You Will Also Need To Look Back The "Race To The Top" and "17 Scientifically Proven Ways To Study Better" Articles

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AEIS 111 NOOTROPICS Analysis & Evaluation Questions

INSTRUCTIONS: After reading “Buying a Boost” and watching the video “Real-life Limitless Pill,”

answer the following questions substantively. The answers do not have to be long, but they do have to

clear and sufficiently detailed to demonstrate your understanding of the material.

You will also need to look back the “Race to the Top” and “17 Scientifically Proven Ways to Study

Better” articles.
1a) Compare and contrast the type of information that is used in “Race to the Top” and “Buying a


Buying a Boost and Race to the Top, both contain information about the trending “smart drugs” or

nootropics, mainly Adderall and Modafinil. Buying a Boost focuses more on the side effects of Adderall

and discusses how nootropics can result into psychological side effects such as depression. The article

also talks about Modafinil as an addiction-less and safe alternative to Adderall and other nootropics. The

article suggests that natural nutrients like vitamins are more effective in long term for enhancing the

cognitive abilities due to no side effects. On the other hand, Race to the Top considers nootropics (and

especially Modafinil) as cognitive enhancers and emphasizes that this modern bio-technology must not

be labeled as harmful. Although prescribed use is necessary, these cognitive enhancers are important for

enhancing the working of brain in today’s competitive environment.

1b) Which article do you think demonstrates (more) bias? Or, alternatively, which article do you

think is more objective? Why? (Hint: consider not only the information but who the writers are

and the language that is used)

AEIS 111 NOOTROPICS Analysis & Evaluation Questions

Race to the top demonstrates more bias and is more objective as the author excessively used the word

“I” in the arguments and mostly presented his opinion about the cognitive enhancers. On the other hand,

Buying a boost focuses more on the studies done by different scholars and institutions and concludes the

thoughts of the majority researchers to formulate the conclusion.

2) Identify and explain two most important concepts related to nootropics.

A .Concept #1: Nootropics enhance brain function. This concept is important because it provides the

basis for why nootropics are becoming significantly popular. Apart from enhancing cognitive

capabilities and boosting energy in healthy individual, these smart drugs can also be extremely

beneficial for people having Alzheimer and ADHD.

b. Concept #2: Nootropics deteriorate mental health. This concept is important because many people use

cognitive enhancers without knowing the long-term side effects of these pills. Therefore they face

addiction and psychological problems such as anxiety and depression when these smart drugs wear off.

3) What questions about nootropic use does the video “A Limitless Pill” answer:

a. Question #1:

Are smart drugs only a fiction or do they actually work and stimulate human mind?

b.Question #2:

How do these smart drugs impart harmful effects to the human brain?
AEIS 111 NOOTROPICS Analysis & Evaluation Questions

4) Copy and then paraphrase one idea (sentence/s) from “Buying a Boost”and one idea (sentence) from

“17 Scientifically Proven Ways…” that support the following statement: College students should

not take nootropics; instead they ought to try alternative methods to boost their focus.

a. (original) Sentence 1 from “Buying a Boost”: “Working from the ground up to improve our

neurochemistry, is a safer and potentially more impactful option than taking pharmaceuticals that

carry risks. Asprey said exercise, sleep, and nutrition “are bigger levers than drugs.”

i. Your (cited) paraphrase:

Vitamins like vitamin D and Vitamin B12 can be very effective in boosting the cognitive powers of

brain and any deficiency of these essential vitamins and nutrients may induce less cognitive capabilities.

Although these natural ways are not as trendy and fast as smart drugs but they do give better and long-

lasting results without any side effects.

b. (original) Sentence 2 from “17 Scientifically Proven Ways…”: “As the memory-consolidation

process does its best work during slow-wave sleep, your brain could be getting both the restoration

and reactivation it needs during its time of rest.”

i. Your (cited) paraphrase:

Students take cognitive enhancers in order to enhance memory and problem solving skills. Throughout

the article, such alternatives are discussed that can enhance memory without the assistance of any

medication. One such method (an effective one) is studying before going to bed or while in state of

being tired in order to memorize the subjects for long time.

5) Identify one idea from the video “A Limitless Pill”, one idea (sentence) from “Buying a Boost,” and

one idea (sentence) from “Race to the Top” that support the following statement: It is beneficial to

use smart drugs in the workplace.

AEIS 111 NOOTROPICS Analysis & Evaluation Questions

a. Paraphrased (cited) idea from “A Limitless Pill”:

Smart drug pills or nootropics make people focus more and enhance their memory. Many

working people use these as dietary supplements to work consistently throughout the day and

do not imagine their lives without these supplements.

b. Sentence from “Buying a Boost”: ““One reason I like [Modafinil] is that it shares many of the

benefits other stimulants do, without the addiction or withdrawal,” Asprey said.”

i. Your (cited) paraphrase:

Modafinil, which is a drug used for curing sleepiness or narcolepsy is an effective way of curing sleepy

and tired students and help them concentrate on their studies more effectively. Modafinil is better than

other nootropics as it is not addictive like them and has no side-effects.

c. Sentence from “Race to the Top”: “Why should individuals who are healthy and looking to

become more efficient members of society be deprived of access to neuro-enhancing supplements?”

i. Your (cited) paraphrase:

In the presence of such high tech medicines, depriving individuals from becoming efficient in this

dynamic and competitive world is not justice with them. People should use the benefits of cognitive

enhancers to boost their inner capabilities.

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