply System of a Cabinet .......................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2 Unified PDU............................................................................................. 3-2
Figure 3-3 Routing of Power Cables and Grounding Cables ..................................... 3-3
Figure 3-4 Installation Modes of O-Type Terminals.................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-5 Distance Between Power Cables and Signal Cables................................ 3-5
Figure 3-6 Cable Binding .......................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-7 Top Routing of a Cabinet.......................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-8 Bottom Routing of a Cabinet .................................................................... 3-7
Figure 4-1 Installing an E4140 Shelf ......................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-2 Jumpers of the NCDM Board ................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-3 Relationships Between Active and Standby Slots..................................... 4-3
Figure 4-4 Wearing an ESD wrist strap ..................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-5 Removing a Rear Blank Panel ................................................................. 4-5
Figure 4-6 Removing a Front blank panel ................................................................. 4-5
Figure 4-7 Checking the Memory Installation ............................................................ 4-7
Figure 4-8 Opening the Extractors for the Memory Slots ........................................... 4-7
Figure 4-9 Reinstalling the Memory Bar .................................................................... 4-8
Figure 4-10 Opening Extractors of a Board ............................................................... 4-9
Figure 4-11 Installing a Board ................................................................................. 4-10
Figure 5-1 Cabling in a Cabinet................................................................................. 5-2


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Figure 5-2 Installing Grounding Cables for the E4140 Shelf ...................................... 5-4
Figure 5-3 Installing Power Cables for the E4140 Shelf............................................. 5-5
Figure 6-1 Cable Binding .......................................................................................... 6-2
Figure 6-2 Cable Outlets on the Cabinet Top ............................................................ 6-3
Figure 6-3 Cable Outlets on Cabinet Bottom ............................................................. 6-4
Figure 6-4 DIP Switch and RS485 Jumper................................................................ 6-5
Figure 6-5 RS485 Jumper......................................................................................... 6-5
Figure 6-6 Removing the PDUM Board ..................................................................... 6-7
Figure 6-7 Settings of RS485 Jumper and Cabinet ID DIP Switch............................. 6-7
Figure 6-8 Installing the PDUM Board....................................................................... 6-8
Figure 6-9 Cabling Connections in the Cabinet ......................................................... 6-9
Figure 6-10 Cabling Connections Between Cabinets .............................................. 6-11
Figure 7-1 Installing the Grounding Cable of the Side Door....................................... 7-2
Figure 7-2 Installing the Side Door of the Cabinet ..................................................... 7-2
Figure 7-3 Installing the Grounding Cable of the Door............................................... 7-4
Figure 7-4 Measuring the Resistance of the Grounding Cable .................................. 7-4
Figure 7-5 Installing the Top Panels .......................................................................... 7-5
Figure 7-6 Installing the Top-Side Panels .................................................................. 7-6
Figure 7-7 Installed Top Panels and Top-Side Panels ............................................... 7-7
Figure 8-1 Installing a Mounting Plate ....................................................................... 8-3
Figure 8-2 Installing an Alarm Box ............................................................................ 8-3
Figure 8-3 Top View (Left) and Side View (Right) of the AC Adaptor ......................... 8-5
Figure 8-4 AC Power Cable ...................................................................................... 8-5
Figure 10-1 Measuring Resistances Between Poles ............................................... 10-1
Figure 10-2 Front Panel of the Unified PDU ............................................................ 10-2
Figure A-1 Cutting Out a Cable .................................................................................A-1
Figure A-2 Putting a Heat-Shrink Tube Onto the Cable .............................................A-2
Figure A-3 Stripping Off the Insulation Layer.............................................................A-2
Figure A-4 Plugging the Cores into the Tube.............................................................A-3
Figure A-5 Crimping the Tube ...................................................................................A-3
Figure A-6 Blowing the Heat-Shrink Tube .................................................................A-3
Figure B-1 Components of an Unshielded Cable ......................................................B-1
Figure B-2 Pin Numbers ...........................................................................................B-1
Figure B-3 Stripping Off the Cable Jacket .................................................................B-3
Figure B-4 Arranging the Core Wires ........................................................................B-3


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Figure B-5 Connecting the Twisted-Pair Cable..........................................................B-3

Figure B-6 Crimping the Connector...........................................................................B-4
Figure B-7 Testing the Network Cable.......................................................................B-4


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Table 1-1 Tools and Meters ....................................................................................... 1-4
Table 2-1 Solutions for Installing the Cabinet ............................................................ 2-4
Table 2-2 Adjustable Heights .................................................................................. 2-11
Table 3-1 Relationship Between Input Terminals and Output Terminals..................... 3-3
Table 4-1 Function Description of Jumpers ............................................................... 4-2
Table 5-1 Relationships Between Internal Assemblies and Control Switches of the
Unified PDU ............................................................................................. 5-2
Table 6-1 DIP Switch Location .................................................................................. 6-5
Table 8-1 DC Power Cable Parameters .................................................................... 8-6
Table B-1 Connection Relationships of a Straight-Through Cable .............................B-2
Table B-2 Connection Relationships of a Crossover Cable........................................B-2

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- Alternating Current
- Direct Current
- Digital Distribution Frame
- Dependency-Inversion Principle
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Electrostatic Discharge
- Ground
- Local Area Network

- New Chassis Data Module

- New Chassis Management Module
- New Fan Controller Module
- New Power Entry Module
- Operation & Maintenance Processor
- Power Distribution Unit
- PDU Monitor board

- Polyvinyl Chloride
- Return


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