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Medicinal Plants of the World

Medicinal Plants
of the
Volume 1
Chemical Constituents,
Traditional and Modem
Medicinal Uses


Ivan A. Ross

Springer-Science+Business Media, LLC *-

ISBN 978-1-61737-469-2 ISBN 978-1-59259-365-1 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-59259-365-1

© 2003 Springer Science+Business Media New York

Originally published by Humana Press Inc. in 2003.
Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 2nd edition 2003
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Library of Congress Catalog ing in Publication Data

Ross, lvan A.
Medicinal plants of the world: chemical constituents, traditional and modern medicinal
uses / by lvan A. Ross.--2nd ed.
lncludes bibliographical references and index.

1. Medicinal plants--Encyclopedias. 1. Title.


Since the publication of the first edition of Medicinal Plants of the World: Chemical
Constituents, Traditional and Modem Medicinal Uses in 1999, there has been a significant
growth in the amount of new data on the herbs covered in this volume. The references
used to compile this new edition have more than doubled.
As a biologist with the US Food and Drug Administration I have been involved in
toxicological research. On one occasion, while investigating herbal products sold in the
United States as foods or food supplements, I realized that there was an abundance of
information on plants that are commonly used as food and medicine. However, the mate-
rial available was not compiled to optimally serve my interest. Most such books addressed
the subject as folklore, and their information was not prepared as an educational resource
on plant materials that are used as foods and food supplements by the general public. As a
result, to obtain a fair knowledge of any specific plant, information from several books
and journal articles had to be put together. It is this experience that guided me to compile
Medicinal Plants of the World. The feedback I have received from readers of the first
edition has inspired me to update the information on this important collection of plants.
No current text describes the traditional medicinal uses, the chemical constituents,
the pharmacological activities, and the clinical trials of those plants that are commonly
used around the world as medicine. The objectives that guided the writing of this book
were to create a reference for research scientists, phytochemists, toxicologists, physicians,
pharmacists, and other health care providers; to integrate traditional and modern
pharmacopoeias in order to develop a more efficient medicine; to build confidence and
self-reliance in the use of medicinal plants; to revive an awareness of the importance of
plants as sources of medicine; and to encourage their utilization and conservation.
Around the world, and even within countries, different names are used for the same
plant, and different plants may be referred to by the same name. In an effort to familiar-
ize readers with the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature system, the code's
Latin binomial is used for each plant. The common names, together with the countries
with which they are associated, are also listed. Color illustrations of the plants are pro-
vided to assist in their identification by those who are not familiar with the botanical
name or any of the common names. For the non-botanist, the chapter on nomenclature
and descriptive terminology, the botanical description, and the origin and distribution
of each plant will be useful in the practical identification of the plants.
Since medical doctors are often reluctant to prescribe medicinal plants without sup-
porting scientific data, the sections on pharmacological activities and clinical trials, as
well as those on chemical constituents, constitute most useful references. These sections
will also be of value to scientists with an interest in drug development. The section on
traditional medicinal uses, listed by countries, will provide support and build confidence
and self-reliance in the traditional uses of medicinal plants. Throughout, the book pre-


sents vital information that will find much use by students, practitioners, or researchers
interested or engaged in the development, evaluation, or use of herbal medicines. The
text presumes that the reader has had little to no experience or knowledge of medicinal
plants. A bibliography of approximately 3000 references is presented for readers inter-
ested in more detailed information. It represents a diversity of disciplines that reflect the
complexity of the field and the variety of interests in medicinal plants.
It is my hope that readers will find in Medicinal Plants of the Warld a wealth of practical ideas
and theoretical information that will expose new information and little-known facts, as well as
the significant applications of plants in medicine, thereby helping us become healthier people,
better students, teachers, farmers, clinicians, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
Ivan A. Ross, phD

Preface .............................................................................................................. v
Contents of Companion Volume .................................................................... xiii
List of Color Plates ..................................... ..................................................... xv

1 Nomenclature and Descriptive Terminology .................................. 1

Compound Leaves ... ...... ..... ................. .............................. ........ 3
Leaf Shapes ................................................................................ 4
Leaf Margins ......... .......... ..................................................... ...... 4
Leaf Tips .............................................................................. ...... 5
Leaf Bases .................................................................................. 7
Attachment to Stem ................................................................... 7
Leaf Surfaces ....... ... ....................... ........ .. .. .. ...... ...... .. .......... .. ..... 7
Types of Inflorescence ............................................................... 8
Dry Fruits .... .. ............................ .. ......... ... ..... .... ........................ 12
Fleshy Fruits ......................................... .................................... 13
Abbreviations and Chemical Constituents ............................... 14

2 Abrus precatorius .......................................................................... 1 5

Common Names ... ..... ...... .. .............. ........................................ 15
Botanical Description .... ... ......... .............................................. 16
Origin and Distribution .............. .. ...... .... .......... ....... .... ... ...... ... 16
Traditional Medicinal Uses ....................................... ............... 16
Chemical Constituents ............................................................. 17
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ........................ 19
References ..... ........ .......... .... .................................................... 25

3 Allium sativum ............................................................................... 33

Common Names ..... .......... .... .. .. .. ...... ........... .. .......................... 33
Botanical Description ...... ...................................................... .. 34
Origin and Distribution ........................................................... 34
Traditional Medicinal Uses ...................................................... 34
Chemical Constituents ............................................................. 36
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ........................ 38
References .. .. ... ... ............. .. ...................................................... 77


4 A/De vera ..................................................................................... 103

Common Names .................................................................... 103
Botanical Description ............................................................ 104
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 104
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 104
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 106
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 108
References ............................................................................. 122

5 Annona muricata ......................................................................... 1 33

Common Names .................................................................... 133
Botanical Description ............................................................ 133
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 133
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 134
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 134
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 136
References ............................................................................. 138

6 Carica papaya .............................................................................. 143

Common Names .................................................................... 143
Botanical Description ............................................................ 144
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 145
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 145
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 148
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 150
References ............................................................................. 156

7 Cassia a/ata .................................................................................. 1 65

Common Names .................................................................... 165
Botanical Description ............................................................ 165
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 166
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 166
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 167
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 167
References ............................................................................. 171

8 Catharanthus roseus .................................................................... 1 75

Common Names .................................................................... 175
Botanical Description ............................................................ 175
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 176
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 1 76
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 177
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 179
References ............................................................................. 185

9 Cymbopogon citratus .................................................................. 1 97

Common Names .................................................................... 197
Botanical Description ............................................................ 197
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 198
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 198
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 198
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 199
References ............................................................................. 204

10 Cyperus rotundus ........................................................................ 209

Common Names .................................................................... 209
Botanical Description ............................................................ 210
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 210
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 21 0
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 212
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 213
References ............................................................................. 219

11 Curcuma longa ............................................................................ 227

Common Names .................................................................... 227
Botanical Description ............................................................ 228
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 228
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 228
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 230
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 231
References ............................................................................. 242

12 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis .................................................................. 253

Common Names .................................................................... 253
Botanical Description ............................................................ 254
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 254
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 254
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 256
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 257
References ............................................................................. 262

13 Hibiscus sabdariffa ...................................................................... 267

Common Names .................................................................... 267
Botanical Description ............................................................ 267
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 268
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 268
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 268
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 269
References ............................................................................. 272

14 Jatropha curcas ............................................................................ 277

Common Names .................................................................... 277
Botanical Description ............................................................ 278
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 278
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 278
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 280
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 280
References ............................................................................. 284

15 Lantana camara ........................................................................... 289

Common Names .................................................................... 289
Botanical Description ............................................................ 290
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 290
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 290
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 291
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 292
References ................... ,......................................................... 298

16 Mucuna pruriens ......................................................................... 305

Common Names .................................................................... 305
Botanical Description ............................................................ 305
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 306
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 306
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 307
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 307
References ............................................................................. 311

1 7 Mangifera indica .......................................................................... 31 5

Common Names .................................................................... 315
Botanical Description ............................................................ 316
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 316
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 316
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 317
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 319
References ............................................................................. 324

18 Manihot esculenta ....................................................................... 329

Common Names .................................................................... 329
Botanical Description ............................................................ 329
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 329
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 329
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 330
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 330
References ............................................................................. 334

19 Momordica charantia .................................................................. 337

Common Names .................................................................... 337
Botanical Description ............................................................ 338
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 338
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 338
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 341
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 343
References ............................................................................. 354

20 Moringa pterygosperma .............................................................. 367

Common Names .................................................................... 367
Botanical Description ............................................................ 368
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 368
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 368
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 370
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 371
References ............................................................................. 376

21 Persea americana ............................................. ............................ 383

Common Names .................................................................... 383
Botanical Description ............................................................ 384
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 384
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 384
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 385
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 386
References ............................................................................. 389

22 Phyllanthus niruri ........................................................................ 393

Common Names .................................................................... 393
Botanical Description ............................................................ 393
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 393
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 394
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 395
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 395
References ............................................................................. 399

23 Portulaca oleracea ....................................................................... 405

Common Names .................................................................... 405
Botanical Description ............................................................ 406
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 406
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 406
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 407
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ..................... .407
References ............................................................................. 410

24 Psidium guajava ........................................................................... 41 5

Common Names .................................................................... 415
Botanical Description ............................................................ 416
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 416
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 416
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 417
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 419
References ............................................................................. 424

25 Punica granatum .......................................................................... 431

Common Names .................................................................... 431
Botanical Description ............................................................ 431
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 432
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 432
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 433
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 434
References ............................................................................. 439

26 Syzygium cumini ......................................................................... 445

Common Names .................................................................... 445
Botan ical Descri ption ............................................................ 445
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 445
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 446
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 446
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ...................... 447
References ............................................................................. 451

27 Tamarindus indica ....................................................................... 455

Common Names .................................................................... 455
Botanical Description ............................................................ 455
Origin and Distribution ......................................................... 456
Traditional Medicinal Uses .................................................... 456
Chemical Constituents ........................................................... 457
Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Trials ..................... .458
References ............................................................................. 460

Glossary ........................................................................................................ 465

Index ............................................................................................................. 477
About the Author ........................................................................................... 491
Contents of Companion Volume (Vol. 2)

1 Allium cepa
2 Althaea officinalis
3 Anacardium occientale
4 Ananas comosus
5 Angelica sinensis
6 Azadirachta indica
7 Echinacea angustifolia
8 Ephedra sinica
9 Eucalyptus globulus
10 Ginkgo biloba
11 Glycyrrhiza glabra
12 Hypericum perforatum
13 Laurus nobilis
14 Lycopersicon esculentum
15 Matricaria chamomilla
16 Morinda citrifolia
17 Musa sapien tum
18 Myristica fragrans
19 Nelumbo nucifera
20 Pimp in ella anisum
21 Ricinus communis
22 Tanacetum parthenium
23 Tribulus terrestris
24 Vitex agnus-castus

List of Color Plates

Color plates appear as an insert following page 240.

Plate 1. Abrus precatorius (see full discussion in Chapter 2).

Plate 2. Allium sativum (see full discussion in Chapter 3).
Plate 3. Aloe vera (see full discussion in Chapter 4).
Plate 4. Annona muricata (see full discussion in Chapter 5).
Plate 5. Carica papaya (see full discussion in Chapter 6).
Plate 6. Cassia alata (see full discussion in Chapter 7).
Plate 7. Catharanthus roseus (see full discussion in Chapter 8).
Plate B. Cymbopogon citratus (see full discussion in Chapter 9).
Plate 9. Cyperus rotundus (see full discussion in Chapter 10).
Plate 10. Hibiscus rosa~sinensis (see full discussion in Chapter 12).
Plate 11. Hibiscus sabdariffa (see full discussion in Chapter 13).
Plate 12. Jatropha curcas (see full discussion in Chapter 14).
Plate 13. Lantana camara (see full discussion in Chapter 15).
Plate 14. Mucuna pruriens (see full discussion in Chapter 16).
Plate 15. Mangifera indica (see full discussion in Chapter 17).
Plate 16. Momordica charantia (see full discussion in Chapter 19).
Plate 17. Moringa pterygosperma (see full discussion in Chapter 20).
Plate lB. Persea americana (see full discussion in Chapter 21).
Plate 19. Phyllanthus niruri (see full discussion in Chapter 22).
Plate 20. Portulaca oleracea (see full discussion in Chapter 23).
Plate 21. Psidium guajava (see full discussion in Chapter 24).
Plate 22. Punica granatum (see full discussion in Chapter 25).
Plate 23. Syzygium cumini (see full discussion in Chapter 26).
Plate 24. Tamarindus indica (see full discussion in Chapter 27).

1 Nomenclature and
Descriptive Terminology

For centuries, the only names of plants together, the genus and the specific epithet
known by most lay people have been the form the species name. The binomial, for
common names. These common names are accuracy, is followed by the abbreviation of
often simple, descriptive, and easy to pro- the name of the person or persons who first
nounce and remember. These names may be applied that name to the plant. Most of
words, phrases, and even sentences. Some the words that make up scientific names are
favorites are "ram goat dash around" in derived from Latin or Greek, although there
Jamaica, and "piss a bed" in Guyana. How- is no requirement that they must be. How-
ever, there are disadvantages in using the ever, for technical purposes, the elements of
common names, especially with intention of the binomial are treated as Latin, no matter
sharing information. Common names can be what their source. Most specific epithets
different from country to country, and even indicate something characteristic about a
within a country. The same plant may be species, such as growth pattern, habitat, sea-
referred to by different names, and different son, shape of leaves, discoverer of the spe-
plants may be referred to by the same name. cies, place of discovery, or type or color of
Common names are not decided upon by flowers and fruit.
any logical system. Their origin can seldom Our knowledge of the plants in our
be determined. During the First Interna- environment is far from complete. There
tional Botanical Congress in Paris in 1867, are regions around the world, especially
the International Code of Botanical the tropical rain forest, where the plants
Nomenclature (ICBN) evolved. This system have not been cataloged. This is a serious
created a single valid universally recognized deficiency, considering the potential
scientific name for each plant. Scientific importance of the unknown species in
names have thus facilitated the free transfer terms of conservation, to establish natural
of ideas and information by botanists all over preserves, and to locate and protect species
the world. The principle of this new system that may provide germplasm resources or
is that each plant be given a two-element that may possess medically useful chemical
name or binomial. The two elements of the compounds. Without knowledge of the
binomial that make up the scientific name present botanical names of plants, it will
are derived from the taxonomic hierarchy. be very difficult, if not impossible, to iden-
The first element is called the genus and the tify, classify, and assign new names to
second element is called the specific epithet; newly discovered species.
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Because the identification and classifica- the supporting stalk, and stipules, append-
tion of plants is based somewhat on the ages that, if present, may be leaf-like, scale-
details of their external features, a knowledge like, or tendrils. Anyone of these parts of
of the terminology of plant morphology is the leaf may be lacking or highly modified.
essential. Some commonly encountered ter- The arrangement of the veins of the leaf
minology for descriptive plant taxonomy is blade is referred to as venation. The vena-
illustrated in this chapter. Understanding tion may be parallel or net. Net venation
these terms will help one to fully understand may be palmate, the main veins radiating
the botanical description of the plants. from the point where they join the petiole,
Leaves are the most important plant or pinnate, with one central vein or midrib
organs in the identification and classifica- that has lateral veins arising along its length
tion of a species. They are generally broad, and at angles from it. Leaves are generally
flattened, and are borne at the nodes of a arranged in one of three ways: alternate,
stem. Leaves are either simple-the blade is a having one leaf at each node, usually
single part-or compound-the blade is arranged in spirals around the stem; opposite,
divided into smaller, blade-like parts (see having leaves paired at each node on oppo-
Fig. 1). Just above the point of attachment site sides of the stem; and ventricillate, or
of the leaf base or petiole, there is an axil- whorled, having three or more leaves at each
lary bud. A complete leaf is composed of the node. The edge of a leaf is also referred to as
blade, the expanded flattened part; petiole, the margin.

Bipinnate Tripinnate

Digitate Peltate-Palmate


Fig. 1. Compound leaves.



Ligulate Linear Oblanceolate

~~Orbicular Oval


Fig. 2. Leaf shapes.

Some common types of leaves, stems, Trifoliate. Having three leaves.

flowers and fruits, and their shapes, charac- Biternate. A ternate leaf in which the
teristics and arrangements are listed below: first order leaflets are themselves ternately
COMPOUND LEAVES (Figure 1) compound.
Odd-pinnate. A pinnate leaf with a termi- Digitate. A compound leaf in which the
nalleaflet, the number of leaflets being odd. leaflets arise from a single point at the end
Even-pinnate. The condition in a com- of the petiole; also referred to as palmately
pound leaf when an even number of leaflets compound.
is present, a terminal leaflet lacking. Peltate-Palmate. Attached to a supporting
Bipinnate A leaf that is twice pinnately stalk at a point inside the margin, as in the
compound. petiole of a leaf of the stalk of certain cone
Tripinnate. Three times pinnately compound. scales.

LEAF SHAPES (Figure 2) Rhomboidal. Parallelogram-shaped with

Acicular. Needle-like, round, or grooved in opposing acute and obtuse angles.
a cross-section. Sagittate. Term describing basal lobes drawn
Cordate. Heart-shaped. into points on either side of the petiole.
Cuneate. Wedge-shaped, tapering toward Spatulate. Shaped like a spatula.
the point of attachment. Subulate. Tapering from a broad base to a
Deltoid. Triangular. sharp point, awl shaped.
Truncate. A straight base or apex which
Digitate. A compound leaf in which the
appears to have been cut off.
leaflets arise from a single point at the end
of the petiole; also referred to as palmately LEAF MARGINS (Figure 3)
compound. Ciliate. Having hairs on the margins.
Elliptical. Having the shape of flattened Cleft. The condition in which the leaves
circle, usually twice as long as broad. are palmately or pinnately cut to about the
Ensiform. Sword-shaped. midpoint.
Falcate. Sickle-shaped. Crenate. With low rounded or blunt teeth.
Filiform. Thread-like. Crenulate. Having margins with very small
Hastate. Arrowhead-shaped. rounded teeth; diminutive of crenate.
Incised. Cut deeply, sharply, and often Dentate. Having sharp marginal teeth
irregularly into a leaf or petal margin. pointing outward.
Lanceolate. Lance-shaped, tapering from a Denticulate. Minutely toothed.
broad base to the apex; much longer than Entire. Smooth; devoid of any indentations,
wide. lobes, or teeth.
Ligulate. Shaped like a strap or narrow Incised. Cut deeply, sharply, and often
irregularly into the leaf margin.
band, as in a petal or the corolla.
Lacerate. Tom or irregularly cleft.
Linear. Long and narrow with almost paral-
Lobed. Divided into parts separated by
lel sides.
rounded sinuses extending one-third to one-
Oblanceolate. Lanceolate, but with the
half the distance between the margin and
broadest part near the apex.
the midrib.
Oblong. Much longer than broad, the sides Palmately Lobed. Like an open hand.
being parallel.
Parted. Cut or dissected almost to the midrib.
Obovate. Ovate, but with the broadest part Pectinate. Parts are arranged like the teeth
near the apex. of a comb.
Obtuse. An apex formed by two lines which Pinnatisect. Cleft almost down to the mid-
meet at more than a right angle. rib in a pinnate manner.
Orbicular. Having a flat body with a circu- Serrate. Having marginal teeth pointing
lar outline. toward the apex.
Oval. Rounded at both ends, about twice as Double-serrate. With small serration on
long as broad. larger serration.
Ovate. Egg-shaped, with the broadest part Serrate. Minutely serrate.
toward the base. Sinuate. Having a deeply wavy margin.
Palmatifid. Lobed, cleft, parted, divided or Spinose. With a spine at the top.
compounded so that the sinuses or leaflets Undulate. Having a slightly wavy margin.
point to the apex of the petiole. Bi-serrate. The condition in which serra-
Panduriform. Fiddle-shaped. tion are themselves serrate; also referred to
Reniform. Kidney-shaped. as doubly serrate.

Pinnately Plnnatlsecl
Palmately Parted Lobed


BI-Serrate Spinose

Crenate Crenulate Dentate


Incised Lacerate

Fig. 3. Leaf Margins

LEAF TIPS (figure 4) Aristate. With a bristle at the tip.

Acuminate. Tapering gradually to a pro- Caudate. Tailed.
longed point. Cirrhose. Tendril-like.
Acute. Ending in a point that is less than a Cleft. The condition in which the leaves
right angle, but one that is not acuminate; are palmately or pinnately cut to about the
distinct and sharp, but not drawn out. midpoint.
Apiculate. A leaf apex which bears a short Cuspidate. Tipped with a sharp and rigid
flexible point. point.

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(V\. \ /~~' ". :. ~

.., .
<~ /
Acute Apiculate

• •



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Cirrhose Cleft Cuspidate Mucronate Emarginate

~m~ .m~ g
Mucronulate Obcordate Obtuse Retuse Rounded Truncate

Fig. 4. Leaf tips.

Attenuate Acute Auriculate Cordate Cuneate

4b~W ~ Hastate Oblique Obtuse

~~~~ Peltate Rounded Sagittate Truncate

Fig. 5. Leaf bases.

Emarginate. Callously notched and in- Obcordate. The shape of an inverted

dented at the apex. heart.
Mucronate. Abruptly tipped with a small Obtuse. An apex formed by two lines that
point, projecting from the midrib. meet at more than a right angle.
Mucronulate. Having a sharp terminal Retuse. With a shallow notch at a rounded
point or spiny tip. apex.

~ i

Peltate Amplexicaul
Ligulate Decurrent


Fig. 6. Attachment to stem.

Rounded. An apex that is gently curved. ATTACHMENT TO STEM (Figure 6)

Truncate. Cut squarely across at the apex. Amplexicaul. Sessile with the base clasped
LEAF BASES (Figure 5) around the stem.
Attenuate. Characterized by a long gradual Decurrent. Leaf bases that extend down-
taper. ward and are adnate to a stem.
Acute. Ending in a point that is less than a Ligulate. Shaped like a strap or narrow band.
right angle but one that is not acuminate; Peltate. Attached to a supporting stalk at a
distinct and sharp, but not drawn out. point inside the margin.
Auriculate. With ear-like appendages at Perfoliate. The base surrounds the stem so
the base. that it appears that the stem penetrates the
Cordate. Heart-shaped, with a notch at leaf.
the base. Petiolate. Having a petiole or leaf stalk.
Cuneate. Wedge-shaped, gradually nar- Sessile. Without a stalk; seated directly on
rowed toward point of attachment. the supporting structure.
Hastate. Having the general shape of an ar- Sheathing. The enclosure of the stem by a
rowhead, but with the basal lobes turned sheath-like leaf.
outward at right angles. Stipulate. Having stipules.
Oblique. Slanting or unequal-sided. LEAF SURFACES
Obtuse. With a blunt or rounded tip. Papillate. Having small pimple or nipple-
Peltate. Attached to a supporting stalk at a like protuberances.
point inside the margin. Pitted. Having small cavities or depressions;
Rounded. With a broad arch. also referred to as punctate.
Sagittate. Basal lobes drawn into points on Scurfy. Covered with scales.
either side of the petiole. Uncinate. Hooked.
Truncate. Cut squarely across at the base. Barbellate. Hairs of barbs down the sides.

Glochidiate. Having apical barbed hair or on the plant is referred to as the inflorescence.
bristle. Some inflorescences are simple and readily
Velutinous. Velvety. distinguishable, but others are complicated
Tomentose. With densely matted soft hairs; and difficult to characterize. Some common
woolly in appearance. types of inflorescence are listed below.
Lanate. Woolly, with long, intertwined,
coiled hairs.
Floccose. Covered with tufts of soft woolly Solitary. With a single flower.
hairs that are easily removed by rubbing. Axillary. Growing out of the angle between
Scabrous. Rough to the touch. the stem and the leaf stalk.
Strigose. Stiff hairs often appressed {i.e., Terminal. Situated at the apex of a flower-
pressed next to the stem} and pointing in ing stalk.
one direction. Axillary & Terminal. Growing out at the
Glandular. Having glands or small secre- axil, as in axillary and also at the apex of
tory structures. the plant or the tip of the growing point.
Farinose. Covered with mealiness. Spike. An inflorescence with a single axis
Hirsute. With long shaggy hairs, often stiff and flowers without pedicels.
or bristly to the touch.
Spikelet. A small spike; the flowers incon-
spicuous and more or less hidden by bracts,
Hirtellous. Minutely hirsute.
as in grasses and sedges.
Hispid. With stiff, rough hairs.
Spadix. A thick or fleshy spike-like inflores-
Echinate. With straight, often compara-
cence with very small flowers that are massed
tively large, prick-like hairs.
together and usually enclosed in a spathe.
Puberulent. Somewhat or minutely pubes-
Catkin. A soft spike or raceme of small uni-
sexual flowers, the inflorescence usually
Pubescent. Covered with short, soft hairs.
falling as a unit.
Pilose. With scattered long slender soft
Helicoid cyme. Formed like a spring or
snail shell.
Villous. Covered with long fine soft hairs.
Verticel. Flowers arranged in whorls at the
Sericeous. With soft silky hairs, usually all nodes.
pointing in one direction.
Head. A dense cluster of stalkless flowers.
Dolabriform. With forked hairs attached Raceme. An inflorescence with a single
at the middle.
axis and the flowers arranged along the
Stellate. With star-shaped hairs. main axis on pedicels.
Flowers are highly modified shoots with Umbel. An inflorescence of few to many
specialized appendages. Flowers may arise in flowers on pedicels of approximately equal
the axil of a leaf or, more often, in the axil of length arising from the top of a peduncle.
a reduced leaf, which is called a bract. The Corymb. A broad inflorescence in which
major components of the unmodified flower the lower pedicels are successively elon-
are the perianth, androecium, and the gyno, gate, giving the inflorescence a flat-topped
ecium. The perianth is subdivided into the appearance; indeterminate.
calyx and the corolla. A group of stamens, Dichasium. A terminal flower carried
wherein the pollen is produced, is called the between two roughly equally branches.
androecium. The gynoecium consists of the Panicle. A compound inflorescence in which
carpel, the innermost ovule-bearing part of the main axis is branched one or more times
the flower. The arrangement of the flowers and may support spikes, racemes, or corymbs.



" "':'..~\ \.
. - ,.
". l .

Axillary and Terminal


Helicoid Verticel Head


Fig. 7. Types of inflorescence.

Thyrse. A compound, compact panicle Compound umbel. A flower head in

with an indeterminate main axis and later- which the flower stems spring from a com-
ally determinate axes. mon point.



Spike of Cyme
Panicle of Heads

Fig. 7. Types of inflorescence (Continued).

Raceme of umbels. An elongated inflo- ferent from umbel where they radiate from
rescence in which the umbels are inserted a single point.
along a rachis. Panicle of heads. A flower head with sev-
Corymbs of heads. A flat-topped flower eral branches, either opposite or alternate.
cluster in which the flower stalks emanate Panicle of spikelets. Panicle in which
from different parts of the main stem as dif- the branch lets terminate in spikelets

Cypsela Caryopsis


Silicle Samara


Fig. 8. Dry fruits.

rather than individual flowers, as in many Cyme. A broad, more or less flat-topped
grasses. inflorescence with the main axis terminat-
Spike of spikelets. Spikelets are sessile ing in a single flower that opens before the
along an unbranched rachis. lateral flowers, determinate.



Fig. 9. Fleshy fruits.

Fruits develop from ripened ovaries in of fruits are dry and fleshy. Some types of
the flower. Fruits may have other floral dry and fleshy fruits are listed below.
structures associated with them and nor-
mally contain seeds, which are ripened DRY FRUITS (Figure 8)
ovules. The seed germinates and produces a Achene. Seed and pericarp attached only
new plant. Many taxonomists restrict the at the funiculus, the seed usually tightly
use of the term "fruit" to the flowering enclosed by the fruit wall, as in the sunflower.
plants and do not refer to the matured Cypsela. An achene with an adnate calyx.
female reproductive structures in gymno- Casryopsis. Seed and pericarp completely
sperms as fruits. The botanical definition is fused, as in the grass family.
not very clear in common usage. Corn Schizocarp. The carpels separating from one
"seeds" are actually the fruit of this plant. another into one-seeded indehiscent segments.
Fruits such as squash, eggplant, and toma- Silique. The walls peeling away from a
toes are called vegetables. There are many papery central partition.
kinds of fruits, some easy to classify, and oth- Silicle. A silique that is not longer than it is
ers more difficult. Two of the major groups wide.

Berry Pome

Fig. 9. Fleshy fruits (Continued).

Samara. A winged achene. Pepo. A berry with a leathery rind; derived

Follicle. A unicarpellate dehiscent dry fruit from an inferior ovary; use often restricted
that opens along one suture. to the fruit of the Cucurbitaceae.
Utricle. A small bladdery achene-like fruit Berry. A multiseeded indehiscent fruit in
with the seed loosely surrounded by the fruit which the pericarp is fleshy throughout, as
wall, as in the pigweed. in the tomato.
Pyx is. Opening by a lid, as in the purslane. Pome. A fleshy indehiscent fruit derived
Septicidal. A capsule that dehisces by means from an inferior ovary surrounded by an
of openings along or within the septations. adnate hypanthium, as in the apple.
Loculicidal. A capsule that dehisces by Hesperidium. A fleshy indehiscent fruit
means of openings into locules, about mid- with conspicuous septations lined with suc-
way between the partitions. culent hairs; the fruit of the citrus group.
Denticidal. A capsule dehiscing by a series Accessory. A false fruit, as in the straw-
of teeth. berry, in which the bulk of the fleshy por-
Poricidal. A capsule or anthler that opens tion is derived from receptacle rather than
by means of a pore or series of pores. gynoecium.
Legume. Unicarpellate, dehiscing along Aggregate. A false fruit type in which the
both sutures; the fruit type of the pea family. separate carpels of an apocarpous gyno-
Nut .A dry hard indehiscent one-seeded ecium collectively appear to form a fruit.
fruit derived from a syncarpous gynoecium. Syconium. A vase-like structure with an
opening at its apex and whose interior wall
FLESHY FRUITS (Figure 9) is lined with tiny flowers.
Drupe. A fleshy indehiscent fruit, having Multiple. A type of false fruit in which sev-
its single seed enclosed in a stony endocarp. eral true fruits from separate flowers coalesce

to produce a single structure that resembles Bk Bark

a fruit, as in pineapple. Bu Bulb
Hip. Vase-like leathery hypanthium con- Call Tiss Callus tissue
taining several seed-like achenes; the false Cr Crown
fruit of the rose. Ct Coat
Cx Calyx
Cy Cotyledon
Following the names of each chemical con- Ct Coat
stituent is an abbreviation indicating the part Em Embryo
of the plant in which the constituent is EO Essential oil
present; a number is then followed indicat- Ep Epidermis
ing the amount of that constituent present. FI Flower
This value is listed in either parts per million Fr Fruit
(ppm) or in percentage (%). Some of these Hu Hull
values have a wide range; this is because the Ju Juice
amount of the constituent is based on the dry LfLeaf
weight as well as the amount of moisture in Lx Latex
the plant part in its natural state. The larger Pe Peel
value is based on the dry weight and the Pc Pericarp
smaller value on the natural moisture con- PI Plant
tent of the part indicated. These values can Pu Pulp
also vary depending on such conditions as Pn Panicle
varieties, geographic location of production, Rh Rhizome
method of production, maturity at harvest- Rt Root
ing, method of processing, and so forth. Sd Seed
Sh Shoot
Aer Aerial parts St Stem
An Anther Tr Trunk
As Ash Tu Tuber
Bd Bud TwTwig

Ppm % Conversion Ppm % Conversion

10,000 ppm 1% 60,000 ppm 6%

20,000 ppm 2% 70,000 ppm 7%
30,000 ppm 3% 80,000 ppm 8%
40,000 ppm 4% 90,000 ppm 9%
50,000 ppm 5% 100,000 ppm 10%
2 Abrus
precatorius L.

Common Names
Aainud-dik India Jequirity plant Philippines
Aregllisse West Indies Jequirity Taiwan
Benambo Guinea-Bissau jequirity India
Buck bean Guyana Jiquiriti Brazil
Chanoti Pakistan Jumble bean Virgin Islands
Chasm-I-kharosh Pakistan Jumble bean Ivory Coast
Chirmu Pakistan Kalyani India
Chunhati India Kikerewe Tanzania
Crab's eye Guam Kolales halomtanto Guam
Crab's eye India Koonch India
Crab's eye Nepal Krikpe Ivory Coast
Crab's eye USA Kunni India
Crab's eye Thailand Laboma Ivory Coast
Crab's stone India Latuwani India
Damabo Ivory Coast Love bean USA
Gaungchi India Lufyambo East Africa
Gchi India Lyann legliz Haiti
Ghongchi India Ma klam taanuu Thailand
Ghumchi India Minimini Mozambique
Ghun India Mishquina Peru
Goassien Ivory Coast Miski miski Peru
Guinea pea India Motipitipi East Africa
Gunch India Moudie-bi-titi Ivory Coast
Gunchi Pakistan Mwanga-Ia-nyuki East Africa
Gundumani India Mwangaruchi Tanzania
Gunja India Namugolokoma Mozambique
Guri-ginja India Ndebie ni Guinea
Gurivinda India Olho de pombo Brazil
Gurje-tiga India Olinda India
Habat al arus Sudan Ombulu East Africa
Habat-elmlook Sudan Orututi Tanzania
Indian licorice India Osito East Africa
Indian licorice Nigeria Prayer bean USA
Jequiriti bean Taiwan Precatory bean USA

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press In c., Totowa, NJ


Rati gedi Nepal Saga Indonesia

Rati India Saga saga Philippines
Ratti Pakistan Sanga Ivory Coast
Rosary bean Pakistan Sonkach India
Rosary bean USA Sus Egypt
Rosary pea Egypt Weglis West Indies
Safed chirami India

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION East Africa. Decoction of the aerial parts

A woody twinning plant of the is taken orally for gonorrhea. A decoction
LEGUMINOSAE family, with characteris- of the plant plus 3 or 4 seed pods is taken.
tic red and black seeds. The leaves are pin- Fresh leaf juice is taken orally for gonor-
nate and glabrous, with many leaflets (12 rhea, bilharziasis, stomach troubles, and as
or more) arranged in pairs. The leaflets are an antiemetic. Powdered leaves are applied
oblong, measuring 2.S-cm long and l.S-cm to cuts and swellings. Decoction of leaves
wide. The plant bears orange-pink flowers, is taken orally for chest pains. For inflamed
which occur as clusters in short racemes eyes, steam of boiling leaves is used. Water
that are sometimes yellowish or reddish extract of dried seeds is applied to the eyes
purple in color, small and typically pea- for purulent eye infections; the seeds are
like. The plant produces short and stout macerated in the waterAPI06. Fresh root is
brownish pods, which curl back on open- chewed as an aphrodisiacApo45,APo56.
ing to reveal pendulous red and black Egypt. Seeds are taken orally with honey as
seeds, 4 to 6 peas in a pod. an aphrodisiacAPo82.
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION Guam. Seeds are reported to be toxic; half
of one seed is reported as lethal. Seed coat
It grows wild in thickets, farms, and sec-
must be broken to be toxic. Symptoms
ondary clearings, and sometimes in hedges.
include acute gastroenteritis with vomit-
It is most common in rather dry areas at
ing, nausea, and diarrhea, followed by
low elevation throughout the tropics and
dehydration, convulsions, and death APo44 .
Guinea-Bissau. Leaf pulp is taken orally
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES by men as an aphrodisiac and by women to
Afghanistan. Dried seeds are taken orally as facilitate childbirth. Seeds taken orally are
an aphrodisiacAPo63. considered an aphrodisiac and abortiveAPoo2.
Brazil. Leaves and stem are said to be toxic Haiti. Decoction ofleaves is taken orally for
when eaten by cattleAP041. Water extract of coughs and flu AP !09.
dried leaves and root is taken orally as a India. Hot water extract of dried leaves and
nerve tonicAP063. roots are applied to the eye for eye
Cambodia. Hot water extract of seeds is diseasesAP !05. Hot water extract of root is taken
taken orally for malariaAPo41. orally as an emmenagogueAP001. Root brew is
Central Africa. Root is chewed as a snake taken orally to produce abortionApo22,APo41. Hot
bite remedyAPo45. Seeds are taken orally by water extract of seeds is taken orally as an
several Central African tribes for intesti- antifertility agentAP001, as an abortifacientAPOI1,
nal worms and as an oral contraceptive. and to prevent conception AP012 . Seeds are
The effect of a single dose (200 mg) is said used as a poultice in the vagina in Ayurvedic
to be effective for 13 menstrual cyclesAPo45. and Unani medicine as an abortifacient.

Seeds are boiled in milk and taken orally by Virgin Islands. Extract of seeds is taken
males in Unani and Ayurvedic medicine as orally for coughs AP1I9 .
an aphrodisiac. It is claimed that the boiling West Africa. Decoction of dried roots is
destroys the toxic action of AbrinApo47. As taken orally as an antiemetic, for bilharzia-
birth control, one seed completely covered sis, tapeworms, gonorrhea, chest pains and
with ]aggary is swallowed during the men- is also used as an aphrodisiac. For snake bites
strual period and is sufficient to prevent con- the root is chewed APlO6 .
ception for 1 yearAPlll . Decoction of dried West Indies. Seeds are taken orally as an
seeds is taken orally to induce abortionAPo62. emetic, purgative, and anthelminticAPoB3.
Hot water extract of dried seeds is taken
orally as a sexual stimulant in the Unani sys- CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
tem of medicineAPoB4. It is also taken for (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
tuberculosis, painful swellings APIO\ and as an Abrine: Sd 0.85%, Lf, StAP103
aphrodisiac and purgativeAPl21. Dried seed oil Abrasine: RtAP025,AP004
is taken orally as an abortifacientAPl24. Plant Abrectori n: SdAP087
juice is administered intravaginally to induce Abridin,SdAPl12
abortionAPll7 . Abrin: Sd 0.12%AP021
Ivory Coast. Water extract of leaves and Abrin A: SdAP005, Ker 0.1 0%AP094
Abrin B: SdAP088, Ker 125APo94
stem is taken orally by males as an aphrodi-
Abrin C: Ker 175APo94, SdAP005
siac and by females to facilitate child- Abrin 0: Ker 5AP094
birthAPOJ6. Abrin I: SdAP049
Jamaica. Decoction of dried leaves and root Abri nil: SdAP049
boiled in milk is used as a tonicAPo63. Abri n III: SdAP049
Kenya. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally for Abru lin: Sd AP023
coughs. Fresh leaves are taken orally for Abruquinone A: Rt 0.025-0.45%AP051
coughsAPo75. Abruquinone B: Rt 0.045-1 .15%AP051
Abruquinone C: Rt 0.5%AP051
Mozambique. Hot water extract of root is Abruquinone 0: Rt 0.03%AP051
administered orally as an aphrodisiacAPo67. Abruquinone E: Rt 0.02%AP051
Nepal. Seeds are taken orally as an Abruquinone F: Rt 0.01 %AP051
aphrodisiacAPool. Abrus agglutinin: Kr 0.1 %AP094
Nigeria. Hot water extract of fresh root is Abrus agglutinin APA-I: SdAP049
administered orally as an antimalarial and Abrus agglutinin APA-II: SdAP049
an ticon vulsan t AP100 . Abrus precatorius agglutinin: SdAP085
Abrus precatorius alkaloid A: SdA08649
Pakistan. Hot water extract of seeds is
Abrus precatorius lectin: Sd AP077
administered orally as an aphrodisiac. Abrus precatorius plant growth inhibitor:
Seeds are used as a suppository for induc- SdAP017
ing abortionAPo27. Abrusgenic acid-methanol-solvate: Rt
Sudan. Hot water extract of the plant is 0.0166%AP10l
taken orally as an antifertility agentAP09J. Abrusin: Sd 48.gAP076
Taiwan. Decoction of dried root is taken Abrusin-2'-0-apioside: Sd O.58%AP076
orally to treat bronchitis and hepatitisAPo51. Abruslactone A: Rt, St AP096 , Lf 83_200AP068,
Rt 0.27%AP101
Tanzania. Decoction of roots and leaf sap is Abrusoside A: Lf 0.03%AP078,AP072
taken orally for asthma and as an Abrusoside B: Lf 0.025%AP072
aphrodisiac APlO6 . Abrusoside C: Lf 0.037%AP072
Thailand. Leaves crushed with oil are used Abrusoside 0: Lf 0.053%AP072
as a poultice as an anti-inflammatoryAP1I5. Abrussic acid: PIAP130

Alanine: Sd AP130 Heneicosan-1-01: SdAP035

Amyrin, alpha: SdAP009 Heneicosane,7,9, 15-trimethyl: SdAP050
Amyrin, beta: SdAP035 Heneicosane,N: SdAP035
Anthocyanins: Sd AP131 Heptacosan-1-01: SdAP035
Arabinose: St, Lf, Sd, RtAP097 Heptadecan-1-01: SdAP035
Arachidic acid: Sd oil 19.2%AP061 Hexacosane,N: SdAP035
Arachidyl alcohol: SdAP035 Hexacosan-1-01: SdAP035
Aspartic acid: SdAP016,AP034 Hexadec-9-enoic acid: SdAP035
Behenic acid: Sd oil 13.4%AP061 Hexadecane, N: SdAP035
Brassicasterol: SdAP035 Hexadecan-1-01: SdAP035
Callistephin: Sd CtAP024 Hexadecenoic acid: Sd oiIAP037,AP038
Campesterol: SdAP050 Hypaphorine: Sd, Lf, RtAP008, StAP103
Centaureidin, demethoxy 7-O-beta-D- Inositol, D monomethyl ether: LfAP128
rutinoside: SdAP087 Kaikasaponin III: Sd 147.3APo76
Cholanic acid, 5-beta: SdAP026 Lauric acid: Sd OilAP040
Cholesterol: SdAP035 Lectin (Abrus precatorius): SdAP054,AP055
Choline: Sd, Rt 4.0%, Lf, StAP008 Leucine: SdAP016
Chrysanthemin: Sd CtAP024 Lignoceric acid: SdAP035, Sd oiIAP037,AP038
Cycloartenol: SdAP035 Linoleic acid: Sd oilAP040
Cysteine: SdAP034 Linolenic acid: Sd oil 0.5%AP061
Cystine: SdAP016 Luteolin: SdAP087
Decan-1-01: SdAP035 Lysine: SdAP034
Delphin: Sd CtAP024 Montanyl alcohol: Lf AP035
Delphinidin glycoside: SdAP123 Myricyl alcohol: Lf A15248
Delphinidin, (para-coumaroyl-galloyl) glu- Myristic acid: Sd OilAP037,AP038,AP040
coside: SdAP095 Nonacosane, N: SdAP035
Delphinidin-3-sambubioside: SdAP095 Nonadecan-1-01: SdAP035
Docos-13-enoic acid: SdAP035 Octacosan-1-01: SdAP035
Docosadienoic acid: Sd oiIAP037,AP038 Octacosane, N: Sd AP035
Docosan-1-01: SdAP035 Octadeca-9, 12-dienoic acid: SdAP035
Docosane, N: SdAP035 Octadecadienoic acid: Sd ojlAP037,AP038
Docosatetraenoic acid: Sd oilAP037 Octadecatrienoic acid: Sd ojlAP037,AP038
Docosatrienoic acid: Sd OilAP037 Octadecane, N: SdAP035
Docosenoic acid: Sd oiIAP037,AP038 Octadecenoic acid: Sd oi1APo37,APo38
Dodecan-1-01: SdAP035 Octanoic acid: SdAP035
Dotriacontane, N: SdAP035 Oleic acid: Sd OilAP061,AP035,AP040
Eicos-11-enoic acid: SdAP035 Orientin, iso: SdAP087
Eicosadienoic acid: Sd oiIAP037,AP038 Orientin: SdAP087
Eicosenoic acid: Sd OilAP037,AP038 P-Sterone: SdAP007
Eicosane, N: SdAP035 Palmitic acid: Sd oil 15.8%AP061
Eicosatrienoic acid: Sd oiIAP037,AP038 Pelargonidin-3,5-diglucoside: Sd CtAP024
Elaidic alcohol: SdAP035 Pentacosan-1-01: SdAP035
Galactose: St, Rt, Sd, Lf AP097 Pentacosane, N: SdAP035
Galacturonic acid: SdAP016 Pentacosanoic acid: SdAP050
Gallic acid: SdAP031 Pentadecan-1-01: SdAP035
Glucuronic acid: SdAP016 Pentadecanoic acid: Sd oi1APo37,APo38
Glutamic acid: SdAP034 Pentatriacontane, N: SdAP035
Glutamine: SdAP034 Phenylalanine: SdAP034
Glycine: SdAP034 Pinitol: LfAP128
Glycyrrhizin: Lf 9.0%AP092, Rt 1.25% Polysaccharide: RtAP129
Hederagenin: Sd 7.3AP076 Precasine: RtAP025,AP004
Hemiphloin: Lf 83.3AP068 Precatorine: Rt 11.0%, Lf, St, Sd 11.0%AP008

Preco I: RtAP025 Alkaline phosphatase inhibition. Petro-

Rhamnose: SdAP016 leum ether extract of seed oil, administered
Serine: SdAP034,AP016 orally, was active on the uterus of ratsAPI08.
Sitosterol, beta: SdAP043,AP050,AP035
Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Sophoradiol: Sd 737AP076
extract of the aerial parts, administered
Sophoradiol-22-0-acetate: Sd 31 AP076
Squalene: SdAP035 intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0
Stearic acid: Sd oil 4.9%AP061 mg/kg, was inactive vs tail pressure
Stigamsterol: SdAP043 method AP1l8 .
Tetracos-15-enoic acid: SdAP035 Anthelmintic activity. Water extract of
Tetracosan-1 -01: SdAP035 dried seeds produced weak activity on
Tetracosane, N: SdAP035 Caenorhabditis elegans, LC so 15.8 mg/mIAPo64.
Tetradecan-1-01: SdAP035 Extract of stem and root was active on
Tetradecanoic acid: SdAP035 schistosomules of the trematode Schistosoma
Tetratriacontane, N: SdAP035
mansoni and cystercoids of the cestode
Triacosan-1-01: SdAP035
Triacontane, N: SdAP035
Hymenolepis diminuta, in vitro AP !34.
Tricosane, N: Sd AP035 Antibacterial activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Tridecan-1-01: SdAP035 extract of the aerial parts, at a concentra-
Trigonelline: SdAP091, Rt, St, LfAP103 tion of 25.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was inac-
Tritriacontan-1-01: Sd AP035 ti ve on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli,
Tritriacontane, N: SdAP035 Salmonella typhosa, Staphylococcus aureus
Tryptophan, N-N-dimethyl metho-cation and Agrobacterium tumefaciens APllB . Ether
methyl ester: SdAP008 extract of seeds, on agar plate, was active on
Tryptophan, tri methyl: Sd 684AP076 Staphylococcus aureus. The ethanol (95%)
Tyrosine: SdAP016
extract was active on Escherichia coli and
Undecan-1-01: SdAP035
Ursolic acid: SdAP009 Staphylococcus aureusAPOJI.
Val ine: SdAP009,AP016 Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (70%)
Xylose: St, Rt, Sd, Lf AP097 extract of fresh root, administered intraperi-
toneally to mice of both sexes at variable
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES dosage levels, was active vs metrazole-
AND CLINICAL TRIALS induced convulsions and inactive vs strych-
Abortifacient effect. Chloroform/metha- nine-induced convulsionsAPloo. Ethanol!
nol extract of seeds, administered subcuta- water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts,
neously to rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/animal, administered to mice intraperitoneally at a
was inactive. Water extract of dried seeds, dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs elec-
administered intragastrically to pregnant troshock-induced convulsions API1B .
rats at a dose of 125.0 mg/kg, was activeAPl16. Antidiarrheal activity. Chromatographic
Ethanol (95%) extract of seeds, adminis- fraction of dried seeds, administered intra-
tered orally at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was gastrically to rats at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was
inactive on pregnant hamsters and active on active vs castor oil-induced diarrheaAP080 .
pregnant ratsAPl21. Petroleum ether extract of Antiestrogenic effect. Ethanol (95%)
seeds, administered orally to rats, was extract of root, administered orally to mice
inactive API20 . at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was activeAPol5.
Agglutinin activity. Water extract of fresh Antifertility effect. Chloroform/methanol
seeds, in cell culture at a concentration of 2.0 extract of seeds, administered subcutane-
microliters/ml, was active on human ously to female rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/
lymphocytes AP125 . animal, was active AP081 . Ethanol (80%)

extract of seeds, administered orally and tric intubation to mice at a dose of 150.0
subcutaneously to female rats at a dose of mg/kg, was active AP101 .
1.0 mg/animal, was inactiveAPOSJ. Ethanol Anti-implantation effect. Chloroform/
(95%) and water extracts of seeds, admin- methanol (2: 1) extract of seeds, adminis-
istered orally to mice, were inactive, and tered subcutaneously to pregnant rats at a
petroleum ether extract was activeAP006. dose of 50.0 mg/animal, was activeAPOBl.
Ethanol (95%), water and petroleum ether Ethanol (95%) extract of root, administered
extracts of leaves, administered orally to orally to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was
female mice, were inactiveAP006. Ethanol active APOlS . Ethanol (95%) extract of seeds,
extract of seeds, administered intra- administered orally to rats and hamsters at a
gastrically to male rats at a dose of 100.0 dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was inactive APl21 .
mg/kg for 60 days, was active. There was a Water extract of seeds, administered orally
significant decrease in the number of preg- to rats, was inactive, and the petroleum
nant femalesAPo69. Ethanol/water (1: 1) ether extract was active. Ethanol (95%),
extract of dried seeds, administered by gas- water and petroleum ether extracts of
tric intubation to male rats at a dose of leaves, administered orally to female rats,
250.0 mg/kg, was active. No pregnancies were inactiveAP006.
were reported for the 20 females paired Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol/
with 10 males treated for 60 days; mating water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts,
probably occurred in all cases, but this is administered orally to rats at a dose of
not entirely clear. Pregnancies were again 500.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs carrageenin-
reported after withdrawal of treatmentAPllO . induced pedal edema. Animals were dosed
Hot water extract of dried plant, adminis- 1 hour before carrageenin injectionsAPl18.
tered orally to human females at a dose of Triterpenoid saponins isolated from the
0.28 gm/person, was active. The extract aerial parts, exhibited anti-inflammatory
was administered as a mixture of Embelia activity using the croton oil ear model. The
ribes (fruit), Piper longum (fruit), Ferula acetates indicated greater inhibition than
assafoetida, Piper betele, Polianthes tube rosa the parent compounds APllJ .
and Abrus precatorius. One dose was taken, Antimolluscicidal effect. Forty and 80% of
starting from the second day of menstrua- the 24 hour LC so of abrin and glycyrrhizin
tion, twice daily for 20 days. Sexual inter- produced a significant decrease in the levels
course was avoided during the dosing of protein, free amino acid, DNA, and RNA
period. The treatment is claimed effective in the nervous tissue of Lymnaea acuminata.
for 4 months. The biological activity has Abrin produced a significant reduction in
been patentedAPo86. Seed oil, administered phospholipid levels and a simultaneous
orally to female mice at a dose of 25.0 mg/ increase in the rate of lipid peroxidation in
animal, to female mice, and to rats at a dose the treated snails APl31 .
150.0 mg/animal, was active. No control Antispasmodic activity. Chromato-
animal was usedAPols. graphic fraction (a gel filtration fraction
Antifungal activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) from a methanol-water (1: 1) extract) of
extract of the aerial parts, at a concentra- seeds, at a concentration of 0.2 mg/ml, was
tion of 25.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was inac- active on the uterus of rats vs POE-2-,
tive on Microsporum canis, Trichophyton ACh-, oxytocin- and epinephrine-induced
mentagrophytes, and Aspergillus niger AP118 • contractionsAPo99. Ethanol (95%) extract of
Antigonadotropin effect. Ethanol (95%) dried leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/
extract of dried seeds, administered by gas- ml, was active on the phrenic nerve-dia-

phragm of rats vs nerve stimulation. The inactive on Sarcoma 180 (ASC) AP074
inhibition was potentiated by D-tub- Water extract of seeds, administered intrap-
ocurarine but reversed by physostigmine. eritoneally to mice at a dose of 5.0 meg/kg
Results significant at P < 0.001 level. At a was active on Sarcoma (Yoshida solid and
concentration of 4.0 mg/ml, the extract ASC). A dose of 20.0 mcg/kg administered
was active vs direct muscle stimulation. At subcutaneously was inactive on Sarcoma
1.0 mg/ml, it was active on toad rectus (Yoshida ASC)APolz. Protein fraction of
abdominus muscle vs ACh-induced con- seeds, administered intraperitoneally to rats,
tractions. Water and hot water extracts of was active on Sarcoma (Yoshida ASC)AP019.
dried leaves, at a concentration of 6.72 mg/ Agglutinin protein, crystallized at room
ml, were inactive on phrenic nerve-dia- temperature with polyethylene glycol 8000
phragm of rats vs nerve stimulation and as the precipitant from the seeds, produced
direct muscle stimulation. At concentra- a high antitumor activityAP135.
tions of 16.8 and 16.72 mg/ml, respec- Antiviral activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
tively, the extracts were inactive on toad extract of the aerial parts at a concentration
rectus abdominus muscle vs ACh-induced of 50.0 mcg/ml in cell culture was inactive
contractions. Petroleum ether extract, at on Ranikhet virus and Vaccinia virusAPl18.
concentrations of 19.2 and 48.0 mg/ml, Water and methanol extracts of dried seeds
were inactive on rat phrenic nerve-dia- in cell culture were inactive on virus-
phragm vs nerve stimulation and direct HLTV-l. lC lOo > 77.0 and> 40.0 mcg/ml,
muscle stimulation and on toad rectus respectively, were observed. Activity was
abdominus muscle vs ACh-induced con- not observed below the cytotoxic dosesAPo65.
tractions, respectivelyAPloz. Ethanol/water Antiyeast activity. Dried seeds at a con-
(1: 1) extract of the aerial parts was inac- centration of 1.0% on agar plate were
tive on guinea pig ileum vs ACh- and his- active on Cryptococcus neoformans APlZZ .
tamine- induced spasmsAPl18. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial
Antispermatogenic effect. Ethanol extract parts at a concentration of 25.0 mcg/ml on
of seeds, administered intragastrically to agar plate was inactive on Candida albicans
male rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg for 60 and Cryptococcus neoformansAPl18.
days, was inactiveAP069. Ethanol/water (1:1) CNS depressant activity. Ethanol (70%)
extract of dried seeds, administered by gas- extract of fresh root, administered intraperi-
tric intubation to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/ tone ally to mice of both sexes at variable
kg, was active. Although no significant his- dosage levels, was activeAPlOO .
tologic changes in the testes were reported, Contraceptive and/or interceptive effect.
sperm concentration was reported to be sig- Petroleum ether extract of seed oil, adminis-
nificantly decreased in both cauda epididy- tered orally to rats, was activeAPlO8 .
mis and testes after dosing for 60 daysAPllO. Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
Sterol fraction of dried seeds administered of dried stem, in cell culture, was inactive
intramuscularly to rats was active. T esticu- on CA-9KB, ED\o > 30.0 mcg/mlA P098 . Water
lar lesions marked by the cessation of sper- and methanol extracts of dried seeds, in cell
matogenesis and a significant reduction in culture, produced weak activity on cells
the diameter of the seminiferous tubules MT -4, lC lOD > 77 .0, and > 40.0 mcg/ml,
were also notedAPo89. respectivelyAPo65. Water extract of seeds, in
Antitumor activity. Ethanol (95%) extract cell culture, produced strong activity on
of dried leaves, administered intraperito- Sarcoma Yoshida ASC, ED50 0.004 mcg/
neally to mice at dose of 100.0 mg/kg was mIAP029. Water extract of seeds, in cell cul-

ture, was active on CA-9KB, EDso < 20.0 on cow and ewe and inactive on
mcg/mI AP126 . Water extract of seeds was goatAP032 ,AP033.
active on the testes of Poecilocera pictaAP039. Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/water
Death. Hot water extract of dried leaves, (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis-
administered intravenously to chicken, was tered orally to rats at a dose of 2S0.0 mg/kg,
active at a dose of 20.0 mg/kg and caused was inactive. Less than a 30% drop in blood
spastic paralysis and death within 24 sugar level was observedAPIIB.
hours APlOz . Seeds taken orally by male human Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1)
adults were active. Twenty beans mixed extract of the aerial parts, administered in-
with water in a blender and drunk produced traperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0
death in 2 days. Symptoms included vomit- mg/kg, was inactiveAPllB .
ing of blood, pain in eyes, and burning Inotropic effect positive. Hot water
earsAP046 . extract of dried entire plant, at a concentra-
Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1) tion of 320.0 microliters, was inactive on
extract of the aerial parts, administered guinea pig atriaAP079.
intraperitoneally to male rats at a dose of Insect sterility induction. Petroleum ether
2S0.0 mg/kg, was inactive. Saline-loaded extract of dried seeds, applied externally at
animals were used. Urine was collected for a concentration of 1.0 microliter, was active
4 hours post_drugAPllB . on Dysdercus cingulatus. The extract was
Embryotoxic effect. Ethanol (95%) active in males alone. The saline extract
extract of seeds, administered orally to produced weak activity in both males and
pregnant hamsters and rats at doses of females AP071 .
200.0 mg/kg, was inactive AP127 . Petroleum Insecticide activity. Acetone extract of
ether extract, administered orally to rats at dried root was inactive on Culex quin-
a dose of lS0.0 mg/kg, was inactive AP1ZO • quefasciatus. Acetone extract of dried stem,
Water extract of dried seeds, administered at low concentration, was inactive on Culex
intragastrically to pregnant rats at a dose quinquefasciatus AP04B • Seeds, at a concentra-
of 12S.0 mg/kg, was inactiveAPo6z. tion of 10.0%, produced weak activity on
Estrous cycle disruption effect. Seeds, Musca domestica. The activity was less than
administered orally to female rats at doses that of 0.2S% DDPp03o.
of O.OS, 0.5, and 5.0 mg/animal, were Intestinal fluid retention effect. Chro-
inactiveAP066. Chloroform/methanol (2:1) matographic fraction of dried seeds, admin-
extract of seeds, administered subcutane- istered intragastrically to rats at a dose of
ously to rats at a dose of 1.0 mg/animal, was 10.0 mg/kg, was active on the small intes-
activeAP053. Seeds, administered by gastric tine vs POEz-induced enteropooling. Effect
intubation to rats at doses of 10.0, S.O, and assayed 30 minutes after oral dose of
2.0 gm/kg, were active; 80, SO, and 2S%, POE/POBo.
respectively, of the rats depicted extensive Intestinal motility inhibition. Chromato-
leukocytic smears, but with no significant graphic fraction of dried seeds, administered
effect on uterine weightAP09o . intragastrically to rats at a dose of 10.0 mg/
Hemagglutinin activity. Water extract of kg, was active. Effect was not as great as that
seeds was active on the red blood cells of of an equal amount of atropineAPoBo.
ant (leafcutter), buffalo, cat, chicken, dog, Luteal suppressant effect. Chloroform/
duckling, guinea pig, horse, human adult methanol (2: 1) extract of seeds, adminis-
(blood groups A, B, and 0), lamb, mice, tered subcutaneously to rats at a dose of SO.O
pigeon, rabbit, rat, and ox; weakly active mg/animal, was active APOBI .

Microglial cell markers. Lectin from the gastric intubation, at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg,
plant has been used to glycohistochemically there was a large decrease in motility of
identify the microglial cells activation in sperm from the cauda epididymis of the rats
autopic brain samples from Alzheimer's dis- given the extract for 60 daysAPllo. Ethanol/
ease subjects AP138 . water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, at a
Mitogenic activity. Water extract of fresh concentration of 2.0%, was inactive on the
seeds, in cell culture at a concentration of sperm of rats AP118 . Methanol extract of dried
2.0 microliters/ml, was inactive on human seeds was active on the sperm of human
lymphocytesAPlz5. adults, IC ,o 2.29 mg/mIAPI14.
Mutagenic activity. Methanol (75%) Taste aversion. Butanol extract, at a con-
extract of dried leaves, at a concentration centration of 10.0 mg/ml; ethanol (80%)
of 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was inactive extract, at a concentration of 2.0 mg/ml;
on Salmonella typhimurium TM677 APo72 . water extract, at a concentration of 10.0 mg/
Neuromuscular blocking activity. Etha- ml of dried leaves, in the drinking water of
nol (95%) extract of dried leaves, at a con- gerbils, were active. The ether and petro-
centration of 0.5 mcg/ml, was active on leum ether extracts, at concentrations of 5.0
phrenic nerve-diaphragmAPIOz. mg/ml, were inactiveAPo73.
Protease (HIV) inhibition. Water and Teratogenic activity. Water extract of
methanol extracts of dried seeds were inac- dried seeds, administered intragastrically to
tive, IC so > 500 mcg/mIAPo'7. pregnant rats at a dose of 125.0 mg/kg, was
Reverse transcriptase inhibition. Water activeAP06Z,API16.
and methanol extracts of commercial Toxic effect (general). Seeds, adminis-
sample of seeds, in cell culture, were inac- tered orally to horses at a dose of 15.0 gm,
tive on virus-avian myeloblastosis, IC so > were active. Tolerance developed when
1000 mg/mIAPos8. small, incrementally-increased doses were
Semen coagulation. Ethanol/water (1:1) givenAPolo. Seeds, at a concentration of
extract of the aerial parts, at a concentra- 0.5% of diet in chicken, were active.
tion of 2.0%, was inactive on rat semenAPl18. Chickens were fed a mixture of Abrus
Smooth muscle stimulant activity. Chro- precatorius seeds and Cassia senna fruit.
matographic fraction (gel filtration 4-9 of a Toxicity included catarrhal enteritis, hepa-
methanol-water (1: 1) extract of seeds, at a tocellular necrosis, reduced weight, and
concentration of 0.2 mg/ml, was active on anemiaAPOS9. Ethanol (95%) extract of
guinea pig ileum; a concentration of 0.5 mg/ seeds, administered subcutaneously to male
ml, was active on the stomach of ratsAP099. mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active.
Seed oil, at a concentration of 1.8 mcg/ml, One hundred percent mortality was
was active on the ileum of guinea pigsAPI13. observed within 48-49 hoursAPo28. Seeds,
Spermicidal effect. Ethanol extract of administered orally to human adults, were
seeds, administered intragastrically to male active. Severe gastroenteritis, multiple
rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg for 60 days, was serosal hemorrhages, swelling and inflam-
active. Impaired sperm motility and struc- mation of the Peyer's patches, swelling and
tural abnormalities of sperm were observed. inflammation of retroperitoneal lymph
Sperm ATPase level was decreasedAPo69. nodes, focal necrosis in the liver and kid-
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried seeds neys, retinal hemorrhages early in course
was active on the sperm of rats. There was a of intoxication, nausea, vomiting, diar-
decrease in motility when sperm was mixed rhea, dehydration, convulsions, and col-
with the extract. When administered by lapse are possible symptoms. Symptoms

may begin after delay of up to several days plant is less lethal than abrina in mice,
and may persist for as long as 10-11 days. LDso is 5 mg/kg vs 20 microgram/kg body
Death in children has been reported from weight APll6 •
eating 1 or more seeds AP020 . Two children Toxicity. Fatal incidents have been
who chewed seeds became irrational, had reported following ingestion of well-chewed
tetany, flushing of skin, widely dilated seeds of Abrus precatorius. Because of its hard
pupils, and appeared to hallucinate. Treat- seed coat, it can pass through the gas-
ment with neostigmine and barbiturates trointestinal tract undigested and remain
was successfulAP042 . Seeds, administered sub- harmless. The unripe seed has a soft and eas-
cutaneously to male mice at a dose of 0.90 ily broken seed coat and is thus more dan-
gm/kg, were active. Forty-four deaths were gerous. It has been reported that poisoning
observed in 5-21 hoursAPo28. Seeds adminis- has been experienced through a finger prick
tered orally to cows at a dose of 0.09 gm/kg when stringing the seed. Symptoms may
were active. Death was observed in 1 of 44 develop after a few hours to several days
animals. Methanol (75%) extract of dried after ingestion. They include severe gastro-
leaves, administered intragastrically to enteritis with pronounced nausea and vom-
mice at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, was iting. Mydriasis will occur, as well, as
inactive AP072 . Leaf and stem, administered muscular weakness, tachycardia, cold sweat,
orally to cows at a dose of 1504 gm/kg, was and trembling. There is no known physi-
inactiveAP041. Seeds, in the ration of live- ological antidote. The treatment is essen-
stock, were active; nitrate poisoning was tially symptomatic. Since there is a long
observedAPo60. Beans, ingested by human latent period associated with abrin poison-
adult, produced pulmonary edema and ing, little value can be placed on induction
hypertensionAP132 . of emesis or gastric lavage; these measures
Toxicity assessment. Ethanol/water (1: 1) are useful only if ingestion has just occurred.
extract of the aerial parts, administered Bismuth trisilicate may be given during poi-
intraperitoneally to mice, produced LDso > soning by Abrus precatorius to reduce the
1.0 gm/kgAP1l9. Ethanol (95%) extract of degree of gastrointestinal damage. If the
dried leaves, administered intravenously to emesis and/or diarrhea become excessive,
chicken, produced LDso 12 mg/kg APl02 . replacement fluids and electrolytes are
Water extract of seeds, administered subcu- advocated. If hemorrhage occurs, blood
taneously to female guinea pigs, produced transfusion may be necessary.
LDso less than 0040 mg/kgAP028. When admin- Uterine relaxation effect. Chromato-
istered orally to guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, graphic fraction (a gel filtration fraction
and rats LDso 0.299 gm/kg, 6.638 gm/kg, from a methanol/water [1:1] fraction) of
48.7 mg/kg and 2.711 gm/kg, respectively, seeds, at a concentration of 1.1 mg/ml, was
were observedAPo18. Toxicity of Abrus to active on the uterus of rats AP099 •
goats has been evaluated. Doses of 2, 1, or Uterine stimulant effect. Chromato-
0.5 gm/kg/day by stomach tube produced graphic fraction (gel filtration fractions 4-9
death between days 2 and 5 for those given of a methanol/water [1:1] extract) of seeds,
2 or 1 gm/kg. One goat that received 0.5 gm at a concentration of 0.2 mg/ml, was active
died on day 32, and the other was killed on on the uteri of pregnant and nonpregnant
day 33. The main signs of poisoning include ratsAP099 . Ethanol (95%) extract of dried seed
inappetence, bloody diarrhea, dyspnea, oil, administered intravenously to guinea
dehydration, loss of condition, and pigs at a dose of 1000 mcg/ml, produced
recumbence. Abrus agglutinin, from the weak activityAP124. Seed oil, at a concentra-

tion of 3.6 mg, was active on the uteri of mental tumors. Cancer Res 1969; 29:
guinea pigs and rats. The action was blocked 1447-1451.
by indomethacin but not by atropineAPIIJ. AP013 Hikino, H., K. Aota and T. Takemoto.
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uterus of guinea pigAPoll . 1966; 14: 890.
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3 Allium
sativum L

Common Names
Aglio Italy Kra thiam Thailand
Aie France L'ail West Indies
Ail France Lahsun Fiji
Ail Rodrigues Islands Lahsun India
Ail Tunisia Lai Nicaragua
Ajo Guatemala Lai West Indies
Ajo Nicaragua Lasan Fiji
Ajo Peru Lasan India
Akashneem India Lashun India
Alubosa elewe Nigeria Lasun Fiji
Banlasun Nepal Lasun Nepal
Cebilhoums France Lasuna India
Dasuan China Lay Haiti
Dra thiam Thailand Lesun Fiji
Garlic Brazil Majo Mexico
Garlic China Onion India
Garlic Cuba Poor man's treacle Iran
Garlic Europe Rashun India
Garlic Guyana Rason India
Garlic India Sarimsak Turkey
Garlic Indonesia Sarmisak Turkey
Garlic Iran Seer Iran
Garlic Japan Ta-suan China
Garlic Kuwait Tellagaddalu India
Garlic Libya Thorn Oman
Garlic Mexico Thoum Jordan
Garlic Nicaragua Thurn Arabic countries
Garlic Poland Thum Saudi Arabia
Garlic Taiwan Tum Tunisia
Garlic USA Tuma Morocco
Garlic West Indies Vellulli India
Garlic clove Nicaragua

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION East Asia. Hot water extract of bulb is taken

Garlic is an erect herb of the ALLIACEAE orally as an aphrodisiac, anthelmintic and
family, 30 to 60 cm tall. Bulb is on a disk- diuretic, and for asthmaAS440 .
like stem, consisting of several segments England. Hot water extract of dried bulb is
(cloves), enclosed in a common membrane taken orally for diabetesAs197.
that is at the base of foliage leaves. Each Ethiopia. The bulb is chewed with leaves of
clove consists of a protective cylindrical Ruta and seeds of Nigella sativa as a remedy
sheath and a small central bud. Leaf blade for stomachacheAs287.
is linear, flat, and solid, 1 to 2.5 cm wide, Europe. Butanol extract of the bulb is taken
and 30 to 60 cm long, having an acute orally to protect against atherosclerosis risk
apex. Leaf sheaths form a pseudostem. factorsAs265.
Inflorescence is umbellate, having smooth Fiji. Fresh bulb, together with dried Ferula
scape, round, solid coiled at first; sub- assafoetida and sugar, is taken orally to
tended by membranous, long-beaked cleanse the new mother. Bulb, ground with
spathe, splitting on one side and remain- ghee and sugar, is taken orally for dysentery.
ing attachedto umbel. Small bulbils are Fresh bulb juice, warmed with coconut oil,
produced in inflorescence; flowers are vari- is dropped into the ear for earacheAs366.
able in number, and sometimes absent; Greece. Hot water extract of bulb is taken
they seldom open and may wither in bud. orally to protect against amoebaeAso26.
Flowers are on slender pedicels, consisting Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried
of perianth of 6 segments, about 4 to 6 mm bulb is used externally for ringworm, fun-
long, pinkish; stamens: 6, anthers exerted; gal diseases of the skin, and skin diseases
ovary superior, trilocular. Fruit is a small and irritations, for leukorrhea and vagini-
loculicidal capsule. Seeds are seldom, if tis, and infections of the skin and
ever, produced. mucosaAS41 1,AS230,AS405.
Haiti. Decoction of fresh bulb is taken
orally for cutaneous infections; hot water
Garlic is indigenous to Asia. It is now found
extract is taken orally for malnutrition; the
worldwide as a cultivated crop, which is usu-
juice is taken orally for bronchitis, and
ally grown at high altitudes.
butanol extract is taken orally for
Arabic countries. In Unani medicine, India. Fresh bulb juice is taken orally as an
butanol extract of the dried bulb is adminis- abortifacient. Ten grams of Momordica
tered by fumigation inhalation to pregnant tuberosa root, 5 grams of Calotropis gigantea
women as an abortifacient. The extract is stem bark, a few Brassica (species) seeds
also used as an emmenagogue by fumigation and a few cloves of Allium sativum are
inhalation and in the form of a pessaryAS318. pound together and the juice extracted.
Argentina. Decoction of the dried bulb is Two to 3 tablespoons of extract produces
taken orally against diarrhea, and to treat abortion within 12 hours. To relieve
respiratory and urinary tract infectionsAs116 . dysmenorrhea, paving the way for effective
Brazil. Hot water extract of fresh bulb is conception in future menstrual cycles,
taken orally to treat hypertension or induce a paste made of Mucuna pruriens,
diuresisAs366. Pygaeopremna herbacea, Tephrosia purpurea
China. Hot water extract of the bulb is and Gardenia turgida roots, plus a few cloves
taken orally to treat high blood pressure, of Allium sativum, is given orally. Twenty
and for amenorrheaAs297. grams of the paste is given on the third day

of menstruationAS353. Hot water extract of placentaASo19. Bulb, crushed with leaves of

bulb is taken orally as an emmenagogueAS01B Clematis dioica, is taken orally to treat
and anthelmintic As449 . Ten grams of catarrhAs337 . A clove of garlic is inserted in
Cocconia indica leaves are pound with 14 the anus to reduce feverAs437. Hot water
peppers and 14 pieces of bulb to make extract of fresh bulb is taken orally to speed
enough for 9 pills and given 1 per day for 9 labor, as an abortifacient and for rheuma-
days to treat rabiesAsoBl. For scabies, Piper tism; the decoction is taken orally to
betel leaves pound with small quantities of facilitate childbirthAS35B.
sulfur, camphor, pepper, and garlic are Nepal. Hot water extract of dried bulbs is
roasted in sesame oil and applied to the taken orally as a sedative and for feverAs335.
skin. For leukorrhagia, garlic bulb is mixed Nigeria. Dried entire plant, soaked in juice
with leaves of Ziziphus mauritania, pepper of Citrus aurantifolia and a pinch of copper
and salt and taken with buttermilkAsoBl. Hot sulfate, is administered orally to children to
water extract of dried bulb, mixed with an treat convulsions. The mixture is left for 4
equal amount of honey, is taken once daily days in a bottle. Only a small quantity is to
for 3 days to treat whooping coughAs31 4. Hot be given; excess results in vomiting or runny
water extract of dried seeds is taken orally stool. To treat yellow fever, 1 to 2 handfuls
as an emmenagogueAS395. Infusion of the en- of leaflets, ground with 1 small bulb of Al-
tire plant, along with sugar, is taken orally lium sativum, is taken orally with "Pap"AS067.
to treat feverASOBl. Fresh bulb is taken orally as a tonic, anti-
Indonesia. Hot water extract of bulb, in a rheumatic, antipyretic, hypotensive and
mixture with wild herbs, the slough of a analgesicAs315.
snake and vinegar, is taken orally as an Pakistan. Hot water extract of dried bulb is
abortifacientASo52. taken orally as a carminative, expectorant
Italy. Fresh bulb is taken orally for gastro- and febrifugeAS36o.
nomic purposesAS435. Hot water extract of Peru. Hot water extract of fresh bulb is
dried bulb is used externally for inflamma- taken orally as a vermifuge, febrifuge,
tions, as a cicatrizing agent, and to treat in- diuretic, antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory
sect bites. The extract is taken orally as an for respiratory pathways, catarrh and arte-
anthelmintic and hypotensive agentAS435 . riosclerosis, and externally as an antiseptic
Jamaica. Hot water extract of bulb is taken and disinfectantAS405.
orally as an emmenagogueAS015. Saudi Arabia. Hot water extract of dried
Japan. Bulb is taken orally to treat bulb is taken orally as a diuretic and for
hypertensionAs297. Fresh bulb is taken orally diabetes, rheumatism, pyrexia, intestinal
as a food AS176 . Water extract offresh bulb is worms, colic, flatulence and menstrual
used externally to promote hair growthAS316. suppression, and mixed with sour milk, for
Kuwait. Bulb is taken orally to regulate stomach painAs362. Hot water extract of
menstruationAS147. fresh bulb is taken orally for diabetes, rheu-
Malaysia. Hot water extract of bulb is taken matism, pyrexia, intestinal worms, colic,
orally by females after childbirthAso34 . flatulence, menstrual suppression, hepati-
Mexico. Decoction of dried bulb, Allium tis, piles, dysentery, tuberculosis, rheuma-
cepa and Pimpinella anisum is administered tism, colic, facial paralysis, hypertension,
orally to newborn infantsAS346. Hot water diabetes and bronchitis, and as an
extract of bulb is taken orally to induce aphrodisiacAs205.
abortionAso16. Hot infusion, sweetened with South Africa. Bulb is taken orally as an
honey, is taken orally to aid expulsion of aphrodisiac Aso31 .

South Korea. Hot water extract of dried 1,3-Dithiane: Bu 0.08_3AS002

rhizome is taken orally as an abortifacient 1-Hexanol: BUASOOl
and emmenagogueAS161. 1-Methyl-2-(prop-2-enyl)-disulfane: BUAS281
1-Methyl-3-(prop-2-enyl)-trisulfane: BUAS281
Sweden. Fresh bulb is applied to excoria-
2,5-D imethyl-tetrahydroth iophene: Bu
tions and erosions resulting from scratching 0.6AS002
dry skinASl66. 24-Methylene-cycloartenol: PIAsoo3
Thailand. Decoction of fresh bulb is taken 2-Methylbenzaldehyde: BUAS002
orally as an anti-inflammatory, and the 2-Propen-1-ol: Bu 0.1_121Asoo2
crushed bulb is used as a poultice on in- 2-Propenyl L-cysteine sulfoxide: BU AS132
flamed jointsAS464. Hot water extract of dried 2-Propenyl-1-propenyl disulfide: EOAS175
2-Vinyl-1 ,3-dithiene: Bu 2_29AS333
bulb is used externally for treating wounds
3,5-Diethyl-1 ,2,4-trithiolane: Bu 0.15-
and toothache, and for leprosy, and taken 43AS002
orally for epilepsy and chest painAs254. 3-Methyl-2-cyclopentene-1-thione: Bu
Tunisia. Hot water extract of dried bulb is 0.16_1.6Asoo2
taken orally as a hypotensive and 3-Vinyl-4(H)-1-2 dithiin: BUAS152,AS157
vermifuge As143 . 5-Butyl cysteine sulfoxide: BUAS487
USA. Butanol extract of bulb is taken orally Acyl anthocyan in: LfAS047
as an aphrodisiac. The preparation is said to Adenosine: BUAS207
Ajoene,cis: BUAS157
contain Allium sativum (25%), Capsicum
Ajoene: BUAS156
annuum (50%), and Purus saccharum (25%). Alanine: Bu 0.132-0.3168%Asoo4
The propriety product is called "Pseudo love Allicin: Bu 0.15_2.78%AS451,AS154
stimulant" and is used by both sexesAS260. Alliin: Bu 0.5_1.3%Aso49,As424
Dried bulb is taken orally as an antihyper- Alliinase: Bu 411 AS243
. tensive, vermifuge, and is also used against Allin: BUAS427
infection. Externally, the extract is used as Allisatin: PIAs489
a treatment of sinusitis and coryza AS229 . Fresh Allistatin-1: BUAS489
Allistatin-2: BUAS489
bulb is taken orally to treat infectious dis-
Allium fructan K-1: BUAS092
eases, lung diseases and tuberculosis, and as Allium fructan K-2: BuAS092
a blood purifier and stimulant. The bulb, Allium fructan K-3: BUAS092
applied to the feet, is used against diarrhea Allium fructan K-4: BUAS092
and feverAS483. Allium fructan K-5: BUAS092
West Indies. Clove tea is used for intesti- Allium fructan K-6: BUAS092
nal worms. Hot water extract of the bulb is Allium fructan K-7: BUAS092
Allium fructan K-8: BUAS092
taken orally for hypertension, and butanol
Allium sativum D-galactan: BUAS148
extract is rubbed on the abdomen to facili- Allixin: BUAS007
tate parturition. Essential oil is taken orally Allyl disulfide: BUAS375
as an antispasmodic, antimicrobial, diuretic, Allyl methyl disulfide: BUAS071, EOAS158
antiasthmatic and emmenagogueAS162. Allyl methyl sulfide: BUAS071, EOAS158
Yugoslavia. Hot water extract of fresh bulb Allyl methyl trisulfide: BUAS152, EOAS298
is taken orally for diabetes As278 . Allyl trisulfide: BUAS071
Alpha-prostaglandin-F-1: BU AS172
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Alpha-prostaglandin-F-2: BU AS172
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Alpha-tocopherol: BUAS285
Aluminum: Bu 52AS005
1,2-(Prop-2-enyl)-disulfane: BUAS281 Aniline: Bu 10Asoo2
1,2-Dimercaptocyclopentane: BUAS002 Arachidonic acid: BUAS365
1,2-Epithiopropane: Bu 0.1_1.66Asoo2 Arginine: Bu 0.634-1.5216%Asoo2

Ascorbic acid: BU AS153 , FI 440-3,793, Lf Glucose: BUAS325,AS285

390-2,868 , Sh 420_1,883Asoo6 Glutamic acid: Bu 0.80S-1.932%AS004
Aspartic acid: Bu 0.489-1.1736%AS004, Glutathione: BuAS204
LfAS259 Glycine: Bu 0.2_0.48%AS004
Beta carotene: Bu 0_0.17AS005, FI 0.6-S, Lf Guanosine: BUAS214
9-68, Sh 2_9AS006 Hexa-1,S-dienyl-trisulfide: BUAS333
Beta sitosterol: PIAS003 Hexokinase: BuAS288
Beta tocopherol: BUAS003 Histidine: Bu 0.113-0.2712%Asoo4
Biotin: Bu 22 mcg/gAS453,AS476 Isoleucine: Bu 0.217-0.521 %AS004
Caffeic acid: BUAS308 Kaempferol: PIAS003
Chlorophyll: BUAS153 Leucine: Bu 0.31_0.74%Asoo4
Chromium: Bu 2.S_1SAS005 Linolenic acid: PIAS003
Cycloalliin: BUAS204 Lysine: Bu 0.273-0.655%AS004
Cysteine: LfAS259 Magnesium: Bu 240_1,210AS004,AS005
Degalactotigonin: Rt 400AS198 Methyl ajoene: BUAS040,AS432
Deoxy alliin: BUAS066 Methyl allyl thiosulfinate: BUAS040
Diallyl heptasulfide: BUAS070 Monogalactosyl diglyceride: BUAS365
Diallyl hexasulfide: BUAS070 Myrosinase: BUAS009
Diallyl pentasulfide: BUAS095 N-alpha-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-L-argin-
Diallyl sulfide: Bu 2_99AS002 ine: Bu 2.1-2.4 mmol/L AS537
Diallyl tetrasulfide: BUAS157 Nicotinic acid: Bu 0.48 mg/100 gm AS013
Diallyl trisulfide: Bu 10_l,061Asoo2 Oleanolic acid: PIAS003
Digalactosyl diglyceride: BUAS365 Oleic acid: PIAS003
Dimethyl ajoene: BuAS040,AS432 Ornithine: LfAS259
Dimethyl difuran: Bu S_30AS002 Phenylalanine: Bu 0.183_0.439%Asoo4
Dimethyl disulfide: Bu 0.6_2.SAS002 Phlorogl uci nol: PIAS003
Dimethyl sulfide: EOAS479 Phosphatidyl choline: BUAS321
Dimethyl trisulfide: Bu 0.8_19Asoo2 Phosphatidyl ethanolamine: Bu, LfAS365
Eicosapentaenoic acid: BUAS365 Phosphatidyl inositol: BUAS321
Eruboside B: Bu 13AS425 Phosphatidyl serine: BUAS321
Essential oils: Bu 600_3,600AS007 P-Hydroxybenzoic acid: PIAS003
Foliacin: Bu 1AS004 Phytic acid: PIAS003
Fructose: BUAS325,AS285 Proline: Bu 0.1O_0.24%Asoo4
Gamma glutamyl phenyl alanine: BuAS471, Prop-2-enyl-d isu Ifane: BUAS281
AS474 Propene: Bu 0.Ol_6Asoo2
Gamma-L-glutamyl-L-phenylalanine: Bu Propeneth iol: Bu 1-41 AS002
63.2AS041 Prostaglandin-A-1 : BUAS172
Gamma-L-glutamyl-S-(2-carboxy-1-propyl)- Prostaglandin-A-2: BU AS172
cysteineglycine: PIAS008 Prostaglandin-B-1: BUAS172
Gamma-L-glutamyl-S-allyl-cysteine: Prostaglandin-B-2: BU AS172
BUAS469,AS472 Prostaglandin-E-1 : BUAS172
Gamma-L-glutamyl-S-allyl-mercapto-cys- Prostagland i n-E-2: Bu AS 172
teine: BUAS470 Protodegalactotigonin: Bu 10As198
Gamma-L-glutamyl-S-beta-carboxy-beta- Protoeruboside-B: Bu 100As171
methyl-ethyl-cysteinyl-glycine: BUAS474 Pseudoscoridinine-A: BUAS488
Gamma-L-glutamyl-S-methyl-L-cysteine- Pseudoscoridinine-B: BUAS488
sulfoxide: BUAS471 Quercetin: Bu 200AS473
Gamma-L-glutamyl-S-propyl-L-cysteine: Quercetin-3-0-beta-D-glucoside: PIAS003
BUAS474 Raffinose: BUAS285,AS092
Gibberellin-A-3: BuAS323 Rutin: PIAS003
Gibberellin-A-7: BUAS323 S-(2-carboxy-propyl)-gl utath ione: Bu
Gitonin: Rt 300AS198 92.SAS192

S-allo-mercapto cysteine: Bu 2AS470 Acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Essential

S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide: BuAso64, oil of dried bulb was active on Macaronesia
Cal TisSAS168
fortunata and Musca domesticaAs485.
S-allyl cysteine: Bu 10As478
Sativoside-B-1 : Bu 30AS198
Acid phosphatase inhibition. Butanol
Sativoside-R-1 : Rt 500AS198 extract of dried bulb, administered
Sativoside-R-2: Rt 300AS198 intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.5 gm/
Scordine: Bu 250AS461 kg, was active vs isoprenaline-induced tis-
Scordinin-A: Bu 3.9%AS492 sue necrosis of heart, liver and pancreasAS189.
Scordinin-A-1: Bu 67_30,000AS460,AS462 ACTH-induction. Ethyl acetate and etha-
Scordinin-A-2: Bu 250_8,000As46o,As462 nol (95%) extracts of dried bulb, adminis-
Scordinin-A-3: Bu 333AS460
tered intramuscularly to rabbits at doses of
Scordinin-B: Bu 800AS462
Scorodose: BUAS325 20.0 mg/animal daily for 4 days, were
Selenium: Bu 16AS005 activeAS447.
Serine: Bu 1,900-4,560Asoo4 Adenosine deaminase inhibition. Fresh
S-ethyl cysteine sulfoxide: BuAsoo6,As487 bulb and sap, at concentration of 10.0 meg,
Silicon: BUAS005 was inactive. Sap, at a concentration of 10.0
S-methyl cysteine sulfoxide: Bu, Cal microliters, was activeAS429. Water extract of
dried bulb, at a concentration of 10.0 mcg/
S-methyl cysteine: BuAs487
ml in cell culture, was active on aortic-
S-methyl L-cysteine sulfoxide: BUAS132
S-N-butyl cysteine sulfoxide: BuAsoo6 endothelium AS139 .
S-propyl cysteine sulfoxide: BUAS168 Adherence inhibition (bacteria to host
Stigmasterol: PIAS003 cells). Water extract of fresh bulb, in cell
Succ i n ic acid: PIAS003 culture at a concentration of 0.4%, was
Sucrose: BUAS325,AS092 active on Candida albicans, adherence to
Taurine: PIAS003 buccal epithelial cells pre-incubated with
Thiamacornine: BuAs327
compound, and 0.1 % (adherence to buccal
Thiamamidine: BuAs327
epithelial cells after oral rinse was mea-
Threonine: Bu 1,570_3,768Asoo4
Tin: Bu 6AS005 sured). A concentration of 0.8% was inac-
Trans-1-propenyl methyl disulfide: BuAso93 tive vs L-cysteine, mercaptoethanol or
Trans-ajoene: Bu 268AS164,AS157 glutathione antagonistic effectAS2oo.
Trans-cis ajoene: BUAS152 Aflatoxin production inhibition. Water
Trans-S-(propen-1-yl)(+)cysteine sulfoxide: extract of fresh bulb, at a concentration of
1.0 mg/ml, was active on Aspergillus flavus.
BUAS481 Aflatoxin B-1 production was inhibited
Tryptophan: Bu 660-1,584Asoo4
60.35%. The extract was also active when
Tyrosine: Bu 810-1 ,944AS004 administered intragastrically to ducklings at
Valine: Bu 2,91 0_6,984AS004 a dose of 2.5 mg vs aflatoxin B-1 hepatotox-
Zinc: Bu 15.3Asoo4 icity. Enzyme was measured in serumAS063.
AIDS therapeutic effect. Fresh bulb taken
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES orally by human adults at variable dosage
AND CLINICAL TRIALS levels was active. Five grams of fresh bulb
Abortifacient effect. Ethanol (95%) was taken daily for the first 6 weeks and 10
extract of seeds, at doses of 150.0 and 200.0 gm daily for the second 6 weeks. Diarrhea,
mg/kg, and petroleum ether extract at a dose genital herpes, candidiasis, and pansinusitus
of 100.0 mg/kg, administered orally to with recurrent fever improved in AIDS
female rats, were inactiveAS4J8. patientsAS199.

Alanine aminotransferase stimulation. Lyophilized extract of fresh leaves, at a con-

Water extract of fresh bulb, administered centration of 0.3 mg/ml, was active. 30%
intragastrically to rats at variable dosage lev- inhibition was producedAs432.
els, was inactive. Essential oil, administered Anthelmintic activity. Butanol extract of
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.067 mg/ dried bulbs, administered by gastric intuba-
gm, was activeAs21o. tion to mice at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg on days
Alanine aminotransferase inhibition. 1-5, was active on Aspiculurus tetrapteraAS490.
Seed essential oil, administered intra- Dried bulb, administered by gastric intuba-
gastric ally to rats at a dose of 56.9 tion to ducks and geese infected with
micromols, was activeAs408. hymenolepis, produced weak activityAS448.
Alkaline phosphatase stimulation. Essential oil, administered intragastrically
Butanol extract of the dried bulb, in the to mice at a dose of 0.025 ml/kg on days 1-5,
ration of rats at a dose of 6.7% of the diet, was inactive on Aspiculurus tetrapteraAS490.
was active vs cadmium toxicityAS344. Water Fresh bulbs in the drinking water and hex-
extract of the fresh bulb, in the ration of rab- ane extracts were active on carp (Capillaria
bits at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was active vs cho- obsignata) at a dose 200.0 mg/liter dosing
lesterol-loaded animalsAs422. twice daily on days 1_3 ASl74 . Saline extract
Alkaline phosphatase inhibition. Essential of the fresh bulb, at a concentration of
oil, administered intragastrically to rats at a 5.0%, was active on Anisakis species
concentration of 0.067 mg/gm, was active. larvaeAs141. Water and methanol extracts of
The rats were fasted for 24 hours AS2Jo . the dried bulb, on agar plate at a concentra-
Allergenic activity. Ethyl acetate, ethanol tion of 10.0 mg/ml, produced weak activity
(95%), and water extracts of bulbs, applied on T oxacara canis AS236 .
externally to human adults, were activeAS261. Antiaging activity. Water extract of the
Butanol extract of fresh bulb, applied exter- dried bulb, in cell culture at a concentra-
nally to human adults, was active. Garlic tion of 100.0 mcg/ml, increased the lifespan
was used as a wet dressing for itchy dry skin of leuk-P388(ARA-C) cells in culture As1l4 .
and erosions caused by scratching. After- Antiallergenic activity. Water extract of
wards, dermatitis became worse and spread. fresh bulb, in cell culture at a concentra-
After corticosteroid treatment, the eczema tion of 100.0 microliters/ml, was active on
disappeared. The patient had slight anemia, leuk-RBL 2H3 vs biotinylated anti-DNP
leukopenia, and elevated total serum IgE/avidin-induced beta-hexosaminidase
IgPS166. releaseAS176.
Alpha-amylase inhibition. Water extract Antiamoebic activity. Essential oil, in
of bulbs was activeAS258. broth culture at a concentration of 2.0 mi-
Aminolevulinic (delta) acid dehydrase croliters/ml, was active on Entamoeba
inhibition. Water extract of dried bulb, at a histolyticaASJJ5 . Fresh bulb juice, in broth cul-
concentration of 0.1 millimols, was active ture at a concentration of 25.0 mcg/ml, was
on human blood AS37I . active on Entamoeba histolyticaAs180.
Analgesic activity. Ethanol (70%) extract Antiarrhythmic activity. Dried bulb, in
of fresh bulb, administered intraperitoneally the ration of rats at a concentration of
to mice of both sexes at variable dosage lev- 1.0% of the diet for 10 weeks, decreased
els, was active AS3J5 . coronary artery ligation reperfusion-in-
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi- duced arrhythmiasAso73.
tion. Lyophilized extract of fresh bulbs, at a Antiascariasis activity. Ethanol (95 %)
concentration of 0.3 mg/ml, was inactive. extract of the bulb, applied externally, was

active on earthworms. Paralysis occurred in extract, at a concentration of 62.5 mg/ml,

12 hours with death of 50% of the was active on Staphylococcus aureus, and
wormsAS046. Water extract, applied exter- inactive on Escherichia coliAso98. Dried bulb,
nally to earthworms at a concentration of on agar plate, was active on Xanthomonas
10.0 mg/ml, produced strong activityASOJo. campestrisASJ89. Dried bulb, on agar plate at a
Antiatherosclerotic activity. Butanol concentration of 0.20 gm/plate, produced
extract of dried bulb, taken orally by human strong activity on Escherichia coli and Bacil-
adults, prevented the total rise in serum lus subtilisASJ68. Essential oil of dried bulb,
cholesterol, B-lipoprotein cholesterol, administered intradermally to rabbits, pre-
B-lipoprotein and serum triglycerides in vented Staphylococcal infectionsAs468.
patients with alimentary lipemiaAs332 . Dried Essential oil of dried bulb, on agar plate, was
bulb, in the ration of castrated rams at a active on Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus vul-
concentration of 5% of the diet, produced garis and Pseudomonas aeruginosaAS 253 • Fresh
weak activityASl18. Water extract of the fresh bulb juice, on agar plate undiluted, was
bulb, in the ration of rabbits at a dose of 1.0 active on Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas
gm/kg, was active vs cholesterol-loaded aeruginosa and Salmonella typhosaAs 475 • Fresh
animals As422 . bulb juice, undiluted on agar plate, pro-
Antibacterial activity. Essential oil, on duced weak activity on Streptococcus aureus
agar plate, was active on Erwina amylovora, and Escherichia COliAS465. Fresh bulb and chlo-
MIC 112.5 mg/liter AS23J . Amino acid frac- roform extract, on agar plate, were inactive
tion in cream form, extract in ointment, on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus,
essential oil in wound-healing powder, and MIC 7.5 and 6.0 mg/ml, respectively. Water
essential oil in gel of dried bulb, on agar extract, at a concentration of 30.0 microli-
plate, were active on Escherichia coli, Kleb- ters/disk on agar plate, was active on E. coli,
siella pneumonia, Proteus vulgaris and Shigella Shigella dysenteriae 1, Shigella flexneri and Shi-
sonnei AS253 . Ethanol (95%) extract was active gella sonnei. A dose of 1.5 ml/kg of fresh bulb,
on Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhosa, Shi- administered intragastrically to rabbits, was
gella sonnei, and Staphylococcus aureusAS249. active on Shigella flexneriAs228. Fresh bulb
Water extract was active on Bacillus juice, undiluted on agar plate, was active on
mycoides, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumo- Proteus vulgarisAs454. Fresh corn sap, on agar
nia, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella typhosa, Shi- plate, was active on several Gram-negative
gella sonnei and Staphylococcus aureusAS246. organisms ASJ19 . Fresh essential oil, undiluted
Aqueous high speed supernatant, on agar on agar plate, was active on Pseudomonas
plate at a concentration of 0.2 ml, was aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, and
active on Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, inactive on Bacillus cereus and Escherichia
Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sta- co/iA Sll7 . Infusion of the fresh bulb, in broth
phylococcus aureus and Klebsiella speciesASJ51. culture, was active on Staphylococcus aureus,
Bulb juice, in broth culture, was active on MIC 10.0 mcg/ml; Clostridium para-
Candida parapsilosis. Thirty-eight millimeter putrificum and Propionibacter acnes, MIC 3.9
zone of inhibition was producedAsl50. mg/ml; Bacteroides vulgaris and Bifido-
Butanol, water, and hot water extracts of bacterium longum, MIC 7.8 mg/ml; inactive
fresh bulb, on agar plate at variable concen- on Clostridium perfringens, Bacteroides fragilis,
trations, was active on Bacillus subtilis Eubacterium limosum, Propionibacterium
H-17(Rec+), M-45(Rec- ySlJ6. Decoction of intermedium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and
the dried bulb, on agar plate, was active on Staphylococcus aureus 25923, MIC 15.6
Pseudomonas aeruginosaASl16. Hot water mg/ml; Eubacterium nucleatum and E.

lentum, MIC 31.3 mg/ml; Bacteroides broth culture, was active on Staphylococcus
melaninogenicus and Peptostreptococcus aureus. The extract, administered intraperi-
productus, MIC 62.5 mg/ml; Citrobacter toneally to mice, was inactive on Staphylo-
freundii and Serratia marcescens, MIC 625.0 coccus aureus. On agar plate, it was active
mcg/ml; Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Strepto- on Erwinia carotovora and Erwinia
coccus faecalis, MIC > 625 mcg/ml. The herbicolaAs04J. Water extract of the bulb, on
petroleum ether extract was inactive on Clos- agar plate at a concentration of 1-10, was
tridium paraputrificum, MIC 156.0 mcg/ml; active on Escherichia coli. Complete inhibi-
Bifidobacterium longum, MIC 312.0 mcg/ml; tion of several enterotoxigenic strains of the
Propionibacterium acnes, MIC 78.0 mcg/ml test organisms was observedAs301. Water
and S. aureus, MIC 625 mcg/ml As117 . Leaf extract of the dried bulb, on agar plate, was
essential oil, on agar plate, was inactive on active on Streptococcus sanguis, Escherichia
Bacillus cereus, E. coli, Pseudomonas coli, Serratia marcescens, Lactobacillus
aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus ASJ97 . odontolyticus, Streptococcus milleri, Strepto-
Dried oleoresin, in broth culture at a con- coccus mutans; weakly active on Bacillus
centration of 5.0 gm/liter, produced weak cereus, Enterobacter cloacae, Staphylococcus
activity on Staphylococcus aureusAS401. Chlo- aureus, Streptococcus hominis and inactive on
roform extract of dried bulb contained at Pseudomonas aeruginosaAS 32 4, Water extract
least 2 active elements. One was chloroform of fresh bulb was active on E. coli and
soluble and had an antiseptic action, a slight Micrococcus luteusAs143. Fresh garlic powder,
tonic effect on the isolated frog heart, a at a concentration of 1% solution, was
slight hypertensive effect on etherized cats, effective on Escherichia coli 0-157. The pow-
and a paralyzing effect on isolated rabbit der from fresh garlic was more effective than
intestine. The chloroform-insoluble frac- that from aged garlic. The antiabcterial
tion had no antiseptic effect, no action on activity was Iso shown againist the methi-
isolated frog heart, a strongly hypotensive cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Salmo-
effect on etherized cats, and a tonic effect nella enteritidis, and Candida albicansAs55o.
on isolated rabbit intestineAS459. Powdered Anticarcinogenic effect. Bulb, adminis-
dried bulb, in broth culture at a concentra- tered orally to rats at a dose of 250 mg/kg
tion of 5.0 gm/liter, was inactive on Staphy- 3 times a week, effectively suppressed
lococcus aureusAS401. Tincture of the dried 4-nitroquinoline l-oxide-induced tongue
bulb, on agar plate at a concentration of carcinogenesis as revealed by the absence
30.0 microliters/disk (10 gm plant material of carcinomas in the initiation phase and
in 100 ml ethanol), was active on Escheri- their reduced incidence in the post-initia-
chia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Sta- tion phase. There was a reduction in lipid
phylococcus aureusAS401. Water extract of the peroxidation in the tumor tissue accompa-
bulb, in broth culture at a concentration of nied by a significant increase in the levels
1.0%, was active on Clostridium perfringens AS276 . of reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxi-
Water extract, on agar plate, was active on dase and glutathione S-transferaseAS512.
Escherichia coli, Pasteurella multocida, Proteus S-allylcysteine (SAC) and S-allylmer-
species, Providencia species, Staphylococcus captocysteine (SAMC), evaluated for their
aureus and Streptococcus faecalis, and inac- effects on proliferation and cell cycle pro-
tive on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A dose of gression in the human cancer cell lines,
1.0 ml/animal, administered orally to SW-480 and HT-29, inhibited the growth
chicken, produced a reduction in intestinal of both cell lines. SAMC also induced
tract bacteriaAs242. Water extract of bulb, in apoptosis that was associated with an

increase in caspase3-lke activity. The effects intraperitoneally to mice of both sexes at

were accompanied by induction of JUN variable dosage levels, was active vs
kinase activity and a marked increase in metrazole-induced convulsions, and inac-
dendogenous levels or reduce gluta- tive vs strychnine-induced convulsions ASll5 .
thioneAs54o. Garlic, administered orally to Anticrustacean activity. Ethanol (95%)
diethylnitrosoamine-induced hepato-carci- extract of dried bulb was inactive on Arte-
nogenic male Wistar rats, produced a sig- mia salina. The assay system was intended to
nificant reduction in the number (50% predict for antitumor activityASo6o.
reduction) and area (48% reduction) of glu- Anticytotoxic activity. Water extract of
tathione S-transferase placental form posi- the bulb, administered intragastrically to
tive foci compared with the control group mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs
of animals receiving water. Histopathologi- arsenic-induced bone marrow cytotoxicity.
cal examination of rat livers using H & E Treatment with the extract reduced the
staining indicated that there was no signifi- chromosome breaks and cell damage
cant difference between the control and gar- induced by arsenicASOBO.
lic treated groups in granularity and Antidiarrheal activity. Essential oil,
vacuolation of the cytoplasmAss46. Diallyl administered orally to mice at a concentra-
sulfide and diallyl disulfide, evaluated on tion of 0.01 ml/gm, was active vs castor oil-
p53-wild type H460 and p53-null type induced diarrheaAsl61.
h1299 non small cell lung cancer cells, pro- Antiedema activity. Methanol extract of
duced a significant number of cells in the bulb, applied externally to mice at a
apoptotic state as measured by acridine dose of 2.0 mg/ear, was active vs 12-0-
orange staining. However, there was not a tetradecan-oylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-
significant induction of apoptotic cells by induced ear inflammation. Inhibition ratio
MTT assay. Diallyl disulfide was more effec- (IR) was 32AS079.
tive in inducing apoptosis on the cellsAs548. Antiestrogenic effect. Water extract of the
Anticardiotoxic effect. Water extract of fresh bulb, administered intraperitoneally to
aged bulbs, administered intraperitoneally female mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/day, was
to mice at a dose of 0.05 ml/animal 6 times inactiveAS4Jl.
weekly, was active. Widening of GRS and Antifatigue activity. Ethanol (95%)
lengthening of PR intervals induced by extract of the bulb, administered
doxorubicin were diminished in treated ani- intragastrically to mice at a dose of 125.0
mals. Doxorubicin-induced histologic mg/kg, was active. The dose had no effect
changes were prevented by the treatmentASl19. after 1 session of rope climbing stress, but
Anticholinergic activity. Water extract of it prevented decline in performance, which
dried bulb was inactive on the frog skeletal was noted in controls after 2 weeks of
muscle and guinea pig small intestine vs repeated stressASl65.
ACh-induced contractionsAs251. Antifilarial activity. Fresh bulb was active
Anticlastogenic activity. Flower head on Setaria digitata, LC 100 600 ppmAS222.
juice, administered intragastrically to mice Antifungal activity. Essential oil, on agar
at a dose of 25.0 ml/kg, was active on bone plate, was active on Lenzites trabea, Lentinus
marrow cells vs mitomycin C-, dimethyl- lepideus and Polyporus versicolorAsol2. Bulb
nitrosamine-, and tetracycline-induced essential oil, on agar plate at a concentra-
micronucleiAsl17. tion of 10.0%/disk, was active on
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (70%) Geotrichum candidum, Candida lipolytica,
extract of the fresh bulb, administered Rhodotorula rubra and Saccharomyces

cerevisiae, and inactive on Brettanomyces N annizzia incurvataASl84. Ethanol/water ( 1: 1)

anomalus. One percent/disk was active on extract of the dried bulb, on agar plate at
Kloeckera apiculata, Kluyveromyces fragilis, concentrations of 417.0 and 500.0 mg/ml
Pichia membranaefaciens, and Torulopsis (expressed as dry weight of bulb), were
glabrata. Strong activity was produced on active on Penicillium digitatum, and inactive
Debaryomyces hansenii, Hansenula anomala, on Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger,
Lodderomyces elongisporus and Metschnikowia Botrytis cinerea, Rhizopus nigricans, Tricho-
pulcherrimaAsl14. Bulb juice, applied exter- phyton mentagrophytes and Fusarium
nally to rabbits at a concentration of 10% oxysporumAS414 AS382 . Fresh bulb, on agar plate,
for 10 days after typical fungal-induced was inactive on Trichophyton andouinii, T.
lesions appear, was active on Microsporum mentagrophytes, T. rubrum, T. schoenleini
canisASJOO. Essential oil of the dried bulb, on and T. tonsurans, MIC 1000 mcg/ml;
agar plate, was active on Trichophyton Aspergillus fumigatus, MIC 2000 mcg/ml and
rubrumAS253. Essential oil of the dried bulb, Microsporum canis, MIC 500 mcg/mlA S420 .
on agar plate, was active on Epidermophyton Fresh bulb, undiluted on agar plate, was
floccosum, Microsporum gypseum and Tricho- active on Nannizzia fulva, N. gypsea and N.
phyton rubrum (11 % oil in gel was used). incurvataAS174. Water extract of the fresh
The water extract, at a concentration of bulb, at a concentration of 1.0 mcg/ml,
0.625%, was active on Trichoderma species inhibited growth in Aspergillus flavusAS06J.
and Trichophyton mentagrophytes; a concen- The extract was active when applied exter-
tration of 1.25% was active on Aspergillus nally at a dose of 20.0% twice daily for 15
niger and Epidermophyton floccosum, and in- days to a buffalo with dermatophytosis
active on Aspergillus flavus, Basidiobolum caused by T. verrucosum; twice daily for 10
meristosporus strain T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and days to a calf with dermatophytosis; twice
T6, and Trichophyton rubrum; weak activity daily for 10 days to a dog with dermatophy-
was produced on Aspergillus fumigatus, tosis caused by M. canis and twice daily for
Curvularia species, and Fusarium speciesAS254. 10-20 days to 6 patients with derma-
Juice, at a concentration of 0.25%, was tophytosis caused by T. rubrum, and T.
active on Trichophyton mentagrophytes. A mentagrophytesAs156. A concentration of
concentration 0.5% was active on Trichophy- 10.0% was active on Trichoconiella
ton rubrumAS255; 2.0% was active on Alterna- padwickiiAsl90. Fresh essential oil, undiluted
ria alternata, Ceratocystis paradoxa, Fusarium on agar plate, was inactive on Penicillium
solani, Geotrichum candidum, Melanconium cyclopium, Trichoderma viride and Aspergil-
fuligineum, Myrothecium roridum, Phyto- lus aegyptiacusASll7. Hot water extract of the
phthora species, Phytium aphanidermatum, dried bulb, in broth culture at a concentra-
Rhizopus microsporus, Sclerotium rolfsii, tion of 1.0 ml, was active on Epidermophy-
Thanatephorus cucumeris, Tricholoma ton floccosum, Microsporum canis and
crassum, U stilago maydis, and Volvariella Trichophyton mentagrophytes vars.
volvacea; 4.0% was active on Colletotrichum algodonosa and granulare AS2lo . Leaf essential
denatiumAS252; 1.25% was active on Microsporum oil, on agar plate, produced strong activity
gypseum and Trichophyton violaceum; 2.5% on Aspergillus aegyptiacus, Penicillum
active on Epidermophyton floccosum, Mi- cyclopium and Trichoderma viride ASJ97 . Water
crosporum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, extract of the bulb, on agar plate at a con-
and Trichophyton rubrumAS250. Essential oil, centration of 5.0 mg/ml, was active on
on agar plate, was active on Botryotrichum Fusarium oxysporum F. Sp. LycopersiciAs410.
keratinophilum, Malbranchea aurantiaca and Water extract of the dried bulb, in broth

culture, was active on Fusarium moniliforme. Antihepatotoxic activity. Butanol extract

A decrease in nitrate and dimethylnitro- of the bulb, administered intragastrically to
samine formation of the fungus was mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs
observedASJ67. Water extract of the fresh CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity. Conjugated
bulb, at a concentration of 0.01 microliters/ diene levels, thiobarbituric acid levels,
disk, was equivocal on Epidermophyton hepatic triglycerides content and hepatic
floccosum; inactive on Trichophyton lipid content were decreasedAs404. Essential
soudanense. A concentration of 6.67 mcg/ oil, of the dried bulb in cell culture (rat liver
disk was inactive on Trichophyton erinacei cells) at concentrations of 0.01 and 1.0 mg/
and T. verrucosum. The extract was active ml, was active vs CCI4-, and galactosamine-
on T. semii, Microsporum audouini, Tricho- induced hepatotoxicity. Results significant at
phyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 levels, respectivelyAS369.
T. rubrum and T. violaceum, IC so 6.67 mi- Ethanol (20%) extract of fresh bulb,
croliters/diskASl3l . Water extract of the fresh administered by gastric intubation to mice at
bulb, on agar plate at a concentration of 5.0 a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs
mg/ml, was active on Epidermophyton paracetamol- and carbon tetrachloride-
[loccosum, Microsporum audouini, M. canis, induced hepatotoxicityAs215. Methanol-
M. gypseum, Trichophyton concentricum, and insoluble fraction of the fresh bulb, turmeric,
several plant pathogenic fungiAS46J. Water asafoetida, cumin, ellagic acid, butylated
extract of fresh leaves, on agar plate at a hydroxy toluene and butylated hydroxy ani-
concentration of 1: 1 (one gram of dried sole, administered intragastrically to duck-
leaves in 1.0 ml of water), was active on lings at a dose of 10.0 mg/animal, was active
Fusarium oxysporum AS !21. Strong activity vs aflatoxin B-1-induced hepatotoxicityAs115.
was produced on Ustilago maydis and U. Garlic oil, as similar to N-acetylcysteine, has
nudaASJ50. Water extract of the bulb, in shown to eliminate electrophilic intermedi-
broth culture, was active on Aspergillus ates and free radicals through conjugation
fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus and reduction reactions. It protects the liver
rhizopodiformis, Aspergillus niger and Mucor from toxic doses of acetaminophen. The
pusillus, and weak activity on Rhizopus clearance of the toxic metabolites of the
arrhizusAs245. acetaminophen from the liver occurs much
Antigout activity. Water extract of the faster with immediate treatment with garlic
bulb, administered by gastric intubation to oilAs501.
rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active. Antihistamine activity. Water extract
Daily dosing for 10 days to typhoid Bacillus- of dried bulb was active on guinea pig
sheep RBC-stimulated animals showed small intestine vs histamine-induced
the antibody titer to be significantly contractionsAs251.
inhibitedAsllo. Antihyperglycemic activity. Garlicin,
Antihematopoetic activity. Dried bulb, administered by intravenous drip at a dose
administered by gastric intubation to rats at of 60 mg/day for 10 days, markedly lowered
a dose of 3.10 mg/kg, was equivocal. There the plasma endothelin and blood sugar lev-
was a slight decrease in erythrocyte and he- els in patients with hyperglycemiaAS \2J.
moglobin levels in female rats; a much Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Bulb,
smaller decrease was seen in male rats. At a in the ration of 16 week-old male rats at
dose of 10.0 mg/kg, administered for 3 concentrations of 2.0 and 4.0% of the diet,
months, there was a slight decrease in eryth- was active in cholesterol-loaded and lard-
rocyte and hemoglobin levelsAS171. fed animals. Results significant at P < 0.05

levelAs301. Bulb, in the ration of rabbits at tive. A dose of 450.0 mg/person, 3 doses in
variable concentrations, in a feeding study 51 human adults, was inactive As377 ; 600.0
for 52-82 days, was active vs cholesterol- mg/person for 4 weeks was activeAs183. Dried
loaded animals Aso36 . Bulb, taken orally by bulb, taken orally by human adults twice
human adults at variable dosage levels, was daily for 15 days in a group of 10 hyper-
activeAS297. Bulb, administered by gastric lipemic subjects, was activeAs303. After gar-
intubation to dogs, was active AS30\ and lic therapy of dried bulb (2 capsules 3 times
when administered orally to male human daily after meals for 12 weeks), serum cho-
adults, at a dose of 25.0 gm/person, was lesterol levels were brought down within
active AS274 . Butanol extract, taken orally by the normal range in 26 out of 37 patients.
human adults of both sexes at a dose of 1.35 The extract also lowered plasma fibrinogen
gm/person daily for 100 days, was activeAS271 . levels, prolonged coagulation time and
Ten healthy subjects below the age of 40 enhanced fibrinolytic activity in some of
took Butanol extract of fresh bulb orally. the patientsASJ03. Essential oil, in the ration
They were submitted to a 12-hour fast of male rabbit at doses of 0.25, 0.50, and
before receiving the test material. A fatty 1.0 gm/animal, was active vs cholesterol-
meal consisting of 100 gm butterfat on 4 fed animalsAsz56. Essential oil, administered
slices of bread was given to each subject by gastric intubation to rabbits at a dose of
fresh; as well as boiled garlic were adminis- 250.0 mg/kg 6 days per week for 4-12
tered in the study. Garlic appeared to pre- weeks, was active vs cholesterol-loaded
vent an increase in serum cholesterol animals As355 . Essential oil, taken orally by
statistical data in the report indicating sig- human adults of both sexes at a dose
nificant resultsAS263. Water extract of fresh equivalent to 1.0 gm/kg of raw garlic daily
bulb, in the ration of rabbits at a dose of 1.0 for 3 months, was active As27Z . Essential oil,
gm/kg, was active As422 . Butanol extract of administered by gastric intubation to rats at
fresh bulb, administered by gastric intuba- a dose of 100.0 mg/kg for 60 days, was
tion and in the ration of rats at concentra- active. Results significant at P < 0.01 level
tions of 2.0% of the diet for 4 weeks, was vs ethanol-induced hyperglycemiaAs359.
activeAs306; ethanol (95%) extract was When taken orally by human adults of both
inactiveAS392 vs cholesterol-loaded animals. sexes at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg, the dose was
Dried bulb, in the ration of castrated rams active. In a study with 62 patients with
at a concentration of 5.0% of the diet, was coronary heart disease and high serum cho-
active AS1l8 . Essential oil, administered by lesterollevels and 20 healthy individuals as
gastric intubation to rabbits at variable dos- a control group, garlic oil was consumed
age levels, was active vs cholesterol-loaded daily for 10 monthsAs289. Ether extract of the
animalsAs129. In a randomized placebo-con- fresh bulb, administered intragastrically to
trolled double-blind study of the efficacy of rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs
garlic powder on cholesterol level, 68 vol- streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia.
unteers took powdered bulb at a dose of High-fat diet was usedAs379. Fixed oil, in the
600.0 mg/person. Average cholesterol fell ration of male rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg,
from 223 to 214 mg/dIAslz9. Dried bulb, in was active. Simultaneous feeding of unsat-
the ration of rats at a concentration of 2.0% urated oil from the plant material with a
of the diet, was active vs high-fat diet- high-sucrose diet, significantly reduced
induced hypercholesterolemia As1l3 . Dried serum and tissue cholesterol levels, and a
bulb, taken orally at a dose of 198.0 mg/per- small but significant tissue-protein reduc-
son, 3 doses in 34 human adults, was inac- ing effect was also observed As299 . Freeze-

dried bulb, in the ration of female rats at the diet, was active. Animals were fed a
concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% of the ration of 1% cholesterol plus 46.8% sucrose
diet, was active. Animals were fed a choles- and 5% garlic. Significant reduction of
terol-high diet for 6-8 weeksAS291. Essential serum glucose but increased serum insulin
oil, at a concentration of 0.13% of the diet and liver glycogen appeared to be associated
of female rats, was active vs cholesterol- with an increase of insulin level As273 . Hot
loaded animals, results significant at P < water extract of the dried bulb, administered
0.001IevelAs341. Fresh bulbs, in the ration of by gastric intubation to mice at a dose of 0.5
male rats at a concentration of 5.0% of the ml (25% extract), was inactive vs alloxan-
diet, were active. Animals were fed a ration induced hyperglycemiaAs362. Hot water
of 1% cholesterol plus 46.8% sucrose and extract of the fresh bulb, in the ration of
5% garlic As273 . Powdered dried bulb, taken mice at a dose of 6.25% of the diet, was
orally by human adults of both sexes at a inactive vs streptozotocin-induced hyper-
dose of 900.0 mg/day, was inactive in a glycemiaAS2I3 . Water extract of bulb, admin-
double-blind, randomized crossover study istered orally to rats, was active vs
on 30 subjects with mild to moderate alloxan-treated animals. There was a 20%
hypercholesterolemiaAS1l3 . Water extract of decrease in blood glucoseAso45. Water extract
fresh bulb, administered by gastric intuba- of fresh bulb, administered intragastrically
tion to rabbits at a dose of 10.0 gm/animal to rats at a dose of 0.07 gm/animal for 30
(dry weight of plant) daily for 5 days, was days, was active vs inhibition of the forma-
active vs cholesterol-loaded animalsAs458. tion of polyols in diabetic rat lensAs186. Fresh
Antihyperglycemic activity. Butanol bulb juice, administered intragastrically to
extract of bulbs, taken orally by human rabbits at a dose of 25.0 gm/animal (dry
adults of both sexes at a dose of 1.35 gm/ weight of plant material), was active vs glu-
person daily for 100 days, was activeAS271. cose-induced hyperglycemiaAso38. Aged gar-
Chloroform extract of bulbs, administered lic, administered orally to stress induced
orally to rabbits, was active vs glucose- hyperglycemic mice using the immobiliza-
primed animals. Activity was 79.4% that of tion stress model for 16 hours per day for 2
tolbutamideAso53. Decoction of fresh bulb, consecutive days, prevented adrenal hyper-
administered intragastrically to mice at a trophy, hyperglycemia and elevation of cor-
dose of 0.5 ml/animal, was inactive vs ticosterone, but did not alter serum insulin
alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. A 25% levelAS553.
aqueous extract was used. Maximal change Antihyperlipemic activity. Bulb, in the
in blood sugar was 6.2%AS202. Dried bulb, ration of 16 week-old male rats, at a con-
taken orally by human adults at a dose of centration of 2.0 and 4.0% of the diet, was
350.0 mg/person twice daily, was active in cholesterol-loaded and lard fed
inactiveAS170. Ethanol (95%) extract of the animals, results significant at P < 0.05
bulb, administered by gastric intubation to levelAs301. Bulb, taken orally by male adults
rabbits, produced weak activity, and petro- at a dose of 25.0 gm/person, was active As274 .
leum ether extract was active vs alloxan- and Dried bulb, taken orally at a dose of 198.0
epinephrine-induced hyperglycemiaAs285. mg/person, 3 doses in 34 human adults, was
Ether extract of the fresh bulb, administered inactive. A dose of 450.0 mg/person, 3 doses
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 100.0 in 51 human adults, was inactive As377 ; 600.0
mg/kg, was active vs streptozotocin-induced mg/person for 4 weeks was activeAS'8J. Dried
hyperglycemiaASJ79. Fresh bulb, in the ration bulb, taken orally by human adults twice
of male rats at a concentration of 5.0% of daily for 15 days in a group of 10 hyper-

lipemic subjects, was activeASJ09. Water levels, was activeAS297. Fresh bulbs, adminis-
extract of dried bulb, administered orally to tered by gastric intubation to dogs and orally
rabbits at a dose of 3.3 gm/kg daily for 2 to human adults at variable concentrations,
months, was active on sucrose loaded ani- were activeASOJ6. Butanol extract of bulbs,
mals (10 gm/kg/day). Statistical data indi- taken orally by human adults of both sexes
cated significant resultsAS279. Saponin at a dose of 1.35 gm/person daily for 100
fraction of the dried bulb, taken orally by days, was active ASZ71 . Dried bulbs, taken orally
human adults at a dose of 50.0 gm/person, by human adults at a dose of 2.4 gm/person,
was activeAS407. Dried garlic preparations, produced decrease in diastolic pressure 5-14
given to 30 patients of primary hyper- hours after dosing in 9 patients with essen-
lipoproteinemia orally at a dose of 700 mg/ tialhypertensionAso89. Ethanol (95%) extract
day, were inactive. Serum cholesterol and of bulb, administered orally to 25 patients
triglycerides were not significantly with hypertension, was activeASOl2. Ethanol
reducedASJ96. Essential oil, administered by (95%) extract of fresh bulb, in the ration of
gastric intubation to rabbit at a dose of rats at a dose of 8.0 ml/animal, was inactive.
250.0 mg/kg 6 days per week for 4 to 12 Extraction was made at oce; 4 ml of the
weeks, was active vs cholesterol-loaded extract was fed for 3 weeks, then salt was
animals ASJ55 . The essential oil, taken orally added and the dose increased to 8 ml. Salt
by human adults of both sexes at a dose did not affect blood pressure in the sponta-
equivalent to 1.0 gm/kg of raw garlic daily neously hypertensive animalsAsl88. Fresh
for 3 months, was active As272 . Essential oil, bulbs, taken orally by human adults, were
administered by gastric intubation to rat at active. Analysis of random, controlled stud-
a dose of 100.0 mg/kg for 60 days, was active. ies lasting at least 4 weeks included 415 sub-
The effects were measured in liver, results jects, showed significant decreases in both
significant at P < 0.01 level vs ethanol- systolic and diastolic pressuresASl12.
induced hyperglycemiaAs354. Fixed oil, in the Antihypertriglyceridemic effect. Bulbs, in
ration of male rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, the ration of rats at a dose of 2.0% of the
was active. Simultaneous feeding of unsat- diet, was active vs high-fat diet induced
urated oil from the plant material with a hypertriglyceridemiaAs113 . Dried bulbs, taken
high sucrose diet significantly reduced orally by human adults at a dose of 900.0
serum and tissue lipids, and a small but sig- mg/day, was active. Twenty-four volunteers
nificant tissue-protein reducing effect was with reduced HDL-cholesterol levels and
also observedAs299. Fresh bulb, in the ration hypertriglyceridemia were used in the 6-
of male rats at a concentration of 5.0% of week study. Triglycerides levels were re-
the diet, was active. Animals were fed a duced up to 35% and HDL cholesterol levels
ration of 1% cholesterol plus 46.8% sucrose increasedAS07J. Ether extract of the fresh
and 5% garlic AS27J . Pollen, taken orally by bulb, administered intragastrically to rats at
human adults of both sexes at a dose of a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active. High fat
900.0 mg/day, was inactive in a double- diet was used AS179 . Outer skin fiber, in the
blind, randomized crossover study on 30 ration of male rats at a dose of 236.6 gm/
subjects with mild to moderate hyper- day, was active. Water extract of fresh bulb
cholesterolemiaASl33 . Water extract, in the was active AS2Ji .
drinking water of rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/ml, Antihypotensive activity. Water extract of
was activeASJ90. fresh bulb, administered intravenously to
Antihypertensive activity. Bulb, taken rabbit at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active
orally by human adults at variable dosage vs arachidonate-, and rat tail-solubilized-

collagen-induced thrombocytopenia, hypo- trans-retinoic acid or dimethyl sulfoxide

tension and increased TXB2 levels. The used as positive controls. The oil induced
extract inhibits histopathological changes the generation of nitroblue tetrazolium-
in lung and liverAsos9. Intravenous infusion reducing activity, and about 20% of the
was also active vs arachidonate-induced HL-60 cells became nitroblue tetrazolium
hypotensionAs428. positive. COlI b, another marker of the dif-
Antihypothermic activity. Ethanol ferentiation of the cells, was also signifi-
(95%) extract of bulbs, administered cantly induced by the oilASS44 .
intragastrically to mice at a dose of 250.0 Antimicrobial activity. Garlic oil, and 4
gm/kg, was active vs 3 weeks of cold diallyl sulphides occurring naturally in these
stressAS161. oils were tested on Staphylococcus aureus,
Anti-inflammatory activity. Bulbs, taken methicillin-resistant S. aureus, 3 Candida
orally by 30 patients with different rheu- species, and 3 Aspergillus species, indicated
matic conditions, was activeAS294. Ethanol/ the magnitude of activity of the 4 sulphides
water (1: 1) extract of bulbs, administered followed the order diallyl tetrasulphide >
intraperitoneally to rats, was active vs car- diallyl trisulphide > diallyl disulphide > and
rageenin-induced pedal edemaAso2s. Water diallyl monosulphide, suggesting that the
extract, administered orally to rats at a dose disulphide bonds are an important factor in
of 2.0 gm/kg, produced weak activity vs determining the antimicrobial activitiesASS09.
granuloma pouch and formalin-induced Antimitotic effect. Diallyl disulfide, a
pedal edemaAso21. Dried bulbs, taken orally major compound in garlic, was tested on
by human adults at variable dosage levels, colon neoplastic lesions in vivo and colon
were active. Ethanol (80%) extract of dried tumor cell growth in vitro. Using human
bulb, administered to male rats by gastric colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 Glc(-/+) cell
intubation at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was line, a subpopulation of tumoral cells with
active vs carrageenin-induced pedal edema. markedly different characteristics in terms
A 23% inhibition of edema was observed. of metablic capacities, adhesion properties,
Seed oil, administered intragastrically to and distribution in the cell cycle phases was
rats at a dose of 0.0025 ml/kg, was active vs identified. After 1 to 2 days of treatment
formaldehyde-induced arthritisAs408. with 100 microM of diallyl disulfide, the
Anti-ischemic effect. Bulb, in a prepara- HT-29 cells were largely released into the
tion containing nicotinic acid, was admin- culture medium. The released cells accumu-
istered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 5.0 lated in the G(2)/M phase were character-
gm/kg daily for 7 days. During the last 2, iso- ized by a 5-fold reduction in cell capacity
proterenol was also given. Isoproterenol- for de novo protein synthesisAsso6.
induced ischemic effects on the heart were Antimutagenic activity. Dried bulb, on
prevented As226 . Powdered dried bulb, in the agar plate at a concentration of 12.5 mg/
ration of rats at a concentration of 1.0% of plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium
the diet for 10 days, reduced coronary artery TA100, vs aflatoxin B-1-induced mutagen-
ligation-induced infarct size AS071 . esis. Metabolic activation was required for
Antileukemic activity. Garlic oil, incu- activityAS41s. Fresh bulb in buffer, on agar
bated in human promyelocytic leukemia plate at a concentration of 14.75 mg/plate,
cells, HL-60 at a concentration of 20 micro- was inactive on E. coli WP2 TRP(-)
gram/ml, produced a marked suppression of induced by UV. A concentration of 7.38
HL-60 proliferation. The suppression was mg/plate was active on E. coli WP2 TRP (-)
almost identical with those obtained by all- UVR (-) and E. coli WP2 TRP (-). Metha-

nol extract of the fresh bulb, on agar plate, culosisAS086. Ethanol (95%) extract of the
was active on Salmonella typhimurium bulb, on agar plate, was inactive on Myco-
TA98 and TA100AS240. Water extract of the bacterium tuberculosisAs436.
fresh bulb, at a concentration of 0.8 micro- Antineoplastic effect. Oil and water-
liters/ml, was active on Hepatoma- soluble allyl sulfur compounds from garlic
AH109A vs gamma-ray-induced mutation. have been found to possess antitumorigenic
A concentration of 1.0 mg/plate was inac- properties. The property inceases as expo-
tive on Salmonella typhimurium TA100, vs sure increases both in vitro and in vivo. The
1,2 -epoxy -3,3,3 -trichloropropane- induced ability of these compounds to suppress pro-
mutation. A concentration of 10.0 mcg/ liferation is associated with a depression in
plate was inactive on S. typhimurium T A cell cycle progression and the induction of
100 vs sodium azide-induced mutation. A apoptosis. The depression in cell division
concentration of 100.0 meg/plate was coincides with an increase in the percent-
active on S. typhimurium TA 102 vs age of cell blocked in the G(2)/M phase of
gamma-ray-induced mutation. Concentra- the cell cycleAS528.
tion of 3.0 meg/plate was active on S. Antinephrotic activity. Garlic, adminis-
typhimurium TA 100 vs adriamycin- tered orally to rats with acute and chronic
induced mutation. A concentration of 5.0 nephrotic syndrome (NS) induced by
meg/plate was inactive on S. typhimurium apuromycin aminonucleoside, was unable to
TA 100 and T A 98 vs 2-nitrofluorene- modify proteinuria in either acute or
induced mutation. A concentration of 50.0 chronic NS, and hypercholesterolemia and
microliters/ml was active on S. typhimurium hypertriglyceridemia in acute NS rats. The
TA102 vs cumene hydroperoxide-, T- treatment diminished significantly total-
butyl hydroperoxide-, hydrogen peroxide-, cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycer-
mitomycin C-, and streptomycin- induced ides, but not HDL-cholesterol in chronic
mutations, and on TAl 00 vs N -methyl- NS. Garlic induced no change in the per-
N - nitrosoguanidine-induced mutationAs187. centage of sclerotic glomeruli in chronic NS
Antimycobacterial activity. Bulb, taken and a significant decrease on the percent-
orally at variable dosage levels by a group of age of sclerotic area of the glomeruli As54l .
55 patients, was active on Mycobacterium Antioxidant activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
tuberculosisAs297. Juice of the bulb, on agar extract of aged bulbs at a concentration of
plate, produced strong activity on M. 0.15% produced 30.7% inhibition of low-
tuberculosisAso17. Chloroform and water level chemiluminescenceAS12l . Fresh bulb at
extracts of fresh bulbs, on agar plate at con- a concentration of 1.0% was active. The
centration of 1.0 mg/ml, produced weak effect was seen at 120° PS144. Hot water
activity on Mycobacterium aviumAS094. Dried extract of aged bulbs, at a concentration of
bulb, in broth culture, was active on Myco- 2.0 mg/ml, was active vs hydrogen perox-
bacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium ide-induced LDH release and lipid
intracellular, MIC 1.72 and 2.29 mg/ml peroxidationAs128. Powdered dried bulbs was
respectively. No synergy between garlic able to reduce radicals generated by Fenton
extract and any of 4 antituberculosis drugs reaction. There were also marked quench-
(lsonazid, streptomycin, ethambutal, and ing effects on radicals present in cigarette
rifampin) was observed ASJ9l . Essential oil of smokeAsl24. Resin of dried bulb, at a concen-
the fresh bulb, on agar plate and when tration of 0.06%, was inactive. Lard was
administered intraperitoneally to guinea used as a substrate in the antioxidant
pigs, was active on Mycobacterium tuber- activity test. Water extract of the dried

bulbs, at a concentration of 10.0 mcg/ml, ity was found in the compound N-alpha-
was active against photo-induced and (l-deoxy- 0- Fructos-1-yl)-L-arginine. The
superoxide radical mediated autoxidation activity was comparahle to that of ascorbic
of luminol. Photochemiluminescence acid, scavenging hydrogen peroxide com-
method of detection was employed AS125 . A pletely at 50 micromol/L and 37% at 10
concentration of 100.0 mcg/ml was active micromol/L. Quantitative analysis using
when tested in respect to the Cu2+-initi- HPLC system revealed that the aged garlic
ated oxidation of low-density lipoprotein. extract contained 2.1-2.4 mmol/L, but
The extract showed dose-related oxida- none was detected in either raw or heated
tion-inhibiting effects. Garlic homoge- garlic juice. Further more it was shown that
nate, administered orally to Wistar albino a minimum of 4 months of aging incuba-
rats (150-200 gms) of either sex 6 days/ tion was required for N-alpha-(1-deoxy-D-
week for 30 days at doses of 125, 250, 500, Fructos-1-yl)-L-arginine to be generatedAs537.
1000, and 2000 mg/kg, produced dose- Bulbs, administered orally to rats at a con-
dependent augmented endogenous anti- centration of 2% of the diet, decreased
oxidant effect, which has important direct catalse activity and content, and catalase
cytoprotective effects on the heart, espe- mRNA levels were unchanged in liver and
cially in the event of oxidant stress induced kidneys. Catalase synthesis decreased and
inj uryAs499. Fresh bulb homogenate, admin- catalase degredation remained unchanged.
istered by gastric intubation to Wistar In vivo H 20 2 generation in kidneys and
albino rats at doses of 250, 500, and 1000 liver was markedly decreased in garlic-fed
mg/kg/day for 30 days, significantly rats which could be due to a direct antioxi-
reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive sub- dant effect of garlicAss39. Extract of garlic,
stances and glutathione peroxidase in the administered orally to male Wistar rats for
liver and kidneys. There was no change in 5 consecutive days before intraperitoneal
catalase and reduced glutathione but super- injection of N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitro-
oxide dismutase increased significantly. soguanidine, enhanced lipid peroxidation
The 500 and 1000 mg doses significantly in the stomach, liver and circulation of
reduced endogenous antioxidants with the treated rats. There was a significant
altering thiobarbituric acid reactive sub- decrease in glutathione and the activities
stances. The 1000 mg dose produced of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-
marked histopathological and ultrastruc- S-transferase, and gamma glutamyl
tural changes in both liver and kidneysAs511. transpeptidaseAss52.
Diallyl sulfide, administered orally to mice Antiproliferative effects. The bulb has
at a dose of 200 mg/kg daily for 5 or 20 shown to have significant antiproliferative
days after they were orally infected with actions on human cancers. Both hormone-
Trichinella spiralis larvae, decreased responsive and hormone-unresponsive cell
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and lines responded. The effects shown include
the agent did not have any effect on the induction of apoptosis, regulation of cell
total antioxidant status of blood in the Tri- cycle progression and modification of path-
chinella-infected mice AS513 . Aged bulb as ways of signal transductionAs529.
well as its components (S-allylcysteine and Antiprotozoan activity. Fresh bulb juice,
N -alpha-1 (-deoxy- D-fructose-1-yl)-L-argi- undiluted in broth culture, was active on
nine (fructosyl arginine), inhibited the for- Paramecium caudatum AS414 • Bulbs, adminis-
mation of dense erythrocytes in sickle cell tered orally to BALB/c mice at a dose of 20
anemia patients, in vitro As525 . Strong activ- mg/kg/day from day 30 after infection of

leishmaniasis, for 2 weeks, was more effec- administered by inhalation to male rats,
tive than the usual antileishmanial drug in was inactiveAS443. Water extract in the
curing the infection. The treated mice drinking water of mice, at a dose of 100.0
developed Th1-type cytokine responses. In mg/kg, was inactiveAs431.
contrast, glucantime therapy led to a Th2- Antithiamine activity. Fresh bulb juice was
type response in the control group with a active. The activity was heat stable ASJ41 .
lower level of IL- 2. However, a combination Antithrombotic effect. Fresh bulb extract,
of garlic and glucantime treatment was more administered intravenously to dogs at a dose
effective that either treatment alone, and of 1.0 ml/animal, was active. Cyclic flow
resulted in a Th1-type response similar to reductions in an artificially stenosed coro-
that which developed with garlic nary artery were inhibited by administration
treatmentASl41. Whole garlic extract pro- of the extract. This is attributed to inhibi-
duced an IC sD at 24 hr of 0.3 mg/ml. Most of tion of cyclic thrombus formation/emboliza-
the components assayed were inhibitory to tion. Epinephrine reversed this effectAS426.
the organism, especially allyl alcohol and Methyl allyltrisulfide, a component present
allyl mercaptan, with IC sD values of 7 micro- in steam-distilled garlic oil, has been dem-
gram/ml and 37 microgram/ml, respectively. onstrated to inhibit arachidonic acid cas-
The surface topography and internal archi- cade at the reaction site with PGH synthase.
tecture of the organism changed during the However, this enzyme catalyzes 2 successive
incubation. Both whole garlic and allyl reactions, from arachidonic acid to PGG2,
alcohol produced fragmentation of the disc and from PGG2 to PGH2. It was revealed
and an overexpression of disc microribbons, that methyl allyltrisulfide inhibited the lat-
internalization of flagella, vacuole forma- ter reactionASS38.
tion and an increase in distended vesicles. Antitoxic activity. Butanol extract of the
Allyl mercaptan, however, only produced dried bulb, in the ration of rats at a dose of
an increase in distended vesiclesAss43. 6.7% of the diet, was active vs cadmium
Antispasmodic activity. Butanol extract of toxicityAS344. Dried bulb, in the ration of rats
the bulb, taken orally by 30 patients suffer- at a concentration of 6.7% of the diet for
ing from dyspepsia, gave moderate to full 10 weeks, was active vs methyl/mercury
relief of major symptoms, i.e., abdominal poisoningAS383. Dosing for 12 weeks lowered
distention and discomfort, belching and the effects of cadmium poisoningAS363.
flatulenceAs29o. Water extract of the bulb, at Butanol extract given for 12 weeks caused
a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml, was active on detoxication of phenylmercury poisoningAS364 .
ureterAS101 . Water extract of the dried bulb Essential oil, administered by gastric intu-
was active on the guinea pig small intestine. bation to rat at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was
The biological activity was highly dose- active. The dose prevented the ethanol-
dependent vs ACh-, barium- and hista- induced serum cholesterol and triglyceride
mine-induced contractionsAs211. rise, kidney and liver cholesterol accumu-
Antispermatogenic effect. Dried bulbs, lation, hepatic total lipid rise, and serum
administered by gastric intubation to male albumin reduction vs ethanol-induced
rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/animal daily for hyperlipemiaAsll4. Fixed oil of the fresh
45 and 70 days, caused spermatogenesis bulb, in the ration of rats at a concentra-
arrest at primary spermatocyte stage. The tion of 1.5% of the diet, was active. The
spermatogenesis arrest is claimed to be extract ameliorates pancreatic weight loss
a secondary result of hypoglycemia- in animals on fructose and Cu-deficient
hypolipidemiaAs296. Undiluted essential oil, dietASD68. Fresh bulb, administered

intragastrically to mice at a dose of 100.0 41 % ILSAS211. Essential oil, applied exter-

mg/kg, was active. The frequency of chro- nally to female mice at a dose of 1.0 mg/
mosomal aberrations was significantly animal, was active vs twice weekly 12-
lower in animals maintained on crude plant O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate-pro-
extract during exposure to sodium arsenite, motion (2 weeks) followed by mezerein pro-
as compared to those treated with arsenite motion (2 weeks) followed by mezerein
alone AS109 . Ethanol (70%) extract of fresh promotion (18 weeks). The dose, given
bulbs, administered intraperitoneally to with a second promoter, gave 24% decrease
mice at a dose of 50.0 mg/kg, was active vs in incidence of papillomaAS216. Ethyl acetate
cyclophosphamide-induced toxicity, 77% extract of the fresh bulb, in cell culture at a
ILSAS417. Butanol extract of dried bulbs, concentration of 100.0 mcg/ml, was active
administered by gastric intubation to rats at on HELA cells, and a concentration of 5.0
a dose of 0.25 gm/kg, was active on liver, mg/animal, administered externally to
pancreas and heart vs isoprenaline-induced mice, was active vs 12-0-tetra-decanoyl-phorbol-
tissue necrosisAsl89. 13-acetate-induced tumor promotionASl85 . The
Antitumor activity. Butanol extract of the hot water extract, in cell culture, produced
dried bulb, in the ration of mice at a dose of weak activity on RAJI cells vs phorbol
0.6 gm/day, was active on CA-Ehrlich-as- myristate acetate-promoted expression of
cites. Results significant at P < 0.001 EB virus early antigenAso78. Fresh bulb was
levelAs342. Dried bulb, in the ration of mice, applied externally at a dose of 0.1 ml/ani-
was active on Sarcoma 180 (solid). Ethanol mal; twice daily for 3 days every week before
(95%) extract of the bulb, administered once per week application ofDMBA, for 25
intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 50.0 weeks. The incidence of tumors was
mg/kg, produced weak activity on Sarcoma decreased to 31.8% from 73.9% vs DMBA-
III (MTK)Aso28. Fresh bulb, taken orally by induced carcinogenesisAsm . Water extract
human adults at variable dosage levels, was of the fresh bulb, applied externally to mice
active. Interviews with 564 patients with at a concentration of 200.0 microliters/ani-
stomach cancer and 1131 controls revealed mal, was active vs DMBA and croton oil
a significant reduction in gastric cancer risk treatmentAS211. Fresh bulb, in the ration of
with increasing consumption of Allium Syrian hamsters at a dose of 10.0% of the
sativumAS173 • Whole plant, in the ration of diet, was active vs DMBA-induced
female mice, produced complete inhibition carcinogenesisAs218. Hot water extract of the
of spontaneous leukemia in C3H miceAso27. fresh bulb, applied externally to mice at a
Water extract of the bulb, administered dose of 1.0 mg/animal, was active. Phorbol
intraperitoneally to mice at variable dosage myristate acetate followed by dose of com-
levels, produced weak activity on CA- pound 30 minutes later. This promotion
Ehrlich-Ascites Aso22 , and on tumor regime is repeated 3 times weekly for 47-60
systemAS297. Water extract of the bulb, weeks vs DMBA-induced carcinogenesisAS412 .
administered intravenously to mice, was Aqueous extract, injected at the site of
active on Sarcoma 180(ASC}AsoI4. Water tumor transplantation of day 1 for 3 weeks
extract of the fresh bulb, administered and into established tumors for 5 weeks in
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 50.0 combination with or without gene therapy
mg/animal daily for 5 days, was active on using a replication-defective adenoviral
CA-Ehrlich ascites, 17% ILS and Dalton's vector containing a herpes simplex virus
lymphoma, 9.1 % ILS.Intragastric adminis- thymidine kinase gene under the transi-
tration was active on CA-Ehrlich ascites, tional control of Rous sarcoma virus pro-

moter plus ganciclovir, demonstrated a sta- Antiyeast activity. Amino acid fraction of
tistically significant reduction in incidence of dried bulb in ream form, 11 % essential oil
transitional cell carcinoma. The extract com- in gel, essential oil in wound healing pow-
bined with gene therapy had significant ad- der, ethanol/chloroform (25%) extract on
ditive antitumor effects on transitional cell agar plate, and water extract, at a concen-
carcinomaAS519. Aqueous extract of the bulb, tration of 0.313% in broth culture, were
administered daily for 1 week, significantly active on Candida albicansAS151,AS154. Juice,
augment splenic natural killer cells in vivo on agar plate at a concentration of 0.333%,
in generating cytotoxicity against YAC was active on Candida guilliermondii,
tumor targetsAS520. Diallyl disulfide, adminis- C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. albicans,
tered orally to nude mice, resulted in a dose- C. stellatoidea, and C. kruseiAS247. A concen-
dependent and significant inhibition of the tration of 2.0% was active on Saccharo-
growth of H-ras oncogene transformed NIH myces cerevisiaeAS252. Concentrations of
3T3 cells implanted in the mice. The effect 0.0625, 0.125, and 0.25% in broth culture
was apparent in terms of delay in the appear- were active on Candida albicans, Candida
ance of measurable tumors, tumor volume krusei, Candida tropicalis, Cryptococcus
and tumor weight. On the other had, the neoformans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida
growth of H-ras oncogene transformed stellatoidea, Cryptococcus albidus, Candida
tumors was not inhibited by dipropyl disul- glabrata, and Candida guilliermondiiAs255. A
fide, a naturally occurring saturated analog of fresh extract of garlic, administered orally to
dially disulfide. The level of membrane-asso- human volunteers at a dose of 10-25 ml/per-
ciated p21 (H-ras) were markedly lower in the son, produced weak activity. At intervals,
tumors of daillyl disulfide-treated mice than serum and urine were collected and assayed
those of controlsAS5Jl. for antifungal activity. The maximum toler-
Antitussive activity. Fresh bulb, taken ance dose of the extract was determined to
orally by human adults at variable dosage be 25 ml, larger amounts produced severe
levels, was activeAso39. Lyophilized extract of burning sensations in the stomach and
the dried bulb, inhaled by children at a dose esophagus, and vomiting. After oral inges-
of 1.0%, was effective against respiratory tion of the extract, anticandidal and
tract diseasesAs382. anticryptococcal activities were detected in
Antiulcer activity. Fresh bulb, taken orally undiluted serum 0.5 and 1 hour after inges-
by human adults at variable dosage levels, tion. No activity was found at comparable
was activeAso39. times in the urine. It was concluded that
Antiviral activity. Commercial sample of oral garlic is of limited value in the therapy
the bulb, in cell culture at a concentration of human fungal infections As245 . Dried oleo-
of 0.15 mg/ml, was active on Herpes Sim- resin, on agar plate at a concentration of
plex 1 virus, Influenza virus B (Lee), Cox- 500.0 ppm, was active on Debaryomyces
sackie B1 virus and HELA cells. Results hansenii vs ascospore production and
significant at P < 0.001 levelAs381. Dried Rhodotorula rubra vs pseudomycelium
bulb, in cell culture, was active on production; inactive on Candida lipoly-
CytomegalovirusAso81. Fresh bulb pulp, in tica, Hansenula anomala, Lodderomyces
cell culture at a concentration of 1000 elongisporus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
mg/ml, produced weak activity on Herpes Torulopsis glabrata vs pseudomycelium and
Simplex 1 and 2 viruses, Parainfluenza virus ascospore production. In broth culture, a
3, Vaccina virus Elstree and vesicular sto- concentration of 50.0 ppm was active on
matitis virusAso66. Debaryomyces hansenii and Hansenula

anomala, and at 500.0 ppm was active on Trichosporum capitatum and Candida
R. rubra and S. cerevisiae vs biomass pro- pseudotropicalis, 39 mm zone of inhibition;
duction. It was inactive on Candida Candida rugosa, Candida stellatoidea, Candida
lipolytica, Kloeckera apiculata, Lodderomyces tropicalis and Candida krusei, 40 mm zone of
elongisporus and Torulopsis glabrata vs biom- inhibition; Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryp-
ass productionAs199. Essential oil of dried tococcus laurentii, Rhodotorula rubra, and
bulb, on agar plate, was active on Candida Trichosporon pullulans, 37 mm zone of inhi-
albicans AS25J . Essential oil, undiluted on agar bition; Cryptococcus terreus, Cryptococcus
plate, was active on Candida albicans and uniguttulatus and Candida albicans, 36 mm
C. monosaASZ70 . Ethyl acetate extract of fresh zone of inhibition; Candida guilliermondii
bulb, on agar plate, was active on Crypto- and Candida tenuis, 38 mm zone of inhibi-
coccus neoformans, MIC 6.1 mcg/mI ASl27 . tion; Torulopsis glabrata, 43 mm zone of
Water extract, on agar plate at a concentra- inhibition; Torulopsis candida and Torulopsis
tion of 5.0 mg/ml, was active on Candida inconspicua, 45 mm zone of inhibitionAs15o.
parapsilosis and C. tropicalis, and inactive on Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried bulb, on
C. albicansAS191. Water extract, administered agar plate at concentrations of 417.0 and
intragastrically to mice at a dose of 0.5 ml/ 500.0 mg/ml (expressed as dry weight of
animal, produced weak activity on Crypto- bulb), was inactive on Candida albicans and
coccus neoformansAS191. Fresh bulb juice, Saccharomyces pastorianusAS18Z.
undiluted on agar plate, was active on Can- Apoptosis induction. Ajoene significantly
dida albicansAs465. Fresh bulb, on agar plate, enhanced the activation of caspase-3 in
was inactive on Candida stellatoide, MIC both chemotherapeutic drugs cytarabine-
1000 mcg/ml and C. albicans, MIC 470.0 and fludarabine-treated KGI human
mcg/ml. Chloroform extract was inactive on myeloid leukemia CD-34-positive-resistant
C. albicans, MIC > 6.0 mg/mlAS420 . Water cells. A dose of 40 microM of ajoene alone
extract, in broth culture, was active on C. significantly reduced the bel- 2-expression
pseudotropicalis, C. tropicalis and C. albicans, from 239.5 ± 1.5 in control cultures to only
MIC 0.8 mg/mlA S169 . Tincture of dried bulb, 22.0 ± 4.0 in ajoene-treated cultures. Bel-2-
on agar plate at a concentration of 30.0 expression could not be detected in
microliters/disk (10 gm plant material in fludarabine plus ajoene-treated culturesAs50o.
100 ml ethanol), was active on Candida Arichidonate metabolism inhibition.
albicansAs405. Methanol/water (1: 1) extract of Ethanol (95%) extract, at a concentration
dried bulb, on agar plate, was active on Can- of 40.0 mcg/ml, and water extract at a con-
dida albicansAS411. Water extract of dried bulb, centration of 20.0 microliters, in cell cul-
on agar plate, produced weak activity on ture, were active on plateletsAS208.
Candida albicans and Saccharomyces Ascaricidal activity. Ether and ethanol
cerevisiaeASJ24. Water extract of fresh bulb, in (20%) extracts of bulb were active on
cell culture, was active on Candida albicans, Ascaris lumbricoidesAs457.
MIC 0.8 mg/mIAs20o. Water extract of fresh Aspartate aminotransferase induction.
bulb, undiluted, was active on Candida Essential oil, administered intragastrically
albicans, C. guilliermondii, C. krushei, to rats at a dose of 0.067 mg/gm, was active.
C. parapsilosis, C. stellatoidea, and C. tropi- Water extract of fresh bulbs, administered
calisAS161. Water extract and chromato- intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.02
graphic fraction of bulb, on agar plate, was ml/gm, was active AS21O .
active on Candida albicansAS151. Undiluted Atherosclerotic effect. The aged garlic
bulb juice, on agar plate, was active on extract, kyolic, was administered to rabbits

fed a 1% cholesterol-enriched diet for 6 Blood system effects. Butanol extract of

weeks at a dose of 800 ml/kg body weight. fresh bulb, taken orally by human adults at
There was no reduction in plasma choles- a dose of 25.0 mg/day, was active. An
terol but there was a 64% reduction of the 87 -year-old man presented with paralysis of
surface area of the thoracic aorta covered by the lower extremities. A spinal mass proved
fatty streaks and significantly reduced aortic to be a spontaneous spinal epidural
arch cholesterol. The extract also signifi- hematoma. The hematoma was removed
cantly inhibited by approximatley 50% of and the patient recovered adequately. The
the development of thickened, lipid-filled hematoma was attributed to the man's high
lesions in preformed neointimas produced by consumption of garlic (4 cloves/day), as no
Fogarty 2F balloon catheter injury of the other potential causes were found. Bleeding
right carotid artery in the cholesterol-fed time during surgery was 11 minutes (3 min-
rabbits. In vitro studies indicated that kyolic utes normal) and prothrombin time was
completely prevented vascular smooth 12.3 seconds As221 .
muscle phenotypic change from contractile, Blood viscosity decrease. Dried bulbs
high volume fraction of filament (V (v )myo) were taken orally by 120 volunteers with a
state, and inhibited proliferation of smooth "probably increased thrombocyte aggrega-
muscle cells in the synthetic state with a tion", at a dose of 800.0 mg/person contin-
50% effective dose of 0.2%. Kyolic slightly ued for 4 weeks in double-blind and
inhibited the accumulation of lipid in cul- placebo-controlled study. Plasma viscosity
tured macrophages but not smooth muscle, decreased by 3.2% vs controlAs419.
and had no effect on the expression of adhe- Body weight loss inhibition. Butanol
sion molecules on the surface of the endot- extract of dried bulb, administered intra-
helium or the adherence of leukocytesAs533. gastrically to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was
ATP-ase (Na+/K+) inhibition. Aqueous activeASl89.
(dialyzed) fraction of fresh bulb, at a con- Bradycardia activity. Oven-dried bulb,
centration of 0.49 units, was active on the administered to dog by gastric intubation at
skin of toad. The extract was applied to the a dose of 15.0 mg/kg, was active. The action
inner (serosal) surface of the skin. One unit returned to normal after 15 minutesAS418.
of activity had the effect of 1 micromolar Water extract of dried leaves, administered
amiloride As225 . intravenously to cats and rats at a dose of
ATPase stimulation. Water extract of fresh 5-20 mg/kg, produced weak activityAS352.
bulb, at a concentration of 5.0 mg/ml, was Carcinogenesis inhibition. Dried bulb, in
activeASZ57. the ration of rats at a concentration of 2.0%
Bacterial stimulant activity. Dried oleo- of the diet, was active. Rats were fed the
resin, in broth culture, was inactive on Lac- treatment diet for 20 weeks. The tumor
tobacillus plantarum. Fresh bulb, in broth incidence decreased from 85% to 40%, and
culture at a concentration of 1.0 gm/liter, the total number of tumors decreased from
was active on Lactobacillus plantarum. Pow- 41 to 18. In addition, the binding of DMBA
dered dried bulb, in broth culture at a con- to DNA decreased significantly vs carcino-
centration of 5.0 gm/liter, was active on genesis induced by 7, 12-dimethylbenz-
Lactobacillus plantarumAS401. (a)anthraceneAso6z. Ethanol (20%) extract
Barbiturate potentiation. Ethanol (95%) of 6 or 7 dried cloves, taken orally by 16
extract of bulb, administered intraperito- human adults daily for 3 months, was
neally to male mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, inactiveAslo2. Essential oil, applied exter-
was inactiveAS268. nally to mice at a dose of 0.01 mg/animal,

was active vs phorbol myristate acetate- of fresh bulb, administered by cheek

induced carcinogenesis of mice skin Asm . pouch in mice, was active vs 7,12-
Ethanol (95%) extract of dried bulb, in the d imeth y1benz (A) an thracene -ind uced
drinking water of rats at a dose of 3.0 mg/ml carcinogenesisAS2J8.
for 9 weeks, was inactive. Hepatocarcino- Cardiotonic activity. Chloroform extract
genesis was induced by diethylnitro- of dried bulb, contained at least 2 active
samineASlOS. Fresh bulb, administered elements. One was chloroform soluble and
intragastrically to mice at a dose of 400.0 had an antiseptic action, a slight tonic
mg/kg dosed 2 weeks before and 4 weeks effect on the isolated frog heart, a slight
following application of carcinogen, was hypertensive effect on etherized cats and a
active vs 3-methylcholanthrene-induced paralyzing effect on the isolated rabbit
carcinogenesis in the uterine cervixAs20I. intestine. The chloroform-insoluble frac-
Essential oil of fresh bulb, applied exter- tion had no antiseptic effect, no action on
nally to mice at a dose of 100.0 microliters/ the isolated frog heart, a strongly hypoten-
animal, was active vs benzo(a)pyrene- sive effect on etherized cats and a tonic
induced skin carcinogenesis. Ten percent effect on the isolated rabbit intestineAs459.
garlic oil in acetone and croton oil was also Garlicin, administered by intravenous drip
appliedAsl81. Fresh bulb, administered at a dose of 60 mg/day for 10 days, showed
intragastrically to toad at a dose of 0.1 ml, that the total effective rate in improving
was active vs aflatoxin B1-induced carcino- symptoms and electrocardiogram after
genesis (lung and kidney). Garlic oil, 0.1 ml garlicin treatment was 82%. Nitroglycerine
dissolved in 1 ml of corn oil was adminis- administered in 21 cases of the control
tered for 4 months. The tumor incident group produced an effective rate of
decreased to 9%, which was originally 19% 62%AS521.
without the treatment. A dose of 20.0 mg/ Cardiotoxic activity. Essential oil of dried
day was active vs aflatoxin B1-induced car- bulbs, administered intragastrically to rats at
cinogenesis (lung and kidney). Fresh garlic a dose of 2.0 gm/kg for 30 days, was active.
was administered for 4 months. The tumor Animals were maintained on normal diet
incident decreased to 3%, which was origi- while given the essential oil, then observed
nally 19% without the garlic treatmentASIOJ. for 30 days. ECG showed flattened T -wave
Fresh bulb, administered orally to hamsters and depressed ST segment during the dos-
at a dose of 0.5%/animal, was active. The ing period. The changes persisted after gar-
extract was painted on the mucosa 3 times/ lic withdrawal, indicating possible
week for 3 weeks. Eleven weeks later, permanent coronary ischemic damage in 8
DMBA (0.5%) was painted for 10 weeks. of 10 animalsAs40o. Ether extract of dried bulb
Six weeks later, animals were sacrificed. was active on the frog heart. Effect is not
Controls were painted with extract for 30 reversed by norepinephrine and only par-
weeks. Mineral oil was used as vehicle for tially reversed by caffeine or atropineASOJ7.
the extract vs DMBA-induced carcino- Cardiovascular effects. Water extract of
genesis As217 . Powdered fresh bulb, in the dried leaves, administered intravenously to
ration of rats at a dose of 20.0 gm/kg, was cats and rats at a dose of 5-20 mg/kg, did
active. Tumor incidence was reduced from not produced any appreciable alteration of
84% to 56%. Tumor incidence in rats fed ECG patternASJ52 .
selenium-enriched Allium sativum were Carminative activity. Dried bulb, taken
reduced from 92% to 36% vs DMBA- orally at a dose of 0.64 gm/person, was
induced carcinogenesisAso55. Water extract active. In a series of 29 patients complain-

ing of heaviness after eating, belching, gas 4 absorption was increased in the antitumor
colic, flatulence and nausea, 2 garlic tablets drug-treated rats fed the diet without
were given twice daily (after lunch and din- AGps627. Garlic juice, administered orally
ner) for a period of 2 weeks. A clinical at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg simultaneously with
investigation of dehydrated garlic showed 20 mg/kg methylmercury choride on day 7
this comparative to be highly effective for of gestation, depressed the toxicity of
relief of heaviness after eating (epigastric methyl mercury chloride. There was a 10%
and abdominal distress), belching, flatu- decrease in maternal death rate, and 6.9%
lence, gas colic, and nausea. Satisfactory and 31.3% in pre- and post-implantation
therapeutic results were obtained in cases of loss respectivelyASss4.
flatulent dyspepsia, nervous dyspepsia and Choleretic activity. Water extract of fresh
other gastric neuroses. Roentgenographi- bulb, in the ration of rats at a dose of 2%,
cally, a comparison of films with and with- was activeAS392.
out the medication showed that dehydrated Cholesterol acyltransferase inhibition.
garlic has a sedative effect on the stomach Water extract of dried bulb, in cell culture
and intestines, relaxes spasms, retards at a concentration of 1000 mcg/ml, was
hyperperistalsis, and disperses accumulation active on hepatocytes As232 . Water extract of
of gas. It is believed that these studies fresh bulb, at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg in the
explained the carminative action of garlic ration of rabbit, was active AS422 .
as caused by unidentified principles that Cholesterol inhibition. Plant, in the ration
have been designated as gastroenteric of rabbits, was activeAsosl. Unripe fruit juice,
allichalcone. Since dehydrated garlic tablets administered orally to cholesterol-fed male
are safe for long continued use, they may be rabbits, was activeAsoso. Water extract of
indicated in a wide variety of functional dis- dried bulb, at a concentration of 20.0
turbances of the stomach and intestinesAS4S2 . microliters/insect, was active on Lohita
Carnithine acetyl-coenzyme A trans- grandis AS372 •
ferase induction. Methanol extract of fresh Cholesterol level decrease. Dried garlic,
bulb, in cell culture at a concentration 0.5 taken by human adults of both sexes at a
mg/ml, was active on rat hepatocytes As239 . dose of 200.0 mg/person, was active. Garlic-
Catecholamine-releasing effect. Fixed oil ginkgo combination tablets produced
of fresh bulb, administered intragastrically improvement in cholesterol, with no con-
to rabbit, was active vs cholesterol-fed current dietary or exercise changesAS \3o. Gar-
animalsAs406. lic powder, adminsitered orally to rats on a
Cell proliferation inhibition. Water 2% cholesterol diet for 6 weeks, produced a
extract of bulbs, in cell culture, was active significant reduction in the serum choles-
on Morris hematomaAs3s7. Water extract of terol levels compared with the group on
dried bulb, in cell culture at a concentra- high cholesterol diet without garlic
tion of 100.0 mcg/ml, was active on LEUK- powderAss34.
P388(ARA-C). Cells transformed by SV-40 Cholesterol synthesis inhibition. Chloro-
were more sensitiveASl14. form and chloroform/acetone extracts of
Chemopreventitive effect. Aged garlic fresh bulbs, at concentrations of 166.0 mcg/ml,
extract (AGE), administered as 2% of the were active on liver homogenates. Synthe-
standard diet, depressed the absorption of sis was inhibited 52.1 % and 44.4%,
fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran respectivelyASOs8. Fresh bulb, in cell culture,
(FD-4) co-administered with the antitumor was active on Hepatoma-HEP-G-2, lC so
drugs methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil. FD- 35.0 mcg/ml, and on rat hepatocytes, lCso

90.0 mcg/ml. This inhibition was exerted ration of pigs at a concentration of 3.15 gm/kg
at the level of hydroxymethylglutaryl-Co A of diet for 29 days, was active. Hepatic
reductase (HMG-Co A reductase) as indi- enzymes assayed, and 40% inhibition was
cated by direct enzymatic measurements observedAsl78. Water extract of bulbs, in the
and the absence of inhibitionAs088. Water ration of chicken of both sexes at a concen-
extract, in cell culture, was active on tration of 6.0% of the diet for 3 weeks, was
hepatocytes AS2J2 . Water, methanol, and active ASJ22 . Water extract of dried bulb, in
petroleum ether extracts of dried bulb, at cell culture at a concentration of 1000 mcg/ml,
concentrations of 50.0 gm/liter, were active was active on hepatocytesAs232.
on rat hepatocytes AS1l3 . Eleven water-soluble Cholinesterase inhibition. Water extract
and 6 lipid-solubel compounds of garlic of fresh bulbs, at a concentration of 5.0
were evaluated for inhibitory potential on mg/ml, was activeAS257.
cholesterogenesis in primary rat hepato- Chromosome aberration induction.
cytes. Among the water-soluble compounds, Water extract of fresh bulb, administered
A-allyl cysteine, S-ethyl cysteine, and intragastrically to mice at a dose of 100.0
S-propyl cysteine inhibited [2-14C]acetate mg/kg daily for 7 days, was active on bone
incorporation into cholesterol in a con- marrowAS084. Water extract of the fresh
centration-dependent manner, achieving bulb, administered intragastrically to mice
42-55% maximal inhibition. Gamma- at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active on
glutamyl-S-allyl cysteine, gamma-glutamyl- bone marrow cells vs sodium arsenite-,
S-methyl cysteine, and gamma-glutamyl- mitomycin- and cyclophosphamide-induced
S-propyl cysteine were less potent, producing aberrationAso84.
only 16 to 29% inhibitions. Aliin, S-allyl- Chronotropic effect (negative). Water
N -acetyl cysteine, S-allylsulfonyl alanine, extract of fresh bulbs, at a concentration of
and S-methyl cysteine had no effect on cho- 0.1 mcg/kg, was active on the rat atria.
lesterol synthesis. Of the lipid-soluble com- When administered intravenously to dogs at
pounds, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, a dose of 67.2 mg/kg, it was activeAso82.
and dipropyl disulfide depressed cholesterol Chronotrophic effect (positive). Essential
synthesis by 10-25% at low concentrations oil of the dried bulb, administered
(0.5 mmol/L or less), and abolish the syn- intragastrically to rats at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg,
thesis at high concentrations (1.0 mmol/L was active during treatment and returned to
or more). Diallyl sulfide, dipropyl sulfide, normal after withdrawal. Animals main-
and methyl allyl sulfide inhibited [2-14C] tained on normal diet were given essential
acetate incorporation into cholesterol only oil for 30 days, then observed for 30 daysAS4oo.
at high concentrations. The complete Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of fresh bulb,
depression of cholesterol synthesis by diallyl administered by gastric intubation to rats at
disulfide, diallyl trisulfide and dipropyl dis- a dose of 40.0 ml/kg, was inactiveAS366. Fresh
ulfide was associated with cytotoxicity as bulb juice, administered intravenously to
indicated by marked increase in cellular rats at a dose of 0.5 ml/animal, was active.
LDH release. There was no apparent There was a slight decrease in the P-R
increase in LDH secretion by the water- interval of the ECGAS349.
soluble compounds except S-allyl mercap- Citrate lyase stimulation. Methanol
tocysteine, which also abolished cholesterol extract of the fresh bulb, in the ration of pigs
synthesisAs549. at a concentration of 3.15 gm/kg of diet for
Cholesterol-7 -alpha-hydroxylase inhibi- 29 days, was active. Hepatic enzymes were
tion. Methanol extract of fresh bulbs, in the assayed AS178 .

CNS depressant activity. Ethanol (70%) tion of methanol extract of the fresh bulb,
extract of the fresh bulb, administered at a concentration of 100.0 mcg/ml, pro-
intraperitoneally to mice of both sexes at duced 50% inhibition on rat platelets, and
variable dosage levels, was active Asm . Etha- the ether-insoluble fraction produced 5%
nol (95%) extract of the bulb, administered inhibitionAso87.
intraperitoneally to male mice at a dose of Cytochrome 8-5 reductase inhibition.
500.0 mg/kg, was inactiveAS268. Water extract of the fresh bulb was active
Coagulant activity. Essential oil, adminis- on liver microsomesAS4JO.
tered by gastric intubation to male rabbits Cytochrome C reductase inhibition.
at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg for 3 months, was Methanol extract of fresh bulb, in cell cul-
active. Increased coagulation time was ture at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml, was
observed. Results significant at P < 0.001 inactive on rat hepatocytes AS219 .
level. Water extract of fresh bulb was Cytochrome oxidase induction. Essential
active AS237 . oil of the dried bulb was inactive on
Common cold prevention. Allicin-con- Macaronesia jortunata and Musca domestica AS485 •
taining garlic capsule, adminstered daily for Cytochrome oxidase inhibition. Essential
12 weekds during the cold season, signifi- oil of the dried bulb was inactive on
cantly prevented attack by the common Macaronesia jortunata and Musca domesticaAS485 •
cold. One hundred forty-six volunteers were Cytochrome P-450 inhibition. Water
randomized to receive a placebo or the alli- extract of the fresh bulb was active on liver
cin capsule. The active treatment group had microsomesAs48o. Extracts of fresh garlic
significantly fewer colds than the placebo exhibited an inhibitory effect on cyto-
group (24 vs 65, P < 0.001)ASI04. chrome P450 mediated metabolism of a
Conditioned avoidance response marker substrate. With the extracts tested,
increased. Ethanol (95%) extract of the garlic had very low to moderate P-gp inter-
bulb, administered intragastrically to mice action as compared with the positive con-
at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was active vs alco- trol verapamilAslo7.
hol-induced deficits in acquisition and per- Cytotoxic activity. Acetone extract of the
formance of "step-through" testASl65. dried bulb, at a concentration of 5.0% by
Corticosteroid type activity. Ethyl acetate the cylinder plate method, was equivocal
extract of the fresh bulb, administered on CA-Ehrlich-Ascites, 21 mm inhibition.
intramuscularly to rats daily for 4 days, pro- Ether extract produced weak activity,
duced up to 4 times the normal 24 hour 17- 40 mm inhibition; water extract, equivocal,
keto steroid eliminationAs464. 20 mm inhibition; methanol extract, weak
Cyclo-oxygenase inhibition. Methanol activity, 40 mm inhibitionAs44l. Ethanol
extract of the dried bulb, at variable con- (90%) extract of the dried bulb, in cell cul-
centrations, was inactive vs ADP -, arachidonic ture at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml, was
acid-, epinephrine-, and thrombin-induced active on human lymphocytes; Vero cells,
aggregation Asm . Chloroform extract of the EDso 0.155 mg/ml; Chinese hamster ovary
bulb, administered to ewes at variable dos- cells (CHO), EDso 0.275 mg/ml; and
age levels, produced weak activity on Dalton's Lymphoma, EDso 0.5 mg/mIAsI60.
plateletsAS10l. Chloroform and chloroform- Ethanol (95%) extract of the fresh bulb,
acetone extracts of fresh bulb were active, administered intragastrically to mice at a
lC ID 0.88 and 0.42 mcg/ml, respectivelyAS432. dose of 500.0 mg/kg, produced weak activ-
Fresh bulb was active vs DMBA-induced ity. The animals were dosed for 5 days fol-
carcinogenesisAs412. The ether-soluble frac- lowed by sacrifice of the animals and

examination of marrow cellsAs205. Fresh Dermatitis producing effect. Butanol

bulb, at a concentration of 200.0 mg/ml, was extract of fresh bulbs, applied topically to
active on the rat liver. On perfusion through human adults, was active in 34 patients who
a liver preparation, diallyl disulfide and allyl developed contact dermatitis after exposure
mercaptan were the metabolites of garlic to Allium sativumAS075. Dried bulb, taken
extract. Allicin did not appear in perfusate orally by male human adults in a double-
unless the concentration of extract became blind oral provocation test to garlic tablets,
toxicAS061 . Fresh bulb pulp, in cell culture at a was active AS122 . Fresh bulb, applied exter-
concentration of 11.0 mg/ml, was active on nally to 3 males presented with bulbous
HELA cells, and 3.5 mg/ml active on Vero eruptions on the arms and legs, was active.
cells AS066 . Protein fraction of dried bulb, in cell Questioning 2 of the subjects revealed that
culture at a concentration of 10.0 mcg/ml, they had repeatedly rubbed crushed garlic
was active on human lymphocytes; 5.0 onto the affected areas in hopes of inducing
mcg/ml active on LEUK-K562 and mela- dermatitis in order to elude their military
noma-M14, cytotoxicity was enhanced with assignmentsAS413 .
IL_2AS099. Water extract of dried bulb, in cell Desmutagenic activity. Aqueous high
culture at a concentration of 500.0 mcg/ml, speed supernatant of fresh fruit juice, at a
produced weak activity on CA-Mammary- concentration of 0.5 ml/plate on agar plate,
MicroalveolarAs227, and Fibroblast-Human- was inactive on Salmonella typhimurium
Lung_MRC-5 Aso83 . Water extract of freeze- T A98 vs mutagenicity of L-tryptophan
dried bulb, in cell culture, was inactive on pyrolysis products. The assay was done in
LEUK-P815. Tumor toxic activity was evalu- the presence of S9 mixAS380.
ated by culturing mastocytoma P815 cells Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
with macrophage cells and measuring the extract of fresh bulbs (5 parts plant material
incorporation of 3H-thimidine radioactivity. in 100 parts ethanol/water), administered
Allyl mercaptan, diallyl sulfide, diallyl trisul- intragastrically to rats at a dose of 40.0 ml/
fide, steamed-distilled garlic oil, and vinyl- kg, was activeAS167. Oven-dried bulbs, admin-
dithiin oil of garlic, at doses of 5,25,50, 125, istered by gastric intubation to dog at a dose
250, and 500 microgram/ml each, incubated of 10.0 mg/kg, was activeAS418. Water extract
in Hep-G2 cells, produced no significant of dried bulb, administered intragastrically
cytotoxic effect in any group at concentra- to rats at a dose of 5.0 gm/kg, was
tions up to 250 microgram/L. At concentra- inactiveAs193. Purified fraction of the bulb,
tions above 250 microgram/L, the cell administered intravenously to anaesthesized
viability decreased drastically in all groups dogs at a dose of 6 microgram/kg, produced
compared to control. At 25 microgram/L, for a significant biphasic and natriuretic
4 hours, pH]acetate incorporation into cho- response, which reached a maximum at 180
lesterol was significantly inhibited. The min after injection. Chloride followed the
secretion of cholesterol into the medium was natriuretic profile; potassium ions did not.
also significantly decreased in all groups No changes were observed in arterial blood
except for vinyl-dithiin oil. The treat- pressure or in the electrocardiogram. The
ment had no effect on either pH]acetate purified extract also induced an inhibitory
incorporation into fatty acids or pH]gly- dose-dependent effect on kidney Na,
cerol incorporation into triglyceride or K-A TPaseAS551.
phospholipidAs547. DNA protective effect. Diallyl sulfide and
Death. Essential oil, applied externally to mice diallyl disulfide, applied in vitro to primary
at a dose of 10.0 mg/animal, was activeAS357. rat hepatocytes at doses of 0.5 and 2 mM

and 0.5 and 1 mM, respectively, damaged the bulb, administered subcutaneously to
by aflatoxin B 1, significantly decreased infant mice, was active AS4J9 .
DNA damage AS515 . Ethanol elimination increased. Ethanol
DNA repair induction. Water extract of (95%) extract of the bulb, administered
the fresh bulb, at a concentration of 20.0 intragastrically to mice at a dose of 125.0
microliters/ml, was activeAsl87. mg/kg, was active. It lowered blood alcohol
DNA synthesis inhibition. Ethanol (90%) levels relative to controls when adminis-
extract of dried bulb, at a concentration of tered simultaneously with alcohol, but not
1.0 mg/ml, was activeASl60. 30 minutes before alcoholAsl65.
DNA-binding inhibition. Dried bulb, in Ethoxycoumarin deethylase inhibition.
the ration of rats at a concentration of 1.0%, Water extract of the fresh bulb was active
water extract, at a concentration of 0.75%, on liver microsomesAS4Jo.
and ethanol (95%) extract, at a concentra- Fatty acid content decrease. Powdered,
tion of 0.015% of the diet for 2 weeks prior dried bulb, in the ration of rats at a concen-
to DMBA exposure, were active vs dim- tration of 1.0% of the diet for 10 weeks, did
ethyl-bene[A]anthracene binding to mam- not alter fatty acid composition of myocar-
mary cell DNAAso90. dial membraneAS07J.
Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase stimulation. Fatty acid synthase inhibition. Water
Fixed oil of fresh bulb, administered intra- extract of the bulb, in the ration of chicken
gastric ally to rabbit at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg, of both sexes at a concentration of 6.0%
was activeAs406. of the diet for 3 weeks, was active on
Early antigen viral induction inhibition. hepatocytes Asm . Water extract of the dried
Dried bulb, in cell culture, was active on bulb, in cell culture at a concentration of
CytomegalovirusASOBJ. 1000 mcg/ml, was active on hepatocytes ASZJ2 .
Embryotoxic effect. Ethanol (95%) Fatty acid synthase stimulation. Metha-
extract of seeds, at doses of 150.0 and 200.0 nol extract of fresh bulb, in the ration of pigs
mg/kg, and petroleum ether extract, at a at a concentration of 3.15 gm/kg of the diet
dose of 100.0 mg/kg, administered orally to for 29 days, was active. Hepatic enzymes
female ratsAS438; and a dose of 150.0 mg/kg were assayedAsl78.
administered by gastric intubation to preg- Fatty acid synthesis inhibition. Water,
nant rats, were inactiveASJ05. methanol, and petroleum ether extracts of
Enzyme effects. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried bulb, at concentrations of 50.0 gm/
dried bulb, administered by gastric intuba- liter, were active on rat hepatocytes. If ole-
tion to male rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg for ate was present, incorporation of labeled
25 days, was active. Adipose tissue triglyc- glycerol into triglycerides and phospholip-
eride lipase increased. Results significant at ids was not inhibitedASIIl .
P < 0.01 level AS14o . Fibrinolytic activity. Butanol extract of the
Estrogenic effect. Bulb juice, administered dried bulb, taken orally by human adults,
orally to immature rats at a dose of 10.0 was active in the blood of patients with ali-
ml/kg, produced weak activity. Ethanol mentary lipemia. Juice, in the ration of rab-
(95%) extract of dried bulb, administered bits, was active Asm . Dried bulb, taken orally
subcutaneously to ovariectomized rats at a by human adults at a dose of 300.0 mg/per-
dose of 2.0 mg/animal was activeAs446. Water son 3 times daily for 2 weeks by 7 healthy
extract of fresh bulb, administered intrap- males, increased specific tissue plasminogen
eritoneally to female mice at a dose of 500.0 activator Aso77 . Dried bulb, taken orally by
mg/day, was inactiveAs431. Water extract of human adults at a dose of 600.0 mg/person

for 4 weeks, was activeASl83. Essential oil of Gastric inhibitory polypeptide stimulation.
bulb, administered by gastric intubation to Bulb, in the ration of rabbits and rats, was
male rabbits at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg for 3 active vs cholesterol-loaded animalsAs295.
months, caused a decrease in fibrinolytic Gastric mucosal exfoliant activity. Water
activity. Results significant at P < 0.001 extract of fresh bulb, administered to human
levelAS3J9 . The ether extract, administered by adults by gastric intubation at a dose of 0.75
gastric intubation to rats in a feeding study gm/person, was active AS219 . Dehydrated raw
at doses of 2-4 gm crude garlic daily for garlic powder (RGP), dehydrated boiled
three weeks, was activeAs293. Essential oil, garlic powder (BGP), and aged garlic
taken orally by human adults of both sexes extract (AGE) was administered by endo-
at a dose equivalent to 1.0 gm/kg of raw gar- scopic air-powered delivery system directly
lic daily for 3 months, was activeAS272 . The into the stomach. Among the 3 prepara-
essential oil, taken orally, was also active in tions, RGP produced severe damage, includ-
30 patients with myocardial infarct and 10 ing erosion. BGP aslo produced reddening
normal (controls)AsI49. Fresh bulb, taken of the mucosa, whereas AGE did not pro-
orally by human adults at a dose of 0.5 gm/kg, duce any undesirable effects. Direct admin-
was active. The study was conducted with 20 istration of pulverized enteric-coated
patients with ischemic heart disease. products caused reddening of the mucosa.
Fibrinolytic activity increased by 72% within When an enteric-coated tablet was admin-
six hours after administration and persisted istered orally, it caused loss of epithelial cells
for 12 hoursAS3I2. Butanol extract of fresh bulb at the top of crypts in the ileumAs522.
taken orally by human adultsAS266 and water Gastric secretory stimulation. Dried bulb,
extract in the ration of rabbitAS422, at doses of taken orally by human adults, was
1.0 gm/kg, were active. Fried bulb, taken inacti veAS491.
orally by human adults at a dose of 0.5 Genotoxicity activity. Bulbs, administered
gm/kg, was active in 20 patients with ischemic by gastric intubation to mice at doses of 2.5
heart disease. Fibrinolytic activity increased by and 5.0 gm/kg, were inactive on bone mar-
63% within 6 hours after administration and row cellsAs329 .
persisted for 12 hoursAs312. Water extract of the Germ tube growth inhibition. Water
fresh bulb was activeAs237 . extract of the fresh bulb, in cell culture at a
Food consumption reduction. Dried bulb, concentration of 0.4 mg/ml, was active on
together with Panax ginseng and Vitamin B1, Candida albicansAs2oo.
administered by gastric intubation to rats at a Glucose utilization stimulation. Pro-
dose 10.0 ml/kg for 3 months, was equivocal. tein fraction of the bulb, at a concentra-
Food consumption was lowered after 2-5 tion of 100.0 mcg/ml, was active on
weeks, however, body weight gain was goodAS371 . macrophagesAs394.
Fungal stimulant. Butanol extract of fresh Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
bulb, on agar plate at variable concentra- inhibition. Bulbs, in the ration of 4-month
tions, was inactive on Bacillus subtilis M- old male rats at concentrations of 2.0 and
45(Rec- )AS336. Dried bulb juice, on agar plate 4.0% of the diet, was active in cholesterol-
at a concentration of 2.0%, was active on loaded and lard fed animals. Results signifi-
Absidia spinosa, Drechslera maydis, Pleurotus cant at P < 0.05 levelASJOI. Methanol extract
ostreatus and Sordaria iimicolaAS252. of fresh bulb, in the ration of pigs at a con-
Gastric antisecretory activity. Dried bulb, centration of 3.15 gm/kg of the diet for 29
taken orally by human adults, was days, was active. Hepatic enzymes were
inactiveAS491. assayedASl78. Dried bulb, in the ration of male

rats at a concentration of 5.0% of the diet, of chicken at a concentration of 2.0% of the

was active AS1l8 . Fixed oil of fresh bulb, in the diet, was activeAS051.
ration of rats at a concentration of 1.5% of Glutathione peroxidase stimulation.
the diet, was active. The extract amelio- Butanol extract of dried bulb, at a concen-
rated increased in enzyme activity seen in tration of 13.0 mcg/ml, was active on rat
animals fed fructose and Cu-adequate liver microsomes. Juice, administered by
dietASo68. gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 5.0%
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of the diet for 25 days, was active in
stimulation. Butanol extract of dried bulb, liverAs318. Dried bulb, in the ration of cas-
administered intragastrically to rats at a dose trated rams at a concentration of 5.0% of
of 0.5 gm/kg, was active on heart, liver and the diet, was activeASl18.
pancreas vs isoprenaline-induced tissue Glutathione reductase stimulation. Dried
necrosisASl89. bulb, in the ration of male rats at a concen-
Glutamate dehydrogenase stimulation. tration of 5.0% of the diet, was activeASllB .
Methanol extract of the fresh bulb, in cell Glutathione transferase induction. Dried
culture at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml, was bulb, in the ration of male rats at a concen-
inactive on rat hepatocytes As239 . tration of 5.0% of the diet, was activeASIIB.
Glutamate oxaloacetate inhibition. Glutathione-S-transferase induction.
Water extract of fresh bulbs, at a concentra- Dried bulb, in the ration of rats at a concen-
tion of 10.0 mg/ml, was active As257 . tration of 2.0% of the diet, was active. Glu-
Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase tathione-S-transferase levels were 42%
inhibition. Essential oil and ether extract greater in rats fed the supplemented dietASo62.
of dried bulb, administered by gastric intu- Dried bulb juice, in the drinking water of
bation to rats at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg for 3 rats at a dose of 5.0% of the diet for 25 days,
days, was active vs galactosamine-induced was active in liverAS37B.
toxici tyASJ69. Glutathione-S-transferase inhibition.
Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase Butanol extract of dried bulb, at a concen-
stimulation. Essential oil of dried bulb, tration of 8.0 mcg/ml, was active on rat liver
administered orally to rats at a dose of 5.0 microsomesAs318.
mg/kg for 3 days, produced weak activity. GRAS status. Approved as a Generally Rec-
The ether extract was inactiveAs369. ognized As Safe flavoring agent by the
Glutamate pyruvate inhibition. Water United States of America Food and Drug
extract of the fresh bulb, at a concentration Administration in 1976 (Sect. 582.10yso4B.
of 5.0 mg/ml, was activeAS251. Hair stimulant effect. Decoction of dried
Glutamate pyruvate transaminase bulb, in a mixture with Polygonum multi-
inhibition. Essential oil and ether extract florum, Allium sativum, Zingiber officinale,
of dried bulb, in cell culture at a concentra- Panax ginseng, Carthamus tinctorius,
tion of 1.0 mg/ml, were inactive on rat hepa- Platycodon grandiflorum, Biota orientalis,
tocytes. Essential oil, administered by gastric Ligusticum wallichii, Salvia miltiorrhiza,
intubation to rats at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg for Angelica sinensis, and T etrapanax papyrifera
3 days, was inactive. Ether extract, admin- stimulated hair growth. The biological
istered orally at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg for 3 activity has been patentedAso65. Decoction of
days, was active vs galactosamine-induced fresh bulb, together with extracts of
toxici ty AS369. Polygonum multiflorum, Thuja orientalis,
Glutathione peroxidase inhibition. Lyo- Zingiber officinale, Ligusticum wallichii, Salvia
philized extract of fresh bulb, in the ration miltiorrhiza, Angelica sinensis, Carthamus

tinctorius and T etrapanax species, was active. Hyperlipidemic activity. Dried bulb, taken
The biological activity reported has been orally by human adults at a dose of 350.0
patentedAso69. Fresh bulb juice, applied topi- mg/person twice daily, was inactiveAs254.
cally to male mice at a concentration of 0.1 Hypertensive activity. Ethanol (95%)
ml/liter, was inactiveASl16. extract of bulb, administered to dogs and
Hematopoietic activity. Fixed oil of fresh rats by injection at variable dosage levels,
bulb, in the ration of rats at a concentration were activeAS445. Chloroform extract of dried
of 1.5% of the diet, was active. The extract bulb, administered intravenously to cats,
ameliorates decrease in hematocrit in ani- produced weak activity. The alcoholic
mals on fructose and Cu-deficient dietASo68. extract contained at least 2 active elements.
Hepatotoxic activity. Dried bulb juice, in One was chloroform-soluble and had an
the drinking water of rats at a dose of 5.0% antiseptic action, a slight tonic effect on iso-
of the diet for 25 days, was inactiveAS178. lated frog heart, a slight hypertensive effect
Histamine release inhibition. Ethanol on etherized cats, and a paralyzing effect on
(75 %) extract of fixed oil, in cell culture, isolated rabbit intestine. The chloroform-
was active on human basophils. The bio- insoluble fraction had no antiseptic effect,
logical activity has been patentedAS138 . no action on isolated frog heart, a strongly
HMG-CO-A inhibition. Water extract of hypotensive effect on etherized cats and a
bulb, in the ration of chicken of both sexes, tonic effect on isolated rabbit intestineAs459.
at a concentration of 6.0% of the diet for 3 Hypertriglyceridemic activity. Dried
weeks, was active on the hepatocytes As322 . bulb, taken orally by 24 human adults with
HMG-CO-A reductase inhibition. Water reduced HDL cholesterol levels and hyper-
extract of dried bulb, in cell culture at a con- triglyceridemia at a dose of 900.0 mg/
centration of 50.0 mcg/ml, was active on day for 6 weeks, reduced triglyceride levels
hepatocytes Asm . Methanol extract of fresh up to 35% and HDL cholesterol levels
bulb, in the ration of pigs at a concentra- increased Aso7Z .
tion of 3.15 gm/kg of the diet for 29 days, Hyperuremic activity. Essential oil, admin-
was active. Hepatic enzymes were assayed istered intragastrically to rats after fasting
and 40% inhibition was observedAs178. for 24 hours at a dose of 0.067 mg/gm,
Hypercholesterolemic activity. Bulb, was activeAS2lO. Water extract of fresh bulb,
taken orally by human adults, was active. administered intragastrically to rats at vari-
Cholesterol levels were elevated in subjects able dosage levels, was activeAS491.
on moderate or heavy amounts of onion, Hypocholesterolemic activity. Dried
50-100 gm, and garlic, 5-10 gm ASll1 . Dried bulb, administered by gastric intubation to
bulb, taken orally by human adults at a dose male rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/animal daily
of 350.0 mg/person twice daily, was for 70 days, was active. Results significant
inactiveAS170. Essential oil of dried bulb, at P < 0.001 levelAs296. When administered
administered intragastrically to rats at a dose for 45 days the dose was also active. Results
of 2.0 gm/kg, was active. Animals were significant at P < 0.05 levelAs296. Dried bulb,
maintained on normal diet and given in the ration of rats at variable concentra-
essential oil for 30 days, then observed for tions for 41 days, was active. Essential oil,
30 days. Fixed oil of fresh bulb, in the taken orally by human adults at a dose of
ration of rat at a concentration of 1.5 % of 0.25 ml/person daily for 1-2 months, was
the diet, was active. The extract was inactiveASlll. Essential oil, taken orally by
effective in animals fed fructose and human adults of both sexes at a dose of 0.25
Cu-deficient dietASo68. mg/kg, was active. The study was conducted

with 20 subjects having a normal serum cho- was no significant difference in triglycerides
lesterollevel. Garlic oil was consumed daily or in LDL/HDL ratio between the
for 10 monthsAs289. Ether extract of bulb, groupsASl!o. Raw and frozen garlic fractions,
administered by gastric intubation to rats in administered orally to rats, produced a
a feeding study at doses of 2-4 gm crude gar- decrease in plasma total cholesterol. This
lic daily for three days, was inactiveAsz98. effect was higher in rats fed raw fractions.
Water extract of bulb, taken orally by LDL decreased significantly with respect to
human adults at a dose of 0.5 ml/kg, was the hypercholesterolemic group in all
activeASI46. Fresh bulb, taken orally by groups treated; however, an increase in
human adults at a dose of 4.0 ml/days, was HDL was found in those treated with the
active AS21Z . Methanol extract of fresh bulb, frozen fraction. The liver:body weight ratio
in the ration of pigs at a concentration of decreased in all treated groups. The relax-
3.15 gm/kg of the diet for 29 days, was ing effect of acetylcholine was enhanced in
active. Serum total cholesterol plus LDL arteries contracted with norepinephrine As53S .
cholesterol decreased, and HDL cholesterol Lipid-soluble sulfur compounds (diallyl sul-
was anomalously high after 29 days of feed- fide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide,
ing. Lyophilized extract of fresh bulb, in the diporpyl sulfide and dipropyl trisulfide) at
ration of chicken at a concentration of 2.0% lower concentrations (0.05-0.5 mol/L)
of the diet, was activeAS057. Powdered fresh slightly inhibited cholesterol synthesis (10-
bulb, taken orally by human adults at a dose 15%) but became highly cytotoxic at high
of 800.0 mg/day, was active on 221 hyperc- concentrations (1.0-4.0 mol/L). The water-
holesterolemic patients given treatment for soluble compounds, except S-allylmercapto-
a total of 16 weeks. Serum cholesterol levels cysteine, were not cytotoxic, judging from
dropped 12%AS220. Water extract of bulb, in the release of cellular lactate dehydrogenase
the ration of chicken of both sexes at a con- into the culture medium. Taken together,
centration of 6.0% of the diet for 3 weeks, the results of our studies indicated that the
was active AS122 . Water extract of fresh bulb, cholesterol-lowering effects of garlic
taken orally by human adults with normal extract, such as aged garlic extract, stem in
blood serum cholesterol levels at a dose of part from the inhibition of hepatic choles-
50.0 gm/person, was inactiveAS3JI. Fresh terol synthesis by water-soluble sulfur com-
bulb, taken orally by 25 healthy male adults pounds, especially S-allycysteineAsI36.
(18-35 years) at a dose of 10.0 gm/person Hypoglycemic activity. Bulb, in the ration
daily for 2 months, was activeAs269. Garlic of 16-week-old male rats at concentrations
powder tablets with 9.6 mg allicin-releasing of 2.0 and 4.0% of the diet, was active in
potential or matching placebo tablets were cholesterol-loaded and lard-fed animals.
administered to mild to moderate hypercho- Results significant at P < 0.05 levelAs30I.
lesterolemic patients. After 12 weeks, the Dried bulb, administered by gastric intuba-
garlic supplement group had a significant tion to male rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/animal
reduction in total cholesterol (TC, 0.36 for 45 and 70 days, was active. Results sig-
mmol/L) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C, nificant at P < 0.001 level. Water extract of
0.44 mmol/L) while the placebo group had dried bulb, administered orally to rabbits at
a non-significant increase in TC (0.13 a dose of 3.3 gm/kg daily for 2 months, was
mmol/L) and LDL-C (0.18 mmol/L). HDL- active on sucrose-loaded animals (10 gm/kg/
cholesterol was significantly increased in day). Statistical report indicated significant
the placebo group (0.09 mmol/L), compared results As279 . Dried bulb, taken orally by 120
to the garlic group (0.02 mmol/L). There human adults with "probably increased

thrombocyte aggregation," at a dose of 800.0 double-blind and placebo-controlled study,

mg/person for 4 weeks in a double-blind and was active. Average diastolic pressure fell
placebo-controlled study, was active. Aver- by 9.5% vs controlAs419. Essential oil,
age blood glucose fell by 11.6% vs administered per rectum in human adults
controlAs419. Essential oil, taken orally by at a dose of 180.0 mg/person, was active.
human adults at a dose of 0.25 ml/person The dose was given in conjunction with
daily for 1-2 months, was inactiveASJll. mistletoe, milfoil, horsetail, amylocaine,
Essential oil, administered intragastrically and chlorophyll. The biological activity
to rats, was activeAS074. Ethanol (95%) has been patentedAs482. Ethanol (95%)
extract of bulb, administered by gastric extract of bulb, administered to dogs and
intubation, produced weak activity and rabbits by injection at variable dosage lev-
petroleum ether extract was activeAS285. els, was active AS445 . Ethanol (95%) and
Ether extract of bulb, administered by gas- water extracts of bulb, administered intra-
tric intubation to rats in a feeding study at venously to dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits,
doses of 2-4 gm crude garlic daily for 3 days, were activeAS450. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
was inactiveAS29J. Garlic, in a herb-drug extract, of fresh bulb, administered by gas-
interaction, produced changes in the phar- tric intubation to rats at a dose of 40.0 ml/kg,
macokinetic variables of paracetamol, was active. Results significant at P < 0.05
decreases blood concentrations or warfarin levelAs366. Ether extract of dried bulb,
and produces hypoglycemia when taken administered intravenously to rabbits at a
with chlorpropamideAS50J. dose of 4-8 ml/animal, was activeAS037.
Hypolipemic activity. Dried bulb, admin- Chloroform extract of dried bulb, adminis-
istered by gastric intubation to male rats at tered intravenously to cats, was active. The
a dose of 50.0 mg/animal for 45 days, was alcoholic extract contained at least 2
inactive, and active when administered for active elements. One was chloroform-
70 days. Results significant at P < 0.05 soluble, and had an antiseptic action, a
levelAs296. Dried bulb, in the ration of rab- slight tonic effect on the isolated frog
bits, prevented a rise in the levels of serum heart, a slight hypertensive effect on ether-
cholesterol for up to 60 daysAS332. Essential ized cats, and a paralyzing effect on the isolated
oil, administered by gastric intubation to rabbit intestine. The chloroform-insoluble
rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg for 60 days, was fraction had no antiseptic effect, no action
active. The effects were measured in the on the isolated frog heart, a strongly
liver. Results significant at P < 0.01 level vs hypotensive effect on etherized cats and a
ethanol-induced hyperlipemiaAs354. Ethanol tonic effect on the isolated rabbit
(95%) extract of dried bulb, administered by intestineAS459. Oven-dried bulb, adminis-
gastric intubation to male rats at a dose of tered by gastric intubation to dogs at a dose
100.0 mg/kg for 25 days, was activeAS340. of 15.0 mg/kg, was active. Gradual decrease
Fresh bulb, taken orally by human adults at was observedAs418. Water extract of dried
a dose of 4.0 ml/day, was active As212 . Metha- leaves, administered intravenously to cats
nol extract of fresh bulb, in the ration of pigs and rats at a dose of 5-20 mg/kg, produced
at a concentration of 3.15 gm/kg of diet, was weak activityAs352. Water extract of bulb,
activeAS178. administered intravenously to cats at a
Hypotensive activity. Dried bulb, taken dose of 0.05 gm/kg, was activeAS036. Water
orally by 120 human adults with "probably extract of fresh bulb, administered intrave-
increased thrombocyte aggregation" at a nously to dogs at a dose of 67.2 mg/kg, was
dose of 800.0 mg/person for 4 weeks in a activeAS082.

Hypotriglyceridemic activity. Lyophilized rats at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, was active and
extract of fresh bulb, in the ration of chicken at returned to normal after garlic withdrawal.
a dose of 2.0% of the ration, was inactiveAS057 . Animals were maintained on normal diet
Powdered fresh bulb, at a dose of 800.0 mg/days and given the dose for 30 daysAs4oo. Fresh
taken orally by 219 hypertriglyceridemic bulb juice, administered intravenously to rat
patients given the treatment for a total of 16 at a dose of 0.1 ml/animal, increased the
weeks, was active. Serum triglyceride levels fell amplitude of P wave and the ventricular
a total of l7%AS22o. Powdered fresh bulb, in the complex QRS of ECG. The activity was
ration of rats at a concentration of 0.8% of the highly dose-dependentAS349.
diet, was activeASl40 . Insect attractant activity. Butanol extract
Immunomodulatory activtiy. Aged garlic of fresh bulb, undiluted, produced weak
extract (AGE) was evaluated on various activity on Delia antiquaAS155.
kinds of models on immune functions. In Insecticide activity. Dried bulb, at a con-
the immunoglobulin IgE-mediated allergic centration of 1.0%, was active. One month
model, AGE significantly decreased the after treatment, moisture, ash, fiber, fat, pro-
antigen-specific ear swelling induced by tein and carbohydrate level remained
picryl chloride ointment to the ear and unaffectedAso97. A concentration of 2.0%
intravenous administration of antitrini- produced weak activity on Trogoderma
trophenyl antibody. In the transplanted car- granarium in maize stored for 6 months.
cinoma cell model, AGE significantly After 6 months, changes in nutritional com-
inhibited the growth of Sarcoma-180 (allo- position were proportional to insect
genic) and LL/2 lung carcinoma (syngenic) damage As097 . Essential oil of the dried bulb
cells transplanted into mice, concomitantly, was active on Macaronesia fortunata and
increases in natural killer and killer activi- Musca domesticaAS485 . Dried bulb was active
ties of spleen cells observed in Sarcoma-180 on Pericallia ricini and Spodoptera litura
bearing mice administered AGE. In the psy- larvaeAso56. The eggs of Aedes aegypti
chological stress model, AGE significantly hatched in deionized water undergo com-
prevented the decrease in spleen weight and plete fracture near the anterior poles pro-
restored the reduction of anti-SRBC ducing free shell caps. In contrast, eggs
hemolytic plaque-forming cells caused by placed in 6% reconstituted Kyolic garlic
the electrical stressAS526. extract are only partially fractured, display
Immunosuppressant activity. Hot water attached shell caps, and the larvae remained
extract of bulb, administered intraperito- trapped within the shells. No larvae were
neally to rats, was activeAs286. Lyophilized observed in garlic extract suggesting the
extract of freeze-dried bulb, in the ration embryos wer disabled before they could
of mice at a concentration of 4.0% of the escape from their shells as viable larvaeAs517.
diet, was active vs UYB-induced sup- Insulin induction. Dried bulb, taken orally
pression of contact hypersensitivity to by human adults at a dose of 350.0 mg/per-
oxazolone and cis-urocainic acid (topical)- son twice daily, was inactiveAs254. Hot water
induced suppression of contact hypersensi- extract of fresh bulb, in the ration of mice at
tivity to dinitrofluorobenzene As104 . a dose of 6.25% of the diet, was inactive vs
Inotropic effect (negative). Water extract streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemiaAs213.
of fresh bulb, at a concentration of 0.1 Insulin level increase. Fixed oil of fresh
mcg/ml, was active on rat atriumAso82. bulb, in the ration of rats at a concentra-
Inotropic effect (positive). Essential oil of tion of 1.5% of the diet, was active. The
dried bulb, administered intragastrically to extract ameliorates a decrease in insulin

levels in animals fed fructose and Cu-defi- Lipid metabolism effects. Fresh garlic was
cient dietASo68. taken orally by 9 human adults with hyper-
Insulin release inhibition. Essential oil, lipidemia at a dose of 14 gm/day for 5
administered intragastrically to rats, was months. The serum triglyceride levels were
ac ti ve AS074 . lowered and the high-density lipoprotein
Interleukin induction. Water extract of levels were increasedAsl59. Ethanol (95%)
freeze-dried bulb was inactive, IL-1 activity extract of fresh bulb, in the ration of rats at
was measured by the IL-1 dependent growth a dose of 8.0 ml/animal, was active. Extrac-
of aT-helper celllineAs2Z4 . tion was made at 0 dc. Four milliliters of the
Interleukin-1 formation stimulation. extract was fed for 3 weeks, then salt was
Water extract of fresh bulb, in cell culture added and the dose increased to 8 m!. Salt
at a concentration of 0.4 mg/ml, was active did not affect blood pressure in the sponta-
on lymphocytes. Thiosulfonate fraction, at neously hypertensive animals; linoleic acid
a concentration of 1.6 mg/ml, was increased and arachidonic acid decreasedAsl88.
inactive Asllo . Lipid peroxidation effect. Essential oil of
Interleukin-4 formation stimulation. dried bulb, in cell culture at a concentration
Water extract of fresh bulb, in cell culture of 0.01 mg/ml, was active on rat liver
at a concentration of 0.4 mg/ml, was active microsomes. Results significant at P <0.01
on lymphocytes. Thiosulfonate fraction, at levelASJ69. Ethanol (20%) extract of fresh
a concentration of 1.6 mg/ml, was bulb, at a concentration of 20.0 microcuries/
activeASIIO. ml, was active. Formation of fluorescent sub-
Intestinal motility inhibition. Essential oil, stances was measured as an index of lipid
administered orally to mouse at a dose of peroxidation. At a concentration of 40.0
0.01 ml/gm, was active. Gastrointestinal microcuries/ml, strong activity was produced.
transit of charcoal meal was reducedAsl61. Thiobarbituric acid was assayed to deter-
Lactate dehydrogenase stimulation. mine peroxidationAsl96. Hot water extract
Essential oil, administered intragastrically of fresh bulb produced weak activity vs
to rats at a concentration of 0.067 mg/gm T -butyl hydroperoxide/heme-induced luminol
after fasting for 24 hours, was active AS210 . enhanced chemiluminescenceAso78. Powdered
Water extract of fresh bulb, administered fresh bulb, at a concentration of 5.0 mg/ml,
intragastrically to rats at variable dosage lev- inhibited lipid peroxidation by 45 %AS421.
els, was activeAs493. Water extract of aged bulb, administered
Lactate dehydrogenase-X inhibition. intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.05 ml/
Water extract of fresh bulb, at a concentra- animal, was active vs doxorubicin-induced
tion of 10.0 mg/ml, was activeAS257. lipid peroxidation AS1l9 . Water extract of fresh
Larvicidal activity. Decoction of dried bulb was activeAS430. Aged garlic extract
stem, at a concentration of 100.0 ppm, pro- (AGE) significantly prevented the decrease
duced weak activity on Aedes [luviatilisAS085. of erythrocyte deformability induced by lipid
Petroleum ether extract of essential oil, at peroxidation in a dose-dependent manner.
variable concentrations, was active on The addition of AGE significantly inhibited
culex, pipens-quinquefasciatus 1st ins tar an increase in thiobarbituric acid-reactive
larvaeAs494. substances and hemolysis rate and pevented
Lipase inhibition. Water extract of fresh the loss of intraerythrocytic A TP and 2,3-
bulb, in the ration of rabbits at a dose of 1.0 diphosphoglycerate in oxidized erythrocytes.
gm/kg, was active vs cholesterol-loaded Moreover, AGE siginficantly suppressed not
animals As422 . only the hemolysis rate induced by

peroxidation but also hemolysis due to Malic enzyme stimulation. Methanol

nonperoxidationAss32. extract of fresh bulb, in the ration of pigs at
Lipid synthesis stimulation. Water extract a concentration of 3 .15 gm/kg of the diet for
of fresh bulb was activeAS237. 29 days, was active. Hepatic enzymes were
Lipopolysaccharide degradation. Garlic assayedAsl78.
juice, 30% hydrogen peroxide, and 1:1 garlic Malondialdehyde inhibition. Water
juice/3% hydrogen peroxide were tested on extract of fresh bulb, at a concentration of
the degradation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). 4.0%, was active vs hydrogen peroxide-
The most powerful, hydrogen peroxide, induced malondialdehyde formationAsl87.
degraded LPS by fractionization of phospho- Membrane fluidity increase. Ethanol
ryl in position 1 from lipid A. the next (20%) extract of fresh bulb, at a concentra-
powerful, garlic juice, bound LPS molecule tion of 20.0 mg/ml, was active. Fluidity was
and influenced its effect besides LPS measured by fluorescence anisotropy of
hydrolysisAsso2. DPHASI96.
Lipoxygenase inhibition. Ether extract of Memory retention improvement. Ethanol
fresh bulb, in cell culture, was activeAS206. (95%) extract of aged bulb, in the ration of
Methanol extract of dried bulb, at variable senescence-accelerated mice (SAM P8 and
concentrations, was inactive vs ADP-, SAM R1) at a dose of 2.0% of the diet, was
arachidonic-, epinephrine- and thrombin-in- active AS134 .
duced aggregationAs333. Essential oil of fresh Miscellaneous effects. Fixed oil of fresh
bulb was active, lCso 15.0 mcg/mIAsI9s. The bulb, administered subcutaneously to cat, was
ether-insoluble fraction of methanol extract active on spinal dorsal hom cellsAslos. Fresh
of fresh bulb, at concentration 100.0 mcg/ml, bulb was taken orally by a total of 100 females
produced 44% inhibition on rat platelets and and males in Helsinki who were interviewed
the ether-soluble fraction produced 5% to evaluate beliefs, attitudes and norms con-
inhibitionAso87. Ethanol (75%) extract of cerning the consumption of garlic. In a sub-
fixed oil was active on guinea pig polymor- sequent postal questionnaire, the annoyance
phonuclear leukocytes. The biological activ- related to the smell of garlic, compared with
ity has been patented ASI38. Chloroform and other social odors, was also measured. The
chloroform/acetone extracts of fresh bulb most frequent beliefs about garlic pertained
were active, lCso 2.95 and 0.51 mcg/ml to its good taste, unpleasant smell, and
respectivelyAS432. healthiness. Users and non-users showed dis-
Longevity prolongation. Ethanol (95%) tinctly different belief patterns. Sweat and
extract of aged bulb, in the ration of senes- alcohol were considered the most annoying
cence accelerated mice (SAM P8) and social odors, and garlic and perfume/
senescence resistant strain(SAM Rl) at a aftershave the least so. The Fishbein-Ajen
dose of 2.0% of the diet, was activeASI34 . model, in which individual beliefs and there
Macrophage cytotoxicity enhancement. evaluations, as well as subjective norms, were
Protein fraction of bulb, at a concentration used as predictors explained 30-35% of the
of 100.0 mcg/ml, was activeAs394. variation of the reported consumption and
Malate dehydrogenase inhibition. Bulb, intention to use garlic. The predictive power
in the ration of 16-weeks-old male rats at of the model rose 56-62% when past behav-
concentrations of 2.0 and 4.0% of the diet, ior was included as a third independent vari-
was active in cholesterol-loaded and lard fed able. Although the predictive power of
animals. Results significant at P < 0.05 attitudes was greater than that of subjective
levelAs301. norms, the latter were also significant predic-

tors. Thus, use of garlic is a somewhat unusual a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was activeAS418. Water
form of food-related behavior in that both extract of dried bulb, administered
attitudes and normative factors control itASIOI. intragastrically to rats at a dose of 5.0 gm/kg,
Ginseng soaked in fresh bulb juice is used to was inactiveASl9J.
facilitate the release of the active ingredients Natural killer cell enhancement. Water
from the ginseng. The extract was free of bit- extract of fresh bulb, in cell culture at a con-
ter taste. The biological activity has been centration of 0.4 mg/ml, was inactive on
patentedAs244. lymphocytes; thiosulfinate fraction at a con-
Mitogenic activity. Protein fraction of centration of 0.2 mg/ml was activeASIIO.
bulb, at variable concentrations, was active Fresh bulb, taken orally by human adults at
on mice splenocytesASJ94. variable dosage levels, was active. Five
Mutagenic activity. Butanol extract of grams were taken daily for the first 6 weeks
fresh bulb, on agar plate at variable concen- and 10 gm taken daily for the second
trations, was inactive on Bacillus subtilis 6 weeks. Diarrhea, genital herpes, candidi-
H-17 (Rec + ). Water and hot water extracts, asis and pansinusitus with recurrent fever
at concentrations of 0.5 ml/disk on agar plate, improved in AIDS patientsASl99.
were inactive on B. subtilis H-17 (Rec + ) and Neurotropic effects. Aged garlic extract
M_45(Rec_ySJ36. Ethanol (95%) extract of was active on cultured fetal rat hippocam-
dried bulb, at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ pal neurons. Genes differentially expressed
plate on agar plate, was inactive on Salmo- by the addition of the extract in primary
nella typhimurium TA98 and TA102AS060. cultured hippocampal neurons were
Ethanol (95 %) extract offresh bulb, admin- screened using mRNA differential display.
istered intragastrically to mice at a dose of Four eDNA clones were significantly
500.0 mg/kg daily for 5 days followed by sac- enhanced at their transcriptional level.
rificing the animals and examination of Quantitative reverse transcription-poly-
marrow cells, was activeAS205. Fresh bulb, in merase chain reaction as well as dot-blot
buffer at concentrations of 14.75 and 7.38 hybridization combined with reverse tran-
mg/plate on agar plate, was inactive on E. scription-polymerase chain reaction, con-
coli WP2 TRP( -) and E. coli WP2 TRP( -) firmed that the transcription from these 4
UVR(_YSI94. Fresh bulb, on agar plate at a genes was elevated at least twofold, par-
concentration of 1.2 mg/plate, was active on ticularly the mRNA of one that was iden-
Salmonella typhimurium T A1535 and tified as an alpha 2-microglobulin-related
T A1538, and inactive on T A98. A concen- protein (alpha 2MRP) gene. Transcription
tration of 2.4 mg/plate was active on S. of this gene was increased > 20 times 72
typhimurium TA1537. Essential oil offresh hours after the addition of the extract.
bulb, at a concentration of 5.0 picoliters/ Induction of the alpha 2MRP gene expres-
plate, was active on Micrococcus flavusAS495. sion occurred within 24 hours after addi-
Tincture of bulb, on agar plate at a concen- tion of the extract AS52J .
tration of 160.0 microliters/disk, was inac- Neutrophil migration effect. Neutrophils
tive on Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and and/or human umbilical endothelial cells
TA100. Metabolic activation had no effect were pre-treated with garlic extract using
on the resultsAS496. Water extract of fresh moderate, high and low concentrations.
bulb, at a concentration of 100.0 mcg/ml, Moderate plasma concentrations of garlic
was inactive on S. typhimurium TA102As187. extract inhibited neutrophil migration
Natriuretic activity. Oven-dried bulbs, through endothelial cell monolayer (ECM)
administered by gastric intubation to dog at significantly when both cell types were

treated. Treating either neutrophils of ECM phorbol myristate acetate-induced

alone produced significant reductions in decrease in glutathione peroxidase, and
migratory rate. Treatment of both cell types stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase vs
had an additive effectAS498. DMBA-induced carcinogenesisAS412.
Nitric oxide synthesis stimulation. Cell Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
culture, at a concentration of 25.0 mg/ml, stimulation. Methanol extract of fresh
was active on placenta and platelets; the bulb, in the ration of pigs at a concentra-
activity is highly dose-dependent. Bulb, tion of 3.15 gm/kg of diet for 29 days, was
taken orally by human adults at a dose of active. Hepatic enzymes were assayedAS178 .
4.0 gm/person, was active on plateletsAS137 . Phospholipase inhibition. Water extract
Norepinephrine level increase. Pow- of fresh bulb, at a concentration of 20.0
dered, fresh bulb, in the ration of rats at a microliters, was active on cat plateletsAS208.
concentration of 0.8% of the diet, was Plant germination inhibition. Water
active. Interscapular brown adipose tissue extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of
was increasedAs14o. 500.0 gm/liter, was active after 6 days expo-
Oxidative phosphorylation inhibition. sure of Cuscuta reflexa seedsAs497. Water
Essential oil of dried bulb was inactive on extract of dried stem, at a concentration of
Macaronesia /ortunata and Musca domesticaAS485 . 500.0 gm/liter, was active on Cuscuta reflexa
Oxidative phosphorylation stimulation. seeds after 6 days of exposure to the
Essential oil of dried bulb was inactive extractAS497.
on Macaronesia /ortunata and Musca Plant growth inhibition. Water extract of
domesticaAs485. dried leaves, at a concentration of 500.0
Peroxisomal fatty acyl-coenzyme Aoxidase gm/liter, was active after 6 days exposure of
induction. Methanol extract of fresh bulb, in Cuscuta reflexa seedling. Length, weight
cell culture at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml, and dry weight were measuredAs497. Water
was active on the rat hepatocytesAs239. extract of dried stem, at a concentration of
Phagocytosis stimulation. Essential oil of 500.0 gm/liter, produced weak activity on
dried bulb, administered intradermally to Cuscuta reflexa after 6 days of exposure to
mice, was activeAs468. Protein fraction of the extract. Seedling length, weight and dry
bulb, administered intraperitoneally to mice weight were measuredAS497 .
at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg, was active vs clear- Plant pollen tube elongation inhibition.
ance of colloidal carbonAs394. Fresh tuber, at a concentration of 0.4
Pharmacokinetic study. Essential oil was gm/well, was active vs Camellia sinensis
administered per rectum in human adults, pollenAs398.
at a dose of 180 mg/person together with Plasminogen activation stimulation. Dried
mistletoe, milfoil, horsetail, amylocaine and bulb, taken orally by human adults at a dose
chlorophyll. The suppository was well of 600.0 mg/person for 4 weeks, was active vs
absorbed through the rectal mucosaAS482. streptokinase activated plasminogenAs183.
Phorbol ester antagonist. Essential oil, The essential oil and water extract of fresh
applied externally to female mice at a dose bulb were inactive AS313 .
of 5.0 mg/animal, was active. The dose was Platelet adhesion inhibition. Essential oil,
applied 1 hour before application of 12-0- at a concentration of 1:2, was activeAs384.
tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. The Essential oil of bulb, administered by gastric
rate of DNA synthesis 16 hours later was intubation to male rabbits at a dose of 1.0
decreased by 55% vs DMBA-induced gm/kg for 3 months, was active. Results sig-
carcinogenesisAS216. Fresh bulb was active vs nificant to P < 0.001 level As339 . A concen-

tration of 7.20% was active. When foreign roform/acetone extract was active with
material comes in contact with blood, pro- 24.70% inhibition vs PAF-induced aggrega-
tein is immediately adsorbed onto its sur- tion, and 35.55% inhibition vs ADP-
face. Thus, the effect of garlic oil vs controls induced inhibitionAs432 . Dried bulb, taken
of phosphoryl choline and stearic acid on orally by 120 human adults with "probably
protein adsorption onto polyether urethane increased thrombocyte aggregation," at a
urea was studied. In the presence of garlic dose of 800.0 mg/person for 4 weeks in a
oil, more albumins and less fibrinogen were double-blind and placebo-controlled study,
adsorbed than in the presence of controls. was activeAS419. Methanol extract, at variable
Since platelets adhere to fibrinogen, this concentrations, was active vs ADP-, arachi-
protein-adsorption phenomenon affected donic acid, epinephrine-and thrombin-
the results of the platelet-aggregation induced aggregationAs333 . Powdered, dried
experimentsAS179. Essential oil, at a concen- bulb, taken orally by a 72-year-old man with
tration of 2.5 meg, was active on adult platelet dysfunction, was activeAS142. Dried
human platelets vs ADP-, collagen-, and bulb, taken orally by human adults at a dose
epinephrine-induced aggregationAs33o. of 300.0 mg/person 3 times daily for 2 weeks
Platelet aggregation inhibition. Alcohol to 7 healthy males, was active vs ADP- and
extract of fresh bulb, in cell culture at a con- collagen-induced aggregationAso77 . Dried
centration of 0.01 %, was active vs epineph- bulb, taken orally by human adults at a
rine-induced aggregation. A concentration dose of 600.0 mg/person for 4 weeks, was
of 0.1% was active vs ADP-induced inactive vs ADP- and collagen-induced
aggregation AS137 . Butanol extract of fresh aggregationAslB3. A dose of 800.0 mg/day was
bulb, taken orally by a patient who suffered active Aso96 . Essential oil, at a concentration
a spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma at of 10.30 mcg/ml, was active on adult human
a dose of 2000 mg/day, was activeAS221. Water platelet vs ADP -induced aggregation. There
extract of fresh bulb, in cell culture at a con- was induction of a redistribution of the
centration of 0.01 %, was active vs ADP- products of the lipoxygenase pathway. At a
and epinephrine-induced aggregationAS137 . A concentration of 30-60 mcg/ml there was
concentration of 10.0 microliters was active complete suppression of the formation of all
vs collagen-, epinephrine-, ADP-, and oxygenase products vs ADP-induced
arachidonic acid-induced aggregationAS209 aggregationAs292. The essential oil produced
and a concentration of 15.0 microliters was weak activity on rabbit platelets vs ADP-
active vs ADP- and arachidonic acid- induced platelet aggregationAs2B2. Ethanol!
induced aggregationAs203. Butanol extract chloroform (25%) extract of fresh bulb
of dried tuber, at a con-centration of 11 %, was active vs epinephrine-induced aggre-
was active on human platelets vs ADP- gationAs237. Fixed oil was active vs arachi-
induced aggregationAS214. Chloroform donic acid-induced aggregationAS136 . Fresh
extract of bulb, at variable dosage levels, was bulb, taken orally by human adults of both
active on rabbit and human adult platelets. sexes at a dose of 10.0 gm/person, was
The inhibition of platelet aggregation activeAs284. Water extract of bulb, in cell cul-
was produced by blocking thromboxane ture was active vs collagen-induced aggre-
synthesisAs267. Chloroform extract of fresh gation, IC so 460.0 mcg/mIAs433. Water extract
bulb, at a concentration of 60.0 mcg/ml, was of fresh bulb, at a concentration of 1.1 %,
active, 86.57% inhibition was observed vs was activeAs162. Water extract of fresh bulb,
PAF-induced aggregation and 99.89% inhi- at a concentration of 5.0 microliters, was
bition vs ADP-induced aggregation. Chlo- active vs ADP-, collagen, arachidonate-,

calcium ionophore A23187 and epineph- exposed the S-allylmercaptocysteine. In

rine-induced platelet aggregation As20B . lysates of S-allylmercaptocysteine-treated
Water extract of fresh bulb was active vs LNCaP cells, the rate of testosterone catabo-
ADP or arachidonic acid-induced platelet lism was twice that from phosphate buffered
aggregationAs28o. Water extract of fresh bulb, saline-treated cellsAs542.
administered intravenously to rabbit at a Prothrombin time decrease. Dried bulb,
dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active vs taken orally by human adults at a dose of
arachidonate-induced thrombocytopenia, 198.0 mg/person, 3 doses in 34 subjects and
hypotension and increased TXB2 levels. a dose of 450.0 mg/person, 3 doses in 51 sub-
The extract inhibits histopathologic jects, were inactive AS311 . Ether extract of
changes in the lung and liverAso59. bulb, administered by gastric intubation to
Platelet aggregation stimulation. Water rats in a feeding study at doses of 2-4 gm
extract of fresh bulb was active AS237 . crude garlic daily for 3 weeks, was
Platelet constituent release. Methanol inactiveAS293.
extract of dried bulb, at variable concentra- Prothrombin time increase. Dried bulb,
tions, was inactive. There was no degranu- taken orally by human adults at a dose of
lation, difference in ultrastructure, cell 198.0 mg/person, 3 doses in 34 subjects and
shape, distribution of granules or microtu- a dose of 450.0 mg/person, 3 doses in 51 sub-
bule structures in the treated platelets when jects, were inactive AS311 . Butanol extract of
compared to controls Asm . fresh bulb, taken orally by human adults at
Platelet stimulant. Water extract of fresh a dose of25.0 mg/day, was active AS221 . Essen-
bulb, administered by intravenous infusion tial oil, administered intragastrically to rats
to rabbits at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was at a dose of 50.0 mg/day, was active vs
active vs arachidonate-induced platelet streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemiaAso16.
count decreaseAs428. Radical scavenging effect. Powdered fresh
Pro-oxidant activity. Fresh bulb, at a con- bulb, at a concentration of 90.0 mg/ml, was
centration of 1.0%, was inactive. The effect activeAS421.
was seen at 140°F. Peroxides were assayed Salidiuretic effect. Water extract of dried
in peanut oilAs144. bulb, administered intragastrically to rats at
Prostaglandin inhibition. Water extract of a dose of 5.0 gm/kg, was inactiveAS19J.
fresh bulb, administered by intravenous Sclerosing effect. Chloroform extract, at a
infusion to rabbits at a dose of 500.0 concentration of 138.0 mcg/ml, and etha-
mg/kg, was active vs arachidonate, and colla- nol (95%) extract, at a concentration 53.0
gen induced 6-keto-prostaglandin-F-alpha mcg/ml of fresh bulb, in cell culture, was
synthesisAs428. Water extract of fresh bulb, active on vein vs ADP-, epinephrine-, and
in cell culture, was active on plateletsAS203. arachidonic acid-induced aggregationAs206.
Water extract of bulb, at a concentration of Senescence ameliorative effect. S-allyl-
12.5 mg/ml, was activeASI01. cysteine, administered orally to senescence-
Prostatitic effect. S-allylmercaptocysteine, accelerated prone P8 mice at a dose of 40
evaluated in himan prostatic carcinome cells mg/kg for 8 months, had a significantly
(LNCaP), significantly decreased prostate attenuated decrease in the conditioned
specific antigen. Pre-exposure ofLNCaP cells avoidance response compared with those
to S-allylmercaptocysteine resulted in not give S-allylcysteine. In the elevated
enhanced rate of testosterone disappearance plus-maze test using senescence-accelerated
from the culture medium at 6 hr and at 48 hr prone P10 mice, the percentage of time
compared to media from cells not previously spent on the open arm was greater compared

with the senescence-resistant control mice. Water extract of dried bulb, at a concentra-
Chronic dietary treatment with 40 mg tion of 0.04 gm/ml, was active on guinea pig
S-allylcysteine/kg decreased the time in the small intestine. The effect was blocked by
open arm in senescence-accelerated prone atropine and antihistamineAs251.
P10 miceAS524. Snake venom prophylaxis. The therapeu-
Sensitization (skin). Powdered bulb, tic dose of 18 mg/kg of bulb, administered
applied topically to human adults at a con- orally to rats daily for 10 days prior to the
centration of 10.0%, was inactiveAS091. intamuscular injection of cobra venom,
Sickle cell dehydration inhibition. Aged induced a prophylactic activity against the
garlic extract, at a concentration of 6 pathogenic effects of the venom in gastric
mg/ml, inhibited in vitro dehydration of and hepatic tissues. The dose had no serious
sickle red blood cells to 30% of the control side effects on the tissuesAS514.
levelAS518. Spasmogenic activity. Ether extract of
Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Ethanol dried bulb, administered intravenously to
(95%) extract of bulb was active on rabbit rats at a dose of 20.0 ml/animal, was
intestineAS445. Ethanol (95%) extract of fresh activeAso31.
bulb, at a concentration of 0.0 16 mg/ml, was Spasmolytic activity. Fresh bulb juice, at a
active on rat colonAs182. Ethanol/chloroform concentration of 0.5 ml/unit, was active on
(25%) extract of fresh bulb, at a concentra- guinea pig and rabbit aorta vs norepineph-
tion of 0.002 mg/ml, was active on rat fun- rine-induced contractions, and on rabbit
dus (stomach) vs ACh- and PGE-induced trachea lis muscle vs ACh- and histamine-
contractionsASJJ8 . Ether extract of dried bulb induced contractions AS215 . Water extract of
was active on rabbit intestineASOJ1. Fresh bulb fresh bulb was active on rat aorta vs norepi-
juice, at a concentration of 0.5 ml/unit, was nephrine-induced contractions, ED50 5.28
active on guinea pig ileum and rabbit mg/mI Asl20 .
jejunum. Juice, in amounts of 0.005-0.5 ml, Spermicidal effect. Essential oil was active
inhibited ventricular contractions in on the guinea pig and rat spermAS448.
rabbit As235 . Water extract of dried bulb, at a Spontaneous activity reduction. Water
concentration of 0.04 gm/ml, was active on extract of dried bulb, at a concentration of
the guinea pig small intestineAS251. 20.0%, was active on the frog stomachAs251.
Smooth muscle stimulant activity. Etha- Spontaneous activity stimulation. Etha-
nol (95%) extract of fresh bulb, at a con- nol (95 %) extract of bulb, administered
centration of 0.016 mg/ml, was active on rat intragastrically to mice at a dose of 250.0
fundus (stomachys182. Fresh bulb juice, mg/kg, was active. The extract inhibited
undiluted, was active on the rabbit decrease in spontaneous motor activity
intestineAS454. Chloroform extract of dried induced by oscillation stressAS165.
bulb contained at least 2 active elements. Stability. Garlic and its lipid- or water-
One was chloroform soluble and had an soluble components have many pharmaco-
antiseptic action, a slight tonic effect on iso- logical properties; however it have been
lated frog heart, a slight hypertensive effect demonstrated that heating has a negative
on etherized cats and a paralyzing effect on influence on these beneficial effects. As
isolated rabbit intestine. The chloroform- little as 60 seconds of microwave heating or
insoluble fraction had no antiseptic effect, 45 min over heating can block the ability of
no action on isolated frog heart, a strongly garlic to inhibit in vivo binding of mam-
hypotensive effect on etherized cats and a mary carcinogen [7, 12-dimethylbenzene-
tonic effect on isolated rabbit intestineAs459. (a) anthracene metabolites to rat mammary

epithelial cell DNA. Allowing crushed gar- to rats in a feeding study at doses of 2-4 gm
lic to stand for 10 min before microwave crude garlic daily for 3 weeks, was activeAS293.
heating for 60 seconds prevented the total Thromboplastin time increase. Essential
loss of anticarcinogenic activityAS53o. oil, administered intragastrically to rats at a
Succinate dehydrogenase stimulation. dose of 50.0 mg/day, was active vs
Butanol extract of dried bulb, administered streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia.
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.5 Kaolin activated partial thromboplastin
gm/kg, was active on heart, liver and pancreas time was assayedAso76.
vs isoprenaline-induced tissue necrosisAs189. Thromboxane 8-2 synthesis inhibition.
Superoxide dismutase inhibition. Lyo- Chloroform extract of bulb, at variable dos-
philized extract of fresh bulb, in the ration age levels, was active on rabbit and human
of chicken at a concentration of 2.0% of the platelets vs incubation with labeled arachi-
ration, was active. Cu-Zn superoxide donic acid. Blocking thromboxane synthe-
dismutase activity was inhibitedAso57. sis produced inhibition of platelet
Superoxide inhibition. Lyophilized extract aggregationAs267. Ether and water extracts of
of fresh bulb, in the ration of chicken at a fresh bulb, in cell culture, were active on
concentration of 2.0% of the diet, was plateletsAS206. Water extract of fresh bulb,
activeAS057. administered intravenously to rabbits at a
Sympathomimetic activity. Water extract dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active vs
of dried leaves, administered intravenously arachidonate- and rat tail solubilized col-
to cats at a dose of 5-20 mg/kg, had no effect lagen-induced thrombocytopenia, hypoten-
on the contractile response of the cat nic- sion and increased TXB2 levels, and vs
tating membrane evoked by preganglionic arachidonate- and collagen-induced throm-
cervical sympathetic nerve stimulationAs352. boxane B-2 synthesis. The extract inhibits
Tachycardia activity. Ether extract of histopathological changes in the lung and
dried bulb, administered intravenously to liverAS428. Water extract of fresh bulb, in cell
rabbits at a dose of 10.0 ml/animal, was culture, was active on plateletsAS203. Water
active Aso37 . extract of fresh bulb was activeAS280.
Testosterone release stimulation. Ethanol Thyroxine level increase. Fixed oil of fresh
(95%) extract of dried bulb, administered by bulb, in the ration of rat at a concentration
gastric intubation to male rats at a dose of of 1.5% of the diet, was active. The extract
100.0 mg/kg for 25 days, was active. Results ameliorated T4 decrease in animals fed a
significant at P < 0.001 levelAs340. Rats, fed fructose and Cu-deficient dietAS068 .
an experimental diet with protein levels Toxic effect (general). Butanol extract of
with or without 0.8 gm/lOO gm garlic pow- fresh bulb, taken orally by human adults,
der for 28 days, produced significantly was active. Two cases were reported of
higher testosterone levels in the testis and increased normalized ratio results previously
significantly lower plasma cortisterone con- stabilized to warfarin. Increases were attrib-
centrations than those fed diets without gar- uted to ingestion of garlic products, since
lic powderAs505. there were no other changes in medication
Thrombin inhibition. Essential oil, admin- and habits in either case. One patient had
istered intragastrically to rats at a dose of started taking garlic pearls, the other, garlic
50.0 mg/day, was active vs streptozotocin- tablets, but in both cases, clotting times
induced hyperglycemiaAso76. were roughly doubled. It was warned that
Thrombocytopenic activity. Ether extract this could be a potentially serious interac-
of bulb, administered by gastric intubation tion. Dried bulb juice, in the drinking water

of rats at a dose of 5.0% of the diet for 25 were found on the dorsal surfaces of both
days, was inactive ASJ78 . Dried bulb, taken feet, extending to the skin over the arches.
orally by human adults at a dose of 350.0 There was a diffuse erythema around the
mg/person twice daily, was inactiveAsl7o. blisters. Burns were diagnosed as second-
Dried bulb, together with Panax ginseng and degree burns and covered 4% of the body
Vitamin B1, administered by gastric intuba- surface. The burns healed in 2 weeks with
tion to rats of both sexes at a dose of 10.0 topical silver and sulfadiazineAS2l4 . Butanol
ml/kg for up to 3 months, was equivocal. extract of fresh bulb, taken orally by human
Food consumption was decreased, but there adults at a dose of 25.0 mg/day, was active.
was no change in body weight gain. Eryth- An 87-year-old man was presented with
rocyte and hemoglobin levels were slightly paralysis of the lower extremities. A spinal
low. There were no histopathological mass proved to be a spontaneous spinal epi-
changes seen in the liver, stomach, pan- dural hematoma. The hematoma was
creas, lung, heart, kidney, spleen, thymus, removed and the patient recovered
bone marrow, ovary, testis, thyroid and adequately. The hematoma was attributed
adrenal. No other toxic symptoms were to the man's high consumption of garlic (4
notedASJ71. When administered by gastric cloves/day), as no other potential causes
intubation, dried bulb was inactive. Rats were found. Bleeding time during surgery
received from 0.3 to 10 ml/kg for 3 to 6 was 11 minutes (3 minutes normal) and pro-
months. Body weight gain and urinary mea- thrombin time was 12.3 seconds AS221 . Fresh
surements were normal. There was a slight bulb, inhaled by 3 cases of occupational
though inconsistent decrease in erythrocyte asthma and rhinitis, was active AS1OO . Fresh
and hemoglobin levels, and slight enlarge- bulb juice, administered intravenously to
ment of the spleen in high dose rats. There rats at a dose of 1.0 ml/animal, was
were no histopathological changes seen in inactiveASJ49. Seed oil, administered intra-
the spleen, liver, stomach, pancreas, lung, peritoneally to rat at a dose of 0.5 ml/kg, was
heart, kidney, thymus, ovary, testis, adrenal inactiveAS408. Garlic extract, adminsitered
and thyroidAs370. Essential oil of dried bulb, orally to female rats at a dose of 5 mg per kg
administered to rabbits at a dose of 0.755 body weight daily for 6 weeks concomitantly
ml/kg, was active. The toxicity produced is with lead acetate, significantly reduced lead
described as "excitostupefactive" AS466. Etha- concentration indicating the potential
nol (95%) extract of dried bulb, adminis- therapeutic activity of garlic against
tered by gastric intubation to rats at variable leadAsso8.
dosage levels, was inactiveAS4S9. Ether extract Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Dried
of bulb, administered by gastric intubation bulb, administered by gastric intubation and
to rats in a feeding study at doses of 2-4 gm subcutaneously to rats of both sexes, pro-
crude garlic daily for 3 weeks, was inactive. duced LDso > 30.0 ml/kg. When adminis-
No histopathological lesions of heart, kid- tered intraperitoneally to female rats,
ney, adrenals, liver, spleen or thyroid could produced LDso 13.86 ml/kg, and to males,
be seen on autopsyAS29J. Fresh bulb, applied LDso 13 .09 ml/kgASJ70,ASJ71. Essential oil,
externally to a 17 -month-old human infant administered intragastrically to rats fasted
was presented with burns on both feet for 24 hours at a dose of 0.1 mg/gm, was
derived from a garlic plaster that was active AS49l .
improperly applied. A mixture of more than Triglyceride synthesis inhibition. S-allyl
50% garlic cloves plus petroleum jelly had cysteine and S-propyl cysteine, incubated at
been applied to the feet for 8 hours. Blisters 0.05 and 4.0 mmol/L, respectively, with cul-

tured hepatocytes, decreased [2-14C]acetate showed significant increase in skin capillary

incorporation into triglyceride in a concen- perfusion 5 hours after administrationAs423 .
tration-dependent fashion achieving a Water extract of fresh bulb was active AS237 .
maximal inhibition at 4.0 mmol/L of 43 and WOC stimulant. Fresh bulb juice, adminis-
51 %, respectivelyASS16. tered intraperitoneally to mice, increased
Tumor promoting effect. Hot water neutrophil accumulation 82%, EDso 0.07
extract of fresh bulb, applied externally to ml/animaIAsos4.
mice at a dose of 1.0 mg/animal, was inac- WOC-macrophage stimulant. Water
tive. The dose was applied 3 times weekly extract of freeze-dried bulb, at a concentra-
for 49-60 weeks after tumor initiation vs tion of 20.0 mcg/ml, was active. Nitrite for-
DMBA-induced carcinogenesisAs41Z . mation was used as an index of the
Tumor promotion inhibition. Methanol macrophage stimulating activity to screen
extract of fresh root, in cell culture at a con- effective foodsAs224.
centration of 200.0 meg, was inactive Weight gain inhibition. Powdered, fresh
on EBV vs 12-0-hexadecanoylphorbol-13- bulb, in the ration of rats at a concentration
acetate-induced EBV activationAS402. Water of 0.8% of the diet, was activeAS140.
and methanol extracts of fresh sprouts, in Weight increase. Ethanol (95%) extract of
cell culture at concentrations of 200.0 meg, bulb, administered intragastrically to mice
produced weak activity on EBV vs 12-hexa- at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was active vs 3
decanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced EBV weeks of cold stress. Weight gain was faster
activationAS402. than in controlsAs16s.
Ulcerogenic activity. Ether extract of Wound healing acceleration. Plant, ap-
bulb, administered by gastric intubation to plied externally to human adults, was active.
rats in a feeding study at doses of 2-4 gm Perforated eardrums were healed in 18
crude garlic daily for 3 weeks, was active ASZ93 .
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Culcidae) in the laboratory. Mem Inst Effect of garlic on platelet aggregation
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AS195 Belman, S., J. Soloman, A. Segal, E. medicine. Fitoterapia 1989; 60(2):
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soybean lipoxygenase and mouse skin AS206 Srivastava, K. C. and U. Justesen. Iso-
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metabolism of arachidonic acid in tion of experimental carcinogenesis by
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platelet constituents of garlic and onion. hibitory effect of oral administration of
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cular system: In vitro study. Prostag- lipidaemia with garlic-powder tablets:
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13(2): 227-235. tion of General Practitioners'
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intragastric administration of garlic oil 1990; 40(10): 1111-1116.
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mour reducing and anticarcinogenic ac- ated platelet dysfunction from exces-
tivity of selected spices. Cancer Lett sive garlic ingestion: a case report.
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Bailey and P. R. Flatt. Traditional plant Goel. Inhibition of skin tumors in
treatments for diabetes. Studies in nor- DMBA-induced complete carcinogen-
mal and streptozotocin diabetic mice. esis system in mice by garlic (Allium
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AS214 Okuyama, T., K. Fujita, S. Shibata, M. 28(5): 405-408.
Hoson, T. Kawada, M. Masaki and N. AS224 Miwa, M., Z. L. Kong, K. Shinohara
Yamate. Effects of Chinese drugs and M. Watanabe. Macrophage stimu-
"Xiebai" and "Dasuan" on human lating activity of foods. Agr BioI Chern
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Matsuura. Prevention of liver damage garlic (Allium sativum) on sodium trans-
by aged garlic extract and its compo- port in isolated toad skin. J Ethno-
nents in mice. Phytother Res 1989; pharmacol1991; 31(3): 309-318.
3(2): 50-53. AS226 Arora, R. B., T. Khanna, M. Imran and
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Belman. Inhibition of DMBA-induced cardial infarction induced by isoproter-
mouse skin tumorigenesis by garlic oil enol. Fitoterapia 1990; 61( 4): 356-358.
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stages by garlic and onion oils. Nutr of crude drugs: 1. The effects of aqueous
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term screening test. Yakugaku Zasshi painting with garlic extract. Nutr
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Islam and z. U. Ahmed. Efficacy of aque- Morales, L. Vargas and M. Bronfman.
ous extract of garlic and allicin in experi- Induction of peroxisomal fatty acyl-
mental shigellosis in rabbits. Indian J coenzyme A transferase in primary cul-
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and chemical basis of effect. Social timutagenic compounds identified
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and H. Logemann. Plants used in Siklyong Hakhoe Chi 1991; 20(3):
Guatemala for the treatment of der- 253-259.
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for antimycotic activity of 44 plant gal spectrum of some plant extracts.
extracts. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; Geobios 1977; 4(1): 29-30.
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AS231 Sunter, W. H. Warfarin and garlic. and J. R. Rarotra. Antibacterial prop-
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AS232 Gebhardt, R. Inhibition of cholesterol vitro studies. Indian J Exp BioI 1977;
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tocytes. Arzneim-Forsch 1991; 41(8): kova. Allinase: Purification and physi-
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AS233 Scortichini, M. and M. P. Rossi. In vitro 1978;43: 1905-1913.
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garlic juice on smooth and cardiac bacteria. Master Thesis 1978; 88pp.
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Nematocidal activity of some anthel- AS248 Mand, J. K., P. P. Gupta, G. L. Soni
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spices by a new assay method using lar- cepa) in the reversal of atherosclerosis
vae of Toxocara canis. Shoyakugaku in rabbits. Abstr 3rd Congress of the
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!ation, platelet aggregation and vasodi- Antibacterial activity of some medici-
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garlic oil in experimental cholesterol fect of some components of volatile oil.
atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 1978; Acta Pharm ]ugoslav 1978; 28: 41--43.
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of garlic extract on the activity of some (garlic) in the prevention and treat-
enzymes. Food Cosmet Toxico11976; ment of cardiovascular diseases. ] Nat
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alpha-amylase activity. Hanguk Rathore and N. Bhu. Essential oil of
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aphrodisiac ingestion. ] Tenn Med ] Nutr 1980; 110: 931-936.
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cupation eczema from garlic and on- Effect of garlic and onion on impor-
ion. Contact Dermatitis 1978; 4: tant lipid and coagulation parameters
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AS262 Ayensu, E. S. Medicinal Plants of the Phys India 1979; 27: 57-64.
West Indies. Unpublished manuscript AS275 Arunachalam, K. Antimicrobial activ-
1978; 110pp. ity of garlic, onion and honey. Geobios
AS263 Sharma, K. K., A. L. Sharma, K. K. 1980; 7(1): 46--47.
Dwived and P. K. Sharma. Effect of raw AS276 Mantis, A. J., P. A. Koidis and P. A.
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extract on food poisoning bacteria. AS289 Bordia, A. Effect of garlic on blood lip-
Lebensm Wiss Technol 1979; 12: ids in patients with coronary heart dis-
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Philip and K. T. Augusti. Hypoglyce- cholesterol levels in albino rats
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Bryant and]. M. Bailey. Altered arachi- ]. M. Bailey. Inhibition of fatty acid
donic acid metabolism in platelets inhib- oxygenases by onion and garlic oils:
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Chung Ts'ao Yao 1981; 12(1): 4-6. R. Gopal, R. C. Singh, S. ]uneja, R. K.
AS282 Ariga, T. and S. Oshiba. Effects of the Srivastava and D. N. Prasad. Allium
essential oil components of garlic sativum: Effect of three weeks feeding
cloves on rabbit platelet aggregation. in rats. Indian J Pharmacol 1981; 13:
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human platelet aggregation by garlic evaluation of garlic capsule in chronic
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hibitor. Lancet 1981; 776-77 7. Kulshrestha and D. N. Prasad. Effect of
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sucrose-fed rats over a two-month garlic oil on serum cholesterol and

period. Experientia 1982; 38: 899-901. blood sugar levels in adult human vol-
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sativum L. ) therapy against experimen- AS312 Chutani, S. K. and A. Bordia. The
tal dermatophytosis in rabbits. Indian effect of fried versus raw garlic on
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sativum) as a common household rem- Physiol Pharmacol1983; 27(2): 141-
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Natu, D. V. Pise and R. Kayerkar. Gar- (Haryana), India. Econ Bot 1983;
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AS310 Godhwani, J. D., J. B. Gupta and A P. AS321 Yang, K. Y. and H. S. Shin. Lipids and
Dadhich. Modifkation of immunologi- fatty acid composition of garlic (Allium
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chicken hepatocytes by polar fractions AS334 Conner, D. E. and L. R. Beuchat.

of garlic. Lipids 1983; 18(5): 343-348. Effects of essential oils from plants on
AS323 Rakhimbaev, 1. R. and R. V. growth of food spoilage yeasts. J Food
OI'Shanskaya. Preliminary identifica- Sci 1984; 49(2): 429-434.
tion of natural gibberellins of garlic. AS335 Lechner-Knecht, S. Sacred healing
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1981; 2: 17-22. 1982; 122: 2122-2129.
AS324 Elnima, E. 1., S. A. Ahmed, A. G. AS336 Ungsurungsie, M., O. Suthienkul and
Mekkawi and J. S. Mossa. The anti- C. Paovalo. Mutagenicity screening of
microbial activity of garlic and onion popular Thai spices. Food Chern
extracts. Pharmazie 1983; 38(11): Toxico11982; 20: 527-530.
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AS325 Arime, M. and M. Deb. Components in a Totonac community of the Sierra
of sugars in garlic. Kanzei Chuo Norte de Puebla: Tuzamapan de
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dants: III. Fractionation of antioxi- Bennett. The effect of garlic extracts on
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Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi human platelet aggregation. J Pharm
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Takeyama. Studies on biological active C. Gupta, B. S. Bomb and M. P.
component in garlic (Allium scorodo- Agarwal. Effect of onion, garlic and
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mixture and antibacterial activities of fed rabbits. Indian Med J 1982;
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AS329 Abraham, S. K. and P. C. Kesavan. 1984;40(1): 78-79.
Genotoxicity of garlic, turmeric and AS341 Kamanna, V. S. and N. Changrasekhara.
asafoetida in mice. Mutat Res 1984; Hypocholestermic activity of different
136( 1): 85-88. fractions of garlic. Indian J Med Res
AS330 Bordia, A Effect of garlic on human 1984; 79(4): 580-583.
platelet aggregation in vitro. Athero- AS342 Choy, Y. M., T. T. Kwok, K. P. Fung and
sclerosis 1978; 30(4): 355-360. C. Y. Lee. Effect of garlic, Chinese
AS331 Sharma, K. K. and S. P. Sharma. Effect medicinal drugs and amino acids on
of onion and garlic on serum choles- growth of Erlich ascites tumor cells in mice.
terol in normal subjects. Mediscope Amer J Chin Med 1983; 11(1/4) 69-73.
1979; 22(7): 134-136. AS343 Boukef, K, H. R. Souissi and G.
AS332 Jain, R. C. and C. R. Vyas. Onion and Balansard. Contribution to the study
garlic in atherosclerotic heart disease. on plants used in traditional medicine
Medikon 1977; 6(5): 12-14. in Tunisia. Plant Med Phytother
AS333 Castro, R. A, S. Cabrera, M. R. Cruz, 1982; 16(4): 260-279.
E. Ledezma and M. K. Jain. Effects of AS344 Kim, S. K., E. S. Bae and C. w.
garlic extract and of three pure com- Chao A study on the effect of garlic
ponents isolated from it on human on the toxicity of cadmium in rats.
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garlic juice (Allium sativum) on rat research on plants for fertility regula-
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ity on multiple resistant bacteria of damages of testis due to cadmium poi-
garlic (Allium sativum) extract. soning. Koryo Taehakkyo Uikwa
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ies on a Nigerian herbal preparation: the effect of garlic on the toxicity of
1. Cardiovascular actions of cow's phenyl mercuric acetate in rats.
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Antifertility, abortifacient and fertility sativum in the control of atheroscle-
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observations on the role of garlic in the ylnitrosamine formation mediated by
treatment of experimental hyperlipi- Fusarium monoliforme. Shandong
demia. Cal Med J 1983; 80(11/12): Yixueyuan Xuebao 1985; 23(2): 31-34.
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and A. Kumar. Efficacy of garlic (Allium Inhibitory effect of volatile constitu-
sativum) treatment against dermatophy- ents of plants on the proliferation of

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plant volatiles. J Antibact Antifung Effect of garlic on the hepatic glu-
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Allium sativum bulbs. Planta Med K. T. Augusti. Effects of garlic oil on
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Nakagami, S. Date, A. Yokota, M. 24-27.
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ity tests of garlic extract preparation- Studies on natural desmutagens:
contained vitamins (kyoleopin). Phar. screening for vegetable and fruit
macometrics 1984; 27(5): 909-929. factors active in inactivation of
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S. Nakagami, S. Date, A. Yokota, M. 42(6): 1235-1238.
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subacute toxicity tests of a ginseng and Lockwood, V. Simmons, G. C. Wild.
garlic preparation containing vitamin Antiviral properties of garlic: In vitro
B-1 (Leopin-five). Pharmacometrics effects on Influenza B, Herpes simplex
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AS372 MandaI, S. and D. K. Choudhuri. Cho- 1985; 5: 460--461.
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secta): Effect of corpora allatectomy extract from garlic (Allium sativum L.)
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AS373 Singh, V., A. Kumar and S. P. Singh. Ef- 28(3/4): 195-204.
fect of normal saline, potassium perman- AS382 Guerin, J. c. and H. P. Reveillere.
ganate and garlic extract on healing of Antifungal activity of plant extracts
contaminated wound in buffalo calves. used in therapy: I. Study of 41 plant
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Liliaceae and spore germination of study on the protective effect of
Microsporum gypseum complexes. Korean garlic on the albino rat,
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study on the effect of garlic in the inhibi- Nonmunjip 1986; 23(1): 121-130.
tory action of cadmium on aLAD activi- AS384 Sharma, C. P. and N. V. Nirmala.
ties in human blood in vitro. Koryo Effects of garlic extract and of three pure
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AS487 Hoerhammer L., H. Wagner, M. Seitz, AS499 Banerjee, S. K., M. Maulik, S. C.
Z. J. Vejdelek. Evaluation of garlic Mancahanda, A. K. Dinda, S. K.
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AS488 Kominato, K. Separation and purifica- 70(13): 1509-1518.
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18,679: lOpp. Hassan. Ajoene, a garlic-derived natu-
AS489 Prasad, D. N., S. K. Bhattacharya, P. ral compound, enhances chemo-
K. Das. A study of antiinflammatory therapy-induced apoptosis in human
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tective effect of garlic oil on enteric-coated garlic supplement. J
hepatoxicity induced by acetami- Am ColI Nutr 2001; 20(3): 22S-231.
nophen in mice and comparison with ASS11 Banerjee, S. K., M. Maulik, S. C.
N-acetylcysteine. Saudi Med J 2001; Manchanda, A. K. Dinda, T. K. Das
22(12): 1080-1084. and S. K. Maulik. Garlic-induced al-
ASS02 Li, D., B. Jiao and Y. Zhu. Effect and teration in rat liver and kidney mor-
mechanism of garlic juice and hydro- phology and associated changes in
gen peroxide on the degradation of li- endogenous antioxidant status. Food
popolysaccharide. Zhonghua Kou Chern Toxico12001; 39(8): 793-797.
Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 2000; 3S(S): ASS12 Balasenthil, S., C. R. Ramachandran
333-33S. and S. Nagini. Prevention of 4-
ASS03 Izzo, A. A. and E. Ernst. Interactions nitorquinoline l-oxide-induced rat
between herbal medicines and pre- tongue carcinogenesis by garlic.
scribed drugs: A systematic review. Fitoterapia 2001; 72(S): S24-S31.
Drugs 2001; 61(1S): 2163-217S. ASS13 Grudzinski, 1. P., A. Frankiewicz-Jozko
ASS04 Josling, P. Preventing the common and J. Bany. Diallyl sulfide-a flavour
cold with a garlic supplement: A component from garlic (Allium
double-blind, placebo-controlled sur- sativum) attenuates lipid peroxidation
vey. Adv Ther 2001; 18(4): 189-193. in mice infected with Trichinella
ASSOS Oi, Y., M. Imafuku, C. Shishido, Y. spiralis. Phytomedicine 2001; 8(3):
Kominato, S. Nishimura and K. Iwai. 174-177.
Garlic supplementation increases tes- ASS14 Rahmy, T. R. and K. Z. Hemmaid.
ticular testosterone and decreases plasma Prophylactic action of garlic on the
corticosterone in rats fed a high protein histological and histochemical pat-
diet. J Nutr 2001; 131(8): 21SO-21S6. terns of hepatic and gastric tissues in
ASS06 Robert, V., B. Mouille, C. Mayuer, M. rats injected with a snake venom. Nat
Michaud and F. Blachier. Effects of the Toxins 2001; 10(2): 137-16S.
garlic compound diallyl disulfide on ASS1S Sheen, L. Y., C. C. Wu, C. K. Lii and
the metabolism, adherence and cell S. J. Tsai. Effect of diallyl sulfide and
cycle of HT-29 colon carcinoma cells: diallyl disulfide, the active principles
Evidence on sensitive and resistant of garlic, on the aflatoxin B( 1)-
sub-populations. Carcinogenesis 2001; induced DNA damage in primary rat
22(8): l1SS-1161. hepatocytes. Toxicol Lett 2001;
ASS07 Foster, B. C., M. S. Foster, S. 122(1): 4S-S2.
Vandenhock, A. Krantis, J. W. ASS16 Liu, L. and Y. Y. Yeh. Water-soluble
Budzinski, J. T. Amason, K. D. organosulfur compounds of garlic in-
Gallicano and S. Choudri. An in vitro hibit fatty acid and triglyceride synthe-
evaluation of human cytochrome P4S0 ses in cultured rat hepatocytes. Lipids
3A4 and P-glycoprotein inhibition by 2001; 36(4): 39S-400.
garlic. Pharm Pharm Sci 2001; 4(2): ASS17 Jarial, M. S. Toxic effect of garlic
176-184. extracts on the eggs of Aedes aegypti
ASS08 Senapti, S. K., S. Dey, S. K. Dwivedi (Diptera: Culicidae): A scanning elec-
and D. Swarup. Effect of garlic (Allium tron microscope study. J Med Entomol
sativum L. ) extract on tissue lead level 2001; 38(3): 446-4S0.
in rats. Ethnopharmacol 2001; 76(3): ASS18 Ohnishi, S. T., T. Onsishi and G. B.
229-232. Ogunmola. Green tea extract and
ASS09 Tsao, S. M. and M. C. Yin. In-vitro aged garlic extract inhibit anion
antimicrobial activity of four diallyl transport and sickle cell dehydration
sulphides occurring naturally in garlic in vitro. Blood Cells Mol Dis 2001;
and Chinese leek oils. J Med 27(1): 48-S7.
Microbiol2001; SO(7): 646-649. ASS19 Moon, D. G., J. Cheon, D. H. Yoon,
ASS10 Kannar, D., N. Wattanapenpaiboon, H. S. Park, H. K. Kim, J. J. Kim and S.
G. S. Savige and M. L. Wahlqvist. K. Koh. Allium sativum potentiates sui-

cide gene therapy from murine transi- rivatives from garlic. J Nutr 2001;
tional cell carcinoma. Nutr Cancer 131(3s): 1058S-1060S.
2000;38(1):98-105. AS530 Song, K. and J. A. Milner. The influ-
AS520 Abuharfeil, N. M., M. Salim and S. ence of heating on the anticancer
Von Kleist. Augmentation of natural properties of garlic. J Nutr 2001;
killer cell activity in vivo against tu- 131{3s): 1054S-1057S.
mour cells by some wild plants from AS531 Singh, S. V. Impact of garlic organo-
Jordan. Phytother Res 2001; 15(2): sulfides on p21 (H-ras) processing. J
109-113. Nutr 2001; 131{3s): 1046S-1048S.
AS521 Li, G., Z. Shi, H. Jia, J. Ju, X. Wang, Z. AS532 Moriguchi, T., N. Takasugi and Y.
Xia, L. Qin, C. Ge, Y. Xu, L. Cheng, P. Itakura. The effects of aged garlic
Chen and G. Yuan. A clinical investi- extract on lipid peroxidation and the
gation on garlic in injection for treat- deformability of erythrocytes. J Nutr
ment of unstable angina pectoris and 2001; 131(3s): 1016S-9S.
its actions on plasma endothelin and AS533 Campbell, J. H., J. L. Efendy, N. J.
blood sugar levels. J Tradit Chin Med Smith and G. R. Campbell. Molecular
2000; 20(4): 243-246. basis by which garlic suppresses athero-
AS522 Hoshino, T., N. Kashimoto an S. sclerosis. J Nutr 2001; 131{3s):
Kasuga. Effects of garlic preparations 1006S-1009S.
on the gastrointestinal mucosa. J Nutr AS534 Ali, M., K. K. AI-Qattan, F. AI-Enezi,
2001; 131{3s): 1l09S-1113S. R. M. Khanafer and T. Mustafa. Effect
AS523 Sumi, S., T. Tsuneyoshi, H. Matsuo of allicin from garlic powder on serum
and T. Yoshimatsu. Isolation and char- lipids and blood pressure in rats fed
acterization of the genes up-regulated with a high cholesterol diet. Prostag-
in isolated neurons by aged garlic landin Leukot Essent Fatty Acids
extract (AGE). J Nutr 2001; 131 (3s): 2000; 62(4): 253-259.
1096S-1099S. AS535 Slowing, K., P. Ganado, M. Sam, E.
AS524 Nishiyama, N., T. Moriguchi, N. Ruiz and T. Tejerina. Study of garlic
Morihara and H. Saito. Ameliorative extracts and fractions on cholesterol
effect of S-allylcysteine, a major plasma levels and vascular reactivity in
thioallyl constituent in aged garlic cholesterol-fed rats. J Nutr 2001;
extract, on learning deficits in senes- 131 (3s): 994S-999S.
cence-accelerated mice. J Nutr 2001; AS536 Yeh, Y. Y. and L. Liu. Cholesterol-low-
131 (3s): 1093S-1095S. ering effect of garlic extracts and
AS525 Ohnishi, S. T. and T. Ohnishi. In vitro organosulfur compounds: Human and
effects of aged garlic extract and other animal studies. J Nutr 2001; 131{3s):
nutritional supplements on sickle 989S-993S.
erythrocytes. J Nutr 2001; 131{3s): AS537 Ryu, K., N. Ide, H. Matsuura and
1085S-1092S. Y. Itakura. N alpha- (1-deoxy- D-
AS526 Kyo, E., N. Uda, S. Kasuga and Y. fructos-1-yl)-L-arginine, and antioxi-
Itakura. Immunomodulatory effects of dant compound identified in aged
aged garlic extract. J Nutr 2001; garlic extract. J Nutr 2001; 131{3s):
131{3s): 1075S-1079S. 972S-976S.
AS527 Horie, T., S. Awazu, Y. Itakura and T. AS538 Ariga, T., K. Tsuj, T. Seki, T.
Fuwa. Alleviation by garlic of antitu- Moritomo and J. I. Yamamoto.
mor drug-induced damage to the intes- Antithrombotic and antineoplastic
tine. J Nutr 2001; 131(3s): effects of phyto-organosulfur com-
1071S-1074S. pounds. Biofac tors 2000; 13 (1-4 ):
AS528 Knowles, L. M. and J. A. Milner. Pos- 251-255.
sible mechanism by which allyl sulfides AS539 Pedraza-Chaverri, J., M. D. Granados-
suppress neoplastic cell proliferation. J Silvestri, O. N. Medina-Campos, P. D.
Nutr 2001; 131{3s): 1061S-1066S. Maldonado, I. M. Olivares-Corichi
AS529 Pinto, J. T. and R. S. Rivlin. and M. E. Ibarra-Rubio. Post-transcrip-
Antiproliferative effects of allium de- tional control of catalase expression in

garlic-treated rats. Mol Cell Biochem sativum). Phytother Res 2000; 14(7):
2001; 216{1-2): 9-19. 564-567.
AS540 Shirin, H., J. T. Pinto, Y. Kawabata, J. AS547 Cho, B. H. and S. Xu. Effects of allyl
W. Soh, T. Delohery, S. F. Moss, V. mercapatan and various allium-deriveJ
Murty, R. S. Rivlin, P. R. Holt and I. compounds on cholesterol synthesis
B. Weinstein. Antiproliferative effects and secretion on Hep-G2 cells. Comp
of S-allylmercaptocysteine on colon Biochem Physiol C Toxieol
cancer cells when tested alone or in Pharmacol2000; 126(2): 195-20l.
combination with sulindac sulfide. AS548 Hong, Y. S., Y. A. Ham,J. H. Choi and
Cancer Res 2001; 61(2): 725-73l. J. Kim. Effects of allyl sulfur com-
AS541 Ghazanfari, T., Z. M. Hassan, M. pounds and garlic extract on the
Ebtekar, A. Ahmadiani, G. Naderi and expression of Bel-2, Bax, and p53 in
A. Azar. Garlic induces a shift in non small cell lung cancer cell lines.
cytokine pattern in Leishmania major- Exp Mol Med 2000; 32(3): 127-134.
infected BALB/c mice. Scand J AS549 Liu, L. and Y. Y. Yeh. Inhibition of
Immunol 2000; 52(5): 491-495. cholesterol biosynthesis by organo-
AS542 Pinto, J. T., C. Qiao, J. Xing, B. P. sulfur compounds derived from garlic.
Suffoletto, K. B. Schubert, R. S. Rivlin R. Lipids 2000; 35(2): 197-203.
F. Huryk, D.J. Bacichand W. D. Heston. AS550 Sasaki, J., T. Kita, K. Ishita, H.
Alterations of prostate biomarker expres- Uchisawa and H. Matsue. Antibacterial
sion and testosterone utilization in human activity of garlic powder against Escheri-
LNCaP prostatic carcinoma cells by gar- chia coli 0-157. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol
lic-derived S-allylmercaptocysteine. (Tokyo) 1999; 45(6): 785-790.
Prostate 2000; 45(4): 304-314. AS551 Pantoja, C. V., N. T. Martin, B. C.
AS543 Harris, J. c., S. Plummer, M. P. Turner Norris and C. M. Contreras. Purifica-
and D. Lloyd. The microaerophilic tion and bioassays of a diuretic and
flagellate Giardia intestinal is: Allium natriuretic fraction from garlic (Allium
sativum (garlic) is an effective sativum). J Ethnopharmacol 2000;
antigiardial. Microbiology 2000; 70(1): 35-40.
146(12): 3119-3127. AS552 Arivazhagan, S., S. Balasenthil and S.
AS544 Seki, T., K. Tsuji, Y. Hayato, T. Nagini. Modulatory effects of garlic and
Moritomo and T. Ariga. Garlic and neem leaf extracts on N-methyl-N'-ni-
onion oils inhibit proliferation and in- tro-N -nitrosoguanidine (MNN G) -in-
duce differentiation of HL-60 cells. duced oxidative stress in Wistar rats. Cell
Cancer Lett 2000; 160(1): 29-35. Biochem Funct 2000; 18(1): 17-21.
AS545 Pedraza-Chaverri, J., O. N. Medina- AS553 Kasuga, S., M. Ushijima, N. Morihara,
Campos, M. A. Granados-Silvestre, P. Y.ltakura and Y. Nakata. Effect of aged
D. Maldonado, I. M. Olivares-Corichi garlic extract (AGE) on hyperglycemia
and R. Hernandez-Pando. Garlic ame- induced by immobilization stress in
liorates hyperlipidemia in chronic mice. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi
aminonucleoside nephrosis. Mol Cell 1999; 114(3): 191-197.
Biochem 2000; 211{1-2): 69-77. AS554 Lee, J. H., H. S. Kang and J. Roh. Pro-
AS546 Samaranayake,M.D.,S.M. Wickramasinghe, tective effects of garlic juice against
P. Angunawela, S. Jayasekera, S. Iwai embryotoxicity of methylmercuric
and S. Fukushima. Inhibition of chloride administered to pregnant
chemically induced liver carcinogen- Fischer 344 rats. Yonsei Med J 1999;
esis in Wistar rats by garlic (Allium 40(5): 483-489.
4 Aloe vera
(L.) Burm. f.

Common Names
'Awa'awa Argentina Grahakanya India
Acibar Argentina Guarka-patha India
Aloe Argentina Gwar-patha India
Aloe Bimini Indian aloe Nepal
Aloe cactus Cook Islands Kathazhai India
Aloe Rodrigues Islands Korphad India
Aloe USA Kumari India
Aloe Venezuela Kumaro India
Aloes Argentina Kunvar pata India
Aloes Trinidad Kunwar India
Aloes vrai Tunisia Laloi Haiti
Aloes West Indies Laloi India
Alovis West Indies Laluwe Trinidad
Barbados aloe USA Laluwe West Indies
Barbados aloe India Lo-hoei Vietnam
Barbados aloe Nepal Lo-hoi Vietnam
Barbados aloe West Indies Lou-houey Vietnam
Bitter aloes Guyana Lu-chuy Vietnam
Bunga raja raja Malaysia Manjikattali India
Chirukattali India Mediterranean aloe West Indies
Curacao aloe West Indies Murr sbarr Tunisia
Dickwar India Musabar India
Gawar India Panini India
Ghai kunwar India Rapahoe India
Ghai kunwrar India Sabar Saudi Arabia
Ghee-kanwar India Saber Jordan
Gheekuar India Sabila Canary Islands
Ghikanvar India Sabila Guatemala
Ghikuar Pakistan Sabila Malaysia
Ghikumar India Sabila Nicaragua
Ghikumari India Sabila Puerto Rico
Ghikwar India Sabilla Cuba
Ghiu kumari Nepal Sabilla West Indies
Ghrit kumari India Sabr Saudi Arabia
Ghrita kumari India Saqal Oman
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Savila Mexico Wan-hangchorakhe Thailand

Savila Peru Yaa dam Thailand
Savilla Bolivia Yadam Thailand
Semper vivum West Indies Zabila Canary Islands
Siang-tan Vietnam Zabila Mexico
Sob bar Jordan Zabila Panama
Tuna Panama Zabila Venezuela
Waan haang charakhe Thailand

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION Canary Islands. Fresh fruit juice (unripe) is

A short-stemmed succulent perennial herb taken orally as an antiasthmatic and
of the LILIACEAE family, the succulent purgativeAV141. Infusion of fresh leaf juice is
leaves are crowded on the top of their stems, taken orally as a laxative, for dental caries,
spreading grayish green and glaucous; spot- and as a teniafugeAV124.
ted when young, 20 to 50 cm long, 3 to 5 cm China. Hot water extract of leaf juice is
wide at the base, tapering gradually to the taken orally as an emmenagogue AV021 .
pointed tip, 1 to 2.5 cm thick; having spiny Cook Islands. Fresh sap, in water, is taken
edges and bitter latex inside. Flowers are orally regularly, to prevent high blood pres-
borne in cylindrical terminal racemes on sure, cancer and diabetes. Externally it is
central flower stalks,S to 100 cm high. The used to treat burns and cutsAV045.
yellow perianth is divided into 6 lobes, Cuba. Water extract of leaf pulp is taken as
about 2.5 cm long, with scattered bracts. an emmenagogue AV125 .
Each flower has 6 protruding stamens and Egypt. Fresh leaf juice, administered
three-celled ovary with long style. Forms of intravaginally, is a contraceptive before or
the species vary in sizes of leaves and colors after coitus. Data was obtained as a result of
of flowers. questioning 1200 puerperal women about
their knowledge of birth control methods.
52.3% practiced a method, and 47.6% of
Aloe vera is native to North Africa, the these depend on indigenous methods and/
Mediterranean region of southern Europe, or prolonged lactationAV16J.
and to the Canary Islands. It is now culti-
England. Hot water extract of dried leaves
vated throughout the West Indies, tropical
with a mixture of Zingiber officinale, Mentha
America, and the tropics in general.
phlegium (essential oil), Ipomoea purga,
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES Glycyrrhiza glabra and Canella alba is taken
Argentina. Hot water extract of leaves is orally for amenorrheaAVl14.
taken orally to induce abortion and to Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried
facilitate menstruationAV015. leaves is used externally for wounds, ulcers,
Bimini. Leaf juice is used externally for skin bruises, sores, skin eruptions, erysipelas, der-
irritations, cuts, boils and sunburnAvo95. matitis, inflammations, burns, abscesses,
Bolivia. Fresh leaf juice is used as an anal- furuncles and scrofulaAvlll.
gesic topically for burns and wounds. Orally, Haiti. Hot water extract of dried leaves is
the juice is used as a laxative Av1l6 . taken orally as a purgative, for diabetes and
Brazil. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally as an intestinal wormsAVl01.
anthelmintic and febrifuge. Infusion of dried India. Decoction of dried leaves is taken
root is taken orally to treat colicAv142. orally to induce abortionAVOJ5 and for sexual

vitalityAV121. The dried leaf juice is taken Puerto Rico. Drink made from fresh leaf
orally as an emmenagogueAV131. Decoction pulp of Aloe vera and fruit pulp of Genipa
of root is taken orally for venereal disease americana is a popular remedy for colds AvllB .
and externally it is used to treat Saudi Arabia. Hot water extract of dried
woundsAvoBl. Fresh fruit juice (unripe) is aerial parts is taken orally for liver com-
taken orally as a laxative, cathartic and for plaints and piles, as an emetic and anti-
feversAv176. Fresh leaves are crushed and pyretic, against tumors, for enlarged
applied locally for guinea wormsAVOB3. Hot spleen, as a cooling agent and purgative,
water extract of dried entire plant is taken and for diabetes, skin diseases and
orally as an emmenagogue, purgative, an- asthmaAv14o. Hot water extract of dried
thelmintic, and stomachic, for liver and leaves is taken orally for functional steril-
spleen enlargement and piles. Hot water ity, amenorrhea, piles, thermal burns, con-
extract of fresh plant juice is taken orally stipation, flatulence, intestinal worms and
for inflammation and amenorrheaAV139 . The diabetes, to treat functional sterility,
pulp of the plant is mixed together with salt amenorrhea, constipation and piles. Exter-
and fermented sugar cane juice then taken nally the extract is used for burns AV123 .
orally to treat pain and inflammation of the South Korea. Hot water extract of whole
bodyAvo4B. Hot water extract of leaf juice is dried plant is taken orally as a contracep-
taken orally as a cathartic; pregnant women tive, an abortifacient and emmenagogue.
should not use itAV005. Leaf pulp is taken Use of the extract is contraindicated dur-
orally regularly for 10 days by women to ing pregnancyAV122.
prevent conceptionAvo77 . Leaf juice is taken Switzerland. Hot water extract of the leaf
orally to treat viral jaundice. The juice is is taken orally as an abortifacientAVoo3 .
taken twice daily for 3 daysAVOB1. Taiwan. Decoction of dried leaves is taken
Malaysia. Hot water extract of leaf juice is orally to treat hepatitis AVOB \
taken orally as a cholagogue and Thailand. Fresh leaf juice is used on
emmenagogueAV017. Hot water extract of burnsAv125. Hot water extract of dried resin
leaves is taken orally as an emmenagogue AVOO2 . is taken orally as a catharticAV17B.
Mexico. Fresh stem juice is taken orally for Trinidad. Gum is taken orally as an
diabetesAvo31. Infusion of dried leaves is taken abortifacientAVo26.
orally to treat ulcersAvo36. Tunisia. Hot water extract of the dried leaf
Nepal. Fresh leaf pulp is taken orally to is taken orally for diabetes, and to treat
relieve amenorrhea. 10-15 gm of leaf pulp is problems of venous circulation. Externally,
given with sugar or honey once a dayAvo49. the extract is used for eczemaAVll9.
Hot water extract of dried entire plant is USA. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally for
taken orally as a purgative and to terminate stomach ulcers, and externally to heal
pregnancyAVI02 . woundsAv167. Fluidextract of the leaf juice is
Panama. Fresh leaf, crushed with egg white, taken orally as an emmenagogueAV016. Hot
is taken orally as a laxative and demulcent. water extract of dried leaves is taken orally
Sap is taken orally for stomach ulcers and as a catharticAV177 . Hot water extract of gum
externally for erysipelas and to treat swell- is taken orally as an emmenagogue to pro-
ings caused by injuriesAvo9B. mote and stimulate menstruationAV157.
Peru. Hot water extract of fresh leaves is Water extract of leaves is used externally for
taken orally for asthma, as a purgative, and insect bites, myopathies, arthritis, topical
antivenin. Externally, the extract is used as ulcers and other skin conditionsAvo22. Hot
an antiseptic for washing woundsAV136 . water extract is taken orally to increase

menstrual flow; the extract should be Aloe emodin: LfAV197,AV186

avoided during pregnancyAV053. Aloe polypeptides (MW 4,000-70,000): LfAV183
Aloe vera compound HM: Lf 7.S%AV021
Venezuela. Bitter latex is taken orally as a
Aloe vera compound LM: Lf 47.S%AV021
laxativeAvol4. Hot water extract of leaves is
Aloeferon: GelAV195
taken orally as an emmenagogueAV025. Aloemannan: LfAV214
Vietnam. Sap is taken orally as an Aloenin: PIAV151
emmenagogue AV012 . Aloeride: JUAV202
West Indies. Gum is taken orally as an Aloesin: LfAV198
abortifacientAVo96. Leaf juice is taken orally Aloesone: PIAV150
as an emmenagogue, anthelmintic and Aloetic acid: PIAV151
Aloetin: PIAV151
purgativeAVOIJ. Yellow latex from the epider-
Aloetinic acid: PIAV152
mis is taken orally to prevent syphilis, as a
Aloin A,7 -hydroxy-6'-0-para-coumaroyl:
purgative, to improve appetite, for intesti- LfAV185
nal worms, and to promote menstrual flow. Aloin B,7 -hydroxy-6'-0-para-coumaroyl:
Externally, split leaves are applied to LfAV185
wounds to promote healingAVo96. Aloin: LfAV074
Aloinose: PIAV151
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Aloins: PI 27_30%AV151
l,8-Dihydroxyanthracene: PIAV151 Alpha cellulose: PIAV151
1-1-2-Triphenyl cyclopropane: GelAV037 Aluminum: Lf 22AV153
1-1-Bis-(2-hydroxy-3-S-dimethyl-phenyl)-2- Anthranol: LfAV197
methyl propane: GelAV037 Anthraquinone glycoside: PIAV151
12-Methyl tridecanoic acid methyl ester: Anthraquinones: PIAV151
GelAV037 Anthrol: PIAV151
13-Methyl pentadecanoic acid methyl ester: Apoise: PIAV151
GelAV037 Arabinan: PIAV151
14-Methyl pentadecanoic acid methyl ester: Arabinose: LfAV187
GelAV037 Arachidic acid methyl ester: GelAV037
.1S-Methyl hexadecanoic acid: GelAV037 Arachidonic acid: AerAV196
16-Methyl heptadecanoic acid methyl ester: Arginine: LfAV187
GelAV037 Ascorbic acid: Lf 0.63%AV153
2(3H)-Benzothiazolone: GelAV037 Asparagine: Lf 344 micromolsAV187
2-Methyl-2-phytyl-6-chromanol: PIAV151 Aspartic acid: Lf 237 micromolsAV187
3-3'-Bis para methane: GelAV037 Barbaloin: PIAV120
4-4- D i methyl-3 -(2 -4- S-tri methoxy- Behenic acid methyl ester: GelAV037
phenyl)pentanoic acid ethyl ester: Benzaldehyde,4-hyd roxy- 3-S-d i -tert -butyl:
GelAV037 GelAV037
7-Hydroxyaloin: PIAV150 Benzylacetone: PIAV151
7 -Hydroxy-chromone: PIAV151 Beta barbaloin: LfAV003
8-Methyl-tocol: PIAV151 Beta carotene: PI 7.2.mcgigmAV179
8-01eic acid methyl ester: GelAV037 Beta sitosterol: Lf 148 micromolsAV187
9-Propanoyl-methoxy-methyl phenanthrene: Calcium oxalate: LfAV179
GeI AV037 Campesterol: Lf 12.4 micromolsAV187
Acemannan: LfAV182,AV194 Carbohydrates: Lf 89.6%AV153
Alanine: Lf 177 micromolsAV187 Casanthranol-I: PIAV151
Aloctin I: LfAV212 Casanthranol-II: PIAV151
Aloctin II: LfAV212 Catalase: PIAV151
Alocutin A: PIAV151 Cholesterol: Lf 10.8 micromolsAV187, 5t EO
Aloe emodin anthranol: PIAV150 7.2 mcgigmAV179

Choline salicyclate: PIAV151 Hydroxy proline: Lf JUAV187

Choline: PIAV151 Hydroxymethylanthraquinone: PIAV151
Chromium: LfAV153 Isobarbaloin: PIAV154
Chrysamminic acid: PIAV151 Iso-citric acid: LfAV181
Chrysazin: LfAV148 Iso-leucine: Lf 65 micromolsAV154
Chrysophanic acid: PIAV120 Kilocalories: Lf 2BOOAV153
Chrysophanol glycoside: PIAV151 L-asparagine: PIAV151
Chrysophanol: PIAV151 Lauric acid methyl ester: GeAV037
Cobalt: LfAV153 Lauric acid: GelAV037
Coniferyl alcohol: PIAV151 Leucine: Lf 53 micromolsAV187
Coumarin acid, para: LfAV018 Lignin: PIAV151
Cycloeicosane: GelAV037 Linoleic acid ethyl ester: GeI AV037
Cysteine: LfAV138 Linoleic acid: GelAV037
Cystine: Lf JuAV187 Lupeol: Lf 66.1 micromolsAV187
Decyl cyclohexane: GelAV037 Lysine: Lf 53 micromolsAV187
Dehydro-abietal: GelAV037 Lysophosphatidyl inositol: AerAVl96
Dehydro-abietic acid methyl ester: GelAV037 Magnesium: Lf 930AV153
D-freidooleanan-3-one: GelAV037 Manganese: Lf 6AV153
D-galactan: PIAV151 Mannose: Lf B.3 mmolsAV187
D-galactose: LfAV191 Margaric acid methyl ester: GelAV037
D-galactouronic acid: PIAV151 Margaric acid: GelAV037
D-glucitol: PIAV151 Mono-octyl phthalate: GelAV037
D-glucose: LfAV191 M-protocatechuic aldehyde: PIAV151
Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate: PIAV151 Mucilage (aloe vera): LfAV198
Dibutyl phthalate: GelAV037 Mucopolysaccharides: PIAV151
Diethylhexylphthalate: PIAV205 Myristic acid methyl ester: GelAV037
Diheptyl phthalate: GelAV037 Myristic acid: GelAV037
Dioctyl phthalate: GelAV037 Nataloin: PIAV151
D-mannose: LfAV191 N-docosane: GelAV037
Dodecyl benzene: GelAV037 N-eicosane: GelAV037
Emodin: PIAV151 N-heneicosane: GelAV037
Fat: Lf BOOO AV1 53 N-heptadecane: GelAV037
Fiber: Lf 17.7%AV153 N-hexadecane: GelAV037
Formic acid: PIAV151 Niacin: Lf 64AV153
Fructose: Lf, 5t, EOAV179 N-nonadecane: GelAV037
Galactan (Aloe vera): Lf Pu 0.01 %AV192 N-octadecane: GelAV037
Galactose: LfAV187 Nonadec-1-ene: GelAV037
Gluco-galacto mannan (Aloe vera): LfAV191 Nonadec-trans-5-ene: GelAV037
Glucomannan (Aloe vera): Lf PuAV193 Octadec-1-ene: GelAV037
Glucosamine: PIAV151 Octadec-7-enoic acid: GelAV037
Glucose: Lf 21.2 mmolsAV187 Octadeca-1 0-13-dienoic acid methyl ester:
Glutamic acid: Lf 294 micromolsAV187 GelAV037
Glutamine: LfAV187 Octadeca-6-9-dienoic acid methyl ester:
Glycerol: PIAV151 GelAV037
Glycine: Lf 67 micromolsAV187 Octadeca-9-12-dienoic acid methyl ester:
Hecogenin: PIAV151 GelAV037
Heneicosanoic acid methyl ester: GelAV037 Oleic acid ethyl ester: GelAV037
Heptadec-1-ene: GelAV037 Oleic acid methyl ester: GeI AVl96
Hexauronic acid: PIAV151 Oleic acid: AerAVl96
Histidine: LfAV187 Oligosaccharide (aloe vera): Lf PUAV190
Homonataloin: PIAV151 Oxidase: PIAV151
Hydrocinnamic acid: PIAV151 Palmitic acid ethyl ester: GelAV037

Palmitic acid methyl ester: GelAV037 Valine: Lf 109 micromolsAV187

Palmitic acid: GelAV037 Xylose: LfAV187
Palmitoleic acid methyl ester: GelAV037
Palmitoleic acid: GelAV037
P-coumaric acid: PIAV151 AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Pectic acid: PIAV151 Abortifacient effect. Ethanol (95%), water,
Pentadecanoic acid: GelAV037 and petroleum ether extracts of fresh leaves,
Phosphatidic acid: AerAVl96 administered orally to female rats at doses of
Phosphatidyl choline: AerAV196
150.0, 150.0, and 100.0 mg/kg, respectively,
Phosphatidyl ethanolamine: AerAV196
were inactiveAV158.
Phosphatidyl inositol: AerAVl96
Phosphatidyl serine: AerAV196 Adjuvant activity. Aqueous (dialyzed) frac-
Phosphorus: Lf 6_940AV153 tion of freeze-dried leaf juice, administered
Phytosterols: PIAV151 intraperitoneally to mice at variable dosage
P-Methoxybenzylacetone: PIAV151 levels, was activeAV068.
P-methoxy-hydrocinnamic acid: PIAV151 Alkalinizing activity. Undiluted fresh leaf
Polyphenols: PIAV151 juice, applied externally on female adults
Polysaccharide (Aloe vera):
LfAV180,AV188,AV189 with dermatitis caused by X-ray treatment,
was activeAV161.
Polyuronide: PIAV151
Proline: Lf 29 micromolsAV187 Analgesic activity. Ethanol (95%) ex-
Protein: Lf Ju 2.S%AV187 tract of aerial parts, administered
Proteinase: PIAV151 intragastrically to mice at a dose of 500.0
Pteroylglutamic acid: PIAV151 mg/kg, was active vs hot plate methodAvo67.
Quinone: PIAV151 Fresh leaf gel, at a concentration of
Resin: PIAV155 0.125% formulated into toothpaste that
Rhamnose: LfAV187
also contained sodium fluoride, was
Rhein: PIAV151
Riboflavin: LfAV153 equivocal. Alleviation of root pain was not
Sapogenin: PIAV151 significantly greater in treatment group vs
Saponins: PIAV155 controlsAvo42. Fresh leaf pulp, used exter-
Selenium: Lf 23AV153 nally on patients with chronic and acute
Serine: Lf 224 micromolsAV187 athletic injuries 3 times per week for 3
Silicon: Lf 22AV153 weeks, was activeAvo66. Water extract of
Spingomyelin: AerAV196 dried leaf juice, administered intraperito-
Stearic acid ethyl ester: GelAV037
neally to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
Stearic acid: GelAV037
Stigmasterol: AerAV196
active vs tail flick response to radiant
Sulfoquinovosyl diglyceride: AerAV196 heat AVll7 . Water extract of fresh leaf juice,
Tetradecyl benzene: GelAV037 administered subcutaneously to mice at a
Thiamin: Lf 0.8AV153 dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active. Decoloriz-
Threitol: PIAV151 ing Aloe vera extract was given daily for 7
Threonine: Lf 123 micromolsAV187 days to normal and diabetic test groups.
Tin: Lf 11AV153 The treated normal group showed a dou-
Tricosanoic acid methyl ester: GelAV037
bling of the time to pain response relative
Tridecyl benzene: GelAV037
to untreated diabetics (13.7 vs 10.7 sec-
Trihydroxymethylanthraquinone: PIAV151
Triolein: AerAV037 onds) vs carrageenin-induced pedal edema
Tyrosine: Lf 28 micromolsAV187 and hot plate methodAvo62.
Undecyl cyclohexane: GelAV037 Anesthetic activity (local). Undiluted
Uronic acid: PIAV151 fresh leaf juice was active as an analgesic

for insect stings on human adults. The bio- acute third degree burns, was activeAV160.
logical activity has been patentedAvo99. Undiluted leaf gel, applied externally, was
Anti-asthmatic activity. Fresh leaf extract, inactive. Twelve volunteers received UVB
administered orally to human adults, was irradiation from a light pen at 2 sites on
active AVI3B . each arm. Aloe leaf gel was applied to 2 sites
Antibacterial activity. Chromatographic on 1 arm. Blood flow and redness of irradi-
fraction of fresh leaves, on agar plate, was ated areas did not differ from controls at 6
active on Bacillus subtilis Av134. Decoction of and 24 hours post_burnAvoBo. Water extract
dried fruit, on agar plate, produced weak ac- of dried leaves, applied externally to third
tivity on Streptococcus mutans, MIC 62.5 degree burns induced by X-rays on rats at a
mg/mlAvo70. Dried entire plant juice, on agar concentration of 10.0%, was active. The
plate, was active on Proteus vulgaris and inner rind of the leaf was dried before being
Pseudomonas aeruginosaAV 120 . Ethanol (95%) extractedAv160.
and water extracts of leaves, on agar plate, Anticancer activity. Aloe-emodin, a
were inactive on Escherichia coli and Staphy- hydroxyanthraquinone present in the
lococcus aureusAV020. Fresh leaf juice, at a con- leaves, has a specific in vitro and in vivo
centration of 1:50 on agar plate, was active antineuroectodermal tumor activity. The
on Streptococcus pyogenes, Corynebacterium growth of human neuroectodermal tumors
xerosis and Staphylococcus aureUSj and inac- was inhibited in mice with severe com-
tive on Escherichia coli and Salmonella bined immunodeficiency without any
schottmuelleri. The activity was lost quickly appreciable toxic effects on the animals.
as the juice darkened in color. Whole leaf The compound does not inhibit the prolif-
minus the juice, the leaf mesophyll and leaf eration of normal fibroblasts or that of
epidermis was devoid of activityAV156. Tinc- hemopoietic progenitor cells. The cytotox-
ture of dried leaves, at a concentration of icity mechanism consists of the induction
30.0 ml/disk (10 gm of leaves in 100 ml of apoptosis, whereas the selectivity against
ethanol) on agar plate, was inactive on neuroectodermal tumor cells is found on a
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and specific energy-dependent pathway of drug
Staphylococcus aureus AV137 . Undiluted fresh incorporationAv20B.
leaf juice, in broth culture, was active on Antichemopreventive effects. Gel
Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter species, Escheri- extract was evaluated using in vitro short-
chia coli, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus term screening methods associated with
aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Strepto- both initiation and promotion processes in
coccus pyogenes, and inactive on Klebsiella carcinogenesis. In B[a]P-DNA adduct for-
speciesAVlOl . mation, 180 micrograms/ml of the extract
Antiburn effect. Dried entire plant juice, inhibited B[a]P binding to DNA in mouse
applied externally to guinea pigs, was active liver cells. Oxidative damage by 8-
vs experimental burnAV120. Fresh undiluted hydroxydeoxyguanosine was significantly
leaf juice, applied externally to human decreased by the extract. In screening anti-
adults of both sexes, was active. Three cases tumor promoting effect, the extract sig-
of burn caused by hot water and 2 cases of nificantly inhibited phorbol myristic
severe sunburn were treatedAv103 . Undiluted acetate-induced ornithine decarboxylase
fresh leaf juice, applied externally to human activity in Balb/3T3 cells. In addition, the
adults of both sexes with X-ray-induced extract significantly inhibited phorbol
ulcers, was activeAV162. Undiluted fresh leaf myristic acetate-induced tyrosine kinase
juice, applied topically to X-ray-induced, activity in human leukemic cells. Superox-

ide anion formation was also significantly Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Hot

inhibited AV213 . water extract of dried leaf juice, adminis-
Anticomplement activity. Aqueous (dia- tered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.5
lyzed) fraction of freeze-dried leaf juice, at a gm/kg for 7 days, was active. A mixture of
concentration of 300.0 mg/ml, was active on Nigella sativa, Commiphora, Ferula assafoe-
human serum. Inhibition of alternate path- tida, Aloe vera, and Boswellia serrata vs
way complement activity was observed. The streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia test-
effect resulted from depletion of comple- ed the effectAV065.
ment factor 3AV068. Water extract and Antihyperglycemic activity. Twenty-five
polysaccharide fraction ofleaves were active percent aqueous extract of decoction and
in human serum AV133 . Water extract of fresh hot water extract of dried leaves, adminis-
leaves, at variable concentrations, was tered intragastrically to mice at a dose of 0.5
activeAV021. ml/animal, were inactive vs alloxan-in-
Anticrustacean activity. Ethanol (95%) duced hyperglycemiaAVl2l . Chromatographic
extract of dried plant juice was inactive on fraction of a commercial sample of leaves,
Artemia salina. The assay system was intended administered intraperitoneally to mice at a
to predict for antitumor activityAVo29. dose of 5.0 mg/kg daily for 4 days, was active
Antidiabetic effect. Leaf pulp and gel vs alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. Leaf
extracts, administered orally to non-dia- exudate, administered intragastrically to
betic, Type I and type II diabetic rats, were mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inactive.
ineffective on lowering the blood sugar level When administered twice daily for 4 days,
in non-diabetic rats. The leaf pulp extract the exudate was active vs alloxan-induced
showed hypoglycemic activity on type I hyperglycemiaAvo7Z . Fresh leaf gel, adminis-
and type II rats. The effectiveness being tered intragastrically to male rats at a dose
enhanced for type II diabetes in comparison of 2.0 ml/kg, was inactive. The gel did not
with glibenclamide. On the contrary, the lower blood glucose in alloxan treated rats.
leaf gel extract showed hyperglycemic activ- Blood glucose rose with the treatmentAV044.
ity on type II rats. It has been concluded Fresh sap, administered intragastrically to
from this study that the leaves devoid of the mice at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was active vs
gel could be useful in the treatment of non- alloxan-induced hyperglycemiaAvo69. When
insulin dependent diabetes mellitusAv2ol. administered orally to 5 diabetic patients for
Antifertility effect. Ethanol (95%) and pe- 4-14 weeks, the sap was activeAV069. Hot
troleum ether extracts of leaves, adminis- water extract of dried leaf juice, adminis-
tered orally to female mice, were active. tered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.5
Positive data was reported, but they are of gm/kg for 7 days, was active. The effect was
questionable significance to fertility regula- tested by a mixture of Nigella sativa,
tion. Water extract was inactive. Ethanol Commiphora, Ferula assafoetida, Aloe vera,
(95%), water and petroleum ether extracts and Boswellia serrata vs streptozotocin-
of root, administered orally to female mice, induced hyperglycemia Avo65 .
were inactiveAV006. Anti-implantation effect. Ethanol (95%)
Antifungal activity. Anthraquinone frac- and petroleum ether extracts of leaves,
tion of fresh leaf juice, on agar plate, was administered orally to female rats, were
active on Trichophyton mentagrophytesAV04J. active. Positive data was reported, but they
Dried juice from entire plant, applied exter- are of questionable significance to fertility
nally to human adults, was active in treat- regulation. The water extract was
ing trichophytiasisAvI20. inactiveAV006. Ethanol (95%) extract of leaf

pulp, administered orally to female rats at croton oil-induced edemaAvo79. When

a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was inactiveAV009. administered subcutaneously to rats at a
Ethanol (95%), water and petroleum ether dose of 25.0 mg/kg, the extract was active vs
extracts of root, administered orally to mustard-induced pedal edema, 46%
female mice, were inactiveAV006. decrease in paw volume; when combined
Anti-inflammatory activity. Water extract with 1.0 mg/kg hydrocortisone, 66%
of fresh leaf juice, applied externally to mice decrease in paw volume; 86% inhibition of
at a concentration of 1.0%, was active. edema for combination with 0.1 % hydro-
Decolorized Aloe vera extract was applied cortisone vs croton oil-induced edemaAvo79.
to the ear 30 minutes after the application Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of fresh leaves,
of croton oil. The extract reduced ear swell- administered subcutaneously to mice at a
ing by 67% relative to controlsAvo61. The dose of 150.0 mg/kg, was active vs croton
extract was also active in rats vs mustard- oil-induced edemaAvl48. Fresh leaf pulp,
induced pedal edema. Inhibition of edema administered via drinking water and
was greater with RNA and vitamin C added. intragastrically to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg,
When administered subcutaneously to rats were active vs croton oil-induced ear
at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, the extract was swelling. A time study showed that food
active. Decolorized Aloe vera extract was grade Aloe vera administration reduced
given 1 day before induction of edema by swelling to a large degree when used over
plantar injection of 2% mustard solution. A a 21-day period as opposed to 7 or 14 days.
60% reduction of edema was seen in treated Decolorized Aloe vera was inactive when
diabetic animals relative to untreated dia- administered through the drinking water
betics vs carrageenin-induced pedal edema. as well as intragastrically. A dose of 150.0
A dose of 400 mg/kg was inactive vs cotton mg/kg, administered subcutaneously to
pellet granulomaAvo58. Ethanol (95%) rats, was active vs gelatin, kaolin-, albu-
extract of fresh leaf juice, applied externally min-, carrageenin-, dextran-, and mus-
on mice, was active vs croton oil-induced tard-induced pedal edemaAvo75. Leaf juice,
edema and carrageenin-induced pedal injected into mice at a dose of 10.0%, was
edemaAvo43. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of active. Inflammation was introduced by
leaf juice, applied externally to mice at a the administration of air under the skin
concentration of 5.0%, was active vs croton producing a pouch followed by adminis-
oil-induced edemaAvoo4. Fresh leaf gel, tration of 1% carrageenin directly into the
administered intraperitoneally to male rats 7 -day-old air pouch, which produced an
at a dose of 2.0 ml/kg, was active vs carrag- inflammation characterized by an increase
eenin-induced pedal edemaAvo4o. Fresh leaf in mast cells and wall vascularity. After
juice, administered by means of injection to administration of the extract, vascularity
50 patients with first-third stage of was reduced by 50% and the number of
parodontosis, yielded a satisfactory effect mast cells was decreased by 48%AV090.
only in the first and second stages of the dis- Water extract of dried leaves, adminis-
ease. The content of calcium elevated in the tered subcutaneously to male mice at a
blood serum in parodontosis normalizes in dose of 20.0 mg/kg, was activeAV076. Water
the treatment with Aloe extract AV1J5 . Fresh extract of fresh leaf gel (undiluted) was
leaf juice, applied externally to female mice active when applied externally on human
at a dose of 5.0%, was active vs croton oil- adultsAVl49. Fresh leaf gel, applied exter-
induced edemaAV07J. The decolorized extract, nally on mice at a dose of 300.0 mg/kg,
at a concentration of 1.0%, was active vs was activeAvo33.

Antileukemic effect. The effect of Antitumor activity. Acid/water extract of

diethylhexylphthalate on apoptosis of dried leaves, administered subcutaneously
human leukemic cell lines K562, HL60 and to mice of both sexes at a dose of 0.005
U937 was investigated for its pharmacologi- gm/kg, and dried-leaf, administered as a
cal activity. At doses of 10 microgram/ml powdered suspension at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg,
diethylhexylphthalate a significant anti- were inactive on Sarcoma 3?AVI77. Dried
leukemic effect was observed for all of the juice from the entire plant, administered
cell lines, as measured by clonogenic assay. intraperitoneally to mice, was active on
After treatment with 10 microgram/ml for 4 CA-Ehrlich-Ascites and Sarcoma 180
hours, agarose gel electrophoresis and flow (solidyvl20. Leaf gel of dried gland (ink),
cytometric analysis confirmed the occur- administered intraperitoneally to male mice
rence of apoptosis. These results indicated at doses of 10.0 and 50.0 mg/kg, were inac-
that diethylhexylphthalate extracted from tive on Sarcoma 180 (solid). The relative
Aloe vera has a potent antileukemic effect, change in the tumor weight was not statisti-
and thus represents a new type of pharma- cally significantAVOJ8.
cological activity with respect to human Antiulcer activity. Aqueous slurry (homo-
leukemic cellsAv205. genate) of dried exudate, administered by
Antileukopenic activity. Dried entire gastric intubation to rats at doses of 0.5 and
plant juice was active vs cobalt-60 or X-ray 1 gm/kg, was inactive vs phenylbutazone-,
radiationAvl2o. cysteamine-, and reserpine-induce ulcers;
Antimutagenic acitivity. Diethylhexylph- the 500.0 mg/kg dose was inactive vs stress-
thaI ate produce anti-mutagenic activity on induced ulcers. Aqueous slurry (homoge-
Salmonella typhimurium mutation assay. The nate) of fresh leaves, administered by gastric
number of mutant colonies of Salmonella intubation to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was
typhimurium strain T A98 upon exposure to inactive vs phenylbutazone- and cysteam-
AF-2 (0.2 microgram/plate) decreased in a ine-induced ulcers; a dose of 0.5 gm/kg was
concentration-dependent manner in the inactive vs aspirin-, reserpine-, and stress-
presence of different concentrations of induced (restraint) ulcersAvl26. Fresh leaf gel,
diethylhexylphthalate. Concentrations of administered intragastrically to male rats at
100, 50, 10, 5, and 1 microgram/plate, a dose of 2.0 ml/kg, was inactive. The gel
reduced AF-2-induced mutagenicity at did not prevent ethanol-induced or cold-
91.5%, 89.0%, 80.0%, 77.5%, and 57.4%, restraint gastric ulcers. Also, neither pre nor
respectivelyAV206. post-treatment accelerated healing of
Antimycobacterial activity. Ethanol ulcersAvo44. Fresh leaf pulp juice, adminis-
(95%) and water extracts of fresh leaves, tered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 2.0
in broth culture, was active on Mycobacte- ml/animal daily for 7 days after induction of
rium tuberculosisAvol8. Ethanol (95%) and lesions, was active vs stress-induced
water extracts, of leaves on agar plate, were (restraint) ulcers and aspirin-induced
inactive on Mycobacterium tuberculosis Avo20 . ulcersAVIIJ. Blended fresh leaf pulp, adminis-
Ethyl acetate extract of dried leaves, on tered orally to rats at a dose of 2.0 ml/ani-
agar plate, was active on Mycobacterium mal twice daily for 6 days, was active. Ulcer
tuberculosis A VOI9. reduction of 50% relative to control was
Antipyretic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract observed vs aspirin-induced ulcers AvI04 .
of aerial parts, administered intragastrically Water extract of leaf pulp, administered
to mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active orally to rats at a dose of 4.0 ml/animal, was
vs yeast-induced pyrexiaAvo67. active. Gastric ulcers were produced by

forced immobilization. The effect was both biological actiVity reported has been
prophylactic and therapeuticAvo23 . patentedAvl28.
Antiviral activity (plant pathogens). Antiyeast activity. Ethanol (60%) extract
Ethanol (95%) extract of dried leaves, in of dried leaves, on agar plate, was inactive
cell culture, was active on distortion on Candida albicans Av091 • Tincture (extract of
ringspot, mild mosaic and ringspot 10 gm leaves in 100 ml ethanol), at a con-
virusesAVl52. centration of 30 microliters/disk on agar
Antiviral activity. Aloe polymannose, a plate, was inactive AV137 . Undiluted fresh leaf
high mannose biological response modifier juice, in broth culture, was active on Can-
purified from the plant, was tested for ac- dida albicansAvlol.
tivity in enhancing antibody titres against Aphthous stomatitis effect. An open study
coxsackie virus B3 and coxsackie virus B3- was performed with 31 pediatric outpatients;
induced myocarditis in murine models of age 6-14 years, affected by mouth ulcers. For
the disease. Inoculation of mice with the each case, data on case history and clinical
polymannose over a range of 3 nontoxic profile, patterns of the lesion, presence of
doses and in varying schedules did not spontaneous or provoked pain were col-
reduce virus titres in heart tissues or ame- lected at baseline, and a bioadhesive patch
liorate virus-induced cardiopathological ("Alovex patch") was administered on the
alterations during acute disease. However, basis of a daily regimen of not less than 3
the biological response modifier was found patches for 4 days. Data on modification of
to significantly enhanced titres of anti- the above-mentioned parameters, with
coxsackie virus- B3 antibodies produced patients and physicians opinion on the
during acute infection of 3 strains of mice therapeutical efficacy, were collected during
with coxsackie virus- B3. Simultaneous a control visit (4 days later). Moreover, by
intraperitoneal inoculation of the poly- means of a daily diary, patients recorded
mannose, at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg body information on the course of the symptoms
weight per mouse with purified coxsackie during the 4 days and were also asked to
virus-B3, significantly increased ELISA compare the current treatment with other
titres of anti-coxsackie virus-B3 antibodies previous therapies. At the control visit
and the proportion of mice with these 77% of the patients have shown a marked
titres, compared with similar parameters in resolution of spontaneous pain, while in the
mice inoculated only with coxsackie virus- other patients, pain was significantly
B3. The data indicated that the poly- decreased to a mild or moderate level. No
mannose can immunopotentiate antibody one declared to suffer from severe pain. Also,
production against capsid protein epitopes provoked pain resulted to be significantly
of a nonenveloped picornvirus and suggest decreased after treatment. Global efficacy
this biological response marker might be of was judged positively, being the therapeutic
benefit in enhancing antibody titres effect in more than 80% of cases as evalu-
against other enteroviruses during a natu- ated by physicians and patients. A positive
ral infection and poliovirus vaccine improvement of symptomatology started
strains AV20i . within the second day of treatment in 74%
Antiviral activity. Anthraquinone fraction of the patients. The compliance (adhesive,
of fresh leaf juice, in cell culture, was active acceptability and palatability) of the formu-
on herpes simplex virus (HSY) 1AV04J. lation was judged largely favorable in more
Methanol extract of dried leaves, applied than 90% of the patients. The results of the
externally, was active on HSY 1 and 2. The investigation underlined the efficacy and

compliance of the patch for the treatment of 5 days of therapy and reduced hospital cost
aphtous stomatitis; also the limit of topical by 8%. The ointment is as effective as the
available therapies, linked to the "contact conventional management but is not the
time", to develop their therapeutic action, panacea for all burn wounds. The use of the
seems not to be evinced on the basis of this ointment eases the management of face and
investigation, so the application of this neck burns and facilitates early institution
patch seems to be more easy and of occupational therapy in hand burns. It
beneficialAv209. confers better pain relief such that fewer
Arachidonate metabolism inhibition. opiates are used during the first 5 days after
Anthraquinone fraction of fresh leaf juice burn injuryAV21B.
was active on calf skinAv043 . Cardiac depressant activity. Tincture of
ATP-ase (Na+/K+) inhibition. Anthra- leaf juice produced weak activity in rabbit
quinone fraction of fresh leaf juice increases heart perfusionAvOO4 .
permeability across colonic mucosaAV043. Cell attachment enhancement effect.
Bradykinin antagonist activity. Exudate of Fresh leaf homogenates, in cell culture, was
fresh leaf juice was active Av043 . active vs human embryonic-lung cells and
Bronchodilator activity. Hot water extract inactive vs CA-ME-180 Av135 . Fresh leaves
of dried leaves, administered intravenously were active on human lung cells and CA-
to guinea pigs at a dose of 1.5 ml/animal, cervical-squamous cellsAv170. Leaf homoge-
was inac ti veAVOB6 . nate, in cell culture, was active on
Burn wound effect. In a study comparing CA-ME-180 and human embryonic lung
moist exposed burn ointment (containing cells Av135 . Leaf juice (commercial sample)
aloe) with conventional management with was active on CA-cervical-squamous and
respect to wound healing, antibacterial and human-lung cellsAv127 . Fresh leaf homoge-
analgesic effect, and hospital costs was nate, in cell culture, was active vs human
investigated in 115 patients between the embryonic lung cells, and inactive vs CA-
ages of 12 and 80 who had partial-thickness ME_180 Av135 . Fresh leaves were active on
thermal burns covering less than 40% of human lung cells and CA-cervical-squa-
body surface area. Fifty seven patients were mous cellsAv127 .
assigned the moist exposed burn ointment Cell proliferation stimulation. Water
and 58 patients to the conventional extract of fresh leaf gel, in cell culture at a
method. The latter group received twice- concentration of 0.162 mcg/ml, was active
daily dressing changes; moist exposed on pheochromocytoma-rat-PC12 cells. A
patients received treatment every 4 hours. concentration of 0.325 mcg/ml was active
The patients were hospitalized until 75% of on human fibroblast lung-HEL. The result
the body surface area had healed. Body sur- was seen only in long-term cultureAvo46.
face area was determined by visual inspec- Cell transformation inhibition. Freeze-
tion and charted on Lund and Browder dried gel, in cell culture, was active on C3H-
charts regularly. Wound healing rate, bac- 10Tl/2 cells vs methylcholantrene-induced
terial infection rate, pain score, and hospi- transformationAvo37.
talization costs were recorded. The median Chemomodulatory activity. Fresh leaf
time to 75% healing was 17.0 and 20.0 days pulp extract, administered orally to mice at
with the ointment and conventional, doses of 30 and 60 microliter/day for 14
respectively. Bacterial infection rates were days, was effective. The extract was exam-
similar between the 2 groups. The ointment ined on carcinogen-metabolizing phase-I
imparted greater analgesic effect in the first and phase-II enzymes, antioxidant enzymes,

glutathione content, lactate dehydrogenase, Administration of test substance was tem-

and lipid peroxidation in the liver. The porally paired with introduction of sodium
modulatory effect of the extract was also saccharin solution. Consumption of saccha-
examined in the lung, kidneys, and fore- rin solution 2 days after test was used to
stomach for the activities of glutathione S- estimate aversiveness of the test
transferase, DT -diophorose, superoxide substance AV127 .
dismutase, and catalase. The positive con- Cosmetic activity. A mixture of Aloe vera,
trol mice were treated with butylated hy- Mentha piperita extract and allan to in was
droxyanisole. Significant increases in the active when applied externally on human
levels of acid soluble sulfydryl content, adults. The biological activity has been
NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, patentedAvo64.
NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase, glu- Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
tathione S-transferase, DT -diaphorase, extract of leaves, in cell culture, was inac-
superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione tive on CA-9KB, EDso > 20.0 mcg/mIAvoll.
peroxidase, and glutathione reductase were Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the entire
observed in the liver. The extract signifi- plant, in cell culture, was inactive on CA-
cantly reduced the levels of cytochrome 9KB, EDso >20.0 mcg/mIAvoo7. Leaf gel of
P450 and cytochrome b5. Thus, the extract dried gland (ink), in cell culture, produced
is clearly an inducer of phase-II enzyme sys- weak activity on human colorectal cancer
tem. Treatment with both doses produced a cell line SNU-C2A, lC so 5.0 mg/ml and on
decrease in malondialdehyde formation and human SNU-l cells, lC so 5.25 mg/mI Av038 .
the activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the Death. Ethanol (95%) extract of the aerial
liver, suggesting its role in protection parts, administered intragastrically to mice
against prooxidant-induced membrane and at a dose of 3.0 gm/kg, was inactiveAV067.
cellular damage. The microsomal and cyto- Diarrhea induction and the effect of
solic protein was significantly enhanced, nitrous oxide. Leaf, administered orally to
indicating the possibility of its involvement rats at a dose of 5 gm/kg and 20 gm/kg, pro-
in the induction of protein synthesis. BHA, duced diarrhea in 20% and 100% of the
an antioxidant compound, provided the rats, respectively. Pretreatment with ni-
authenticity of the assay protocol and re- trous oxide synthase inhibitor N (G )-nitro-
sponse of animals against modulator. The L-arginine methyl ester at a dose of 2.5-25
extract was effective in inducing glu- mg/kg reduced the diarrhea induced by 20
tathione S-transferase, DT -diaphorase, gm/kg of aloe 9 hours after its oral adminis-
superoxide dismutase, and catalase as mea- tration. It also reduced the increase in fecal
sured in extrahepatic organs. Thus, besides water excretion. L-arginine, administered
the liver, the lung, kidney, and forestomach to rats pretreated with N(G)-nitro-L-argi-
were also influenced favorably in order to nine methyl ester (25 mg/kg) intraperito-
detoxify reactive metabolites, including neally at a dose of 1500 mg/kg, drastically
chemical carcinogens and drugsAV204. reduced the effect of N (G )-nitro-L-argin-
CNS depressant activity. Hot water ine methyl ester on diarrhea and increase
extract of leaves, administered intraperito- in fecal water excretion induced by 20
neally to rabbits at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was mg/kg of aloe. Given alone, L-arginine did
active AV1l4 . not modify aloe-induced diarrhea. Basal
Conditioned taste aversion. Frozen stem Ca 2+ -dependent nitrous oxide synthase
and leaves, administered intragastrically to activity in the rat colon was dose depen-
rats at a dose of 925.0 mg/kg, was inactive. dently inhibited by 0.1-20 gm/kg of aloe

and by aloin (0.2-1 gm/kg), the active Hair loss stimulant effect. Fresh leaf gel,
ingredient of aloe AV216 . applied externally to human adults at a con-
DNA synthesis inhibition. Chromato- centration of 6.8 ml/day, was active. Bio-
graphic fraction of fresh leaf gel, in broth logical activity has been patented Avo34 .
culture, was active on Bacillus subtilis AVl14 • Fresh, undiluted leaf juice, applied exter-
Embryotoxic effect. Benzene, water, petro- nally to human adults, was active. There
leum ether and ethanol (95%) extract, of was improvement of hair growth in patients
leaves, administered orally to pregnant rats wi th alopecia areataAV173 .
at doses of 100.0 mg/kg, were active. 50%, Hemagglutinin activity. A commercial
85%,37%, and 85% reduction in fertility, sample of leaf juice was active AV127 . Chro-
respectively, were observed. The chloroform matographic fraction of fresh leaf gel was
extract was equivocal, 28% reduction in active on human red blood cellsAvo47. Fresh
fertili tyAVo94. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract, leaf homogenates was active AV135 . Aloctin I
administered orally to female rats at a dose and II, precipitated at 50% ammonium sul-
of 200.0 mg/kg, was activeAV1S9. Ethanol phate concentration from crude leaf pulp.
(95%) extract of leaf pulp, administered Hemagglutinating activity was estimated
orally to female rats at a dose of 100.0 visually by adding a 4% rabbit erythrocyte
mg/kg, was inactiveAV009. Ethanol (95%), suspension to serial two-fold dilutions of the
water and petroleum ether extracts of fresh lectins in microtitration plates. None of the
leaves, administered orally to female rats at 20 sugars tested inhibited hemagglutinating
doses of 150.0, 150.0, and 100.0 mg/kg, activity of aloctin I up to a concentration of
respectively, were inactiveAV1S8. Ethanol! 500 mM. Aloctin II was inhibited by N-
water (1: 1) extract of dried leaves, at a dose acetly-D-galactosamine at 250 mM concen-
of 150.0 mg/kg, water extract at a dose of tration. Of 10 metal ions tested, only AP+
125.0 mg/kg and benzene extract at a dose salts were found to activated aloctin I and
of 100.0 mg/kg, administered by gastric intu- II. On the other hand, it was shown that
bation to pregnant rats, were inactive AV109 . neither lectin possessed any alpha and beta
Water extract of dried entire plant, admin- galactosidase or alpha and beta glucosidase
istered intragastrically to pregnant rats at a activit yAV212 .
dose of 125.0 mg/kg, was equivocalAV06J. Histamine release inhibition. Water
Emollient effect. Undiluted leaf juice, extract of dried leaves was active on mast
applied externally on human adults, was cells of rats, IC so 0.14 mg/ml vs antigen-
activeAvosl. induced histamine release, and IC so 0.92
Estrogenic effect. Leaf juice, administered mg/ml vs compound 48/80-induced hista-
orally to immature rats at a dose of 10.0 mine releaseAV041.
ml/kg, produced weak activityAVos2. Hypoglycemic activity. Fresh sap, admin-
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase istered intragastrically to mice at a dose of
inhibition. Anthraquinone fraction of fresh 1.0 gm/day for five days, was activeAV069.
leaf juice was activeAV043. Fresh stem juice, administered intra-
Hair conditioner. Water extract of dried gastrically to rabbits at a dose of 4.0 ml/kg,
leaves, applied externally on human adults was active. Glucose levels were decreased
at a concentration of 86.6%, was activeAV028. 27.9%AVOll. Polysaccharide fraction of dried
Hair loss inhibition. Fresh leaf gel, applied whole plant was active on miceAVOS4.
externally to human adults at a concentra- Polysaccharide fraction of fresh leaves,
tion of 6.8 ml/day, was active. Biological administered intraperitoneally to mice at a
activity has been patented AV014 . dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was activeAvoss. Polysac-

charide fraction of fresh leaves, adminis- trations (10 microgram/ml) of LPS.

tered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of Aloeride induced the expression of the
100.0 mg/kg, was active AVi38 . Polysaccharide mRNA encoding IL-beta and TNF-alpha
fraction of fresh leaves, administered intra- to levels equal to those observed in cells
peritoneally to mice at a dose of 100.0 maximally activated by LPS. Acemannan,
mg/kg, was activeAvoss. at 200 microgram/ml in the macrophage
Hypolipemic activity. Hot water extract of assay, resulted in negligible NF-kappa B
dried leaf juice, administered intragastrically activation. Analysis of acemannan and
to rats at a dose of 0.5 gm/kg for 7 days, was aloeride, using size-exclusion chromatogra-
active. The effect was tested by a mixture of phy, indicated that the low activity of
Nigella sativa, Commiphora, Ferula assafoetida, acemannan is due to trace amounts of
Aloe vera, and Boswellia serrata vs strepto- aloeride. Although aloe ride comprises only
zotocin-induced hyperglycemiaAv06s . 0.015% of the aloe juice dry weight, its
Hypotensive activity. Tincture of leaf potency for macrophage activation
juice, administered intravenously to rabbits, accounts fully for the activity of the crude
was inactiveAvoo4. j u ice AV202 .
Immunomodulatory activity. Acemannan, Irritant activity. Water extract of dried
a major constituent of Aloe vera gel, was leaves, applied externally to guinea pigs in a
tested on dendritic cells, which are the most 6-week cutaneous irritation study at a con-
important accessory cells for the initiation of centration of 5.0%, was inactive AVllS .
primary immune responses. Immature den- Lectin activity. Chromatographic fraction
dritic cells were generated from mouse bone of fresh leaf gel was active. The fraction
marrow cells by culturing in a medium bound to alpha- D-glucose and mannose
supplemented with GM-CSF and IL-4, and sitesAV047.
then stimulated with acemannan, sulfated Leukocyte migration inhibition. Decol-
acemannan, and LPS, respectively. Pheno- orized extract of fresh leaves, administered
typic analysis for the expression of class II subcutaneously to rats at a dose of 25.0 mg/kg,
MHC molecules and major co-stimulatory was active vs mustard-induced pedal edema,
molecules such as B7-1, B7-2, CD40, and resulting in 64% reduction in migration and
CD54 confirmed that acemannan could 84% reduction of migration for combination
induce maturation of immature dendritic with 0.1 mg/kg hydrocortisoneAvo79.
cells. Functional maturation of immature Metabolism. Aloemannan, administered
dendritic cells was supported by increased orally and intravenously to mice at a dose of
allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction and 120 mg/kg, indicated that aloemannan was
IL-12 production. The differentiation-induc- metabolized in to smaller molecules that
ing activity of acemannan was almost com- mainly accumulated in the kidneys.
pletely abolished by chemical sulfationAvl99 . Aloemannan was catabolized by the human
Immunostimulatory activity. Lyophilized intestinal microflora to catabolites 1 and 2
extract of leaves, applied externally on with molecular weights of 30 and 10 KD,
mice at a concentration of 1.67%, was respectivelyAV214.
active vs UV irradiation-induced suppres- Mitogenic activity. Chromatographic frac-
sion of contact hypersensitivityAvlSl. tion of fresh leaf gel was activeAvo47.
Aloeride, at 0.5 microgram/ml, increased Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry
NF-kappa B directed luciferase expression (homogenate) of fresh entire plant was
in THP-1 human monocytic cells to levels inactive on Lymnaea columella and Lymnaea
50% of those achieved by maximal concen- cubensis, LDlOo >1000 ppmAVlO6 .

Mutagenic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract stimulated release. The effect was antago-
of dried plant juice, on agar plate at a con- nized by Ca 2+ ionophoreAV04J.
centration of 10.0 mg/plate, was inactive on Peptidyl transferase inhibition. Dried
Salmonella typhimurium T A98 and produced leaves, at a concentration of 10.0 mg, were
weak activity on Salmonella typhimurium active AV014 .
TA102 AV029 . Peroxidase activity. Leaf extract and com-
Neurotransmission effect. The effect of mercial gel, where it is notably stable, have
aloe extract on neurotransmission processes been investigated for the relevant properties
in crayfish neuromuscular junction was of peroxidase. In vitro, the activity is local-
investigated. The concentration-response ized in the vascular system of inner aqueous
relationships of the extract on excitatory leaf parenchyma. The acid optimum pH
junctional potentials at the opener muscle (5.0) for activity and the low KM for HlO l
of the dactyl in the first and second walking (0.14 mM) suggested that, when topically
limbs were studied. Concentration-depen- applied, aloe peroxidase may scavenge H 20 2
dent depolarizations of the muscle fiber on the skin surface AVlO3 .
membrane resting potential, depression of Phagocytosis inhibition. Aqueous (dia-
excitatory junctional potential amplitudes lyzed) fraction of fresh leaves, at a concen-
and an increase in latency to onset of the of tration of 0.5 mg/ml, was inactive on
the excitatory junctional potential follow- polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Phagocyto-
ing electrical stimulation of the isolated sis and intracellular killing of Staphylococcus
excitatory axon in the meropodite were aureus and Candida albicans were not
observed. The effects occurred with concen- inhibitedAvl45.
trations within 1%-1 0% (wt/vol) range. Phagocytosis stimulation. Fresh leaf juice,
Effects of lower concentrations, ranging to at a concentration of 4.0 mg/ml, was
a minimum of 0.01 % were equivocal. The active AVll8 .
effects of the extract were at least partially, Phorbol ester antagonist. Aqueous (dia-
and in a majority of cases totally, reversible. lyzed) fraction of fresh leaves, at a concen-
Excitatory junctional potential reduced by tration of 0.5 mg/ml, was active on
the extract could be restored by increasing polymorphonuclear leukocytes vs phorbol
the nerve stimulation amplitude. This along myristate acetate activation. Low M-R gel-
with the latency increase suggests a depres- extract-constituents were examined, and
sion of action potential generation and oxygen uptake and oxygen and hydrogen
conduction. The results provide a prelimi- peroxide release were inhibitedAvl45.
nary characterization of the effects of he Hypersensitivity effect. Aloe oligosac-
extract on the neurotransmission process charides prevented suppression delayed-
and suggest that these effects may at least type hypersensitivity responses in vivo and
partially account for analgesic and antiin- reduced the amount of interleukin-10
flammatory effects of aloeAv211. observed in UV -irradiated murine epider-
Ovulation inhibition effect. Ethanol/ mis. Aloe oligosaccharide also prevented
water (1: 1) extract of leaves, administered suppression of immune responses to alloan-
orally to female rabbits at a dose of 100.0 tigen in mice exposed to 30 kJ/m l UVB
mg/kg, was equivocal vs copper acetate- radiation. To assess the effect of the carbo-
induced ovulationAvl59. hydrates on keratinocytes, murine Pam212
Oxygen radical inhibition. Water extract cells were exposed to 300 Jm2 UVB radia-
of fresh leaf juice, in cell culture, was active tion and treated for 1 hour with the oli-
on polymorphonuclear leukocytes vs PMA- gosaccharides. The treatment reduced

IL-10 production by approximately 50% tine, and produced weak activity on the
compared with the cells treated with UV bladderA VOO4.
radiation alone and completely blocked Teratogenic activity. Water extract of dried
UV activated phosphorylation at SAPK/ entire plant, administered intragastrically to
JNK protein but had no effect on p38 pregnant rats at a dose of 125.0 mg/kg, was
phosphorylationAvzl7. activeAV063. Water extract of dried leaves,
Plant germination inhibition. Water administered intragastrically to pregnant rats
extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of at a dose of 125.0 mg/kg, was activeAV03S.
500.0 gm/liter, produced strong activity on Toxic effect (general). Ethanol (95%)
Cuscuta ref/exa seeds after 6 days of expo- extract of the dried aerial parts, in the drink-
sure to the extract. Water extract of dried ing water of mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg
stem, at a concentration of 500.0 gm/liter, for 3 months, was active. Toxic signs
was active on Cuscuta ref/exa seeds after 6 included alopecia, degeneration, and putre-
days of exposure to the extractAV089 . faction of the sex organs, sperm damage and
Plant growth inhibitor. Water extract of decreased RBC levels. When the extract
dried leaves, at a concentration of 500.0 was administered intragastrically at a con-
gm/liter, was active on Cuscuta reflexa seed- centration of 3.0 gm/kg to mice, it was
lings length; weight and dry weight were inactiveAvl4o. Frozen leaf and stem, adminis-
measured after 6 days of exposure to the tered intragastrically to rats at a dose of
extract. Water extract of the dried stem, at 925.0 mg/kg, was inactive. Administration
a concentration of 500.0 gm/liter, was active of test substance was temporally paired with
on Cuscuta reflexa seedlings after 6 days introduction of sodium saccharin solution.
exposure to the extract. Seedling length, Consumption of saccharin solution 2 days
weight and dry weight were measuredAv089 . after test was used to estimate aversiveness
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte activation of test substance, which is related to its
inhibition. Water extract of fresh leaves, at toxicityAV127.
variable concentrations, was activeAVOZl. Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
Protein kinase inhibition. Polysaccharide nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried leaves,
fraction of fresh leaves was activeAVOS7. administered intraperitoneally to mice, pro-
Protein synthesis inhibition. Chromato- duced LDso > 1.0 gm/kgAVOll. Ethanol/water
graphic fraction of fresh leaf gel, in broth (50%) extract of the entire plant, adminis-
culture, was active on Bacillus subtilisAVl34. tered intra peritoneally to mice, produced
Dried leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 mg, LDso 250.0 mg/kg. The maximum tolerated
were active. Incorporation of leucine into dose was 100.0 mg/kgAVOO7.
protein was inhibited, as well as elongation Ultraviolet B protective activity. Gel,
factors EF-1 and EF_2AV074. applied topically immediately after exposure
Skin pigmentation effect. Water extract of of shaved abdominal skin of mice to 2.4
undiluted leaf gel, applied externally to Kj/mz ultraviolet B, resulted in suppression
human adults, was active. A preparation of contact sensitization through the skin to
containing extract was patch-tested on skin 41.1 %, compared to normal irradiated skin.
exposed to UVA radiation for 30-180 sec- The percentage of recovery of ultraviolet
onds. Areas treated with preparation B-suppressed contact hypersensitivity
showed pigmentation for more than 1 year response was 52.3, 77.3, and 86.6% when
after treatmentAV088. irradiated skin was treated once with 0.1,
Smooth muscle stimulant activity. Tinc- 0.5, and 2.5 mg/ml of gel-containing cream,
ture of leaf juice was active on rabbit intes- respectively. The gel did not show nonspe-

cific stimulatory activity on contact hyper- punch biopsy wounds) was significantly
sensitivity response AV215 . faster than the untreated controlAv146. Fresh
Uterine stimulant effect. Tincture of leaf leaf juice, applied topically to human adults
juice was active on the non-pregnant uterus at a concentration of 40.0%, was active in
of rabbits. Stimulation of amplitude of con- several cases of Roentgen ray dermatitis Av172 .
traction with tonic contraction and loss of Undiluted leaf juice was active in one case
rhythmic contraction was observed Avo04. of radiation ulcers of the tongue, floor of the
Water extract of leaves, at a concentration mouth and mandible resulting from
of 250.0 mg/liter, was active on guinea pig intraoral radium therapy and external deep
uterusAVOOB . X-ray therapyAV17o. Fresh leaf gel, adminis-
Wound healing acceleration. Ethanol tered intragastrically to male rats at a dose
(95%) extract of fresh leaf gel, applied of 2.0 ml/kg, was activeAvo4o. Fresh leaf juice,
externally on guinea pigs at a concentration applied to wounds induced with sterile sand-
of 5.0%, was active. Partial thickness bum paper in tips of the fingers. of human adults
healing assessed. Similar effect was seen in at a concentration of 50.0% in the form of
the use of antithromboxane U38485, lipid an ointment using petroleum as a base, was
peroxidation inhibitor U75412E, and xan- activeAV16B. Juice, administered subcutane-
thine oxidase inhibitor U4285pv032. A con- ously to mice at a dose of 300.0 mg/kg, was
centration of 5.0% applied externally to active. The juice blocked 100% of the
human adults was active on intra-arterial wound healing suppression of hydrocorti-
drug use-induced injury, frostbite injuries, sone acetate AV039 . When applied, undiluted
and partial thickness bums. When applied from 1-4 weeks externally on cats, dogs and
externally to rabbits, at a concentration of horses for a variety inflammatory condition,
5.0% the extract, was active alone and in the juice was activeAvlOB . A case of Roentgen
combination with methimazole improved ray dermatitis with ulceration in human
tissue survival in intra-arterial drug abuse in adults was treated with undiluted fresh leaf
rabbit ear model. The extract was not as juice with positive results. External applica-
effective against frostbite injury as methyl- tion produced weak activity on surgically
prednisolone or acetylsalicyclic acid. In rats, induced skin woundsAv165. It was active in
5.0% concentration of the extract alone and rats vs dermatitis produced by 14,000 Rep
in combination with methimazole, of beta radiation and in rabbits on 28,000
improved tissue survival in electrical injury Rep of beta radiationAV17l . The juice, when
modelAvo32. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of applied for 14 days, was equivocal in rat vs
fresh leaves, administered subcutaneously to third degree Roentgen radiationAv166. Leaf
mice at a dose of 150.0 mg/kg, was pulp, applied externally on human adults at
activeAV14B. Fresh leaf homogenates in cell a concentration of 20.0%, was active. Epi-
culture was active on CA-ME-180 and dermal cell proliferation was 168% of
human embryonic lung cells Av135 . Fresh untreated skinAV173 . Ophthalmic application
leaves, applied topically to human adults, of undiluted fresh leaf juice was active in
were active. Eighteen dermabrasion patients rabbits. Traumatic corneal ulcers were pro-
with acne vulgaris were included in the duced in 30 animals, and the juice was used
studyAv143. Fresh leaf juice, applied topically as eye drops 3 times dailyAVo97. The juice
at a concentration of 25.0% and in the increased the rate of wound healing in
drinking water at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, patients with chronic leg ulcers and
were active. Both groups were dosed daily improved skin conditions in human patients
for 2 months; the wound healing (6-mm with acne vulgaris, seborrheic alopecia and

alopecia areataAVl7l . Water extract of fresh from both sides of bodies of normal and dia-
leaves, applied externally to human adults betic rats. Test groups were dosed daily for 7
of both sexes, was activeAV!OS. Fresh leaf pulp, days. Treated diabetic animals showed a
applied externally to patients with chronic wound reduction of 47% after 7 days, rela-
and acute injuries 3 times per week for 3 tive to a 35% reduction in untreated nor-
weeks, was activeAV066. Leaf gel cream was mal controls and 28% for untreated diabetic
applied to frostbitten rabbit ears. Recovery controls vs carrageenin-induced pedal
of tissue was enhanced. The effect was edemaAvo62. Water extract, administered sub-
increased by co-administration of pent- cutaneously to mice at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg,
oxyphyllineAvolo. Undiluted leaf juice, was active. Wound healing was more rapid
applied externally on female human adults, when decolorized aloe (e.g. with anthra-
was active. In one patient with roentgen quinone removed) was used. When admin-
dermatitis, treatment with fresh leaf juice istered subcutaneously to rats, aloe powder
subsided itching and burning in 24 hours. (anthraquinone fraction present) was more
After 5 weeks, there was complete regenera- effective than aloe powder combined with
tion of skin, new hair growth, complete res- RNA and vitamin CAVOSS. Water extract of
toration of sensation, and lack of scar fresh leaves, applied topically to human
tissueAVlS3. After treatment of Roentgen ray adults at a concentration of 0.5%, was ac-
ulcers in a 40-year-old man by daily appli- tive. The biological activity reported has
cation of fresh leaf juice, healing began 4-6 been patentedAvo81. Undiluted water extract
weeks after initiation of treatment, with no of leaves, applied externally to human
pain relief for 2-3 weeks after start of treat- adults following dental surgery, was
ment. In the treatment of Roentgen ray der- activeAV024. When applied externally on
matitis in a 46-year-old man, pain subsided guinea pig, the extract was active vs burn
48 hours following initiation of treatment. inj uryAvo43. On human adults, the juice
Epithelization started in 48-72 hours after improved laparotomy wounds healing by
start of treatment AVlI5 . Leaf juice, applied secondary intentionAV043. Lyophilized gel,
externally on rabbits at a concentration of applied to induced second degree wounds in
30%, was active. When ointment was rats, was effective. A total of 48 male rats
applied twice daily on experimentally were equally divided into sham controls,
induced thermal burns on the back of rab- untreated burn wound, those treated with
bits, the lesions healed in 2 weeks without once-daily application of normal saline, and
gross evidence of scarringAVlS4. Undiluted those treated with once-daily application of
leaf juice was active on human adults AV !3O. the gel. The animals in each group were
Water extract of fresh leaf gel (undiluted), equally subdivided into 2 subgroups for the
applied externally, was active. The treat- study of cutaneous microcirculation and
ment was found to promote fibroblast gen- wound healing on day 7 and 14 after burn.
eration, fibrocytic activity and collagen Dorsal skin fold chamber preparation and
proliferation in patients who have under- intravital fluorescence microscopic tech-
gone nasal surgeryAVl49. The leaf gel, admin- nique were performed to examine dermal
istered subcutaneously to mice at a dose of microvascular changes, including arteriolar
300.0 mg/kg, was activeAVOll. Water extract diameter, postcapillary venular permeability
of fresh leaf juice, administered subcutane- and leukocyte adhesion on postcapillary
ously to mice at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg, was venules. On day 7, the vasodilation and
active. The decolorized extract was used. A increased postcapillary venular permeability
6-mm circular piece of skin was removed was encountered in the untreated burn were

found to be reduced significantly (P < 0.05) A V008 Saha, J. c., E. C. Savini and S.
in both the normal saline and gel treated Kasinathan. Ecbolic properties of
Indian medicinal plants. Part I. Indian
groups, but to a greater extent in the latter.
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5 Annona

Common Names
Anyigli Togo Quanabana Nicaragua
Apele Togo Saput Nicaragua
Apple leaf West Indies Sarifa Nicaragua
Beleda Borneo Seremaia Nicaragua
Corosol West Indies Sorsaca Curacao
Corossol Dominica Soursop leaf West Indies
Corossol Rodrigues Islands Soursop tree USA
Custard apple Rodrigues Islands Soursop Barbados
Dian Borneo Soursop Dominica
Guanabana Barbados Soursop Dominican Republic
Guanabana Cuba Soursop Guam
Guanabana Dominican Republic Soursop Guyana
Guanabana Panama Soursop Jamaica
Guanabana Puerto Rico Soursop Jamaica
Katara ara tara Cook Islands Soursop Nicaragua
Korosol Haiti Soursop Puerto Rico
Kowosol West Indies Soursop Virgin Islands
Laguana Guam Soursop West Indies
Pumo Nicaragua Sowasap Nicaragua
Puntar waithia Nicaragua Ualapana Dominica

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION large, elliptical and rounded. The fruit

This small tree of the ANNONACEAE ovoid, 18 cm long or more, is covered with
family is 5 to 7 meters in height. The leaves scattered spine-like structures. The pulp is
are oblong-obovate to oblong, 2 to 15 cm soft white, and rather fibrous and fleshy,
long, pointed at both ends, smooth, shiny, with an agreeable sour flavor.
usually with petioles 5 cm long. Flowers are
large and solitary, yellowish or greenish-yel- ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION
low in color. Three outer petals are broadly Native of tropical America, it is now com-
ovate with heart-shaped base, inner 3 also monly cultivated worldwide.

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa , NJ


TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES Panama. Decoction of the plant is used as

Barbados. Hot water extract of dried leaves an anthelmintic. Piscicidal activity is re-
is taken orally as a sedativeAMool . ported. Hot water extract of the bark is
Brazil. Hot water extract of fresh leaves is taken orally to treat diarrhea. Pulp is taken
orally to treat stomach ulcersAM046.
taken orally as an analgesicAM038 .
Cook Islands. Decoction of dried leaves is Togo. Decoction of dried leaves is taken
orally for malariaAM04O .
used externally to treat rashes, skin diseases
Trinidad. Hot water extract of dried leaves
and skin infections. Patient is bathed in the
is taken orally to lower high blood pressure
cool green solution obtained by boiling the
and as a galactagogue AMool .
leaves in water. The decoction is taken
Virgin Islands. Water extract of leaves is
orally to treat indigestion. Crushed leaves
used externally as a cooling agent; taken
produce a scent that is inhaled for dizziness
orally, excess of 3 leaves will make one
and fainting spellsAMo34.
d rowsyAMo59.
Curacao. Hot water extract ofleaves is taken
West Indies. Decoction of hot water
orally for gall bladder trouble. The extract is
extract of leaves is taken orally to ease
taken orally with Citrus aurantium every
delivery. Tea is used for hypertension; tea
morning to relieve nervousness. The extract
with castor oil for worms; tea with
is also taken orally for easy childbirthAMol2.
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis and Chenopodium
Dominica. Fruit, when eaten by women, is ambrosioides is used for worms and the
believed to induce lactation. Women in labor
extract is taken orally for diarrhea and as a
take hot water extract of leaves as a teaAM06O .
lactagogue. Fruit is eaten or applied exter-
Guam. Hot water extract of leaves is used nally as a poultice on the breast to induce
as a tea for asthma sufferersAMoo2.
lactationAM045 .
Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried
leaves is used in a poultice for ringwormAM042. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
(ppm unless otherwise indicated)
Haiti. Decoction of dried leaves is taken
orally for grippe, coughs, and asthenia. Fresh Acetaldehyde: FrAM055
Amylcaproate: PIAM015
fruit juice is taken orally for astheniaAMo56 .
Amyloid: PIAM015
India. Hot water extract of dried leaves is Annomonicin: Sd S6.SAM019
taken orally as an antiphlogisticAMO \3. Annomontacin: Sd 60.3 AM019
Jamaica. Hot water extract of dried parts is Annomuricin-D-one, cis: LfAM066
used as bush teaAM063. Infusion of hot water Annomuricin-D-one, trans: LfAM066
extract of leaves is used as an antispas- Annomuricine A: Lf 4AM026
Annomuricine B: Lf 3.SAM026
modic; beverage is prepared as a lactagogue.
Annomuricine C: Lf 4AM027
The heart of the fruit is given to children Annonacin A: Lf AM028
orally, as a remedy for worms. Fruit is taken Annonacin, cis: SdAM065
on an empty stomach as a cure for intermit- Annonacin, iso, 2-4 trans: LfAM028
tent fevers, and as a diureticAMo61. Annonacin, iso: Sd 27.7AM030
Mexico. Decoction of dried bark is taken Annonacin: PIAMo79
orally to treat diarrheaAMo33. Fruit is used as a Annonacin: Sd 1.0%AM035, Lf AM026
foodAMo57. Annonacin-l0-one, cis: SdAM065
Annonacin-l0-one, iso, neo: SdAM024
Nigeria. Fresh fruit juice is taken orally Annonacin-l0-one, iso: Sd 11.3AMo3o
as an antipyretic; applied externally it is Annonacin-l0-one, neo: SdAM024
an astringentAM053 . Hot water extract of dried Annonacin-l O-one: Sd 13.6AMo3o
stem is taken orally to treat arthritisAMo52. Annonacinone: Sd O.007_1.07%AM018,AM035
Annonain: PIAM011 Gigantetrocin B: 5d 13.6AMo22
Annonaine: Fr, LfAM067 Gigantetrocin: 5d 22.1AM030
Annopentocin A: LfAM066 Gigantetronenin: Lf AM027
Annopentocin B: LfAM066 Glucose: LfAM062
Annopentocin C: LfAM066 Goniothalamicin, cis: 5dAM065
Anomuricine: RtAM048, Bk, LfAM049 Gon iothalam ici n: LfAM026,
Anomurine: RtAM048, Bk, LfAM049 5d 5.9_166AM030,AM019
Anoniine: PIAMOll HCN: PIAM004
Anonol: LfAM005,AM062 Hex-trans-2-en-l-ol: FrAM055
Arginine: PUAM010 Howiicin A: 5dAM025
Arianacin: 5dAM065 Howiicin B, 4-deoxy: 5dAM025
Ascorbic acid: Fr O.019_0.154%AMoo7 Howiicin B: 5dAM025
Asimilobine: Fr, LfAM067 Howiicin F: 5dAM036
Atherospermine: 5t BkAMoo4 Howiicin G: 5dAM036
Atherosperminine: RtAM048, Bk, LfAM049 Iron: Fr 5_33AM003
Beta carotene: Fr O.6AM003 Isocitric acid: PIAM015
Beta sitosterol: LfAM005,AM062, 5d OilAM047 Javoricin: 5dAM065
Caffeic acid: PIAM015 Lignoceric acid: LfAM005,AM062
Campesterol: 5d oilAM047 Linoleic acid: 5d oiIAM009, LfAM062
Caproic acid methyl ester: FrAM055 Longifolicin: 5d AM077
Caprylic acid methyl ester: FrAM055 Malic acid: PIAM015
Carbohydrate: Fr 8.9_14.9%AM003 Mericyl alcohol: PIAM015
Cellobiose: PIAM015 Methanol: FrAM055
Cholesterol: PIAM015 Methyl-hexanoate: PIAM015
Citric acid: PIAM015 Montanacin: 5d 249AM019
Citrulline: PU AM010 Montecristin: RtAM080
Coclaurine, (+): RtAM048, Bk, LfAM049 Muricanin, diepoxy: 5t BkAM021
Cohibins C: 5dAM075 Muricapentocin: LfAM068
Cohibins D: 5dAM075 Muricatacin: 5d AM016
Corepoxylone: 5d 6.2AM020 Muricatalicin: PIAM079
Coreximine, (-): Bk, LfAM048 Muricatalin: PIAM079
Coreximine, (+): RtAM048 Muricatetrocin A: 5d AM022 , LfAM026
Coronin: RtAM078 Muricatetrocin B: 5d 6.8AM022, LfAM026
Corossolin: 5d O.0029_1.01%AM018,AM035 Muricatocin A: Lf 4.5AM028
Corossolone: 5d O.0004_1.02AM023,AM035 Muricatocin B: Lf 4AM028
Deacetyl uvaricin: 5dAM036 Muricatocin C: LfAM027
Dextrose: PIAM015 Muricin A: 5d AM077
D-5ucrose: FrAM006 Muricin B: 5d AM077
Epomuricenin A: 5d 27.8 AM023 Muricin C: 5d AM077
Epomuricenin B: 5d 27.8AM023 Muricin D: 5d AM077
Epoxy murin A: 5t BkAM021 Muricin E: 5d AM077
Epoxy murin B: 5t BkAM021 Muricin F: 5d AM077
Ethanol: FrAM055 Muricin G: 5d AM077
Fiber: Fr O.6_6.5%AM003 Muricine: BkAM008,AMOll
Fixed oil: 5d 23.86%AM009 Muricinine: BkAM008,AMOll
Folic acid: PIAM015 Muricoreacin: LfAM071
Fructose: PIAM015 Murihexocin C: LfAM071
Galactomannan: PIAM015 Murihexol: 5dAM081
Gamma amino butyric acid: PU AMOlO Murisolin: 5d 6_93AM023,AM018
Gentisic acid: Lf AM014 Myricyl alcohol: LfAM062
Geranyl caproate: PIAM015 Myristic acid: 5d oilAM009
Gigantetrocin A: 5d 18.1 AM022 Nornuciferine: Fr, LfAM067

Oleic acid: Sd oilAM009, LfAM062 tive on Salmonella B, S. newport, S. typhosa,

Ornithine: PUAM010 Sarcina lutea, Serratia marcescens, S. flexneri,
Palmitic acid: Sd oilAM009 S. albus, and S. aureusAM029. Ethanol (95%)
Panatellin, cis: RtAM069
Paraffin: PIAM015
extract of dried bark, at a concentration of
P-Coumaric acid: PIAM015 10.0 meg/disk on agar plate, was active on
Potassium chloride: LfAM005,AM062 Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus. At a
Procyanidin: PIAM015 concentration of 5.0 meg/disk, the extract
Resin: PIAM015 was active on Bacillus subtilisAMo3l. Acetone
Reticulatacin, cis: RtAM069 extract of dried stem, on agar plate, was
Reticulatacin-l O-one: RtAM069 active on Escherichia coli, Salmonella B, Sal-
Reticuline, (+): RtAM048, Bk, LfAM049
monella newport, Salmonella typhosa, Shigella
Reticuline: St BkAMoo4
flexneri and Shigella flexneri 3A and inactive
Rolliniastatin 1: Sd AM035
Rolliniastatin 2: SdAM035 on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sarcina lutea,
Scyllitol: PIAM015 Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus albus,
Solamin, cis: RtAM069 and Staphylococcus aureus. Ethanol (95%)
Solamin: RtAM069, Sd 3.6_11.6AM023,AM017, extract was inactive on Pseudomonas
St BkAM021 aeruginosa, Salmonella B, Salmonella
Stearic acid: LfAM005, Sd oilAM009 newport, Salmonella typhosa, Sarcina lutea,
Stepharine: PIAM015
Serratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri, Shigella
Stigmasterol: Sd oi IAM047
Tannin: LfAM005 flexneri 3A, Staphylococcus albus, and Sta-
Uvariamicin I, cis: RtAM069 phylococcus aureus. Water extract was
Uvariamicin IV, cis: RtAM069 active on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas
Xylosyl cellulose: PIAM015 aeruginosa, Salmonella newport, Salmonella
typhosa and Shigella flexneri, and inactive on
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES Salmonella B, Sarcina lutea, Serratia
AND CLINICAL TRIALS marcescens, Shigella flexneri 3A, Staphylococ-
Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) cus albus and Staphylococcus aureusAM029.
extract of fresh leaves, administered intra- Ethanol (95%) extract of dried root bark,
gastrically to mice at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was at a concentration of 2-3 meg/plate on agar
inactive vs writhing and tail flick testsAM038 . plate, was active on Bacillus subtilis and Sta-
Anti-amoebic activity. Ethanol (95%) phylococcus albus, and inactive on Klebsiella
extract of dried bark was active on Entam- pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
oeba histolytica, MIC 63.0 mcg/mlAMo33. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried seeds, at a
Antibacterial activity. Acetone extract of concentration of 2-3 meg/liter on agar
dried leaves, on agar plate, was active on plate, was active on Bacillus subtilis and Sta-
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, phylococcus albus, and inactive on Klebsiella
Salmonella B, Salmonella newport, Salmo- pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
nella typhosa, Serratia marcescens, Shigella Ethanol (95 %) extract of dried stem bark,
flexneri, Staphylococcus albus and Staphylo- on agar plate at a concentration of 2-3 mg/
coccus aureus, and inactive on Sarcina lutea. plate, was active on Bacillus subtilis and
The ethanol (95%) extract was inactive on Staphylococcus albus, and inactive on Kleb-
E. coli, P. aeruginosa, Salmonella B, S. new- siella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeru-
port, S. typhosa, S. lutea, S. marcescens, S. ginosaAMOll.
flexneri, S. flexneri 3A, S. albus and S. Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (95%)
aureus. The water extract was active on E. extract of fresh fruit, at variable dosages
coli, P. aeruginosa and S. flexneri, and inac- administered intraperitoneally to mice of

both sexes, was inactive vs strychnine and than the other extracts and even of
metrazole-induced convulsionsAMos3. Glucantime, used as a reference substanceAMo74.
Anticrustacean activity. Ethanol (95%) Antimalarial activity. Chloroform extract
extract of dried leaves was active on Artemia of wood, administered subcutaneously to
salina larvae, LC so 0.17 mg/mIAMo26. Hexane chicken at a dose of 118.0 mg/kg, and
extract of dried seeds was active on Artemia water extract, administered orally at a dose
salina, LDso 30.0 ppm and LC so 0.8 ppmAM016. of 3.675 gm/kg, were inactive on Plasmo-
Methanol extract was also active on adults, dium gallinaceumAMool. Ethanol (95%)
LDso 5.0AM023 and 40.0 mg/liter as active on extract of dried leaves produced weak
larvaeAMo43. Methanol/water (1: 1) extract activity on Plasmodium falciparum W-2,
produced strong activity, LDso 0.8 ppmAM022. IC so 20.0 mcg/ml, and inactive on Plasmo-
Antidepressant activity. The fruit has dium falciparum D_6 AM032 .
been shown to produce anti-depressive Antiparasitic activity. Methanol extract of
effects, possibly induced by annonaince, dried seeds, in broth culture, was active on
nornuciferine and asimilobineAMo67. Nippostrongylus brasiliense LDso 20.0 mg/
Antifungal activity. Acetone, ethanol liter, Molinema dessetae, LDso 6.0 mg/liter,
(95%) and water extracts of dried leaves, at Trichomonas vaginalis, MIC 30.0 mg/liter,
a concentration of 50.0% on agar plate, was inactive on Entamoeba histolytica, MIC
inactive on Neurospora crassaAMOS4. Ethanol > 100 mg/literAMo43. Methanol extract of the
(95%) extract of bark, at a concentration of seed was active on the infective larvae of
5.0 meg/disc on agar plate, was active on Molinema desetaeAMo82.
Penicillum oxalicum and on Cladosporium Antitumor activity. Methanol extract of
cucumerinum at a concentration of 7.0 mcg/ the leaves showed some antiherpetic activ-
diskAM033 . Hot water extract of dried leaves, ity with acceptable therapeutic indexes AMo72 .
at a concentration of 1.0 ml in broth cul- Antiviral activity. Ethanol extract of the
ture, was inactive on Epidermophyton fruit inhibited the cytopathic effect of Her-
floccosum, Microsporum canis, Microsporum pes simplex virus -Ion vero cells as indica-
gypseum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes vars. tive of anti-Herpes simplex virus-1 potential,
algodonosa and granulare, and Trichophyton MIC 1 mg/mIAMo70.
rubrumAM042. Acetone, water and ethanol Cardiac depressant activity. Water
(95%) extracts of dried stem, at concentra- extract of bark was active on the heart of
tions of 50% on agar plate, were inactive on rabbitsAMooB.
Neurospora crassaAMOS4. Aqueous, alcoholic, Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
and ketonic extracts of the leaf were active of leaves, in cell culture, was active on
on Neurospora crassaAMOB3. CA-9KB, EDso < 20.0 mcg/m!' Ethanol
Antihepatotoxic activity. Decoction of (95%) extract of stem, in cell culture, was
dried leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ active on CA-9KB, EDso < 20.0 mcg/mIAMo64.
plate in cell culture, produced weak activity Annopentocin, isolated from leaves, was
on hepatocytes when measured by leakage selectively cytotoxic to pancreatic carci-
of LDH and ASA T. It reduced the leakage noma cells (PACA-2). Annopentocins B
of ASATAM037. and C were selectively cytotoxic to lung car-
Antileishmanial activity. Hexane, ethyl cinoma cells (A-549). The mixture of cis-
acetate, and methanol extracts of the peri- and trans-annomuricin- D-ones was selec-
carp was active on Leishmania braziliensis tively cytotoxic to lung (A-549), colon
and Leishmania panamensis promastigotes. (HT-29), and pancreatic (PACA-2) cell
The ethyl acetate extract was more active lines with potencies equal to or

exceeding those of AdriamycinAMo66. Com- Lipid peroxidation formation inhibition.

pounds annomuricine and muricapen- Decoction of dried leaves, at a concentra-
tocin has showed significant cytotoxicities tion of 1.0 mg/plate in cell culture, was
against six types of human tumors, with inactive on hepatocytes. It was monitored
selectivities to the pancreatic carcinome by production of malonaldehydeAMo37.
(PACA-2) and colon adenocarcinoma Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry
(HT-29) celllinesAMo68. Muricoreacin and (homogenate) offresh entire plant (fruits,
murihexocin C showed significant cytotox- leaves and roots) was inactive on Lymnaea
icities among six human tumor cell lines columella and Lymnaea cubensis, LDIOO > 1M
with selectivities to the prostate adenocar- ppmAMOSO. Leaf homogenate produced sig-
cinoma (PC-3) and pancreatic carcinoma nificant activity against Biomphalaria
(PACA-2) celllinesAMo71. Muricins A-G, glabrata with LDso values of 11.86 ppm for
muricatetrocins A-B, Longifolicin, corosso- adult and 49.62 ppm for eggsAM073. Ethanol
lin, and corossolone showed significantly extract of the leaf was active on
selective in vitro cytotoxicities toward the Biomphalaria glabrata, LD90 8.75 ppmAM076.
human hepatoma cell lines Hep G(2) and Radical scavenging effect. Decoction of
2,2,15AMo77. dried leaves, at a concentration of 250.0 mg/
Hypertensive activity. Ethanol (95%) and liter, was inactive. Measured by decolora-
water extracts of leaves and stem, adminis- tion of diphenylpicryl hydroxyl radical
tered intravenously to dogs at doses of 0.1 solution; 16% decolorationAMo37.
ml/kg, were activeAMoo3 . Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Ethanol
Hypotensive activity. Hot water extract of (95%) and water extracts of leaves and
dried leaves, at a dose of 1.0 ml/animal admin- stem, at concentrations of 3.3 ml/liter, were
istered intravenously to rats, was active. Blood active on rabbit duodenumAMoo3 .
pressure was lowered by more than 30%AM044. Spasmogenic activity. Ethanol (95%) and
Inotropic effect positive. Hot water extract water extracts of leaves and stem, at a con-
of dried leaves, at a concentration of centration of 0.033 ml/liter, were active on
320.0 microliters, was inactive on the guinea the guinea pig ileumAMOO3 .
pig atriaAM044 . Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Water
Insecticidal activity. Ethanol (95%) extract of leaves and stem, administered
extract of leaves, at a concentration of intraperitoneally to mice, produced a mini-
5.0%, produced weak aCtiVlty on mum toxic dose of 1.0 ml/animaIAMo03 .
Macrosiphoniella sanborni. Ethanol (95%) Uterine stimulant effect. Ethanol (95%)
extract of dried seeds, at a concentration and water extracts of leaves and stem, at a
of 5.0%, was inactive on Macrosiphoniella concentration of 0.033 ml/liter, were active
sanborni. Ethanol (95%) extract of root, at on the rat uterusAMOO3 .
a concentration of 5.0%, produced weak Vasodilator activity. Ethanol (95%)
activity on Macrosiphoniella sanborni. Etha- extract of leaves and stem, at a concentra-
nol (95%) extract of seeds, at a concentra- tion of 0.033 ml/liter, was active on the iso-
tion of 5.0%, was active on Callosobruchus lated hindquarter of rats AMOO3 .
chinensisiAM041 and strongly active on
Macrosiphoniella sanborniiAMOS8. REFERENCES
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from the leaves of Annona muricata. J AM078 Gleye, C., B. Akendengue, A.
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plex virus. J Ethnopharmacol 1998; miller, A. Cave, O. Laprevote and
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6 Carica papaya

Common Names
Aanabahe-hindi India Jhad-chibhadi India
Ababau Nicaragua Karumusa India
Amita India Karutha kapalam India
Badie Ivory Coast Kath India
Bake Ivory Coast Kunam-paran po po Admiralty Islands
Bedon-al-babo Guinea-Bissau Lesi Admiralty Islands
Bepaia Guinea-Bissau Lesi tangata Tonga
Boppai India Lo hong ph Ie Vietnam
Boppaya India Mak hung Vietnam
Buah betek Malaysia Malako Thailand
Buah ketela Malaysia Mama Angola
Buah papaya Malaysia Mamioko Bougainville
Budibaga Senegal Mamoeiro Paraguay
Bumpapa Senegal Mande Ghana
Bupapay Senegal Mande Senegal
Chibda India Manjan Borneo
Chichihualxochitl Mexico Melon tree India
Chirbhita India Melon tree Nigeria
Common papaw India Mewa Nepal
Du du Vietnam Mikana Hawaii
Ebabayo Tanzania Mokka Japan
Ehi Tanzania Mupapawe Venda
Eranda-kakadi India Nita Cook Islands
Esi India o rabana Senegal
Fafy Oman Ojo-mgbimgbi Nigeria
Fakai Sierra Leone Olesi Nigeria
Fakai laa Sierra Leone Omita India
Fruta bomba Cuba Ommal India
Fruto bomba Cuba Pace Guinea-Bissau
Goppe India Papae Guinea-Bissau
Gwanda Nigeria Papai India
I'ita Nigeria Papai West Indies
Ibepe Nigeria Papaia Guinea-Bissau
Ipi Papua-New Guinea Papapa Fiji

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Papaw Guyana Papeya India

Papaw Jamaica Papia Senegal
Papaw Malaysia Pap ita Fiji
Papaw USA Pap ita India
Papaw West Indies Papitha India
Papay Haiti Papoia Guinea-Bissau
Papay India Parimi India
Papaya India Parindakaya India
Papaya Brazil Paupau India
Papaya Fiji Paw paw Nigeria
Papaya Gold Coast Pawpaw East Africa
Papaya Guatemala Pawpaw England
Papaya India Pawpaw Fiji
Papaya Indonesia Pawpaw India
Papaya Japan Pawpaw Malaysia
Papaya Malaysia Pawpaw Oman
Papaya Nepal Pawpaw Papua-New Guinea
Papaya Papua-New Guinea Pawpaw Philippines
Papaya Peru Poi poi Kenya
Papaya Tanzania Popai India
Papaya USA Poyam Admiralty Islands
Papaya tree India Puppai India
Papaye Guadeloupe Tree melon India
Papaye Rodrigues Islands Tuunuk Nicaragua
Papayer Ivory Coast Twas Nicaragua
Papayer Vietnam Ulmak Nicaragua
Papayer Zaire Vatakumba India
Papayi Guadeloupe Vatre Ivory Coast
Papayo Mexico Vi nita Ivory Coast
Papayu India Wayoye Papua
Papeeta Pakistan Weleti Papua
Papeta India Wi Papua

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION may convert to a female after being beheaded.

This is a perennial, herbaceous plant of the Flowers emerge singly or in clusters from the
CARICACEAE family, with copious milky main stem among the lower leaves, the female
latex reaching to as high as 10 meters. The short-stalked, the male with drooping
stem is about 25 cm thick, simple or branched peduncles 25 to 100 cm long. Corolla is 1.25
above the middle and roughened with leaf to 2.5 cm long, with 5 oblong recurved white
scars. Leaves, clustered around the apex of the petals. Fruit is extremely variable in form and
stem and branches, have nearly cylindrical size; it may be nearly round, pear-shaped, oval,
stalks, 25 to 100 cm long; the leaf blade has 7 or oblong; that of the wild plants may be as
to 11 main lobes and some secondary irregular small as an egg, whereas in cultivation, the
pointed lobes and prominent veins; leaf sur- fruit ranges from 10 cm to 60 cm in length and
face is yellow-green to dark-green above and up to 20 cm thick. Its skin is smooth, relatively
paler beneath. Usually male and female flow- thin, and deep yellow to orange when the fruit
ers are borne on separate plants, but hermaph- is ripe. Flesh is succulent, yellow to orange or
rodite flowers often occur, and a male plant salmon-red, sweet and more or less musky.

The central cavity is lined with a dryish pulpy Ecuador. Hot water extract offresh fruit is
membrane to which adhere numerous black taken orally as a contraceptiveCP151.
rough peppery seeds, each with a glistening Fiji. Fresh sap is used externally for ring-
transparent gelatinous coating. worm. Ground dried leaf is taken with salt
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION for coughs. Fresh ripe fruit pulp is taken
orally for indigestion, as an appetizer, and
It is believed that papaya originated in
for diarrhea and dysenteryCP141.
Southern Mexico and Central America,
Ghana. Hot water extract of seeds is taken
though it was cultivated as far south as
orally as an abortifacient. Latex is used
Lima, Peru, in pre-Spanish times. Today,
as an abortifacientCP106 . Root blended with
papaya is grown in all tropical and subtropi-
salt and triturated with water is used as a
cal countries as a commercial crop.
douche to induce abortioncPoo3. Hot water
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES extract of root is taken orally as an
Admiralty Islands. Fresh leaf sap is applied abortifacient CP106 .
to skin with Siponia eruptions twice daily. Gold Coast. Hot water extract of root is
The treatment is repeated in 5 days, if taken orally as an abortifacientCPool.
needed. Fresh soft bark is scraped onto a leaf Guadeloupe. Seeds are eaten as a
and heated over a fire. The soft material is vermifuge CP127 .
rubbed onto a new cut to promote Guinea-Bissau. Decoction of hot water
healingCP124. extract is taken orally as an abortive.
Bougainville. Fresh leaves are squeezed to a Unripe fruits are crushed and part of the
pulp and plastered onto cuts or wounds to pulp is used to massage the breasts as an
promote healingCPlll. emmenagogue; the remaining part is mixed
Brazil. Latex is taken orally as an with water and boiled with vapors, being
anthelmintic CPOJ9 . Unripe fruit is applied to placed on the woman's breasts. After cool-
the skin for ringworm and dermatitis. Ripe ing, the decoction is administered orally in
fruit is eaten for constipationcPlol. divided doses throughout the daycPoo2.
Cook Islands. Fresh seeds are eaten whole Guinea. Decoction of hot water extract of
as a treatment for intestinal worms CP137 . leaves is taken orally to provoke abortion.
Fresh unripe fruit is used externally to treat Decoction of hot water extract of unripe
cuts and sores, skin infectionscpon. For boils fruit is taken orally to provoke milk secre-
and carbuncles, the unripe fruit is grated, tion. Latex of unripe fruits is massaged over
mixed with coconut oil, and rubbed in the breasts to provoke milk secretion. Seeds
affected partCPll7 . are eaten to induce abortioncPoo3 .
Cuba. Unripe fruit is eaten for hyper- Haiti. Fresh fruit juice is taken orally for
tensionCPOll. hypertension. Fresh latex is taken orally for
East Africa. Hot water extract of leaves is toothache. Water extract of dried root is
taken orally as an anthelminticCPlo6. Hot taken orally for urethritisCP143.
water extract of dried roots is taken orally Hawaii. Unripe fruit is claimed to be ben-
for syphilis and as an anthelminticCpo37. Hot eficial in producing lactation. The fruit is
water extract of latex is taken orally as an washed, cut into cubes, and boiled as for
anthelmintic. Hot water extract of roots is soup. The broth is taken by new mothers.
taken orally as an anthelmintic. Hot water Within a few days, stinging sensations in the
extract of seeds is taken orally as an breasts begin, and the breasts then fill up
anthelminticCPlo6. Unripe fruit juice IS with milkcP159. Water extract of unripe fruit
taken orally as an abortifacientcpolO. is taken orally for asthmacPo71.

India. A mixture of Carica papaya root and enlargement CP152 . To treat worms, leaf
Ferula marthex resin is used to induce abor- extract and latex of raw fruit are taken
tion. The root of Carica papaya with girth orallycPo59. Hot water extract of root is taken
able to penetrate the vagina and about 8- to orally, as an abortifacient and for the treat-
lO-in long is obtained. At one end, an inci- ment of yawsCPI06. Latex is applied to the os
sion a half an inch deep in the shape of a uteri for inducing abortioncPool. Latex is
cross is made in such a way that the root taken orally as an anthelminticCPlo9. Plant
does not break into separate portions. In juice taken orally is. said to be a powerful
these cuts, the Ferula marthex resin is put, anthelmintic, and when applied to the os
better if somewhat crushed and refined. The uteri it produces abortioncPl54. Seeds are
vagina is penetrated with the portion con- taken orally as a powerful emmenagogue, an
taining the Ferula marthex to go deep inside abortifacient when mixed with Zingiber
and most probably to touch the os uteri. officinale and honeycPool. Unripe fruit is eaten
Penetration and maintaining the root in for gastric disorders. Young fruit is eaten
this way daily for 7-8 hours in the vagina is together with the young seeds to cause
said to result in abortion, even in a fetus 3-4 abortioncPlZS . Unripe fruit juice, taken orally
months oldcP122 . Decoction of inner stem- is claimed to a powerful galactagogue,
bark is taken orally twice daily for dental emmenagogue, and abortifacient. Applica-
cariesCP096. Dried seed eaten by pregnant tion to the os uteri is believed to interrupt
women will produce abortion and is a pow- pregnancyCPlOO. Young fresh leaves are made
erful emmenagogue CP037 . Powdered seed is into a fine paste and taken orally for a week
taken orally as an anthelminticCpo90. Hot at doses of 5-6 gm, for severe jaundicecPo99.
water extract of seeds is taken orally as an Indonesia. Seed and flesh of fruit are eaten
anti-inflammatory and analgesicCP152 . Fresh to promote abortioncP056 .
fruit is eaten as an abortifacient. Tender Ivory Coast. Decoction of hot water extract
fruits are used in different forms. To expel of leaves is taken orally in case of difficult
intestinal worms, ripe fruits are eatenCP129 . delivery; if the decoction is drunk, it can
Fruit is taken orally as an emmenagogueCPOO8 cause abortion; externally it is used as a
and abortifacientcPOl6 . Pregnant women are galactagogueCPo19. Fresh leaves are used
strictly prohibited from eating papaya dur- externally as a hemostaticCPl50.
ing pregnancy for fear of inducing labor. Jamaica. Fresh latex is used externally in
Some tribal people believe that papaya has the treatment of ringwormCP162.
a powerful antifertility propertyCP104. Hot Kenya. Decoction of dried root is taken
water extract of flowers is taken orally as a orally for venereal diseases. Carica papaya
heart tonic. Hot water extract of leaves is and Carissa edulis and other species are
taken orally as a febrifuge and heart combinedCP095 .
tonic CP106 . Hot water extract of ripe-dried Malawi. Water extract of dried root is taken
fruit is taken orally as an emmenagogueCPl47. orally to cure yellow fevercPo93.
Hot water extract of ripe fresh fruit is said to Malaysia. Fresh unripe fruit juice is taken
be astringent to the bowels, an aphrodisiac, orally as an emmenagogue. Hot water
and is used for biliousnesscP152 . Unripe fresh extract of flowers is taken orally as an
fruit is taken orally for abortion. Ripe fruits emmenagogueCPl06. Hot water extract of
are taken orally, as a diuretic and treatment roots is taken orally as an abortifacientCP106 .
of flatulencecPo63. Latex is taken orally for Latex is applied to the os uteri to induce
indigestion, abdominal colic, hemorrhoids, abortioncPool. The latex is taken orally as an
worms, and for liver and spleen abortifacientCPO07 ,CP015. Seeds are taken orally

to induce abortion in early pregnancyCP007. Peru. Hot water extract of dried fruit is
Hot water extract of seeds is taken orally as taken orally for gall bladder and liver condi-
an abortifacient and emmenagogueCPI06. tions and for disorders of fat digestion and
Unripe fruit is considered dangerous to be dyspepsia. Hot water extract of dried leaves
eaten by women during pregnancyCP015. is taken orally for gallbladder and liver con-
Mexico. Fresh latex is taken orally to treat ditions, and for disorders of fat digestion and
constipation. The exudation is taken as a dyspepsiacP149.
purgativecP06s . Fresh unripe fruit juice is taken Senegal. Decoction of dried fruit and cit-
orally as an emmenagogue CPlO6 . Hot water rus species is taken orally for venereal
extract of latex is applied externally to skin diseasescPo94. Decoction of young leaves is
rash. Orally, it is taken for ulcers and as a taken orally as an abortifacient, for
digestivecPosl. Hot water extract of seeds is blennorrhagia, and for yellow fever. Hot
taken orally as an emmenagogue CPlO6 . water extract of dried root is taken orally
WaterCPOOI and hot waterCP106 extracts of flow- for gonorrhea and venereal disease, yellow
ers are taken orally as emmenagogue. fever, toothache, and dysentery. Hot water
Mozambique. Hot water extract of leaves extract of dried seeds is taken orally for fun-
is taken orally as a febrifugeCPo19. gal infections of the skin. Hot water extract
Myanmar. Unripe fruit is eaten as an of fresh latex is used externally for sores.
abortifaci ent cpoo9. Hot water extract of unripe fruit is taken
Nigeria. Dried leaves cooked with Musa orally for coughs, and externally for
sapientum in equal proportions is taken soresCP089. Seeds are taken orally as an abor-
orally or as a bath to treat body infections. tifacient and emmenagogue CPOll .
The leaf extract is taken with salt, orally, to Sierra Leone. Old yellowish leaves are
treat yellow fever, and the infusion prepared rubbed in a calabash, with water added the
from leaves is taken orally to treat stomach- liquid is taken orally to stimulate laborCP134.
ache. Fresh fruit is eaten as a treatment for Decoction of dried leaves is taken orally for
beri_bericpos9. Hot water extract of fresh yellow feverCP118 .
leaves is taken orally as a purgative, anti- Tanzania. Hot water extract of dried root is
pyretic, analgesic, and anthelmintic. Hot taken orally as an anthelmintic CPIl2 . Hot
water extract of fresh root is taken orally as water extract of fresh leaves is taken orally
an anthelmintic, antipyretic, and analgesic. for gonorrheacP14o.
Fruit is eaten for nausea, as a carminative, Thailand. Hot water extract of dried root is
for yaws, as an antipyretic, purgative, and used as a diureticCP168.
for dysent erycPl2o. Tonga. Dried stem scrapings are used to pre-
Panama. Fruit juice is taken orally for diar- pare an infusion that is taken orally to rem-
rhea and dysentery. Toasted and powdered edy failure of lactationCPIl2 .
seeds mixed with honey are taken orally, 1 Vanuatu. Unripe fruit is taken to induce
teaspoon, followed by a laxative (castor oil) abortion. Four small unripe fruits are eaten
as an anthelmintic CPlOs . together with 4 tablets of nivaquine and the
Papua-New Guinea. Dried seeds of a ripe juice of 2 limescPo67.
fruit are chewed for cough and stomach- Venda. Decoction of dried root of Carica
achecPo69. Fresh sap from any part of the plant papaya, Terminalia sericea, Parinari curatelli-
mixed with lime is rubbed into Tinea imbri- folia, and Citrus limon is used. One table-
cation and other skin eruptionscP068,CP135. spoonful of the decoction is taken orallyCPLl3.
Paraguay. Dried seeds are eaten as a Vietnam. Unripe fruit is eaten as an
vermifugeCPo7o. aborti veCPOI8.

West Africa. Hot water extract of dried Benzaldehyde: Fr 0.3 mcglmgCP079

root is taken orally as an abortifacientcP017. Benzyl alcohol: Fr 0.2 mcglkgCP079
Benzyl glucosinolate: FrCP165
West Indies. Hot water extract of flowers is
Benzyl-iso-thiocyanate: FrCP049,
taken orally as an emmenagogue. Hot water Sd 0.2_0.5%cP028
extract of fresh unripe fruit is taken orally as Sitosterol, beta: Lf; Sd, FI, FrCP136
an emmenagogue. Hot water extract of seeds Carotene, beta: FrCP172, Fr pee1CP029,
is taken orally as an emmenagogueCPI06. Sd oilcP075
Latex of milk from incisions in stem is taken Carotene, beta-beta: LfC p061
orally as a diuretic. It is said that "it burns Carotene-3-diol, beta-beta: LfC p061
but it makes the urine flow"cPo73. Unripe fruit Carotene, beta-epsi Ion: LfCP061
Beta-phellandrene: FrCP049
juice and hot water extracts are taken orally
Carotene, beta-pseudo: LfCP061
for hypertensioncP103 . Boron: Fr 5_15cpo45
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS But-2-enoic acid benzyl ester:
Fr 0.1 mcglkgCP079
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) But-2-enoic acid methyl ester:
(E)-beta-ocimene: FrCP049 Fr 0.3 mcglkgCP079
(Z)- beta-ocimene: FrCP049 Butanedione: FrCP079
2-6-Dimethyl-3-7-diene-2-6-diol: Fr EOCP085 Butanoic acid methyl ester:
2-6-Dimethyl-oct-7 -ene-2-3-6-triol: Fr 46.7 mcglk gCP079
Fr EOCP085 Butanoic acid, Fr pulp 1.2cPo82
2-6-Dimethyl-octa-1-7 -diene-3-6-diol: Butyl-acetate, FrCP040
Fr EOCP085 Butyl-alcohol: FrCP048
2-6-Dimethyl-octa-cis-2-7 -diene-1-6-diol: Butyl-benzoate: FrCP049
Fr EOCP085 Butyl-hexanoate: FrCP049
2-6-Dimethyl-octa-trans-2-7 -diene-1-6-diol: Caffeic acid: LfCP087
Fr EOCP085 Calcium: Fr 100_2729cPo46,cPo5o,cPo47
Butan-1-al, 2-methyl: Fr 6.0 mcglkgCP079 Callose: LXCP048
3-Methyl-butyl benzoate: FrCP049 Campesterol: Sd oi ICP075
4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-pentan-2-one: FrCP049 Caoutchouc: Lx 4.5%cpo47
4-Terpineol: FrCP049 Caproic acid: FrCP079
Avenasterol, 5-dehydro: Sd oilcP075 Carbohydrates: Fr 9.5-99.1 %CP046,CP047,
6-7-epoxy linalool: Fr EOCP085 Sd 15.5%cP047
6-Methylkept-5-en-2-one: FrCP049 Carica papaya amylase: FrCP041
Avenasterol, 7-dehydro: Sd oilcP075 Carica papaya anticoagulant: Fr LXCP021
Cycloartenol, 24-methylene: Sd oilcP075 Carica papaya polysaccharide P-1 : LXCP076
5,6-Monoepoxi-beta carotene: FrCP048 Carica papaya polysaccharide PP-11 :
Alanine: Fr 140-1253cpo5o LXCP076
Alpha linolenic acid: Fr 250_2238cpo50 Carica papaya polysaccharide: LXCPl16
Alpha terpinene: FrCP049 Caricacin: FrCP035
Alpha tocopherol: LfCP171 Carici n: SdCP047
Alpha-phellandrene: FrCP049 Carpaine: Lf 0.015-0.400%CP106, Sd CP013 ,
Beta-phellandrene: FrCP049 Fr 0.02%CP033
Amyl iso-acetate: FrCP040 Carpasamine: Sd 0.35%CP024
Amyl-acetate: FrCP040 Carpasemine: Sd 0.35%CP027
Arachidic acid: Sd oil 0.5_1.0%CP161 Carposide: LfCP047
Arginine: Fr 100_895cpo5o Caryophyllene: FrCP049
Ascorbic acid: Fr 0.015-0.050%cpo41 Cholesterol: Sd oi ICP075
Ash: Fr 0.58-5.73%cpo50, Sd 8.8%cpo47 Choline: Lf 0.02%CP025
Aspartic acid: Fr 490-4387cpo50 Chrysanthemexanthin: FrCP048
Behenic acid: Sd oil 1.6%cPo23 Chymopapain A: LXCP081

Chymopapain: LXCP074 Hexyl acetate: FrCP040

Chymopapain B: LXCP048 Hexyl alcohol: FrCP040
Cis-beta ocimene: Fr 004 mcg/kgCP079 Histidine: Fr S0-448cP050
Citric acid: FrCP047 Iron: Fr 0.8_38cP046,CP047,CP050
Copper: Fr 0.1_SCP050,CP045 Iso-butyl acetate: FrCP040
Cotinine: Lf 27.8cpo34 Iso-propyl alcohol: FrCP040
Cryptoxanthin monoepoxide: Fr peelCP029 Iso-butyl alcohol: FrCP040
Cryptoxanthin: Fr peelCP029 Isoamyl acetate: FrCP048
Cycloartanol: Sd oi ICP075 Isoleucine: Fr 80_716cP050
Cycloartenol: Sd oi ICP075 Kilocalories: Fr 390-3491 CP050
Cyclobranol: Sd oi ICP075 Kryptoflavin: FrCP048
D-galactose: FrCP048 Kryptoxanthin: FrCP047
D-galacturonic acid: FrCP048 Lauric acid: Lf, FI, FrCP136 , Sd oil 0040%cP023
Decanal: FrCP049 Leucine: Fr 160-1432cpo50
Dehydrocarpaine 1: LfC p106 Lignoceric acid: Sd oilcP075
Dehydrocarpaine 11: LfC p106 Linalool oxide-A: FrCP049
Dehydrocarpamines: PICP044 Linalool oxide-B: FrCP049
Octalactone, delta: Fr 0.1 mcg/kgCP079 Linalool oxide, cis: Fr 7.1 mcg/kgCP079
Delta-S-stigmasterol: Sd oi ICP075 Linalool: Fr 0.3 mcg/kgCP079
Essential oil: Sd 900CP047 Linoleic acid: Fr, FI, Lf CP136,
Carotene, epsilon: Fr peelCP029 Sd oil 0040%cP023
Ethanol: FrCP040 Linolenic acid: Sd oilcP170
Ethyl acetate: FrCP040 Lycopene: Fr PeelCP029
Ethyl alcohol: FrCP048 Lysine: Fr 2S0-2238cP050
Ethyl benzoate: FrCP049 Lysozyme: LXCP074
Ethyl butyrate: FrCP049 Magnesium: Fr 82_lOS8cP050
Ethyl octanoate: FrCP049 Malic acid: Lx 4400, FrCP047
Fat: Fr 0.098_2.2%cP046,CP047, Lx 204%, Manganese: Fr 0.1-1.1 CP050
Sd 2S.3%CP047 Methanol: FrCP040
Fatty acids: Sd oil cP130 Methionine: Fr 20_179cpo50
Fiber: Fr 0.696-7.SS4%cP050, Sd 17%cpo47 Methyl acetate: Fr CP040
Fixed oil (Carica papaya): Sd 2S.0%CP161 Methyl cyclohexane: Fr 4.5 mcg/kgCP079
Flavonols: Lf 0_2000CP043 Methyl hexanoate: FrCP049
Fructose: FrCPl73 , LfC p087 , Tr BkcPllO Methyl nicotinate: Fr 0.5 mcg/kgCP079
Galactose: Tr BkcPll0 Methyl octanoate: FrCP049
Gamma carotene: FrCP048 Methyl salicyclate: FrCP049
Gamma terpinene: FrCP049 Methyl thiocyanate: FrCP049
Gamma octalactone: FrCP049 Methylgeranate: FrCP049
Gentisic acid: LfC p038 MUFA: Fr 380-3,402cpo50
Geranyl acetone: FrCP049 Mutatochrom: FrCP050
Germacrene-D: FrCP049 Myosmine: Lf 1 o4CPo34
Glucotropaeolin: PICP048 Myrcene: FrCP049
Glutamic acid: FrCP050 Myristic acid: Fr, Sd, Lf, FlcP136
Glycine: Fr 180-1611cPo5o Myristoleic acid: FI, FrCP136
Heptan-2-one: FrCP040 Myrosin: SdCP047
Heptanal: FrCP049 Butanol, N: FrCP040
Hex-2-enoic acid methyl ester: Docosane, N: Sd oilcP075
Fr 0.1 mcg/kgCP079 Dodecane, N: Sd OilCP075
Hexadecenoic acid: Sd oil 0.8%CP023 Dotriacontane, N: Sd oilcP075
Hexanal: FrCP049 Eicosane, N: Sd oi ICP075
Hexanoic acid methyl ester: Heneicosane, N: Sd oilcP075
0.1 mcg/kgCP079 Hentriacontane, N: Sd oilcP075

Heptadecane, N: Sd oi ICP075 Protease: Call Tiss CP102 ,CP005

Hexacosane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Protein: Sd 40.0%CP170, Lf 20.90%CP158
Hexadecane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Proteinase: LxcPo74
Formamide, N-N-dimethyl: Fr 0.1 %CP079 Prunasin: LfCP080
Nonacosane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Carpaine, pseudo: Lf 0.01 %CP031
Nonadecane, N: Sd oi ICP075 Carotene, pseudo-pseudo: LfCP061
Octacosane, N: Sd oilcPo75 PUFA: Fr 31 0_2,77ScP050
Octadecane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Pyridine: FrCP079
Pentacosane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Resin: Lx 2.8%cP047
Pentadecane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Riboflavin: Fr 0.3_3CP050
Tetracosane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Serine: Fr lS0-l,343cPo5o
Tetradecane, N: Sd oilcPo75 SFA: Fr 430-3,8S0cP050
Triacontane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Sodium: Fr 26_SS4cP046
Tricosane, N: Sd oil cP075 Squalene: Sd oilcPo75
Tridecane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Stearic acid: Lf, Fr, FlcP136,
Tritriacontane, N: Sd oilcPo75 Sd oil S.0%CP161,CP023
Neoxanthin: FrCP048 Stigmasterol: Sd oilcPo75
Niacin: Fr 3_33cpo50 Styrene: Fr 0.1 %CP079
Nicotine: Lf 0.01 028%cpo34 Sucrose: FrCP047, Trunk Bk cP11O , LfC po87
Nonanal: FrCP049 Sulfoquinovosyl-diacyl glycerol:
Octadecadienoic acid: Sd oilcPo75 Fr, Lf, Fr peelCP083
Octadecenoic acid: Sd oilcPo75 Sulfur: Fr 300_900cpo45
Octan-3-ol: FrCP079 Tartaric acid: FrCP047
Octanal: FrCP049 Terpinolene: FrCP049
Octanoic acid methyl ester: Tetraphyllin B: LfCP080
Fr 0.2 mcglkgCP079 Thiamin: Fr 0.2_2.6cpo50
Octanoic acid: FrCP079 Threonine: Fr 11 0_98ScP050
Oleic acid: Sd oil 7S.0%CP161, Lf, FlcP136 Toluene: Fr 4.6 mcglkgCP079
Ortho-xylene: FrCP079 Trans-linalool oxide: Fr 0.7 mcglkgCP079
Palmitic acid: Sd oil 16.2_19.0%CP023,CP161, Triacetin: FrCP049
Fr, Lf, FlcP136 Tricosanoic acid: Sd oilcPo75
Palmitoleic acid: Fr, FlcP136 Tryptophan: Fr 80_716cpo5o
Pantothenic acid: Fr 2_19cPo5o Tyrosine: Fr SO_448cP050
Papain: FrCP171, Fr Lx S.1_8.4%cPo77, Valine: Fr 100-89ScPo5o
St Lx 13.S%cPo42 Violaxanthin: FrCP047
Papaya peptidase A: LXCP121,CP107 Vitamin B6: Fr 0.2_1.7cPo5o
Papaya peptidase B: LX CP107 Water: Fr 86.S_91.8%cP047,cPo46,
Papaya polysaccharide II: FrCP084 Lx 7S.0%CP047
Papaya proteinase omega: LxCP081 Xylitol: Trunk Bk cP110
Pectin (Carica papaya): Fr (unripe)cP032 Zeaxanthin: FrCP047
Pentan-2,4-Dione: FrCP049 Zinc: Fr 1.8_S.4cPo45
Phenyl aceton itri Ie: Fr 1 7.1 mcglkgCP079
Phenylalanine: Fr 90-806cpo50 PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES
Phosphatidyl glycerol: LfCP083 AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Phosphorus: Fr 4S_1,260cPo5o Abortifacient effect. Extract of ripe dried
Phytoene: FrCP050
fruit was active. Percentage effectiveness in
Phytofluene: FrCP050
studies reviewed was 100%CPI47. Fruit, in the
Potassium: Fr 0.2294-2.S469%cP050
Proline: Fr 100-89ScPo5o
ration of pregnant rats at a dose of 300.0 gm/
Prop-2-yl-butyrate: FrCP049 kg, was equivocal. Saponifiable fraction of
Propyl acetate: FrCP040 unripe fruit, in the ration of pregnant rats at
Propyl alcohol: FrCP048 a dose of 300.0 gm/kg, was active. Seeds, in

the ration of pregnant rats at a dose of 300.0 marcescens, Shigella flexneri, Shigella flexneri
gm/kg, were inactivecPlOo . 3A, Staphylococcus albus, and Staphylococcus
Allergenic activity. Water extract of pol- aureus. Water extract was active on Escheri-
len, administered intradermally to human chia coli, Propionibacterium acnes, Pseudomo-
adults of both sexes at a concentration of nas aeruginosa, Salmonella newport, Sarcina
1:50, was activeCPl64. lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri,
Analgesic activity. Ethanol (100%) extract and Staphylococcus aureus; inactive on Sal-
of dried leaves, administered intraperito- monella typhosa, Shigella flexneri 3A, and Sta-
neally to rats at a dose of 20.0 mg/kg, was phylococcus albuscPo6o. Ethanol (95%) extract
activeCPl5J. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried of undiluted dried fruit, on agar plate, was
seeds was inactiveCPl26. Ethanol/water (1: 1) active on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
extract of the aerial parts, administered in- aureus. Ethanol (95%) extract of undiluted
traperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0 dried leaves, on agar plate, was inactive on
mg/kg, was inactive vs tail pressure Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
methodcPl57. Ethanol (95%) extract of undiluted dried
Anthelmintic activity. Ethanol (95%) root, on agar plate, was active on Escherichia
extract of dried seeds, administered to coli and Staphylococcus aureusCPl66. Methanol
chicken, was active on Ascaridia galliCPl26. extract of dried root, at a concentration of
Ethanol (95%) extract of fruit juice, at a 1.0% on agar plate, was equivocal on
concentration of 0.11 ml, produced weak Escherichia coli and inactive on Staphylococ-
activity on Ascaridia galliCPo55. Ethanol (95%) cus aureus CPll2 . Ethanol (95%) extract of
extract of latex from the stem, at a concen- undiluted dried seeds, on agar plate, was
tration of 7.5 mg/ml, produced weak activ- active on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
ity on Ascaridia galliCPo91. Ethanol (95%) aureusCPl66. Ethanol (95%) extract of undi-
extract of seeds, at a concentration of 25.0 luted latex, on agar plate, was inactive on
mg/ml, was active on Ascaridia galliCPo55. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureusCPl66.
Antiandrogenic effect. Dried seeds, Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of aerial parts,
administered by gastric intubation to rats at on agar plate at a concentration of 25.0 mg/ml,
a dose of 20.0 mg/animal, were inactiveCPlO8 . was inactive on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia
Antiascariasis activity. Water extract of coli, Salmonella typhosa, Staphylococcus
leaves, at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml, aureus, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens cPI57 .
was active on earthworms. Water extract of Juice of unripe dried fruit, on agar plate, was
seeds, at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml, pro- active on Bacillus subtilis, MIC 500.0 mcg/ml
duced strong activity on earthwormsCPOJ6. and zone of thinning 15.0; Enterobacter cloa-
Antibacterial activity. Acetone extract of cae, MIC 500.0 mcg/ml, zone of thinning
dried leaves, on agar plate, was active on 13.0; Escherichia coli, MIC 500.0 mcg/ml,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella newport, zone of thinning 13.5; Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Sarcina lutea, Serratia marcescens, and Shigella MIC 500.0 mcg/ml, zone of thinning 10.5;
flexneri 3A; inactive on Escherichia coli, Pro- Proteus vulgaris, MIC 500.0 mcg/ml, zone of
pionibacterium acnes, Salmonella typhosa, Shi- thinning 5.0; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC
gella flexneri, Staphylococcus albus, and 500.0 mcg/ml, zone of thinning 9.5; Salmo-
Staphylococcus aureus. The ethanol (95%) nella typhi, MIC 500.0 mg/ml, zone of thin-
extract was active on Escherichia coli, Propi- ning 8.0 and Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
onibacterium acnes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 500.0 mg/ml, zone of thinning 10.5cPo64. Pro-
and Salmonella newport; inactive on Salmo- tein fraction of fresh leaves, on agar plate at
nella typhosa, Sarcina lutea, Serratia a concentration of 2.0 mg/ml, was active on

Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas Water extract of fresh bark, at a concentra-
aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, and Staphylococ- tion of 1.0% on agar plate, was inactive on
cus aureus; inactive on Streptococcus faeealis, Neisseria gonorrheacPl4o. Water extract of
and produced weak activity on Proteus vul- fresh latex, on agar plate at a concentration
garis and Salmonella typhimuriumcPl18. Protein of 335.0 units/ml, was active on Micrococcus
fraction of fresh, ripe seeds, on agar plate at leisodeikticuscPl63. Water extract of fresh root,
a concentration of 2.0 mg/ml, was active on on agar plate at a concentration of 1.0%,
Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas was inactive on Neisseria gonorrheacPl4o.
aeruginosa, and Shigella flexneri; inactive on Anticlastogenic activity. Fruit and seed
Streptococcus faecalis, and produced weak juice, administered intraperitoneally to
activity on Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella mice at a dose of 50.0 ml/kg, was active on
typhimuriumcP1l8 . Acetone extract of dried marrow cells vs tetracycline-, mitomycin-,
stem, on agar plate, was active on Escheri- and dimethylnitrosamine-induced micro-
chia coli, Propionibacterium acnes, Pseudomo- nucleicPo66.
nas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhosa, Sarcina Anticoagulant activity. Fresh leaf, at a
lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri, concentration of 50%, was active on human
Shigella flexneri 3A, and Staphylococcus whole bloodcPlso.
aureus and inactive on Salmonella newport Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (100%)
and Staphylococcus albus. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried leaves, administered intra-
extract was active on Escherichia coli, Propi- peritoneally to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/
onibacterium acnes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, kg, was active vs maximal electroshock-
Salmonella newport, Shigella flexneri, Shigella induced convulsions. A dose of 20.0 mg/kg
flexneri 3A, and Staphylococcus albus; inac- was active vs pentylenetetrazole-induced
tive on Salmonella typhosa, Sarcina lutea, seizuresCPl5J . Ethanol (70%) extract of fresh
Serratia marcescens, and Staphylococcus root, administered intraperitoneally to
aureus. Water extract was active on Escheri- mice of both sexes at a dose of 100.0 mg/
chia coli, Propionibacterium acnes, Pseudomo- kg, was equivocal vs strychnine-induced
nas aeruginosa, Salmonella newport, Sarcina convulsions, 20% protection was observed.
lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri, Weak activity was observed vs metrazole-
Shigellaflexneri 3A, and Staphylococcus albus; induced convulsions, 30% protectionCPlZo .
inactive on Salmonella typhosa and Staphylo- Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of aerial parts,
coccus aureusCP060. Protein fraction of ripe administered intraperitoneally to mice at a
endocarp tissue on agar plate, at a con- dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs elec-
centration of 2.0 mg/ml, was active on troshock-induced con vulsionsCPI57 .
Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas Antiedema activity. Methanol extract of
aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, and Staphylococ- fruit, applied onto the ear of mice at a
cus aureus; inactive on Streptococcus faeealis; dose of 2.0 mg/ear, was active vs 12-0-
and produced weak activity on Proteus vul- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate(TPA)-
garis and Salmonella typhimuriumcP1l8 . Protein induced ear inflammation. Inhibition ratio
fraction of ripe-fresh epicarp, on agar plate (IR) was 5CP062.
at a concentration of 2.0 mg/ml, was active Antiestrogenic effect. Seeds, administered
on Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomo- orally to mice at a dose of 1.5 gm/kg, were
nas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, and Staphylo- active CP012 .
coccus aureus; inactive on Streptococcus Antifertility effect. Dried seeds, adminis-
faeealis; and produced weak activity on Pro- tered by gastric intubation to male rats at a
teus vulgaris and Salmonella typhimuriumcPl18. dose of 20.0 mg/animal, were activecPlo8.

Acetone and water extracts of dried leaves, and 3.72 gm/kg, respectively, were inactive
on agar plate at a concentration of 50%, was on Plasmodium gallinaceumcPo04 .
inactive on Neurospora crassaCPl3l . Acetone/ Antimycobacterial activity. Water extract
water (50:50) extract of fresh latex, on agar of fresh leaves, (one part of fresh leaves to
plate, was inactive on Microsporum gypseum three parts of water) on agar plate, pro-
and Trichophyton mentagrophytesCPo88. Etha- duced weak activity on Mycobacterium
nol (100%) extract of fresh leaves, at a con- tuberculosiscP160.
centration of 10.0%, ethanol/acetone Antioxidant activity. Juice of unripe dried
(50%) extract at a concentration of 50.0%, fruit, at concentrations of25.0 and 58.0 mg/
ethanol/water (1: 1) at a concentration of ml, was active. Superoxide radicals were
1.0%, and water extract at a concentration generated using the hypoxanthine oxidase
of 1.0%, on agar plate, were active on Neu- systemCP064 .
rospora crassaCP128 . Ethanol/water (1: 1) Antisickling activity. Water extract of
extract of aerial parts, on agar plate at a con- unripe fresh fruit was active on RB0P144 .
centration of 25.0 mcg/ml, was inactive on Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water
Microsporum canis, Trichophyton menta- (1: 1) extract of aerial parts was inactive on
grophytes, and Aspergillus nigerCP157 . Methanol the ileum of guinea pigs vs ACh- and hista-
extract of unripe fruit, on agar plate at a mine-induced spasmsCP157.
concentration of 0.03%, was inactive on Antispermatogenic effect. Dried seed, ad-
Trichophyton mentagrophytesCPll7 . ministered by gastric intubation to male rats
Antihepatotoxic activity. Water extract of at a dose of 20.0 mg/animal daily for eight
trunk bark, administered orally to male rats weeks, was inactive. Animals were mated
at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active vs jaun- with adult females of proven fertility at
dice induced by intraperitoneal injection of estrus following treatmentCP108 .
Brenania brieyi fruit saponin fraction cP078 . Antitumor activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
Anti-implantation effect. Ethanol (95%) of dried leaves, administered intraperito-
extract of unripe fruit, administered orally neally to mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was
to rats at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, produced inactive on Sarcoma 180(ASC)CP092.
weak activityCP014. Ethanol (95%), petro- Antiulcer activity. Fresh fruit latex, admin-
leum ether, and water extracts of seeds, istered by gastric intubation to rats at a dose
administered orally to pregnant rats, were of 0.75 gm/kg twice daily for six days, was
inactive CP052 . Petroleum ether extract of inactive vs aspirin-, prednisolone-, and
seeds, administered orally to rats at a dose of stress-induced ulcers (water immersion).
500.0 mg/kg, was active. Pregnancy was pre- Fresh latex, administered by gastric intuba-
vented in 60% of the rats. No activity was tion to rats at a dose of 0.75 gm/kg twice daily
observed at lower dosescP0 54 . Unripe, dried for six days, was active vs stress- (water-
fruit pulp, administered intraperitoneally to immersion) and prednisolone-induced
rats, was activeCP147. Ethanol/water (1: 1) ulcers. The treatment was inactive vs aspi-
extract of aerial parts, administered orally to rin-induced ulcers. Fresh seeds, administered
male rats at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inac- by gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 0.75
tive vs carrageenin-induced pedal edema. gm/kg twice daily for six days, was inactive vs
Animals were dosed one hour before carrag- aspirin, prednisolone-, and stress-induced
eenin injectionscP157. (water immersion) ulcers. Fresh unripe fruit,
Antimalarial activity. Chloroform and administered by gastric intubation to rats at
water extracts of flowers, administered a dose of 0.75 gm/kg twice daily for six days,
orally to chicken at doses of 166.0 mg/kg was active vs stress-induced ulcers (water-

immersion), and inactive vs aspirin- and intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 200.0

prednisolone-induced ulcersCP1Z3. mg/kg, was activeCPl53.
Antiviral activity. Ethanol (80%) extract Detoxifying effect (non-immunologic).
of freeze-dried leaves, in cell culture at vari- Methanol extract of dried leaves, at a con-
able concentrations, was equivocal on Cox- centration of 100.0 ppm, was inactive on
sackie B2 virus vs Plaque-inhibition; Bulinus globosuscPl14.
inactive on Adenovirus, Herpes virus type Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
1, measles virus, poliovirus, and Semlicki- extract of aerial parts, administered intrap-
forest virus vs plaque inhibitioncP1l9 . Etha- eritoneally to male rats at a dose of 250.0
nol (95%) extract of leaves, in cell culture, mg/kg, was inactive on saline-loaded ani-
was active on distortion ringspot virus, mild mals. Urine was collected for four hours
mosaic virus, and ringspot viruscPl56. Latex, post-treatmentCPI57.
in cell culture, was active on tobacco mosaic Embryotoxic effect. Fruit, in the ration of
virusCPOl7. pregnant rats at a dose of 300.0 gm/kg, was
Antiyeast activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) equivocalcP1oo . Water and petroleum ether
extract of aerial parts, at a concentration of extracts of seeds, administered orally to
25.0 mcg/ml, was inactive on Candida pregnant rats, were activeCP052. Seeds, in the
albicam and Cryptococcus neoformansCPl57. ration of pregnant rats at a dose of 300.0 gmt
Fresh latex, on agar plate, was active on kg, were inactiveCP1OO .
Candida albicam, LC 100 138.0 mcg/mlcPo57. Fish poison. Water extract of fresh bark was
Fresh latex, at a concentration of 10.0% on inactivecPl46.
agar plate, was active on Candida albicans, Gastric antisecretory activity. Fresh latex,
Candida guilliermondii, and Candida tropi- administered by gastric intubation to rats at
calisCPll3 . Methanol extract of unripe fruit, a dose of O. 75 gm/kg twice daily for six days,
on agar plate at a concentration of 0.03%, was active vs histamine-induced ulcerCP1Z3.
was inactive on Candida albicans CPll7 . Gastric secretory stimulation. Fruit juice,
Water extract of dried root, on agar plate, taken orally by human adults, was
was active on Candida albicam using hole- inactiveCP026.
plate diffusion method and produced weak Hemagglutinin activity. Water extract of
activity in broth culture using test-tube dried seeds was active on human RBC. No
dilution method. Chloroform and metha- specificity for any particular blood group was
nol extracts were inactive on agar plate observedcPl67.
using hole-plate diffusion method, and in Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/water
broth culture using test-tube dilution (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered
method. Petroleum ether extract was orally to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
active on agar plate using hole-plate diffu- inactive. Less than 30% drop in blood sugar
sion method, and in broth culture using level was observedcPl57. Fruit, administered
test-tube dilution methodcPl42. orally to rabbits, was inactiveCP030 .
Ascaricidal activity. Fruit latex, adminis- Hypotensive activity. Ethanol (95%)
tered orally to dogs at a dose of 1.50 ml/kg, extract of seeds, administered intravenously
was active on Ascaris lumbricoides cP020 . to dogs, was active. Respiration was also
Cardiac depressant activity. Hot water depressedcPo22.
extract of fruit, taken orally by human adults Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
at a dose of 0.02 gm/person, was activeCP033. extract of aerial parts, administered intrap-
Chronotropic effect positive. Ethanol eritoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg,
( 100%) extract of dried leaves, administered was inactiveCPlI7 .

Inflammation induction. Fresh latex, Smooth muscle stimulant activity. Etha-

injected into rats at a dose of 0.25%, was nol (95%) extract of dried seeds was active
active vs aspirin, prednisolone, levamisole, on the ileum of guinea pigs vs ACh, and
and boswellic acid anti-inflammatory treat- barium-induced contractionsCP126. Ethanol
ment. The dose was inactive vs piroxicam, (95%), and water extracts of seeds were
ibuprofen, and chloroquine phosphate anti- active on the rat intestine. Atropine or
inflammatory treatmentCPOS8. antihistamine did not block the activityCPll8.
Insecticide activity. Ethanol (95%) extract Spasmolytic activity. Butanol extract of
of dried seeds, at a concentration of 50.0 mg, dried leaves, at a concentration of 0.2 mg/ml,
was inactive on Rhodnius neg!ectusCP07O . Fruit was active on the ileum of guinea pigs,
juice was active on Leptinotarsa decem- 35.67% reduction in contraction was seen
lineataCpo53. vs ACh-induced contractions and 53.37%
larvicidal activity. Water extract of dried reduction vs KCI-induced contractions.
latex was active on Culex quinquefasciatus, Chloroform extract was inactive vs ACh-
LC loo 0.004 ml/ml. Concentration given in and KCI-induced contractions. Isopentyl
gm of fresh plant material per ml of water alcohol extract was active, 89.34% reduc-
needed for 100% mortality in six hours. The tion vs ACh-induced contractions and
extract was tested in 100 ml of waterCP086. 72.43% reduction vs KCI-induced contrac-
Molluscicidal activity. Water extract of tions. Methanol extract was active, 20.17%
oven-dried fruit was inactive on Biophalaria reduction vs ACh-induced contractions and
pfeiffericPl45. inactive vs KCI-induced contractionsCP098.
Ovulation inhibition effect. Ethanol Spermicidal activity. Water extract of
(95%), water, and petroleum ether extracts, seeds was active in rodents. The effect was
administered orally to rabbits at a dose of 100% reversible after three monthsCPll9 .
100.0 mg/kg, were inactiveCP006. Spermicidal effect. Dried seeds, adminis-
Plant germination inhibition. Chloro- tered by gastric intubation to male rats at a.
form extract of dried leaves was active vs dose of 20.0 mg/animal, were inactiveCP108 .
Amaranthus spinosus, 49.5% inhibition. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of aerial parts,
Chlorform extract of dried seeds was at a concentration of 2.0%, was inactive on
active vs Amaranthus spinosus, 58% the spermatozoa of rats CP157 .
inhibitioncPlll. Superoxide radical scavenging activity.
Radical scavenging effect. Fresh fruit Juice of unripe dried fruit was active, IC so
juice, at a concentration of 20.0 microli- 114.5 mg/ml when scavenging of superox-
ters, was activeCP091. Juice of unripe dried ide was assayedCPo64.
fruit was active, IC so 25.0 mg/ml when Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
scavenging of 1, 1-diphenyl-1-2-picryl- nol (95%) extract of dried seeds, adminis-
hydrazyl radicals was assayed and IC se 67.1 tered intraperitoneally to rats, produced LDso
mg/ml when scavenging of hydroxyl radi- 208.0 mg/kgCPI26. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract
cals was assayedCPo64. of aerial parts, administered intraperitoneally
Semen coagulation. Ethanol/water (1: 1) to mice, produce LD50 > 1.0 gm/kgCP157.
extract of aerial parts, at a concentration of Tranquilizing effect. Ethanol (100%)
2.0%, was inactive on the semen of rats CP157 . extract of dried leaves, administered intrap-
Skeletal muscle relaxant effect (central). eritoneally to rats at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg,
Ethanol (100%) extract of dried leaves, was active CP153 .
administered intraperitoneally to rats at a Tumor promotion inhibition. Methanol
dose of 50.0 mg/kg, was active CPlSJ . extract of fresh fruit, in cell culture at a con-

centration of 200.0 mg, was inactive on of cyperotundone. Chem Pharm Bull

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and M. Hadchouel. Action of extracts Crude Drugs Res 1989; 27(1): 25-58.
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Phosphatidylglycerol and sulpho- pharmacol1987; 21(2): 109-125.
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tochemistry 1986; 25(6): 1293-1295. of Siaya District, Kenya. Establishing
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dia, used in the treatment of jaundice. Sawhney. Studies on African medici-
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CPl72 Giri, J., V. Bhuvaneswari and R. Papaya (Carica papaya) lipase with
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ity due to inhiobition of sperm motil- Modulation of morphological changes
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chromatographic fraction of the chlo- administration of composite root
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CP175 Bhat, G. P. and N. Surolia. In vitro Pathak, B. Manivannan and S. C.
antimalarial activity of extracts of Jain. Reversible azoospermia by oral
three plants used in the traditional administration of the benzene chro-
medicine of India. Am J Trop Med matographic fraction of the chloro-
Hyg 2001; 65(4): 304-308. form extract of the seeds of Carica
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Goncalves, F. G. Menezes, J. S. Aragao 1999; 15(2): 141-161.
and o. V. Sousa. Microbicidal effect of CP185 Eno, A. E., 0.1. Owo, E. H. Itam and
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guajava Linn. and Carica papaya Linn.) by the fruit juice of Carica papaya (L.)
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and known to induce diarrhea in chil- tension in the rat. Phytother Res
dren. Rev Inst Med T rop Sao Paulo 2000; 1494):235-239.
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Androl 2001; 3(2): 143-146. CP187 Hewitt, H., S. Whittle, S. Lopez, E.
CP178 Kermanshai, R., B. E. McCarry, J. Bailey and S. Weaver. Topical use of
Rosenfeld, P. S. Summers, E. A. papaya in chronic skin ulcer therapy in
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Phytochemistry 2001; 57(3): 427-435. Bridgewater. Medicinal plants used for
CP179 Sripanidkulchai, 8., V. Wongpanich, P. dogs in Trinidad and Tobago. Prey
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ceptive evaluation and toxicological topical papaya. Burns 1999; 25(7):

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bits. J Ethnopharmacol 2000; 70 and B. Manivannan. Reversible con-
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7 Cassia alata

Common Names
Aaku pero Buka Island La'au fai lafa Nicaragua
Akapulko Philippines Maliof Papua-New Guinea
Akapulko West Africa Mata pasto Brazil
Akoria West Africa Mhingu Tanzania
Awunwon West Africa Mongrang-jangtong India
Ayengogo Guinea Mula mula India
Bai nicagi Guinea Mulu mulu Papua
Bakua Guinea Njepaa Sierra Leone
Balilang Malaysia Okpo Ndichi Sierra Leone
Barajo Guatemala Palotsina Philippines
Candelabra bush Thailand Pui-chi Bangladesh
Candle tree Malaysia Qanabisi Nicaragua
Christmas blossom Nicaragua Ringworm bush Fiji
Chum het thet Thailand Ringworm bush Guyana
Chumhet yai Thailand Ringworm bush West Indies
Cortalinde Guinea-Bissau Ringworm cassia Malaysia
Dadmardan India Ringworm shrub Australia
Dadmurdan Fiji Roman candle tree Fiji
Dadrughna India Sengseng India
Galinggang hutan Indonesia Serocontil Nicaragua
Gelenggang Malaysia Sindjo-el Guinea-Bissau
Gelenngang Indonesia Sus saika Nicaragua
Grili Papua-New Guinea Sus tara saika Nicaragua
Kabaiura Papua-New Guinea Sus waha tara Nicaragua
Ketapeng Indonesia Tarantan West Indies
Ketepeng Indonesia Te'elango West Indies
King of the forest Jamaica Totoncaxihuitl Mexico
Kinkeliba Gabon Wasemu Papau
Kislin Nicaragua Wild senna West Indies

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION are pinnately compound, 30 to 40 cm long,

This shrub of the LEGUMINOSAE family with 6-12 pairs of broad oblong leaflets,
may grow up to about 3 meters tall. Leaves blunt at the tip, unequal at the base, the ter-
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 7: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


minal pair much larger, about 15 cm long Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried
and 8 cm wide. Flowers are roundish in com- bark, leaves, and root is used externally for
pact axillary racemes, golden-yellow and ringwormcAo34.
very showy, about 20 to 30 cm long and 3-4 Guinea-Bissau. Hot water extract of root is
cm wide. The bracts are 2-3 by 1-2 cm. taken orally as an emmenagogueCA002.
There are 5 unequal, oblong, 10-20 by 6-7 Guinea. A strong decoction of hot water
mm green sepals. The petals are bright yel- extract of leaves is taken orally to promote
low, ovate-orbicular to spathulate, short- abortion, and to treat leprosyCA034.
clawed, 2 by 1-1.5 cm. There are 9-10 India. Fresh leaf juice is used for eczema.
stamens; 2 large, 4 small, and 3-4 reduced. Juice from leaves is applied to affected area
The anthers open via apical pores. There is 3 times daily until curedcAos4. Fresh leaves
only 1 pistil and glabrous ovary. Fruit are 4- are crushed and used for skin diseases, espe-
winged pods, 10-15 cm long, dark brown cially ringworm, eczema and scabiescAosl,cAolo.
when ripe. There are about 50 seeds, more Leaf juice is used externally to treat leuko-
or less quadrangular, arranged transversely derma; a poultice of tender leaves is applied
in the pod. for over a monthCAosl.
Ivory Coast. Decoction of dried leaves is
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION used externally to treat infections caused by
A native of tropical America, it is now wide- dermatophytes, and orallycAol9 and externally
spread in warm countries. The plant grows to treat yeast infections caused by Candida
in waste places, often along streams, banks, albicans, as well as orally to treat bacterial
and in swamps. infections caused by Escherichia colpol8.
Jamaica. Hot water extract of dried leaves
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES is taken orally for diabetesCAo49.
Australia. Hot water extract of dried leaves Malaysia. Decoction of root is taken orally
is taken orally as a catharticCAo61. to ease stomachachecA028 . Hot water extract
Bangladesh. Fresh leaves are squeezed and of dried leaves is taken orally as a laxative;
rubbed into ringwormCAOl6. leaves are used externally against ringworm
Brazil. Decoction of dried leaves is taken and scabies; the sap is used externally
orally as an emmenagogue and aborti- against external ulcers CA026 .
facientCAo63. Decoction of dried root is taken Mexico. Hot water extract of the plant is
orally for malaria. Data were obtained by used externally as an astringent and against
interviews with more than 8000 natives of inflammation of rashes, orally as a purgative,
various parts of BrazilcAOll . anthelmintic and to relieve fever cAolO .
Buka Island. Fresh leaves are squeezed Nicaragua. Fresh leaves are used externally
until soft and rubbed regularly onto the for ringworm and athlete's foot; decoction
affected part of the body to treat ring- of the fresh leaves is taken orally for stom-
wormCA046. achache. It should not be given medicinally
Fiji. Hot water extract of dried leaves and to pregnant women; it will induce
stem is used externally for ringworm and abortioncAo3o.
skin diseasescAoss. The juice of the leaves and Nigeria. Dried leaf, powdered with equal
stem is squeezed out and rubbed on the amounts of Piper guineense, is divided into
affected area for ringworm and skin small portions and taken orally with hot
infectionscAo11, Infusion of dried leaves is "Pap" to treat indigestion. Decoction of the
taken orally as a blood purifier for worms dried leaves is taken orally to hasten deliv-
and diarrheacAo51. ery during labor; a strong decoction is taken

orally to produce abortionCAol5. Decoction of abortifacientCAool. Water extract of the leaf

dried leaves is used externally for ringworm, is used to treat bacterial infections caused
eczema and pustular skin infectionsCAOJ8. by Escherichia coli and fungal infections
Infusion of dried leaves is taken orally as a caused by Candida albicans and derma-
purgativeCAo21. Fresh leaf juice is used exter- tophytesCA074.
nally to treat skin infectionscAo47. Leaf mixed West Indies. Hot water extract of flowers
with fruit pulp of Cucurbita pepo and is used externally as an antibacterialcAo41.
Termitomyces microcarpus (mushroom) is Leaf teas are used for intestinal wormsCA04J.
taken orally to treat gonorrheacAo29. The Seeds are taken orally as a vermifugeCAo43.
ground inflorescence is mixed with "Pap"
and taken orally to treat constipationcAol5. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
Papau-New Guinea. Dried leaves are used (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
externally for skin eruptions such as Tinea Alatonal: StCA009
imbricata. Crushed leaves are rubbed on the Aloe emodin: PICA012
skin cA056 . Fresh leaves are used to treat Alquinone: Rt 10cAoo8
grille, a skin fungus. Crushed leaves are Anthraqu inone, 1-5-dihydroxy-2-methyl:
rubbed into the skin affected by
grilleCA024,CA025. Leaf juice is used externally 1-0-rutinoside: StCA027
for skin eruptions such as Tinea imbricata Benzoquinone, 2-6-dimethoxy: StCA007
and ringwormCA052. Beta sitosterol: RtCA027
Philippines. Fresh leaves are used to treat Chrysarobin: Lf CAOOS
fungal infection of the skin. The leaves are Chrysophanol: PICA004
crushed and rubbed vigorously on the Chrysophanol glycoside: LfCAOOS
Chrysophanic acid: LfCA012
infected area of the skinCAOJ7.
Chrysoeriol-7 -O(2-0-beta-D-
Sierra Leone. Decoction of dried leaves is mannopyranosyl)-beta D-allopyranoside:
taken orally as a laxativeCA05J. SdCA006
Suriname. Fresh leaves are used externally Dalbergin: StCA007
for ringworm and skin diseasescAo56. Daucosterol: StCA007
Tanzania. Decoction of leaves is taken Deoxycoeluatin: LfCAOll
orally as a purgativecAo6o. Emodin: St 3.3CA020,CA007
Kaempferol: LfCA017
Thailand. Decoction of dried leaves is
Luteolin: StCA007
taken orally for asthmacA062j the hot water
Phytosterol: Lf, St BkcA017
extract is taken orally as an antipyreticCA066 . Rhamnetin-3-0-(2-0-beta-D-
Hot water extract of dried entire plant is mannopyranosyl)-beta-D-allopyranoside:
taken orally as a catharticCAo68. Pulverized Sd CA072
flower is taken orally for asthmacAo62. Hot Rhein: PICA004
water extract of dried seeds is taken orally Rhein glycoside: LfCA003
as an anthelminticCAo68. Santal: StCA007
Tannin: LfCAOOS
Trinidad. Seeds and leaves are used as
anthelmntics cM77 .
West Africa. Hot water extract of dried
leaves is taken orally as an ecbolic and AND CLINICAL TRIALS
emmenagogueCA044. Hot water extract of Abortifacient effect. Ethanol/water (50%)
fresh leaf juice is used for parasitic skin extract of dried leaves, administered by gas-
diseasesCAOJI. Strong decoction of hot water tric intubation to rats at a dose of 125.0 mg/
extract of leaves is taken orally as an kg, was inactiveCA06J.

Analgesic activity. Ethanol (85%) extract Salmonella paratyphi B and Shigella flexneri,
of dried leaves, administered intraperito- and inactive on Aeromonas hydrophilia,
neally to mice at a dose of 100.0 mcg/kg, was Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia
activeCA058. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of coli, Salmonella paratyphi A, Salmonella typhi,
aerial parts, administered intraperitoneally Vibrio cholera, Vibrio mimicus, and Vibrio
to mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inac- parahemolyticus; active on Shigella sonnei at a
tive vs tail pressure methodCAo64. Leaf extract, concentration of 1.4 mg/disk, and Shigella
administered intraperitoneally to mice and dysenteriae and Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
rats, was active using tail clip, tail flick, 0.8 mg/diskCA01J. Ethanol (85%) extract of
tail immersion, and acetic acid-induced dried leaves, at a concentration of 10.0% on
writhing methods. Maximum analgesic agar plate, was active on Escherichia coli, Pro-
activity was apparent 2 hours after injection teus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and
of the extract. Fifty mg of kaempferol 3-0- Staphylococcus aureus CAOJ5 . Methanol extract
sophoroside appeared equivalent to 100 mg of the dried leaves, at a concentration of 1.0
of the extractCA073 . mg/disk on agar plate, was active on Bacillus
Antibacterial activity. Chloroform extract subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella paratyphi
of dried leaves, at a concentration of 5.0 B, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei, and Vibrio
mcg/ml on agar plate, was active on cholera, and inactive on Aeromonas
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, hydrophilia, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas
Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, and Sta- aeruginosa, Salmonella paratyphi A, Salmo-
phylococcus aureusCAOJ8. The chromato- nella typhi, Vibrio mimicus, and Vibrio
graphic fraction, undiluted on agar plate, parahemolyticus. The methanol extract of
was active on several Gram positive and dried leaves, on agar plate, showed MIC 0.2
Gram negative organismsCA04J. The acetic mg/disk for Shigella dysenteriae and 0.4 mg/
acid extract of dried leaves, at a concentra- disk for Staphylococcus aureus. Petroleum
tion of 5.0 mg/ml, was active on Bacillus ether extract of dried leaves, at a concentra-
subtilis, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, tion of 1.0 mg/disk on agar plate, was active
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus on Salmonella paratyphi B, Shigella flexneri,
aureus CAOJ8 . Chloroform extract of dried stem and Shigella sonnei, and inactive on
bark, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/disk on Aeromonas hydrophilia, Bacillus cereus, Bacil-
agar plate, was active on Bacillus cereus, lus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas
Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sal- aeruginosa, Salmonella paratyphi A, Salmo-
monella paratyphi B, Salmonella typhi, Shigella nella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio chol-
dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei era, Vibrio mimicus, Vibrio parahemolyticus,
and Staphylococcus aureus. It was inactive on and Shigella dysenteriaeCA01J. Ethanol (95%)
Aeromonas hydrophilia, Escherichia coli, Sal- extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of
monella paratyphi A, Vibrio cholera, Vibrio 100.0 mg/disk (expressed as dry weight of
mimicus and Vibrio parahemolyticus. The plant) on agar plate, was active on Bacillus
methanol extract was active on Bacillus subtilis, and inactive on Escherichia coli, Sal-
cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Sal- monella typhosa, Shigella dysenteriae, and Sta-
monella paratyphi B, Salmonella typhi, Shigella phylococcus aureus. Water extract, at a
flexneri, Shigella sonnei and Vibrio cholera, and concentration of 20.0 mg/disk, was inactive
inactive on Aeromonas hydrophilia, Pseudo- on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella
monas aeruginosa, Salmonella paratyphi A, typhosa, Shigella dysenteriae, and Staphylococ-
Vibrio mimicus and Vibrio parahemolyticus. cus aureusCA040. Ethanol (95%) extract of
The petroleum ether extract was active on dried leaves, at a concentration of 500.0 mg/

ml on agar plate, was inactive on Escherichia mg/kg, was inactive vs electroshock-

coli, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, and induced convulsionscAo64.
Staphylococcus epidermidis. A concentration Antifungal activity. Chloroform, acetic
of 500.0 micromols/ml was inactive on Sta- acid and ethanol (95%) extracts of dried
phylococcus aureusCA026. A concentration of leaves, at concentrations of 5.0 mg/ml on
5.0 mg/ml was active on Bacillus subtilis, agar plate, showed weak activity on Aspergil-
Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Pseudo- lus fumigatus, Lasiodiplodia theobromae,
monas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Penicillium italicum and Trichophyton menta-
aureus CA038 . Ethanol (95%) extract ofleaves, grophytesCAo38. Dried leaf, at a concentration
on agar plate, was active on Bacillus subtilis, of 20.0% on agar plate, was inactive on
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Serra- Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus,
tia marcescens, and Staphylococcus aureusCA045. Mucor species, Penicillium species, and
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, Rhizopus species. Water extract of dried
at a concentration of 25.0 mcg/ml on agar leaves, at concentrations of 80.0%, 90.0%,
plate, was inactive on Bacillus subtilis, and 100.0% applied externally on human
Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhosa, Staphylo- adults, was active on Malassezia furfur. The
coccus aureus and Agrobacterium tumefa- extract was applied to the neck, hands, and
ciens CA064 . Water extract of dried leaves, at trunk. Pityriasis versicolor was treatedCAo69.
variable concentrations, was active on Methanol (85%) extract of dried leaves, at
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus a concentration of 2.5% on agar plate, was
aureusCAOl4. The water extract of dried leaves, active on Microsporum gypseum, Trichophy-
on agar plate, was active on Escherichia coli, ton mentagrophytes, and Trichophyton
LC so 1.0 mg/unit and MIC 1.6 mg/ rubrumCA059. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried
mlcAo19,cAo18. The methanol extract of leaves, leaves, at a concentration of 500 mg/ml on
flowers, stem, and root bark produced a agar plate, was active on Microsporum canis,
broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton menta-
The activity was increased on fractionation grophytes, and Trichophyton rubrum, and
with petrol, dichloromethane and ethyl weakly active on Aspergillus niger, Cladospo-
acetate. The dichloromethane fraction of rium werneckii, Fusarium solani, and Penicil-
the flower extract being the most lium species, and inactive on Candida
effectivecAo76. Methanol extract of leaves, albicans, Rhodotorula rubra, and Saccharomy-
flowers, stem, and root barks produced a ces cerevisiaeCA026. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
broad spectrum activity. The activity was extract of aerial parts, at a concentration of
increased on fractionation with petrol, 25.0 mcg/ml, was inactive on Microsporum
dichloromethane, ethyl acetate. The canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and
dichloromethane fraction of the flower Aspergillus nigerCAo64 . Hot water extract of
extract was the most effectivecAo78. dried bark, leaf and root, at a concentration
Anticlastogenic activity. Juice of leaves, of 1.0 ml in broth culture, was inactive on
administered by gastric intubation to mice Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum
at a dose of 25.0 ml/kg, was active on bone canis, Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton
marrow cells vs mitomycin C-, dimethylnit- mentagrophytes vars. Algodonosa and
rosamine-, and tetracycline-induced micro- Granulare, and Trichophyton rubrumCAOJ4.
nuclei cAo22 . Juice of the dried entire plant, on agar plate,
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol/water was inactive on Epidermophyton floccosum,
(1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0 rubrumCA041. Hot water extract of dried leaves,

at a concentration of 5.0% on agar plate, was at concentrations of 5.0 mg/ml on agar

active on Trichophyton mentagrophytesCAo48. plate, showed weak activity on Candida
Antihistamine activity. Ethanol/water albicans cA038 . Dried leaf, at a concentration of
(1: 1) extract of dried leaves, at variable con- 20.0% on agar plate, was inactive on Can-
centrations, was active on guinea pig dida albicanscAol9. Ethanol (95%) extract of
ileumcAo66. dried leaves, at concentrations of 20.0 and
Antihyperglycemic activity. Petroleum 100.0 mg/disk on agar plate, were inactive on
ether extract of shade-dried leaves, admin- Candida albicanscAo4o. Ethanol/water (1: 1 )
istered by gastric intubation at a dose of extract of aerial parts, at a concentration of
100.0 mg/kg to rats, was active vs 25.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on
streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemiacAol7. Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neo-
Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol (85%) formans CA064 • Juice of the dried entire plant, on
extract of dried leaves, administered intrap- agar plate, was inactive on Candida albicans,
eritoneally to mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Saccharomyces
was active vs carrageenin-induced pedal cerevisiaeCA041 . Water extract of dried leaves, on
edema and cotton pellet granulomacAo39. agar plate, showed lClo 28.0 mg/ml and MlC
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, 0.39 mg/ml on Candida albicansCA019,CA018.
administered orally to rats at a dose of 500.0 Barbiturate potentiation. Ethanol/ water
mg/kg, was active vs carrageenin-induced ( 1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered
pedal edema. Animals were dosed 1 hour be- intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0
fore carrageenin injectionscAo64. Shade-dried mg/kg, was inactiveCA064 .
leaves, administered by gastric intubation to Choleretic effect. Leaf extract, adminis-
rats at dose of 150.0 mg/kg, were activeCA033 . tered orally to rats at doses of 15,30, and 60
Antimutagenic activity. Methanol- mg/kg, was active. Choleretic activity at the
insoluble fraction of dried flowers was 15 mg/kg dose level was better that a group
active vs methylnitrosamine, methyl meth- treated with 15 mg/kg of hydroxycyclo-
ane sul-fonate, or tetracycline-induced hexenyl butyrate, a synthetic choleretic. At
genotoxicity CA023. elevated doses, the extract tends to inhibit
Antipyretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1) bile secretionCA074 .
extract of dried leaves, administered by Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract
gastric intubation at variable concentra- of aerial parts, administered intraperitoneally
tions to rabbit, was inactive vs yeast- to male rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
induced pyrexiacAo66. active. Urine was collected for 4 hours post-
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/ water treatment from saline-loaded animalscAo64 .
(1: 1) extract of dried leaves, at variable con- Embryotoxic effect. Ethanol/water (50%)
centrations, was active on guinea pig extract of dried leaves, administered by gas-
ileumCA066. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of tric intubation to rats at a dose of 125.0 mg/
aerial parts was inactive on guinea pig ileum kg, was inactivecA063 .
vs ACh- and histamine-induced spasmsCA064. Estrous cycle disruption effect. Ethanol/
Antitumor activity. Acid/water, ethanol water (50%) extract of dried leaves, admin-
(95%) and water extracts of dried leaves, istered by gastric intubation to rats at a dose
administered subcutaneously to mice of of 125.0 mg/kg, was equivocalcAo63.
both sexes at doses of 0.02 gm/kg, showed Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/ water
weak activity on Sarcoma 37cA067. (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered
Antiyeast activity. Chloroform, acetic acid, orally to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg,
and ethanol (95%) extracts of dried leaves, was inactive. Less than 30% drop in blood

sugar level was observedcAo64. Hot water Semen coagulation effect. Ethanol/water
extract of dried leaves, administered by gas- (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, at a concentra-
tric intubation to dogs at a dose of 200.0 ml/ tion of 2.0%, was inactive on rat semenCA064.
animal, produced weak activityCAo49. Spermicidal effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Petroleum ether extract of shade-dried extract of aerial parts, at a concentration of
leaves, administered by gastric intubation to 2.0%, was inactive on rat spermCA064 .
rats at a dose of 400.0 mg/kg, was Toxic effect (general). Ethanol (85%)
inactiveCAO \7. Leaf extract, administered orally extract of dried leaves, administered intra-
to streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic peritoneally to mice at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg,
rats, reduced the blood sugar value in was inactiveCAOS8,CA039. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats. extract of dried leaves, administered by
The extract had no effect on glucose levels gastric intubation and subcutaneously at
in normoglycemic animalscAo71. doses of 10.0 gm/kg to mice, was
Hypotensive activity. Ethanol/ water (1: 1) inactivecAo42.
extract of dried leaves, administered intra- Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
venously to dogs at variable dosages, was nol/water (1: 1) extract of aerial parts,
inactiveCA066. administered intraperitoneally to mice,
Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/ water showed LDso 1.0 gm/kgCA064.
(1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered in- Wound healing acceleration. Petrol
traperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0 (gasoline) extract of dried leaves, applied
mg/kg, was inactivecAo64. externally to rabbits at a dose of 10.0%, was
Laxative effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract active. The extract, in the form of a poly-
of dried leaves, administered orally at vari- ethylene glycol ointment, was applied daily
able dosages to human adults, was active. to a skin wound that had been inoculated
Patients with at least 72 hours of constipa- with Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudo-
tion were treated with either placebo or Cas- monas aeruginosa. By 21 days, area of wound
sia. Out of 24 patients treated with Cassia, was 87.6% healed over vs 56.2% on
83% passed stools in 24 hours. The success controlscAo61.
rate in the placebo group was only 18%CA012.
Hot water extract of dried leaves, adminis-
tered by gastric intubation at a dose of 500.0 CA001 Quisumbing, E. Medicinal plants of
the Philippines. Tech Bull 16, Rep
mg/kg to rats, was active. The extract had
Philippines, Dept Agr Nat Resources,
70% of the activity of senna, Cassia Manila 1951; l.
acutifoliaCAOJ6. The infusion, at a dose of 800.0 CA002 Alvaro Viera, R. Subsidio para 0
mg/kg, was also activeCA021. Leaves, adminis- Estudio da Flora Medicinal da Guinea
tered orally to male albino rats, were active. Portuguesa. Agencia-Geral do
The leaves of Cassia acutifolia Del. was used Ultramar, Lisboa, 1959,
CA003 List, P. H. and L. Horhammer. Hager's
as reference standardcAo70.
Handbuck der Pharmazeutischen
Molluscicidal activity. Ethanol (95%) and Praxis. Vols. 2-6. Springer-Verlag.
water extracts of dried trunk bark, at con- Berlin, 1969-1979.
centrations of 10,000 ppm, were inactive on CA004 Glasby,]. H. Dictionary of Plants
Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria Containing Secondary Metabolites.
stramineaCA065. Taylor and Francis. New York. 1991,
Pityriasis versicolor effect. Leaf extract CA005 Morton,]. F. Major Medicinal Plants,
has been effective in a 1O-year human study C. C. Thoman, Springfield, IL. 1977.
with no side effectCA07j . 431pp.

CA006 Gupta, D. and J. Singh. Flavonoid gly- CA019 Crockett, C. 0., F. Guede-Guina, D.
cos ides from Cassia alata. Phytochem- Pugh, M. Vangah-Manda, T. J.
istry 1991; 30(8): 2761-2763. Robinson, J. O. Qlubadewo and R. F.
CA007 Kalidhar, H. S. B. Alatinone, an an- Ochillo. Cassia alata and the preclini-
thraquinone from Cassia alata. Phy- cal search for therapeutic agents for
tochemistry 1993; 32(6): 1616-1617. the treatment of opportunistic infec-
CA008 Yadav, S. K. and S. B. Kalidhar. tions in AIDS patients. Cell Mol BioI
Alquinone, an anthraquinone from Cas- 1992;38(7): 799-902.
sia alata. Planta Med 1994; 60(6): 601. CA020 Elisabethsky, E. and z. C. Castilhos.
CA009 Kalidhar, S. B. Altonal, an anthra- Plants used as analgesics by Amazo-
quinone from Cassia alata. Indian J nian Caboclos as a basis for selecting
Chern Ser B 1994; 33(1): 92-93. plants for investigation. Int J Crude
CAOI0 Ortiz de Montellano, B. Empirical Drug Res. 1990; 28(4): 309-320.
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Hassarajani. Isolation of 1,3,8-trihy- CA022 Lim-Sylianco, C. Y., J. A. Concha, A.
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Cassia alata leaves. Phytochemistry tagenic effects of eighteen Philippine
1975; 14: 2728B. plants. Philippine J Sci 1986; 115(4):
CA012 Harrison, J. and C. V. Garro. Study on 293-296.
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alata L. (Leguminosae). Rev Peru Antigenotoxic effects of drug prepa-
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CA013 Brandao, M. G. L., T. S. M. Grandi, E. Philipp J Sci 1992; 121(4): 399-411.
M. M. Rocha and D.R. Sawyer. Survey CA024 Holdsworth, D. Medicinal plants of
of medicinal plants used as antimalarials the Gazelle peninsula, New Britain
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1992;36(2): 175-182. J Pharmacog 1992; 30(3): 185-190.
CA014 Setiodihardjo, S. H. Tests of antibac- CA025 Holdsworth, D and L. Balun. Medici-
terial effect of ointment containing nal plants of the East and West Sepik
Cassia alata L. leaves. Thesis-MS- Provinces, Papau, New Guinea. Int J
Dept Pharm Fac Math & Sci Univ Pharmacog 1992; 30(3): 218-222.
Padjadjaran, Indonesia 1986. CA026 Ibrahim D. and H. Osman. Antimicro-
CA015 Bhat, R. B., E. O. Eterjere and V. T. bial activity of Cassia alata from Ma-
Oladipo. Ethnobotanical studies from laysia. J Ethnopharmacol1995; 45(3):
Central Nigeria. Econ Bot 1990; 151-156.
44(3): 382-390. CA027 Rai, K. N. and S. N. Prashad. Chemi-
CA016 Alam, M. K. Medicinal ethnobotany of cal examination of the stem of Cassia
the Marma Tribe of Bangladesh. Econ alata, Linn. J Indian Chern Soc 1994;
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CA017 Hasan, C. M., S. N. Islam, K. Begum, CA028 Ahmad, F. B. and D. K. Holdsworth.
M. Ilias and A. Hussain. Antibacterial Traditional medicinal plants of Sabah,
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CA018 Crockett, C. 0., F. Guede-Guina, D. CA029 Oso, B. A. Mushrooms in Yoruba and me-
Pugh, M. Vangah-Manda, T. J. dicinal practices. Econ Bot 1977; 31: 367.
Robinson, J. O. Qlubadewo and R. F. CA030 Dennis, P. A. Herbal medicine among
Ochillo. Cassia alata and the preclini- the Miskito of Eastern Nicaragua.
cal search for therapeutic agents for Econ Bot 1988; 42(1): 16-28.
the treatment of opportunistic infec- CA031 Comley,]. C. W. New macrofilaricidal
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CA033 Abatan, M. O. A note of the anti-in- tile constituents oflocal plants used for
flammatory action of plants of some skin disease. J Afr Med PI. 1980; 3:
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CA034 Caceres, A, B. R. Lopez, M. A Giron nal plants of the North Solomons
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activity of 44 plant extracts. J Ethno- Investigations of Cassia alata, a plant
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CA036 Elujoba, A A, O. O. Ajulo and G. O. Pharm Fr 1982; 40: 357-363.
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in Nagpana, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. nal plants. Econ Bot 1982; 36:
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CA038 Ogunti, E. 0., A.]. Aladesanmi and S. CA051 Pushpangadan, P. and C. K. Atal. Ethno-
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of Cassia alata. Fitoterapia 1991; Kerala. I. Some primitive tribals of West-
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CA039 Palanichamy, S. and S. Nagarajan. Ethnopharmacol1984; 11(1): 59-77.
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CA041 Achararit, c., W. Panyayong and E. Bhattacharjee. Folklore medicines
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some Thai herbs to fungi. Under- (District Tirap). Int J Crude Res
graduate Special Project Report 1983. 1979; 17(2): 61-67.
CA042 Mokkhasmit, M., K. Swasdimongkol CA055 Singh, Y. N. Traditional medicine in
and P. Satrawaha. Study on toxicity of Fiji. Some herbal folk cures used by Fiji
Thai medicinal plants. Bull Dept Med Indians. J Ethnopharmacol 1986;
Sci 1971; 12(2/4): 36-65. 15(1): 57-88.
CA043 Ayensu, E. S. Medicinal plants of the CA056 Holdsworth, D., B. Pilokos and P.
West Indies. Unpublished Manuscript Lambes. Traditional medicinal plants
1978; 110pp. of New Ireland, Papau New Guinea.
CA044 Anton, R. and M. Haag- Berrurier. Int J Crude Drug Res 1983; 21(4):
Therapeutic use of natural anthra- 161-168.

CA057 Palinichamy, S., S. Nagarajan and CA067 Belkin, M. and D. B. Fitzgerald. Tumor-
M. Devasagayam. Effect of Cassia damaging capacity of plant materials. 1.
alata leaf extract on hyperglycemic Plants used as cathartics. J Nat Cancer
rats. J Ethnopharmacol1988; 22(1): Inst 1952; 13: 139-155.
81-90. CA068 Wasuwat, S. A list of Thai medicinal
CA058 Palanichamy, S. and S. Nagarajan. plants, ASRCT, Bangkok, Report No.
Analgesic activity of Cassia alata leaf 1 on Res. Project. 17. A.S.R.C.T.
extract and kaempferol 3-0-sophoro- Bangkok Thailand 1967; 17: 22pp.
side. J Ethnopharmacol 1990; 29(1): CA069 Damodaran, S. and S. Venkataraman.
73-78. A study of the therapeutic efficacy of
CA059 Palanichamy, S. and S. Nagarajan. Cassia alata Linn. Leaf extract against
Antifungal activity of Cassia alata leaf pityriasis versicolor. J Ethnophar-
extract. J Ethnopharmacol 1990; maco11994; 42(1): 19-23.
29(3): 337-340. CA070 Elujoba, A. A., O. O. Ajulo and G. O.
CA060 Chabra, S. c., R. L. A. Mahunnah and I weibo. Chemical and biological
E. N. Mshiu. Plants used in traditional anal yses of Nigerian Cassia species for
medicine in Eastern Tanzania. I. Pteri- laxative activity. J Pharm Biomed
dophytes and angiosperms (Acan- Anal 1989; 7(12): 1453-1457.
thaceae to Canellaceae). J Ethno- CA071 Palanichamy, S., S. Nagarajan and M.
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Bakthavathsalam and S. Nagaraj an. Ethnopharmacol1988; 22(1): 81-90.
Wound healing activity of Cassia alata. CA072 Gupta, D. and]. Singh. Flavonoid gly-
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CA062 Panthong, A., D. Kanjanapothi and istry 1991; 30(8): 2761-2763.
W. C. Taylor. Ethnobotanical review CA073 Palanichamy, S. and S. Nagarajan. An-
of medicinal plants from Thai tradi- algesic activity of Cassia alata leaf ex-
tional books, Part 1. Plants with anti- tract and kaempferol 3-0-sophoroside.
inflammatory, anti-asthmatic and J Ethnopharmacol1990; 29(1): 73-78.
antihypertensive properties. J Ethno- CA074 Assane, M., M. Traore, E. Bassene and
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CA063 Rao, V. S. N., A. M. S. Menezes and alata Linn. in the rat. Dakar Med
M. G. T. Gadelha. Antifertility screen- 1993; 38(1): 73-n
ing of some indigenous plants of Bra- CA075 Damodaran, S. and S. Venkataraman.
zil. Fitoterapia 1988; 59(1): 17-20. A study on the therapeutic efficacy of
CA064 Dhawan, B. N., G. K. Patnaik, R. P. Cassia alata, Linn. leaf extract against
Rastogi, K. K. Singh and]. S. Tandon. Pityriasis versicolor. J Ethnophar-
Screening of Indian plants for biologi- maco11994; 42(1): 19-23.
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1977; 15: 208-219. Omolso. Antimicrobial activity of
CA065 Pinheiro de Sousa, M. and M. Z. Cassia alata. Fitoterapia 2001; 72(5):
Rouquayrol. Molluscicidal activity of 561-564.
plants from Northeast Brazil. Rev CA077 Lans, c., T. Harper, K. George and E.
Bras Fpesq Med Bioi 1974; 7 (4): Bridgewater. Medicinal plants used
389-394. for dogs in Trinidad and Tobago. Prev
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W. Ngarmwathana and U. Permphi- CA078 Khan, M. R., M. Kihara and A. D.
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nal plants. (Continued). J Med Assoc Cassia alata. Fitoterapia 2001; 72(5):
Thailand 1971; 54(7): 490-504. 561-564.
8 Catharanthus
C. Don.

Common Names
Ainskati India Patti-poo Sri Lanka
Atay-biya Philippines Periwinkle Guyana
Billaganneru India Periwinkle India
Boa-noite Brazil Periwinkle Jamaica
Brown man's fancy West Indies Periwinkle Philippines
Caca poule Dominica Periwinkle USA
Chatilla Guatemala Periwinkle West Indies
Chavelita Peru Pervenchede French Guiana
Chichirica Philippines Phaeng phoi farang Thailand
Congo rca Brazil Phang-puai-fa-rang Thailand
Consumption bush West Indies Pink flower West Indies
Dua can Vietnam Ram goat rose West Indies
Kantotan Philippines Rattanjot India
Liluvha Venda Red rose West Indies
Madagascan periwinkle Madagascar Sada bahar India
Maua Kenya Sada-bahar Pakistan
Mini-mal Sri Lanka Sadaphul India
Nayantara Bangladesh Sailor's flower West Indies
Nayantara India Saponaire Rodrigues Islands
Nichinich-so Japan Tiare-tupapaku-kimo Cook Islands
Nichinichi-so Japan Tsitsirika Philippines
Ninfa Mexico Ushamanjairi India
N ityakalyan i India White tulip West Indies
Old maid West Indies

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION blunt, or rounded at the apex, 2.5 to 9 cm

An erect, bushy perennial herb of the long and 1.5 to 4 cm wide, short-petioled.
APOCYNACEAE family which grows to Flowers borne all year in upper leafaxils,
75 cm high, becoming subwoody at the are tubular, 1.5 to 4 cm long, 5-lobed, flar-
base and profusely branched, the stems ing to a width of 5 cm; color may be white
containing some milky latex; leaves are with a yellow eye, white with a crimson
opposite in pairs, smooth, oblong-oval, eye, or lavender-pink with a crimson eye.
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION menorrhagia, and diabetes cR222 . Hot water

The periwinkle is believed to be native of extract of entire plant is taken orally to treat
the West Indies but was originally described a confirmed (by needle biopsy) case of
from Madagascar. It is cultivated as an Hodgkin's disease CR12o . Hot water extract of
ornamental plant almost throughout the leafcRlo7, root CR127 , and twig CR024 are taken
tropical and subtropical world. It is abun- orally for menorrhagia. Pulp of nodes mixed
dantly naturalized in many regions, particu- with cow dung is used externally for cuts and
larly in arid coastal locations.
Jamaica. Hot water extract of dried leaves
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES is taken orally for diabetesCRl74 .
Australia. Hot water extract of dried Kenya. Decoction of dried root is taken
leaves is taken orally for menorrhagiacR222 . orally for stomach problemscR1ll .
Hot water extract of leaves is taken orally Mexico. Infusion of whole plant is taken
by human adults for diabetesCRo19. Hot orally for cancerCR07B.
water extract of root bark is taken orally as Mozambique. Hot water extract of leaves
a febrifugeCRo19. is taken orally for diabetes and rheumatism.
Brazil. Decoction of dried root is taken Hot water extract of root is taken orally as a
orally for fevers and malariacR064 . Hot water hypotensive and febrifugeCRo9o.
extract of dried leaves is taken orally for North Vietnam. Hot water extract of the
diab etesCRlo9. aerial parts is taken orally as a menstrual
China. Hot water extract of the aerial parts is regulatorCR023 ,CR127 .
taken orally as a menstrual regulatorCRo13 ,CR127. Pakistan. Hot water extract of dried ovules
Cook Islands. Decoction of dried leaves is is taken orally for diabetesCRo61.
taken orally to treat diabetes, hypertension, Peru. Hot water extract of dried entire plant
and cancer; eighteen leaves are boiled in a is taken orally by human adults for cancer,
kettle of water and the cool solution is taken heart disease and leishmaniasiscRloo.
orally as necessaryCROB3. Philippines. Hot water extract of dried
Dominica. Hot water extract of the leaf is root is taken orally as an emmenagogueCRllB .
taken orally by pregnant women to combat Hot water extract of leaves is taken orally
primary inertia in childbirth; the tea is used for diabetes mellitus, amenorrhea and
to treat diabetesCR215 . menorrhagiaCRoo1 . Hot water extract of root
England. Hot water extract of dried entire is taken orally by pregnant women to pro-
plant is taken orally by human adults for duce abortion, as an effective emmenag-
diabetesCR194. ogue, and for dysmenorrhea with scanty
Europe. Decoction of dried leaf is taken flOWCRl17,CROOl,CROO1,CR023,CR021,CR015.
orally for diabetes mellitusCRl12 . South Africa. Hot water extract of dried
France. Hot water extract of entire plant is leaves is taken orally for menorrhagia and
taken orally as an antigalactagogueCRo23 . Hot diabetescR222 . Hot water extract of leaves is
water extract of the leaf is taken orally by taken orally for menorrhagiaCRl17.
human adults as an antigalactagogue CR127 . South Vietnam. Hot water extract of entire
French Guiana. Hot water extract of entire plant is taken orally by human adults as an
plant is taken orally as a cholagogueCRo56. antigalactagogueCRl17,CR021.
India. Hot water extract of dried entire Taiwan. Decoction of dried entire plant is
plant is taken orally by human adults for taken orally by human adults to treat dia-
cancerCR040 . Hot water extract of the dried betes mellitusCRo63 and liver diseasecR199.
leaf is taken orally for Hodgkin's disease CR13\ Decoction of dried entire plant is taken

orally to treat diabetes mellitusCRo63. Decoc- 19-Acetoxy-ll-hydroxy tabersonine: PICR137

tion of dried root and stem is taken orally 19-Epi, 3-iso ajmalicine: PI 0.01 %CR169
to treat diabetes mellitusCRo73. 19-Epi-ajmalicine: PICR09l
19-Epi-vindolinine: PICR137
Thailand. Hot water extract of dried entire
19-Hydroxy-ll-methoxy tabersonine:
plant is taken orally for diabetesCR21B. PICR137
USA. Hot water extract of leaves is taken 20-Epi-vindolinine: PI 20.0CR15l
orally, and dried leaves are smoked as a 20-Hydroxy tabersonine: PICR167
euphoriantCRo6o. 21-Hydroxy cyclochnerine: PICR186
Venda. Water extract of dried root is taken 21'-Oxo leurosine: LfCR13l
orally for venereal disease. Catharanthus 24-Methylene cholesterol: PICR068
roseus and Ximenia caffra are macerated and 2-Hydroxy-6-methoxy benzoic acid: LfC R105
3'-4'-Anhydro-vincaleukoblastine: LfC Rl18
soaked in cold water for several hours to 2 3-Epi-ajmalicine: Call TissCR165
d ays cR181.
3-Hydroxy voafrine A: PICR044
Vietnam. Hot water extract of dried aerial 3-Hydroxy voafrine B: PICR044
parts is taken orally as a drug in Vietnamese 3-lso-ajmalicine: PI 8CR15l
traditional medicine listed in Vietnamese 4-Deacetoxy vincaleukoblastine: LfC R057
pharmacopoeia (1974 Edition)CR154. 4-Deacetoxy-3'-hydroxy vi ncaleukoblas-
West Indies. Hot water extract of leafy tine: LfCR059
S' Phosphodiesterase: Call TissCR2l7
stems is taken orally for diabetes. Hot water
7-Hydroxy-indolenine ajmalicine: Call
extract of the entire plant is taken orally for TissCR165
diabetes; the extract of the white variety is Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase: PICR176
used for high blood pressure. Root, infused Adenoside diphosphate: PICR16l
with whiskey, is taken orally for diabetes. Adenoside triphosphate: PICR16l
Tea of white flowers and leaves is taken Adenosine: LfC R048
orally by human adults for diabetesCR125 . Tea Ajmalicine synthetase: PICR088
prepared from leaf and stem is taken orally Ajmalicine: Call Tiss 100CR075, FI 0.3CR183,
Lf 0.2CR146, StCR092, Rt 2S0CRl15
as a remedy for diabetesCRoB9.
Ajmaline: ResCR084
Akuammicine: Rt 4 CR017 , Lf 0.06CR146
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Akuammigine: PICR167
(-)Tabersonine: PICR155 Akuammiline: PI SCR15l
10-Geraniol hydroxylase: PICR099 Akuammine: PICR036
1O-Hydroxy deacetyl akuammiline: Call Alpha amyrin acetate: StCR150
TissCR165 Alpha-3, 4-anhydrovinblastine synthase:
ll-Methoxy tabersonine: FI 0.1 OCR183 LfCR226
16-Epi vindolinine-N(B)-oxide: PI 10CR15l Alstonine: Rt Bk 100CR2l2, RtCR2l4
16-Epi-19-(s) vindoline-N-oxide: LfC R175 Ammocalline: Rt SOCR017
16-Epi-trans iso-sitsirikine: Lf 0.20CR170 Ammorosine: Rt 30CR017
16-Epi-Z-iso-sitsirikine: LfC R232 Amotin: PICR234
16-Hydroxy tabersonine: Call Tiss 1.6cRo74, Anthranilate synthetase: PICR140
Rt, COCR077 Antirhine: PI 200CR169
16-Methoxy tabersonine: Cot, HypCR077 Aparicine: Lf, FlcR197
17-Deacetoxy leurosine: PICR187 Arginine: PICR066
17 -Deactoxy vincaleukoblastine: PICR187 ATP sulfurylase: PICR124
19(s) 16-Epi-vindolinine: Lf 39cR164 Bannucine: Lf 0.1 CR042
19(s)-Vindolinine: LfC R096 Beta sitosterol: PI 0.9CR034
19-20-Cis 16(R) iso-sitsirikine: PICR186 Calmodulin: PICR204
19-20-Trans 16(R) iso-sitsirikine: PICR186 Campesterol: PICR068

Cantharanthine: PICR159 Geissoschizine: PI, Call TissCR05l

Carosidine: Lf, RtCR2l9 Geraniol: PICR093
Carosine: Lf, FICR036 Glucose: PICR066
Cathalanceine: PICR008 Glutamine: PICR066
Catharanhine: PICR004 Glycoprotein: PICR132
Catharanthamine: LfCR145 Gomaline: Lf 0.1 CR102
Catharanthine: PI 27.8CR034, Call Tiss 230CR075 Hemicellulose: PICR172
Catharanthus roseus alkaloid (Mp 300+): Hirsutidin: Call TissCR058, FlcR157
LfC R055 Horhammericine: LfCR20l
Catharanthus roseus alkaloid (MW 336): Indole-3-acetic acid: FlcR095
PICRll9 Iso-fucosterol: PICR068
Catharanthus roseus alkaloid B: PICRl19 Iso-leu rosine: LfC ROll
Catharanthus roseus alkaloid C: PICRl19 Iso-pent-2-enyl adenine riboside:
Catharanthus roseus alkaloid D: PICRl19 Cr Gall 3.92 nMol!gmCR182
Catharanthus roseus iridoid glucoside Iso-pent-2-enyl adenine riboside-s'-mono-
(Mp 194-5): PI 4CR015 phosphate: Cr Gall 1 0.98 nMol!gmCR182
Catharicine: LfC R2l9 , FlcR036 Iso-pent-2-enyl adenine:
Catharine: AerCR036 Cr Gall 1.55 nMol!gmCR182
Catharosine: AerCR028 Isositsirikine: Lf, RtCR036
Cathasterone: PICR046 Isositsirikine: PICR169
Cathenamine: PICR086 Isovallesiachotamine: PICR069
Cathindine: Rt 0.7CR0l7 , LfC R016 Isovincoside: PICR178
Cathovaline: Lf 2.0 CR103 Kaempferol: LfC R105
Cavincidine: Rt 0.2CR017, LfCR016 L-( +)-bornesitol: RtCR038
Cavincine: Lf, RtCR036 Lanceine: PICR008
Cholesterol: PICR068 Leurocolombine: PICRl19
Choline: PICR066 Leurocristi ne: PICR209
Cinnamate 4-hydroxylase: PICR236 Leurosidine: PICR209
Coronaridine: PICR19l Leurosidine-N' -B-oxide: LfC R149
Deacetoxy vincaleukoblastine: LfCR047 Leurosine: PICR020
Deacetoxy vindoline: LfC R20l , Cot, HypcRon Leurosine-N-oxide: LfC R135
Deacetyl aduammiline: Lf 0.3CR184 Leurosinone: Lf 1.scR043
Deacetyl akuammiline: Call TissCR165 Leurosivine: Rt 1CR017, LfC R036
Deacetyl vincaleukoblastine: LfCR079 Linoleic acid: PICRl16
Deacetyl vindoline acetyl transferase: Lirioresinol B, D-glucoside: PICR039
LfC R094 Lochnerallol: LfC R222
Deacetyl vindoline: LfC R014 , Cot, HypcRon Lochnericine: PI 2s.60CR034
Dehydro loganin: Lf, StCR048 Lochneridine: LfC R02l
De-n-methyl vincaleukoblastine: LfC R052 Lochnerine: PI 64.60CR034
Deoxy loganin: PI 0.30CR015 Lochnerinine: PICR2ll
Deoxy vincaleukoblastine: LfC R02l Lochnerivine: Rt 1CR0l7, LfC R018
Diacylglycerol pyrophosphate: PICR045 Lochnerol: LfCR222
Dihydro sitsirikine: Lf, RtCR036 Lochrovicine: LfcR2l9
Dihydro vindoline: PICR005 Lochrovidine: LfC R2l9
Dimethyl tryptamine: PICR070 Lochrovine: LfC R2l9
Diol pseudo vincaleukoblastine: LfC R054 Loganic acid: PI, SdCR049
Epi-vindolinine: LfCR201 Loganin: LfC R048
Extensin: PICR190, Fixed oil, SdCR097 Maandrosine: Rt 0.OsCR017
Fluorocarpamine: LfCR175 Malic acid: PICRlOl
Fluorocarpamine-N-oxide: LfC R175 Malvidin: Call TissCR058, FlcR157
Fructose-2-6-bis-phosphate: PICR106 Mannoside: PICR038
Geissoschizine dehydrogenase: PICR130 Mevalonate kinase: LfC R227

Minovincinine: PI 2.0CR151 Tetrahydro alstonine: Rt 370CR213 , FlcR072,

Mitraphylline: FI 1.0CR183 PICR005
Myricyl alcohol: LfCR037 Tetrahydroserpentine: PICR211
N-deformylleurocristine: LfCR179 Tryptamine: PICR080
N-demethyl vincaleukoblastine: LfCR012 Tryptophan decarboxylase: PICRll3
Neoleurocristine: LfCR219, PICR036 Tryptophan synthetase: PICR140
Neoleurosidine: AerCR036 Tryptophan: PICR140
Nor harman: LfCR100 Tubotaiwine: PICR104
Oleanolic acid: PICR142 Uridine: PICR162
Oleic acid: Sd oil 56.76%cR097 Ursolic acid: LfC R221
Para-coumaric acid: LfC R105 Vallesiachotamine: PICR144
Pericalline: PICR171, Rt O.20CR017 Vanillic acid: LfC R105
Pericyclivine: Lf O.02CR146 Vinamidine: LfCR220
Perimivine: LfCR018 Vinaphamine: LfCR016
Perividine: LfCROll Vinaspine: LfCR219
Perivine: PI 9.30CR034 Vincadioline: LfCR050
Perosine: LfCR016, Rt O.05CR017 Vincaleukoblastine: PICR147, Lf 45_70CR143
Petunidin: FlcR157, Call TissCR058 Vincaline 1: Rt Bk 40.0CR003
Phosphodiesterase: Call TissCR210 Vincaline 11: Rt Bk 20.0CR003
Phytochelatin A: PICR041 Vincamicine: LfCR021
Pleiocarpamine: PI 5.0CR151 Vincarodine: Lf O.06CR146
Pleurosine: Aer CR036 Vincathicine: LfCR016
Prolyl hydroxylase: PICR152 Vincolidine: LfC R018
Protocatechuic acid: LfCR105 Vincoline: LfCR053
Pseudo-vincaleukoblasti ned iol: PICR038 Vincubine: PICR087
Putrescine: PICR082 Vindolicine: LfCR219, FlcR036
Querceti n: LfCR105 Vindolidine: LfCR219
Quinone reductase: PICR231 Vindoline: LfCR235, PICR004, Call TissCR129
Reserpine: PICR167, Call TissCR129 Vindolinine: PI O.2083%CR136
Rhazimol: Lf O.2CR061 Vindolinine-N(B)oxide: PICR151
Ricinoleic acid: Sd oil 3.27%CR107 Vindolinine-N-oxide: PICR136
Rosamine: LfCR181 Vindorosine: AerCR027
Rosead i ne: LfCR 189 Vinosidine: Rt 3.0CR017
Roseoside: Lf, StCR048 Vinsedicine: Sd CR219
Rosicine: LfCR188 Vinsedine: SdCR219
Rovidine: LfC R219 Virosine: PI6.1cR034, Rt4.0CR017
Seco loganic acid: PICR013 Vivaspine: LfCR016
Seco loganin: PICR049 Yohimbine: PI 300CR169
Seco loganoside: PICR013 Zeatin glucosyl: Rt, Lf, FlcR158
Serpentine: PICR098, Call TissCR123 Zeatin riboside-5'-monophosphate:
Sitsirikine: PI 2CR169 Cr GallCR182
Stigmasterol: PICR068 Zeatin ribosyl: Rt, FI, LfCR158
Strictosideine glucosidase 1: PICR139 Zeatin: Cr Gall, Rt, Lf, FlcR158
Strictosidine glucosidase 11: PICR139 Zeatin-9-riboside: Cr GallCR182
Strictosidine lactam: PICR168
Strictosidine synthetase: PICRl17 AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Strictosidine: PICR196
Su Ifotransferase: PICR124 Abortifacient effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Sweroside: PI 10.0CR015 extract of seed pods, administered orally
Syringic acid: LfCR105 to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was
Tabersonine: PICR203 inactiveCR216.

Acid phosphatase inhibition. Ethanol Animal repellent activity. Dried leaf

(95%) extract of leaves, administered and stem, at variable concentrations, were
orally to male rats at a dose of 75.0 mg/kg active on Helix pomatiaCRlso.
daily for 24 days and autopsy on day 25, Antiascariasis activity. Alkaloid fraction
was active. The control group (10 animals) of the entire plant produced weak activity
had an enzyme level of 102 mcg/l 00 mg on earthwormCROJI.
in testes. Extract treated group was Antibacterial activity. Benzene extract of
162.5 mcg/lOO mg. Control group enzyme dried flowers, at a concentration of 5.0% on
level was 178.57 mcg/lOO mg in prostate; agar plate, was active on Proteus, Pseudomo-
extract treated group was 68.75 mcg/ nas, Shigella and Staphylococcus species, and
100 mg CR126 . inactive on Salmonella species and Shigella
Acid phosphatase stimulation. Ethanol paradysenteriae. Benzene extract of leaves, at
(95%) extract ofleaves, administered orally a concentration of 5.0% on agar plate, was
to male rats at a dose of 300.0 mg/kg daily active on Proteus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella,
for 24 days and autopsy on day 25, was Shigella and Staphylococcus speciesCRl97. Etha-
active. Control group (10 animals) enzyme nol (70%) extract of dried leaves, on agar
level was 102 mcg/lOO mg in testes; extract plate, was active on Bacillus megaterium and
treated group was 400 mcg/lOO mg. Control Staphylococcus albus, and inactive on Bacil-
group enzyme level in prostate was 178.57 lus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus CRl7J .
mcg/lOO mg; extract treated group was Ethanol (95%) extract offresh root, on agar
447.92 mg/lOO mg. Ethanol (95%) extract plate, was active on Shigella flexneri, Strepto-
of leaves, administered orally to male rats at coccus faecalis and Vibrio cholera, and pro-
a dose of 75.0 mg/kg daily for 24 days and duced weak activity on Corynebacterium
autopsy on day 25, was active. Control diptheriae, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Salmo-
group (10 animals) enzyme level was 132.14 nella paratyphi A, Shigella dysenteriae, and
mcg/lOO mg in testes; extract treated group Staphylococcus aureus. Ethanol (95%)
was 427.08 mcg/lOO mg. Control group extract of fresh shoots, on agar plate, was
enzyme level in prostate was 720.83 mcg/ active on Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Diplo-
100 mg; extract treated group was 1183.33 coccus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus
mcg/lOO mgCR126. aureus, and produced weak activity on Sal-
Alkaline phosphatase stimulation. Etha- monella paratyphi BCRZ24. Total alkaloids of
nol (95%) extract of leaves, administered root, at a concentration of 500.0 mcg/ml in
orally to male rats at a dose of 300.0 mg/kg broth culture, were inactive on Escherichia
daily for 24 days and autopsy on day 25, was coli, Salmonella typhosa, and Shigella
active. Control group (10 animals) enzyme dysenteriae. Weak activity was produced on
level was 1132.14 mcg/lOO mg in testes; Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 200.0 mcg/ml
extract treated group was 954.17 mcg/lOO and Vibrio cholera, MIC 300.0 mcg/mlcR026 .
mg. Control group enzyme level in prostate Water extract of entire plant, on agar plate
was 720.83 mcg/lOO mg; extract treated at a concentration of 1:4, was inactive on
group was 1716.66 mcg/lOO mgCR126. Salmonella paratyphi A, Salmonella typhosa
Alkylating activity reduction. Fresh and Shigella flexneri, and produced weak
root juice and hot water extract of dried activity on Escherichia coli, Salmonella
leaves produced weak activity. There was paratyphi B, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio
reduction of alkylating activity of ethyl choleracRoll.
methane sulfonate toward 4-para-nitro- Antidiuretic activity. Alkaloid fraction of
benzylpyridinecRl48. the entire plant, administered subcutane-

ously to male rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/kg, administered intragastrically to dogs at a

was activeCR031. dose of 50.0 gm/kg (dry weight of plant),
Antifertility effect. Methanol/water (1: 1) was inactive; a dose of 10.0 gm/kg adminis-
extract of dried leaf and stem, administered tered intragastrically to rabbits was active
orally to male rats, was activeCR141. The vs alloxan-induced hyperglycemiacRo35.
leaf extract, administered orally to rats, pro- Water extract of dried entire plant, admin-
duced widespread testicular necrosis, istered intravenously to rats at a dose of 10.0
hyalinization of tubules and sertoli cell- mg/kg, was inactive vs streptozotocin-
only-syndrome. Biochemical studies reveal- induced hyperglycemiacRo63. Water extract
ing notable reduction in glycogen and of fresh cells, administered intragastrically
fructose levels in reproductive tissues sup- to male rats, was active vs streptozotocin-
ported the histological observationscR233 . induced hyperglycemia. A 60% decrease in
Antifungal activity. Acetone and water blood sugar was observedcRo81. Hot water
extracts of dried aerial parts, at a concentra- extract of dried entire plant, administered
tion of 50% on agar plate, was inactive on by gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 3.0
Neurospora crassa; the ethanol (95%) gm/kg daily for 3 days, was inactive vs
extract was activeCR225. Aqueous low speed alloxan-induced hyperglycemiacR153.
supernatant of fresh leaves, at a concentra- Antihypertensive activity. Total alkaloids
tion of 100.0 ml/liters in broth culture, pro- of root, administered intravenously to dogs
duced weak activity on Hendersonula at a dose of 4.0 mg/kg, were active. There
toroideacR192. Dried flower extract was active was a drop in blood pressure of 40 to 50%
on Trichophyton rubrumCR163. Hot water for 2 hours in hypertension produced by
extract of dried leaves, in broth culture, was slow intravenous epinephrine infusionCRo26 .
active on Trichophyton mentagrophytesCR108 . Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol
Hot water extract of dried stem, in broth cul- (95%) extract of dried leaves, administered
ture, was active on Trichophyton menta- intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 400.0
grophytes, and weakly active on Trichophyton mg/kg, was active. Edema was inhibited
rubrumCR163. Leaves and roots, on agar plate, 65%CR067.
were active on Pythium aphanidermatumCRo76. Antimalarial activity. Chloroform extract
Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Hot of root, at a dose of 400.0 mg/kg, and water
water extract of dried leaves, administered extract, at a dose of 4.42 gm/kg administered
orally to rabbits, was activeCR128. orally to chicken, produced weak activity on
Antihyperglycemic activity. Dried Plasmodium gallinaceumCRoo6 .
leaves, in the ration of male mice at a con- Antimitotic activity. Ethanol (70%) extract
centration of 6.25% of the diet for 28 days, of leaves, administered intraperitoneally to
were inactive vs streptozotocin-induced female mice, was active on CA-Ehrlich
hyperglycemiaCR1l2 . Ethanol (95%) extract ascites vs induction of metaphase arrest in
of dried leaves, administered intra- ascitic cells. Dosing was done 4 days after
gastrically to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, tumor cell inoculation. Ascitic samples
was active. In streptozotocin-induced dia- removed 2, 4, 6, and 24 hours post-
betic animals, treatment with extract treatmentCR12l .
decreased serum glucose by 20.67%CR206. Antimutagenic activity. Hot water extract
Extract, at a dose of 75.0 mg/animal admin- of dried leaves was active on red blood cells.
istered intraperitoneally, was active vs There was a reduction in number of micro-
streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemiaCR \98. nucleated polychromatic red blood cells
Hot water extract of dried aerial parts, caused by various mutagensCR160.

Antineoplastic activity. The alkaloid, 16- extract of leaves was active on Leuk-
epi-Z-iso-sitsirikine from the leaves, was P388CR007. Ethanol (95%) extract of entire
active in the KB test system in vitro and the plant, administered intraperitoneally to
P-388 test system in vivoCR212 . mice at a dose of 120.0 mg/kg, was active
Antispasmodic activity. Total alkaloids of on Leuk-PI534. Total alkaloids of the
root, at a concentration of 1:20, were active entire plant, administered to mice intrap-
on rabbit duodenum vs ACh-induced eritoneally at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg and
spasmsCR026. orally at a dose of 75.0 mg/kg, were active
Antispermatogenic effect. Hot water on Leuk_PI534cRo19. Leaf extract, adminis-
extract of dried leaves, administered intra- tered intravenously to human adults of
peritoneally to male mice at a dose of 0.2 both sexes at a dose of 6.0 mg/sq. meter
ml/animal, produced weak activity. Dosing body surface, was active on human cancer.
was equivalent to 10 mg of dried material Eighty percent mean reduction of leuko-
daily for 15 days followed by sacrifice. cyte count was observed in all of the 16
There was a slight decrease in sperm con- patients treated. Five patients were in the
centration, from about 77 million/ml to terminal phase of positive chronic myelo-
about 52 million/ml. The levels achieved, cytic leukemia, 1 patient had chronic
taking all parameters together, might im- myelomonocytic leukemiacRl14. Alkaloid
pair fertility, but did not necessarily fraction of leaf, administered intraperito-
achieve 100% antifertility effectiveness. neally to mice at a dose of 35.0 mg/kg, was
There was a slight decrease in motility active on CA-Ehrlich ascites, 70% ILS. A
parameters (% motility and duration of dose of 10.0 mg/kg, administered intraperi-
motility) and a slight increase in percent- tone ally to rats, was inactive on hepatoma,
age of abnormal and dead spermCR202 . At a 12% TWO, and a dose of 35.0 mg/kg was
dose of 10.0 mg/animal, regressive changes active on sarcoma (Yoshida ASC), 40%
in seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells, ILS vs resistance of heat-induced hemoly-
increased cholesterol in testes and degen- sis of rat RBCCRZ08. Ethanol extract of the
eration of all germinal elements other than leaf, at a dose of 25.0 microgram/disc using
were observedcRzo5 . Total alkaloids, admin- potato disk bioassay technique, signifi-
istered intraperitoneally to male rats, were cantly inhibited crown gall tumors caused
active CROO9 . by Agrobacterium tume!aciensCRZ30. Amotin,
Antitumor activity. Ethanol (70%) extract a structure that differs in terpenoid moiety
of leaves, administered intraperitoneally to structure of the indole part of the molecule
female mice, was active on CA-Ehrlich from vinblastine, exhibited a high antileu-
ascitesCR1ZZ. Alkaloid fraction of dried kemic activity which was more expressed
leaves, used externally, was active. Nine- than that of vinblastine. Tolerant doses
teen patients with either flat, verruca vul- produced moderate reversible morphologi-
garis, plantar or genital warts were treated cal alterations in hematopoietic organs,
in this study. Six patients had all warts dis- gastrointestinal mucosa, liver, kidney,
appear, 7 had the majority of their warts adrenals, testes, and ovariesCRZ34 .
disappear,S had 50% disappear, and 1 Antiviral activity (plant pathogens). Water
showed no response CRllO . Alkaloid fraction extract of callus tissue, in cell culture, was
of dried leaves, administered intraperito- active on Tobacco Mosaic virus CR1l3 .
neally to mice at doses of 2.5 and 20.0 mg/ Cardiotonic activity. Ethanol (70%) extract
kg, was active on Leuk-P388, 116% and of leaf and stem, administered intravenously
150% ILS, respectivelyCR145. Chloroform to guinea pigs, was inactiveCR030.

CNS depressant activity. Total alkaloids of tive CR112 . Ethanol (95%) extract of dried
root, administered intraperitoneally to rats at leaves, administered intragastrically to rats
a dose of 120.0 mg/kg, were activeCR026. at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active. Serum
Cytotoxic activity. Alkaloid fraction of glucose concentration fell 26.22% in treated
dried leaves, in cell culture, was active on animals. Extract potentiated effect of exog-
CA-9KB, EDso 0.045 mcg/mI CR !4s. Chloro- enous insulin as well. Hot water extract,
form extract and culture filtrate of callus administered orally to rabbits, was also
tissue, in cell culture at doses of 50.0 gm active CR !28. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
(dry weight of plant), were active on Leuk- dried entire plant, administered orally to
LIllO culture. Chloroform extract of cul- rabbits at a dose of 5.0 gm/kg, was inactive.
ture filtrate, at a dose of 0.75 mg/ml in cell All of the animals died within 6 days of
culture, was active on Leuk-Llll0 CR !9l. dosingCR 2!8. Hot water extract of dried entire
Chloroform extract of leaves was active on plant, administered by gastric intubation to
CA_9KBCROO). Ethanol (95%) extract of rats at a dose of 3.0 gm/kg daily for 3 days,
leaves, in cell culture, was active on CA- was inactiveCR !5J. Hot water extract of dried
9KB, ED ,o < 20.0 mcg/mlcRoss. Ethanol leaves (20 gm of air-dried leaves), adminis-
(70%) extract of leaves, in cell culture, was tered by gastric intubation to dogs at a dose
active on CA-Ehrlich ascites CR122 . Water of 200.0 ml/animal, was active CR !74. Hot
extract of dried root, in cell culture, was water extract of the dried aerial parts,
active on CA-9KB, EDso 11.0 mcg/mI CRO )!. administered intragastrically to dogs and
Water extract of dried stem, in cell culture, rabbits at doses of 50.0 and 20.0 gm/kg (dry
was active on CA-9KB, EDso < 17.0 mcg/ weight of plant), respectively, was inac-
miCRO)!. Water extract of leaves, in cell cul- tive CROJS . Dichloromethane/methanol (1: 1)
ture, was active on CA-9KB, EDso < 2.5 extract of leaves and twigs, administered
mcg/mI CRO )!. Ethanol (95%) extract of seed orally to rats at a dose of 500 mg/kg for
pods, administered orally to rats at a dose 7 and 15 days, showed 48.6 and 57.6%
of 100.0 mcg/kg, was inactive CR2 !6. hypoglycemic activity, respectively. Prior
Glutamate pyruvate transaminase inhibi- treatment, at the same dose for 30 days,
tion. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried provided complete protection against
entire plant, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ streptozotocin challenged rats. Enzymatic
ml in cell culture, was inactive on rat liver activities of glycogen synthase, glucose
cell vs carbon tetrachloride-induced hepa- 6-phosphate-dehydrogenase, succinate
totoxicity and PGE-l-induced pedal dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase
edemaCR !99. were decreased in the liver of diabetic rats
Hyperglycemic activity. Ethanol/water in comparison to normal and were signifi-
(1: 1) extract of dried entire plant, adminis- cantly improved after treatment with the
tered orally to rabbits at a dose of 5.0 gm/kg, extract for 7 dayscR229. Leaf extract, adminis-
was active. There was a 51 % increase in tered orally to rats, was active vs strepto-
blood sugar. All animals died 6 days after zotocin-induced diabetes. Blood sugar
dosingCR 2!8. Water extract of dried entire lowering activity of the extract and tolbuta-
plant, administered intravenously to rats at mide was calculated by EDs0 values, results
a dose of 5.0 mg/kg, was active vs strepto- significant at P < 0.05 levelcR2J8 .
zotocin-induced hyperglycemiaCR06J. Hypotensive activity . Total alkaloids of
Hypoglycemic activity. Dried leaf, in the root, administered intravenously to rabbits
ration of male mice at a concentration of at a dose of 0.10 gm/kg, were activeCROJ2.
6.25% of the diet for 28 days, was inac- Total alkaloids of root, administered intra-

venously to dogs at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg, were medium and cellular compartments, and
active. There was a 50 to 60% drop in blood ionically cell wall bound peroxidase. Quali-
pressure over 2 hourscR026. Alkaloid fraction tative analysis showed that 2,4-0, but not
of the entire plant, administered intrave- cytokinins, regulated the synthesis of a
nously to dogs at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg, pro- basic isoform. The presence of the basic per-
duced weak activityCROll. oxidase is correlated with the capacity of
Inotropic effect (negative). Total alka- cells to produce indole alkaloids. The iso-
loids of root, at a dose of 5.0 mg, were active lated peroxidase is a haem protein with a
on rabbit heartCRo26. M(r) of 33,000 and a pH close to 9.The
Insect feeding deterrent. Alkaloid frac- effect of pH on peroxidase activity was stud-
tion of fresh leaves at a concentration of ied using guaiacol as substrate and the opti-
0.06%, water extract at a concentration of mum pH determined to be 6.0 CR217 .
0.60% and methanol extract at a concen- Phospholipase C activity. Roots, treated
tration of 0.25% of the diet, were active on with aluminum (0.1 mM) for 0-4 hours,
Spodoptera littoraliscRl56. inhibited phospolipase activity. A concen-
Insect sterility induction. Total alkaloids of tration of 1 mM diminished root growth in
dried leaves, at a concentration of 0.5%, were approximately 50% when added on the first
inactive on Dysdercus cingulatus. Total alka- day of the culture cycle conditions in phos-
loids of dried root, at a concentration of pholipase activity was also affected. The
0.5%, were active on Dysdercus cingulatusCRl66. activity was inhibited in a concentration and
Insecticidal activity. Water extract of time-dependent fashion. The effect was simi-
dried branch and leaf, at variable concen- lar for both soluble and membrane-associated
trations, was inactive on Blatella germanica. activities. NAD+-GDH, NADH-GDH,
Intravenous dose of 40.0 mljkg, adminis- NADH-GOGAT and HMGR were not
tered to Periplaneta americana, was also affected when roots were treated with 0.1
inactiveCR221 . mM aluminum for 1 hourcR2Z8 .
Insulin activity. Ethanol (95%) extract of Smooth muscle relaxant activity . Total
dried leaves, at a concentration of 25.0 mg/ alkaloids of root, administered intrave-
ml, was inactive. Extract did not stimulate nously to dogs at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg, were
glucose uptake or glycogen deposition but active CR026 .
inhibited insulin's activitiescRo65. Spasmogenic activity . Total alkaloids of
Larvicidal activity. Petroleum ether extract root produced weak activity on rat
of dried flower, leaf, seed, and stem, at a con- intestinecRo32.
centration of 100.0 ppm, was active on Toxic effect (general). Ethanol (95%)
Anopheles stephensi larvae; a concentration of extract of leaves, administered orally to
50.0 ppm was active on Aedes aegypti and a male rats at a dose of 75.0 mg/kg daily for
concentration of 80.0 ppm was active on 24 days and autopsy on day 25, was active.
Culex quinquefasciatusCRl95. Marked reduction in weights of testes and
Leukopenic activity. Alkaloid fraction of prostate in extract-treated animals was
leaves, administered intravenously to dogs at observedCR126 . Water extract of root, admin-
a dose of 2.5 mg/kg, 10 daily injections, was istered subcutaneously to mice at a dose of
activecR208. Water extract of leaves, adminis- 10.0 gm/kg, was inactive. Total alkaloids,
tered intraperitoneally to rats, was active CROIO . at a dose of 0.05 gm/kg, were active; 20%
Peroxidase activity. Cell suspension cul- of the animals died cR032 .
tured in the phytohormone, auxin 2,4-0, Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Alka-
reduced the peroxidase activity in the loid fraction of entire plant, administered

intraperitoneally to mice, produced LO so 4.0 CR009 Joshi, M. S. and R. Y. Ambaye. Effect

ml/kgCR033 . Total alkaloids of root, adminis- of alkaloids from Vinca rosea on sper-
matogenesis in male rats. Indian J Exp
tered intraperitoneally to rats, produced
Bioi 1968; 6: 256,257.
LOso 100.0 mg/kg and MLO 150.0 mg/kgCR026. CROlO Noble, R. L., C. T. Beer and J. H.
Uterine relaxation effect. Alkaloid frac- Cutts. Role of chance observations in
tion of the entire plant was inactive on the chemotherapy: Vinca rosea. Ann NY
pregnant uterus of ratsCROll. Acad Sci 1958; 76: 882.
Uterine stimulant effect. Alkaloid frac- CROll Svoboda, G. H. Alkaloids of Vinca
rosea (Catharanthus roseus). XX.
tion of the entire plant was inactive on the
Perividine. Lloydia 1963; 26: 243.
pregnant uterus of rats. Hot water extract of CR012 Jovanovics, K., K. Szasz, G. Pekete,
root was inactive on nonpregnant uterus of E. Bittner E. Dezseri and J. Eles.
cat. Total alkaloids of root were inactive in Increasing the yield of vincristine
guinea pigsCR026 . when separating vincristine from
Weight loss. Ethanol (95%) extract of Vinca rosea drug. Patent-S Afr-
08,534 1973; 72.
leaves, administered orally to male rats at
CR013 Guarnaccia, R. and C. J. Coscia. Occur-
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days and autopsy on day 25, was inactiveCR126. acid in Vinca rosea. J Amer Chern Soc
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a suspension culture. J Exp Bot 1981; components. Physiol Plant 1980; 48:
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vindolinine, an indo line alkaloid from preliminary study of the effects of some
Catharanthus roseus. Phytochemistry West Indian medicinal plants on blood
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CR165 Gueritte, F., N. Langlois and V. Med J 1982; 31: 194-197.
Petiard. Secondary metabolites iso- CR175 Rahman, A. U. and M. Bashir. Isola-
lated from a tissue culture of Catharan- tion of new alkaloids from Catharan-

thus roseus. Planta Med 1983; 49{2}: isositsirikin and 21-hydroxycyclo-

124-125. lochnerin. Planta Med 1984; 1984{3}:
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cation and properties of strictosidine toxyleurosine. Bull Soc Chim Belg
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Strictosidine {isovincoside}: The key Tetrahedron Lett 1984; 25{52}:
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monoterpenoid indole alkaloids. Chern CR189 El-Sayed, A, G. A Handy and G. A
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CR179 Simonds, R., A. De Bruyn, L. De XXXVIII. Confirming structural evi-
Taeye, M. Verzele and C. De Pauw. N- dence and antineoplastic activity of
deformyl vincristine: A bisalkaloid the bisindole alkaloids leurosine-n'{b}-
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and P. E. Williams. Biochemical stud- Belg 1981; 90(1}: 83-87.
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CR183 Atta-Ur-Rahman, 1. Ali and M. causing skin and nail diseases in man.
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CR219 Svoboda, G. A. The alkaloids of CR229 Singh, S. N., P. Vats, S. Suri, R. Shyam,
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9 Cymbopogon
(~C.) Stapf.

Common Names
Agin-ghas Fiji Lemon grass Egypt
Agya-ghas Fiji Lemon grass Guyana
Awaqa'pi I'ta Argentina Lemon grass India
Bhoostrina India Lemon grass Nicaragua
Black reed USA Lemon grass Sierra Leone
Cana limon Canary Islands Lemon grass Thailand
Capii cedron Paraguay Lemon grass USA
Capim-cidrao Brazil Osang Guinea
Capim-santo Brazil Paja de limon Costa Rica
Chaywala ghas Fiji Sagadi abiruau Nicaragua
Citronella India Sagadi Nicaragua
Citronella USA Sakumau Malaysia
Citronelle Rodrigues Islands Sitronel Haiti
Erva cidreira capim Brazil Ta-khrai Thailand
Erva-cidreira Brazil Tanglad Indonesia
Fever grass Belize Tauj dub USA
Fever grass Guyana Tauj qab USA
Fever grass Nicaragua Te de limon Guatemala
Gati-ma-nya Ecuador Tej-sar Ethiopia
Ginger grass Ecuador Tiwahiwa Nicaragua
Hierba de limon Costa Rica Vattu pulle India
Hierba luisa Ecuador Verba luisa Easter Island
Hierba luisa Peru Zacate de limon Nicaragua
Lemon grass Argentina Zacate limon Belize
Lemon grass Brazil Zacate limon Guatemala
Lemon grass Ecuador Zacate limon Mexico

This densely tufted perennial of the are rarely formed; inflorescence are 30 to
GRAMINEAE family has leaf blades 60 cm long and nodding; the partial inflo-
tapered to both ends up to 1 meter long and rescence are paired racemes of spike lets
5 to 10 mm wide. The flowering pannicles sub tended by spathes.

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION fomentation of leaves is said to give imme-

Probably originated in India, it is now wide- diate relief of coldsccos3.
spread in the tropics and is frequently culti- Indonesia. Hot water extract of the
vated in gardens and along pathsides. entire plant is taken orally as an emmena-
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES Malaysia. Hot water extract of entire
Argentina. Decoction of leaf is taken orally plant is taken orally as an emmena-
with "mate" tea for sore throat, empacho, gogue CCOO3 .
and as an emeticCC023 • Mexico. An infusion prepared from the
Belize. Hot water extract of dried entire whole plant is taken orally to treat Varix
plant is taken orally for fevercco48. and to promote the functions of the
Canary Islands. Hot water extract of dried stomachCCOOI7.
aerial parts is taken orally for high blood Paraguay. Hot water extract of dried leaves
pressure and as a tranquilizercco67. is used as an insecticide or vermifugeCCo2o.
Colombia. Decoction of leaf is taken orally Peru. Hot water extract of dried entire plant
as a febrifugeCCols. is taken orally as an antispasmodic, sto-
Costa Rica. Hot water extract of leaves is machic and analgesicCco63.
taken orally as a carminative, with milk as a Thailand. Fresh entire plant is inhaled as a
diaphoretic, depurative, expectorant, and fragrance and eaten as a condimentCCoo4. Hot
for indigestioncco47. water extract of dried entire plant is taken
Cuba. Hot water extract of dried leaves is orally as a stomachiccco69. Hot water extract
taken orally as a hypotensive, for catarrh of dried root is taken orally for diabetesCco68.
and rheumatismcco29. USA. Hot water extract of entire plant is
Egypt. Hot water extract of dried leaves and used externally by Laotian Hmong in Min-
stem is taken orally as a renal antispasmodic nesota for healing wounds and bone
and diureticCC041. frac turesCC066 .
Ethiopia. Hot water extract of aerial parts is
taken orally to treat stomachachescco49. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
Fiji. Decoction of dried leaves, in bath water, (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
is used for colds, coughs, fever, flu, and 2'-0-Rhamnosyl orientin: U((037
pneumoniaccos6. Alpha oxo-bisabolene: EO 12.1%((051
Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried Alpha pinene: Lf 1.3%C(026
leaves is used externally for wounds, ulcers, Beta myrcene: EO((013
bruises, sores, infections of the skin and Beta pinene: Lf EO 1.5%((026
Beta sitosterol: PIC(027
mucosa, skin eruptions and erysipelas.
Beta-cadinene (+): EOcco07
Orally the extract is used for urinary tract Borneol: EO 5.0%(C051
infectionscco64. Caffeic acid: LfC c037
Haiti. Decoction of dried leaves is taken Camphene: EO 0.90%((026
orally for stomachachecco61. Camphor: EO 0.2%((051
India. Fresh entire plant is said to repel Car-3-ene: EO 0.1 %((051
snakesccoll. Two to 3 drops of essential oil, Ci neal: EO((006
Citral: Lf EO 70.84_77.0%C(050,((044
in hot water, is taken orally for gastric
Citronellal: EO((006
troubles. For cholera, a few drops of oil with Citronellol acetate: Lf 1.3%((026
lemon juice is taken orallyCCoss. Hot water Citronellol: EO((036
extract of dried leaves is used for bathing Cymbopogenol: LfC(009
in cases of severe headache and fever. A Cymbopogone: Lf((005

Cymbopogonol: LfC c042 fold higher that observed after a single dose.
Cynaroside: LfC c037 No significant alteration in the biomarker
D-limonene: EO 5.0%CC011
levels was seen in the rats treated with the
Essential oi I: PICC004
Farnesol: Lf EO 2.4%CC026
extractCC072 .
Fenchone: EO 0.3%CC051 Analgesic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
Geranial: Lf EO 44.9%cc044 of fresh leaves, administered intragastri-
Geraniol acetate: Lf EO 9.9%cc026 cally to mice at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was
Geraniol: EOcco06 inactive vs tail flick response to hot water
Hept-5-en-2-one,6-methyl: Lf EO and benzoyl peroxide-induced writhing
1.10%cc026 CC065. Fresh leaf essential oil, administered
Heptan-2-one, 3-methyl: Lf EOcc026
intragastrically to mice, was active vs ace-
Hexacosyl alcohol: LfCC027
Humulene: EO 2.1 %CC007
tic acid- and Iloprost-induced writhing. A
Iso-orientin: LfC c037 dose of 20% was active vs carrageenin- and
Limonene: Lf EOcc026 PGE-2-induced pedal edema, and inactive
Linalool oxide: Lf EO 1.0%cc026 vs dibutyl cyclic AMP-induced hyperalge-
Linalool: Lf, PICC006 sia in pawCC036.
Luteol in: LfC c037 Antiamoebic activity. Essential oil, at a
Luteol i n-7 -O-neohesperidoside: LfC c037 concentration of 0.25 microliters/ml in
Menthol: Lf EO 0.6%CC026
broth culture, was active on Entamoeba
Menthone: EO 0.2%CC051
Methyl heptenol: EOcc052
histolyticacco22 .
Methyl heptenone: EOcc052 Antiascariasis activity. Ethanol (95%)
Myrcene: Lf EOcc052 extract of entire plant produced weak
Neral: EO 3.3_33.9%cc051,cc044 activity on earthworm. Paralysis was
Nerol acetate: Lf EO 7.50%cc026 observed in 24 hours, no deathsCcoo8.
Nerol: EOcco06 Antibacterial activity. Chromatographic
Ocimene: EO 0.2%CC051
fraction of essential oil, at a concentration
Para-coumaric acid: LfCC037
of 0.05% on agar plate, was active on Bacil-
Perilla alcohol: EOcc045
Terpineol: EOcc052 lus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococ-
Terpinolene: PICC051 cus aureus. The essential oil was active on
T riacontan 1-01: LfCC027 Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococ-
cus aureusCC025, Salmonella paratyphi A, lC lOo
PHARMACOlOG ICAl ACTIVITI ES 1600 ppm; Shigella flexneri, lC lOo 1600 ppm;
AND CLINICAL TRIALS produced strong activity on Staphylococcus
Aflatoxin-albumin adduct formation. aureus, lC lOo 400 ppm, and produced weak
Leaf extract, administered to rats at a dose activity on Escherichia coli, lC 90 2400
of 5 gm/kg daily for a week prior to the ppmCC024. Essential oil, on agar plate at a
administration of 250 microgram/kg of afla- concentration of 0.1 ml/disc, was active
toxin Bl to rats, was effective. In control on Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus subtilis and
rats, maximum adduct levels were observed Escherichia coli; and inactive on Pseudomo-
12 hours after aflatoxin administration. No nas aeruginosaccol8. Essential oil of fresh
such effect was observed in animals treated aerial parts, on agar plate, was active; a
with the extract. Daily treatment of rats minimum toxic dose of 0.03% was observed
with 250 microgram/kg of aflatoxin Bl for for Staphylococcus aureus, 0.05% for Bacillus
3 weeks produced serum aflatoxin-albumin subtilis, 0.07% for Escherichia coli and 0.8%
adduct levels to accumulate over a 10-14 for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The effects of
day period and reached plateau levels 4.4- pH, inoculum size and strength of nutrient

broth were studiedcco5B. Essential oil, on agar plant) on agar plate, was active on Absidia
plate, was active on Escherichia coli and Sta- spinosa, Alternaria alternata, Ceratocystis para-
phylococcus aureus. The extract was also doxa, Choanephora cucurbitarum, Colle to-
active when the volatile oil extract was oxi- trichum denatium, Drechslera maydis, Fusarium
dized via the active oxygen methodccol2. solani, Geotrichum candidum, Melanconium
Essential oil, at a concentration of 20.0 mg/ml fuligineum, Myrothecium roridum, Phytophthora
on agar plate, was active on Bacillus subtilis species, Pleurotus os treatus , Pythium aphani-
and Staphylococcus aureus, and produced dermatum, Rhizopus microsporus, Sclerotium
weak activity on Escherichia coli and rolfsii, Sordaria fimicola, Thanatephorus
Pseudomonas aeruginosaCC034. Fresh stem, cucumeris, Tri-choloma crassum, Ustilago
water and hot water extracts of fresh stem, maydis and Volvariella volvaceacco46. Essential
at a concentration of 0.5 ml/disk on agar oil, at a concentration of 0.1 ml/disk on
plate, were inactive on Bacillus subtilis agar plate, was inactive on Trichophyton
H-17 (Rec+) and M-45(Rec-)CC054. Tincture rubrumCCOIB. Concentration of 0.25% was
of dried leaves (extract of 10 gm plant active on Aspergillus niger. On agar plate, the
material in 100 ml ethanol), at a concentra- essential oil was active on Trichophyton
tion of 30.0 microliters/disk on agar plate, mentagrophytes, MIC 0.08% and Aspergillus
was inactive on Escherichia coli, Pseudomo- fumigatus, MIC 0.1 %CCOlO. A concentration
nas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureusCC064. of 20.0 mg/ml, on agar plate, was active on
Geranial and neral, extracted from the leaf, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and pro-
individually produced antibacterial action duced weak activity on Aspergillus flavusCC034.
on Gram-negative and Gram-positive On agar plate, the essential oil was active on
organisms. Myrcene did not show observ- several plant pathogenic fungiCCoo2. The
able antibacterial activity on its own. How- inhibitory effect of the essential oil on the
ever, myrcene provided enhanced activities apical growth of hyphae of Aspergillus
when mixed with either geranial or neral fumigatus was investigated using a bio cell
CC070. Essential oil in the gaseous state pro- tracer by vapor contact in a sealed vessel. The
duced weak activity on Haemophilus influ- oil stopped the apical growth at a loading
enza, Streptococcus pneumonia, Streptococcus dose of 6.3 micrograms/ml air, and did not
pyogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus CC077 . allow the regrowth after gaseous contact,
Anticonvulsant activity. Hot water extract indicative of fungicidal action. Suppression
ofleaves (10 gm powder/ISO ml water), ad- of the apical growth by vapor contact was
ministered by gastric intubation to mice at ascribed to the direct deposition of the essen-
a dose of 20-40 ml/kg, was inactive vs tial oil on fungal mycelia, together with an
transcorneal electroshock and pentylene- indirect effect via the agar medium
tetrazole-induced contractionsCC062. absorbedcco76.
Antifilarial activity. Fresh leaf was active Anti-inflammatory activity. Hot water
on Setaria digitata, LC lOO 75,000 ppmCCOJ5. extract of dried leaves, administered
Antifungal activity. Distillate of leaf intragastrically to rats at a dose of 15.0 ml/kg,
essential oil, on agar plate, was active on was active vs carrageenin-induced pedal
Curvularia lunata, Rhizopus species, Ustila- edemacco29.
ginoidea virens and Ustilago maydisCC033. Antimutagenic activity. Water extract of a
The essential oil, at a concentration of 3000 commercial sample of the aerial parts, at a
ppm on agar plate, was active on Aspergillus concentration of 50.0 mg (expressed as dry
nigerCCOl6. Dried entire plant, at a concentra- weight of plant), was active on Salmonella
tion of 2.0% (expressed as dry weight of typhimurium TA98 vs TRP-P-2-induced

mutation. Metabolic activation was influence on the survival of the Escherichia

required for activityCCo31. Ethanol (80%) coli wild type (AB 1157) strain submitted to
extract of freeze-dried aerial parts, at a con- stannous chloride treatment. The results
centration of 0.5 mg/plate on agar plate, was indicated that the extract produced a reduc-
active on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 vs tion of stannous chloride effect on the sur-
2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-F]quinoline-, vival of the culturecco74 •
n-methyl-n' -nitro-n-nitroso-guanidine Antispasmodic activity. Unsaponifiable
(MNNG)- and furylfuramide{AF-2); and on fraction of dried leaf and stem was active on
TA98 vs aflatoxin B1-, 2-amino-6-methyl- rabbi t ileumcco43.
dipyrido[1,2-A:3',2'-D]imidazole- and 2- Antispermatogenic effect. Hot water
aminodipyrido-1 ,2-A:3 '2' -D-imidazole-induced extract of oven-dried leaves, administered
mutagenesis. A concentration of 2.5 mgt by gastric intubation to female rats at a dose
plate was active on TA100 and TA98 vs of 20-40 ml/kg, was inactive. Dose con-
Benzo{A)Pyrene- and 3-Amino-1-Methyl- tained 2 mg powdered leaf/ISO ml water.
5 H -Pyrido[ 4,3 -B] Indo le-induced mutagen- Dosing was for 70 dayscco6o.
esis, respectively. A concentration of 5.0 mgt Antistress activity. Hot water extract of
plate was active on TA98 vs 3-Amino-1,4- leaves (2 gm powdered leaf/ISO ml water),
Dimethyl-5H-Pyrid[4,3-B]Indole (TRP-P-1) administered by gastric intubation to mice
induced-mutagenesis and a concentration of at a dose of 40.0 ml/kg, was inactiveCC062 .
10.0 mg/plate was active on TA100 and Antiyeast activity. Dried entire plant, at a
T A98. Metabolic activation was not required concentration of 2.0% (expressed as dry
of activityCCOl9. weight of plant) on agar plate, was active
Antimycobacterial activity. Essential oil, at on Saccharomyces cerevisiaecco46. Essential oil,
a concentration of 20.40 mg/ml on agar plate, at a concentration of 20.0 mg/ml on agar
was active on Mycobacterium smegatisCC034 . plate, was active on Cryptococcus neoformans
Antinociceptive effect. The essential oil and Saccharomyces cerevisiaecC034. Essential
from leaves, administered orally to mice at a oil, on agar plate, was active on Candida
dose of 25 mg/kg and intraperitoneally at a albicans and Candida pseudotropicalis, MIC
dose of 25-100 mg/kg, increased the reac- 0.05%cco30. Tincture of dried leaves (extract
tion time to thermal stimuli. Fifty to 200 of 10 gm dried leaves in 100 microliters
mg/kg orally and intraperitoneally strongly ethanol), at a concentration of 30.0 ml/disk
inhibited acetic acid-induced writhing. In on agar plate, was inactive on Candida
the formalin test, 50 and 200 mg/kg intrap- albicanscco64 .
eritoneally, inhibited preferentially the sec- Anxiolytic effect. Hot water extract of
ond phase of the response, causing oven-dried leaves, taken orally by human
inhibitions of 100 and 48% at 200 mg/kg adults at a dose of 2-10 gm/person, was
intraperitoneally and 100 mg/kg orally, inactive. Eighteen volunteers were exposed
respectively. The opoid antagonist, nalox- to an anxiety state using the Stroop color-
one, blocked the central antinociceptive word test. There were no differences in the
effect of the essential oil, suggesting the pulse rates and error rates between the pla-
essential oil acts both at the peripheral and cebo and treated groupsCC059.
centrallevelscco73 . Ascaricidal activity. Fresh leaf essential
Antioxidant activity. Leaf and stem, taken oil, undiluted, was active. The oil concen-
orally by human adults, was active. Biologi- tration of 1:2 and 1:4 (oil/ethanol; v/v)
cal activity reported has been patentedCco40. showed high activity 5 days after dipping.
Crude plant extract was evaluated for its The oil, at a concentration of 1:3 {oil/etha-

noli v/v), was active when sprayed on the Embryotoxic effect. Hot water extract of
ticks on cattleCCOl4 . oven-dried leaves, administered by gastric
Barbiturate potentiation. Hot water intubation to pregnant rats at a dose of
extract of leaves (10 gm powdered leaf/ISO 20-40 ml/kg, was inactivecco6o.
ml water), administered by gastric intuba- Estrous cycle disruption effect. Hot water
tion to mice at a dose of 20040 ml/kg, was extract of oven-dried leaves (2 mg of pow-
inactive. Lyophilized extract (2 gm powder/ dered leaf/ISO ml water), administered by
150 ml water), administered intraperito- gastric intubation to female rats at a dose of
neally to mice, was inactiveCC062. 40.0 ml/kg daily for 30 days, was inactiveCC060 .
Barbiturate sleeping time decrease. Hot Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase
water extract of leaves (10 gm powdered stimulation. Essential oil, in the ration of
leaf/ISO ml water), administered by gastric rats at a dose of 1500 ppm, was active=lO.
intubation to mice at a dose of 20040 ml/kg, Glutamate pyruvate transaminase stimu-
was inactive. The lyophilized extract (2 gm lation. Essential oil, in the ration of rats at
powdered leaf/ISO ml water), administered a dose of 1500 ppm, was active=lO.
intraperitoneally to mice, was inactivecco62. Glutathione-S-transferase induction.
Cataleptic effect. Hot water extract of Essential oil, administered intragastrically
leaves (2 gm powdered leaf/ISO ml water), to mice at a dose of 30.0 mg/animal, was
administered by gastric intubation to rats at active on the small intestine, and inactive
a dose of 20.40 ml/kg, was inactivecco62 . on the liver and stomach. Dose was given
CNS depressant activity. Hot water every 2 days for a total of 3 dosescco39 .
extract of fresh leaves (10 leaves/ISO ml Hyperglycemic activity. Hot water extract
water), administered by gastric intubation of oven-dried leaves (2 mg of powdered leaf/
and intraperitoneally to mice at doses of 150 ml water), administered by gastric intu-
20.0 ml/kg, was inactive vs Rotarod test. bation to rats at a dose of 20-40 ml/kg daily
Hot water extract of leaves (10 gm powder/ for 8 weeks, was inactive=60.
150 ml water), administered intraperito- Hyperthermic activity. Hot water extract
neally and by gastric intubation to mice at of oven-dried leaves (2 mg of powdered
doses of 20040 ml/kg, was inactive vs leaf/ISO ml water), administered by gastric
Rotarod testCC062 . Hot water extract of oven- intubation to rats at a dose of 20-40 ml/kg
dried leaves, taken orally by human adults daily for 8 weeks, was inactiveCC060. Hot
at a dose of 4.0 gm/day, was active. The water extract of leaves (2 gm powder/
extract did not significantly affect sleep 150 ml water), administered by gastric intu-
parameters in 50 healthy volunteersCC059. bation to rats at a dose of 20.0 ml/kg, was
Conditioned avoidance response inactivecC062 .
decrease. Hot water extract of leaves (2 gm Hypnotic effect. Tea prepared from the
powder/ISO ml water), administered by gas- dried leaves, taken orally by healthy volun-
tric intubation to rats at a dose of 40.0 ml/kg, teers daily for 2 weeks, produced no effect
was inactivecco62 . on sleep induction, sleep quality, dream
Dermatitis producing effect. Essential oil, recall, and rewakeningCCo59.
applied externally to male human adults, Hypocholesterolem ic activity. Essential
was active cco21 . oil, taken orally by human adults at a dose
Diuretic activity. Hot water extract of of 140.0 mg/day, was active. Twenty-two
dried leaves, administered intragastrically to volunteers were given lemon grass oil cap-
rats at a dose of 25.0 ml/kg, produced weak sules for 3 months. After 60 days, choles-
activityCC029. terollevel fell modestly, not significantly for

a group of 8 responding subjects, but it was water), administered by gastric intubation

stable for 14 resistant subjects. A post-test to rats at a dose of 20.40 ml/kg, was inactive
showed no difference between responders vs charcoal meal intestinal transport assay.
and resistors after the oil was withdrawnCCOJ2 . Hot water extract of leaves (10 gm pow-
Hypoglycemic activity. Hot water extract dered leaf/ISO ml water), administered by
of dried root, administered orally to rabbits gastric intubation to mice at a dose of 20.40
at a dose of 2.5 gm/kg, was inactiveCC068. Hot ml/kg, was inactive; intraperitoneally, at a
water extract of oven-dried leaves (2 mg of dose of 40.0 ml/kg, the extract was active.
powdered leaf/ISO ml water), administered Results significant at P < 0.001 level vs
by gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 20-40 charcoal meal intestinal transport assayCC062.
ml/kg daily for 8 weeks, was inactivecco60 . Intestinal motility stimulation. Hot water
Hypotensive activity. Hot water extract of extract of fresh leaves (10 leaves/ISO ml
dried leaves, administered intravenously to water), administered by gastric intubation
rats at doses of 1.0CC038 and 3.0 ml/animal, to rats at a dose of 20.40 ml/kg, was inactive
was active. Blood pressure fell by more than vs charcoal meal intestinal transport assay.
300/0CC029. Hot water extract of leaves (10 gm pow-
Hypothermic activity. Hot water extract dered leaf/ISO ml water), administered by
of fresh leaves (2 leaves/ISO ml water), gastric intubation to mice at a dose of 20.40
administered intraperitoneally to rats at a ml/kg, was inactive vs charcoal meal intes-
dose of 40.0 ml/kg, was active. Results sig- tinal transport assayCC062.
nificant at P < O.OS level. Hot water extract Larvicidal activity. Fresh leaf essential oil,
of leaves (2 gm powder/ISO ml water), diluted with 95% ethanol and tested on lar-
administered by gastric intubation at a dose vae and engorged female cattle ticks, was
of 20.0 ml/kg, was inactive; a dose of 40.0 active. It showed high activity at concentra-
ml/kg, administered intraperitoneally to tions of 1:8, 1:12, and 1:16 (oil/ethanol,
rats, was active. Results significant at P < v/V)CCOI4. Water extract of dried leaves, at a
O.OS levelcco62. Hot water extract of oven- concentration of 0.03 gm/ml (gm leaf per ml
dried leaves (2 mg of powdered leaf/ISO ml water), was inactive on Culex quinque-
water), administered by gastric intubation Jasciatus CC028 .
to rats at a dose of 20-40 ml/kg daily for 8 Mating inhibition. Hot water extract of
weeks, was inactivecco60 . oven-dried leaves (2 mg of powdered leaf/
Immunomodulator activity. Essential oil, ISO ml water), administered by gastric intu-
in the ration of rats at a dose of 1500 ppm, bation to male rats at a dose of 20-40 ml/kg
was inactive. Polymorphocyte, eosinophil daily for 70 days, was inactivecco6o.
and monocyte counts were unalteredccolO . Mitogenic activity. Hot water extract of
Inotropic effect positive. Hot water extract oven-dried leaves (2 mg of powdered leaf/
of dried leaves, at a concentration of 320.0 150 ml water), administered by gastric intu-
ml, was inactive on guinea pig atriumccol8. bation to pregnant rats at a dose of 40 ml/kg
Insecticidal activity. Petroleum ether daily during the entire pregnancy, was
extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of inactivecco6o. Fresh stem, water and hot
SO.O mcg, was inactive on Rhodnius water extracts of fresh stem, at concentra-
neglectusCC020. Petroleum ether extract of dried tions of 0.5 ml/disk on agar plate, were inac-
leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 gm/liter, was tive on Bacillus subtilis H-17(Rec+) and
inactive on Lutzomyia Iongipalpiscco41. M-4S(Rec- )CC054.
Intestinal motility inhibition. Hot water Monooxygenases induction. Beta-myr-
extract of fresh leaves (10 leaves/ISO ml cene, administered by gavage to Wistar rats

at a dose of 1000 mg/kg for 1 to 3 consecu- Weight loss. Hot water extract of oven-
tive days, produced 13 to 34-fold increases dried leaves (2 mg of powdered leaf/ISO ml
in the activities of pentoxy-resorufin-O- water), administered by gastric intubation
dealkylation and benzyloxy-resorufin-O- to rats at a dose of 20-40 ml/kg daily for 8
dealkylation, and only minor changes in weeks, was inactiveCC060.
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10 Cyperus

Common Names
Bhada India Motha sedge India
Chido India Mothe Nepal
Co cu Malaysia Musta India
Coquinho Madeira Mustaka India
Cu gau Malaysia Mustha India
Cu gau Vietnam Mutha India
Eldeis Sudan Muthanga India
Galingale Madeira Nut grass Brazil
Haeo muu Thailand Nut grass Guyana
Haeo-mu Thailand Nut grass Hawaii
Haew muu Thailand Nut grass India
Hama-suge Japan Nut grass Japan
Herbe a oignons New Caledonia Nut grass Nepal
Hsiang fu Vietnam Nutsedge Hawaii
Hsiang fu-tzu China Nutt grass Iran
Hsiang-fu China Oniani tita Cook Islands
Huai-mao ts'ao China Purple nutsedge Hawaii
Hui-t'ou ch'ing China Purple nutsedge Japan
Huong phu Malaysia Rhizoma cyperii Taiwan
Hyang-boo-ja Malaysia S-s'ad Morocco
Japanese nutgrass Japan Se'd Qatar
Karimuthan India Sha-ts'ao China
Kobushi Japan Siru Nepal
Koraikizhangu India Souchet rond Vietnam
Korchijhan India T' ien-t' ou ts' ao China
Kraval chruk Malaysia Tamusayt Morocco
Kravanh chruk Malaysia Tiao ma tsung China
Mathe India Tungamuste India
Moothoo India Tungamusti India
Moth India Tungamuthalu India
Motha India Xiangfu China

From: Medicinal Plants o f the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By : Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION with abdominal pain, decoction of Coleus

Cyperus rotundus is a plant of the vetiveroides, Aconitum heterophyllum, Cyperus
GRAMINEAE family, consisting of stems rotundus and Holarrhea antidysenterica is
that are tuberous at the base, rising singly taken orallycRl21. Dried tuber, mixed with
from a creeping, underground root-stock, Rehmannia glutinosa (root), Scutellaria
about 10 to 25 cm tall. Leaves are linear, baicalensis (root), Phellodendron amurense
broadly grooved on the upper surface, and (bark), and Ailanthus blandulosa (bark)
dark green in color. Flowers are in rather administered as a vaginal suppository, is used
small inflorescence with 2-4 bracts. The for leukorrhea with thirst, constipation,
longest bracts are usually longer than the weak pulse, abdominal pain and backache in
inflorescence, but some are shorter. The patients with vaginal cancerCRllS . Hot water
inflorescence consists of a few slender extract of dried rhizome is taken orally to
branches, with the longest usually not more restore menstrual regularity, to alleviate pain
than about 7.5-cm spikes, consisting of and for dysmenorrheacRo96. Hot water extract
about 2-10 spikelets. Each spikelet is nar- of tuber is used for dysmenorrheacRol8, as a
row and flattened; glumes rather narrow, galactogogue, as an emmenagogue CR025 ,CR04\
blunt, closely overlapping with 3 stamens, to promote difficult laborCR04 \ as an emme-
3-branched. The nut is oblong-ovate, nearly nagogue and for dysmenorrhea, in doses of
5-8 gmCR045.
half as long as the glume, strongly 3-angled,
yellow, black when ripe. Cook Islands. Infusion of fresh bulb is taken
orally as a treatment for sore throat. Twenty
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION to 30 bulbs, a handful of Pandanus tectoris
Originated in India, it is now widely distrib- bark, and a handful of Chrysopagon
uted in the tropics and subtropics. Because acriculatus leaves are crushed into the water
of its capacity to compete and adapt to of 4 green coconuts. Half the mixture is
diverse conditions, it has been recorded in drunk hot and the remainder cold. The
more countries than any other weed in the treatment lasts for 3 dayscRo54.
world. Europe. The rhizome is taken orally to
induce mensesCR024.
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES India. Hot water extract of the tuber is taken
Cambodia. Hot water extract of dried tuber orally to relieve thirst, decrease palpitations,
is taken orally for liver complaints with reduce weight, strengthen memory and
jaundice, and for malarial feversCRlll. stimulate appetite; as an aphrodisiac, sto-
China. Decoction of dried entire plant is machic, carminative, astringent, tonic,
taken orally for worms coming out of both diuretic and anthelmintic. The extract is
the mouth and anus. Cyperus rotundus, Berb- used against alcoholism. One gram each of
eris aristata, Embelia ribes, Piper longum, and Piper nigTUm, Piper longum, Santalum album,
Baliospermum are used in the decoction. Pterrocarpus santalinus, Nardostachys jata-
Mixed with honey and "Patola" (unidenti- mansi, Symplocos racemosa, Andropogon
fied), the decoction is administered orally to muricatus, Elettaria cardamomum, Berris
bring unconscious patients to consciousness. aristata, Plumbago zeylanica and Cyperus
For skin disease, decoction of Tinospora rotundus, plus 5 gm Woodfordiafloribunda, are
cordifolia, Cyperus rotundus, and Zingiber soaked in 1 liter of water with sugar and rai-
officinale is mixed with equal quantity of sins and fermented 30 days, strained and
decoction of Aconitum heterophyllum, and matured for 90 days, then taken orallycRlll.
taken orallycRl21. For chronic bloody diarrhea Hot water extract of the tuber is taken orally

as a diaphoretic, tonic, diuretic and demul- tuber is administered orally to women in

cent. Externally, used as an astringent, and childbirthCRo31,cRo32. Rhizome is given to
tuber paste is applied to the breast as a women in childbirthCRoo2.
galactogogueCR1l1 . Decoction of dried root is Indonesia. Hot water extract is taken orally
taken orally for diarrheacRo49. Decoction of to promote mensesCR003. Hot water extract of
Melia azedarach is mixed with bulbous root of dried tuber is taken orally for urinary
Cyperus rotundus and taken orally as a treat- disorderscRl17.
ment for dermatitisCRo77. Extract of the root is Japan. Extract of the tuber is taken
taken as an emmenagogueCR021 . Extract of the orally in Chinese medicine for women's
tuber is taken orally as an emmenagogueCR021. diseasescRo21. Hot water extract of fresh
Hot water extract is taken orally as an anthel- tuber is used externally to promote hair
mintic and as an emmenagogue CRl38 . Hot growth CR103 . Hot water extract of the
water extract of dried entire plant is taken rhizome is taken orally as an emmena-
orally for fever. This is also used as an anti- gogueCR026.
inflammatory agent in AyurvedacR1l4 . Essen- Malaysia. Extract of the rhizome is taken
tial oil of the root is used externally as a orally an emmenagogueCR027. Hot water
treatment for dermatitisCRo77. Hot water extract of tuber is taken orally as an
extract of dried leaves is taken orally for blood emmenagogueCR012 .
motions. Tuber and leaves are taken with Nepal. Hot water extract of the tuber is
bark, flowers and young fruit of Plumbago administered orally as a diuretic, anthelm-
zeylaniCR071. Hot water extract of dried rhizome intic and emmenagogueCROOl.
is taken orally as a stimulant, anthelmintic, New Caledonia. Hot water extract of rhi-
stomachic and carminative. Decoction, with zomes is taken orally as an emmena-
the leaves of Solanum nigrum, is taken orally gogue CR023 .
for recurring fever. The extract is also taken Nigeria. Hot water extract of fresh root is
orally as an insect repellent, and for dysen- used externally as an astringent, carmina-
tery and stomach disorderscRl16. Hot water tive, antimalarial and tonic CR102 .
extract of dried root is used as a diaphoretic Paraguay. Hot water extract is taken orally
and astringentCRo7o. Hot water extract of dried as a contraceptiveCRl3o .
tuber is taken orally in Ayurvedic and Unani Philippines. Hot water extract of dried
medicine as an emmenagogueCR101 . Tuber is tuber is taken orally for dysenteryCRl17.
boiled in milk and given orally to improve Puerto Rico. Hot water extract of dried
digestion in infants CRllo . A paste of the tuber entire plant is taken orally for kidney
is applied around the navel and throat to calculicR145.
relieve pain, especially that caused by South Korea. Hot water extract of rhizome
roundworms cRllo . Hot water extract of rhi- is used for protection of the livercRo86, and to
zome is taken orally as an emmenagogueCROO2 , induce menstruation and abortionCR134 . Hot
and to regulate fat metabolismCROJo. Rhizome, water extract of the dried rhizome is taken
made into a paste, is applied to the breast as a orally as an abortifacient and emmena-
galactagogueCR002 . Tubers and rhizomes, gogue CRllB .
crushed and boiled in goat's milk, are taken Sri lanka. Hot water extract of dried tuber
orally for colic, to treat diarrhea, vomiting in is taken orally as an astringent, stomachic,
children and flatulence in childrencR106 . carminative, cholagogue and antiseptic, for
Indochina. Hot water extract of dried tuber anorexia, diarrhea and dysentery, liver con-
is taken orally to aid childbirth and for indi- gestion, laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumo-
gestion in infantsCRl17. Hot water extract of nia. For scorpion stings, ulcers and acne, a

paste of tubers with lime juice is applied to Beta caryophyllene: Rh EOCR082

the affected areaCRlll. Beta cyperone: RhcR035
Beta elemene: TU CRlOO , Rh EOCR066,
Sudan. Hot water extract of dried entire
Rt EOCR094
plant is taken orally for indigestion, and as
Beta guaiene: Rt EOCR059
an antiemetic CRlZZ and an astringent CRlO1 . Hot Beta pinene: RtCR037
water extract of dried root is taken orally as Beta rotundol: Rh cR013
an antidiarrheal and antiemetic CR122 . Beta rotunol: TU CR137
Taiwan. Hot water extract of dried rhizome Beta santalene: Rt EOCR059
is taken orally for liver diseasecRl28. Beta seliene: Rh EOCR066
Tanzania. Fresh tuber is used in traditional Beta selinene: RhcR154, Rt EOCR094, TUCR060
Beta sitosterol: TUCR090, RtCR083
medicinecRl19. Hot water extract of dried
Calamenene: Rh EOCR066
tuber is taken orally to aid in childbirthCR092 . Calcium: Rh 0.318%cR036
Thailand. Hot water extract of dried rhi- Camphene: RtCR037
zome is taken orally for blood purification Caryophylla-6-one: Tu 0.01 %CR055
and as an antipyreticCRl44. Caryophyllene: Tu SO.OCR055, Rh EOCR094
Vietnam. Hot water extract of dried tuber Caryophyllene-6-7-oxide: Tu 33.3CR055
is taken orally as a diuretic, as an emmena- Caryophyllene-alpha-oxide: Tu 4.0CR055
gogue and for uterine hemorrhage CRll1 . Hot Caryophyllenol: Tu EOCR053
Chlorophyll A: LfCR040
water extract of rhizome is taken orally for
Chlorophyll B: LfCR040
difficult deliverycRo21. Hot water extract of Cineol: TuCR043
the tuber is taken orally as an emmena- Copadiene (+): EOCR010
gogueCROJI. Copaene: RtCR037
Copper: Rh 10cRo36
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Cyperene: Rt EOCR094, TU CRlOO , Rh EOCR147
(-}-Isorotundene: RhcR151 Cyperenone: TUCR021, Rt EOCR059, Rh 11SCRl12
(-}-Cypera-2,4(lS}-diene: RhcR151 Cyperol: Rh EOCR066, TUCROll
(-}-Norrotundene: RhcR151 Cyperolone: RhcR009, EOCR010
(+}-Nyperadione: RhcR151 Cyperotundone: RhcR143, TUCR052
1,8-Cineole: RtCR037 Cyperus rotudus germination inhibitor:
4,7-Dimethyl-tetral-l-one: TUCR038 RhcR006
4-Alpha,S-alpha-oxo eudesm-ll-en-3-al- D-Copadiene: RtCR037
pha-ol: RhcR041 Delta-cadinene: Rh EOCR066, TUCR052, Rt
2-Carboxy-arabinitol: Lf 34 nMol!gCR146 EOCR059
10, 12-Peroxy-calamenene: Tu 0.4S CR038 D-Epoxyguaiene: RtCR037
Alkaloids: Rt 0.21_0.24%CR199 D-Fructose: RtCR037
Alpha copaene: Rh EOCR066 D-Glucose: RtCR037
Alpha cyperone (+): TUCR043, EOCR039 Epoxy-guaiene (+): EOCR010
Alpha cyperone: TUCR060, Rt EOCR094, Essential oil: TUCR028, Rh 0.6%CR041
Rh 700CR112 Ferulic acid: TUCR100
Alpha humulene: Rh EOCR066, Rt EOCR094, Flavonoids: Rt 1.2S%cRo37
TU CRlOO Fluoride: Rh 3.7CR131
Alpha rotundol: Rh cR013 Fructose: ShCR029
Alpha rotunol: TU CR137 Gamma cymene: RtCR034
Alpha selinene: TU CR073 Glucose: ShCR029
Aristolone: RhcR154 Humulene: Rh EOCR082, TUCR073
Arsenic: Rh 0.29 cR036 Iron (inorganic): ShCR029
Ascorbic acid: Rt 8.8 mg/%CR015 Iso-cyperol: Rh 32.S CR112 , Rh EOCR142,
Aureusidin: InfcRo33 TU CR011


Isocurcumenol: RhCR154
Kobusone: Rt EOCR136
Limonene: EOCR037 Abortifacient effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Linoleic acid: RhcR035 extract, at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg adminis-
Linolenic acid: RhcR035 tered orally to pregnant rats, was inactiveCR091 .
Luteolin: Inf, LfC R104 Adrenergic receptor blockade (A-2).
Magnesium: Rh 0.15%cRo36 Water extract of dried rhizome was inactive.
Manganese: Rh 28cR036 The extract did not have any inhibitory
Mustakone: EOCR012
effect on angiotensin IIcRo64.
Myristic acid: RhcR035
Nootkatone: RhcR154
Aflatoxin inactivation. Water extract of
Oleanolic acid: RhcR154,CR090 dried leaf, at a concentration of 1.0 ml, was
Oleanol ic acid-3-0-neohesperidoside: active on Aspergillus f/avusCR079.
TUCR090 Aldose reductase inhibition. Hot water
Oleic acid: Rh cR035 extract, at a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml,
Para-coumaric acid: TuCR100 produced strong activity. The effect was
Patchoulenol acetate: TuCR052 tested on bovine lens aldase reductasecRo47.
Patchoulenone: Tu 30CR038
Analgesic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
Patchouylenone: Rh EOCR066
P-cymol: RtCR037
of the entire plant (cultivated in Saudi
Pectin: Rt 3.72%CR037 Arabia), administered to mice at a dose of
Petchoulenyl acetate: Rh EOCR066 500.0 mg/kg by gastric intubation, was inac-
Phosphorus: ShCR029 tive vs hot plate methodCR068. Ethanol (95%)
P-hydroxy-benzoic acid: TuCR100 and hot water extracts of dried rhizome, at a
Pinene: TUCR043 dose of 12.7 gm/kg administered intraperito-
Polyphenols: Rt 1.62%cRo37 neally to mice, were inactive vs hot plate
Potassium: Rh 1.01 %CR036 method. Hot water extract, administered
Protocatechuic acid: TUCR100
orally at a dose of 12.7 gm/kg, was also inac-
Resin: Rt 4.21 %CR037
tive vs acetic acid writhing inhibition
TUCR061 testCR088. Alkaloid fraction, essential oil, and
Rotundene: RtCR034 decoction of dried rhizome, administered to
Rotundenol: RtCR058 mice by gastric intubation, were active vs
Rotundine A: RhcR152 acetic acid-induced writhingCRoso.
Rotundine B: RhcR152 Anthelmintic activity. Hot water extract
Rotundine C: RhcR152
of leaf, administered to mice, was inactive
Rotundone (-): EOCR010
on Nippostrongylus brasiliense, Trichos-
Sel inatriene: RtCR034
Sodium: Rh 254cRo36
trongylus axei and Syphacia obvelataCR042. Hot
Starch: Rt 9.2%CR037 water extract of tuber, administered orally
Stearic acid: RhcR036 to mice, was inactive on Nippostrongylus
Sucrose: ShCR029 brasiliense, Syphacia obvelata, and Trichos-
Sugars: Rt 13.2_14.4%cRo37 trongylus axeiCR042.
Sugenol: RhcR035 Antialcoholic activity. Fermented tuber,
Sugeonol acetate: TuCR052
at a dose of 5.0 ml/animal in the ration of
Sugeonol: Rh cR014
rats, was active. Dose given daily for 90
Sugeonyl acetate: Rh EOCR066
Sugetriol triacetate: TUCR052 days reversed alcohol-induced changes on
Sugetriol: TUCR148, RhcR017 performance of neurologic tests, EEG and
Vanillic acid: TU CRlOO EKG, fat deposition in liver and signs of
Zinc: Rh 33cR036 hemorrhage, demyelination and spongiosis

in brain. Fermented extracts of the follow- Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus

ing plants, referred to as the SKY Indian faecalis, MIC >3.0 mg/mlcRosl. Chloroform
herbal formula, were used: Piper nigrum, and methanol extracts of dried root, on agar
Piper longum, Santalum album, Pterocarpus plate, were active on Bacillus subtilis,
santalinus, Nardostachys jatamansi, Sym- Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
plocos racemosa, Andropogon muricatus, Staphylococcus aureus. The water extract
Elettaria cardamomum, and Berber aristata. was inactiveCR122 . Decoction of dried stem,
Also included: Plumbago zeylanica, Cyperus on agar plate, was active on Pseudomonas
rotundus, Woodfordia floribunda and raisins. aeruginosa, Salmonella paratyphi, Shigella
Rats were given the herbal formula (SKY) sonnei, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio para-
for 3 months vs rats fed alcohol for 6 hemolyticus and Yersinia enterolitica. The
months CRIlZ ,CRI33. decoction was inactive on Bacillus subtilis,
Antibacterial activity. Chloroform and Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and
methanol extracts of dried entire plant, Proteus mirabiliscRo67. Chloroform and meth-
when tested on agar plate, were active, and anol extracts of dried stem, on agar plate,
the water extract was inactive on Bacillus were active on Bacillus subtilis, E. coli,
subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus
aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus CR122 . aureus. The water extract was inactiveCR122 .
Decoction of dried entire plant, at MIC Methanol extract of dried tuber, at a con-
125.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on centration of 1.0% on agar plate, was inac-
E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and P. tive on Escherichia coli. The extract
aeruginosa. At MIC 15.63 mg/ml, the produced weak activity on Staphylococcus
decoction had weak activity on Staphylococ- aureus CR092 . Water extract of fresh tuber, at a
cus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. At concentration of 1.0% on agar plate, was
MIC 31.25 mg/ml, weak activity was shown inactive on Neisseria gonorrheaCRl19.
on Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Bordetella Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (70%)
bronchiseptica, Micrococcus flavus, Proteus extract of fresh roots, at variable dosage
vulgaris and Sarcina lutea. At MIC 62.5 levels administered intraperitoneally to
mg/ml, the decoction was inactive on Sal- both sexes of mice, was active vs metra-
monella typhpl29. Essential oil of dried rhi- zole-induced and strychnine-induced
zome, undiluted on agar plate, was active can vulsions cR !o2.
on Staphylococcus aureusCRl40. Decoction of Anticrustacean activity. Chloroform
dried rhizome produced weak activity on extract of dried root was active on Artemia
Streptococcus mutans on agar plate, MIC salina larvae, LDso 86.25 mg/ml. Water and
62.5 mg/mlcRo69. Ethanol (95%) extract, at methanol extracts were inactive, with LDso
a concentration of 100.0 mg/disk, and water of 1.0 mg/ml for each. Assay system is
extract at 20.0 mg/disk on agar plate, were intended to predict for antitumor activirycRo7s.
inactive on Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, Salmo- Antidiarrheal activity. Ethanol/ water
nella typhosa, Shigella dysenteriae and Staphy- (1: 1) extract of dried roots, at a concentra-
lococcus aureus. Dose expressed as dry tion of 300.0 mg, was inactive on guinea pig
weight of plantCRo84. Ethanol (95%) and and rabbit ileum vs coli-inte rotoxin-
petroleum ether extracts of shade-dried rhi- induced diarrheacRo49.
zomes, on agar plate, were inactive on Antiemetic activity. A commercial sample
Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Kleb- of roots, administered by gastric intubation
siella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, to pigeons at a dose of 80.0 mg/kg, was
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, active vs reserpine-induced emesiscRo62.

Antifungal activity. Rhizome, when tested 100.0 mg/kg administered orally to female
on agar plate, was active on Colletotrichum rats, was inactiveCR091.
chardonianum, Phytophthora capsici and Anti-inflammatory activity. Chloroform
Sclerotinia sclerotiorumCROOS. Water extract of extract of dried roots, at a dose of 10.0
fresh shoots, undiluted on agar plate, was mg/kg administered intraperitoneally to
inactive on Helminthosporium turcicumCRl49. rats, and water extract, at a dose of 500.0
Antihepatotoxic activity. Methanol extract mg/kg administered by gastric intubation,
of rhizome, at a dose of 670.0 mg/kg adminis- were active vs carrageenin-induced pedal
tered orally to mice, was active in CCI4- edemaCRlll . Water extract, at a dose of 2.0%
treated miceCROB6. Methanol extract of dried administered ophthalmically to human
rhizome, at a dose of 670.0 mg/kg adminis- adults, produced a decreased in redness and
tered by gastric intubation to mice, showed reduced pain and ocular discharge in
strong activity vs CCl 4-induced hepa- patients with conjunctivitisCRlO \ Methanol
totoxicitycRl2l. Methanol extract of dried rhi- extract, at doses of 10.0 mg/kg and 5.0
zome was active in rats. Activity was mg/kg administered intraperitoneally to
measured in terms of the elongation of hex- rats, was active vs carrageenin-induced
obarbital sleeping time after CCl4treatment. edema and formalin-induced pedal edema,
Elongation of sleeping time indicated nega- respectively. Petroleum ether extract, at a
tive results vs CCl4-induced hepato- dose of 10.0 mg/kg administered intraperi-
toxicityCRll5. Dried tuber, when administered tone ally to rats, was also activeCROl6. Water
to mice, was active. The duration ofhexobar- extract of rhizome was inactive in albumin
bital sleeping time was used as a measure- stabilizing assayCR004.
ment for this activity vs CCl4-induced Antimalarial activity. Ethanol/water
hepatotoxicitycR124. Ether extract of dried (50%) extract of dried aerial parts, at a con-
tuber, at a dose of 300.0 mg/kg administered centration of 100 mcg/ml, was inactive on
to mice by gastric intubation, was inactive vs Plasmodium berghei. The extract was toxic
CCl4-induced hepatotoxicitycRllJ. Water and at this dose. The extract, when adminis-
methanol/water (1: 1) extracts of dried rhi- tered by gastric intubation to mice at a dose
zome, administered intraperitoneally to of 1.0 gm/kg, was active on Plasmodium
mice, were active vs CCl4-induced hepato- berghei. With daily dosing for 4 days, inhi-
toxicitrRlso,cR09s. bition was 49%CROBO. Chloroform extract of
Antihistamine activity. Ethanol/ water dried tuber was active on Plasmodium
(1: 1) extract of dried rhizome, at a concen- falciparum, ICso 10.0 mg/ml vs hypoxan-
tration of 0.001 gm/ml, was active on guinea thine uptake by plasmodiacRo74, Both metha-
pig ileumcRl44. nol and petroleum ether extracts were
Antihypertensive activity. Dried root, at a inactive. IC so 49.0 mg/ml was obtained for
dose of 2.0 gm/day taken by human adults, both extracts vs hypoxanthine uptake by
was active. Sixty-four patients were given plasmodia cRo74 . Hexane extract of dried
this drug for 2 months. There was a signifi- tuber was active on Plasmodium falciparum,
cant reduction in weight. Blood pressure EDso 0.66 mcg/mlcR03B.
was lowered in hypertensive patients, but Antioxidant activity. Methanol extract of
not in normotensive patients. Side effects dried rhizome, at a dose of 1.6 gm/kg admin-
were mild with some nausea initially, and istered by gastric intubation to mice, was
appetite suppression in 12 subjectsCR123 . inactive vs ethanol-induced lipid peroxi-
Anti-implantation effect. Ethanol/water dation in mouse liver. Dose expressed as dry
(1:1) extract of dried rhizome, at a dose of weight of plantCR064 .

Antipyretic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract mg/ml, was active on Sarcoma 180(ASC) in
of the entire plant (cultivated in Saudi micecRo63. Hot water extract of dried seeds,
Arahia), administered to mice at a dose of administered intravaginally to human
500.0 mg/kg by gastric intubation, was active adults, was active. Lacryma-Jobi uterine
vs yeast-induced pyrexiacR068 . Water extract of mycoma was treated. In 52.9% of cases, the
dried rhizome, at a dose of 0.5 gm/kg adminis- symptoms completely disappeared, and in
tered by gastric intubation to rats, was active. 27.2%, the tumors were reduced in size. A
Effect was seen 4.5 hours after treatment vs mixture was employed that contained
yeast-induced pyrexiacRo8l. Methanol extract Angelica sinensis, Curcuma zedoaria, Prunus
of dried root, at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg adminis- persica, Dipsacus asper, Cyperus rotundus,
tered intraperitoneally to rats, was active vs Prunella vulgaris, Achyranthes bidentata,
pyrexia induced by yeast injectioncRol6. Vaccaria segetalis, Sparganium stoloniferum,
Antiradiation activity. Methanol extract Laminaria japonica and COiXCR098. Ethanol
of dried rhizome, at a dose of 1000 mg/kg (defatted with petroleum ether) extract of
administered intraperitoneally to mice, was dried tuber, at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg admin-
inactive vs soft X-ray irradiation at lethal istered to mice intraperitoneally, was active
doseCR12 6. on CA-Erlich ascites, and inactive on
Antiscleroderma activity. Hot water LEUK-SN36 and Sarcoma 180(ASC)CRo99.
extract of dried rhizome, taken by human Antiviral activity. Decoction of dried
adults of both sexes, was active. Thirty cases entire plant, taken orally by human adults,
of generalized scleroderma were treated. was active. A patient with a typical
The results claimed to be satisfactory in 28/ chronic infectious hepatitis was treated
30 cases. The preparation contained with good results using a decoction of
Codonopsis pilosula (root); Astragalusi (root); Salvia miltiorrhiza, Isatis tinctoria, Tarax-
Cinnamomum cassia (bark); ehmannia acum mongolicum, Paeonia lactiflora,
glutinosa (root); Paeonia rubra (root); Atractylodes macrocephala and Rehmannia
Carthamus tinctorius (flower); Polygonum glutinosaCR065. Hot water extract of dried
multiflorum; Millettia species; Salvia rhizome, at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml
miltiorrhiza (root); Cyperus rotundus (rhi- in cell culture, was inactive on Herpes
zome) and Glycyrrhiza uralensis (root)CR089. Simplex 1 virus, Measles virus and Polio-
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol (95%) virus 1CR048.
extract of dried rhizome, at a concentration Antiyeast activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
of 200.0 mcg/ml, was active on guinea pig of dried rhizome, at a concentration of 100.0
ileum vs histamin~-induced contractions mg/disk, and water extract, at a concentra-
and barium-induced contractions. Water tion of 20.0 mg/disk on agar plate, were
extract was inactive vs barium-induced inactive on Candida albicans. Dose expressed
contractions, and showed weak activity vs as dry weight of plantCRo84. Ethanol (95%)
histamine-induced contractionsCRl09. Etha- extract of dried rhizome, on agar plate, was
nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried rhizome, at inactive on Candida albicans, MIC <3.0 mgt
a concentration of 0.001 gm/ml, was active ml. The petroleum ether extract, however,
on guinea pig ileumcRl44 . Methanol extract was active, MIC 1.0 mg/mlcRo5l.
of rhizome, at a concentration of 1.0 mgt Barbiturate potentiation. Methanol
ml on rat ileum, was active vs ACh- (75%) extract of rhizome, at a concentra-
induced contractionsCR044 . tion of 500.0 mg/kg administered intraperi-
Antitumor activity. Water extract of the tone ally to mice, was inactivecRo87.
dried rhizome, at a concentration of 100.0 Methanol extract of dried rhizome, at a

dose of 500.0 mg/kg administered intraperi- ted with petroleum ether) extract of dried
toneally to mice, was inactive. The extract tuber, in cell culture on HELA cells, pro-
did not affect barbiturate-sleeping timeCRl10. duced EO so 32.0 mcg/mP099.
Methanol extract of rhizome, at a dose of Diuretic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract of
670.0 mg/kg administered orally to mice, root, administered orally to dogs, increased
decreases the barbiturate sleeping time in urine output 12-60%. Chloride and urea
CCl 4-treated miceCR086. Methanol (75%) concentrations were unchangedCRols. Water
extract, at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg intraperi- extract of rhizome, administered intraperi-
toneally, did not decrease the barbiturate tone ally to rats, was activecRol98. Ethanol/
sleeping timeCR081. Ether extract of dried water (1: 1) extract of dried rhizome, at a
tuber, at a dose of 300.0 mg/kg administered dose of 340.0 mg/kg administered orally to
by gastric intubation to mice, did not male rats, was activecR091.
decrease the barbiturate sleeping timeCRllJ. Estrogenic effect. Essential oil of the root,
Bradycardia activity. Water extract of rhi- administered subcutaneously to female mice
zome was active on the heart of frog. The at variable dosage levels, was active CRI39 .
extract was also active when administered Fibrinolytic activity. Hexane extract of
intravenously to cats and rabbitsCRolo. dried leaves and stem was inactiveCR012 .
Cardiac depressant activity. Water Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase inhibi-
extract of rhizome, administered to frog sub- tion. Fermented dried tuber, at a dose of 5.0
cutaneously, was active CR02O . ml/day in the ration of rats, was active. Rats
Coagulant activity. Hexane extract of were given the SKY Indian herbal formula
dried leaves and stem was inactiveCR012 . daily for 3-4 months vs rats fed alcohol for
Coronary vasodilator activity. Water 6 monthsCRl33.
extract of rhizome, administered intrave- Glutamate pyruvate transaminase inhibi-
nously to cats, rabbits and frogs, was tion. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract, at a con-
activeCROZO. centration of 1.0 mg/ml in cell culture on
Cytotoxic activity. Hot water extract of rat liver cells, was active vs PGE-1-induced
dried aerial parts, at a dose of 500 mcg/ml pedal edema, but inactive vs CCl4-induced
in cell culture, showed weak activity on hepatotoxicit ycRlz8.
CA-JTC-26. The inhibition rate was Growth inhibitor activity. Water extract,
69%CR018. Chloroform, water, and methanol at a dose of 0.5% in the drinking water of
extracts, at concentrations of 100.0 mcg/ml mice, was inactive. Strain SLN x C3H/HE
in cell culture, were inactive on CA- F] obese mice, treated with extract in drink-
A549cRosl. Acetone extract of dried rhi- ing water between ages 3 and 32 weeks,
zome, at a concentration of 5.0% by showed no lessening of obesity or decrease
cylinder plate method, was inactive on CA- in glucose tolerancecRo46.
Erlich ascites; 10 mm inhibition. The ether Hair stimulant effect. Ethanol (95%)
and water extracts, at concentrations of extract of dried tuber, at a concentration of
5.0%, were both inactive; 15 mm inhibi- 0.4 gm/animal applied externally to male
tion. Methanol extract, at 5.0% concentra- mice, was inactive. Dose expressed as dry
tion, was equivocal; 25 mm inhibitioncRosl. weight of plantCRIOJ .
Water extract of dried roots, at a concen- Hematopoietic activity. Powdered dried
tration of 500.0 mcg/ml in cell culture, was plant, administered to human adults at
inactive on human embryonic cells HE-l. variable dosages, was active. Patients also
The extract produced weak activity on CA- received another preparation containing
Mammary-Microalveolar. Ethanol (defat- Panax ginseng, Cervus elaphuus, Chinemys

reevesii, Cervus spec ies and Schisandra Inotropic effect (positive). Water extract
chinensis concomitantly over 3 months cR125 . of rhizome was active on frog's heart CR02o .
Hypertensive activity. Water extract of Insect repellent activity. The essential oil
dried fat, at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg adminis- was active on Bruchus chinensis and Sitophilus
tered intravenously to rats, was active. A oryzaeCR091. At a concentration of 0.24%, the
vasopressor and then a vasodepressor essential oil was active on Stegobium
response occur following administration of paniceumCR093. A 0.78% concentration was
extract. Hypotensive response was blocked active on Rhizopertha dominicaCR093.
by administration of propanolol and atro- Juvenile hormone activity. The essential
pine, but not by chlorisondamine, prazosin oil was active on Dysdercus koenigiicR097.
and cyproheptadine. Extract used was com- Molluscicidal activity. Ethanol (95%) and
posed of roots of Angelica koreana, petroleum ether extracts of dried root, at a
Peucedanum japonicum, Angelica gigas, concentration of 250.0 ppm, were inactive
Lindera strychnifolia, Angelica dahurica, on Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Bulinus
Glycyrrhiza glabra and Asiasarum species. truncatus CRI08 .
Also included were rhizomes of Cnidium Molting activity (insect). The essential oil
officinale, Pinellia ternata, Cyperus rotundus was active on Dysdercus koenigiicR097.
and Zingiber officinale, with branches of Mutagenic activity. Water and methanol
Cinnamomum cassia, fruit of Pachyma hoelen extracts of commercial sample of rhizome,
and Citrus aurantium plantsCRo76. at concentrations of 100.0 mg/ml on agar
Hypocholesterolemic activity. Fermented plate, were inactive on Bacillus subtilis
dried tuber, at a dose of 5.0 ml/day in the H -17 (Rec +) and Salmonella typhimurium
ration of rats, was active. Rats were given TAIOO and TA98. Metabolic activation
the SKY Indian herbal formula for 3-4 had no effect on the results CRo22 .
months vs rats fed alcohol for 6 monthsCRlJJ . Nitrous oxide inhibition. Methanol
Hypoglycemic activity. Water extract, at extract of the rhizome showed inhibition of
a dose of 0.5% in the drinking water of mice, nitrous oxide production by murine mac-
was inactive. Strain SLN x C3H/HE Fl rophage cell line, RAW 264.7 cells, due to
obese mice, treated with extract in drinking the suppression of iNOS protein, as well as
water between ages 3 and 32 weeks, showed iNOS mRNA expression, determined by
no lessening of obesity or decrease in glu- Western blotting analyses, respectivelyCRl53.
cose tolerancecRo46. Fermented dried tuber, Plant germination inhibition. Protoplasts
at a dose of 5.0 ml/day in the ration of rats, were activeCR007.
was active. Rats were given the SKY Indian Plant growth inhibitor. Essential oil of
herbal formula for 3-4 months vs rats alco- root, at a concentration of 400.0 ppm,
hol for 6 months CRI33 . inhibited the germination and hypo-
Hypotensive activity. Ethanol/water ( 1: 1) cotyl elongation of lettuce and white clo-
extract of dried rhizome, at variable dosage verCR094. Water extract of tuber was active
levels administered intravenously to dogs, on white clover, Digitaria sanguinalis and
produced weak activityCRl44. Water extract of rumexCR008,CRIOO.
rhizome, administered intravenously to cats, Plasma protein concentration. Fermented
was active CR020 . dried tuber, at a dose of 5.0 ml/day in the
Hypothermic activity. Methanol extract ration of rats, increased the plasma protein
of dried root, at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg admin- concentration. Rats were fed the SKY
istered to mice intraperitoneally, was active Indian herbal formula for 3-4 months vs rats
vs aconitine-induced writhingCRol6. fed alcohol for 6 months CRIl3 .

Platelet activating factor binding intraperitoneally to both sexes of mice, pro-

inhibition. Hot water extract, at a concen- duced LO so 681.0 mg/kgCRo91.
tration of 10.0 mg/ml, was equivocal on rab- Uric acid decrease. Fermented dried tuber,
bit platelets; 15% inhibitioncRos6. at a dose of 5.0 ml/day in the ration of rats,
Platelet aggregation stimulation. Hexane was active. Rats were fed the SKY Indian
extract of dried leaves and stem was herbal formula for 3-4 months vs rats fed
inactive CR072 . alcohol for 6 months CR133 .
Prostaglandin inhibition. Chloroform and Weight Loss. Dried root, taken by human
hot water extracts of dried rhizome pro- adults orally at a dose of 2.0 gm/day, was
duced strongly active and active inhibition, active. Sixty-four obese patients were given
respectivel ycRo81. this drug twice daily for 2 months. There
Prostaglandin synthetase inhibition. Hot was a significant reduction in weight. Blood
water extract of a commercial sample of rhi- pressure was lowered in hypertensive
zome, at a concentration of 750.0 mg/ml, patients, but not in normotensive patients.
was active on rabbit microsomes. Hot water Side effects were mild, with some nausea
extract of dried rhizome, at a concentration initially and appetite suppression in 12
of 750.0 mg/ml, was active on rabbit subjectsCRllJ .
Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Metha-
nol extract of rhizome, at a concentration CR001 Suwa!, P. N. Medicinal plants of
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of 1.0 mg/ml, was inactive on rat ileum. The
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extract's smooth muscle stimulant activity Kathmandu, Nepal, 1970.
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tractions. No uterine stimulant effect was Manilla 1951; l.
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shown on rat uterusCR044.
crops supposed to be effective in vari-
Superoxide production inhibition. ous complaints and illnesses. J Sci Res
Methanol extract of the rhizome inhibited 1952; Is.
the production of oxygen by phorbol ester- CR004 Han, B. H., H. J. Chi, Y. N. Han and K.
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tory activity of crude drugs. Korean J
RAW 264.7 cells, in dose- and time-depen-
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dent manners CRl5l . CR005 Meguro, M. and M. V. Bonomi. Inhibi-
Toxic effect (general). Ethanol/water (1: 1) tory action of Cyperus rotundus rhi-
extract of dried rhizome, at a dose of 10.0 zome extracts on the developemnt of
gm/kg administered to mice by gastric intu- some fungi. Univ Sao Paulo Fae Fil
bation and subcutaneously, was inactive. Ciene Let Bol Bot 1969; 24: 145.
CR006 Meguro, M. Growth-regulating sub-
Dose expressed as dry weight of plantCR144.
stances in Cyperus rotundus rhizome. 1.
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nol (95%) extract of root, administered tion and growth of higher plants. Univ
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90.0 gm/kgCRols. Ethanol (defatted with 1969; 24: 127.
petroleum ether) extract of dried tuber, CR007 Meguro, M. Growth-regulating sub-
stances in Cyperus rotundus rhizome. 11.
administered intraperitoneally to mice, pro-
Nature and properties of the inhibitor.
duced LO so > 0.5 gm/kgCR099. Ethanol/water Univ Sao Paulo Fae Fil Ciene Let Bol
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CR081 Vadavathy, S. and K. N. Rao. Anti- CR092 Khan, M. R., G. Ndaalio, M. H.
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tial oil constituents of Cyperus CR093 Kokate, C. K., H. P. Tipnis, L. X.
tuberosus Rottb. rhizomes. Flavour Gonsalves and J. L. D'Cruz. Anti-in-
Fragrance J 1991; 6(4); 261-264. sect and juvenile hormone mimicking
CR083 Gupta, M., R. Nath, A Srivastava, K. activities of essential oils of Adhatoda
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Bhargava. Anti-inflammatory and rotundus. (Abstract). Abstr 4th Asian
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CR084 Avirutnant, W. and A Pongpan. The CR094 Komai, K. and K. Ueb. Plant growth
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flowers and plants. Mahidol Univ J rotundus L.). Zasso Kenkyu 1980;
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tion of medicinal plants with potential herbal medicine. J Ethnopharrnacol
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dicinal plants II. Yakhak Hoe Chi CRllO John, D. One hundred useful raw drugs
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sedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) and their CRIll Akbar, S., M. Nisa and M. Tariq. Ef-
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CRI02 Adesina, S. K. Studies on some plants landin biosynthesis by the constituents
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Bioassay of crude drugs for hair growth tal evaluation of the protective effects
promoting activity in mice by a new of some indigenous drugs on carbon
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CRI05 Saxena, R. C. Cyperus rotundus in con- with liver protective activities. Ann
junctivitis. J Res Ayur Siddha 1980; Rep Nat Prod Res Inst Seoul Nat!
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National Science Council of Sri pharmacoI 1987; 19(1): 103-110.
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S. Kang and H. J. Chi. A review of sources from Taiwan. (VI). In vitro
research on plants for fertility regula- studies of the inhibitory effect on 12
tion in Korea. Korean J Pharmacog microorganisms. Shoyakugaku Zasshi
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CR119 Khan, M. R., G. Ndaalio, M. H. H. CR130 Gonzalez, F and M. Silva. A survey of
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rationale of African traditional medi- scribed in the South American folk
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activity. Pak J Sci lnd Res 1978; 27(5/6): CR131 Sakai, T., K. Kobashi, M. Tsunezuka,
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drug metabolism. Korean J Pharmacog fluoride contents in crude drugs.
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ogy and toxicology of aucubin. Ad- Subramaniam, R. Santhini and K. R.
vances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Shanmugasundaram. Studies on brain
Research World Scientific Press, Phila- structure and neurological function in
delphia, PA. 1984; 269-285. alcoholic rats controlled by an Indian
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Farouk and A. K. M. Salih. Antimicro- pharmacol1986; 17(3): 225-245.
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for antibacterial activity (IV). herbal formula (SKV) for controlling
Fitoterapia 1985; 56(6): 331-337. voluntary ethanol intake in rats with
CR123 Bambhole, V. D. and G. G. Jiddewar. chronic alcoholism. J Ethnophar-
Evaluation of Cyperus rotundus in the maco11986; 17(2): 171-182.
management of obesity and high blood CR134 Lee, E. B., H. S. Yun and W. S. Woo.
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CR124 Yun, H. S. and I. M. Chang. Liver pro- macog 1977; 8: 81-87.
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CR125 Liu, X. L. Twelve cases of aplastic ane- 1960; 8: 156-162.
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Shinoda. Studies on chemical protec- Pharm Bull 1969; 17: 1390-1394.
tors against radiation. XXV. Radiopro- CR137 Hikino, H., K. Aota, D. Kuwano and
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Aspects. The Art Press, Calcutta, In- CR147 Kimura, Y. and M. Ohtani. Essential
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carbon cyprene II. Proc Indian Acad tective activities of Plantago asiatica
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Holmes. Identification of ketones in Y. C. Kim and R. Higuchi. Rotundines
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binitol among plants. Phytochemistry from Cyperus rotundus. BioI Pharm
1993; 34(3): 703-707. Bull 2002; 25(1): 128-130.
11 Curcuma

Common Names
Acafrao Brazil Rajani India
Ango Brazil Rame Indonesia
Ango hina Brazil Renga Cook Islands
Asabi-e-safr Arabic Countries Rerega Cook Islands
Avea Arabic Countries Saffran vert Mauritius
Besar Nepal Safran Mauritius
Cago Nepal Safran Rodrigues Islands
Curcuma Nepal Tale'a Rodrigues Islands
Curcuma Iran Temoe lawak Rodrigues Islands
Dilau India Temu kunyit Malaysia
Dilaw Philippines Temu-Iawak Indonesia
Goeratji Indonesia Tumeric Japan
Haldi Fiji Tumeric Nepal
Haldi India Tumeric Thailand
Haledo Nepal Turmeric Brazil
Halodhi India Turmeric India
Hardi Fiji Turmeric Iran
Haridra Malaysia Turmeric Japan
Huang chiang Malaysia Turmeric Malaysia
Javanese turmeric Indonesia Turmeric Marquesas Islands
Kakoenji Indonesia Turmeric Mauritius
Kalo haledo Nepal Turmeric Nepal
Kerqum Morocco Turmeric Sri Lanka
Khamin chan Thailand Turmeric Taiwan
Kiko eka Marquesas Islands Turmeric Thailand
Koening Indonesia Turmeric USA
Koenir Indonesia Ukon India
Koenjet Indonesia Ukon Japan
Kondin Indonesia Ukon Taiwan
Kurcum Oman UIGum South Korea
Mena Rotuma Warse Oman
Nghe Vietnam Wong keong Malaysia
Nisha India Wong keung Malaysia
Oendre Indonesia Zardchoobeh Iran
Pasupu India
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 7: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION Cook Islands. Decoction of dried rhizome

A stemless, rhizomatous herb of the is taken orally for urinary tract ailments.
ZINGIBERACEAE family with fleshy rhi- Skin of Pandanus tectorius fruit, combined
zome, branched, with bright orange to yel- with Ocimum basilicum leaves or grated rhi-
low within. Leaves are large, elongated and zome of Curcuma longa, is boiled and then
borne at the top of the non-woody under- taken. Grated rhizome is used externally to
ground stem, with overlapping petioles. treat septic puncture wounds cLl52 . Three
Leaves are light green, 30-40 cm long and dried roots are covered by a leaf of Syzygium
8-12 cm wide with thin ellipse-shaped or malaccensis, crushed and squeezed into the
elongate lance-shaped blades. The pale yel- water of six green coconuts, the solution is
low cylindrical inflorescence, 10-15 by 6-8 taken orally daily for 3 days. Urinary infec-
cm, develops in the center of the leaves. It tion is treated by drinking a mixture of two
consists of curved bracts, each with at least dried roots with 12 leaves and a piece of
2 yellow flowers, except in the upper part, Syzygium malaccensis bark squeezed into the
where the bracts are white or pink. A sta- juice of coconut. After 3 days of treatment
men with short filament, broad and con- and purge, a dose is taken with coconut or
castor oilcLo57.
stricted at the apex is found in the floret.
The anther is versatile and usually spurred England. Dried rhizome, together with Cur-
at the base. The ovaries consist of three- cuma aromatica, licorice, sulfur and ferrous
locules, each containing 2 ovules. The cap- sulfate, is taken orally for amenorrheacLl84 .
sules are ellipsoid. Seeds are rare. Fiji. Poultice of dried rhizome and boiled
rice is applied to boils to bring to a head, it
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION is applied externally to aid healing of
Native to India but is cultivated in the sprains, bruises and open wounds, and
tropics. ophthalmically for eye diseases CLl\8.
Haiti. Extract of dried rhizome is taken to
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES treat liver complaintsCLo62.
Arabic countries. Hot water extract of Hawaii. Water extract of the bulb is taken
dried rhizome is taken orally and in the form orally for asthmacLol4. Hot water extract of
of a pessary in Unani medicine, as an dried entire plant is taken orally for renal or
abortifacient CLIl1 . urinary calculicLl66 .
Brazil. Dried rhizome is used to protect India. Fresh rhizome, ground with cow milk
against snakebiteCLol7. and castor oil, is applied externally to treat
China. Hot water extract of dried tuber is paronychiacLo42. To prevent stomach disor-
taken orally in traditional medicine to ders, 3 to 5 ml of fresh juice is taken regu-
improve circulation and to dissolve blood larly on an empty stomachCL145 . Hot water
clots CLll2 . Oils of dried fruit, together with extract of dried rhizome is taken orally for
oils of Zingiber officina Ie , Saussurea lappa, slow lactationcLool, to regulate fat
Sansevieria roxburghiana and Rubia cordifolia metabolism CL013 and for diabetesCLol6, as a
are mixed with salt, buttermilk and rice, tonic and carminative, for diarrhea, dropsy,
and massaged onto patient during fever. jaundice and liver diseases cLl4s, Externally,
The mixture is also taken orally for cough. the dried rhizome is used on fresh wounds,
Essential oil of dried fruit is taken orally to as a counter-irritant on insect stings and
bring unconscious patients to conscious- to facilitate the scabbing process in
ness, mixed with honey and leaf of chickenpox and smallpox. The dried rhi-
"patola"cLl68. zome is taken orally as an anthelmintic, for

urinary diseases, for liver diseases and jaun- mixed with Alangium salvifolium powder, is
dice and as a cancer remedycLo19. Dried rhi- used externally for wounds and vaginal
zome, mixed with latex of Carthamus dischargeCLo91. Hot water extract of dried
tinctorius, is taken orally for tonsillitisCL042 . root is taken orally as an anti-inflammatory
Dried rhizome powder, mixed with the juice agent in Ayurvedic medicineCL148.
of Aloe vera, is used externally to treat Indonesia. Hot water extract of rhizome is
wounds. The powder, mixed with Murraya taken orally by female adults to promote
paniculata paste, is used externally for frac- mensesCLOO3 . Tuber is taken orally as a laxa-
tured bones. Powder, mixed with Helicteres tive after menses, leukorrhea of postpartum
isora and turmeric powder, is used externally recovery. Tuber is used externally for sca-
for cuts and woundscL091 . Hot water extract bies. Water extract of tuber, mixed with
of powder is taken orally as a tonicCL1l4 . Cur- Acorus calamus and vinegar, is taken orally
cuma longa rhizome and Calotropis procera for postpartum recovery. Tuber, ground
root are kept together for 20 days, ground up with water, is used externally for swellings
and a pinch is taken in the morning with and rheumatismCL13O .
milk cream for 3 days to obtain relief from Iran. Powder of dried rhizome is taken
headache cLl26 . Curcuma longa rhizome and orally as a digestant and an antiflatulantCL027 .
leaves of Aristolochia indica leaves are made Japan. Hot water extract of dried rhizome
into a paste and applied to the forehead, 2 is taken orally as an aromatic stomachic,
applications per day heals headache diuretic, and for jaundice and menstrual
quicklyCL137. A paste of rhizome and leaves of pain in Oriental medicine cLl04. In Chinese
Zomia diphylla is applied to dislocated limb medicine, it is used to inhibit blood coagu-
joints for relief. A paste of Ocimum sanctum lation (Oketsu)CL151. Hot water extract of
leaf and Curcuma longa rhizome is applied fresh rhizome is taken orally as a chola-
externally to snakebite and other bites or gogueCL078.
stings. Aristolochia indica root, ground with Malaysia. Dried rhizome, mixed with cam-
Curcuma longa rhizome is applied externally phor in a paste form, is worn externally as
to snakebite and skin diseasesCL142 . Datura an abortifacientCLo09 . Hot water extract of
stramonium and Curcuma longa rhizome are the dried rhizome is taken orally for
made into a paste and used externally for amenorrheaCL012 .
pimples. For sprains, Cissampelos pare ira Marquesas Island. Root, mixed with
roots and Curcuma longa rhizome are made other plants, is burnt and the vagina
into a paste and applied on the affected exposed to the smoke to treat prolonged
area CLl49 . One handful of Leucas linifolia menstruationCLoo7 . Decoction of dried root
plants, 50 grams of Brassica campestris seed, is taken orally for hepatitis and liver
and 1 average Curcuma longa rhizome are troubles cLl64 .
ground into a paste and applied to the fore- Mauritius. Hot water extract of dried root
head daily at sunrise for 7 days for is taken orally for 3 days as an emmen-
migraine cLl57 . Root, ground with Oroxylum agogue CU09 . Hot water extract of rhizome is
indicum stem bark, is made into pills. Five used as an emmenagogueCL015.
grams are taken twice a day for 10 days for Nepal. Hot water extract of dried rhizome
jaundicecLl65 . Rhizome is used externally as is used externally for skin diseases cLlo8 . Hot
an insect repellentCLl87 . Hot water extract of water extract of rhizome is taken orally as
rhizome is taken orally as an emmena- an anthelminticCLo66. Dried rhizome is used
gogue CLO02 , and externall ycLo70 and orallycLoll for fistula. Surgical thread is dipped in
as an antivenin. Water extract of dried root, solution of ash of Achyranthes aspera, then

in latex of Euphorbia antiquorum, and then Alpha pinene: TU CL141 , Rh EO 0.S3%CL122

coated with powder of Curcuma longa. Alpha turmerine: Rh 3.7%CL086
Thread is pierced through the fistula and Alpha turmerone: Rh cL133
Beta bisabolene: Rh CL100 ,CL040
healing occursCL020 .
Beta pinene: TuCL141, Rh EO 0.27%CL122
Philippines. Decoction of fresh root is Beta sesquipheliandrene: Rh CL 100
taken orally to treat fever in infants and to Beta sitosterol: RhcL071
treat bleeding during pregnancy. Fresh root Beta turmerone: Rh CL100
juice is taken orally to decrease the pain of Bis-(4-hydroxy-cinnamoyl) methane:
early laborCL155. RhcL046
South Korea. Hot water extract of dried Bis-(para-hydroxy-cinnamoyl) methane:
Rh 0.136%CL154
rhizome is taken orally, as a contraceptive,
Bis-demethoxy curcumin:
abortifacient, and emmenagogueCLl56 , and to Rh 6.6_7S00CL025,CL139, PICL072, TU CL141 ,
induce menstruation CLl82 . Rt 400 CL139
Taiwan. Hot water extract of dried rhizome Bisabolene: RtCL 121
is taken orally as a diuretic and aromatic sto- Bisacumol: Rh 2.1cL086
machic, and for jaundicecLo21. Bisacurone: Rh 9.3CL086
USA. Dried rhizome, in a proprietary prod- Borneol: RtCL121, Rh, TuberCL141
uct called "pseudo hard-on pills" contains Caffeic acid: Rh SCL119
Campesterol: RhcL071
Albus simila (25%), Curcuma longa (50%),
Camphene: Rh, TU CL141
Purus saccharum, and Zingiber officinale Camphor: TUCL141, Rh EO 0.06%CL122
(10%) each, is taken orally as an Caryophylene: Rh, TUCL141
aphrodisiac cLlo6 . Cholesterol: RhcL071
Vietnam. Hot water extract of dried rhi- Cineol: TU CL141 , Rh EO 2.92%CLl22
zome is taken orally as a drug in traditional Curcumene: Rh EO 12.17%CL122, TU CL141
medicine. Listed in the Vietnamese phar- Curcumenol: Rh 64.SCL086,
macopeia (1974 edition)CLlzo. Rh EO 2.13%CL122
Curcumenone: Rh 26.3cL086
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Curcumin: Rh 0.10_1.79%CL153,CL139,
Oleoresin 17.S%CL159, RtCL061
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Curdione: Rh EO 1.19%CLl22, Tu, RhcL141
2-Hydroxy-methyl anthraquinone: Rh CL075 Curlone: Rh 120CL124
2-S-dihydroxy bisabola-3-1 O-diene: Curzerenone C: Rh EO 2.04%CLl22
Rh 3.2CL086 Curzerenone: Tu, Rh CL141
4-Hydroxy bisabola-2-1 0-dien-9-one: Cyclocurcumin: Rh 13.3 CLo26
Rh 5.1 CL086 Dehydro curdione: Rh 4.SCL086
4-Hydroxy cinnamoyl-(feruloyl)-methane: Demethoxy curcumin:
Rh 180CL154 Rh 0.0007%-1.11 %CL025,CL139,
4-Hydroxy-cinnamoyl methane: RhcL046 Rt 0.OS%CL139, PICL072
4-Hydroxy-feruloxyl methane: Rh CL046 Di-feruloyl methane: RhcLl12
4-Methoxy bisabola-3-1 0-dien-2-one: Di-para-coumaroyl methane: Rh CL 112
Rh 13.ScL086 Epi-procurcumenol: Rh 1.3 CLo86
S-Hydroxy bisabola-2-1 0-dien-9-one: Eugenol: TUCL141, Rh EO 0.21%CLl22
Rh 0.3 CL086 Feru loyl-para-cou maroyl methane: RhCL 112
S-Hydroxy procurcumenol: Rh 0.6CL086 Gamma atlantone: Rt CL121
S'-Methoxy curcumin: Rh 20CL025 Germacron-(4S',SS)-epoxide: Rh 0.7 CL086
Alpha atlantone: Rt CL121 Germacron-13-al: Rh 0.6CL086
AI pha cu rcu mene: Rh CL 100,CL040 Germacrone: RhcLl00
Alpha phellandrene: Rh EOcL029, Germacrone,4(S)-S(S)-epoxy: Rh CL040
Rt Ca11 CL111 , Rt CL121 Guaiacol: RhcL028

Hepta-1-4-6-triene-3-one,l-7 -bis-(4 ben- was inactive. A mixture of the following was

zenoid-hydroxy-phenyl): Rh 2.6CL024 given in the form of a decoction to a num-
Hepta-1-6-diene-3-S-dione,l-(4-hydroxy- ber of pregnant women. No toxic effects
3-methoxy-phenyl)-7 -(3-4-d i hydroxy-
were noted. Dosing was 3 times daily for 3
phenyl): Rh 3. 9CL024
Iso-borneol: Rh EO O.02%CL 122 days. The mixture contained Angelica
Iso-procurcumenol: Rh 1.6CL086 sinensis (root), Ligusticum wallichii (root),
Limonene: Rh EO O.23%CL122, TU CL141 Prunus persica (seed), Carthamus tinctorius
Linalool: Rh EO O.16%CLl22, TU CL141 (flowers), Paeonia obvata (root), Achyranthes
Mono-demethoxy curcumin: Rh CL146 , bidentata (root), Leonurus sibiricus (aerial
RtCL061, TUCL141
parts), Lycopus lucidus var. Hirta (leaf), Cur-
Ortho coumaric acid: LfCL073
cuma longa (root) and Campsis grandiflora
Para coumaric acid: Rh 34S CL 119
{flowers )CL183.
Para cymene: Rh 2.S%CL017
Para-hydroxy-cinnamoyl feruloyl methane: Adrenal hypertrophy effect. Water
Rh CL160 extract of dried rhizome, together with a
Para-tolyl-methyl-carbinol: RhcL004 mixture of Levisticum officinale, Artemisia
Penta-trans-1-trans-4-dien-3-one,l-S-bis- cappilaris and Chrysanthemum indicum, was
(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenyl): active when administered to miceCL038.
Rh 26.6CL025 Alkaline phosphatase inhibition. Water
Penta-trans-4-dien-3-one,l (4-hydroxy-3-
extract of fresh rhizome, administered
Rh 13.3 CL025 intragastrically to ducklings at a concentra-
Procurcumenol: Rh O.lcLo86 tion of 50.0 mg/day, was active vs aflatoxin
Protocatechu ic acid: LfC L073 B-1 hepatotoxicity. Enzyme was measured
Sabinene: Rh EOcLo29, RtCL 121 in the serumCL041.
Saturated fatty acids: Rh CL071 Alkaline phosphatase stimulation. Metha-
Stigmasterol: Rh CL071 nol extract of dried rhizome, administered
Syringic acid: LfC L073 intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 100.0
Terpinene: TU CL141 , Rh EO 2.72%CL122
mg/kg, was active vs alpha naphthylisothio-
Terpineol: Rh EO O.OS%CL122
cyanate-induced hepatotoxicitycLo93.
Tolyl-methyl-carbinol: Rh CL005
Turmerin: TUCL004 Allergenic activity. Commercial sample
Turmerone AR: Rh CL100 of rhizome powder was active on human
Turmerone: RtCL121 , TUCL141, adults. Reaction to patch tests occurred
Rh EO 24.07%CL122 most commonly in patients who were regu-
Turmeronol A: Rh 282.1 CL022 larly exposed to the substance, or who
Turmeronol B: Rh 192.8CLo22 already had dermatitis on the fingertips.
Ukonan A: Rh 33_6600CL081,CL021
Ukonan B: Rh 47cL081
Previously unexposed patients had few
Ukonan C: Rh S2_31S CL081 ,CL088 reactions {i.e., not irritant reactions)CLo14.
Ukonan D: Rh 40.8 cL023 Antiamoebic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Unsaturated fatty acids: Rh CL071 extract of rhizome, at a concentration of
Vanillic acid: LfCL073 125.0 mcg/ml in broth culture, was active
Zedoarondiol: Rh 3S CL086 on Entamoeba histolyticacLoo6.
Zingiberene: Rh EO 8.14%CL122, Rt CL121 Antiasthmatic activity. Dried rhizome,
taken orally by human adults at a dose of
250.0 mg/person, was active. Administra-
AND CLINICAL TRIALS tion was to 26 (II male and 15 female)
Abortifacient effect. Hot water extract of patients with bronchial asthma once daily
dried root, taken orally by pregnant women, for 3 weeks. No side effects were observed.

The preparation also contained Glycyrrhiza mice at a dose of 0.1 gm/kg, produced strong
glabraCLl15 . A dose of 6-12 gm/person daily for activity, results significant at P < 0.01 level.
15-20 days was active. One hundred seven The water extract, at a dose of 0.1 gm/kg,
patients with "tamak swasa vatapradhan" was equivocalcLlsl .
(chronic bronchitis or asthma), ages 31-50, Anticomplement activity. Polysaccharide
had fair to good response CLl14 . fraction of dried rhizome, administered
Antibacterial activity. Chloroform, etha- intraperitoneally to guinea pigs at a dose of
nol (95%) water and petroleum ether 100.0 mg/kg, was active CLl62 .
extracts of dried rhizome, at a concentra- Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol/water
tion of 250.0 mg/ml on agar plate, were (1: 1) extract of rhizome, administered intra-
active on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, peritoneally to mice at a dose of 250.0 mg/
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus kg, was inactive vs electroshockcLoo6.
aureusCLOSS. Ethanol (95%) extract, at a con- Anticrustacean activity. Ethanol (95%)
centration of 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive on extract of dried rhizome was inactive on
Corynebacterium diptheriae, Diplococcus Artemia salina. The assay system was intended
pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Strepto- to predict for antitumor activityCLOJ6.
coccus viridans, and Streptococcus pyo- Antiedema activity. Methanol extract of
genesCL097. Water extract, at a concentration dried rhizome, administered to mice at a
of 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive on Corynebac- dose 2.0 mg/ear, was active vs 12-0-
terium diptheriae and Diplococcus pneu- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate(TPA)-
moniae, and produced weak activity on induced ear inflammation. The inhibition
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, ratio (IR) was 71 CLlSI.
and Streptococcus pyogenes CL097 . Essential oil Antifungal activity. Chloroform and etha-
of rhizome, on agar plate, was inactive on nol (95%) extracts of dried rhizome, on
Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas agar plate, were active, and water extract
aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus CLl69 . produced weak activity on Epidermophyton
Ethanol (95%) extract of rhizome, in broth floccosum, Microsporum gypseum, and Tri-
culture, was active on Lactobacillus acidophi- chophyton rubrum CLlOS . Essential oil of dried
Ius and Staphylococcus aureUSj equivocal on rhizome, on agar plate at a concentration
Escherichia coli and inactive on Salmonella of 1:100, was active on Trichoderma viride,
typhosaCLoo6. Undiluted essential oil, on Aspergillus flavus, Microsporum gypseum,
agar plate, was inactive on Bacillus cereus, and Trichophyton mentagrophytesCLl28 . Water
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and extract of dried rhizome, at a concentration
Staphylococcus aureus CLl29 . Water and hot of 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was inactive
water extracts of dried rhizome, on agar on Microsporum canis, Microsporum gyp-
plate at a concentration of 0.5 mljdisc, was seum, Phialophora jeanselmei and Piedraia
inactive on Bacillus subtilis H-l 7 (REC+ ) hortae, and weakly active on Trichophyton
and H-17(REC-). Rhizome, on agar plate mentagrophytesCLo97. Essential oil of dried
at variable concentrations, was active on rhizome, on agar plate at a concentration
Bacillus subtilis H-17(REC+ )CL1l8. of 1: 100, was active on Curvularia oryzae,
Anticoagulant activity. Chromatographic Helminthosporum oryzae, Penicillum corym-
fraction of dried rhizome, administered biferum, Penicillum javanicum, and Peni-
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.08 cillum lilacinum CLl28 . Essential oil, on agar
gm/kg, was active, results significant at P < plate, was equivocal on Aspergillus aegyp-
0.05 level. Ethyl acetate extract of dried rhi- ticusj active on Trichoderma viride and
zome, administered intraperitoneally to inactive on Penicillium cyclopium cLl69 . A

concentration of 3000 ppm, on agar plate, animal, were inactive vs cholesterol-loaded

was active on Aspergillus nigerCLo49. Undi- animals cLl85 .
luted essential oil, on agar plate, was inac- Antihyperglyceridemic effect. Ethanol/
tive on Penicillium cyclopium, Trichoderma water (1: 1) extract of dried rhizome, admin-
viride and Aspergillus aegyptiacus cLl29 . Fresh istered intragastrically to rats at a dose of
leaf essential oil, at a concentration of 30.0 mg/gm (dry weight of plant) every
5000 ppm on agar plate, produced weak 6 hours for 48 hours, was active vs triton-
activity on Aspergillus flavus CL174 . induced hypercholesterolemiaCLo80.
Antihepatotoxic activity. Ethanol/water Antihyperlipemic activity. Ethanol/water
(1: 1) extract of dried rhizome, in rat-liver (1: 1) extract of dried rhizome, administered
cell culture, and when administered intrap- intragastrically to rats at a dose of 30.0 mg/gm
eritoneally to mice, was active vs carbon (dry weight of plant) every 6 hours for 48
tetrachloride- induced hepatotoxicitycLlo4. hours, was active vs triton-induced hyper-
Methanol extract, administered intraperi- cholesterolemiacLo80. Ether and ethanol
tone ally to mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, (95%) extracts of rhizome, administered by
produced weak activity vs carbon tetrachlo- gastric intubation to rabbits at a dose of 1.0
ride hepatotoxicitycL05J. Hot water extract gm/animal, were inactive vs cholesterol-
of the dried rhizome, in cell culture at a loaded animals cLl85 .
concentration of 1.0 mg/plate, was active Anti-implantation effect. Ethanol (95%)
on hepatocytes, as measured by leakage of extract of dried rhizome, administered orally
LDH and ASATCL062. Methanol extract of to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active.
dried rhizome, administered intraperito- A 60.0% reduction in pregnancies (4/1 0)
neally to rats of both sexes at a dose of 300.0 was observed. A dose of 200.0 mg/kg pro-
mg/kg, produced weak activity vs alpha- duced a 70.0% reduction. The petroleum
naphthylisothiocyanate-induced hepato- ether and water extracts, at a dose of 100.0
toxicity. Methanol extract, administered mg/kg, produced 80.0% reduction and a
subcutaneously to rats of both sexes at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg produced a 100.0%
dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs carbon reductionCLOJo.
tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicitycLl79. Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol
Methanol-insoluble fraction of dried rhi- (95%) extract of dried rhizome, adminis-
zome, administered intragastrically to duck- tered intraperitoneally to male rats at a
lings at a dose of 10.0 mg/animal, was active dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs granu-
vs aflatoxin B1-induced hepatotoxicity. A loma pouch model. Doses of 200.0, 400.0,
mixture containing tumeric, fresh garlic, and 800.0 mg/kg, were active vs carragee-
asafoetida, curcumin, ellagic acid, butylated nin-induced pedal edema. A dose of 50.0
hydroxy toluene and butylated hydroxy ani- mg/kg was inactive vs granuloma pouch
sole were usedCLo50. model. Water extract, at doses of 5, 10,20,
Antihypercholesterolemic activity. 40 and 80 mg/kg, were active vs carragee-
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried rhi- nin-induced rat pedal edema. A dose of
zome, administered intragastrically to rats 10.0 mg/kg was inactive vs granuloma
at a dose of 30.0 mg/gm (dry weight of pouch model, and a dose of 20.0 mg/kg was
plant) every 6 hours for 48 hours, was active. Petroleum ether extract, at a dose
active vs triton-induced hypercho- of 12.5 mg/kg, was inactive vs granuloma
lesterolemiaCLo80. Ether and ethanol (95%) pouch model; 25.0 mg/kg was active vs
extracts of rhizome, administered by gastric granuloma pouch model, but inactive vs
intubation to rabbits at a dose of 1.0 gm/ carrageenin-induced rat pedal edema. A

dose of 50.0 mg/kg was active vs carragee- erenol-induced ischemic effects on the
nin-induced rat pedal edemacLOJ2 . Rhizome, heart were preventedCLo87.
taken orally by human adults at a dose of Antimutagenic activity. Hot water extract
50.0 mg/person, was active. The clinical of dried rhizome, on agar plate at concentra-
efficacy of a herbomineral formulation tions of 40.0 mg/plate and at the minimum
containing roots of Withania soniiera, stems toxic dose, were inactive on Salmonella
of Boswellia serrata, rhizomes of Curcuma typhimurium TAl 00 vs aflatoxin-B1-induced
longa and a zinc complex (Articulin-F) was mutagenesis. Metabolic activation had no
evaluated in a randomized, double-blind, effect on the results. Dried rhizome extract,
placebo-controlled, cross-over study in on agar plate at a concentration of 50.0 mg/
patients with osteoarthritis. After a 1 ml, was inactive on Salmonella typhimurium
month single blind run-in period, 42 TA1535 vs aflatoxin- and mitomycin-
patients with osteoarthritis were randomly induced mutagenesiscLo95. Water extract of
allocated to receive either a drug treatment rhizome, at a concentration of 0.33 mg/ml,
or a matching placebo for a period of 3 was active on rat liver microsomes. The for-
months. After a IS-day wash-out period mation of labeled benzo[a]pyrene-DNA
the patients were transferred to the other adducts was inhib-itedCLo61. The infusion, at
treatment for a further period of 3 months. a concentration of 25.0 meg/plate on agar
Clinical efficacy was evaluated every 2 plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium
weeks on the basis of severity of pain, T A100. 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguani-
morning stiffness, Ritchie Articular Index, dine-induced mutagenesis was inhibited by
joint score, disability score and grip 25%. There was a 38% inhibition of 4-nitro-
strength. Other parameters, like erythro- D-phenylenediamine-induced mutagenesis
cyte sedimentation rate and radiological of Salmonella typhimurium T A98. Infusion of
examination, were carried out on a rhizome, administered intragastrically to
monthly basis. Treatment with the herbo- mice at a dose of 3.0 mg/animal, was active.
mineral formation produced a significant The incidence of benzo[a]pyrene-induced
drop in severity of pain and disability score. forestomach tumors was reduced by 53% by
Radiological assessment, however, did not pretreatment with the extract. Intraperito-
show any significant changes in either neal administration of the infusion was
group. Side effects observed with this for- active. The formation of benzo[a]pyrene-
mulation did not necessitate withdrawal of induced bone marrow micronucleated cells
treatmentCL094. Polysaccharide fraction of was decreased 40% by pretreatment with the
dried rhizome, administered intraperito- extractCL01J. Powdered rhizome, at a concen-
neally to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was tration of 0.033 mg/ml, was active on rat
active vs adjuvant-induced arthritis, results liver microsomes. Formation of labeled
significant at P < 0.01 level cu62 . Root benzo[a]pyrene-DNA adducts was inhib-
essential oil, administered orally to rats at itedCL061. Powdered rhizome, administered
a dose of 0.1 ml/kg, was active vs carragee- intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.5% of
nin-induced pedal edemacLol4. the diet, was active. Animals fed the diet for
Anti-ischemic effect. Rhizome, adminis- 1 month before being given 3-methyl-
tered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 5.0 cholanthrene intraperitoneally produced
gm/kg, was active on the heart. The dose urine with reduced mutagenicity on Salmo-
also contained nicotinic acid. The dose was nella typhimurium TA100 and TA98, with or
given daily for 7 days, during the last 2 of without activation with S9, as assessed by
which isoproterenol was also given. Isoprot- Ames testCU77 •

Antimycobacterial activity. Ethanol extract of dried rhizome, administered intra-

(95%) extract of entire plant, in broth cul- peritoneally to mice at a dose of 0.03 gm/kg,
ture, was active on Mycobacterium tubercu- was inactive on LEUK-SN36. A dose of 0.1
losis H37RVTMC 102. The extract was used gm/kg was active CLll6 . Polysaccharide fraction
in a dilution of 1:80CL090 . Leaf juice, on agar of dried rhizome, administered intraperito-
plate, produced weak activity on Mycobac- neally to mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was
terium tuberculosis, MIC < 1:40cLolo. active on Sarcoma 180 (solid)CLl62. Water and
Antinematodal activity. Water extract of methanol extracts, administered intraperito-
rhizome, at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml, neally to mice at doses of 150.0 mg/kg on days
produced weak activity, and the methanol 5, 6 and 7, were inactive on CA-Ehrlich-
extract, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml, was AscitesCLOIB. Water extract of dried rhizome,
active on Toxacara canisCL096. administered to mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/
Antioxidant activity. Hexane and metha- kg, was active on Sarcoma (ASC)CL077.
nol extracts of rhizome, at concentrations Antiulcer activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
of 0.1 %, were active cLl54 . Hexane extract of of dried rhizome, administered intra-
dried rhizome, at a concentration of 0.06%, gastrically to rats at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg,
was inactive when tested on lard. The was active vs hydrochloric acid-, sodium
methanol extract was active CLl4J . Hot water chloride-, sodium hydroxide-, hypothermic-
extract of a commercial sample of tuber, at resistant stress-, ethanol-, pylorus ligation-,
a concentration of 100.0 ng/ml, was active indomethacin-, reserpine-, and cysteamine-
vs protection of DNA against peroxidative induced uicersCL083. Powdered dried rhizome,
inj urycLo76. Water extract of rhizome was taken orally by human adults of both sexes
active on rat brain vs Fe 2+/scorbate-Fe 2+/ at a dose of 250.0 mg/day, produced weak
TBH-induced lipid peroxidation. The bio- activity. In a clinical study in Thailand with
logical activity was highly dose-dependent, 60 patients, the control group received an
IC lo 100.0 mcg/ml. The extract was also antacid. The treatment was given before
active vs lipid peroxidation induced by meals and at bedtime for 2 weeksCL052.
TBARS, IC lo 50.0 mcg/mlcLo60. Antiviral activity. Hot water extract of
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water dried rhizome, in cell culture, was active on
(1: 1) extract of rhizome was active on vesicular stomatitis virus. The prescription
guinea pig ileumcLoo6 . included 10 gm each of Curcuma longa rhi-
Antispermatogenic effect. Root, in the zome, Rheum officinale root, Cimicifuga foetida
ration of male mice at a concentration of rhizome, Anemarrhena asaphodeloides rhi-
0.5%, and of male rats at a concentration of zome, Areca catechu seed, Magnolia officinalis
0.15% of the diet, was inactiveCLllJ . bark and Scutellaria baicalensis root; also
Antitumor activity. Ethanol (95%) extract, included were 5 gm Amomum tsao-ko fruit
administered intraperitoneally to mice at a and the insects Bombyx mori and
dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was inactive on Sar- Cryptotympana pustulataCLOB5. Water extract
coma 180(ASC); the water extract was of dried rhizome, in cell culture at a concen-
activeCL084. Hot water extract of dried root, tration of 10.0%, was inactive on Herpes
administered intraperitoneally to mice at virus Type 2, Influenza virus A2(Manheim
variable dosage levels, was active on CA- 57), Poliovirus II and Vaccinia viruscLl50 .
Ehrlich-ascites. A mixture of Bufo bufo, Antiyeast activity. Chloroform, ethanol
Solanum nigrum, Solanum lyratum, Duchesnea (95%) and water extracts of dried rhizome,
indica, Angelica sinensis, Curcuma longa and on agar plate were inactive on Candida
Salvia miltiorrhiza was used CL !l5. Methanol albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Sac-

charomyces cerevisae CLl05 . Dried oleoresin, at (95%) extract of dried rhizome, in the
a concentration of 500.0 ppm on agar plate, ration of female mice at a dose of 5.0% of
was active on Debaryomyces hansenii vs the diet, was active vs benzo(a)pyrene-
ascospore production. Inactive on: Candida induced carcinogenesis; and on female ham-
lipolytica vs pseudomycelium production; ster (Syrian) vs methylnitrosamine-induced
Hansenula anomala vs pseudomycelium and carcinogenesis. A dose of 2.0% was inactive
ascospore production; Lodderomyces elon- in mice vs benzo(a)pyrene-induced carcino-
gisporus vs pseudomycelium production; genesisCL051. Ethanol (95%) extract of rhi-
Rhodotorula rubra vs pseudomycelium pro- zome, at a dose of 5.0% of the diet in the
duction; Saccharomyces cerevisiae vs pseudo- ration of Syrian hamster, was active vs
mycelium and ascospore production; methyl(acetoxymethyl) nitrosamine (DMN-
Torulopsis glabrata vs pseudomycelium pro- OAC)-induced oral carcinogenesis, syner-
duction. In broth culture, the oleoresin, gism with Piper betelCLo58. Powdered root, in
was inactive on Candida lipolytica, the ration of mice at a dose of 2.0% of the
Debaryomyces hansenii, Hansenula anomala, diet, was active vs Benzo(a)pyrene-induced
Kloeckera apiculata, Lodderomyces elongis- tumorgenesis cL098 . Rhizome in the ration of
porus, Rhodotorula rubra, Saccharomyces hamsters (Syrian), at a dose of 5.0% of the
cerevisiae and Torulopsis glabrata vs biomass diet, was active vs DMN-OAC-induced oral
productionCLl1O . Water extract of rhizome, carcinogenesis. When a combination of
on agar plate at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ treatments of betel-leaf extract and tumeric,
ml, was inactive on Candida albicans and Beta-carotene and tumeric, or alpha-toco-
Candida troPicaliscLo97. pherol and tumeric were used, the doses
Apoptosis induction. Hexane extract of were active vs methyl nitrosamine-induced
rhizome, in cell culture, was active on carcino-genesisCL04J. A dose of 160.0 mg/per
LEUK-HL60CL069. gm of diet was active vs 3'-methyl-4-dim-
Arachidonate metabolism inhibition. ethyl-aminoazobenzene-induced carcino-
Ether extract of dried tuber, at a concentra- genesiscLo39. Rhizome, in the ration of rats at
tion of 100.0 mcg/ml, was inactive on plate- a concentration of 0.1 % of the diet, was
lets vs AA incorporation into platelet active vs benzo[a]pyrene-induced carcino-
phospholipidscLl 72 • genesisCL041.
Ascaricidal activity. Root essential oil, at Cardiotonic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
a concentration of 0.2%, was active. Forty- extract of rhizome, administered by perfu-
five minutes of exposure killed all the sion, was inactive on the guinea pig
worms. A 0.2% piperazine citrate solution heartCLoo6.
required 50 minutes of exposure to kill all Catalase stimulation. Rhizome, in the
the worms CLl07 . ration of rats at a concentration of 1.0% of
Carcinogenesis inhibition. Dried rhizome the diet, produced weak activityCLo48.
powder, in the ration of female mice at a Choleretic activity. Essential oil of fresh
dose of 2.0% of the diet/day, produced weak rhizome, administered intragastrically to
activity. Animals were 12 months of age at rats at a dose of 300.0 mg/kg, was activeCL078.
start of experiment vs DMBA-induced car- Chromosomal aberration induction. Hot
cinogenesis. A dose of 5.0% of the diet/day water extract of dried rhizome, administered
was active at 8, 12 and 2 months of age to intraperitoneally to mice, was inactive on
start the experiment, and strongly active at bone marrow vs cyclophosphamide-induced
6 months of age to start the experiment vs damageCLo99. Water extract of fresh tuber, at
DMBA-induced carcinogenesiscLo64 . Ethanol a concentration of 4.0%, was active. Assay

was done on the root of Allium cepaj chro- alveolarcLo89. Petroleum ether extract of
mosome breakage was observedcL04 5. dried rhizome, in cell culture, was active on
Clastogenic activity. Hot water extract of LEUK-L1210, ED50 1.8 mcg/mlcL082 . Water
dried rhizome, administered intraperito- extract of dried rhizome, in cell culture at a
neally to mice, was inactive on bone marrow concentration of 0.1 mg/ml, was inactive on
vs cyclophosphamide-induced damage CLo99. HELA cells. Methanol extract produced
Methanol extract of root, administered strong activit yCLol8.
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500 mg/ Desaturase-Delta-5 inhibition. Ethanol
kg, was activeCL167 . (95%) extract of fresh rhizome, at a concen-
CNS depressant activity. Ethanol/water tration of 0.1 %, was active. The effect was
(1: 1) extract of rhizome, administered assayed by looking at the ratio of Dihomo-
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 250.0 gamma-linolenic acid to arachidonic acid in
mg/kg, was activeCL006. cell-free preparations of Mortierella alpina
Cytochrome 8-5 increase. Powdered rhi- IS-4CL03 5.
zome, administered intragastrically to mice Diuretic activity. Rhizome, in the ration
at a dose of 4.0 gm/kg, was active. Assay was of rats that were fed a low thiamine diet,
done in pups, presuming trans lactational showed no change in urinary or fecal
exposureCL065. excretionCLl88.
Cytochrome 8-5 inhibition. Powdered Embryotoxic effect. Ethanol (95%) extract
root, in the ration of mice at a dose of 5.0% of rhizome, administered orally to rats at
of the diet, was active CL098. doses of 100.0 and 200.0 mg/kg, produced
Cytochrome P-450 induction. Powdered 70% and 80% inhibition of pregnancy,
rhizome, administered intragastrically to respectively. Water extract produced 80%
mice at a dose of 4.0 gm/kg, was active. and 100% inhibition, respectively, and
Assay was done in pups, presuming trans- petroleum ether extract produced 80% and
lactational exposureCL065. 100% inhibition, respectivelycLl03. Ethanol
Cytochrome P-450 inhibition. Powdered (95%), water and petroleum ether extracts of
root, in the ration of mice at a dose of 5.0% rhizome, administered orally to rats at doses
of the diet, was active CL098 . Water extract of of 100.0 mg/kg, were activeCLl81 .
rhizome, at a concentration of 3.0 mg/ml, Food consumption reduction. Powdered
was active on rat liver microsomesCL063. rhizome, administered intragastrically to
Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1 ) rats at a dose of 10.0% of the diet, was
extract of rhizome, in cell culture at a con- inactiveCLl77 .
centration of 1.0 mg/ml, was active on Gastric secretory inhibition. Water
human lymphocytes, human leukemic lym- extracts, at a dose of 132.0 mg/kg, and
phocytes and Dalton's lymphomaCLol9. Etha- methanol extract of the entire plant, at a
nol/water (1: 1) extract of rhizome, in cell dose of 155.0 mg/kg, administered
culture, was inactive on CA-9KB, EDso > intragastrically to rabbits, were active. Gas-
20.0 mcg/mlcLoo6. Ether and petroleum ether tric juice was collected by catheterCL079 .
extract of rhizome, in cell culture, were Gastrointestinal disorders. Powdered
active on LEUK-L1210, EDso 10.0 and 5.0 dried rhizome, taken orally by human adults
mcg/ml, respectivelycLl63. Ether extract of at a dose of 500.0 mg/person, was active. A
dried rhizome, in cell culture, was active on randomized double-blind study was con-
hepatoma HTCCLl12. Water extract, at a ducted to examine the efficacy of treating
concentration of 500.0 mcg/ml, produced dyspepsia with given extract. Patients were
weak activity on CA-Mammary-Micro- given the dose 4 times per day, after meals

and before bed, for 7 days. Eighty patients Glutathione peroxidase stimulation. Rhi-
were assigned to control or treatment zome, in the ration of rats at a concentra-
groups. A statistically significant 87% of the tion of 1.0% of the diet, produced weak
treatment and 53% of the control group activityCLo48.
showed improvement, though patient satis- Glutathione-S-Transferase induction.
faction ran only 50% and 47%CL176. Powdered rhizome, administered intra-
Genotoxicity activity. Rhizome, adminis- gastrically to mice at a dose of 4.0 gm/kg,
tered by gastric intubation to mice at doses was active. Assay was done in pups, presum-
of 2.5,5.0 and 7.5 gm/kg, was inactiveCLl36 . ing trans lactational exposureCL065 . Powdered
Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase in- root, in the ration of mice at a dose of 5.0%
hibition. Hot water extract of dried rhizome, of the diet, was active cL098 . Rhizome, admin-
administered subcutaneously to mice at a istered intragastrically to mice at a concen-
dose of 20.0 gm/kg, was active vs carbon tet- tration of 4.0 gm/kg, was active. Progeny's
rachloride-induced hepatotoxicity. The dose liver looked at after translactational expo-
represents the amount of crude drug equiva- sure; other significant enzyme included
lent, results significant at P < 0.01 levelCL140 . soluble sulfhydryl cytochrome B5 and cyto-
Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase chrome P450cL065 .
stimulation. Methanol extract of dried GRAS status. Rhizome and root (Sect.
rhizome, administered intraperitoneally 582.10) and essential oil (Sect. 582.20)
to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active obtained GRAS status by United States of
vs Alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced America Food and Drug Administration in
hepatotoxicitycLo93. 1976 as flavoring agentsCL031.
Glutamate pyruvate transaminase inhibi- Hyaluronidase inhibition. Root essential
tion. Hot water extract of dried rhizome, oil, administered orally to male mice at a
administered subcutaneously to mice at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg, was activecLol 4.
dose of 20.0 gm/kg (the amount of crude Hypoglycemic activity. Water extract of
drug equivalent), was active vs carbon tet- rhizome, administered orally to rabbits at a
rachloride-induced hepatotoxicity, results dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was inactiveCLol6 . Drop in
significant at P < 0.01 leveI CL140 . Water blood sugar of 15 mg relative to inert-treated
extract of fresh rhizome, in the ration of control indicated positive resultsCLOl6 .
ducklings at a concentration of 50.0 mg/day, Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
was active vs aflatoxin B-1 hepatotoxicity. extract of rhizome, administered intraperi-
Enzyme was measured in the serumCL047 . toneally to mice at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg,
Glutamate pyruvate transaminase stimu- was inactiveCLOO6 .
lation. Methanol extract of dried rhizome, Immunostimulant activity. Polysaccharide
administered intraperitoneally to rats at a fraction of dried rhizome administered
dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs Alpha- intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 100.0
naphthylisothiocyanate-induced hepato- mg/kg for 5 days was inactive vs SRBC chal-
toxicityCL093. Water extract of fresh rhizome, lenge. A dose of 200.0 mg/kg was active,
in the ration of ducklings at a concentra- results significant at P < 0.01 levelcLl62 .
tion of 50.0 mg/day, was active vs aflatoxin Immunosuppressant activity. Water
B-1 hepatotoxicity. Enzyme was measured extract of rhizome, administered by gastric
in the serumCL047. intubation to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg,
Glutathione formation induction. Pow- was active. Daily dosing for 10 days to
dered root, in the ration of mice at a dose of typhoid bacillus, RBC-stimulated sheep
5.0% of the diet, was activeCL098 . showed the antibody titer to be significantly

inhibitedCL125 . Hot water extract of rhizome, Lactate dehydrogenase stimulation.

administered intraperitoneally to rats, was Methanol extract of dried rhizome, admin-
activeCL118 . istered intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of
Insect repellent activity. Petroleum ether 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs Alpha-naphthyl-
extract of dried rhizome, at variable con- isothiocyanate-induced hepatotoxicitycLo93.
centrations, was active on Rhyzopertha Leukopenic activity. Water extract of rhi-
dominica, Sitophilus granarius and Tribolium zome, administered intragastrically to mice
castaneumCL13 4, Petroleum ether extract of at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active CLlOI .
root, at a concentration of 680.0 meg/sq. em, Lipid peroxide formation inhibition. Hot
was active on Tribolium castaneumCL1Z1 • Root water extract of a commercial sample of
essential oil was active on Aedes aegyptiCL180 • tuber was active, ICso 200.0 ng/mlcLo76. Hot
Insecticide activity. Methanol extract of water extract of dried rhizome, in cell cul-
dried rhizome was active on Spodoptera litura ture at a concentration of 1.0 mg/plate, was
larvaeCLI47. Powdered rhizome, applied exter- inactive on hepatocytes monitored by pro-
nally to human adults, was active. duction of malonaldehydeCLo6z.
Azadirachta indica leaves and Curcuma longa Liver regeneration stimulation. Commer-
root were ground to form a paste, 4: 1 by cial sample of oleoresin, at a concentration
weight. This was spread over the entire body of 0.6% of the diet in the ration of male rats,
daily. Ninety seven percent of 814 cases of was inactive. Partially hepatectomized ani-
scabies were cured within 15 days of mals were dosed daily for 7 dayscLlz3.
treatmentCL034 . Water extract of dried root, Mutagenic activity. Bulb, on agar plate at
at variable concentrations, was inactive on a concentration of 50.0 meg/plate, was
Blatella germanica and Oncopelatus fasciatus. active on Salmonella typhimurium TA1535,
Intravenous dose of 40.0 ml/kg produced and inactive on Salmonella typhimurium
weak activity on Periplaneta americanaCLl86 • TA1537 and TA1538 CL17s . Infusion, on agar
Interferon induction stimulation. Hot wa- plate at a concentration of 200.0 mcg/
ter extract of dried rhizome, administered plate, was inactive on Salmonella typhi-
intragastrically to mice at a dose of 0.4 ml/ murium TA100 and T A98. Metabolic acti-
animal for 7 days, was active. The prescrip- vation had no effect on the results CLo3 3,
tion also included 10 gm each of Curcuma Chloroform/methanol (2:1) extract of rhi-
longa rhizome, Rheum officinale root, zome, on agar plate at a concentration of
Cimicifuga foetida rhizome, Anemarrhena 10.0 mg/plate, produced complete growth
asaphodeloides rhizome, Areca catechu seed, inhibition of the Pig-Kidney LLC-PK1 and
Magnolia officinalis bark and Scutellaria Trophoblastic-Placenta cells, thus, it was
baicalensis root, also included are 5 gm impossible to interpret the results. Effect
Amomum tsaoko fruit, and the insects was the same with or without metabolic
Bombyx mori and Cryptotympana pustulata. activation. Water extract of rhizome, on
A dose of 0.6 ml/animal, administered in- agar plate at a concentration of 100.0 mg/
traperitoneally, was also activeCL08S. plate, was inactive on Pig-Kidney-LLC-
Intestinal absorption inhibition. Water PK-1 and T rophoblastic- Placenta cells.
extract of dried rhizome, at a concentration The effect was the same with or without
of 1.0% administered by perfusion, pro- metabolic activation CLll7 . Ethanol (95%)
duced weak activity in rats vs absorption of extract of dried rhizome, on agar plate at a
sulfaguanidine. Methanol and water concentration of 10.0 mg/plate, was
extracts at a concentration of 0.1 % were active on Salmonella typhimurium T A102,
inactiveCL173 . and inactive on Salmonella typhimurium

T A98CLOJ6. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried typhimurium T A1538. Metabolic activation

rhizome, on agar plate at a concentration had no effect on the resultsCLo44.
of 250.0 meg/plate, was inactive on Salmo- Nematocidal activity. Hexane extract of
nella typhimurium T A98, TAl 00 and dried rhizome was active on Toxacara
TA1535. Metabolic activation had no canisCLOZ6 .
effect on the resuitsCL044. Ethanol (95%) Nitrosation inhibition. Rhizome, at vari-
extract of fresh rhizome, on agar plate at a able concentrations was active on Salmo-
concentration of 360.0 meg/plate, was nella typhimurium TA100 and TA1535 vs
inactive on Salmonella typhimurium TAIOO, nitrosation of methylureaCL171 .
TA98, TAl535 and TA1538. Metabolic Ovulation inhibition effect. Ethanol
activation had no effect on the resultsCLo44. (95%), water and petroleum ether extracts
Ethanol (95%) extract of root, on agar of rhizome, administered orally to rabbits at
plate at a concentration of 15.0 mg/plate, doses of 100.0 and 200.0 mg/kg, were
was active on Salmonella typhimurium inactiveCLOJO. Water and petroleum ether
T A98. Streptomycin dependent strains of extracts of rhizome, administered orally to
T A98 were tested. Metabolic activation rabbits at doses of 100.0 mg/kg, were
had no effect on the results CL161 . Hot water inactive CLl81 .
and methanol extracts of rhizome, on agar Phagocytosis capacity increased.
plate at concentrations of 50.0 mg/disc Polysaccharide fraction of dried rhizome,
(expressed as dry weight of plant), were administered intraperitoneally to mice at a
inactive on Salmonella typhimurium T A98 dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs clearance
and T A100. Effect was the same with or of colloidal carbon, results significant at P <
without metabolic activation. Histidine 0.01IevelcLl62 . Plant extract, on agar plate at
was removed from the extract prior to a concentration of 0.5%, was inactive and
testing CL127 . Resin, on agar plate at a con- stimulated acid production on Escherichia
centration of 160.0 meg/plate, was inactive coli, Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus lactis,
on Salmonella typhimurium TA100, TA98, and active on Lactobacillus acidophilus and
and TA1535 CLl44 . Water extract of dried Lactobacillus plantarumCLl02 .
rhizome, at a concentration of 50.0 mg/ml Plasma bilirubin decrease. Methanol ex-
on agar plate, was inactive on Salmonella tract of dried rhizome, administered intrap-
typhimurium TA1535. Mutagenicity was eritoneally to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg,
assayed by SOS UMU test. Metabolic acti- was inactive vs Alpha-naphthylisothiocy-
vation had no effect on the resuitsCL095. anate-induced hepatotoxicitycLo93.
Water and hot water extracts of dried rhi- Platelet aggregation inhibition. Ether
zome, on agar plate at a concentration of extract of dried tuber, at a concentration of
0.5 ml/disc, and rhizome, at variable con- 100.0 mcg/ml, was inactive vs collagen- and
centrations, were inactive on Bacillus ADP -induced aggregation, and A23187
subtilis M-45 (REC-) and H-17 (REC+ )CLlJ8. used as ionophore vs calcium ionophore-
Myocardial uptake of 86-RB enhanced. induced aggregation. A concentration of
Hot water extract of dried tuber, adminis- 50.0 mcg/ml was active vs arachidonic acid-
tered intraperitoneally to mice at variable induced aggregation cLl72 • Water extract of
dosage levels, was inactive, as evidenced by dried rhizome was active on the platelets of
uptake of 86-RB by the myocardiumCLIl2 . human adults and rabbits. The dose con-
Necrotic effect. Ethanol (95%) extract of sisted of a mixture of Levisticum officinale,
rhizome, on agar plate at a concentration of Artemisia cappilaris, Curcuma longa and
250.0 meg/plate, was inactive on Salmonella Chrysanthemum indicumCL038.
Plate 4. Annona muricata (see
full discussion in Chapter 5).

Plate 1. Abrus precatorius (see

full discussion in Chapter 2).

Plate 5. Carica papaya (see full

discussion in Chapter 6).
Plate 2. Allium sativum (see full
discussion in Chapter 3).

Plate 3. Aloe vera (see full

discussion in Chapter 4).
Plate 6. Cassia alata (see full
discussion in Chapter 7).
Plate 10. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
(see full discussion
in Chapter 12).

Plate 7. Catharanthus roseus

(see full discussion
in Chapter 8).
Plate 11. Hibiscus sabdariffa
(see full discussion in Chapter 13).

Plate 8. Manihot esculenta

(see full discussion
in Chapter 18).

Plate 12. Jatropha curcas (see

full discussion in Chapter 14).

Plate 9. Cyperus rotundus (see

full discussion in Chapter 10).
Plate 13. Lantana camara (see
full discussion in Chapter 15).
Plate 16. Momordica charantia
(see full discussion in Chapter 19).

Plate 14. Macuna pruriens

(see full discussion
in Chapter 16).
Plate 17. Moringa
pterygosperma (see full
discussion in Chapter 20).

Plate 15. Mangifera indica (see

full discussion in Chapter 17). Plate 18. Persea americana (see
full discussion in Chapter 21).
Plate 22. Punica granatum (see
full discussion in Chapter 25).

Plate 19. Phyllanthus niruri

(see full discussion
in Chapter 22).

Plate 23. Syzygium cumini (see

full discussion in Chapter 26).

Plate 20. Portulaca oleracea (see

full discussion in Chapter 23).

Plate 24. Tamarindus indica (see

full discussion in Chapter 27).

Plate 21. Psidium guajava (see

full discussion in Chapter 24).

Protease (HIV) inhibition. Water extract Thromboxane B-2 synthesis inhibition.

of rhizome, at a concentration of 200.0 Ether extract of dried tuber, at a concen-
mcg/ml, was equivocalCLo59 . tration of 100.0 mcg/ml, was active on
Radical scavenging effect. Hot water platelets vs calcium ionophore A23187
extract of dried rhizome, at a concentration stimulation of platelets. A concentration of
of 250.0 mg/liter, was inactive when mea- 62.5 mcg/ml was active, 12-HETE synthesis
sured by decolorization of diphenylpicryl was stimulatedCLI7Z •
hydroxyl radical solution. There was 6 % Toxic effect (general). Ethanol (95%)
deco lorationCL062. extract of rhizome, administered intra-
RBC synthesis antagonist. Water extract of gastrically to mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg,
rhizome, administered intragastrica11y to was inactiveCLIOI . Ethanol (95%) extract of
mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was activeCLlOl. rhizome, in the ration of male guinea pigs
Spasmogenic activity. Methanol extract of and female monkeys at variable dosage lev-
dried rhizome, at a concentration of 5.0 mgt els for 3 weeks, was inactive. No toxic
ml, was inactive on the rat ileumCLI78. effects or abnormal morphological or histo-
Spasmolytic activity. Methanol extract of logical results were observed. Doses of 300.0
dried rhizome, at a concentration of 5.0 mgt mg/kg and 2.5 gm/kg, in the ration of Rhesus
ml, was inactive on the rat ileum vs ACh- monkeys and rats of both sexes, were inac-
induced contractionsCL178 . tive. Dosing was only on the first day, fol-
Sulfhydryl-containing compound in- lowed by control diet for 3 weeksCLllo.
crease. Powdered rhizome, administered Toxic effect. Commercial sample of oleo-
intragastrica11y to mice at a dose of 4.0 resin, at variable dosage levels in the ration
gm/kg, was active. Assay was done on pups, of pigs, was active. Animals were fed dietary
presuming trans lactational exposureCL065. levels of the oleoresin equal to 60, 296 and
Water extract of rhizome, at a concentra- 1551 mg/kg/day for 102-109 days. All dose
tion of 50.0 mcg/ml, was active on rat brain. levels showed a significant dose-dependent
There was a decrease in the depletion of increase in liver and thyroid weight. A
sulfhydryl-containing compounds induced reduction in weight gain and feed con-
by promoters of lipid peroxidationCLo6o. version efficiency was observed in the
Superoxide dismutase stimulation. Rhi- high dose group. The 2 higher dose groups
zome, in the ration of rats at a concentra- showed evidence of thyroidal hyperplasia,
tion of 1.0% of the diet, produced weak epithelial changes in the urinary bladder
activi tyCLo48. and kidney and pericholangitisCLI59 .
Taenicide activity. Root essential oil, at a Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
concentration of 0.2%, was active on Tae- nol (95%) extract of rhizome, administered
nia saginata. Forty-two minutes of exposure intraperitoneally to mice, produced LD50
was required to kill all the worms. A 0.2% 3.98 gm/kg; water extract, LD50 430.0 mg/kg
piperazine citrate solution required 60 min- and petroleum ether extract, LD50 525.0 mgt
utes of exposure to kill all the worms CLI07 . kgCL032 . Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of rhi-
Teratogenic activity. Ethanol (95%), water zome, administered intraperitonea11y to
and petroleum ether extracts of rhizome, mice, produced LD50 500.0 mg/kgCLOO6.
administered orally to female rabbits at doses Tyrosinase inhibition. Methanol extract of
of 200.0 mg/kg, were inactiveCL03O. Root, in dried rhizome, at a concentration of 167.0
the ration of female mice and rats at a con- mcg/ml, was activeCL056. An extract of skin-
centration of 0.5% of the diet for 7 days, was lightening cosmetics contained extracts of
inactiveCLI13 . Syzygium aromaticum, Curcuma longa, Areca

catechu, and/or Sauesurea lappa (comprising Aramaki. Uterus-contracting ingredi-

melanin inhibitors), in addition to base ents in plants. Takeda Kenkyusho
Nempo 1957; 16: 2I.
materials showed tyrosinase-inhibiting
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activit yCLo68.
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tive foods cLo92 • CL013 Trivedi, V. P. and A. S. Mann. Veg-
Weight gain inhibition. Powdered rhi- etable drugs regulating fat metabolism
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380-384. 59(3): 597-601.
12 Hibiscus
rosa-51 nensis

Common Names
Ampolo Nicaragua Gwo waz baya Trinidad
Antolanagan Philippines Hibiscus Easter Island
Ardhol Fiji Hibiscus Guyana
Aroganan China Hibiscus Vietnam
Avispa Nicaragua Hindu-ma-pangi Bangladesh
Banban Papua-New Guinea Hong can Vietnam
Bunga raya Malaysia Jaba India
Chemparathy India Jabaphool India
China rosa Kuwait Japa India
China rose India Japa puspi Nepal
China rose plant India Japakusum India
Chinese hibiscus Nepal Jasum Fiji
Choon kin phee Malaysia Jasum India
Chou blak Haiti Jasunt India
Chuan chin pi Malaysia Jaswand India
Chuan chin pi Vietnam Jia pushpa India
Chuen kan pi Malaysia Joba India
Cucarda Peru Kaute India
Dam but Vietnam Kaute'enua Cook Islands
Dasani India Kaute'enua Rarotonga
Dok mai Vietnam Kauti Rarotonga
Double hibiscus Trinidad Kayaga China
Fencing flower Trinidad Kembang sepatu Indonesia
Fla baya Trinidad Koute Indonesia
Fleur barriere Trinidad Lagitua New Britain
Flores rosa Guam Lelegurua New Britain
Foulsepatte Rodrigues Islands Loloru New Britain
Fu-yong-pi China Mandaar India
Ghanti phul Nepal Mandara India
Gros rose French Guiana Rose de chine Vietnam
Gudhal India Rose of China China
Gumamila Philippines Rose-cayenne Guadeloupe
Gurhal India Roz kaiyen Guadeloupe
Gwo fla bays Trinidad Sadaphool India
Gwo fie baye Trinidad Sambathoochedi India
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Senicikobia India Takuragan China

Senitoa yaloyalo India Tapulaga China
Shoe black Nicaragua Tiare kalova kalova Papua-New Guinea
Shoe flower Indonesia Tulipan Mexico
Shoe flower Nepal Wavu wavu Indonesia
Shoe flower plant Kuwait Woz baya Trinidad

A shrub of the MALV ACEAE family with fried in coconut cream and taken internally
long slender branches up to about 6 meters or used as a massage. Hot water extract of
tall. The branches are arranged spirally on dried leaves and flowers is taken orally for
the stem, are ovate, have long stalks and gonorrhea. Infusion is taken orally as an
measure up to 15 cm long and 10 cm wide. abortifacientHRo78.
Flowers are borne singly in the axils of the East Indies. Hot water extract of flowers is
upper leaves, usually on rather long stalks. taken orally to regulate menstruation and to
They have an epicalyx of 5-7 bracteoles produce abortionHRo22 . Leaf juice, in combi-
about 1 cm long and cupular calyx about nation with Vernonia cinerea, is adminis-
2.5 cm long. The corolla is short-lived of 5 tered orally by midwives to stimulate
very showy, contorted-overlapping petals. expulsion of afterbirthHRo22 .
Many varieties exist differing in size and Fiji. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally to
color corolla, in single or double forms. enhance childbirth and for diarrheaHR082 . Hot
The fruit (very rarely formed) is a capsule water extract of flowers and leaves is taken
about 3 cm long. orally to ease childbirthHR045 . Infusion of dried
flowers is taken orally to aid digestionHR082 .
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION French Guiana. Hot water extract of flowers
A native of southeastern Asia. Very com- is taken orally for the grippeHRo26.
monly cultivated and relict by old habita- Ghana. Peeled twig is used as a
tions and cultivation in a wide range of chewstickHR062 .
situations. Now commonly found through- Guadeloupe. Hot water extract of flowers
out the tropics, and as a houseplant through- is taken orally as a sodorific and antitussive.
out the world. Most ornamental varieties are Syrup is made by boiling unopened flowers,
hybrids, many of them resulting from crosses and taken orally with sugarHR074.
with the African H. schizopetalus. Guam. Leaves are applied to affected parts
to promote draining of abscesses HROO6 .
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES Haiti. Decoction of dried flowers is taken
Bangladesh. A decoction of the flower with orally for flu and coughHRo86. Decoction of
green betel nut is given to regulate the men- dried leaves is taken orally for flu, cough,
strual cycleHR033. and stomach pain. For eye problems, macer-
China. Hot water extract of flowers is taken ated leaves are used in a bath for the
orally as an emmenagogue and a tonicHR092 . headHRo86.
Hot water extract of the bark is taken orally Hawaii. Flowers are eaten to produce
as an emmenagogue HR022 ,HR008. lactationHR089 .
Cook Islands. Hot water extract of dried India. Decoction of dried flowers is taken
flowers and leaves is used for ailing infants. orally for abortionHR035 . Hot water extract is
Flowers, or sometimes leaves with or with- taken orally as an antifertility agentHR059. Hot
out Gardenia taitensis leaves, are boiled or water extract is used as a contraceptive in

Ayurvedic medicine. For this, the flowers fresh water fish locally known as "Magur"
with their sexual parts (pistil and stamens) HR077. Hot water extract of root is taken orally
are taken orally by the female patient. Four as a demulcent and for coughsHRo44.
to 5 flowers make 1 dose, and 2-3 doses are Indonesia. Flowers are taken orally to regu-
taken per day at intervals of 5-6 hoursHRo73. late menstruation, to produce abortionHRoo3,
Dried buds are eaten as a treatment for dia- and as an emmenagogue HR014 . Juice of leaves
betes. One unopened flower (mature bud) is is taken orally by women in laborHRoo3.
chewed and eaten per day early in the morn- Japan. Decoction of fresh leaves is taken
ing before taking meals, for up to 10 days or orally as an antidiarrhealHRo24.
until the level of blood sugar is reduced to Kuwait. Flowers are taken orally by females
the tolerance limit. This treatment is said to as an emmenagogue and by males as an
be good in managing the disease but is not a aphrodisiac HR043 .
permanent cureHR049. Fresh buds are taken Malaysia. Hot water extract of roots is
orally by women to produce complete steril- taken orally for fevers and venereal
ization. Three flower buds are collected just diseasesHRo22. Infusion of hot water extract of
before blooming and mixed with the water flowers is taken orally as an expectorant HR022 .
left after washing rice. One such bud makes Water extract of the bark is taken orally as
1 dose. The female is given 1 dose orally per an emmenagogueHR016.
day on the 4th, 5th and 6th days of the Mexico. Infusions of bark, leaves or flowers
menses. The application is repeated for 3-4 are taken orally to treat dysenteryHRo36.
months for permanent sterilizationHRo73 . Nepal. Hot water extract of roots is taken
Flowers and leaves are taken orally for con- orally for coughs HRoo1 . Powdered-dried flow-
stipation and painful bowel motion. The ers are administered intravaginally to accel-
leaves and flowers are churned into a muci- erate parturition. Two to 4 teaspoonfuls are
laginous juice with water and filtered. Half given during labor painsHRo39.
a cup of the filtrate is taken by mouth every New Britain (East). Hot water extract of
day before going to bedHRo40. Hot water flowers is taken orally to regulate
extract of dried stems is taken orally as a menstruationHR045.
diureticHRo63. Hot water extract of the flower New Caledonia. Decoction of hot water
is taken orally for menorrhagia, bron- extract of flowers is taken orally as an
chitisHRoo2 and as an emmenagogue HROO4 . For emmenagogue and abortifacientHRo15.
the treatment of menarcheHRo34 and as a Northern Ireland. Water extract of fresh
contraceptiveHRo44 in Ayurvedic medicine, flowers and leaves is taken orally to induce
flower decoction along with "Jaggary" is labor. Flowers and young leaves are soaked
taken orally. Hot water extract of aerial parts in coconut water and the solution is taken
is taken orally as an aphrodisiac and orally to induce labor in the Northern
emmenagogueHR091. Hot water extract of ProvincesHR061 .
leaves is taken orally as an aperient, laxa- Papau-New Guinea. Flowers are taken
tive and anodyne, and to expel the placenta orally to relieve pain during laborHRoo5. Hot
after childbirth. Externally, in combination water extract of flowers and leaves is taken
with juice ofVeronia cineria, it is used as an orally to induce labor. Leaves and flowers
emmolientHR044 . Root juice is taken orally as are soaked in coconut juice for several hours
an abortifacient. Five milliliters each of root and taken orallyHRo45.
juices of Plumbago rosea and Hibiscus rosa- Peru. Hot water extract of dried flowers is
sinensis are given on an empty stomach taken orally by males as a contraceptive and
along with red-colored brain of a species of by females as an emmenagogueHR087. Hot

water extract of dried stems is taken orally Hot water extract of dried leaves is used as
as a contraceptive and emmenagogueHROS7. a drug in traditional medicineHRo7o. Water
Philippines. Fresh flowers are bruised and extract of the bark is taken orally as an
applied to tumors and inflammations; water emmenagogueHR01S,HROOJ.
extract is taken orally in bronchial catarrh
for a sodorific effectHRoos. Hot water extracts
of bark, roots and flower are used externally (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
as emmolientsHRol7; paste of flowerbud is Apigenidin: FIHR068
applied topically to cancerous swellingsHRo2o. Arachidic acid: LfHR030
Behen ic acid: LfHR030
Leaf juice, together with leaves of Vernonia
Beta sitosterol: Lf, St HROlO , St Bk 40.8 HR023 ,
cinerea, is used to stimulate expulsion of the PIHR047
afterbirthHROO1 and the hot water extract is Campesterol: PIHR048
used externally as an emmolientHRol7. Catalase: Petal, LfHR095
Rarotonga. Decoction of fresh leaves is Cholesterol: PIHR048
taken orally to treat women for irregular Citric acid: FIHR096
menstrual periods HR012 . Infusion of fresh flow- Cyanidin diglucoside: FIHR013
ers is taken orally as an abortifacientHRo32. Cyan id in: FIHR094,HR067
Cyanin: FIHR094,HR012
Samoa. Hot water extract of flowers and
Dec-9-yn-l-oic acid methyl ester: St BkHR023
leaves is taken orally to ease childbirthHRo45.
Dec-9-yn-l-oic acid: St BkHR023
Water extract of fresh flowers and leaves is Dec-9-ynoic acid methyl ester: St Bk
taken orally to induce laborHRo61. 4.6HR076, Rt Bk O.8HR025
South Africa. Leaves are cooked and eaten Dec-9-ynoic acid: St Bk 1.2HRo76
as spinach in Matabeleland and Nyasa- Decanoic acid: LfHR030
land HR02O . Docosan-l-ol: LfHR030
Trinidad. DecoctionHR029 and infusionHR052 of Ergosterol: PI HR048
Fructose: FIHR096
hot water extract of flowers is taken orally
Gentisic acid: LfHR021
for amenorrhea. Glucose: FIHR096
Vanuata. Decoction made from the petals is Heneicosan-l-ol: LfHR030
taken orally for amenorrhea and to induce Heneicosanoic acid: LfHR030
abortionHRo17. Decoction of leaves is taken Heptacosan-l-ol: LfHR030
orally to treat uterine hemorrhage. Eight Heptacosanoic acid: LfHR030
leaves are squeezed with water then boiled Heptadecanoic acid methyl ester,
for a few minutes. The preparation is taken 9 methylene-8-oxo:
St Bk 2.3_13.6 HRo23 ,HRo25
orally as necessary. To induce sterility, a large
Hexacosan-l-ol: LfHR030
handful of leaves are squeezed into 250 ml of Hexacosanoic acid: LfHR030
water and all of it is taken orally during men- Hibiscus mucilage RI: Lf 116.6HRo24
struation. The treatment is repeated during Iso-octacosan-l-ol: LfHR030
the following menstrual cycleHR017. Decoction Iso-triacontan-l-ol: LfHR030
of stem bark is taken orally for menorrhagia. Kaempferol-3-0-beta-D-xylosyl-glucoside:
Grate a handful of bark, prepare a decoction,
Lau ric acid: LfHR030
cool it and drink of a maximum of 2 or 3
Lignoceric acid: LfHR030
doses. Infusion of leaves is taken orally for
Malvalic acid methyl ester: Rt Bk 54.4HRo3o
menorrhagia. Six leaves are crushed in Malvalic acid: LfHR030
water, brought to a boil and taken orallyHRo37. Margaric acid: LfHR030
Vietnam. Flowers are taken orally for Montanyl alcohol: LfHR030
dysmenorrheaHRool and as an abortiveHROIS. Myristic acid: LfHR030

N-Docosane: LfHR030 Querceti n-3-7 -d i-o-beta-D-gi ucoside:

N-Dotriacontane: LfHR030 PetalHR012
N-Eicosane: LfHR030 Querceti n- 3 -d i -o-beta- D-gi ucos ide:
N-Heneicosane: LfHR030 Petal HR012
N-Hentriacontane: FI 0.1 02%HR094, LfHR030 Stearic acid: LfHR030
N-Heptacosane: LfHR030 Stercul ic acid methyl esther: Rt Bk 36.1 HR025
N-Heptadecane: LfHR030 Sterculic acid, 2-hydroxy methyl ester:
N-Hexacosane: LfHR030 Rt Bk 1 .8HR025,HR050
N-Hexadecane: LfHR030 Sterculic acid: LfHR030
N-Nonacosane: LfHR030 Stigmasterol: PIHR048
N-Nonadecane: LfHR030 Sucrose: FIHR096
N-Octacosane: LfHR030 Taraxeryl acetate: Lf, StHR010
N-Octadecane: LfHR030 Tartaric acid: FIHR096
Non-8-yn-1-oic acid methyl ester: Tetracosan-1-01: LfHR030
St BkHR023 T riacontan-1-01: LfHR030
Non-8-yn-1-oic acid: St Bk HR023 Tricosan-1-01: LfHR030
Non-8-ynoic acid methyl ester: St Bk Tricosanoic acid: LfHR030
17.7HRo76, Rt Bk 1.2HRo25 Tridecanoic acid: LfHR030
Non-8-ynoic acid: St Bk 4.6HR076 Undecanoic acid: LfHR030
Nonadecanoic acid: LfHR030
Nonadec-trans-1 O-enoic acid, 11-methoxy- PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES
9-oxo methyl ester: Rt Bk 3.SHR025 AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Nonanoic acid: LfHR030
N-Pentacosane: LfHR030 Abortifacient effect. Ethanol (95%),
N-Triacontan-1-01: LfHR030 water and petroleum ether extracts of
N-Triacontane: LfHR030 leaves, flowers and roots, administered
N-T ricosane: LfHR030 orally, dried roots by gastric intubation and
Octacosan-1-01: LfHR030 dried leaves subcutaneously to rats at doses
Octacosanoic acid: LfHR030
of 200.0, 200.0, and 150.0 mg/kg, respec-
Octadec-11-yn-1-oic acid methyl ester,
tively, were inactive. Ethanol (95%),
lO-oxo: Rt Bk 3.8 HR023
Octadec-11-ynoic aci.d, 10-oxo methyl
water and petroleum ether extracts of stem,
ester: Rt BkHR025 administered orally, and of dried stem,
Octadec-9-yn-1-oic acid methyl ester, administered by gastric intubation to rats at
8-oxo: St Bk 3.8HR023 doses of 200.0 mg/kg, were inactiveHR090.
Octadec-9-ynoic acid, 8-oxo methyl ester: Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the dried
Rt BkHR025
entire plant, administered by gastric intu-
Octadecadienoic acid: LfHR030
bation to rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was
Octadecanoic acid, 10-methylene-9-oxo
inactiveHR080. Water-insoluble and ether-
methyl ester: Rt Bk 6.8HR025
Octadec-trans-9-enoic acid, 10-methoxy- soluble fractions of a total benzene extract
8-oxo methyl ester: 3.6HR025 of dried flowers, administered by gastric
Octanoic acid: LfHR030 intubation to rats at a dose of 186.0 mg/kg,
Oxalic acid: FIHR096 were activeHR069. Ether-soluble and water-
Palmitic acid: LfHR030 insoluble fractions of a total benzene
Pelargonidin: FIHR068
extract, at a dose of 73.0 mg/kg, were
Pentacosan- 1-01: LfHR030
activeHR081. Ethanol (90%), water and petro-
Pentacosanoic acid: LfHR030
Pentadencanoic acid: LfHR030
leum ether extracts of dried flowers, admin-
Querceti n: FI 300HR094 istered by gastric intubation at doses of
Querceti n-3-0-beta - D-sophorotrios ide: 200.0,200.0, and 150.0 mg/kg, respectively,
PetalHR012 were inactiveHRo75.

Acid phosphatase stimulation. The effect antagonized and pentobarbitone-induced

of 50% ethanolic and benzene extracts of sleep was potentiated. The brain content of
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers on the estrogen gamma-aminobutyric acid and sertonin
dependent enzyme (acid and alkaline phos- were raised and the extract was found to be
phatase) activity of rat uterus was studied. anxiogenic and general depressant of the
A significant increase in the acid phos- central nervous system HRI01 .
phatase and decrease in alkaline phos- Anti-FSH activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
phatase was reported with both the extracts, of flowers, administered orally to rats at a
the effect being dose-related for both the dose of 150.0 mg/animal, was activeHRoo9.
enzymes. The antiestrogenic property of the Antiestrogenic effect. Benzene extract of
ethanolic and benzene extracts was further dried flowers, administered by gastric intu-
confirmed in rats by a significant reduction bation to rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was
in the fresh uterine content of protein, non- equivocal and active at a dose of 250.0
protein, nitrogen and total solid matter. mg/kg. The extract was also active when
Benzene and ethanol/water (1: 1) extracts of administered orally to mice at a dose of 1
flowers, administered orally to female rats gm/kg, and subcutaneously at a dose of
daily for 12-18 days at doses of 75.0 mg/kg, 250.0 mg/kg. The ethanol/water (1: 1)
were equivocal. At doses of 150.0 mg/kg and extract was equivocal in rats when admin-
300.0 mg/kg, both extracts were activeHR056. istered by gastric intubation at a dose of
Alkaline phosphatase inhibition. Benzene 200.0 mg/kg, and active when adminis-
and ethanol/water (1: 1) extracts of flowers, tered orally at a dose of 150.0 mg/kgHRo60.
administered orally to rats daily for 12-18 Studies with the total benzene extract of
days, were active at doses of 75.0 mg/kg, H. rosa-sinensis flowers revealed antiestro-
150.0 mg/kg, and 300.0 mg/kgHRo56. genic activity in bilaterally ovariectomized
Analgesic activity. Ethanol (70%) extract immature albino rats. It disrupts the estrous
of dried leaves, administered orally to mice cycle in rats, depending on the dose and
at a dose of 125.0 mg/kg, was active vs inhi- duration of treatment. The extract led to a
bition of aconitine-induced writhingHRo58. reduction in the weights of the ovary,
Androgenic effect. Benzene extract of uterus and pituitary. Ovaries showed folli-
dried flowers, administered by gastric intu- cular atresia and uterine atrophic changes.
bation, and ethanol (95%) extract, admin- These effects could be reversed 30 days
istered orally to normal maleHRo67 and after withdrawal of the plant extract. In
castratedHRo57 rats at doses of 250.0 mg/kg, guinea pigs, the benzene and ethanolic
were inactiveHR009. extract of the flowers produced an increase
Anticonvulsive activity. The ethanol in the ovarian weight, as well as in the
extract of flowers was active. The activity weight and diameter of the corpora lutea,
was present in the acetone soluble part of indicating an anti-estrogenic activity. Ben-
the ethanolic extract. The extract protected zene extract of the flowers, administered
animals from maximum electro-shock, orally to ovariectomized rats at doses of
electrical kindling andpentylenetetrazole- 50.0,100.0,150.0,200.0, and 250.0 mg/kg,
induced convulsions in mice. It also were active. Ethanol (95%) extract of the
inhibited convulsions induced by lithium- flowers, administered orally to ovariecto-
pilocarpine and electrical kindling. How- mized rats, was inactive at a dose of 100.0
ever, they failed to protect animals from mg/kg and active at doses of 150.0, 200.0,
strychnine-induced convulsions. The and 250.0 mg/kgHRo54. Ethanol/water (1:1)
behavioral effects of D-amphetamine were extract was active at a dose of 75.0 mg/kg;

reduction of glycogen content in uterus of extract of petals, administered orally to rats

treated animals is claimed indicative of at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was activeHR007. Etha-
antiestrogenic activityHRo53. nol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts,
Antifertility effect. Ethanol (95%) extract administered orally to mice at a dose of 100.0
of dried flowers, taken orally by human mg/kg, was inactiveHRo19. Hibiscus has been
females at a dose of 750.0 mg/person, was investigated extensively for its antifertility
active. The dose was divided and taken 3 effect. Different parts of the plant have been
times daily from the 7th to the 22nd day of screened for their effect on the reproductive
the menstrual cycle. Twenty-one women, system. The benzene extract of H. rosa-
15 to 35 years of age, were in the test group. sinensis flowers (l00 mg/kg) revealed post-
Seven of the women discontinued the treat- coital antifertility effect in female albino rats,
ment. Three of the 7 women discontinued leading to 80% reduction in the implanta-
treatment due to non-associated illness. No tion site on the 10th day of pregnancy. The
pregnancies have developed in the 14 fetal loss in the rats was within the normal
women after up to 20 monthsHRo65. In range, indicating the absence of any aborti-
another trial, women between the ages of 18 facient effect in the benzene extract. The
and 45 were given Vidangadi yoga, and petroleum ether extract was devoid of anti-
herbal medicine consisting of Embelia ribes fertility effect, whereas with the ether and
seeds, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers and ethanolic extracts of the flower petals, a
Ferula foetida oleoresin mixed in equal change in the sex ratio of the pups born was
amounts. Eight hundred-milligram tablets observed, the incidence of male:female pups
were given 3 times per day with water or born being higher in the extract-treated rats.
milk during menstruation for 6 days. Of the Benzene extract of the flower, administered
1083 patients enrolled in the study, 83.1 % orally to rats at doses of 50.0 and 250.0 mg/kg,
did not become pregnant. Five hundred was activeHR027,HR028,HR046. Ethanol (95%)
continued treatment for 36 cycles or more. extract of flowers, administered orally to rats
No toxic effect was observedHRo83. at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, produced weak
Antifungal activity. Ethanol/water (50%) activity. Water and petroleum ether extracts
extract of dried leaves was active on Rhizoc- of flowers, administered orally to rats at doses
tonia solani. Mycelial inhibition was of 250.0 mg/kg, were inactiveHR028.
34 .50%HR088. Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol
Antigonadotropin effect. Benzene extract (70%) extract of dried leaves, administered
of dried flowers, administered by gastric intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 100.0
intubation to male and female rats at a dose mg/kg, was active vs carrageenin-induced
of 250.0 mg/kg, was activeHR067. pedal edemaHRo58.
Anti-implantation effect. Benzene extract Antiovulatory effect. Benzene extract of
of dried flowers, administered by gastric intu- the flower, administered intraperitoneally
bation to mice at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was to adult mice at doses of 125 and 250 mgt
active. Dosing was done on days 1-4 of ges- kg body weight, produced an increase in
tation, in the momingHRo79. The extract was atretic follicles and the absence of corpora
inactive at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, with dos- lutea. This effect may be due to an imbal-
ing on days 1_3 HRo61, and at 750.0 mg/kg ance in the hormonal environment, as
administered orally to miceHR085. Benzene there may be an increase in the endog-
extract of leaves and stem bark, administered enous secretion of estrogen by the atretic
by gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 250.0 follicles and to the estrogenicity of the
mg/kg, produced 12.5% activityHR042. Benzene extract HR099 .

Antipyretic activity. Ethanol (70%) extract tubules and complete destruction of sper-
of dried leaves, administered intraperito- matogonial cells. Germinal epithelium was
neally to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was affected and the Leydig cells were absent.
active vs brewer's yeast-induced pyrexiaHRo58. Cells of sertoli were the least affectedHR09J.
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial Ethanol (95%) extract of the flower,
parts, administered intraperitoneally to mice administered orally to rams and rats at
at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was activeHR019. doses of 250.0 mg/animal and 150.0 mg/
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water animal, respectively, was activeHRoo9. Ben-
(1: 1) extract of the aerial parts was active zene, chloroform, and alcoholic extracts of
on guinea pig ileum vs ACh and histamine- the flower, administered intraperitoneally
induced spasmsHR019. to male albino mice at doses of 125 and 250
Antispermatogenic effect. Benzene mg/kg body weight, produced a decrease in
extract of dried flowers, administered by the spermatogenic elements of testis and
gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 250.0 epididymal sperm count. High content of
mg/kg, was active. The animals were dosed testicular cholesterol may be due to low-
daily for 30 days. Spermatogenesis was ered androgen synthesis. The increase in
arrested at the early spermatid stage. The the weight of the accessory reproductive
tubules showed disquamation of genital organs indicates the androgenicity of the
elements in the lumen. The tubules con- plant extractHR100.
sisted of spermatogonia, sertoli cells, and Antiviral activity. Ethanol (80%) extract
spermatocytes, and degenerated sperma- of freeze-dried plant, in cell culture at vari-
tids. The Leydig cells were atrophic. After able concentrations, was equivocal on
45 days of treatment, a general derange- coxsackie B2 virus, measles virus and polio-
ment in the tubules was observed. The virus I, and inactive on adenovirus, Herpes
spermatocytes were darkly stained, and virus type land Semlicki-forest virus vs
between them empty spaces were seen, sug- plaque inhibition HRo72 .
gesting disappearance of tubular elements. Barbiturate potentiation. Ethanol/water
After 60 days of treatment, marked degen- (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis-
erative changes were noticed in the semin- tered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of
iferous tubules. Hypoplasia of all germinal 500.0 mg/kg, was activeHR019.
elements, excluding spermatogonia, was Beta-glucuronidase inhibition. Benzene
observed. Reduction in weight of testes, and ethanol/water (1: 1) extracts of dried
epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate and flowers, administered by gastric intubation
pituitary was noted after treatmentHR067. to normal and ovariectomized female rats at
Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried flow- doses of 200.0 mg/kg, with dosing on days
ers, administered by gastric intubation to 1-5, were activeHR084.
rats at doses of 50.0 mg/animal and 150.0 Beta-glucuronidase stimulation. Ben-
mg/animal with daily dosing for 30 days, zene and ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
was inactive. With daily dosing for 15 days dried flowers, administered by gastric intu-
of 250.0 mg/animal, cells in seminiferous bation to ovariectomized rats at doses of
tubules showed degranulation and vacu- 200.0 mg/kg with dosing on days 1-5, pro-
olization, absence of sperm and decrease in duced weak activityHRo84.
tubular diameter; interstitial cells were not eNS depressant activity. Ethanol/water
affected. Daily dosing for 30 days caused a (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis-
complete disorganization of the testicular tered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of
architecture, shrinkage of the seminiferous 500.0 mg/kg, was activeHR019.

Embryotoxic effect. Benzene extract of vaginal epithelium and an increase in uter-

dried flowers, administered by gastric intu- ine weightHRo99.
bation to pregnant rats at doses of 100.0, Gonadotropin synthesis inhibition. Ben-
150.0 and 186.0 mg/kg with dosing on days zene extract of the flower, administered
1-10, was active. The ether-soluble and orally to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
water insoluble fractions of the total ben- activeHR041.
zene extracts were also activeHR069. Water Hypoglycemic effect. The water extract,
extract, at doses of 200.0 and 270.0 administered orally to rats at a dose of 250
mg/kgHR075 and ethanol (95%) extract at mg/kg daily for 7 days, significantly improved
200.0 mg/kgHRolS, administered by gastric glucose tolerance in rats. The peak blood glu-
intubation to pregnant rats, were inactive. cose level was obtained at 30 min of glucose
Petroleum ether extract of dried flowers, load (2 gm/kg) , thereafter a decreasing trend
administered by gastric intubation to preg- was recorded up to 2 hours. In streptozotocin
nant rats at a dose of 150.0 mg/kg, was diabetic rats, no significant effect was
inactiveHR075. Benzene extract of flowers, observed with the extract, while gliben-
administered by gastric intubation to rats clam ide significantly lowered the glucose
at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was active; etha- level up to 7 hoursHRo97. The alcoholic extract
nol (95%), water and petroleum ether of the leaf, administered orally to rats at a
extracts at doses of 200.0, 200.0 and 150.0 dose of 250 mg/k daily for 7 days, showed sig-
mg/kg, administered orally to rats, respec- nificant improvements in the ability to uti-
tively, were inactiveHR090. Ethanol (95%), lize the external glucose load. Average blood
water and petroleum ether extracts of glucose lowering was 39%HR098.
leaves and roots, administered orally, and Hypotensive activity. Ethanol/ water
dried roots and dried leaves by gastric intu- (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis-
bation to rats at doses of 200.0, 200.0 and tered intravenously to dogs at a dose of 50.0
150.0 mg/kg respectively, were inactive. mg/kg, was activeHROl9.
Ethanol (90%), water and petroleum ether Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water
extracts of stem, administered orally and (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis-
dried stem by gastric intubation to rats, tered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of
were inactiveHRo9o. 500.0 mg/kg, was activeHROl9.
Estrogenic effect. Benzene extract of Inotropic effect positive. Hot water
dried flowers, administered subcutaneously extract of dried leaves, at a concentration
to infant miceHR057 and by gastric intubation of 320.0 microliters, was inactive on guinea
to female ratsHR067 at doses of 250.0 mg/kg, pig atriumHRosl.
was inactive. Juvenile hormone activity. Acetone
Estrous cycle disruption effect. Benzene extract of dried stem produced weak activ-
extract of the flower, administered orally ity on Dysdercus cingulatusHR055.
to rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/kg, was Lactate-dehydrogenase-X inhibition. Ben-
activeHROll. Benzene extract of the flower, zene extract of dried flowers, administered
administered intraperitoneally to adult subcutaneously to male Rhinopoma kinneari at
mice at doses of 125 and 250 mg/kg body a dose of 7.5 mg/animal, was equivocalHRo66,
weight, produced an irregular estrous cycle and the hot water extract was activeHRo64.
with prolonged estrus and metestrus. The Enzyme levels were measured in testes daily,
treatment also indicated estrogenic effect after a single injection of the extract.
immature mice by early opening of the Luteotropic effect. Benzene extract of
vagina, premature cornification of the dried flowers, administered by gastric intu-

bat ion to guinea pigs at doses of 150.0 and Philippines, Dept Agr Nat Resources,
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Med Phytother 1975; 9: 125-135. HR039 Bhattarai, N. K. Folk herbal remedies
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Effects of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis on preg- Nepal. Int J Pharmacog 1994; 32(1):
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HR028 Kholkute, S. D., V. Mudgal and P. J. and K. M. Kaveriappa. Medical ethno-
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potentiality. Planta Med 1976; 29: pharmacoI1995; 47(3): 149-158.
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HR029 Wong, W. Some folk medicinal plants sinensis on spermatogenesis and acces-
from Trinidad. Econ Bot 1976; 30: sory reproductive organs in rats. Planta
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HR030 Srivastava, D. N., S. K. Bhatt and K. HR042 Kholkute, S. D., V. Mudgal and K. N.
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HR043 Alami, R., A. Macksad and A. R. some South Indian plants and the
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HR044 Dixit, V. P. Effects of chronically phatase activity in the uterus of rat
administered Malvaviscus flower treated with Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.
extract on the female genital tract. extracts. Curr Sci 1979; 48: 501-503.
Indian J Exp BioI 1977; 15: 650-652. HR057 Kholkute, S. D. and K. N. Udupa. Bio-
HR045 Holdsworth, D. K. Medicinal plants of logical profile of total benzene extract
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No. 175, South Pacific Commission, Indian Med Yoga Homeopathy 1978;
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HR046 Kholkute, S. D., D. N. Srivastava, S, HR058 Singh, N., R. Nath, A. K. Agarwal and
Chatterjee and K. N. Udupa. Effects of R. P. Kohli. A pharmacological inves-
some compounds isolated from Hibis- tigation of some indigenous drugs of
cus rosa-sinensis on pregnancy in rats. J plant origin for evaluation of their
Res Indian Med Yoga Homeopathy antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflam-
1976; 11: 106-108. marory activities. J Res Indian Med
HR047 Chouhan, U. K. and R. N. Skukla. Ste- Yoga Homeopathy 1978; 13: 58-62.
rols of some Malvaceae with particular HR059 Krishnamurthy, V. No easy way to new
emphasis on cholesterol occurrence. J pill. Indian Express, September 17,
Sci Res (Bhopal) 1984; 6(1): 49-50. 1980.
HR048 Chauhan, U. K. Sterols of some HR060 Prakash, A. O. Protein concentration
malvaceous plants with particular in rat uterus under the influence of
emphasis on cholesterol occurrence. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. extracts.
Proc Nat Acad Sci India Ser B 1984; Proc Indian Acad Sci Ser 1979; B 45:
54(3): 236-239. 327-331.
HR049 Alam, M. M., M. B. Siddiqui and W. HR061 Holdsworth, D. K., C. L. Hurley and S.
Husain. Treatment of diabetes through E. Rayner. Traditional medicinal
herbal drugs in rural India. Fitoterapia plants of New Ireland, Papua, New
1990;61(3): 240-242. Guinea. Q J Crude Drug Res 1980;
HR050 Nakatani, M. and T. Hase. 18(3): 131-139.
Sterochemistry of methyl 2-hydro- HR062 Adu-Tutu, M., Y. Afful, K. Asante-
xysterculate from Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Appiah, D. Lieberman, J. B. Hall and
Chern Lett 1991; 1991(1): 47-48. M. Elvin-Lewis. Chewing stick usage
HR051 Carbajal, D., A. Casaco, L. in Southern Ghana. Econ Bot 1979;
Arruzazabala, R. Gonzalez and V. 33: 320-328.
Fuentes. Pharmacological screening of HR063 Maheswari, J. K., K. K. Singh and S.
plant decoctions commonly used in Saha. Ethno-medicinal uses of plants by
Cuban folk medicine. J Ethno- the Tharus of Kheri District, U. P. Bull
pharmacoIl991; 33(1/2): 21-24. Med Ethnobot Res 1980; 1: 318-337.
HR052 Ayensu, E. S. Medicinal plants of the HR064 Singwi, M. S. and S. B. Lall. Effect of
West Indies. Unpublished Manuscript Hibiscus rosa-sinensis on testicular lac-
1978; 110pp. tate dehydrogenases of Rhinopoma
HR053 Prakash, A. O. Glycogen contents in kinneari Wroughton. (Microchiroptera.
the rat uterus. Response to Hibiscus Mammalia). Curr Sci 1981; 50:
rosa-sinensis extracts. Experientia 360-362.
1979; 35: 1122,1123. HR065 Tiwari, P. V. Preliminary clinical trial
HR054 Kholkute, S. D. and K. N. Udupa. on flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis as an
Antiestrogenic activity of Hibiscus oral contraceptive agent. J Res Indian

Med Yoga Homeopathy 1974; 9(4): HR077 Hemadri, K. and S. Sasibhushana Rao.
96-98. Antifertility, abortifacient and fertility
HR066 Singwi, M. S. and S. B. Lall. Effect of promoting drugs from Dandakaranya.
flower extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Ancient Sci Life 1983; 3(2): 103-107.
on testicular lactate dehydrogenases of HR078 Whistler, W. A. Traditional and herbal
a non-scrotal bat Rhinopoma kinneari medicine in Cook Islands. J Ethno-
Wroughton. Indian J Exp Bioi 1981; pharmacol 1985; 13(3): 239-280.
19: 359-362. HR079 Pal, A. K., K. Bhattacharya, S. N.
HR067 Kholkute, S. D. and K. N. Udupa. Kabir and A. Pakrashi. Flowers of
Antifertility properties of Hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, a potential
rosa-sinensis. J Res Indian Med Yoga source of contragestative agent. II. Pos-
Homeopathy 1974; 9(4): 99-102. sible mode of action with reference to
HR068 Meditsch, J. D. o. and E. C. Barros. anti-implantation effect of the ben-
Hibiscus dyes as acid-base indicators. zene extract. Contraception 1985;
An Assoc Bras Quim 1978; 29(1): 89. 32(5): 517-529.
HR069 Singh, M. P., R. H. Singh and K. N. HR080 Aswal, B. S., D. S. Bhakuni, A. K. Goel,
Udupa. Antifertility activity of a ben- K. Kar, B. N. Mehrotra and K. C.
zene extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Mukherjee. Screening of Indian plants
flowers in female albino rats. Planta for biological activity. Part X. Indian J
Med 1982; 44: 171-174. Exp Bioi 1984; 22(6): 312-332.
HR070 Nguyen, Van Dan. List of simple HR081 Bhattacharya, K., S. N. Kabir, A. K.
drugs and medicinal plants of value in Pal and A. Pakrashi. Effect of benzene
Vietnam. Proc Seminar of the Use of extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers
Medicinal Plants in Healthcare, on facultative delayed implantation
Tokyo 13-17 September 1977, WHO and uterine uptake of estrogen in mice.
Regional Office Manila. 65-83. IRCS Med Sci 1984; 12(9): 841-842.
HR071 Prakash, A. O. Effect of Hibiscus rosa- HR082 Singh, Y. N. Traditional medicine in
sinensis Linn. extracts on corpora lutea Fiji. Some herbal folk cures used by Fiji
of cyclic guinea pigs. Sci Cult 1980; Indians. J Ethnopharmacol 1986;
46: 330,331. 15(1): 57-88.
HROn Van Den Berghe, D. A., M. leven, F. HR083 Trivedi, V. P. and K. Shukla. A study
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Lammens. Screening of higher plants drug on reproductive physiology. J Sci
for biological activities. II. Antiviral Res PI Med 1980; 1(3/4): 41-47.
activity. J Nat Prod 1978; 41: 463-467. HR084 Prakash, A. 0., S. Shukla, R. Mathur.
HR073 Tiwari, K. c., R. Majumder and S. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.: Its effect
Bhattacharjee. Folklore information on beta-glucuronidase in the uterus of
from Assam for family planning and ovariectomized rats. Curr Sci 1985;
birth control. Int J Crude Drug Res 54(15): 734-736.
1982; 20: 133-137. HR085 Kabir, S. N., K. Bhattacharya, A. K.
HR074 Vitalyos, D. Phytotherapy in domestic Pal and A. Pakrashi. Flowers of Hibis-
traditional medicine in Matouba- cus rosa-sinensis, a potential source of
Pap aye (Guadeloupe). Dissertation- contragestive agent: 1. Effect of ben-
Ph.D.-Univ Paris 1979; 110 pp. zene extract on implantation of mouse.
HR075 Prakash, A. o. and R. Mathur. Effect Contraception 1984; 29(4): 385-397.
of oral administration of Hibiscus rosa- HR086 Weniger, B., M. Rouzier, R. Daguilh,
sinensis Linn. extract on early and late D. Henrys, J. H. Henrys and R.
pregnancy in albino rats. J Jiwaji Univ Anthon. Popular medicine of the
1976; 4: 79-82. Central Plateau of Haiti. 2. Ethno-
HR076 Nakatani, M., T. Yamachika, T. pharmacological inventory. J Ethno-
Tanoue and T. Hase. Structures and pharmacol1986; 17(1): 13-30.
synthesis of seed-germination inhibi- HR087 Ramirez, V. R., L. J. Mostacero, A. E.
tors from Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Phy- Garcia, C. F. Mejia, P. F. Pelaez, C.
tochemistry 1985; 24(1): 39-42. D. Medina and C. H. Miranda.

Vegetales empleados en medic ina leaves of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Curr

tradicional Norperuana. Banco Sci 1949; 18: 212-213.
Agrario Del Peru & NACL Univ HR096 Lin, Y. C. The study of red pigments on
Trujillo, Trujillo, Peru, June 1988; Taiwan plants. Proc Natl Sci Counc
54pp. Part I (Taiwan) 1975(8): 133-137.
HR088 Renu. Fungitoxicity of leaf extracts of HR097 Sachdewa, A., R. Nigam and L. D.
some higher plants against Rhizoctonia Khemani. Hypoglycemic effect of
solani Kuehn. Nat Acad Sci Lett 1983; Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. leaf extract in
6(8): 245-246. glucose and streptozotocin induced
HR089 Kobayashi,]. Early Hawaiian uses of hyperglycemic rats. Indian J Exp Bioi
medicinal plants in pregnancy and 2001; 39(3): 284-286.
childbirth. J Trop Pediatr Environ HR098 Sachdewa, A., D. Raina, A. K.
Child Health 1976; 22: 260. Srivastava and L. D. Khemani. Effect
HR090 Prakash, A. o. and R. Mathur. Screen- of Aegle marme/os and Hibiscus rosa-
ing of Indian plants for antifertility sinensis leaf extract on glucose toler-
activity. Indian J Exp Bioi 1976; 14: ance in glucose induced hyperglycemic
623-626. rats (Charles foster). J Environ Bioi
HR091 Gupta, M. L., T. K. Gupta and K. P. 2001; 22(1): 53-57.
Bhargava. A study of antifertility HR099 Murthy, D. R., C. M. Reddy and S. B.
effects of some indigenous drugs. J Res Pati!o Effect of benzene extract of Hibis-
Indian Med 1971; 6: 112-116. cus rosa-sinensis on the estrous cycle and
HR092 Dragendorff, G. Die Heilpflanzen Der ovarian activity in albino mice. Bioi
Verschiedenen Volker Und Zeiten, F. Pharm Bull 1997; 20(7): 756-758.
Enke, Stuttgart, 1898; 885 pp. HRI00 Reddy, C. M., D. R. Murthy and S. B.
HR093 Kholkute, S. D., S. Chatterjee, D. N. Patil. Antispermatogenic and andro-
Srivas Ava and K. N. Udupa. Antifer- genic activities of various extracts of
tility effect of the alcoholic extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in albine rats.
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Indian Med 1972; 7: 72-73. 1170-1174.
HR094 Shrivastava, D. N. Phytochemical HR101 Kasture, V. S., C. T. Chopde and V.
analysis of japaksum. J Res Indian K. Deshmukh. Anticonvulsive activ-
Med Yoga Homeopathy 1974; 9(4): ity of Albizzia lebbeck, Hibiscus rosa-
103-104. sinensis and Butea monosperma in
HR095 Pattanaik, S. A comparative study of experimental animals. J Ethno-
the catalase activity of the petals and pharmacol 71 (1-2): 65-75.
13 Hibiscus

Common Names
Abuya Congo-Brazzaville Mesta Bangladesh
Baquitche Guinea-Bissau Nsa Congo-Brazzavi lie
Basap Senegal Otesse Guinea-Bissau
Bisap Senegal Patwa India
Bondio Senegal Red roselle India
Cutcha Guinea-Bissau Red sorrel Egypt
Dakouma Senegal Red sorrel Germany
Fasab Senegal Red sorrel India
Folere Guinea-Bissau Red sorrel Senegal
Gogu India Rosa de Jamaica Guatemala
Hamaiga Nicaragua Rosella Egypt
Ibuya Congo-Brazzaville Roselle Egypt
Indian sorrel Senegal Roselle India
Inkulu Congo-Brazzaville Roselle Iraq
Jericho rose Germany Roselle Japan
Karkade Egypt Roselle Mexico
Karkade Germany Roselle Senegal
Karkade Italy Roselle hemp Senegal
Karkade Somaliland Roxella-red sorrel Thailand
Karkadeh Sudan Satui Sierra Leone
Karkadesh Egypt Sawa sawa Sierra Leone
Krachiap daeng Thailand Senegal bisap Senegal
Kuges Senegal Sudan tea East Africa
Lal ambari India Susur Indonesia

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION sessile, 5 to 7 cm in diameter; consisting of

The plant is an erect annual herb of the epicalyx-segments 8-12, distinct, lan-
MAL VACEAE family with a reddish cylin- ceo late to linear, adnate at base of the calyx;
drical stem, nearly glabrous. Leaves are calyx is thick, red, and fleshy, cup-like,
simple, having petiole, blade 3-5 lobed or deeply parted, prominently lO-nerved; pet-
parted, the lobes serrated or obtusely als 5, yellow, twice as long as calyx. Stamens
toothed. Flowers are solitary, axial, nearly are numerous; the filaments united into a

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


staminal column; style single, 5-branched Guinea-Bissau. Seeds are taken orally by
near summit, stigma capitate. The fruit is males as an aphrodisiacHsol8.
capsule, ovoid, pointed, 1 to 2 cm long, India. Hot water extract of leaves is taken
shorter than the calyx, having densely sharp orally as a diuretic, choleretic, febrifuge and
and stiff hairs. hypotensive, to decrease blood viscosity and
to stimulate intestinal peristalsisHsol8. Water
extract of seed is taken orally to relieve dys-
A native to the tropics, it is extensively cul-
uria and strangury, for mild cases of dyspep-
tivated for its succulent fleshy, edible calyx,
sia and to relieve debilityHSol8.
and the stem yields a fairly strong fiber.
Mexico. Hot water extract of leaves is
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES taken orally as a diuretic, choleretic and
Africa. Hot water extract of seeds is taken febrifuge, for hypotension, to decrease vis-
as a diuretic and tonic. Seed oil is used cosity of the blood and to stimulate intes-
externally to heal sores on camelsHsols. tinal peristalsisHso18.
Brazil. Hot water extract of root is taken Senegal. Hot water extract of leaves is used
orally as a stomachic and externally as an externally on wounds Hsoll , and orally to
emollientHSo18. lower blood pressureHS018. Hot water extract
Cameroon. Hot water extract of dried of flowers is taken orally to combat fatigue,
leaves is taken orally as an anthelminticHSo49. for indigestion and as a diaphoretic, chola-
Congo. Hot water extract of leaves is taken gogue and diureticHSOIJ.
orally to expedite deliveryHsoo9. Sierra Leone. Decoction of dried leaves is
East Africa. Hot water extract of leaves is taken orally to treat postpartum hemor-
taken orally to relieve coughsHsol8. Unripe rhage, to initiate contractions and as a
fruit juice is taken orally with salt, pepper, diuretic during pregnancy (mixed with
asafetida and molasses as a remedy for bil- leaves of Dialium guineensis )HS044.
iousness. Hot water extract of leaves is used Sudan. Hot water extract of flowers is
as a flavoring agent, diuretic, choleretic, taken orally as a blood purifierHsolo. Hot
febrifuge and hypotensive, to decrease vis- water extract of the dried flowers is taken
cosity of blood and to stimulate intestinal orally for coughsHso41.
peristalsis. Externally, the extract is used for Thailand. Decoction of dried calyx is taken
sores and woundsHsol8. orally for high blood pressureHS054.
Egypt. Decoction of hot water extract of the CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
calyx is taken with sugar 3 times daily for (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
high blood pressureHS016. Hot water extract
3-Methyl-1-butanol: Lf, FrHS018
of the entire plant is taken orally for heart Acetic acid: Fr, SdHS018
and nerve diseases, as a laxative, to reduce Alpha terpenyl acetate: Fr, Lf, SdHS018
weight, as a diuretic, to activate and neu- Anisaldehyde: EOHS024 Lf, SdHS018
tralize hepatic secretion, to activate gastric Ascorbic acid: FI 0.01-0.11 %HS018
secretion, as a digestive, for arteriosclerosis, Ascorbic acid: Fr 0.054-0.375%HS018
as a diaphoretic, to give a euphoric impres- Behenic acid: SdHS018
sion and as an intestinal antisepticHsoo8. Leaf Benzyl alcohol: Fr, LfHS018
Beta carotene: FIHS018
essential oil is taken orally to treat
Beta sitosterol: Sd (61.3% Sterols)HS037
Beta sitosterol-beta-D-galactoside: LfHS016
Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried Campesterol: Sd (16.5% Sterols)HS037
calyx is taken orally as a diuretic and for Caprylic acid: Fr, LfHS015
renal inflammationHso5o. Cholesterol: Sd (5.1 % Sterols)HS037

Chrysanthemin: FIHS017 rats, produced weak activity vs cholesterol-

Citric acid: FIHS005, FrHS007 loaded animals Hso22 .
Cyanidin-3-sambubioside: FIHS017 Acidifying activity. Decoction of dried
Cyanin: FIHS042
fruit juice, administered orally to male
Delphinidin: CXHS027
Delphinidin-3-glucoside: FIHS042 human adults at a dose of 24.0 gm/day, was
Delphinidin-3-sambubioside: FIHS017 inactiveHS026.
Ergosterol: Sd (3.2% Sterols)HS037 Alkaline phosphatase inhibition. Dried
Ethanol: Lf, SdHS015 calyx, at a concentration of 10.0% of the
Eugenol: EOHso24 diet of rats, produced weak activity vs cho-
Formic acid: Fr, Sd HS015 lesterol-loaded animalsHso22.
Furfural: EOHso24
Anthelmintic activity. Ethanol (95%)
Gossypetin: FrHS007, FIHS008
Gossypol: Sd 25.2%HS051 extract of dried leaves, at a concentration
Hexadecanoic acid: SdHS033 of 50.0 mg/ml, was inactive on Lumbricus
Hibiscetin: FIHS012 terrestris HS049 .
Hibiscic acid: FIHS012 Alpha amylase inhibition. Ethanol and
Hibiscin: FIHS019 acetone (50%) extracts of the tea were found
Hibiscitrin: PeHS004 to have high inhibitory activity against por-
Lauric acid: SdHS021 cine pancreatic alpha-amylaseHsos6.
Levulinic acid methyl ester: EOHso24
Antibacterial activity. Seed oil, on agar
Linoleic acid: Sd (14.6% Lipids)HS038
Linolenic acid: SdHS033 plate, was active on Bacillus anthracis and
Malic acid: FIHS005,HS003 Staphylococcus albus, and inactive on Proteus
Malvalic acid: Sd (1.3% Lipids)HS038 vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosaHS039 .
Malvin: FIHS020 Antiedema activity. Methanol extract of
Methanol: Lf, Fr, Sd HS015 the flower, applied externally to mice at a
Myristic acid: Sd (2.1 % Lipids)HS038 dose of 2.0 mg/ear, was active. Inhibition
Myrtillin: FIHS017 ratio (IR) was 17 vs 12-0-tetradecanoyl-
Oleic acid: Sd (34.0% Lipids)HS038
phorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced ear
Oxalic acid: FIHS002
inflammationHS023 .
Palmitic acid: Sd (35.2% Lipids)HS038
Palmitoleic acid: Sd (2.0% Lipids)HS038 Antifungal activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Pelargonic acid: Fr, Sd HS015 extract of dried leaves, at a concentration
Propionic acid: Lf, SdHS015 of 250.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was active on
Protein: SdHS021 Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger,
Protocatechuic acid: FIHSOll Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium digitatum, Rhizo-
Querceti n: FrHS029 pus nigricans and Trichophyton menta-
Sabdaretin: PeHS004, FIHS012
Starch: Sd 2.25%HS021 grophytes, and inactive on Aspergillus niger.
Stearic acid: Sd (3.4% Lipids)HS038 Dose expressed as dry weight of plantHSos3.
Sterculic acid: Sd (2.9% Lipids)HS038 The flower, at a dose of 10.0 gm/liter in
Stigmasterol: SdHS037 broth culture, was inactive on Aspergillus
Sucrose: CXHS055 flavus. Aflatoxin formation was decreased
Tannic acid: FrHS007 HS043. Water extract of dried flowers, at a con-
Tartaric acid: FIHS005, FrHS007 centration of 500 mg/ml on agar plate, was
active on Aspergillus fumigatus, Botrytis
cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium
AND CLINICAL TRIALS digitatum, Rhizopus nigricans and Trichophy-
Acid phosphatase inhibition. Dried calyx, ton mentagrophytes and inactive on Aspergil-
at a concentration of 10.0% of the diet of lus niger. Dose expressed as dry weight of

plantHSo47. The 50% ethanol and acetone operation. Dose expressed as dry weight of
extracts of the tea produced high inhibitory plan tHS034.
activity against porcine pancreatic alpha- Antimutagenic activity. Ethanol (80%)
amylase. The activity was compared to that extract of the flower, at a concentration of
of structurally related citric acid, a known 12.5 mg/plate, educed about 60-90% of the
inhibitor of fungal alpha-amylaseHso56. mutagenicity induced by 2-amino-1-methyl-
Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Dried 6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) and
calyx, at a concentration of 5.0% of the diet other heterocyclic amines. Mutagenicity of
in the ration of rats, was active vs choles- methylazoxymethanol acetate, which like
terol-loaded animalsHsoz2. PhIP, is a colon carcinogen, was also effi-
Antihyperlipemic activity. Dried calyx, at ciently inhibited by the extractHS059.
a concentration of 5.0% of the diet in the Antischistosomal activity. Water extract
ration of rats, was active vs cholesterol- of dried seeds, at a concentration of 10,000
loaded animals Hso22 . ppm, was inactive on Schistosoma mansoni
Antihypertensive effect. Infusion of the HS030. Water extract of dried sepals, at a con-
calyx, administered orally to spontaneously centration of 100.0 ppm, was active on
hypertensive and normotensive rats at doses Schistosoma mansoni HsOJo .
of 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight, signifi- Antitoxic activity. The flower, at a dose of
cantly lowered both systolic and diastolic 1.0 gm/liter in broth culture, was active on
pressures. The reduction in blood pressure Aspergillus flavus. The production of afla-
in both groups was positively correlated toxin was inhibitedHS04J.
with weight. Continuous consumption of Antiviral activity. Water extract of the
the infusion at 1000 mg/kg was discovered dried flower, at a concentration of 10% in
to lead to sudden death in spontaneously cell culture, was active on Herpes virus type
hypertensive ratsHS060. Hibiscus sabdariffa tea 2 and vaccinia virus, and inactive on influ-
administered orally to patients with moder- enza virus and poliovirus IIHso45.
ate essential hypertension produced an Antiyeast activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
11.2% lowering of the systolic blood pres- extract of dried leaves, at a concentration
sure and a 10.7% decrease of diastolic pres- of 250.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was inactive
sure 12 days after beginning the treatment on Candida albicans and active on Saccha-
as compared with the first day. Three days romyces pastorianus. Dose expressed as dry
after stopping the treatment, systolic blood weight of plantHS05J. Water extract of the
pressure was elevated by 7.9%, and diastolic dried flower, at a concentration of 500 mg/
pressure was elevated by 5.6% in the experi- ml on agar plate, was inactive on Candida
mental and control groupsHS061. albicans and active on Saccharomyces
Antihypertriglyceridemia effect. Dried pastorianus. Dose expressed as dry weight of
calyx, at a concentration of 5.0% of the diet plantHSo47.
of rats, was active vs cholesterol-loaded Chemopreventive activity. Ethanol
animalsHsozz. (80%) extract of the flower, administered
Anti-inflammatory activity. Decoction of to rats, significantly inhibited aberrant
dried fruit, administered orally to human crypt focus formation induced by azo-
adults at a dose of 3.0 gm/person, was methane and by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-
active. In this clinical trial, 50 patients with phen ylimidazo [4,5 -b ]pyridineHso59.
kidney stones were treated with extract 3 Choleretic activity. Water extract of the
times a day for 7 days to 1 year. The extract flower, taken orally by human adults, was
showed anti-inflammatory action after activeHSOOl.

Creatinine level decrease. Decoction of ralose. Effect blocked by atropine Hso31 . Water
dried fruit juice, administered orally to male extract of the flower, taken orally by human
adults at a dose of 24.0 gm/day, was adults, was active HSOO1 . Water extract of the
activeHS026. flower, administered intravenously to dogs,
Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol (70%) extract produced weak activityHSoo6.
of the flower, in cell culture, was active on Intestinal motility inhibition. Water
CA-Erlich-ascites. Greatest effect was extract of dried calyx, administered to dogs
observed only after 24 hours exposureHS03S. at a dose of 5.0%, was active. Oral transit
Water extract of the dried flower, at a con- time assayed by first detection of phthalyl-
centration of 10.0% in cell culture, pro- sulphasalazine in blood. This dose was also
duced weak activity on HELA cellsHso4s. active in rats when assayed by transit of
Diuretic activity. Decoction of the dried graphite-agar suspension HS032 .
calyx, administered by gastric intubation to laxative effect. Water extract of the
rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, produced strong flower, taken orally by human adults, was
activityHSoso. Water extract of the flower, activeHSOOI.
taken orally by human adults, was activeHsooI. Mutagenic activity. Dried fruit, on agar
Estrogenic effect. Water extract of the plate at a concentration of 50.0 mcg/plate,
dried calyx, administered intraperitoneally was active on Salmonella typhimurium
to female rats at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was TA100 and TA98. Metabolic activation
active, results significant at P < 0.001 required was required for positive resultsHSo29.
levelHsos2. Seed oil was active on Salmonella typhi-
Feeding deterrent (insect). Acetone murium TA100 and T A98. Metabolic acti-
extract of dried shoots, undiluted, was active vation was not required for activityHSo48.
on Diacrisia obliquaHS046. Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Hot
Genitourinary effect. Decoction of dried water extract of dried petals was active on
fruit juice, administered orally to male the rat aorta, le so 0.53 mg/ml vs ACh-
adults at a dose of 24.0 gm/day, was active. induced contractions and IC so 2.53 mg/ml
Decreased urinary levels of sodium, potas- when de-endothelialized muscle strips were
sium, phosphate, uric acid and calcium were used HS02 \. Water extract of dried calyx, at a
demonstratedHso26. concentration of 2.0%, was active on the
G I utamate-oxaloacetate-transam inase rabbit ileum. The effect was not influenced
inhibition. Dried calyx, at a concentration by phentolamine, propanolol, haloperidol,
of 10.0% of the diet in the ration of rats, was and guanethidineHso32.
active vs cholesterol-loaded animals Hso22 . Spasmogenic activity. Water extract of
Glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase inhi- dried calyx, at a concentration of 0.4 mg/ml,
bition. Dried calyx, at a concentration of was active on frog rectus abdominus muscle.
10.0% of the diet in the ration of rats, pro- The effect was slightly antagonized by tub-
duced weak activity vs cholesterol-loaded ocurarine. A concentration of 1.0 mg/ml was
animals Hs022 . active on rabbit uterus. The effect was
Hypotensive activity. Ethanol (95%) blocked by indomethacin and hydrocorti-
extract of dried calyx, administered intrave- sone, but not by atropine or cyperohep-
nously to dogs at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, pro- tadineHsolI. The extract, at a concentration of
duced weak activityHSo4o. Water extract of 0.16%, was active on the rabbit ileum. The
dried calyx, administered intravenously to effect was blocked by atropineHSOJ2.
cats at a dose of 25.0 mg/animal, was active. Spasmolytic activity. Water extract of
Animals were anesthetized with alpha-chlo- dried calyx, at a concentration of 0.4

mg/ml, was active on frog rectus abdominus HS006 Sharaf, A. The pharmacological char-
muscle. The effect was antagonized by tub- acteristics of Hibiscus sabdariffa. Planta
Med 1962; 10: 48-52.
ocurarine vs ACh-induced contractions.
HS007 Reaubourg, G. and R. H. Monceaux.
The extract was also active on the rat uterus The chemical, botanical and pharmaco-
vs rhythmic contractions. The effect was logical characteristics of the karkade
not antagonized by rantidine or propanolol. (rosella) Hibiscus sabdariffa (Glossy-
At a concentration of 5.0 mg/ml, the extract pifolius). JPharm Chim 1940; 1(9}: 292.
was active on the guinea pig tracheal chain HS008 Rovesti, P. Therapeutic and dietetic
properties of "Karkade" (Hibiscus
vs ACh-, histamine- and serotonin-induced
sabdariffa), a new colonial pink tea.
contractions and also active on rabbit aorta. Farmacista lta11936; 3(1}: 13.
The effect was not antagonized by atropine, HS009 Bouquet, A. Feticheurs et Medecines
propanolol or ranitidine vs norepinephrine- Traditionelles du Congo (Brazzaville).
induced contractionsHSOJl. At 10.0 mg/ml, Mem Orstom No. 36,282 P. Paris,
the extract was active on rat diaphragm. 1969.
HS010 EI-Hamid, A. Drug plants of the Sudan
Physostigine and suxamethonium enhanced
Republic in native medicine. Planta
the effect vs electrically induced con- Med 1970; 18: 278.
tractionsHSOJl. Water extract of dried petals, HSOll Perkin, A. G. Coloring matters of the
at a concentration of 0.6 mg/ml, was flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa and
active on the rat aorta vs norepinephrine- Thespesia lampas. Proc Chern Soc
induced contractions, and inactive vs K+- 1909; 1090: 248.
HS012 Kerharo, J. Senegal bisap (Hibiscus
induced contractionsHso28.
sabdariffa) or Guinea sorrel or red sor-
Toxicity assessment. Hot water extract rel. Plant Med Phytother 1971; 5: 277.
of dried calyx, administered by gastric HS013 Kerharo, J. Le pisap du Senegal (Hibis-
intubation to rabbits, produced LDso 129.1 cus sabdariffa L.) ou oseille de Guinee,
gm/kgHSo4o. ou karkade de L'erythree. Planta Med
Phytother 1971; 4: 227.
Uricosuric activity. Decoction of dried
HSO 14 Rao, C. N . True vitamin A value of some
calyx, administered to rats at a dose of 1.0 vegetables. J Nutr Diet 1967; 4: 10.
gm/kg, was activeHSOSO. HS015 Osman, A. M., M. EI-Garby Younes and
Uterine relaxation effect. Water extract of A. Mokhtar. Chemical examination of
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HS002 Leupin, K. Karkade. Pharma Acta and A. Mokhtar. Sitosterol-beta-D-
Relv 1935; 10: 138. galactoside from Hibiscus sabdariffa.
HS003 Buogo, G. and D. Picchinenna. Phytochemistry 1975; 14: 829-830.
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HS029 Takeda, N. and Y. Yasui. Identification roselle. Indian Drugs 1979; 16:
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14 Jatropha

Common Names
American purging nut South Africa Physic nut South Africa
Ba dau me Vietnam Physic nut Thailand
Bagbherenda Fiji Physic nut Virgin Islands
Barbados purging nut South Africa Physic nut bush Fiji
Bi ni da zugu Nigeria Piao branco Brazil
Big purge nut South Africa Pignon d'inde Rodrigues Islands
Black vomit nut South Africa Pindi India
Botuje Nigeria Pinnao de purga Brazil
Cantal-muluung Somalia Pinon botija Cape Verde Islands
Cuta Mexico Pinon Guatemala
Datiwan Nepal Pinon Mexico
Dinon Puerto Rico Pinon Peru
Eso botuje Nigeria Pinoncillo Mexico
Etamanane Senegal Punnetang India
Fiki Tonga Purge nut bush West Indies
Habb el meluk Sudan Purging nut South Africa
Habb-el-meluk Mexico Purging nut Thailand
Jarak pagar Indonesia Purging physic Nicaragua
Kananeranda India Purgueira Guinea-Bissau
Kasla Philippines Ram jyoti Nepal
Lapalapa Nigeria Ramjeevan Nepal
Lohong Vietnam Ratanjyot India
Ma feng shu Indonesia Sabuu dam Thailand
Medisiyen bien West Indies Saimal Nepal
Mupfure-donga Venda Sajiba Nepal
Nepalamu India Sajiwa Nepal
Owulo idu Nigeria Sajiwan Nepal
Pe-fo-tze Vietnam Sajiyon Nepal
Perchnut West Indies Satiman-G Nepal
Physic nut Ghana Sdatiwan Nepal
Physic nut Guam Seemanepaalam India
Physic nut Guyana Tartago Puerto Rico
Physic nut Nepal Tong-chou Vietnam
Physic nut Nigeria Tubaang-bakod Cape Verde Islands

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Tubang-bakod Philippines Wedsiyen Haiti

Tubatuba Guam White physic nut West Indies
Udukaju Thailand Wiriwiri Fiji
Ungume Guinea-Bissau

A glabrous erect branched shrub of the sion of dried leaf, seed or stem orally, is used
EUPHORBIACEAE family, 2 to 5 meters for toothache, fever and headacheJC02J.
high with stout, cylindrical green branches Cambodia. Seed extract is taken orally as
with viscid, milky or reddish sap. Leaves are an abortifacientJCOo2.
orbicular-ovate, angular or somewhat 3 or 5- Cape Verde Islands. Hot water extract of
lobed, 10 to 15 cm long, acuminate and base the leaf is used to induce the secretion of
cordate with long petioles. Cymes are axil- milk especially in women who have recently
lary, peduncled. The flowers are greenish or given birthJCOso.
greenish-white, 6 to 8 mm in diameter. The Colombia. Leaf decoction is used orally as
male and female bear at different times in the a febrifuge JCo22 .
same inflorescence; petals 6 to 7 mm long. Egypt. Hot water extract of seed is taken
The petals are reflexed, stamens 10, the fila- orally for jaundiceJC02s.
ments of the inner 5, connate. Capsules at Fiji. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally for diar-
first fleshy, becoming dry, of 2 or 3 cocci, rhea, fever and as a hemostatic. Fresh stem
subspherical, 2.5 to 4 cm diameters with juice is used externally for sores and sprains.
seeds blackish, about 2 cm long. The stem juice is mixed in bath waterJC063.
The 2 species commonly found in the trop- Guam. Seeds, when taken orally, have been
ics, J. curcas, Linn., (physic nut) and J. reported to be toxic. As few as 3 fruits may
gossypifolia L. (bellyache bush), are the most be fatal. In other cases, 1 to 4 seeds acted as
widely used species in traditional medicine. a purgative. Symptoms include irritation of
No chemotaxonomic delimitation has been the throat and intense abdominal pain. Also
reported, and the species appear to have included are vomiting, dizziness, restless-
similar uses in folk medicine, same chemi- ness, muscular spasms, drowsiness and even
cal constituents and similar pharmacol- collapse (skin clammy, slow pulse). Smoke
ogical activity. This profile mainly concerns victims show mydriasisJCOOJ.
J. curcas, but references are made on J. Guatemala. Hot water extract of the leaf is
gossypifolia. taken orally as a treatment for dysenteryJCOJs.
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION Guinea-Bissau. Hot water extract of the
leaf is administered orally to accelerate
Native to tropical America it is now wide-
secretion of milk in postpartum womenJC003.
spread. Rather common, particularly near
Haiti. Dried leaf decoction is taken orally
for edema, flu and cough. Fresh latex is
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES rubbed on the tongue for buccal thrush. It is
Brazil. Dried entire plant is taken orally for also used for burns and cutaneous infections.
sinusitis. Luffa operculata fruit and Jatro- In the treatment of bruises, the leaves are
pha curcas latex are mixed; practitioners applied in sequence until 1 of them sticks
advise caution in use because the latex is onto the skin. This is allowed to dry, and
causticJC058. Hot water extract of root then replaced with another leaf until the
is taken orally, as an anthelminticJCOJ6. Infu- bruise is healedJC066.

India. Dried branches are applied externally to treat jaundiceJCOl4. Hot water extract of
for joint pains. Young branches are warmed dried seed is taken orally to treat
in the fire then placed on the affected arthritisJC052. Hot water extract of fresh root
jointJco61. Dried entire plant is taken orally as is taken orally for jaundice, as an anti-
a purgativelc02o . Fresh latex is used for tooth- rheumatic and for dysentery. Infusion of
ache. Teeth are cleaned with the stem, or leaf fresh leaf and root is used externally as a
juice is applied to the painful toothJC062. Fresh treatment for ringworm. The infusion is
leaf juice is taken orally for epilepsy. Leaf used orally as an antipyretic and anti-
juice is mixed with garlic powder and cam- con vu lsan tJC054 .
phor and taken twice a day for 4 daysJC014. Peru. Hot water extract of dried seed is
Fresh leaves are used for guinea worms. taken orally as a purgativeJC069.
Leaves are warmed and tied locally over the Philippines. Fresh leaves are pasted on the
swelling to promote suppurationJC041. Hot wa- temples or the forehead to treat fever. The
ter extract of seeds is taken orally as an abor- fresh bark is used to treat fractures and
tifacient. The extract is also used for sprains. Strips of bark are blanched over
intestinal parasites. One seed is ground and steam or rolled over a low flame then secured
soaked in water and a small amount of the with a bandage over the affected arealC04Z.
extract is taken orallyJC088. Senegal. Fresh leaf juice is used as eyewash
Indonesia. Hot water extract of stem is for eye diseases. The juice is also used exter-
taken orally to treat matrix cancer and nally for wounds and soresJC056. Hot water
stomach cancer. Mixed with Ageratum extract of dried entire plant is taken orally
conyzoides, Eclipta alba and Spilanthes as a treatment for leprosy. Hot water extract
acmella, the extract is taken after meals in of dried exudate is used for open sores. Hot
the morning and eveningJCOo8. water extract of dried leaves is taken orally
Ivory Coast. Fresh leaves are used as a as a treatment for odontalgia, syphilis and
hemostaticJC070. lung diseases. The extract is used externally
Mexico. Fresh sap is taken orally for mouth for sores and for abscesses. Hot water extract
sores. The sap is rubbed on the sore. The sap of dried seed is administered orally as a
is also taken orally for whooping coughJC055. treatment for enteralgiaJCOJ3 . The seed is
Latex is used to treat mouth infectionsJC024. taken orally for stomachacheJc036 .
Nepal. Hot water extract of leaf is taken Somalia. Infusion of dried seed is adminis-
orally as a lactagogueJCOol. tered orally to treat constipation. Three
Nigeria. Decoction of root is taken orally seeds are roasted, the peel is removed, and
to treat venereal disease. Dried leaf juice is the kernel is crushed and added to a cup of
used externally to treat ringworm. Juice tea. The tea is taken and followed by 1-2
from the leaves is applied to the affected liters of milk. Purgation follows in 1-3
part with cotton. Fresh latex is applied to h oursJcoo7.
the tongue to treat coated tongues. Hot South Africa. Decoction of dried seed is
water extract of dried leaf is taken orally to taken orally as a purgativeJCOJ8.
treat diarrhea. Ten to 15 leaves are crushed Sudan. Seeds are used as an oral
with potash and added to 1-2 glasses contraceptiveJC005 and anthelminticJco45.
of water. The liquid can be stored and Thailand. Seed oil, mixed with a little chili,
taken when required. Decoction made from is administered orally as a laxativeJco64. The
young leaves is taken orally, as treatment entire plant is taken orally as a purgativeJCo6 s.
for fever. Decoction prepared from the Tonga. Infusion of dried leaves is taken
leaves is administered as a rectal injection orally to treat vaginal bleedingJC057.

Venda. Decoction of dried root is used to Jatrophol: RtJC012

rinse the oral cavity as a treatment for Jatropholone A: RtJC012
toothache. The decoction is also taken Jatropholone B: RtJC012
orally for sore throatJcos9. Jatropholone: RtJCOlO
Lignoceric acid: Sd oi PC016
Vietnam. Seed oil is taken orally as an Linoleic acid: Sd B.796-16.224%JCo09
abortiveJCOo4 and emmenagogueJCOO6 . Linolenic acid: Sd 0.330-0.52B%JC016
Virgin Islands. Hot water extract of the Myristic acid: Sd 0.540-0.B64%JC016
entire plant is administered orally as a treat- Oleic acid: Sd 10.944-19.96B%JCo09
ment for the common cold, either alone or Palmitic acid: Sd 3.9900-6.5325%JC016
in combination with other plantsJCo77 . Palmitoleic acid: Sd 0.420-0.672%JC016
Phorbol, 12-deoxy-16-hydroxy: Sd oipc067
West Africa. Hot water extract of dried
Protein: Sd 16.2-1B.6%JC073
leaves is used externally for guinea worm. Hot
Scoparone: St 10JC013
water extract of the seed oil is used externally Stearic acid: Sd 2.640-B.736%JC009
as a rubefacient for parasitic skin diseases JC035. Stigast-5-ene-3-beta, 7-alpha-dial: Lf BJC029
West Indies. Hot water extract of the leaf Stigmasterol: Lf 0.025%JC028
is taken orally for heart troublesJC046 . Tomentin: Rtl C012
Zaire. Infusion of dried leaf is taken orally Triacontan-l-ol: Lf 36JC029
for diarrhea, chest pains, coughs, anemia, Vitexin: Lf JC079
urinary tract infections, diabetes, dental car-
ies and infected wounds. Externally, the
infusion is used on infected wounds and for
skin diseasesJco25 . Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
extract of the aerial parts, administered to
mice intraperitoneally at a dose of 0.25 mg/
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) kg, was inactive vs tail pressure methodJC075 .
7-Keto-beta sitosterol: Sd JC029 Antibacterial activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Alpha amyrin: Lf 67 JC029
extract of the aerial parts, at a concentration
Apigenin: LfJC079
Arachidic acid: Sd 0.1 BO-0.2BB%JC016 of 25 mcg/ml on agar plate, was inactive
Beta sitosterol: LfJC028 against Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, Salmonella
Campesterol: LfJC029 typhosa, and Agrobacterium tumefaciensJC075.
Curcain: LXJC037 Ethyl acetate extract of dried aerial parts, at a
Curcin: SdJC019 concentration of 1.0 mg/disk on agar plate,
Curculathyrane A: pPC011 was inactive against E. coli and Staphylococ-
Curculathyrane B: pPC011
cus aureus. Water extract of the dried aerial
Curcusone A: Rt 0.0132%JC010
Curcusone B: Rt 0.0127%JC010 parts, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/disk on
Curcusone C: Rt 0.001 %JCOlO agar plate, was inactive against E. coli and
Curcusone D: Rt 0.004%JC010 Staphylococcus aureusJcon . Methanol extract of
Daucosterol: Lf 0.014%JC029 dried leaves, at a concentration of 10 mg/ml
Friedelin: St BJC013 on agar plate, was inactive against Escherichia
Friedelinol: St 0.001 %JC013 coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella
Ikshusterol: Lf 27 JC029 typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and
J curcas flavonoid I: Lf 0.065%JC028
J. curcas flavonoid II: Lf 0.04%JC028
Streptococcus mutans. The extract was also
J. curcas triterpene: Lf 0.05%JC028 active on Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 125.0
Jatropha factor C-l : Sd 65 JC044 mcg/mV C025 . A 95% ethanol extract of sun-
Jatropha factor C-2: Sd 65 JC044 dried leaves, at a concentration of 50.0
Jatrophin: RtJC012 mg/ml on agar plate, was active against Sta-

phylococcus aureus and inactive on Bacillus Antifungal activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)

subtilis. Extract of 10 ml/gm plant material extract of the aerial parts, at a concentration
was used. An aliquot of 0.1 ml extract was of 25 mcg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on
placed in well on the plateJC068. Ethanol Microsporum canis, Trichophyton menta-
(95%) extract of dried root and stem, at a grophytes, and Aspergillus nigerJC075. Ethyl
concentration of 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, acetate extract of the dried aerial parts, at a
was inactive on Corynebacterium diptheriae concentration of 0.13 mg/ml on agar plate,
and Diplococcus pneumoniae and weakly was active on Microsporum canis, and inac-
active on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus tive on Microsporum fulvum, M. gypseum, and
pyogenes, and Streptococcus viridans. Water Trichophyton gallinae. Water extract of the
extract of dried root and stem, at a concen- dried aerial parts, on agar plate, was inactive
tration of 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was inac- against M. canis, M. fulvum, M. gypseum and
tive on Corynebacterium diptheriae and Trichophyton gallinae JCon . Acetone/water
Diplococcus pneumoniae, and weakly active on (50:50) extract of fresh latex, on agar plate,
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, was inactive against Microsporum gypseum
and Streptococcus viridansJC048. Methanol and Trichophyton mentagrophytesJC032. Metha-
extract of dried seeds, at a concentration of nol extract of dried leaves, at a concentra-
2.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was active on tion of 10.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was
Corynebacterium diptheriae and Pseudomonas inactive on Candida albicans. Methanol
aeruginosa and inactive on Neisseria species, extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of
Salmonella species, Staphylococcus aureus, Strep- 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was inactive
tobacillus species, and Streptococcus speciesJC040 . against Aspergillus niger and Microsporum
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol/water gypseumJC02S. Ethanol (95%) extract of sun-
extract (1: 1) of the aerial parts, at a concen- dried leaves, at a concentration of 50 mg/ml
tration of 0.25 mg/kg administered intrap- on agar plate, was inactive on Aspergillus
eritoneally to mice, was inactive vs niger. Extract of 10 ml/gm plant material was
electroshock-induced convulsionsJCo75. Etha- used. An aliquot of 0.1 ml extract was placed
nol (70%) extract of fresh root, adminis- in well on the platelco68 .
tered intraperitoneally to mice of both Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol/water
sexes, was active vs metrazole-induced con- (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, administered
vulsions and weakly active vs strychnine- orally to male rats at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg,
induced convulsionsJco54. was inactive vs carrageenin-induced pedal
Anticrustacean activity. Ethanol extract edema. The animals were dosed 1 hour
of dried seeds (defatted with petroleum before carrageenin injectionsJC075.
ether) was inactive on Artemia salina, LO so Antimolluscicidal activity. Extracts of the
> 1.0 mg/mPCOSl. seeds were active against both Bullinus
Antidiarrheal activity. Petroleum ether and globosus and Oncomelania hupensis, the lat-
methanol extracts of the root were active ter being the more sensitive snail. The
against castor oil induced diarrhea and activity was associated with phorbol esters
intraluminal accumulation of fluid. It also extracted from the oil. Of the pure phorbol
reduced gastrointestinal motility after char- esters tested, 4 beta-phorbol-13-decanoate
coal meal administration in albino miceJC085. killed both snail species at a concentration
Antifertility effects. The fruits and seeds, of 0.001 % (10 ppm)JC083.
administered to female rats in the ration at Antiparasitic activity. Sap exhibited ger-
a dose of 3.3 % of the diet, were 100% micidal actions on the growth of Staphylo-
effecti veJC005. coccus, Bacillus, and Micrococcus species on

contact and retained the effects on treated when infected host cells were exposed to the
bench surface for close to 6 hours after the extractJC012 . Ethyl acetate extract of the dried
initial application. Ova of Ascaris lum- aerial parts, in cell culture, was active on
bricoides and Necator americanus, incubated Sindbis virus; LC so 88.0 mcg/m!' Infected
in 50 and 100% concentrations of the sap host cells were exposed to the extractJC042.
at room temperature, showed no evidence The LC so < 1.0 mcg/ml when the virus was
of embryonation after 21 days in the case exposed to the extract before infecting host
of A. lumbricoides, negative on hatchabil- cells. Water extract of the dried aerial parts,
ity in hookworm, or complete distortion in in cell culture, was active against Cytome-
both. The sap also exhibited strong inhibi- galovirus, LC so 22.0 mcg/ml, when virus was
tory effect on normal larval growth of mos- exposed to extract before infecting host
quito, but was highly toxic to mice when cells. When infected host cells were exposed
administered through oral or intraperito- to extract, a LC so greater than 100 mcg/ml
neal routesJC084. was obtained (inactive). Water extract of
Antischistosomal activity. Ethanol the dried aerial parts, in cells culture, was
(95%) extract of the plant, at a concentra- active on Sindbis virus, LC so 32.0 mcg/ml,
tion of 2000 mg/ml, was inactive on Schis- when infected host cells were exposed to the
tosoma, Hematobium cercariae, H. Miracida extract. The extract was active, LC so < 1.0
and H. ovaJC060. mcg/ml, when the virus was exposed to the
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water extract before infecting the host cellsJCo12 .
(1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis- Methanol extract of dried leaves, at a con-
tered to guinea pigs, was inactive vs ACh- centration of 100 mcg/ml in cell culture, was
and histamine-induced spasmsJC01S. weakly active against HIV virusJC021 . Water
Antitumor activity. Chloroform extract of extract of fresh leaves, in cell culture, was
leaves and twigs, administered intraperito- active against Tobacco Mosaic virus. The
neally to mice at a dose of 12.5 mg/kg, was viral inhibitory activity was 40%JCOIS. Water
active, 40% ILS; a dose of25.0 mg/kg, 32% extract of the branches strongly inhibited
ILS and 50.0 mg/kg, 57% ILS on LEUK- the HIV -induced cytopathic effects with
P388. Ethanol (95%) extract ofleaves and low cytotoxicityJC082.
twigs, administered intraperitoneally to Antiyeast activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active, extract, at a concentration of 25 mcg/ml
35% ILS; a dose 25.0 mg/kg, 41 % ILS and on agar plate, was inactive on Candida
50.0 mg/kg, 33% ILS on LEUK-P388. albicans and Cryptococcus neoiormansJC01S.
Petroleum ether extract of leaves and Ethyl acetate extract of the dried aerial
twigs, administered intra peritoneally to parts, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/disk on
mice, was inactive on LEUK_P388JC029. agar plate, was inactive against Candida
Ethanol (defatted with petroleum ether) albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The
extract of dried seeds, administered intrap- water extract was also inactiveJC012 .
eritoneally to mice, was inactive on Barbiturate potentiation. Ethanol/water
LEUK-P388Jcos3. (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis-
Antiviral activity. Ethyl acetate extract of tered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of
the dried aerial parts, in cell culture, was 0.25 mg/kg, was positiveJcoll.
active on Cytomegalovirus, LC so 7.0 mcg/ Cardiac effect. Methanol extract of dried
m!. The virus was exposed to the extract seeds exhibited a negative chronotropic
before infecting the host cellsJC042. The LC lo effect and a negative inotropic effect on
was greater than 100 mcg/ml (inactive) guinea pig atriumJCOs6.

Crown gall inhibition. Ethyl acetate Hemostatic activity. Fresh leaf extract, at
extract of the dried aerial parts, in cell cul- a concentration of 50%, was active on
ture, produced LC so 1.4 mcg/ml (active). The human whole bloodlco70.
assay system was intended to predict for anti- Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/water
tumor activity. Water extract was also active, (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, adminis-
LCso > 3.0 mcg/mPC012. Ethanol (defatted with tered orally to rats at a dose of 250 mg/kg,
petroleum ether) extract of dried seeds, at a was inactive. There was less than 30% drop
concentration of 2.0 mg/ml on potato disk, in blood sugar levellco7s .
was inactive on Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
The hexane extract was inactive. The assay extract of the aerial parts, administered
system was intended to predict for antitumor intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.25
activitylCOS3. mg/kg, was inactivelC07S.
Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) Irritant activity. Acetone extract of a com-
extract of leaves, in cell culture, was active mercial sample of seeds, at a dose of 1.8 mcg/
against CA-9KB, EO so < 20.0 mcg/mllc060. ear in mice was active, 1050 (24 hours). Seed
Methanol extract of dried leaves, at a con- oil, at a dose of25.0 meg/ear, produced weak
centration of 100.0 mcg/ml in cell culture, activity, 1050 (24 hours)lc044.
was inactive against several human Larvicidal activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
tumorslC027. Chloroform extract of leaves and of dried fruits and leaves, at a concentration
twigs, in cell culture, was active on LEUK- of 100 ppm, was weakly active on Aedes
P388, EO so 1.1 mcg/ml and inactive on jluviatilis1C021 .
CA-9KB, EO so > 20.0 mcg/mPC029. Ethanol Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry
(95%) extract ofleaves and twigs, in cell cul- (homogenate) of fresh entire plant was
ture, was active on LEUK-P388, EO so 2.4 inactive on Lymnaea columella, LO IOO > 1 M
mcg/ml, and inactive on CA-9KB, EO so > ppm. Aqueous slurry of the fruits, roots and
20.0 mcg/ml. Petroleum ether extract of leaves was inactive on Lymnaea cubensis,
leaves and twigs, in cell culture, was inactive LO lOo > 1 M ppmlC049. Methanol extract of
on CA-9KB, EOso > 20.0 mcg/ml, and inac- dried leaves, at a concentration of 100 ppm,
tive on LEUK-P388, EO so > 20.0 mcg/mPC029. was inactive on Bulinus globosuS1C047. Ethanol
Ethanol (defatted with petroleum ether) (95%) extract of dried fruits and leaves, at a
extract of dried seeds, in cell culture, was concentration of 100 ppm, was inactive on
active on LEUK-P388, EO so 9.0 mcg/ Biomphalaria glabrata .. Hexane extract of the
mllc063,Jc034. The extract was inactive on dried fruits and leaves, at a concentration of
CA-9KB, EO so > 30.0 mcg/mPCOS1,lCOS3. 100 ppm, was inactive on Biomphalaria
Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) glabratalC031. Benzene extract of fresh fruit
extract of the aerial parts, administered pulp was active on Oncomelania hupensis,
intraperitoneally to male rats at a dose of LO so 40 ppm. Butanol extract of fresh fruit
0.125 mg/kg, was positive. Saline-loaded ani- pulp was active on Oncomelania hupensis,
mals were used and urine was collected for 4 LO so 45 ppm. Methyl chloride extract of
hours after dosinglC07s. fresh fruit pulp was active on Oncomelania
Glutamate dehydrogenase stimulation. hupensis quadrasi, LO so 65 ppm. Water
Dried seeds, in the ration of chicken at a con- extract of fresh fruit pulp was active on
centration of 0.5% of the diet, were active. Oncomelania hupensis, LO so 50 ppm. Water
Sorbitol-dehydrogenase was stimulatedlC017. extract of fresh fruit pulp was active on
Hemolytic activity. Seed oil, in cell culture, Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi, LO so 18-25
was active on rabbit RBC, EO IOO 0.1 mg/ml 1co26. ppm and L0 90 27-48 ppm. Methanol extract

of fresh fruit pulp was active on Oncomela- methanol (70%) and water extracts of
nia hupensis quadrasi, LDso 6.7 ppmJC048. Etha- dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally
nol (95%) extract of dried root, at a to mice at doses of 500.0 mg/kg, produced
concentration of 100.0 ppm, was active on weak activity and some depression. Seed
Bulinus truncatus with 65% mortality. The oil, in the ration of rats at a dose of 15.0%
water extract, at a concentration of 160 of the diet, was inactive. Roasted seeds, in
ppm, was weakly active, with 50% the ration of rats at a dose of 48.0% of the
mortalityJCOso. Methanol extract of dried diet, were activeJCOS6. Seeds taken by chil-
seedpods, at a concentration of 100.0 ppm, dren mistaken for edible nuts exhibited
was inactive on Bulinus globosusJC047. Metha- marked nausea, abdominal pain and vom-
nol extract of dried stembark, at a concen- iting with diarrhea in some patients.
tration of 100.0 ppm, was inactive on Recovery was rapidJC071. Dried seeds, fed to
Bulinus globosusJC047. chicken in the ration at a concentration of
Semen coagulation. Ethanol/water (1: 1) 0.5% of the diet, produced death. Toxic
extract of the aerial parts, at a concentra- signs included poor growth, locomotor dis-
tion of 2%, was inactive on ratsJC07S. turbances and dullness. Animals also had
Spasmolytic activity. Butanol extract of hepatic, intestinal and renal lesions and
dried leaves, at a concentration of 0.2 mg/ml, significant increases in serum GOT, SHD,
was active on guinea pig ileum. A 90.45% GDH and total protein levels. Other signs
reduction in contraction was seen, vs ACh- included congested heart and blood vessels,
induced contractions. A 28.49% reduction intestine and renal cortex, hepatocytes
was seen vs KCI-induced contractions. necrosis, erosion of intestinal mucous
Methanol extract of dried leaves, at a con- membranes, degeneration of renal tubular
centration of 0.2 mg/ml, was inactive on cells and an increase in hepatic and cardiac
guinea pig ileum vs ACh- and KCI-induced lipid levelsJC017 ,JC018. Water extract of fresh
contrac tionsJC039. seeds, administered intraperitoneally to
Spermicidal effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1) mice at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg, produced death
extract of the aerial parts was inactive on within 3 days. Fresh seeds, in the ration of
ratsJC07S. mice at a dose of 25% of the diet, produced
Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha- death within 11 daysJC03o.
nol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, REFERENCES
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JC055 Martinez, M. A. Medicinal plants Anthon. Popular medicine of the
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and C. Slatter. Folk medicine in Tonga. Verpoorte and J. L. Pousset. Anti-infec-
A study of the use of herbal medicines tious phytotherapies of the tree-savan-
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ethnobotany of an Amazonian market. Garcia, C. F. Mejia, P. F. Pelaez, C. D.
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15 Lantana
camara L.

Common Names
Ach man Guatemala Mvuti Tanzania
Aruppu India Orozus Mexico
Big sage West Indies Orozuz Mexico
Bonboye West Indies Panj phuli India
Bunchberry India Pasarin Panama
Bunga taya ayam Guatemala Pasarrion Panama
Camara Brazil Pha-ka-krong Guatemala
Camara Canary Islands Phakaa drong Thailand
Cambara de espinto Guatemala Phakas krong Thailand
Cariaquita Colomb ia Pink-edge red lantana Australia
Cariaquito West Indies Prickly lantana Guatemala
Carraquillo Colombia Ramtana Guatemala
Cidreirarana Brazil Sanguinaria Colombia
Common lantana China Siete negritos Guatemala
Cuasquito Guatemala Skastajat stuki Mexico
Cuencas de oro Puerto Rico Sweet sage Guyana
Frutilla Mexico Talatala Guatemala
Gandheriya India Tembelekan Guatemala
Gurupacha Colombia Ti-plomb West Indies
Hedge flower Thailand Tshidzimbambule Venda
Kayakit West Indies Venturosa Canary Islands
Kiwepe Tanzania Venturosa Colombia
Lantana Australia Verveine West Indies
Lantana India Vielle fille Rodrigues Islands
Large leaf lantana Guatemala White sage Guatemala
Latora moa Guatemala White sage West Indies
Maviyakuku Rwanda Wild sage India
Mille fleurs West Indies Yellow sage Guatemala
Mkinda Tanzania Wild sage West Indies

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modem Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc. , Totowa, NJ


BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION Colombia. Decoction of hot water extract of

This is an erect, branching shrub of the the entire plant is taken orally to facilitate
VERBENACEAE family, 0.5 to 2 m high. childbirth. Infusion of the hot water extract
Stems are 4-angled, armed with hooked is taken orally as an emmenagogueLCOO1 . Hot
prickles. Leaves opposite, blade ovate, 4 to water extract of dried entire plant is taken
10 cm long, with coarse surfaces and orally as an emmenagogueLC083 .
toothed margins. Flowers are dense, long- East Africa. Ash from dried leaves is mixed
stalked, flat-topped, head-like, axillary with salt and taken orally for sore throat,
spikes about 2.5-cm across. The corolla cough and toothache. Leaves are chewed for
is sympetalous, with a curved tube and toothache. Vapor of boiling leaves is inhaled
a spreading limb about 8 mm wide; yellow, for headache and colds. Hot water extract of
orange, red or pink in color. Fruit is a shiny, dried leaves is taken orally as a diaphoretic
dark purple or black, globose drupe,S to 6 and stimulant and for jaundice, chest diseases
mm wide. and rheumatism. Fresh fruit is said to be toxic
to children, although there is disagreement.
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION Hot water extract of dried root is taken orally
A native of tropical America, it is now a as a febrifuge and for malaria, including qui-
weed throughout the tropics, especially in nine-resistant cases. Toxicity has been
coconut plantations, pastures and wastes reported in sheep and cattleLC074 .
areas. The natural distribution now extends Guatemala. Decoction of dried leaves is
northwards to Texas and South Carolina. taken orally to treat rheumatism. A decoc-
It has become naturalized in many places, tion of Lantana camara and Slaix chilensis is
and forms impenetrable thickets in Ceylon used. The decoction is also taken orally to
and Indonesia. treat constipation and eczema. Infusion of
dried leaves is taken orally as a tonic and
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES stimulantLCo21. Hot water extract is used
Australia. Fresh fruit is eaten as a food. externally for wounds, ulcers, bruises, sores
Mashed fresh leaves are applied to the skin and infections of the skin and mucosaLCOB4.
to treat neurodermatitis, eczema, rashes, pso- India. Ash of the entire plant is used exter-
riasis, tinea, chicken pox, boils and bites, nally for chronic ulcersLco64. Fresh leaves,
and to stop bleeding in traumatic injuries. when ingested, are reported to cause
Infusion is taken orally to treat whooping photodermatitis and possibly death in
cough, catarrh, pulmonary problems and domestic animalsLC035 . Water extract of fresh
epidemic parotiditis, and to reduce fever. leaves is applied to the eye for eye
Decoction is used to treat aphids. Five hun- in juriesLC040.
dred gm of leaves is boiled in 1 liter of water, Indonesia. Decoction of fresh root is taken
strained and applied by sprayLC021. . orally to treat gonorrhea and leukorrhea.
Brazil. Decoction of dried aerial parts is Pounded fresh leaves are applied to the
used externally as a treatment for mangeLC087 . skin to treat boils. Leaves are taken orally
Decoction of dried leaves is taken orally for to treat intestinal spasm and as an emetic.
malaria, fevers, colds, and headache, and as Infusion is taken orally to treat rheumatism
a tonic and febrifugeLco87.Lco14.Lco17. Dried plant and as a diaphoretic. Tincture of fresh bark
is given orally to cows to treat mange LC020 . is taken orally as a tonic. Water extract of
Canary Islands. Infusion of the dried aerial fresh flowers is given orally to children to
parts is taken orally by pregnant women as treat cough Lco21 . Crushed leaves are applied
an abortifacientLCo71. on woundsLco71. Hot water extract of leaves

is taken orally as a diaphoretic, carminative grain of another plant species is added.

and antisepticLCo85. Water extract is used externally for itching
Kenya. Dried stem is used as toothbrushLco37 . and rashesLco74. Fresh leaves are used in tra-
Mexico. Dried leaves, boiled with barley, ditional medicine Lcon .
are given orally to women in childbirth. The Thailand. Decoction of dried entire plant
decoction is taken orally to relieve indiges- is taken orally for asthma. Crushed roasted
tion, to treat rheumatism, as a stomach tonic leaves are used as a poultice for anti-inflam-
and to treat snakebite {poultice of crushed matory affectionsLco88.
leaves is applied to the wound)LCo21. The Tonga. Fresh leaf juice is applied to cuts to
whole plant is rubbed with cold water to prevent infectionLco21.
treat chills Lco18 . Water extract of fresh root is USA. Extract of the plant is taken orally as
taken orally for dysentery, gastrointestinal a carminativeLC021.
pain, toothache, uterine hemorrhage and Venda. Fresh leaves, macerated in cold
excess menstrual discharge. Water extract of water for several hours to 2 days, are used
fresh shoots is taken orally for rashes. The as an eye drop for eye inj uryLCo68.
extract is used medicinally for "magical" ill- Venezuela. Hot water extract of dried stem
nesses comprising a variety of physiological is taken orally as an emmenagogueLC083.
illnesses and symptomsLC070 . Infusion of dried Vietnam. Leaf tea is taken orally as an
fruits and leaves is taken orally for emmenagogue LCOO5 .
coughsLco62. Decoction of the leaf is taken West Africa. Infusion of dried leaves is
orally as an appetizer and as a vomitiveLco18. taken orally to treat coughs and colds,
Nigeria. Infusion of fresh leaves and root is jaundice and chest pains, as a diaphoretic,
taken orally as an antiasthmatic, tonic and stimulant and in bath for rheumatismLco21.
anticonvulsant. Hot water extract of the West Indies. Hot water extract of leaves
fresh leaves and root is taken orally as an is taken orally as a common remedy for
anticonvulsantLCo59. dysmenorrheaLcoo2,Lco48 and feverLco48. Decoc-
Panama. Decoction of dried leaves is taken tion of dried leaves is taken orally for
orally to treat colds and stomach cough, flu and indigestionLco78 .
afflictionsLco21. Extract of the entire plant is
taken orally for digestive disorders. For skin CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
diseases, decoction of the whole plant in (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
warm water is applied to the affected skin l-Triacontanol: LfLC097
areasLC049. 3-Ketoursol ic acid: LfLC095
Rwanda. Decoction of dried leaves is taken 8-Epi-loganin: Rt 70LC007
orally for malariaLc045 . 3-Beta, 19-alpha dihydroxy ursan-28-oic
acid: RtLC106
Southeast Asia. Pounded dried leaves are
21 ,22-Beta-epoxy-3-beta-hydroxy olean-
applied to the skin as a treatment for cuts
12-en-28-oic acid: RtLC106
and swelling. Lotion is prepared from 22-Beta-hydroxyoleanonic acid: LfLC103
pounded leaves to treat rheumatism. Infu- Ajugose: Rt 0.19%Lcoo7
sion of the dried leaves is taken orally to Alpha amyrin: Lf, St LC096
treat bilious fevers {usually has emetic Arachidic acid: AerLC097
effect)LCo21. Beta sitosterol: LfLC097
Surinam. Infusion of dried entire plant is Camaric acid: Aer 0.119%LCOlO
used as an herbal bathLCo21. Camarinic acid: Aer 11.6LC010
Tanzania. Decoction of dried root is taken Camaroside: Lf 0.0181 %LC009
orally for stomachache and vomiting. A Cineole: LfLC097


Diodantunezone: RtLC039
Dipentene: LfLC097
Eugenol: LfLC097 Acid phosphatase stimulation. Dried
Furfural: LfLC097 leaves, administered to guinea pigs by gas-
Geniposide: RtLC007 tric intubation, were active LC0l6 .
Geraniol: LfLC097
Analgesic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
Glucose: AerLC097
of leaves, administered intraperitoneally to
Glycine: LfLC028
rats, was only active with high dosesLco46.
Icterogen in: LfLC009
Iso-diodantunezone: RtLC039 Aniline hydroxylase induction. Dried
Lamiridoside: RtLC007 leaves, administered to guinea pigs by gastric
Lancamarone: LfLC094 intubation at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were
Lantadene A: Lf 0.3_0.7%LC103,LC009,LC051 inactiveLC063.
Lantadene B: Lf 0.2%LC103,LC093 Antibacterial activity. Decoction of dried
Lantadene C: LfLC100,LC103 leaves, in broth culture, was inactive on
Lantadene D: LfLC103 Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus
Lantaiursolic acid: Rt 24LC008 vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella
Lantanilic acid: PILCOlO
typhi, Sarcina lutea, Staphylococcus albus,
Lantanolic acid: LfLC099
Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus
Lantanone: Aer LC107
mutansLCOJO. Essential oil, on agar plate, was
Lantanoside: Aer LC107
Lantanose A: Rt 31 OLC007 inactive on Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli,
Lantanose B: Rt 94LC007 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus
Lantic acid: LfLC098 aureusLC081. Ethanol (70%) extract of root, at
Lantoic acid: LfLC006 a concentration of 100.0 mg/ml in broth cul-
Leucine: LfLC028 ture, was inactive on Bacillus subtilis and
Linalool: LfLC097 Escherichia COliLC047. Fresh essential oil, at
Linaroside: AerLC107 undiluted concentration on agar plate, was
Linoleic acid: AerLC097
active on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphy-
Maltose: AerLC097
lococcus aureus. The oil was inactive on
Methyl-3-oxo-ursolate: LfLC098
Myristic acid: AerLC097
Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coliLco61. Leaf
Oleanolic acid: Aer S7 LCOlO essential oil, at undiluted concentration on
Oleanonic acid: Lf 0.0241 %LC009 agar plate, was active on Bacillus sub-
Oleic acid: AerLC097 tilis, zone of inhibition 13.0 mmj Escherichia
Palmitic acid: AerLC097 coli, zone of inhibition 9.5 mm and Sarcina
Phellandrene: LfLC097 lutea, zone of inhibition 12.0 mmj and pro-
Phellandrone: LfLC097 duced weak activity on Staphylococcus aureus,
Pomolic acid: Aer 9.SLC010 zone of inhibition 2.5 mmLC050. Petroleum
Rhamnose: AerLC097
ether extract of dried leaves, in broth culture,
Stachyose: Rt 0.069SLC007
was active on Salmonella typhi, MIC 0.63 mg/
Terpineol: LfLC097
Theveside: Rt 14_900Lcoo7,Lco23, Lf 800LC023
mlj Bacillus subtilis, MIC 1.25 mg/ml and
Theviridoside: Rt 320_S00 LC023 ,LC007 Sarcina lutea, MIC 1.25 mg/m!' The extract
Tyrosine: LfLC028 was inactive on Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus
Valine: LfLC028 vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococ-
Verbascose: Rt 0.081 %LC007 cus albus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Strepto-
Verbascoside: PILC043 coccus mutansLCOJO. Saline extract of leaves, at
Verbascotetracose: Rt 0.043%LC007 a concentration of 1:10 on agar plate, was

active on Staphylococcus aureusLC089. Tincture of dried seeds, at a concentration of 10%/disk

of dried leaves (10 gm of leaves in 100 ml on agar plate, was inactive on Aspergillus
ethanol), at a concentration of 0.1 ml/disk nigerLC066. Fresh essential oil, at undiluted con-
on agar plate, was active on Bacillus subtilis. centration on agar plate, was inactive on
The tincture was inactive on Proteus vulgaris, Penicillium cyclopium, Trichoderma viride, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Aspergillus aegyptiacus LC061. Methanol extract
Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus, and of dried leaves, at a concentration of 0.03%
Streptococcus pyogenes. At 30 ml/disk, on agar plate, was inactive on Trichophyton
the tincture was active on Pseudomonas mentagrophytesLco58. Water extract of fresh
aeruginosa and inactive on Escherichia COliLC084. leaves, at a concentration of 1: 1 on agar
Water extract of fresh leaves, at a concentra- plate, was active on Fusarium oxysporum F.
tion of 1.0% on agar plate, was inactive on Sp. Lentis. The extract represented 1 gm
Neisseria gonorrheaLco72 . dried leaf in 1.0 ml waterLC019.
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (70%) Antihemorrhagic activity. Dried leaves,
extract of fresh leaves, administered intrap- applied externally on wounds, as a paste,
eritoneally to mice of both sexes at variable were effective on 80% of the cases. Leaves,
dosage levels, was active vs metrazole- and taken orally by human adults, checked
strychnine-induced convulsionsLcos9. bleeding in 94% of the cases of rectal and
Antifungal activity (plant pathogen). 100% of nasal bleedingLc077 .
Ethanol (70%) extract of root, at a concen- Antimalarial activity. Chloroform extract
tration of 100.0 mcg/ml in broth culture, was of dried root bark, produced weak activity
inactive on Penicillium crustosumLC047. Water on Plasmodium falciparum, lC 50 49.0 mcg/ml.
extract of fresh leaves, at a concentration of The methanol extract was inactive, lC se
1.0%, was active on Aspergillus niger vs rot of 499.0 mcg/ml and the petroleum ether
tomato fruits caused by Aspergillus niger and extract was active, lC so 10.0 mcg/ml vs
aggravated by Drosophila bucksiiLC082. Water hypoxanthine uptake by plasmodiaLcol4.
extract of fresh shoots, at undiluted concen- Antimutagenic activity. Methanol extract
tration on agar plate, was inactive on of dried leaves, at a concentration of 50.0
Helminthosporium turcicumLC090. microliters/disk on agar plate, was inactive
Antifungal activity. Dried leaves, undiluted on Escherichia coli B/R- WP2-TRpLC069.
on agar plate, were active on Aspergillus Antimycoplasmal activity. Petroleum
fumigatus and Aspergillus nigerLC076. Essential ether extract and decoction of dried
oil, at undiluted concentration on agar plate, leaves, in broth culture, were inactive on
was active on Alternaria species, Asper- Mycoplasma hom in is and Mycoplasma
gillus candidus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus pneumoniaeLCOlO.
nidulans, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium Antitrichomonal activity. Methanol
herbarum, Cunninghamella echinulata, Hel- extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of
minthosporium saccharii, Microsporum gyp- 1.0 mg/ml, was inactive on Trichomonas
seum, Mucor mucedo, Penicillum digitatum, vaginalisLco45. Dried leaves, undiluted on agar
Rhizopus nigricans, Trichophyton rubrum, and plate, were active on Candida vaginalisLC076.
Trichothecium roseum. No activity was Ethanol (70%) extract of root, at a concen-
observed for Fusarium oxysporum and tration of 100.0 mcg/ml in broth culture,
Aspergillus fumigatusLC011, Essential oil, on agar was inactive on Saccharomyces cerevisiaeLC047.
plate, was inactive on Trichoderma viride, Methanol extract of dried leaves, at a con-
Aspergillus aegyptiacus, and Penicillium centration of 0.03% on agar plate, was inac-
cyclopiumLC081. Ethanol/water (1:l) extract tive on Candida albicansLcos8. Petroleum

ether extract and decoction of dried leaves, gastric intubation at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg,
in broth culture, were inactive on Candida were equivocalLco63.
albicans, Candida tropicalis, and Saccharomy- Cytochrome oxidase induction. Dried
ces cerevisaeLC030. leaves, administered by gastric intubation
ATPase(mg++) stimulation. Dried leaves, to guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were
administered by gastric intubation to guinea active when dosed daily for 3 daysLCo56.
pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were equivocal, Cytochrome P-450 induction. Dried
results significant at P < 0.001IeveILco63. At leaves, administered by gastric intubation to
daily dosing for 3 days, the activity was guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were
positiveLco56. inactiveLco61.
ATPase(Na+/Ca++) stimulation. Dried Dermatitis producing effect. Dried
leaves, administered to guinea pigs by gas- leaves, applied externally on a 50-year-old
tric intubation at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were patient with recurrent contact dermatitis,
active, results significant at P < 0.001 were active. The patient was patch tested
levelLco63. to determine sensitivi tyLCo36. Ethanol
Bile lithogenic suppression. Leaves, admin- (95%) extract of fresh leaves, administered
istered orally to ewe at a dose of 100.0 gm/ by gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 2.0
animal, were active LCOll . mg/kg, was active. The rats developed
Bronchodilator activity. Hot water extract photodermatitis within 3 minutes of being
of dried leaves, administered intravenously exposed to sunlightLCo35. Fresh leaves, used
to guinea at a dose of 1.5 ml/animal, was externally on human adults, was active vs
inactiveLC042. patch test, 1.82% of 207 patients were
Cathepsin B induction. Dried leaves, sensitiveLco8o.
administered by gastric intubation to guinea Enzyme activity. Dried entire plant,
pigs, were activeLC026. administered to guinea pigs, was active on
CNS depressant activity. Ethanol (70%) acid phosphatase stimulation, results signifi-
extract of fresh leaves, administered intrap- cant at P < 0.01 levels The plant was inac-
eritoneally to mice of both sexes at variable tive on alkaline phosphatase stimulation
dosage levels, was activeLC059. Ethanol (95%) and inhibition; active on BUN raising
extract of leaves, administered intraperito- effect and glutamate dehydrogenase stimu-
neally to mice, was activeLco46. lation, results significant at P < 0.01 level;
Cholestatic effect. Powdered leaf, admin- glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase stimu-
istered orally to guinea pigs at a dose of 6 lation, results significant at P < 0.01 level;
gm/kg body weight, elicited cholestasis. glutamate pyruvate transaminase inhibi-
Liver homogenate, bile, gall bladder, tion, results significant at P < 0.05 level; lac-
blood, urine, gastrointestinal tract content, tate dehydrogenase stimulation, results
and feces were analyzed for the principal significant at P < 0.01 level and sorbitol
hepatotoxin in the leaves (lantadene A), dehydrogenase stimulation, results signifi-
its congeners and biotransformation prod- cant at P < 0.01 level LC071 . Dried leaves,
ucts. Lantadenes could not be detected but administered by gastric intubation to guinea
the reduced lantadenes A and Band 2 uni- pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were equivocal
dentified metabolites were detected in the on NADH-ferricyanide reductase inhibi-
contents of the lower gastrointestinal tract tion, results significant at P < 0.001
and fecesLClOS. levelLc06J. There was an increase in the
Cytochrome C reductase inhibition. activity of glucokinase, and aldolase in the
Dried leaves, administered to guinea pigs by hepatic postmitochondrial fractionLco26. At

daily dosing for three days, glutamate dehy- topsy showed liver damage LC101 . A dose of
drogenase stimulation was activeLC056. The 2.0 gm/kg, administered by gastric intuba-
dose was active on glutathione-S-transferase tion to guinea pigs, produced a decrease in
inductionLco63. protein content of hepatic microsomes and
Gall bladder paralysis. Entire plant, in the ratios of phospho-lipid:protein and
administered orally to ewe at a dose of chol-esterol:proteinLco63. Dosing guinea pigs
600.0 gm/animal, was activeLC024. daily for 3 days decreased the dry weights
Glucose-6-Phosphatase inhibition. Dried of DNA, RNA and protein content of liver
leaves, administered by gastric intubation to at necropslC053. When administered orally
guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were to guinea pigs at a dose of 6.0 gm/kg, serum
activeLco26. bilirubin increased markedly. Dried shoots,
Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase administered orally to guinea pigs at a dose
stimulation. Dried leaves, administered by of 20.0 gm/kg, were inactiveLC051. Leaves,
gastric intubation to cows at a dose of 6.0 administered orally to ewe at a dose of
gm/kg, were active LC101 . 200.0 gm/animal, were activeLco25.
Hair inhibition effect. Dried shoots, Hypertensive activity. Ethanol (95%)
administered orally to guinea pigs at a dose of extract of leaves, administered intrave-
20.0 gm/kg, were active. The animals devel- nously to dogs, was activeLco46.
oped alopeciaLC051. Hypotensive activity. Alkaloid fraction of
Hematopoietic activity. Dried entire plant dried leaves, administered intravenously to
increased the number of erythrocytes and dogs, produced acceleration of respiration
leukocytes, results significant at P < 0.01 and "shivering"Lco92. Ethanol (95%) extract
levelLco73. of leaves, administered intraperitoneally to
Hemotoxic activity. Dried leaves, admin- mice, was activeLco46.
istered by gastric intubation to ewe, were Immunosuppressant activity. Powdered
active. They decreased the blood's ability dried leaves, administered orally to sheep at
to coagulateLCo67. a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, were active. Sheep
Hepatotoxic activity. Dried aerial parts, showed suppression of both cellular and
administered orally to buffalo, cow, ewe humoral immunityLCo41.
and guinea pigs, produced obstructive Insect repellent activity. Water extract of
jaundice, photosensitization and rise in fresh leaves, at a concentration of 1.0%, was
serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase active vs rot of tomato fruits caused by
activity as well as histopathological Aspergillus niger and aggravated by Droso-
changes in different organs of ewe, histo- phila bucksiiLC082.
pathological changes in liver and kidneys Insecticidal activity. Petroleum ether
in cows and histopathological changes extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of
in various organs in guinea pigsLco57. Dried 1.0 gm/liter, was inactive on Lutzomyia
entire plant, in the ration of cow, was longipalpisLco44. Ethanol (95%) and petroleum
activeLC037. Dried flowers, administered ether extracts of dried plant, at concentra-
orally to guinea pigs at a dose of 20.0 gm/ tions of 50.0 mcg, were inactive on Rhodnius
kg, were inactiveLC051. Dried leaves, in the neglectusLC020. Petroleum ether extract of the
ration of cows, were active. The chief signs entire plant, at a concentration of 100.0 ppm,
were photosensitization and jaundice. was active on Culex quinquefasciatus produc-
Dried leaves, administered by gastric intu- ing 42% mortalityLco65. The essential oil, at
bation to cows at a dose of 6.0 gm/kg, were concentrations of 0.063, 0.125, 0.250 and
active. Serum bilirubin increased and au- 0.500% (v/w) on maize grain, was active.

Twenty 7-day old adult weevils (Sitophilus Nematicidal activity. Lantanoside, linar-
zeamais) were fed the grains treated with oside and Camarinic acid were tested against
essential oil and with out as control. Signifi- root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita
cant insect mortality was obtained with the and showed 90, 85, and 100% mortality,
essential oil. The mortality increased with respectively, at 1.0% concentration. The
the concentration of the essential oil and result was comparable to those obtained with
the duration of exposure. The LDso was the conventional nematicide furadan (100%
0.16%LCI05. mortality at 1.0% concentration)LClo7.
Juvenile hormone activity. Dried leaves Nephrotoxic activity. Dried leaves,
were active on Dysdercus koenigiiLCOS4. administered by gastric intubation to guinea
Lactate dehydrogenase stimulation. pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg daily for 3 days,
Dried leaves, administered by gastric intu- decreased the dry weight of DNA, RNA and
bation to guinea pigs, were activeLC026. protein of kidneys at necropsyLCOSJ.
Lipid peroxide formation inhibition. Nucleotidase inhibition. Dried leaves,
Dried leaves, administered to guinea pigs in administered by gastric intubation to
the ration, were activeLC060. guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were
Liver effects. Ethanol (95%) extract of fresh equivocalLC06J.
leaves, administered to rats by gastric intuba- Pharmacokinetics. Dried aerial parts,
tion at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was active. administered to ewe intraruminally at a dose
Bromosulphalein was injected into the rats of 4.0 gm/kg, indicated that most of the
and excretion by the liver into bile was toxin was retained in the rumen. It was
measured. Excretion was affected indicating readily absorbed in the small intestine, as
impaired liver function LcOls . well as the stomach and large intestine LC017 .
Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous homoge- Pheromone (insect sex attractant). Ether
nate of the fresh entire plant was inactive on extract of leaves and twigs was active on male
Lymnaea columella and Lymnaea cubensis. Mediterranean fruit fly and equivocal on
Fruits, leaves and roots were testedLco5s. Etha- Aspiculurus tetraptera, male and female Dacus
nol (80%) extract, at a concentration of dorsalis and male and female melon flyLCOll .
200.0 mg/liter, was inactive on Biomphalaria Pheromone (insect sex attractant and
pfeifferi and Bulinus truncatus LCOlS • Ethanol signaling). Ether extract of the aerial parts
(95%) and water extracts of dried stem bark, was active on Dacus dorsalis (male) and
at concentrations of 1000 ppm, produced equivocal on Aspiculurus tetraptera, Dacus
weak activities on Biomphalaria glabrata dorsalis (female), Mediterranean fruit fly
and Biomphalaria stramineaLC091. Powdered (male) and melon fl yLCOll .
dried leaves, at a concentration of 10,000 Pheromone (signaling). Ether extract of
ppm, produced weak activityLCo79. leaves and twigs was active on male Mediter-
Molting activity (insect). Dried leaves ranean fruit fly and equivocal on Aspiculurus
were active on Dysdercus koenigiiLCOS4. tetraptera, Dacus dorsalis (females and males),
NADH reductase stimulation. Dried and melon fly (males and females)LColl.
leaves, administered by gastric intubation Photosensitizer activity. Aerial parts, in
to guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, were the ration of livestock, were activeLC016.
active when dosed daily for 3 daysLCo56. Dried leaves, in the ration of cows, were
NADPH-cytochrome C reductase stimu- active Lc !02.
lation. Dried leaves, administered by gastric Plant germination inhibition. Chloroform
intubation to guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, extract of dried leaves was equivocal vs
were equivocalLco63. Amaranthus spinosus (13% inhibition)LCo52.

The water extract, at a concentration of dried leaves, administered by gastric intuba-

50.0%, was active. The effect was tested in tion to guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg,
spores of Cyclosporum dentatus. Methanol were active. The dose produced a decrease
and water extracts of dried root, at a con- in hepatic mitochondrial protein content.
centration of 50.0 ppm, were active on The phospholipid-to-protein ratio did not
beansLco7o, and the spores of Cyclosporum change, but there was a marked increase in
dentatusLC086, respectively. Water extract of the cholesterol-to-protein ratio and the cho-
dried inflorescence, at a concentration of lesterol-to-phospholipid ratio. Mitochon-
50.0%, was active on spores of Cyclosporum drial swelling, in the absence of or presence
dentatus. Water extract of dried stem, at of ascorbic acid, decreased in hepatic mito-
concentration of 50.0%, was active. The chondria from Lantana intoxicated guinea
effect was tested in spores of Cyclosporum pigs. Daily dosing for 3 days produced toxic-
dentatusLC086. ity, including yellowness of conjunctiva
Plasma bilirubin increase. The dried and ears and photosensitization within 5
entire plant fed to guinea pigs was active LC073 . daysLCo56. The dried leaves, administered by
Protein synthesis inhibition. Dried leaves, gastric intubation to rabbits at a dose of
administered orally to guinea pigs at a dose 6.0% gm/kg, were active. Toxicity included
of 6.0 gm/kg, were activeLco51. ictericity, anorexia and decreased fecal
Respiratory depressant. Ethanol (95%) output. Hepatotoxicity was observed histo-
extract of leaves, administered intrave- pathologicallyLColl. Dried entire plant,
nously to dogs, was activeLC046. administered to buffalo by gastric intubation
Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Ethanol at a dose of 4.0 gm/animal, was activeLC050.
(95%) extract of leaves was active on rat Fresh entire plant, administered to steer by
duodenum. Tissue becomes refractory at gastric intubation at variable dosage levels,
high concentrationsLC046. produced toxicities that included weakness,
Smooth muscle stimulant activity. Alka- anorexia, icterus, constipation, dehydration,
loid fraction of dried leaves was active on photosensitization, depression and hepato-
rat intestineLC092. Ethanol (95%) and water toxicities. When administered orally, ict-
extracts of bark and leaves, at a concentra- erus, hydrothorax and dehydration were
tion of 0.1 mg/ml, were active on guinea pig evident. Numerous hepatotoxicities and
ileumLco12. renal toxicities were seen LC0l1 . Fresh leaves,
Succinate dehydrogenase stimulation. in the ration of dogs, were active. Kidney
Dried leaves, administered by gastric intu- and liver damage on a German Shepherd
bation to guinea pigs at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg was reported. Other cases are reported on
daily for 3 days, were activeLC056. sheep, guinea pigs, horses, cattle and others.
Toxic effect. Chromatographic fraction of The leaves, in the ration of cattle at a dose
dried leaves, administered by gastric intuba- of 350.0 mg/animal, produced photosensiti-
tion to guinea pigs at a dose of 125.0 zation, dermatitis, liver and kidney damage,
mg/kg, was active. Treated animals became intestinal hemorrhage, paralysis of the gall
icterus, sedated and photosensitive. Biliru- bladder and death in 1-4 daysLcozz. Water
bin levels were generally elevated Lc029 . The extract of fruit, administered intraperito-
ethanol (95%) extract, administered to rats, neally to rats, was active with 2/2 deaths.
was also activeLCHX1. The dried leaves, admin- The extract of unripe fruits produced 4/5
istered by gastric intubation to cows at a dose deaths LC012 .
of 6.0 gm/kg, were active. Autopsy indicated Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
liver damage and gastro-enteritis LcI01 . The nol/water (1: 1) extract of the entire plant,

administered intraperitoneally to mice, pro- roots of Lantana camara. Yao Hsueh

duced LD50 > 1.0 gm/kgLCOO4. Hsueh Pao 1992; 27(7): 515-521.
LC008 Pan, W. D., Y. J. U, L. T. Mai, K. H.
UDP-glucuronyl transferase inhibition.
Ohtani, R. T. Kasai, O. Tanaka and D.
Dried leaves, administered by gastric intu- O. Yu. Studies on triterpenoid con-
bation to guinea pigs, were active, results stituents of the roots of Lantana
significant at P < 0.001 levelLc06J. camara. Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1993;
Uterine relaxation effect. Alkaloid frac- 28(1): 40-44.
tion of dried leaves was active on rat uterus. LC009 Pan, W. D., L. T. Mai, Y.J. U, X. L. Xu
and D. Q. Yu. Studies on the chemical
There was inhibition of motilityLco92.
constituents of the leaves of Lantana
Uterine stimulant effect. Water extract of camara. Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1993;
root was inactive on rat uterusLCOOJ . 28(1): 35-39.
Xanthine oxidase stimulation. Dried fruit, LC010 Siddiqui, B. S., S. M. Raza, S. Begum,
administered orally to guinea pigs at a dose S. Siddiqui and S. Firdous. Pentacyclic
of 20.0 gm/kg, was inactive. Enzymes were triterpenoids from Lantana camara.
Phytochemistry 1995; 38(3): 681-{)85.
measured in the liver and kidneys. Dried
LC011 Keiser, I., E. J. Harris, D. H. Mayashita,
leaves, administered orally to guinea pigs at M. Jacobson and R. E. Perdue. Attrac-
a dose of 6.0 gm/kg, were active. Enzyme was tion of ethyl ester extracts of 232
measured in the liver and kidneysLCo51. Dried botanicals to Oriental fruit flies, melon
shoots, administered orally to guinea pigs at flies and Mediterranean fruit flies.
Lloydia 1975; 38(2): 141-152.
a dose of 20.0 gm/kg, were inactive. Enzyme
LC012 Der Marderosian, A. H., F. B. Giller
was measured in the liver and kidneysLco51. and F. C. Roia. Phytochemical and
toxicological screening of household
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and S. S. Lamba. Ethnopharma- ity on lipid peroxidation in guinea pig
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LC050 Avadhoot, Y. and K. C. Varma. Anti- Egyptian aromatic plants. Fitoterapia
microbial activity of essential oil of 1980; 51: 201-205.
seeds of Lantana camara var. aculeata LC062 Martinez, M. A Medicinal plants used
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LC051 Sharma, O. P., H. P. Makkar, R. N. Pal Galeana, Puebla, Mexico. J Ethno-
and S. S. Negi. Lantadene: A content pharmacol1984; 11(2): 203-221.
and toxicity of the Lantana plant (Lan- LC063 Sharma, O. P., H. P. S. Makkar and
tana camara Linn.) to guinea pigs. R. K. Dawra. Biochemical changes in
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source of natural herbicide. Indian J LC064 Sabnis, S. D. and S. ]. Bedi. Ethnobo-
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and Daman. Indian J For 1983; 6(1): the ethnopharmacological study of the
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LC065 Kalyanasundaram, M. and C.]. Babu. 1986; 15(2): 169-193.
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mosquito larvicides. Indian J Med Res Plant volatiles in relation to
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LC066 Pandey, D. K., N. N. Tripathi, R. D. 243-244.
Tripathi and S. N. Dixit. Antifungal LC077 Wanjari, D. G. Antihemorrhagic
activity of some seed extracts with spe- activity of Lantana camara. Nagarjun
cial reference to that of Pimpinella 1983; 27(2): 40,4l.
diversifolia DC. Int J Crude Drug Res LC078 Weniger, B., M. Rouzier, R. Daguilh,
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LC067 Uppal, R. P. and B. S. Paul. Haema- Anthon. Popular medicine of the
tological changes in experimental Lan- Central Plateau of Haiti. 2. Ethno-
tana poisoning in sheep. Indian Vet J pharmacological inventory. J Ethno-
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LC068 Arnold, H. ]. and M. Gulumian. Phar- LC079 Bali, H. S., S. Singh and S. C. Pati.
macopoeia of traditional medicine in Preliminary screening of some plants
Venda. J Ethnopharmacol 1984; for molluscicidal activity against two
12(1): 35-74. snail species. Indian J Anim Sci 1985;
LC069 Ishii, R., K. Yoshikawa, H. Minakata, 55(5): 338-340.
H. Komura and T. Kada. Specificities LC080 Sharma, V. K. and S. KaUL Contact
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LC070 Dominguez, X. A. and ]. B. Alcorn. LC081 EI-Keltawi, N. E. M., S. E. Megalla
Screening of medicinal plants used by and S. A. Ross. Antimicrobial activ-
Huastec Mayans of Northeastern ity of some Egyptian aromatic plants.
Mexico. J Ethnopharmacol 1985; Herba Pol 1980; 26(4): 245-250.
13(2): 139-156. LC082 Sinha, P. and S. K. Saxena. Effect
LC071 Sahu, T. R. Less known uses of weeds of treating tomatoes with leaf extract
as medicinal plants. Ancient Sci Life of Lantana camara on development of
1984;3(4): 245-249. fruit rot caused by Aspergillus niger in
LCOn Khan, M. R., G. Ndaalio, M. H. H. the presence of Drosophila busckii.
Nkunya, H. Wevers. Studies on the Indian J Exp Bioi 1987; 25(2):
rationale of African traditional medi- 143-144.
cine. Part II. Preliminary screening of LC083 Gonzalez, F and M. Silva. A survey of
medicinal plants for anti-gonoccoci plants with antifertility properties
activity. Pak J Sci Ind Res 1978; described in the South American folk
27(5/6): 189-192. medicine. (Abstract). Abstr Princess
LC073 Sharma, O. P., H. P. S. Makkar, R. K. Congress 1 Thailand, Dec. 1987;
Dawra and S. S. Negi. Changes in 20pp.
blood constituents of guinea pigs in LC084 Caceres, A., L. M. Giron, S. R.
Lantana toxicity. Toxicol Lett 1982; Alvarado, and M. F. Torres. Screen-
11: 73-76. ing of antimicrobial activity of plants
LC074 Hedberg, I., O. Hedberg, P.]. Madati, popularly used in Guatemala for the
K. E. Mshigeni, E. N. Mshiu and G. treatment of derma to mucosal dis-
Samuelsson. Inventory of plants used eases. J Ethnopharmacol1987; 20(3):
in traditional medicine in Tanzania. 223-237.
Part III. Plants of the families LC085 Singh, V. P., S. K. Sharma, and V. S.
Papilionaceae- Vitaceae. J Ethno- Khare. Medicinal plants f{om Ujjain
pharmacoI 1983; 9(2/3): 237-260. District Madhya Pradesh. Part II.
LC075 Darias, V., L. Bravo, E. Barquin, D. M. Indian Drugs Pharm Ind 1980; 5:
Herrera and C. Fraile. Contribution to 7-12.

LC086 Wadhwani, C. and T. N. Bhardwaja. LC098 Barua, A. K., P. Chakrabarti, P. K.

Effect of Lantana camara L. extract on Sanyal and B. Das. Triterpenoids.
fern spore germination. Experientia XXXII. Structure of lantic acid: A
1981; 37(3): 245-246. new triterpene from Lantana camara.
LC087 Hirschmann, G. S. and A. Rojas de J Indian Chern Soc 1969; 46 (1 ):
Arias. A survey of medicinal plants of 100-101.
Minas Gerais, Brazil. J Ethnophar- LC099 Barua, A. K., P. Chakrabarti, S. P.
maco11990; 29(2): 159-172. Dutta, D. K. Mukherjee and B. C. Das.
LC088 Panthong, A., D. Kanjanapothi and Triterpenoids. XXXVII. Structure and
W. C. Taylor. Ethnobotanical review stereochemistry of lantanolic acid.
of medicinal plants from Thai tradi- New triterpenoid from Lantana camara.
tional books, Part 1. Plants with anti- Tetrahedron 1971; 27(6): 1141-1147.
inflammatory, anti-asthmatic and LC100 Uppal, R. P. and B. S. Paul. Prelimi-
antihypertensive properties. J Ethno- nary studies with crude lantadene,
pharmacol1986; 18(3): 213-228. toxic principle of Lantana camara in
LC089 Collier, W. A. and L. Van de Piji. The albino rats. Haryana Agr Univ J Res
antibiotic action of plants, especially 1971; 1(2): 98-102.
the higher plants, with results with In- LC101 Dwivedi, S. K., G. A. Shivnani and H.
donesian plants. Chron Nat 1949; C. Joshi. Clinical and biochemical
105: 8. studies in Lantana poisoning in rumi-
LC090 Nene, Y. L., P. N. Thapliyal and K. Kumar. nants. Indian J Anim Sci 1971;
Screening of some plant extracts for 41 (10): 948-953.
antifungal properties. Labdev J Sci LC102 Hunt, S. E. and P. J. McCosker. Serum
Tech 1968; 6B( 4): 226-228. adenosine deaminase activity in experi-
LC091 Pinheiro de Sousa, M. and M. Z. mentally produced liver diseases of
Rouquayrol. Molluscicidal activity of cattle and sheep. Yellow-wood, Lan-
plants from Northeast Brazil. Rev Bras tana, carbon tetrachloride, and chronic
Fpesq Med BioI 1974; 7(4): 389-394. copper poisoning. Brit Vet J 1970;
LCOn Sharaf, A. and M. Naguib. A pharma- 126(2): 74-81.
cological study of the Egyptian plant, LC103 Sharma, O. P., A. Singh and S.
Lantana camara. Egypt Pharm Bull Sharma. Levels of lantadenes, bioac-
1959; 41(6): 93-97. tive pentacyclic triterpenoids, in
LC093 Louw, P. G. J. Lantadene A, the active young and mature leaves of Lantana
principle of Lantana camara. II. Isola- camara var. aculeate. Fitoterapia 2000;
tion of lantadene B, and the oxygen 71(5): 487-491.
functions of lantadene A and LC104 Singh, A., O. P. Sharma, N. P. Kurade
lantadene B. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci and S. Ojha. Detoxification of lantana
Animal Ind 1948; 23: 233-238. hepatotoxin, lantadene A, using
LC094 Sharma, V. N. and K. N. Kaul. Lana- Alcaligenes faecalis. J Appl Toxicol
camarone. Patent-Brit 1959; 820,521. 2001; 21(3): 225-228.
LC095 Sundararamaiah, T. and V. V. Bai. LC105 Bouda, H., L. A. Tapondjou, D. A.
Chemical examination of Lantana Fontem, and M. Y. Gumedzoe. Effect of
camara. J Indian Chern Soc 1973; essential oils from leaves of Ageratum
50(9): 620-. conyzoides, Lantana camara and Sito-
LC096 Ahmed, Z. F., A. M. EI-Moghazy philus zeamais (Coleoptera, Curculio-
Shoaib, G. M. Wassel and S. M. nidae). J Stored Prod Res 2001; 37(2):
EI-Sayyad. Phytochemical study of Lan- 103-109.
tana camara. Terpenes and lactones. II. LC106 Misra, L. and H. Laatsch. Triper-
Planta Med 1972; 22(1): 34-37. penoids, essential oil and photo-oxida-
LC097 Ahmed, Z. F., A. M. EI-Moghazy tive 28---.. 13-lactonization of oleanolic
Shoaib, G. M. Wassel and S. M. acid from Lantana camara. Phytochem-
EI-Sayyad. Phytochemical study of istry 2000; 54(8): 969-974.
Lantana camara. I. Planta Med 1972; LC107 Begum, S., A. Wahab, B. S. Siddiqui and
21 (3): 282-288. F. Qamar. Nematicidal constituents of

the aerial parts of LantaTUl camara. JNat lantadenes, the pentacyclic triterpe-
Prod 2000; 63(6): 765-767. noid hepatotoxins of lantana plant, in
LC108 Sharma, S., O. P. Sharma, B. Singh guinea pigs. Toxicon 2000; 38(9):
and T. K. Bhat. Biotransformation of 1191-1202.
16 Mucuna
(L) DC.

Common Names
Alkushi Pakistan Kawach India
Alkusi India Kawanch India
Atmagupta India Kawanch Pakistan
Baidhok India Kawanh India
Belki India Kerainch India
Cigu Thailand Kewanch India
Cowage India Konch India
Cowhage Nepal Konchkari Pakistan
Cowitch vine Virgin Islands Kowez India
Cowitch Guyana Metaftum Guinea-Bissau
Cowitch Trinidad Mijeh Thailand
Cussu India Nipay Philippines
Demar pirkok Panama Pois a gratter Trinidad
Dulagondi India Poua grate Guadeloupe
Ganhoma Guinea-Bissau Pwa grate Haiti
Goncha Pakistan Pwa gwate Trinidad
Horseeye bean Thailand Sijeh Thailand
Kaocho Nepal Taingilotra Madagascar
Kapikachchu India Tainkilotra Madagascar
Kauso Nepal Talcodja Guinea-Bissau
Kausva Nepal Vetvet bean Japan
Kavach India Wanduru-me Sri Lanka
Kavanch India

A vine of the PAPILIONACEAE family. glossy. The embryo completely fills the
The seeds of Mucuna pruriens are black in seed and is made up of 2 large fleshy coty-
color with pale brown specks, uniform in ledons. Transverse section of seed shows an
shape, 9 to 12 mm long with funicular outer testa with a palisade epidermis made
hilum and cellular pit growth around the up of a rod-shaped macrosclereids with
hilum. The seed coat is hard, thick and thickened anticlinal walls.

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 7: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION aphrodisiac, 2 seeds are powdered and taken

Originated in India, it is now commonly with a cup of cow's milkMpo18. Decoction of
found throughout the tropics. seed is taken orally for scorpion stings and
snakebiteMpo24. Hot water extract of seeds is
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES taken orally as a nervineMP042. Seeds are taken
Brazil. Alcohol extract of dried seeds is taken orally as an aphrodisiac in Ayurveda and
orally as a nerve tonic. Alcohol and water Unani medicine Mpo42 . Decoction of dried
extracts are taken orally as aphrodisiacMpo15. seeds is taken orally for abortion MP01 \ as an
Guadeloupe. Seeds, crushed and mixed aphrodisiacMpo37 and for sexual debilityMPOJ8.
with syrup, are given orally to infants as a For persistent coughs, seeds are placed over a
vermifugeMPo46. red hot plate or burning charcoal, and the
India. Hot water extract of dried fruit is fumes are inhaled through the mouthMpo48.
administered orally to children in cases of Decoction of dried seeds, together with
stomach worms. Overdoses are fatalMPo45. T erminalia arjuna and Sida retusa is taken
Water extract of leaves is taken orally as a orally for pulmonary tuberculosisMpo59. Fresh
nerve tonic, for dysentery, as an aphrodisiac seeds, cooked in goat's milk, are taken orally
and for scorpion stingsMP024. Powdered pod tri- as an aphrodisiac and for seminal weakness
chomes are taken orally as an anthelmintic. and impotenceMPo47. Hot water extract of
About 4 to 5 pod hairs are taken along with dried seedpods is taken orally as an anthelm-
milk or buttermilkMPo18. Hot water extract of intic in Ayurvedic and Unani medicineMpo42.
root is taken orally as an emmenagogueMP007. Guinea-Bissau. Plant juice is taken orally
Dried root is used for rheumatism and gout. as an emmenagogue. Seed is taken orally as
Roots of Mucuna pruriens and Hymenodictyon an aphrodisiacMpoo2.
excelsum are heated in mustard oil, which is Haiti. Decoction of dried fruit is taken
then rubbed on the affected area MP022 . Hot orally for intestinal parasitesMPo54.
water extract of dried root is taken orally for Ivory Coast. Hot water extract of the
delirium in Ayurvedic and Unani medi- entire plant is taken orally as an emmena-
cineMpo42. Dried powdered root is taken orally gogueMP004.
with honey as a blood purifier and diuretic, Madagascar. Decoction of water extract of
and to dissolve kidney stonesMP047. Fresh root seeds is taken orally as an aphrodisiac (120
is taken orally to relieve dysmenorrhea, pav- gm/seeds in 1 liter of milk)MP0D9.
ing the way for effective conception in future Mozambique. Hot water extract of seeds is
menstrual cycles. Paste made from Mucuna taken orally as an aphrodisiac Mpo20 .
pruriens, Pygaeopremna herbacea, Tephrosia Nepal. Hot water extract of seeds is taken
purpurea, and Gardenia turgida roots, plus a orally as an aphrodisiacMpool.
few cloves of Allium sativum is given. Twenty Nigeria. Dried leaf extract is used to treat
grams of the paste is given on day 3 of snakebiteMP016.
menstruationMPOjO. Seeds are taken orally by Pakistan. Hot water extract of seeds is taken
male human adults to cure night dreams and orally as an aphrodisiacMpool.
impotency, to promote fertility and as an Philippines. Fresh stem sap is used to treat
aphrodisiac to increase seminal fluid and sore and wind burns. A fresh stem is cut off
manly vigorMPOo8 . Hot water extract of boiled on both ends, and the sap is blown from 1
seeds is taken by male human adults as an end to the other over the mouth of the
aphrodisiac MpolO . Powdered seeds, taken with child MPo27 .
milk (5 gm 3 times a day with sufficient quan- Thailand. Dried leaves and stem are used
tity of milk), are used for diarrheaMpo17. As an for burns and cuts. Oroxylum indicum bark

and Mucuna pruriens leaves are pounded Lysine: Sd 0.97-2.1 0%MP031

together and applied to burns and cutsMP051. Mucuna pruriens alkaloid P: Sd 27MP063
Trinidad. Crushed seeds are taken orally Mucuna pruriens alkaloid Q: SdMP063
Mucuna pruriens alkaloid R: Sd 66MP063
with molasses for intestinal wormsMP033 .
Mucuna pruriens alkaloid 5: Sd 33MP063
Virgin Islands. Hot water extract of the Mucuna pruriens alkaloid X: SdMP063
entire plant is taken orally for wormsMP062. Methionine: Sd 1875-3975 MP031
Mucunadine: SdMP029
Mucunain: SdMP029
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Mucunine: SdMP029
1-Methyl-3-carboxy-6,7 -dihydroxy-1,2,3,4- Myristic acid: Sd 15-125 MP031
Tetrahydroisoquinolone: Sd MP031 N,N-Dimethyltryptamine: SdMP029
5-Hydroxytryptamine: Pod trichMP005, N,N-Dimethyltryptamine-n-oxide: SdMP029
Fr, Lf, StMP019 Niacin: Sd 17_34MPo31
5-Methoxy tryptamine,N-N-dimethyl: Nicotine: SdMP029
Lf 25MP005, St, FrMP019 Oleic acid: Sd 735-11400MPo31
5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine-N- Palmitic acid: Sd 0.14-3.38%MPo31
oxide: LfMP005, St, FrMP019 Palmitoleic acid: Sd 35_630MP031
5-0xyindole-3-alkylamine: SdMP031 Phenylalanine: Sd 0.75-1.59%MPo31
6-Methoxyharman: LfMP030 Phosphorus: Sd 0.32-0.47%MP031
Alanine: Sd 0.55_1.16%MPo31 Proline: Sd 0.92_1.96%MP031
Arachidic acid: Sd 65_1385MPo31 Protein: Sd 15.5-33.1 %MP031
Arginine: Sd 1.23_2.62%MP031 Prurienidine: Sd 11 OMP063
Aspartic acid: Sd1.99-4.21 %MP031 Prurieninine: Sd 11 MP063
Behenic acid: Sd 140-2265MPo31 Riboflavin: Sd 1.1_2.7MPo31
Beta carboline: SdMP029 Saponins: Sd 2.1 %MP031
Beta sitosterol: SdMP029 Serine: Sd 0.77_1.62%MP031
Bufotenine: StMP019 , FrMP019, LfMP005 Serotonin: SdMP029
Calcium: Sd 1320-1600MPo31 Stearic acid: Sd 390-12475MPo31
Carbohydrates: Sd 52.9_66.7%MP031 Thiamin: Sd 1.4_5.7MPo31
Choline: LfMP005 Threonine: Sd 0.63-1.33%MP031
Cis-12,13-epoxyoctadec-trans-9-cis-acid: Trypsin: Sd 285-397MP066
SdMP030 Tryptamine: SdMP030
Cis-12,13-epoxyoctadec-trans-9-enoic- Tyrosine: Sd 0.798-1.691 %MP031
acid: SdMP030 Valine: Sd 0.86_1.82%MPo31
Cystine: Sd 1400-2965MPo31 Vernolic acid: Sd oil 4.0%MP032
DOPA: Sd 0.24_4.80%MP029
Fiber: Sd 4.6_9.5%MP031 AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Gallic acid: SdMP029
Glutamic acid: 1.91-4.04%MP031 Anabolic activity. Plant, administered
Glutathione: SdMP029 orally to castrated adult and young male
Glycine: Sd 0.72_1.53%MPo31 mice at a dose of 7.70 mg/animal, was
Histidine: Sd 0.33_0.69%MP031 active. Animals were pretreated with test-
Indole-3-alkylamine: SdMP031 osterone over a period of 4 days. The plant
Iron: Sd 200MP029
was mixed with Lactuca scariola, Hygrophila
Isoleucine: Sd 0.75-1.59%MP031
Kilocalories: Sd 0.34-0.40%MP031
spinosa, Parmelia parlata, Argyreia speciosa,
Lecith in: SdMP053 Tribulus terrestris, and Leptadenia reticulata.
Leucine: Sd 1.18-2.52%MPo31 When administered to infant mice at a
Linoleic acid: Sd 0.07-3.1 %MP031 dose of 22.0 mg/animal, the mixture was
Linolenic acid: Sd 265-5800MP031 active. There was an increase in maltase

activity of the dorsoventral prostate and Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol

increase in fructose content of seminal (95%) extract of dried fruit trichomes,
vesicles MP061 . administered intragastrically to rats at a
Analgesic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract dose of 3.0 gm/kg, was active vs carragee-
of dried fruit trichomes, administered nin-induced pedal edema. Ethanol (95%)
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 2.0 gm/ extract of dried leaves, administered
kg, was active vs acetic acid-induced writh- intragastrically to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/
ing. A dose of 1.0 gm/kg was active vs hot kg, was active vs carrageenin-induced pedal
plate method. Ethanol (95%) extract of edemaMP013 .
dried leaves, administered intragastrically Antiparkinson activity. Methanol extract
to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was active vs of dried seeds, administered intraperito-
hot plate method and acetic acid-induced neally to rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was
writhingMP013 . active. An alcohol-insoluble methanol
Anticoagulant activity. Water extract of extract, free from L-DOPA was tested.
dried leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml, Seeds, administered by gastric intubation to
was active on human whole bloodMP016 . rats at a dose of 400.0 mg/kg, were
Antidiabetic effect. Seed extract, admin- active MP043 . Seeds, taken orally by human
istered orally to streptozotocin-diabetic adults at a dose of 15-40 gm/person,
mice for 40 days, reduced plasma glucose were active. L-DOPA content was about
concentration by 9.07%; Urine volume was 4.5-5.5%. The study involved 33 patients
significantly higher in diabetic controls and with Parkinson's diseaseMpo39. Mucuna
the treatment prevented polyuria. After 10 pruriens and Banisteria caapi have been used
days of administration urinary albumin lev- in traditional therapies in the form of herbal
els were over 6 fold higher in diabetic con- preparations containing anticholinergics,
trols. Renal hypertrophy was significantly levodopa, and monoamine oxidase inhibi-
higher in diabetic controls as compared to tors in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
non-diabetic controls. The extract failed to in the Amazon basin, India, and ChinaMP064 .
modify renal hypertrophyMPo68. In a clinical prospective study, the efficacy
Antigalactagogue effect. Seeds, taken of a concoction in cow's milk of powdered
orally by human adults at a dose of 15.0 gm/ Mucuna pruriens and Hyscyamus reticulatus
animal, were inactive. The subjects had seeds and Withania somnifera and Sida
hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea. Both cordifolia roots was evaluated in 18 clinically
subjects had a history of secondary amen- diagnosed Parkinsonian patients (mean
orrhea and primary sterility. Daily dosing Hoen and Yahr value of 2.22). As per
(divided doses) for 24 weeks in 1 subject Ayurveda principles, 13 patients underwent
and 10 weeks in a second subjectMpo36. cleansing for 28 days and palliative therapy
Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Decoc- for 56 days, 5 patients underwent palliative
tion of dried leaves, administered intra- therapy alone for 84 days. The former group
gastrically to rats at a dose of 5.0 gm/kg, was showed significant improvement in activi-
active vs diet- and triton-induced hyper- ties of daily living (ADL) and on motor
cholesterolemiaMPOzl . examination as per UPDRS rating. Sympto-
Antihyperlipemic activity. Decoction of matically, they exhibited better response in
dried leaves, administered intragastrically to tremor, bradykinesia, stiffness and cramps as
rats at a dose of 5.0 gm/kg, was active vs compared to the latter group. Excessive sali-
diet- and triton-induced hypercholester- vation worsened in both groups. Analyses
olemiaMpozl. of powdered samples in the milk, as admin-

istered in the patients, revealed about 200 nal fluid. No marked change in seminal ve-
mg of L-DOPA per doseMPo6s. sicular function was notedMPo41. Ether and
Antipyretic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract ethanol (95%) extracts of seeds, adminis-
of dried fruit trichomes, administered tered intraperitoneally to rats, were inac-
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, tive. No effect on social behavior, including
was active vs yeast-induced pyrexia. Ethanol homosexual mounting, sniffing, lying over
(95%) extract of dried leaves, administered one another, and so forth, was observed MP0l7 .
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, M. pruriens is an ingredient of several com-
was active vs yeast-induced pyrexia MP013 . mercial preparations claimed to have ben-
Antiradiation effect. Methanol extract of eficial effects in the management of various
dried prothallus, administered intraperito- sexual disorders. One such preparation is
neally to mice at a dose of 100 mg/kg, was T enex forte, which has other constituents
inactive vs soft X-ray irradiation at lethal like musk, saffron, yohimbine hydro-
doseMPoss. chloride, nuxvomica pulvis, makardhwaj
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water shilajeet, Orchis mascula, Withania somnifera,
(1: 1) extract of fruit was active on guinea Sida cordifolia, Bombax malabaricum, Argyreia
pig ileum vs ACh- and histamine-induced speciosa, and Swarnamakshik bhasma, as well
spasms. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of root as Mustong, which contains M. pruriens,
was active on guinea pig ileum vs ACh- and Glycyrrhiza glabra, Withania somnifera,
histamine-induced spasmsMP006. Tribulus terrestris, Myristica fragrans, and
Aphrodisiac activity. Plant, administered Tinospora. Some uncontrolled clinical stud-
orally to male human adults, was active. A ies have claimed to find these compound
clinical trial involving 133 subjects ranging preparations effective in improving libido
in age from 18-46 years presented cases of and performance in menMP010.
improper erection, night emissions, prema- Bronchodilator activity. Hot water extract
ture ejaculations, spermatorrhoea, func- of dried seeds, administered intravenously to
tional impotence, and/or oligospermia. Of guinea pigs at a dose of 1.5 ml/animal, was
all patients, 71.4% claimed to be aided by inactiveMP028.
the drug with no side effectsMPOJ4. Seeds, Cholinesterase inhibition. Methanol
taken by male human adults at variable dos- extract of seeds, administered intraperito-
age levels, were active. The product known neally to rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was
as "speman", contained a mixture of Orchis inactive. An alcohol-insoluble methanol
mascula, Hygrophila spinosa, Lactuca scariola, extract, free from L-DO PA, was testedMPo43.
Mucuna pruriens, Parmelia parlata, Argyreia Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
speciosa, T ribulus terrestris and Leptadenia extract of fruit, in cell culture, was inac-
reticulata. The study involved 21 infertile tive on CA-9KB, EDso > 20.0 mcg/ml.
oligospermic patients in the age group of Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of root, in cell
25-35 years. Dosing with speman was 2 tab- culture, was inactive on CA-9KB, EDso >
lets 3 times daily for 4 weeks. Semen and 20.0 mcg/mIMPoo6.
blood samples were collected for analysis. Embryotoxic effect. Water extract of
Fifty percent of the subjects showed im- seeds, administered intragastrically to preg-
provement of prostatic function as assessed nant rats at a dose of 175.0 mg/kg, was
by the activity of maltase and by the citric inactiveMP014.
acid content, with increase in the activity Fertility promotion effect. Dried entire
of amylase and maltase and a decrease in plant extract, taken orally by male human
post-treatment levels of glycogen in semi- adults at a dose of 96.0 mg/day, was active.

Thirty-five patients with oligospermia were at variable dosage levels, were equivocal.
given 2 tablets 3 times per day for 3 months. The product contained a mixture of Orchis
Total sperm count and sperm motility mascula, Hygrophila spinosa, Lactuca
improvedMPo52. scariola, Mucuna pruriens, Parmelia parlata,
FSH release inhibition. Seeds, taken orally Argyreia speciosa, Tribulus terrestris, and
by male human adults at variable dosage Leptadenia reticulata (known as speman).
levels, were equivocal. The product con- Dosing was 2 tablets 3 times daily for 4
tained a mixture of Orchis mascula, d ays MP941.
Hygrophila spinosa, Lactuca scariola, Mucuna Hypocholesterolemic activity. Seeds, in
pruriens, Parmelia parlata, Argyreia speciosa, the ration of rats, were active MPoll .
Tribulus terrestris, and Leptadenia reticulata Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/water
(known as speman). Dosing was 2 tablets 3 ( 1: 1) extract of fruit, administered orally to
times daily for 4 daysMPo41. rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was active.
FSH synthesis stimulation. Seeds, taken More than 30% drop in blood sugar level
orally by male human adults at variable dos- was observed. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
age levels, were equivocal. The product con- root, administered orally to rats at a dose of
tained a mixture of Orchis mascula, 250.0 mg/kg, was active. More than 30%
Hygrophila spinosa, Lactuca scariola, Mucuna drop in blood sugar level was observedMP006 .
pruriens, Parmelia parlata, Argyreia speciosa, Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of seeds, admin-
Tribulus terrestris, and Leptadenia reticulata istered orally to rats at a dose of 250.0 mgt
(known as speman). Dosing was 2 tablets 3 kg, was inactive. Less than 30% drop in
times daily for 4 daysMP041. blood sugar level was observedMP06O. Seeds, in
Genitourinary effect. Water extract of the the ration of rats, were active MPOll .
entire plant, administered orally to mice at LH-release inhibition. Seeds, taken by
a dose of 5.0 mg/day, was active. The mice male human adults orally at variable dosage
received a single dose of cadmium chloride levels, were equivocal. The product con-
(1 mg) plus test preparation of placebo for tained a mixture of Orchis mascula, Hygro-
up to 60 days. The test group showed fewer phila spinosa, Lactuca scariola, Mucuna
toxic effects than the control group on the pruriens, Parmelia parlata, Argyreia speciosa,
seminiferous tubules, epididymis, and sper- Tribulus terrestris, and Leptadenia reticulata
matids. The test preparation contained (known as speman). Dosing was 2 tablets 3
Orchis mascula, Lactuca serriola, Asteracan- times daily for 4 daysMPo41.
tha longifolia, Mucuna pruriens, Parmelia LH-release stimulation. Seeds, taken
perlata, Argyreia speciosa, Tribulus terrestris, orally by male human adults at variable
Leptadenia reticulata, and goldMPo57. dosage levels, were equivocal. The product
Gonadotropin release stimulation. Seeds, contained a mixture of Orchis mascula,
taken by male human adults orally at vari- Hygrophila spinosa, Lactuca scariola, Mucuna
able dosage levels, were equivocal. The pruriens, Parmelia parlata, Argyreia speciosa,
product contained a mixture of Orchis Tribulus terrestris, and Leptadenia reticulata
mascula, Hygrophila spinosa, Lactuca scariola, (known as speman). Dosing was 2 tablets 3
Mucuna pruriens, Parmelia parlata, Argyreia times daily for 4 daysMPo41.
speciosa, Tribulus terrestris, and Leptadenia LH-synthesis stimulation. Seeds, taken by
reticulata (known as speman). Dosing was 2 male human adults orally at variable dosage
tablets 3 times daily for 4 daysMPo41. levels, were equivocal. The product used
Gonadotropin synthesis stimulation. contained a mixture of Orchis mascula,
Seeds, taken by male human adults orally Hygrophila spinosa, Lactuca scariola, Mucuna

pruriens, Parrnelia parlata, Argyreia speciosa, Prothrombin activity. Echis carinatus

Tribulus terrestris, and Leptadenia reticulata venom contains a mixture of proteins that
(known as speman). Dosing was 2 tablets 3 affect the coagulative cascade, causing
times daily for 4 daysMP041. severe bleeding and hemorrhage. Seed
Nematocidal activity. Decoction of a com- extract, studied in prothrombin activation
mercial sample of seeds, at a concentration by Echis carinatus in vitro by clotting and
of 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive on Toxacara chromogenic assay, produced an increase in
canisMPOZ3. Water extract of dried seeds, at a procoagulant activityMpo67.
concentration of 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive Spermatogenic effect. Seeds, taken orally
on Toxacara canis; the methanol extract at a by human adults at variable dosage levels,
concentration of 1.0 mg/ml produced weak were equivocal. A group of 30 oligospermic
activi tyMpoz6. infertilities in the age group of 24-46 years
Penis erectile stimulant. Extract of dried were studied over 4 months. Dosing was 3
seeds, taken orally by human adults, was times daily. Increases in magnesium con-
active. Improvement in erection, duration tent and in sperm count were reported. The
of coitus and postcoital satisfaction has been product "speman" used, contained a mix-
observed in 56 cases treated for 4 weeksMP056. ture of Orchis mascula, Hygrophila spinosa,
Plant growth inhibitor. Dried seeds Lactuca scariola, Mucuna pruriens, Parmelia
exhibited allelopathic effect in field parlata, Argyreia speciosa, Tribulus terrestris,
testsMP01Z. The acid fraction of ethanol and Leptadenia reticulataMP040. Speman, used
(80%) extract inhibited the growth of in a study involving 40 subjects to improve
Lactuca sativa seedlingsMPOz5 . fertility, was active. Most of the patients
Prolactin inhibition. Seeds, taken orally by claimed marked improvement relative to
female human adults at a dose of 15.0 gmt showing better semen profilesMP038.
person, were inactive. Subjects had hyper- Taenicide activity. Ethanol (95%) and
prolactinemia and galactorrhea. Both sub- water extracts were active on Taenia souumMP049 .
jects had a history of secondary amenorrhea Teratogenic activity. Water extract of seeds,
and primary sterility. Daily dosing (divided administered intragastrically to pregnant rats
doses) for 24 weeks in 1 subject and 10 at a dose of 175.0 mg/kg, was active MPOl4 .
weeks in a second subject. Inhibition of pro- Toxic effect. Water extract of seeds, in the
lactin response to chlorpromazine injection ration of rats at variable dosage levels, was
in 5 subjects was positiveMP035.
active. Feeding caused weight loss unless
Prostate treatment. Hot water extract of supplemented with L-methionine and
the entire plant, administered orally to L-tryptophan. The protein fraction of the
human adults, was active. Forty-five seeds was incorporated into the experimen-
patients with prostatitis were given the test tal rationMP044.
preparation, and 10 more patients served Toxicity assessment. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
as untreated controls. Of the 38 patients extract of fruit and root, administered intra-
with benign hypertrophy in the test group, peritoneally to mice, produced a maximum
28 improved and did not need surgery. All tolerated dose of 1.0 gm/kgMP006.
of the controls needed surgery. The test
preparation contained Orchis mascula, REFERENCES
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17 Mangifera

Common Names
Aam Fiji Mango Guam
Aam India Mango Guatemala
Aamp Nepal Mango Guyana
Aanp Nepal Mango Haiti
Alfonso mango India Mango India
Am India Mango Ivory Coast
Am Pakistan Mango Mexico
Amba Oman Mango Nepal
Amm India Mango Nicaragua
Amp Nepal Mango Pakistan
Amra India Mango Peru
Amva India Mango Puerto Rico
Andok-ntang Guinea Mango Sudan
Asm India Mango Tanzania
Bo-amb India Mango Tonga
Bowen mango USA Mango Venezuela
Bumango Senegal Mango dusa Nicaragua
Chamorro Guam Mango tree India
Embe Tanzania Mango fruit India
Maamidi India Mangu Nicaragua
Mam-maram India Mangue Rodrigues Islands
Manga Brazil Mangueira Brazil
Mangga Guam Mankro Nicaragua
Mangguo China Mave India
Mango China Mwembe Tanzania
Mango Brazil Oegkoti-tong India
Mango Canary Islands Ondwa Guinea
Mango Curacao Pauh Indonesia
Mango Egypt Skin mango Brazil
Mango Fiji Vi papaa Rarotonga

from : Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 7: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION Guam. The fruit has been reported to cause

Trees of the ANACARDIACEAE family rash called mango dermatitis on human
varying in size according to variety, and can adults MIOo8 .
be from 3 to 30 meters tall, typically heavy- Haiti. Water extract of dried bark is taken
branched from a stout trunk. Leaves spirally orally for liver troubleMlo85.
arranged on the branches, lanceolate-ellip- India. Decoction of dried bark is used for
tical, pointed at both ends, the blades diabetes. Ten grams of dried leaves of Zan-
mostly up to about 25 cm long and 8 cm thoxylum armatum are boiled in 8 liters of
wide, sometimes much larger, reddish, and water, together with 125 gm of a mixture
thinly flaccid when first formed (new flush). containing equal parts of bark of Acacia
Inflorescences are large terminal pannicles nilotica, Mangifera indica and Syzygium
of small polygamous, fragrant, yellow to cumini, until the quantity of water is reduced
pinkish flowers. Fruit is a drupe, variously to 2 liters. Fifty milliliters of decoction is
shaped according to the variety, from ellip- taken twice daily after mealsMI05z . Hot water
soid to obliquely reniform,S to 15 cm long. extract of the dried bark is taken orally for
leukorrhea, bleeding hemorrhoids and lung
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION hemorrhage MI080 . Decoction of the stem bark
Records indicate that mango has been in is taken orally with cow's milk to treat
cultivation on the Indian subcontinent for menarche MIOz6 . The decoction is taken orally,
well over 4,000 years. It is a native of tropi- and the vapor is inhaled to treat jaun-
cal Asia and introduced wherever the cli- dice MI034 . As a contraceptive, the stem bark
mate is sufficiently warm and damp. It is now of the young mango plant, which has not
completely naturalized in many parts of the flowered even once, is used. Fifty grams of
tropics and subtropics, and here and there a fine stem bark powder is taken with alco-
component of mature secondary vegetation. holic wine. It is said to be effective enough
to cause abortion safely for up to 6 months
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES after conceptionMI087 ,MI065. Dried seed powder
Brazil. Decoction of dried bark is used to is applied to the head to remove dandruff.
treat scabies MIOz9 . The kernel starch is eaten as a famine
Canary Islands. Dried oleoresin is used for foodMlo75. Extract of flowers is used for diar-
food. Hot water extract of dried bark is rhea and dysenteryMIOI9. Fresh leaf juice is
taken orally for diarrhea. Hot water extract used for treating inflammation of the eyes;
of fresh fruit is taken orally as an it is applied on eyes (protecting the eyelids)
anthelmintic MI090 . twice dailyMlo35. For styes, petiole juice is
Curacao. Decoction of hot water extractM1OO6 applied to the stye during the time it is pain-
or teaMI007 of leaves is taken orally for high ful or irritated. For permanent cure, apply
blood pressure; 3 cups a day, 3 days in succes- when pus has started oozingMI08z. The fruit is
sion. Some take the decoction every day. used as a laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic,
Fiji. Fresh kernel is eaten for dysentery and astringent, and refrigerantMloI9. Hot water
asthma; juice is used as a nose drop for sinus extract of dried leaves is taken orally for
trouble. Fresh leaf juice, in coconut oil, is diabetes MIOI3 ,MI08o, diarrhea and hiccupsMI08o.
used externally for heat rash and burns. Dried leaves are used to prevent tooth
Hot water extract of dried bark is taken decay. Powder or decoction is applied to
orally for syphilis. Unripe, fresh fruit pulp, teeth with finger or brush MI048 . Hot water
mixed with curd is used for indigestion and extract of kernel is taken orally as an
stomachacheMlo81. anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, laxative and

tonic MI092 . Hot water extract of the bark is Pittosporum arborescens, and Colubrina
used as an astringent, tonic MI019 and for asiatica are used in the preparationMI077 .
menorrhagia M1097 . Water extract of leaves is Zaire. Infusion of dried stem bark is taken
taken orally for coughs, asthma, dysentery orally for diarrhea, chest pains, coughs,
and diarrheaMlO19 . anemia, urinary tract infections, and dia-
Malaysia. Hot water extract of seed is taken betes. Externally, the infusion is used for
orally for menorrhagiaMlO11 . infected wounds and skin diseases, and as
Nepal. Hot water extract of fruit is adminis- an oral application for dental caries MlO28 .
tered intravaginally to humans for hemor- Particular care should be taken in using the
rhages of the uterus. Hot water extract of shoots and flowers, since they may be contami-
seeds is taken orally for asthmaMIO01 . nated with fungal toxins. Mycotoxins are
Nicaragua. Phenol/water extract of inner among the most important chemical hazards in
bark is used externally for wounds MlO51 . the rural countryside.
Panama. The fruit is eaten as a laxative.
Hot water extract of leaves is used to treat CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
rheumatism. Decoction of 15-20 leaves in 1 (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
liter of water is prepared. Leaves are chewed 1-3-5-6-7-Pentamethoxy xanthone: ShMlo37
for toothache and gum disordersMlO64. 1-3-6-7-Tetramethoxy xanthone: ShMlo37
2-Ethyl hexanol: PanMI019
Peru. Hot water extract of dried fruit is 4-Phenyl-n-butyl gallate: FIMI049
ingested as a traditional medicine MlO89 . 5-(12-Cis-heptadecenyl): Fr PeMI043
Rarotonga. Fresh fruit rind is eaten as a 5-Dehydro-avenasterol: KerMI041
refreshing tonic M1024 . 5-Heptadec-cis-2-enyl resorcinol: LXMI040
Senegal. Hot water extract of dried bark is 5-Methyl furfur-2-al: Fr PUMI062
used orally for mouth sores, odontalgia, and 5-Pentadecyl resorcinol: Fr PeMI043
as a mouthwash for toothache. The extract 6-Phenyl-N-hexyl gallate: FIMI049
7 -Dehydro-avenosterol: KerMI041
is taken orally for dysentery and diarrhea; it
Acetaldehyde: FrMI042
is used externally for cutaneous affections. Acetic acid ethyl ester: FrMI042
Hot water extract of dried leaves is taken Acetic acid methyl ester: FrMI042
orally for bronchitis, toothache, angina and Acetic acid N-butyl ester: FrMI042
blennorrhagia. Hot water extract of oleo- Acetophenone: Fr PUMI062
resin is taken orally for syphilis MlC50 . Acetyl furan: Fr PUMI062
Sri Lanka. Bruised bark and leaves of Alanine: FIMI031
Ervatania dichotoma, bark of Mangifera Allo-aromadendrene: Lf EO MI059
Alpha amyrenone: Sd oilMlo60
indica and Ficus glomerata are boiled in
Alpha amyrin: Rt Bk 33.3MI039,
coconut oil and applied to abraded skin of St Bk 43.7-1 OOMI015,MI014
ulcers and fistulae as an astringent and Alpha cubebene: Lf EOMI059
antiseptic MlO76 . Alpha farnesene: Lf EO M1 059
Tanzania. Decoction of dried stem bark is Alpha guaiene: Lf EO M1 059
used orally for toothache. Decoction of root Alpha humulene: Fr PUMI062
is taken orally for malaria MlO91 . Alpha phellandrene: Fr PUMI062
Alpha pinene: Fr PUMI062, Lf EO M1 059
Tonga. Infusion of dried leaves is used for the
Alpha terpinolene: Lf EOMI059
syndrome locally called Kita Fa' ele, consist-
Alpha thujene: Lf EOMI096
ing of fever, chills, dizziness, and lower Alpha tocopherol: FrM1012
abdominal pain presumed to result from Amentoflavone: BkMI027
insufficient rest during puerperium. Mangifera Arachidic acid: KerMI041
indica, Diospyros lateriflora, Bischofia javanica, Arachidonic acid: Sd oilMlo44

Ascorbic acid: FrMI003 Gallic acid: Fr PUMI022, PnMI019, LfMI067

Benzaldehyde: Fr PuMI062 Gallicin: PnMI019
Beta amyrenone: Sd oilMI060 Gamma terpinene: Lf EOMI059, Fr PUMI062
Beta amyrin: Rt Bk 50Mlo39, Gentisic acid: LfMIOlO
St Bk 43.7_100MI015,MI014 German icol: KerMI041
Beta bulnesene: Lf EOMI059 Glochidonol: ShMI037
Beta caryophyllene: Lf EOMI059 Glucose: FrMI061
Beta elemene: Lf EOMI059 Gramisterol: KerMI041
Beta myrcene: EOMI036 Heptadecan-l-oic acid: KerMI041
Beta ocimene: Lf EOMI059 Hexadec-7-en-l-oic acid: KerMI041
Beta phellandrene: Fr PUMI062 Hexadec-9-en-l-oic acid: KerMI041
Beta pinene: Lf EO M1 059 Homo-mangiferi n: LfMI067
Beta selinene: Fr PUMI062 Hopane-l-beta-3-beta-22-triol: St BkMI053
Beta sitosterol: Rt BkMI039, Fr PeMI043, Humulene: Lf EOMI059
St BkMI015,MI014, LfMI068, PnMI019 Indicene: Lf EOMI096
Bis-2-ethyl hexanyl-phthalate: PnMI019 Indicoside A: St BkMI016
Campesterol: KerMI041 Indicoside B: St BkMI016
Camphene: Lf EOMI059,MI096 Iso-mangiferi n: LfMI079
Car-3-ene: Fr PUMI062, Lf EOMI059,MI096 Iso-quercitrin methyl ether: ShMI037
Caryophyllene: Fr PUMI062 Isomangiferolic acid: St BkMI015,MI053
Catechin oxidase: FrMI063 Kaempferol methyl ether: ShMI037
Cholesterol: KerMI041 Kaempferol: LfMI098
Cis-ocimene: EOMI036 Laccase: FrMI063
Cis-zeatin riboside: Sd M1072 Lau ric acid: KerMI041
Cis-zeatin: Sd M1072 Limonene: Fr PUMI062, Lf EOMI059
Citrostadienol: KerMI041 Linalool: Lf EOMI059
Cycloartenol: St Bk O.07%MI053 Linoleic acid: FrM104 1, Sd oilMI044
Cycloartenone: Sd oilMI060 Linolenic acid: Sd oi1MI044, Fr PeMI043
Cyclobranol: KerMI041 Lophenol: KerMI041
Cyclosadol: KerMI041 Lupenone: ShMI037, Sd oilMI060
D-arabinose: FIMI031 Lupeol: ShMI037, LfMI068, KerMI041
Dammaradienol: KerMI041 Mangiferin: BkM1023 , Fr PeMI061 , LfMI067,
Dammarendiol II: St Bk 20MI014 Rt BkMI039
Daucosterol: St Bk 3.7MI015 Mangiferene: Lf EOM10 96
Delta cadinene: Lf EOMI059 Mangiferolic acid: Rt BkMI039, St BkMI015
Delta elemene: Lf EOMI059 Mangiferonic acid methyl ester:
Dimethyl sulfide: Fr PUMI062 St Bk 20MI014
Eicos-9-en-l-oic acid: KerMI041 Mangiferonic acid: Rt BkMI039,St BkMI015
Elaidic acid: KerMI041 Meso inositol: Fr PeMI061
Elemicin: Lf EOMI059 Methyl cyclohexane: Fr PUMI062
Ellagic acid: Pn M1019 Myrcene: Lf EOMI059
EO: LfMI059,MI096 Myricetin methyl ester: ShMI037
Estragole: Lf EOMI059 Myristic acid: KeMI041
Eugenol methyl ester: Lf EOMI059 N-hentriacontane: GaiisMI005
Euxanthone: LfMI098 N-heptacosane: GaiisMI005
Fatty acids: Sd oilMI094 N-nonacosane: GaiisMI005
Friedelan-3-beta-ol: Rt BkMI039 N-octadecane: PnMI019
Friedelin: Rt BkMI039 N-octane: Pr PUMI062
Friedelinol: KerMI041 N-octyl gallate: FIMI049
Fructose, 1-6-phosphatase: Fr M1 021 N-pentacosane: GaiisMI005
Furfural: Fr PUMI062 N-pentyl gallate: FIMI049
Galactose: FIMI031, PnMI019 N-propyl gallate: FIMI049

N-texatriacontane: GaiisMI005 pheniramine maleate and recovered. Prick

Nonadecan-l-oic acid: KerMI041 testing with mango juice produced a wheal
Obtusifoliol: KerMI041
within 5 minutes. The patient had a his-
Ocimene: Lf EOMI096
tory of asthma, eczema, hay fever and drug
Ocotillol: St Bk 12.SMI015
Octacosan-l-ol: PnMI019
allergy MlOs6. Powder commercial sample of
Octadeca-6-9-dien-l-oic acid: KerMI041 fruits was active on human adults. Reac-
Octadeca-cis-9-cis-1S-dienoic acid: FrM1017 tions to patch tests occurred most com-
Octdeca-3-6-9-trien-l-oic acid: KerMI041 monly in patients who were regularly
Octillolll: St Bk SOMI014 exposed to the substance, or who already
Oleic acid: Sd oilMI044, Fr PeMI043 had dermatitis on the fingertips. Previously
Palmitic acid: Fr PeMI043, Sd oilMI044
unexposed patients had reactions (i.e.,
Para cymene: Fr PUMI062
non-irritant reactions )MI045.
Pentadecan-l-oic acid: KerMI041
Peonidin-3-galactoside: Fr PeMI098 Alpha-amylase activity. Ethanol extract of
Phenyl acetaldehyde: Fr PUMI062 the leaves produced significant inhibitory
Propionaldehyde: FrMI042 activity in vitro MIlO3 •
Protein: Lf 9.S%MI093 Alpha-glucosidase activity. The ethanol
Protocatechuic acid: LfMI067 extract of the bark, tested in vitro, produced
Quercetin methyl ether: Sh M1037 significant inhibitory activity, lC sD value
Querceti n: PIMI098
was 314 gm/mI M1101 •
Quercitrin methyl ether: ShMlo37
Rutin: Lf S.2%MI070 Anthelmintic activity. Hot water extract
Sabinene: Lf EOMI096 of kernel, at a concentration of 1:50, was
Stearic acid: SdMI018, Sd oilMI044, KerMI041 active on Haemonchus contortus MI092 •
Stigmast-7 -en-3-beta-ol: KerMI041 Antiamebic activity. The stem bark, at a
Stigmasterol: KerMI041 concentration of 80 microgram/ml, inhib-
T araxerol: LfMI068 ited Entamoeba histolytica growth with MAC
Taraxerone: LfMI068
< 10 micrograms/mI MIlOs •
Terpinene: Lf EOMI096
Threonine: FIMI031
Antibacterial activity. Ethanol (95%)
Toluene: Fr PUMI062 extract of dried leaves, on agar plate, was
Trans-zeatin ribose: SdMI072 active on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
Trans-zeatin: SdMI072 aureus MlO99 • Water extract was active on
Trichloro ethylene: Fr PUMI062 Actinomycete species and plaque bacteria.
Tridecan-l-oic acid: KerMI041 Commercial dentifrices were tested alone and
Tryptophan: FIMI031 in combination with plant extracts against
Ursolic acid: ShMlo37
plaque bacteria in the paper disk assay. The
Valencene: Fr PUMI062
Valine: FIMI031
addition of plant extracts significantly
increased the zone of inhibition relative to
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES that of the dentifricesMI048 • The extract was
AND CLINICAL TRIALS active on Bacteroides gingivalis vs 2 clinical
Allergenic activity. Fresh fruit, eaten by isolates; Pseudomonas and Streptococcus
human adult was active. A male exhibited salivarius vs 5 clinical isolates and Streptococ-
periorbital edema, facial erythema, wide- cus viridans vs 40 clinical isolates. Water
spread urticaria and dyspnea 20 minutes extract, taken orally by human adults, was
after eating a mango fruit. Pulse was 100 active. Fifty patients with chronic suppura-
beats/min, blood pressure 104/72. Anaphy- tive peridontitis were given leaf extracts of
laxis was diagnosed. He was treated with Mangifera indica, Camellia sinensis, Murray
intravenous hydrocortisone and chlor- koenigii, Ocimum basilicum, or Azadirachta

indica. Bacterial populations declined by on Aspergillus niger MI09s • Methanol extract of

50%, and 40 patients showed improve- dried stem bark, at a concentration of 10.0
ment MlO48 • The hot water extract, undiluted mg/ml, was inactive on Aspergillus niger and
on agar plate, was inactive on Escherichia Microsporum gypseum MI028 •
coli and Staphylococcus aureus MI099 • Ethanol Antihyperglycemic effect. Aqueous
(95%) extract of fresh kernel, on agar plate, extract of the leaves, administered orally at
was active on Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a dose of 1 gm/kg to normoglycemic, glu-
MIC 1.5 mg/ml; Sarcina lutea, MIC 2.0 mg/ cose-induced hyperglycemic and strepto-
ml; Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 2.0 mg/ml; zotocin-induced diabetic rats, did not alter
Bacillus firmis, MIC 3.0 mg/ml; Escherichia the blood glucose levels in either
coli, MIC 3.0 mg/ml; Proteus vulgaris, MIC normoglycemic or streptozotocin-induced
3.0 mg/ml and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, diabetic rats. In glucose-induced, however,
MIC 4.0 mg/mI MI047 • Hot water extract of antidiabetic activity was seen when the
dried leaves, on agar plate, was active on extract and glucose were administered
Sarcina lutea and Staphylococcus aureus MI095 • simultaneously and when the extract was
Methanol extract of dried stem bark, at a given to the rats 60 min before the glucose.
concentration of 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, The hypoglycemic effect was compared with
was inactive on Escherichia coli, Pseudo- that of an oral dose of clorpropamide (200
monas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, mg/kg) under the same conditions MIIlo •
and Streptococcus mutans. The extract was Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol
active on Klebsiella pneumonia and Staphy- (95%) extract of fresh kernel, administered
lococcus aureus, MIC 125.0 mcg/ml. The by gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 50.0
tannin fraction of dried stem bark, on agar mg/kg, was active vs carrageenin-induced
plate, was active on Citrobacter diversus at a pedal edema, 5-HT-induced pedal edema,
dose of 110.0 mcg/ml; Salmonella enteritidis bradykinin-induced pedal edema, turpen-
at a dose of 120.0 mg/ml; Staphylococcus tine-induced pleurisy, granuloma pouch,
aureus at a concentration of 145.0 mcg/ml; cotton pellet granuloma and adjuvant-
Escherichia piracoli, Klebsiella pneumonia, induced arthritis. The extract was inactive
and Shigella flexneri at a concentration of vs dextran-induced pedal edema and pros-
200.0 mcg/ml. Weak activity was shown taglandin-induced pedal edema and weakly
on Escherichia coli at a concentration of active vs formaldehyde-induced arthri-
225.0 mcg/mI MlOll • tis MlO47 • The aqueous extract of the bark,
Antidiabetic activity. The aqueous extract administered orally at a dose of 50-1000
of the leaves, administered orally to mg/kg, produced a potent and dose-depen-
normoglycemic, glucose-induced hypergly- dent antinociceptive effect against acetic
cemia and streptozotocin induced diabetic acid test in mice. The mean potency DEso
mice, produced a reduction of blood glucose was 54.5 mg/kg and the maximal inhibition
level in normoglycemic and glucose- attained was 94.4%. Dose of 20-1000 mg/
induced hyperglycemia, but did not have kg dose-dependently inhibited the second
any effect on the streptozotocin-induced phase of formalin-induced pain but not the
diabetic mice MIl02 • first phase. The DE so of the second phase
Antifungal activity. Ethanol (95%) extract was 8.4 mg/kg and the maximal inhibition
of fresh kernel, at a concentration of 5.0 was 99.5%, being more potent than
mg/ml on agar plate, was active on Tricho- indomethacin at doses of 20 mg/kg. The
phyton mentagrophytes MlO47 • Hot water extract extract also significantly inhibited edema
of dried leaves, on agar plate, was inactive formation (P < 0.01) of both carrageenan-

and formalin-induced edema in rat, guinea Antitumor activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1 )

pig and mice (maximal inhibitions: 39.5, extract of dried aerial parts, administered
45.0, and 48.6, respectively)MIl04. intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 250.0
Antimalarial activity. Water extract of mg/kg, was inactive on Leuk_P388MIOBl.
bark, administered orally to chicken at a Antiviral activity. Ethanol (80%) extract
dose of 7.82 gm/kg, was inactive on Plasmo- of freeze-dried leaves, in cell culture at vari-
dium gallinaceumMlOoz . able dosages, was equivocal on Coxsackie
Antimycobacterial activity. Hot water B2 virus, measles virus and Poliovirus; inac-
extract of dried leaves, on agar plate, was tive on adenovirus, Herpes virus type 1 and
inactive on Mycobacterium phleiM1095 . Semilicki-forest virus vs plaque-inhibi-
Antinematodal activity. Water extract of tion MlO69 . Methanol extract of dried stem
dried leaves, at variable concentrations, was bark, at a concentration of 100.0 mcg/ml in
active on Meloidogyne incognitaMI071 . cell culture, showed weak activity on HIV
Antioxidant activity. The stem bark virusMI03Z. Undiluted leaf juice was inactive
extract (vimang) 50-250 mg/kg, mangiferin on bean mosaic virus. Reduction of infec-
50 mg/kg, vitamin C 100 mg/kg, vitamin E tiousness was measured M107B . Mangiferin, as
100 mg/kg, and beta-carotene 50 mg/kg determined by plaque inhibition assay, con-
were evaluated for their protective abilities tained both anti-HSV-1 and -2 activities.
against the 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13- An inhibition of the production of infec-
acetate (TPA)-induced oxidative damage tious HSV-2 virions from infected Vero
in serum, liver, brain as well as in the hyper- cells could also be demonstrated MIlo9 .
production of reactive oxygen species Antiyeast activity. Ethanol (60%) extract
(ROS) by peritoneal macrophages. The of dried leaves, on agar plate, was inactive
treatment of mice with vimang, vitamin E on Candida albicans M105B . Ethanol (95%)
and mangiferin reduced the TP A-induced extract of fresh kernel, on agar plate at a
production of ROS by 70, 17, and 44%, concentration of 5.0 mg/kg, was active on
respectively. Similarly, the H202 levels Candida lunata and inactive on Candida
were reduced by 55-73, 37, and 44%, albicans MlO47 . Hot water extract of dried
respectively. Vimang, mangiferin, vitamin leaves, on agar plate, was inactive on Sac-
C plus E and beta-carotene decreased TP A- charomyces cerevisiae M1095 . Methanol extract
induced DNA fragmentation by 46-52,35, of dried stem bark, at a concentration of
42, and 17%, respectively, in hepatic tis- 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on
sues, and by 29-34, 22, 41, and 17%, in Candida albicans MlOzB .
brain tissues. Similar results were observed Ascaricidal activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
in respect to lipid peroxidation in serum, in of dried seeds was active on Ascaris lum-
hepatic mitochondria and microsomes, and bricoidesMI074.
in brain homogenate supernatants MIl05 . Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Vimang when tested in vitro for its antioxi- extract of dried aerial parts, at a concentra-
dant activity, indicated a powerful scaven- tion of 25.0 mg/ml, was inactive on
ger activity of hydroxyl radicals and CA_9KBMIOBI. Methanol extract of dried
hypochlorous acid and acted as an iron stem bark, at a concentration of 100.0
chelator. The extract also showed signifi- mcg/ml, was equivocal on CA-HS-578-T,
cant inhibitory effect on the peroxidation CA-mammary-MF-7, CA-mammary-MF-7/
of rat-brain phospholipids and inhibited ADR, human breast cancer cell lines
DNA damage by bleomycin or copper- BT-549, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435,
phenanthroline systemsMIl06 . MDA-N, T47-D and leukemia cell line

CCRF-CEM. Inactive on RPMI-8226 cells, wall material was observed. Cell wall mate-
and weakly active on CA-colon-KMI2, rial polysaccharides were hydrolyzed to
CA-HCT-15, CA-human-colon COLO- varying degrees: 88, 65, and 65%, respec-
205, CA-human-colon-HCTI16, CA- tively, of galacturonic acid-, arabinose-, and
human-nonsmall-cell-lung HOP-62, CA- rhamnose-containing polymers were hydro-
human-ovarian OVCAR-3, CA-human- lyzed, whereas 50% of cellulose was
ovarian OVCAR-4, CA-human-ovarian degraded. After 30 min of treatment, the
OVCAR-5, CA-human-ovarian-SKOV-3, ethanol precipitation test on the serum was
cancer cell line-human CNS-SNB75, negative, indicating that pectic substances
human CNS cancer cell lines SF-268, were rapidly hydrolyzed. A viscosity drop of
SF-295, SF-539, SNB-19 and U251, human 90% was observed after 2 hours, confirming
colon cancer cell lines HCC-2998, HT29 the dominant role of pectic substances in
and SW620, human leukemia cell lines puree viscosityMllo7.
HL-60-TB and MOLT -4, human melanoma Estrogenic effect. Methanol extract of
cell lines MALME-3M, SK-MEL-2 and leaves, administered subcutaneously to
SK-MEL-5, human nonsmall cell lung mice, was active M1oo9 .
cancer cell line A549(ATCC), human Hypoglycemic activity. Fibers of fresh fruit,
nonsmall cell lung cancer cell line EKVX, at a concentration of 9.0%, were active.
human nonsmall cell lung cancer cell lines Fibrous waste, from processing fruit, slowed
HOP-92, NCI-H226, NCI-H23, NCI- the rate of activity of amylase in potato
H322M, NCI-H460 and NCI-H522, human starch and slowed the diffusion of glucose in
ovarian adenocarcinoma IGROV -1, a dialysis experimentMI011 . Water extract of
human ovarian cancer cell line OVCAR-8, dried leaves, administered orally to rabbits
human renal cancer cell line 786-0, human at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was active. Drop in
renal cancer cell lines A498, CAKI-l, blood sugar of 15 mg relative to inert-treated
SN-12C, TK-I0 and UO-31, Leuk-K562, control indicated positive results MI011 .
Leuk-SR, Melanoma-LOX IMVI, elanoma- Immunomodulatory activity. Alcohol
M14, Melanoma-SK-MEL-28, Melanoma- extract of the stem bark (containing 2.6%
UACC-257, Melanoma-UACC-62, and mangiferin) produced an increase in
Mycobacterium fortuitum MI011 • Water extract humoral antibody titer and delayed type
of freeze-dried fruit was active on Leuk- hypersensitivity in mice M1IOo .
P815. Tumor-toxic activity was evaluated Insecticidal activity. Petroleum ether
by culturing Mastocytoma P815 cells extract of dried bark, at a concentration of
with macrophage cells and measuring the 50.0 meg, was active on Rhodinius
incorporation of 3H-Thimidine radio- neglectus MI019 •
activi ty MI054. Interleukin induction. Water extract of
Dermatitis producing effect. Fresh fruit, freeze-dried fruits produced weak activity.
applied externally to male children, was IL-l activity was measured by the IL-l
active. Cross-sensitivity resulted from the dependent growth of aT-helper cellline MI014 .
presence of phenols with 15-C side Juvenile hormone activity. Acetone
chains MI01o . extract of stem was active MJ020 .
Enzymatic degradation effect. Ripe Larvicidal activity. Water extract of dried
mango puree was treated with fungal cotyledons, at a concentration of 0.03 gm/ml,
polysaccharidases containing pectinolytic, was inactive on Culex quinquefasciatus. The
hemicellulolytic, and cellulolytic activities concentrations given are in grams of fresh
for 2 hour at 50°C. A loss of 30% of the cell plant material per ml water MI046 .

Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry contractions and 20.17% reduction in con-

(homogenate) of fresh entire plant was tractions vs KCI-induced contractions MJOS \
inactive on Lymnaea columella and Lymnaea The stem bark, at a concentration of 80
cubensis, LDlOO for both was more than 1 M micrograms/ml in an organ bath, exhibited
ppmMJ066. Water extract of oven-dried leaves more that 70% inhibition of acetylcholine
produced weak activity on Biophalaria and/or KCI solution-induced contractions
pfeifferiMI086. Water saturated with fresh leaf on isolated guinea-pig ileum MlIo8 .
essential oil, at a concentration of 1:l 0, was Teratogenic activity. Seed oil, in the
inactive on Biomphalaria glabrata MI073 . ration of rats, at a dose of 10.0% of the diet,
Mutagenic activity. Seed oil was inactive was inactive. The experiment was carried
on Salmonella typhimurium T Al 00 and out over 3 generations. There was no dif-
T A98. Metabolic activation had no effect ference in litter size, birth weight or wean-
on the resultsMIO~4. ing weight over controls fed cocoa butter
Nutritional value. Seed oil, in the ration fat MI038 .
of rats at a dose of 10.0% of the diet, was Toxic effect (general). Seed oil, in the
active. Animals showed good growth perfor- ration of rats at a dose of 10.0% of the diet,
mance and feed efficiency. The oil is rich in was inactive. There was no effect on organ
stearic and oleic acids and low in linoleic weights, cholesterol, triglyceride and lipid
acid. The experiment was carried out over 3 content of serum and liver, mating behav-
generations of rats M1OJ8 . ior, litter size, birth weight or mortality over
Plant germination effect. Water extracts controls fed cocoa-butter fat. Experiments
of dried bark, dried leaves and dried stem, at were carried out over 3 generations M10J8 .
concentrations of 500 gm/liter, produced Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
weak activity on the seeds of Cuscuta reflexa nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried aerial parts,
after 6 days of exposure to the extract M10 \7. administered intraperitoneally to mice, pro-
Plant growth inhibitor. Water extracts of duced LDso > 1000 mg/kgMJOsI.
dried leaves, dried stem and dried bark, at Tumor promotion inhibition. Methanol
concentrations of 500.0 gm/liter, produced extract of fresh fruit, at a concentration of
weak activity. Cuscuta reflexa seedling 200.0 mcg in cell culture, was inactive on
length, weight and dry weight were measured Epstein-Barr virus vs 12-0-hexadecanoyl-
after 6 days exposure to the extractMIOS7 . phorbol-13-acetate-induced Epstein-Barr
Spasmolytic activity. Butanol extract of virus activation MI088 .
dried trunk bark, at a concentration of 0.2 Uterine stimulant effect. Ethanol/water
mg/ml, was active on guinea pig ileum. A (1: 1) extract of dried aerial parts was active
reduction of 45.12 % in contractions was on rat uterus MI081 . Water extract of kernel
seen vs ACh-induced contractions and was inactive on nonpregnant uterus of
37.4 3 % reduction in contractions vs KCI- guinea pigsMIO04.
induced contractions. Isopentyl alcohol WBC-Macrophage stimulant. Water
extract of trunk bark, at a concentration extract of freeze-dried fruits, at a concentra-
of 0.2 mg/ml, produced 87.34% reduction tion of 2.0 mg/ml, produced weak activity
in contractions vs ACh-induced contrac- on macrophages. Nitrile formation was used
tions and 76.54% reduction in contractions as an index of the macrophage-stimulating
vs KCI-induced contractions. Methanol activity to screen effective foodsMlo54.
extract of dried trunk bark, at a concentra- Weight increase. Seed oil, in the ration of
tion of 0.2 mg/ml, produced 34.00% reduc- rats at a dose of 10.0% of the diet, produced
tion in contractions vs ACh-induced weak activity. The experiment was carried

out over 3 generations. The first generation MI014 Anjaneyulu, V., K. Harischandra, P. K.
showed a slight weight increase over con- Ravi and J. D. Connolly. Triterpenoids
from Mangifera indica. Phytochemistry
trols fed cocoa butter fat MIOJ8 •
1985; 24(10): 2359-2367.
MI015 Anjaneyulu, V., J. S. Babu, M. M.
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18 Manihot

Common Names
Aikavitu Nicaragua Manioka Samoa
Anaha Nicaragua Maniota Venezuela
Belaselika Nicaragua Mannyok Venezuela
Cassava Brazil Merelesita Venezuela
Cassava Guyana Muhoko Tanzania
Cassava Nicaragua Nao harnaka Papua-New Guinea
Cassava Nigeria Noumea Papua-New Guinea
Cassava Tanzania Sakarkanda Papua-New Guinea
Cassava Thailand Sakarkanda Fiji
Cassava Venezuela Sokobale Fiji
Cassava Zaire Tapioka Samoa
Coei Zaire Tapioka Venezuela
Itk Nicaragua Tavioka Venezuela
Kasaleka Nicaragua Vula/tolu Venezuela
Kasera Nicaragua Yabia Venezuela
Kasera Fij i Yabia damu Venezuela
Katafaga Fiji Yauhra Nicaragua
Manioc Central Africa Yuca Guatemala
Manioc Rodrigues Islands Yuca Nicaragua
Manioc Sri Lanka Yuca Puerto Rico

A perennial shrub of the EUPHORBIACEAE place. Fruit is a small capsule; seeds are
family with slender, little-branched, erect mottled and about 12 mm long.
nodose, glaborous stems, arising from a stock ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION
bearing thick, tuberous roots; usually grow-
Native probably to Brazil, it is now wide-
ing to about 3 meters high. Leaves are spi-
spread in the tropics and subtropics. It is also
rally arranged, long-stalk to a blade deeply
cultivated and sometimes relict.
divided into 3 to 7 linear to elliptic-lan-
ceolate lobes, exuding a milky sap when bro- TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES
ken. Flowers are not often formed because Central Africa. Leaf juice is taken orally as
plants are harvested before flowering takes an abortifacientMEool.

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 7: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press In c., Totowa, NJ


Colombia. Dried leaves, crushed together Yucalexin A-19: Rt 2.8ME006

with leaves of Tabernaemontana undulata, Yucalexin B' -11: Rt 3ME006
are boiled to produce a tea that is consid- Yucalexin B-14: Rt 1.1 ME006
Yucalexin B-18: Rt 1.9MEoo6
ered an excellent vermifugeMEol4.
Yucalexin B-20: Rt 1ME006
Fiji. Juice of grated tubers is taken orally Yucalexin B-22: Rt 1AMEoo6
for constipation and indigestion. Boiled Yucalexin B-5: Rt 0.6 MEO06
tubers are eaten for diarrheaMEo38. Yucalexin B-6: Rt 2.5ME006
Haiti. Macerated dried leaves are put in a Yucalexin B-7: Rt 1.3MEoo6
bath, or applied to the forehead for head- Yucalexin B-9: Rt 18.3MEoo6
ache. For cutaneous infections, leaves are Yucalexin P-lO: Rt 2.1MEoo6
used in a bathMEo40. Yucalexin P-12: Rt 2.1MEoo6
Yucalexin P-13: Rt 0.3ME006
Ivory Coast. Hot water extract of leaves is Yucalexin P-15: Rt 1A MEo o6
taken orally as an emmenagogueMEOOZ. Yucalexin P-17: Rt 0.3ME006
Samoa. The stem is inserted into the Yucalexin P-21: Rt 0.5ME006
uterus and rotated as a means of inducing Yucalexin P-4: Rt OA ME006
abortionMEool. Boiled tuber is taken orally Yucalexin P-8: Rt 6.9ME006
for diarrheaMEo4o.
Venezuela. Fresh pulverized tuber is eaten PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES
for diarrhea MEo1 ,. AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Antibacterial activity. Ethyl acetate
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS extract of dried aerial parts, at a concentra-
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) tion of 1.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was active
Amentoflavone: LfME048 on Staphylococcus aureus. Water and acetic
Ascorbic acid: RtME017 acid extracts of the dried aerial parts, at con-
Caffeic acid: Rt ME017 centrations of 1.0 mg/disk, were inactive on
Ent-kaurene: RtME006
Escherichia coli, and the water extract was
Ent-primara-8(14)-15-diene: RtMEO06
Glucose: RtME017 inactive on Staphylococcus aureus ME04 ,.
HCN: Lf 0.018_0.180%ME030,ME035, StME007, Anticrustacean activity. Ethyl acetate
Flou rME009,MEOlO, Tuber ME013 ,ME012, extract of dried aerial parts produced weak
Rt Bk 1351 ME022 activity on Artemia salina, LC so 2390 mcg/ml.
Hydrogen sulfide: Lf 42_8573 ME018 The water extract was inactive, LC so 4430
Iso-linamarin: Tb 0.79%ME004 mcg/ml MEo4 ' .
Linamarin: SeedlingME016, Antifertility effect. Fresh root as the diet of
Tb 0.042_0.393%ME004,ME005
female rats was active. Significant reduction
Linustatin: SeediingME016
Lotaustralin: SeedlingME016, RtME020 in frequency of pregnancy was observed. The
Malic Acid: Rt ME017 average number of the litter and birth
Methyl Ii namari n: Tb 80_113ME005 weights was significantly reducedMEoll .
Neo linustatin: Seediing ME016 Antifungal activity. Acetic acid extract of
Oxalic acid: Lf 0.635%MEOll dried aerial parts, at a concentration of
Podocarpusflavone A: LfME048 < 0.13 mg/ml on agar plate, was active on
Querceti n: RtME017
Microsporum canis, Microsporum fulvum,
Querceti n- 3-0-a-L -rham nosyl-gl ucos ide:
LfME047 Microsporum gypseum and Trichophytum
Scopoleti n: RtME017 gallinae. The water extract was active on
Stachene( +): RtME006 Microsporum canis and inactive on
Tyrosine: RtME017 Microsporum fulvum, Microsporum gypseum
Yucalexin A-16: Rt 0.lMEoo6 and Trichophytum gallinaeME04S. Water extract

of fresh leaves, on agar plate, was inactive centrations of 1.0 mg/disk, were inactive
on Ustilago nuda, and strong activity was on Candida albicans and Saccharomyces
reported on Ustilago maydisMEo36. cerevisiaeME04S.
Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Dried Crown gall tumor inhibition. Water and
root in the ration of rats, at a dose of 68.0 acetic acid extracts of dried aerial parts,
gm/animal, was active. The animals were fed in cell culture, were active. LC so 0.03 mcg/ml
the ration daily for 3 months. There was an and 0.32 mcg/ml, respectively, were
overall decrease in serum levels; however, observed. Assay system is intended to pre-
high-density lipid cholesterol was increased, dict for antitumor activityMEo45.
as compared to rats fed rice. Results signifi- Diabetogenic activity. Dried tuber, in the
cant at P < 0.01 levelMEo19. ration of dogs, was active. Animals were fed
Antihyperlipemic activity. Dried root, in diet in which cassava (rice, in controls) pro-
the ration of rats at a dose of 68.0 gm/ani- vided the carbohydrate. After 14 weeks, the
mal, was active. Animals were fed the ration plasma amino acid index of gluconeogenesis
daily for 3 months. There were significant was 5.077 times greater in the cassava-fed
decreases in lipid and cholesterol levels over compared to control animals. This value was
animals fed riceME019. 1.912 times greater than controls in a third
Antithyroid activity. Dried root ingested by group fed rice and HCN. Plasma lipase
human adults was activeME033. activity was significantly elevated in cas-
Antitumor activity. Ethanol (95%) extract sava-fed vs controls. Plasma thiocyanate lev-
of dried root, administered intraperitoneally els were elevated in both cassava- and
to mice at a dose of 100.0 meg/kg, was inac- HCN-fed animals, but significantly more so
tive on Sarcoma 180 (ASC); the water in the latter. Pancreas showed hemorrhage,
extract was active at the same doseMEo26. necrosis, fibrosis and atrophy of acinar tis-
Antiviral activity. Ethyl acetate extract of sue and fibrosis of islets. Hemorrhage was
dried aerial parts, in cell culture, was active less prominent and fibrosis more so in HCN-
on Cytomegalovirus, LC so 0.14 mcg/ml and fed animals ME029 . Cassava fed to rats did not
Sindbis virus, LC so 5.2 mg/ml when the produce diabetes even after a year of feed-
viruses are exposed to the extract before ing. There were transient changes in serum
infecting host cells, and LC so 6.1 mg/ml insulin and lipase levels, but the significance
when the infected host cells were exposed of these findings were not clear. There was
to the extract. The extract was inactive on no histopathological evidence of either
Cytomegalovirus when hosts cells were acute or chronic pancreatitis, but there were
exposed to the extract, LC so > 100 mcg/ml. changes of toxic hepatitis in the liverME102.
Water extract of dried aerial parts, in cell Embryotoxic effect. Dried root flour, in
culture, was active on Cytomegalovirus, the ration of pregnant rats at a dose of
LC so 0.18 mcg/ml and Sindbis virus, LC so 80.0% of the diet, was inactive. Dosing was
26.0 mcg/ml when viruses were exposed on day 1-15 of gestation. Resorption
to the extract before infecting hosts occurred in 19%, and fetal malformation
cells; Sindbis virus, LC so 3.2 mcg/ml when in 28%. Cassava starch from roots, in the
infected host cells were exposed to the ration of rabbits at concentrations of 15.0,
extract; inactive on Cytomegalovirus, 30, and 45% of the diet, was inactive ME032 .
LC so > 100 when infected hosts cells were Fish poison. Water extract of fresh root
exposed to the extractME04S. bark was active, LDso 0.25%MEo42.
Antiyeast activity. Ethyl acetate and Glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase
water extracts of dried aerial parts, at con- stimulation. Dried root, in the ration of rats

at a dose of 68.0 gm/animal, was active. phur amino acids were used for cyanide
Animals were fed the ration daily for 3 detoxication. No significant differences
months. Liver enzyme levels were lower were found between the 2 populations in
than animals fed on riceMEOl9. weight-for-height and weight-for-age indi-
Goitrogenic activity. Dried tuber, in the ces but height-for-age index was signifi-
ration of dogs, was inactive. Animals were cantly lower in children from the south,
fed diet in which cassava (rice, in controls) indicating more severe growth retardation
provided the carbohydrate. After 14 weeks in children exposed to dietary cyanideMElo3.
T3 level had raised by roughly 40% in each Hyperglycemic activity. Fresh root,
group, whereas it had fallen by 36% in a ingested by human adults at variable dos-
third group fed rice and HCN. Thyroid age levels, was inactive. A study of 110
weight after 14 weeks was not significantly non-insulin dependent diabetics failed to
different between control and cassava-fed find evidence that consumption of cassava
groups, although it was significantly elevated flour induces diabetes ME021 . Tuber, ingested
above control in HCN treated group. Thio- by male human adult at a dose of 50.0 gm/
cyanate levels were elevated in cassava and person, was active ME025 .
HCN-fed groups, though only the latter Juvenile hormone activity. Acetone
demonstrated thyroid histopathologyME028. extract of stem was activeME008.
Fresh root, administered to mice by gastric Lipid metabolism effects. Dried roots, in
intubation, was inactive MEOJ9 . the ration of rats at a dose of 68.0 gm/animal,
Five hundred and eighty five households were active. Animals were fed the ration
were selected in 3 areas with high preva- daily for 3 months. Total serum cholesterol
lence of goiter. The relative impact of and triglyceride were lowered over rats fed
iodine deficiency (estimated by mean iodine rice. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
excretion in the urine of family members) level in the liver was increased. Triglyceride
and cassava consumption (mean frequency lipase and lipoprotein lipase were decreased.
of consumption by the household). Cassava Results were significant at P < 0.01IevelMEoI9.
consumption, even on a regular basis, nei- Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry
ther caused nor increased goiter formation (homogenate) of fresh entire plant was
in that area. This was probably due to the inactive on Lymnaea columella and Lymnaea
local method of cassava root preparation, cubensis, LDlOo > 1 ppm ME034 . Water extract
which reduces the amount of cyanogenic of oven-dried leaves was inactive on
compounds consumed. Iodine deficiency Biomphalaria pfeifferiME041. Water extract of
was principally responsible for goiter oven-dried stem showed weak activity on
formation MElO6 . Biomphalaria pfeifferiME041.
Growth retardation effect. The effect of Mutagenic activity. Fresh leaves, and ace-
inadequately processed cassava was studied tone and methanol extracts of fresh leaves,
in 2 populations in The Democratic Repub- at concentrations of 50 mg/plate on agar
lic of Congo. In the population (south) in plate, were active on Salmonella typhimurium
which the cassava was not thoroughly pro- T A98. Mutagenicity was assayed after acid or
cessed, the mean urinary thiocyanate was enzymatic hydrolysis after leaves were boiled.
much higher, whereas mean urinary sul- Hexane extract of fresh leaves at a concen-
phate excretion was equally low in the 2 tration of 500.0 mg/plate on agar plate was
populations. However, the mean urinary inactive on Salmonella typhimurium T A98.
SCN/S0 4 molar ratio was higher in the Chloroform extract of fresh leaves, at a con-
south (0.20), indicating that 10-20% of sul- centration of 0.1 ml/plate on agar plate, was

inactive on Salmonella typhimurium TA100, (p < 0.05) less than that of the control from
T A97 and T A98. The mutagenic effect was the third month. There were no significant
measured after boiling the leaves and meta- changes in the lipid peroxide levels of the
bolic activation had no effect on the rat brains in the various groups. Histological
resultsMEo24. Chloroform extract of boiled root, examination of the brains indicated that
at a concentration of 0.1 ml/plate on agar scopoletin is involved in the pathogenesis of
plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium the neuropathy seen in cassava consuming
TA9B, and inactive on TA97 and TA100. populationsMElos. Cassava consumption
Metabolic activation had no effect on the reduced the motor coordination, but the
resultsMEo24. Chloroform extract of dried roots, changes in neurotransmitter levels due to
at a concentration of 0.1 ml/plate on agar cassava consumption (except for 5HT
plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium in corpus striatum) was identical with mal-
T A97 and T A98, and inactive on TAlCO. nutrition-induced changes, indicating that
Mutagenic effect measured after boiling and the toxicity of chronic cassava consumption
metabolic activation had no effect on the is mainly due to the associated protein calo-
resultsMEo24. rie malnutritionMElO7 .
Neurological effects. Cassava, adminis- Ovulation inhibition effect. Cassava
tered orally to albino rats for 30 days, alters starch from root, in the ration of rabbits at
the emotional status of the rats, with concentrations of 15%,30% and 45% of the
changes in the basal neurotransmitter levels diet, was inactiveME032.
in the hypothalamusMElO1 . A male agricultural Protein synthesis inhibition. Fresh leaves
worker in Brazil was suffering for 4 years from in buffer were active, lCso 0.75 mg of pro-
a predominantly crural spastic paraparesis. tein per m1MEo27.
His main food was 'mandioca brava' or wild Respiration (cellular) inhibition. Dried
cassava that was insufficiently cooked. Study tuber, in the ration of rats at a dose of 35.0%
of the cerebrospinal fluid ruled out infection of the diet, was active. Effects were mea-
by HTLV and neurosyphilis. On magnetic sured in the liverMEo21.
resonance there was a slight thoracic Teratogenic activity. Dried root flour, in the
atrophyMElO4. Scopoletin was administered to ration of pregnant rats at a dose of BO.O% of
4-week old rats in rations of 3 groups of rats the diet, was active. Dosing was on days 1-15
containing 0.07 microgram scopoletin/100 of gestation. Resorption occurred in 19%,
gm, 0.07 microgram scopoletin and 1.B mg and fetal malformation occurred in 2B%. Of
cyanide/1 00 gm, and 1.B mg cyanide/1 00 gm, the abnormal fetuses, all showed growth
respectively. These levels of scopoletin and retardation, 19% had limb defects and 5.5%
cyanide corresponded to levels found in a had microcephaly with open eye ME037 . Fresh
processed cassava diet. The first group was root, in the ration of female rats at a concen-
fed the same ration as the others but without tration of 50.0% of the diet, was inactive ME031 .
scopoletin and cyanide. The rats were fed Thyroid stimulating hormone activity.
these rations for 12 months. Rats from each Sun-dried root, ingested by human adults,
group were sacrificed at the third, sixth, was active ME046 .
ninth and twelfth months; the relative brain Toxic effect (general). Hot water extract of
weight of the rats (% of body weight) and fresh leaves, taken orally by human adults at
histology of their brains were also studied at variable dosage levels, was inactive. The
twelfth month. The results indicated that leaves, which usually contain large quanti-
the relative brain weight of the rats fed ties of cyanogenic glucosides, were processed
scopoletin and cyanide were significantly into a traditional vegetable sauce "Mpondu"

by simple methods that included blanching ME009 Pieris, N., G. G. Premadasa and E. R.
(10 minutes), mashing and boiling for 20- Jansz. A method for assay of total
potential cyanide in manioc flour. J
80 minutes. These methods enhanced the
Natl Sci Counc Sri Lanka 1974; 1: 207.
detoxification of the leaves, with blanching MEOlO Jansz, E. R., N. Pieris, E. E. Jeya Raj and
alone resulting in the loss of 57% of the D. J. Abeyratne. Cyanogenic glucoside
bound (glycosidic) cyanide. It was presumed content of manioc. II. Detoxification of
that losses of cyanide during these processes manioc chips and flour. J Natl Sci
would be accounted for in volatile HeN, its Counc Sri Lanka 1975; 2: 129,
MEOll Valyasevi, A. and S. Dhanamitta.
derivatives and boiling waterMEOJO. Entire
Bladder stone disease in Thailand,
plant, taken orally by human adult, was XVII. Effect of exogenous sources of
activeME04J,ME044. Fresh root, as the entire diet oxalate on crystalluria. Amer J Clin
of female rats, was active. There was an Nutr 1974; 27: 877.
increased incidence of neonatal deaths ME012 Pieris, N., E. R. Jansz and R. Kandage.
among offspring, which had poor develop- Cyanogenic glucoside content of man-
ioc. I. An enzymic method of determi-
ment, reduced brain weight and increased nation applied to processed manioc. J
tendency toward biting littermatesMEOJI. Natl Sci Counc Sri Lanka 1974; 2: 67.
ME013 Pieris, N. and E. R. Jansz. Cyanogenic
REFERENCES glucoside content of manioc. III. Fate
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19 Momordica

Common Names
African cucumber USA Cerasee Trinidad
Amargoso Philippines Cerasee West Indies
Ampalaya Philippines Concombre West Indies
Ampalaya USA-FL Condiamor Belize
Art pumpkin West Indies Condiamor Guatemala
Asorosi Haiti Coraillie West Indies
Assorossi Haiti Cun de amor Puerto Rico
Balsam apple West Indies Cundeamor Brazil
Balsam pear Australia Cundeamor Cuba
Balsam pear Bahamas Cundeamor Mexico
Balsam pear Thailand Cundeamor Puerto Rico
Balsam pear USA Cundeamor USA
Balsambirne Bahamas Embusabusu Congo-Brazzaville
Balsamina India Eyezom Guinea
Balsamina Peru Futoreishi Japan
Balsamino Panama Kakara India
Ban kareli India Kakayi Nigeria
Baramasiya India Kakiral India
Barbof Senegal Kakle East Africa
Bitter cucumber Thailand Kakral India
Bitter gourd Fiji Karala India
Bitter gourd India Karawila Sri Lanka
Bitter gourd Thailand Karela Fiji
Bitter gourd USA Karela India
Bitter melon USA Karela Nepal
Bitter pear melon Taiwan Karela USA
Bobobo Ivory Coast Karela West Indies
Broomweed Nicaragua Kuguazi West Indies
Caprika West Indies Lenzaa Congo-Brazzavi lie
Carailla Guyana Lumba-Iumba East Africa
Carilla USA Lumbuzi Thailand
Carilla West Indies Ma ra Thailand
Cerasee Bahamas Machete Puerto Rico
Cerasee Bimini Maiden apple USA
Cera see Jamaica Maiden apple Virgin Islands
From : Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Maiden's blush USA Paprika West Indies

Makalalaska Nicaragua Paroka Guadeloupe
Manamat East Africa Pavakkachedi India
Mange kuli West Indies Pepino montero Nicaragua
Mara khee nok Thailand Periya laut Malaysia
Mara Thailand Pom kouli Guadeloupe
Margoze Rodrigues Islands Pomme nerveille West Indies
Mbosa Congo-Brazzavi lie Pomme z'indiens West Indies
Mbunbulu Congo-Brazzaville Pomme-coolie Guadeloupe
Melao-de-sao caetano Brazil Qisaul-barri India
Meleni Brazil Qu isau I-barri Saudi Arabia
Mexicaine West Indies Saga Saudi Arabia
Miniklalasni Nicaragua Serimentok India
Momotica Curacao Seripupa India
Nagareishi Japan Sorosi Nicaragua
Nania nania Ivory Coast Sorrow see Belize
Nara cheen Thailand Sushavi India
Nguene Ivory Coast Tasplira Nicaragua
Nyanyra Togo Uchhe India
Nyinya East Africa Ulhimar India
Okookoo Nigeria Wild balsam pear Bahamas
Panaminik Nicaragua Yesquin Haiti
Papayilla Peru Zague zrou Ivory coast


Slender-stemmed tendril climber of the Africa. Hot water extract of root is taken
CUCURBITACEAE family, the older stem orally as an aphrodisiacMco21.
is often flattened and fluted to 6 m or longer. Asia. Fresh fruit is consumed in large
Leaves alternate, cut into 5-7 narrow-based amounts for the treatment of diabetesMco96.
lobes. The lobes are mostly blunt, but have Australia. Fresh fruit is cooked as a veg-
small marginal points, up to about 12 cm etable. After steeping in salt water, it is
long, very thin-textured, and characteristi- used as an anthelmintic and emetic. Hot
cally pungent and aromatic. Flowers are yel- water extract of root is taken orally as an
low on short (female) or long (male) abortifacientMCo26.
peduncles that are short-lived. Fruit nar- Bahamas. Hot water extract of dried vine is
rowed to both ends, ribbed with prominent taken orally as an emmenagogue and for
tubercles on the ribs, 8 to 15 cm long, orange early abortionMcl42.
when ripe and then becoming softly fleshy Belize. Hot water extract of dried leaves is
and opening to reveal pendulous seeds cov- taken frequently as a tea to treat diabetesMcl4o.
ered with red pulp. Bimini. Fruit is eaten as a vegetable. Hot
water extract of the vine is taken orally for
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION diabetes, fevers, and as an abortifacientMCI22 .
Originally found only in the tropics of the Brazil. Decoction of dried entire plant is
Old World, it has been spread by man taken orally as a vermifuge and febrifugeMCl88.
throughout all the tropical regions of the Decoction of dried stem is taken orally for
world and is commonly found on fences and fevers and malariaMco51. Diluted decoction
shrubs and in hedgerows. (14.2%) of fresh leaves is taken orally to

treat rheumatism. Cataplasm prepared from entire plant is taken orally for fever, to stimu-
fresh leaves is applied externally to treat lep- late the appetite, for liver troubles, anemia
rosy, especially to reduce the painMcOO9 . Dried and rage; ophthalmically, the decoction is
fruit is used as insecticide. Unripe fruit is used for eye infections and externally for
eaten to treat colds and as a purgative and cutaneous infections MC1BO .
abort-ifacientMCo71. Ethanol (95%) extract India. Butanol extract of dried leaves is
of the entire plant is taken orally for colic taken orally as a galactagogue; the hot water
and fevers. Hot water extract of the fruit is extract is taken orally as an emmenagogue
used externally to treat wounds. Fruit juice, in dysmenorrhea and for leprosy, piles and
mixed with Ricinus oil in equal parts, is jaundice. The leaf juice is taken orally as an
taken orally as an anthelmintic. Hot water anthelmintic. Fresh fruit is used as a com-
extract of root is taken orally as a purgative mon vegetable. Extract of the fruit is taken
and to induce abortion; in large doses as an orally for jaundice, piles, leprosy, as an
emetic, and the tincture is claimed to have emmenagogue in dysmenorrhea, as a tonic
an aphrodisiac effect MC009 . Seeds are taken for rheumatism and gout, and as a laxa-
orally as an anthelminticMCl96. tiveMCl43. Hot water extract of dried root is
Congo. Extract of entire plant is taken taken orally to induce abortion up to the
orally for menstrual irregularitiesMco2o. fifth month of pregnancyMCIl8,MCI83,MC207. Hot
Costa Rica. Leaf extract is taken orally as water extract of dried seeds is taken orally
an emmenagogueMCl27. for diabetes, hepatic disorders, and pain
Cuba. Extract of the entire plant is taken relief in gout, pain relief in rheumatism and
by females to treat sterilityMCoo2. Hot water as an anthelminticMClo3. The extremely bit-
extract of fruit and leaves is taken orally as ter effusion from boiled seeds, when taken
an emmenagogueMC202. orally, is said to produce instantaneous
Curacao. Hot water extract of vine, decocted vomitingMcllI . Hot water extract of flowers
with sugar, is taken orally for high blood and leaves is taken orally each month to pro-
pressureMC025. mote early abortionMco23. Hot water extract
East Africa. Hot water extract of root is of fresh seeds is taken orally for diabetesMco37.
taken orally as an abortifacientMCl93. Tender shoots, together with young leaves
England. Hot water extract of dried fruit is of Leucas indica, pepper, garlic and salt, are
taken orally for diabetesMco91. pulverized in equal quantities, made into
Fiji. Fresh fruit, toasted or fried in oil, is pills and taken once a day for 9 consecutive
eaten for stomach worms, fever, phlegm, and days to treat pneumonia. Shoots, ground
diabetes. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally for with pepper, camphor, young leaves of
hypertension, dysentery, and diabetesMcl69. Fluggea lencopyros and young shoots and bark
Ghana. Hot water extract of root is taken of mango are taken orally for 9 consecutive
orally for malarial feverM C19o . days to treat leukorrhagiaMco57. Hot water
Guadeloupe. Water extract of fruit is taken extract of fruit is taken orally as an anthelm-
orally for hyperglycemiaMcl55. intic, antileproticMCl93 and as a remedy for
Guam. Extract of the entire plant is used diabetes mellitusMco46. Fruits are eaten in
externally for malignant ulcersMCl93. large quantities as an abortifacientMcoo2 . Hot
Guatemala. Hot water extract of fresh leaves water extract of dried fruit is taken orally for
is used externally for ringworm and fungal diabetes Mco35 . Fresh fruit is used as an ingre-
skin diseases McI07 . dient in curriesMC091. For hydrophobia,
Haiti. Decoction of dried aerial parts is taken Notonia grandif/ora juice is mix,ed with bitter
orally for fever. Hot water extract of dried gourd (Momordica charantia L.) powder and

is taken orallyMC108. Hot water extract of root diabetic. Infusion of 10-12 leaves in 1 liter
is taken orally as an abortifacientMCOZl, of water is taken 3-4 times dailyMc1Z7.
MCOOZ,MCOl7,MCI9S. Hot water extract of seeds is Peru. Hot water extract of the dried fruit is
taken orally to produce instantaneous taken orally as a purgative and for respira-
vomiting MclZ6 . Seeds are taken orally as an tory conditions, and externally on contu-
anthelminticMCl95. Hot water extract of vine sions and wounds. Hot water extract of the
is taken orally as an emmenagogueMCOZI. Juice dried seed is taken orally as a vermifuge and
of the entire plant is taken orally as an abor- for colic, and externally for suppurationsMc187.
tifacient and an emmenagogue MCOl9 . Leaves Philippines. Decoction of dried entire plant
are eaten by children as a purgative MCOS7 and is used as a bath for newborns. It is believed
anthelminticMCl95. Saponifiable fraction of that it removes disease-causing elements
unripe fruit is used as a vegetable. The juice from the skin. The petroleum benzene extract
is taken orally for diabetes mellitusMcl97. is taken orally for coughs in infantsMC167. Hot
Unripe, fresh fruit juice is taken orally for water extract of root is taken orally to induce
malarial feversMco98. abortions. Hot water extract of vine is taken
Iraq. Water extract of fruit is taken orally as orally as a powerful emmenagogueMCOZl .
an anthelmintic and for leprosyMCl93. Puerto Rico. Hot water extract of dried en-
Ivory Coast. Leaves are crushed and the tire plant is taken orally for diabetesMco3z.
juice is taken orally with palm wine as an Hot water extract of the entire plant is
aphrodisiac McoZ4 . taken orally as a treatment for diabetes
Jamaica. Hot water extract of dried entire mellitusMco17. Hot water extract of vine
plant is used as a bush teaMCZ08. Hot water is taken orally for diabetesMcolZ,Mcozl and is
extract of dried fruit is taken orally for rubbed on the skin to relieve itchingMCoz8.
diabetesMcI54,Mcon. Saudi Arabia. Hot water extract of dried
Malaysia. Hot water extract of the entire fruit is taken orally for rheumatism, gout,
plant is taken orally as an abortifacientMCol8. liver and spleen disorders, pyrexia, colic,
Mexico. Decoction of the entire plant is flatulence, menstrual suppression and
taken orally to treat diabetes and diabetesMC095,MC168.
dysenteryMC064. Extract of the root is used as Senegal. Hot water extract of dried entire
an aphrodisiacMcoo3. Hot water extract of plant is taken orally for intestinal pain and
leaves is taken orally as an aphrodisiacMcoZl . externally as a cicatrisantMC172 .
Nepal. Leaf juice is taken orally as a purga- Sri Lanka. Extract of the fruit is taken orally
tive and emeticMCOOI . as an anthelminticMC193. Fresh fruit juiceMC067
Nigeria. Fifteen to 20 dried leaves are and hot water extractMC08S is taken orally for
crushed into 2-3 glasses of water; the filtrate diabetes mellitus. Hot water extract of dried
is taken orally with salt to taste, as a treat- fruit is taken orally as a hypoglycemic
ment for diarrhea. Decoction of dried fruit agentMC158.
and leaves is taken orally as a laxative Thailand. Decoction of dried fruit is taken
and anthelminticMCo54. Fresh fruit and leaf orally as an anti-inflammatoryMCI9z. The hot
juices are taken orally as an anthelmintic. water extract is taken orally for diabetes Mczoo .
Fresh entire plant is used externally for Hot water extract of dried entire plant is
malignant ulcersMClS6. Fresh fruit and leaves taken orally as an antipyreticMcz09 . Hot water
are eaten as a pot herbMcl49. Leaf extract is extract of dried leaf is taken orally as an
used to treat breast cancerMClS6. antipyreticMCzo6.
Panama. Hot water extract of leaf is taken Togo. Decoction of dried leaf is taken orally
orally as an antipyretic, choleretic and anti- for malariaMco99.

Trinidad. Decoction of dried fruit, leaf and is used, as a tea to which are ascribed anti-
stem is taken orally for diabetes {noninsulin- diabetic propertiesMco96
Turkey. Dried fruit juice is taken orally as a CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
treatment for peptic ulcersMC059. Fresh fruit is (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
eaten as a treatment for ulcersMC06B. (-)-Menthol: Sd EO MC081
USA. Hot water extract of fruit is adminis- 5-a stigmasta-7,22,25-trien-3-b-ol: FrMCOll
tered rectally as a remedy for hemorrhoids. 5-a stigmasta-7,22-dien-3-b-ol: FrMCOll
Externally, the fruit is used for snakebite, 5-Hydroxytryptamine: FrMC007
leprosy, itching, skin, bums and wounds. 24-Methylene cycloartenol: Sd oilMc082
Alanine: Sd O.0158%MC151
Unripe fruit is taken orally for bacillary dys-
Alpha carotene epoxide: PC MC050
entery; taken every 2 days, it relieves chronic Alpha glucose: SdMC083
colitis and in large doses it is an aborti- Alpha momorcharin: SdMC173
facient. Unripe fruit juice is used externally AI pha spi nasterol: FrMCOll
to treat bums. Hot water extract is taken Alpha-alpha trehalose: SdMC083
orally for thrush, as a substitute for quinine Alpha-elaeostearic acid: KeMC008
in intermittent fever, as a remedy for liver Arginine: Sd O.0323%MC151
Asparagine: SdMC151
and spleen ailments, for gout and rheuma-
Aspartic acid: Sd O.009%MC151
tism, as a vermifuge and purgative and for
Beta alanine: FrMC007
menstrual difficulties Mcozl . Beta amyrin: Sd oilMc082
Venezuela. Hot water extract of root is Beta carotene 5-6-epoxy: PC MC050
taken orally as an antimalarialMcozl. Beta carotene: PC MC050
Virgin Islands. Fruit is taken orally for a bad Beta glucose: SdMC083
heart and diabetesMcl98. Beta momorcharin: Sd O.08%MC166
West Africa. Extract of the root, together Beta sitosterol: FrMC1l7
Calceolarioside E: Aer MCl13
with the fruit and seeds, is taken orally as an
Capric acid: Sd oilMc086
abortifacientMCooz. Fruit is taken orally as an
Charantin: Fr O.035_0.15%MC197,MC005,
abortifacientMCl93 and antidiabetic Mcllo . SdMC159
West Indies. Decoction {sweetened} of the Charine: FrMC044
hot water extract ofleaves is taken orally as a Citrulline: FrMC010
powerful emmenagogue, for diabetes and Cryptoxanth in: PC MC050
hypertension and to treat worms and malar- Cucurbita-5-24-dien-3-beta-ol,10-alpha:
Sd oilMc082
ial fever. Fresh plant juice is taken orally for
Cucurbita-5-24-d iene,3-beta-7 -beta-23-
fever and to stimulate the appetite. The juice
trihydroxy-7 -O-beta-D-glucoside: LfMC104
is applied ophthalmic ally for eye infec- Cucurbitacin B: SdMC075
tionMCIBO. Fruit juice is taken orally for diabe- Cucurbitacin K: SdMC075
tes. Hot water extract of fresh or dried vine Cycloartenol: Sd oilMc082
with salt is taken orally by women before and Delta carotene: PC MC050
after childbirth. Seeds are taken orally as an Diosgenin: FrMC004, SCMC004
anthelmintic. Hot water extract of the entire Ethylene: FrMC124
Galacturonic acid: FrMC006
plant is taken orally as a laxative and aborti-
Gamma aminobutyric acid: FrMC007
facient; infusion alone or with Bidens reptans
Gamma carotene: PCMC050
is taken orally for menstrual troubles MC125 . Hot Gentisic acid: LfMC029
water extract of vine is taken orally regularly Glutamic acid: FrMC007, Sd O.0212%MC151
each month by women to avoid childbirth Glycine: Sd 38.2MC151
by early abortionMcozl. Infusion of dried leaves Goyaglycoside A: FrMC217

Goyaglycoside B: FrMC217 Momordica trypsin inhibitor MTI-II, SdMC040

Goyaglycoside C: FrMC217 Momordicin 11: LfMC104
Goyaglycoside D: FrMC217 Momordicin 8: LfMC104
Goyaglycoside E: FrMC217 Momordicine I: Lf + St 0.07%MC157
Goyaglycoside F: FrMC217 Momordicine II: Lf + St 0.07%MC157
Goyaglycoside G: FrMC217 Momordicine III: Lf + St 0.12%MC157
Goyaglycoside H: FrMC217 Momordicine: LfMC009
Goyasaponin I: FrMC217 Momordicoside A: FrMC217,
Goyasaponin II: FrMC217 Sd 0.1287%MC163
Goyasaponin III: FrMC217 Momordicoside B: Sd 0.0090%MC163
Hexadecan-l-ol: Sd EOMC081 Momordicoside C: FrMC217,
Histidine: SdMC151 Sd 0.0114%MC162
Inhibitor BG-l-A: SdMC041 Momordicoside D: Sd 0.00228%MC162
Inulin: Cal TisSMC048, FrMC047 Momordicoside E: Fr 0.0037%MC162
Iso leucine: SdMC151 Momordicoside E': Fr 0.001 04%MC147
Lauric acid: FrMCl12, Sd oilMC086 Momordicoside E-l : Fr 0.0756%MC147
Lectin inhibitor A: SdMCl16 Momordicoside EX: Fr 0.00126%MC147
Lectin: SdMCl16 Momordicoside F: Fr 0.0072%MC147
Leucine: SdMC151 Momordicoside F': 0.0006%MC147
Linoleic acid: Sd oilMco86, FrMCl12, CotMC152 Momordicoside F-l :' Fr O.0434%MC147
Linolenic acid: Sd OilMC086, FrMCl12, CotMC152 Momordicoside F-2: Fr 0.004%MC136
Lutein: PCMC050 Momordicoside G: Fr O.01236%MC136
Lycopene: SdMC080, FrMC150, PC MC05 0 Momordicoside H: Fr O.0074%MC147
Lysine: SdMC151 Momordicoside I: Fr O.0082%MC147
MAP-30: SdMC106 Momordicoside J: Fr O.0008%MC147
Momorcharaside A: SdMC105 Momordicoside K: FrMC146
Momorcharaside B: SdMC105 Momordicoside L: Fr 0.0036%MC147
Momorchari n I: SdMC056 Momordin 1c: FrMC226
Momorcharin II: SdMC056 Momordin 2: SdMC043
Momordica agglutinin: SdMC078 Momordin A: SdMC060
Momordica anti-HIV protein MAP-30: Momordin B: SdMC042
SdMC063 Momordin: SdMC078
Momordica charantia cytostatic factor or Multiflorenol: Sd oilMC082
11,000 daltons: FrMC148 Mutatochrome: PCMC050
Momordica charantia cytostatic factor or Mycose: Sd MC105
40,000 daltons: FrMC148 Myristic acid: Sd oilMco86
Momordica charantia cytostatic factor: Nerolidol: Sd EOMC081
FrMC175 Oleic acid: FrMCl12, Cot 15.58%MC152
Momordica charantia inhibitor protein: Ornithine: Sd O.0063%MC151
SdMC134 P-insulin: SdMC087, FrMC087
Momordica charantia lectin: SdMC135 Palmitic acid: FrMCl12, Sd OilMC086,
Momordica charantia steroid glycoside: Cot 2.71_51.95%MC152
FrMC039 Palmitoleic acid: FrMCl12
Momordica charantia triterpene glycoside: Para cymene: Sd EOMC081
CotMC160 Pentadecan-l-ol: Sd EOMC081
Momordica cucurbitane 3: LfMC104 Petroselinic acid: SdMC086
Momordica cucurbitane 6: LfMC104 Phytofluene: PCMC050
Momordica elastase inhibitor MEI-l : Proline: FrMC007
SdMC040 Ribosome-inactivating protein 1: SdMC182
Momordica protein MAP-30: Ribosome-inactivating protein 2: SdMC182
FrMC053, SdMC053 Ribosome-inactivating protein 3: SdMC182
Momordica trypsin inhibitor MTI-I, SdMC040 Ribosome-inactivating protein 4: SdMC182

Rosmarinic acid: Aer MCl13 Adenyl cyclase inhibition. Dried fruit, in

Rubixanthin: PCMC050 cell culture, was inactiveMC159.
Serine: Sd 0.0040%MC151
Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Squalene: Sd EOMC081
Stearic acid: Sd oilMC086, FrMCl12, CotMC152
extract of dried entire plant, administered
Stigmast-5-ene-3-beta-25 diol: FrMC014 intragastrically to mice, was inactive vs hot
Stigmasta-5-25-dien-3-beta-ol: FrMCl17 plate and tail clip methods. Ethanol/water
Stigmasta-5-25 (2 7)-d ien-3-beta-ol,3 -0-( 6'-0- (1: 1) extract of dried fruit, administered
palmitoyl-beta-D-glucosyl): FrMC101 intragastrically to mice, was inactiveMC055.
Stigmasta- 5-25(2 7)-d ien-3 -beta-ol,3-0-( 6'-0- Methanol extract of dried seed, adminis-
stearoyl-beta-D-gi ucosyl): FrMC1 01 tered subcutaneously 30 minutes before
Stigmasta-5-2 5-d i ene-3-beta-D-gi ucos ide: challenge, was active in mice and equivo-
cal in rats. Naloxone does not inhibit effect
Stigmasta-7 -22-25-trien-3-beta-ol: FrMC011
Stigmasta-7 -22-dien-3-beta-ol: FrMC011 vs acetic acid-induced writhingMCIOJ.
Stigmasterol: FrMC004 Anthelmintic activity. Ethanol (95%)
Taraxerol: Sd oilMC082 extract of fruit, at a concentration of 100.0
Threonine: Sd 0.0017%MC151 mg/ml, was active on Ascaridia galli. Ethanol
Trehalose: Sd 0.3960%MC151 (95%) extract of fruit juice, at a concentra-
Trypsin inhibitor MCI-3: SdMC084 tion of 0.1 ml, was active on Ascaridia
Tyrosine: Sd 0.0517%MC151
galliMco49. Hot water extract of seed, at a con-
V-insulin: FrMC110
Verbascoside: AerMCl13
centration of 1:50, was active on Haemon-
Vicine: Sd 0.0500_0AOOO%MC145,MC151 chus contortusMC195.
Zeatin riboside: SdMC144 Antibacterial activity. Chloroform and
Zeatin: SdMC144 ethanol (95%) extracts of dried fruit, at con-
Zeaxanthin: PCMC050 centrations of 250.0 mg/ml on agar plate,
Zeinoxanthin: PCMC050 were active on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus
aureus. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract, at a con-
AND CLINICAL TRIALS centration of 1.0 mg/ml in broth culture, was
Abortifacient effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1) inactive on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Water
extract of dried aerial parts, administered extract, at a concentration of 250.0 mg/ml
orally to pregnant rats at a dose of 100.0 on agar plate, was active on Bacillus subtilis,
mg/kg, was inactive. Ethanol/water (1: 1) Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
extract of dried fruit, administered orally and inactive on Staphylococcus aureus. Petro-
to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was leum ether extract, at a concentration of
inactive MC1J3 . Water extract of dried seed, 250.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was active on
administered intraperitoneally to pregnant Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
rats at a dose of 8.0 mg/kg, was active. A frac- and inactive on Staphylococcus aureus and
tion designated as AP-ll was testedMC12J. Escherichia COliMC070. Dried fruit, on agar plate,
Acetone extract of dried seed, administered was active on Sarcina lutea. Chloroform,
intraperitoneally to pregnant mice at a dose ether, water and methanol extracts of dried
of 4.0 mc/gm on day 12 of pregnancy, was fruit, on agar plate, were active on Escheri-
activeMC166. Water extract, administered chia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella
intraperitoneally to pregnant mice at a dose typhosa, Sarcina lutea, and Shigella dysenteriae,
of 0.04 mg/ml, was activeMC071. Water extract and produced strong activity on Staphylococ-
of leaves, administered orally to female rats cus aureus, MIC < 50.0 mg/disk. Water and
at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was inactiveMc199. methanol extracts also produced strong acti-

vity on Bacillus subtiUs, MIC < 50.0 mg/disk. liver and DNA damage in lymphocytes
Petroleum ether extract was inactive on was reduced following treatment with the
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sal- extract. The extract was also found to
monella typhosa, Sarcina lutea, Shigella significantly activate the liver enzymes glu-
dysenteriae, and Staphylococcus aureusMCl19. tathione-S-transferase, glutathione peroxi-
Ethanol (95%) and hot water extracts of dase and catalase (P < 0.001), which showed
dried bark, on agar plate, were active on a depression following exposure to the
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureusMC205. carcinogenMcZ2o .
Ethanol (95%) and water extracts of dried Anticlastogenic activity. Fruit and leaf
seeds, at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml on juice, administered intraperitoneally to mice
agar plate, were inactive on Corynebacterium at a dose of 50.0 ml/kg, was active on marrow
diphtheriae, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Staphylo- cells vs mitomycin C-, tetracycline- and dim-
coccus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and ethylnitrosamine-induced micronucleiMco65.
Streptococcus viridans MCll5 . Ethanol (95%) Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (70%)
extract of dried leaves, undiluted on agar extract of fresh fruit, administered intraperi-
plate, was inactive on Staphylococcus aureus toneally to mice of both sexes at variable dos-
and Escherichia coli; hot water extract was ages, was inactive vs metrazole- and strych-
activeMCZ05. Methanol extract of dried leaves, nine-induced convulsions. Ethanol (70%)
on agar plate at a concentration of 2.0 mgt extract of fresh leaves, administered intrap-
ml, was active on Corynebacterium diptheriae, eritoneally to mice of both sexes at variable
Neisseria species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sal- dosage levels, was inactive vs metrazole- and
monella species, Streptobacillus species, and strychnine-induced convulsionsMcl49. Etha-
Streptococcus species, and inactive on Staphy- nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried entire plant,
lococcus aureus MC1ll . Ethanol/water (1: 1) administered intraperitoneally to mice, was
extract of entire plant, at a concentration of inactive vs supramaximal electroshock-in-
1.0 mg/ml in broth culture, was inactive duced convulsions. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
on Pseudomonas aeruginosaMC055. Methanol extract of dried fruit, administered intraperi-
extract of dried entire plant, at a concentra- tone ally to mice, was inactive vs hot plate
tion of 15.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was active and tail clip methodsMco55.
on Sarcina luteaMcl65. Methanol/water (1: 1) Antifertility effect. Fresh leaf juice, admin-
extract of leaves, in broth culture, was active istered orally to female mice, was activeMczol.
on Staphylococcus aureus, and inactive on Unripe fruit juice, administered by gastric
Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Proteus spe- intubation to male rats at a dose of 5.0
cies, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococ- ml/kg daily for 49 days, followed by mating,
cus albus Mco45 . Unsaponifiable fraction of seed was activeMCl41.
oil, on agar plate, was active on several Gram Antifungal activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
negative organismsMCl53. of dried seeds, at a concentration of 10.0
Anticarcinogenic effect. Water extract of mg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on
the fruit, administered orally to mice, pro- Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum,
duced an adverse effect on the general Phialophora jeanselmei, Piedraia hortae, and
health and lifespan of the animals when Trichophyton mentagrophytes Mc1l5 . Ethanol/
used at a high concentration. But when the water (1:1) extract of dried entire plant, at a
dose was reduced by half, the extract concentration of 1.0 mg/ml in broth culture,
afforded protection from the development was inactive on Aspergillus fumigatus and Tri-
of skin tumor and increased life expectancy. chophyton mentagrophytes. Ethanol/water
Carcinogen-induced lipid peroxidation in (1: 1) extract of dried fruit, at a concentra-

tion of 1.0 mg/ml in broth culture, was inac- sity lipoprotein cholesterol; high density
tive on Aspergillus jumigatus and Trichophy- lipoprotein cholesterol levels tended to
ton mentagrophytes Mco55 • Hot water extract of decrease by dietary cholesterol, while they
fresh leaves, in broth culture at a concen- were consistently elevated by the dietary
tration of 1.0 ml, was inactive on Epider- powder both in the presence and absence of
mophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis and dietary cholesterol, indicating an antiather-
Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. algodonosa ogenic activity. In addition, the powder
and granulare Mc107 . exhibited a marked reduction in the hepatic
Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity. The total cholesterol and triglyceride levels both
fruit produced significant activity against in the presence and absence of dietary cho-
the microorganismMczz5. lesterol; the reduction of triglyceride levels
Antihepatotoxic activity. Hot water extract in the absence of dietary cholesterol was in a
of dried aerial parts, at a concentration of 1.0 dose-dependent mannerMCZ19 •
mg/plate in cell culture, was inactive on Antihyperglycemic activity. Acetone
hepatocytes, measured by leakage of LDH extract of dried fruit, in the ration of rats at a
and ASATMC074. dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was active. Blood sugar
Antihistamine activity. Ethanol/water concentration decreased by 49% in 30 days.
(1:1) extract of dried entire plant, at a con- Blood sugar was maintained within normal
centration of 0.01 gm/ml, produced weak limits for 2 weeks after treatment ceased vs
activity on guinea pig ileumMcz09 . alloxan-induced hyperglycemiaMco94o. Ben-
Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Ace- zene extract of dried fruit, administered
tone extract of dried fruit, in the ration of intragastrically to rabbits at a dose of 1.0
rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was active vs gm/kg, was active. Alloxan-recovered rabbits
alloxan-induce hyperglycemiaMco94. Fruits, were tested for glucose tolerance following
taken orally by male human adults at a dose sample treatment vs glucose-induced
of 2.0 gm/person, were active. Ten mildly hyperglycemiaMco9z. Chloroform extract of
diabetic patients (23-28 years of age) were dried fruit, administered intragastrically to
used in the study. Fruit powder was given female rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
once daily for 11 daysMcI09. Freeze-dried fruit inactive vs streptozotocin-induced hyper-
powder, administered orally to rats at con- glycemiaMco70. Decoction of dried fruit, taken
centrations of 0.5, 1 and 3% without and orally by human adults at a dose of 500.0
added dietary cholesterol (Exp 1) and those mg/person, was activeMco36. Ethanol (95%)
containing the powder at the level of 1% extract of dried fruit, administered intra-
with or without 0.5% cholesterol and 0.15% gastric ally to female rats at a dose of 250.0
bile acid (Exp II). No adverse effect of die- mg/kg, was active vs streptozotocin-induced
tary powder on growth parameters and rela- hyperglycemia; 75.0 mg/kg, administered
tive liver weight were noted. The powder intraperitoneally to rats, was inactiveMcl74.
resulted in a consistent decrease in serum Dried powdered fruit, taken orally once daily
glucose levels in rats fed cholesterol-free for 11 days by 10 male patients with mild dia-
diets, but not in those fed cholesterol- betes (23-28 years of age), at a dose of 2.0
enriched diets, although no dose-response gm/person, was activeMc109 . Water extract of
was noted. Addition of cholesterol to the dried fruit, administered intragastrically to
diets as compared to those without added female rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
cholesterol caused hypercholesterolemia and active vs streptozotocin-induced hyperglyce-
fatty liver. The powder had little effect on mia. The effect was potentiated when used
serum lipid parameters, except for high den- with Curcuma longa and Emblica offici.

nalisMC070. The water extract, administered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 250.0

orally to rats at a dose of 4.0 gm/day for mg/kg, were inactive vs rats fasted for 18
2 months, was active vs alloxan-induced hours, over fed rats, glucose-induced hyper-
hyperglycemia. Onset of retinopathy was also glycemia and streptozotocin-induced hyper-
retardedMc184. Acetone extract of dried fruit, glycemia. With dosing for 21 days, the
at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg in the ration of rats, extract was also inactive vs glucose-induced
was inactive vs alloxan-induced hypergly- hyperglycemiaMco93. Ethanol (95%) extract
cemiaMC094 . Decoction of dried fruit, leaves of dried entire plant, administered intra-
and stem, administered intraperitoneally to gastrically to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg,
male mice at a dose of 0.5 ml/animal, was was active vs rats fasted for 18 hours, overfed,
active vs streptozotocin-induced hyperglyce- glucose-induced hyperglycemic and strep-
mia. One ml of extract is equivalent to 10 gm tozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats, and
of dried plant material. A single dose of the when dosed for 21 days vs glucose-induced
extract reduced plasma concentration by hyperglycemiaMco93 . Ethanol (95 %) extract of
about 50% after 5 hours Mcloo . Decoction of fresh fruit, administered intra-gastrically to
fresh seeds, taken orally by human adults at rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was active vs
variable dosage levels, was inactive. Three streptozo-toc in- induced-hyperglycemia.
patients were studied; half of a seed was Blood sugar levels decreased 22%MC058.
boiled in 5 cups of water until the volume Fresh fruit, administered intra-gastrically to
was 2 cups. One cupful was given in the rats at a dose of 15.0 gm/animal, 5 gm each
morning and 1 in the eveningMco37. Methanol time, 3 times a day for 3 weeks, was active
extract of shade-dried seeds, administered vs alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. Water
orally to rats at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was extract of fresh fruit, administered intra-
active vs adrenaline-induced hyperglyce- gastrically to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/animal
miaMC185. Dried fruit, administered intragas- for a period of 3 weeks, was active vs alloxan-
trically to rabbits at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was induced hyperglycemia. The reduction of the
active vs alloxan-induced hyperglycemiaMc09O . initial blood sugar level decreased from 220
Decoction of a 25% aqueous extract of dried mg% to 105 mg%. Water extract of fresh
fruit, administered intragastrically to mice fruit, administered orally to male human
at a dose of 0.5 ml/animal, was inactive vs adults at a dose of 1.0 gm/animal, was active
alloxan-induced hyperglycemia; maximal vs alloxan-induced hyper-glycemia. Blood
change in blood sugar was 4.33%MC095. Hot sugar was estimated after 2, 3, 4, and 7 weeks
water extract (25%) of dried fruit, adminis- of treatment. The fall in blood sugar was
tered by gastric intubation to mice at a dose highly significant at the termination of the
of 0.5 ml, was inactive vs alloxan-induced treatment. The overall decrease in blood
hyperglycemiaMc168. Dried fruit extract, sugar was 54%MC061. Hot water extract of fresh
together with a mixture of Litchi chinensis sa- fruit, administered intragastrically to rats of
ponins and oleanolic acid, administered both sexes at a dose of 4.0 gm/animal, was
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.1 gm/ active vs alloxan-induced hyperglycemiaMc097 .
kg, was active. Biological activity reported Fresh fruit juice, administered intragastrically
has been patentedMCll 4, Dried fruit, taken to rabbit at a dose of 6.0 ml/kg, was active vs
orally by human adults, was active. A dia- alloxan- and glucose-induced hypergly-
betic woman recovered from glycosuria after cemiaMC034 . Ethanol (95%) extract of fruit and
taking a kind of curry. Karela was an active fruit juice, administered orally to rabbits at
ingredientMCo91. Ethanol (95%) extract of doses of 3.0 ml/kg, were active vs alloxan-
dried aerial parts and fruits, administered induced hyperglycemiaMco31 . Fresh fruit juice,

taken orally by human adults at a dose of streptozotocin-treated animalsMC143. Water

50.0 ml/day for 8 to 11 weeks, was active. extract of fresh fruit, administered intra-
Improved glucose tolerance in diabetic gastrically to male mice at a dose of 0.5
patients was observed, results significant gm/kg, was active. There was a significant
at P < 0.01 levelMc176. When administered decrease in non-fasting blood glucose levels
intragastrically to male rats at a dose of 5.0 of hyperglycemia-induced mice, results sig-
ml/kg, the juice was active. A glucose toler- nificant at P < 0.01IevelMC068 . Water extract
ance test was usedMco38. Fresh fruit juice, of fresh fruit, administered intragastrically to
administered intragastrically to rats at a mice at a dose of 16.0 gm/kg, was active vs
dose of 10.0 ml/kg daily for 30 days, was inac- streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia MclOz .
tive vs streptozotocin-induced hyper- Water extract of seed, administered orally to
glycemiaMc189. Fresh fruit juice, taken by rabbits at a dose of 3.0 ml/kg, was inactive vs
human adults at a dose of 100.0 ml30 min- alloxan-induced hyperglycemiaMco31. Diamed,
utes before oral glucose load in the glucose a mixture composed of aqueous extracts of
tolerance test, was active. The results indi- Azadirachta indica, Cassia alata and Momor-
cated improved glucose tolerance in 73% of dica charantia, administered orally to rats at
the 18 patients with maturity onset dia- doses of 0.25, 0.30 and 0.35 gm/kg body
betesMc178. Fried fruit, taken orally by human weight for 30 days, produced a significant
adults at a dose of 0.23 kg/day for 8 to 11 reduction in blood glucose, glycosylated
weeks, was active. Improved glucose tolerance hemoglobin, and an increase in plasma insu-
in diabetic patients was observed, results sig- lin and total hemoglobin. The effect was
nificant at P < 0.05IevelMc176. Fruit pulp juice, highly significant after administration of the
administered intragastrically to rats at a dose 0.35 gm dose. The treatment also prevented a
of 2.5 gm/kg, was inactive vs streptozotocin- decrease in body weight. Oral glucose tolerance
induced hyperglycemia. The methanol extract test in experimental diabetic rats indicated a
was inactiveMco6z. Hot water extract of dried significant improvement in glucose tolerance
fruit, administered to diabetic rabbits at a in the animals treated. The effect was com-
dose of 10.20 mg/kg, was active MC1l8 . Lyo- parable to 600 microgram/kg of gli benda-
philized extract of dried fruit, administered mideMcz1o. The alcoholic and aqueous extracts
to rabbit at doses of 1.2 gm and 400 mg/kg, of the fruit, administered orally to rats fed
were inactive vs alloxan-induced hypergly- fructose for 15 days at doses of 100,200 and 400
cemiaMCIZO. Hot water extract of fresh fruit mg per day, increased serum glucose and insu-
juice, taken orally by human adults, was lin levels markedly and triglycerides levels mar-
active on maturity onset diabetics vs glucose- ginally vs control. The 400 mg per day dose of
induced hyperglycemia. A 73% improve- the aqueous extract for 15 days substan-
ment in glucose tolerance was observedMco85 . tially prevented hyperglycemia and hyperin-
Hot water extract of fruit juice, admin- sulinemia induced by a high diet in fructose
istered orally to rats at a dose of 5.0 ml/kg, (63.52 ± 2.9 vs 75.46 ± 2.4, respectivelyMCzlz.
was equivocal vs anterior pituitary extract- Anti-implantation effect. Ethanol/water
induced hyperglycemiaMcolo. Methanol ( 1: 1) extract of dried aerial parts, adminis-
extract of seed, administered intragastrically tered orally to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg,
to rats at a dose of 2.5 gm/kg, was inactive vs was inactive. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemiaMco6z. dried fruit, administered to rats at a dose of
Protein fraction (FM-1) of dried fruit was 100.0 mg/kg, was inactive MC133 . Hot water
active on mice MC089 . Seeds, administered by extract of leaves, administered orally to rats
gastric intubation to rabbits, were active in at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inactive MCOZ3 .

Antilipolytic activity. Acetone extract of initiation stage, and one week later given a
dried seed, at a concentration of 500.0 mcg/ subcutaneous dose of 15 mg/kg body weight
plate, was active on rat adipocytes vs ACTA- of azoxymethane, once a week for 2 weeks,
and epinephrine bitartrate-induced lipolysis. inhibited the mutagenicity of the heterocy-
Acetone extract of unripe fresh fruit, at a clic amines 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo-
concentration of 500.0 meg/plate, was active [4,5-f]quinoline and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-
on rat adipocytes vs ACTA-induced lipoly- phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine, and aflatoxin
sis, epinephrine bitartrate-induced lipolysis B1 in Salmonella mutation assayMC211.
and glucagon-induced lipolysisMcl70. Chro- Antimycobacterial activity. Chloroform,
matographic fraction of decorticated seed, at water and methanol extracts of dried fruit,
a concentration of 300.0 mcg/ml, was active on agar plate, were active on Mycobacterium
on hamster adipocytes. A concentration of smegmatis. The ether extract produced
250.0 mg/ml was active on rat adipocytes, strong activity, MIC 2.0 mg/disk. The petro-
results significant at P < 0.005 levelMco79. leum ether extract was inactive MCll9 .
Antimalarial activity. Chloroform extract of Antiprotozoan activity. Ethanol/water
aerial parts, administered subcutaneously to (1:1) extract of dried entire plant, at a con-
chicken at a dose of 42.0 mg/kg, was inactive centration of 125.0 mg/ml in broth culture,
on Plasmodium gallinaceum. A dose of 496.0 was active on Entamoeba histolyticaMco55.
mg/kg, administered subcutaneously to duck- Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried fruit, in
lings, was inactive on Plasmodium cathem- broth culture, was active on Entamoeba
erium. Water extract at a dose of3.44 gm/kg, histolytica, IC lOo 25.0 mcg/mIMco55.
administered orally to chicken, was inactive Antipyretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1)
on Plasmodium gallinaceumj a dose of 2.3 7 gm/ extract of dried entire plant, administered
kg, administered orally to ducklings, was by gastric intubation to rabbits at variable
inactive on Plasmodium cathemerium and dosages, was inactive vs yeast-induced
Plasmodium lophuraeMcol6. Ethanol (95%) pyrexiaMc209.
extract of dried leaves produced weak activ- Antispermatogenic effect. Ethanol (95%)
ity on Plasmodium falciparum, IC50 68.4 mg/ extract of fruit, administered orally to male
mlMco99. Water extract of dried flowers, dogs at a dose of 1.75 gm/animal, was active.
administered intragastrically to mice at a Animals were dosed daily for 20 days, sacri-
dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was inactive on Plasmo- ficed and the organs examined. Seminiferous
dium bergheiMco52. The aerial part was moder- tubules lacked primary spermatocytes. 38.7%
ately active on Plasmodium falciparum of the tubules contained normal spermatids.
chloroquine resistant strainMc224 . Spermatid abnormalities consisted of clear
Antimutagenic activity. Carbon tetrachlo- and vacuo led nuclei and formation of giant
ride and petroleum ether extracts of the multinucleated cells. Interstitial cells did not
unripe fruits, administered intragastrically to show morphological evidence of lesions.
mice at doses of 5.0 mg/gm, given twice, were After daily dosing for 40 days, tubule diam-
active. Methanol extract was inactive MClO1 . eter decreased to 167 m (220 for controls).
Methanol-insoluble fraction of dried leaves Testes exhibited variable degrees of sper-
was active vs methylnitrosamine, methyl matogenic arrest, mainly at spermatid stage
methane sulfonate and tetracycline-induced disorganization, sloughing of immature
genotoxicityMco66. Ethanol (80%) extract of cells and giant cell formation common in
the fruit, administered orally to male F344 damaged tubules. Daily dosing for 60 days
rats at concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 produced seminiferous tubules devoid of sper-
gm/kg body weight for 5 weeks during the matozoa. Seventy-five percent completely

lacked step 1-8 spermatid. Many tubules in survival, with 20-25% of the mice remain-
were devoid of cells except for sertoli cells ing tumor free for 96 daysMc222.
and basal spermatogonia. Tubular diameters Antiulcer activity. Chloroform, ethanol
were minimal and lumen of epididymis and (95%), and hexane extracts and essential
vas deferens devoid of spermatozoa. The oil, administered intragastrically to rats at
extract, administered orally and subcutane- doses of 500.0 mg/kg, were inactiveMC059.
ously to male gerbils at doses 200.0 mg/kg Olive oil and ethanol extracts of the mature
daily for 2 weeks, was active. Reduction in fruit, administered orally to rats with etha-
testicular weight and disruption of spermato- nol-induced ulcers, produced significant
genesis without affecting seminal vesicles or and dose-dependent anti-ulcerogenic activ-
prostate was observedMco77 . ity. The dried-powdered fruit in filtered
Antitumor activity. Hot water extract of honey was also active Mc22I .
entire plant, administered intraperitoneally Antiviral activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
to rats at a dose of 0.4 mg/animal, produced extract of dried fruit, in cell culture at a con-
weak activity on Sarcoma 180 (ASC). Slight centration of 0.05 mg/ml, was inactive on
increase in the life span was observed. When Ranikhet and Vaccinia virusMC055 .
administered orally to human adults, at a Antiyeast activity. Chloroform, ether and
dose of 15.0 ml/person 3 times daily for 62 methanol extracts of dried fruit, on agar
days, it was active on cancer (human). The plate, were active on Candida albicans.
extract, when administered to 1 lymphatic Water extract produced strong activity,
leukemia patient, produced marked increase MIC 25 mg/disk. Petroleum ether extract
in hemoglobin content and a decrease in was inactive MClI9 . Ethanol (95%) and water
WBCMCOI5. Water extract of fresh fruit, extracts of seeds, at a concentration of 10.0
administered intraperitoneally to mice at a mg/ml on agar plate, were inactive on Can-
dose of 100.0 mg/ml, was inactive on CBA/ dida albicans and Candida tropicalis MClI5 . Etha-
D 1 cells. The drug was pre-incubated with tu- nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried entire plant,
mor cells and then injected concomitantly. at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml in broth
The extract was also active on LEUK-L1210j culture, was inactive on Candida albicans,
drug was pre-incubated with tumor cell line Cryptococcus neoformans and Sporotrichum
in vitro. Weak activity was produced on schenckii. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
LEUK-P388, drug was also pre-incubated dried fruit, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml
with tumor cell line in vitroMC'64. Momordica in broth culture, was inactive on Candida
protein of 30 kDa (MAP30) was tested on albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans and
estrogen-independent and highly metastatic Sporotrichum schenckiiMco55.
human breast tumor MDA-MB-231 both in CNS depressant activity. Ethanol (70%)
vitro and in vivo. Treatment with MAP 30 extract of fresh fruit, administered intraperi-
resulted in inhibition of cancer cell prolifera- toneally to mice of both sexes at variable dos-
tion as well as inhibition of the expression of ages, was active. Ethanol (70%) extract of
HER2 gene in vitro. When MDA-MB-231 fresh leaves, administered intraperitoneally
human breast cancer cells were transferred to mice of both sexes at variable dosage lev-
into SCID mice, the mice developed exten- els, was activeMc'49.
sive metastases and all mice succumbed to Cytotoxic activity. Dried fruit extract, in
tumor by day 46. Treatment of the human cell culture, was active on CA-755 and
breast cancer bearing SCID mice with Leuk-CML (Human) MC159. Fresh fruit juice,
MAP30 at 10 microgram/injection EOD for in cell culture at a concentration of 0.l4
10 injections resulted in significant increases mg/ml, was active on Melanoma-B cell-M9.

Viable cells decreased from 100% to 5% Fructose diphosphatase inhibition. Etha-

between 18 and 26 hours. The juice was also nol (95%) extract of fresh fruit, administered
active on human lymphocytes and leukemic intragastrically to rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/
lymphocytes, EO lo 0.35 and 0.16 mg/plate, kg, decreased the activity by 20%MCOS8.
respectivelyMCLJ9. Hot water extract of entire Gamma-glutamyltransferase induction.
plant, at a concentration of 4.0 mg/ml, was Unripe fruit juice, administered intragas-
active on HEP 2 cellsMcoll. Water extract of trically to male rats at a dose of 10.0 ml/kg,
dried fruit, in cell culture, was inactive on was active, results significant at P < 0.001
human lymphocytesMcl61. Water extract of levelMco8s.
fresh fruit, in cell culture, was active on Gluconeogenesis inhibition. Hot water
CBA/Ol cells, COlO 50.0 mcg/ml. The extract of fresh fruit juice was inactive on
activity was highly dose-dependentMCI64. kidneysMCo8s.
Water extract of fresh fruit, in cell culture, Glucose absorption inhibition. Acetone
was active on human lymphoblast and extract of oven-dried fruit, at a concentra-
lymphocytesMcl28. Water extract of seeds, in tion of 125.0 mg/ml, was active on the rat
cell culture, was inactive on Sarcoma small intestine. Ethanol (95%) extract was
(Yoshida ASC), EO so > 1.0 mg/mI Mc022 . inactive on adipocytes. Aqueous high-speed
Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1) supernatant of fresh fruit, at a concentration
extract of dried entire plant, administered of 50.0 microliters, was active on the small
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 510.7 intestine and inactive on adipocytes of
mg/kg, was inactive. Ethanol/water (1: 1) rats MCl7l . Water extract of fresh fruit, admin-
extract of dried fruit, administered intra- istered intragastrically to mice at a dose of
gastrically to rats at a dose of 510.7 mg/kg, 16.0 gm/animal, was inactive vs strepto-
was inactive vs supramaximal electroshock- zotocin-induced hyperglycemiaMclo2.
induced convulsionsMcoss. Glucose oxidase inhibition. Aqueous high-
DNA Synthesis inhibition. Hot water speed supernatant of fresh fruit, at a concen-
extract of entire plant, at a concentration tration of 50.0 microliters, was active on rat
of 0.1 mg/ml, was active on sea urchin ova adipocytes and liver homogenatesMCl71. Etha-
(antimitotic effect}Mcols. Chromatographic nol (95%) extract of oven-dried fruit, at a
fraction of dried fruit, in cell culture, was concentration of 125.0 mg/ml, was active on
active on BKH-21 cells and vesicular sto- rat adipocytes and liver homogenates MCl7l .
matitis virusMCl61. Ethanol (100%) extract of Glucose uptake induction. Fresh fruit
seed, in cell culture, was active on Sarcoma juice, administered by gastric intubation to
180 (solid)Mc!Os. rats at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was active,
Embryotoxic effect. WaterMC199 and hot results significant at P < O.OOllevelMC177 . Hot
water MC023 extracts of leaves, administered water extract of fresh fruit juice was
orally to rats at 200.0 and 500.0 mg/kg, activeMco8s.
respectively, were inactive. Glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase
Estrogenic effect. Hot water extract of stimulation. Ethanol (95%) extract offresh
leaves, administered subcutaneously to rats at fruit, administered intragastrically to rats
a dose of 20.0 mg/animal, was inactive MC023 . at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was active vs
Feeding deterrent (insect). Glycoside mix- streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemiaMcos8.
ture of dried cotyledons, at a concentration Glucose-6-phosphatase inhibition. Etha-
of 2.0 mg/insect, was active on Raphidopalpa nol (95%) extract of fresh fruit, adminis-
foveicollisMcl60. Seed oil, at a concentration tered intragastrically to rats at a dose of
of 0.5%, was active on Athalia prominaMC!32. 200.0 mg/kg, was active vs streptozotocin-

induced hyperglycemia. The activity administered intragastrically to rats at a dose

decreased 23 %MCOS8. of 2.5 gm/kg, was active. The result was sig-
Growth inhibitor activity. Hot water nificant at 60 minutes MC062 . Methanol extract
extract of the fruit, administered to rats at a of seeds, administered intragastrically to rats
dose of 2.0 mg/animal, was active on fetal at a dose of 2.5 gm/kg, produced weak
developmentMCols. activityMCo62. Protein fraction (FM-ll) of
Guanylate cyclase inhibition. Water dried fruit was active on miceMC089 .
extract of fresh fruit, in cell culture, was Hyperlipidemic activity. Hot water
active on human lymphoblasts, EDso 0.3 extract of fresh fruit juice was active on adi-
mg/mIMc128. Dried fruit extract, in cell culture, pose tissue vs triglyceride content of adipose
was active MCI59 . Ethanol extract (defatted tissue MC08s .
with petroleum ether) of fresh fruit was Hypoglycemic activity. Alkaloid fraction
active, EDso 170.0 mcg/mIMc179. Water extract of vine, administered orally to rabbits, was
of the fruit produced strong activity on rat inactive; the hot water extract was
colon, heart, kidney, liver, lung and stomach. active MC012 . Decoction of dried fruit, adminis-
Water extracts of seed and unripe fruit were tered intragastrically to rabbits at a dose of
inactive on rat liverMco76. Water extract of 200.0 mg/kg, was activeMC036. Ethanol
leaves produced strong activity on the rat (95%) extract of dried fruit, administered
IiverMC076 . intragastrically to female rats at a dose of
Hematinic activity. Hot water extract of 250.0 mg/kg, was activeMCOSS. Water extract
entire plant, taken orally by human adults of dried fruit, administered orally to female
at a dose of 15.0 ml/person 3 times daily for rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was active. The
62 days, was active. The extract, adminis- effect is potentiated if used with Curcuma
tered to 1 lymphatic leukemia patient, pro- longa and Emblica officinalis MC070 • A dose of
duced a marked increase in hemoglobin 10.0 mg/kg, administered orally to rabbits,
content of blood and decrease in WBCMCOIS. produced a decrease in blood sugar of 15 mg
Hepatotoxic activity. Infusion of dried relative to inert-treated controlMco3s. Decoc-
entire plant, taken orally by human children tion of dried fruit, leaves, and stem, in the
at variable dosage levels, was equivocal. It drinking water of male mice at a concentra-
may be associated with the development of tion of 0.2%, was inactive. One ml of the
veno-occlusive disease of the liver in Jamai- extract is equivalent to 10 gm of dried plant
can childrenMc208. material. Dosing was daily for 13 days. Plasma
Hexokinase inhibition. Aqueous high- glucose and plasma insulin were measured.
speed supernatant of fresh fruit, at a concen- There was no significant alteration of body
tration of 50 ml, was active on rat liver weight, food intake, fluid intake or plasma
homogenates. Ethanol (95%) extract of concentrations of glucose or insulin. Glucose
oven-dried fruit, at a concentration of tolerance, measured on day 13, was improved
125.0 mg/ml, was active on rat liver by treatment. Intraperitoneal administration
homogenatesMC171. of the decoction, at a dose of OJ ml/animal,
HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibition. was active, based on a glucose tolerance test.
Protein MRK29, isolated for the ripe fruit A single dose of extract was given and glu-
and seed at a concentration of 18 micro- cose and insulin levels were measured at 2, 4,
grams/ml, inhibited the HIV -1 reverse tran- 8, 8.5, and 9 hours. Following a single dose of
scriptase with 50% IRMC2ll . the extract, basal plasma glucose concentra-
Hyperglycemic activity. Methanol extract tions were reduced after 4 and 8 hours. Glu-
of a commercial sample of entire plant, cose tolerance was also improved eight hours

after dosing. Plasma insulin levels were unaf- on streptozotocin treated RIN cells and iso-
fected by the extract MC1OO . Dried fruit, admin- lated islets in vitro, produced a reduction in
istered intragastrically to rabbits at a dose of streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia in
0.5 gm/kg, was active MC090 . Dried plant juice, mice. It markedly reduced the streptozotocin-
administered by gastric intubation and intra- induced lipid peroxidation in pancreas of
venously to rabbits, was activeMCl59. Dried mice, RIN cells and islets. Further, it also
unripe fruit juice, administered intragas- reduced the streptozotocin-induced apoptosis
trically to rabbits at a dose of 500.0 mgt in RIN cells indicating the mode of protec-
animal, was inactiveMC033. Ethanol/water tion of the extract in RIN cells, islets and
(1: 1) and saline extracts of shade dried seeds, pancreatic beta_cellsMc21B. Aqueous homog-
administered orally to rats at doses of 20.0 enized suspension of the vegetable pulp,
mg/kg, and methanol extract at a dose of 10.0 administered orally to 100 moderate non-
mg/kg, were activeMCIB5. Ethanol/water (1: 1) insulin dependent diabetic subjects, pro-
and water extracts of fresh fruit, administered duced a significant reduction (P < 0.001) of
intragastrically to mice at doses of 0.5 gmt both fasting and post-prandial serum glu-
kg, were inactiveMC06B. Ethanol/water (1:1) cose levels. The hypoglycemic action was
extract of dried entire plant, administered observed in 86% of the cases. Five percent of
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 250.0 the cases showed lowering of fasting serum
mg/kg, was inactiveMC055. Fresh fruit pulp glucose onlyMcm.
juice, administered by gastric intubation to Hypotensive effect. Momordin, adminis-
rats at a dose of 10.0 ml/kg, was activeMCl5B. tered intravenously to normotensive rats,
Fresh fruit, taken orally by human adults at a evoked mild hypotensive response, however,
dose of 15.0 gm/day for 21 days, was equivo- lacked dose dependence. It did not affect the
cal. The fall in blood sugar was 25% of the blood pressure response to angiotensin IMc216.
initial level; however, statistically it is Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
insignifi-cantMCo61. Fresh fruit juice, adminis- extract of dried entire plant, administered
tered intragastrically to rabbits at a dose of intragastrically to rats, was inactive. Ethanol/
6.0 ml/kg, was active Mc03 4. Fruit juice, admin- water (1:1) extract of dried fruit, adminis-
istered intragastrically to rabbits at doses of tered intragastrically to rats, was inactiveMC055 .
200 and 500.0 mg/animal, was inactiveMcl94. Hypotriglyceridemic effect. Fruit extract,
Glycoside mixture of dried fruit, adminis- administered orally to streptozotocin-
tered to rabbits at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was induced Type 1 diabetic rats for 10 weeks,
active. Lyophilized extract, administered to indicated that the increased triglycerides and
rabbits at doses of 1.2 gm and 400.0 mg/kg, phospholipids returned to normal levels. In
were inactiveMclZo. Hot water extract, at doses addition, the fruit juice exhibited an inhibi-
of 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg, was inactive McllB . Hot tory effect on membrane lipoprotein under
water extract of 20 gm of air-dried fruit, in vitro conditionsMc214.
administered by gastric intubation to dogs Insecticide activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
at a dose of 200.0 ml/animal, produced of dried meristem, at a concentration of 50.0
weak activityMCl54. Fruit juice, administered meg, was inactive on Rhodnius neglectusMC069 •
intragastrically to rats at a dose of 2.5 gm/kg, Methanol and acetic acid extracts of dried
was active, results significant at 60-120 fruit were inactive on Spodoptera litura larvae.
minutesMC062. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of Petroleum ether extract, at a concentration
dried entire plant, administered intrave- of 1.0 ppm, was active MC1l7 . Water extract of
nously to dogs at variable dosages, was dried leaves was inactive on Oncopelatus
inactiveMC209 . Water extract of the fruit, tested jasciatus and produced strong activity on

Blatella germanica; intravenous administra- tion of 1000 ppm, produced weak activity
tion, at a dose of 40.0 ml/kg, produced strong on Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria
activity on Periplaneta americanaMCZ04 . stramineaMCZ03.
Insulin induction. Water extract of fresh Oxygen radical inhibition. Fresh fruit
unripe fruit, in cell culture at a concentra- juice at a concentration of 0.1 ml/units was
tion of 1.0 mg/ml, was active on pancreatic active. The heat, acid and alkali-stable com-
isletsMC088 . ponents of the extract acted as scavenger of
Leukopenic activity. Hot water extract of both superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. At
entire plant, taken orally by human adult at the given concentration, 90.16% scaveng-
a dose of IS.0 ml/person 3 times daily for 62 ing of superoxide was seen. At a concentra-
days, was active. The extract, administered tion of 0.33 ml/units, 87.70% scavenging of
to 1 lymphatic leukemia patient, produced hydroxyl radical was seenMCl91.
a marked increase in hemoglobin content of Parasympatholytic activity. Ethanol/
blood and a decrease in WBCMCOI5. water (1: 1) extract of the dried entire plant,
Lipid metabolism effect. Acid/ethanol at a concentration of 0.01 gm/ml, produced
extract of unripe dried fruit and seeds, at vari- weak activity on guinea pig ileumMczo9.
able concentrations, was active on adipo- Plant germination inhibition. Hot water
cytesMCl81. extract of entire plant, at a concentration of
Lipid peroxide formation inhibition. Hot 20.0 ppm, was active vs corn, cotton and
water extract of dried aerial parts, at a con- broad beansMCOl5.
centration of 1.0 mg/plate in cell culture, Protein biosynthesis effect. Fruit extract,
was inactive on hepatocytes and monitored administered orally to Sprague-Dawley rats,
by production of malonaldehydeMco74 . produced an increase in muscle and liver pro-
Lipid synthesis stimulation. Chromato- tein levels, while there was a reduction in the
graphic fraction of decorticated seed, at a levels of brain protein, muscle and liver gly-
concentration of SOO.O mcg/ml, was active on cogen. The activities of plasma L-alanine
rat adipocytes, results significant at P < O.OOS transaminase and alkaline phosphatase were
levelMco79. reduced. The L-aspartate transaminase and
Lipolytic effect. Seeds, administered by adenosine triphosphatase activities were
gastric intubation to rabbits at a dose of 3.0 slightly elevated in whole plant extract
gm/animal, were active in streptozotocin- treated rats while L-aspartate transaminase
treated animalsMclls. was unaffected by the ethanol extract but
Liver glycogen increase. Fresh fruit juice, reduced the adenosine triphosphatase
administered by gastric intubation to rats at activityMCZlS .
a dose of 10.0 ml/kg, was active, results sig- Protein synthesis inhibition. Chromato-
nificant at P < 0.01 level MCI77 . Hot water graphic fraction of dried fruit, in cell cul-
extract of fresh fruit juice was active. Mus- ture, was active on BHK-21 cells and
cular glycogen level was also increasedMco85. vesicular stomatitis virusMCl61. Water extract
Metastasis inhibition. Chromatographic of seed was active on rabbit reticulocyte
fraction of dried fruit, in cell culture, was lysate Mc1Z9 . Water extract of dried seed, at a
active on vesicular stomatitis virusMCl61. concentration of 10.0 mg/ml, produced
Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry strong activity (99% inhibition) on rabbit
(homogenate) of fresh root was inactive on reticulocyte lysate Mco73 .
Lymnaea columella and Lymnaea cubensis, Radical scavenging effect. Hot water
LDlOo > 1000 ppmMC137 . Ethanol (95%) and extract of dried aerial parts, at a concentra-
water extracts of dried fruit, at a concentra- tion of 2S0.0 mg/liter, was inactive. The

activity was measured by discoloration of mice, produced LDso 681.0 mg/kgMCOSS. Water
diphenylpicryl hydroxyl radical solution. Six- extract of fresh fruit, administered intra-
percent decoloration was observedMco74 . peritoneally and subcutaneously to mice,
Respiratory effect. Fresh fruit juice, admin- produced LDso 16.0 and 27.0 mg/ml,
istered by gastric intubation to rats at a dose respectivelyMC'64. Water extract of the seed,
of 10.0 ml/kg, was inactive MCl17 . administered intraperitoneally to rats, pro-
RNA synthesis inhibition. Ethanol (100%) duced LDso of 25.0 mg/kgMCI29. Ethanol/water
extract of seed, in cell culture, was active on (1: 1) extract of dried fruit, administered
Sarcoma 180 (solid)MCI05. intraperitoneally to mice, produced a LDso
Spasmolytic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) 681.0 mg/kgMCOSS.
extract of dried entire plant was inactive on Trypsin inhibition. Chromatographic frac-
rat uterusMC05S. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of tion of seed was activeMco4o.
dried fruit was inactive on the uterus of Tumor promotion inhibition. Methanol
ratsMCOSS. extract of fresh fruit, in cell culture at a con-
Spermicidal effect. Unripe fruit juice was centration of 200.0 mcg, was inactive on
active on the rat spermMCl41. Epstein-Barr virus vs 12-0-hexadecanoyl-
Toxic effect (general). Ethanol (95%) phorbol-13 -acetate-induced Epstein-Barr
extract of fruit, administered orally to male virus activationMCl86.
gerbils at a dose of 1.10 gm/kg daily for 30 Uterine relaxation effect. Ethanol/water
days, was inactive. At dose of 150.0 mg/kg, (1: 1) extract of dried fruit, administered to
weak activity was produced. Twenty to 30% nonpregnant rats, was inactive MC133 .
of the animals died within 30 daysMco77. Uterine stimulant effect. Ethanol (95%)
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried entire extract of dried root, administered intrave-
plant, administered by gastric intubation nously to guinea pigs at a dose of 10.0
and subcutaneously to mice at a dose of 10.0 mg/ml, was active on the nonpregnant
gm/kg (dry weight of plant), was inac- uterusMC207. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
tive MClZI . Alkaloid fraction of vine, adminis- dried fruit, administered to nonpregnant
tered intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of rats, was inactive MC133 .
14.0 mg/kg, and to rabbits orally at a dose of
56.0 mg/animal, was inactive MC012 . Decoc-
tion of dried fruit, taker orally by human MC001 Suwal, P. N. Medicinal Plants of
Nepal. Ministry of Forests, Department
adults at a dose of 500.0 mg/person, was
of Medicinal Plants, Thapathali,
inactiveMC036. Fresh fruit juice, administered Kathmandu, Nepal, 1970.
intragastrically to rabbits at a dose of 6.0 MC002 Quisumbing, E. Medicinal plants of
ml/kg, was active. Death occurred within 23 the Philippines. Tech Bull 16, Rep
days when dosing continued. Two pregnant Philippines, Dept Agr Nat Resources,
animals suffered from uterine hemorrhage Manilla 1951; 1.
MC003 Jiu, J. A survey of some medicinal plants
and died. When administered intraperito-
of Mexico for selected biological activi-
neally to rats at a dose of 15.0 ml/kg, death ties. Lloydia 1966; 29: 250-259.
occurred within 18 hoursMco34. MC004 Khanna, P. and S. Mohan. Isolation
Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha- and identification of diosgenin and ste-
nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried aerial parts, rols from fruits and in vitro cultures of
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centa. (Abstract). Abstr International Some properties of d-galactoside bind-
Symposium on Chinese Medicinal ing lectins isolate from the seeds of
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MC124 Kays, S. J. and M. J. Hayes. Induction of Acta 1980; 623: 439-448.
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charantia by ethylene. Trop Agr Yamauchi. Bitter principles and their
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of Lahul, a province of the Punjab. Q J restrial plants molluscicidal to Lym-
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Puerto Rico. J Agr Univ Puerto Rico MC148 Takemoto, D. J., C. Jilka and R. Kresie.
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MC138 Commachan, M. and S. S. Khan. Plants cytostatic factor from the bitter melon
in aid of family planning programme. Momordica charantia. Prep Biochem
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ence in the United States. Q J Crude acids of callus tissues of six species of
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of Momordica charantia. 3. Characteriza- hypoglycaemic activity of some medici-
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MC163 Okabe, H., Y. Miyahara, T. Yamauchi, T. B. Ng and H. W. Yeung. Effects of
K. Miyahara and T. Kawasaki. Studies momorcharins on the mouse embryo at
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charantia L. I. Isolation and character- ception 1986; 34(5): 537-544.
ization of momordicosides A and B, gly- MC174 Chakraborty, T. and O. Poddar. Herbal
cos ides of a pentahydroxy-cucurbitane drugs in diabetes - Part 1. Hypogly-
triterpene. Chern Pharm Bull 1980; caemic activity of indigenous plants in
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F. Hays and D. J. Takemoto. In vivo 20-22.
antitumor activity of the bitter melon MC175 Takemoto, D. J., C. Jilka, S.
(Momordica charantia). Cancer Res Rockenbach and J. V. Hughes. Purifi-
1983;43(11):5151-5155. cation and characterization of a cyto-
MC165 Laurens, A., S. Mboup, M. Tignokpa, static factor with anti-viral activity
O. Sylla and J. Masquelier. Antimicro- from the bitter melon. Prep Biochem
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of Dakar markets. Pharmazie 1985; MC176 Leatherdale, B. A., R. K. Panesar, O.
40(7): 482-485. Singh, T. W. Atkins, C. J. Bailey and
MC166 Yeung, H. W., W. W. Li, L. K. Law and A. H. C. Bignell. Improvement in glu-
W. Y Chan. Purification and partial cose tolerance due to Momordica
characterization of momorcharins, abor- charantia (Karela). Brit Med J 1981;
tifacient proteins from the Chinese drug, 282(6279): 1823-1824.
Kuguazi (Momordica charantia) seeds. MC177 Welihinda, J. and E. H. Karunanayake.
Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materi- Extra-pancreatic effects of Momordica
als Research, World Scientific Press, charantia in rats. J Ethnopharmacol
Philadelphia, Pa 1984; 311-318pp. 1986; 17(3):247-255.
MC167 Velazco, E. A. Herbal and traditional MC178 Welihinda, J., E. H. Karunanayake, M.
practices related to material and child H. R. Sheriff and K. S. A. Jayasinghe.
health care. Rural Reconstruction Re- Effect of Momordica charantia on the
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MC168 Mossa, J. S. A study on the crude betes. J Ethnopharmacol 1986; 17(3):
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Vaughn, K. J. Kramer, A. Smith and R. 1990;29(2): 159-172.
G. Powell. Guanylate cyclase activity in MC189 Karunanayake, E. H., S. Jeevathaya-
human leukemic and normal lympho- paran and K. H. T ennekoon. Effect of
cytes. Enzyme 1982; 27: 179-188. Momordica charantia fruit juice on
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H. W. Yeung. Acid-ethanol extractable MC191 Sreejayan and M. N. A. Rao. Oxygen
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Bhatt, Y. Verma and A. S. Perm. Retar- charantia). Indian} Med Res 1962; 50:
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effect of Diamed, a herbal formulation, MC218 Sitasawad, S. L., Y. Shewade and R.
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Leelamanit, 1. Fugii, N. Suwannaroj and Yukizaki, M. Kawano, K. Yamamoto, N.
Y. Ebizuka. HIV inhibitor from Thai Fukuda. Effects of Momordica charantia

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Sener. Anti-ulcerogenic effect of pharmacol2000; 69(2): 139-155.
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2000; 7l0-2): 77-82. folk remedies for anti-Helicobacter pylori
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H. C. Chen, H. F. Kung, P. L. Huang 66(3): 289-293.
and W.]. Murphy. Inhibition ofMDA- Mcn6 Matsuda, H., Y. Li,]. Yam ahara and M.
MB-231 human breast tumor xenografts Yoshikawa. Inhibition of gastric empty-
and HER2 expression by anti-tumor ing by triterpene saponin, momordin Ie,
agents GAP31 and MAP30. Antican- in mice: roles of blood glucose, capsai-
cer Res 2000; 20(2A): 653-659. cin-sensitive sensory nerves, and cen-
MCn3 Ahmad, N., M. R. Hassan, H. Halder tral nervous system. J Ethnopharmacol
and K. S. Bennoor. Effect of Momordica Exp Ther 1999; 289(2): 729-734.
20 Moringa

Common Names
Ba da dai Indonesia Malunggay Philippines
Ben aile New Caledonia Mangai India
Ben aile Senegal Maranga Mauritius
Ben nut tree Mauritius Marum Malaysia
Ben nut tree West Indies Marum Thailand
Brede mourounge Rodrigues Islands Ma-rum Thailand
Chum ngay Indonesia Mbum Senegal
Daintha India Meetho sirgavo India
Dandalonbin India Meethosaragavo India
Danthalons India Merunggai Malaysia
Da-tha-Iwon India Moringa tree West Indies
Dhak I houm Indonesia Moringa India
Diaboy Senegal Moringa West Indies
Drum stick tree Fiji Moringue Angola
Drum stick tree India Munaga India
Drum stick India Munga India
Drum stick Nepal Mungay India
Drum stick Sri Lanka Munigha India
Getha Saudi Arabia Muringa India
Horse radish tree India Murunga Sri Lanka
Horse radish tree Malaysia Murungai India
Horse radish tree Nepal Musing India
Horseradish tree Fiji Nebeday Senegal
Horseradish tree Guam Neboday Senegal
Horseradish tree Indonesia Nebreday Senegal
Horseradish tree Mauritius Neveday Senegal
Horseradish tree Nigeria Nevorday Senegal
Horseradish tree USA Nevredie Senegal
Horseradish tree West Indies Noboday Senegal
Horseradish India Nobody Senegal
Kelor pea Malaysia Radish tree India
Kelor Indonesia Ramunggai Malaysia
Kelor Malaysia Ravinta India
Malungai Guam Sahajan India
Malungal Philippines Sahajana India
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc ., Totowa, NJ


Sahanjana India Shajmah India

Sahjan India Shajna India
Sahjna India Shejan India
Sahjna Pakistan Shigru India
Saijan Fiji Shobanjan Nepal
Saijan Guyana Shobhanjana India
Sainjan India Sigru India
Sainjna India Soanjna Fiji
Sajana India Sobhanja India
Sajina India Sobhanjan India
Sajna Bangladesh Sobhanjana India
Sajna Fiji Sobhan janavri ksha India
Sajna India Sohawjana Nepal
Salijan India Sojna India
Sanjna India Sonth India
Sapsap Senegal Sunara India
Saragavo India Sundan India
Segat India Sunja India
Segra India West Indian ben India
Sehjan India Wolof Senegal
Shahjnah India Yovoviti Togo
Shajiwan Nepal Zoliv Haiti

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION East Indies. Hot water extract of the root

A tree of the MORINGACEAE family bark is taken orally as a menstrual pro-
that grows 10 to 15 meters high. It is a rap- moter, a diuretic and a stimulantMPlo9.
idly growing tree that resembles a legume, Fiji. Dried leaves ground with garlic, salt,
has trip innate leaves, a gummy bark and black pepper and turmeric are used as a
fragrant flowers with white petals. The treatment for dog bites. Dried leaves, ground
brown, 3-angled fruits are up to 45 cm long with black pepper are applied externally for
and have winged seeds. The flowers are 1.5 headache. Fresh leaf juice, mixed with
to 2 cm long. Fertile filaments are villous
honey, is used as an ointment for sore eyes.
at the base; ovary hairy; pods 15 to 30 cm The fresh leaf juice is taken orally to induce
long and pendulous. vomiting {useful in poisoning)MP09o.
Guam. Hot water extract of seeds is taken
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION orally to treat fevers, and as a tonicMP017.
A native of India now found in East and Haiti. Decoction of dried leaves is taken
Southeast Asia, Polynesia and the West orally for nervous shockMP091 .
Indies. India. Fifteen grams of root bark, mixed with
20 corns of black pepper, is taken orally to
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES produce abortionMpo98. Decoction of dried
Andaman Islands. Fruits and leaves are leaves is taken orally for abortionMPo49,
eaten as a vegetable MP053 . and externally for rheumatismMpol9 and
Colombia. Hot water extract of the plant is wound healingMP076 . Leaves, made into a paste
taken orally as an abortive MP094 . with salt are used to treat edemaMP085 . Dried
East Africa. Hot water extract of the root fruit is taken orally for 20 days to produce ste-
bark is taken orally as an abortifacientMP033 . rility. A mixture of the fruits of Clerodendrum

indicum, Sesamum orientale, Moringa For asthma and cough, 50 mg of the powder
pterygosperma and Piper nigrum is mixed with dissolved in water is taken orally. Stem bark
sugarMP070. The mixture is also taken as a is taken orally to produce permanent steril-
tonicMP081. Hot water extract of the dried fruit ity. Five gram of stem bark from an old tree
is taken orally for headache and for together with 2 seeds of Piper nigrum, 1 gram
giddinessMP087 . Dried gum is applied externally of Cuminum cyminum seeds and a few pieces
for headacheMpo57. Dried seeds, after frying, are of Allium sativum are ground into a paste, the
eatenMP076. Dried stem bark of Moringa paste is swallowed after the third day of
pterygosperma, together with Cuminum delivery and a bland diet is followed. This is
cyminum, Trigonella foenumgraecum and repeated 3 times. After 2 to 3 months, the
Murraya koenigii, is taken orally for back- woman should not participate in coitusMP096 .
acheMpo59. Flowers are taken orally as a stimu- Fresh stem bark is used to produce abortion.
lant and aphrodisiac. Hot water extract is The gum from the stem bark is rubbed with
taken orally as a tonic and cholagogue MP099 . milk, made into a paste, and applied to the
Fresh flowers are used as a vegetableMPo76. vagina and up into the cervix. The gum is very
Fresh seedpods are used as a vegetableMPo76. tough, swells rapidly when moistened, and
Gum is administered intravaginally to pro- produces abortion by dilating the cervixMP096 .
duce abortionMpo98. Hot water extract of dried Indonesia. Hot water extract of the plant is
flower is taken orally in Ayurvedic and Unani taken orally to provoke the menses, and as
medicine as an aphrodisiac and stimulantMPo79. an abortiveMPOo8,MPo29.
Hot water extract of dried fruit and leaves is Malaysia. Hot water extract of the bark is
taken orally for dysentery and diarrheaMpo87. taken orally to stimulate the mensesMPOJ5.
Hot water extract of dried root and stem bark Hot water extract of the root is taken orally
is taken orally as an abortifacient and for amenorrheaMpo28. It may also produce
emmenagogueMP091. Hot water extract of dried abortionMPOJ5.
root bark is taken orally for fertility Mauritius. Hot water extract of the bark is
control MP075 . Hot water extract of stem bark is taken orally as a purgative, vermifuge and
taken orally in Ayurvedic medicine as an antispasmodic MP107 .
abortive, antipyretic and a tonicMP016. In Nepal. Hot water extract of flowers is taken
Ayurvedic and Unani medicine, hot water orally as an aphrodisiac. Hot water extract of
extracts of the dried bark and dried root are the dried bark is taken orally by pregnant
taken orally by pregnant women as aborti- women as an abortifacient. Hot water extract
facientsMPo79. Juice of fresh bark is taken orally of the root is taken orally as a stimulant, for
to relieve acute stomachaches. Juices of intermittent fever and epilepsy and as an
Erythrina variegata and Moringa oleifera barks abortifacient MPoo1 .
are mixed. Also, for stomachache, juice of New Caledonia. Gum is taken orally as an
bark is mixed with Ferula asafoetida and salt, abortifacientMPo26. Leaves are rubbed over
and taken orally. Externally, the juice is used the breast to reduce milk flow MP1l4 .
as a treatment for mange in horses MP1l2 . Leaf Nigeria. Hot water extract of fresh root is
juice, mixed with honey, is used as an eye taken orally as an analgesic, hypotensive
ointment for conjunctivitisMPo52. Leaves are and sedativeMPo~2. Hot water extract of the
taken orally as an aphrodiasicMPOJO and to treat dried root and stem is taken orally to treat
wounds. For wound treatment, the leaves are arthritisMpo77 .
pounded with turmeric and buttermilk and Philippines. Decoction of dried leaves is
then appliedMpo48. Powdered dried root and taken orally as a galactagogue. A decoction
stem is used externally for rheumatism pains. of Solanum nigrum, Moringa pterygosperma

and beach pebbles is usedMPo88. Extract of Arginine: Sd MPOO3

leaves is used as a galactagogue Mpoo2 . Ascorbic acid oxidase: FrMP006
Ascorbic acid: Fr JUMP004, LfMP076
Saudi Arabia. Hot water extract of the dried
Athomin: Rt Bk MP101
fruit is taken orally for diabetes, ascites,
Baurenol: Bk MPOlO
edema, spleen enlargement, inflammatory Behenic acid: Sd oilMP076
swellings, abdominal tumors, colic, dyspep- Benzyl glucosinolate: SdMP046
sia, fever, ulcers, paralysis, lumbago and skin Beta carotene: LfMPl17, FrMP102
diseasesMpo58,MPo89. Beta sitosterol: Sd oilMP121, St BkMP016
Senegal. Extract of the entire dried plant Beta-sitosterol-3-0-beta-D-glucopyranoside:
is used for sprains in adult, headache and
Calcium: FIMP099, Fr 0.4%MP038
neuralgia in children and adults, rheuma-
Campesterol: Sd oilMP121
tism and arthritis in adults, rickets in chil- Choline: Lf 0.42%MP076, Fr 0.42%MP076
dren and adults, bronchitis in children and Delta-tocopherol: Sd oil 7.76%MP121
adults and as an antipyretic in children and Essential oil: Bk SOMPOll
adults. Dried exudate is used as an astrin- Gamma-tocopherol: Sd oil 1.S%MP121
gent for various medicinal purposes. Juice G lycerol-l-(9-octadecanoate): Sd MPl22
of fresh inflorescence is placed in the eyes Gossypiti n: LfMP062
for eye problemsMPl14. Gum: FIMP080
Histidine: SdMP003
Thailand. Hot water extract of dried root is
Hydroxy proline: SdMP003
taken orally as a cardiotonic, stimulant for Iso-butyl thiocynate: PIMPllO
fainting MP066 , and antipyreticMPl15. Iso-thiocynate: PIMPllO
Togo. Decoction of dried leaves and twigs is Kaempferol: FIMP014,MP039
taken orally for malariaMpo6o. Lauric acid: Sd oilMP023
USA. Fresh leaves are taken orally as a Leucine: Sd MPOO3
diuretic MP031 . Lignoceric acid: Sd oiIMP023,MP022
Linoleic acid: Sd oiIMP054,MP022
West Indies. Flowers are boiled and the
Moringine: BkMP012,MPOll, Rt BkMP030
decoction taken orally as a cough reme-
Moringinine: Bk MP0l1 , Rt BkMP030
dyMPo55. Hot water extract of root bark is used Moringyne: SdMP040
as a diuretic, stimulant, menstrual promoter Myristic acid: Sd oiI MP022
and abortive MP109 . Seeds are taken orally as a Niazicin B: Lf 1.06MPo44
purgativeMPo67. Warmed leaves are used as a Niazimicin: Lf lB.2_2.SMPo42,MPo43
dressing for syphilitic ulcersMPo67. Niaziminin A: Lf 2.B-l 0.3MP043,MP042
Niaziminin B: Lf 0.7MP043
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Niazinin A: Lf 2.3_13.7MPo43,MPo42
Niazinin B: Lf 2.6_14.SMPo43,MPo42
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Niazirin: Lf 4.SMP043
3-Methoxy quercetin: LfMP062 Niazirinin: Lf 2.7MP043
3-0-(6-0-oleoyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)- Nicotinic acid: Fr 2MP076, Lf BMP076
beta-sitosterol: Sd MPl22 O-ethyl-4-(alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy)benzyl
4- Hydroxy phenylaceton itri Ie: SdMP063 carbamate: Sd MPl22
4-(Alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy)-benzyl Oleic acid: Sd oil 67.4B%MP054
isothiocyanate): SdMP122 Oxalic acid: Fr 0.042-0.101 %MP038,MP076,
4-Hydroxy phenylacetamide: SdMP063 Lf 0.1 01 %MP076
4-Hydroxy phenylacetic acid: SdMP063 Palmitic acid: Sd oil 3.4_9.3%MP054,MP076
Alanine: SdMP003 Pentadecanoic acid: Sd oiI MP023
Alpha-tocopherol: Lf 9,0%MPl16 Phosphorus: Fr 0.4S%MP038
Amylase: LfMP068 Potassium: FIMP099
Arachidic acid: Sd oilMP022 Proline: SdMP003

Protein: Fr 2.S_19.S%MP076,MP038,MP005, extract of flowers, administered by gastric

Sd 46.S%MP103, Lf 6.7_29%MP076,MP105 intubation to mice, was inactive vs hot plate
Pterygospermin: RtMP007,MP037, St BkMPoo9, and tail clip methodsMpo91.
Sd MP013 , BkMP100
Quercetageti n: LfMP062
Anthelmintic activity. Dried bark powder,
Quercetin: FIMP039 fresh leaf juice, dried root powder and dried
Quercetin-3-glycoside: FIMP014 leaf powder, at a concentration of 1.0 ml,
Rhamnetin: FIMP014 were active on Ascaris lumbricoidesMpo64. Dried
Rhamnetin-3-glycoside: FIMP014 plant, taken orally by human adults of both
Rutin: Lf 2.6%MP084 sexes, was active, Ie lOo 2.0 gm. Equal parts of
Serine: SdMP003 a mixture containing Butea frondosa, Moringa
Spirochin: RtMP104
pterygosperma, Piper nigrum, Azadirachta
Spirochine: RtMP009
Starch: LfMP068 indica, and Embelia ribes was used. Dosing was
Stearic acid: 3 times daily for 4-8 weeks. Eleven cases of
Sd oil 7.4-1 O.S%MP076,MP054,MP022 Ascariasis, 9 cases of ancylostomiasis and 9
Stigmasterol: Sd oilMP121 cases of Hymenolepsis nana were treated.
Sulfur: Rt MP037 Stool specimens were found negative at end
Threonine: SdMP003 of treatment periodMP011. Powdered dried
Valine: SdMP003
seeds, at a concentration of 1.0 ml, were
Vitamin A: Lf 113 IU/gmMP076,
inactive on Ascaris lumbricoidsMpo64.
Fr 1.8 IU/gmMP076
Vitamin B-1: Lf O.6MP076, Fr O.SMP076 Antibacterial activity. Powdered dried bark,
Vitamin B-2: Lf O.SMP076, Fr 0.7MP076 at a concentration of 100.0 microliters on
Zeatin Ribose: FrMP078 agar plate, was inactive on Escherichia coli,
Zeati n: FrMP078 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri,
Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyo-
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES genesMP064. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried
AND CLINICAL TRIALS flowers, undiluted on agar plate, was active
Abortifacient activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
extract of root, administered orally to rats at aureus MPIlJ . Powdered dried root, at a concen-
a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was inactive MPlO8 . tration of 100.0 microliters on agar plate, was
Ethanol/water (50%) extract of leaves and inactive on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas
twigs, administered by gastric intubation to aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus
pregnant rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was aureus and Streptococcus pyogenesMP064. Etha-
inactiveMP091. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of nol (95%) extract of dried fruit, undiluted on
dried aerial parts, administered orally to agar plate, was active on Escherichia coli and
pregnant rats, was inactiveMP013 . Ethanol/water Staphylococcus aureus MPl13 . Saline extract of
( 1: 1) extract of the entire plant, administered leaves, at a concentration of 1:20 on agar
by gastric intubation to pregnant rats at a dose plate, was active on Staphylococcus aureus and
of 100.0 mg/kg, was inactive MP091 . inactive on Pasteurella pestisMPlo6. Powdered
Adrenolytic activity. Ethanol (95%) and dried leaves, at a concentration of 100.0
water extracts of leaves, administered intra- microliters on agar plate, were inactive on
venously to dogs, were inactiveMP024. Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus, Strep-
Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) tococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, and
extract of dried leaves and dried stem, Pseudomonas aeruginosaMP064 • Ethanol (95%)
administered intraperitoneally to mice at a extract of dried leaves, undiluted on agar
dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs tail plate, was active on Escherichia coli and Sta-
pressure methodMPo20. Ethanol/water (1: 1) phylococcus aureus MPlll . Fresh leaf juice, at a

concentration of 100.0 microliters on agar Coniophora cerebella, Penicillium expansum,

plate, was active on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Phytophthora cactorum, and Polyporus versi-
and inactive on Escherichia coli, Shigella color. The extract was equivocal on Fusarium
j1exneri, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococ- oxysporum F. sp. Lycopersici, and inactive on
cus pyogenesMP064. Ethanol (95%) extract of Aspergillus oryzaMP074.
dried root, undiluted on agar plate, was Antihemolytic activity. The dried entire
active on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus plant, at a concentration of 0.2 ml, was
aureus MPl13 . Water and hexane extracts of active on red blood cells MP091 .
dried seeds, applied externally to mice at a Antihepatotoxic activity. Ethanol (95%)
dose of 10.0%, were active on Staphylococcus extract of dried leaves, administered by
aureusMP065. Powdered dried seeds, at a con- gastric intubation to mice at a dose of 300.0
centration of 100.0 microliters on agar plate, mg/kg, was inactive vs CC14-induced hepato-
were active on Staphylococcus aureus MP06\ and toxicityMPo86.
inactive on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas Antihistamine activity. Ethanol/water
aeruginosa, Shigella j1exneri, and Streptococcus (1: 1) extract of dried root, at a concentra-
pyogenesMP064. Water extract of dried seeds, at tion of 0.001 gm/ml, was active on guinea
a concentration of 1: 10 on agar plate, was pig ileum MP1l5 .
active on Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, Anti-implantation effect. Ethanol (95 %),
Bacillus subtilis, Sarcina lutea, and Staphylococ- water and petroleum ether extracts of bark,
cus aureus. The extract was equivocal on administered orally to female rats, were
Escherichia coli, Salmonella edinburgi and Ser- inactiveMP018. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
ratia marcesensj inactive on Klebsiella aero- dried aerial parts, administered orally to
genes and produced weak activity on Proteus hamsters, was active, and inactive when
mirabilis and Streptococcus faecalis MP074 . administered to ratsMP07l. Ethanol/water
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol/water (50%) extract of entire plant, administered
(1: 1) extracts of dried leaves and dried stem, by gastric intubation to pregnant hamsters
administered intraperitoneally to mice at a at a dose of 100.0 mg/ kg, was inactiveMP097.
dose of 500.0 mg/kg, were inactive vs electro- Water extract of dried leaves, administered
shock-induced convulsionsMPo2o. Ethanol by intravenous infusion to rats at a dose
(70%) extract of the fresh root, administered of 750.0 mg/kg, was active vs carrageenin-
intraperitoneally to mice of both sexes at induced pedal edemaMpo41.
variable dosage levels, was active vs metra- Anti-inflammatory activity. Hot water
zole and strychnine-induced convulsionsMpo82. extract of bark, administered orally to rats,
Antifertility effect. Ethanol (95%), water was inactive vs formalin-induced pedal
and petroleum ether extracts of bark, admin- edema MP027 . Water extracts of dried flowers
istered to female mice, were inactiveMP018. and dried stem, administered by intravenous
Antifungal activity. Powdered dried bark, infusion to rats at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, were
powdered dried root, powdered dried seeds, inactive vs carrageenin-induced pedal
fresh leaves and powdered dried leaves, at a edema. Water extract of dried root and dried
concentration of 1.0 ml on agar plate, were seeds, administered by intravenous infusion
inactive on Epidermophyton floccosum, to rats at a dose of 750.0 mg/kg, was active vs
Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, carrageenin-induced pedal edemaMpo45.
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Trichophy- Antimalarial activity. Ethanol (95%)
ton rubrumMP064 (plant pathogens). Water extract of dried leaves and twigs produced
extract of dried seeds, at a concentration of weak activity on Plasmodium falciparum, IC\o
1: lOon agar plate, was active on Botrytis allii, 60.0 mcg/mlMPo60. Water extract of the bark,

administered orally to chicken at a dose of eritoneally to mice, was inactive on LEUK-

1.82 gm/kg, was inactive on Plasmodium P388 and LEUK-L1210 MP020 . Ethanol (95%)
gallinaceumMP015. extract of dried leaves, administered intra-
Antimycobacterial activity. An extract of peritoneally to mice at a dose of 100.0 mgt
the entire plant, on agar plate, was active kg, was inactive on Sarcoma 180(ASC)MPo61.
on Mycobacterium tuberculosisMpo32. Water The seeds, tested for antitumor promoting
extract of dried seeds, at a concentration of activity using an in vitro assay which tested
1: lOon agar plate, was active on Mycobacte- their inhibitory effects on Epstein-Barr vi-
rium phlei MPo74 . rus antigen (EBV -EA) activation in Raji
Antispasmodic activity <unspecified cells induced by the tumor promoter, 12-0-
type). Water extract of dried flowers, at a tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA),
concentration of 1.0 gm, was inactive on rat produced inhibitory activity against EBV-
duodenum vs ACh-induced contrac- EA activation. Compounds 4(alpha-L-
tionsMP045. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of rhamno-syloxy)-benzyl isothiocyanate,
fruits was active on guinea pig ileum vs niazimicin, and beta-sitosterol-3-0-beta-D-
ACh- and histamine-induced spasmsMP021. glucopyra-noside showed significant activi-
Ethanol (95%) and water extracts ofleaves ties. Niazimicin was further subjected to in
were active on guinea pig ileum vs ACh- vivo tests and found to have potent antitu-
and histamine-induced spasms. Water mor promoting activity in the two-stage car-
extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of cinogenesis in mouse skin using 7,12-
1000 mg, was inactive on rat duodenum vs dimethylbenz(a)anthracene as a initiator
ACh-induced contractionsMP045. Ethanol/ and TPA as a tumor promoterMP122 .
water (1: 1) extract of dried leaves and Antiulcer activity. Methanol extract of
dried stem were inactive on guinea pig dried flower buds, administered by gastric
ileum vs ACh- and histamine-induced intubation to rats at a dose of 4.0 gm/kg, was
spasms MP020 . Water extract of dried root and active MP050 . Methanol extract of dried leaves,
dried stem, at a concentration of 1.0 gm, administered by gastric intubation to mice
were inactive on rat duodenum vs ACh- at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, was inactive vs stress-
induced contrac-tionsMPo45. Ethanol/water induced ulcers (water-immersion)MPo56.
( 1: 1) extract of dried root, at a concentra- Antiviral activity. Ethanol/water (50%)
tion of 0.001 gm/ml, was active on guinea extract of flowers, at a concentration of 0.05
pig ileum MPll5 . Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract mg/ml in cell culture, was inactive on Vac-
of rootbark was active on guinea pig cinia virus MP097 . Ethanol/water (50%) extract
ileum vs ACh- and histamine-induced of leaves and twigs, at a concentration of
spasmsMP020. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract 0.05 mg/ml in cell culture, was inactive on
of rootwood was active on guinea pig Vaccinia virusMP097. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
ileum vs ACh- and histamine-induced extract of rootbark, at a concentration of
spasmsMP020. Water extract of dried seeds, at 50.0 mcg/ml in cell culture, produced weak
a concentration of 1 gm, was active on rat activity on Vaccinia virusMPo21.
duodenum. Contractions were inhibited Antiyeast activity. Powdered dried leaves,
32.6% vs ACh-induced contractions MP045 . powdered dried root, powdered dried bark
Antitumor activity. Ethanol/water (1:1) and powdered dried seeds, at a concentra-
extract of dried aerial parts, administered tion of 100.0 microliters on agar plate,
intraperitoneally to mice, was active on were inactive on Candida albicansMpo64.
LEUK-P388 MPo73 . Ethanol/water (1:1) Fresh leaf juice, at a concentration of 100.0
extract of dried leaves, administered intrap- microliters on agar plate, was inactive on

Candida albicansMpo64. Water extract of dried Embryotoxic effect. Ethanol (70%)

seeds, at a concentration of 1: 10 on agar extract of bark administered orally to
plate, was active on Candida pseudo- female rats at dosages of 200, 400 and 800 mg/
troPicalis, Candida reukaufii and Pyricularia kg, were inactive MP069 . Ethanol/water (1: 1) ex-
oryza, and equivocal on Saccharomyces tract of root, administered orally to rats at a
carlsbergenesisMpo74. dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was ina-tiveMPlOB . Water
Barbiturate sleeping time decrease. Etha- extract of shade-dried bark, administered
nol (95%) extract of dried leaves, adminis- orally to rats on days 1-7 at a dose of 400 mg/
tered by gastric intubation to mice at a dose kg, was activeMP092. Water extract of dried
of 300.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs CCl4-induced leaves, administered intragastrically to preg-
hepatotoxici tyMpo86. nant rats at a dose of 175.0 mg/kg, was
Carcinogenesis inhibition. Water extract activeMP049 . Water extract of shade-dried root,
of dried leaves, in the ration of mice at a administered orally to rats on days 1-7 at a
dose of 600.0 mg/per gm diet, was active vs dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was activeMP092 .
benzo(A)pyrene-induced carcinogenesis Estrogenic effect. Leaves, in the ration of
and 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene- mice, were inactiveMP034.
induced carcinogenesisMPo47. Hepatorenal activity. Methanol extract
CNS depressant activity. Water and etha- root, administered intraperitoneally at dose
nol (95%) extracts of leaves, administered of 3.5, 4.6, and 7.0 mg/kg daily and 35, 46,
intraperitoneally to dogs and mice were and 70 mg/kg weekly, produced no alteration
activeMP024. Ethanol (70%) extract of fresh in hematological and biochemical para-
root, administered intraperitoneally to mice meters at love and moderate dose levels.
of both sexes at variable dosage levels, pro- However, the moderate dose levels in weekly
duced strong activi tyMpoB2. treatment changed serum aminotransferase
Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) and plasma cholesterol levels significantly.
extract of dried leaves, in cell culture, was High dose, in addition to the above para-
inactive on CA-9KB, EO so > 20.0 mcg/ meters, changed total bilirubin, non-protein
ml MP02O . Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of fruits nitrogen, and blood urea and plasma protein.
was inactive on CA-9KB in cell culture, The high dose, at daily treatment, moderate,
EO so > 20 mcg/mlMPo21. Ethanol/water (1: 1) and high dose of the weekly treatment,
extract of the aerial parts, in cell culture, was increased WBC count and decreased clotting
active on CA-9KB, EDso < 20.0 mcg/mlMPo73. time significantlyMP12o.
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of root bark, in Hyperglycemic activity. Hot water extract
cell culture, was inactive on CA-9KB, EO so of dried fruits, administered by gastric intuba-
> 20.0 mcg/ml. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract tion to rats at a dose of 0.5 ml/animal, pro-
of rootwood, in cell culture, was inactive on duced a maximal change in blood sugar of
CA-9KB, EO so > 20.0 mcg/mlMPo21. 15.3% (increase) vs alloxan-induced hyper-
Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1) glycemiaMposB. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of
extracts of dried leaves and dried stem, dried leaves, administered orally to rats at a
administered intraperitoneally to saline dose of 250.0 mg/kg, produced more than
loaded male rats at doses of 250.0 mg/kg, were 30% drop in blood sugar level MP02o . Ethanol/
inactive. Urine was collected for 4 hours water (1: 1) extract of the entire plant,
post-drug MP02o . Water extracts of dried leaves, administered by gastric intubation to rats at
dried stem, dried root and dried seeds, admin- a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was activeMPo97.
istered to rats by intravenous infusion at Hypocholesterolemic effect. Crude
doses of 25.0 mg/kg, were activeMPo4s. extract of the leaves with a high-fat diet

decreased the high-fat-diet-induced increases and 10 ng/ml, produced negative and posi-
in serum, liver, and kidney cholesterol tive effects, respectively, on frog hearts. The
levels by 14.35% (115-103.2 mg/100 ml reported biological activity is highly dose-
of serum), 6.40% (9.4-8.8 mg/gm wet dependentMPOsl .
weight) and 11.09% (1.09-0.97 mg/gm wet Interferon induction stimulation. Etha-
weight), respectively. The effect on the nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried aerial parts,
serum cholesterol was statistically signifi- at a concentration of 0.012 mg/ml in cell
cant and there was no significant effect on culture, was active on Ranikhet virus, and
serum total protein, However, the crude inactive on Vaccinia virus MP083 .
extract increased serum albumin by 15.22% Mutagenic activity. Chloroform extract
(46-53 gm/l)MP1l9. of roasted seeds, administered intraperito-
Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/water neally to mice at a dose of 0.15 mg/gm,
( 1: 1) extract of flowers, administered by gas- was inactive. Ethyl acetate extract,
tric intubation to rats at a dose of 250.0 administered intraperitoneally to mice at
mg/kg, was activeMPo97. a dose of 0.33 mg/kg, was active. The
Hypoproteinemia activity. Ethanol (95%) effects were determined by the micro-
extract of fresh leaves, administered intra- nucleus testMP041.
venously to rats at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was Myocardial depressant activity. Water
activeMP043. and 95% ethanol extracts of leaves were
Hypotensive activity. Ethanol (95%) and active on the rabbit heartMpo24.
water extracts of leaves, administered intra- Polygalacturonase inhibition. Hot water
venously to dogs, were activeMP024. Ethanol/ extract of bark was acti veMP036.
water (1: 1) extracts of dried leaves and Proto pectinase inhibition. Hot water
dried stem, administered intravenously to extract of bark was active MP036 .
dogs at doses of 50.0 mg/kg, were inac- Semen coagulation effect. Ethanol/water
tiveMP020. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of (1: 1) extract of the dried aerial parts was
dried root, administered intravenously to inactive on rat semenMP073 .
dogs at variable dosage levels, produced Skeletal muscle relaxant activity. Ethanol
weak activityMPlls. Rootbark, administered (95%) and water extracts of the plant were
intravenously to cats at a dose of 0.01 mg/ active on the rectus abdominus muscle of
animal, was active. Duration of activity was frogs MP024 . Water extract of dried stem bark,
20-30 minutesMP021. Water extract of dried at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml, was inac-
stem bark, at a dose of 20.0 mg/kg, adminis- tive on the rectus abdominus muscle of
tered intravenously to dogs, was activeMPOSI. frogs MPOsl .
Hypothermic activity. Methanol extract Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Water
dried leaves, administered intragastrically to extract of dried stem bark, at a concentra-
mice at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, was inactiveMPOS6 . tion of 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive on guinea
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried stem, pig ileum and rat stomachMPosl.
administered intraperitoneally to mice at a Spermicidal effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1 )
dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was inactiveMP020. extract of the dried aerial parts was inactive
Immunostimulant activity. Powdered on the rat spermMP073.
root, administered intravenously to female Toxic effect. Leaves, in the ration of rats on
mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was inactive a 60-day feeding, produced no toxicityMPlll.
vs rate of clearance of colloidal carbonMP072 . Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried root,
Inotropic effect. Water extract of dried administered to mice by gastric intubation
stem bark, at concentrations of 1.0 mcg/ml and subcutaneously at a dose of 10.0 gm/kg

(dose expressed as dry weight of plant), was phylococcus aureus vs pyoderma induced by
inactiveMP066. Staphylococcus aureusMPOI,.
Toxicity assessment (Quantitative). Etha-
nol/water (1: 1) extract of dried aerial parts, REFERENCES
administered intraperitoneally to mice of both MPOOI Suwal, P. N. Medicinal Plants of Nepal.
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mandu, Nepal, 1970.
mice intraperitoneally, produced LO ,o > 1000
MP002 Quisumbing, E. Medicinal plants of the
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LO ,o 1850 mg/kgMP086. Ethanol/water (1: 1) pines, Dept Agr Nat Resources, Manilla
extract of the leaves, administered intraperi- 1951; 1.
toneally to mice, produced a maximum toler- MP003 Tandon, S. P., K. P. Tiwari and A. P.
Gupta. Amino acid content of the seed
ated dose of 1.0 gm/kg MP021 . Ethanol/water
of Moringa concanensis. Proc Nat Acad
(1: 1) extract of leaves and roasted seeds, Sci India Sert A 1967; 37: 121-123.
administered intraperitoneally to mice, both MP004 Srinivasan, M. Ascorbic acid from
produced LO ,o > 1.0 gm/kgMP020. drumstick Moringa pterygosperma. Curr
Thyroid hormone effect. Leaf extract, Sci 1935; 4: 407.
administered orally to adult Swiss rats at a MP005 Rau, Y. V. S. and V. Ranganathan. Pro-
dose of 175 mg/kg daily for 10 days, increased tein of Indian vegetables drumstick
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hepatic lipid peroxidation decreased with a 1937; 20(7): 49.
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males no significant changes were observed. of the kelor pea Moringa oleifera.
Z Vitarninforsch 1940; 10: 185.
At a dose of 350 mg/kg daily for the same
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duration, almost similar reduction in the
Investigations on plant antibiotics. III.
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increased by approximately 30% and an terial principle of the roots of Moringa
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MP064 Caceres, A., O. Cabrera, O. Morales, inga oleifera). A multipurpose Indian
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MP065 Caceres, A. and S. Lopez. Pharmaco- MP078 Nagar, P. K., R. 1. lyer and P. K. Sircar.
logical properties of Moringa oleifera. 3. Cytokinins in developing fruits of
Effect of seed extracts in the treatment Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. Physiol
of experimental Pyodermia. Fitoterapia Plant 1982; 55: 45-50.
1991;62(5):449-450. MP079 Kapoor, S. L. and L. D. Kapoor. Medici-
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and P. Satrawaha. Study on toxicity of trict of Andhra Pradesh. Bull Med
Thai medicinal plants. Bull Dept Med Ethnobot Res 1980; 1: 120-144.
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ascorbic acid, carbohydrate fractions Northern India. J Ethnopharmacol
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leaves. Comp Physiol Ecol 1979; 4: MP082 Adesina, S. K. Studies on some plants
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Madan. Evaluation of plants for anti- Durairajan. Effect of certain plant ex-
viral activity. Indian J Med Res Suppl tracts on chloropromazine induced
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survey of rutin-containing plants. Part Clinician 1984; 48(12): 460-464.
1. Int J Crude Drug Res 1982; 20(4): MP096 Vedavathy, S., K. N. Rao, M. Rajaiah
183-186. and N. Nagaraju. Folklore information
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of the Kani Tribes of Trivandrum For- Pradesh for family planning and birth
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MP086 Singh, N., R. Nath, D. R. Singh, M. L. MP097 Abraham, Z., S. D. Bhakuni, H. S.
Gupta and R. P. Kohli. An experimen- Garg, A. K. Goel, B. N. Mehrotra and
tal evaluation of the protective effects G. K. Patnaik. Screening of Indian
of some indigenous drugs on carbon plants for biological activity. Part XII.
tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity Indian J Exp Bioi 1986; 24: 48-68.
in mice and rats. Q J Crude Drug Res MP098 Chopra, R. N., R. L. Badhwar and S.
1978; 16(1): 8-16. Ghosh. Poisonous Plants ofIndia. Man-
MP087 Jain, S. P. and D. M. Verma. Medici- ager of Publications, Government of
nal plants in the Folk-lore of North- India Press, Calcutta. Volume 1, 1949.
East Haryana. Nat Acad Sci Lett MP099 Rangaswami, S. and S. Sankarasu-
(India) 1981; 4(7): 269-271. bramanian. Chemical components of
MP088 Velazco, E. A. Herbal and traditional the flowers of Moringa pterygosperma.
practices related to material and child Curr Sci 1946; 15: 316-317.
health care. Rural Reconstruction MPI00 Kurup, P. A. and P. L. Narasimha Rao.
Review 1980; 35-39. Antibiotic principle from Moringa
MP089 Mossa, J. S. A study on the crude anti- pterygosperma. II. Chemical nature of
diabetic drugs used in Arabian folk pterygospermin. Indian J Med Res
medicine. Int J Crude Drug Res 1985; 1954; 42: 85.
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Indians. J Ethnopharmacol 1986; cidal drug derived from an indigenous
15(1): 57-88. source. Antiseptic 1956; 53: 287.
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Henrys, J. H. Henrys and R. Anthon. Minda Cae do and A. P. Alcaraz. The
Popular medicine of the Central Pla- availability of carotene in some Phil-
teau of Haiti. 2. Ethnopharmacological ippine vegetables. Philippine J Sci
inventory. J Ethnopharmacol 1986; 1969; 98: 123.
17(1): 13-30. MP103 Padilla, S. P. and F. A. Soliven.
MP092 Shukla, S., R. Mathur and A. O. Chemical analysis for possible sources
Prakash. Anti-implantation efficacy of of oils of forty-five species of oil-bear-
Moringa o!eifera Lam. and Moringa ing seeds. Philippine Agr 1933; 22:
concanensis Nimmo in rats.lnt J Crude 408.
Drug Res 1988; 26(1): 29-32. MP104 Chatterjee, G. S. and S. R. Maitra. A
MP093 Kamboj, V. P. A review of Indian me- note on physiological and clinical find-
dicinal plants with interceptive activ- ings of the active principle (spirochin)
ity.lndianJ Med Res 1988; 4: 336-355. on the Moringa pterygosperma. Sci Cult
MP094 Gonzalez, F and M. Silva. A survey of 1951; 17: 43-44.
plants with antifertility properties MPI05 Malik, M. Y., A. A. Sheikh and W. H.
described in the South American folk Shah. Chemical composition of indig-

enous fodder tree leaves. Pak J Sci phiphat. Pharmacological evaluation

1967; 19: 171. of Thai medicinal plants. (Contin-
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antibiotic action of plants, especially 54(7): 490-504.
the higher plants, with results with MP1l6 Ching, L. S. and S. Mohamed. Alpha-
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105: 8. cal plants. J Agric Food Chern 2001;
MP107 Asprey, G. F. and P. Thornton. 49(6):3101-3105.
Medicinal Plants ofJamaica. IV. West MP117 Nambiar, V. S. and S. Seshadri.
Indian Med J 1955; 4: 145-165. Bioavailability trials of beta-carotene
MPI08 Prakash, A. O. and R. Mathur. Screen- from fresh and dehydrated drumstick
ing of Indian plants for antifertility leaves (Moringa oleifera) in rat model.
activity. Indian J Exp Bioi 1976; 14: Plant Foods Hum Nutr 2001; 56(1):
623-626. 83-95.
MPI09 Dragendorff, G. Die Heilpflanzen der MP1l8 Tahiliani, P. and A. Kar. Role of
Verschiedenen Volker und Zeiten, F. Moringa oleifera leaf extract in the
Enke, Stuttgart, Book 1898; 885pp. regulation of thyroid hormone status in
MPllO Das, B. R. and P. L. Rao. Antibiotic adult male and female rats. Pharmacol
principles from Moringa pterygosperma. Res 2000, 41(3): 319-323.
IX. Inhibition of transaminase by MP1l9 Ghasi, S., E. Nwobodo and). O. Ofili.
isothiocyanates. Ijar 1958; 46: 75-76. Hypocholesterolemic effects of crude
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Availability of calcium in some of the in high-fat diet fed Wistar rats. J
leafy vegetables. Proc Indian Acad Sci Ethnopharmacol2000; 69(1): 21-25.
Ser B 1954; 39: 236-242. MP120 Mazumder, U. K., M. Gupta, S.
MP112 Singh, A. and ). D. Kohli. A plea Chakrabarti and D. Pal. Evaluation of
for research into indigenous drug hematological and hepatorenal func-
employed in veterinary practice. tions of methanolic extract ofMoriniga
Indian Vet J 1956; 32: 271-280. oleifera Lam. root treated mice. Indian
MPI13 George, M. and K. M. Pandalai. Inves- J Exp Bioi 1999; 37(6): 612-614.
tigations on plant antibiotics. Part IV. MPI21 Tsaknis, )., S. Lalas, V. Gergis, V.
Further search for antibiotic sub- Dourtoglou and V. Spiliotis. Charac-
stances in Indian medicinal plants. terization of Moringa oleifera variety
Indian J Med Res 1949; 37: 169-181. Mbololo seed oil of Kenya. J Agri Food
MP114 Kerhado,). Nebreday (Moringa olei- Chern 1999; 47(11): 4495-4499.
fera), a popular Senegalese remedy. MPl22 Guevara, A. P., C. Vargas, H. Sakurai,
Therapeutic use on African chemistry Y. Fujiwara, K. Hashimoto, T. Maoka,
and pharmacology. Plant Med Phy- M. Kozuka, Y. Ito, H. Tokuda and H.
tother 1969; 3: 214-219. Nishino. An antitumor promoter from
MP115 Mokkhasmit, M., K. Swasdimongkol, Moringa oleifera Lam. Mutat Res 1999;
W. Ngarmwathana and U. Perm- 440(2): 181-188.
21 Persea
P. mill

Common Names
A'aboca West Indies Avocado Mexico
Abacateiro Brazil Avocado Nicaragua
Abacateiro Cuba Avocado Sri Lanka
Afia Guinea Avocado Trinidad
Aguacate Argentina Avocado Turkey
Aguacate Belize Avocado West Indies
Aguacate Brazil Avocado pear Indonesia
Aguacate Colombia Avocado pear Israel
Aguacate Cuba Avocado pear jamaica
Aguacate Guatemala Avocado pear South Africa
Aguacate Honduras Avocat Mauritius
Aguacate Mexico Avocat Rodrigues Islands
Aguacate Nicaragua Buite Colombia
Aguacate Panama Butter pear Nicaragua
Aguacate Paraguay Cura Cuba
Aguacate Puerto Rico Curo Colombia
Aguacatero Canary Islands Hoja de palto Easter Island
Aguacatillo Mexico Kukataj Mexico
Aguate Peru Kuulup Nicaragua
Agucatillo Cuba On Belize
Ahuacaquahuitl Mexico Palta Argentina
Alligator pear West Indies Palta Cuba
Aquacate Guatemala Palta Peru
Aquacate Mexico Palto Peru
Auacatl Mexico Pear Belize
Avocado Argentina Pear Guyana
Avocado Australia Pear Nicaragua
Avocado Cuba Sarin Nicaragua
Avocado Indonesia Sikya Nicaragua
Avocado Israel Wagadi Nicaragua
Avocado jamaica Zaboka Haiti
Avocado japan Zaboka West Indies

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION sterility. Hot water extracts of dried seeds and

Tree of the LAURACEAE family with strag- fruit are taken orally for sterility in women,
gling-ascending branches, usually up to about and as an emmenagoguePA068. Hot water
15 meters high, sometimes much taller. extract of leaves is used as an emmena-
Leaves spirally arranged, often clustered near gogUePAOO2 . Hot water extract of the seeds is
the branch ends, narrowly to broadly ellipti- claimed to have antifertility propertiesPAo54.
calor obovate, usually pointed at the tip, up Costa Rica. Infusion of young leaves is
to 20 cm long and over 15 cm broad, with taken orally as an emmenagogue and
well-developed petioles, glaucous beneath. abortifacientPAOJ4.
Flowers in a much-branched compact panicle Cuba. Hot water extract of shoots is taken
shorter than the leaves, greenish-yellow. orally as an abortifacient PA077 .
Fruits variable in size and shape according to Ecuador. Hot water extract of the plant is
the variety, usually shiny and green or brown- taken orally as a contraceptivePAo68 .
ish when ripe, often pear-shaped, up to about Guatemala. Roasted seeds are eaten as a
15 cm long; flesh soft, greenish or yellow, remedy for diarrheaPAo7Z .
oily, surrounding one large loose round seed. Haiti. Decoction of dried bark is taken
orally for amenorrhea. Dried fruit is eaten
for liver troubles. Fresh seeds are eaten for
Native of Mexico, now widespread in the
hepatitis, liver troubles and amenorrhea.
tropics and subtropics. Avocado is cultivated
Juice from fresh seeds is applied to eye for
commercially in Florida, California and
eye problemsPAo65.
Hawaii in the USA, as well as in several
Honduras. Hot water extract of the fruit is
South American countries, South Africa,
taken orally by male adults as a sexual
Australia and tropical Asia.
stimulanrPA006 .
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES Indonesia. Hot water extract of dried leaves
Belize. Hot water extract of dried leaves is is taken orally as an antihypertensiveP A05J .
taken orally for coughPAo56. Jamaica. Fruits are considered "great
Bolivia. Hot water extract of dried fruits provocatives," hence the Spaniards did not
is taken orally for amenorrhea. Hot water like their wives to indulge too much. Hot
extract of dried leaves is taken orally as for water extract of leaves is taken orally as a
amenorrheaPAo68. cure for high blood pressure PA074 .
Brazil. Hot water extract of buds is taken Mauritius. Hot water extract of dried leaves
orally as an emmenagogue and antisyphi- is taken orally as an emmenagoguePA051.
letic. Hot water extract of fresh leaves is Mexico. Extract of the bark and leaves is
taken orally to treat hypertension or induce taken orally as an emmenagoguePAOOl.
diuresisPAo64. Hot water extract of leaves is Decoction of fresh branches is taken orally
taken orally as a diuretic. Hot water extract to treat infertility in adult femalesPA06J.
of the fruit is taken orally as an aphrodisiac Decoction of Corymbosa stem, plants of
by malesPA076. Satureja brownei or Satureja xalapensis and
Canary Islands. Dried bark is used as a food. 1 seed of Persea americana are boiled or
Hot water extract of dried seeds is taken extracted in alcohol. The decoction is
orally as a diureticPAo69. taken in the morning after breakfast for
Colombia. Extract of the mesocarp is admin- anemiaPA061. Decoction of dried leaves is
istered orally to cows as an abortifa-cientPAo02 . taken orally as a remedy for coughs and
Hot water extract of dried leaves is taken colds. Half a leaf of Persea americana is
orally as an emmenagogue and treatment for boiled with leaves of Lippia dulcis and one

half cup is takenPAo61. To relax the body Peru. Hot water extract of dried seeds is
before childbirth, avocado pit, avocado taken orally for amoebic dysentery and as
leaves and salt are used in a bathPAo62. an antidiarrheal, antidiabetic and astrin-
For premature contractions, avocado leaves gent. Externally, the extract is used to wash
and salt are used in a bath. The patients wounds and for baldnessPAo67. Hot water
also take boiled water with 10 drops of extract of leaves is taken orally as an aborti-
"Esencia maravaillosa" (commercial prepa- facient by the Kichos IndiansPAoos.
ration)PAo62. Decoction of fresh leaves and South Africa. Fruit pulp is eaten as an aph-
seeds is taken orally for contraception and rodisiac and emmenagoguePA007 .
dysmenorrhea, to enhance childbirth and as Trinidad. Water extract of grated seeds is
an emmenagogue. Leaves and seeds pre- taken orally every other day as a remedy for
pared with pine smoke and fat is used exter- diabetes PAo73 .
nally as a poultice for wounds and West Africa. Hot water extract of leaves is
bruisesPAo63. Decoction of leaves is taken taken orally as a diureticPAoo8.
orally to treat diarrheaPAo26. Hot water West Indies. Hot water extract of leaves is
extract of the leaf is taken orally as an taken orally as an antidiarrhealPAo46.
emmenagogue PA077 and diureticPAo76. Decoc-
tion of the fresh bark is used externally for (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
skin blemishes; orally to prevent miscar-
riage and speed up postpartum recovery, to S,12,lS-trienyl: FrPA083
treat hemorrhage between menstrual peri- (2E,12Z,lSZ)-2-hydroxy-4-oxoheneicosa-
ods and menorrhagiaPA06J. Fruit pulp is used 12,lS-dienyl: FrPA083
as an aphrodisiac PAo77 . Hot water extract of (SE,12Z)-2-hydroxy-4-oxoheneicosa-S,12-
bark, at a dose of 2 full soupspoons every 2 dienyl: FrPA082
hours, is taken as an emmenagoguePA034. Hot (2R,4R)-2,4-dihydroxyheptadec-16-enyl:
water extract of buds is taken orally as an
emmenagogue and an antisyphileticPAo76. FrPA082
Hot water extract of seeds, mixed with S-Dehydro-avenasterol: Sd oiI1.6_6.8%PA057
moneyworth, wood sorrel and spurge, is S-Hydroxy-tryptamine: Fr PAOll ,PA050
taken orally by women suffering from exces- 7-Dehydro-avenasterol:
sive bleeding after abortionPAo32. Hot water Sd oil O.9_1.7%PA057
extract of the fruit is taken orally as an 1,2,4-Triacetoxyheptadeca-16-ene: SdPA071
AOOl Abscisic acid: Fr PA017 , SdPA079
aphrodisiacPAo76 and emmenagogueP . Hot
Alpha cubebene: Lf EOPA022
water extract of trunk bark is taken orally as
Alpha phellandrene: Lf EOPA022
an emmenagogueP A077 . Seed oil is used exter- Alpha pinene: Lf EOPA022
nally as an astringent, to treat sores and to Alpha terpinene: Lf EO PA022
remove scarsPAOl4. Alpha tocopherol: Sd oilPA047
Panama. Hot water extract of leaves is Apigenin: LfPA023
taken orally to treat hypertension and as an Astragalin: LfPA023
emmenagoguePA049. Beta myrcene: Lf EO PA 022
Paraguay. Extract of the plant is taken Beta ocimene: Lf EO 022
Beta pinene: Lf EOPA022
orally as an abortifacient and emmena-
Beta sitosterol: LfPA008
gogUeP A01S . Hot water extract of leaves, Campesterol: Sd oil 4.9_6.3%PA057
together with Aristolochia triangularis and Camphene: Lf EOPA022
Jacaranda mimosifolia, is taken orally for fer- Carvone: Lf EOPA022
tility regulation in females PAOO4 ,PAOJJ. Catechin: SdPA009, LfPA080

Catechin, epi: SdPA009, LfPA080, Fr PePA080 ting technique in sera of allergenic

Chaviccol methyl ester: Lf EO 90.03%PA043 patientsPAoll. Fruit, taken by human adults,
Cholesterol: Sd oil 1 .1_2.3%PA057,PA047
was active. Skin prick tests produced posi-
Cineol: Lf EOPA022
Cyanidin: LfPA060
tive IgE-mediated reactions with varying
Cynaroside: LfPA023 symptoms from rhinoconjunctivitis to ana-
D-Limonene: Lf EOPA022 phylactic shockPAo29.
Decan-1-ol acetate: Lf EOPA022 Analgesic activity. Flavonoid fraction of
Dihydro-phaseic acid: FrPA058 dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally
Dimethyl-sciadinonate: LfPA0l8 to mice at a dose of 80.0 mg/kg, was active
Dopamine: FrPA050 vs hot plate methodPAo52.
Estragole: Fr Pe 60_90%PA019,
Lf EO 90.03%PA021
Antibacterial activity. Methanol/water
Eugenol methyl ether: Lf EOPA022
(1: 1) extract of leaves, in broth culture, was
Fructose: FrPA048 inactive on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli,
Gamma terpinene: Lf EOPA022 Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Glucose: FrPA048 Staphylococcus albus, and Staphylococcus
Heptadecane-1-2-4-triol: SdPA071 aureus PAOll . Petroleum ether extract of seeds,
Hex-cis-3-en-1-oi I: Lf EOPA022 on agar plate, was active on Sarcina lute a
Hexan-1-al: Lf EOPA022
and Staphylococcus aureus, and inactive on
Luteolin: LfPA023
Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Salmo-
Mannoheptulose: Fr 0.6-3.1 %PA048
Methyl ether chavicol: Lf EO 90.03%PA043
nella typhosaPAo75.
N-Hexadecane: Lf EOPA022 Anticlastogenic activity. Fruit juice, at a
N-Octane: Lf EOPA022 dose of 50.0 ml/kg, administered intraperi-
Nerol acetate: Lf EOPA022 toneally to mice, was active on marrow cells
Octan-1-ol: Lf EOPA022 vs mitomycin C- and dimethylnitrosamine-
Oleic acid: FrPA016 induced micronucleiPAo27.
Palmitic acid: FrPA016
Antiedema activity. Methanol extract of
Pentan-1-ol: Lf EOPA022
fruit, applied externally to mice at a dose of
Persea proanthocyanidin: Sd PAOlO
Perseitol: Fr 0.4_3.8%PA048 2.0 mg/ear, was active. The inhibition ratio
Persenone A: FrPA085 was 8 vs 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-
Persenone B: FrPA087 acetate (TPA)-induced ear inflammationPAo24.
Procyanidins: LfPA060, Fr PePA080 Antifungal activity. Chloroform extract of
Querceti n: LfPA008 freeze-dried fruit peel, on agar plate, was
Quercetin-3-diglucoside: LfPA023 active on Cladosporium cladosporiodesPAo12.
Sabinene: Lf EOPA022
(E,Z,Z )-1-Acetoxy- 2-hydroxy-4-oxohenei-
Sciadinonic acid dimethyl ester: LfPA045
Scopoleti n: LfPA023
cosa-5,12,15-triene, isolated for the fruit
Stearic acid: FrPA016 idioblast cells, inhibited spore germination of
Stigmast-7 -en-3-beta-ol: Sd oilPA057 the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum gloeo-
Stigmasterol: Sd ojIPA057 sporioidesPAo86.
Vitamin A: Sd oilPA047 Antigiardiasis activity. Decoction ofleaves
Vitamin D: Sd oilPA047 and stem, at a concentration of 4.0 mg/
ml, produced weak activity on Giardia
AND CLINICAL TRIALS Antihepatotoxic activity. Fruits, adminis-
Allergenic activity. Fresh fruit, eaten by tered orally to rats with liver damage caused
human adults of both sexes, was active. The by D-galactosamine, produced extraordinar-
effect was investigated by an immunoblot- ily potent liver injury suppressing activity as

measured by changes in the levels of plasma atiels died after eating avocado. Necropsy of
alanine aminotransferase and aspartate the canary revealed enlarged spleen, subcu-
amiotransferasePAo83. taneous edema and phlebitis (judged unre-
Antihypertensive activity. Water extract of lated to avocado ingestion). The cockatiels
dried leaves, administered intravenously to showed hydropericardium, possibly due to
rats at a concentration of 0.1 ml/animal, was avocado. Deaths of all birds were attributed
active vs nicotine- and norepinephrine- to avocado intoxication. Fruit pulp, adminis-
induced hypertensionPAo53. Methanol:dichlor- tered by gastric intubation to budgerigars and
omethane extact of the leaves inhibited the canaries at doses of 1.0 and 0.7 ml/animal,
[3HJ-AT II binding (angiotensin II A TI was active. The birds were given doses of a
receptor) more than 50%PA084. mixture of 8.7 gm avocado pulp mixed with
Antimalarial activity. Ethanol (95%) and 2.0 ml water. Two of 4 budgerigars given 2
hexane extracts of dried leaves and stem, doses died, all budgerigars given 4 doses died
administered by gastric intubation to mice and 1 canary given 4 doses died. Necropsy
at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg (daily for 4 days), showed excessive epicardial fluid, generalized
were inactive on Plasmodium bergheiPAozo. lung congestion and nonsuppurative inflam-
Antiyeast activity. Ethanol (60%) extract mation. Death was attributed to lung conges-
of dried leaves, on agar plate, was inactive tion caused by avocaddAo37 .
on Candida albicansPAo42. Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1)
Barbiturate potentiation. Flavonoid frac- extract of fresh leaves, administered to rats
tion of dried seeds, administered intraperi- by gastric intubation at a dose of 40.0 ml/kg,
tone ally to mice at a dose of 80.0 mg/kg, was was active. The extract consists of five parts
activePAo52. fresh plant material in 100 parts water/
Cell proliferation inhibition. Water extract ethanolPAo36.
of dried leaves, at a concentration of 200.0 Hypertensive activity. Fresh fruit eaten
mcg/ml, was inactive on lymphocytes vs phy- by human adults was active. There was an
tohemagglutinin-induced proliferation. The induction of a hypertensive crisis in a
effect is reversible PA03O . patient on monoamine-oxidase inhibitor
Chronotropic effect (positive). Ethanol/ therapyPAo44. Ethanol (95%) and water
water (1: 1) extract of fresh leaves, adminis- extracts of dried leaves and stem, adminis-
tered by gastric intubation to rats at a dose tered intravenously to dogs and by gastric
of 40.0 ml/kg, was inactive PA064 . intubation to rats at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg,
Collagen synthesis inhibition. Seed oil, were activePA003. Ethanol/water (1: 1 )
administered to rats by gastric intubation at extract of fresh leaves, at a dose of 40.0 ml/
a dose of 10%, was active. Weanling ani- kg, produced weak activityPAo64. Flavonoid
mals were fed a diet supplemented with the fraction of dried seeds, administered intra-
oil for 8 weeks, after which dorsal skin was venously to male rats at a dose of 2.0 mg/
assayed for moisture, protein total collagen kg, produced weak activityPAo5z.
and soluble collagen. Only the latter had Larvicidal activity. Leaves (undiluted), in
increased by 36% vs controlPAo40. the ration of Bombyx mori larvae, were
Comutagenic activity. Fruit juice, admin- activePA045.
istered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of Lysyl oxidase inhibition. Seed oil, adminis-
50.0 ml/kg, was active on marrow cells vs tered by gastric intubation to rats at a dose of
tetracycline-induced micronuclei PAo27 . 10.0%, was active. Weanling animals were
Death. Dried fruit, administered orally to fed a diet supplemented with the oil for 8
canary, was active. One canary and 3 cock- weeks, after which dorsal skin was assayed. A

56% decrease in activity was observedPAo40. Superoxide generation inhibitors.

Unsaponifiable fraction, at a concentration (2R)0( 12Z, 15Z)-2-hydroxy-4-oxoheneicosa-
of 0.5%, was active on rat skin. Enzyme 12,15-dien+++-1-yl acetate, and two com-
activity was decreased by 30%PAOJ8. pounds, persenone A and B, isolated from the
Molluscicidal activity. Ethanol (95%) fruit, inhibited superoxide and nitric oxide
extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of generation in cell culture systemsPA081.
100.0 ppm, was inactive on Biomphalaria Toxic effect. Powdered freeze-dried fruit,
glabrata eggs and adults. The hexane-ethyl administered to budgerigar by gastric intu-
acetate extract was inactive on eggs and bation at a concentration of 1.0 ml, was
adultsPAol9. Ethanol (95 %) and hot water active PA025 . Seed oil, at variable concentra-
extracts of seeds, at a concentration of tions, was inactive. Various tests involving
10,000 ppm, were active on Biomphalaria creams and other beauty care products with
straminea PA010 . Ethanol (95%) and water avocado oil concentrations as high as 10%
extracts of dried seeds, at concentrations of showed little or no irritation. Undiluted
10,000 ppm, were inactive on Biomphalaria seed oil applied by patches was inactive.
glabrata and Biomphalaria stramineaPA018. Patches remained on subject for 48 hours
Homogenate of fresh entire plant was inac- and test was repeated in 14 days. No sensiti-
tive on Lymnaea columella and Lymnaea zation occurred. Seed oil, administered sub-
cubensis. Fruits, leaves and roots were cutaneously to rats at a dose of 0.25 ml/
testedPAo55. animal, was inactive. Daily dosing for 30
Nitric oxide synthase suppression. days produced no gross pathological effects.
Persenone A, at a concentration of 20 Seed coat, taken orally by human adults at a
microM, almost completely suppressed both dose of 625.0 mg/kg, was inactivePAOJS .
inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclo- Toxicity assessment (quantitative). The
oxygenase protein expression induced by minimum toxic dose for ethanol (95%)
lipopolysaccharide and interferon in a mouse extract of dried leaves and stem was 1.0 ml/
machrophage cell line RAW 264. 7PA085. animal when administered intraperitoneally
Phagocytosis stimulation. Unsaponifiable to mice. The water extract was 0.5 ml/
fraction of dried fruit, administered intrap- animal PAool . Flavonoid fraction of dried seeds,
eritoneally to male mice at a dose of 0.5 ml/ administered intraperitoneally to mice, LDso
animal, was activePAo59. 340.0 mg/kgPA052.
Pharmacokinetic study. Seed oil applied Tumor promotion inhibition. Methanol
to the skin is rapidly absorbedPAol5. extract of fresh fruits, at a concentration of
Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Ethanol 200.0 mcg in cell culture, was active on
(95%) extract of dried leaves and stem, at a Epstein-Barr virus vs 12-0-hexadecanoyl-
concentration of 33 ml/liter, was active on phorbol-13-acetate-induced Epstein-Barr
rabbit duodenum PAoOJ . virus activationPAo66.
Smooth muscle stimulant activity. Fla- Uterine stimulant effect. Ethanol (95%)
vonoid fraction of dried seeds produced extract of leaves and stem, at a concentra-
weak activity on guinea pig ileumPAosz. tion of 0.33 ml/liter, was active on rat
Spasmogenic activity. Ethanol (95%) uterus. The water extract, at a concentra-
extract of the leaves, at a concentration of tion of 0.033 ml/liter, produced strong
3.3 ml/liter and water extract at a concen- activityPAool.
tration of 0.33 ml/liter administered intrap- WBC-macrophage stimulant. Water
eritoneally to guinea pigs, were active on extract of freeze-dried fruit at a concentra-
the ileumPAOOJ. tion of 2.0 mg/ml was inactive. Nitrite for-

mation was used as an index of the mac- PA012 Adikaram, N. K. B., D. R. Ewing,
rophage stimulating activity to screen effec- A. M. Karunaratne and E. M. K
tive foodsPAo41. Wijeratne. Antifungal compounds
from immature avocado fruit peel.
Phytochemistry 1992; 31(1): 93-96.
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lombia. J Ethnopharmacol1980; 2(1): sible anti-tumor promoting activity.
43-47. Cancer Lett 1988; 39(3): 247-257.
PA055 Medina, F. R. and R. Woodbury. Ter- PA067 Ramirez, V. R., L. J. Mostacero, A. E.
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22 Phyllanthus
• •
n Irurl

Common Names
Bhoomi amalaki India Gale-wind grass West Indies
Bhui amla Bangladesh Graine en bas fievre French Guiana
Bhui-amla India Hurricane weed West Indies
Bhuianvalah India Jar amla Fiji
Bhuimy-amli East Indies Jar-amla India
Bhuin-amla Pakistan Kizha nelli India
Bhumyamalaki India Mapatan Papua-New Guinea
Cane peas senna West Indies Mimosa West Indies
Carry-me seed Fiji Niruri Pakistan
Carry-me seed West Indies Para-parai mi Paraguay
Chamber bitters West Indies Pei Admiralty Islands
Chancapiedra Peru Phyllanto Brazil
Chickweed West Indies Pombinha East Indies
Creole senna Virgin Islands Querba pedra Brazil
Daun marisan East Indies Quinine weed West Indies
Derriere-dos Haiti Sampa-sampalukan Philippines
Deye do Haiti Sasi Papua-NewGuinea
Elrageig Sudan Se Papua-New Guinea
En bas West Indies Shka-nin-du Mexico
Eruption plant Papua-New Guinea Viernes santo Puerto Rico
Gale-o-wind Bimini Ya-tai-bai Thailand
Gale wind grass Fiji Verba de san pablo Philippines

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION enervations. In the roots, the secondary

A herb of the EUPHORBIACEAE family growth starts very early and is well pro-
that grows up to 60 cm. The plant is bitter nounced. There is a distinct cambium. No
in taste, the leaves are small, green, and starch grains, mineral crystals or latex ves-
short-petioled with a thin and glaucous sels are seen in either the root or stem.
under surface. The flowers are unisexual,
monoecious, minute, greenish and incon- ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION
spicuous, short-stalked and borne in pairs in The plant originated in India, usually
the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a capsule, occurring as a winter weed throughout the
globose, slightly depressed at the top with 6 hotter parts; now widespread throughout the
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


tropics and subtropics in sandy regions dur- entire plant is taken orally as a spasmolytic
ing rainy seasons. and for feverPN058.
India. Decoction of the dried aerial parts is
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES taken orally for diarrheaPN025 and jaundiceN065 .
Admiralty Islands. Hot water extract of Fresh plant juice is taken orally for genitouri-
dried bark and leaves is taken orally for acute nary disordersPN07o . The fruit is used externally
venereal disease. The extract (500 ml) is for tubercular ulcers, scabies and ring-
taken twice daily for up to 6 monthsPN061 . wormPN03O. Hot water extract of dried entire
Argentina. The plant is used as an emmena- plant is taken orally, as a diuretic PN021 , for gon-
gogue by the rural populacePN016. orrhea, urogenital tract infectionsPN042,
Bimini. Hot water extract of the entire plant diabetesPNOlo , jaundicePN094,PN06\ leucorrheaPN045
is taken orally to reduce fevers and as a and asthma, in Ayurvedic medicine PN068 . Hot
laxati vePN052 . water extract of dried leaves is taken orally
Brazil. Decoction of dried root is taken orally for diabetes. Hot water extract of fresh shoots
for jaundice. Decoction of dried seeds is is taken orally for dysentery and jaundicePN042 .
taken orally for diabetes. Hot water extract Hot water extract of leaves is taken orally
of dried fruit is taken orally for diabetes. as a stomachicPN03O, for menorrhagiaPN°07 and
Infusion of dried leaves and stems is taken intermittent feverPNo87. Water extract of roots
orally to treat kidney and bladder calculi. is taken orally as a galactagogueNoo6 .
Infusion of the dried entire plant adminis- Malaysia. Hot water extract of leaves is
tered orally, is used to dissolve kidney and taken orally after a miscarriage and as an
bladder stones, and for renal diseasesPN08o . emmenagogueNOO7 .
Dominican Republic. Hot water extract of Mexico. Hot water extract of dried leaves is
leaves is taken orally as a popular fever an emetic when taken as a strong teaPN091.
remedyPN084. Papau-New Guinea. Fresh leaf and root
East Africa. Hot water extract of the aerial juices are taken orally for venereal diseases.
parts is taken orally as a diureticPN089. Decoction of dried entire plant is taken orally
East Indies. Hot water extract of the entire to treat venereal diseasesPN043 . For malaria, the
plant is taken orally for menstrual troubles/ decoction is taken orally and used to bathe
complaints and diabetes, as a purgative and the patient. For tuberculosis, a single dose of
tonicPN09O . the decoction is taken orallyPN067. Decoction
Fiji. Decoction of dried leaves and roots is of dried leaf is taken orally as a treatment for
taken orally for fever and for good health. diarrhea. A cupful of the decoction is taken
Dried entire plant, ground in buttermilk is dailyPN027.
taken orally for jaundice. Fresh leaf juice is Peru. Hot water extract of dried entire plant
used externally for cuts and bruises. For eye is taken orally as a diuretic, for gallstones and
diseases, the juice is mixed with castor oil and renal calculiPN079.
applied to the eye. Infusion of dried leaves is Philippines. Decoction of dried entire plant
taken orally for dysentery and diarrhea. Infu- is used as a bath for newborns. It is believed
sion of the green root is taken orally to treat to remove disease-causing elements from
heavy menstrual flow PNon . the skin. Orally, the decoction is used for
French Guiana. Hot water extract of leaves coughs in infants PN069 . Hot water extract of
is taken orally as a cholagoguePNo17. the entire plant is taken orally as an
Haiti. Decoction of dried leaves is taken emmenagogueNOO1 ,PNOO5.
orally or used in bath for fever, and orally for Puerto Rico. Hot water extract of leaf and
indigestionPN077 . Hot water extract of dried stem is taken orally for fevers PNOO4 .

Sudan. Hot water extract of dried leaves is Geranin: PI 0.23%PN038

taken orally as an analgesicPN060. Hinokinin: PIPN014
Hydroxy niranthin: Lf 4PNOll
Tanzania. Hot water extract of fresh entire
Hypophyllanthin: PIPN008,
plant is taken orally for gonorrheaPNOll. Lf 0.05_0.17%PN087,PN013,PN002, AerPN089
Thailand. Hot water extract of the entire Iso-lintetralin: PI 3.4 PN014
plant is taken orally as an antipyreticPN093. Hot Iso-quercitri n: LfPN031,PN041
water extract of the dried aerial parts is taken Kaempferol-4-0-alpha-L-rhamnoside:
orally as a diuretic and antipyretic, and for RtPN030
malaria PN031 . Hot water extract of dried entire Linnanthin: Lf 2 PN013
plant is taken orally as an anti-inflammatory Linoleic acid: Sd oil 21 %PN057
Linolenic acid: Sd oil 51.4%PN057
agentPN092 .
Lintetralin: Lf 5_1SPN014,PN013, AerPN033
Virgin Islands. Hot water extract of the plant Lupeol acetate: RtPN009,PN054
is taken orally to increase the appetitePN08l . Lupeol: RtPN009,PN054
West Indies. Hot water extract of roots, Niranthin: Lf 9_430PN013,PN002, AerPN033
together with hot water extract of Citrus Nirphyllin: Aer 7PN012
aurantifolia roots, is taken orally to increase Nirtetralin: PIPN014,PN056, Lf 9_930PN013,PN002
appetite. Hot water extract of the entire plant Nirurin: PI 400PN066
is taken orally, for malaria and malarial fever. Nirurine: Aer 39.8PN076
Nirurinetin: PIPN066
Water extract of the leaves and roots is taken
Nor-securinine: RtPN030
orally for diabetes, and as a diureticPNOl3,PNo88.
Phyllanthenol: Aer 20PN015
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Phyllanthenone: Aer 8 PN015
Phyllantheol; Aer 15PN015
(ppm unless otherwise indicated) Phyllanthin: Aer 400PN074,
H-Epi-catechin: Rt CultPN020 Lf 1100-32S0PN081 ,PN087
H-Epi-catechin-3-gallate: Rt CultPN020 Phyllanthine: Rt, Lf, StPN065
H-Epi-gallocatechin: Rt CultPN020 Phyllanthus: PIPN042
H-Epi-gallocatech i n-3-0-gallate: Rt Cu ItPN020 Phyllester: Aer 12PNo33
H-Limonene: Lf EO 4.S%PN083 Phyllnirurin: Aer 6 PN012
H-Nor-serurinine: PIPN082 Phyllochrysine: Lf, StPN055
(+)-Catechin: Rt CultPN020 Phylltetri n: AerPN033
(+)-Gallocatechin: Rt CultPN020 Phyltetralin: PIPN056, Lf 0.14%PN013
4-Hydroxy-lintetralin: Lf 200 PN013 ,PN011 Quercetin: LfPN031,PN041, PIPN063
4-Hydroxy-sesamin: PIPN029 Quercitrin: LfPN031,PN041, PIPN063
4-Methoxy-nor-securinine: Aer, Lf, Rt, StPN065 Repandusinic acid A: PIPN021
2,3-dimethoxy-iso-lintetralin: Lf 2 PN013 Repandusinic acid: PI 0.12%PN019
24-lsopropyl cholesterol: Aer 18PNo33 Ricinoleic acid: Sd oil 1.2%PN039
Ascorbic acid: Lf 0.41 %PN032 Rutin: PIPN063, LfPN031,PN041
Astragalin: LfPN031,PN041 Salicylic acid methyl ester: Lf EO PN 083
Beta sitosterol: LfPN002 Seco-4-hydroxy-lintetralin: Lf 20PNOll
Corilagin: PI 7PN040 Trans-phytol: PIPN049
Cymene: Lf EO 11 %PN083 Triacontan-1-al: Aer 60PN074
Demethylenedioxy niranthin: Lf 2PN013 Triancontan-1-ol: Aer 560PNo74
Dotriacontanoic acid: Aer 6SPN033
Ellagic acid: PI 108_972PN038,PN040,PN021 PHRMACOlOCICAl ACTIVITIES
Eriodictyol-7 -O-alpha-L -rhamnoside: RtPN030 AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Estradiol: PI 3PN050
Fisetin-41-0-beta-D-glucoside: PI 400PN063 Aldose reductase inhibition. Ethanol
Gallic acid: Rt CultPN020, (70%) extract of dried entire plant was ac-
PI 2.7_27PN040,PN038 tive, lC lo 1.0 mcg/mlPN040.

Analgesic activity. Methanol extract of Antihepatotoxic activity. Hexane extract of

dried callus tissue, administered intraperito- dried aerial parts, at a concentration of 1.0
neally to mice at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml in cell culture, was active on rat hepa-
mg/kg, was active vs acetic acid-induced tocytes, results significant at P < 0.01 level vs
writhing and formalin-induced pedal CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity. The extract
edema. At 50.0 mg/kg, the extract was inac- was inactive vs galactosamine-induced
tive vs tail flick response to radiant heatPN026. toxicityPN074. Dried entire plant, administered
Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried entire by gastric intubation to sheep at a dose of 1.0
plant, administered intragastrically to male gm/kg, was active. The animals were dosed
mice at a dose of 50 mg/kg, was active. The daily for 10 days after receiving the hepato-
extract, administered intraperitoneally to toxic paracetamol. A mixture of Andrographis
male mice at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg, was also paniculata, Phyllanthus niruri, and Solanum
active. In both cases, antinociceptive effects nigrum was used. Changes induced by toxin
were demonstrated using 5 different models were ameliorated by treatment. Changes
of nociceptionPN028. included anemia, leukocytosis with neutro-
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi- philia and lymphopenia, increased coagula-
tion. Chromatographic fraction of dried tion, decreased glucose, cholesterolemia,
entire plant, at a concentration of 100.0 mcg/ hypotriglyceridemia jaundice and elevation
ml, was active PN038 . of AST and ALTPN024. Powdered dried entire
Antibacterial activity. Water extract of plant, administered by gastric intubation to
fresh entire plant, at a concentration of 1.0% rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was active on
on agar plate, was inactive on Neisseria liver homogenate vs ethanol-treated rats
gonorrheaPNOll. Saline extract of leaves, at a dosed for 45 days. Triglyceride, cholesterol
concentration of 10% on agar plate, was and phospholipid contents in fatty liver were
active on Pasteurella pestis and Staphylococcus reduced to normallevelsPNo36. Water extract
aureus, and inactive on Escherichia coliPN086. of dried leaves, administered by gastric
Chloroform extract of dried leaves, at a con- intubation to rats at a concentration of 2.0
centration of 1.0 gm/ml on agar plate, was ml/kg, was active. The activity was as effec-
inactive on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, tive as pretreatment vs CCl 4-induced
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus hepatotoxici tyPN075.
aureus. The methanol extract was active on Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Dried
Staphylococcus aureus, and inactive on Bacil- entire plant, in the ration of rats, was
lus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas active. Fatty liver was induced with alcohol.
aeruginosaPN060 . The plant material reduced the increased
Antidiarrheal activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) deposition of triglycerides, cholesterol and
extract of the dried aerial parts, at a con- phospholipids in the liver, heart and kidney
centration of 300 mg, was inactive for anti- that resulted from alcohol treatmenrPN078 .
diarrheal activity on both guinea pig and Antihyperglycemic activity. Water
rabbit ileums vs Escherichia coli-Inte extract of dried entire plant, administered
Rotoxin-induced diarrheaPN025. by gastric intubation to rats, was active vs
Antifungal activity. Petroleum ether extract alloxan-induced hyperglycemiaPN042.
of whole plant produced antifungal activity Antihyperlipemic activity. Water extract of
on Helminthosporium sativa. The leaf extract dried entire plant, in the ration of rats, was
produced antifungal activity on Alternaria active. Fatty liver was induced with
alternata, and had no activity on Curvalaria alcohol. The plant material reduced the
lunataPN051. increased deposition of triglycerides, choles-

terol and phospholipids in the liver, heart, dependent inhibitory effect on a model of
and kidney that resulted from the alcohol CaOx crystal endocytosis by Madin-Darby
treatmentPN018. canine kidney cells. The response was
Antimalarial activity. Ethanol extract of present even at very high (pathologic) CaOx
the entire plant produced more than 60% concentrations and no toxic effect was
inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum growth, detected PN095 .
in vitro, at a test concentration of 6 micro- Antiviral activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
gram/mIPN096. The ethanolic, dichlorometh- of dried aerial parts was active on hepatitis
ane and lyophilized aqueous extracts of the B virus. Antiviral activity was measured in
whole plant were evaluated for its antima- serum of patients who were positive for the
larial activity in vivo, in 4-day, suppressive hepatitis B virusPNo46. Water extract of the
assays against Plasmodium berghei ANKA in dried entire plant, administered to wood-
mice. No toxic effect of mortality was chucks at a dose of 9.0 mg/animal, was
observed in the mice treated, orally, as a active vs hepatitis in long-term chronic car-
single dose of 500 mg/kg body weight, or as riers of woodchuck hepatitis. No effect was
the same dose given twice weekly for 4 seen in either experimental or control ani-
weeks. No significant lesions were observed, mals. When experimental animals were
by eye or during histopathological examina- later switched to intraperitoneal administra-
tions, in the hearts, lungs, spleens, kidneys, tion, two of them showed a drop in antigen
livers, large intestines or brains of any titer (two others died of unrelated causes).
mouse. At a dose of 200 mg/kg, the No control animals showed any effectsPN094.
ethanolic and dichloro-methane extracts Water extract of the dried entire plant,
produced significant chemosuppressions of administered by gastric intubation to wood-
parasitaemia, when administered orallyPNo91. chucks, was active on woodchuck hepatitis
Antimutagenic activity. Water extract of virus. Biological activity reported has been
dried leaves, administered by gastric intu- patentedPNo35. Water extract of the dried
bation to mice at a dose of 10.0 ml/kg, was entire plant, administered intraperitoneally
active vs nickle-induced clastogenicityPNoJ8. to woodchucks at a concentration of9.0 mg/
Antipyretic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) animal, was active vs hepatitis in recently
extract of the entire plant, administered by infected woodchucks. Three out of 4 experi-
gastric intubation to rabbits at variable dos- mental animals showed elimination of
age levels, was inactive vs yeast-induced woodchuck hepatitis surface antigen and
pyrexiaPN09J. woodchuck hepatitis DNA polymerize after
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water n days. They remained negative for 300
(1:1) extract of the entire plant was active days. Control animal did not show any
on guinea pig ileum vs ACh- and histamine- change. Water extract of the dried entire
induced spasmsPNOOJ. plant, administered intraperitoneally to
Antitumor activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) woodchucks at a concentration of 9.0 mg/
extract, administered intraperitoneally to animal, was active vs hepatitis in long-term
mice, was active on LEUK (Friend Virus- chronic carriers of woodchuck hepatitis.
Solid)pNooJ. Ethanol (95%) and water extracts Titer of woodchuck hepatitis surface anti-
of dried aerial parts, at doses of 100.0 mg/kg, gen was lowered relative to untreated con-
were inactive on Sarcoma 180(ASC)pNo44. trols. Half of a ml of the extract was given
Anti-urolithiasis effect. The aqueous once a weekP N094 . Water extract of dried
extract of the plant, in vitro, exhibited a entire plant (plants cultivated in USA),
potent and effective non-concentration- tested on hepatitis virus in cell culture, was

inactive vs hepadnavirus DNA polymerase, able concentrations, were active. The bio-
IC so 381.0 and 410.0 mcg/mIPNOJ8. Ethanol logical activity reported has been
(95%) extract of fresh entire plant, tested patentedPN015. Water extract of dried leaves,
on Tobacco Mosaic virus in cell culture, was was active. Hepatitis B surface antigen inac-
equivocal. The viral inhibitory activity was tivation was assayed, IC so 650 ng/ml. The
7%PN022. Fresh leaf and fresh root extracts, at methanol extract was also active, IC ,o 1.2
a concentration of 4.0%, were active on mcg/ml. Water extract of dried leaves was
Peanut Mosaic virus, Tobacco Mosaic virus active. Hepatitis B surface antigen inactiva-
and Tobacco Ring Spot virus PN073 . tion was assayed, IC so 3.30 mcg/mlPN023 . Chlo-
Cardiotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1 ) roform extracrPNOl9 and water extracrPN034 of
extract of the entire plant, administered dried leaves, stem and dried roots, at a con-
intravenously to dogs at variable concentra- centration of 2.0%, were active.
tions, was inactivePN09J. Hypoglycemic activity. Water extract ofthe
Chromosome aberration inhibition. Water dried entire plant, administered orally to rab-
extract of dried fruit and leaf, administered bits at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was inactive. A
by gastric intubation to mice at a dose of drop in blood sugar of 15 mg relative to inert-
685.0 mg/kg, was active vs chromosome treated control indicated positive results PNOIO .
damage induced by lead nitrate and alumi- Hypotensive activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
num sulphate in bone marrow chromo- extract of the entire plant, administered
somes. Dosing was for 7 daysPN041. intravenously to dogs at variable dosage lev-
Chronotropic effect (positive). Ethanol/ els, was inactivePN093 .
water (1: 1) extract of the entire plant, Molluscicidal activity. Ethanol (95%)
administered to dogs intravenously at vari- extract of dried stem, at a concentration of
able dosages, was inactivePN093 . 250.0 ppm, was inactive on Biomphalaria
Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) pfeifferi and Bulinus truncatus. Petroleum
extract of entire plant, in cell culture, was ether extract, at a concentration of 25.0
inactive on CA-9KB, EDso> 20.0 mcg/mlPNoo3 . ppm, was active on Biomphalaria pfeifferi and
DNA polymerase inhibition. Water Bulinus truncatusPN062.
extract of dried entire plant, at a concen- Nematocidal activity. Decoction of bark,
tration of 50.0 mg/ml, was active vs activity at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml, was active
of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA poly- on T oxacara canisPN048.
merase; 50.0 mg/ml produced 25% inhibi- Reverse transcriptase inhibition. Water
tion. Methanol and water extracts, at extract of the dried entire plant was active
variable dosages, were also active. The bio- on HIV -1 virus, IOso 50.0 mcg/ml PN021 .
logical activity reported in these studies has Spasmolytic activity. Methanol extract of
been patentedPNOJ'. dried callus tissue, at a concentration of
Hepatitis B surface antigen inactivation. 320.0 mcg/ml, was inactive on guinea pig
Water extract of dried entire plant, at a con- ileum vs ACh-induced contractions PN026 .
centration of 0.2 mg/ml, was active on hepa- Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
titis virus vs reaction of woodchuck hepatitis nol/water (1: 1) extract of the entire plant,
surface antigen with hepatitis B (Human) administered orally to mice, tolerated a
antibody. A concentration of 0.63 mg/ maximum dose of 1.0 gm/kgPNOOJ. Water
ml was active on hepatitis B virus vs extract of the dried entire plant, at a dose of
reaction of hepatitis B surface antigen with 0.1 meg/animal, was inactive. No weight
hepatitis B antibodyfN094. Water and metha- loss was found 7 days after treatment with
nol extracts of the dried entire plant, at vari- the extractPN094.

REFERENCES neolignan from Phyllanthus niruri.

J Nat Prod 1989; 52(1): 48-5l.
PNOOI Quisumbing, E. Medicinal plants of
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tion. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 1981; vonoids of Phyllanthus fraternus in rats.
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from Phyllanthus niruri on hepatitis B Parasitol2001; 95(1): 47-57.
23 Portulaca

Common Names
Amloniya Fiji Makabling West Indies
Baldroegas Madeira Mutunu Tanzania
Baraloniya Fiji Olasiman West Indies
Barbin Qatar Pappukura India
Barbir Qatar Pigweed Fiji
Beldroega Brazil Portulaca Italy
Beldroegas Madeira Posely Nicaragua
Bredo de porco Brazil Pourpier Dominica
Buklut-ul-hakima India Pourpier West Indies
Burra-Ionia India Purchiacchella Italy
Common purslane Madeira Purslane Dominica
Common purslane USA Purslane Europe
Coupie Dominica Purslane Jamaica
Coupie West Indies Purslane Netherlands
Croupier French Guiana Purslane USA
Demze Guinea Purslane West Indies
Dorcellana Italy Pusley Europe
Erba vasciulella Italy Pusley Guyana
Farfena Oman Pusley Virgin Islands
Goni India Puss ley West Indies
Khurfa India Pussly Jamaica
Khursa Fiji Pussly West Indies
Khutura India Rigia Qatar
Koolfa India Rigla Egypt
Koupye Haiti Shoi-bee-reum Egypt
Kulfa India Small purslain India
Kupye West Indies Suvandacheera India
Kurfa India Tarbari India
Langiruh Brunei Tokmakan Turkey
Lonika India Tukhm khurfa Pakistan
Loonia India Verdolaga Brazil
Lulimilwasenga Tanzania Verdolaga Canary Islands
Machixian China Verdolaga Cuba

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Verdolaga Nicaragua Verdolaga Spain

Verdolaga Peru Verdulaga Spain
Verdolaga Puerto Rico

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION India. Hot water extract of dried leaves is

An annual, prostrate or spreading, succulent, taken orally as a diuretic and for liver
branched herb of the PORTULACAEAE diseasesPOo4z. Leaves and shoot are cooked as
family; quite glabrous; 10-50 cm long. a vegetable POoz9 ,poo36. Seeds are taken orally as
The stems are often purplish. Leaves are a vermifuge Poo4z . Seeds steeped in wine are
fleshy and flat, obtuse, oblong-obovate, base taken orally as an emmenagogue. In
cuneate, 1 to 2.5 cm long. Flowers are sessile, Ayurvedic and Unani medicine, the seeds are
axillary and terminal with few-flowered taken orally as a vermifugeP° o4o , and the
heads. The heads are solitary or cymose, the shoots are used as food poo86 .
buds compressed. Petals: five, yellow and Indo-China. Seeds are taken orally to pro-
voke mensesPOOOI.
about as long as the sepals. Stamens: 8-12.
Italy. Decoction of dried leaves is taken
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION orally as a diuretic and for gastronomic
A very common weed of cultivated and un- purposesP0064.
disturbed land. Native to the Old World Jamaica. Hot water extract of entire plant
tropics. Now found in both temperate and is taken orally as a vermifugePOo68.
tropical zones, from South Europe where it Malaysia. Hot water extract of dried entire
is cultivated as a vegetable, to China. plant is taken orally for chest painPoo4s.
New Caledonia. Seeds are taken orally as
Brazil. Seeds are taken orally as an Nigeria. Hot water extract of fresh entire
emmenagogue P0012 . The wilted entire plant plant is taken orally as a sedative and heart
is said to cause death in cattle when tonicP0041. Hot water extract of fresh leaves
ingestedPooos. and stem is taken orally for muscular aches
Canary Islands. Hot water extract of dried and painspoo53.
aerial parts is taken orally as a diuretic, Peru. Hot water extracts of dried seeds and
calculolithic and for migrainePoo62. of dried stems are taken orally as an anti-
China. Hot water extract of leaves is taken scorbutic, antidysenteric, emmenagogue
orally for arthritis. Hot water extract of stem and vermifuge, and for jaundiceP°o57 .
is taken orally for arthritispool1. Sierra leone. Infusion of dried leaves is
Dominica. Leaves are employed as a plaster taken orally with palm oil as an aborti-
to ease pain of menstruation Poo67 . facientPOo46.
Europe. Aerial parts have been eaten as a Tanzania. Decoction of hot water extract
vegetable since early Roman times poo7o . of the entire plant is washed over the breasts
Fiji. Dried leaf and stem are taken orally for as a galactagogue PoolO .
stomachache and paralysisPoo49. Virgin Islands. Hot water extract of aerial
French Guiana. Hot water extract of leaves parts is taken orally for intestinal wormsPCl065.
is taken orally as a cholagogueP°oI8 .. West Indies. Hot water extract of aerial
Haiti. Decoction of the dried leaves is taken parts is taken orally to provoke mensesP0007.
orally for astheniaPOo5z . Hot water extract of leaves is taken orally
Hawaii. Water extract of plant is taken for painful menstruationPOOJ8. Seeds are
orally for asthma Pooz8 .. taken orally to provoke menses POOOI .


(ppm unless otherwise indicated) AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Alanine: PIP0017
Aldose reductase inhibition. Hot water
Alpha tocopherol: LfP0020 extract of dried aerial parts, at a concen-
Ascorbic acid: AerP0044,P0071 ,P0047, LfP0020 tration of 0.01 mg/ml, was inactive. The
Aspartic acid: PIP0039 effect was tested on bovine lens aldase
Behenic acid: Sd oilP0031 reductase P0022 •
Beta amyrin: AerP0019 Analgesic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
Beta carotene: Lf 220_300P0080,P0020 of fresh leaves, administered intragastrically
Beta sitosterol: AerP0019 to mice at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was active vs
Caffeic acid: PIP0025 benzoyl peroxide-induced writhing and inac-
Campesterol: AerP0019
tive vs tail-flick response to hot waterPO061 •
Capric acid: AerP0019
Ethanol (10%) extract of the aerial parts
Cinnamic acid: Lf, StP0025
Citric acid: Lf, StP0025 (dried leaves and stem), administered intra-
Digalactosyldiacyl glycerol: LfP0020 peritoneally and topically, produced signifi-
DNA: PIP0030, SdPoo37 cant activity when compared with the
Fatty acids: LfP0020 synthetic drug, diclofenac sodium as the posi-
Ferulic acid: PIP0015 tive controlPoo81 •
Iso-palmitic acid: AerP0019 Antiandrogenic effect. Ethanol (95%)
Kaempferol: AerP0021 extract of dried seeds, administered subcuta-
KCL: PIP0009
neously to mice at a dose of 50.0 mg/animal,
Lauric acid: Aer P0019 , Sd oilP0031
was active POO4J •
Linoleic acid: AerP0019, Sd oilP0031
Linolenic acid: Sd oilP0031 Antibacterial activity. Acetone extract of
Linolenic acid (Omega-3): AerP0032 dried leaves, undiluted on agar plate, was
Malic acid: PI O.5%P0039,P0025 active on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmo-
Monogalactosyl-diactyl glycerol: LfP0020 nella B, and inactive on Salmonella newport,
Myristic acid: AerP0019, Sd oil P0031 Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Sarcina
Norepinephrine: AerP0013 lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri,
Oleic acid: AerP0019, Sd oilP0031 Staphylococcus albus, and Staphylococcus
Oleracin-I: PIPOOl5, StP0076
aureus. Ethanol (95%) extract was active on
Oleracin-II: PIP0015, StP0076
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sal-
Oxalic acid: AerP0075, PIP0009
Palmitic acid: AerP0019, Sd oilP0031 monella typhi, Sarcina lutea, Serratia mar-
Palmitoleic acid: AerP0019, Sd oilP0031 cescens, Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus albus,
Phorbic acid: LfP0074 and Staphylococcus aureUSj and inactive on
Phosphatidyl choline: LfP0020 Salmonella B and Salmonella newport. Water
Phosphatidyl glycerol: LfP0020 extract was active on Escherichia coli, Pseudo-
Phosphatidyl inositol: LfP0020 monas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens and
Phosphatidyl serine: LfP0020 Shigella flexneri; inactive on Salmonella B,
Phosphatidyl ethanolamine: PIP0020 Salmonella newport, Salmonella typhi, Sarcina
Portulaca polysaccharide: Lf, StP0034
lutea, Staphylococcus albus, and Staphylococ-
Potassium oxalate: Lf, StP0025
Protein: SeediingP0037
cus aureus. Acetone extract of dried stem,
Quercetin: AerP0021, Lf, StP0025 undiluted on agar plate, was active on Sal-
RNA: SeediingP0037 monella B, Salmonella typhi, Serratia
Stearic acid: AerP0019 marcescens and Staphylococcus albus; inactive
Stigmasterol: Aer P0019 on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Vitamin A: AerP0047 Salmonella newport, Sarcina lutea, Shigella

flexneri, and Staphylococcus aureus. Ethanol topically, produced significant activity

(95%) extract was active on Escherichia coli, when compared with the synthetiC drug,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella B, Salmo- diclofenac sodium as the positive
nella typhi, Sarcina lutea, Serratia marcescens, controlPoo81.
Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus albus and Sta- Antimycobacterial activity. Hot water
phylococcus aureus; inactive on Salmonella extract of entire plant, on agar plate, was
newport. Water extract was active on Escheri- inactive on Mycobacterium smegmatispoo50.
chia coli, Salmonella newport, Salmonella typhi, Leaf juice, on agar plate, produced weak
Serratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri, and Sta- activity on Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
phylococcus aureus; inactive on Pseudomonas MIC < 1:40P0005.
aeruginosa, Salmonella B, Sarcina lutea and Antinematodal activity. Ethanol (95%)
Staphylococcus albuspoo63. Hot water and extract of entire plant was active on
methanol extracts of the aerial parts, at a Meloidogyne incognitaPOo12.
concentration of 1.2 mg/disc on agar plate, Antispermatogenic effect. Ethanol (95%)
were inactive on Streptococcus mutans strains extract of dried seeds, administered subcu-
MT5091 and OMZ176p0055. Hot water taneously to mice at a dose of 50.0 mg/ani-
extract of entire plant, on agar plate, was mal, was activeoo43 .
inactive on Alcaligenes calcoaceticus, Escheri- Antitumor activity. Ethanol/chloroform
chia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus vul- extract of fresh entire plant, administered
garis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 360.0
typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus and Strep- mg/kg, was inactive on CA-755 and Leuk-
tococcus faecalis, MIC > 1600 mcg/mIPoo50. U210. A dose of 450.0 mg/kg was inactive
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol (70%) on Sarcoma 180(ASC) P0069. Water extract
extract of fresh entire plant, administered of dried entire plant, administered intrap-
intraperitoneally to mice of both sexes at vari- eritoneally to mice at a dose of 150.0
able dosage levels, was inactive vs metrazole- mg/kg on days 5, 6 and 7, was active on
and strychnine-induced convulsionsPOO41. CA-Ehrlich-ascites. The methanol extract
Antifertility effect. Hot water extract of produced weak activityPOO14.
entire plant, administered subcutaneously Antiulcer activity. Methanol extract of
to female mice, was inactive POO04 . dried aerial parts, administered intra-
Antifungal activity. Acetone, ether, ethanol gastrically to mice at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg,
(95%) and chloroform extracts of the dried was inactive vs stress-induced ulcers (water-
aerial parts, on agar plate, were inactive on immersions )POO3J.
Trichophyton rubrum Poo73 . Water extract of Antiviral activity. Hot water extract of
fresh shoots, undiluted on agar plate, was dried aerial parts, at a concentration of 0.5
equivocal on Helminthosporium turcicumP0066. mg/ml in VERO cell cultures, was inactive
Ethyl acetate extract of the plant produced a on Herpes simplex 1 virus, measles virus and
specific activity against dermatophytes of the polioviruspoo24.
genera TrichophytonPoo79. Antiyeast activity. Hot water extract of
Antihyperglycemic activity. Dried entire entire plant, on agar plate, was inactive on
plant, administered intragastrically to rab- Candida albicanspoo5o.
bits at a dose of 2.0 gm/kg, was inactive vs Chronotropic effect (negative). Water
alloxan-induced hyperglycemiaPoo35. extract of fresh leaves and stem, at a concen-
Antiinflammatory activity. Ethanol (10%) tration of 0.55 mg/ml, was active on rabbit
extract of the aerial parts (dried leaves and atrium. The effect was not inhibited by atro-
stem), administered intraperitoneally and pine. It affected both spontaneously beating

and electrically paced atria. The effect was Neuropharmacological effect. Ethanol
reversed by the addition of calciumPoo56 . (10%) extract of the plant, administered
CNS Depressant activity. Ethanol (defat- intraperitoneally to rats and mice, produced
ted with petroleum ether) extract of entire significant reduction in the locomotor activ-
plant, administered intraperitoneally to ity in mice; anti-nociceptive activity in rats
mice at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, produced weak using Tail Flick Method, and increase in the
activit yPOOo2. onset of pentylenetetrazole-induced convul-
Cytotoxic activity. Methanol extract of sions in mice and muscle relaxant activity in
dried leaves, at a concentration of 100.0 in vitro and in vivo experiments. The anti-
mcg/ml in cell culture, was inactive on Chi- nociceptive activity of the extract in rats was
nese hamster V79 cells poo27 . attenuated by naloxone pre-treatment indi-
Hypertensive activity. Water extract of cating the involvement of opoid receptors in
fresh leaves and stem, administered intrave- its anti-nociceptive effects Poo82 .
nously to rats at a dose of 1.4 mg/kg, was Paralyzing activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
active. Effect abolished by phentolamine, of frozen leaves, at a concentration of 2.0
reduced by propranolol and unaffected by mg/ml, was active on chicken nerve-muscle
atropinePoo56. preparation. Augmentation was followed by
Hypoglycemic activity. Dried entire plant, blockade. The effect was simulated by K+,
administered intragastrically to rabbits at which appears to be the active species poo26 .
doses of 0.5 and 1.0 gm/kg, produced no Plaque formation suppressant. Water and
effect after 4, 8 and 25 hours. At doses of methanol/water (1: 1) extracts of dried aerial
1.5 and 2.0 gm/kg, significant effect was parts, at a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml, pro-
observed after 8 and 12 hoursP0035. Seeds, in duced weak activity on Streptococcus mutans.
a mixture with 7 other plants, administered The methanol extract was active PO048 .
orally to male rats at a dose of 4.0 gm/ani- Platelet activating factor binding inhibi-
mal, were activePOO16 . tion. Methanol extract of dried entire plant,
Hypotensive activity. Ethanol (95%) and at a dose of 400.0 mcg/ml, produced weak
water extracts of leaves and stem, adminis- activity on rabbit platelets Poo23 .
tered intravenously to dogs at doses of 0.1 Skeletal muscle relaxing activity. Aque-
ml/kg, were activePOO03. ous (dialyzed) fresh leaf and stem, at con-
Hypothermic activity. Methanol extract centrations of 2.0 and 1.81 mg/ml, were
of dried aerial parts, administered active on rat phrenic nerve (diaphragm) vs
intragastrically to mice at a dose of 2.0 gm/ K+ - and electrically-induced contractions,
kg, was inactivePOO33 . respectively. A dose of 30.0 mg/animal,
Inotropic effect (negative). Water extract administered intravenously to chicks, was
of fresh leaves and stem, at a concentration active vs electrically-induced contractions.
of 0.55 mg/ml, was active on the rabbit Ether extract, at concentration of 5.0 mg/
atrium. The effect was not inhibited by atro- ml, was active vs K+, caffeine and electri-
pine and affected both spontaneously beat- cally-induced contractionspoo59. Water
ing and electrically paced atria. The effect extract, at a concentration of 3.0 mg/ml, was
was reversed by the addition of calciumPOO56. active on frog sciatic nerve, sartorius
Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry muscle, rat rectus abdominus and phrenic
(homogenate) of fresh fruit, fresh leaves nerve (diaphragm)POO53. Methanol extract, at
and fresh roots were inactive on Lymnaea a dose of 3.0 mg/ml, was active on rat
columella and Lymnaea cubensis, LDlOo > phrenic nerve (diaphragm) vs caffeine- and
1000 ppmP0078. electrically-induced contractions, lC 5D 2.16

mg/mFOO59. Water extract, administered in- further reduced with the addition of propra-
traperitoneally to rat at a dose of 200 mg/kg, nolol, and unaffected by guanethidine or
was active. A dose of 5.0 gm/kg, adminis- tetrodoxin Poo6o . A concentration of 0.02 mg/
tered orally to rat, produced weak ml was active on rabbit aorta, attenuated or
activityP°051. A dose of 70.0 mg/person, used inhibited by phentolamine and unaffected
externally on human adults, was active vs by guanethidine or tetrodoxinPoo56. When
resting and partially contracted muscles, applied externally at a dose of 70.0 mg/per-
and maximally contracted muscle in son, the extract was active vs maximally
healthy subjectsPOo6o. Hot water extract of contracted muscle in patients with
fresh leaves, at a concentration 3.0 mg/ml, spasticityPOO6o.
was active on frog rectus abdominus and Spasmogenic activity. Ethanol (95%) and
rat phrenic nerve (diaphragm). Methanol water extracts of leaves and stem, adminis-
extract, at a concentration of 2.2 mg/ml, was tered intraperitoneally to guinea pigs at a
active on frog rectus abdominus and rat concentration of 33.0 ml/liter, were active
phrenic nerve (diaphragm)POo54. on the ileumPooOJ .
Skeletal muscle stimulant activity. Aque- Spasmolytic activity. Water extract of
ous (dialyzed) fresh leaf and stem, at a con- fresh leaves and stem, at a concentration of
centration of 0.82 mg/ml, was active on rat 2.0 mg/ml, was active on rat diaphragm vs
phrenic nerve (diaphragm). A concentra- electrically induced contractionsP0 025 .
tion of 1.2 mg/ml was active on rat rectus Toxic effect (general). Fresh leaves, admini-
abdominus. Ether extract, at a concentra- stered orally to cows at a dose of 48.0 gm/kg,
tion of 1.66 mg/ml, was active on rat were inactive POOO8 .
phrenic nerve (diaphragm), and a concen- Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Water
tration of 8.2 mg/ml was active on rat rectus extract of leaves and stem, administered
abdominus. Water extract, at a concentra- intraperitoneally to mice, produced a mini-
tion of 2.5 mg/ml and methanol extract at a mum toxic dose of 1.0 ml/animalPOOOJ. Water
concentration of 1.03 mg/ml, were active on extract of fresh leaves and stem, administered
rat phrenic nerve (diaphragm). The metha- intraperitoneally to mice, produced LD50
nol extract, at a concentration of 5.8 mg/ 1040 mg/kgPOO51.
ml, was active on rat rectus abdominus. Uterine stimulant effect. Ethanol (95%)
Twitch tension occurred before relaxation and water extracts of leaves and stem, at a
in each case vs electrically induced concentration of 0.33 ml/liter, were active
contractionsp0058. on rat uterus PooOJ . Water extract of leaves was
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(95%) and water extracts of leaves and pregnant rats and micePoOll •
stem, at a concentration of 0.33 ml/liter, Vasoconstrictor activity. Ethanol (95%)
were active on rabbit duodenum Pooo3 . Water extract of leaves and stem, at a concentra-
extract of fresh leaves and stem, at a con- tion of 0.33 ml/liter, was active on rat hind
centration of 0.03 mg/m, was active on quarters {isolated)p°oo3.
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24 Psidium

Common Names
Abas Guam Guayaba Paraguay
Amba Nepal Guayaba Puerto Rico
Amrood India Guayabe Guatemala
Amrud Fiji Guayabero Canary Islands
Amrut Fiji Guayabo Canary Islands
Arasa Paraguay Guayabo Mexico
Banjiro Brazil Guayabo Peru
Banziro Brazil Guayava Guatemala
Bilauti Nepal Guega Papua-New Guinea
Borimak Nicaragua Gwawa Papua
Bugoyab Senegal Ipera Rwanda
Djambu bidji Indonesia Jaama India
Djambu klutuk Indonesia Jambu biji Indonesia
Fa-rang Thailand Kautonga Indonesia
Goavy Madagascar Kiswahili Tanzania
Goejaba Suriname Krue Nicaragua
Goiabeira Brazil Ku'ava Nicaragua
Goyav Haiti Kuabas Nicaragua
Guava Fiji Kuava Nicaragua
Guava Ghana Kuawa Nicaragua
Guava Guam Kuiaba Papua-New Guinea
Guava Guyana Kuliabas Malaysia
Guava Indonesia Mabera Tanzania
Guava Mexico Maduriam India
Guava Nepal Mansala India
Guava Nicaragua Motiram India
Guava Papua-New Guinea Mpera Tanzania
Guava Sierra Leone Mugwavha Venda
Guava Sri Lanka Ngoaba Guinea
Guava Tanzania Psidiium Taiwan
Guava USA Quwawa Taiwan
Guyaba Cuba Sigra Nicaragua
Guayaba Guatemala Sikra Nicaragua
Guayaba Nicaragua Tuava Cook Islands

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Tuava Easter Island Xalxocotyl Mexico

Tuava Rarotonga Xalxoctl Mexico
Wariafa Nicaragua

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION China. Extract of roots is taken orally by

A spreading tree of the MYRTACEAE fam- monks in south China to suppress libidoPG099.
ily which may grow as high as 15 meters, Cook Islands. Dried leaves of Psidium
with bark peeling in large thin flakes. Leaves guajava and Citrus aurantium are crushed
are simple, opposite, oblong, elliptic or and taken orally for pain around the navel.
ovate, in pairs on 4-angled twigs, elliptical Infusion of dried leaves is taken orally to
or oblong, 7-14 em long and 4-6 em wide; relieve postpartum pain and rid the body of
consisting of obtuse or micronulate apex; residual stale blood. For sores, dried leaves
margin entire or slightly curved; with are chewed with or without coconut oil and
broadly cuneate or obtuse base. Blades are then applied to the sores PG015 .
more or less hairy beneath; the veins parallel Fiji. Dried fruit is taken orally for constipa-
and conspicuously raised below; petiole 5- tion. Infusion of dried leaves and root is
10 mm long. Flowers are white, axillary, soli- taken orally for diarrhea and indigestion.
tary or 2 to 3 together on slender peduncles, Fresh leaf juice is taken orally for dysentery
about 3 em in diameter; consisting of calyx- and upset stomachPGOSO.
tube campanulate, deeply divided into 4-5 Ghana. Peeled twig is used as a chewing
lobes above the ovary; petals are large and
broad, spreading; stamens are numerous, Guam. Hot water extract of leaves is admin-
about length of petals, free, inserted on disk. istered intravaginally to treat vaginitis and to
Fruit globose or pear-shaped, tipped with promote conceptionPGooz .
remnants of the calyx lobes, the pulp is white Guatemala. Decoction of dried bark and
or pink, juicy, containing many small, hard, leaves is taken orally to treat fevers, respira-
seeds. The plant can be propagated by seeds, tory ailments and skin infectionsPGOJo. Dried
grafting or cutting. fruit is powdered and eaten for stomach
crampsPG095. Infusion of dried leaves is taken
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION orally to treat infections PG025 . The hot water
A native of Central America, sometimes cul- extract is applied externally for dermato-
tivated but also very common as an adven- mucosal lesions and ringwormPco49.
tive in pastures and wayside thickets Haiti. Decoction of dried leaves is taken
throughout the tropics and subtropics. orally for diarrhea. Fresh fruit juice is taken
orally for diarrheaPGOsz.
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES India. Crushed fresh flowers, together with
Andaman Islands. The ripe fruit is used as the juice from buds squeezed through muslin
a foodPG034. cloth, are taken orally as an anthelmintic.
Bolivia. A few drops of liquid from boiled Decoction of dried leaves is taken orally for
leaves of Psidium guajava is mixed with a diarrhea and as an antiemeticPG046. Hot water
tablespoon of Orbigny a martiana fruit oil and extract of dried leaves is used in bath for high
taken orally 4 times a day for coughsPG06s. fever and headachePGo65. Dried fruit is used for
Brazil. Dried fruit is taken orally to treat jaundice. One dose consists of the juice of 1
diarrhea, stomachache and diabetesPGOl6. fruit of Psidium guajava, 0.25 liter goat's milk
Canary Islands. Hot water extract of dried and the root of an unidentified herb, possibly
fruit is used as an antihemorrhoidalPGOs9. Sida. One dose is taken on alternate days.

Three doses give significant relief'G078. Hot guajava, Commiphora myrrha and incense are
water extract of dried bark is taken orally as a added to the bath PG077 .
remedy for stomachachePG065. Rarotonga. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally
Indonesia. Hot water extract of leaves is for dysenteryPGo19.
taken orally as an emmenagoguePGOO4. Rwanda. Hot water extract of dried leaves
Ivory Coast. Dried stem is used as a chew- is taken orally for dysenteryPG088.
ing stickPGo43 . Senegal. Dried stem is used as toothbrush.
Japan. Extract of roots is taken orally by Japa- Hot water extract of dried leaves is taken
nese monks as a suppressant of libidoPG099. orally for diarrhea. Hot water extract of the
Madagascar. Hot water extract of young green fruit is taken orally for dysentery. Hot
leaves is taken orally for diarrheaPG045. water extract of young shoots is taken orally
Malaysia. Hot water extracts of bark and leaf for diarrh ea PGo43.
are taken orally to expel the placenta and as Sierra Leone. Decoction of dried leaves
an emmenagoguePGOO8. Water extract of dried is taken orally for diarrhea during preg-
bark and leaves is taken orally for after-birth nancyPG071.
disordersPGon. Taiwan. Fresh fruit juice is taken orally to
Mexico. Hot water extract of bark is taken treat diabetes mellitus PGo18 . Hot water extract
orally for dysentery. Hot water extract of fruit of dried branches is taken orally for liver
is taken orally as a digestive. Hot water diseasesPG086 .
extract of leaves is used externally as a treat- Tanzania. Decoction of dried leaves is
ment for mangePGOI7. The extract is also taken taken orally to treat malariaPGo24 . Hot water
orally for diarrheaPGo26. Infusion of dried leaves extract of fresh leaves is taken orally for skin
is taken orally for diarrheaPGo31. diseasesPG079.
Nigeria. Water extract of dried root is taken Thailand. Hot water extract of dried leaves
orally for diarrheaPG023. is taken orally for diabetes PG097 .
Panama. Hot water extract of flowers and Venda. Decoction of dried roots is taken
fruits is taken orally as an emmenagogue. Hot orally for venereal diseases. The decoction
water extract of fresh bark is taken orally for of Opuntia vulgaris and Psidium guajava is
diarrhea. The decoction is taken as 1 dose. taken twice a dailyPG07o.
Hot water extract of fruit is taken orally for
diarrhea. For this purpose, decoction of fruits
is taken in water as 1 dosePG06O. (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
Papua-New Guinea. Fresh leaf juice is taken 1-8-Cineol: FrPG056, EOPG037, Lf EOPG051
orally for diarrhea. Young top leaves are 13-Hydroperoxide lyase: Fr PG104
2-3-4-6-Tetra-O-galloyl glucose: RtPG076
squeezed and the juice taken with waterPG074 .
2-Alpha-hydroxy ursolic acid: Lf EOPG059,
Peru. Hot water extract of dried bark is taken FrPG084
orally as an astringent, antihemorrhagic and 2-Ethyl thiophene: FrPG029
antidiarrheal, and for stomach pain. Hot 2-Methyl propan-2-ol; Fr 1.0%PG091
water extract of dried leaves is taken orally 2-Methyl propane-l-thiol; FrPG029
for stomach pain, and as an astringent, 2-Methyl propyl acetate: Fr O.5%PG091
antihemorrhagic and antidiarrheal. Hot 2-Methyl thiophene: FrPG029
2-Phenethyl acetate: Fr O.2%PG091
water extract of dried roots is taken orally as
2-Furfural: FrPG091
an astringent, antihemorrhagic and antidiar- 2-Methyl furfural: FrPG091
rheal, and for stomach painPGo87 . 3-0-Methyl ellagic acid: BkPG012
Philippines. Hot water extract of dried bark 3-3-Di-O-methyl ellagic acid: BkPG012
is used in steam baths postpartum. Psidium 3-Methyl butan-l-ol: Fr O.3%PG091

3-Methyl thiophene: FrPG029 Cineol: EOPG006

5-Ethoxy thiazole: FrPG029 Cis-beta ocimene: FI PG056
6-Mercapto hexan-l-ol: FrPG029 Curcumene: FrPG054
Acetaldehyde: Fr 0.2%PG091 Daucosterol: FrPG084
Acetone: Fr 0.8%PG091,PGOOl Decanoic acid ethyl ester: Fr 0.1 %PG091
Acetyl furan: FrPG091 Delta elemene: EOPG037
Acutissimin A: Bk 0.086%PG016 Delta cadinene: Fr Pe EO PG056, FrPG054
Acutissimin B: Bk 3.7 PG016 Diisopropyl disulfide: FrPG029
Alpha amyrin: FrPG084 Dimethyl disulfide: FrPG029
Alpha copaene: Fr Pe EO PG056, Fr 0.1 %PG091 Dimethyl sulfone: FrPG029
Alpha humulene: Fr Pe EO PG056, Dimethyl trisulfide: FrPG029
Fr 0.6%PG091,PG054 Dodecanoic acid ethyl ester: FrPG09l
Alpha pinene: FrPG056, Lf EOPG051,PG059 Ellagic acid: BkPG012, FIPG044,
Alpha terpineol: FrPG056 Fr (unripe)PG009, Lf lS0 PGOlO,
Alpha selinene: FrPG054,PG091 St Bk 40PGOll
Amritoside: St Bk 40PGOll, Lf 850PG010, Ethanol: Fr 2S.8%PG091
WdPG055 Ethyl acetate: Fr 26.2%PG091,PGOOl
Arabinose: Fr (unripe)PG009 Ethyl butyrate: FrPGOOl
Arabinose hexahydroxydiphenyl acid ester: Eugenigrandin A: Bk 0.08%PG016
Fr (unripe) 0.1 %PG009 Eugenol: EO PG037
Arjunolic acid: Rt 0.01 %PG096, FrPG084 Farnesene: FrPG054
Aromadendrene: Fr Pe EOPG056 Foeniculin: LfPG042
Ascorbic acid: Fr PG013 ,PG084 Gallic acid ethyl ester: RtPG036,PG076
Asiatic acid: FrPG084 Gallic acid: Fr (unripe)PG009, Rt PG036 ,PG076,
Benzaldehyde: Fr 0.1 %PG09l WdPG055
Benzothiazole: FrPG029 Gallocatechin (+): LfPG027, Bk 0.osrwG016
Beta amyrin: FrPG084 Gamma muurolene: FrPG056
Beta bisabolene: Fr Pe EO PG056, Gentisic acid: LfPG007
Fr 0.2%PG09l,PG054 Glucose: Fr (unripe)PG009
Beta caryophyllene: Fr 0.4S%PG091,PG054 Glucuronic acid: FrPG084
Beta copaene: FrPG054 Grandinin: Bk 0.037%PG016
Beta humulene: FrPG054 G uai javari n: LfPG031
Beta pinene: FrPG054, Lf EOPG059 Guaijaverin: Lf 0.03S%PGOlO, FIPG009,PG044,
Beta selinene: FrPG054 FrPG009
Beta sitosterol: FrPG084,PG003, Lf EO PG059, Guajavin B: Bk 211 PG016
RtPG076,PG036, WdPG055 Guajavin: Bk 24.SPG016
Brahmic acid: FrPG084 Guavin A: LfPG015
Butanedione: Fr 2.0%PG091 Guavin B: LfPG067
Butanoic acid ethyl ester: Fr 8.7%PG09l Guavin C: LfPG015
Butanone: Fr 2.2%PG09l Guavin D: LfPG015
Butyl acetate, 3-methyl: Fr 0.1 %PG09l Heptan-l-al: FrPGOOl
Butyl acetate: Fr 0.1 %PG09l ,PGOOl Hex-3-en-l-ol acetate: Fr Pe EOPG056
Butyraldehyde: FrPGOOl Hex-cis-3-en-l-ol acetate: Fr 0.S%PG091
Calamenene: FrPG056 Hex-cis-3-en-l-ol: Frl .0%PG091
Calcium oxalate: Fr (unripe)PG009 Hex-cis-3-enoic acid: Fr Pu 0.2PG038
Camphene: FrPG056 Hexadecanoic acid ethyl ester: FrPG09l
Carophyllene oxide: EOPG037, FrPG056 Hexagalloyl glucose: RtPG076
Caryophyllene: EOPG037, FrPG056 Hexan-l-al: Fr 3.2%PG091,PGOOl
Castalagin: Bk 0.17%PG016 Hexan-l-ol acetate: Fr Pe EOPG056
Casuarinin: Lf 0.021 %PG063, Hexanoic acid ethyl ester: Fr lS.S%PG091
Bk 0.004%PG016 Hexanoic acid methyl ester: Fr 0.3%PG091
Catechin (+): Bk 0.029%PG016 Hexyl acetate: Fr 0.3%PG091

Hyperoside: LfPG031 Zeatin nucleotide: FrPG057

Iso-quercetin: LfPG031 Zeatin riboside: FrPG057
Iso-strictinin: Lf 30PG063 Zeatin: FrPG057
Leucocyanidins: FIPG009, Fr .02%PG009,
LfPGOlO, RtPG036, St Bk O.4%PGOll
Leucocyanin: Rt PG076
Limonene: Fr Pe EOPG056, FrPG054,PG091, ACh release inhibition. Methanol extract
Lf EOPG059 of dried leaves, at a concentration of 800.0
Linalool: EOPG037 mcg/ml, was active on guinea pig ileumPG04z.
Lupeol: FrPG084 Quercetin, extracted from the plant, induced
Mannose: Lf EOPG059 a reduction of the acetylcholine-evoked
Maslinic acid: FrPG084, LfPG093, Lf EOPG059 releasepcmJO.
Menthol: Lf EO PG059
Methanol: FrPGOOl Analgesic activity. Dried fruit, administered
Methyl ethyl ketone: FrPGOOl intraperitoneally to male rats at a dose of 50.0
Mongolicain A: BkPG016 mg/kg, was active vs acetic acid-induced
Myrcene: EOPG037, FrPG091 writhingPGo3z. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
N-Octane: FrPG091 the aerial parts, administered intraperito-
Nonan-1-al: FrPGOOl neally to mice at a dose of 0.094 mg/kg, was
Octan-1-al: FrPGOOl inactive vs tail pressure methodPG09z •
Octan-1-ol: FrPG091
Anti-HCG activity. Ethanol (60%) extract
Octanoic acid ethyl ester: FrPG091
Octyl acetate: FrPG091 of roots, administered subcutaneously to
Oleanolic acid: FIPG044, LfPG093, WdPG055 immature female rats, was active PGOO5 •
Para cymene: FrPG056 Anti-PMS activity. Ethanol (60%) extract
Para-methyl styrene: Fr 0.3%PG091 of roots, administered subcutaneously to
Pedunculagin: Lf O.06%PG091, Bk 27PG016 immature female rats, was active PG005 •
Pendunculagin: LfPG014 Antibacterial activity. Acetone extract of
Pentane-2-thiol: FrPG029
dried bark and leaves, at a concentration of
Procyanidin B-1: LfPG067 , Bk 4.SPG016
Procyanidin B-2: LfPG067
50.0 mg/disc, was active on Staphylococcus
Procyanidin B-3: LfPG067 aureus, and produced weak activity on Strep-
Prodelphinidin B-1: Bk PG0l6 tococcus pneumonia. The extract was active
Psidinin A: Bk O.016%PG0l6 on Streptococcus pyogenes, MIC 10.0 mg/disc.
Psidinin B: Bk 24.SPG016 Hexane extract, at a concentration of 50.0
Psidinin C: Bk 23.4PG016 mg/disc on agar plate, produced weak activ-
Psiguavin: Bk 38.2PG016 ity on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
Quercetin: LfPG010,PG042, FIPG009,PG044,
RtPG036,PG076, WdPG055 pneumonia and Streptococcus pyogenes.
Methanol extract, at a concentration of 50.0
Querceti n-3-0-gentiobioside: LfPG031
Stachyurin: Lf lSPG063 mg/disc on agar plate, was active on Strepto-
Strictinin: Lf 62.SPG063 coccus pneumonia and Streptococcus pyogenesi,
Sucrose: Lf EOPG059 and inactive on Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
Tannin: RtPG036 5.0 mg/disc PG03O • Acetone extract of dried
Tellimagrandin 1: Lf 237.SPG063 leaves, undiluted on agar plate, was active on
Tetradecanoic acid ethyl ester: Fr O.2%PG091 Escherichia coU, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sal-
Toluene: Fr O.2%PG091
monella B, Salmonella newport, Salmonella
Trans-cinnamic acid: Fr Pu 0.4PG038
Ursolic acid: LfPG093
typhi, Sarcina lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shi-
Valeraldehyde: FrPGOOl gella jlexneri, Staphylococcus albus and Staphy-
Valolaginic acid: Bk 114PG016 lococcus aureus. The ethanol (95%) extract
Vescalagin carboxylic acid: Bk 20.SPG016 was active on E. coU, P. aeruginosa, Salmonella

B, S. newport, S. typhi, S. jlexneri and S. albus, tion of dried leaves, at a concentration of

and inactive on S. lutea, Serratia marcescens 100.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was active on
and S. aureus. Water extract was active on Escherichia piracoli. A concentration of 110
P. aeruginosa, S. lutea, S. marcescens, S. jlex- mcg/ml was active on Escherichia coli; 60.0
neri, S. albus and S. aureus, and inactive on mcg/ml active on Citrobacter diversus;
Salmonella B, S. newport and S. typhi PG09O . 85.0 mcg/ml active on Klebsiella pneumonia
Acetone extract of dried stem, undiluted on and Shigella jlexneri; 95.0 mcg/ml active on
agar plate, was inactive on Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis and Staphylococcus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella B, Salmo- aureus PG033 . Water extract of fresh leaves, at a
nella newport, Salmonella typhi, Sarcina lutea, concentration of 1.0% on agar plate, was
Serratia marcescens, Shigella jlexneri, Staphylo- active on Neisseria gonorrhea PGo79 . Aqueous
coccus albus and Staphylococcus aureus. The extract of the leaf, investigated by plate
ethanol (95%) extract was active on E. coli, count, disk inhibition zone and turbidity
P. aeruginosa, S. newport, S. typhi, Sarcina techniques, indicated that a concentration of
lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shigella jlexneri and 6.5 mg/ml produced complete inhibition of 9
S. albus, and inactive on Salmonella Band strains of Staphylococcus aureus PGl02 . Ethanol,
S. aureus. The water extract was active on water, and acetone-diluted extracts of the
Escherichia coli, P. aeruginosa, S. marcescens, sprout displayed halos exceeding 13 mm for
S. jlexneri, S. albus and S. aureus, and inac- both Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
tive on Salmonella B, S. newport, S. typhi and aureus. The ethanol (50%) extract most
Sarcina luteaPG09O. Ethanol (95%) extract of effectively inhibited E. coli, while those in
dried bark, at a concentration of 5.0 mg/ml 50% acetone were less effective PG105 .
on agar plate, was active on Staphylococcus Anticholinergic activity. Water extract of
aureus and Bacillus subtilis, and inactive on dried fruits was active on rat ileum vs ACh-
Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. induced contractions PG058 .
From extract of 10 ml/gm plant material, 0.1 Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol/water
ml of extract was placed in the well on the (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered to
platePG085. Ethanol (95%) extract of dried mice at a dose of 0.094 mg/kg, was inactive
leaves, at a concentration of 1000 mcg/ml on vs electroshock-induced convulsionsPG092 .
agar plate, was active on Salmonella D, Shi- Anticough activity. Water extract of the
gella dysenteriae 1, Shigella jlexneri 2A and 4A. leaf, administered orally to rats and guinea
The extract was inactive on Salmonella B, pigs at doses of 2 and 5 gm/kg, decreased the
Salmonella typhi Type 2, Shigella boydii, Shigella frequency of cough induced by capsaicin
boydii 5, Shigella dysenteriae 2, Shigella jlexneri aerosol by 35 and 54%, respectively, as com-
3A and Shigella sonnei PG088 . Ethanol/water pared to control, within 10 min after injec-
(1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, at a concen- tion of the extract. The activity was less
tration greater than 25.0 mcg/ml on agar potent than 3 mg/kg dextromethorphan,
plate, was inactive on Bacillus subtilis, Escheri- which decreased frequency of cough by
chia coli, Salmonella typhosa, Staphylococcus 78%. An experiment of isolated rat tracheal
aureus and Agrobacterium tumefaciensPG092. muscle indicated that the extract directly
Hot water extract of dried leaves, undiluted stimulated muscle contraction and also
on agar plate, was active on Staphylococcus synergized with the stimulatory effect of
aureus and Sarcina luteaPG098. Saline extract of pilocarpine. This effect was antagonized by
leaves, at a concentration of 1-40 on agar an atropineGlOI .
plate, was active on Staphylococcus aureus and Antidiarrheal activity. Decoction of dried
inactive on Escherichia coliPG094. Tannin frac- leaves, administered to rats by gastric intu-

bation at a dose of 10.0 ml/kg, was active vs male rats at a dose of 15.0 mg/animal,
microlax-induced diarrheaPG02o. Ethanol induced sex organ atrophyPG099.
(95%) extract of dried leaves, administered Antihyperglycemic activity. Ethanol/water
by gastric intubation to mice at a dose of (50%) extract dried leaves, administered by
750.0 mg/kg, produced weak activity. A gastric intubation to rats at a dose of 200.0
dose of 0.5 ml of castor oil per 20 kg of body mg/kg, was active vs alloxan-induced hyper-
weight was given to induce diarrheaPGoBB. glycemiaPGoBl . Water extract of fresh fruit,
Antiedema activity. Dried fruit, adminis- administered by gastric intubation to rats at
tered intraperitoneally to male rats at a dose doses of 5.0 and B.O gm/kg, was active vs
of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs acetic acid- streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemiaPG01B.
induced peritoneal proteinexudationPG032 • Fresh fruit juice, administered intraperi-
Antifungal activity. Acetone, ethanol toneally to mice at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was
(95%) and water extracts of dried stem, at active vs alloxan-induced hyperglycemia.
a concentration of 50% on agar plate, was The juice, taken orally by human adults at a
inactive on Neurospora crassa. Acetone, dose of 1.0 gm/kg, was active, results signifi-
water and ethanol (95%) extracts of dried cant at P < 0.05 levelPG064.
leaves, at a concentration of 50% on agar Anti-inflammatory activity. Dried fruit,
plate, were inactive on Neurospora administered intraperitoneally to male rats
crassaPG069. Hot water extract of dried at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs form-
leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 ml in aldehyde-induced arthritis, and at a dose of
broth culture, was active on Epidermophy- 25.0 mg/kg vs carrageenin-induced pedal
ton [loccosum, and inactive on Microsporum edemaPG032. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of
canis, Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton the aerial parts, administered orally to rats
mentagTOphytes var. algodonosa and Tricho- at a dose of 0.094 mg/kg, was inactive vs car-
phyton rubrum. Ethanol (95%) extract of rageenin-induced pedal edema. The animals
dried bark, at a concentration of 50.0 mg/ were dosed 1 hour before carrageenin
ml on agar plate, was inactive on Aspergil- injectionsPG092.
lus niger. From the extract of 10 ml/gm Antilipolytic activity. Ethanol/water (50%)
plant material, 0.1 ml was placed in the extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of
well of the platePGOB5. Ethanol/water (1: 1) 100.0 mcg/ml, was active on the adipocytes-
extract of the aerial parts, at a concentra- epidermal fat pad of rats. The N-butanol
tion greater than 25.0 mcg/ml on agar soluble portion of 50% ethanol extract was
plate, was inactive on Microsporum canis, active vs epinephrine-induced lipolysis. A
Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Aspergillus concentration of 200.0 mcg/ml of the aque-
nigerPG092. Hot water extract of dried leaves, ous soluble portion of ethanol extract was
undiluted on agar plate, was inactive on active vs epinephrine-induced lipolysis,
Aspergillus niger PGo9B . Water extract offresh results significant at P <0.01 level. A con-
leaves, at a concentration of 1: 1 on agar centration of 500.0 mcg/ml of the extract was
plate, was active on Fusarium oxysporum active on the adipocytes-epididimal fat pad
F. sp. Lentis. The extract represented 1 gm of rats vs epinephrine-induced lipolysis,
dried leaves in 1.0 ml of waterPG02B . results significant at P <O.Ollevel PGoBl .
Antigonadotrophin effect. Ethanol/water Antimalarial activity. Acetic acid, ethanol
( 1: 1) extract of roots, at a dose of 600.0 (95%) and water extracts of dried leaves
mg/animal in the ration of male rats, was were active on Plasmodium falciparum, EDso
inactive. The water and ethanol/water (1: 1) 10.0 mcg/ml, 36.0 mcg/ml, and BO.O mcg/ml,
extracts, administered subcutaneously to respectivelyPGo24. Chloroform extract of dried

leaves was inactive on Plasmodium falci, ferric reducing antioxidant power assay
parum vs hypoxanthine uptake by plasmo- (FRAP), and inhibition of copper-catalyzed
dia, IC 50 499.0 mcg/ml. Petroleum ether in vitro human low-density lipoprotein
extract of dried leaves was weakly active on (LDL) oxidation, all fractions indicated a
Plasmodium falciparum vs hypoxanthine remarkable antioxidant capacity, and this
uptake by plasmodia, IC 50 49.0 mcg/ml POo47 . activity was correlated with the correspond-
Antimutagenic activity. Chloroform ing total phenolic content. A 1 gm portion
extract of fresh fruit, at a concentration of of peel (dry weight) contained DPPH activ-
100.0% on agar plate, was active on Salmo, ity, FRAP activity, and inhibition of cop-
nella typhimurium T A97 vs 2-aminofluorene- per-induced in vitro LDL oxidation,
and 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine-induced equivalent to 43 mg, 116 mg, and 176 mg of
mutagenesis. The extract was inactive on Sal, Trolox, respectivelyP0106.
monella typhimurium TA100 and TA1535 vs Antipyretic activity. Dried fruit, adminis-
sodium azide-induced mutagenesis; Salmo, tered intraperitoneally to male rats at a dose
nella typhimurium T A98 vs 2-aminofluorene- of 50.0 mg/kg, was active vs yeast-induced
and 4-nitro-o-phenylene-diamine-induced pyrexiaPOo32 .
mutagenesis. The water extract, at a concen- Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water
tration of 100.0% on agar plate, was active (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts was inactive
on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 vs 2- on guinea pig ileum vs ACh- and histamine-
aminofluorene- and sodium azide-induced induced spasmsP0092. Water extract of dried
mutagenesis and on Salmonella typhimurium fruits was active on rat ileum vs ACh-
T A97 and T A98 vs 2-aminofluorene- and 4- induced contractionsPO058 .
n i tro-o-phen y lene-d iamine- ind uced Antiviral activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
mutagenesisPG021. Chromatographic fraction extract of the aerial parts, at a concentration
of fresh leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ of 50.0 mcg/ml in cell culture, was inactive
plate on agar plate, was active on Escherichia on Vaccinia ViruSP0092.
coli vs UV-induced mutationPO027 . Methanol Antiyeast activity. Ethanol (60%) extract
extract of dried fruit, at a concentration of of dried leaves, on agar plate, was active on
50.0 microliters/disc on agar plate, was inac- Candida albicansPG053. Ethanol (95%) extract
tive on Bacillus subtilis NIG-1125 HIS MET of dried bark, at a concentration of 50.0 mg/
and Escherichia coli B/R-WP2-TRP. Metha- ml, was inactive on Candida albicans. From
nol extract of dried leaves, at a concentra- the extract of 10 ml/gm plant material, 0.1
tion of 50.0 microliters/disc on agar plate, was ml was placed in the well of the plate POo85 .
inactive on Bacillus subtilis NIG-1l25 HIS Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial
MET and produced weak activity on Escheri, parts, at a concentration of 25.0 mg/ml, was
chia coli B/R-WP2-TRpPG073. Methanol inactive on Candida albicans and Cryptococ,
extract of freeze-dried leaves, at a concentra- cus neoformans PO092 . Hot water extract of
tion of 5.0 mg/plate on agar plate, was active dried leaves, undiluted on agar plate, was
on Escherichia coli WP-2 vs MNNG-induced inactive on Saccharomyces cerevisiaeP0098.
mutation and UV-induced mutagenicityPOo39. Carcinogenic activity. Water extract of
Antimycobacterial activity. Hot water unripe fruits, administered subcutaneously
extract of dried leaves, undiluted on agar to female mice at a dose of 35.0 gm/animal
plate, was active on Mycobacterium phlei PO098 . weekly for 77 weeks, was inactive. Of 15
Antioxidant effect. Pulp and peel con- rats, none developed tumors. When admin-
tained 2.62-7.79% extractable polyphenols. istered to male rats, 2 of 15 developed
Using the free radical scavenging (DPPH), tumorsPG035.

Central nervous system effect. Hexane, rats at a dose of 25.0 mg/kg, was active vs
ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts of the cotton pellet granulomaPGOJ2.
leaves at concentrations of 20, 100,500, and Hyperglycemic activity. Hot water extract
1250 mg/kg, produced mostly dose-depen- of dried leaves, administered orally to mice
dent antinociceptive effects in chemical and at a dose of 5.0 gm/kg, was active. A 16%
thermal tests of analgesia. The extracts also rise in blood sugar was observedPG091.
produced dose-dependent prolongation of Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/water
pentobarbitone-induced sleeping time. How- (1: 1) extract of dried leaves, administered
ever, they had variable and mostly non-sig- orally to mice and rabbits at a dose of 5.0
nificant effects on locomotor coordination, gm/kg, was inactivePG091 . Ethanol/water (1:1)
locomotor activity or exploration. In the extract of the aerial parts, administered
pharmacological tests used, the ethyl acetate orally to rats at a dose of 250 mg/kg, was
extract appeared to be the most active, fol- inactive. Less than 30% drop in blood sugar
lowed by the hexane and then the methanol level was observedPG092.
extracts PGlOJ . Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Cytotoxic activity. Chloroform extract of extract of the aerial parts, administered in-
dried leaves, in cell culture, was active on traperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.094
CA-9KB, EDso 7.9 mcg/ml. The ethanol mg/kg, was inactivePG092.
(95%) extract was active on LEUK-P388, Insulin biosynthesis stimulation. Ethanol/
EDso 7.6 mcg/ml, and inactive on CA-9KB- water (50%) extract of dried leaves, admin-
VI (vinblastine resistant), EDso > 20.0 mcg/ istered to rats by gastric intubation at a dose
mI PG022 . of 200.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs alloxan-
Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1) induced hyperglycemiaPG081.
extract of the aerial parts, administered Intestinal motility inhibition. Water
intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 0.047 mg/ extract of dried roots, administered intraperi-
kg, was inactive vs saline-loaded animals. tone ally to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
Urine was collected for 4 hours post-drug activePG021 .
administrationPG092 . Locomotor activity decrease. Decoction of
Estrous cycle disruption effect. Ethanol dried leaves, administered by gastric intuba-
(95%) and hot water extracts of roots, tion to rats at a dose of 10.0 ml/kg, was
administered subcutaneously to rats at a active PGo20 .
dose of 20.0 mg/animal, and ethanol/water Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry
(1: 1) extract, administered orally at a dose (homogenate) of fresh entire plant (fruits,
of 300.0 mg/animal daily, were activePG099 . roots, and leaves), was inactive on Lymnaea
Gastric emptying time increase. Water columella and Lymnaea cubensis, LDlOo > 1M
and methanol extracts of dried roots, admin- ppmPG062. Water extract of oven-dried leaves
istered intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of was active on Biomphalaria pieifieriPG08J.
250.0 mg/kg, were activePG021 . Water saturated with fresh leaf essential oil,
Glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase inh i- at a concentration of 1: 10, was inactive on
bition. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of dried Biomphalaria glabrataPG066.
branches, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml Plant germination inhibition. Water
in cell culture, was active on rat liver cells extracts of dried bark, dried leaves and dried
vs CCl 4-induced hepatotoxicity and PGE- stem, at a concentration of 500.0 gm/liter,
I-induced pedal edemaPGo86. produced weak activity on Cuscuta reflexa
Granuloma formation inhibition. Dried seeds after 6 days of exposure to the
fruit, administered intraperitoneally to male extractPG052.

Plant growth inhibition. Water extracts of Spermicidal effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1)

dried leaves, dried bark and dried stem, at a extract of the aerial parts was inactive in
concentration of 500.0 gm/liter, produced rats PG092 .
weak activity on Cuscuta reflexa. Seedling Spontaneous activity reduction. Methanol
length, weight and dry weight were mea- extract of dried leaves, administered by gas-
sured after 6 days of exposure to the tric intubation to mice at a dose of 3.3 mg/kg,
extract PGOS2 . was active; when administered intraperito-
Semen coagulation. Ethanol/water (1: 1) neally to mice the E090 was 4.1 mg/kgPG040.
extract of the aerial parts, at a concentra- Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
tion of 2.0%, was inactive on rat semenPG092. nol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts,
Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Metha- administered to intraperitoneally to mice,
nol extract of dried leaves, at variable con- produced LO so 0.188 gm/kgPG092.
centration, was active on guinea pig Xanthine oxidase inhibition. Ethanol
ileumPG042. Water extract of dried fruits was (70%) extract of dried leaves was active,
active on rat ileumPGos8. lCso 16.0 mcg/mIPG041.
Spasmogenic activity. Water extract of
dried leaves, administered by gastric intuba- REFERENCES
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activity. Pak J Sci Ind Res 1978; 27(5/ tribution to the ethnopharmacological
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15(1): 57-88. biological evaluation of Cuban plants. II.
PG081 Maruyama, Y., H. Matsuda, R. Matsuda, Rev Cub Med Trop 1979; 31: 13-19.
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Antidiabetic effect and effective com- Phytochemistry 1982; 21(6): 1339-1342.
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25 Punica

Common Names
Anar Fiji Pomegranate Guyana
Anar Nepal Pomegranate India
Dadima India Pomegranate Madeira
Darim India Pomegranate Mexico
Darim Nepal Pomegranate Nepal
Darinko bokra Nepal Pomegranate Turkey
Delum Japan Pomegranate USA
Delun Sri Lanka Pomegranate West Indies
Granada Cuba Posnar India
Granada Guatemala Qsur roman Morocco
Granada Peru Ranato Italy
Granado Canary Islands Roma Madeira
Granado Mexico Roman Egypt
Granatum India Roman Ethiopia
Grenade Rodrigues Islands Romeira Madeira
Grenadier Tunisia Romman amruj Morocco
Grenadillo Belize Romman Jordan
Gul armini Pakistan Romman Tunisia
Mathalanarakom India Ruman Oman
Melograno Italy Seog-ryu Oman
Mkoma manga East Africa Sham-al-rumman Arabic countries
Nar Turkey Shih liu pi China
Pomegranate Egypt Thab thim Thailand
Pomegranate England Thapthim Thailand
Pomegranate Greece Zakuro Thailand

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION 0.5-2.5 cm; consisting of obtuse or margin-

The plant is an erect shrub of the ate apex, base acute, shiny, glabrous. Flowers
PUNICACEAE family, up to 3 meters high, are showy, orange red, about 3 cm in diam-
much branched from the base, having eter; 1-5 borne at branch tips, the others soli-
branchlets slender, often ending in a spine. tary in the highest leaf-axils, sessile or
Leaves are simple, oblong-lanceolate, 1-9 by subsessile. Consisting of calyx 2-3 cm long,

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


tubular, lobes erect to recurved, 5-9, thick, Ethiopia. Extract of dried fruit is used for
coriaceous; petals the same number as the skin lesionspoo36. Leaves, crushed in water,
calyx lobes, rounded or very obtuse; from are taken orally to expel tapeworms PG062 . Hot
edge hypanthium; filament-free; inferior water extract of root bark is taken orally as
ovary, ovules numerous; style 1, stigma capi- an emmenagogue PGOO6 .
tate. Fruit is a globose berry, crowded by per- Fiji. Fresh juice of Punica granatum and
sistent calyx-lobes, having leathery pericarp Cynodon dactylon leaf juice is taken orally
filled with numerous seeds, which are sur- for cold and running nose. Fresh fruit juice
rounded by pink and red, transparent, juicy, is taken orally for jaundice and for
acidic, pleasant-tasting pulp. They are propa- diarrheaPG078. Water extract of dried fruit
gated by seeds or layering, in ordinary garden peel is taken orally for diabetes. Rind is
soil, with regular watering. ground with water and taken first thing in
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION the morning. Decoction of dried seed is
taken orally for syphilispoo78.
Pomegranate is one of the oldest drugs
Greece. Water extract of fruit peel is used a
known. It is mentioned in the Ebers papyrus
vaginal suppository with or without oak gall
of Egypt written in about 1550 Be, and is
to be applied for some hours and removed
included in many Ayurvedic texts. Pome-
immediately after coitusPGOOJ. Decoction of
granate is native of Iran and is extensively
dried fruit peel is taken orally to treat tra-
cultivated as a fruit-tree or ornamental, or for
cheobronchitis. The dried peel is boiled in
medicinal purposes in Mediterranean region waterP0034.
such as Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Afghanistan,
Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried fruit
and Iran. It is commonly found in the tropics
is used externally for wounds, ulcers, bruises
and subtropics.
and sores, mouth lesions, stomatitis, leucor-
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES rhea, and vaginitis. For conjunctivitis, the
Arabic countries. Dried fruit peel is used as extract is applied ophthalmicallyPGo89.
a contraceptive in the form of a pessary in India. Dried root is used as an abortifacient.
Unani medicinePGo66. Three parts Allium cepa seeds, 3 parts of
Argentina. Decoction of dried pericarp is Punica granatum root, 2 parts of Cajanus
taken orally for diarrhea, and to treat respi- cajan and red lead oxide are taken with
ratory and urinary tract infections PGo33 . honey orallyPGo8o. Fresh entire plant, made
Belize. Hot water extract of dried leaves is into a paste, is used for snakebite. The paste
used externally for "women's problems". is applied to the bite; juice is dropped into
Leaves are boiled and the liquid is used for the nostrils, ears and navelPG073. Fresh plant
washi ng PGo6J. juice is used for snakebite. Plant is made
Canary Islands. Hot water extract of fresh into a paste and applied to bite; juice is
root bark is taken orally as an anthel- dropped into the nostrils, ears and navelPG07J.
minticP0092. Hot water extract of dried bark and fruit is
China. Dried entire plant is used externally taken orally for leprosy, leucorrhea and
for burns and to promote eschar formation menorrhagiaPGo9o . Hot water extract of root
in burn treatmentPG086 . bark is taken orally as an anthelminticPGo97 .
Europe. Hot water extract of root bark is Olive oil extract of dried fruit is used exter-
taken orally as an emmenagogue0006 . nally to prevent premature graying of hair.
East Africa. Hot water extract of pounded The mixture contains T erminalia arjuna,
or soaked root is taken orally for tapeworm Aglaia roxburghiana, Jasminum officianales,
infestationsPG022 • Indigofera tinctoria, Tinospora cordifolia,

Pterocarpus marsupium, Eclipta alba, Panda- Tunisia. Extract of the dried bark is taken
nus tectorius, Oroxylum indicum, Valeriana orally to treat ulcersPG068.
hardwickii, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia USA. Hot water extract of dried root bark
bellerica, Emblica officinales, Punica granatum, is used as a vaginal douche. For diarrhea,
Nelumbium speciosum and Sesamum steep a teaspoon of bark in a cup of boiling
indicumPG09J. Powdered immature fruit is water, cool and drink one cup a day. The
taken orally for peptic ulcers. A half-tea- extract is also taken orally as a remedy for
spoon of powder is added to soft porridge and tapewormPGIOJ.
taken every morningPG049. Dried unripe fruit West Indies. Fruit peel, mixed and dry,
is taken orally for dysentery. Tender fruits ground with fowl gizzard and white flour, is
or rinds of mature fruits are boiled in milk eaten as porridge for tapewormPG061.
and made into a paste that is given
internallyPGo6J. Fruit juice is taken orally for CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
high fever with loss of sensesPG040. Water (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
extract of dried fruit peel is taken orally for 3-0-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyellagic
diarrheaPG026. Poultice of fruit peel and acid: HeartwoodPGl12
T amarix gallicia bark is applied twice in 24 2-(2-Propenyl)-delta-piperidei ne: BkPG027
hours to the breasts to abate flaccidity. Hot 1,2,4,6-Tetra-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose:
water extract of dried fruit peel, mixed with
1,2,3 ,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose:
aromatics, is taken orally for treating diar- LfPG102
rhea and dysenteryPGOJ6. Apigenin-4'-O-beta-D-glucoside: LfPG018
Indonesia. Hot water extracts of dried fruit Betulinic acid: Bk, LfPG096
peelPGOJ6 and root barkPGoo6 are taken orally as Brevifolin carboxylic acid: LfPG017
abortifacientsPGOJ6. Callistephin: Sd Coat, Fr PePG020
Italy. Hot water extract of dried fruit peel is Casuariin: Bk 940 PG014
used for inflammationsPG046. Casuarinin: Bk 0.32%PG014, PC 3.8PG030
Chrysanthemin: Fr PePG020, Sd OPG020
Malaysia. Extract of dried fruit is taken Coniine: PIPGOll
orally by pregnant women for childbirth Corilagin: Lf 473.7PG012,PG017, PC 4 PG030
disordersPGOJl. Hot water extract of leaves is Cou mestro I: Sd PG045
taken orally for irregular mensesPG008. Cyanidin: FI, LfPG044
Mexico. Hot water extract of fruit peel is Cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside: Sd OPG043
taken orally to stop excessive bleeding dur- Cyanin: Fr PePG020, Sd OPG020,PG043
ing mensesPG041. Daidzein: SdPG045
Delphin: Sd OPG020,PG043
Peru. Hot water extract of dried bark is
Delphinidin; FI, LfPG044
taken orally by pregnant women to prevent
abortion, for bloody dysentery and as an Sd OPG020
antidiarrheal. Hot water extract of dried Delphinidin-3-glucoside: Sd OPG043
root is taken orally for abortion, as an anti- Ellagic acid: BkPG009, LfPG017, PC PG030,
diarrheal and for bloody dysenteryPG088. Fr PePG065
Sri Lanka. Hot water extract of fresh fruit is Ellagic acid,3'-0-methyl-3-4-methyl:
taken orally as a cooling agent and for
dysenteryPGOJ4. EIIagic acid,3-3'-4-tri-0-methyl: BkPG009
Ellagic acid,3-3'-di-0-methyl: BkPG009
Thailand. Hot water extract of dried root is Enedioxy: BkPG009
taken orally as an anthelmintic. Hot water Estrone: Sd 4.0 mcglkg-17.0 mglkgPG064,PG045
extract of dried fruit peel is taken orally for Fluoride: Cortex 5.8PG091
diarrhea and dysenteryPGI02. Friedelin: BkPG059


Gallic acid: PC O.09-4.00%PG030 AND CLINICAL TRIALS
Genistein: SdPG045
Abortifacient effect. Ethanol (95%) extract
Genistin: SdPG045
of fruit, administered orally to rats at a dose
Granatin A: Fr PePG083, Lf 1.3%PGOI2,
PCPGOI3,PG030 of 200.0 mg/kg, was inactivePG099.
Granatin B: Fr PePG057,PG083, Allergenic activity. Fruit, taken orally by
Lf 1.72%PGOI2,PGOI7, PC PG030 human adults, was active. A case was
Heneicosanoic acid: Sd oil 5.0%PG085 reported of tongue angioedema following
Hygrine: Bk 2.0%PG027 ingestion of the fruit. An IgE-mediated
Isopelietierine: BkPGOl1 mechanism could not be demonstratedPG051.
Lauric acid, 4-methyl: Sd oil O.5%PG085 Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Luteol in-3'-O-beta-D-glucoside: LfPGOl8
extract of the aerial parts, administered
Luteol i n-3'-O-beta-D-xylopyranoside:
LfPGOl8 intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.125
Luteolin-4'-O-beta-D-glucoside: LfPGOl8 mg/kg, was inactive vs tail pressure
Mannitol: Lf O.547%PGOI2 methodPG094.
Methyl pelietierine: Rt Bk PGOll Anthelmintic activity. Chloroform extract
Methyl isopelietierine: BkPGOl1 of dried root and stem, administered to mice
N-methyl pelletierine: Bk, BrPG027 by gastric intubation at a dose of 250.0 mg/
Nonadecanoic acid: Sd oil 5.9%PG085 kg for 3 days, was active on Hymenolepsis
Nor-hygrine: Bk 0.7%PG027 nana and inactive on Nippostrongylus
Nor-pseudopelletierine: Bk, BrPG027 brasiliense and Syphacia obvelataPG084. Metha-
Palmitic acid: Sd oil 10.4%PG085
nol extract of fruit peel, administered orally
Pectin: Fr PePG055
Pedunculagin: Bk 82.4 PG0l5 , PC 4PG030
to mice at a dose of 120.0 mg/kg, was active
Pelargon in: Fr Pe, Sd CtPG020 on Hymenolepis diminuta. Eighty seven per-
Pelletierine: Bk 21 .6%PG027,PGOlI, cent clearance of worms was observed in 2
St 48.7%PG027, Br 49.6%PG027 daysPG095. Water extract of dried fruitpeel, at
Polyphenols: Fr PePG070 a concentration of 10.0 ml/plate, was active
Pseudopelietierine: Bk 44.3%PG027 on Ascaris galli, Pheritima posthuma, and T ae-
Punicacortein A: Bk 28 PG0l4 nia soliumPG028.
Punicacortein B: Bk 27PGOl4 Antiamoebic activity. Alkaloid fraction of
Punicacortein C: Bk 11 OOPGOl4
dried root, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml
Punicacortein D: Bk 62PGOl4
Punicafolin: Lf 137PGOI2,PGOI7 in broth culture, was inactive on Entamoeba
Punicalagin: Bk O.14%PGOI5, Fr PePG042, histolytica and Entamoeba invadens. The
PCPG0l3,PG030 water extract, at a concentration of 2.0 ml
Punicalin: Bk 880PG015, Fr PePG042, PC PGO l3 and tannin fraction, at a concentration of
Punicic acid: Sd oil 33.3%PG086 10.0 mcg/ml, were active on Entamoeba
Punigluconin: Bk 140PGOl4 histolytica and Entamoeba invadens. One
Pyridine,N-(2'-5'-dihydroxy-phenyl): LfPGOl8 hundred percent growth was inhibitedPG024.
Sedridine: Bk O.3%PG027 Antiancylostomiasis activity. Hot water
Stearic acid: Sd oil 5.9%PG085
extract of root bark, ingested by human
Stearic acid, 13-methyl: Sd oi I 1.5%PG085
Strictinin: Lf 63PGOl12
adults, was inactive. Two ounces of bark is
Tannin: BkPGOI6,PG056 boiled in 2 pints water until half of it is
Tellimagrandin 1: PC 26PG030 evaporated. Four ounces are given at hourly
Tricosanoic acid: Sd oil 4.9%PG085 doses of 1 ounce, with the last dose followed
Unicalin: PC PG030 by magnesium sulfate. Thirteen patients
Xanthoxylin: LfPGOl7 were treatedPG097.

Antiascariasis activity. Ethanol (95%) of 20.0 mg/disc on agar plate, was inactive on
extract of the epicarp was active on earth- Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella
worm. Paralysis occurred in 18 hours with a typhosa, Shigella dysenteriae, and Staphylococ-
death rate of 50%PG021. cus aureus. Dose expressed as dry weight
Antibacterial activity. Acidic-ethanol of plant materialPG058. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
extract, dichloromethane extract, methanol extract of the aerial parts, at a concentration
extract washed in petroleum ether, and the greater than 25.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was
acidic extract made alkaline then washed inactive on Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli,
with dichloromethane of the dried fruit, at a Salmonella typhosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and
doses of 0.20 ml/disc on agar plate, were Agrobacterium tumefaciensPG094. Hot water
inactive on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmo- extract of dried entire plant, at a concen-
nella gallinarum and Staphylococcus albus. tration of 62.5 mg/ml on agar plate, was
Strong activity was produced on Escherichia active on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus vul- aureus PG031 . Saline extract of leaves, at a con-
garis. Water extract of dried fruit, at a dose of centration of 1:40 on agar plate, was active
0.20 ml/disc on agar plate, was inactive on on Staphylococcus aureus and inactive on Pas-
Escherichia coli, Salmonella gallinarum and teurella pestisPG098. Acetone extract of dried
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and produced strong leaves, on agar plate, was active on Escheri-
activity on Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vul- chia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella
garis and Staphylococcus albusPG036. Decoction newport, Salmonella typhosa, Sarcina lutea, Ser-
of dried pericarp, on agar plate, was active on ratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri, Shigella
Pseudomonas aeruginosaPG03J. Ethanol (80%) f/exneri 3A, Staphylococcus albus, and Staphy-
extract of dried aerial parts, at a concentra- lococcus aureus. Ethanol (95%) extract, on
tion of 100.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was agar plate, was active on Escherichia coli,
active on Bacillus anthracis, Proteus vulgaris Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella B, Salmo-
and Salmonella paratyphi A; inactive on nella newport, Salmonella typhosa, Sarcina
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudo- lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shigella f/exneri, Shi-
monas aeruginosa, Shigella sonnei, Staphylococ- gella flexneri 3A, Staphylococcus albus, and Sta-
cus aureus and Vibrio choleraPG075. Ethanol phylococcus aureus. Water extract, on agar
(95%) extract of dried fruit peel, at a con- plate, was active on Escherichia coli, Pseudo-
centration of 10.0 mg/ml on agar plate, was monas aeruginosa, Salmonella B, Salmon-
inactive on Corynebacterium diphtheriae and ella newport, Salmonella typhosa, Serratia
Diplococcus pneumonia, and produced weak marcescens, Shigella f/exneri, and Staphylococ-
activity on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococ- cus albus; inactive on Sarcina lutea, Shigella
cus pyogenes and Streptococcus viridans. The flexneri 3A, and Staphylococcus aureusPG025.
water extract was inactive on Corynebacte- Seed oil, on agar plate, was active on Kleb-
rium diptheriae and Diplococcus pneumonia; siella pneumonia, Salmonella paratyphi, and Shi-
produced weak activity on Staphylococcus gella flexneriPGOo7. Acetone extract of dried
aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococ- stem, on agar plate, was active on Escherichia
cus viridansPG054. Ethanol (95%) extract of coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella B,
dried fruit peel, at a concentration of 100.0 Salmonella newport, Salmonella typhosa,
mg/disc on agar plate, was active on Bacillus Sarcina lutea, Serratia marcescens, Shigella
subtilis, Salmonella typhosa and Shigella flexneri, Shigella flexneri 3A, Staphylococcus
dysenteriae; inactive on Escherichia coli and albus, and Staphylococcus aureus. The water
produced strong activity on Staphylococcus extract was active on Escherichia coli,
aureus. The water extract, at a concentration Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella B, Sal-

monella newport, Salmonella typhosa, Serratia Methanol extract of the seed, administered
marcescens, Shigella f/exneri, and Staphylococ, orally to rats, produced significant inhibitory
cus albus, and inactive on Sarcina lutea, Shi, activity against castor oil induced diarrhea
gella flexneri 3A, and Staphylococcus and PGE2 induced enteropooling in rats.
aureus PGOZ5 . Tincture of dried fruit, at a con, The extract also indicated a significant
centration of 30.0 microliters/disc (extract of reduction in gastro,intestinal motility in
10 gram plant material in 100 ml ethanol) charcoal meal tests in rats PGlO7 .
on agar plate, was inactive on Escherichia coli, Antifertility effect. Fruit peel, in the ration
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus of guinea pigs of both sexes at a dose of 18.0
aureusPG089. Successive petroleum ether, chlo, gm/kg and in the ration of female rats, was
roform, methanol, and water extracts of the active PGOOZ .
fruit were tested in vitro for their antibacte, Antifungal activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
rial activities. The methanolic extract was extract of aerial parts, at a concentration
found to be the most effective against all the greater than 25.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was
microorganisms testedPGllo . inactive on Microsporum canis, Trichophyton
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol/water mentagrophytes, and Aspergillus nigerPG094 . Hot
(1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered water extract of dried entire plant, at a con-
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.125 centration of 62.5 mg/ml on agar plate, was
mg/kg, was inactive vs electroshock, induced active on Aspergillus nigerPG031.
convulsionsPG094. Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol
Antidiabetic effect. Ethanol (50%) extract (80%) extract of dried fruit peel, adminis-
of the male abortive flowers, administered tered by gastric intubation to male rats at a
orally to normal, glucose,fed hyperglycemic, dose of 100.0 mg/kg, produced weak activ-
and alloxan-induced diabetic rats, produced ity vs carrageenin-induced pedal edema.
significant blood glucose lowering effectPGl08 . Twenty-three percent inhibition of edema
Antidiarrheal activity. Decoction of dried was observedPG046. Ethanol/water (1:1)
fruit peel, administered intragastrically to rats extract of aerial parts, administered orally to
at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active vs castor rats at a dose of 0.l25 mg/kg, was inactive
oil-induced diarrhea. Ethanol (95%) extract, vs carrageenin-induced pedal edema. Ani-
administered intragastrically to rats at a dose mals were dosed 1 hour before carrageenin
of 50.0 mg/kg, was active. The extract injections PGo94 .
reduced fecal output. At a dose of 500.0 mgt Antimalarial activity. Methanol extract of
kg, weak activity was produced vs castor oil- dried leaves was inactive on Plasmodium
induced diarrheaPGoz6. Decoction of fruit peel, falciparum, MIC > 25.0 mcg/ml PGoz9 .
administered orally to children, was active. Antimutagenic activity. Methanol extract
The infantile diarrhea was treated with of dried fruit, at a concentration of 50.0
Kexieding capsule, composed of 5 herbs, microliters/disc on agar plate, was inactive
including roasted ginger, clove and fruit peel on Bacillus subtilis NIG,1125, His Met, and
of Punica granatum. Of the 234 infants and Escherichia coli B/R-WP2, TRpPGon.
71 children treated, 281 (92%) were cured in Antimycobacterial activity. Ethanol (95%)
1-3 days and 9 (3%) were significantly extract of dried aerial parts, at a concentra-
improved. The total effective rate was 95%. tion of 1:50 on agar plate, produced weak
Bacteria caused only 9 of 79 severe cases; one activity on Mycobacterium tuberculosisPGolO.
who manifested symptoms of bacterial dys, Antinematodal activity. Water extract of
entery and bloody-mucoid stools was ulti- a commercial sample of pericarp, at a con-
mately cured with Baitouweng mixturePG05z. centration of 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive on

Toxacara canis. The methanol extract pro- and petroleum ether extract washed with
duced weak activityPG05). methanol, and acidic extract made alkaline,
Antioxidant effect. Methanol extract of then extracted with dichloromethanePG036 .
fruit, at a concentration of 50.0 microliters, Ethanol (95%) extract of dried fruit peel, at
was activePG088. Fermented juice and seed oil a concentration of 100.0 mg/disc on agar
produced strong antioxidant activity close plate, produced strong activity on Candida
to that of butylated hydroanisole and Thea albicans. The water extract, at a concentra-
sinensis, and significantly great than that of tion of 20.0 mg/disc, was inactive. Dose
red wine (Vitis vitifera) Flavonoids extracted expressed as dry weight of plant materialPG098.
from cold pressed seed oil produced 31-44% Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, at
inhibition of sheep cyelo-oxygenase and a concentration greater than 25.0 mcg/ml on
69-81 % inhibition of soybean lipoxy- agar plate, was inactive on Candida albicans
genases. Flavonoids extracted from the fruit and Cryptococcus neofonnans PG094 • Tincture of
peel produced 21-30% inhibition of soy- dried fruit, at a concentration of 30.0 micro-
bean lipooxygenase though no significant liters/disc (extract of 10 grams plant material
inhibition of sheep cyclo-oxygenasePG106 . in 100 ml ethanol) on agar plate, was inac-
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water tive on Candida albicansPG089.
(1: 1) extract of aerial parts was inactive on Barbiturate potentiation. Ethanol/water
the guinea pig ileum vs ACh- and hista- (1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered
mine-induced spasmsPG094. intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.125
Antiuremic activity. Decoction of dried mgjkg, was inactive PG09 4,
bark in the drinking water of rats at a dose of Cytotoxic activity. Acetone extract of dried
150.0 mgjkg was active vs casein/adenine- bark, at a concentration of 5 .0%, was equivo-
induced renal failure. Urea, creatinine, cal by cylinder plate method on CA-Ehrlich
methylguanidine, and guanidinosuccinic ascites, 21 mm inhibition. Ether extract, at a
acid were assayedPGOJs. concentration of 5.0%, was inactive by cyl-
Antiviral activity. Hot water extract of inder plate method on CA-Ehrlich ascites,
dried root bark, at a concentration of 0.1 15 mm zone of inhibition was produced.
mg/ml in cell culture, was active on Herpes Water extract, at a concentration of 5.0%,
simplex 1 virus and measles virus; a concen- was inactive by cylinder plate method on
tration of 0.5 mg/ml was active on poliovi- CA-Ehrlich ascites, 0 mm inhibition PGlOl .
rus 1; when administered intragastrically to Hot water extract of fruit peel, at a dose of
mice at a dose of 5.0 mg/animal, was active 120.0 mcg/ml in cell culture, was active on
on Herpes simplex 1 virus PG032 . Water extract CA-JTC-26. The inhibition rate was
of fruit, in cell culture, was active on Cox- 59%PGoso. Methanol/water (1: 1) extract of
sackie B5 virus, Herpes simplex virus, influ- bark, in cell culture, was active on CA-9KB,
enza virus (Lee), poliovirus 1, and REO EDso < 20.0 mcg/mIPGlo4. Water extract of
virus Type FGOl). dried pericarp, at a concentration of 120.0
Antiyeast activity. Acid-ethanol extract, mcg/ml in cell culture, was active on CA-
and dichloromethane extract, methanol Mammary-Microalveolar and Cells-Human-
extract and washing in petroleum ether, and Embryonic HE- tpG047.
acidic extract made alkaline, then washed Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1)
with dichloromethane of dried fruit, at a con- extract of serial parts, administered intra-
centration of 0.20 ml/disc on agar plate, were peritoneally to saline-loaded male rats, was
inactive on Candida albicans. Strong activity active. Urine was collected for 4 hours after
was produced with dichloromethane extract the treatment PG094 .

Embryotoxic effect. Acetone, hot water, Hepatotoxic activity. Tannin fraction

and methanol extracts of dried root, admin- (hydrolyzable) of pericarp, administered
istered by gastric intubation to pregnant rats intra-peritoneally to mice at a dose of 20.0
at doses of 150.0 mg/kg, were inactive. Rats ml/kg, was active. Solutions equal to 0.5%
were dosed on days 1_7PGo79. Ethanol (95%) gallotannin were injected; daily dosing for
extract of fruit, administered orally to female 2 days followed by sacrifice and examination
rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was on days 3, 5, and 9, showed severely dam-
inactivePG099 . Methanol and acetone extracts aged liver parenchymaPG06o.
of dried entire plant, administered by gastric Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol/water
intubation to pregnant rats at doses of 200.0 ( 1: 1) extract of aerial parts, administered
mg/kg, were inactive. Dosing was done on orally to rats at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was
days 1_7PGOBI. inactive. Less than 30% drop in blood sugar
Estrogenic effect. Dried seed extract, level was observedPG094. Flower, administered
administered subcutaneously at variable orally to male rats at a dose of 4.0 gm/animal,
dosage levels to ovariectomized mice, was was active PG019 .
active. Activity was equivalent to 4.0-17.0 Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
mcg estrone/kgPG064. Seed oil, administered extract of aerial parts, administered intrap-
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.4 eritoneally to mice at a dose of 0.125 mg/kg,
ml/animal, produced strong activity. A was active PG094 .
dose of 0.5 ml/animal, administered intra- Intestinal antisecretory activity. Decoc-
peritoneally to rabbits and subcutaneously tion of dried fruit peel, administered
to ovariectomized rats was active. The intragastrically to rats, was active vs MgS04-
unsaponifiable fraction administered intra- induced enteropooling. The ethanol (95%)
peritoneally to female rabbits at a dose of extract, at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active
250.0 mg/animal was activePGOOS . vs MgS04-induced enteropoolingPG026.
Feeding deterrent (insect). Seed oil, at a Immunomodulatory activity. Aqueous
concentration of 1.0% in the ration, was suspension of the fruit rind powder, admin-
inactive on Anthonomus grandis PGOB7 • istered orally to rabbits at a dose of 100
Gastroprotective effect. Aqueous extract mg/kg, stimulated the cell-mediated and
of the fruit peel was investigated in the rat humoral components of the immune system.
against ethanol-induced damage. The extract There was an increase in antibody titer to
produced 100% precipitation of ovine hemo- typhoid-H antigen. It also enhanced the
globin in vitro. Oral administration induced inhibition of leukocyte migration in Leuco-
a significant decrease in gastric lesions. The cyte Migration Inhibition test and indura-
observed protection was more pronounced tion of skin in delayed hypersensitivity test
when the test solution was given at the with Purified Protein DerivativePGll1 .
same time with ethanol. The acid content of Molluscicidal activity. Ethanol (95%) and
the stomach was significantly increased by water extracts of dried root, at concentra-
extracts prepared in ethanol PGlOs . tions of 1000 ppm, produced weak activity
Glutamate-pyruvate stimulation. Tannin on Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria
fraction (hydrolyzable) of pericarp, adminis- stramineaPG1OO • The bark produced both time
tered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of and dose dependent effect on the snail
20.0 ml/kg, was active. Solutions equal to Lymnaea acuminata. The 24 hour LC so of
0.5% gallotannin were injected; daily dosing the column purified bark was 4.39 mg/l.
for 2 days followed by sacrifice and examina- The ethanol extract at 24 hours was LC so
tion on days 3, 5, and 9PG060 . 22.42 mg/IPG109 .

Plant growth inhibitor. Hot water extract Uterine relaxation effect. Seed oil, admin-
of bark, at a concentration of 2.0 gm/liter, istered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of
was active. The number of fronds of Lemna 0.2 ml/animal, was active PGOO4 .
paucicostata that were greater than 1 mm in Uterine stimulant effect. Water extract of
length was 57% of control PGo48 . fruit peel was active on the uterus of non-
Plant root growth stimulant. Hot water pregnant rats PGOO1 .
extract of bark, at a concentration of 2.0 gmt
liter, was active. Root length in Brassica rapa
PG001 Dhawan, B. N. and P. N. Saxena.
was 121% of control, and the number of
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26 Syzygium
. .
(Linn.) Skeels

Common Names
Alia naeredu India jamun India
Azeitona Brazil jamun Nepal
jam India java plum Brazil
jaman India java plum India
jaman Pakistan java plum Nepal
jamblon Rodrigues Islands java plum West Indies
jambol West Indies Luk-wa Thailand
jambolan Brazil Madan japan
jambolan India Malabar plum Brazil
jambolana Nepal Malak rose-apple Brazil
jambolao Brazil Naeredu India
jambu India Naval India
jambul India Negresse India
jambul USA Rotra Madagascar
jamdlan India Tete West Indies
jamoon Guyana Wa Thailand
jamoon India Waa Thailand

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION The petals cohere and fall together as a

A smooth tree of the MYRT ACEAE fam- small disk. The stamens are very numerous
ily, 4-15 meters in height. Leaves leathery and as long as the calyx. Fruit is oval to
oblong-ovate to elliptic or obovate and elliptic; 1.5-3.5 em long, dark purple or
6-12 em long, the tip being broad and nearly black, luscious, fleshy and edible; it
shortly pointed. The panicles are borne contains a single large seed.
mostly from the branchlets below the
leaves, often being axillary or terminal, and ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION
are 4-6 em long. The flowers are numerous, The original home of Syzygium cumini is
scented, pink or nearly white, without India or the East Indies. It is found in
stalks, and borne in crowded fascicles on the Thailand, the Philippines, Madagascar
ends of the branchlets. The calyx is funnel- and some other countries. The plant has
shaped, about 4 mm long, and 4-toothed. been successfully introduced into many

From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


other tropical countries such as the West dysentery and diarrhea, and to reduce urinary
Indies, East and West Africa and some sub- sugars in diabetesSco51. Leaf juice is taken
tropical regions including Florida, Califor- orally to treat diabetes. The juice is taken
nia, Algeria and Israel. mixed with milk every morningSC025 . Fresh
leaf juice is taken orally for stomach painsco49 .
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES Seeds are taken orally for diabetesSco19.
Brazil. Decoction of dried leaves is taken Stembark juice, mixed with buttermilk, is
orally to treat diabetessco18 . taken orally every day for constipation and
India. Bark paste and curd is taken orally 3 to stop bloody discharge in the feces sco25 .
times a day for 2 days to cure dysenterySC023. Pakistan. Hot water extract of dried aerial
DecoctionSCOll and fluidextract SCOll of dried parts is used for diabetesSco5o. Seeds are taken
bark is taken orally for diabetes. Ten grams orally for diarrhea, diabetes, dysentery and
of dried leaves of Zanthoxylum armatum are blood pressureSC017 .
boiled in 8 liters of water along with 125 gm Thailand. Dried stembark is taken orally as
of a mixture of equal parts of the bark of Aca- a cardiotonic, CNS stimulant and for
cia nilotica, Mangifera indica and Syzygium faintingSC043. Hot water extract of dried bark
cumini until the quantity of water is reduced is taken orally as an antipyreticSco62. Hot
to 2 liters. Fifty milliliters of the decoction is water extract of dried seeds is taken orally
taken twice a day after mealssco33 . Hot water for diabetesSco6o. Leaf ash is used externally
extract of dried bark is taken orally for dysen- to relieve itching caused by centipede bite.
tery, indigestion and as a blood purifierSC048 . Decoction of the root is taken orally as an
Decoction of dried bark is taken orally for antiemetic and to increase lactation in new
venereal ulcers. Terminalia arjuna, Pongamia motherssco53.
pinnata, Vateria indica, Syzygium cumini, Ficus USA. Fluidextract of seeds is reputed to be
benghalensis, F. religiosa, F. racemosa, valuable for diabetes Sco03 .
F. talbotii and Azadirachta indica are usedsco57 . West Indies. Seeds are used for diabetesSco44 .
Fruits are taken orally to cure gastrointesti-
nal complaintsSC024 . Hot water extract of dried CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS
fruits is used externally as an astringent and (ppm unless otherwise indicated)
orally for stomach ulcers and to reduce 1-Galloyl glucose: SdSC017
acidity=48. Hot water extract of dried fruits 3-6-Hexahydroxy-diphenoyl glucose: SdSC017
and seeds is taken orally for diabetesScoo9. 3-Galloyl glucose: SdSC017
Leaves are taken orally for leucorrhea; 2 4-6-Hexahyd roxy-d i phenoyl gl ucose:
young leaves are chewed with cold water for
6-Galloyl glucose: SdSC017
3-4 dayssco24. Decoction of dried seeds is
Acetophenone, 2-6-d i hydroxy-4-methoxy:
taken orally for diabetesScoll and the fluidex- FI5C027
tract is taken orally as an antiinflam- Alanine: LfS cOOl
matorySC°ll. The hot water extract is taken Alpha copanene: St EO 2.15%5C041
orally as an antipyreticSC028 . For diabetes, 100- Alpha humulene: Lf EO 2.80%,
250 mg seed powder is taken orally 3 times a St EO 6.51 %, Fr EO 2.30%5C041
day with waterSC030. Decoction of dried seeds Alpha pinene: Lf EO 30.10%, St EO
18.56%, Fr EO 30.89%5C041
is taken orally for diarrhea; the seeds are
Alpha terpinene: Lf EOsc038
taken together with Cassia auriculataSC011 • Hot Alpha terpineol: Lf E05C038
water extract of dried seeds, taken orally, is Astragalin: St BksC016
prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine for Beta caryophyllene: Lf EO 2.50%,
diabetessC045 . It is also used as an astringent in Fr EO 0.40%SC041

Beta phellandrene: Lf E05C038 Maslinic acid: LfSC001

Beta pinene: Lf EO 20.50%, St EO 12.61%, Methyl xanthoxylin: FI5C027
Fr EO 10.81%5C041 Montanyl alcohol: Lf5C001
Beta sitosterol: Lf 5C001, St Bk 6005C006,5C016 Myrcene: Fr EO 3.82%, St EO 4.28%sc041
Betulinic acid: Lf 5C001, St Bk Myricetin-3-0-beta-D-glucoside: Rt 5C013
0.11 %5C006,5C016 Myricetin-3-0-robinoside: Rt SC013
Borneol acetate: Lf EO 2.20%, St EO 1.46%, N-Dotriacontane: LfS c001
Fr EO 0.32%5C041 N-Hentriacontane: LfS c001
Borneol: Lf E05C038 N-Heptacosane: LfSC001
Bornylene: Lf E05C038 N-Hexacosane: LfSC001
Camphene: St EO 1.31 %, Fr EO 1.0%5C041 N-Nonacosane: LfSCOOl
Cinnamic acid methyl ester: Lf E05C038 N-Octacosane: LfSC001
Cis ocimene: Lf EO 9.0%, St EO 14.83%, N-Tetratriacontane: LfSC001
Fr EO 18.50%5C041 N-Triacontane: LfSC001
Citric acid: Fr5C040, LfSC001 N-Tritriacontane: LfSC001
Clycolic acid: Lf5C001 Octacosan-l-ol: LfS c001
Corilagin: Sd5C017 Oleanolic acid: FI 0.5%SC056, SdSC006
Cuminaldehyde: Lf EOsc038 Oxalic acid: LfS c001
Cyanin: Fr5C040 Petunidin-3-0-beta-D-gentibioside: FrSC015
Daucosterol: St Bk5C016 Quercetin: Sd5C017, St BksC016
De Iph i n id i n-3-O-beta- D-genti ob ios ide: Rutin: Lf 1.5%5C046
Fr5C015 Sucrose: St BksC016
Delta cadinene: St EO 1.46%sc041 Taxifolin: Sd5C017
Dotriacontan-l-ol: Lf5C001 Terpinolene: Lf EO sC038, St EO 0.96%sc041
Ellagic acid: SdSC011,5C0l7,5C006, St Bk5C016 Tetratriacontan-l-ol: Lf5C001
EIIagic acid,3-3-4-tri-o-methyl: Sd, Bk5C017 Trans ocimene: Lf EO 9.50%,
Ellagic acid,3-3-di-o-methyl: Sd, Bk5C017 St EO 12.24%, Fr EO 12.10%sc041
Epi friedelanol: St Bk 6005C006 Triacontan-l-ol: LfSC001
Eugen in: St Bk 205C006 Tritriancontan-l-ol: Lf5C001
Eugenol: Lf E05C038 Tyrosine: LfSC001
Friedelanol: St Bk5C016
Fructose: Fr5C040, LfS c001
Gallic acid: Bk5C011, Sd5C011,5C014,SC017,
St BksC016 Abortifacient effect. Ethanol/water (1; 1)
Gamma cadinene: St EO 0.64%5C041 extract of the aerial parts, administered
Gamma terpinene: St EO 0.65%5C041 orally to rats at a dose of 200.0 mg/kg, was
Glucose: Fr5C040, Lf5C001
Glycine: LfS cOOl
Hentriacontan-l-ol: Lf5C001
Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1; 1)
Heptacosan-l-ol: LfS c001 extract of the aerial parts, administered
Hexahydroxy diphenic acid: Sd5C017 intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.375
Iso rhamnetin 3-0-rutinoside: Rt5C036 mg/kg, was inactive vs tail pressure
Jambolin: Sd SCOll methodSco58. Methanol extract of dried seeds,
Kaempferol: St Bk5C016 administered intraperitoneally to mice at a
Leucine: LfS c001 dose of 25.0 mg/kg, was active vs acetic acid-
Limonene: Lf EO 8.50%, St EO 6.48%,
Fr EO 4.50%5C041
induced writhing, results significant at P <
Malic acid: Fr5C040
0.001 levelsco51.
Malvidin-3-0-beta-D-laminaribioside: Antiaggression effect. Methanol extract of
Fr5C0l5 dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally
Mannose: FrSC040 to mice at a dose of 150.0 mg/kg, was active

vs foot shock-induced aggression, results sig- Antihyperglycemic activity. Decoction of

nificant at P < 0.01 levelsco51. the aerial parts, taken orally by adults at a
Antibacterial activity. Ethanol (95%) dose 500.0 mg/person, was active. It also
and water extracts of dried fruit, at concen- produced oliguria, and patients complained
trations of 100.0 and 20 mg/disc, respec- of pain in the loins. The symptoms disap-
tively, (expressed as dry weight of the fruit) peared after 1 week of treatmentSCOl2. Pow-
on agar plate, were inactive on Bacillus dered commercial sample of seeds,
subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhosa, administered by gastric intubation to rats at
Shigella dysenteriae and Staphylococcus a dose of 53.2 mg/kg, was active. Effect was
aureusSC04Z. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of seen in streptozotocin-induced diabetic
the aerial parts, at a concentration> 25.0 animals challenged with glucose after hav-
mcg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on ing received daily dose of extract for 1
Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella week. This dose was inactive vs glucose-
typhosa, Staphylococcus aureus and the plant induced hyperglycemiasc0J5 . Ethanol (95%)
pathogen Agro-bacterium tumefacienssco58. and hot water extracts of dried seeds,
Saline extract of leaves, at a concentration administered orally and intravenously to
of 1:80 on agar plate, was active on Staphy- human adults at variable dosage levels,
lococcus aureusSC059. were activeSC007. When administered intra-
Antibradykinin activity. Methanol extract gastrically to rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/kg,
of dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally the extract was active vs alloxan-induced
to mice, was active vs bradykinin-induced hyperglycemiascolO . Ethanol (95%) extract
pedal edemascoz8 . of dried seeds, administered intraperito-
Anticlastogenic activity. Fruit juice, admin- neally to rats at a dose of 75.0 mg/animal,
istered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of was inactive vs treptozotocin-induced
50.0 ml/kg, was active on mice marrow cells hyperglycemiasco54. The hot water extract,
vs mitomycin C-, tetracycline- and dimeth- administered intragastrically to rabbits at a
ylnitrosamine-induced micronucleiscoZl . dose of 10.0 gm/kg (dry weight of seeds),
Anticonvulsant activity. Ethanol/water was active vs alloxan-induced hypergly-
(1: I) extract of the aerial parts, administered cemiaSC060. Seeds, administered by gastric
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.375 intubation to rabbits at a dose of 1.0 gm/kg,
mg/ml, was inactive vs electroshock-induced were active SC04 s. Seeds, administered orally
convulsionssco58. Methanol extract of dried to human adults at a dose of 4-24 gm/
seeds, administered intraperitoneally to mice person, were active when administered to
at a dose of 150.0 mg/kg, was inactive vs 28 diabetic patients, results significant at
strychnine-induced convulsionssco51. P < 0.05 levelscoz6. Hot water extracts of
Antifungal activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) dried fruit pulp, administered by gastric
extract of the aerial parts, at a concentration intubation to dogs at a dose of 150.0 gm/kg
> 25.0 mcg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on (expressed as dry weight of the fruit), and
Microsporum canis, Trichophyton menta- to rabbits at a dose of 50.0 gm/kg, were
grophytes and Aspergillus niger-,co58. inactive vs alloxan-induced hyperglyce-
Antihistamine activity. Ethanol/water (1: I) miascoo8. Teas prepared from the leaves,
extract of dried bark, at a concentration of administered to orally to 30 non-diabetic
0.01 gm/ml, was active on guinea pig young volunteers submitted to a glucose
ileumSC06Z. Methanol extract of dried seeds, tolerance test, did not produce any anti-
administered intraperitoneally to rats, was hyperglycemic activity. In animal experi-
active vs histamine-induced pedal edemascoz8. ments, the effect of increasing doses of the

extract administered for 2 weeks, on the to mice at a dose of 50.0 mg/kg, was active.
post-prandial blood glucose level of normal The extract antagonized amphetamine
rats and rats with streptozotocin-induced toxici ty Sco51.
diabetes mellitus did not produce any Antiviral activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
activit ySCo63. extract of dried entire plant, at a concentra-
Anti-implantation effect. Ethanol/water tion of 0.1 mg/ml in cell culture, was inactive
( 1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, administered on Ranikhet virus and vaccinia virus. For
orally to rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was Ranikhet virus, infected chorioallantoic
inactiveSC058. membrane viral titre decreased 10% and for
Anti-inflammatory activity. Chloroform vaccinia virus, O%scozo. The extract, when
extract of dried seeds, administered intrapaw injected into chick embryo at a dose of 1.0
to rats at a dose of 2.5 mg/paw, was active vs mg/animal, was inactive on Ranikhet and
carrageenin-induced pedal edema. The vaccinia viruses. Infected chick embryo viral
extract, administered intraperitoneally to titre decreased 10% and 0%, respectivelyscozo.
rats at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg, was active vs Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial
turpentine-induced joint edema, carragee- parts, at a concentration of 50.0 mcg/ml in
nin-, POE-l-, histamine-, serotonin-, brady- cell culture, was inactive on Ranikhet and
kinin- and hyaluronidase-induced pedal vaccinia virusessco58. Water extract of the
edema. A dose of 25.0 mg/kg was active vs bark was active on potato X virusscooz.
formalin-, carrageenin- and kaolin-induced Antiyeast activity. Ethanol (95%) and
pedal edema, and adjuvant- and formalde- water extracts of dried fruit, at concentra-
hyde-induced arthritisScoz8. Ethanol/water tions of 100.0 and 20.0 mg/disc respectively
(1: 1) extract of the aerial parts, admini- (expressed as dry weight of the fruit) on agar
stered orally to rats at a dose of 0.3 75 mg/kg, plate, were inactive on Candida albicanssco4z.
was inactive vs carrageenin-induced pedal Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial
edema. Animals were dosed 1 hour before parts, at a concentration greater than 25.0
carrageenin injectionssco58. Ethanol extract meg/ml on agar plate, was inactive on
of the bark, administered orally to rats at a Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neofor-
dose of 10.125 gm/kg, produced significant mansSC058.
activity in carrageenin, kaolin-carrageenin, Barbiturate potentiation. Methanol extract
and formaldehyde-induce paw edema and of dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally
cotton pellet granuloma testsSC064. to mice at a dose of 25.0 mg/kg, was active,
Antipyretic activity. Chloroformsco3z and results significant at P < 0.001 levelsco51.
methanolscoz8 extracts of dried seeds, Capillary permeability decrease. Chloro-
administered intraperitoneally to rats at form extract of dried seeds, administered
doses of 50.0 mg/kg, were active vs yeast- intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/
induced pyrexia. kg, was activeSC03Z.
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol/water Cathepsin B induction. Seeds, administered
(1: 1) extract of the aerial parts was inactive by gastric intubation to Rhesus monkeys at a
on guinea pig ileum vs ACh- and hista- dose of 240.0 mg/animal daily for 15 days,
mine-induced spasmsSC058. Ethanol/water were active. When administered to rats at a
(1: 1) extract of dried bark, at a concentra- dose of 170.0 mg/animal, produced weak
tion of 0.0 1 gm/ml, was active on guinea pig activity, and were active at a dose of 510.0
ileumSC06Z. mg/animalsco39.
Antitoxic activity. Methanol extract of CNS depressant activity. Methanol
dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally extract of dried seeds, administered intrap-

eritoneally to mice at a dose of 25.0 mg/kg, tion to dogs at a dose of 200.0 gm/kg
was activeSC051. (expressed as dry weight offruit pulp), was
Conditioning avoidance response inactive, and to rabbits, at a dose of 50.0
decrease. Methanol extract of dried seeds, gm/kg, was activeSCOOB. Water extract of
administered intraperitoneally to mice at a dried fruit and seeds, administered orally to
dose of 150.0 mg/kg, was active, results sig- rabbits at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, was active.
nificant at P < 0.001Ievelsco51. Drop in blood sugar of 15 mg relative to
Death. Methanol extract, administered inert-treated controls indicated positive
intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 400.0 resultsSCOO9 .
mg/kg, was inactiveSCOSl. Hypotensive activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water (1:1) extract of dried bark, administered intrave-
extract of the aerial parts, administered nously to dogs at variable dosage levels, was
intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 0.187 inactiveSC062 .
mg/kg, was inactive. Urine was collected for Hypothermic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
4 hours postdrug from saline-loaded ani- extract of the aerial parts, administered
malsscosB. Water extract of dried leaves, intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.375
administered by gastric intubation to rats at mg/kg, was inactiveSCOSB . Methanol extract of
a concentration of 2.5%, was active. Ani- dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally
mals were given water or 2.5% solution of to mice at a dose of 50.0 mg/kg, was active,
Syzygium cumini. Quantity of solution results significant at P < O.OOllevelscosl.
equaled 5% of body weight. Urinary excre- leukocyte migration inhibition. Chloro-
tion was 59% for controls, and 68% for 2.5% form extract of dried seeds, administered
group. No changes in sodium or potassium intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 50.0 mg/
excretion were observedsco29 . kg, was active vs carrageenin-induced
Estrogenic effect. Methanol extract of pleurisysco32 .
leaves, administered subcutaneously to mice, Molluscicidal activity. Ethanol (95%) and
was active SC004• water extracts, at concentrations of 10,000
Fish poison. Water extract of fresh bark was ppm, were inactive on Biomphalaria glabrata
active, LDso 0.18%scoss. and Biomphalaria stramineaSC061 • Water, satu-
Hypoglycemic activity. Ethanol (95%) rated with essential oil of fresh leaves, at a
and water extracts of dried seeds, adminis- concentration of 1:10, was inactive on
tered intragastrically to rabbits at variable Biomphalaria glabrataSC047 •
dosage levels, were active. Hot water Natriuretic activity. Water extract of dried
extract, administered intragastrically to leaves, administered by gastric intubation to
dogs at a dose of 20.0 gm/kg (dry weight of rats at a concentration of 2.5%, was inactive.
seed), was inactive. A dose of 10.0 gm/kg, Animals were given water or 2.5% solution
administered intragastrically to rabbits, was of Syzygium cumini. The quantity of solution
activeSCOOB. Seeds, administered by gastric equaled 5% of body weight. Urinary excre-
intubation to rats at doses of 170.0, 240.0 tion was 59% for controls and 68% for the
and 510.0 mg/animal daily for 15 days were 2.5% group. No changes in sodium or potas-
activeSC039. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of sium excretion were found sco29 .
the aerial parts, administered orally to rats Nematocidal activity. Decoction of a com-
at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was inactive. Less mercial sample of bark, at a concentration of
than 30% drop in blood sugar level was 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive on Toxacara
observedsco5B. Hot water extract of dried canisSC034. Water and methanol extracts of
fruit pulp, administered by gastric intuba- dried seeds, at concentrations of 5.0 and 1.0

mg/ml, respectively, were inactive on nol/water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts,
T oxacara canisSC037. administered intraperitoneally to mice, pro-
Plaque formation suppressant. Water, duced LDso 0.75 gm/kgSCOS8.
methanol and methanol/water ( 1: 1) extracts Weight increase. Powdered commercial
of a commercial sample of bark were active sample of seeds, administered by gastric intu-
on Streptococcus mutans, IC so 260.0, 120.0 bation to rats at a dose of 53.2 mg/kg, was
and 380.0 mcg/ml, respectively=s2. active. Animals were dosed daily for 1
Polygalacturonase inhibition. Hot water weeksco3s .
extract of bark produced weak activity. Hot REFERENCES
water extract of leaves was activeSCOOS .
SC001 Gupta, G. S. and D. P. Sharma.
Prostaglandin inhibition. Methanol extract Triterpenoids and other constituents of
of dried seeds, administered intraperitoneally Eugenia jambolana leaves. Phytochem-
to rats, was active vs POE-I-induced pedal istry 1974; 13: 2013.
edemasco28. SC002 Singh, R. Inactivation of potato virus
Protease (HIV) inhibition. Water extract of X by plant extracts. Phytopathol
Mediterr 1971; 10: 211.
dried bark, at a dose of 200.0 mcg/ml, pro- SC003 Anon. Lilly's Handbook of Pharmacy
duced weak activity; the methanol extract and Therapeutics. 5th Rev, Eli Lilly
was activesco22 • and Co., Indianapolis, 1898.
Protopectinase inhibition. Hot water SC004 Ray, B. N. and A. K. Pal. Estrogenic
extract of bark was inactive, and of leaves activity of tree leaves as animal feed.
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was active SCOOS .
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extract of aerial parts, at a concentration of activity of pectic enzymes of Alternaria
2.0%, was inactive on rat semenSCOS8. tennis. Indian J Exp BioI 1967; 5: 192.
Skeletal muscle relaxant effect. Methanol SC006 Sengupta, P. and P. B. Das. Terpenoids
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eritoneally to mice at a dose of 100.0 mg/kg,
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was active vs Rotarod test, results significant 1965; 42: 255.
at P < 0.02 levelscosl. SC007 Anon. Hypoglycemic medicament
Spermicidal effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1) based on Syzygium jambolanum (Java
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Spontaneous activity reduction. Methanol tion of the hyperglycemic properties of
extract of dried seeds, administered intra- Vinca rosea, Cassia auriculata and
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dried stembark, administered by gastric intu- 439-442.
bation and subcutaneously to mice at a dose SC010 Sigogneau-Jagodzinski, M., P. Bibal-
of 10.0 gm/kg (dry weight of stembark), was Prot, M. Chanez, P. Boiteau and A.
inactivesco43 . R. Ratsimamanga. Contribution to a
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SC039 Bansal, R., N. Ahmad andJ. R. Kidwai. SC051 Chakraborty, D., P. K. Mahapatra and
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cathepsin B in rats. Indian J Biochem SC052 Namba, T., M. Tsunezuka, N.
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27 Tamarindus

Common Names
Ajagbon Nigeria Tamarind Guyana
Ambliki India Tamarind India
Amli Fiji Tamarind Indonesia
Ambali India Tamarind Japan
Asam jawa Indonesia Tamarind West Indies
Asam jawa Malaysia Tame tamarind West Indies
Asem Indonesia Tamarinde Guinea
Cheench India Tamarindo Brazil
Cinca India Tamarindo Canary Islands
Dakhar Senegal Tamarindo Cuba
Hamer Saudi Arabia Tamarindo Guatemala
Icheku oyibo Nigeria Tamarindo Indonesia
Imli Fiji Tamarindo Madagascar
Imli India Tamarindo Nicaragua
Kaju asam Indonesia Tamarindo Peru
Makham Thailand Tamarindo Puerto Rico
Manhan China Tamarini Guinea
Mkwaju Tanzania Tamparanu Nicaragua
Ntemi Guinea Tamrand Nicaragua
Ntomi Guinea Tateli India
Pokok asam jawa Malaysia Tetul India
Slim Nicaragua Timer hendi Morocco
Tamarin Rodrigues Islands Tombi Guinea
Tamarin des indes West Indies Tombinyi Guinea
Tamarind Bangladesh Tsaniya Nigeria

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION together; petioles and rachis 5-12 cm long;

A large tree of the LEGUMINOSAE fam- leaflets oblong, 8-30 by 3-9 mm, opposite,
ily, up to 30 meters high, having spreading pink or reddish when young, membranous
branches; bark, brownish-gray and flaked. and glabrous with obtuse or rounded apex
Leaves are even-pinnate, consisting of 10- and the base unequal. Inflorescence is in
18 pairs of small leaflets, rather closed terminal raceme, yellowish-orange or pale

Fro m: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Human a Press Inc., Totowa , NJ


green; consisting of calyx-tube narrow tur- India. Externally, bark is used as an astrin-
binate, with 4 imbricate segments, 1 cm gent. Orally, it is used as a tonic and febri-
long; petals 3, unequal, upper cordate, fuge, and the ash obtained by heating the
about 1 cm long, 2 lateral ones, narrowed bark with salt in an earthen pot, is mixed
towards the base; fertile stamens 3, base with water and taken orally for colic and
connate; ovary linear, about 7 mm long, indigestion, as a gargle for sore throat and a
pubescent, on a stalk adnate to the calyx- mouthwash for apthous soresTI025 . Hot water
tube. Pods are oblong, slightly curved, S- extract of dried bark is taken orally for
IS by 1-2.5 cm, reddish brown. Seeds are paralysis and as a tonic TI048 . Fruit juice,
glossy, dark brown, embedded in a thick, mixed with Calotropis gigantea latex, is taken
sticky, acid brown pulp. orally to relieve menstrual painsT1035 . Hot
ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION water extract of dried leaves is taken orally
for inflammatory swellings and urinary dis-
Native of tropical Africa, now pantropic. It
chargesTlo48. Leaf juice is taken orally to treat
is cultivated for the edible fruits and as an
encephalitis. Four drops of leaf juice and
ornamental and shade tree.
three drops of latex from Calotropis gigantea
TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES are taken daily for 8 days. For rheumatic
Brazil. Decoction of dried fruit is taken arthritis, leaf juice, latex of Calotropis
orally for feversTlO16 . gigantea, goat milk and sesame oil is applied
Canary Islands. Dried fruit is eaten as a externallyTlO18.
cholereticT1058. Indonesia. Water extract of fruit is taken
China. Fresh fruit is used as a food T1049 . orally as an abortifacientTIOoz •
Colombia. Hot water extract of dried fruit Ivory Coast. Hot water extract of leaf and
is taken orally as an abortiveT1056 . root is taken orally to treat sleeping sickness.
Dominican Republic. Water extract of The decoction, and decoction of leaves and
dried leaves is taken orally to treat liver roots of Afzelia africana and Ficus species is
complaintsT1024. taken orally and also used as a vapor
Fiji. Dried fruit pulp is taken orally for sore bath11063.
throat and diarrhea. Dried leaves, in a poul- Madagascar. Hot water extract of the trunk
tice with mustard oil are applied on the bark is taken orally for amenorrheaT1065.
affected area for sprains. For eye troubles, Malaysia. Hot water extract of root, mixed
leaves soaked in water are applied as a poul- with several other plants, is taken orally for
tice. Infusion of dried bark, fruit and leaves amenorrheaTlO06.
is taken orally for piles. Infusion of dried Nigeria. Fresh leaves, ground with the
fruit is taken orally to induce vomitingT1051 . leaves of Prosopis africana in equal propor-
Guatemala. Hot water extract of dried fruit tions, are taken orally with water to treat
is taken orally as a sudorific and febrifuge, malaria fever. Cold water and 1.5 teaspoon-
for urinary tract infections and infections of fuls of crushed potash are added to 1-2
the skin and mucosa; externally, it is used handfuls of leaves and left until an extract is
for skin eruptions and erysipelasT1057 . Hot obtained. The extract is used as a laxa-
water extract of dried fruit pulp is used for tiveT1017. Hot water extracts of the dried bark
ringworm and skin fungal diseasesT1034. and husk of the pods, and the leaves and
Guinea. Water extract of bark is taken bark of Diospyros mespiliformis are taken
orally by women after childbirth, and to- orally for leprosyTlO39.
gether with the bark of Afzelia africana, as a Peru. Hot water extract of dried fruit peel is
remedy for troubles during pregnancyTlO01. taken orally as a laxativeT1055 .

Saudi Arabia. Dried fruit is taken orally in Carbohydrate: FI 75%, Lf 70.6-75.0%TI069,

the traditional medicine T1068. Fr 62.5_92.5%TI069,TI071,
Sd 65.1-74.0%TI070
Senegal. Hot water extract of dried stem
Carvacrol: Fr Pu 0.5%TI022
bark is taken orally medicinallyTIOso. Exter-
Cellulose: Fr 1.8_3.2%TI072
nally, it is used as a cicatrizantTIOS2 . Chlorine: Lf 940TI070
Sudan. Dried fruit pulp is taken orally as a Citric acid: FrTI070
purgative, for malaria and bacterial Copper: Lf 21TI070
infectionsTIOlI . D-Arabinose: SdTI070
Tanzania. Decoction of dried leaves is taken D-Galactose: SdTI070
orally to treat malariaTI020. Decoction of hot D-Glucose: SdTI070
D-Xylose: SdTI070
water extract of dried bark and root is taken
Epi-catechin: Sd TI023
orally with Stereospermum kunthianum bark
Fat: FI 9%, Fr 0.3-0.9%, Lf 3.6-4.4%TI069,
and root for the treatment of leprosyTlo39. Sd 6.0_7.4%TI070
Decoction of root is taken orally for dis- Fiber: FI 6%, Lf 5.7-18.6%TI069,
tended painful abdomen and dysentery. Fr 3.1_7.4%TI071, Sd 0.7-4.3%TI070
Juice from fresh leaves is taken orally for Fructose: Fr 9-12% TI070
bloody diarrheaTIOs9 . Furfural: Fr Pu 3.0%TI022
Thailand. Hot water extract of dried fruit Galactose: FrTI070
Galacturonic acid: FrTI070
pulp is taken orally as an expectorant. Hot
Gamma cadinene: Fr Pu 0.4% TI022
water extract of dried leaves is taken orally Glucose: Fr 21_28%TI070
as a cathartic. Hot water extract of dried Glyoxylic acid: Fr, Lf, FITI013
seed is taken orally as an anthelminticTI067. HCN: PITI073
West Indies. Fruit pulp is taken orally as a Hordenine: BkTI070
laxative TI038 . Invert sugars: Fr 30-40%TI070
Iron: FI 70T1069, Fr 13_109TI070,TI071,
Isoorientin: Lf 10TI009
(ppm unless otherwise indicated)
Isovitexin: Lf 5TI009
3-4-Dihydroxy phenyl acetate: SdTI023 Lactic acid: FrTI070
Alpha humulene: Fr Pu 2.0%TI022 Lauric acid: Sd oi1T1007,T1026
Alpha murolene: Fr Pu TI022 Lignoceric acid: Sd ojjT1007,T1026
Alpha pinene: Fr PU TI022 Linalool: Fr Pu 0.10%TI022
Alpha copaene: Fr Pu 0.6%TI022 Linoleic acid: Fr 590-860TI071,
Alpha oxo-glutaric acid: Fr, Lf, FITI013 Sd oil 2.7_3.4%TI070
Arabinose: FrTI070 Linolenic acid: Sd ojjT1012,T1026
Arachidic acid: Sd oi1T1007,T1026 Lysine: Fr 1390-2026T1071
Aromadendrene: Fr Pu 90%TI022 Magnesium: Fr 920-1341 TI071, Lf 71OTI070
Ascorbic acid: Fr 24-585, Lf 600TI069 Malic acid: Fr 1%, Lf 1.5%TI070
Ash: FI 3.5%, Lf 2.6_7.3%TI069, Methionine: Fr 140-204T1071
Fr 2.7-3.94%TI071, Sd 2.5_3.2%TI070 Methoxyl: FrTI070
Behenic acid: Sd oi1T1007,T1026 Methyl glutamic acid: SproutTI070
Benzoic acid,3-4-dihydroxy methyl ester: Methyleneglutamic acid: SproutTI070
SdTI023 Methyleneglutamine: SproutTI070
Beta caryophyllene: Fr Pu 0.5%TI022 Mucilage: SdTI027
Beta pinene: Fr PU TI022 MUFA: Fr 181 0_2640 Tl071
Beta carotene: FI 10, Fr 0-1, Lf 2-11 OTI069 Myrcene: Fr Pu TI022
Beta elemene: Fr Pu 0.3%TI022 Myristic acid: Sd oi1T1007,T1026
Calcium pectate: FrTI070 N-Octadecane: Fr Pu 0.15% TI022
Calcium tartrate: FrTI070 Niacin: Fr 16_33TI071, FI 60, Lf 66TI069

Oleic acid: Sd oiITI007,TI012,TI026 exposed to the substance, or who already

Orientin: Lf 12.5T1009 had dermatitis on the fingertips. Previously
Oxalic acid: Fr, Lf 1960T1070
unexposed patients had few reactions, i.e"
Oxaloacetic acid: Fr, Lf, FITI013
no irritant reactions TIOz8 •
Oxalosuccinic acid: Fr, Lf, FITI013
P-Cresol: FrTI069 Antibacterial activity. Acetone extract of
Palmitic acid: Sd ojIT1007,T1026 commercial sample of fruit, on agar plate,
Pantothenic acid: Fr 1_2TI071 was active on Salmonella typhimurium. The
Pectin: SdTI027 ethanol (70%) extract was active on Bacil-
Pentosan: Fr 4.2-4.8%TI070,TI072 lus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, Escherichia
Phenol: FrTI069 coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella
Phlobotannin: SdTI070
typhimurium, Staphylococcus albus and Sta-
Phosphorus: FI 2200, Lf 1000-2281 T1069,
Fr 1130-1647TI071, Sd 2370T1070 phylococcus aureus T1045. Tincture of dried
Pipecolinic acid: FrTI070 fruit, at a concentration of 30.0 microliters/
Potassium: Fr 0.6_1.5%TI069,TI071, FI1.27%, disc on agar plate, was active on Escherichia
Lf 1.197%TI069 coli. Extract of 10 gm dried fruit in 100 ml
Potassium oxide: Fr 1032-7654TI072 ethanol was used TIOs7 • Ethanol (95%) and
Proline: FrTI070 hot water extracts of dried root bark, on agar
Protein: FI12.5%, Lf 14.1_22.4%TI069, plate, were inactive on Escherichia coli and
Fr 2.8-11 .7%T1069,T1071 , Sd 17.1-20.1 %TI070
PUFA: Fr 590_860T1071
Staphylococcus aureus TI066 • Ethanol (95%)
Pyridoxine: Fr 1_2TI069,TI071 extract of fruit, on agar plate, was active on
Quinic acid: FrTI070 Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella
Riboflavin: FI 6T1069, Fr 1_3TI071, typhosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio
Lf 1_5TI069,TI070 choleraTI06z • Ethanol (95%) extract of dried
SFA: Fr 2720_3965TI071 fruit, on agar plate, was active on Escheri-
Sodium: FI 250, Lf 351T1069, chia coli and inactive on Staphylococcus
Fr 49-743 T1069,T1071
aureus. The hot water extract was active on
Stearic acid: Sd oilTI007
Succinic acid: FrTI070
Escherichia coli and equivocal on Staphylo-
Sulfur: Lf 630TI070 coccus aureus. Ethanol (95%) extract of
Tamarind xyloglucan: FrTI019 dried leaves, on agar plate, was active on
Tamarindienal: Fr PUTIOll Staphylococcus aureus and inactive on
Tamarindus galactoxyloglucan: Sd TIOlO Escherichia coli. The hot water extract was
Tannin: SdTI070 active on Staphylococcus aureus and Escheri-
Tartaric acid: FrTI032 chia COWI066. Methanol extract of dried stem
Thiamin: FI 4, Lf 4T1069, Fr 2_9T1071
bark, at a concentration of 10.0 mg/ml, was
Tryptophan: Fr 180-262T1071
Uronic acid: FrTI070 active on several Gram-negative organisms
Uzarigenen-3-0-beta-D-xylopyranosyl(1 (2)- and inactive on Gram-positive organisms. A
alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside: SdTI075 concentration of 15.0 mg/ml was active on
Vitexin: Lf 28.5T1009 Sarcina luteaTIOSO.
Water: Fr 31.4%TI071 Antifungal activity. Acetone and ethanol
(95%) extracts of dried leaves, at a concen-
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES tration of 50% on agar plate, were inactive
AND CLINICAL TRIALS on Neurospora crassa. The water extract was
Allergenic activity. Powdered commercial active. Acetone and water extracts of dried
sample of fruit produced weak activity. bark, at a concentration of 50% on agar
Reactions to patch tests occurred most com- plate, were inactive. The ethanol (95%)
monly in patients who were regularly extract was active. Acetone and water

extracts of dried stem, at a concentration of gm/day, was inactive. Tamarind intake did
50%, were inactive and the ethanol (95%) not affect crystallization rates of calcium or
extract, at a concentration of 50% on agar oxalate in urine samples from normal or
plate, was active on Neurospora crassaTlO46 • stone-forming subjectsTlO29 .
Ethanol (70%) extract of commercial Antimalarial activity. Ethyl acetate and
sample of fruit, on agar plate, was active on petroleum ether extracts of dried leaves
several fungi TlO45 . Ethanol (95%) extract were active on Plasmodium falciparum, ED50
of fruit, on agar plate, was active on Tri- 70.0 and 90.0 mcg/ml, respectively. The
chophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton ethanol (95%) and water extracts were
rubrumT1062. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of inactive, EDso > 500 mcg/mFI0203. Methanol
dried fruit, at a concentration of 333.0 mg/ extract of dried fruit was inactive on Plas-
ml (expressed as dry weight of plant) on agar modium falciparum vs hypoxanthine uptake
plate, was active on Aspergillus fumigatus, by Plasmodia, leso > 499 mcg/mFI031.
Aspergillus niger, Penicillium digitatum, Rhizo- Antinematodal activity. Water extract of
pus nigricans and Trichophyton mentagro- commercial sample of pulp, at a concentra-
phytes. At concentrations of 333.0 and tion of 10.0 mg/ml, was inactive and the
500.0 mg/ml, the extract was inactive on methanol extract produced weak activity on
Aspergillus niger and Botrytis cinereaTlO6o • T oxacara canis TI037.
At 500 mg/ml, the extract was active on Antioxidant activity. Methanol extract of
Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium oxysporum, fresh seeds, at a concentration of 0.2 mg/
Penicillium digitatum, Rhizopus nigricans and well, produced strong activity by thiocyan-
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and inactive ate assayTI021.
on Botrytis cinereaTlO53 • Hot water extract of Antischistosomal activity. Water extract,
dried fruit pulp, at a concentration of 1.0 ml at a concentration of 100.0 ppm, was active
in broth culture, was active on Microsporum on Schistosoma mansoniTlO33 •
canis, Epidermophyton floccosum and Tri- Antiviral activity. Ethanol (80%) extract
chophyton mentagrophytes var. granulare, and of freeze dried fruit, at variable concentra-
inactive on Microsporum gypseum and tion in cell culture, was equivocal on Her-
Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. algo- pes virus Type 1; inactive on adenovirus,
donosaTlO34 . Water extract of fresh leaves, coxsackie B2 virus, measles virus, polio
on agar plate, produced strong activity on virus I and Semlicki-forest virus vs plaque
Ustilago nudaTI047. inhibitionTI044. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract
Antihepatotoxic effect. Hot water extract of flowers, at a concentration of 50.0 mcg/
of dried leaves, at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ ml in cell culture, produced weak activity
plate in cell culture, was active on hepato- on Ranikhet virusTlOO3. Water extract of bark
cytes when measured by leakage ofLDH and was active on potato X virusTIOos.
ASATTI024. Antiyeast activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1)
Antiinflammatory activity. Aqueous, extract of dried fruit, at a concentration of
ethanol, and chloroform extracts of the 333.0 mg/ml (expressed as dry weight
leaves, administered to mice with ear edema of plant) on agar plate, was inactive on
induced by arachidonic acid and to rats with Saccharomyces pastorianus and Candida
subplantar edema induced by carrageenan albicans TlOs3 • Tincture of dried fruit, at a con-
topically and intraperitoneally, respectively, centration of 30.0 microliters/disc on agar
produced weak activityTI074. plate, was inactive on Candida albicans.
Antilithic activity. Dried fruit pulp, Extract of 10 gm dried fruit in 100 ml etha-
ingested by human adults at a dose of 3.0 nol was usedTlos7.

Cytotoxic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) Polygalacturonase inhibition. Hot water

extract of flowers, in cell culture, was inac- extract of bark and leaves was active TIOoB .
tive on CA-9KB, ED,o > 20.0 mcg/mFIOOl. Protopectinase inhibition. Hot water
Diuretic activity. Decoction of dried fruit, extract of bark and leaves was active TIOOB .
administered nasogastrically to rats at a dose Radical scavenging effect. Hot water
of 1.0 gm/kg, produced strong activityTIOs4. extract of dried leaves, at a concentration of
Embryotoxic effect. Ethanol/water (1: 1) 250.0 mg/liter, was active. When measured
extract of dried fruit, administered to rats by by decoloration of diphenylpicryl hydroxyl
gastric intubation at a dose 100.0 mg/kg, was radical solution, 57% decoloration was
inactiveTlo4l. observedTlo24.
Hepatic mixed function oxidase inhibition. Spasmolytic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
Dried fruit, in the ration of rats at a dose of of fresh leaves and stem, at a concentration of
2.5 mg%, was activeTlOlo. 3.3 ml/liter, was active on guinea pig ileum.
Hypotensive activity. Hot water extract of Water extract, administered intraperitoneally
dried root, administered intravenously to rats to guinea pig at a concentration of 33.0 ml/
at a dose of 1.0 ml/animal, was inactiveTI036. liter, was active on the ileumTlOo4 .
Juvenile hormone activity. Acetone extract Toxicity assessment (quantitative). Etha-
of stem was activeTI014 . nol/water (1:1) extract of flowers, adminis-
lipid peroxide formation inhibition. Hot tered orally to mice, produced a maximum
water extract of dried leaves, at a concentra- tolerated dose of 1.0 gm/kgTlO03.
tion 1.0 mg/plate in cell culture, was active Vasodilator activity. Ethanol (95%) extract
on hepatocytes when monitored by reduction of fresh leaves and stem, at a concentration
of malonaldehyde TlO24 . of 0.33 ml/liter, was active on the isolated rat
Molluscicidal activity. Aqueous slurry (ho- hindquarter TIOO4.
mogenate) of fresh entire plant (fruits, leaves REFERENCES
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Abortifacient. Anything used to cause Amenorrhea. An abnormal suppression or

abortion. nonoccurrence of menstruation.
Acaulescent. More or less stemless, the Amoebicidal. A substance that destroys
stem often subterranean. amoebas.
Accessory. Fruit formed from the expanded Analgesic. Pain reliever that does not
dome-like receptacle of a single flower, cov- induce loss of consciousness.
ered with numerous achenes, known only in Angina Disease. of the heart signaled by
the strawberry. acute constricting pains in the chest.
Achene Seed. and pericarp attached only Angiosperm. Flower-bearing plants;
at the funiculus, the seed usually tightly ovules are enclosed in an ovary that forms
enclosed by the fruit walL the fruit after fertilization.
Acicular. Needle-shaped. Ankylostomiasis. A hookworm disease,
Acuminate. An acute apex in which the common in tropical countries.
sides are concave and taper to an extended Anodyne. A soothing pain-easing agent.
point. Anthelmintic. Causes removal or death of
Acute. Apex formed by two straight mar- worms in the body.
gins, meeting at less than 90 degrees. Anthers. The pollen-bearing part of a stamen.
Aggregate. Fruit formed from the many Anthrax. A carbuncle.
separate dry or fleshy fruits of a single flower, Anti-inflammatory. Reduces inflammation
as in the raspberry. Antidiabetic. A medicine counteracting or
Alkaloid. A basic organic nitrogenous checking diabetes.
compound of plant origin that is pharmaco- Antidote. Remedy counteracting the effects
logically active and bitter tasting; certain of a poison.
alkaloids, such quinine, atropine, codeine, Antifebrile. A substance that reduces fever.
and scopolamine, are used in medicine. Antileukemic. Acts against a disorder and
Allergenic. A substance capable of induc- generally fatal condition of the blood and
ing an allergic response. blood making tissues, characterized by a per-
Alternate. One leaf at a node. sistent excess of leukocytes.
Alveolate. Resembles the surface of a hon- Antinephritic. Counteracts kidney disease.
eycomb. Antipyretic. Agent that relieves or reduces
Amblyopia. Impaired vision. fever.
From: Medicinal Plants of the World, vol. 1: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, 2nd ed.
By: Ivan A. Ross © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


Antiscorbutic. A remedy for scurvy. Bract. A leaf much reduced in size, particu-
Antiseptic. Prevents infection or putrefac- larly if it is associated with a flower or inflo-
tion; a disinfecting agent. rescence.
Antispasmodic. Prevents or cures spasms, Bronchiectasias. A chronic inflammation
as in epilepsy. or degenerative condition of one or more
Antitumor. Refers to tumor growth-inhib- bronchioles.
iting properties, usually referred to in con- Bronchitis. An inflammation of the tubes
nection with cancer. in the lungs.
Aperient. A mild laxative. Bulb. An upright series of overlapping leaf
Apetalous. Without petals. bases attached to a small basal stem, as in
Aphrodisiac. Agents that stimulate sexual the onion.
desire. Caespitose. Growing in tufts, mats, or
Aphtha. (plural, aphthae) An ulcer of the clumps.
mucous membrane, usually oral. Calceolate. Slipper-shaped.
Apiculate. Terminates in a short sharp Calculus. Stone concretion in some part of
flexible point. the body
Arachnoid. Slender white loosely tangled Calyx. The outermost series of leaf-like
hairs; cobwebby. parts of a flower, individually called sepals.
Arboreous. Trees with well-developed trunk. Canescent. With a dense mat of gray-
Arcuate. An uncommon pattern in which white hairs.
the major veins curve gently upward. Carbuncle. An extensive dangerous form
Aristate. An abrupt hard bristle-like point. of boil having a flat surface that discharges
Astringent. A substance that checks the pus from multiple points and occupies sev-
discharge of mucus, serum etc., by causing eral inches of skin surface.
contraction of the tissue. Carcinogen. A substance which causes
Athlete's Foot. A fungal infection of the cancer.
foot, causing itching, blisters, and cracking Cardiac. Products that have an effect upon
of the skin. the heart.
Attenuate. The apex drawn out into a long Carminative. A substance that prevents
gradual taper. formation of or promotes expulsion of gas
Auriculate. Has a pair of rounded lobes from the alimentary tract; relieves flatu-
that somewhat resemble the human ear. lence.
Axils. The cavity or angle formed by the Catarrh. Excessive secretion from an
junction of the upper side of a leaf stalk or inflamed mucous membrane, especially of
branch with a stem or branch. the air passages of the throat and head.
Bactericide. Anything that destroys bacteria. Cathartic. Producing evacuation of the
Barbellate. Hairs with barbs down the bowels.
sides. Caudate. The apex tail-like.
Berry. Entire soft pericarp, as in the tomato Caulescent. Aerial stem or stems evident.
or grape. Cercaricidal. Affected by a larval parasitic
Biliousness. Popular term used to describe trematode worm.
conditions marked by general malaise, gid- Cholalogue. A drug that stimulates the
diness, vomiting, headache, indigestion, flow of bile by the liver.
constipation, and so forth. Chronic. Diseases that are of long dura-
Blade. Lamina, the flattened expanded tion, either mild or acute.
portion; a few leaves are bladeless. Ciliate. Hairs along the margins only.

Ciliate. With fine hairs on the margin. Crenate. Scalloped, with blunt teeth.
Clambering. Spreads over undergrowth or Cruciform. Cross-shaped, as in the sepals
objects, usually without the aid of twinning and petals of the mustard family.
stems or tendrils. Cuneate. Wedge-shaped.
Clasping. The bases partly to completely Cupule. A series of fused bracts that form a
surrounding the stem. cup beneath the true fruit, as in the acorn.
Claw. A long narrow stalk-like base of a Cuspidate. A sharp-pointed tip formed by
petal or sepal. abruptly and sharply concave sides.
Cleft. Indented about halfway to the mid- Cyanogenic. Capable of producing hydro-
rib or base of the blade. cyanic acid (HCN).
Climbing. Ascends upon other plants or Cystitis. Inflammation of the urinary bladder.
objects by means of special structures. Decoction. A liquid preparation obtained
Colic. Pain resulting from excessive or sud- by boiling medicinal plant substances in
den abdominal spasmodic contractions of water and extracting drugs by straining the
muscles in the intestine walls, bile ducts, preparation.
ureter, or any obstruction, twisting, or dis- Decumbent. Stems lying upon the ground
tention of any of the hollow organs or tubes with their ends turned up.
following the stretching of the walls by gas Decussate. Opposite leaves that alternate
or solid substances. at right angles to one another at successive
Coma. Stupor; abnormally deep sleep. nodes, thereby forming four rows of leaves.
Comose. With a tuft of hairs at the apex of a Dehiscent. A fruit that opens by sutures,
seed or at the base of a floret in a grass spikelet. pores, or caps.
Complete. A flower that has all four series. Deltoid. Of the shape of an equilateral tri-
Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the mucous angle.
membrane lining of the eyelids and covering Demulcent. Substances used for their
of the anterior part of the eyeball. soothing and protective action; allays irri-
Constipation. A morbid inactivity of the tation of surfaces, especially mucous mem-
bowels. branes.
Consumption. A general term used to Dengue. Infective eruptive fever causing
describe the wasting of tissues, including but acute pains in joints.
not limited to, tuberculosis. Dentate. Has coarse angular teeth directed
Contact dermatitis. Local allergic reaction outward at right angles to the margin.
provoked by skin contact with chemical sub- Denticulate. Finely dentate.
stances that act as antigens or haptens. Depilatory. Removes hair.
Contraceptive. Prevents conception by Diabetes. Metabolic disorder affecting
chemical or physical means. insulin production and resulting in faulty
Cordate. Of the shape of the stylized heart carbohydrate metabolism.
with the petiole attached between the basal Diaphoretic. Drugs that promote perspira-
lobes. tion as a result of stimulation of the sweat
Corm. An upright, hard, or fleshy stem sur- glands.
rounded by dry scaly leaves, as in the gladi- Diarrhea. Abnormal frequency and fluid-
olus bulb. ity of stool discharges.
Corniculate. Bears a small horn-like pro- Dicotyledon. An angiosperm having two
tuberance, as in the milkweed flower. cotyledons (seed leaves); usually the leaves
Corona. Any outgrowth situated between the are net-veined, and floral parts are in fours
corolla and the androecium, as in milkweeds. or fives.

Didymous. A strongly lobed fruit, thus Elliptic. Oval, the ends rounded and is wid-
appearing as a pair. est at the middle.
Dioecious. A species in which any particu- Emarginate. With a shallow notch at the
lar plant bears either staminate or pistillate apex.
flowers, but not both; the species is com- Emetic. A drug or an agent having the
posed of separate staminate and pistillate power to empty the stomach by vomiting.
plants. Emmenagogue. Applied to drugs which
Diuretic. Agent that increases urine flow have the power of stimulating the menstrual
by acting on the kidneys. discharge.
Divaricate. Extremely divergent, more or Emollient. A substance applied externally
less at a right angle. to soften the skin, or internally, to soothe
Divergent. Broadly spreading. an irritated or inflamed surface.
Divided. Indented to the midrib or base of Empacho. An infant disease resulting in
the blade. diarrhea, pale stools, and sour vomit, attrib-
Doubly serrate. The serrations themselves uted to diet of mother during pregnancy.
serrate. Emphysema. Enlargement of air vesicles in
Dropsy. A leakage of the watery part of the the lungs; swelling of connective tissues of
blood into any of the tissues or cavities of the body caused by to the presence of air.
the body. Endocarp. The innermost layer of the fruit
Drupe. Exocarp and mesocarp fleshy, wall; it may be soft, papery, or bony.
endocarp bony; the seed and endocarp con- Endosperm. The albumin of a seed.
stitute a pyrene; mango. Enema. A liquid preparation injected into
Dull. Not shining; lacking luster. the rectum, resulting in complete emptying
Dysentery. Inflammation of the bowel of the large bowel in minutes.
with evacuation of mucous and blood in the Enteritis. Acute or chronic intestinal
stool. inflammation.
Dysmenorrhea. Abnormal pains during Entire. Not in any way indented, the mar-
the menstruation period. The pain may be gin featureless.
either spasmodic or continuous. Epidermis. True skin of a plant below the
Dyspepsia. Difficult or painful digestion, cuticle.
generally chronic. Epilepsy. A chronic nervous affliction
Dysuria. Difficult, painful, or incomplete characterized by loss of consciousness and/
urination. or muscular convulsions, sometimes accom-
Ecbolic. Causing contraction of the uterus panied by paroxysmic seizures.
and thus inducing abortion or promoting Epiphyte. A plant growing nonparasiti-
parturition. cally upon another.
Echinate. With straight, often compara- Erose. Gnawed, as if chewed upon.
tively large, prickle-like hairs. Erysipelas. An acute inflammation disease
Eczema. Noncontagious itching; inflamma- of the skin caused by infection by various
tory skin eruption characterized by papules, strains of Streptococcus and accompanied by
vesicles, and pustules that may also be associ- fever.
ated with edema, scaling, or exudation. Erythrasma. A chronic contagious derma-
Elephantiasis. A chronic enlargement of titis caused by an actinomycete and affect-
the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues. It ing warm moist areas.
is most common in the tropics and results Erythrocytes. Red blood cells formed in
from obstruction of the lymphatics. red bone marrow.

Essential. Applied to volatile oils of Floccose. With tufts of soft hairs that rub
plants, marked by characteristic odor; also off easily.
applied to fatty acids believed by nutri- Fruticose. Shrubby, with more than one
tionists to be necessary for health. major stem.
Estrogenic effect. The effect of female Fumigate. Applying smoke or vapor to
steroidal hormones in promoting ovula- affected part.
tion and secondary sexual characteristics. Funiculus. The seed stalk.
Evacuant. A medicine or purgative that Galactogogue. An agent that induces or
empties an organ, especially the bowel. increases the secretion of milk.
Exanthema. A disease accompanied by Gastritis. Inflammation of the stomach.
eruptions of the skin, such as measles or Gastrointestinal. Pertaining to the stom-
scarlet fever. ach and intestines.
Exocarp. The outermost layer of the fruit Genito-urinary. Relating to the genital
wall; it may be the "skin" of the fruit, a and the urinary organs or functions.
leathery or hard rind. Germicidal. A substance that kills germs
Expectorant. A medicine promoting and microorganisms in general.
secretion of bronchial mucus and facilitat- Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums.
ing the ejection of phlegm from the lungs Glabrate. Hairy at first, but then glabrous.
by coughing. Glabrous. Without hairs.
Extract. A pharmaceutical preparation Glandular. Hairs with swollen tips; gland-
obtained by dissolving the active consti- bearing.
tuents of a drug with a suitable solvent, Glaucoma. Group of diseases character-
evaporating the solvent, and adjusting to ized by increasing intraocular pressures caus-
proscribe standards. ing defects in vision.
Falcate. Sickle-shaped. Glaucous. Covered with a whitish waxy
Fascicled. Clustered. bloom.
Febrifuge. A drug tending to reduce fever. Glochidiate. Hairs barbed at the tip only,
Fibrosis. Morbid increase of fibrous tissue as in the hairs of certain cacti.
in the body; fibroid degeneration of blood Glossitis. Inflammation of the tongue.
capillaries. Glycoside. Naturally occurring substance
Fibrositis. Inflammation of fibrous tissue. consisting of sugars combined with nonsugars
Filariasis. A disease caused by parasitic such as a flavonoid, coumarine, steroid, ter-
worms. pene, and so forth {aglycones}.
Filiform. Thread-like. Gonorrhea. A venereal disease that causes
Fimbriate. As in ciliate, but coarser and inflammation of the mucous membranes of
longer. the urethra and adjacent cavities.
Fimbriate. Fringed, the hairs coarser than Gout. A condition or uric acid metabolism.
in ciliate. It occurs in paroxysms and is characterized
Flatulence. The presence of an excessive by painful inflammation of parts of the
amount of gas in stomach and intestine. joints and an excessive amount of uric acid
Flavonoid. A group of organic compounds in the blood.
responsible for a great number of colors in Hastate. More or less arrowhead-shaped,
fruits and flowers. In the past, they were but with the basal lobes divergent.
often used in conjunction with mordants Haustoria. Roots or suckers found in para-
for the dyeing of fabrics. sitic plants.

Head. Capitulum, a dense spherical or Hypoglycemia. Deficiency of normal glu-

rounded inflorescence of sessile flowers, as cose levels in the body; low blood sugar.
in the Compositae family. Imbricate. Overlapping.
Helicoid cyme. A one-sided coiled inflo- Incised. Deeply and sharply cut.
rescence resembling a fiddlehead, as in most Inflorescence. Axes along which all the
members of the Boraginaceae family. buds are flower buds.
Hemolytic. An agent capable of destroying Infusion. The extract obtained from steeping
blood cells. of plant material in water, for example, tea.
Hemorrhoids. An enlarged and often di- Integument (Bot.) The skin of a seed.
lated blood vessel or vein of the anal canal Involucre. A set of separate or fused bracts
or the lower portion of the alimentary tract. associated with a fruit, as in the walnut.
Hemostatic. An agent that arrests hemor- Jaundice. Yellowness of the skin, mucus
rhage. membranes and secretions, as a result of bile
Hepatitis. Inflammation of the liver. pigments in the blood.
Hernia. Protrusion of an organ through its Keel. A structure resembling the bottom of
containing wall. It may occur in any part of a boat, as in the two fused lower petals of
the body, but is especially associated with many legume flowers.
the abdominal cavity. Laciniate. Slashed into narrow pointed
Herpes. Skin disease with patches of dis- segments.
tinct vesicles. Lacrimation. The excessive secretion of
Hesperidium. Ovary superior; septations tears.
conspicuous, these lined with fleshy hairs, Lactagogue. An agent that induces the
restricted to the citrus fruits. secretion and flow of milk.
Hip. A vase-like leathery hypanthium con- Lactation. The formation and secretion of
taining several achenes; restricted to the milk.
rose. Lanate. Woolly or cottony.
Hirsute. With rough or coarse, more or less Lanceolate. Lance-shaped, several times
erect hairs. longer than wide; the sides curved, with the
Hirtellous. Minutely hirsute. blade broadest below the middle.
Hispid. With long rigid bristly hairs. Laryngitis. Inflammation of the larynx.
Hives. Any of various skin diseases, espe- Laxative. A gentle bowel stimulant.
cially urticaria. Lectin. Protein that effects agglutination,
Hydrocele. An accumulation of fluid in precipitation, or other phenomena resem-
bag-like cavities in the body. bling the action of a specific antibody.
Hydrolysis. The addition of water of a Leprosy. A chronic disease of the skin and
molecule of water to a chemical compound nerves characterized by whitish pigmentation.
accompanied by a splitting of that com- Leukopenia. An abnormally low number of
pound into usually two fragments; hydroly- leukocytes (white blood cells) in the blood.
sis is normally facilitated by the presence of Leukorrhea. A white or yellowish muco-
small amounts of acids; for example, the purulent vaginal discharge.
degradation of starch into simple sugars Liana. A twining or climbing plant with
achieved by prolonged heating of an acidi- rope-like woody stems.
fied starch slurry in water. Lianas. Woody plants with elongate flex-
Hypertension. Abnormally high constric- ible, nonsupporting stems.
tive tension in blood vessels, usually revealed Linear. Several times longer than wide, the
as high blood pressure. sides more or less parallel.

Liniment. An agent or substance applied to Monoecious. A species in which any plant

the skin by gentle friction or by brisk rub- bears both ataminate and pistillate flowers.
bing, meant to relieve superficial pain. Mucronate. Possessing a hard short abrupt
Lobed. Indented about one-fourth to point.
almost half way to the midrib or base of the Multiple. Fruit derived from the fusion of
blade. an entire inflorescence, as in the pineapple.
Loch. A syrupy medication having a local Net. A complex venation pattern of major
action in the mucus membrane of the and minor veins that form a network or
throat. reticulum.
Lodicule. The highly reduced perianth of Neuralgia. An acute paroxysmal pain
the grasses. along the course of and over the local distri-
Lumbago. Muscular rheumatism; a general bution of a nerve.
term for backache in the lumbar region. Obcordate. As in the cordate leaf, but the
Lustrous. Shining. petiole attached at the point of the heart.
Lyrate. With a series of pinnate lobes and Oblanceolate. As in the lanceolate leaf,
a larger terminal lobe. but the petiole attached at the narrow end.
Malaria. An acute, usually chronic, disease Oblique. Asymmetrical; unequal-sided.
caused by protozoa belonging to the genus Oblong. About two or three times longer
Plasmodium and transmitted by Anopheles than broad; rectangular with rounded cor-
mosquito. It is characterized by intermittent ners.
fever, anemia, and debility, and in its acute Obovate. As in ovate, but the petiole
form, by chills, high fever, and profuse attached at the narrow end.
sweating at regular intervals. Obtuse. Apex formed by two lines that
Mange. A contagious skin disease charac- meet at more than a right angle.
terized by itching and hair loss, caused by Oliguria. A deficiency in the excretion of
parasitic mites. urine.
Marasmus. A wasting away of the body, Ophthalmia. Inflammation of the eyeball
associated with inadequate food. or the conjunctiva of the eye.
Masticatory. A substance chewed to in- Opposite. Two leaves at a node.
crease salivation. Orbicular. Circular or nearly so.
Mealy. Swollen hairs which collectively Oval. Broadly elliptic, the length less than
form a covering resembling cooking meal. twice the width.
Meningitis. A disease of the membranes Ovate. The shape of the longitudinal sec-
enveloping the brain and spinal cord. tion through a chicken's egg, with the peti-
Menorrhagia. Excessive menstrual flow. ole attached at the broad end.
Mesocarp. The middle layer of the fruit Oxytocic. Stimulating movements of the
wall, often the fleshy edible portion. uterus.
Metrorrhagia. Bleeding between periods. Palmate. The major veins radiating from a
Migraine. A recurring and intensely pain- common point at the base of the blade, as in
ful headache, often accompanied by vomit- the maples.
ing, giddiness, and disturbance of the vision. Palpitation. A rapid pulsation or throbbing
Molluscicidal. An agent that destroys a of the heart.
variety of skin diseases. Panicle. A loose compound flower cluster
Monocotyledon. Angiosperms having one produced by irregular branching.
cotyledon (seed leaf); the leaves are usually Papillate. Pimple-like hairs or pimple-like
parallel-veined, and floral parts are in threes. protuberance.

Parallel. Several to many veins of about Piles. A synonym for hemorrhoids.

the same size (the midrib sometimes more Pilose. With sparse slender soft hairs.
conspicuous) and parallel to one another, as Pinnae. A single leaflet of a pinnate leaf.
in many monocots. Pinnate. Having the shape or arrangement
Parasiticide. Any agent that destroys parasites. of a feather. Prominent midvein with a
Parted. Indented nearly all the way to the series of major veins arising at about 30-45
midrib or the base of the blade. degrees angles along its length.
Parturient. Applied to substances used Pistillate. A unisexual (female) flower in
during childbirth. which only carpels are present, the stamens
Parturition. The act of childbirth being rudimentary or suppressed.
Pediculicide. An agent for treatment of Pitted. Covered with small cavities.
the feet. Pityriasis. A skin disease in which the epi-
Pediculosis. The condition of being dermis sheds thin scales as dandruff.
infected with lice. Pleurisy. Inflammation of the pleura mem-
Peduncle. The stalk supporting a single brane enveloping the lung.
flower in an inflorescence. Pneumonia. Refers to a large number con-
Pepo. A berry with a leathery rind, derived ditions that include the inflammation or pas-
from an inferior ovary; use is often restricted sive congestion of the lungs, resulting in
to the squash family. portions of the lung becoming solid.
Perfect. A flower with both stamens and Pome. Ovary inferior, surrounded by fleshy
carpels, without regard to the state of the tissue, usually interpreted as a hypanthium,
perianth. as in the apple or pear.
Perfoliate. The condition of a sessile leaf Postpartum. After childbirth.
when the base completely encircles the Poultice. A mass of material applied to sore
stem. or inflamed part of the body for the purpose
Pericarp. The fruit wall, made up of the of supplying heat and moisture or acting as
endocarp, mesocarp, and exocarpj the wall a local stimulant.
of the ripened ovary of a flower. Prickly Heat. Heat rash; irritation of the
Peristalsis. Wavelike muscular contrac- skin caused by heat.
tions of the intestines. Prolapse. The descent of an organ or vis-
Petioles. The stalk that supports the cus of the body from its natural position.
lamina; if missing, the leaf is sessile. Prophylactic. Operating to ward off or
Phagocytosis. The destruction and absorp- protect against a disease.
tion of bacteria or microorganisms by Prostrate. Lying flat upon the ground; typi-
phagocytes. cally without adventitious roots.
Pharynx. The throat; the joint opening of Proteolytic. Cause splitting of proteins
the gullet and windpipe. into smaller products during digestion.
Phthisis. A wasting disease of the lungs; Prothallus. The first or false thallus formed
difficulty in breathing. in the germination of the sexually produced
Phyllode. A leaflike petiole of a bladeless spores in ferns; a delicate cellular structure
leaf, as in some Acacia. bearing the sexual organs.
Phyllode. A petiole that develops into a Pruritus. Localized or generalized itching
flattened expansion taking the place of a leaf. due to the irritation of sensory nerve endings.
Phytoalexin. An antimicrobial compound Psoriasis. A noncontagious inflammatory
produced in a plant in response to fungal skin disease characterized by reddish patches
infection. and white scales.

pterygium. A triangular fleshy mass of thick- Rounded. The apex gently curved.
ened conjunctiva occurring at the inner side Rubefacient. Applied to counter irritants
of the eyeball causing a disturbance to vision. to the skin; substances that produce blisters
Puberulent. Minutely canescent. or inflammation.
Pubescent. Downy; the hairs short soft and Rugose. Wrinkled.
erect. Runcinate. Coarsely-toothed, the teeth
Pulmonary. Pertaining to or affecting the lungs. pointing toward the base of the leaf, as in
Punctate. Dotted with pinpoint impres- the dandelion.
sions or translucent dots. Sagittate. Arrowhead-shaped.
Purgative. Drugs which evacuate the bow- Saponin. A substance characterized by the
els; more drastic than a laxative. ability to form emulsions and soapy lathers.
Pyorrhea. A purulent discharge that con- Scabies. A contagious skin disease caused
tains or consists of pus. by a mite that burrows in the horny layer of
Quinones. Organic compounds based on the skin.
benzene where two hydrogen atoms have Scabrous. Rough to the touch because of
been replaced in the same ring by two oxygen coarse stiff ascending hairs.
atoms. Quinones are usually highly colored Scapose. Bearing a flower or inflorescence
and are often responsible for the yellow and on a leafless flowering stem.
red colors of some seeds, bark and woods etc. Scrofula. A tuberculous condition of the lym-
Rank. A vertical row of leaves. phatic glands characterized by enlarged suppu-
Reniform. Kidney-shaped or bean-shaped. rating abscess and cheese-like degeneration.
Repent. Trailing, stems prostrate, creeping Scurfy. Covered with minute scales.
or sprawling, and often rooting at the node. Scurvy. A nutritional disorder caused by
Resolvent. Medicine that reduces swelling deficiency of vitamin C; characterized by
or inflammation. extreme weakness, spongy gums, and a ten-
Restorative. A remedy that is efficient in dency to develop hemorrhages under the
restoring health and strength. skin, from the mucus membranes, and under
Resupinate. Inverted because of a 180 the periosteum.
degrees twist in a petiole or pedicel. Sedative. An agent that quiets nervous
Reticulate. Netted with regular slightly excitement.
elevated lines. Septum. An internal partition within the
Revolute. The margin rolled toward the fruit.
lower side of the blade. Sericeous. Silky; the hairs long, fine, and
Rheumatism. A general term for painful appressed.
inflammation of muscle, tendon, joint, Serrate. With coarse saw-like teeth that
bone, or nerve, resulting in discomfort. point forward.
Rhizome. Horizontal underground stem Serrulate. Finely serrate.
distinguished from a root by scale-like leaves Setaceous. Bristly.
and axillary buds. Horizontal stem with Sheath. The basal portion of a leaf that sur-
reduced scaly leaves, as in many grasses. rounds the stem.
Ringworm. A common contagious disease Shingles. A virus that lives in the nerves
produced by fungi that affects the skin, hair, and affects one specific part of the body.
or nails. Shrubs. Woody perennials with more than
Rosette. A radiating leaf cluster at or near one principal stem arising from the ground.
the base of the plant. Sinate. Wavy in and out, in the plane of
Rostulate. In rosettes. the blade.

Soporific. Inducing sleep. Styptic. Substances that clot the blood and
Sori. Clusters of spore cases in ferns. thus stop bleeding.
Spadix. A spike or head of flowers with a Subulate. Slender and tapering to a point,
fleshy axis, usually enclosed within a bract. as in the awl, a tool used to make holes in
Spasmodic. Periodic sharp attacks marked leather.
by spasms. Sudorific. Producing copious perspiration.
Spatulate. Spoon-shaped. Suffruticose. Plants woody at the base but
Spine. A leaf or portion of a leaf that is herbaceous above.
sharp-pointed, the most common examples Sulcate. Furrowed with longitudinal lines.
being paired stipular spines; not to be con- Suppository. A small solid medication
fused with thorns, which are modified stems that is inserted into a bodily orifice other
or prickles, which are mere outgrowths of than the mouth.
the epidermis, as in the cultivated rose. Syconium. A hollow vase-like inflores-
Spinose. With a spine at the tip. cence with the flowers lining the inside;
Sporangium. A spore case in which restricted to the fig.
asexual spores are produced. Syphilis. A venereal disease, characterized
Spreading. Oriented outward and more or by a variety of lesions, caused by Treponema
less diverging from the point of origin. pallidum.
Staminate. A unisexual (male) flower in Tachycardia. Abnormally rapid heart
which stamens are present, the carpels being action as a disease.
rudimentary or suppressed. Tannin. Astringent principle of many plants.
Steam-distillation. The process of isolating Tapeworm. A parasitic worm of the class
the volatile principles from a material by Cestoidea; a segmented an ribbon-like flat-
passing steam through it (or boiling it with worm. It develops in the alimentary canals
water) and condensing the steam to recover or vertebrates.
the usually insoluble volatile substance. Tendril. A twining leaf or portion of a leaf,
Stimulant. Anything that quickens or pro- as in the leaflets of the sweet pea; tendrils
motes the activity of some physiological may also be of stem origin.
process. Tetanus. An acute infectious disease
Stipe. A stalk or support. caused by a bacillus and characterized by
Stipules. A pair of appendages located at rigid spasmodic contractions of various vol-
the base of the petiole where it joins the untary muscles especially of the jaw.
stem; often short-lived and seen only as Thrush. A mycotic disease of the upper
stipule scars; if not formed, the leaf is digestive tract (mouth, lips, and throat)
exstipulate. resulting from infection by the fungus
Stolon. A trailing runner or rootstock by Candida albicans. It occurs especially in
which grasses may propagate. children and is characterized by small
Stomachic. Applied to drugs given for dis- whitish spots on the tip and sides of the
orders of the stomach. tongue.
Striated. Marked with longitudinal lines. Tisane. A medical decoction or tea of herbs
Stricture. Abnormal narrowing of a tubular drunk as a beverage or for its mildly medici-
organ; sometimes a result of inflammation. nal effect.
Strigose. Hairs sharp, appressed, rigid, and Tomentose. Densely and softly matted.
often swollen at the base. Tonic. A drug or an agent given to improve
Style. The stalk between the ovary and the the normal tone of an organ or of the patient
stigma. generally.

Trachoma. A contagious virus disease of the Venereal. Pertaining to, or produced by,
eye characterized by granular conjunctivitis. sexual intercourse.
Trees. Woody perennials with a single Vermicide. Substance that kills worms.
main stem or trunk. Vermifuge. Substance that kills or expels
Truncate. The apex appearing chopped off. intestinal worms.
Tuber. An enlarged fleshy tip of an under- Verticel. An axillary whorl of flowers radi-
ground stem, as in the Irish potato. ating in many directions, as in several mem-
Tuberculate. Warty. bers of the mint family (Labiatae).
Tuberculosis. An infectious disease caused Vertigo. Any of a group of disorders in
by the tubercle bacillus. It may affect any which dizziness is experienced.
tissue of the body, but especially occurs in Vesicant. A blistering agent; any agent or
the lungs. drug that produces blisters on the skin.
Tumor. Generally any abnormal swelling of Vesicatory. Any substance capable of
the body other than those caused by direct causing blisters.
injury is considered a tumor. Villous. Shaggy; the hairs long, slender,
Turion. A swollen scaly offshoot of a rhi- soft, but not matted.
zome. Vine. Herbaceous plants with elongate,
Twining. Coiling around plants or objects flexible, nonself-supporting stems.
as a means of support. Viscera. Internal organs of the body, espe-
Typhus. An infectious disease caused by cially in the abdomen and thorax.
the Rickettsia microorganism, characterized Viscid. Sticky.
by high fever and delirium. Vitiligo. A skin disease characterized by
Ulcer. An interruption of continuity of a whitish nonpigmented areas surrounded by
surface with an inflamed base. Any open hyperpigmented borders.
sore other than a wound. Vulnerary. A remedy used for treating
Umbel. An indeterminate inflorescence wounds.
in which a number of nearly equal Wart. A common skin tumor caused by a
peduncles radiate from a small area at the virus infection. It is contagious from case to
top of a very short axis, giving an umbrella- case or from skin area to skin area in the
like appearance. same individual.
Uncinate. Hooked hairs. Whitlow. An old general term for any sup-
Undulate. Wavy perpendicular to the purative inflammation on a finger or toe.
plane of the blade. Whorled. Three or more leaves at a node.
Uremia. Condition of the blood caused by Yaws. An infectious, nonvenereal tropical
retention of urinary matter normally elimi- disease caused by Treponema pertenus. It is
nated by the kidneys. characterized by an initial lesion (the mother-
Varicose. Abnormally dilated or knotted yaw), followed by further multiple lesions of
blood vessels. the skin. It is also known as Framboesia.
Velutinous. Velvety; the hairs dense, firm, Yellow Fever. A tropical epidemic disease
and straight. caused by mosquito-borne viral infection.
A Analgesic activity
Abrus precatorius, 15-25 Abrus precatorius, 19
botanical description, 16 Allium sativum, 39
chemical constituents, 17-19 Aloe vera, 108
common names, 15 Annona muricata, 136
origin and distribution, 16 Carica papaya, 151
pharmacological activities and clinical Cassia alata, 168
trials, 19-25 Cymbopogon citratus, 199
traditional medicinal uses, 16-17 Cyperus rotundus, 213
African cucumber, 337-354 Hibiscus rosa,sinensis, 258
Aging Jatropha curcas, 280
Allium sativum, 39 Lantana camara, 292
AIDS therapeutic effect Momordica charantia, 343
Allium sativum, 38 Moringa pterygosperma, 371
Allergenic activity Mucuna pruriens, 308
Allium sativum, 39 Persea americana, 386
Carica papaya, 151 Phyllanthus niruri, 396
Curcuma longa, 231 Portulaca oleracea, 407
Mangifera indica, 319 Psidium guajava, 419
Persea americana, 386 Punica granatum, 434
Punica granatum, 434 Syzygium cumini, 447
Tamarindus indica, 458 Androgenic effect
Allium sativum, 33-77 Carica papaya, 151
botanical description, 34 Hibiscus rosa,sinensis, 258
chemical constituents, 36-38 Anesthetic activity
common names, 33 Aloe vera, 108-109
origin and distribution, 34 Annona muricata, 133-138
pharmacological activities and clinical botanical description, 133
trials, 38-77 chemical constituents, 134-136
traditional medicinal uses, 34-36 common names, 133
Aloe vera, 103-122 origin and distribution, 133
botanical description, 104 pharmacological activities and clinical
chemical constituents, 106-108 trials, 136-138
common names, 103 traditional medicinal uses, 134
origin and distribution, 104 Antiaging activity
pharmacological activities and clinical Allium sativum, 39
trials, 108-122 Antiallergenic activity
traditional medicinal uses, 104-106 Allium sativum, 39
Alternate Antiasthmatic activity
defined,2 Aloe vera, 109
Ampalaya, 337-354 Curcuma longa, 231-232

Antiatherosclerotic activity Psidium guajava, 420

Allium sativum, 40 Punica granatum, 436
Antibacterial activity Syzygium cumini, 448
Abrus precatorius, 19 Antidepressant activity
Allium sativum, 40-41 Annona muricata, 137
Aloe vera, 109 Antidiabetic effect
Annona muricata, 136 Aloe vera, 11 0
Carica papaya, 151-152 Mangifera indica, 320
Cassia alata, 168-169 Mucuna pruriens, 308
Catharanthus roseus, 180 Punica granatum, 436
Curcuma longa, 232 Antidiarrheal activity
Cymbopogon citratus, 199-200 Abrus precatorius, 19
Cyperus rotundus, 214 Allium sativum, 42
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 269 Cyperus rotundus, 214
Jatropha curcas, 280-281 Jatropha curcas, 281
Lantana camara, 292-293 Phyllanthus niruri, 396
Mangifera indica, 319-320 Psidium guajava, 420-421
Manihot esculenta, 330 Punica granatum, 436
Momordica charantia, 343-344 Antidiuretic activity
Moringa pterygosperma, 371-372 Catharanthus roseus, 180-181
Persea americana, 386 Antiedema activity
Phyllanthus niruri, 396 Allium sativum, 42
Portulaca oleracea, 407-408 Carica papaya, 152
Psidiumguajava, 419-420 Curcuma longa, 232
Punica granatum, 434-436 Hibiscus sabdariffa, 269
Syzygium cumini, 448 Persea americana, 386
Tamarindus indica, 458 Psidium guajava, 421
Anticancer activity Antiestrogenic effect
Aloe vera, 109 Allium sativum, 42
Anticarcinogenic effect Carica papaya, 152
Allium sativum, 41-42 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 258-259
Momordica charantia, 344 Antifertility effect
Anticonvulsant activity Abrus precatorius, 19-20
Abrus precatorius, 19 Aloe vera, 11 0
Allium sativum, 42 Carica papaya, 152-153
Annona muricata, 136-13 7 Catharanthus roseus, 181
Carica papaya, 152 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 259
Cassia alata, 169 Jatropha curcas, 281
Curcuma longa, 232 Manihot esculenta, 330
Cymbopogon citratus, 200 Momordica charantia, 344
Cyperus rotundus, 214 Moringa pterygosperma, 372
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 258 Portulaca oleracea, 408
Jatropha curcas, 281 Punica granatum, 436
Lantana camara, 293 Antifungal activity
Momordica charantia, 344 Abrus precatorius, 20
Moringa pterygosperma, 372 Allium sativum, 42-44
Portulaca oleracea, 408 Aloe vera, 11 0

Annona muricata, 13 7 Momordica charantia, 345-347

Cassia alata, 169-170 Phyllanthus niruri, 396
Catharanthus roseus, 181 Psidium guajava, 421
Curcuma longa, 232-233 Syzygium cumini, 448-449
Cymbopogon citratus, 200 Antihyperlipemic activity
Cyperus rotundus, 215 Allium sativum, 46-47
Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 259 Manihot esculenta, 331
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 269-270 Antihypertensive activity
Jatropha curcas, 281 Allium sativum, 47
Lantana camara, 293 Catharanthus roseus, 181
Mangifera indica, 320 Cyperus rotundus, 215
Manihot esculenta, 330-331 Hibiscus sabdariffa, 270
Momordica charantia, 344-345 Mucuna pruriens, 308
Moringa pterygosperma, 372 Persea americana, 387
Persea americana, 386 Portulaca oleracea, 408
Phyllanthus niruri, 396 Antihypertriglyceridemic effect
Portulaca oleracea, 408 Allium sativum, 47
Psidium guajava, 421 Hibiscus sabdariffa, 270
Punica granatum, 436 Anti~inflammatory activity
Syzygium cumini, 448 Abrus precatorius, 20
Tamarindus indica, 458-459 Allium sativum, 48
Antihemorrhagic activity Aloe vera, 111
Lantana camara, 293 Cassia alata, 170
Antihepatotoxic activity Catharanthus roseus, 181
Annona muricata, 13 7 Curcuma longa, 233-234
Carica papaya, 153 Cymbopogon citratus, 200
Curcuma longa, 233 Cyperus rotundus, 215
Cyperus rotundus, 215 Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 259
Antihistamine activity Hibiscus sabdariffa, 270
Cassia alata, 170 Jatropha curcas, 281
Cyperus rotundus, 215 Mangifera indica, 320-321
Momordica charantia, 345 Moringa pterygosperma, 372
Moringa pterygosperma, 372 Mucuna pruriens, 308
Syzygium cumini, 448 Portulaca oleracea, 408
An tihypercho lestero lemic ac ti vi ty Psidium guajava, 421
Allium sativum, 44-46 Punica granatum, 436
Aloe vera, 110 Syzygium cumini, 449
Catharanthus roseus, 181 Tamarindus indica, 459
Curcuma longa, 233 Anti~ischemic effect
Momordica charantia, 345 Curcuma longa, 234
Antihyperglycemic activity Antimalarial activity
Allium sativum, 44,46 Annona muricata, 137
Aloe vera, 11 0 Carica papaya, 153
Cassia alata, 170 Catharanthus roseus, 181
Catharanthus roseus, 181 Cyperus rotundus, 215
Curcuma longa, 233 Mangifera indica, 321
Mangifera indica, 320 Momordica charantia, 348

Moringa pterygosperma, 372-373 Cyperus rotundus, 216

Persea americana, 387 Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 260
Phyllanthus niruri, 397 Jatropha curcas, 282
Psidium guajava, 421-422 Moringapterygosperma, 373
Punica granatum, 436 Mucuna pruriens, 309
Tamarindus indica, 459 Phyllanthus niruri, 397
Antimicrobial activity Psidium guajava, 422
Allium sativum, 48 Punicagranatum, 437
Antimycobacterial activity Syzygium cumini, 449
Allium sativum, 49 Antispermatogenic effect
Aloe vera, 112 Abrus precatorius, 21
Carica papaya, 153 Allium sativum, 51
Curcuma longa, 235 Carica papaya, 153
Cymbopogon citratus, 201 Catharanthus roseus, 182
Mangifera indica, 321 Curcuma longa, 235
Momordica charantia, 348 Cymbopogon citratus, 201
Moringa pterygosperma, 373 Momordica charantia, 348-349
Portulaca oleracea, 408 Portulaca oleracea, 408
Psidium guajava, 422 Antistress activity
Punica granatum, 436 Cymbopogon citratus, 201
Antineoplastic effect Antithrombotic effect
Allium sativum, 49 Allium sativum, 51
Antinephrotic activity Antitoxic activity
Allium sativum, 49 Allium sativum, 51-52
Antiovulatory effect Antitumor activity
Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 259 Abrus precatorius, 21
Antioxidant activity Allium sativum, 52-53
Allium sativum, 49-50 Aloe vera, 112
Carica papaya, 153-154 Annona muricata, 13 7
Cyperus rotundus, 215 Carica papaya, 153
Tamarindus indica, 459 Cassia alata, 170
Antiparasitic activity Catharanthus roseus, 182
Annona muricata, 13 7 Curcuma longa, 235
Jatropha curcas, 281-282 Cyperus rotundus, 216
Antiparkinson activity Jatropha curcas, 282
Mucuna pruriens, 308-309 Mangifera indica, 321
Anti~PMS activity Manihot esculenta, 331
Psidium guajava, 419 Momordica charantia, 349
Antiprotozoan activity Moringa pterygosperma, 373
Allium sativum, 50-51 Phyllanthus niruri, 397
Antispasmodic activity Portulaca oleracea, 408
Abrus precatorius, 20-21 Antiulcer activity
Carica papaya, 153 Allium sativum, 53
Cassia alata, 170 Aloe vera, 112
Catharanthus roseus, 182 Carica papaya, 153-154
Curcuma longa, 235 Curcuma longa, 235
Cymbopogon citratus, 201 Momordica charantia, 349

Moringa pterygosperma, 373 Asthmatic activity

Portulaca oleracea, 408 Aloe vera, 109
Antiviral activity Curcuma longa, 231-232
Abrus precatorius, 21 Atherosclerotic activity
Allium sativum, 53 Allium sativum, 40, 54-55
Aloe vera, 113
Annona muricata, 13 7 B
Carica papaya, 154 Bacteria. See Antibacterial activity
Catharanthus roseus, 182 Bacterial stimulant activity
Curcuma longa, 235 Allium sativum, 55
Cyperus rotundus, 216 Balsam pear, 337-354
Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 260 Barbados aloe, 103-122
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 270 Barbiturate potentiation
Jatropha curcas, 282 Allium sativum, 55
Mangifera indica, 321 Cassia alata, 170
Manihot esculenta, 331 Cymbopogon citratus, 202
Momordica charantia, 349 Cyperus rotundus, 216-217
Moringa pterygosperma, 373 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 260
Phyllanthus niruri, 397-398 Jatropha curcas, 282
Portulaca oleracea, 408 Persea americana, 387
Psidium guajava, 422
Punica granatum, 437
Punica granatum, 437
Syzygium cumini, 449
Syzygium cumini, 449
Barbiturate sleeping time decrease
Tamarindus indica, 459
Antiyeast activity
Moringa pterygosperma, 374
Bitter gourd, 337-354
Allium sativum, 53-54
Aloe vera, 113 Bitter melon, 337-354
Carica papaya, 154 Black reed, 197-204
Cassia alata, 170 Blade
Curcuma longa, 235-236 defined,2
Cymbopogon citratus, 201 Bowen mango, 315-324
Cyperus rotundus, 216 Burn wound effect
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 270 Aloe vera, 114
Jatropha curcas, 282
Mangifera indica, 321
Manihot esculenta, 331 Cancer activity
Momordica charantia, 349 Aloe vera, 109
Moringa pterygosperma, 373 Carcinogenesis inhibition
Persea americana, 387 Allium sativum, 55-56
Portulaca oleracea, 408 Curcuma longa, 236
Psidium guajava, 422 Moringa pterygosperma, 374
Punica granatum, 437 Carcinogenic activity
Syzygium cumini, 449 Allium sativum, 41-42
Tamarindus indica, 459 Momordica charantia, 344
Aphrodisiac activity Psidium guajava, 422
Mucuna pruriens, 309 Cardiac depressant activity
Aphthous stomatitis effect Aloe vera, 114
Aloe vera, 113-114 Annona muricata, 13 7

Cardiac effect Common purslane, 405-410

Jatropha curcas, 282 Compound leaves, 3
Cardiotonic activity Convulsant activity. See Anticonvulsant
Catharamhus roseus, 182 activity
Curcuma longa, 236 Crab's eye, 15-25
Cardiotoxic activity Cundeamor, 337-354
Allium sativum, 56 Curcuma longa, 227-242
Cardiovascular effects botanical description, 228
Allium sativum, 56 chemical constituents, 230-231
Carica papaya, 143-156 common names, 227
botanical description., 144-145 origin and distribution, 228
chemical constituents, 148-150 pharmacological activities and clinical
common names, 143 trials, 231-242
origin and distribution, 145 traditional medicinal uses, 228-230
pharmacological activities and clinical Cymbopogon citratus, 197-204
trials, 150-156 botanical description, 197
traditional medicinal use, 145-148 chemical constituents, 198
Carilla, 337-354 common names, 197
Cassia alata, 165-172 origin and distribution, 198
botanical description, 165-166 pharmacological activities and clinical
chemical constituents, 167 trials, 199-204
common names, 165 Cyperus rotundus, 209-219
origin and distribution, 166 botanical description, 210
pharmacological activities and clinical chemical constituents, 212-213
trials, 167-172 common names, 209
traditional medicinal uses, 166-167 origin and distribution, 210
Catharanthus roseus, 175-185 pharmacological activities and clinical
botanical description, 175 trials, 213-219
chemical constituents, 177-179 traditional medicinal uses, 210-212
common names, 175 Cytotoxic activity
origin and distribution, 176 Abrus precatorius, 21-22
pharmacological activities and clinical Allium sativum, 59-60
trials, 179-185 Aloe vera, 115
traditional medicinal uses, 176-177 Annona muricata, 137-138
Chemical constituents Catharanthus roseus, 183
abbreviations, 14 Curcuma longa, 237
Chemopreventitive effect Cyperus rotundus, 217
Allium sativum, 57 Hibiscus sabdariffa, 271
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 270 Jatropha curcas, 283
Cholesterol inhibition Mangifera indica, 321-322
Allium sativum, 57 Momordica charantia, 349-350
Chronotropic effect Moringa pterygosperma, 374
Allium sativum, 58 Mucuna pruriens, 309
Citronella, 197-204 Phyllanthus niruri, 398
Coagulant activity Portulaca oleracea, 409
Allium sativum, 59 Psidium guajava, 423
Common cold prevention Punica granatum, 437
Allium sativum, 59 Tamarindus indica, 460

D Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 258-259, 261

Depressant activity Hibiscus sabdariffa, 271
Annona muricata, 137 Mangifera indica, 322
Dermatitis producing effect Momordica charantia, 350
Allium sativum, 60 Punica granatum, 438
Lantana camara, 294 Syzygium cumini, 450
Mangifera indica, 322 Estrous cycle disruption effect
Diabetic effect. See Antidiabetic effect Abrus precatorius, 22
Diabetogenic activity Cassia alata, 170
Manihot esculenta, 331 Cymbopogon citratus, 202
Diarrhea. See also Antidiarrheal activity Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 261
induction Psidium guajava, 423
Aloe vera, 115
Diuretic activity
Abrus precatorius, 22 Fertility. See also Antifertility effect
Allium sativum, 60 promotion effect
Carica papaya, 154 Mucuna pruriens, 309-310
Cassia alata, 170 Fibrinolytic activity
Curcuma longa, 237 Allium sativum, 61-62
Cymbopogon citratus, 202 Fleshy fruits, 13-14
Cyperus rotundus, 217 Food consumption reduction
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 271 Allium sativum, 62
Jatropha curcas, 283 Fungal activity. See Antifungal activity
Momordica charantia, 350
Moringa pterygosperma, 374 G
Persea americana, 387 Garlic, 33-77
Psidium guajava, 423 Gastric mucosal exfoliant activity
Punica granatum, 437 Allium sativum, 62
Syzygium cumini, 450 Growth inhibitor activity
Tamarindus indica, 460 Cyperus rotundus, 217
Dry fruits, 12-13 Guava, 415-424

Embryotoxic effect Hair conditioner
Allium sativum, 61 Aloe vera, 116
Aloe vera, 116 Hair inhibition
Cassia alata, 170 Aloe vera, 116
Cymbopogon citratus, 202 Lantana camara, 295
Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 261 Hair stimulant
Punica granatum, 438 Allium sativum, 63-64
Enzyme activity Cyperus rotundus, 217
Lantana camara, 294-295 Hemagglutinin activity
Estrogenic effect Carica papaya, 154
Allium sativum, 42 Hematopoietic activity
Aloe vera, 116 Cyperus rotundus, 217-218
Carica papaya, 152 Hemorrhagic activity
Cyperus rotundus, 217 Lantana camara, 293

Hepatotoxic activity Cymbopogon citratus, 202

Annona muricata, 137 Hypocholesterolemic activity
Carica papaya, 153 Allium sativum, 64-65
Curcuma longa, 233 Cymbopogon citratus, 202-203
Cyperus rotundus, 215 Moringa pterygosperma, 374-375
Lantana camara, 295 Mucuna pruriens, 310
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 253-262 Hypoglycemic activity
botanical description, 254 Abrus precatorius, 22
chemical constituents, 256-257 Allium sativum, 65-66
common names, 253 Aloe vera, 116-117
origin and distribution, 254 Carica papaya, 154
pharmacological activities and clinical Cassia alata, 170-171
trials, 257-262 Catharanthus roseus, 183
traditional medicinal uses, 254-256 Curcuma longa, 238
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 267-272 Cyperus rotundus, 218
botanical description, 267-268 Jatropha curcas, 283
chemical constituents, 268-269 Mangifera indica, 322
common names, 267 Momordica charantia, 351-352
origin and distribution, 268 Moringa pterygosperma, 375
pharmacological activities and clinical Mucuna pruriens, 310
trials, 269-272 Phyllanthus niruri, 398
traditional medicinal uses, 268 Portulaca oleracea, 409
Histamine activity. See Antihistamine Psidium guajava, 423
activity Punica granatum, 438
HIV -1 reverse transcriptase inhibition Syzygium cumini, 450
Momordica charantia, 351 Hypoglycemic effect
Horseradish tree, 367-376 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 261
Hypercholesterolemic activity Hypolipemic activity
Allium sativum, 64 Allium sativum, 66
Hyperglycemic activity Aloe vera, 117
Catharanthus roseus, 183 Hypotensive activity
Cymbopogon citratus, 202 Allium sativum, 66
Manihot esculenta, 332 Aloe vera, 117
Momordica charantia, 351 Catharanthus roseus, 183
Moringa pterygosperma, 374 Cymbopogon citratus, 203
Psidium guajava, 423 Momordica charantia, 352
Hypertensive activity Syzygium cumini, 450
Allium sativum, 64 Hypothermic activity
Annona muricata, 138 Curcuma longa, 238
Cyperus rotundus, 218 Cymbopogon citratus, 203
Lantana camara, 295 Jatropha curcas, 283
Persea americana, 387 Momordica charantia, 352
Portulaca oleracea, 409 Punica granatum, 438
Hypertriglyceridemic activity Syzygium cumini, 450
Allium sativum, 64 Hypotriglyceridemic activity
Hypnotic effect Allium sativum, 67

I Juvenile hormone activity

Immunomodulatory activity Cyperus rotundus, 218
Allium sativum, 67 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 261
Aloe vera, 117 Lantana camara, 296
Cymbopogon citratus, 203 Mangifera indica, 322
Inflammation. See also Anti-inflammatory Manihot esculenta, 332
activity Tamarindus indica, 460
Carica papaya, 155
Inflorescence Karela, 337-354
types, 8-12 Lantana camara, 289-298
Insecticide activity botanical description, 290
Abrus precatorius, 22 chemical constituents, 291-292
Allium sativum, 67 common names, 289
Annona muricata, 138 origin and distribution, 290
Carica papaya, 155 pharmacological activities and clinical
Catharanthus roseus, 184 trials, 292-298
Curcuma longa, 239 traditional medicinal uses, 290-291
Cymbopogon citratus, 203 Laxative effect
Lantana camara, 295-296 Cassia alata, 171
Mangifera indica, 322 Leaf
Momordica charantia, 352-353 attachment to stem, 7
Insect repellent activity bases, 7
Cyperus rotundus, 218 defined,2
Insulin activity margins, 4
Catharanthus roseus, 184 shapes, 4
Insulin induction surfaces, 7-8
Allium sativum, 67 tips, 5-7
Momordica charantia, 353 Lemon grass, 197-204
International Code of Botanical Leukopenic activity
Nomenclature (ICBN), 1 Catharanthus roseus, 184
Intestinal motility inhibition Curcuma longa, 239
Abrus precatorius, 22 Momordica charantia, 353
Allium sativum, 68 Lipid peroxidation effect
Cymbopogon citratus, 203 Allium sativum, 68-69
Hibiscus sabdariffa, 271 Lipoxygenase inhibition
Allium sativum, 69
J Love bean, 15-25
Jatropha curcas, 277-284 M
botanical description, 278 Maiden apple, 337-354
chemical constituents, 280 Maiden's blush, 337-354
common names, 277 Malaria. See Antimalarial activity
origin and distribution, 278 Mangifera indica, 315-324
pharmacological activities and clinical botanical description, 316
trials, 280-281 chemical constituents, 317-319
traditional medicinal uses, 278-280 common names, 315

origin and distribution, 316 Muscle activity

pharmacological activities and clinical Abrus precatorius, 23
trials, 319-324 Allium sativum, 74
traditional medicinal use, 316-317 Aloe vera, 119
Manihot esculenta, 329-334 Annona muricata, 138
botanical description, 329 Carica papaya, 155
chemical constituents, 330 Catharanthus roseus, 184
common names, 329 Cyperus rotundus, 219
origin and description, 329 Hibiscus sabdariffa, 271
pharmacological activities and clinical Lantana camara, 297
Moringa pterygosperma, 375
trials, 330
Persea americana, 388
traditional medicinal uses, 329-330
Portulaca oleracea, 409-410
Psidium guajava, 424
Syzygium cumini, 451
Mating inhibition
Mutagenic activity
Cymbopogon citratus, 203 Abrus precatorius, 23
Menstruation induction effect Allium sativum, 70
Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 262 Mycobacterial activity. See
Metabolism Antimycobacterial activity
Aloe vera, 117
Momordica charantia, 337-354 N-O
botanical description, 338 Neurotropic effect
chemical constituents, 341-343 Allium sativum, 70
common names, 337 Opposite
origin and distribution, 338 defined,2
pharmacological activities and clinical Ovulation inhibition effect
trials, 343-344 Aloe vera, 118
traditional medicinal uses, 338-341 Curcuma longa, 240
Moringa pterygosperma, 367-376 Cymbopogon citratus, 204
botanical description, 368 Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 262
chemical constituents, 370-371 Manihot escu/enta, 333
common names, 367 p
origin and distribution, 368
Papaw, 143-156
pharmacological activities and clinical
Papaya, 143-156
trials, 371-376
Parasitic activity
traditional medicinal uses, 368-370
Annona muricata, 13 7
Mosquito repellent
Jatropha curcas, 281-282
Cymbopogon citratus, 204 Parkinson activity
Mucuna pruriens, 305-311 Mucuna pruriens, 308-309
botanical description, 305 Penis erectile stimulant
chemical constituents, 307 Mucuna pruriens, 311
common names, 305 Periwinkle, 175-185
origin and description, 306 Persea americana, 383-389
pharmacological activities and clinical botanical description, 384
trials, 307-311 chemical constituents, 385-386
traditional medicinal uses, 306-307 common names, 383

origin and distribution, 384 Prostate treatment

pharmacological activities and clinical Mucuna pruriens, 311
trials, 386-389 Prostatic effect
traditional medicinal uses, 384-385 Allium sativum, 73
Petiole Prothrombin time decrease
defined,2 Allium sativum, 73
Pheromone Psidium guajava, 415-424
Lantana camara, 296 botanical description, 416
Phyllanthus niruri, 393-399 chemical constituents, 417-419
botanical description, 393 common names, 415
chemical constituents, 395 origin and distribution, 416
common names, 393 pharmacological activities and clinical
origin and description, 393-394 trials, 419-424
pharmacological activities and clinical traditional medicinal uses, 416-417
trials, 395-399 Punica granatum, 431-439
traditional medicinal uses, 394-395 botanical description, 431-432
Pinnate chemical constituents, 433-434
defined,2 common names, 431
Plant germination inhibition origin and distribution, 432
Hibiscus rosa~sinensis, 262 pharmacological activities and clinical
Lantana camara, 296-297 trials, 434-439
Momordica charantia, 353 traditional medicinal uses, 432-433
Psidium guajava, 423 Purslane, 405-410
Tamarindus indica, 460
Plant growth inhibition R-S
Allium sativum, 71 Rosary bean, 15-25
Cyperus rotundus, 218 Semen coagulation
Mangifera indica, 323 Carica papaya, 155
Mucuna pruriens, 311 Cassia alata, 171
Psidium guajava, 424 Jatropha curcas, 284
Punica granatum, 439 Moringa pterygosperma, 375
Platelet aggregation inhibition Psidium guajava, 424
Allium sativum, 72-73 Punica granatum, 439
PMS activity Syzygium cumini, 451
Psidium guajava, 419 Senescence ameliorative effect
Pomegranate, 431-439 Allium sativum, 73-74
Portulaca o/eracea, 405-410 Skin pigmentation effect
botanical description, 406 Aloe vera, 119
chemical constituents, 407 Snake venom prophylaxis
common names, 405 Allium sativum, 74
origin and distribution, 406 Soursop tree, 133-138
pharmacological activities and clinical Spasmogenic activity. See also
trials, 407-410 Antispasmodic activity
traditional medicinal uses, 406 Allium sativum, 74
Prayer bean, 15-25 Catharanthus roseus, 184
Precatory bean, 15-25 Curcuma longa, 241
Prostaglandin inhibition Hibiscus sabdariffa, 271
Allium sativum, 73 Persea americana, 388

Portulaca oleracea, 410 Taste aversion

Psidium guajava, 424 Abrus precatorius, 23
Spasmolytic activity. See also Taujdub,197-204
Antispasmodic activity Tauj qab, 197-204
Carica papaya, 155 Testosterone release stimulation
Jatropha curcas, 284 Allium sativum, 75
Mangifera indica, 323 Thrombin inhibition
Momordica charantia, 354 Allium sativum, 75
Phyllanthus niruri, 398 Thrombocytopenic activity
T amarindus indica, 460 Allium sativum, 75
Spermatogenic activity. See also Thromboplastin time increase
Antispermatogenic effect Allium sativum, 75
Mucuna pruriens, 311 Toxic effect
Spermicidal effect Abrus precatorius, 23-24
Abrus precatorius, 23 Allium sativum, 75-76
Allium sativum, 74 Aloe vera, 119
Carica papaya, 155 Annona muricata, 138
Cassia alata, 171 Cassia alata, 171
Jatropha curcas, 284 Catharanthus roseus, 184-185
Momordica charantia, 355
Curcuma longa, 241
Moringa pterygosperma, 375
Cymbopogon citratus, 204
Psidium guajava, 424
Cyperus rotundus, 219
Punica granatum, 439
Lantana camara, 297
Syzygium cumini, 451
Mangifera indica, 323
Manihot esculenta, 333-334
Momordica charantia, 355
Stress activity
Moringa pterygosperma, 375-376
Cymbopogon citratus, 201
Mucuna pruriens, 311
Syzygium cumini, 445-451
Persea americana, 388
botanical description, 445
Portulaca oleracea, 410
chemical constituents, 446-447
common names, 445 Syzygium cumini, 451
origin and distribution, 445-446 Toxicity assessment
pharmacological activities and clinical Carica papaya, 155
trials, 447-451 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 262
traditional medicinal uses, 446 Jatropha curcas, 284
Lantana camara, 297-298
T Phyllanthus niruri, 398
Tachycardia activity Psidium guajava, 424
Allium sativum, 75 Punica granatum, 439
Tamarindus indica, 455-460 Tamarindus indica, 460
botanical description, 455-456 Tranquilizing effect
chemical constituents, 457-458 Carica papaya, 155
common names, 455 Tumor. See also Antitumor activity
origin and distribution, 456 promoting effect
pharmacological activities and clinical Allium sativum, 77
trials, 458-460 promotion inhibition
traditional medicinal uses, 456-457 Carica papaya, 155-156

Mangifera indica, 323 V

Momordica charantia, 355 Vasodilator activity
Persea americana, 388 Allium sativum, 77
Turmeric, 227-242 Venation
u Viral activity. See Antiviral activity
Ulcer activity. See also Antiulcer activity W-y
Allium sativum, 77 Weight
Uterine effect Allium sativum, 77
Abrus precatorius, 24-25 Catharanthus roseus, 185
Allium sativum, 77 Curcuma longa, 242
Aloe vera, 120 Cymbopogon citratus, 204
Annona muricata, 138 Cyperus rotundus, 219
Carica papaya, 156 Mangifera indica, 323-324
Syzygium cumini, 451
Catharanthus roseus, 185
Curcuma longa, 242 defined,2
Mangifera indica, 323 Wound healing
Momordica charantia, 355 Allium sativum, 77
Moringa pterygosperma, 376 Aloe vera, 120-122
Persea americana, 388 Cassia alata, 171
Portulaca oleracea, 410 Moringa pterygosperma, 376
Punica granatum, 439 Yeast. See Antiyeast activity
About the Author

A native of Guyana, Ivan A. Ross is a biologist at the

United States Food and Drug Administration. At the age
of seventeen he was awarded a scholarship by the United
States Agency for International Development to study
agriculture at Tuskegee University. After completing his
studies he returned to Guyana and was appointed to the
Guyana Ministry of Agriculture. During his tour of duty,
most of his time was spent in the isolated communities
of the Aborigines population, incorporating modern
agriculture and health care methods with the traditional
system. Dr. Ross' interest in tradional medicine origi-
nated at this time. He later entered the University of
Maryland, College Park, where he studied animal science
and biochemisrty. In 1987 he joined the United States
Department of Health and Human Services, Food and
Drug Administration, as a biologist in the Division of Toxicological Research. He is an
active investigator and has published several research articles, primarily dealing with food
safety. Other areas of his wide-ranging experience include Lecturer of Agricultural and
Rural Development at the Gambia College, Gambia, West Africa, and seminars
throughtout Gambia on food safety, health awareness, and agricultural techniques. When
not in the laboratory, Dr. Ross is either farming or writing.


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