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Elements Of Contract

All the colorable titles/colorable contracts HIDE the root, which is the Trust. Everything is a trust because
there is no money, there’s no value available to be given as consideration. So, a trust fills the void (Contract
Trusts of Indemnity and/or Indenture).

Everything becomes an act of ‘gifting’ under the Trust. Trusts were put in place in 1933 with the taking of the
gold.  So, every colorable contract is wrapping and hiding a trust at its core and the gifting of the ‘res’ or the
principal of the trust forms the corpus of the trust. Your signature is your representation of the trust and all
your past, present, and future labor, i.e. your assets. Your signature is the res, i.e. the value and the principal.

To form a bona fide bilateral/multilateral contract there are four (at a minimum) elements that must be in

1. There must be a “meeting of the minds”. Both/all parties have to be competent;

2. There has to be mutually agreed upon “valuable consideration” brought forward by the parties
concerned; “mutuality of obligation”. There has to be an exchange of adequate and sufficient
consideration (which cannot happen);
3. There has to be “full disclosure”. The intent in the contract must be clear to both parties; the
document of contract must contain ALL the stipulations of the contract.
4. The contract must be “blue-ink” signed by all parties of interest holding authority to do so.

If any one element is missing, the weaker contracting party can exercise his or her voidable right under
contract law and void the contract from its inception. There is no statute of limitation for contract fraud.

An interesting development in Contract Law came about in the 40's; the birth of the implied or adhesion

In the 50's this new form of contract came into everyday use. Even though the adhesion contract form does
not meet the test of bona fide contract, it is used almost exclusively as the contract form of choice by all
service providers today. It is also the contract that has you bound by its invisible chains of obligation… when
you are coerced into identifying yourself into playing the role of Trustee of the TRUST. It is done with guile
and with purpose using adhesion contracts. These are the invisible chains you carry; the enforceable bonds
of hidden “contractual” obligation.

There are several important points about contract law you must understand.

Contract law developed from Roman Civil Law.

It is a legal concept and form that has slowly evolved over the centuries to be distinct from other law forms.

Contract law is completely separate and distinct from statutory or procedural law. This is an important fact.

Although all statutes are contract, private contracts do not automatically fall under the jurisdiction of statutory

Private contract, by and large, stands alone and can be completely self-contained. Contracts and their
underlying obligations are also black and white. There are no gray areas.

You can and will be held responsible for your obligation under contract whether you know you have the
obligation to perform or not; even if you were ignorant of the fact that you signed a contract.

Are you a transferee or fiduciary? Absolutely! You are acting as a fiduciary for your corporate persona. You
transferred title to your car to the state and received a "certificate of title", you transferred the claim to your
labour (money) to the state with your birth certificate and you are acting in a fiduciary capacity for the state in
numerous trusts you bound yourself into with adhesion contracts (Trusts). You have claimed, in all these
contracts, to be the surety and fiduciary for the "legal person." The legal "person", you, they are talking about
is your corporate-contract-trust-fiction.

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