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Tuesday's (June 9th) Chat Reflection

What is a theme that you see reflected in both this story of

Frankenstein as well as in this current window of your life?
From Wayne : Feelings of independence and dependence, knowing when to rely on others and how
much I can and cannot handle on my own.

From Eme: A theme in Frankenstein is family. It shows

that a lack of connection, and an obsession can lead to tragedy. I think we can all relate to being a bit
tired of our family lately, but we still have to use this time to build a connection or else we might just
regret some things later in life.

From Noemi: I think a theme is getting too carried away in work that you don’t care about other people
or taking care of yourself, being so committed to a single task drives victor mad and loses him all his
friends, and i think that balancing school and relationships and self-care is something that i need to get
better at so I don’t end up like Victor.

From Brianna : I think the theme is that love is a tool that can be used for or against you.

From Jules: I feel that there is an underlying theme of identity in Frankenstein. One of the major plot
points revolves around how the creature is treated. Throughout the play the creature fights physical and
internal battles about who he is. A sort of Man vs Monster. Which could have to do with the creatures
identity or the physical comparison. For the last two years I’ve struggled with my identity, and how I see
myself. Only until recently have I become somewhat comfortable in my skin.

From Laddie : In answer to the question at hand the judging of people based on their outside
appearances which leads to violence and distrust.

From Isabella: The theme from Frankenstein that stuck out to me was the idea of creativity and how
much control you have over something you create once you put it out into the world. The creature is
obviously very different from the art, writing, music, poetry and theater we are creating here, in the
sense expressed in perhaps the most iconic line, that "it's alive," but like the Creature, everything we put
out into the world has an effect on everyone who experiences it, especially in a digital era where things
we post can reach anyone across the entire globe almost instantly. There's a lot of power in that, that
can be used to improve our world or in Victor's case destroy it and I think especially in the theater we
create, it's so important to consider the impact we will have on the world and do everything we can to
make it a positive and thought-provoking one that will change the world for the better.

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