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Direction: With the learning you gained on Personnel Management, explain briefly below how
you are going to handle the following situations:

1. Mrs. Lozada is a Grade III teacher. Mrs. Perez is a Grade I teacher. In a memorandum
issued by the Principal, Mrs. Blanco will take the teaching load of Mrs. Lozada and vice
versa. Mrs. Lozada suspected that it was the desire of Mrs. Perez. She wanted to retain in
her usual assignment and so she is mad of Mrs. Perez. She brought the matter to the
principal. Clearly, conflict arise between the two teachers. Suppose the principal mediates
between the conflicting parties, what should be his goal and how is he/she going to do it?
The principal should talk the two teachers Mrs. Lozada and Mrs. Perez to resolve the
conflict. First the principal should state the main objectives why Mrs. Lozada will replace the
teaching load to Mrs. Blanco. The purpose why they need to accept the new assignment or
teaching load. As principal, I will state that the purpose is to improve the teacher to become
flexible/versatile with variety of teaching experience and to inform that this is part of their
professional growth. If a teacher will be assigned to new grade level it means that you have
better opportunity to maximize your teaching learning experiences, strategies and techniques.
The teacher who has more teaching expertise with different subject taught is the teacher has
more opportunity to grow professionally special in terms of promotion. The teacher is the role
model of all profession and to our learners, we always need to practice proper decorum and be

2. The school head presented the year-end assessment performance review. It was evident
that the school failed to achieve target in Key Result Areas (KRA). As a school head, how
are you going to formulate projects to address the issue?
As school head, I will present the year-end assessment performance result to the faculty
so that they will be aware where are the areas that needs for improvement. After determining
the areas with difficulties as principal I will create a committee to have an action research to
strengthen the areas that needs to improve. I will be informed and motivate them to generate a
program from each Areas where they need to focus and provide best solution. If the results see
that the teacher need to undergo intensive trainings and seminars for innovative teaching
strategies, then as school head I will motivate and inspired them to attend seminars and training
that is highly relevant to increase teachers’ teaching methods and pedagogies.

3. The school principal learned that the MPS of the school for the last two years was below
the target. It was learned further that the teachers do not follow strictly the learning
competencies at the year level tested. What should school head look into in order to solve
the problem?
The MPS plays essential role in evaluating and assessing our learners progress and
learning competencies. As school principal to maintain good MPS of the school the teachers
should strictly followed what is stated to the school supervisory plan. To target the
competencies of every year level the teacher should include intervention, remediation, used
differentiated instruction appropriate to the leaner and do mock or institutional assessment for
the mastery of the lesson. As principal I will allow the teachers to create a team in conducting a
program that will target the least mastered lessons and provide suitable program to our learner’s
mastery of lessons.

LSPU SPCC CTE – Graduate Studies & Applied Research | OBE COURSE DESIGN EDUARDO M. TALAMAN Page | 1
4. It is the principal’s task to develop an understanding and support of the general public for
the school’s improvement. This is a way by which the community is convinced that what is
operating in the school is as good as the programs operating elsewhere. How can this be
The task of principal is significant in developing schools’ improvement not only for the
learners but also for the whole community. The main goal of SIP is to provide programs that
enhanced learning environment for students and improved student’s performance. As principal,
I will share and present ongoing -implemented programs through PTA meetings with videos
from learner’s testimonies on how they utilized the implemented projects. Invite Barangay
officials, municipal councilor under committee of education and other stakeholders to witness
the ongoing projects through school schemes orientation and exhibits. On this hiatus, it will
pave the way in establishing good relationship between school and stakeholders by means of
programs and projects for the total development of leaners.

5. 2018 Programme for the international Student Assessment (PISA) revealed that among
79 participating countries, the Philippine scored the lowest in reading comprehension and
second lowest in mathematics and science. This result is very useful and an accurate data
in establishing the baseline in relation to global standards. As a school head, how are you
going to capacitate your school personnel in order to change the result of this assessment?
In DepEd vows focus the following: review and update K to 12; improve learning
facilities; upskill and reskill teachers; and engage stakeholders for support and collaboration. As
school head, I will set a faculty meeting how to increase reading compression of the learners
and performance in Mathematics and Science. Create a program were all leaners with
difficulties in reading will be grouped and master teachers may teach how learners will cope up
with their difficulties in reading. Use diagnostic assessments to determine learner’s readiness it
can be formal or informal assessment. The teacher may also determine learners’ interest and
identify student learning styles and environmental preferences. After all these methods, the
teacher may use appropriate instructional materials and strategies that can easily help the
students to learn the lesson. Provide and encourage teachers to attend seminars relevant to
maximize their teaching learning pedagogies and improved innovative instructional methods.

LSPU SPCC CTE – Graduate Studies & Applied Research | OBE COURSE DESIGN EDUARDO M. TALAMAN Page | 2

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