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WITHDRAWN DIAMOND CORE DRILL FITTINGS (Fourth Edition) COMMERCIAL STANDARD CS17-47 (Sepersades 517-42) Esti Date for New Production fom July 1, 1947 A RECORDED VOLUNTARY STANDARD OF THE TRADE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE W. AVERELL HARRIMAN, Secretary Gevernment Printing Office COMMERCIAL STANDARDS Commercial Standards are voluntary standards of the trade de- veloped through concerted action of those directly concerned, and jssued by the United States Department of Commerce upon written evidence of their acceptability to the trade. ‘They are initiated by (written request from a responsible element of business to the Divi- sion of Trade Standards of the National Bureau of Standards. The Division of Trade Standards acts as a coordinating and fact-finding ‘agency in ascertaining the desires of all concerned. ‘The Federal Government exercises no regulatory authority in the enforcement of Commercial Standards. In accepting a Commercial Standard, the producer, distributor, or user says in effect that he con- siders it 2 useful standard of practice, and plans to utilize it as far fas practicable in his business, reserving the right to depart from the Standard so Jong as no deception results from such departure, When reference to a Commercial Standard is made in contracts, labels, in- voices, or advertising literature, however, the provisions of the Standard are enforeible through usual legal channels as a part of the sales contract. ‘Organized in 1927, the Division of Trade Standards has assisted many industries in the development of Commercial Standards for a wide variety of commodities. A list of previously established Com- mercial Standards appears herein. COMMERCIAL STANDARD FOR DIAMOND CORE DRILL FITTINGS (On May 27, 1929, at the instance of the Diamond Core Drill Manu- facturers Association, a joint conference of representative manufac- turers, drilling contractors and general interests adopted a com- mercial standard for diamond core drill fitting which was accepted by the industry and published as Commercial Standard CS17-30. In 3932, upon recommendation of the standing committee to keep abreast of progress, a revision was adopted and issued as CSx7-32. Subsequently, a proposal of the Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers ‘Association, to extend the scope of the standard was adopted and issued as CS17-42. This revision, due to war conditions, was not put into effect. ‘Pending completicn of developments toward further revision, the Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Association recommended that the requirements of the 1932 edition be made available in current Commercial standards form, Accordingly, upon endorsement by the Standing committee, a draft so prepared was circulated on November 21, 1946 for acceptance. Those concerned have since accepted and approved the revised standard as shown herein, Project Manager: F. E, PowELL, assisted by W. H. Jackert, Jn, Division of Trade Standards, National Bureau of Standards. Technical Adviser: D.R. Metre, Di ion of Metrology, National Bureau of Standards. COMMERCIAL STANDARD CS17-47 for DIAMOND CORE DRILL FITTINGS (Fourth Edition) PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this commercial standard is to provide dimen- sional interchangeability in essential diamond eore drill fittings as made by American mamufacturers, ‘The dificulty of replacing parts in the field should therefore be minimized, sinco sizes and size desig nations are identical for all manufacturers. SCOPE 2, This standard covers standard designs and tolerances with con trolling dimensions for rod couplings, drill rods, core-barrel bits, casing couplings, casings, and cusing bia. Dimensions of cove barra bits apply to these items as machine-shop products prior to being set with drilling diamonds. GENERAL 8. The following nomenclature, symbols, dimensions, tolerances, and types are recommended as standard for diamond core drill fit. tings. £ The four sizes of diamond core drill casing shall be known. as EX, AX, BX, and NX. The corresponding sizes of bits, core barrels, and easing couplings shall be known as BX, AX, BX, and NX, Rod and rod coupling sizes are known as E, A, B, and'N. Nominal dimen- sions are given in table 1 and illustrated in’ figure 1 ‘Tame 1—Womnal dimonsions Slee dexignation| | casing coupting | | diam- lapprox: TTT 1a —|oaang [iG | moat lo ie | Hake BBE on. | mo. SBR MES. fh adel] Ser | a Red, rod eoopling 1 Commercial Standard OS 3, Casings made flash on the outside when connected with couplings shail bo Kitown as “lish-eoupled easing™; when connected without couplings, shall be known as “ushejomt casing.” ‘The threads of Both ane Wlentical '. Core barrels shal be known ag “sngle-tube core barrels” typo, doublectube core bartels,” or “swivel-type double-tube core {has the caso may be. 7 Single-tube and. double-tube core-barrel bits shall be identical as regards the outside diameter and thread. ‘OUTSIDE DIAMETER rovRn 1.—Seetion through casing couplings. 8, ‘The term “reaming shell” shall be used in preference to “swell coupling.” ‘The bit thread of reaming shells and core shells shall con form to the standard bit thread 9, The approximate sizes of standard cores are: EX, 1% in.; BX, 196 in; NX, 2% in. Larger cores are obt special fittings ich; AX, inable with DETAIL REQUIREMENTS 10. The dimensions and tolerances for drill rod couplings, dritl rods, core-barrel bits, casing couplings, casings, and casing bits are given in tables 2to 7, inclusive ¢ Drilt Fittings Commercial Standard CS1?-47 HA Diaiiond Core Drill Fittings Bann 4-—Coro-barrel its! ‘8- SQUARE THREADS PER INCH-RH. ON BEVEL BITS THE INCLUDED ANGLE OF BEVEL 1S TO BE 10 DEGREES INSIDE DIAMETER VARIABLE. eee We (SEE FOOTNOTE I, TABLE 4) "bor | Mas, | ata, ogsoe{o0320| 1-23 8 Rt 8 cc Aamide, ieetars forgpee Sm mamaTnerury 2d 2 ES oLate) RT TS Diamond Core Drill Fittings ‘Tame 6—Cesing xt | | oe bw Bits + oa! 1/8 a ‘tanun T—Casing bit i Commercial Standard CS17-47 8 - SQUARE THREADS PER INCH, RH. cappeeat "ured shall be Fall form to within 3/8 fa. of abowlaee 8 Diamond Core Drill Fittings IDENTIFICATION 11. In order that, purchasers may be assured that diamond core drill fittings purchased comply with all requirements of this standard, manufacturers may identify products by means of a statement of complinnes on labels, invoices, sales literature, ote. Where the ian facturer's name, trademark or trade name appears, the following statement is recommended This dlemond core dri fitting complies with Commerctal Stindard QSITAT, as Issued by the National Burean of Stanfacdy of Uae States Bepartinent of Commerce 12. When available space on labels is insufcient for the full stato ment in Tegible type, an abbreviated statement, as follows, 1 recone mended: Comptes with e817-47, 18. The following symbol or seal is used in trade literature and ad- ortisements by members of the Diamond Core Drill Mant factaress Association to indicate equipment, manufactured according to. ite commercial standard. Pioune 2— Seat 14. Figure 3 illustrates tho insignia adopted by the Diamond Core Manufacturers’ Association for marking items of diamond core drill equipment conforming to this standard. ‘The significance of the in. Sigany a8 marked on the equipment is explained in the statement of compliance below, which sf howld accompany each contract and ship= ‘ment, Frioune 8— Insignia 9 Commercial Standard OS17-47 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Date. The diamond core drill equipment marked with the signia has been manufactured by a momber of the Dranonp Cons Dulas stax Uvacrommns’ associayrox and complies with eoxracctst fStaxpanp cs17-47, as fasued by the MATIONAY. RUREAT OF STAND ain of mawadactanes EFFECTIVE DATE 15. The standard becomes effective as a voluntary standard of trade from July 1, 1947. STANDING COMMITTEE 16. ‘The following individuals comprise the membership of the standing committee, which is to review, prior to circulation for a ceptance, revisions proposed to keep the standard abreast of progress Sach organization nominated its own representative, Comment eon. cerning the standard and suggestions for revision may, be addressed to any-momber of the committee or to the Division of Trade Stand ards, National Bureau of Standards, which acts as secretary for the committee. the HL. ©, Jomansnx, Chairman Manufacturers: 3G, Journ, Joy Manuaciring 00, Sutvan Pilon Michigan Clty. ‘indiana. pada. cen, B, J, Longyear Co. 1701 Boshay ‘Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. EB Mose Mott Gore Driling Oo. P. 0. Box 2076, Huntington, Bsr Soran, Sprague f Henwood, Ine, 221 Olive St, Seranton, Po. Deere BE. Dsuoy, Ju, Cleveland Clifts Iron Co, Ishpeming, Bch BE Brunt Bennggivania Deiling Coy 1203 Chartiers Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. HISTORY OF PROJECT 17. On May 97, 1999; at the request of, the Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers’ Association a general conference of manufacturers, Anilling contractors, and general interests was hold at Chicago, Tl, te rkich approximately 1,100 interested organizations had been in, een Purgant to the action of this conference, the recommended lard was submitted to the trade for written acceptance. Fol: owing acceptance by a, satisfactory majority, the, recommended Mtngrd wes issued 2 Commercial Standard CS17-20, being effec. $o4or new production on January 1, 1930, and for clearance of existing stocks on July 1, 1930. 10 ‘Diamond Core Drill Fittings FIRST REVISION 48. On the recommendation of the Standing Committee, a revised draft, was cireulated to the industry for written acceptance on Mareh 5, 1982. ‘The revised draft included the new tolerances adopted by the Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers’ Association. In general, the changes constitute minor refinements which have developed as & re- sult of experience with the standards and which do not change the important nominal dimensions as set forth in the first edition of the pamphlet. As announced to the trade under date of May 14, 1982, the revised standard was accepted and authorized by the industry for publication as Commercial Standard CS17-82. Tt was elfective for new production and clearance of existing stocks from August 15, 1932, SECOND REVISION 49, Pursuant to a request of the Diamond Core Drill Manufactur ers’ Association dated December 18, 1940, and following approval by the Standing Committee, the second revision was circulated on March 2%, 1941, to all concerned for written acceptance. Its chief purpose is to reduce the area of the kerf cut by the two smaller sizes of core- barrel bits, thereby decreasing. drill costs and recovering a slightly larger core. The revision provides new, thin-wall core barrels, core- barrel bits and reaming shells designated EXT and AX’, as well as new flush-joint casings in these two sizes, Following aecoptance by preponderant majority, the second revision was announced and pro mulgated on May 23, 1041, as Commercial Standard CS17-43- ‘THIRD REVISION 20. At the request of the Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers’ As- sociation, iit view of wartime conditions, the eifective dato of the second revision was postponed. ‘This automatically continued the 1982 edition in effect. ‘To avoid confusion due to the latest edition not being in effect, and pending completion of developments toward further revision, the Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers’ Association recommended that. the requirements of the 1932 edition be made available in current commercial standards form. Accordingly, upon endorsement by the Standing Committee, a draft so prepared was circulated on November 21, 1946 for written acceptance. ‘The trade accepted the revised standard which was announced as Commercial Standard CSI7-47, effective from July 1, 1947. esi7-47 ACCEPTANCE OF COMMERCIAL STANDARD Jt acceptance has not previously been filed, this. sheet properly. ited In, ‘signed, and returned wil! provide for the recording of your srsanization as ai Aceeptor of this commercial standard Dato Division of Trade Standards, National Bureau of Standai Washington 25, D.C. Gentlemen. ‘We believe that, the Commercial Standard CS17-47 constitutes a useful standard of practice, and we individually plan to utilize it as far as practicable as a 1 Manufacturer 1 Distributors 1 Testing Laboratory! i User! of diamond core drill fittings. Wo reserve the right to depart from it as we deem advisable, ‘Wo understand, of course, that only those articles w sctually comply with the standard. in all respects ean be identifi as conforming thereto. Signature of authorized officer .. ‘acinaly typowelte oF pent the fllowing see) Name and title of above officer ——.... Organization’ Street address y, zone, and State 1B TO THE ACCEPTOR The following statements answer the usual questions arising in connection with the acceptance and its significance L. Enforcement.—Commercial standards are commodity specifics tions voluntarily established by mutual consent of those concerned. They present a common basis of understanding between the producer, distributor, and eonstmer and should not be confused with any plan of governniental regulation or control. ‘The United States Depart ment of Commerce has no regulatory power in the enforcement of their provisions, but since they represent the will of the interested whole, their provisions through usage soon_ become trade eustoms, and are made effective through incorpo ration into sales contracts by-means of Iabels invoices and the ike 2. The aoceptor’s responsibility. —The paxpose of commercial standards is to establish for specific commodities, nationally recog: nized grades or consumer criteria and the benefits therefrom will be measurable in direct proportion to their general recognition and ‘actual use. Instanees will occur when it may be necessary to devinte from the standard and the signing of an acceptance does not preclude such departures; however, such signature indicates an intention to follow the commercial standard where practicable, in the produe- tion, distribution, or consumption of the artiele in question. 3. The Department's responsibility. —The major function per formed by the Department of Commeres in the voluntary establish- ment of commercial standards on a N basis is fourfold first, to act as an tnbiased coordinator to bring all interested parties together for the mutually satisfactory adjustment of trade standards; second, to supply such assistance and advice as past experience with programs may suggest; third, to canvass and record the ex- tent of acceptance and adherence to the standard on tho part of pro. ducers, distributors, and users; and fourth, after acceptance, to pub- Tish and promulgate the standard for the Information and guidance of buyers and sellers of the commodit 4. Announcement and promulgation.—When the standard has been endorsed by a satisfactory majority of production or consumption in the absence of active, valid opposition, the success of the project is announced. If, however, in the opinion of the standing committee or the Department of Commerce, the support of any standard is, inadequate, the right is reserved to withhold promulgation and pub- lication. csir-a7 ACCEPTORS ‘The organizations listed below have individually aecepted this standard for use as far as practicable in tho production, distribution testing ar eae chase of dlamond core drill ‘fittings, In accepting the standast they coaee tho right to depart therefrom as they individually deca wastes Tee ee ected that articles which ‘uctually ‘comply’ with, the nenuitenrta oss standard in all respects wil be regulary Kdentited or labeled ay eonieeuits ‘hereto, and tha purchasers wil Tequlre stch specie erica np comer geocmoss ee once os San a Cy RSet oa ona ASS Ba a 20 wane [EE Beton sae nee LMM worene, tea [ti Disabe EPH aways rycen waeEE EASE Co, ump. Yr md New Tn itl Sc Hee anno a cet Boon. WV cal Slt Comat, tas, |RSRRSSE Ry ng coy Si Te, om, |g AR SRS Paths "ex sok | pA Sean Ge oe nae Cg ena deste | Meet Coe ean, Oa Sea ee dara See | eta ean aay eGRunccuts Ton eo, he pm | merle tee cee tr et on Note mtg a oo a SES Atl ea pam aera Connolidated Mining Co, Burcka, “Utah, eee ee Reger Mile il tia "Ran o| Sz Yock Sead aS OM, gies DEN TR one ry of, rat Po 15 Diamond Core Drill. Fittings ' COMMERCIAL STANDARDS cane anata SURE yon case 12. ca iy cane BEL Man and se #8 ME lathe panes ie sd 43, Boe Breve 2m, waits, ets, ‘Gai fnering” (arson eseton) ee nay Oe ca 2: GRAPE aa acungs ven neh, re le FEE aac wnt ET te inte) (eecond eaition) ‘Boca edt maleate tee] mise nme anes (fecoad ebilon}| eg cea cor a Aetamatte "montemea! draft syste stall 3 (ned Samed (gird Sane Tee rn asa (eat seaiiens SPREE oe, Gunes wie 80} iv e880 00-49. 108-43. Novton—Thoso interested fn epting them as a basis of every Standards, while the supply lasts Side, National Tore ef Standards, Washington 25, ©. Seen} odie Mae he He feo vit ra ae ape tor wine ORE Ft iis (ira passe Pas mete cate Eon veto (te hee ta a ST tect ees) con ats lay practies Commercial Standard 0817-47 sear “UL 5, GOVERNWENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1867—7658. iG ie aan and int jngleators (for tnear wee ks “einee' Stet than howe itr dito forcloive of Dank ean et el suse ieregete frm Convettore® torting and commercial standards with a view toward ac way secure copies of tho above Oy advessing the Division of ‘Trade Stand:

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