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How Proper Communication About Adoption Helps

In an a study entitled, “Adopted children’s emotion regulation: The role of

Parental Attitudes and Communication about Adoption” written by Soares, J.

(2017), she discussed that the adoptive families and their communication to

the adopted child has a big role for their relationship. The biological/adoptive

families has to be active and supportive towards the adopted child especially

when they don’t have any idea on what is adoption. School-aged adopted

children has communication with their peers, therefore, the environment can

affect the behaviour and emotion of the child. They might have difficulties of

communicating with other children if the families showed negative

understanding about adoption. Parents must be the role model or they must

show that adoption is a safe or good thing and they are treated as a

normal/biological part of the family.

The author’s data given by their participants who are the families that they

view their child’s emotional regulation as adequate or that it tolerable. Still,

they need to be aware and always monitor the emotional stability of their child

especially if its a going through adolescent stage. Emotional regulation has an

importance to the socialization of a person, especially with the communication

of families. Families expressing their emotion and opinions towards their child

biological or adopted and if they understand or respond the emotions of the

child, it provides different opportunities that significantly influence their social-

emotional competence. The negative understanding to the child and their

experiences for having a post-adoption after having a long or late adoption

can affect them.

There are adopted children who are afraid and has a fear of rejection
because of them being adopted late. There are many cases about children in

adopted center that has difficulty on getting a adoptive parent. Certain

processes are need to be made in order for a family that is willing to adopt.

They will scale if the child and the family will be a good pair and if the parents

are able to raise the child for themselves, a family has to face this challenges.

But other cases like lacking of getting a suitable parent or not enough families

are going down to the adoption center, lots of kids grow up in the center and

never experience having a their own family.Consequences are made if there

are shown negativity by the adoptive family towards the child, they

relationship might be ruined.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the emotion and behaviour of an

adoptive child to their adoptive family whether they acknowledge or reject

adoption’s differences and their communication that influences the emotional

regulation of the child. The authors explained that they still lack of information

about the child’s emotion and behaviour, they also did not explain the side of

the adoptive family and their daily life with the child. The triad members;

biological family, adoptive family and the adoptee impacts each other.

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