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Ch5: - The piece of string

Guy De Maupassant.
Q1: Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost pocket-book?

Ans: Mr.Manana had seen Hubert, the simple farmer, picking up something from the road in the
morning. But he thought that the old man had picked up the pocket book. He, therefore, accused
Hubert of picking up James's lost pocket-book.

Q2: What did the people think of Hubert when they heard the return of the pocket-book by some other

Ans: People came to know that the lost pocket-book had been found and returned to the owner. But
they still did not believe the old man's statements. They said that those were the lying excuses. Rather,
they started to tell the story of the string to amuse themselves.

Q3: Why did George gave the pocket book to his employer?

Ans: The next day, in the afternoon George found the pocket-book on his way to the village market. He
returned the pocket-book and its contents to his employer, because he did know how to read.

Q4: What made Hubert shameful?

Ans: When Hubert came to know that the lost pocket book had been found and handed over to the
owner he felt triumphed. But he also felt grieved and ashamed because to him nothing was so shameful
as to be called a liar.

Q5: Why did the people make fun of his innocence?

Ans: The old man was a poor, simple and innocent countryman whereas the people were vulgar and
uncultured. They neither respected him nor believed him to be innocent. They declared his innocent
reasons as lying excuses. They rather began to make fun of his innocence to amuse themselves.

Q6: Why did he keep claiming his innocence till his death?

Ans: He was a man of honour. People considered him to be a liar. This hurt his soul. He did not want to
die with the blame on his self-respect. He wanted to be declared as an honest man. Therefore, he kept
on trying to prove his innocence till death.

Q7: Write down a note on the character of Hubert?

Ans: Hubert is a poor, simple and innocent countryman. He is a man of honor. He loves his reputation.
He kept on trying to prove his innocence till death because for him nothing is more shameful than to be
called a liar.

Q8: Write a note on the mentality of the people who did not believe Hubert?
Ans: They were cruel, selfish, vulgar, uncultured, rough and rigid village people. They did not have the
sense to respect their fellow countryman. They rather laughed at him. They told the story of peace of
string to each other just to amuse themselves.

Q9: Why did the mayor not believe the innocence of Hubert?

Ans: Mr. Manana claimed that he had seen the old man picking up something from the road to the
village market . But he thought that the old man had picked up the pocket book. The Mayor considered
him to be trustworthy man. So, he could not believe the old man.

Q10: Was it necessary for Hubert to continue pleading his innocence?

Ans: The old man was a poor, simple, innocent and an honest man. He loved his honor reputation and
innocence. But he lost them, it was necessary for him to keep on trying to uphold his honor. According
to him, there was nothing so shameful as to be called a liar.

Q11: What suggestions can you give to Hubert to save him from such a humiliating situation?

Ans: He must have known that we live among cruel, selfish, vulgar, and unculture people. They do not
bother about the feelings of others. They did not have the sense to respect their fellow countryman. So,
he should have left the village.

Q12) What is the Moral lesson of the story

A) It tells us that we should respect honest and innocent fellows. We should not blame anyone without a
solid proof. We should also learn to compromise with this life. This story also says that protecting your
innocence makes most people, believe you are guilty.

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