PATROL-sample Term Paper

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One of the core functions of the police is crime prevention. New York

State Police defines it as the anticipation, recognition and assessment of a

crime risk and the initiation of action to eliminate or reduce it. The Philippine

National Police strategy in crime prevention, which by institution has been

advocated to be complete and holistic, is composed of the following

mechanisms: Police Presence (Visibility), Law Enforcement, and Police

Community Partnership. These crime prevention mechanisms are well

supported by various public information and advocacy campaigns.

It is an established notion that crime happens when these tree

elements are present: motive, opportunity and instrumentality. The motive

is the intention that drives a person to commit a crime. On the other hand,

opportunity to commit a crime is consist of set of circumstances which allows

the person to commit the crime, a chance for the person to perpetuate a

motive. Instrumentality is the device used in committing the crime. Both the

motive and the instrumentality belong to and held respectively by the

criminal. Law enforcers cannot totally control the criminal’s motive. They can

at the most only reduce or eliminate the opportunity and instrumentality by

the appropriate police actions. However be that as it may, it is still presumed

to some extent that any police measures or actions done before, during and

the after the occurrence of a crime may yet impede the formation of these
three elements through some forms of preemptive pressure especially to the

mind and senses of a would-be criminal.

3. Summary/Synthesis

Police presence is employed as major crime deterrent to reduce if not

totally eliminate the opportunity to commit crime in particular. Police

presence is defined as the physical deployment of police officers, patrol

vehicles and other police equipment which could amplify visibility and

eventually deliver that much needed, reassuring police attendance and

response in certain strategic areas. Deployment of this mix of patrol

operations portfolio creates a genuine and collective perception of police

omnipresence, thus projecting a 24-hour police presence.

Police presence is done through the deployment of various activities

such as area patrol, law enforcement, community engagement, and other

related policing activities such to prevent and respond to situations that

warrant police assistance or intervention. To be more effective in their

assigned duties, police officers must be in their proper uniform as they patrol

the streets for easier recognition. Police units or offices should also be easily

identified, located and contacted by the public especially during

4. Theories/Concepts/


Patrol is the act of moving about in an area especially by authorized

and trained persons usually police officers for the purpose of observation,

inspection, collaboration, prevention of crime and provision of secured

environment. This type of police operation is conducted to deny

opportunities to commit crimes, and reduce assistance and intervention.

Equally important is the establishment of community partnership through

developing good rapport between the patrollers and the community in their

assigned beat.

Deployment of police patrols must be done in a systematic manner.

Every operational procedure must be properly defined, executed,

communicated, and recorded. Crime prevention managers must be guided

with the standard procedures to harmonize and synergize all the resources

available in order to maximize the impact to the community.


There is no other way to bring the police closer to the community than

by productively interacting with them in a continual basis. Community

engagement that promotes a positive police image, such as medical and

dental mission, school clean up, blood donation, and other similar one-time

engagements, can help uplift the image of the police, but not in a

sustainable manner. Deep-rooted police community partnership associated

with excellent police performance is proven to be effective in reducing the

incidence of crime and the level of fear among the public. This essential

alignment could promote and stimulate the masses and may eventually

reinforce and sustain the general objectives of the police towards crime

prevention and solution.

Police visibility through constant patrolling creates an atmosphere of

safety and security in the community. Through patrolling, patrol officers are

able to discuss with their superiors the problems they come across in the

community and the peace and order concerns of the residents. Following the

same premise, patrolling therefore must constitute the foundation of police

officers career. It is in this environment that officers will learn the core skills

of communication, interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, and problem


a. Foot Patrol – Also called non-vehicular patrol, it is conducted by

police officers moving in an area by foot. It is primarily conducted in

heavily populated areas, public places, and areas of convergence

like markets, churches, schools, transport terminals, amusement

places, and shopping malls. Foot patrol is also being deployed in

areas that are not accessible by motor vehicles. This method

provides the patrol officers familiarity on the ground and better

observation. It is also enables patrol officers to establish and

maintain the favorable relations with the community through

person-to-person contact.

b. Mobile Patrol – Mobile Patrol is conducted through the use of land

based vehicles as described below:

1. Motorcycle Patrol – Motorcycles are primarily used for conducting

operations against motorcycle-riding criminals and those

perpetrating street crimes. The high mobility of motorcycle

patrols even in traffic congested areas makes them effective in

addressing crimes. In rural areas, they are extensively deployed

to patrol wider areas with less developed road networks that

limit the use of four-wheeled patrol vehicles. Motorcycle patrols

are also used for traffic management and for security escort


2. Bicycle Patrol – Bicycles are used to enable the police to patrol

remote streets and narrow pathways including beaches and

parks. Compared to foot patrol, the bicycle patrol provides

speed, mobility, and flexibility. Moreover, the use of the bicycle

for patrolling provides alternative means of saving fuel and

promoting physical fitness among patrol officers.

3. Automotive Patrol – Marked police patrol car equipped with two-

way radio, blinkers, and siren are used for covering a wider area

and carrying equipment and personnel. This method of patrol

enables quick response to calls for police assistance and provides

the patrol officers some degree of protection from criminal

assaults and inclement weather.

c. Waterborne Patrol – Watercrafts are used for law enforcement,

search, rescue, and security operations in municipal and inland

waters. At times, watercraft can be used to transport patrollers in

remote areas accessible only via water transportation.

d. Airborne Patrol – The PNP Air Unit primarily uses aircraft to provide

aerial support to police units on the ground through air surveillance

or spotting during pursuit operations against criminals. It can also

be used in tactical deployment of specialized units such as snipers,

and SWAT.

e. Mounted Patrol – Horses may be used for patrolling areas with

rough terrain especially in rural setting that are inaccessible by

mobile patrol. In some cases, mounted patrol can also be used for

crowd control operations.

5. Benefits or Merits gained from the article or case study

When I was a child my dream was to become a police officer

particularly the one in plain clothes or the commonly known as intelligence.

It was a childish notion that the real police officers are the once in plain

clothes like what we usually see on the television.

When I entered the police service last December 1, 2006, I felt like my

life is complete. I was assigned for beat patrol for a short time only and

stayed as intelligence operative for a longer period. I did not really

appreciate police patrolling even I was a policeman cause for me it was a

boring designation.
It was an awakening for me and I was able to completely understand

police patrolling when the POLICE DIRECTOR GENERAL MARQUEZ focused

his program to go back to the basic and that is patrolling. It was timely that

I am taking my Masters in Public Administration. In the term paper I get the

opportunity to choose the topic. Understanding thoroughly the importance of

police patrolling is the greatest merit I get from this subject.

6. Support With Examples in workplace setting or implications to

real world situations. Experience and/or actual observations

can be good support too.

7. Conclusion

Police Authorities throughout the world consider patrol as the most

important component in any police organization. This is because patrol

officers have direct service with the public and project the authority and

visibility of police service in the community. In fact patrol is considered the

“backbone of policing activity” (Walker and Katz, 2002). To a great extent,

the physical presence of a patrol force can discourage an individual’s desire

to commit a crime or violation.

“Patrol is an indispensable service that plays a leading role in the

accomplishment of the police purpose. It is the only form of police service

that directly attempts to eliminate opportunity for misconduct. It also checks

the development of desire for misconduct by destroying wholesome

influences, by actively creating wholesome ones, and by probably influencing

individual and group attitudes in it routine daily association with the public…

Constant availability is important because time is of the essence in most

police work. (O.W. Wilson, Police Administration 1963)

8. Recommendations

Although Patrolling may sound simple and boring, there are

serious steps that a patrol officer must observe and traits that one

should always bring forth during patrolling operations. To name a few:

a. In any operation, careful planning is a must in order to avoid

waste of time, effort and resources. Make a patrol plan with

the following details: 1) Area Coverage: safe haven, ambush

areas and crime prone areas 2) Organizational Detail of

Personnel 3) Duration 4) Stand-by points 5) Route plan b.

Designate and select the members of the patrol team/s. c.

Inspect the members of the patrol on the completeness 4 5 of

the uniforms, availability of personnel, and operational

readiness of personnel and equipment. d. Conduct brie!ng,

prior to dispatch, on the priority of activities to be undertaken

during the patrol as the situation demands; remind the patrol

on the strict observance of the PNP Operational Procedures. e.

Render hourly report of location and situation through radio/

telephone to Police Community Precinct (PCP)/Station

Headquarters Tactical Operation Center (TOC). f. Render after-

patrol report duly signed by detailed personnel. PCP

Commanders shall collate and submit signi!cant details to the

Station Patrol Supervisor, who in turn, will submit the same to

the Provincial/District Patrol Supervisor. g. Strictly observe

“Buddy System” during the patrol operations. h. Conduct

debrie!ng after the patrol to assess its conduct and make

necessary corrective measures on defects noted.

b. Observe precautionary measures and personal safety while on

patrol. b. Practice defensive driving and follow traf!c rules and

regulations. c. Select routes which provide best visibility. d. Be

observant of people, places, situations or conditions and

develop a suspicious attitude especially if the subject appears

to be slightly out of the ordinary. e. Use tact and

persuasiveness when conducting spot inquiry or questioning

individuals for information. f. When requiring a suspicious

person or any individual for identi!cation, avoid taking the

wallet or bag in which the cards/documents are placed. Let the

individual remove and hand them to you. g. Be familiar, as

much as possible, with known criminals/exconvicts residing in

or frequenting the patrol beat. h. Be on the alert for loiters. i.

Keep under close observation actions of juveniles, trouble

makers/agitators and the mentally ill/retarded persons. j.

Observe the practice of “shaking doors” of unguarded business

establishments during night patrol. Check for signs of

intrusion. k. When checking suspicious persons, places,

buildings/ establishments and vehicles especially during

nighttime, be prepared to use your service !rearm. Flashlight

should be held tightly away from the body to avoid making

you a possible target. l. Be familiar with stay-in employees of

business establishments in your beat. 6 7 m. Establish good

rapport with the people in your beat. n. Keep watch of

uninhabited homes. o. Patrol members should avoid loitering

in theaters, restaurants and other recreational places. p.

Develop contacts by getting to know as many people as

possible who can give factual information about crime

condition in the patrol beat. q. Patrol members must be always

on the look-out for indications of vices and other illegal

activities in their beat. r. Patrol members must be

knowledgeable of all conditions, events and details of places in

their beat. (POP manual 2013)

9. References

 POP MANUAL, 2013

 Walker and Katz, 2002

 O.W. Wilson, Police Administration 1963

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