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Research DOI: 10.1308/rcsbull.2015.


The perception of anatomy

teaching among UK
medical students
How do teaching methods measure up with
students' preferences for learning?

A Ali Foundation Trainee1 edical education is currently under- allows for a haptic, three-dimensional (3D)
ZN Khan Core Medical Trainee 2
going a series of changes to meet the appreciation of human architecture,7 and
W Konczalik Foundation Trainee3 demands of modern medical practice.1 facilitates the link between structure and
P Coughlin Consultant Vascular Surgeon1 A paper analysing the anatomy curriculum in function. Dissection enables the students to
S El Sayed Trauma and Orthopaedics Registrar3 medical schools across the UK has suggested appreciate the natural anatomical variabili-
a reduction in the number of hours dedicated ty.8 It also familiarises them with the con-
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to the study of anatomy.2 Some believe that cepts of death, confidentiality and respect,
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust such changes have resulted in a decline in the which is essential for doctors.9
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust anatomical knowledge of medical students and Cadavers are becoming increasingly
young doctors.3,4 More than half of the newly scarce and their preservation costs have con-
qualified doctors consider their knowledge to tinued to rise. Running a dissection laborato-
be inadequate for their job.5 Senior medical ry with appropriately trained full-time staff
staff believe that this is a potential threat to can be a considerable financial challenge for
patient safety.6 These concerns have been the any educational institution. In addition, the
focus of many discussions on effective anato- variability of cadaveric material and quality
my teaching methods in UK medical schools. of dissections (dependent on student skill
For doctors in training, appreciation of the level) are among the reasons why prosections
architecture of the human body is essential are becoming more popular in some medical
in the application and practice of medicine. It schools. Prosections have all the important
allows the clinician to understand the theory structures neatly exposed for the student to
behind patient symptoms, perform a relevant identify while retaining the spatial orienta-
physical examination, interpret clinical tion of the original structure. This method
images, form differential diagnoses and also has the advantage of being time and cost
communicate these findings with both the effective, and it has been argued by some to
patient and other medical professionals. It is be equally effective as gross dissection.8,10,11
therefore critical that anatomy remains at the There has been an explosion of interest in
core of the medical curriculum to enable the the innovative problem-based learning (PBL)
‘modern doctor’ to practise medicine safely. teaching method. This method promotes
Hands-on cadaveric dissection has played student-centred learning and encourages au-
a fundamental role in anatomy teaching as it tonomy of learning. It merges the acquisition


of knowledge with generic skills and attitudes Table 1 The numbers of students receiving various teaching modalities
such as teamwork, communication, planning as their main and adjunctive methods of anatomy teaching
and problem-solving. However, the value of Main teaching method Adjuncts to main teaching method
PBL over traditional methods in acquiring Cadaver dissection 96 (27%) 133 (37%)
and integrating core anatomical knowledge Lectures 101 (28%) 181 (51%)
has been uncertain and ambigious.12
Problem-based learning 124 (35%) 99 (28%)
Anatomy teaching has also benefited from
Prosections 49 (14%) 175 (49%)
technological success and the market has
Tutorials 29 (8%) 206 (58%)
seen a flood of computer assisted learning
Multimedia 25 (7%) 252 (71%)
(CAL) packages, DVDs and other visuospa-
tial learning tools. These are time- and cost- anatomy summative assessment styles are in hundred and eleven questionnaires were
effective ways of delivering anatomy teaching line with student preferences. not included owing to incomplete responses.
to large student groups. CAL packages have The age range of the respondents was 23–43
been demonstrated to be superior to conven- METHODS years. A third of the students (n=109, 30.6%)
tional textbooks with regard to long-term This was a prospective study with data col- classified themselves as mature students.
memory retention.13 Despite this, most con- lection taking place between 2005 and 2010.
sider them mere learning adjuncts and they A questionnaire developed by the Centre for Teaching methods
cannot therefore be viewed as a substitute Spinal Studies and Surgery at Queen’s Medi- There are currently 32 registered medical
for the dissection laboratory.14 This concept cal Centre in Nottingham was handed out to schools in the UK. Nineteen medical schools
is supported by research comparing the use all participants at the Professional Medical in our survey offered cadaver dissection.
of CAL packages in conjunction with gross Education finals revision course. This course However, only 12 (60%) offered it as their
dissection against dissection on its own; included students from all medical courses main teaching method.
students who used CAL packages in addition (both undergraduate and graduate) across the The main methods of teaching anatomy
to gross dissection scored much higher in UK. There was no bias for sex, age or previous in UK medical schools were PBL followed by
their summative examinations than those experience of anatomy. Participation in the lectures and cadaveric dissection. Prosec-
who relied on dissection alone.15 study was voluntary. All incomplete question- tions were offered less often with tutorials
In the wake of Tomorrow’s Doctors,16 the naires were excluded from analysis. and multimedia being the least common
emphasis of teaching has been steered away The questionnaire was divided into a methods of teaching anatomy (Table 1). Such
from factual content learning and towards a number of discrete sections. The first part methods were mostly used as adjuncts to the
varied ‘core knowledge’. Currently, there is no comprised the students’ demographic details, main teaching method.
definition of ‘core minimum knowledge’, and the main and adjunctive methods of how
there is an apparent lack of consensus on what their anatomy teaching was delivered, and Student preferences
to teach and the level of clinical anatomical the students’ preferred methods of learning When the students’ preferred methods of
knowledge expected from a junior doctor.17,18 anatomy. The questionnaire also included a anatomy teaching were examined, cadaveric
Universities are encouraged to vary their ten-point Likert scale to evaluate the students’ dissection was the most favoured method
curricula and this can lead to significant var- perceived confidence in their own anatomical (62.3%). This was followed by tutorials
iability in the number of hours dedicated to knowledge at the level of a F1 doctor and their (57.5%), lectures (45.8%) and multimedia
anatomy teaching. With the varied practice of perceived importance of anatomical knowl- (41.7%), with PBL and prosection both being
anatomy teaching across UK medical schools, edge to different medical specialties. Finally, favoured the least at 34.8%.
this ultimately means that the acquisition of students’ preferred examination methods
‘core minimum knowledge’ is, at best, variable were compared against the actual examina- Students’ perceptions of their
across UK medical schools. tion practices at their medical schools. anatomical knowledge
In this study, the main and adjuvant Data were coded and analysed with More than 90% of the students believed
methods of anatomy teaching across medical Excel® (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, US) using that anatomy is an essential part of the
schools in the UK were compared against non-parametric tests. medical curriculum and should be taught
students’ preferred methods of anatomy to all medical students: 85% felt anatomy
teaching. The students’ perceived confidence RESULTS was important for the F1 job, 92% for the
in their anatomical knowledge was also Overall, 356 students (240 female, 67%; 116 physicians and 99% for the surgical spe-
investigated as well as whether the current male, 33%) fully completed the survey. One cialties. In stark contrast, approximately


50% of students ranked their anatomical Discussion bias of researchers towards introducing an
knowledge as inadequate to be a competent Our study suggests that cadaver dissection alternative teaching method (CAL packages)
F1 doctor (Figure 1). was the most popular method of learning and shrinking dissection laboratory time.
anatomy among UK medical students. In con- While traditional dissection cannot be hailed
Examination styles and student preferences trast, prosection-based learning was least pop- categorically as the most superior teaching
Students were examined using a variety of ular, highlighting the perceived value of gross method, it would nevertheless be difficult
methods: the objective structured clinical cadaveric dissection to the students’ learning to argue that reducing cadaveric dissection
examination (OSCE) (69%), written exams experience. Yeager found that students who time would not have any detrimental effects.
(71%), viva voce exams (35%) and assess- ‘learned by doing’ (ie dissections) performed In our study, nearly half (45%) of the
ment of coursework (20%). Seventy-two better than those taught using prosections.19 students preferred lectures as their ‘next best’
per cent of students agreed that the OSCE Furthermore, it was suggested that formal teaching modality. Students’ preference for
style ‘spotter’ exam was the optimal form cadaveric dissection enhanced integration of lectures has been reported as low as 23% in a
of examination (ie 72% scored it as 8/10 or knowledge. These assertions were amplified previous study.21 It is possible that this differ-
above compared with written [57%] and by Winkelmann, who found greater acquisi- ence is due to a higher proportion of ‘non-ma-
viva voce exams [54%]). Coursework was tion of knowledge when anatomy was taught ture’ students in our study. This student group
the least popular assessment method with by gross dissection than by other methods.20 may prefer a more familiar, guided approach
only 17% of students rating it 8/10 or above The strength and robustness of these in the form of traditional didactic teaching.
(Figure 2). findings can be implied from the declared PBL is currently most widely used as an
anatomy teaching method. This practice ap-
Figure 1 The students’ perceived relevance of anatomy knowledge to various career paths
and the students’ perceived adequacy of their own anatomical knowledge at the F1 level pears to be well supported by research. There
is sufficient evidence exploring the value of
Agree student-led groups to the acquisition of one’s
Ambiguous own learning objectives and in preparation
for examinations.22 However, our study
Disagree suggests that only 28% of students prefer

PBL, which is much smaller than the 60%
40 reported previously.22 We speculate that this
could be a reflection of our students’ char-
20 acteristics as they appear to prefer a more
directed form of teaching than independent
0 methods. The discrepancy may also be due
t F Y1 e o n i c i a n l o f to the variability in the organisation and
n surg hys leve
pete tent nt p tory e for FY
Com p e p e t e s fa c delivery of PBL classes. PBL is dependent on
Com Com Sati owledg
kn systematic and extensive preparatory work
Figure 2 Students’ perceived usefulness of examination techniques (1 = least useful, 10 = extremely useful) as well as relevant guidance from PBL group
30 leaders. Without an appropriate infrastruc-
ture to support such an environment, this
25 Oral educational modality can be hijacked as ‘an
Percentage of respondents

Written excuse for low staffing levels’ and suboptimal

20 educational standards.
OSCE style spotter
Furthermore, our study suggests that only
15 small numbers of students used methods
such as colouring books, videos/DVDs and
10 computer-based learning as their primary
learning methods. Nevertheless, almost a
third of students relied on these as secondary
learning strategies, suggesting that such
methods may not be suitable for grasping
Grading major anatomical concepts.21,23


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