03 Soap Action

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The making of soap is one of the oldest syntheses.

Hydrolysis of glycerides is one of the methods used
on tremendous sale by modern soap scale by modern
soap manufactures.


| NaOH |
| |

Ordinary soap today is simply a mixture of sodium salts

of long chain fatty acids. It is a mixture because the fat
from which it is made is a mixture and for washing our
hand is first as good as pure salt, soap may vary in
composition and method of processing if made from
olive oil it is a castile soap, alcohol can be added to
make it transparent air can be beaten into it to make it a
float, perfume, dyes and germicide can be used to and
added if a potassium salt (instead of sodium salt), it is a
soft chemically whoevery soap remains pretty much the
same and does its job in the source way.
We might at first except these salts to be water-soluble
and indeed we can prepare what are called soap
solutions. But these are not true solutions in which
solute movables swim about separately on their own.
Instead soap is dispersed in spherical clusters called
micelles each of which may contain hundreds of soap

molecule. A soap molecule has polar end COO Na+ and
a non-polar end, the long chain of 12–18, C the polar
end is water-soluble and is hydrophilic. The non polar
end is water insoluble and is thus hydrophobic it is of
course soluble non polar, molecules like this are called
amphipathic, then have both polar and non polar cuds
and in addition are big enough for each end to display
its own solubility behavirous. In like with the rule of
“like dissolves like” each non polar environment in the
this situation the one only such environment about is
the non polar ends of other soap movables which
interfere huddle together in center. The polar ends
profert in to the polar solvent water.
Negatively charged carboxylate groups stud the surface
of the micelles and it is surround by an ionic
atmosphere. Repulsion between similar charges keeps
the micelles dispersed.
How Does A Soap Clean?

The problem in cleansing is the fat and grease that make

up and contain dirt. Water alone cannot dissolve these
hydrophobic substance, oil drops on contact with water
tend to coalesce so that there is a water layer and an oil

But the presence of soap changes this. The non-

polar ends of soap molecule dissolve in the oil droplet
leaving the carboxylic group protected into the
surrounding water layer. Repulsion between similar
charges keeps the oil droplets coalescing: a stable
emulsion between oil and water forms and can be
removed from the surface being cleaned. As this
emulsifying and hence cleansing property is not limited
to carboxylate group, carboxylate salts but it is
possessed by many other amphipathic molecules.

The C12 – C18 alcohols are widely used in enormous

quantities in manufacture of detergent.
Synthetic detergents vary considerably in the
chemical structure the molecules of all of them have
one common feature.

A feature they share which ordinary soap: they are

amphipathic and have a large non polar hydrocarbon
end that is oil soluble and a polar end that is water
soluble. C12 – C18 alcohols are converted to the salts of
alkyl hydrogen sulphates. e.g.
2 4
η −C11H23CH2OH → η −C11H23CH2OSO3H
(Lauryl alcohol) (Lauryl hydrogen sulphate)


η –C11H23CH2OSO3Na+
For this the non polar end is the long chain and the polar end
is the OSO3Na+.
Treatment of alcohols with ethylene oxide –
CH2 CH2

A non –ionic detergent

CH3(CH2)10OH + 8CH2 CH2 →
(Lauryl alcohol)

CH3(CH2)10(OCH2CH – CH2)OH
An ethoxylate

Hydrogen bonding to the numerous oxygen atom makes the

polyether end of the molecule water surface alternatively the
ethoxylates can be converted to sulphates and used in the form
of sodium salt.
Perhaps most widely used detergents are sodium salts of
alkyl benzene sulphonic acid a long chain alkyl group
attached to benzene rig by the action of a friedl craft catalyst
and an alkyl halide, an alkenes or an alcohol. Sulphonation
and neutralization yields the detergents.

Water is divided into two categories depending upon its

behavior towards the soap solution as described below

Water, which readily produces lather with soap solution, is
known as soft water. E.g.
1. Distiled water
2. Rain water

Water which does not readily produces lather with soap
solution is known as hard water. E.g.
1. Sea Water
2. Tap Water

Cause of Hardness of water − It is due to presence of

bicarbonates, sulphates and chlorides of calcium and
magnesium in it. These salts get dissolved in it as it passes
through the rock or ground.
Hard water does not produce later with soap solution
readily because Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions are present in hard water
react with anions of soap such as stearate, palmitates and
oleates to form cruddy white ppt. Which precipitates and is
called scum.

Ca2+ + 2C17H35COONa →(C17H35COO)2Ca + 2Na+

(from hard water) (Sodium stearate) Calcium stearate
(Soap) (Cruddy white ppt.)

As a result, hard water does not form lather with soap

until sufficient soap has been added to remove calcium and
magnesium ions in the form of white precipitates. Thus, a lot
of soap is wasted. Hence, hard water is not suitable for
washing purposes. Types of hardness: The hardness of water
is of two types:
1) Temporary hardness
2) Permanent hardness

TEMPORARY HARDNESS:- It is due to presence of

bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium and iron dissolved in
water. This type of hardness is also known as carbonate
hardness. It is named temporary hardness because it can be
removed by simply boiling the water.

PERMANENT HARDNESS − It is due to the presence of

chlorides and sulphates of calcium, magnesium and from in
water this type of hardness of water is also known as non
carbonate hardness. It is named permanent hardness because
such a hardness cannot be removed by simply boiling the
(Removal of Hardness of water)

Softening of water is removal of dissolved salts viz.

bicarbonate, chlorides and sulphates of calcium and

The different methods used for softening of water, i.e., the

removal of hardness depending upon the nature of the
dissolved salts are described below.


(i) By boiling: When temporary hard water is boiled,
the bicarbonates present in water decompose to give
insoluble carbonates which settle down. Soft water
is decanted off.
Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3↓ + CO2 + H2O
(From hard water)
Mg(HCO3)2 MgCO3 ↓ + CO2 + H2O
(From hard waler)
(ii) By adding slaked lime, Ca(OH)2 (Clark’s method) :
When temporary hard water is treated with
calculated quantity of lime bicarbonates present in
water change to insoluble carbonates which settle
down. Soft water is then decanted off
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 2CaCO3 ↓ + H2O
(From hard water)

Mg(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 2CaCO3↓ + MgCO3↓

(From hard water) + H2O
EFFECT OF EXCESS OF LIME : Excess of lime in water
converts the soft water back into hard water by reacting with
carbon-di-oxide from air

Ca(OH)2 +CO2 → Ca(HCO3)2


Complete removal of hardness by this process is not possible

because both CaCO3 and MgCO3 are slightly soluble in



By adding washing soda (Na2CO3):When permanent hard

water is treated with calculated quantity of sodium
carbonate solution ,calcinations and magnesium salts
present in water get precipitated as insoluble carbonates.
Soft water is then decanted off.

CaCl2 + Na2CO3 → CaCO3 ↓ + 2NaCl

Mg Cl2 + Na2CO3 → MgCO3 ↓ + 2Na+

Aim: To compare the foaming capacities of different
samples of soaps

Requirements: 100 ml conical flask with corks, 20 ml test

tubes 50 ml measuring cylinder, test tube stand, weight box
and a stop watch.

Theory: There is no quantities method for the determination

of foaming capacity of soap. However, the foaming capacity
of different soap can be compared qualitatively by the
following way.
Solutions of different soaps are prepared by dissolving their
equal weights in equal volumes of distilled water, these
solutions are shaken vigorously to produce foam and then
they are allowed to stand time taken for disappearance of
foam are measured for different samples. Longer the time
taken for disappearance of foam in a given sample of soap,
greater is its foaming capacity.

1. Weight 0.5 of each of the different samples of soap
provided to you
2. Dissolve each of these weighted sample in 50ml of
distilled water separately, in different conical flask.
Label the solution obtained as 1, 2, 3.
3. Take 20ml (test tubes equal to the number of soap
sample to be tested) and add 10ml distilled water to each
of them then add 1ml of different soap solution
separately in different test tube and correspondingly
mark the test tube as 1,2,3,4 etc
4. Cork test tube no. 1 and shake it vigorously for 1 min.
Place the test tube in test tube stand and start the stop
watch immediately note time in which foam just
5. Similarly, note the time for disappearance of foam in
other test tube and record the observations.

• Weight of the soap sample taken | 0.5 gms
• Volume of distilled water taken for preparing solution of
each sample | 50 ml.

Test tube No. Brand name of Time taken for

soap disappearance of
1 A 20 sec
2 B 15 sec
3 C 18 sec

The soap, for which time taken I for disappearance of
foam is maximum, has maximum foaming capacity and is best
quality soap among the soap tested.
AIM : Study the effect of addition of sodium carbonate
(Washing soda) on the foaming capacity of soap.

Requirements : 100 ml conical flask with corks, 20 ml test

tubes 50 ml measuring cylinder, test tube stand, weight box
and a stop watch.

Theory :
Calcium and Magnesium ions present in tap water
interfere in foaming capacity of a soap. These ions combine
with soap and form insoluble salts which get precipitated.

Ca2+ + 2C17H35COONa → (C17H35COO)2Ca + 2Na+

(From hard water) (Sodium stearate) Calcium stearate
(Soap) (Cruddy white ppt.)

Therefore, in the presence of these ions the foaming apacity of

soap decreases.

When Na2CO3 is added to tap water, Calcium and Magnesium

ions get precipitated as their carbonates. Therefore, in the
presence of Na2CO3

Ca2+ + Na2CO3 →2CaCO3 ↓ + 2Na+

Mg2+ + Na2CO3 →MgCO3↓ + 2Na+

Forming capacity of water increases. In order to demonstrate

this, the foaming capacity of soap will be determined in
distilled water, then in tap water and then finally in tap water
containing Na2CO3.

Procedure −
1. Weight 0.5 of given sample of soap and dissolve it in
50 ml of distilled water taken in a conical flask.
2. Take three test tube label them as 1, 2 and 3 to the first
tube add 10 ml of distilled water, to the second add 10
ml of tap water and to the third add 5 ml of tap water
and 5 ml of M/10 Na2CO3 solution.
3. To each of the three test tube add 1 ml of soap
4. Cork test tube no. 1 tightly and shake vigorously for 1
min. Place the test tube in the test tube stand and with
the help of stop watch note the time in which foam just
5. Similarly note the time for the disappearance of foam
in the remaining two test tube and record the

Test Water used the soap Brand Time taken for

tube name of disappearance
No. soap of foam
1 10 ml. Distilled water A 20 sec
2 10 ml. Tap water B 15 sec
3 5 ml. Tap water + 5 ml. C 18 sec
M/10 Na2CO3 sol

Foaming capacity of soap is maximum for distilled
water. The foaming capacity of tap water increases on
addition of sodium carbonate.

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