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Introducing the Short Story

What Is a Short Story? how these details bring out the main idea, or
A short story is a kind of fiction that deals theme, of the story.
with people, places, and events from the
writer’s imagination. The major difference Setting
between the short story and other forms of
fiction is its length. A short story is short
enough to be read at one sitting. Therefore, What Is Setting?
every detail in a short story is important. All Setting is the world created by the writer
the elements of the story must work together of a story. All details related to the time and
to communicate the writer’s main idea, or place of the action are part of the setting.
theme. The most important of these These details include descriptions of
elements are setting, character, and plot. customs, clothing, scenery, weather,
geography, buildings, rooms, furniture, and
Setting.Setting is the time and place of the means of transportation.
action of a story. It is the background
against which the events happen. The setting The Functions of Setting
helps to create the mood, or feeling, of the A writer creates a setting by using
story as a whole. sensory images. These images are words and
phrases that appeal to the five senses. The
Character. A character is a person or animal images do two important things. First, they
who takes part in the action of a work of help the reader to picture the place, the
literature. The thoughts and actions of period in history, and the time of day and
characters are important to the development year. Second, they help to create the feeling,
of a story. Most stories have one main or mood, of the story.
character and one or more minor characters. The importance of setting differs from
one story to another. In some stories, the
Plot. Plotis the sequence of events in a story, conflict, or struggle, is a direct result of the
the writer’s plan for what happens, when, setting. In other stories, such as in science
and to whom. The events in the story center fiction, the setting is unusual and therefore
on the conflict faced by the main character. important for its own sake.
The conflict builds until it reaches the
climax, or turning point, a high point of Thinking About Setting
interest or suspense. The resolution, or end, As you read the selections in this section,
of the conflict can either follow or happen at pay attention to details of time and place.
the same time as the climax. Read carefully every description of people,
places, and things. Picture these in your
How To Read a Short Story mind. Ask yourself what feeling, or mood, is
When reading a short story, keep in mind created by the setting. Also ask yourself how
that the writer wants to create an effect on important setting is to the story and why it is
you, the reader. Pay close attention to the or is not very important.
setting, characters, and plot. Ask yourself
Character The Structure of a Plot
A story begins with one or more
characters in a setting. The plot starts to
What Is a Character? develop when the writer introduces a
A character is a person or animal who conflict, or struggle, faced by the main
takes part in the action of a work of character. This conflict causes a series of
literature. Characters react to the events that events to happen and builds to a climax, or
take place in a story. Their thoughts, high point of interest. At the climax or
feelings, and actions often are the same as shortly after, something happens to resolve,
those of real-life people. or end, the conflict.
In addition to the conflict, climax, and
Types of Characters resolution, the following techniques also
The character who has the major role in a may be used In the development of a plot.
short story is called the main character.
Usually, the main character takes part in a Foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is hinting
conflict, or struggle, that is central to the about some event that has not yet happened.
story. How the main character deals with the
conflict shows something important about Flashback. A flashback is a part of a story
him or her. that breaks the sequence of events to tell
The characters who play less important about an earlier conversation, scene, or
roles in a story are called minor characters. event.
Often minor characters are simply part of
the background of the story. Sometimes they Suspense. Suspense is a feeling of growing
affect the thoughts or actions of the main tension and excitement felt by a reader as a
character. Sometimes they add humor to the plot develops.
story or help to advance the plot, or
sequence of events. Surprise Ending. A surprise ending is an
unexpected twist in the plot at the end of a
Thinking About Characters story.
As you read the stories in this section,
think about what makes the characters Thinking About plot
speak, act, and think as they do. Pick out the As you read each story in this section, ask
main character in each story. Then ask yourself, “How are the events in this story
yourself what conflict this character faces. connected?” Identify the event that
Also ask yourself what message, or theme, introduces conflict and the events that grow
becomes clear through the development and out of this conflict. Identify the event that
resolution of this conflict. brings the conflict to an end. Also look for
examples of foreshadowing, flashback,
Plot suspense, and surprise ending.

What Is Plot?
A short story presents a series of
connected events. One event causes the next,
which causes the next, and so on. This series
of events is the plot of the story

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