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Not Consistent with ACS ?

ACS Very Consistent with ACS

Consider DDx Clinician to formulate pre-test probability (based on clinical features and ECG)

Troponin generally not ordered Admit Cardiology

(at clinician’s discretion) Troponin does not r/o UA

Possible ACS

Consider SSU admission if meets criteria

Serial ECG and troponin stat and at 3 and 6

hours post onset of most significant

HS Troponin T ≥ 30 ng/L
HS Troponin T 14 – 29 ng/L
HS Troponin T < 14 ng/L (99th percentile Or absolute change ≥ 10 ng/L
URL) If ongoing clinical uncertainty for
ACS, consider further trending Consider DDx
At 6 hours, not consistent with AMI
Consider DDx of other conditions Admit Cardiology if clinical picture
Serial measurement or further testing at e.g. PE, CCF consistent with ACS
clinician’s discretion
Consider outpatient Cardiology
NOTE: these are guidelines and do not override the
assessment (+/- Treadmill or CCTA)
individual responsibility of health professionals to
make appropriate decisions in the circumstances of
the individual patients

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