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Column1 Every doctor has the right to:

Equal treatment regardless of color,

caste, creed, nationality or any
other factor that differentiates people
from one another. During
interviews, decisions should be based
on merit, achievements and work ethic.
Equal treatment and equal benefits of the law Furthermore, wherever a doctor is
/Not be unfairly discriminated against employed, there should not be misuse,
abuse and mistreatment of their position.
The rights assigned by the law should
apply in private and public sectors. In
forensic medicine, for example, the
testimony of the forensic surgeon must be
prioritized over eye witness reports.

Although, they are the providers of health

and life, doctors too are human beings
which means they can fall sick like anyone.
It starts from home where they can be
taken care of by other family member and
not left to fend or themselves just because
they are doctors and must know how to
To life and healthcare take care of themselves. The place of
employment could take up the task of
regularly offering checkups of its doctors
and provide them with facilities such as
healthy food products to make sure they
are on a healthier track and therefore
working productively. 

This means that first and foremost they

should be secure in their workplaces
whether rural or urban; secure socially,
physically, emotionally and spiritually. If
they are safe then they will be more
efficient and comfortable in treating the
people. Secondly, their privacy should not
be invaded nor should their opinions be
To freedom and security  shut down. Many times doctors are
misused and manipulated for personal
gains and this harms the society as a
whole by deteriorating the repuation of all
doctors; especially in religious affairs
where two views clash, doctors are
targetted for having a different mindset.
They should be safe from threats.
Doctors are regularly surrounded by
people: patients, colleagues, family and
students so privacy can become an alien
concept. But, it does not mean that
doctors do not need privacy. Their privacy
should not be snatched in the sense that
when they are off-duty then it should be
To privacy respected unless there is a valid reason.
This can take the shape of knocking on
their door before entering into their room.
It can be especially rude to hunt down a
doctor on their social media accounts or
messaging them everywhere; emails or
office phone numbers should be used

Doctors cannot be forced into the molds

created by us, they are their own person
and hence deserve to follow and believe in
whatever they like. They can also voice
their concerns in any way they think to be
To freedom of religion, belief and opinion best. We are no one to control such
private matters. If a doctor needs to pray
at a certain time then it should be
respected and allowed with proper

Doctors are highly knowledgable and

intellectual scientists and their minds are
constantly evolving. They should be
faciliated in researches and conferences.
Ample opportunities should be available
for doctors to explore their field and other
ones. Doctors can be given this freedom
To freedom of expression and participation by being allowed to carry out a lecture
according to their style. They should be
able to use whatever valid resource to
teach, for example. In meetings all faculty
should be given chance to share ideas
whether they are junior doctors or senior
Doctors are laborers but that does not
mean they have an infinite capacity to
work. Their rights to leave for holidays for
To freedom of labour practice example should not be revoked except
when exceptionally necessary. Their work
load should also be divided fairly with
respect to night shifts especially.

A safe, secure, friendly and sterile

environment where their health, social
well-being and property is not in
To an environment danger.They should be given a proper
office to sit in with the basic supplies such
as comfortable chairs and tables, heaters
and air conditioners.

Doctors are not masters of their field in

the sense that medicine is an ever growing
field. This means that passionate doctors
might be interested in exploring
developments in various fields or even
introduce their own. They should be
facilitated in this and not discouraged by
. To education and further knowledge demoralizing comments. Even if they wish
to change the field of work entirely and
are sincere in doing so, that should be
encouraged as well. Lady doctors are
usually confined to their homes after
mbbs/bds but if they want to pursue fcps
then that should be allowed.
Every patient has the right to:
Every doctor has the responsibility of:

Again, the same principles mentioned

for the doctor hold true here as
Doctors must realize that their image depends
well.Specifically, in clinics and hospitals,
upon the patients’ response as they discuss
there is no tolerance for discrimination. All
among each other about the way a certain
patients deserve to be spoken to softly and
doctor dealt with them and hence recommend
politely, there should be no room for
specific doctors to others even. Therefore, it is
preferring patients who might be your
crucial to remove biases of all kinds and
relatives/close friends. When charging
patients, there should not be lenience prioritizing humanity means keeping each
patient and their families well-informed about
towards a certain patient based on
relationship; be merciful with all. An their circumstances. They should also keep in
mind that if a patient has taken legal action
important thing that goes unnoticed is that against a certain doctor then they cannot snub it
patients should have access to the law such
or try to cheat or lie their way out of the case.
that if they feel violated in any way, they
should be facilitated in taking action.

Doctors cannot pick and choose who to treat

Hospitals are often faced with critical
and who not to treat. They must not dismiss
situations where decisions can make the
anyone who is seeking help. Even if there is
difference bewteen life and death. All
patients deserve to live and when ethical shortage of resources the doctor cannot display
a sense of hopelessness to anyone. Decisions to
scenarios result in a minor loss that does not
help patients should purely be based upon the
mean that the life and healthcare of all gravity of one's situation and if a doctor feels
patients on the whole is compromised. It
they are unable to help someone then they
must be noted that if a doctor is capable of
must direct the patient to someone where they
offering a solution to their patients then they can be assisted. In short, doctors may not, in any
must do so for it is the right of the patient
situation, abandon anyone physically, medically,
who has sought their help.
emotionally and spiritually.  

Patients can be ignorant and usually are; they

are unaware of many scientific, religious and
Patients' life, property and wellbeing should social matters, this leads to strong and stubborn
be preserved and protected from any kind of mindsets and doctors can get frustrated trying
harm and they should be given options to to convince them. In doing so, patients' feelings
select what suits them best in terms of should not be hurt, doctors are not to take
treatments or drugs. Specifically, patients things personally and comply with the patients'
should be safe from assault, theft or verbal wishes as long as they are within ethical limits.
abuse. There should be adequate Doctors cannot use their position to force a
arrangements for their security so they can certain treatment or drug onto someone.
be in the hosptial free from this extra worry Furthermore, it is the responsibility of all
of being attacked. doctors collectively to report any cases of
misdeamonor or assault for the overall safety
and betterment of the institute and patients.
This is extremely important because patients are
A doctor-patient relationship is built on trust literally and figuratively exposing themselves to
because people are exposing areas and parts a doctor; nobody is privileged enough to be
of their lives that no one knows. Patients entrusted with such a level of trust and secrecy
deserve utmost privacy because if that is than a doctor. Patients' files, records and any
violated they will immediately hesitate to information they share during history taking
proceed with treatment and will be reluctant must be preserved. During examinations,
to seek further help. This privacy can be sufficient seclusion must be arranged where
achieved by closing the door when a patient unauthorized personnel cannot take unfair
is with a doctor or drawing the curtains if advantage of someone's privacy. Doctors should
there is no door. Patients even have the right make sure they follow the principle of
to request for a lady doctor and vice versa. confidentiality with all aspects of a patient's

Doctors are to ensure that they provide a safe

Patients come from a wide variety of belief environment for people to openly discuss
systems and it is not possible that each will reservations regarding clashes between their
hold correct or logical beliefs. That factor religious ways and the treatment process. If a
should be taken intoo account. If a jewish patient requests that a particular treatment
patient cannot take a certain drug and method be verified by a religous scholar as
insisting for an alternative then that should lawful then these arrangments are to made by
be carried out without any questioning. the doctor by properly following a procedure
which satisfies the patient.

Doctors should lend their ears wholeheartedly

Patients need to speak so that the doctor can to the patient and empathize with their concern.
know what their situation is therefore it is
Sometimes just listening can have a powerful
required that they feel able to express
impact. Senior surgeouns should give sufficient
themselves sufficiently. Patients can be given
exposure to their young students by employing
a role in improving the healthcare system by
having a strong feedback system where their skills in order to develop them. If they do
not let the juniors participate then they will
patients can write or send their feedback
never learn nor will the surgeon improve in their
through websites, emails or letters.
Patients' health records should not be Doctors should know what their duties are and
complete the shift which is alloted to them. Also
revealed to workplaces or any other person
they should educate their patients about
that could put the patient at risk of being
controlling the spread of their contagious
fired for having a certian disease such as disease as their family or workplace might not
AIDs or any other contagious disease as this
know of it. The doctor plays an important role in
is strictly a personal matter and it should not
making the patient aware of the correct ways to
endanger someone's source of income.
prevent spreading of their disease.

Doctors are responsible for making sure that the

environment is non-hostile and clean. They
They also require a hygienic environement should speak gently with their juniors and
without any threats to their life and
encourage an intellectual environment where
property. Equipment should be sterile and
the wards should also be cleaned regularly. juniors are motivated to learn. Not shouting or
avoiding being snappy at juniors is important as
Cleam drinking water is crucial.
it keeps them interested in growing and
accepting their mistakes.

patient need to be made aware of their

condition fully and truthfully. If they inquire
Doctors are to ensure thar juniors have access
then they should be responded to no matter
to the knowledge they are searching for. If
what. They should be made aware of
students on clinical rotations show interest in
alternatives as well for example if a patient is
scrubbing for surgeries then surgeons should try
allergic to some medication then sufficient
details about alternatives and their side to accomodate for them
effecrs or drawbacks should be given.
Every patient has the responsibility of: Every student has the right to: _x000D_

Patients tend to think that they have the

pass to misbehave with medical Students also deserve to be treated fairly
professionals but they should keep in mind without bias from any staff/faculty
that doctors are not products in a mall that members. Teachers should make sure rules
they can pick and choose according to their of class timings must be implemented over
liking. It is quite possible to get a doctor who all and no exceptions should be made for
might be different in religion, social class or the “apple of the eye” students.
race from the patient and that is completely Furthermore, in labs and other
normal. A common example would be when demonstrations each student should be able
patients compare another colleague right in to take a look and experience the task and
front of the doctor, this can be embarrassing students should not hesitate to request that
and rude for the person trying their best to they are given a fair go.
attend to the patients’ needs.

It is very easy to be selfish during illness and

so patients tend to be impatient to recieve
help. It can be far more fruitful to show It is important that students are provided
concern for someone else regardless of their wih access to health facilities because on
situation and especially if they are in a worse campus there is no guarentee of safety.
condition. Simply talking to each other can Teachers should also play their role in
be uplifting, holding the door open for the directing the students and keeping them
one behind you and other small deeds can well-informed about how to be actively
have a huge impact on one's health. involved in self-care from simple hygiene
Hospitals are crowded places and this makes practices to complex dietary strategies or
them prone to spawning people with bad excercise routines along with the
tempers. It can be useful to remember that curriculum.
everyone is human and deserves to have
their illness removed.

This refers to how patients should also play

an active role in maintaining the freedom Young adults are very outspoken, they need
and security of others. They can do this by their voices heard, therefore students must
simply offering to look after someone's child be given platforms where they can be free
or belongings in their absence or suggest an to talk about their concerns in general,
alternative for them if someone needs to go within limits of course. Also, students should
to the bathroom for example or get come to college with a sense of safety from
something from the pharmacy. Such any kind of disaster or invasion. This can be
inconspicuous deeds really help encourage easily applied in classrooms where students
others in feeling more liberated and secure should feel confident enough to share their
while at the hospital and it even reduces thought and also practice a style of studying
social anxiety faced by many in public that suits them.
Students' privacy is often violated in college
Patients should try to maintain the privacy and that is alarming because this can induce
of the doctor and fellow patients. If they are anxiety among them and decrease their
mindful of it then they will recieve the same performance, like anyone they also deserve
treatment from others. They should be privacy in the sense that their results and
especially careful when someone is talking reports are confidential matters. What they
with a doctor not to eavesdrop on their share with teachers regarding any issue is
conversation. This way they are protecting also confidential. Sometimes jokingly
the privacy of both the patient and the teachers reveal certain information
doctor. Also, they should not be perverted in belonging to a student. Furthermore, when
their thinking while a doctor is physically marklists are displayed, many feel
dealing with them. humiliated when everyone can see their

Students are a diverse body, they are a

group of people with extremely polarising
Patients need to maintain a respect for
others' beliefs especially because many opinions and concepts. It is easy to pull on
their leg so it is advised that one maneuvers
times they can end up saying harsh words to carefully in interacting with them. Students
doctors and fellow patients in demanding
or teachers should be careful about
what they need/want. If a doctor has an idol arranging meetings during prayer timings or
of their god or a charm in their office then
making a person feel guilty for being
pateints should not point it out rudely.
particular about their prayers instead of
hanging out.

Students can be a useful source of learning

for teachers so it is immensely important
Patients have to ensure that the healthcare that they are given enough chances to
system constantly evolves and so they express their ideas. Activities like SGDs and
should take their feedback seriously. When PBLs are a fantastic way to bring out the
given a platform to write their views, they hidden curioisities and confusions among
should not misuse it to spread false students. In doing so, they also end up
propoganda against a certain individual or talking about things that are enlightening
institute for their personal goals of revenge for others. In this manner everyone gets to
or bias. participate and add an input as well and
offers a great platform for introverted
students to finally generate ideas.
Patients should not create fuss when
doctors are on leave and trap them in
awkward situations that could collapse their Students can enjoy leaves as long as they
career. It is their responsibility to be mature are not over the limit. Their weekends
about these cases and move on or look for should not be unfairly consumed.
another doctor instead of stepping on their

Students need a space where they feel

welcome so professors must play their part
Patients should make sure they are not in introducing the subject in a way that is
dirtying the hospital by littering or even pleasing for students and easy to accept.
coughing without covering their mouths. They should not drive students away with a
They should dispose their trash thoughtfully tyrannic outlook. This does not mean be
and carry masks. They should also not touch lenient, rather it refers to showing gestures
others with unclean hands. of passion while teaching so that the
student is more sensitized to the

Patients should also try to educate one

Students willing to pursue research should
another if they see someone in ignorance. If
be faciliated accordingly and guided
they see someone opting for an option that
sufficiently. they should be given access to
is harmful in the long run then they should
lab equipment for data collection
inform the other before it is late.
Every student has the responsibility of: _x000D_

They should instill in their minds that their

peers, lecturers, technical staff and
maintenance staff are all human beings, and
just because they have paid for their
education does not allow them to disrespect
an individual directly or indirectly. Students
should be mature enough to understand
that teacher evaluation forms are not a
mockery so it is paramount that they are
filled without judgement of qualities that
play no role in improving their educational
experience; even not filling the evaluation
form is irresponsible.

Students of this day and age are getting

more and more aware of matters that used
to be less understood or taboo such as
mental health, this knowledge entrusts them
with the duty to share it with others and
utilise it wherever necessary to help
someone in need. It can even take the shape
of advising someone to drop an unhealthy
habit or on a bigger level, performing CPR if
needed. If they know something then they
must implement that knowledge to preserve
health and life of another.

Students are prone to neglecting those

around them and that is why it is neccesaay
that they learn how to accomodate for
others and let them experience freedom as
well. They should also avoid irrelevant
arguments that could turn into physical
abuse. Attacking someone's insecurities
should be avoided and if a mistake is made
then the apology should not be delayed.
Even if the other person is behaving violently
it is a student's responsibility to report the
incident instead of fighting back. The by-
standers should not aggravate the "phadda"
rather they should dissolve it. Ragging is the
biggest example of security being breached.
While they deserve privacy, they must also
give it to those around them, teachers and
students alike. They are to avoid prying into
other people's matters and this can be
achieved by not sliding into instructors'
rooms without permission. Going through
someone else's notebooks or bagpacks is
also ill-mannered. Such invasion of privacy
must be avoided at all costs.

In joking around, we tend to offend others,

so it is neccessary to learn where to draw
the line. This is important because offending
someone can negatively influence them and
initiate a chain reaction where the offended
person attacks another student. During
ragging many times seniors make first years
perform certain actions that are immoral for
people, if a student refuses to do those then
that must be upheld with respect.

Everyone wants to be known for their

smartness so students tend to swoop in at
any moment to give the right answer. This
especially happens right when someone
finally musters up enough courage to speak
in a lecture hall full of a hundred people.
Students must be careful not to speak too
much and reduce the chances for others to
add something meaningful during lectures.
As a sidenote, it is also necessary that we as
students encourage our timid friends to
open up about their thoughts as well.
Students should keep track of their leaves
and be mindful of being absent during group
tasks as this could harm the team's efforts.

Students should not indulge in activities that

harm the delicately intellectual nature of
classroom discussions. One irrelevant joke
can destroy the tempo of the teacher and
students alike. Distracting or playing tricks
can irritate others so that must be avoided
where it could potentially reduce the
effectiveness of a lecture.

They should spread awareness about

learning resources or websites or video
lectures they find or software they used to
help other students.

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