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January 27, 2020

This should be our second meeting but because most of us didn’t

attend the first meeting, this is considered to be the first formal meet for our

class in PE 224. We gathered in the meeting place for our class which was

instructed to us by

our instructor. It was

beside the school’s

gymnasium which

was called area A.

Most of us was on

time ate the meeting

place. After being

complete, someone

informed our

instructor that we are already in the meeting place. The instructor instructed

us to get mats for us to sit.

The instructor started the orientation and informed us the requirement

for this subject and what he expects in our class. He also grouped us and

give us the topics we ought to report.


February 3, 2020

For our second meeting we are to start our reporting. Before the class

started we finished our visual aids for the reporting in the kiosk. The visual

aids were of manila papers of the discussions for the report. It was

instructed to us. Even if the reports will not be done in just one meeting, the

visual aids would be passed together with the first reporters. So we were

kind of busy for the visual aids before the session started.

We still arrived on time for the session but still we were kind of busy

for the visual aids. That’s why

we were given time to fix our

visual aids by our instructor.

The first group to report are

Volleyball, Basketball (our

group), and Foreign Folk but

then because there are many

things our instructed wanted for the reports he taught them how to do it in

the middle of the report that made it took longer than anticipated. Only one

group got to report that day.

PE 224: 3rd MEETING

February 10, 2020

We arrived in time again. The first thing pour instructor did was to

check our attendance the haircuts of the boys. He wanted a clean cut for all

the boys. He also inspected our attire if we wore white shoes and white

socks also if our PE uniform was tucked in. After checking those, he draws

the groups that will report. The report did not only include visual aids but

also a written report that will

be submitted when reporting.

The groups that were to report

were Softball (our group),

Sepak Takraw, and


One group were not

able to report because there

was something missing in

their written report. They were told to report the next meeting. So to not

waste time, our instructor draws another group to report.

PE 224: 4th MEETING

February 17, 2020

Again for this day we arrived

early, I think we arrived as early

as 30 minutes before the session

started. We initiated in getting the

mats and trying to sweep those

mats for it was too dusty. The

reporters who were not able to

report last meeting were the first one to report for the day.

We started the class by the attendance and inspecting again for

those the haircuts of the boys and the attire was also included. Before

proceeding to the report we did in a quiz in which we have to answer his

question correctly for us to have a perfect score. We weren’t able to answer

correctly his first question; he had given us another chance but again we
were not able to get the right answer. We all got zero for our first quiz. After

that the reporters started with their reports.

After the report were done for that day, our instructor informed us for

the schedule of the game in which we will be wearing our jerseys.

PE 224: 5th MEETING

February 24, 2020
For this day we will start our

physical activities which we

will be executing the things

that were reported for the past

meetings. Today we will be

taught about sepak takraw


perform it. Earlier that day, the rain has poured

down. But luckily just right before our class the rain

was gone. We had our class in the field where the

reporters of the game we will perform are preparing

for the things needed for the tournament.

Our instructor checked our attendance before we started with a

stretching. Wearing our jerseys, we did a stretching. We did it while in a line

with our groups. Then our instructor taught us the basics of sepak takraw

and let us perform it indiviadually. He tosses the balls and we need to hit it.

He also discussed the proper way of playing it.

PE 224: 6th MEETING

March 2, 2020

For this day because there was a downpour of rain we were decided

to play the tournaments in the Education building where there is a space in

the center to play sepak takraw. The facilitators which were the reporters of

the game were the ones who prepared the two courts made for the


We started the tournament when our instructor arrived. Before

starting he checked for our attendance. The groups would compete with

each other. The winning team would have a grade of flat one. The

tournament was enjoyable but tiring. Even if it was raining outside, the

tournament still proceeded. The game lasted for a while, we even are

beyond the time of our dismissal but we still continued because we are to

play another game for the next meeting.

PE 224: 7th MEETING
March 9, 2020

We gathered at the open field in our campus for a game and a

tournament for another sport which is volleyball. We are on time and

wearing our jersey we gathered. Our instructor arrived and checked our

attendance and then proceed to do the warm up. It was a sunny day, it was

really hot to be in the field but anyway we still proceed.

Again like what we did in Sepak Takraw, he taught us the basics in

volleyball and let us execute it by letting everyone to individually perform.

We were informed of the things we need to know while playing volleyball.

After teaching us the basics

he let us practice for a

couple of minutes and

proceed to have the

tournament that same day.

Overall the day was

productive and we finished

the tournament earlier than

in sepak takraw.

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