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The Effects of Adoption on Foster Children's Well-Being: A Systematic


A recent study (Doubledee, 2015), suggested that mental illness and

behavioral problems are the effects to the child if they are known by their

peers as adopted. Some situation is where they cannot accept that they are

not biological part of the family that they tend to see it in negative perspective.

They either adapt with positive or negative outcomes, how the child behaves

must be monitored but they also need to be guided for them to know how can

that situation or the fact that they are adopted be handled. Parents must be

aware that they will play a big part of the child, the environment of their homes

be understand by the child’s process.

The biological family, adoptive family and the child will go to different

process in order for the adoptive family to get the suiting child for them. They

will be monitored if they can treat the child well and they are able to sustain

the life of the adoptee. They cannot just take a child, there are papers to sign

and issues to settle, it is not easy to adopt one family must sacrifice time,

effort and money to reach the goal.

Children who are legally adopted cannot reunite with their biologically

especially if that family has been revoked by the law if they are;

psychologically, sexually abuse the child or they have a drug addiction. Foster

families must take responsibility to whom the child talk or meet to prevent

problems to the present or to the future. If they are adopted when they are a

toddler or a baby, they wouldn’t know their real family, but once they will know

the are adopted they will seek to find the true family. If the child will turn into

finding their biological family will bring a big problem for the foster family, the
child might manifest some behaviour problem and break their relationship

(Doubledee, 2015).

Long-term foster care is preferred by the people of the state, it serves a

permanent parental support by the adoptive family to the child that might

reduce the obstacle having a mental problem or negative adjustments. The

said foster care also helped those children whom experienced homelessness,

low education levels and incarceration. Those children are longing for a family

to care for them because of the lack of attention given by their biological

family (Doubledee, 2015).

Doubledee also cited that the participants of this study will be surveyed to

know their emotions, behaviors and their comments about adoption. The

researchers chose the best participants to answer the survey to get a good

result. The aforementioned paper is about the effects of the child’s well being

if they are fostered care, foster care is a good opportunities to those orphans

who are looking for a fitting relationship with a ready to adopt family.

Fostered children might manifest some mental illness or behaviour

problems due to their real family or they are late adopted. They might

experienced a bad situation where they are lead to being an orphan or their

family cannot sustain their life anymore. There are studies that can support it,

biological parents who raise a biological child are less to have a problem and

grow without a problem (Doubledee, 2015).

There are a lot of families who wanted to adopt a child but there are a lot

of process to do to get one. They must sacrifice a lot of things but the positive

side of it is they can get their goal of having a child of their own. One cannot

get a child easily, they will be monitored by a lot of staff and a lot of social
worker to check if they can sustain the child’s life and if they can appropriately

handle their needs (Doubledee, 2015).

Finding their real families are normal for the adoptee, especially if they

later knew about that fact. Biological families are part of the triad members

that are important to the child including themselves. If the real parents are not

evoked by the law, they still have a responsibility or a power to see their own

children. And that makes this paper related to the recent study, it supports it

by giving related articles of adopted children manifesting a behaviour and

emotional problem (Doubledee, 2015).

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