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Course Work Components – 60%

1. Final Assignment (Case Study & Presentation) – 20%

 To evaluate independence in Values & Attitudes Rubric

 Written – 15% (Based on Written Rubric)

 Presentation – 5% (Based on Oral Presentation Rubric)
 Each group should choose ONE topic in the list of the topics below.
 The project should include title of the project, table of content, introduction, body,
conclusion & bibliography page with proper citations.
 The topic must examine theoretical aspect related to the topic
 Describe its applications by providing real examples.
 Follow this format in naming your word file- casestudytopicFA for final assignment.
Eg. LazadaFA

 Due Date of Full Submission : 1.12.2019 (Week 13)

o You are advised to present the draft before me prior to the submission

 Date of Presentation: 13th week


o Language : English
o Font : Times New Roman 12, 1 ½ line spacing
o Pages : minimum 20 pages, excluding cover page and appendix
o Reference style : APA style. Example:

 Suzuki, Y. Uddin, S.M.S, (2014), Islamic bank rent A case study of

Islamic banking in Bangladesh, International Journal of Islamic and
Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Vol. 7 Iss. 2 pp. 170 – 181

2. Assignment 2 (Problem Solving & Presentation) – 25%

 Based on Values & Attitudes Rubric
 The project should comprise the following components:
i. Article review: 10% Using written rubric as a guidance for Values and Attitude Rubric
ii. Presentation: 10% -Using oral rubric as a guidance for Values and Attitude Rubric

 Review two articles that will be posted during online learning.

Review format:

i. You should write your name in the first page.

ii. Follow this format in naming your word file- matricnumberAR1 for Article review
1, and matricnumberAR2 for article review2.

iii. Your discussion should consist of one page of summary of the discussion and
pertinent issues related to the topics in second page.

iv. You have to submit through online learning.

 Presentation task:

i. Please refer to AAOIFI and BNM Shariah Standards

ii. Choose ONE (1) contract that covered by both Standards

iii. Explain the concept (definition, legitimacy, modus operandi etc)

iv. Summarise the focus of both Standards on the contract chosen

v. Justify the advantage of one standard over other standard

 FORMAT (Article review):

o Language : English
o Font : Times New Roman 12, 1 ½ line spacing
o Pages : minimum 2 pages. Not more than 3 pages.
o Reference style : APA style. Example:
 Suzuki, Y. Uddin, S.M.S, (2014), Islamic bank rent A case study of
Islamic banking in Bangladesh, International Journal of Islamic and
Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Vol. 7 Iss. 2 pp. 170 – 181

 Test 1 (Online Assessment – Article review or slides) - 5% (moral)

3. Test 2 (Role Play) – 10% (appearance)

 Create a situation whereby there are two persons are dealing on two or more contracts in
Islamic finance. Suggest two or more contracts that can be used to solve any issue in
 Show this situation in the form of role play whereby it is presented as a video
presentation (normal video or YouTube)
 Maximum duration of the video: 10 minutes

4. Participation (volunteerism)- 5%

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