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( Reaffirmed 1997 )
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
Fourth Reprint DECEMBER 1996

UDC 621.928.2:620.168.32

@ CoPyright 1977,


NEW DELHI 110002

Gi 4
3uly 1977
kS: 1607- 19%

Indian Standard
( f?irst Revision J
Sieves, Sieving and Other Sizing Methods Sectional Committee, BDC IL’
Chairman Representing
DR M. PANCHOLY National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Delhi
DR P. T. JOHN (Alternate to
Dr M. Pancholy )
SHRI V. K. AGARWAL Ministry of Railways
SHRI A. K. MUKHER~EE( Alternate )
SHRI P. N. ARORA ” ’ All India Wire Netting Manufacturer Association
SHRI S. N. ARORA Shalimar Wires & Industries Ltd, Distt Hooghly
SHRI S. KUMAR ( Alternate )
SHRI S. K. BAJORIA Krishanlal Thirani & Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. GANDHI ( Alternate )
SHRI R. K. CHOURARIA Jeetmul Jaicbandlall, Calcutta
DR R. K. DATTA Cent;~or3e~lding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

SHRI KISHANLAL ( Alternate )

DR R. R. HATTIANIMLII The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
SWRI D. S. JOSHI Hindustan Boilers, Bombay
SHRI A. R. A. KRISHNAN Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) Directorate of
B. K. SINCH ( Alternate )
hi,..R. Cl. MAHAJAN The Indian Steel & Wire Products Ltd, Jamshedpur
SHRI G. H. MARWAH Hindustan Wire Nettir? Co Ltd, Bombay
SWRID. K. MEHTA Tata-Robins-Fraser Ltd, Jamshedpur
LT-COL C. A. RODRIQUES( Alteruate )
SHRI R. S. MELKOTE Central Water Commission, New Delhi
SHRI A. B. Josrii ( Alternate )
SHRIJ. MENDONCA All India Instrument Mfrs &- Dealers Association
( Bombay Region )
SHRI C. P. Sood ( Alternoie )
SHRI E. K. RAMACHANDRAN National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI K. K. SENCUPTA Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi
SHRI A. K. SEN ( Alternate )
SHRI HASMUKHCl. SHAH Standard Wire Products, Bombay
SHRI C. M. P. SINHA Directorate General of Technical Development,
New’ Delhi
SHRI C. P. Soon All India Instrument Mfrs & Dealers Association
( Delhi Region )
( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copvrignt 1977
This publication is rotected under the Indian Copyright Act (XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in who Pe or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.

IS : 1607 I 197)

( Continuedfrompage1 )
Members &resenting

SHRI K. C. TOSHINWAL All India Instrument Manufacturers & Dealers

Association ( Calcutta Region )
SHRI H. c. VERMA Associated Instrument Mfrs ( India ) Pvt Ltd, New
SHRI A. V. S. R. A. SASTRY ( Alternah )
SHRI D. AJITIU SIMHA, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-o&o Member)
Director ( Civ Engg )
Deputy Director (Civ Engg ), IS1

Sieves Subcommittee, BDC 19 : 1

SHRI P. C. JAIN National Physical Laboratory (CSIR ), New Delhi

DR P. T. Joau (Alternate to
Shri P. C. Jain )
‘SHRI A. K. BHATTACHARYA Geologist Syndicate Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI H. K. GUHA ( Alternate )
DR V. V. SUBBARAO Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi
SHRI M. V. RANGARAO ( Alternat )
SHRI M. N. SONEJA Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR ),

1s:1607- 1977

Pndim Standard

( First Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 28 February 1977, after the draft finalized by the
Sieves, Sieving and Other Sizing Methods Sectional Committee had been
approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 Sieve analysis is one of the quality requirements specified for many raw
materials and finished products and in order to be able to produce
comparable and reproducible results, it is important that uniformity should
be observed in the procedure adopted for sieving. This standard aims at
establishing uniformity by laying down definite instructions regarding the
method of sieving, etc.
0.2.1 The standard was published in 1960. In this revision the proce-
dure with respect to wet sieving has been incorporated. The revision also
lists out the various physical and chemical properties of materials which
should necessarily be taken into account, while specifying the appropriate
sieving method ‘to be selected based on the physical and chemical properties
of the material to be sieved. Further the procedures for test sieving have
been suitably modified to make them more precise.
0.3 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to
international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing
in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field
in this country and this has been met by basing the standard on IS0 : 2591
Test Sieving.

1.1 This standard discusses the main factors affecting test sieving and the
results obtained, and specifies general principles to’be followed concerning
apparatus, procedure and presentation,ofsresults.
2.0 Materials to be test sieved range from very coarse lumps, such as stone
and coal to very fine materials, such as pigments and clay, and vary in

IS t 1607- 1979

their physical and chemical properties. Information about the properties

of a material is helpful in judging its sieving characteristics, and as far as
possible these properties should be ascertained and noted in the test report.
The more important properties affecting sieving have been discussed in
the standard. Because of the considerable variety of the material proper-.
ties encountered, it is not possible to specify a single method of test sieving
which applies to all materials. The sieving method appropriate to a
material should be specified by the user.
2.1 Physical and Chemical Properties
2.1.1 Density - The following kinds of density are important in test
a) Efective particle density - Mass of a particle divided by the volume
of the particle including open and closed pores, and
b) Apparent bulk density- The mass of the charge divided by its
volume at the moment when it is placed on the sieving medium.
NOTE-The effective particle density can affect the duration of sieving, whilst the i
apparent bulk density can influence the quantity of material to be taken for sieving.
2.1.2 Friable Nature - Some materials are liable to size reduction during
sieving due to their friable nature. This property should be taken into
account in the handling of the material during sampling and test sieving.
2.1.3 Abrasive Properties - Some materials, for example, emery powders,
are abrasiva and wear out the sieves and chauge the apertures in the course
of a proloyged sieving operation. It is desirable to ascertain whether or not
the material is abrasive before commencing the test, and to check the
conformity of the apertures of the sieving medium against the permitted
2.1.4 Moisture - The following points are of importance:
a> Surface moisture - Surface moisture is important because it affects
the way a material will flow on a sieve;
b) Internal moisture - If there is a change of internal moisture during
sieving, the masses of the fractions will be affected;
cl Hygroscopic properties - Some materials readily absorb moisture
and cannot safely be allowed to come into equilibrium with the
laboratory atmosphere. In such cases they should be handled
and sieved in such a way as to reduce their contact with the
atmosphere to a minimum; and
4 Changes on dying - It is important to know whether the properties
of a material are changed by any proposed drying process, for
example, whether it is liable to break down or cake.
2.1.5 Particle Shape - The duration and results of sieving can be consi-
derably affected by the shape of the particles.

L..__....I._.._. “__,.._ _...._.______._“_______..
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IS : 1607 - 1977

2.1.6 Size Distribution - The range of particle size of the material is

important in deciding the sieving procedure to be used.

2.1.7 Cohesive Proper0 - The spreading of the particles on the sieving

medium depends on the cohesive nature of the material. This in turn
depends on the inter-particle friction and increases with the fineness of the

2.1.8 Magnetic Properties - Magnetic properties of materials may affect

the results on account of the attractions of the fisirticles with each other
( tending to agglomeration ) and with the sieve ( tending to adhesion ).

2.1.9 Electrostatic Properties - Some powders may become charged with

static electricity during the sieving operation and adhere to the sieve frame,
thereby affecting the results.

2.1 .lO Chemical Reactivity - Certain materials may react with the
atmosphere or with the material of the sieves. This aspect should be
considered in choosing the sieve and in conducting the test.

2.1.11 Production of Material - The source of the material and method of

preparation may provide information on the properties discussed above.
This information should be included in the test report.


3.1 Method of ,Takiag Samples - Precise sampling is a necessary

condition for obtaining accurate results for sieve tests. Therefore, as much
care should be taken with the sampling as with the actual sieving.

3.1.1 The method of sampling used should be such that the sample (see
IS : 5421-1969* ) taken for sieving is truly representative of the material
from which it has been drawn. The most suitable method will depend
both on the material and on the form in which it is presented, for example,-
whether it is in bags, in a heap or flowing as a continuous stream. It is
not possible to specify one method that is apphcable to all materials, and
precise sampling methods should be specified for particular materials and
circumqiances. As a guide methods specified in IS: 4879-1968t may be

3.2 Storage of Samples and Test Samples - Samples and test samples
should be stored in such a way that they are not liable to be contaminated
or affected in any other way.

*Glossary of terms relating to test sieves and test sieving.

tMethod of sub-division of gross sample of powder used for ddterpination of particle
IS : 1607 - 1977

4.1 Test Sieves -Test sieving is carried out with a single test sieve or
with a series of test sieves with different nominal aperture sizes. A lid and
a receiver pan shall be included in both cases where appropriate. The
number of sieves used in the test should be sufficient to give the requisite
information about the material, and to avoid excessive wear or blinding.
Test sieves conforming to IS : 460-1962” should be used.
4.2 Preparation and Maintenance of Test Sieves
4.2.1 Variations in the sieving analysis are likely to occur;if the sieves
arc not properly cleaned and some of the openings are clogged. It is
necessary, therefore, that the sieves be cleaned either by a hard bristle
brush or by a jet of compressed air. The sieves may also be first washed
with a hot soap solution, then rinsed with water and finally dried with
alcohol. The cleaning of the sieves with very dilute hydrochloric acid is
also recommended in the case of sieves having aperture widths 200 pm or
less. Cleaning of the sieve with hydrochloric acid affects the aperture
widths and should be resorted to only when unavoidable. Another
cffcctive method of cleaning the test sieves is by ultrasonics.
4.2.2 The accuracy of the sieving ;;nediurn in the test sieve shall be
verified initially, and subsequently reverified in course of use ( see IS : 460-
1962* ). Factors, such as the frequency of use and type of material
sieved will influence the frequency of the verifications. It is desirable,
therefore, to have a record card for each test sieve. One method of verification is to compare the performance of
the sieve with the performance of a reference sieve, using a sample
material similar to the one for which the test sieve is to be used.
4.3 Accessories - Depending on the material characteristics and the
particle size distribution of the sample to bettested, the following auxiliary
apparatus may be necessary:
a) For dry sieving- A soft brush, for .example, a paint brush, to clean
the underside of the sieving medium from time to time, and
b) For wet sieving -An installation with liquid reservoir, regulating
valve and collecting tank.
4.3.1 For test sieving, sieving aids, such as balls and chains added to the
material is not permissible.
5.1 General Considerations - Test sieving can be carried out by hand
or with the aid of sieve shaker. If sieve shaker is used, it shall be so

*Specification for test sieves (first rezkion ).

IS : 1607 - 1977

constructed and operated that the sieving results conform within agreed
tolerances to those obtained by hand sieving. The reference method shall
always be hand sieving, performed under specified conditions.
5 .l.l The following conditions should be laid down beforehand:
a) Method of sieving - dry, wet or a combination.of both; and
b) Number of sieves to be used and their aperture sizes.
5.1.2 For special cases when only machine test sieving is carried out, the
machine and method of operation shall be stated in the test report.
5.2 Procedure for Hand Sieving
5.2.1 Test sieving by hand should normally be performed on the whole
test sample with slcvcs up to 25 mm aperture siie. Above 25 mm the
particles can be prcsentcd individually by hand to the apertures.
5.2.2 The tc$ sample may be divided into fractions by a preliminary
sieving into the following particle six ranges:
a) larger than 25 mm,
b) 25 to 4 mm,
c) smaller then 4 and up to I mm, and
d) smaller than 1 mm.
5.2.3 The test sieving procedures for materials within these differentxize
ranges are given in 5.7.
5.2.4 The charges should be taken by sub-dividing the fractions obtain-
ed by the preliminary sieving. If, however, the charges do not ensure a
representative sample, the whole fraction in the size range under considera-
tion shall be tested.
5.2.5 If test sieving over more than one of the above size ranges is
required, the individual fractions shall be recorded in mass percentages of
these ranges, and in the final evaluation converted to mass percentages of
the sum of all the fractions collected.
5.2.6 The procedure consists in gently placing the material to be sieved
on the test sieve with a specified nominal aperture size and separating the
material by shaking, tapping or washing into oversize, aud undersize. In
sieving successively with test sieves of different aperture sizes the test sample
is separated into size fractions designated by the aperture sizes of the test
sieves used.
5.2.7 For hand test sieving the fo!lowing procedures are known:
a) Dry sieving - by shaking and tapping (the procedure suitable
for most materials ), and
b) Wet sieving - by washing i for materials which tend to
agglomerate ).
IS : 1607 - 1977

5.2.8 The hand sieving process may be adapted to the sieving charac-
teristics of the sample concerned by choosing from the following
a) The sieving of particles smaller than 1 mm may be facilitated by
starting with the finest test sieve, so that the coarse particles in
the charge may aid the sieving process. As is well. known, the
sieving of fine particles on a fine test sieve can be difficult owing
to the tendency of the apertures to blind. Care shall be taken,
however, to avoid the presence of excessively coarse particles as
these may easily damage the sieve.
b) Extremely fine particles ( such as those encountered in the deter-
mination of the grit content in soot) or particles which charge
themselves with static electricity (for. example, some plastics
powders ), or damp dust which cannot be dispersed, shall be
sieved wet.
5.2.9 The effectiveness of dry test sieving depends on:

a) the duration of sieving,

b) the tapping force,
c) the number of taps per minute ( frequency ),
d) the tapping direction,
e) the amplitude of shaking, and
f ) the inclination of the sieve surface.
5.2.10 The effectiveness of wet test sieving depends on:
a) the duration of sieving,
b) the liquid,
c) the wetting agent used ( if any ),
d) the intensity of the washing action, and
e) the intensity and nature of the movement of the sieve if sieving is
carried out by moving the sieve in the liquid.

5.3 Weighing Precision for the Material to be Sieved - It is

recommended that the masses of the charge and the fractions should be
determined to a precision of at least f 0.1 percent of the mass of the

5.4 Influence of Humidity of the Air-Samples to be dry-sieved,

other than those mentioned in 2.1.4 (c) shall be in a state of equilibrium
with the laboratory atmosphere. The relative humidity in the test environ-
ment shall be between 50 to 70 percent.
IS t 1697 - 1977

5.5 Test Sample and Charge

5.5.1 Test Sample- The recommended quantity of material to be

sieved on a 200 mm round sieve is given for guidance in Table 1..

5.5.1 .l The quantity should be’that indicated for the sieve correspond-
ing to the dominant size fraction of the sample, .providing that the size
distribution does not cause excess volume on any of the sieves in the set as
indicated in Table 1, co1 3. The values given in Table 1 apply equally to single sieves and
tests of sieves, and to hand sieving and machine sieving.

5.5.2 Charge The quantity of material to be placed on the sieve depends


a) the sieve aperture size,

b) the apparent bulk density of the material,
c) the cross-sectional area of the sieve, and
d) the proportion of oversize material ( determined if necessary by
preliminary sieving). The proportion of oversize material shall be such that the

volume retained on the sieve after completion of sieving is not greater than
that recorded in Table 1, co1 3. It may be .necessary, therefore, to sieve
a test sample in two or more charges to avoid exceeding the volume. The
results shall be combined. For obtaining best results, it is always preferable to place

a reduced charge on the coarser aperture sieve to avoid overloading any of
the finer aperture sieves in the set. If any of the important ‘fractions do not contain a sufficient

number of particles to be representative of the bulk material,. then sieving
shall be repeated with further charges until this fraction is sufficient.

5.6 Largest Particle Permitted on a Test Sieve - To avoid damage

to the sieve, the size of.the largest particle in the charge shall not exceed:

10 IV”’ mm

W F the nominal aperture size in mm,

IS I 1607 - 1977


.Nominal Aperture Size Approximate Size of

Largest Particle
25 mm 95 mm
1 l-2 mm 54 mm
4mm 26 mm
Imm 10 mm
250 Pm 3.8 mm
45 pm 1.2 mm

5.7 Methods and Sequences of Operation

5.7.1 Particles Larger Than 25 mm -For particles larger than 25 mm
the test sieve serves essentially as a gauge, to which the particles are
individually presented to one of the apertures. A charge appropriate to the sieve may first be screened by
gentle shaking. The particles remaining on the sieve are then checked
one by one in all positions without applying force. Those that pass are
included in the passing fraction. Those that do not pass become the
5.7.2 Particles 25 to 1 mm - Particles above 4 mm are preferably tested
on each sieve individually and not with a nest. Below 4 mm the sieves
may be nested. Two procedures are permissible:
a) A fresh charge is sieved through each sieve in turn (see Table 1
for recommended sample quantities ), and
b) A fresh charge is used only on the sieve with the largest nominal
aperture size. The material which passes through this sieve is
used as the charge for the test sl*8ve with the next smallest nominal
aperture size, and so on ( this is a similar sieving process to that
with a test sieve nest ).
5.7i2.2 The test sieve, or the test sieve nest ( sieves 4 to 1 mm) is
taken with both hands and moved to and fro horizontally about 120 times
per minute at an amplitude of about 70 mm. If the material is difficult to sieve, especially in the particle
size ra,nge of 4 to 1 mm, the to and fro movement should be interrupted
three times per minute by a circular motion. Dry sieving, wet sieving or a combination of wet and dry, , .
sieving may be employed. 1.


SIZE r----------- h------____T
Recommended Volume Maximum Volume of Resi-
W of Charge due Permitted on the Sieve
at the Completion of

mm cm*
1 600 800
1 000 500
800 400
500 250
58-6 400 200
4 350 150
240 120
Ze8 200 100
l-4 160 80
1 140 70

710 120 60
500 100 50
355 80 40



*When using test sieves of different shapes and sizes, the values should be modified
iMasses of materials can be determined by multiplying the values in co1 2 and 3 by
the apparent bulk density (g/cm* ) of the material to be sieved.

57.3 Parlicles Smaller than 1 mm - Two procedures are permissible as indi-

cated below:
a) Use a test sieve nest with a receiver pan and lid. Place the
charge on the top sieve having the largest aperture size. If
preferred, test sieving can also be performed with individual
sieves one after the other in a manner similar to sieving with q
nest of test sieves, and

._._ -.-- .^.__.. ..___

IS t 1607 - 1977

b) Place the charge on the sieve with the smallest aperture size in
the chosen range. After sieving, place the oversize material on
the next coarser sieve and repeat the process until all the sieves in
the chosen range have been used. This sequence has the
advantage that the coarser particles assist the sieving process on
the finer test sieves. The test sieve, or nest of test sieves, is taken in one hand or if
too heavy, cradled loosely in the crook of the arm and tapped approxi-
mately 120 times per minute with the other hand at an inclination of 10 to
20”, the grasped point having the lower position. After 30 taps, that is
four times per minute, the test sieve is put into the horizontal position,
turned through 90” and given a hard tap by hand against the sieve frame.
A periodical vertical shake may also be given. If particles are difficult to sieve, or when using fine test sieves,
the underside part of the sieving medium may be cleaned gently with a
soft brush ( see 4.3 ) when necessary. The resulting dust is added to the
undersize material.
5.8 Wet Sieving
5.8.1 Materials which become electrostatically charged, or damp-
samples, are best sieved wet to facilitate dispersion of the primary particles.
5.8.2 The liquid shall not affect the particles in any other way. Wetting
agents may be added ( see IS : 528%1969* ).
5.8.3 Liquid should be added slowly, regularly and at a very low
pressure to avoid loss of material and damage to the sieving medium. For
this purpose the accessories listed in 4.3 may be used.
5i8.4 Before wet sieving, the test sample shall be wetted by mixing with
a small quantity of the liquid to avoid loss of dust. The following two procedures are permissible:
4 If the test sample is sufficiently large, a number of individual
samples may be produced by sub-division so that a fresh charge
can be used on each test sieve in the chosen range. At the
completion of the test, the test sieves together with the retained
oversize material are dried at a suitably low temperature.
b) If only a limited quantity of material is available, the test sample
may be washed successively through a nest of sieves with the finest
at ‘the bottom of the nest. The suspension which washes through
the coarser test sieve is placed directly on the next sieve. The
oversize is dried and weighed as described above.

*Liquid sedimentationmethodfor determinationof particle size of powders,


IS t 1607 - 1977

5.9 End-Point
5.9.1 Factors Affecting Sieving Duration - Sieving, like any other separa-
tion process, does not produce an ideal separation. A few particles which
are smaller than the nominal aperture size always rarnailr in the sieve
residue, for example, by stickin g to, larger particles, because they have not
found a free aperture or have only encountered undersize aperture.
Similarly, owing to the presence of oversize apertures, particles which are
larger than the nominal aperture size are to be found in the passing
fraction. Because of these imprccisions, no fxcd time can be determined
-at which the sieving process would be completed. The end-point has to
be based on experience. The sieving time is dependent on:
a) the characteristics of the material, ftir example, fineness, particle
shape, size distribution, and densuy;
b) the volume of the initial charge;
c) the rate of sieving;
d) the nominal aperture size of the test sieve;
e) the characteristics of the sieving medium; and
f) the humidity of the air. Diy Sieving End-Point- For most non-friable materials, the
end-point of the sieving process may be taken when the quantity passing
through the sieve in 1 min is less than U.1 percent of the charge, if no other
instructions are given. For friable materials and certain special cases,
the end-point of the sieving process has to be determined by trial. The
concerned parties shall agree to use a specific sieving time as only in this
way will their results be comparable. Wet Sieviy Etzd- Point -A wet sieving operation is considered
completed when the hquid used flows off practically clear.

5.10 Evaluation of the Results

5.10.1 Single Charge - The fraction quantities retained on the sieves and
the final undersize shall be weighed with a precision of 0.1 percent of the
charge. The sum of these masses must not differ by more than 2 percent
from that of the charge mass. The losses are recorded scparatcly. The
fraction masses shall be converted into percentages of the sum total of the
fraction masses, not of the original mass of charge.
5.10.2 Test Sample 07 ( Fractions According to 5.3 ) Subdivided into Multi/Je
Charges - The results of sieving each charge individually are evaluated as
in 5.10.1. In the final evaluation these fractions shall be converted to
percentages of the sum total of all the fraction masses, not of the original
test sample mass.

IS : 1607 - 1977

5.10.3 Repeatability- At least two analyses are to be carried out: The

corresponding fractions( I: ) should not differ by more than X percent
x = Lr 1/ Pmtn
with a maximum value of 2 percent.
X = the maximum permissible difference between correspond-
ing fraction masses of two analyses of samples of the same
material, expressed as a percentage;
Y = the factor ‘characterizing the precision attainable for
different sieving methods; and
Fmin = is the smaller of the two corresponding fractions, F,
expressed as a mass percentage.
In practice, the factor Y is found to vary according to the method of
sieving and the physical characteristics of the material being sieved. The
following values arc typical:
Method of Sieving Factor T
Dry band sieving < 1 mm 0.5
Dry hand sieving > 1 mm 0.2
Wet hand sieving o-1
5.10.4 Reproducibility - The reproducibility of results, that is permissible
differences ,betwecn two independent analyses shall be that specified in the
relevant Indian Standard or shall be as specified by the interested parties.
6.1 Tabular Presentation -The method of recording results of a test
sieving analysis in a tabular form shall be under the following heads:

4 Material to be sieved and its condition;

b) Method of sampling;
c> Method of sieving;
4 Size and shape of sieve frame;
4 Sieving medium ( plate or woven wire ) ;
.f> Shape of the apertures;
g> Duration of sieving;
l-4 Test sieves, designated by their aperture size in millimetres or in
3 Sieve fractions, in grams and as a percentage of the sum of the
fractions plus the final undersize; and
k) Cumulative oversize, in percent.

tS : 1607- 1997

6.1.1 Useof Only One or Two Sieves - Analyses requiring the use of only
one or two sieves may be presented in the following simplified manner:
a) Using one sieve - The oversizd shall be recorded as a mask
percentage of the sum of the two fractions, oversize and undersize.
b) Using two sieves-They may be used either to determine the
proportions of material coarser and finer than the two sieves, or to
determine the proportion falling between the two limits. The results to be given shall be the oversize on each of the
sieves and the undersize passing the finer sieve, as a percentage of the sum
of the fractions: The proportions shall be recorded as mass percentages:
Particle Sire Mass in Fraction
( Percent of the Sum of the
Masses of the Fractions )
Larger than 2 mm ( oversize ) 5
Between 2 and 1 mm ( oversize ) 75
Smaller than 1 mm (final undersize ) 20

6.2 Graphical Presentation - For the graphical presentation of test

sieving results, two axes at right angles should be used with:
a) on the horizontal axis : the nominal apertures size beginning with
the smallest size
b) on the vertical axis : the cumulati+e percentage of oversize in
values increasing upwards
6.2.1 The results should preferably be plotted on linear co-ordinates or
on linear and logarithmic co-ordinates. Other functional scales may also
be used in special circumstances.
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Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 55 40 21
Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 40 36 27
Kalaikathir Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41
Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 8-28 88 01
Savitri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 8-71 19 96
53/5 Ward No.29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 541137
5-8-56C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 201083
E-52, Chitaranjan Marg, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 37 29 25
117/418 B, Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 68 76
Seth Bhawan, 2nd floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 23 89 23
LUCKNOW 226001
NIT Building, Second Floor, Gokulpat Market, NAGPUR 440010 52 51 71
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 26 23 05
Institution of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 32 36 35
T.C. No. 14/l 421, University P. 0. Palayam, THIRLJVANANTHAPURAM 695034 621 17

*Sales Cffice is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P.O. Princep Street, 271085

: .* a.
tSales Office is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, MUMBAI 400007 30965 28 ,rc
._ ‘I
*Sales Office is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Building, Narashimaraja Square

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