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Answer Reflection Question number 1.

Marketing is an activity or process that focuses on how to know the needs, desires and
expectations of consumers and customers, as well as how to meet those needs, wants and
insights, through the creation and delivery of value to consumers and customers, so as to create
satisfaction (consumer / customer satisfaction) and strong relationships (relationship).
-Production Concept, Production concept or the concept of production is the concept of
marketing management with the main approach in the aspect of production, namely how to
create products or services at low prices.
-Product concept, In the product concept, the company will use a management strategy with a
product quality or service quality orientation.
-Sales Concept, The concept of sales (selling concept) or the concept of marketing management
with a sales approach has the belief that to create sales, consumers must be influenced or
-Marketing Concepts, Companies that use general marketing concepts for marketing
management will emphasize what the market wants and needs, then how the company meets the
needs and wants of the market.
- Social Marketing Concept, In the concept of social marketing, companies have a belief that
marketing management is not only about how to meet the needs and desires of target consumers
(read only for profit), but companies will also think about the social aspects or the social impact
of the use the marketing strategy.

Answer Reflection Question number 2.

The concept is :

First, relating to the use of communication messages. Public Relations activities are
carried out to get support from all stakeholders, including consumers or potential customers.
While Marketing presents messages in the form of promotions or product or service offerings
provided by the hotel and encourages consumers to buy the products offered.
Second, the delivery of messages, Public Relations activities using the delivery of
messages through the news in the mass media. While marketing, a tool to deliver messages using
advertising media.
Third, the use of media for public relations is one of the important stakeholder
components to protect.
Fourth, viewed from the time period of these two different activities. Public Relations
activities are long term. Marketing on the contrary, its activities are short term according to the
age of the product or service offered.
Fifth, the target or target of communication, the goal of Public Relations activities
touches the public especially those who have an interest in the life of the organization. While
marketing targets are aimed more at those who are considered potentially buying or using the
services offered.
Answer Reflection Question number 3.

Some of the topics that I read on the web, newspapers and tv are topics that are very often
discussed as well as topics that often exist in the internet search media such as:
-Google Nose
Google Nose is a new search feature from Google that allows users to use their sense of smell
when browsing on the internet. This feature which was launched on April 1, unfortunately, is
only one part of Google's joke in the context of April Fool's Day.
-April mop
Better known as April Fools' Day in English, April Fools are celebrated every April 1, where
anyone will give jokes to others. In addition to Google Nose above, Google has launched various
jokes and easter eggs in previous years to commemorate this day.
-North Korea
The news from this North Asian country is related to the news of the escalating conflict between
North Korea and South Korea and the United States. Is North Korea ready to fight against South
Korea and the United States? Or is this a negotiating tactic?
-  PLN
State Electricity Company entered the ranks of Google's hottest search this week due to rolling
blackouts experienced by Riau province, Jakarta, West Java. Previously, Banten Province had
experienced the same thing.

Answer Reflection Question number 4.

Yes of course, because some topics usually appear in many places because of the speed at
which people send news using existing media technology. like some topics on tv if we search on
the web then the topic will appear so well with magazines, newspapers and so on. if the topic is
still often discussed then the topic will appear wherever because the topic is often sought and
will attract many people to see it. therefore some hot topics will often appear in various places,
such as the web, tv, magazines and newspapers.

Answer Reflection Question number 5.

Some hot topics that discuss or discuss positive things then it will greatly affect me to
learn from the message of the topic so that I can learn from the topic, there are many lessons we
can take from the positive topics that have been presented by others. moreover, usually some
positive topics will make people fortunate to read them so they can be a lesson and influence for
me. meanwhile some negative topics are usually easy to influence me too but I will find out in
advance about the news and sometimes hoax news has a negative effect on me because it is very
easily trusted by people who are easily deceived. but for certain behaviors of topics in the media
usually it does not really affect me.

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