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SAN ACADEMY Date: _______

Group of schools


Warm-up Exercise

Read the following


Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called Parts of Speech, according to
their use; that is, according to the work they do in a sentence.

The parts of speech are eight in number:

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

 Noun
 Adjective
 Pronoun
 Verb
 Adverb
 Preposition
 Conjunction
 Interjection

A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, animal or thing

 Akbar was a great king.

 Kolkata is on the Hooghly.
 The rose smells sweet.
 The sun shines bright.
 His courage won him honour.

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

Note: The word ‘thing’ includes (i) all objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch, or
smell; and (ii) something that we can think of, but cannot perceive by the senses.

An Adjective is a word that describes a noun; as,

 He is a brave boy.
 There are twenty boys in this class.
 This is an interesting book.
 He is a clever boy.
 I have a red bicycle.

A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun; as,

 John is absent, because he is ill.

 The books are where you left them.
 John, hurry up! Or you will be late.
 My sister is writing. She likes writing stories.
 My brother and I are going to Delhi. We are excited.

A Verb is a word used to express an action or state; as,

 The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.

 Kolkata is a big city.
 Iron and copper are useful metals.
 He speaks good English.
 Rita plays her guitar every evening.

An Adverb is a word used to describe a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; as,

 He worked the sum quickly.

 This flower is very beautiful.
 She pronounced the word quite correctly.
 I rarely watch movies.
 She writes neatly.

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

A Preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing
denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else; as,

 There is a cow in the garden.

 The girl is fond of music.
 A fair little girl sat under a tree.
 The child was sitting between her father and mother.
 The stone was thrown into the river.

A Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences; as,

 Rama and Hari are cousins.

 Two and two make four.
 I ran fast, but missed the train.
 We can read books or play outside.
 I won the race because I ran fast.

An Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling; as,

 Hurrah! We have won the game.

 Alas! She is dead.
 Ouch! You stepped on my toe.

Identify the Parts of Speech
1. Remember to drive safely.
Noun Adverb Adjective
2. Don't talk like that.
Verb Adverb Adjective
3. Sally and Tom are coming back soon.
Noun Adverb Conjunction
4. This is a pretty vase.
Pronoun Adverb Adjective
5. Let's do it.
Pronoun Conjunction Adjective
SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

6. The cat is on the table.

Preposition Verb Adjective
7. Oh! I didn't know that.
Interjection Conjunction Pronoun
8. Do you want to go out or stay at home?
Noun Conjunction Adjective
9. New York is a big city.
Noun Adverb Adjective
10. I want the blue ball.
Noun Adverb Adjective

Identify the Parts of Speech of each underlined word.

1. Lori measures a piece of yarn and cuts it. ___________________________

2. She danced gracefully. ___________________________

3. Mom checked each closet but she could not find the coat. ______________________

4. It was a narrow road. ___________________________

5. She speaks English well. ___________________________

6. Many people enjoy jazz music. ___________________________

7. Alas! I could not complete my exam. ___________________________

8. The cat jumped over the fence. ___________________________

9. He met many people at the party but could not remember a single name. _________

10. The Lotus Temple is in Delhi. ___________________________

Find the Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions and Interjections in the following
sentences. Write them in the table that follows.

1. We saw the movie yesterday.

2. Shh! Speak softly.

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

3. This watch is cheap but it works well.

4. We missed the bus so we went in a taxi.
5. Bravo! They have played excellently.








SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools


Warm-up Exercise:
Colour the spaces containing the nouns with blue. Colour the other spaces with a
different colour. Write six more nouns in the blanks given below


A Noun is the name of a person, place, animal or thing.

Nouns can be common, proper, abstract, concrete, compound or collective.

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools


People, places, animals or things in general are Common Nouns.

 Examples: river, book, chair, day, girl, hospital

Any particular name of a person, place, animal, event, month or day is a Proper Noun.
 Examples: Yamuna, Gulliver’s Travels, India, Sports Day, Wednesday

Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns in the story.
Aladdin was a poor boy who lived in a village. One day, he found a wonderful lamp in a
cave. It helped him become the richest man in the country. He married a princess and finally
became the king.

Write the common nouns for the given proper nouns.

Friday _______________ Mount Everest _________________

Quran _______________ Sania Mirza __________________

Ganga _______________ Abraham Lincoln __________________


A group or collection of persons, animals or things taken together and spoken as one whole is
called a collective noun. Here are a few examples.

 Examples: a flock of birds, a pack of cards, a herd of sheep

A number of keys/grapes a bunch of keys/grapes

A number of sailors on a ship a crew of sailors
A number of fruit trees growing together an orchard
A number of players a team of players
A number of ants an army of ants
A number of flowers a bouquet of flowers

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

Fill in the blanks with the collective nouns.

1. A _____________________ of dogs was chasing a monkey.

2. A _____________________ of bees was hovering near the hive.

3. A _____________________ of hay was kept in the sun.

4. A _____________________ of singers was practising in the hall.

5. A _____________________ of sheep was crossing the road.

6. The city mayor has ordered a _________________ of new buses for the city.

7. The child was thrilled to watch the ______________ of fish.

8. A _______________ of geese were running around the lawn.

9. A _______________ of robbers were troubling the people of the town.

10. The ______________ of mice were creating havoc in the fields.


We can touch a person or a thing.

But there are some nouns that we cannot see or touch. These are mostly feelings, qualities,
ideas or states. These are called Abstract Nouns.

Study the table below.

Feelings Qualities Ideas States

love bravery belief childhood
anger goodness trust poverty
hate honesty truth youth
sympathy wisdom justice sleep
pride kindness thought freedom

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools


Underline the abstract nouns and circle the proper and common nouns. One has been
done for you.

Rav has weakness because of fev

1. Cleanliness keeps diseases away.
2. In their youth, people are generally more active.
3. Her treatment lasted for fifteen days.
4. We had great fun at the picnic.
5. Gandhiji spread the message of peace in the world.


Compound Nouns are formed by joining two words together.

Joining two nouns: bed + room = bedroom, tea + pot = teapot

Joining adjectives and nouns: green + house = greenhouse, grand + child = grandchild
Joining nouns and verbs: hair + cut = haircut, sun + rise = sunrise
Joining prepositions and nouns: under + ground = underground, up + stairs = upstairs


Nouns that are the names of materials or substances from which things are made are called
material nouns.


 Jute is an important fibre.

 My friend bought a silver ring.
 We should avoid the use of plastic.

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

Match the words in the two columns to form compound nouns. Write the new words in
the blanks.

1. earth ship ________________

2. tooth quake ________________

3. rain hopper ________________

4. grass paste ________________

5. space coat ________________

Fill in the blanks with correct material nouns. Select from the options given.

1. The Taj Mahal is made of ____________. (wood/marble)

2. _____________ is a precious metal. (Gold/Iron)

3. Neelam is wearing a _______________ frock. (cotton/rubber)

4. _______________ is the hardest substance on earth. (Diamond/Paper)

5. The Red Fort is made of _____________________. (sandstone/glass)


Nouns can be divided into four genders.

Masculine: All males belong to the Masculine Gender.
 Example: man, lion, rooster

Feminine: All females belong to the Feminine Gender.

 Example: woman, lioness, hen

Common: Nouns that can be used for both masculine and feminine are called Common
 Example: baby, cousin, teacher

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

Neuter: Nouns that refer to things without life are said to be of Neuter Gender.
 Example: book, stone, chair, tree.

Some more examples are given below.

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine

hero heroine prince princess
bridegroom bride ram ewe
emperor empress duke duchess
nephew niece wizard witch
uncle aunt shepherd shepherdess
count countess gentleman lady
king queen bull cow
fox vixen peacock peahen
gander goose tiger tigress
dog bitch horse mare
colt filly lion lioness
buck doe drake duck
drone queen headmaster headmistress
sir madam husband wife

Identify the nouns in the sentences given below and write their genders in the blanks

1. My uncle and aunt live in a village. _________________________________

2. This man is a farmer. _________________________________

3. His wife is a good cook. _________________________________

4. The artist has two sons. _________________________________

5. My friend has a computer. _________________________________

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

6. The bridegroom is my cousin. _________________________________

7. This baby is our neighbour’s child. _________________________________

8. The flowers in the vase are from our garden. _________________________________

9. The book is on the table. _________________________________

10. Sheela is a kind girl. _________________________________



Nouns can be singular or plural depending on the number of things they name.
Singular nouns name one person, animal, place or thing.

Example: box train flower rose boy room

 I have a blue box
 That car is red

Plural nouns name more than one person, animal, place or thing.

Example: boxes trains flowers roses boys rooms

 I have three boxes
 Those flowers are beautiful

If there is more than one of the same object, we normally add s/es after the word.
 tree - trees
 house - houses
 road - roads
 bench - benches
 bridge - bridges

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

Some more examples are given below.

Singular Plural
bell bells
leaf leaves
bush bushes
church churches
bus buses
zero zeroes
stereo stereos

Given below are some of the ways in which the number of a noun may be changed from singular
to plural.

1. Usually we simply add ‘s’ to the singular.

 cow – cows
 leg – legs
 week – weeks
 month – months

2. To nouns ending in ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘s’, ‘ss’ or ‘x’ we add ‘es’ to the singular.
 box – boxes
 gas – gases
 match – matches
 class – classes

3. When the noun ends in ‘y’ we drop the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’.
 lady – ladies

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

 fly – flies
 baby – babies
4. If there is a vowel before ‘y’, we add only ‘s’ to the singular.
 key – keys
 day – days
 boy – boys
 toy – toys
5. To some nouns ending in ‘o’, we add ‘s’ or ‘es’.
 kilo – kilos
 photo – photos
 potato – potatoes
 hero – heroes
 zero – zeroes
6. When a noun ends in ‘f’ or ‘fe’, we drop the ‘f’ or ‘fe’ and add ‘ves’.
 knife – knives
 life – lives
 wolf – wolves
 half – halves

Some irregular forms of plurals: child – children; foot – feet; man – men; mouse – mice; goose
– geese; woman – women; ox – oxen


Fill in the blanks with the plurals of the noun given in the brackets.

1. Today, our teacher taught us about ________________. (ratio)

2. He saw __________________ in the ship. (mouse)

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

3. Our school has a number of __________________. (bus)

4. All the ___________________ ran out of the classroom. (child)

5. The _________________ were beautiful. (photo)

6. Kate has got two _________________ in her room. (shelf)

7. I have visited two __________________. (country)

8. Add two more __________________ to 6000 to make it six lakh. (zero)

9. I am four ________________ and two inches tall. (foot)

10. Adam bought two _________________ of bread. (loaf)


Nouns that we can count are called Countable Nouns.

 Examples: pineapple, swing, crayon, cup.

Nouns that cannot be counted are called Uncountable Nouns.

 Examples: air, gold, water, money.

Look at this table to understand countable and uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Can have singular and plural forms Only singular forms

Can be followed by singular and plural verbs Always followed by singular verbs

A, an or number words are used before Cannot use a, an or number words before
countable nouns uncountable nouns

We ask ‘how many’ We ask ‘how much’

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools

Can use a lot of, a bunch of, don’t have

Can use many, a lot of, a few, some
any, a little

Write C for countable nouns and UC for uncountable nouns. Make plurals of the countable
lady: _______________ air: _________________ light: ___________________

doll: ________________ teacher: _____________ window: ________________

fence: _______________ oxygen: _____________ music: __________________

mud: ________________ mountain: ___________ news: __________________

silver: _______________ love: _______________ colour: __________________

Put these phrases in the correct jars.
Some bread, bananas, a few eggs, a little time, a bowl of soup, don’t have any money, ten
trees, a lot of sugar, many bicycles, a few moments, some chairs, how much sand, a little
milk, a lot of birds, an hour of work.

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

SAN ACADEMY Date: _______
Group of schools


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