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TestOps - the next steps for DevOps in 2020

TestOps is the new trending term in the industry. Apparently, it is not just a term but an
answer to the enhanced demand for quality.
In simple terms, DevOps is implemented to operationalize your development lifecycle and
support faster delivery. While TestOps is the used to operationalize the different test
approaches to ensure that the deliveries are fast and reliable.
Let us find out more about TestOps and how TestOps is the next big thing of this era.

What is TestOps?
TestOps is a process that is implemented to create close collaboration between QA, Dev and
Ops. It is used to decrease the development costs while ensuring quality at the same time. It
considers all the current trends going in the IT sector.
TestOps outlines the following activities in the development:

 Preparing the test data

 Functional E2E that comprises of the following:
o Integration testing
o Transactional testing
o And automation
 Load testing the microservices along with the entire system
 Reliability testing for:
o Service failure
o Unforeseen work scenarios
 Security
 CI/CD setup

Test coverage and a Zero Bug Policy

In order to make sure that the TestOps applications function properly, the businesses use
high unit test coverage for in-house built testing tools along with a zero-bug policy.
The unit test coverage policy ensure that each functionality is tested so that no failure
occurs at the time of build. This way the developers can focus more on writing a better code
that the test coverage.
While the zero-bug policy is meant to solve any bug that arise in the production system at
any given point of time. If a bug is marked as ‘not customer impacting’, it can be closed with
just a short explanation.

Advantages of TestOps Approach

Implementing the TestOps approach brings several advantages to the development process.
Here are some of them:
 The prime advantage of using the TestOps approach is the enhanced efficiency of
various processes. This is because of the integrated and automated nature of the
processes within the range of product delivery.
 We can say that the other benefits are the by-products of the increased efficiency.
These include the following:
o Lower costs of development
o Enhanced quality in the end product (quite a game-changer for businesses)
o Enhanced speed in the development phase
o Early release in the market will provide your business a competitive edge.
 Analyzing from a developer’s perspective, we will see increased collaboration
promotion greater team ethos. It too has certain advantages such as greater
creativity, increased problem-solving capabilities and productivity.

Certain useful tips on TestOps

The following tips on TestOps will prove beneficial while implementing it in the
development process:

1. Make a plan
While making a plan keep the following things in mind:
- The device to be tested
- The duration of testing
- Reason of testing
- Tools to be used
- Reason of choosing these tools

2. Testing real devices

It will make sure that you cover all the aspects or functions of the device to get accurate

3. Balance speed and quality

The testers must make sure that they do not compromise on the quality while undergoing
completing quickly.

4. Analyze
Proper analysis must be done and the results must be documented before implementing
any changes.

Bottom line
Over a couple of years, the IT industry has observed changes in the way testing is performed
such as implementing elements of DevOps for the testers.
TestOps is an amazing tool that is a big help in an organization. Therefore, implementing it
in the company’s system will show an effect on the overall performance of the company.

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