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Islam Quiz

1. All of the following are pillars of Islam, EXCEPT:

a. Fasting
b. Prayer
c. Prophethood
d. Charity
e. Pilgrimage

2. The difference between Sunni & Shia Islam is:

a. A doctrinal difference on the meaning of Allah
b. A disagreement on the issue of leadership
c. A disagreement about the role of the Prophet Muhammad
d. A disagreement about how battles should be waged

3. In Islam Mary is:

a. The mother of a figure who started a religious cult
b. A revered figure and virgin who miraculously gave birth to Jesus
c. A woman who claimed she gave birth to God’s only son
d. A historical figure who has no role in Islam

4. The word "Islam" means:

a. Justice and peace
b. Peace achieved through submission to God
c. Peace achieved through submission to the Prophet’s message
d. The spread of peace around the world

5. Islam's holiest city is:

a. Medina
b. Mecca
c. Jerusalem
d. Baghdad
e. Damascus

6. The Hajj pilgrimage was originally started by:

a. Muhammad
b. Moses
c. Abraham
d. Joseph
e. Adam
7. Allah is:
a. The name of a distinct God that only Muslims worship
b. The name of God in Arabic
c. The name of God in Aramaic
d. A revered prophet in Islam

8. “Jihad” means:
a. Holy War
b. The inner struggle one endures to practice Islam
c. The physical struggle necessary to make Islam the world’s dominant religion
d. Victory in the name of Islam

9. Hadith is:
a. A verse from the Qur’an
b. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad
c. A verified statement of saying of the Prophet Muhammad
d. The name of an angel
10. What is not prohibited in Islam?
a. Eating pork
b. Drinking alcohol
c. Eating fish
d. Premarital sex

11. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do all the following, EXCEPT:
a. Refrain from food and drink from dawn till dusk
b. Refrain from sexual activity for the entire month
c. Refrain from gossiping
d. Give more to charity

12. According to Islam, Jesus is all of the following, EXCEPT:

a. A figure who raised the dead
b. The result of a virgin birth
c. A prophet who spoke in his crib
d. Divine

[Adapted from:


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