Brahmasutra Vritti - SKT - Sadasivendra Sarasvati 1909

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srahmasutra By SADASIVENDRA SARASVATI, Author of Aima Vidya Vilasa ete. a aay Srirangam: SRI VANI VILAS PRESS. 1909. Copyright Registered.) [All rights reserved. Tic a FATA Ul TATA: i AAA THEATRAT THT AAT ATT RraegacadtaaesearraT sfraantrasrarvaat face | Aya staniforggraaret agizar ! 9Re8, PREFACE, HIS is a precious ancient work by Sadasivendra Sarasvati—one of the greatest of Rajayogins of © Southern India whose life-sketch appears else- where in this volume. The existence of this work was first made known to me by His Holiness Sri Jagadguru of Sringeri who commanded me to bring out a good edition of this as well as the other works of Sri Sadasivendra Saras- vati. I accordingly set out in search of Manuscripts when to my great astonishment the very next day Brahmasri Venkatarama Dikshitar of Tiruchendurai came to me with a palm-leaf Manuscript of this very work and asked me to have it printed and published. With great joy I took it to His Holiness of Sringeri who was much pleased to find me in actual possession of a Manus- eript so soon. While this Manuscript was being fair copied I was able to get two more Manuscripts, one from. Mr. Krishnaswamy Sastrigal B.A. B.L., Vakil of Tanjore, the grandson of Brahmasri Mahalinga Sastrigal of Tiruvas- anallur, and another through the kindness of Mr. K. Sun- dararama Aiyar M.A., of Kumbaconam from one of his friends Mr. Subbaier. With these manuseripts in my possession, I began the work in right earnest and I take this opportunity to thank the above-mentioned gentlemen for having helped me with the Mss. I have great pleasure in also acknowledging with thanks the ready ii help rendered me by Brabmasri Rama Sastrigal, Dhar- madbikari of Mysore and of Sri Sringeri Mutt, Brahmasri S. Kuppuswamy Sastrigal, M.a., Principal, Sanskrit College, Mylapore, Pandit R. V- Krishnamacha- riax, Abhivana Bhatta Bana and Pandit 8. Subrahmanya Sastrigal of Tanjore, but for whose active co-operation it would not have been possible for me to have brought out such a good and accurate edition of the work in such a short time. Whenever there was any doubt as to the accuracy of any of the readings, it was at once taken fo the notice of His Holiness Sri Jagadguru of Sringeri and his decisions were adopted. In short, no pains have been spared to make this edition as neat and accurate as possi- ble. The Index of Sutras and Adhbikaranas will, it is hoped, add much to the usefulness of the book. SRIRANGAM. - 20th January 1909,.$ 7 He Ralasubrakmanyarm. Wait u W aaa u at fe ‘aerate’ am aegaate: Ba- Raritememitat: fraaramerateady: Pera) wacrtaragenfiea aga ra: aed, ay qed a gear; sate arg wale gaita sisas- Ragan, wiiaeiraaaitenge, we sate saad seers 4 age UT RTOTTACfAT atta, Feaager, weasels gar, vea- afrratareegat searrararrrarar a arectite fe aid agaraents aiardisht wate ez aR, wand, fad adigta geenestaa aasit aa-. faut: | gt a ReM@at aiesusarcaraat date fagititncaa otegaat seqattirea- amt argent trariareahraraasareea- wfany atramengaas gafigarara | agers stararas sneat adie caeggoiaar- (2) fra) waeaftetrrara aden anfisfizadarearr wadiga: aterm: adtagcermaatreien: stagtiitustrata: finer: crane, Fergeter- aon TSS: we, Tw. Lie afiut: oftara: ecgerfienfae:, afraraaronfeta equiva: oeaormaay:, Taran: oftea- Baaraasores weet cara THTgRA BIE I att at Faas: | ea aa Gasset + staat agiittaatrndiat faerntrarmaeagey W3- aienfeatera | erat atGrarat a ergeareny- frat feahrateso savata, gaat a- fear, gare tag, wareana a Waea: aah dadeqouacarana Preftarts | ergata yTET dorpittcathataaat Para | ate sz seq wit gt: Rergayraena Few, aigaa a As- fe: a€ waftatstt ogtoniltsere ane off ware aaraaa: | f. %. aregaerea:. SADASIVENDRA SARASVATI. A SKETCH. Sadasivendra Sarasvati. . NI ADASIVENDRA Sarasvati or Sadasiva Brahman as he is more familiarly known, was a great San- ‘yasin and was the last genuine representative of the school of Rajayogins that flourished in Southern India. He lived in the beginning of the 18th Century, more than a hundred and fifty years ago, near the modern town of Karur. For the details of bis life we have to draw ‘mainly upon tradition, but there is every reason to believe that much of it is veryreliable. For several of the inci- denis in the life of this great Sage, which we are about to narrate in this sketch, we are gratefully indebted to the gracious condescension on the part of His Holiness Sri Sachchidananda Sivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati Swami who now adorns the Mutt of Sringeri and whose high regard for Sadasiva Brahman may be gathered from his precious little work known as ‘“‘Sadasivendra Stuti”— ,® collection of stotras in praise of Sadasivendra Saras- vati— composed by His Holiness while on a visit to the great Rajayogi’s Samadhi at Nerur. Sadasiva is represented to have been exceptionally smart and brilliant in his student days. It was ab Tiruvisanallur, a village in the Tanjore District, on the banks of the sacred stream Kaveri, embowerel among groves of mangoes and cocoanuts, that Sadasiva's siadent days were cast. This village was at the tinue peesiarly blessed in her teachers and puyuls. There was Rancsiadrn Dikshitn, a scholar of no mean repute amd the fanous author of the dramas the danuki Farinas tere was also Sri Venkatesa, vet in hin teens with all these poten tialities in hint whieh were te riper: inthe fulness of time and muke of hit a heartestirung preacher atid water, whose noble life and fersvid words bave earied fe hate the undying glory of the Snint Miving, whose Abby a»ashta, Dayasataka and other works have an earnestuesd and a pathos rarely met with elsewhere and whose tani under the more respected and famnilinr tithe of Ayvaval i ine voked even this day by hundreds of devotes in Southern India with grateful strains and uplifted bands there was Gopalakrishna, alo a student, who came tobe kuows as) Mahabhashyan: Gopalakristinn Sastri, so styled be. cause of his learned commentary on the Patanjalite Mahabhasya and who was afterwards to become the spard tual preceptor of the Tundamans of Pudukota. and there was Sadasiva, the subject of our wkoteh, a studoat yet, the most gifted of a gifted wet, the moet brilliant of glorious band of stunents, exch of whoty was afterwards to leave bin mark on earth -' foot-prints on the sande of time’-that have been a guide and an inspiration to many aforlorn heart, He is said to have been much given to arguing, to raise topiexof discussion with his teacher who invariably seenis to have come out only second beat on ii these occasions. Towards the close of his student life, news came that his young wife had come of age in a dis- tant village and accordingly his happy mother was pre- paring afew extra dishes in honor of the occasion. When Sadasiva returned from his teacher’s quarters he found his dinner delayed an hour in consequence. While thus waiting for his dinner he reflected as follows, “ Married life has just shown the symptoms of dawning and I have already to pay for it with an hour’s fasting. This is but a prelude to the misery of the family life to come”. So he immediately made up his mind against the married state and accordingly went in search of a spiritual preceptor. From this day he began to display an utter aversion to the so called pleasures of the world and his heart melted for the suffering millions. His habits became cosmopolitan. He cared for neither caste nor creed. All were equal in his eyes. He would eat anything that was given him and that from the hand ofany one without distinction. On the days on which no food was offered to him he used to make a sumptuous meal from the refuse leaves thrown in the street. People did not understand the true Mahatma that was hidden behind his appearance and Sadasiva was to them only a crazy youth. He soon found his preceptor Parama Sivendra Saraswati and began under him his apprenticeship in Yoga. He made great progress alike in his studies and practice. It must have been during this period that he wrote the works and Kirtanas that are now left bebind to remind us of his mighty persona iv lity! His Kértanas ‘or'‘songs are sweetly lyrical and breathe a lofty idea. They show the trend his thoughts were now taking and show his ear for music. He soon became an adeptin’Yoga under his master’s guidance: He composed about this time a short but very sweet poem on the glory of self-realisation. This poem —Atma- vidya Vilasa— consists of 62 Stanza in Arya Metre and describes the greatness of a Yogin who has realised Self, his conquest over the passions, his indifference to praise or censure, his overflowing sympathy with all living beings and his revel in beatific bliss. Such a glorous life was now bis ideal and he expresses in the poem his ardent thirst for the realisation of his ideal which was not long in coming. Tradition has it that Sadasiva used to worry with a number of questions all persons who came to his preceptor and thus shame them into silence. This practice was so much resented by the people that they one day reported it to Paramasivendra Sarasvati who on hearing it became a bit annoyed and exclaimed “ Sadasiva, when will you. learn to keep your mouth shut?’’ The student perceived his folly and to effect- ually prevent the transgressions of that unruly member, his tongue, took thenceforth a vow of lifelong silence. He prostrated himself before his teacher, begged for- siveness for his fault, took leave of his master and went out a homeless, speechless mendicant, trying to realise in himself the lofty ideals he had set forth in the Atma- vidya Vilasa. v + Henceforth he lived the life of a wanderer never staying anywhere for any length of time, never once opening his mouth, but when absolutely necessary expressing his thoughts by gesture or by writing on the ground. Little by little he was trying to gain mastery over his natural fiery spirit. One morning he was found lying in @ field, resting his head on the embankment that divided field from field. The labourers that passed by remarked that. one who had given up the world still found it necessary to have a support for the head. Next morning the labourers passed by the same way and saw Sadasivalying in the same place but without any support for the head this time. There-upon they wondered how one who professes to scorn all earthly things, could still be so sensitive io criticism. This incident was soon after related to Sri Venkatesa who is said to have given vent to his thoughts in the following couplet. Dgwatswat aasasaaseeaany | aA FACT “Even to those who hold the world as valueless as a ‘straw and who have mastered all the secrets, even to such it is difficult to cease to be slaves to the strumpet fame. Such little failures as these were however only stepp- ing stones which led him to the highest heights of Yoga. He now finally left the scenes of his youth and spent his days on the lovely banks of the Amaravati ‘and the Kaveri in the Coimbatore District. His days he would vi spend in the bed of the river meditating on the Unknow- able and the Unknown. Many a time and oft would he be seen wandering aipnlessly, as it were, like a mad man with a strange far off look in his upturned eyes, his mind perfectly unconcsious of what passed around him and his energies concentrated on Self. When it was reported to Sri Paramasivendra Sarasvati that his disciple was wandering thus like a mad man, he seems to have re- gretted that such madness did not overtake himself. wareracaaearg fireq- waa see sais yor! faagarare ge: guet qa Fa crest Now would he be seen to plunge into the groves far and wide that lay stretched on either side of the sacred stream and remain lost to view for many a day Now would he be seen lying upon the white undulating sands of these rivers. Once while thus reposing on the sands of the Kaveri near Kodumudi, one of those sudden floods that often rush through the stream without notice, came and carried off the unconscious Yogin and buried him onthe sands in its onward sweep- ing course. The villagers on the banks who were the spectators of the scene were quite powerless to help the Yogin and quietly returned to their homes deerly regret- ting the calamity which they thought had befallen the great Sage whom they looked upon with awe and rever- ence. Three months passed by and when the freshes in vii the river subsided and water became scarce, the village officers went to the river for erecting the usual Korambu. While one of the labourers plunged; his spade deep into the bed, lo ! it came into contact with some obstruction. The surprised workman drew out the spade and beheld with consternation a few drops of blood tripping down his tool. All the officers and workmen now gathered around him and duga deep pit round the spot and wonder of wonders! they found buried deep in the sand our great Mahatma, his several limbs lying in differ- ent directions and himself lost in Samadhi. They carefully dug him out complete and thus roused into consciousness, this mighty Saint whose ‘soul was like a star and dwelt apart’ looked about him as if just risen out of deep slumber and after afew minutes, went his way as if nothing in the world had happened to him. On another occasion in a village near Karur a certain ryot harvested his fields and as it was rather late in the day to measure the harvested paddy, he simply had it collected into a heap so that he may have it measured next morving, marked it with special marks lest it might be stolen and ordered eight of his servants to mount guard over the heap during night. The ryot of course went his way and at about midnight when it was pitch dark, our Sage in the course of his wanderings came that way and stumbled over the paddy heap. The guards, who were on the other side immediatly ran up to him . viii with sticks -in their uplifted: hands and found our-Yogin lying on the heap with “his hands outstreched. They ‘wanted to severely castigate him -but lo! such was the greatness of our Sage, they found their hands fixed with- out any motion whatever. They became absolutely powerless to move their hands- irom their uplifted posi- tion and there in that posture they stood throughout the night, mute with astonishment till their master, re- turned in the morning and found them in that sad plight. “When the master and the servants: were conversing,.our Yogin stood up and went bis way and on his departure the servants regained control over their arms. On another occasion during the superior officer's ‘camp in a certain village the village Talayaris were ordered to bring fuel for the camp. These men collected the fuel from an adjoining forest and had it tied into several bundles. Each one of them took a bundle on his head and in the end they found one more bundle remain- ing. Just at that time it so happened that our Sage was passing by that way. Finding him to be a robust person these Talayaris put that remaining bundle on his head and dragged him also along with them to the camp. There when all the bundles were heaped together, Sada- siva’s bundle was thrown over them last. ‘And that very moment the whole heap caught fire to the utter bewilder- ment of all the on-lookers. . Thus he .wasa great and.a born. Siddha though many mistook him for. an .insane person, as all great ix men are generally apt to be by the ordinary run of mankind. Children especially liked him much, for it is usual with children to play tricks round one whom they consider to be insane, especially when they feel sure that his insanity does not endanger their personal safety. One of his greatest delights was to distribute among these children whatever he received from the people in charity. On a certain day, and that was the day of Vrishabhavahanam festival in Madura, the children whose curiosity was probably excited by the description they heard at home of the grand festival, said to Sadasiva “Father, ( for that was the general term by which the children addressed the subject of our sketch) will you take us to Madura to-night. There the God Mahesa will march to-night. in a grand procession on the Bull. We wish to enjoy the sight.’’ This request was evidently offered in frolicsome derision, as the: children thought it beyond all possibility for their curiosities to be satisfied. They didn’t know that Sadasiva was a Siddha and that of a high order. He signed. to the children to mount on his head, back and shoulders and other pazts of the body. The children enjoyed the fun very much and when he wanted them to shut. their eyes for a second they did so. The next moment when they opened their eyes, lo! they beheld themselves all in Madura before the very God in procession on the Bull. Sweetmeats, nuts and all sorts of things that children Jove were supplied them in profusion by our Sage and thus the children fully enjoyed the festival. : Before ii x dawn they were all brought back to their homes by the same process by which they were taken to Madura. The morning dawned. Every child began to relate to his anxious parents in sweet words its marvellous adventures of the previous night and showed the sweetmeats, some of which still remained unconsumed. On several occasions such as Mahasivaratri, Goku- lashtami ete. he was seen simultaneously in several places. While people here were observing his doings on such im- portant festival days, those that came from Benares, Muittra, Rameswaram etc. positively averred that they saw him there on those very days. A certain brahmachari, who was quite illiterate, wanted to be blessed by our Sage and so followed him wherever he went. At last the Sage got mercy on him and began to encourage him by gestures. One day the brahmachari said that he was eager to witness the Diety Ranganatha at Srirangam and our-Sage desired him to close his eyes. On re-opening the same, he found himself and the Sage standing in the presence of God Ranganatha at Srirangam witnessing the Nerajana. A moment later the Sage disappeared and the brahmachari searched for him all over the place. Not finding him anywhere he slowly returned to Nerur where he found the Sage in deep meditation. When he recapitulated his experience to the people there, they would not at first believe it since they said the Yogi did not at all leave their presence through- out those days. But in the end they believed the brah- machari and admired the greatness of the Yogi, Some xi years afterwards the Sage took compassion on the brab- machari and blessed him with some Mantras. The brahmachari immediately began to expound all the Puranas to learned audiences and became an adept in such expositions, so much so, that he was geverously rewarded by several kings and grauts of several plots of land were made to him at. Nerur for his proficiency in the Puranas. It is stated that his descendants are still enjoying these lands. On another occasion our Yogi in the course of-his wanderings entered the camp of a Muhamadan Chief. The Chief was resting in the camp with his ladies, who were all of course (tosha, and when he observed an Avadhuta entering the presence of Gosha ladies he be- came terribly enraged, rose up immediately, drew his sword and in his wrath cut off one of the arms of the Sage. The Sage did not at all mind it but went his way as usual without even noticing that his arm bas been chopped off. This behaviour of the Sage, this absolute indifference to the maiming of his own limb, greatly struck the Mahamadan Chief who immediately recognised that the object of his wrath was a mighty Saint. So he deeply repented for his folly and followed the Sage wherever he went like his owa shadow. After several days the Yogi turned hack and noticed the Mabamadan following him. When questioned as to why he was thus following, the Mahamadan regretted very much that be had com- mitted an extremely grave fault and begged for forgiveness and blessings. Sadasiva could not understand what xii fault the Mahamadan had committed and so asked him about it. The Mabamadan implored forgiveness for his having cut off one of his arms. It was only then that’ Sadasiva found out the fact and when he passed his other arm over the maimed one, the latter also became whole. The Mahamadan became mute with astonish- ment and craved for Sadasiva’s blessings. It is: stated that Sadasiva blessed him and went his way as usual. This incident is referred to in the following Slokas of Sadasivendra Stuti. Asgrrarane: wet rads BSaasaslt 1 arafaanaareat soft gt: watt Qu qaaadaeaqaeqeeisht 7: Ga: TUT eE THAT ATT Sree: 1% saad aT Ta anhiardie a aaa ot frag 0 Sadasiva used to go to temples and while seeing the Diety there, be used to repeat the Archanas and for every Archana that he uttered a flower would of its’ own accord fall on the head of the Diety. arrargaa qe Fieakig ware wee feaarry soit ga: aaa It may be hard to believe all. these anecdotes whose number is legion (only afew of them being given here), but they persist in living. We all know that nothing is impossible fora Siddha and Sadasiva Brahmendra was undoubtedly one of the greatest of Szddhas. His mind xiii was ever and anon concentrated on the Self. He cared for nothing of this world. He always besmeared himself with mud and ashes and considered the whole Universe to be absolutely worthless—much below the mud and ashes he was wearing. His realisation of the Supreme Brahman was such that even his Guru praised and envied him. faeries frafagaraera t Aiveatases sofa ga: varias He rose above the whole Universe and was always immersed in eternal Bliss. He-cared not for food or drink. He roamed wherever he willed with none to dispute his sway. The several directions weve his clothes. In short be was living in the world, though himself always out of it, a really grand and magnificient beacon light for all time to come, for persons that banker after spiritual wisdom. A true Mahatma be was—certainly the divine manifestation of a true Siddha. Tt was about 1738 A. D. that Sadasiva roamed into the forests adjoining Tiruvarangulam afew miles off Pudukotah. While wandering in these extensive forests he was seen by the then ruler of Pudukotah State— Vijaya Raghunatha Tondaman (1730—1769) who was known by his more familiar name Sivajnana Puram Dorai. This Tondaman was a religious man and spent much of bis time in pious meditations in the forests adjoining a lake-which still bears his name. Pleased with the single minded devotion of the Tondaman who clung to the Sage xiv f. souteight years with a steadfastness which precluded all chances of evasion, Sadasiva wrote down on the sand sertain religious instructionsand by the same method Gixeeted him for further information to his fellow pupil Gopalakrishna Sastri who was then living in Bhikshan- darkoil in the Trichinopoly District. This Sastri was accordingly invited to the Court and by a copperplate Sesena dated 1738 A.D. that still exists, grants of land were made to him and other brahmans who came with him into the State. The Dusserah celebrations as well as the worship of Dakshinamurty in the Palace Temple were now instituted on the lines laid down by Sadasiva. The sand on which the Sage had written the instructions was carefully brought to the palace shrine and is still preserved there with religious veneration and worshipped as the holy relic of the great Sage. From the advent of Sadasiva followed a bright and prosperous period for the State and the Tondamans trace all their glory and eminence to the spiritual influence of tle Sage. Sadasiva did not stay long in these forests, but waudered on wherever his feet led him, spreading sunshine and happiness wherever he went. He is supposed to hare travelled even as far as Turkey in Europe. After a long life of silent meditation he, one day, told the brahmins ‘of Nerur that on a particular day (Jyeshtha Suddha Dasami in the month of Mithuna) he intended’ to attain Beatifie Union with the Supreme Being and if the villagers were prepared for the event on that day a brahmin would be coming with a Bunalinga trom Benares xv which should be consecreated in a temple by the side of his Samadhi. They accordingly awaited the mentioned date, when to their surprise a brahmin turned up from Benares with the Banalénga. And into the pit specially dugout, the great Jivammukta descended of his own accord and merged with the Parabrahman. The people assembled performed the necessary ceremonies and had the temple erected by the side of the Samadhi and the Banalinga conseciated therein. Itis stated that this Jivanmukta attained SamadAt simultaneously in three ditferent places. Brecent art age: af resa a ars SEL < S aatraatara sod ga: agieacaa u But the Samadhi at Nerur is the only one well known in Southern India and the Tondamans of Pudu- Kotah have made extensive grants of lands for the per- formance, in a suitable style, of the religious services in this sacred shrine. All the expenses of the celebration of the sacred Anniversary day every year are defrayed even now by the Pudukotah Siate. Such was the mighty Saint, the great Jivanmukta, whom it was the fortune of Southern India to own in its midst for several years. His influence has been and still is very great on the minds of the people of Southern India. His name is revered and cherished as a family heirloom by all knowing people. His Holiness the present Sri Jagadguru of Sringeri than whom it is im- possible to come across a holier Personage, a truer xvi Mahatma, a nobler Saint anda more rigorous Ascetic— even such a marvellous Mahapurusha, divine incarnation itself as he appears to be, has this Sadasiva Brahmendra as his Ideal. He has Sadasiva’s picture always before him and it is only a copy of this picture that is given here as frontispiece. He longs for the day when he will be as free as Sadasiva. When such a mighty Personage admires Sadasiva so much, we may, without any hesita- tion, conclude that the greatness of Sadasiva is some- thing beyond the range of human expression. Sadasivendra Sarasvati appears to have composed several works but only a few of them are now. available. Of these the Brahmasutra Vritti is the most -important. There are several Vrittis onthe Brahma Sutras and several of them have been printed also. But none of them equals this Vritti in the simplicity of style, clear- ness of exposition, closeness of reasoning and subtlety of thought. The clear statement of the Purvapaksha and the Siddhanta in each Sutra, the concise presentation of the Phalabheda in the Purvapaksha and Siddhanta of each Sutra, the introduction to each Sutra showing its consistent relation with the previous Sutra, the exposition of the connection between each Pada and between each Adhyaya are all peculiarly characteristic of this Brahma- sutra Vritti. Written in a lucid style, chaste and easily understandable byall, this Vritti gives the essence of the whole of Sri Sankara’s-Bhashya in as few words as possi- ble. Useful alike to students and scholars, this Vritti would surely commend itself to all lovers of Sanskrit xvii Literature. Besides this Vritti, Sadasiva appears to have written Dipikas for about a dozen Upanishads, which we hope to publish one after another at no distant date. Then we have his minor works such as Atmavidya Vilasa, Siddhantakalpavalli, Advaitarasamanjari, ete. As we have stated already, Atmavidya Vilasa is a peculiarly charming little poem of sixty two verses describing the greatness of a Yogin who has realised the Self. When we go through this work we feel as if we are reading a faith- ful description of Sadasivendra himself. Siddhanta- kalpavalli is a poetic version of the Siddhantalesa- sangraha of Appayya Dikshita. Advaitarasamanjari is a short and sweet poem of about forty five stanzas describing the essence of the Advaita Philosophy. Some say that a certain Nalla Dikshita, a disciple of Sada- sivendra wrote this poem. We reserve a discussion of this topic for a subsequent volume of the works of Sadasivendra. In all the works of Sadasiva we find a peculiar sweet- ness and melody characteristic of the harmonious mind of a true Yogin. His style is always lucid and simple, his sentiments lofty, his ideas noble and on the whole we find in all his poetical outpourings the elegant easy and emotional flow of a great soul. His songs are so lyrical, his rhythm so perfect that one is not tired of reciting them over and over again. Even without the help of the traditional anecdotes narrated above, we can, from a perusal of his poems alone, unhesitatingly say: that hé was a great Siddha of very high spiritual attainments. xviii on In conclusion we may state of him in his own words— Fas WATS dat aT aaa | ante qiagataed facacaaiqaart Fuagannt Rartigadfiaeiar | ame aaa Bra ae Fes afaez srnaaal ael Sugersea: aed: 1 atdemanadsdahed Aisa wu J. KH, Ralasubrahmanyam. aRrecorgsrahret 0 0 atteacongeatra u a seraiseara: vee ER POLE oa Q—ape q. Barat z . Tear ¥ 2. areata & Y. Paar, & 4. tear, ide é &. aareH aeRO cee RR 9. Ara wee RR ¢. SPRL wee RE 8. MOTTE, wee 8B ge, Tfrawrrawny see Ro QR. MAA RRTL see RR [R] © fetta: oe: vee "RUBE g, arate ROTEL wee RK 2. sary ee RB 3. Defer ee RO ¥. SETURL wee RR a, aTaahr CT, see RR a Fear see Ry . Para, vee RK ada: qe: see BRERA &. qearatracory see KR 2. arr ee OK g. saURRTL vee KR ¥. afeadiiracry wee YO DOCU CULE vee OE & aR see KR ve. Safran vee KR <. FaaTRTT wee KY PME COCUCC TUL @ vee KS [3] go, BTL a8, Sifaehraony 82. aalracanfzeareanhrscor, 83. Taare aah: Wa: © Sarre sree, aera HLM 6 BRAT TROT, qrereahrRL FEAT RCT . TEST, 2 Ta eaSTTAT RTT, fedtatseara: TAT: We: a. Baran 2. Agar, 2. Reaorahracr, Ssrexuvee RR RR RR ay ve RR-CR RR wk 9% 9X ee: oe go ER-REK CR—FOR cz eR oe [2] y. Prsrehverraory ee 4. Arerrahory sy &. STATO, go 9, SAAT MHL BR 2, See ay 8, FATT TAT RTL ay go, aatanfrReTT, Re Qk, casaaahracny 88 22, Aaereoar hr, Yoo 0, adatirrarony Rod tetra: ora: RoR—KR4 ce caer, RoR PEACE IU @ Rog 2. Tanase ; Rok PARCCICICCOUL@ see &RR De CUCC TUL @ ; are 4. Cah RRs 9; - Te see RRR oo Sareea RT RQz ada: sx 2 eo 2 a” Qo, ge gr aR. RY, aK Re Qe, [4] qa: vee QRE-QUR ». Barak wee RRR araharhrrcry eee RRB 6 eT vee RRO Sars farcry, wee RR srahracory, Py » Searcy see 8BR . TeRrerareaory see 2RR . Predarercory eeeee 2 erator see RRY RERETT AT TROT, wee BBR Sra see RRR TROT wee RRO semiParenrao Teel) 14g eA RROT wee ONY aerhrrtry, see BER RAPT HLT wee 8D CRUE § eee ANE wai: ore SX ev eo after era ror, area TROT, . afer. . seatafsarhecory vee RUB RRR Ray RRR Ke RRC ” RRR ” RRR Rey sie LRO-REO wee PROWL GO [se] fear: Tra: g %, R ¥. &, & ‘S, } RS PF Kw pp . Se . Tea, . Faleearce rear, arora, . SaaS TL . Tecan . Faro, . KOTRTRTTL ata: 2 TFA ATTA, are: Sree HLT 2 ATT RTL SqIAR TLL, qarahrory, TATA TEL, RATT TTL, see 2PEY-QOD BCR gow RoR 229 RCo R88 Re RoR ves ROB-RUR Rev Qowe Ree Ro RA RR Aw AR Re, RR RR. aR. Xx, au, Ra. ge Re. aR. Re. RR RR. RR. RY. aa aa as. ara, watery seatrenrsony Sarah eration aigranreazoy madera fray, sfrantrsc arreRrarantraRT waver, eae hry SRT RTL * eaaerenraremy Tear RT rarer area afrahonfrscn Rr Re RRB RRe RRB RRR RR RRE RRO RW RRe RR RR RRR RRK ” RRR Reo RRe waar, aReartrcory satire Rea, . Saar . arta coy RBS Re Rey ave Qve Q¥es awe BAR wie RUB-REO RAY Ree Raa Ray Ree Ree Rae RRR gz g. aX. gh. ge Qe os aaa: ef Kk ww s # [ 8e ] . Prgerrarcony Re, ag. onfranienrfaa cory aferPracory eran, wera, START RTA, Beara, aharetraatrar, ate: BEAT RUT ATTA RTL, . Setar TACT . afeanaahracony, warmer, [tJ ¢. aT, wee ROD 8, aera, ee REE Qo, ATS aL see RER Q8. Tasha TTL sie Ao a2, afaerarahreory eee 23, Rersrreraacarraor wee WR gy. Zacerro RCT, esas feedta: qe: see RQR-ZoVo Q. aay see RB 2, Fac, see BBB 3. seranhrrory see BBE ¥. Bag TRaTrRcT, see RBS Pe CCE CGUCESUL@ leet a, oferta, sie Boo 8, AMPEwarhrR COT see ROR ¢. afrarnieror, see ROR 8. atta, ses ROR Qo, RL wee ROW PeMEACMIC CUE AUC § wee ROK x co 2. vw. w & [2%] anterar raReOTA, area Rey, afeehracory srfrarfearraery, araterecoT, Se area ELT, age wa x RR R. ¥. & & %. areata, atanta wartacry renter, SRT THOT, ATTRA setae TRA TE LTL I? see BoC—F2O Red Rees BRe RRR Rae RRG-RRo RRS RRS RRe BRR RRR BRE Rw ASTRA THUUGT U Teqaeata: OSES ims aa TEE CEs a SSID armidediigartreneaateray | HATTA OTA SATTSTAE Ut SU AMP ATAHFARIAT A ISATT | aifeartrdes saraareer ga i & Ul MAMTA eVNTAATgIgy: | Aaa AAT TAT | 3 qanigaiieaan adteearadate: | ATS AAT AAG WY stasmrenaeTi aaa | anangat aegaate gt war 4 1 BE ay WaTITaN: FaTATTTAN a ATATA- 2 FaTATT (at. &. o aazarasait: atraaagaerand sara foighaz- aa aae— * eqarat weTRTAT | 2 Ul wa AARETA AAAAGSTA TTA ATI AT | HA: aaa arqaageret AaaaT | ‘mefrarar’ gat 2. figrar waraaa Facer, aaae vats face | cary, HEI ad wate | ww Hea aagcarnenaaairanines arecarateet at TIGA AAA FIT data: | frarcrraa- raged: ritterareatena afeemia: | et aiat garni afadiatasea | Parra aeacaeTA- qa ro aeaF TATA SAT, AAA HATA: | waaast sresitfrea 1‘ aendt aerfarstrent? garfete: a: Ba Aaa FATT gT warqasta- grata, Sars, AEA waraarearedaia: | verre epaategiat arearat Parana arg Tee: | srerearqearirentoren aTtreecoreianfa: | SACI STT- dng Tea aise | TAT arr FHISUTCATATEAT BPC: | fagra g aqeraaary, a 2%] qaaSeaa: | g ardinartsata gee cewe: | wa Fara areata fea: | a a aden: wie af vas- Hardvardaaat az, ake afert asia qe Panera ; aa epeadrasaeaTaa- wefan, aatargeaTaaTas a aaraq | adtsdaeateattar, tereaarera- Grad a wider sft qa: oa: | frag —afarea- ama aeNaeraaaa AeA aea- Reed asa ar aaeameaiat: wast:—eft | qarkeg— aI ga agaesdaratieqiegs geagay a ‘masa’ sft qaneTedsay | aaaAcTadey az- aaa, TETAS: BAeTaAraaSha aa, 39 2s: ; wa swat adlyd aeataETaT, ATE Bead; eveta zeararea fren sega Shas; sates daar jercaeat Pave a ord; wa aT aadnat araageraraeritranton | aerarerarsrerradiarenr- amt ageaneateae: pier zie art adore rqTaar—— a 2 FATA (ar. 2 arrest aarecraaged farerarz, AERA; TINT RISA AS anaes — WrATAS WA Ul RU wer galfracarratiant date: | rr qaqa ae wentga grakns:, Rad g aaers ae- R wma. a: | ata Saat ar ganh aarie. fecn gareared ea: | aa Amaro seats seen a 3 a, wees ae fear agReeAT | a Cael aTAAAay reareaanies wat cares ina; sre RehenieraerreaaaaSs a: oar: Rerg— we saargreantas aae:, sane ara sat: anger seafeituge at aca, wat sera, Reo waa; TET ARTO STRATE ae AIAN, TIMES VITA | aT datietrriaataaacamamasha atray ; waamevsiaa weraartaan warm aaaar— ft ul afaet aero smeprdta aasareleartr, aq 2-2] TARISEATA: 1 & aquoiag ; Fae aaa TaeereaTaTear- Breie— areratifarcare tl 3 ae yaitaaatat dat: 1) ae g gare aan: wager, fagird afraatat z- Q. meena. | re aE yeT fread aaa: aqevae:’ gantaret Prez: | ay sat Taga wast a aaa, sa arses Ha, ‘ars freq faa’ eff aera Heese aaa wae a arrada ga: va: | Rrarer Gaeta: TATHeTET, AT: HIT TET Wa: aed aeNeeadear, aes aaah | ae ave qaaftar aaa fran, aang; wey aed yo...” guitadiahgageaa fa- aaa | Tae aad feta anitft ana; aduesaaamgiema— fa | sf srracrng | Wal aaa aero SA aeT ATATRATT- TAMIA AMS — area irae | Sa 7 FATATT (at 2. penton aa: | wa gaa agamda - oo bbe SerraareaTa a wae: 1 eat IH... BSc tindd | afer t Srtag aatert, va afr G8, Aa: Rare Taro sara Aa ae a 72: | geag— aren aateny aie: ei Te They ger aT RTA, THUS SETA SMS ania | aq mara Aa isan, Taj wea wade agerardwar— at 1 ate fate aha 11 Wee sem, TaN, TANT ; WEST Renee — AY aaeqTaTE Il Il a Bonar aaa: 1 as g gaa BoA sacagueta:, (erat waPahares % wa gesagt) wae ae Raat free: | free) 3 ee paareaea:, sa ale beak af WR, aeugudatagamaes fies TSGR area aldara waft gh lL i—2] TAISEAT: | ° a) frerng— dragaes: qaqssaaead: | aa, Feeay whraaa) Fa, AAT, aeaAT- gaa Faraat Aaoaaqa waa, aa raat frafeerec:, a wateam:, fare TAAL AT HUNT TTAUaer Te eT ectsTAy 5 rarenrdat Marg agegreet: | ae Fea iimaagray, dager; waits: sais TAT | za aaa , aa; waleetaeq Faro: TOTaaaa TeTeRsaeaal aTaaare- TAM | Taga efestera Aaa wale sw ft sera | wet get wall Aaataash, afefracuvig- ia upaita ad sagiariene— ad aera TT | Tones vegeta: | wa Gat STAT ate, fare arafeia Gets: | aa aera: sfa- usar ze aTiata, sa asa Gaz, Tawra fas ater vafafata- rea meda free atari Stra date ya: va: | agrag—aq ae ava Aga: aA é aaqaTT [at. 2. ata) @a:, warsary aaa Ae aaaTATT | ay fre sararefegrraa a ating eft, aa; safattadt wa feafhte a fded:, ‘gaer sia:’ zarey eaten ataeaar | TY FETT eee areata, aett a; Sageary Feaai orerarara:— ef fee | efe fader aceeg 1 sa aga: wana wdd watery waa saa? | aa aiea— geeraa Barer Fa we a aren ; ale ae Boar feratansaeata sreerog— af oy: ; aed free freare— PAAATSETA I & qorenarea: | ae g FAT saeTaTg- ate: fara ater areca) ore e. dwafe FFI aaa? THT ae aug: AT...” eft | wa aeoted saga am & carey, va wale aes, asia ga: va: | era —a Ta sIgUEy | BATT: x Seas aw wreay , Eqniliraaq, serena aaeaATOH a y—w] saaiseT: | 8 ar; Bea, Sart, aga AEE: aieas:, Seas; a ataner saraeTtar- wa Guat, wer Gaara | aa gee amber: aaa aaeargqga: | wa: aq afte tad waa sagaetterd: 1 ag ‘ads tae’? ‘ar amg tara’ gegaasft faqaraoa a Tas Tora aa TATA ASAT | FHI sass sm Yagi ao gf an, A; we, MMT, ada...” Cadera’ sft sad adifag ‘eet tan? aft tacneda WaT ‘aaa Sitar’ gareasreraamzarst: araRHaee: TaASeIeg, a aTsHareea- agae—— zt ain ATASTT APATITE ANT |! 9 Il a warmer, a ara...’ ft sat aeftrramar ‘avant’ sf aaaderanear af pat awaecaryaitss ‘err Suet? aft srzeaar- a aaqara (mt. 8. gaat qa | aaa TTT: ~ « 7 ns 3 ASU AYA Aaa AKAAETA- aaq aft faeq ag eperaradearaa TAAGSTST THT zausiramergae— wareaaaars tl é |! [Ra TI ASEETART AO AeA afa’ sfidiifs ear. a aguzeeoneaeagtaT atin yet geanenaaritg aed ae aed aa: a ae aa: wa Paes waka , wary WEaEata AAAI: I Bel MIRA TATA TA mene rea, aya aettgheata Rtg yaaa ATS 8 1 ale spearohs Rerafa, scr -aar ara az dav vata” gf eaesonq, afiqder roan | aa ae atai ciarat gydt q ste] WAAISeaTa: | ee sTtEatwmaga:, wat aeqared wera HRB , aA TATA: 1 aferararcara ll %° 1 ma: aay aaa steer: caye:? gemfesar- aig aaaroraaTy: aa, Waa TT arcoftera: 11 warara 220 gad f& Areratiate atadiat age a ar sonfanad ¢ area aiashar a area.’ aft | dary waa Ae Tae: SRG , aaa TATA waste fem | sa waet Seraat aarefiarssecrog sokatiart sera fafeiraeer resis, agar fatrtrareatrareatrantracraaa— MASA FAT ATA tl YF Al iqaeut ‘aaa tae’ ragehaoraqrsr aa wea a eae: 7 aM MATA Fat azar Wasa sadist ea yET Teq- qe FTAA (at. 2. mecndn: | qe Sarena: FST, &. aaeaaar- rere g falasrendeaBatea fraorm qeafigiragarta: ; wHeraat g saa Pee: | aha qe ora: ” saquara ‘ogiseac wremaeqaa:” gfe) aa Ral argue ‘ae ara...” ger apT Te wedisat, fe ar wanaftay sevtisaleat sia aff fara, watractafa 9a: va: | Pagiraeg— sarare- Aa: Waa | Ge, SAL AIRTEETET wa- vata Aga TATA AT: | warranty Preareatearrge— frarcaeqrata Fa orgara 23 are ararqaaaeeay | Ba, Perererny Frer- WTA, Aaa: ge Aq, A; AML, WPA eA aae APE arreenrat: wae: agate Fearacae— ASQeaIs aa | Le I He (RRs) TATSEMTA: | a aaaed off ‘uy a@ararcara’ sft we 8g- MOTs, AARTAT: WT CATT: I Zaalaeqaa: Ww watE— aresraprnaa a tray uke ‘maframte aay’ seqaerr ca aTaaaed na’ satarnes aq aaa aareat aayaa- By, aa Aeaalies aaa ‘ oracqaa:’ efe areor aad, aeaareaarsa eae: qearrqaa: wi a sia gE— FATSTTIT 12H UI Sqattad sat aWaeTaT: | FI, ATTTA: ‘ ais- ama ag at sari’ genfiyanoer |e: WE SHAT AA HA TIT LTT: gaa aarqaay sia see— Wesaqsaragy tt 29 Ul wat 3 a: canard seared wale’ sft weg- wera Sfararcaaaitea «= saaiegaaracariz- aa: ul a8 FOGaTa (at. 8. ag delaras TIAA, TE — TATA ATATATAAT | LS A agniad gagaMy agate waa, TT alia aareHaaara a ABIL: | Bes, BAT Ts frat (aisarraa’ ef srafracasaonfrad: | tat sara sreganrate area 1 gaa Aaequay sa zeare— witaaer oy arate arrfeer i 2% 11 after arrears THe He, TIRE He Ta, agnt aaewat ain: aati: agate: ata: aT, ‘gar aaa waftareisaeasterd’ genes anita ; denrarerqaat sfa:, fa conaaerd: 11 aq GaaBraaq | anaadiaaa aa qaarar— arrcaatisvarang | aaatiact geiaorg, satis Moraceae sa, a Tears WUATASA: FETUS SAHA TATA ANSE Rearaneie Farr weyaewraMa: | He aT amafaay | ma ged waar’ saa faraeerara- A 8-88.) gaaTSeara: | ey st FaAA AGIA, Sa TTA Fs, TATA wa: ta: | faerang— deracaaeta sare WTA SeMaIAAEe, Swed; A a SAAARITT: | GA:, ALATA , TRAT § TATBAT ST TTT’ aft ate aerated: 1 al Perea sTatE—— FRTA- sara Fa wrgaig | Renae sarayss- Tear TeaATATaUTAME FATT Eft A, a yal, sarang qeetiequaa ; aaratagar | ata: sfasmaafreaarad, gesae- II ATTA AMAT STF: 1 wa Pera — TIeaT- ANT | eT aa: walaered afs Fgeaa ‘ geva- nasa’ ef area sagzenfeers: t aa read wat eae —— yearera- Ray waa | aa aed arawacay’ geiearaa- sofa Fel, ada ‘ae greg’ sie mrerarer emaraa wae wermenateeanzerd: |] a Pores wera: asada afta: Fr rg ARISTA (mr. 2. a eniter ae— Aatisgyya: | gat sraeza- asa a aaa, Rertarrniaarearagear- garetts: 1 PeaMeTaaISa A MAT FTE —-TSTIT ATT | ‘waaart seataeat walt’ geararqaamarnte- sqecqoraa Sa Agerqsarfsers: 11 ag ‘ aaedt aa’ aA AEaaAEAT- anf ageangaiag saa ME— RAT ATYATAT- Far wera gh Sra: ares: cer aaa 4 aguiad sarqaaeat weaatracag , Aare aagareniea: aaistt aaeqaaisa afr sae— aye aq aant afta | air gesareire walt, ag- wer wer ararqaaer ‘aar @a—’ sft are aant agai gia; sdlsarcareamiraraear g- sara eoraedt faat safeties Re zea qitvrahiaaanrenaarangaeare— WeAASATTSIATT | Xe I HQ] TaAIseaTA ve qa nea, TTT, TARGA qertaresagiamaaa isis azar, . aay. = Ta BaATANeagaATaE dard” Rac ferwa: gets garerag- Fal Taras Garer eerTaTT: | HE | qa ALITALITTTTAM TANT FEET STA sq — ‘ay gy utisrauea Ream: ges...’ ene) aa feat gedt Aerealftaaameniet: sired ard, sa fafa: varaz sft ate, dais qa: oa: | Rreraeg— a UPisraeey....” aq wdiseaz- fat...” gi a yaa: TAT wa, F GET Fa:, agaiar, cea Wwe y warnutane- ant: darafeaas satay | Roses J airs qa sarangi saftire: | aeargenitasieea: WaPat wagTT: I fe q——- AASUIITATATHT: 1 VL srgarenea: qT: gee: orate ta frat cfiaara: | gai, AreaTa, aera B2 te aaah (at. 2. Bente sngaer qererditsecatfraat ‘a a fet fae...” garrett aitigsrarara | ‘FAUIFATAET TET aaaMAITAT | WaT feeatretes eft fra ag qaaeaakaganmaaateya wT araleaaeaat dtd aat, a ade feqrarereraee- ater Ag we; Ten awatagaa TE— BTATARAGRTT XR tl qaorer TTT: | HE | GAT wares zuar vgidiorfer:, feared aeestte zesaq | < ener BRST qua ‘wer StHeT aT feo Weta ga art’ ges 1 aa ferarerraera yareranshrdtaa, sa ot wai fara, qarmrar aft 9a: a: Rraeaeg— arene eta adalyad | Ea: alsa, wer wa ates aaREaeMes sears SAT | TT feargtriciaeita, wa | yaredrat aafeyaden- agTer THT ABTATATET THAT | «aT A 2-23] SAAISEAA: | ae at aha: gt garaus aerated atrarat- AS screafafe fear u ararerearaaraa ate BA TT ATA RB waraeraeaaraeaaa | rar Gaara aaatrataaeR grt TM ae: A aE ATT , mmf, Aaardt ge: darssyer sro FH araroraa «= wareaArarennanetr saree: | ws gy TAT storesat weal. aif: fare aeeeafe zea era sae sgta— ‘oediaal @aar....’ sft vege, ‘waar at Faafe snot gfe dara’ sane aa fe oogeta rafratad, va agen sft daa, arafiarc afa q&: var: 1 frgrag—swmeta aaarediaa Bt: Fa wa Ggareaegrea, cer watt afsay “_ aomatatara’ gaged a eritararee Tra aT oot ME aaTeala’ gar far aghast gafife aeaq; aa ghgrdaa- aata aaa | aaisaeaeneaerSera, aoe Ro FAIATS [at 8. frat adatreafe Raz Ge sera aerePART ANITA sz, 7 wig eared waaTa aquranehe wqgecRTa- qa — sarfeeacorfrararey | Be aa Gate slat saa onftenesdrantta:, frara aeeeatt wees: | ores qaa— ‘ary Qo. shan ara: Fe at ehfadiert Pera: feo ogBy..! gat iaa fe sates siante astishrdad, sa vale daa, anfrar- free ga: va: 1 faeraeg— eat sR...’ aft saiftaeta ada gaa | ga:, sonra stimaleaeaaat ‘adiser wat yas Parzer- ad fa? ft agearcarfrarary | erat mata sarhr:- afeattrad: | ag ‘madt a sg aq...” eft arasqreass qa: THITATTMaETAA, qT gE Beara Ba car Barter. Pararaante zara FH RRRo.] WAAISEAA: | Re satan masaergeca wafer , gaat a reo: speaah aaq,a 1 ga:, aa SVE aga aah, Adora Aaa, faa afro | aa cera:— aarfe ata; wert freer ‘ud da agar wegee ata wa? Uae Ta we aaqnaguad; ge wa sed TAIT ga ad eelaal wea Ga area fafisq, a oe aft eq II goa madara ada sfioratrene— sanearesrasaeT asa tl 88 tl qartrataticgss: ager mai’ ef srazeer aMPaa TT: | A GAA ANTS wares ata: daaft | sat avatars ada frase, witaie® qeararaga safwarra ge fre ag of Rae anea diracda feat, Ra at qara dvafraa iam a fahetea g- arn watergé TATE TE— sagaraarta 27S Fans 7 7 acafagrarg tl 89 I RR aaaaTa [at “fafa ‘fea.’ sf fraketedtetenq satfrai- ay catia a daadtt Sq, a1 ga:, carat Rakette satasistt saratatetia sate ar after, waarameqcaaseg gears a aaa satatgagrerats Bar gitaatecdt sgahagewaasgaar Ren sitiateakgs an, a aerara feteaata sore aera ara, Fa aa eaef TeAaTETOTA TATA —— WTNTRAATATATT | Re Ul aa Ta Tae RTaastaraaeaTATeA:, FST FF aH Heda: | Atltargaahy e_raaT- QQ. sagan. wartrarat saga siege aaa Prac ‘ois senan’ goes) aa fe Togeta TyAAAiad, Fa eRe, sa sfta:, arrat ot eee feet, corr ay...” geneieqra argaraata ga: va: | Rrereaeg— sroreta war arfedtaad | Ga: saga car aera < Raat aaa’ catitaraaraafeerany Agia, wa- FH o-Ro-] Fae: | RR aan | satsae sot waa: ag wetugerangiegieszaaiediad gae- gre— a aagqureareantere Wears aaragar afar | 88 ag: exer taarfagees, sratiadang ‘aaa fa- amie’ garaeriseaararar, wot a rahe Ta, aaraa——srtreraengar aaa | & wear, akay wear aaa Tht seit vale array: BUT AT Ua smATARgissHsyS:” FaTEATHE- AqET TAMAS WAT TQRAGIS VA | TRA MONAT waa, a saat xf Rez tI aay af aquaiada:, are—— WAGVAA PISA AaAsaTaa ll Fo tl are Teg: ‘ata fant’ sqaee: ae ZEN AST; AAA I HAT AES A TTAATT- alfad: | sa ¢erd—— aagaaq aa araga: mee ‘ad ago qr’ gare aaete | wat Re TOIT (ar. 8. nerataana fez aaa a nate, aft arate eae — Hragernrarfeeata Aare. sararfarereantae Aaitarreg tl 32 1 Caer far’ sft siete ‘rd ree afar’ efe geanofegre aguas, a weTaas Iq, A FA:, TTAAReTy Hager aerreaana Afr waster) aw aihey; Ara...’ qTErT ‘ooisita’ wpa oe sodERs oa we a wa sare’ gfe | waMRaTTErat aR | ft war ae SeaaT momerer seri caUanett ame Baas arraracorasy aT are wager eft adatararay I fa pane a srerftrerat sarearaet aT: a: Ut ee a ERS ae fata: we: aa Giang eesalegarearat wert aaeaT: ante: ; aya aessafegri aaa aratg a ads ster faitradrerrerareaa 1 qatar Prev | orenoraa sriteartaate | ACI SA ACTA KITA, APRGHRIA: GATT gavaat | aa ga sitafeeqarra aerate, a ate aatarares garfeqaedift seqerecor- TATALAT waar ofeerrtara i + aaetfer aa orate THT TTL U1 ‘mee at yd Pree’ sequcarearaated sad aaa aedife Taq, v1 oat He acaar & farada fts:, a cara | wend, ‘gear at PePr’ serreeanaeconieeas: || zag a yeaa MeAaE— A. 2-2. SARIS: | RS SAM FaQISITA: GTZ WF qantas afisiaraaraay | wag savas qd TEeTaaaeaa: | afesar wa TaISiT aaa soreay— ‘a aug’ sarafina: ; “ad Sa ftir’ sfa. shane; ‘ae qa’ seat qarara: | wat aaTs Taare: 1 an > . ~ as ATTISTHMSET A ATSATATARANATAMIAL:, aTe- BU aeTserafeees— Aeaz NG ‘get wera.’ sft adt weseedt za a aientmatedaerrmmaaaare, teresa , aga Sfrarragedist saat | wa: aera saaaieqatta re I Aa Tara drat egrasesate afar sey axorenerag— THATS AUNT | SU wa yaa wate wacanfate:, fara aars- wo waar (a. 2. fea wate: | aerate gaa——‘orarsi a aaa siftegeeod...’ gas aa ha. BU HNSTA TaTAgeaa, Sa Astaarfea- araramaarta aaa, a saa gers aieaear safafefa ga: var: | aeTeg— a sareraraz- waaay satwacs fSPrearaha, diftarleaecrai aay Ua BEC, A Usa | A TAT ser aqarty araroarea Praia Tera: | qq ‘aataesana:” saad wa gaat aduatt, safaaatfaeart: aeraaesterd; wa aaaarssmaretarsra saat gf ogee waraeara: ag Saas aferasterae— sartersrar g qatar wa ue HAT Te TAT: SsiterasaoTa: |r sala- eam | Gaedisaaer| Ade Matcha, a tara | ea, wa adiad wh | & qerq ws sear: astaatrern: see: ‘aaa Det way’ genta deakerraaiad aaaaed, Be sealsae- aq <-8 0] TARISEATA: | Rr araeag asians safiaaread sft aL WIIRETE Sit wears shazaaaHla- qatar stte— aerarizanay weareaefare: to maee: TENA: | AtaRTHARa ATSTEAT- graf: | Ba:, Heras aa BS areas ATA sAS sega, wl aT TA: SARA MAGUAAATAABIGA: AT HAA BIAI BaATIsAT, | aT wWafsrae- are ‘set aitent fang’ eft agerete:, qaqa Arann: sea: wareareaest a wPafatra: | wera sas Fas THTATHTa aq arent steams wit asenizeepay | aa ‘aheeqer qeawe:’ gf wy qasageda sfrengeacodincatcatra- aqeafiattaranemmtatd zeae — a went ararararefa- Tar ee 0 eR aaqaa [ar. 2. ar ae GaREETT | TERA gaa cafes eqeg qeastat stenrera ofafee:’ sea 1 aa Raid. Tamra qenserdif qeafi- ara ataaregeard, Sa aT: sores aia Gara, arate ga: gar: | RrgeTEG— sears geo | waftafriera efatres safaaitararargyareiant a warter TeeaTAT | St, Aaa a weral TersaRreqeraaai- AAAS SMNGAIAATATAAT | ATATEATL | AAT HY aahrereatiatrdensiat areracare— aft are | ars gaara: geatiaa- aaa TAA AMATI ASMA: | A area Tarartaraseryhaay tt aga qaadearar: wears & Fea —— STOTT ATTA 1 SR amt ug anfesial sorag:ataraaaat & sores: PSTATSTS | SSM, ATI ATT sgt sapeag:’ afraraTercaeeTs: I aeaeg aedirarat sronfreraeararaerssaea | Ge tt-te] | yamisearr 02 aaa J AAAS Gaeta SE Ta RTA | VE wast avaamaera ‘agar safest sarfa:’ zaregaeresaien trad qeofiag | sa: at aaaegiate freq (1 raaawraan = waTaeeraaraaa wart aera waraa: ata: | gar Fara qeITa- 2. sora TeMaogecateaeararegare- Peon grag walmanraaishaae- water, 7a paaderaa saifsar aft Aare waitist cea ert ag freerienfsat Seay areraranaa weygee TST AeaATa TAT SATE aTOaa ATRTANY TAT safe eren 28 wa gala: cat: aaearhate:, atefettir weve: | wa ameaareant aati a a af Aaa, aati weataetarr ae ga: ga: ) Rrgraeg— aad: agifecrart: | wert: ee aaaara [at 2. arn fara aa 1 ga:, areenfey aesaafe- St: aaa fat: eae saaite wahtadaea- wey wayaerarataraaasyachraraay: ag egaa: atraa seafisanigirs garr- grEe— warnaia tl 261 ‘oettqas andiq’ saahteracarmaerathrar ATTA TA Ul TAHT AAT: HLOTATIA- arr: | wal smeproraatararaaeaat aeroaafe freq i IanrIassalETa Ait: | FET areaden, ‘ma a aati’ sf& aretarrreser- waza sonftgedt aeawa Aguas eff seqar- qT ATE sara Thea 1 2% wa Aad aera TOT TTAATIRATRAMoT aa vantate:, frara aah neve: | stale &, arene ATRL Ta — aS aT wa ge fra | qo wal wer Saeed |X Shae.” He 2e-2¢.] TaATSEATA: | om aft |aa@ afeasa: wal fe aret:, sa sfia:, omeifta- waren Gad, ‘re dae’ of searreaa: ara daar, care serrate” aft stafegra srorsiianafa ya: oer: | Prereate——ge- wot eat qarla | ga:, ‘aaa aati’ ef aero watery | Gera eft sqrt BANETA TaATT- reatamehary | A get sageaalara- woe Pale gaasaa ef Ga, al arertear aar- arenas masageaa yey. saa aft ay 1 sfragerarenfegrat SeerreTAT It 291 Sagemises aA AaITarraonets A, aanerd sadartacat ~ EN TATE W FAATATT |! Ro 1 aia faaaaa aa: ero saa) a g awe | Wana ga ara see TT Bs 208 waaaTH (ar. 2. arom facrara Parngteramarst: 1 ag Rega ca arficndiseg; dat a aieete Saye — arate oferta arr AeA Re walt tat wrtiazagient gf sreaguerstire- ag aay tagayg ae dekard saa zee at: gaara sata: Sa | AMT aT EGE fragiga sivded dai: Raagien, igus da qaq wataears Raft: ertae: | wt a afta ofasrenaftfe ara: ad age: ararord aftr a aftrga ahrars wyANYATTATFAL Tae — sfadertrerearfatrarsnta- caesar BRN Fart: ay wart ghaqerariisgtaqaeaar sree faratt sag freaeartearaaay | ar BITS THAT STRSTR 5 ATTSAAAT TAB | A Ro-ay.]— fReasearT: GAH afodensteientad ghaqregegrart wat: aamaaiag at: wdwa: | ga, asa a wattage aariaway, daresay | arta dafastediteayg, aaa seretai attra Seqrrding | aagheaaywArTEaTy- wa: daft, quer aad: sateen | TEATS ITAA: I atwenttraragaatreanatd Feet TTA AT STITT | RE aig Racatearta: afer | ae: fe az THANE, Gai aT | ater:, He gEarmyaaEna- magi; a fadta:, weargeeaadleaeta saa arft dared Aeranatras: 1 aa fata fered fice, arr areata SITAR ATAST ATL RY ‘aRAA aH: Saya’ BA Aa sea AT aristt sentiaggantaaaranm a Rea eataa: arg AATATT (at. 2. aga aaa: afte Facras— PTTAT MR, agaag saga wie: agelt:, aged aedisguag: + afmatiad: | wrengyy fare weer cota ara: 1 ROMA Teas Ras — ATAAMTEAT | RF wedismaaieatta Fer) Sa:, Awa Reqeag atone: waiter tanh at 3a: | aa we Aaesentat 1 aga saat a gatae— vardrararary 34 Pah: nyo 1 waagnaahasiat sadrarat aaesa- arg amaaracnat gat eerie: am! ad tnttedartardiid antaqert fer qa atrmnendtattaatrraormrake | agit aq atrefarcaaadt cates fa susitsatasti- Ae VARS] WaNSeare: | Qe aaa — ANTS TTS Ul Re UI ae qa! Barter sf famatterdsa fara: 1 a fe samae:, %. ana. wiaqet af az, FATS aia aT! ga: vat: | frereg— fraraecate- feed a aarafa | ga:, swt: Fararla- feragiat ge: ye: garrgquaftieareas: ag WeAagA: aa Tat EFA, Ta ary MMIII; FAT aaalas- qaqa — ieata a anita ui Xi amare soar a wears artrafra- qaratataraerarata a emf resreda | fer waa cma: | ARTA ZEA aera. act gid at mfaneeteaot aakt | aerate seart vearaate safest a a- ft qaerer aera I ae aeaTT (at. 2. ag walamaas aentiestisd enttae oe aw WTATSTITET | Fo araatat twat A ARIA: | SAL, AAT: aad Tg: | aTeaiguaet 4 araat te arora aoa arataa: | fe av waa aera searahrararaarsraaaTgT TT foe wa: ag seafarers wea FAA ME— eaforararay tl 32 Il areata atrragiarnaaeatars: 1 attrmonmstaraentt— Beara rT 38 GaTATATARTATTTSTHAAT Aaa SATIN A- aq; seRANidisqIaAaae waa: aT of? An: wibaqs aanates Rem) aaa aca wanes aTaTA TIT: ” zeregantr aistrasante 11 20-22.) fase: 1 Bre ua gaara agit aa fea, gers ad qtr | wt a gteathteandracare— Faferaaerara i 33 we Ta | Sra sag waited af aaa, eared arena zorfaasiaaq afta- &. we anientieciarae dy aaa aly aistacay fenequ: qertara- aim) «ae gfe dead TAT agate 9&: va: | frerag— tata Ua TTAeY sega FreaaaroTAeTAT, TEY- aisteerd areas: | agi ageda a aries, afd aad ater, aa ceamear aegAT: | wa TT aA aEQYTETarerTaAT: | wend Gara a at area; fag afatadia wale aaeqaereua aft ara: Ul faracot teqhene waraf aaray, agrafa— wa STERTRTERAL UN BY Il aaea fequaldaal de: eee weE:, Tra gRo AATATT at. ®- wat strat weret atReacartt die: erie wa: laa a eearaeradt verted ater ar | sera aqeareara: waa aaeTaIT Be, FETT: ghee ar waa av east ara: Ul ag aera: waaTeasternsa Tasha aT TE— aa wararzerfaarat arena: 1 3611 Toa TARSEAAATT- Rarera ores sft, aa) ga, Aare eq: era: aaa aaeatione = afeerea- wage Fatararan afas aratangeat areas: 1 fe a— wrara acer areat- afaara: 35 11 wera Maregranaa sata fraarar- afd: aqdewtd® srr: fera- A 29-2¢.) — fedtatseara: | are FAS, TATA Aare: AT BM! wa: atranaaaaaaale erates fae u a aaracites Rtrergdaa zqe | ale aagiaaaagantee Araredaa sa eera- area TITATAFATT II 39 Il : Se Fad | Hawafrerat Sat aad atarera- faft atearcardisa fea: | a fe sae: wo. vat. «Rage af a28, warns efa ga: wom ga: | RrgeRg— watrace aa gierarniweaa safatraaad a date | #a:, waren fru amass sad carla Twas Aaa wT, Te: Tene as warm, eager wea: | was J qaqa sas aT TT ee ATA: aft a— . PAFTNTGITaAT It $e earth: heeraces dag ara: wd BRR aaaaTT [at. 2. ager Searing | aa dara: duale, facaa- qa gates 9 diranaraaiegaraitad: | fart g wae arcane Zhe wa: Hl fe 7— afrsrarg7g ar | 38 11 ae gues aafticed eq, a caver Tara fired daft; camer watviada aserart- gray Seo agaratad: | fagrea ga eer Far, gerearcoreaets Ara: I wafeaeatomaca wteca—— RTTITA BNTNSTTA: You acrditgant saat ae atta Baa, we warrant Pato Haq sft Taq, Al Ha:, ainfea: dea: stave demeifiPreaadearc- eq Seay agin: mastered: 11 fe a—— s AeATAAATAAT ATM Ye q 3¢-¥2.] Bdatsena: | ARR warstterat at dear aq gta agwuaati Sato gtteaa a af ass, a Wtteade- qRararary aot aeaeraara fans ear; fea Sacerraserd ear | sat wrerTTsed AT Rage wae fre i ud Sawrteteaz sft Friaaas Re 1 Art saftebac eft wrrqanaer Fedtracanry sftal- aeat cages erie cagecdnegarE— FITTS AAT | BR BS GS | AGIs: aR Wa sTgUE fafa a) cenq aaetonedt sia vet; aan ¢. saudaar Taet aa waa; TEM, aire fear) gieaisdart ara sft wieTaatal- aatsa faa) & f% sans uiitaer afer azz, sage gf qa: va: | Rgieaeg—— wag Farha- wait TAS, a aq Ageasiareatay | Ea: ager Statreraeaard | sete eae, ae Tea WATT ARATTYRT: BAT war | at sae aETaafrarea: I gag AMAATT [mL 2. ag siasea freq ad adit faa aT RG HTT | VE wg: BATTS: THAN BORA FOS: TeayTA- agian Siang: eet wat Sega eeraeeaarsh: | ag TRI A Gates sea, aft dato, aque rararge— farafeara ar rama i vy aaiodiat saint = argzaatserafeara ar faterawatditaaaedst agitiia: a aradraerdies Teed aaa seas: | & agteaatistar:, st aetorereat argeageat: | wey waite va argza ga eafe- grcena:, Beit ar wadinaaer wate wa: 1 aft a— fama i vs aq aieratraedsasie agtaer gor fa, ate san ua agea sa qomftraica Be a anata | aat a geet Asie sora q 23-94.) — fedlatiseara: | BRe poe a sa Ae teas anTaaataeas: | aened atersarhes- dangareaaraaaaat wibaqedta ae: faz aA FeO aT Aa aaradr a eer af freq = RAACHAT GIATATAT GATT | Wee: WUE raaaeags TTL fe simeaaae aera. sarhrarat fadrarer rater facia: ara: aaa: we: gaint gtitegeard, wearonaataaaar Gt af adtaaeraieatregend, sere aaa welt agitueadt vt weer | wy udder Wee geradate: agate afar | qari gaiftatarentraurr a areata a fare 2 aa gard adiat fehteteremaag, Raa Atenas aeke: | ct aig aac R. fae WesaTdy qatar: ws gee7q | a) serdt aftareararaadd afr figaenbrea Renta 1 Prarrmereticafacter , sa aft da2, aaa ats oregha arargrary, frat ‘atsisasa’ eft Series aS: qa; Wares a %-2-] fedaisena: | gre g— ‘oat oer: dye.’ eff arerarizar 1 aa aaa gfe ga: gar: | ara — wetiraaa a Raa aera: sear | eeay, HAT: ararenararanerarraeaaaor | aert § a- ara oer: aaya:’ eft afteta, cent ar tothe qertaer: 1 aaa waaay a tra ate aeaotwatiasaa: agI—- afta gl tl aaa: vaeashtas | sredat orereeaierey- arastt a ait: thteesetiead: tata Ata. wera wae akg: | vate eter seeafa— Troqervare | 3 a mrarmennaggen, fe g aot) ga:, wear waged aratrarontarasaaans , fagda freanrgaaa wenterticantert: 1 are qaqaTa (a. 2. & a areara i) 8 ll ‘agarated Jacq’ gare aaaeezEt- ATL, ARITA: 11 ag wafteaet cma aya dtd gerd 3 freer gaa ae — SUTRA TAASTAT | & Ul ag waRaaa sect vate ‘at aa’ seas weaeal aio: aesi er’ ETA ZeA:, TAT waastt fsataiee Tord gerd + ekeak: | qaattad gaz frarrat— ofrarertarsatatareseeea: 8 1 aatear rat: wae ageTe aeahiter waftera aaaerantarar sarraae | azereprer eirafidt era, af ar after eta | aaatage wemeatgiadea | fa geha: Cate arian oeta’ ‘Raqreaitd aay’ geataedez: areromigiier: aftenfataranae | a San a 2c] fetiaisear: | BRR armed Gretna watt aay) sa waft: Wtaeragei oreet a A ay ‘qasisasa’ sf faftoeaa ef araatacra: | ay arasraraee, aa ; ater wet wa Pee aaiary | ay faargarena, aga Taaf—- anieat g Aart era 9 1 aes aR TaMAAFSATTA: | Fa: aTa- fens Rant aad, a ata aati; ar sears Rarmasary | war at wat: — MHA: TTAB: , SAAT ATH AAT ATA, gertaq— aft | aan a atrarmaadiceies- Boal | AHARTTAM AE: | Aa STRAT aereried fem seraraaraariaieena— WAT ATA AT SATE! US Ul afta garrdnaaag | oa aratrecahacia ai S28, orga aries yes ; TAs Bg RRo aUTaTT (ar. 2. 3. ataftar- AI | war a qaagaararerrataa- fara) amet aafterce seafetion area | ‘aqmafirt at aarg:’ afe saan a ararecatarere ga: car: | rgieaeg— waa sree Sara RATATAT AYALA Ua SAAT ATA sareata: | wanfitaaeige:, saat afraer- are: aareeafefet Ta: UI gaamnadatatet Paraareatrceila gRAVSeT | We FarTIgA: gisaete- Raft rerqderaate— AeA AASTTTS |e tI wa ca area sfasiaa a ata:’ ardiat sani feanfrreradtany at srt wafer fread 2 ada «= Ge! aft gar Radish a ata d- freer 88, Prete gt ga: sar: | PrarraRg— AA: ATABA ANT: eaTaeAT: | FA: ATITA: ara TTI, Peta weiner, | seats caries favar | oat fret areata: 1)” a ¢-22.] Bdaiser: | Rae Fas Cara, Sea A 5 SE ATTA Fat Raina tae sahietate warennae- ate— ASiISACATAT GATE i Lo tl ‘arate.’ af aoe argseaasitoreaatad- aaat: aisisasa’ sf Sst werieacaaterarg- 2 ads Reordvage this a Ate Prem Pt, Aetisedife ga: va: 1 aa aft saad i: Tear, AeATaS- aaa Sara zahrta sarethrraq | aaRraeracg— aa: ae: wengisiaa; & aa: aa agar ‘arie:’ gf aug | aa adaer ordivagar Atiaegaer a8 area | amaaseada arg- wae oredragaaeta saraichh:’ ae gaeriataarttre fF u qa ase aga ata) ag aryiyeat: aan gga gredhteandnar aagtrec- gang ae uke Ul BRR AATATH [at 3. ‘oan ere’ gagada 1 ‘siza:? af aa: ‘aqitsasa’ gag aaserage fidist + &, aa Wa Wee, Pttisedif ga: gars aU arqrafheraea a asracaeaers saaeitara: | watrarag—— ara: waar araea ; & aera, aa Asti, ‘otra: gf gfe) a faeattaaaeat: ase: Tages: daa, Acar) sa: GaAs wana waeala Aer ae WAS TTRTTE TASS AAT IT lt LR UI coma: oP’ eft gPrear: wees: ‘ar sara’ gaReeTage Persie a aft & Geert Te, wae sigagl weer aut «= Uertrarraearanfetrr fe ga: aug) Wa | feerag— retrararas aera ; astigane | ga:, aerate: ‘ausisama’ gf wengdaraftrerad, ‘eget aqaey’ oft siriianrnaEre sao, ‘eTeT: gfe’? eft ofrear va asroeanftaereareacer S829] fadetisete | 233 Sag | adiswaterseaema aftr ff fasq i agefaran agate: sere aga at yarabrearasarta efe aera waaTaeae— aafaenarea g afegrea: i 23 u wa aan: wigbadaataeaaa: yar Vteageaasa Pretaista a afr see, . aaa ‘ ATHNEI:? ganar zarat waea- Aa arifadt aasrrazona actors: agar fddisedt® ga: ca: | Rerag— aw Raat: Trees aoeArearaealea za erat award ast | eam, as_r eT IWw- maa: wheeze ‘a: great fag’ senftar acer | aa yarat waeaafafara aan waiters after aft 1 aa yarrgatiaa fataa saad ghz: ara, Gist Taggart ef caqeatere— frqaaor g waAIST TTTTA TN ee UI gae aaaaTa (at. 2. wer reyaRa ARTA GE! AA fé yaa adraaaadia wae, sa aTATETT- é. fargn BEST Tega sgoRia PRT! Say a Ae, BTA egeT agar ada gs: va: | Rreeaeg— we sata Sadana wana:, ser aT aio waeetary | saver a agenala waa: | Za wat aft art aro aT: ea; aafshraT: Wafer Tris, aa ETT amarante ae — wert Aatraret nao ayeiata Sarsarareag ll Qdisa: sonatraan feet a af diz, fara’ ota aft Aaraaeta ghe: strat = ga Q, spaufig FT) GIAEARA SLO Wa: | aT ara | Pgagieaaite WMATA Aza SraTS TRAM Tear: BEA “CTSA ATT.” SUTRA GAT | TAT yaa: aeATS- Prager’, ters qa seta ato Sere a 29-28.) feiaiseara: | Rae gfe Aa sfa ga: vat: | Rrarraeg— afar giez- agtaaat tifieda adrafntetgareata wer afar, aa sao yteafe:, a weer aie patted a fee zara: | ‘crenata’ zkgitta wine: aeagekand aa, 7 apafafe ara: | aera Sala aera yaa ibarrarat fade efe requ gel qaiftecig seriaatas yrecieaia- ated fea: | deft snaemtetraege sfatraaaate Rear 1 aa aa qa aot qe yaaa ager, a aie sarah onfata:; aga ydreataraperas aes TATECMAA TTA RAC ATNAI, CTA AT APRA RTT ATCA tt 8 a (a sfiat tras’ aft sirafieerarees sfiat- ahaatizaasacenttaren atric a ate aes, Faear andr waa seesaazaageia- araaaifaran Atdisedif qa: gay: | Prareaeg— 228 areaaTt (a. 2 aise atten: TTT: TAT: TANTO: SAT: go. sua. | UST: eTaTTRAE TTA eqavrar. BEAL; HA F ATA aor: ea Fa, aera | TFHATOSTTT TT aaraarreanra, Ritaanrsacatiemanteaneas: | FeAs- wartata sramate traits a Fa are sita- fraser fatra sft aa: 1 ae treater: adi: sfaer senaral ar yay; Beat: star sear fe aT eA af aeqarecorerereTE— ATHTPIAA AAT ATT! tl 9 I sarfigadla anit stauda visa sae qa: ast wa set sgeca’ sq. 2. omar atari ferska a aa a aor 38, weffa ga: ga: eG — ara sia: aera | Ee, wae TaTaTg Sfaterteat:, at: Sa aT wa aeraT ea...’ ‘ori fra:....’ gnftafea shee Recaramaa- at: | shattered sfaatrarratitt a aa A 88-88.) fedletserea aR maar atta sft wa: 1 gtiastageattgatcs tatrercearanrd_ &g- : a dgqusdnaaae— Sist tau &o 1 wa ‘on@tarea saift:’ zarfretsatfagaa: ‘aMag:’ wranrgearaaagen Ptraisha a e2. af «ATA SRR, oredifer ga: ga: 1 Par RO! eeg—— oft a: aster: | Bas, wa ws aeahraraeaers: | Tetag? seaky- aft: arrgagrahaans ada eaasafagaaracta gfe ara: i ga cla sateen fad cara ira, aga areata aeeattsacaa- grad aaadiaraaeraaragae— searfeamrerrerang | 22 aa ‘aden’ efe aamaeaga: ‘disc’ qagegent Preise a a daa, sede ga: BR aaaaTN [ar 3. QR. verte Ta | Se, Saer ‘ cares nafs. Gerrale’ “aequeda aaa aeohea’ AT! SC meTerRegaee” geqentfeatertat- atat aaron, vysiia: | oraisha dha gerd: 1 aft q— SAAT APATAT tl Re qagenearaaaen fy duafe, aaft sat: aera: eraa staat dag- are srematsyer dara FAT: II a winaaagfatit garage ears — areata FAATIAHT | RZ aM siatsy: wergt: aagege: ‘adearir’ gearfear adaaagarts Sq, a; gaufemraa za- wer Fa: aay Aqeay Tada aaa THAT, aaa wang: a sfiaererd: 1 Saenger afareticae— VABSTMTATEAT TW BA ‘udisguear’ sff aeryees arses: Gass: ; H %8-Re.] — feliatseart 1 22Q ‘qemarmr? gare war; Tye eae: werent: aay serra, seararEeata fafa aaa; arvai sfatsopaerd: 11 aq oeadsyes sadidtataraer Fesarftater- qatar gaa meE— wfatrreregaag i 83 aan weateg: aitstger: ata ga saafe, aa sidishh tesantd aeararend ater aieafatta seas: zerraqwibanaaraaey wtachs — saeraaareaaet FaregT- marefe fu evi aa WeeaTweT:, Hareahaarseary | HTT Tes ategitedaisata: aa, sae g Fafragerat- ffi aq, Al et, wyTar sagas | a7 war, eff &; ser seaaitarst gfe ofa: cede ‘gerasdifa:’ geardl, ae Sfaengqemegaaaat aft a eerateratead: 1 2g0 werTa (at. 2. ag wamaaa areas: waeriresarTay a aa Siaeaot: araaaeay ; ta alesarfied earie- aaftgsa wateacate— HUST STRAT | XS aeaasyeast areeraoey sare HATS RTL saree weet | saa awa se gefendivencwast mmaraquagr yesais- waza quate, aed: 11 ag ofteafitdo goa gacaraagtar, aeea- Rage — sata wera URS 1 amt qment att aaa atreafatato afa:, gevaftardt 2& viza: gar aediqeraaiar; aa. afteafater ametad: agar amar tecaahtea ghtae— aa Tara RW Ul gramanaagrtared aradisfrara, aaa He WARS] Eset Ree reap a aaEns:’ gfe ge: gta aaTT- safes eaiadiaat: 11 ada dearaate— TAI | RE aga wet career’ serena: wea WAT TATTAM WS er esate TTT | aa 4 sats ga, fag sy: ga Ta: aagaaita efe ga: va: 1 faorarg— ARUAITEAT Axa TITTT 1 XU & Faraemads: | Aagstia:, waar Aas Sawada waa areretears | Her ate Se AYSSAIET:, TNA FET: FS: WOM: Tea aabaramegagaea: F go: wit cad wer sta a aa ae Aa: ATE Te, TSI: aopeneerrae:, A AVATAR: | ATA TAT ATE ToT: aig qeUaeama seats sqaferaa, aghzeaa: | Ver ARIAT [at - ag aaragartdaw genta eta gen Rat dat a awa ae— TAMAS AT STTRT- SAAT | Zo ghadaines aad aera: arg da 7 frase, aagifrearateas: | a aL, TERA Jetralts aa giadder ‘a aaa: ait arrageaeta’ cenfeaat etait: 1 Ag BUN aaa warsaaraeg¢aa 7 aie dame qaaaatad we—— geandaaen adishrsate- SAT Be aa aes gree: aa wa Aaastreae:, ae wea gfgeaine: Beat Geman awa wa afrea- Redarary arated a eera gaa: 1 ag gardiarasat fH sa, aeyT: dan: enter se—

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