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Pada Mata KuliahPendidikanBahasaInggris di SD

NovanitaWhindiArini, M.Pd

RachmiahHusnunNazibah 1801025355
NurulMutiaraMeisya 1801025520



School : Al-Madinah Elementary School Theme : Maps

Level : 2nd grade Date : Monday, June 24th 2019

Teacher : Ms. RachmiahHusnunNazibah
Time : 2x30 minute (1 Meeting)
and Ms. NurulMutiaraMeisya

1. Core Content
Usage English for Speaking and Writing about public place and location.

2. Lesson Objective
Student will be ableto :
 Learning about public place and location.
 Understand and determine about public place and location.
3. Content
 Grammar Focus : Information with (what and where).
For example : A : What is this? (pointing at hospital)
B : This is a hospital.
A : What do yo know about a bank?
B : A place for save money.
A : Where’s the shop?
B : The shop is beside the library.
 Function : To knowing about public place and location.
 Vocabulary : hospital, school, bank, museum, shop, library,
behind, beside, between, in front of.

4. Integrated Language Skills

Speaking and Writing skills.

5. Materials and Resources

 Book : Grow with English 2 for Elementary School
- Publisher : Erlangga
- Authors : Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Josephine S.M.,
 Worksheet
 3 Dimensions = Miniature public place
6. Assesment and Evaluation

Lesson Objective Instrument/Task Cryterial

Student will be able to The student able to speak
learning about public place Miniature 3D with a good and correct
and location. pronouncation.
Student will be able to The student able to answer
understand and determine the questions.
about public place and 15 question=70 point

7. Instructional Activities (1 hour)

Warm Up
 The teacher greetings the student.
T : Good Afternoon student.
S : Good afternoon teacher.
T : How are you today?
S : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
T :I;m fine too, thank you.

 Praying
T : Okay, student. Before we begin our lesson today, let’s
pray together. Pray begin.
S : (Praying)
T : Pray finish.

 The teacher checking attendance. 10 minutes

T : Everybody’s here today?
S : (1) Yes, Miss.
(2) No, Miss.
T : (1) Okay, good.
(2) Who’s absent today?

 The teacher checking student homework.

T : Student, yesterday homework were finished?
S : Yes, Miss.
T : Okay, good. Please collect after study finished.

 Lead to
T : Are you ready to start the lesson?
S : Yes, Miss.
Presentation 15 minutes
 The teacher will show a miniature.
T : Today, miss bring a 3D miniature. Anyone knows what
this is about?. This is a public place. Okay, lets’s see whats’s
here? Mention it.
S : A school, library, shop, museum, hospital, and bank.

 The student repeat after the teacher’s word. For example :

T : Repeat after me. School.
S : School.
T : Bank.
S : Bank. Etc.
T : Now, look at here. I will point one of this and you say the
Example : I’m pointing at the hospital. And you say
“hospital”. Are you can?
S : Yes, I can.
T : (pointing at the bank).
S : Bank.
T : (pointing at the museum).
S : Museum. Etc.
T : What do you know about a bank?
S : Place for saving money.
T : Okay good. What do you know about school?
S : Place for study.
T : Good. Etc.

 The teacher asks the location of a place and explains anything

about locations. For example :
T : Who knows where the school?
S : The school beside the library / the school in front of the
T : Okay good. Beside = disamping. Behind = dibelakang.
In front of = didepan. Between = diantara.
T : Understand?
S : Understand, Miss.

Practice 20 minutes
 The student do activity
- The teacher has 2 boxes. The first box contains
questions, the second box contains answers.
- 2 students were told to come to the in front of the
- Student A takes the question paper in the firs box.
And then read the question.
- Student B chooses the answer in the second box.
And then read the answer.
20 minutes
 The student get the worksheet :Writing.
Wrap Up
 The teacher and student check the worksheet together.
 The teacher give students homework.
 Summarizing
T : Anyone can tell me what we’ve learned today?
S : (Retelling briefly about public place and location).
T : (Adding when there is less and explain the conclusion of
learning as a whole).
10 minutes
 Reflection
T : Do you enjoy this lesson?
S : Yes, Miss.
T : Okay, the time is up. Let’s close our class by saying
“Hamdalah” together. Thank you for your attention and
participation today. See you next time.
S : See you, Miss.

8. Evaluation Instrument
 Speaking skills

Practice these dialogue!

Dialogue 1
A : Where’s the shop?
B : The shop beside a library.



1. Accents 10 Native pronuncioation, which no
trace of “foreign accent”.
8 No conspicuous
mispronunciations, but would not
be taken for native speaker.
6 Marked “foreign accent” and
occasional mispronunciations
which do not interfere with
4 Frequent gross errors and a very
heavy accent make understanding
difficult, require frequent
2 Pronuciation frequently
2. Grammar 10 No more than two errors.
8 Few errors, with no patterns of
6 Occasional errors showing
imperfect control of some
patterns but no weakness that
causing misunderstanding.
4 Constant errors showing control
of very few major patterns and
frequently preventing
2 Grammar almost entirely
inaccurate except in stock
3. Vocabulary 10 Vocabulary apparently as
accurate and extensive.
8 Vocabulary broad and precise;
general vocabulary adequate.
6 Choice of words sometimes
4 Vocabulary limited to basic
2 Vocabulary inadequate for even
the simplest conversation.

 Writing skill

A. Choose the right answer by crossing a,b,c or d.

1. If we want to save money. We go to….

a. Hospital
b. Museum
c. Bank
d. Library
2. He is going to…….to borrow book.
a. Hospital
b. School
c. Playground
d. Library
3. A place for curring the sick people is….
a. Museum
b. Bank
c. School
d. Hospital
4. L – P – O – S – H – A – I – T.
The correct word is….
a. School
b. Hospital
c. Swimming Pool
d. Airport
5. If we want to study about history, we can go to the….to see things from
the past.
a. Museum
b. Shop
c. Mosque
d. Library
6. Mr. Arman is a teacher. He works in the….
a. School
b. Museum
c. Library
d. Hospital

The picture below is for number 7

7. The Mosque is …………….. the bank.

a. Beside
b. Behind
c. In front of
d. Between
The picture below is for number 8-10



8. The library is……………..the school and the shop.

a. Beside
b. Behind
c. In front of
d. Between
9. The school is……………..the bank.
a. Beside
b. Behind
c. In front of
d. Between
10. The museumis…………….the shop .
a. Beside
b. Behind
c. In front of
d. Between

 Score Guidance

Student answer correctly 2

Student answer doesn’t correctly 0
Maximum score : 20
 Key answer
1. C. Bank
2. D. Library
3. D. Hospital
4. B. Hospital
5. A. Museum
6. A. School
7. A. Beside
8. D. Between
9. C. In front of
10. B. Behind

B. Fill the blank with the right answer.

1) Where do you go if you want to buy something?

2) Look at the picture.
Where is it…..

3) My brother is sick. So he goes to….

4) Look at the picture.
The mosque is……….the bank.

5) R - Y - B - I - L - A - R
The correct word is…..

 Score guidance

Student answer correctly 10

Student answer uncorrectly 3
Student doesn’t answer 0
Maximum score : 50
 Key answer
1. Shop
2. School
3. Hospital
4. Beside
5. Library

Total Score :

Speaking skill + writing skill x100 = Total Score

Score maximal

30 + 70 x100 = 100

9. Suggestion

Mengetahui, Jakarta, 24 Juni 2019

KepalaSekolah Guru Kelas 2

……………………….. ……………………………

NIP …………………… NIP ………………………

Miniature Public Place

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