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Wednesday | June 10, 2020

Community panel discusses police

reform, federal examination of Ball case
Council will review CPD use of force policy this month District Attorney
Scott Colom
speaks during
BY YUE STELLA YU The town hall, spearheaded by Dis- the Policing in trict Attorney Scott Colom, featured a Columbus town
panel of public officials and community hall meeting on
With renewed attention leaders, including Colom, Columbus Tuesday at the
on the now widely-known Mayor Robert Smith, Police Chief Fred Columbus Police
Ricky Ball case, commu- Shelton, City Attorney Jeff Turnage and Department
nity leaders and public Lowndes County NAACP President about how his
officials examined Colum- Lavonne Latham Harris and Dispatch staff is reviewing
bus Police Department Publisher Peter Imes. David Horton and the Ricky Ball
protocols and pushed for Jermaine Shanklin, representing the case files and
department policy im- “Justice for Ricky Ball” organization, intends to post
Shelton them on his
provements and further also attended.
website. “The
systemic changes during a town hall The discussion took place weeks af- door to truth
meeting Tuesday night, a livestreamed ter Mississippi Attorney General Lynn is still open,”
event that garnered about 5,700 views on Fitch dropped the manslaughter charge Colom said.
Facebook. See PANEL, 8A Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff

Parents share mixed opinions on road Secretary of

test waiver for new driver’s licenses state: Mississippi
not yet ready
for vote by mail
‘There’s no way in the
world logistically that
we could get there’
by Nov. 3

Mississippi Secre-
tary of State Michael
Watson said Tuesday
his opposition to a
statewide mail-based
voting system is be-
cause he’s not sure
it’s the safest option
for Mississippi — or Watson
if it’s even a legitimate possibility
anytime soon.
Speaking with the Rotary Club of
Columbus via Zoom, the first-term
Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff
Republican recounted a recent con-
A line of people winds around the corner on Tuesday morning outside the Mississippi Highway Patrol District 5 office in
Starkville. The Mississippi Department of Public Safety opened permanent driver’s license stations with limited services versation he had with Kim Wyman,
on Monday. Due to COVID-19, drivers do not have to take road tests to get their licenses, but those under 18 must have an secretary of state for Washington,
affidavit signed by a parent or guardian stating that they practiced for 50 hours. one of five states where elections
Lowndes, Oktibbeha driver’s license offices draw customers from other counties
BY TESS VRBIN site, “certifying 50 hours of supervised thing” in her opinion, and she would

Demetrice Jones of Louisville said

driving time” for the driver to become
licensed. Those 18 or older do not have
to present a driving time affidavit after
prefer that her 16-year-old daughter Ja-
kayla, who is seeking a learner’s permit,
take the road test when the time comes.
James leaving
it was “a load off” her back when her
16-year-old daughter, Dshiya, got her
they pass the written exam.
Sgt. Derrick Beckom, the public af-
“Everyone may not be honest about
their child’s road hours and they can
Lowndes Chamber
driver’s license Tuesday at the license
bureau just east of Starkville.
“She just got a job at McDonald’s in
fairs officer for Mississippi Highway
Safety Patrol Troop G, said this is to
just go in and get their license,” she
said. “I would prefer the road test, but
after almost 4 years
Louisville, and now that she’s got her limit interpersonal contact between we don’t know how long this is going to DISPATCH STAFF REPORT
license, I don’t have to drive her,” said drivers and DPS workers until further go on.”
Jones, who has other children. notice, due to the COVID-19 coronavi- Nelson said she understands the Columbus-L own-
Dshiya did not have to take the road rus pandemic. convenience of a simplified driver’s test des Chamber of Com-
skills assessment portion of the driver’s While Jones is relieved, Tanya Tign- process for parents like Jones whose merce President Lisa
test. For now, candidates for non-com- er of Mantee disagreed and said anyone children need to drive themselves to James will be leaving
mercial driver’s licenses only have to can pass a written test, so the road test and from their jobs. the organization in
pass a written test, according to a Fri- is necessary. Amy Grimes of Houston brought July and moving to
day press release from the state Depart- “My son is 18 and he’s here for his her daughter, Harley, to get her license Texas.
ment of Public Safety. state ID,” Tigner said. “He might pass a Tuesday and said she trusted her not James’ husband, James
Parents or guardians of drivers test, but he’s not ready to drive.” only to drive a car but also heavy ma- Columbus Air Force
ages 16-17 will be required to provide Priscilla Nelson of Columbus said chinery she has been driving for years Base instructor pilot Capt. Joshua
an affidavit, available on the DPS web- the road test waiver is “not the safest See ROAD TEST WAIVER, 8A See JAMES, 3A


1 What is the largest inland body of water in the world? MEETINGS
2 Which actor’s voice introduced the “NBC Nightly June 12:
News with Brian Williams” each evening? Lowndes County
3 In the 1920s, the U.S. military drafted a plan called School District,
“War Plan Red,” which detailed the invasion of which 12:30 p.m.,
country? Central Office
4 Which American designer donated $10 million to the
Smithsonian to help repair the flag that inspired the June 15:
Joseph Portera Lowndes County
“Star-Spangled Banner”?
Fifth grade, Annunciation Board of Super-
5 What term is used to describe the connection

90 Low 62
between machines, often within a household, which visors meeting,
High allows them to interact and work together? 9 a.m., Lowndes
Sun and clouds County Court-
Answers, 8B
Full forecast on house
page 3A. June 16: Colum-
bus City Council,
INSIDE Municipal
Complex, 5 p.m.,
Classifieds 7B Food 4B Sarah Schnaithman lives in Columbus and stream live at
Comics 3B Obituaries 4A is a law student at Ole Miss. Once done
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A with law school, Schnaithman hopes to help CityofColum-
141st Year, No. 77 Dear Abby 3B with immigration and civil rights issues. busMS/


2A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Masks reveal partisan split among lawmakers on coronavirus

‘Public health has become partisan’ reopen the economy faster than
some Democrats.
It’s about more bureaucracy
and more government control,
er then filed legislation to bar
mask requirements statewide
South Carolina state Rep. Kambrell Garvin While there have been bipar- of which the liberal Democrat unless approved by two-thirds
BY DAVID A. LIEB mote voting and the extension of tisan exceptions, mask-wearing thrives on,” Bailey told the AP. of lawmakers. That measure is
The Associated Press divisions among Democrats and When Pennsylvania Repub- pending.
emergency powers for governors
Republicans have been evident lican Rep. Andrew Lewis an- Some trace the partisan di-
who had ordered businesses to
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — during recent legislative ses- nounced through a news release vergence on coronavirus precau-
close and residents to remain
To the issues creating a partisan sions in Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, that he had self-isolated and re- tions to the very top of American
divide in state legislatures across Louisiana, Minnesota, Missis- covered from COVID-19, Dem- politics. Republican President
Lawmakers have become ill sippi, Missouri, North Carolina, ocratic colleagues expressed Donald Trump hasn’t publicly
the U.S., add this one: masks.
from the coronavirus in nearly Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, outrage that his diagnosis had worn masks, not even while an-
Many Democratic lawmakers
are wearing them amid the coro- half the states, with Democrats South Carolina and Tennessee. been kept secret from them for nouncing federal recommenda-
navirus outbreak while many Re- accounting for about two-thirds In Illinois, Republican Rep. a week. Democrats demanded tions that Americans wear face
publicans refuse. of the 40 confirmed COVID-19 Darren Bailey was removed from changes requiring lawmakers coverings in public to help fight
“Public health has become cases, according to an Associat- a convention center functioning to wear masks in the Republi- the spread of the virus.
partisan,” bemoaned South ed Press tally. Three lawmakers as the House floor last month can-controlled legislature, but “I think that when our presi-
Carolina state Rep. Kambrell died of the virus — a Michigan for refusing to wear a mask. His GOP legislative leaders have not dent, from a national standpoint,
Garvin, a Democrat who recent- Democrat in late March and ejection came just moments af- acted on the request. signals that masks aren’t polit-
ly became ill from COVID-19. Republicans in Louisiana and ter the Democratic-led chamber In Ohio, a Democratic propos- ically expedient, then I think
As legislatures around the South Dakota in early April. approved a mask mandate with al to require masks at House ses- that trickles down to the local
country resume work following Partisan divisions appear to support from some Republicans sions and committee meetings and state level,” said Garvin, the
coronavirus suspensions, Demo- have grown since then, particu- in a move Bailey considered “a was defeated on a party-line vote South Carolina Democrat who
crats and Republicans also have larly in the South and Midwest, show.” last month in the Republican-led has worn masks both before and
split over social distancing, re- as some Republicans pushed to “The mask is not about health. chamber. A Republican lawmak- after his coronavirus illness.

Mississippi teacher pay raise plan

dies amid budget concerns
Tuesday was the deadline for House ginning pay and make the
jobs more attractive.
signed House Bill 1, to
provide enough mon-
committees to act on the teacher pay Senate Bill 2001 moved
to the House for more de-
ey to pay the full $1,500
pay raise that teachers
bill, and the plan died bate. The coronavirus
pandemic struck the state
started receiving this
school year. The raise
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ruary to provide a $1,000 in March, knocking peo- was approved during the
pay raise to most teachers ple out of work and dim-
JACKSON — A pro- election-year legislative
and teachers’ assistants ming the state’s budget
posed teacher pay raise during the budget year prospects. Tuesday was session of 2019, but too
has died at the Mississip- that begins July 1. The the deadline for House little money was original-
pi Capitol because of bud- plan would have given committees to act on the ly budgeted because of a
get concerns during the larger raises of $1,100 to teacher pay bill, and the bureaucratic error in how
coronavirus pandemic. teachers in the first two plan died. school districts count cer-
The state Senate years of their careers, in Republican Gov. Tate tain categories of teach-
passed a bill in early Feb- an effort to boost the be- Reeves had already ers

Heat, rain, long lines: Georgia election plagued by problems

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Benaiah Shaw, a 25-year- affected neighborhoods cities including Atlanta.
old African American, as with high concentrations “Too many people died
ATLANTA — Voters he cast a ballot in Atlanta. of people of color. Long for me to have this oppor-
endured heat, pouring A confluence of events lines were also reported in tunity,” said Stephanie
rain and waits as long as disrupted primary elec- whiter suburban areas. Bush, a 49-year-old black
five hours on Tuesday to tions for president, U.S. Some voters said they independent voter in At-
cast ballots in Georgia, Senate and dozens of other requested mail-in ballots lanta. “So for me not to
demonstrating a fierce
contests. There were prob- that never arrived, forcing stick it out would be a dis-
desire to participate in
lems with Georgia’s new them to go to polling plac- honor to them.”
the democratic process
while raising questions voting machines, which es and adding to the lines. Former Vice President
about the emerging bat- combine touchscreens Turnout, meanwhile, may Joe Biden easily won the
tleground state’s ability to with scanned paper bal- be higher than expected state’s Democratic pres-
manage elections in No- lots. The polls were staffed as voters said they were idential primary. He was
vember when the White by fewer workers because determined to exercise facing no real opposition
House is at stake. of coronavirus concerns. their constitutional right but hoped to post a strong
“It’s really dishearten- A reduced workforce con- after the police killing of showing among Georgia’s
ing to see a line like this in tributed to officials con- George Floyd in Minne- diverse electorate to show
an area with predominant- solidating polling places, apolis and the ensuing his strength heading into
ly black residents,” said which disproportionately demonstrations that swept the general election.

Remnants of Cristobal move into Midwest after lashing South

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS leashing downpours and ing and Cristobal was Weather Service said.
bringing gusty winds as expected to intensify lat- Cristobal may produce
more high winds, heavy er in the day as another flash flooding and isolat-
— The remnants of
Tropical Storm Cristobal rain and thunderstorms “energetic” weather sys- ed river flooding, as rain
moved across parts of the were forecast. tem approaches from the continues overnight Tues-
Midwest on Tuesday af- Heavy rain hit Mis- west and begins to inter- day and into Wednesday,
ter lashing the South, un- souri on Tuesday morn- act with it, the National the weather service said.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 3A

SOCSD, facing possible shortfall of $2.1M, braces for budget cuts due to pandemic
Several cost increases including teacher pay have an exact number from the
state as the basis for the budget.
good bit” of funding from the
Mississippi Adequate Educa-
of the possibility
of a resurgence
raises already planned for 2020-21 The board is required to hold a
public hearing at least a week
tion Program because the dis-
trict’s average daily attendance
of the virus in
the fall, Peasant
BY TESS VRBIN the exact appropriation amount before approving the budget, dropped by 61.37 students this said, and the dis- in the state budget later this which is due Aug. 15. year, McGarr said. Each dis- trict will survey
month. State legislators have No matter the amount from trict in the state receives MAEP parents in July to
T h e warned that school districts the state, SOCSD has sever- funding based on ADA multi- determine how Peasant
Starkville-Oktib- al cost increases on the hori- plied by the difference between
might have to dip into their many are com-
beha Consolidat- zon that McGarr listed for the the base cost for one student’s
fund balances to meet all their fortable sending their children
ed School District board. The district plans to education and the amount of
expenses, McGarr said, and to school in person in August
could see a fund- spend an additional $728,000 on that cost the district pays via
SOCSD had a balance of about and how many would prefer to
ing cut of more teacher pay increases planned property taxes.
$12.2 million last year. continue distance learning.
than $2 million on the district’s pay scale. “When you get (all) that on
from the state “There are some funds this “There are people who last
The addition of the Partner- top of the cut to begin with, it’s
as a result of the McGarr year that could be used to pur- week probably would have been
ship School, the new campus for not a pretty picture,” McGarr
COVID-19 coronavirus, district chase some things that are not fine to send their kids to school
grades 6-7 located at Mississip- said.
Chief Financial Officer Tammie ongoing budget items, more like pi State University, will increase Administrators will evaluate and this week might be having
McGarr told the board of trust- one-time purchases that people the district’s utilities expenses the district’s “major needs” on second thoughts because of the
ees at its Tuesday meeting. have requested from their de- by roughly $257,000 and add a case-by-case basis during the numbers (of cases),” Peasant
The “worst-case scenario” partments,” McGarr said. about $50,000 in property and li- budgeting process, she said. said.
for SOCSD is to receive 20 per- She has drafted two possible ability insurance, McGarr said. In other business, Super- The district is consider-
cent less than full funding for 2020-21 budgets, one based on The school is in the final phase intendent Eddie Peasant de- ing a partnership with MSU’s
the 2020-21 school year, Mc- the worst-case scenario and one of construction and is sched- scribed the district’s plan to Starkville-MSU Area Rapid
Garr said. The district received based on an appropriation 6 per- uled to open in August. reopen its buildings for the fall Transit system to transport
9 percent less than full funding cent lower than last year’s, or a The district also expected semester as “fluid,” since con- some students to school in the
last year, and the additional 11 loss of $1,345,000. an overall insurance increase of firmed cases of the COVID-19 fall, since loading school buses
percent would create a loss of The board will discuss the about $200,000 in January, Mc- coronavirus continue to rise in to full capacity would encour-
about $2,145,000. budget in a work session on June Garr said. the county and state. age the spread of COVID-19,
District officials will find out 29, at which point members will Finally, SOCSD will lose “a Administrators are mindful Peasant said.

Continued from Page 1A
are conducted entirely while only 42 percent of ly or are unskilled with during the pandemic and percent response rate — sponse rate could incur.
by mail. Wyman, a fellow Republicans agreed. technology are typically in case of similar events Mississippi will lose $13.5 Thanks to redistricting
member of the GOP, has The secretary of state the reasons for the in- to come. billion over the next 10 based on census repre-
long been a proponent of said he was concerned congruencies. When that It’s one of the many years in federal funding sentation, the state also
the system, which is sig- with fraud when it comes happens, it’s the responsi- changes he expects to see for transportation, health lost a seat in Congress in
nificantly more popular to mail-in voting, even bility of the Secretary of in the election process as care and education. 2010, going from five to
nationwide with Demo- citing ballots tampered State’s office to “call balls a result of COVID-19. “Those are important four representatives.
crats than Republicans. with in favor of GOP Con- and strikes,” Watson said. At precincts, poll work- things to Mississippi, and “That’s directly im-
On the call, Watson gressman Mark Harris in “I don’t mind going ers will be equipped with as you know, we’re a big pacting us,” Watson said.
had one major question North Carolina in a tightly against the grain,” he masks, gloves and — if state for federal dollars “That is our voice in
for Wyman regarding contested 2018 election as said. “When I see some- they want them — face here,” Watson said. “Do Washington, D.C., and we
Mississippi’s voting fu- a reminder that Watson’s thing that’s right or shields. Hand sanitizer I wish it was different? lost one.”
ture: “Could we even get objections aren’t purely wrong, I don’t mind call- will be available, bailiffs Sure. I do. But again, this He encouraged Mis-
there if we wanted to?” political. ing it out. I don’t mind will do their best to space is a constitutional thing, sissippians to fill out their
“Michael, it’s impos- “This is not a partisan negative press; I don’t voters six feet apart, and and we have to contin- census forms by mail
sible,” Wyman told him. bill to me,” he said. “This mind heat coming our paper straws will be dis- ue to count this every 10 or online or by calling
“It took us five years to is a security and integrity way.” tributed for counties, in- years.” the U.S. Census Bureau
implement a vote by mail of elections bill.” One issue that cluding Lowndes County, Watson warned about ahead of the Oct. 31 dead-
system. If you try to do Hand-in-hand with the COVID-19 has brought who use touch-screen vot- other changes a low re- line.
it now by November, it’s issue of fraud, Watson to light is the provision ing.
going to be a catastrophic said, are the voter rolls in granting absentee ballots A bill with “good mo-
failure. Don’t even try it.” individual counties, some to people who are tem- mentum” in the Legisla-
Watson said a state in of which are far from ac- porarily disabled. Law- ture would increase the
which 60 percent of vot- curate. He said cleaning suits in Texas and North current cap on poll man-
ers currently vote by mail up the voter rolls is a bar- Carolina have raised the agers (nine) per precinct,
could likely set up a com- rier to clear before the question: Does fear of which Watson said would
plete system by Election conversation about state- contracting the coronavi- help with the counting of
Day on Nov. 3. In Mis- wide vote by mail can tru- rus count as temporary absentee ballots among
sissippi, just 3.5 percent ly begin. disability? other things.
of ballots are mailed in, Of Mississippi’s 82 Watson said the Mis- Alternatively, Watson
showing the state isn’t counties, Watson said 36 sissippi Legislature will is considering allowing
near ready to set up a uni- reported that more than be fine-tuning its stance absentee ballots to be
versal mail-in voting sys- 90 percent of their vot- on the issue in the months counted at county court-
tem just yet. ing-age populations were leading up to Election houses rather than in pre-
“There’s no way in the registered voters — a Day as he works to main- cincts to lessen the bur-
world logistically that we number too high to be tain an open, safe and fair den on poll workers.
could get there,” Watson believable. In six coun- system. “I just think it’s going
said. ties, that number was “I want it easier to vote, to be a cleaner process,
Watson, who took of- more than 100 percent — but I also have to protect a better process, for elec-
fice Jan. 9, said he had oth- ”clearly impossible,” Wat- the integrity of the elec- tions this year,” he said.
er oppositions to what has son said. (Watson, who tion process,” Watson
become an increasingly is from Pascagoula, said
politically charged issue his home county, Jackson
said. State must step up
during the COVID-19 County, reported a more census response
pandemic. According to typical number of 75 per- What Election Day Currently, 55.9 percent
a POLITICO/Morning cent.) will look like of Mississippi households
Consult poll conducted in He said accuracy in vot- While Watson is more have filled out their 2020
May, 77 percent of voters er registration is “where than hesitant to move to- census forms.
who are registered Dem- it all starts,” pointing out ward a statewide vote by That doesn’t bode well,
ocrats or lean Democratic that county circuit clerks mail system, he said Mis- Watson said.
would support a federal and elections commis- sissippi hopes to expand If the state merely
law requiring states to sioners who either don’t in-person absentee voting matches its numbers from
mail ballots to all voters, take their job serious- at county clerks’ offices the 2010 census — a 61.3

Continued from Page 1A
James, has been assigned this new chapter, Colum- percent retention rate.
to Lackland Air Force bus has been so good to “I think Lisa James is
Base in San Antonio, Tex- us, and I will always re- the best chamber direc-
as, where he will continue member our time here as tor that we’ve had here in
training as an F-16 pilot some of the best years of my 18 years here,” LINK
for the United States Air my life.” CEO Joe Max Higgins
Force’s Air Combat Com- James has served as said in the release. “We’re
mand. president of the chamber going to miss her and her
“It is truly bittersweet,” since August 2016 after family.”
Lisa James said in a press serving as director of pro- A search for James’
release from the Chamber grams and events. During replacement is underway.
and the Golden Triangle her tenure as president, Interested applicants can
Development LINK on James recruited 182 new send their résumés to
Tuesday afternoon. “As members, and the cham- Maggie Wilson at mwil-
excited as we are to begin ber maintained a 90.02

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
Major 5:07a 5:55a
Minor — 12:29a
Major 5:31p 6:17p
Minor 10:24a 11:23a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
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Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
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Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
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4A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

‘He is going to change the world’: Funeral held for Floyd

The funeral capped six days of mourning for George Floyd in three and justice — among them,
Eric Garner, Michael Brown,
man, any man, but most defi-
nitely not a black man sitting on
cities: Raeford, North Carolina, near where he was born; Houston, Ahmaud Arbery and Trayvon
the ground in the hands of bad
police,” said Marcus Brooks,
where he grew up; and Minneapolis, where he died After the service, Floyd’s 47, who set up a tent with oth-
golden casket was taken by er graduates of Jack Yates High
BY JUAN A. LOZANO, NOMA AN weeks after Floyd was pinned “Third Ward, Cuney Homes, hearse to the cemetery in the School, Floyd’s alma mater.
MERCHANT AND ADAM GELLER to the pavement by a white Min- that’s where he was born at,” Houston suburb of Pearland In the past two weeks, amid
The Associated Press neapolis police officer who put a Floyd’s brother, Rodney, told to be entombed next to his the furor over Floyd’s death,
knee on his neck for what pros- mourners at the Fountain of mother, for whom he cried out sweeping and previously un-
HOUSTON — George Floyd ecutors said was 8 minutes and Praise church. “But everybody as he lay dying. A mile from thinkable things have taken
was fondly remembered Tues- 46 seconds. is going to remember him the graveyard, the casket was place: Confederate statues have
day as “Big Floyd” — a father Cellphone video of the en- around the world. He is going transferred to a glass-sided car- been toppled, and many cities
and brother, athlete and neigh- counter, including Floyd’s pleas to change the world.” riage drawn by a pair of white are debating overhauling, dis-
borhood mentor, and now a cat- of “I can’t breathe,” ignited pro- The funeral capped six days horses. A brass band played as mantling or cutting funding for
alyst for change — at a funeral tests and scattered violence of mourning for Floyd in three his casket was taken inside the police departments. Authorities
for the black man whose death across the U.S. and around the cities: Raeford, North Carolina, mausoleum. in some places have barred po-
has sparked a global reckoning world, turning the 46-year-old near where he was born; Hous- Hundreds of people, some lice from using chokeholds or
over police brutality and racial Floyd — a man who in life was ton, where he grew up; and chanting, “Say his name, are otherwise rethinking poli-
prejudice. little known beyond the public Minneapolis, where he died. George Floyd,” gathered along cies on the use of force.
More than 500 mourners housing project where he was The memorials have drawn the the procession route and out- Dozens of Floyd’s family
wearing masks against the raised in Houston’s Third Ward families of other black victims side the cemetery entrance in members, most dressed in
coronavirus packed a Houston — into a worldwide symbol of whose names have become fa- the mid-90s heat. white, took part in the four-hour
church a little more than two injustice. miliar in the debate over race “I don’t want to see any black service.

What is herd immunity and could

it work with COVID-19?
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ly, at least 70 percent of a population to others would be lower if half the
must be immune to achieve herd population is already immune, said
What is herd immunity and immunity. But how long immunity Dr. Walter Orenstein, a vaccine ex-
could it work with COVID-19? lasts varies depending on the virus, pert at Emory University.
Herd immunity is when a virus and it’s not yet known how long The odds of transmission fall
can no longer spread easily be-
COVID-19 survivors might have further if even more of the popula-
cause enough people are immune
to it. That lowers the chances of the that protection. tion is immune. That could cause
virus jumping from person to per- How easily the virus spreads new infections to die out.
son and reaching those who haven’t also plays a key role. But if a virus is more infectious, a
been infected yet. Say, for example, someone who’s higher percentage of people would
People can become immune to infected with a particular virus typi- need to have immunity to stop the
certain viruses after surviving in- cally transmits it to two others. The spread and achieve herd immunity,
fection or being vaccinated. Typical- chances of that person passing it on Orenstein said.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH daughter, Kristi Beard; Saturday, at New Salem at Lavender’s Funeral
OBITUARY POLICY and siblings, Rita F. Sis- Baptist Church. Burial Service. Lavender’s
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
son and Gary L. Beard. will follow in the church Funeral Service of
service times, are provided cemetery. Visitation is Aliceville is in charge of
Beth Freland
Jo Conner
free of charge. Extended from 2-6 p.m. Friday, arrangements.
obituaries with a photograph, COLUMBUS — Sar-

Mary Beth Walden

detailed biographical informa- ah Elizabeth “Beth”
tion and other details families
may wish to include, are avail-
Freland, 74, died June 9, Jo Carolyn Brown Conner “Sis,” age 58, of
able for a fee. Obituaries must 2020, at her residence. Caledonia, MS, passed away June 7, 2020, at her
be submitted through funeral Arrangements are Mrs. Mary Beth Cooper Walden, 74, died residence.
homes unless the deceased’s incomplete and will be Sunday, June 7th, 2020, at her home in Oxford, Graveside services will be Thursday, June 11,
body has been donated to announced by Memori- MS. Her family will hold a memorial service at a 2020, at 2:30 PM at Ross Cemetery in Hamilton,
science. If the deceased’s al Gunter Peel Funeral future date to be determined. MS. Visitation will be Thursday, June 11, 2020,
body was donated to science,
Home and Crematory Born in Columbus, MS to the late Alverne from 12:00 PM until 2:00 PM at Memorial Gunter
the family must provide official
proof of death. Please submit
Second Avenue North Nichols and Frank Cooper, Mary Beth was a Peel Funeral Home & Crematory 716 2nd Ave.
all obituaries on the form pro- location. member of Covenant United Methodist Church North location.
vided by The Commercial Dis- in Columbus, MS, where she maintained a dual Mrs. Conner was born February 14, 1962,
patch. Free notices must be Arnold Rushing residence. She is the widow of the late, Mr. in Amory, MS, to the late John E. and Jo Seely
submitted to the newspaper
COLUMBUS — Ar- Donald Edward Walden. Brown, Jr. She grew up in Hamilton, MS, and
no later than 3 p.m. the day
nold Rushing, 90, died In 1951, Mary Beth moved to Macon, MS, married her husband of 31 years, Dale Conner
prior for publication Tuesday
through Friday; no later than 4 June 9,2020, at Baptist with her family, where she spent a number of her of Caledonia, MS. Mrs. Conner enjoyed bowling,
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Memorial Hospi- grade school years. Her family finally settled in hunting, fishing, gardening, video games, card &
edition; and no later than 7:30 tal-Golden Triangle. Oxford, MS, in 1961, and she graduated from dice games, and spending time with family. She
a.m. for the Monday edition. Arrangements are Oxford High School in 1964. Mary Beth received was one of the most sweet and selfless people and
Incomplete notices must be re- incomplete and will be a bachelor’s degree in Business Education and was known as “Mom” to so many, she was loved
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. a master’s degree in Library Science from the
announced by Lown- by so many more. She loved spending time with
for the Monday through Friday
des Funeral Home of University of Mississippi. While pursuing her her grand dogs Ash, PupPup, Trampy, Dancer,
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Columbus. master’s, she worked full time, mothered two and Spock.
the next day Monday through small children, and supported her husband as he In addition to her parents, she was preceded in
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Joe Sterling finished pharmacy school. Mary Beth began her death by her grandparents, Ruby May Brown and
p.m. for Sunday and Monday
ALICEVILLE, Ala. teaching career at Fifth Street School in West John E. Brown, and Irene Seely and Curtis Seely;
publication. For more informa-
— Joe Lester Sterling, Point, MS, in the 1970s, but she spent the bulk her favorite aunt, Reba Conn; and her many dogs
tion, call 662-328-2471. of her professional life in Columbus, MS as a
72, died at his resi- Mickey, King, Piper and Demon.
dence. member of the Heritage Academy faculty. Mary In addition to her husband, survivors include
Dennis Beard A home going cele- Beth wore many hats at Heritage, but her favorite her daughter, Amber Conner (Nikki Hawkins);
COLUMBUS — bration will be at 1 p.m. was successively playing senior sponsor to each son, Austin Conner (Shea Lucas); son, Avery
Dennis Michael “Mike” graduating class. She was intensely proud of Miller (Shelly Miller); brother, John Brown, III;
Beard, 69, her students and cherished the lifelong friends sister, Ginger Fishel (late Todd Fishel); sister,
died June found among her teaching colleagues and school Marylin Hanna (Marty Hanna); brother, Roman
8, 2020, parents. Brown (Kim Brown); honorary children, niece
at Trinity Mary Beth was a successful business owner, Heather Brewer, Patrick & Courtney Quillen,
Health partnering with her husband to build a thriving Eric & Amy Edwards, Deianira Wright, Nick
Care Cen- pharmacy that serviced her community for Kolbert, Lance & Lillian Lejeune, Seth Lejeune,
ter. decades. She was passionate about accounting Micah & Chrissy Hayward, Danielle Shelton,
Services instruction, literature, learning, her library, and Preston Gibson, Nicole “Nikki” Hawkins,
will be Beard her “grands.” Her laugh was infectious, and her Michael & Ashley Tedford, Tucker Beasley,
at noon dear sister Elsie could get Mary Beth tickled like Brice Winter, nephew Johnathan Brown
Thursday, at Dowdle no other. In her free time, Mary Beth enjoyed (Makayla Petty), Lauren Hendrix, Johnathan
Funeral Home. Burial playing the piano, sewing, cooking, and reading. Taylor, Chris Neal, Lee & Candace Loper, Lee
will follow in Springhill She loved Ole Miss baseball, a good margarita, Howard, Kim Rhoades, and Les Nerren; and
Cemetery. Visitation and movie nights with her sweet friend. honorary grandchildren, E. J. Edwards, Symone
will be one hour prior Jo Connor Mrs. Walden is survived by two daughters, Kimbrel, Eli Edwards, Emma Lejeune, Bradley,
to services. Dowdle Fu- Visitation: Erika Walden and her partner, Lawton Gafford, Sarah Grace, & Kensley Brewer, and Mandolynn
neral Home of Millport Thursday, June 11 • 12-2 PM of Water Valley, MS, and Shanda Walden Sloan Miller, many nieces, nephews, great nieces &
Memorial Gunter Peel
is in charge of arrange- Graveside Services: and her husband, Bill, of Fayetteville, AR; one nephews, dear friends & family from bowling,
ments. Thursday, June 11 • 2:30 PM sister, Elsie Cooper Dixon of Oxford, MS; two and best friend Pamela Nerren and many others.
Ross Cemetery
Mr. Beard was born Burial
grandchildren, Walden Sloan and Gable Sloan; Pallbearers will be Lance Lejeune, Avery
July 8, 1950, to the late Ross Cemetery two nieces, Mary Martha Henson and Laura Miller, Micah Hayward, Nick Kolbet, Johnathan
Manuel Morris Beard 2nd Ave. North Location Ann Walker; one nephew, Cooper Dixon, three Brown and Patrick Quillen.
and Mary Willette grandnieces, Sadie Walker, Amory Walker, and Honorary pallbearers will be Brice Winter,
Beard. He was a veter- Dorothy Hodges Collyns Dixon; and two grandnephews, Ethan John Brown, III, Roman Brown, Linda Barham,
an of the U.S. Army and 2nd Ave. North Location
Walker and Campbell Dixon. Countless dear Les Nerren, Pamela Nerren, PupPup Conner,
was formerly employed friends and cherished loved ones in Oxford, MS, Ash Conner, Spock Conner and Eric Edwards.
as a computer techni- Beth Freland and Columbus, MS mourn her loss. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s
cian. Incomplete In lieu of flowers, Mrs. Walden and her family Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
2nd Ave. North Location
In addition to his ask that friends consider memorial contributions TN, 38105.
parents, he was preced- to The Palmer Home for Children, palmerhome.
ed in death by a baby org, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, BCRF.
sister. org, or filling a backpack with school supplies and
He is survived by his donating them to your local elementary school.
For additional information or to leave an
online condolence, please call 662-234-7971 or Sign the online guest book at
visit 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
Paid Obituary - Waller Funeral Home
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 5A

A look at Democrats’ sweeping Are You Ready

proposals to overhaul policing to Discuss Your
Long Term
Package limits legal protections for police, creates qualified immunity has long been a
way to protect police from unneces- Care Options?
a national database of excessive-force encounters sary lawsuits and to give them the
freedom to police without fear of Are you struggling to provide care for a loved one?
and bans police choke holds, among other changes unnecessary retribution. Are you concerned about long term care costs?
The bill would amend federal Do you have questions about how to protect your
BY COLLEEN LONG misconduct statutes to make it easi-
AND MICHAEL BALSAMO Changing federal civil rights law er for courts to find officers person-
assets if you need long term care?
Are you confused by Medicare and Medicaid
The Associated Press Under the proposal, the federal
civil rights law that governs police ally liable for the violation of civil and their requirements?
misconduct would no longer re- rights. The move could have ma- At Dunn & Hemphill, we can help you answer these and many
WASHINGTON — Democrats
quire prosecutors to prove that an jor consequences for officers who other difficult questions by creating a plan tailored to fit you and
in Congress are proposing an over-
officer’s actions were willful, a high would think twice before abusing your family’s needs. Contact us at (662) 327-4211 (ext.#0)
haul of police procedures and ac-
burden of proof. The law would their power, but it could also make to discuss your long term care planning goals.
countability after the mass protests
it more difficult to recruit police
over the deaths of black Americans
at the hand of law enforcement.
allow an officer to be charged for
acting with reckless disregard for nationwide. It could also potential-
ly lead to officers being held finan-
Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
The Justice in Policing Act is someone’s life, causing that per- 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi
son’s death. cially liable, too. Cities often bear 662.327.4211 |
among the most ambitious law en-
Under the current law, it is feder- the brunt of misconduct claims.
forcement reforms from Congress Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
al crime to willfully deprive some- In a 10-year period in New York,
in years and confronts several as- W. David Dunn | Christopher D. Hemphill
one of their civil rights under the for example, the city paid out near-
pects of policing that have come Mention this ad when you call to get a free 30 minute
color of authority, but the officer ly $1 billion to settle claims made
under strong criticism, especially Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
as more and more police violence also must have known what they against police. *Background information available upon request.

© The Dispatch
is captured on cellphone video and were doing was wrong and against Providing Our Clients Expertise With
shared across the nation and the the law and decided to do it anyway. Independent and transparent Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
world. To prove that crime, prosecutors A long-held grievance has been
The package limits legal pro- would need to convince a jury that that prosecutors and police have
tections for police, creates a na- the force used was more than what too cozy a relationship and can’t
tional database of excessive-force would be reasonably necessary to separate that out when misconduct
encounters and bans police choke arrest or subdue a suspect, mean- is an issue. It is part of the investi-
holds, among other changes. The ing convincing jurors that in the gation now into the shooting death
changes, if enacted, would have middle of an arrest the officer made of Ahmaud Arbery in coastal Geor-
massive implications on policing in a clear and willful decision to cause gia. The father and son accused of
the U.S. someone’s death. killing Arbery had a long history
It’s not clear whether the legisla- That was a burden of proof that with the local district attorney, the
tion will pass, especially in an elec- prosecutors said they couldn’t meet father having worked for the DA as
tion year and amid calls to “defund in the case of Eric Garner when an investigator for 20 years. The
the police” and growing protests. they declined to bring charges case is now being investigated by
President Donald Trump has tried against Officer Daniel Pantaleo last a separate district attorney. Some
to set himself up as a “law and or- year. states have created a special prose-
der” leader and has criticized the cutor to investigate all misconduct
package, claiming Democrats have Qualified immunity claims against local police. The bill
“gone CRAZY.” Police officers are generally not provides a grant program for state
A few things to know about the held personally liable for anything attorneys general to conduct inde-
bill and how it could make a differ- that happens on the job, including pendent investigations into prob-
ence: when someone dies. The concept of lematic police departments.

Video evidence increasingly disproves police narratives

Police departments deny lying but officers accountable and
a public that has given
usually does after major
events. He said he knew
acknowledge sometimes making police the benefit of the
the arrest was on body
camera video but that he
mistakes when releasing information Floyd died after a
white officer put his knee
would not be able to re-
view it for several hours.
in fast-moving, complicated situations on his neck, even after Instead, he released the
Floyd stopped moving. initial description after
BY RYAN J. FOLEY barrassing agencies that Cellphone video showed being briefed by super-
The Associated Press made misleading or in- him pleading for air as visors, whom he learned
complete statements that other officers stood by later were also not at the
Minneapolis police ini- painted their actions in a and bystanders urged the scene.
tially told the public that far more favorable light. police to help him. The department real-
George Floyd died after a Police departments The department’s ini- ized the statement was
“medical incident during deny lying but acknowl- tial news release claimed inaccurate hours later
a police interaction.” The edge sometimes making that Floyd “appeared to when the bystander video
Buffalo, New York, de- mistakes when releasing be suffering medical dis- surfaced, and immediate-
partment said a protester information in fast-mov- tress” after he resisted ar- ly requested an FBI inves-
“tripped and fell.” Phil- ing, complicated situa- rest and was handcuffed. tigation, he said. By then,
adelphia police alleged tions. The videos, they The death set off nation- the state Bureau of Crim-
that a college student who say, do not always capture wide protests against po- inal Apprehension had
suffered a serious head officers’ perspectives. lice brutality and racial taken over the investiga-
wound had assaulted an Defense lawyers say injustice. tion of Floyd’s death, and
officer. the inaccurate statements Minneapolis police Elder said he was unable
All three claims were are encouraged by a cul- spokesman John Elder to send out a corrected
quickly disproved by vid- ture of silence in which said Tuesday that he statement.
eos seen widely on the officers protect misbehav- missed initial notifica- “I will never lie to cov-
internet and television, ing colleagues, a court tions about Floyd and did er up the actions of some-
fueling mistrust and em- system that rarely holds not visit the scene, as he body else,” Elder said.

Facing electoral headwinds, Trump brings back his 2016 team

‘He can’t win on nostalgia. It’s not The president in re-
cent days has signed off
demic to the mass protests
that have swept across the
the same race. This is not going to be on hiring a number of his
2016 veterans for his 2020
“It’s fantastic to have
about slogans or themes ...’ campaign, a reenlistment the 2016 group back to-
Political advisor Sam Nunberg of loyalists that follows the gether, but the facts are
return of other members the facts. He barely won
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE consin!) in the Republi- of his original team to the and he has done nothing
The Associated Press can’s column. West Wing. A creature of at all to grow out his sup-
And at other times, habit who demands loyal- port,” said Sam Nunberg,
NEW YORK — As any- in private calls from the ty and trusts few, Trump who advised Trump early
one who has ever heard White House residence, has moved to recreate the in his first campaign.
him speak knows, Presi- he reminisces about the magic of his original team “He can’t win on nostal-
dent Donald Trump loves camaraderie of those days, five months before he fac- gia. It’s not the same race.
to relive 2016. turning nostalgic as he re- es voters again. This is not going to be
He recycles old attack members being surround- But 2020 is not 2016. about slogans or themes,
lines once aimed at Hillary ed by a rag-tag team of And Trump’s advisers are it’s going to be about what
Clinton. He recounts the campaign staffers as his increasingly worried about you did for me and why I
drama of election night, private plane flew from one the state of the campaign should reelect you based
complete with imperson- distant city to another. as the president faces on your record,” said Nun-
ations of stunned news Now, Trump is getting multiple crises, from the berg, an informal adviser
anchors putting state after the band back together health and economic fall- who will not be rejoining
state (Pennsylvania! Wis- again. out of the coronavirus pan- the campaign.

Officials back off removing temporary fencing at White House

BY ELLEN KNICKMEYER Service spokeswoman Ka- fence last week to block Members of the park
The Associated Press tie Liming says only that demonstrators from La- service’s U.S. Park Po-
her agency is in “continu- fayette Square outside the lice and other security
The Trump administra-
ing discussions” with the White House. That was as forces lobbed chemical
tion appears to be retreat-
ing from its commitment Secret Service about what massive crowds rallied in agents and punched and
to quickly remove most of Liming called the tem- Washington and around clubbed demonstrators
a new fence blocking dem- porary security fencing the country to protest the and journalists in clearing
onstrators and other mem- at the front of the White killing of George Floyd in Lafayette Square near the
bers of the public from in House. police custody, and other White House on June 1,
front of the White House. Officials abruptly erect- deaths of African Ameri- just before crews raised
Instead, National Park ed the high, black metal cans at the hands of police. the new fence.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

A spirit of malaise in Columbus
n July 15, On Sunday, the every bit as large as the one grassroots group “Justice For and Mayor Smith about the
1979, Presi- Columbus march in Starkville might have been Ricky Ball.” monument. Both said they
dent Jimmy drew only a fraction expected. David Horton II and Jer- had known about the curious
Carter addressed of that turnout - I honestly don’t know the maine Shanklin made cases for optical feature for years. I was
the nation at a time perhaps 300 people answer for that, but like Carter overhauling the police depart- surprised, though, that neither
when the country - even though police 40 years ago, I wonder if the ment’s standard operating seemed particularly upset
was reeling from brutality in Colum- city of Columbus is suffering procedures and encouraged about it.
an energy crisis, a bus “had a face,” from its own form of malaise. city leaders to get behind the Their attitude seemed to be,
prolonged econom- that of Ricky Ball, Have our citizens, black and effort to replace the current “You just have to shake your
ic downturn that who was shot and white alike, grown comfortable state flag, which is adorned head. It’s just the way things
caused deep divi- killed by a Colum- in the status quo? Or have they with Confederate imagery. are.”
sions in the nation. bus police officer in simply lost hope? They also called for some- I am certainly not question-
Carter expressed Slim Smith 2015. When state If so, what can be done thing that, to my knowledge, ing how Brooks or Smith feel
concern that Amer- attorney general to stir the consciences of all no one has ever demanded — about racial injustice, but I do
ican democracy Lynn Fitch dropped those thousands of Columbus the removal of the Confederate wonder about their lack of fire.
was threatened by a “crisis of the charge against the officer, residents who seem perfectly monument located at the Lown- Perhaps their attitude
confidence” in which cynicism Canyon Boykin, on May 28, content in what should be des County Courthouse. toward the Confederate
toward government had eroded most citizens were shocked considered, “the winter of our There are 67 such monu- monument is a reflection of a
faith in the American way of and many were outraged. discontent,” as Shakespeare ments scattered throughout city-wide malaise, an attitude
life. A spirit of “malaise” had Given the heightened emo- called it. the state and while the mon- of “that’s just the way things
fallen over the country, he tions the Ball case represents, We may have seen an an- ument on the campus at Ole are around here.”
believed. it’s hard to understand the dis- swer during Tuesday evening’s Miss is perhaps the most It seemed clear to me that if
I thought about that ad- parity in the two communities’ virtual Town Hall meeting at notorious, the Lowndes County our city is going to escape that
dress, now known as “The reactions, if such a thing can the Municipal Complex, which monument has an infamy all its defeatist attitude, the torch will
Malaise Speech,” as I con- be judged by how many people featured a panel including own. be carried by a new generation
sidered the weekend events turned out to voice their anger, Columbus Police Chief Fred I was alerted to this odd fea- of Columbus citizens, people
in Starkville and Columbus, grief and determination to fight Shelton, Mayor Robert Smith, ture of the monument six years like Horton and Shanklin, who
where marches were held to against racial injustice. Dispatch Publisher Peter Imes, ago. Someone told me that are not content to accept the
protest racial injustice and po- It’s not that the 300 or so Lowndes County NAACP Pres- when viewed from the east, the status quo.
lice brutality directed toward people who participated in the ident Lavonne Latham Harris soldier at the top of the mon- Things can change, they
black people. Columbus march showed any and District Attorney Scott ument looked as though he is say. Some things must change,
On Saturday, the Starkville deficit of spirit. It’s just that Colom. wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood. they say.
march drew a crowd that there were so few of them. The panel discussed crime I had to see that for myself, of We look to our young people
rivaled that of the protest in There may have been 50 or 60 and policing and, of course, the course. The similarity was un- to lead the way and to shake
the state’s largest city, Jackson. white citizens in the crowd, Ricky Ball case. deniable, so I decided to write the rest of us out of our con-
Conservative estimates place which suggests some substan- But the most compelling a column about it. tented slumber.
the number at 2,000 or more. tial degree of indifference. But speakers were a couple of black Naturally, I asked two of our Slim Smith is a columnist
About a quarter of that crowd, the same could be said of the men in their 20s, neither of most prominent black elected and feature writer for The
if not more, were white citi- black community, too. Given them household names, who officials — Lowndes Coun- Dispatch. His email address is
zens. the circumstances, a crowd spoke as representatives of the ty supervisor Leroy Brooks

Why the flag must go now
This Sunday several faith
and community leaders in
Columbus hosted the Jesus
and Justice Rally, a beautifully
diverse moment of prayer and
reflection in light of the recent
police killings of George Floyd
in Minneapolis and Ricky Ball,
shot and killed by CPD officer
Canyon Boykin in 2015.
The countless loses, the
unaccountable police depart-
ments that cover them up and
the failed justice system that,
at best, indicts only to later
dismiss those responsible for
the killing has forced our feet
back to the streets — march-
ing, and this past Sunday, pray-
ing for justice and unity.
However, as beautiful as the
moment was, many could not STATE OF THE NATION
help but feel painfully distract-
ed by the hideous backdrop
of the current Mississippi
state flag and the confederate
The left’s coming war on cops
memorial flanking the stage ewly painted in huge change in attitudes toward debated on the Hill, Republicans will large-
outside the courthouse. yellow letters on 16th police, with not a few coming ly stand with the police and Attorney Gen-
While some still see these Street, just north of the to share the hard left’s hatred. eral William Barr, who said Sunday that
as necessary in preserving White House, is the slogan: While the criminal elements while there is racism in America, there is
the history of our state, for “Defund the Police.” burned cop cars and showered no “systemic racism” in the nation’s police
many it represents a painful That new message sits be- police with bottles, rocks and departments.
and traumatic legacy. A time side the “Black Lives Matter” bricks, even “peaceful protest- If there were, it would be an indictment
where black lives only mat- slogan, also in huge letters, ers” were calling the police of the Democrats, who have run most of
tered to the extent that they painted there at the direction fascists and racists. our great cities for decades.
were a commodity. A place in of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. Two decades ago, the NYPD As it rises in prominence, the issue of
our shared history where it She renamed that section were celebrated “first re- defunding police will divide the Democrat-
was common for black bodies of 16th Street “Black Lives sponders” who ran toward the ic Party more than the GOP.
to swing from trees, sparking Matter Plaza.” Patrick Buchanan collapsing twin towers, many For while the hard left sees cops in
the same horror we all expe- Still, the messages are less never to come back. Funerals of ideological and class terms as racist and
rienced watching a policeman ominous than the chants of the cop heroes were televised. fascist, the right, by and large, sees the
take the life of a man, a father protesters in New York after the takedown Those days are gone. police as the last line of defense again the
with an 8-minute knee to that resulted in the death of Eric Garner. Indeed, after two weeks of seeing police anarchy we saw erupt when there were
the neck. A dark time in our Protesters then chanted of the NYPD: decried on nightly TV as racist oppressors not enough cops in New York and D.C. to
history that only holds pride “What do we want? Dead cops. When do of African Americans, cops must realize control the mobs looting Fifth Avenue and
for those refusing to face the we want it? Now!” that they are reviled and detested by some Georgetown.
FULL history. While this sudden campaign to defund of the countrymen they have sworn to And this, too, is likely to become a
So like Bishop Scott Volland and dismantle city police forces seems an protect. forever war in America. For it is almost
and countless others across absurdity, it is actually part of a thought- What will happen now is predictable, as inevitable that we are going to see more
our county and state, we are out radical program that has gained mo- it has happened before. violent collisions between white cops and
appealing to the Lowndes mentum since the sadistic public execution To pander to the militants on the left, black suspects, collisions that result in
County Board of Supervisors, of George Floyd in Minneapolis two weeks liberal politicians will devise new restric- deaths.
insisting that you not only ago. tions on cops and more severe punish- For every large urban police force has
remove the confederate statue Consider. On Sunday, nine members ments for infractions, treating the police as daily encounters with black male crim-
but the insidious Mississippi of the city council, a veto-proof majority, potential threats to civil and constitutional inals, who commit a disproportionate
State flag that hangs at our voted to disband the Minneapolis police rights. number of violent crimes. Some will end
county courthouse as well. department. Asked if he would support The “Ferguson Effect” will take hold. with dead cops, and the others with dead
The people are tired of this the council decision, Mayor Jacob Frey Cops will back off from confronting the criminals.
painful reminder of our trou- hedged, “I do not support the full abolition lawless and violent. Criminals will see an President Donald Trump has taken his
bled past. We feel that it is not of the police.” opening to seize opportunities. The urban stand with the police.
possible to truly move forward As the crowd jeered and booed, the poor who look to the police as their only It is Joe Biden who has the problem. For
in making policy and proce- mayor walked away alone. protection will stay inside and lock their while Democratic mayors are unlikely to
dural changes that represent The idea of defunding police depart- doors. And small businesses, realizing the join a campaign to abolish their police forc-
and protect all citizens in this ments has caught fire, and liberal politi- cops may not be there, will sell and move es, Biden is going to have to tell his Bernie
state and county without first cians are scrambling to get in front of their out. Bro and socialist constituents that their
shedding ourselves of these radical constituents. Los Angeles Mayor Where is this leading? ideas for getting rid of police departments
warped symbols of a dead Eric Garcetti has announced that he will According to former New York City Po- are ridiculous.
South. reallocate up to $150 million from the lice Commissioner Bernie Kerik, not only Monday, Joe made a start. He said that
So what will be the legacy LAPD budget to social programs. did New York law enforcement officers defunding cops is off the table.
of this board? Which side of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says he suffer many injuries in the riots, hundreds Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally
history will you be on? will be transferring $1 billion: “We will be of cops, seeing how they are regarded and syndicated columnist, was a senior advisor
Lavonne L. Harris moving funding from the NYPD to youth were treated by many whom they protect, to presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford
NA ACP Lowndes County initiatives and social services.” are preparing to leave the NYPD. and Ronald Reagan. His website is http://
President In two weeks, there has been a sea As the Democrats’ “police reform” bill is
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 7A

Senate confirms first black

service chief in unanimous vote
Gen. Charles Brown Jr. most recently served as He has served in a variety of po-
sitions at the squadron and wing
the commander of U.S. Pacific Air Forces levels, and commanded a fighter
squadron and two fighter wings. He
BY LAURIE KELLMAN Floyd’s funeral in Houston. also was an F-16 instructor at the
The Associated Press Brown most recently served as U.S. Air Force Weapons School.
the commander of U.S. Pacific Air The military, with African
WASHINGTON — The Sen- Forces. He is a fighter pilot, with Americans making up a little over
ate on Tuesday unanimously con- more than 2,900 flying hours, in- 17 percent of its active-duty ranks,
firmed Gen. Charles Brown Jr. as
cluding 130 in combat. is more racially diverse than the
chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force,
He posted a video on social me- country, which is 13 percent Afri-
making him the first black officer
dia Friday describing a lifetime can American, according to 2019
to lead one of the nation’s military
of dealing with racial bias and the Census estimates. The Army is the
Vice President Mike Pence took struggle to fit in to a predominantly most diverse with more than 21 per-
the unusual step of presiding over white society. cent African Americans, while the
the vote, something he usually does “I’m thinking about my Air Force Marine Corp is the least, with 10
to break ties. But Brown’s confir- career where I was often the only percent. Blacks make up about 17
mation, 98-0, was not close. Pence African American in my squadron percent of the Navy and less than
called the moment “historic.” or, as a senior officer, the only Afri- 15 percent of the Air Force.
The vote came as the Trump ad- can American in the room,” he said But there is a much greater ra-
ministration and the mostly white in a raw tone. “I’m thinking about cial divide within the active-duty
Senate Republican conference wearing the same flight suit with military based on rank.
grapple with the aftermath of the the same wings on my chest as my Nineteen percent of active-duty
killing of George Floyd in police peers and being questioned by an- enlisted troops are black, but they
custody in Minneapolis. Protests other military member: ‘Are you a make up only 9 percent of the offi-
have convulsed the nation along- pilot?’” cer corps. Of those, there are just
side the coronavirus pandemic, Brown was commissioned in 71 who are general or flag officers,
with racial discrimination being the 1984 as a distinguished graduate of wearing one to four stars, including
common thread between them. The the ROTC program at Texas Tech only two who have attained the top
vote in Washington overlapped with University. four-star rank.

Movie theaters, shuttered for months, plan July reopening

The National Association of Theater Warner Bros. didn’t
comment late Tuesday,
state guidelines allowed
the reopening of theaters
Owners expects some 90-95 percent and the most recent trail-
er for “Tenet” was nota-
in California (including
in the country’s top mar-
of cinemas around the world will be bly vague on its release
date. But theater owners
ket, Los Angeles, where
local officials have yet to
opened by mid-July are cautiously optimis- agree). In New York City,
tic that “Tenet” will hold open cinemas come in
BY JAKE COYLE tors, expects some 90- where it is. Aron said that phase four of its reopen-
AP Film Writer 95 percent of cinemas AMC’s conversations as ing schedule; it began
around the world will be recent as Monday with phase one only on Mon-
NEW YORK — After opened by mid-July. Warner Bros. and Disney, day. Aron granted New
three months of near total A lot is still “fluid,” as which has “Mulan” slated York theaters, which con-
blackout of cinemas na- AMC Entertainment’s for July 24, have been re- stitute the second largest
tionwide, movie theaters chief executive, Adam assuring. market, may not open in
are preparing to reopen Aron, said in a call Tues- The larger question time for “Tenet.”
— even if it means only a day with investors. But might be whether movie- Theaters have slowly
few titles on the marquee provided flare ups of the goers feel safe returning been reopening in oth-
and showings limited to coronavirus don’t unmake to theaters. Health offi- er areas of the country,
as little as 25 percent ca- plans, the industry is cials have warned that while a renaissance of
pacity. gearing up for a dramatic large indoor gatherings drive-ins has flourished.
AMC Theaters, the resumption of widespread are risky. Broadway the- Cinemark, which oper-
world’s largest theater business just in time for aters will remain dark ates about 6,000 U.S.
operator, said Tuesday Christopher Nolan’s “Ten- through at least early screens has said it will
that it expects to have 97- et.” The Warner Bros. September. It will be up to begin reopening in late
98 percent of its theaters thriller, the latest from movie theater operators June and fully reopen by
worldwide reopened by arguably Hollywood’s to convince moviegoers July 10. Cineworld, which
mid-July. The National most passionate defender that it’s safe to once again owns Regal Cinemas, the
Association of Theater of the big-screen experi- sit in the dark among world’s second-largest
Owners, the trade group ence, is slated for release strangers. chain, is also tracking for
that represents exhibi- July 17. Only recently have a July reopening.

Feds seek $225M fine for pair who made a billion robocalls
FCC: Telemarketers faked the number their calls phone network “became
displayed in caller ID with intent to deceive consumers; The fine is not a fi-
nal decision. Spiller and
purposefully called people who are on the Do Not Call list Mears will have a chance
to respond.
BY TALI ARBEL Telecom, in federal court months in early 2019, the As robocalls became
AP Technology Writer in Texas, where both men FCC said, these telemar- a pressing issue for con-
live, for violating the fed- keters faked the number sumers, both as an an-
The U.S. commu- eral law governing tele- their calls displayed in noyance and as a vehicle
nications regulator on marketing, the Telephone caller ID with intent to for fraud, the FCC has
Tuesday proposed a $225 Consumer Protection Act. deceive consumers; pur- pushed carriers to do
million fine, its largest The FCC said the rob- posefully called people more to stop them. A
ever, against two health ocalls offered plans from who are on the Do Not new law beefs up enforce-
insurance telemarketers major insurers like Aetna Call list; and called peo- ment and mandates that
for spamming people with and UnitedHealth with ple’s mobile phones with- the phone industry not
1 billion robocalls using an automated message. If out getting permission charge for call-blocking
fake phone numbers. consumers pressed a but- first. tools and put in place a
The Federal Commu- ton for more information, Consumers weren’t the system designed to weed
nications Commission however, they were trans- only ones bothered. The out “spoofed” calls made
said John Spiller and Ja- ferred to a call center that telemarketers faked their using fake numbers.
kob Mears made the calls sold plans not connected calls to make them ap- Reached by phone
through two businesses. to those companies. The pear they came from oth- at the number listed for
State attorneys general of FCC said the Missouri at- er companies, which then JSquared, Spiller de-
Arkansas, Indiana, Mich- torney general sued Ris- received angry calls and clined to comment. He de-
igan, Missouri, North ing Eagle’s largest client, were named in lawsuits clined to provide contact
Carolina, Ohio and Tex- Health Advisors of Amer- from consumers. The information for Mears
as also sued the two men ica, for telemarketing vio- FCC didn’t name these and said neither would
and their companies, Ris- lations last year. companies, but said one speak before talking to an
ing Eagle and JSquared Over more than four got so many calls that its attorney.

‘Cops,’ on air for 33 seasons, dropped by Paramount Network

Show was pulled temporarily from the pulled
The show had been ing messages.
temporarily from The reality show, with
air in May, when protests aimed at the air in late May, when its widely known reggae
protests aimed at police theme song “Bad Boys,”
police over the death of George Floyd over the death of George allowed viewers to ride
Floyd began to gain mo- along with police officers
began to gain momentum mentum. That move was on patrol in various cities.
made permanent Tues- It ran on the Fox
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the world. day. network for 25 years
“Cops is not on the Par- It’s not clear whether until 2013, when Via-
LOS ANGELES — Af- amount Network and we the company that makes com-owned Spike TV
ter 33 seasons on the air, don’t have any current or the show, Langley Pro- picked it up. The show
“Cops” has been dropped future plans for it to re- ductions, would try to find remained on the air after
by the Paramount Net- turn,” a spokesperson for a new home for it. A voice- Spike was re-branded as
work as protests against the cable channel said in mail at a company phone the Paramount Network
police proliferate around a statement Tuesday. number was not accept- in 2018.
8A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
against Canyon Boykin, a without pay for their first which means Boykin can-
white former Columbus offense, a 30-day suspen- not be legally charged in
police officer who fatally sion for their second, and the case again even if new
shot black resident Ricky could face termination for evidence emerges.
Ball on Northside after a third offense. Colom, who trans-
he ran from a traffic stop The body camera sys- ferred the Ball case in
in October 2015. Boykin tem now is automatically 2016 to then-Attorney
was indicted by a grand activated when an officer General Jim Hood for an
jury for the fatal shooting is within 50 yards of a independent investiga-
in 2016 even though he squad vehicle with its po- tion, also said his office
claimed he shot Ball in lice light on, he said, and will handle local offi-
self-defense. the sound of gunfire also cer-involved shooting cas-
After her decision triggers the body camera es itself from now on.
stirred up multiple citi- recording. “It’s because I can no
zen-led protests and drew Jason Delgado, lead longer allow a situation
criticism from local offi- pastor at Vibrant Church that happened here to
cials, Fitch released all Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff who attended the meeting happen again with me be-
Police Chief Fred Shelton in person, said he thinks ing DA,” Colom said. “If
evidence on Saturday to
demonstrates using a during a traffic stop, cit- a police officer is not jus-
Colom, who has promised body camera during the
he will release as much of izens should have the tified in using force, par-
Policing in Columbus town
the case file as possible hall meeting on Tuesday right to ask the police offi- ticularly deadly force, I’m
on his website next week. at the Columbus Police cers to activate their body going to uphold the right
“A family lost a loved Department. camera. of the citizen.”
one the day that Ricky “It protects the driv- The dismissal of the
Ball was killed,” Colom Shelton said his depart- er in the situation, (who) Ball case, coinciding with
said. “The community is ment will revise its poli- can feel very vulnerable national outcry against
rightfully questioning.” cies on the use of exces- and very unprotected and racism, spurred a demand
sive force and present it at unsafe and therefore un- for further change.
the city council meeting willing to cooperate,” he Horton and Shanklin,
CPD policies Tuesday. said. “I think it’s entirely advocating for Ball, spoke
The police department For example, the pol- appropriate to request the against racial injustice
has an established policy icies will articulate the body camera be turned during the discussion and
in place to guide officers ban on use of chokeholds, on before we continue the called for local officials
on the use of force, Shel- a method used by white conversation.” to implement community
ton said Tuesday. police officer Derek Harris, who made sev- policing programs and
When responding to Chauvin when he knelt eral recommendations, youth advisory boards
an incident, Shelton said, on Floyd’s neck for almost said she hopes the police to mend the relationship
officers should first iden- nine minutes. department can also help between Columbus resi-
tify themselves with uni- “It has not been part of educate the community dents and the police force.
forms, ID and badges and our policy, and never will on how to react during a They also called for
use verbal direction. As be, to use chokeholds on traffic stop, such as keep- officials to support re-
the situation escalates, of- people,” he said. “In the ing their hands up, turn- moving local Confederate
ficers can use empty-hand revision of the policy, we ing on interior lights and monuments and replac-
control, intermediate are going to specifically avoiding sudden moves. ing the state flag, which
weapons, less lethal force say that our officers will She advocated for es- contains the Confederate
(such as pepper sprays not use chokeholds, neck tablishing a report sys- emblem. Mississippi law-
and tasers) and eventual- restraint, or put their tem for use of force and makers, led by Republi-
ly lethal force. knee on anybody to sub- recommended setting can House Speaker Phil-
The use of force should due them.” up an accountability sys- lip Gunn, began drafting
be minimized, he said, Additionally, police tem where officers who a resolution to remove the
and officers should leave officers who witness use received multiple com- emblem this week.
the use of lethal force as of excessive force should plaints would be exam- “We ask that elected of-
their “last resort.” intervene, he said. ined. ficials and the administra-
“If a person is not “If our officer saw a tors of this city to match
resisting their arrest,
there’s no need to use
situation like that, he Call for closer our efforts to promote
would be bound by our unity and equality,” Hor-
force,” Shelton said. “As policy and subject to dis-
examination of Ball ton said. “This is a state-
an officer, unless that ciplinary action if he did case, further systemic wide issue, but we believe
person is posing an immi- not intervene,” he said. changes the city of Columbus can
nent threat to me, I cannot Locally, Ball’s death in Harris said the Missis- not only join in the efforts
shoot him. The force has 2015 led to a change in the sippi NAACP has sent a but be a leader in disvalue
to stop.” department body camera letter to Michelle Sutphin, and disapproval of the flag
In light of recent vi- policies, Shelton said. Of- special agent in charge at and everything it stands
olence against blacks ficers who fail to activate the Federal Bureau of In- for.”
nationwide, especially their cameras — as Boy- vestigation, to request for
after the police killing of kin and two other officers a federal examination of
George Floyd in Minne- did during the traffic stop the Ball case.
apolis spurred protests when Ball was killed — Fitch dismissed the
against police brutality, face a 10-day suspension case with prejudice,

Road test waiver

Continued from Page 1A
on their family farm. protective face masks to son or online at the DPS
The need for the road receive their learner’s website.
test depends on the indi- permits. Gov. Tate Reeves is-
vidual new driver, Grimes “If it weren’t a need, I sued an executive order
said. wouldn’t be here, but it’s in April allowing all driv-
“It basically boils down something they need,” er’s licenses, learner’s
to how much experience Dismuke said. permits, intermediate
that child has with any- Only 10 people at a time licenses, security guard
thing that has to be driv- were allowed inside both permits and state IDs
en, and to their maturity the Lowndes and Oktib- with expiration dates be-
of mind,” she said. beha offices, and stickers tween March 14 and June
DPS Director of Public on the floor marked the 30 to remain valid until
Affairs Johnny Poulos did necessary distance be- Aug. 3. Beckom said any
not respond to requests tween customers. DPS is Mississippi resident trav-
for comment. not requiring customers eling out of state with
to wear masks, but most a previously expired li-
‘If it weren’t a need, I people at both locations cense should have a copy
did. of the executive order
wouldn’t be here’ While the office in Co- with them, and expired
William Dismuke lumbus was completely firearm permits are still
and his two teenage closed before Monday, valid until January 2021.
daughters were halfway the one near Starkville Columbus residents
through the line of about had stayed open and only Jeremy Montgomery and
50 outside the Oktibbeha offered two services: com- Linda Harvey both chose
County office after stand- mercial driver’s license to renew their licenses
ing in the rain for two transactions and sex of- in person as soon as the
hours Monday morning. fender registration, Beck- driver’s license office
The Dismukes are from om said. opened, just to get it done
Winston County, where Both locations now of- sooner than later despite
the driver’s license office fer new driver’s licenses the extension.
in Louisville is only open and state ID cards, learn- “I don’t trust online,
on Tuesdays. er’s permit tests, rein- giving my birthday, my
The Lowndes and Ok- statements, ignition-inter- Social Security (number)
tibbeha county offices are lock restricted licenses, and driver’s license num-
the only ones in MHSP out-of-state transfers and ber to where people can
Troop G — which also services for non-U.S. citi- hack and steal your infor-
includes Calhoun, Chick- zens, according to a DPS mation,” Harvey said.
asaw, Choctaw, Clay, press release. Security Meanwhile, the line
Monroe, Noxubee and guard permits are avail- outside the Oktibbe-
Webster counties — that able only on Wednesdays. ha County station held
are open almost every People will be allowed steady from 8 a.m. to
day, Beckom said. to visit driver’s license about 3 p.m. Monday
Troop G is about stations based on the when it finally started to
150,000 driver’s license first letter of their last shorten, Beckom said.
transactions behind, Bec- names: A-E on Mondays, Like Dismuke, Bever-
kom said in the press re- F-L on Tuesdays, M-S on ly Clay said she wouldn’t
lease, since the pandemic Thursdays and T-Z on have driven all the way
forced driver’s license of- Fridays. Walk-ins will from Scooba to Starkville
fices statewide to either be allowed on “Walk-in and stood in a storm for a
close or limit their ser- Wednesdays,” according couple hours if there were
vices temporarily. Bec- to the press release. Bec- a closer station for her
kom recommended cus- kom said the scheduling 15-year-old son, Brody, to
tomers wear comfortable should limit the number get his learner’s permit.
clothes and shoes due of people at the offices at “I own a business, so I
to the expected rain and one time. basically had to take off to-
high temperatures this Customers who want day and bring somebody
week. to change their address in,” Clay said. “That’s why
Dismuke’s daughters, or renew or replace their we’re having to wait (here
Shakarian and Shakeri- driver’s license or state and now), because we
an, waited in hoodies and ID can do so either in per- can’t keep taking off.”


Steven Branscombe/USA TODAY Sports

Mississippi State Bulldogs second baseman Justin Foscue (17) applies the tag on Louisville Cardinals infielder Lucas Dunn (7) in the third inning in the 2019 College World
Series at TD Ameritrade Park.
INF Jordan Westburg — over the final 30 regular showcase, high-level com); Round 1, Pick No. A high-floor, low-ceil- season games of 2019, an stuff. He’s continued to 29 (NBC Sports) ing type prospect, Foscue
Junior appearance in the Cape improve and so there’s a For what Westburg is the safer of the pair be-
STARKVILLE — Af- Mock Draft: Round 1, Cod League did wonders lot of teams that are mod- lacks at the plate, his tween him and Westburg
ter tying a program re- Pick No. 29 (NBC Sports); for Westburg. el-driven and see his big battery mate Justin Fos- and that may be reflected
cord with 11 players se- Competitive Balance A, In 25 games with the metrics in terms of exit cue more than makes up on draft night.
lected in the 2019 MLB Pick No. 36 (DraftSite. Hyannis Harbor Hawks, velocity, speed, size, raw for. A three-year impact What the analysts
Draft, the next wave of com) he batted .326 with six power, and then see his player in Starkville, Fos- told The Dispatch: “Fos-
Mississippi State players At 6-foot-3, 203 doubles, four home runs improving stats. I would cue could hear his name cue’s got such a strong
will become pros as soon pounds, Jordan Westburg and 14 RBIs after being say it could be as high as called as early as the top- hit tool projection, and
as Wednesday night. looks the part of a pro- cut during Team USA try- pick No. 20, but it’s proba- 10, though it’s more likely even if the power is an av-
Heading into the fessional ballplayer. His outs. bly 25-30, 25-35 is where he falls toward the middle erage tool for him at the
C OV I D -1 9 - s h o r t e n e d movement at shortstop is Westburg has the tools he falls and he seems like- or end of the first round. major league level, that’s
2020 MLB Draft — down seamless, while his bat to be an elite MLB player, ly to go and sign.” While he doesn’t have still the expectation of a
from 40 rounds to five offers a smooth stroke but he’ll have to find more — Kiley McDaniel, the athleticism of West- really high average, high
— a number of current scouts have fallen in love consistency at the dish. ESPN burg in the field, Foscue’s on-base hitter with 15-20
Bulldogs and signees are with. The biggest prob- What the analysts bat is one that should home runs — and if he
slated to hear their names lem? Consistency. told The Dispatch: translate seamlessly. In gets to that and he’s go-
called. After hitting .294 with “Westburg is a little more INF Justin Foscue — 67 games last season, the ing to make some all-star
With that, here’s what 21 doubles and 61 RBIs tools over performance, Junior Alabama native hit .331 teams. The pressure is a
to expect from the MSU despite notching multi- but he also doesn’t have Mock Draft: Round with 14 home runs and 60 little bit more on Foscue’s
contingent this week: hit games just six times a lot of reps in summer 1, Pick No. 21 (Draftsite. RBI’s. See MSU, 2B

Ban the Confederate flag? NASCAR could see the end of an era
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a video promoting so- individual that is uncom- change: The 26-year- from their RVs. it sparked an idea of, why
cial change. A black NA- fortable showing up to old Alabama native has “Now, it’s kind of a not run a #blackout car?”
The familiar scene of SCAR offi- our events to have a good pushed the issue of race middle finger,” NASCAR The message is sim-
Confederate flags waved cial took a time with their family that to the front burner for historian Dan Pierce said. ple for Wallace: “Al lives
by fans at NASCAR knee before feels some type of way NASCAR. But as Confederate will not matter until black
tracks could soon be a rel- S u nday ’s about something they “We want all to feel wel- monuments are toppled lives matter.”
ic of racing’s good ol’ boy race near have seen, an object they come at our events in the around the South and Wallace, though, con-
roots. Atlanta in have seen flying,” Wallace future,” said Daryl Wolfe, calls for social justice con- ceded he rarely gave the
Bubba Wallace — the what may told CNN. “No one should NASCAR executive vice tinue to ring out, those Confederate flag much
lone black driver in the have been feel uncomfortable when president and chief sales fans may have run out of thought.
sport — wants the stock a first for Wallace they come to a NASCAR and operations officer. time. “What I’m chasing is
car series with deep ties the series, race. So it starts with NASCAR has been Wallace will make an- checkered flags, and that
to the South to ban the and the governing body Confederate flags. Get more open in recent times other statement Wednes- was kind of my narrative,”
flag at its properties and vowed to do a better job them out of here. They to the eradication of the day when NASCAR re- Wallace told CNN.
formally distance itself of addressing racial injus- have no place for them.” Confederate flag. Former turns to Martinsville Wallace is silent no
from what for millions is tice. Wallace arrived in the chairman Brian France in Speedway in Virginia. He more. He has emerged
a symbol of slavery and Wallace — who wore sport hyped as a trailblaz- 2015 tried to ban the fly- is driving a #BlackLives-
as NASCAR’s outspo-
racism. a black T-shirt with the er of sorts in a series that ing of Confederate flags at Matter paint scheme for
ken leader in the wake of
There are signs that words “I Can’t Breathe” has long lacked diversity race tracks, a proposal too the Richard Petty Motor-
Floyd’s death.
NASCAR is on its way to at Sunday’s race — seized in the field. He finished broad to enforce and one sports ‘ No. 43 Chevrolet.
that move. As the nation Floyd, a black man,
the moment and issued second in the 2018 Day- that angered NASCAR’s “I think it’s going to
grapples with social un- his most compelling com- tona 500, but has had core Southern-based fan speak volumes for what I died after a white Min-
rest following the death ments yet on the topic of limited success and of- base. stand for,” Wallace said in neapolis police officer
of George Floyd in police race and racing: “My next ten needed patchwork Not everyone obliged a Twitter video. “We knew pressed his knee into
custody in Minneapolis, step would be to get rid of sponsorship deals to keep and fans staunchly de- the Martinsville race was Floyd’s neck while Floyd
the predominantly white all Confederate flags.” racing. His biggest reach fended their Confederate open, we did not spell was handcuffed and
field of drivers united for “There should be no for now is as an agent of flags and raised them sponsorship for that, and See NASCAR, 2B
2B WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Seniority, generosity may decide who enters college stadiums

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS doesn’t mean people down the many different scenarios you have been orders for 60,000 who renewed after the virus
list would get shut out. run through your mind every season tickets at 81,500-seat emerged in March might have
Athletic administrators at “If they haven’t been with us day because the playing table Memorial Stadium, and no done so in order to hold their
schools with high ticket de- for 40 years and given us a gen- changes every day.” priority system has been final- seats for future seasons. They
mand for college football are erous amount of money, they’re At Alabama, the ticket re- ized. Arkansas has sold 31,000 might not plan to go to any
making plans to determine still fans and there should be a newal rate was 90% for 102,000- season tickets and stopped sin- games this season.
who gets a seat if stadium ca- place for them as well,” he said. seat Bryant-Denny Stadium. gle-game sales until it’s known “A lot of surveys I’m seeing
pacities are reduced because Moos said it’s possible some Spokeswoman Jessica Pare how many fans will be allowed talk about how maybe the stu-
of concerns about the corona- Husker fans would be allowed didn’t disclose how Alabama in 76,000-seat Razorback Stadi- dents are ready to go back, but
virus. to attend five games, some four, would determine which fans um. are the 40-, 50- and 60-year-old
This is a particularly painful some three and others two. can attend other than to say dif- Moos said he expects to alums really going to be ready
task for athletic director Bill The ticketing dilemma is ferent models are being looked know by mid July how many to go back into even a 20 or
Moos of Nebraska, which has just one wrinkle schools are at and “our hope is not to have Nebraska games will be played 30,000 capacity stadium as op-
sold out every home football working through as college to use those models.” and if the season will start as posed to full?”
game since 1962. The Corn- football pushes toward some At Ohio State, where the re- scheduled. Then, once the sta- To get the most people allow-
huskers are a year-round pas- kind of season. The complica- newal rate was 88%, athletic di- dium capacity is established,
able into the stadium, Maglione
sion in his state and the season tions of bringing students back rector Gene Smith has said he he’ll set into motion the plan
ticket renewal rate for the 2020 said, athletic departments like-
to school and ensuring they could envision games played for how holders of the 70,000
season is a robust 93%. ly will need to secure confirma-
are safe vary from state to state with no more than 40,000 to season tickets will be accom-
So which fans will gain en- and from campus to campus. 50,000 in 102,000-seat Ohio modated. tions from those who plan to
try to 85,000-seat Memorial But most schools are planning Stadium. Consideration would Regardless of capacity, attend. Space will open for fans
Stadium if capacity is reduced for games -- and putting fans in be given to parents and guests Moos sees no end to the Husk- lower on the priority list if tick-
by half or even 75%? the seats if they can. of players, students and faculty. ers’ ongoing NCA A record sell- et holders with higher priority
Moos and his staff are “I’ve been in this industry A priority points system like- out streak, which stands at 375 don’t feel safe and stay away.
weighing a number of vari- 50 years and dealt with a lot ly would determine who else games. “You’re going to have to
ables, including whether all or of stuff, but nothing like this,” gets in. That system awards “If we are told, for example, raise your hand if you want to
some of the seven scheduled said Fred Maglione, a Phila- points for, among other things, that we can have only have go, I have a hunch,” Maglione
home games are played. How delphia-area consultant in the amount of money donated, 30,000 in Memorial Stadium said. “Athletic departments are
much money the season-ticket sports and live entertainment consecutive years as a season and we get 30,000 — that’s a going to have to be in commu-
holder donates annually and industry. “Everybody’s trying ticket holder, and whether the sellout,” Moos said. nication with fans each week
how long he or she has owned to figure this out. The real chal- ticket holder is an alumnus or Maglione said ticket renew- to say who wants to attend and
the season tickets are also lenge is that you don’t just have letter winner in a varsity sport. al rates might not be true indi- then there’s going to be some
factors to determine priority. a Plan A and a Plan B. You’re Clemson athletic director cators of demand in the coro- kind of priority system and/or
Moos is quick to point out that down to Plan Z. You have so Dan Radakovich said there navirus era. He said some fans lottery system.”

A look at some of the top MLB draft prospects

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Switch-hitter was the ACC that sits in the low- to mid- this season with his short, be the first righty select- field.
freshman of the year and 90s with great control to compact swing, hitting .448 ed.
NEW YORK — Major followed that up last year go along with a solid cur- and leading the country HESTON KJERSTAD, OF,
League Baseball’s amateur
draft begins Wednesday
by hitting .288 with 10 HRs veball and changeup. Went ROBERT HASSELL, OF, ARKANSAS
with 12 homers, 36 RBIs,
and 40 RBIs and commit- 3-0 with a 1.23 ERA and 48 67 total bases and 28 runs.
night with the first of a ting just five errors in 476 strikeouts in 22 innings this
INDEPENDENCE H.S. Arguably the best all-


pandemic-shortened five around college outfielder
chances. Also threw out season. Likely to be second
rounds. Detroit has the No. Lefty-hitting Hassell in the draft. Has a power-
33% of would-be basesteal- lefty picked behind Texas
1 overall pick for the second ers. Likely the first catcher A&M’s Asa Lacy.
GEORGIA is considered by many to ful left-handed swing that
time in three years after Fireballing righty could be the best pure hitter has produced every year
drafted this year.
taking pitcher Casey Mize surpass outfielder Jeff Py- among high school play- in college. The Southeast-
NICK GONZALES, SS/2B, burn (No. 5, 1980) as the ers. Vanderbilt recruit ern Conference freshman
in 2018.
Here’s a look at the top
REID DETMERS, LHP, NEW MEXICO STATE University of Georgia’s will likely be the first high of the year in 2018, he fol-
college and high school LOUISVILLE Slugging middle infield- highest-drafted player. school position player lowed it up by becoming
players who’ll likely hear Last year’s ACC pitcher er has one of the best pure Went 8-3 last year with from Tennessee picked in the first Arkansas player
their names announced as of the year went 13-4 with a bats in the draft, and it’s not a 1.99 ERA that ranked the first round since out- with 50 or more RBIs in
early selections: 2.78 ERA in 113 1/3 innings simply a product of being eighth-lowest in school his- fielder Mike White went his first two seasons since
while setting the school’s inflated by New Mexico’s tory. Was 2-0 with a 2.75 19th overall to the Dodg- Rodney Nye in 1998-99.
season strikeouts record high elevation. Hit a Divi- ERA, 34 strikeouts and ers in 1986. Draft stock Kjerstad was leading the
PATRICK BAILEY, C, NORTH (167) and tying the mark sion I-leading .432 with 16 only three walks in 24 rose last spring and sum- Razorbacks in seven of-
CAROLINA STATE for wins. Followed that up homers and 80 RBIs, and innings over four starts mer when he led the U.S. fensive categories when
Athletic catcher with by being the ace of the USA capped his big year by win- this season. Has excellent national team and later hit this season ended, in-
solid defensive skills was on Collegiate National Team ning the Cape Cod League command of four pitches, .514 at the under-18 World cluding batting average
his way to a terrific junior last summer, going 2-0 in MVP award while hitting including his mid- to up- Cup in South Korea. Also (.448), homers (six) and
season with a team-lead- three starts while allowing .351 in the wooden bat col- per-90s fastball, a mid-80s a solid pitcher, but teams RBIs (20). Seventh in
ing six home runs and 20 just one run in 12 innings. lege summer circuit. Got slider, solid curveball and envision him as an out- school history in career
RBIs while batting .296. Polished with a fastball off to another torrid start tough changeup. Likely to fielder — likely in center HRs with 37.

Continued from Page 1B
bat, but in that same vein that’s The Dispatch: “There’s a out of West Allegheny, Penn- Jordan wowed onlookers with Fristoe. A hard-throwing right
also his strongest tool.” — Brian high school kid named Dax sylvania, he has some swing his home run hitting prowess hander out of Kentucky, scouts
Sakowksi, Perfect Game Fulton that is also coming off and miss tendencies that could as he belted seven long balls, en had limited time to see him
Tommy John (surgery) and (he drop him from the top-10 range route to the MLB High School pitch this spring given the short-
P JT Ginn — Sophomore and Ginn) are getting kind of to the mid-to-late first round — Home Run Derby. ened season.
Mock Draft: Competitive lumped together. There’s also though he still profiles as one of Having reclassified to be el- In a normal year, Fristoe
Balance Round A, Pick No. 36 some conventional wisdom that the best high school bats in this igible for the 2020 MLB Draft, is a prospect that could be on
(NBC Sports); Competitive if a kid goes in the middle of the year’s shortened draft. it’s likely Jordan ends up in pro the fence about heading to
Balance Round A, Pick No. 37 first round, they have Tommy What the analysts told The ball next season after finishing Starkville or turning pro. Given
( John (surgery), the expectation Dispatch: “I think Hendrick his sophomore year at DeSo- there will only be five rounds
JT Ginn is perhaps the big- is 80-85 percent in terms of stuff is one of the first two or three to Central hitting .440 with 46 in this year’s draft, it’s a good
gest question mark of any Bull- coming back. Tenth to 15th is (left-handed hitting high school RBIs and 10 home runs in just bet he ends up in the Bulldogs’
dog in this year’s draft. Having where a healthy Fulton and a outfielders) off the board. He 37 games. starting rotation next spring.
undergone Tommy John sur- healthy Ginn would go. They’re reminds me of Bryce Harper Expect his name to be called What the analysts told The
gery before the pandemic end- both in play from (pick No.) 25- now...the left-hand hitting right somewhere in the middle of Dispatch: “He’s also got a big
ed the 2020 campaign, Ginn’s 40. On talent it’s the 25-35 range. fielder who provides value in Thursday’s second round. (signing bonus) number. He
health is an obvious concern. So if either of them doesn’t go on the outfield, but whose profile is What the analysts told The also is probably going to school.
That said, assuming his arm day one, I would expect them to built mostly around his power. Dispatch: “He’s got real, real, He is polished enough, obvi-
is on the mend and there haven’t go in one of the first couple picks He takes a super violent swing, real juice — all you’ve got to do ously, — he’s 19 — and being
been any setbacks, the former on day two.” — Kiley McDaniel, and he’s got maybe the best raw is pull-up YouTube and see that from Kentucky I don’t think he
Brandon standout is a top-flight ESPN power of the prep class, at least he’s got a good chance to hit. I was seen at all this spring. But
talent. from the left side. That’s a guy think that he wants to get draft- I think he could be in the week-
After being selected in the
first round out of high school
OF Austin Hendrick — that’s going to hit and hit for ed and somewhere in the second end rotation, especially given
power.” — Brian Sakowski, Per- round is probably most likely.
by the Los Angeles Dodgers, High School fect Game He’s got some things working in
what happened this year. There
Ginn was named the National Mock Draft: Round 1, Pick are some needs in the weekend
his favor. He’s performed really rotation and this guy is good
Freshman of the Year by Perfect 24 (CBS Sports), Round 1, Pick
Game and co-National Fresh- No. 29 (NBC Sports) INF Blaze Jordan — well and he’s obviously super enough to take that spot.” — Ki-
young having reclassified.” —
man Pitcher of the Year by Colle- Mississippi State fans High School Brian Sakowski, Perfect Game
ley McDaniel, ESPN
giate Baseball Magazine during shouldn’t expect to see Austin Mock Draft: Competitive Other potential draftees:
his lone full season at MSU. Hendrick next season. Rated Balance Round A, Pick No. 37 OF Tanner Allen — Junior
Between his past draft his- the No. 10 prospect in this year’s (NBC Sports); Round 2, Pick P Jackson Fristoe — OF Rowdey Jordan — Junior
tory and a dynamic freshman draft by, Hendrick is No. 57 ( High School UTIL Josh Hatcher — Junior
campaign, it’d be a surprise if set to be the first player asso- Blaze Jordan has been on Mock Draft: N/A P Mikey Tepper — High
Ginn spurned a major pay day ciated with MSU off the board MLB radars for years. After If there’s one MSU signee School
again. Wednesday night. committing to Mississippi State outside of Jordan and Hendrick P Dylan Carmouche — High
What the analysts told A hard-hitting left-hander as a 13-year-old eighth-grader, to be selected this week it’s School

Continued from Page 1B

saying that he couldn’t day. “And then you hear Two-time Daytona 500 we salute when we do the it. That’s not my right ei- Earlier this year, the
breathe. somebody like Bubba champion Denny Hamlin national anthem.” ther, but I certainly don’t Marine Corps mandat-
Wallace’s fellow driv- talk about it and how he said he would support Ryan Blaney, who is salute it or respect it.” ed that all Confederate
ers have followed his lead feels about it and it wakes NASCAR taking a hard tight with Wallace, said Brad Daugherty, the flags, bumper stickers
and broken with past pro- you up a bit. Yeah, I think line on the Confederate he joined some of the lone black Cup Series and similar items be re-
tocols, where any hint of NASCAR is going to do flag. “peaceful protests” in team owner in NASCAR, moved from bases. Will
rankling corporate spon- the right thing there.” “NASCAR’s going to Charlotte, North Caroli- told The Associated NASCAR be next?
sors often led to muted NASCAR took a hit continue to make chang- na, and also called for the Press he stood with Wal- “That core constituen-
responses to societal is- when driver Kyle Larson es and I’m sure they’ll end of the Confederate lace. cy that may have waved
sues. was fired in April after look at what flags they flag. “After all this country the Rebel flag have waned
“I think it’s one of he uttered a racial slur want to fly in the infield,” “Bring your 50 stars has gone through in the significantly in NA-
those things that some of during a live-streamed Hamlin said. “If you look flag,” Blaney said. last three months, I think SCAR,” Pierce said. “It’s
us are just ignorant about virtual race. But drivers at all the haulers each 2012 Cup champion Bubba Wallace’s thought not necessarily a cost-
and don’t really think have forged ahead ready and every weekend, Brad Keselowski was of removing Confeder- ly stance I’d say they’re
about it or worry about it,” to create what they hope they’ve got the American more reserved, saying: ate flags from NASCAR making in terms of the
2017 Cup champion Mar- is a new legacy in the flags flown all over the “I’m not going to tell peo- events is an idea whose modern day fan that fol-
tin Truex Jr. said Tues- sport. top of them. That’s what ple they need to get rid of time has come,” he said. lows NASCAR.”
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 3B

For Tigers, top draft pick another chance to speed rebuild

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pitching prospects lately. was asked directly if the com, is 19 and hasn’t pa Bay and Washington it seems increasingly like
“You’ve got to get the Tigers were planning to played above Class A yet. each took a pitcher and the draft is where Detroit
DETROIT — The De- best guy, that’s number pick Torkelson. Not sur- “Obviously, there’s a position player with its will need to make head-
troit Tigers are rebuild- one,” Scott Pleis, Detroit’s prisingly, the GM was coy been a lot of talk, and the two No. 1 picks. Houston way if it wants to add more
ing around an impressive director of amateur scout- in his response. need for a bat and stuff had the top pick three good prospects soon.
group of minor league ing, said recently. “And “It’s a question we can’t like that. We have a lot years in a row, drafting The coronavirus dis-
pitchers. then hopefully it falls into answer today,” Avila said. of really good arms, and a position player and two rupted the 2020 season
Now, it might be time your needs, also, and then It’s the second time knock on wood, they all pitchers. for both colleges and high
to add a star hitting pros- everybody’s happy.” in three years Detroit is continue to stay that way,” This year’s top pick schools, so prospects
pect to the mix. This year, the best guy picking first. The Tigers Pleis said. “It’s a tough may be Detroit’s best re- haven’t had as much of a
Whether it’s Arizona may be Torkelson, who took right-hander Casey thing when you’re taking maining chance to accel- chance this year to help or
State slugger Spencer is ranked by as Mize with the top pick these guys, because if erate its rebuild. The Ti- hurt their draft outlooks.
Torkelson or somebody the No. 1 prospect in the in 2018, and he’s one of a you start thinking more gers have already traded The lack of games over
else, Detroit has a chance draft. Second on that list handful of highly touted need than anything else, some of their most valu- the past couple months
to add another potential is Vanderbilt’s Austin minor league pitchers in you’re going to pass a guy able players over the past has made preparing for
standout when it makes Martin, another position their system. Matt Man- that might be quite a bit few seasons. They still this draft different, but
the No. 1 selection in player. Texas A&M pitch- ning and Tarik Skubal better. You have to be re- have Miguel Cabrera, but that’s an issue every team
Wednesday night’s draft. er Asa Lacy is No. 3. have also achieved a good ally careful when you do his big contract and de- has to deal with.
Although the Tigers have Torkelson, a junior bit of acclaim. If a season it.” clining production make The Tigers just have
been vague about their first baseman, has hit 54 is played this year, any of In the past 15 years, him difficult to move. more at stake, picking
intentions, this is an op- home runs in 129 career them could end up in the Tampa Bay, Washington Left-hander Matthew No. 1 — and they also
portunity to add a young games at Arizona State. majors at some point. and Houston have also Boyd showed promise last have more to lose if player
position player to an orga- On a conference call with Riley Greene, Detroit’s had the No. 1 overall year and could bring back development at the minor
nization that has done a reporters Tuesday, gen- top position player pros- pick multiple times in a some young players in a league level is slowed be-
better job stocking up on eral manager Al Avila pect according to mlb. three-year period. Tam- deal at some point — but cause of the virus.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I es and disclose people put their business on the
divorced my this to your ex, and internet? For example, I read
wife 20 years I cannot think of a some comments on YouTube,
ago, leaving behind single one. and this woman was talking
two daughters. DEAR ABBY: about how “all men cheat.” I
My older girl was I’m concerned told her maybe it’s just all the
5 when I left, and about my daugh- men she opens her legs to. My
due to my ex’s lies, ter. She’s 12 and account was suspended for a
I wasn’t able to see wants to hang out week because of it.
them. with a 21-year-old Another time, a man was
When my older male volunteer talking about how none of his
daughter turned from her school. many kids talk to him. I asked
18, she contacted His mother works what he had done to them that
ZITS me. She confessed there, and I’ve none of them speak to him,
that she had known their family and he got mad. Abby, I’m not
been forced to for a few years, looking for trouble. I feel that
lie in court, and although we’ve if you can’t take someone not
we reconnected. Dear Abby never socialized. kissing up to you, stop putting
At 19, she came Recently, my your business out there. Am I
to me pregnant. She asked if I daughter said she wants to meet wrong? — STRAIGHTFORWARD IN
would take her baby and asked him at a park to learn some THE WEST
that I tell no one, especially her skateboard moves. She tries to DEAR STRAIGHTFORWARD:
mother. I agreed. tell me it’s harmless, that he just I think so. When traits were
Last year, my daughter died likes the skateboarding sport, handed out, it appears someone
in a car wreck. My granddaugh- but I am uncomfortable about forgot to give you a filter. I agree
ter will turn 4. Should I go against the age difference and the fact that some people overshare
my daughter’s wishes, tell my that he works at her school. I online and doing it comes with
ex and risk her taking her? Or don’t know what to do. What’s a risk. However, your comments
GARFIELD should I let things remain as your advice in this situation? — weren’t helpful; in fact, they were
they are? My current wife and I STUMPED IN CALIFORNIA cruel. When a bee stings, its prey
are the only people who know. — DEAR STUMPED: Although tries to swat it away, and that’s
SECRET IN VIRGINIA the young man’s motives may what’s happening to you. To
DEAR SECRET: I urge you to be pure, I do not think your avoid trouble, curb your impulse
discuss this matter with a lawyer daughter should be meeting him to comment, or be prepared to
because there may be legal ram- at the park without supervision. deal with the consequences that
ifications. Your former wife has Accompany her so you can gauge are sure to follow.
demonstrated she is the kind of the situation. Because he is Dear Abby is written by
person who would force a child volunteering at her school, you Abigail Van Buren, also known
to lie in a custody matter. Having should first check to see if that as Jeanne Phillips, and was
done it once, she’s capable of kind of fraternization is allowed founded by her mother, Pauline
doing something equally under- because it may not be, and it Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
handed. I am trying hard to come could cost him his position. at or P.O.
up with a reason why you should DEAR ABBY: Am I awful Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
CANDORVILLE go against your daughter’s wish- because I don’t sympathize when 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (JUNE around it; experience is the only Instead of providing all the
10). Love enfolds you this year! teacher here. answers (exhausting!), you’ll
Your cosmic birthday gift is a TAURUS (April 20-May 20). encourage others to find the
surge of ambition that is well- There’s somewhere you see answers. This takes longer and
matched to your abilities, which yourself. This vision of you in requires you to be OK with their
makes for a steady climb over an improved state is growing early-stage mistakes.
the next 10 weeks. Adjust to increasingly vivid. To change LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The
new ways, and seize opportuni- your life, change the patterns truly confident aren’t thinking
ty. Your optimism and reliability of behavior that have held you about how their performance
will earn you a coveted place from that place. looks or sounds. They just play
BABY BLUES in an organization, and praise GEMINI (May 21-June 21). the moment. There are two
and pay to match. Virgo and Leo There are good reasons to let ways to get there. Either do a
adore you. Your lucky numbers go of hard feelings. First of all, thing a million times, or cease
are: 6, 40, 1, 19 and 33. they are heavy, and carrying to care what people think of
ARIES (March 21-April 19). around unnecessary weight gets you.
New scenes invite you. You tiring. You can take the lesson VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
won’t know what to say or how and lose the burden. Writing or One stroke of luck will vanquish
to behave when you get there, talking about it helps. 10 worries. Magic like this
but go anyway. There’s no way CANCER (June 22-July 22). doesn’t come along every day,
although you’ll have two more
waves of this wand before the
month is through.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Advice from the top will only
help if the person knows your
BEETLE BAILEY particular kind of journey. What
counts more is advice from
someone but one or two rungs
above you on the ladder.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Everyone is fragile to some
degree and indestructible in oth-
er ways. It’s hard to tell on the
surface, though, because each
person’s shatterproof glass
parts are differently distributed.
21). You’ll have a chance to
use an underappreciated talent,
not only satisfying but also a
MALLARD FILLMORE reminder of how good life can
be when you’re doing what
you love. Appreciation is just a
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Make no assumptions
about how to please people.
Your idea of a happy outcome is
different from someone else’s,
and it will be important to get
clear on the terms.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). What makes special things
special is their infrequency. A
treat every day isn’t a treat; it’s
FAMILY CIRCUS a habit. An essential ingredient
to special treats: anticipation
and delayed gratification.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Among your most beautiful
cosmic gifts are compassion
and high-level empathy. Sure,
these talents sometimes cause
you pain. But today, they will
bring you nothing but joy.

Serves you right

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

This Moroccan grape and grilled
chicken with grape vinaigrette com-
bines immune boosting grapes with
grilled chicken in a burst of flavors.

Flavor up and
support your
immune system
with grapes

oosting immune function
through a healthy diet has
become an important new
focus for many people these days.
One key dietary recommendation
is to eat more fruits and vegetables
each day to improve immune func-
tion and prevent heart disease and
diabetes. When looking to guide
your family to healthier snacks
and meals or simply trying to mix
up your at-home menu, success
can be as simple as rethinking the
ingredients you choose to use, in-
cluding your favorite produce, such
as grapes, which help protect the
health and function of the body’s
cells. Grapes can be paired with
other healthy foods to enhance
Jan Swoope/Dispatch Staff flavor and nutrition, including dark
While some reduction in stock still seems apparent on visits to grocery stores, food supply chains on the whole leafy greens, cauliflower, broccoli,
have been fairly resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic.
whole grains, legumes and lean
BY JAN SWOOPE get back to “normal.” primary purchasers of dairy and See GRAPES, 5B Seeing more familiar levels of proteins have been shut down,”

activity may have lulled me into Taylor said. “When the restaurants
few days ago I made the expecting grocery shortages to shut down, there was no vehicle to
dreaded periodic trip to be a thing of the past. Surely we’re change these delivery methods and
the grocery. After scoping no longer panic-buying. So, I was packaging such that it would hit
out the parking lot to gauge how
crowded the place was, I took my
chances. With mask and gloves,
somewhat surprised to find a few
items in short — or no — supply.
With that outing fresh in mind,
the retailers and then us consum-
“So, the producers stopped pro-
A protein-packed
I breached the entrance. After
discarding two or three carts with
wheels that wanted to drag me port
I was interested when a release
out of the University of Mississippi
arrived in my inbox. In it, food ex-
ducing and the supply chain came
to a halt. Now that restaurants are
opening up, the supply chain is get-
salad for summer
or starboard, I lucked out, then ting back to normal, but it’s about FAMILY FEATURES
perts and registered dietitians of-
retrieved my list that would effi- a three-week lag from the field to

fered some insight on supply chain
ciently take me from one side of the the plate.” salad can fill an empty stom-
and maximizing food provisions. ach for nearly any purpose,
store to the other in what I hoped The fear that there is no meat
Below are a few gleanings. from an al fresco snack to a
would be quick order. and dairy in the pipeline has
Early in the pandemic, we were caused retailers to increase prices family appetizer. When combined
shocked to find once-full grocery Supply, demand for consumers, Taylor said. with protein like chicken, a salad
shelves sometimes bare of the To better cope with the im- One national trend is consumers can become a full, nutritious meal
tried-and-true stock we were pact of the pandemic on the food connecting with local farmers for, all on its own.
accustomed to. At some point, the industry, consumers need to first beef, for example. If two people If you’re looking for a way to
sight became more familiar and understand how the food sup- want to split meat from a cow, they take your salad from snack or side
we went prepared to substitute, ply-and-demand process functions, can buy it from a processor that to a savory main course, consider
or do without. Then, stay-at-home advised Jim Taylor, UM associate can ship the meat to them. this High-Protein Chicken, Onion
guidelines were lifted; people be- professor of hospitality manage- “It’s happening locally, but it’s and Quinoa Salad with its own
gan easing back out into the world. ment and director of the online small-scale,” Taylor said. “It’s like handmade dressing. Ready in
Retail store parking lots had cars master’s program in hospitality putting a Band-aid on the problem less than 30 minutes, it calls for a
in them once again. Bank lobbies management; and Laurel Lambert, until consumers start purchasing handful of everyday ingredients
reopened. People were milling in associate professor of nutrition and foods at restaurants at a level they including sautéed onions as a key
commercial businesses — some registered dietitian via the release. did before and restaurants start ingredient for added flavor.
behaving as though there was no “There’s not really a food short- purchasing products comparable to In fact, onions can be called na-
cause to be cautious at all. Maybe age per se, but what happened what they did in the past.” ture’s ninja because of their many
it’s because we so badly want life to in the supply chain is all of these See FOOD SUPPLY, 5B “skills.” Onions add abundant
flavor to a wide variety of foods
with just 45 calories per serving as

Squash in the morning, squash at noon … let’s eat squash with a big brown spoon
uarantine has beside the point.) husband’s diligence and atten- I’ve come up with a few ways to 2-3 medium summer squash, zucchi-
caused us to One of the things tion that this has happened, make our squash taste…well, ni, or a mix, sliced into rounds about
1/4 inch thick
do all kinds we’ve done that had and he is determined not to if not exciting, then at least dif- Salt and pepper, to taste
of things we’ve nev- never happened waste an iota of it. So we eat ferent. If you are finding a lot Garlic powder (optional)
er done before…or before is growing squash nearly every night. of squash or zucchini in your
at least, never done a garden. It’s great When I was a child, I had garden — or if you are taking (This is such a basic recipe that I
regularly. feel a little silly including it. But since
because it gives squash approximately one way: advantage of the bounty at the I didn’t have squash this way until
Who knew I’d be my sweet husband boiled, mashed, and mixed farmers market or grocery I was in my 20s, I thought maybe
the type of person something else to with an egg, some Velveeta or store — try a few of these. I someone else out there could use
who makes a big look at besides the cheddar, and cracker crumbs think you’ll be glad you did. it.) In a large skillet, heat butter over
breakfast every mess inside our to make a casserole that was Amelia Plair is a mom medium heat until melted and foamy.
Add onion to pan. Cook and mix for
single morning Amelia Plair home (see also: then baked. I’m not going to lie and high school teacher in a few minutes, until onion begins to
that includes both cooking all the to you: that squash casserole Starkville. Email reaches her at soften. Add sliced squash. Sprinkle
scrambled eggs and time) and the sweet was excellent, and I’d happily liberally with salt and pepper. Let sit
something else, like homemade and loving (and loud) faces of eat it to this day. in pan until bottoms become golden,
about 5 minutes. Stir and taste. Add
biscuits or pancakes? (Answer: the people he lives with. However, I’d rather not
everyone who knows that I cope Our first foray into garden- cook my squash twice, and I’d
SAUTÉED SQUASH seasonings as desired and cook
until squash reaches your preferred
with stress by cooking and ing has also yielded quite a bit rather not turn on the oven at 2-3 tablespoons butter texture.
eating, that’s who. But that’s of squash. It’s thanks to my all if I can help it. To that end, 1/2 onion, chopped See BUTTER TOGETHER, 5B
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 5B

Food supply
Continued from Page 4B

Food prep reimagined cery bill. So, shopping tain nutritional value and n Purchase shelf-sta- seasonally, utilize dis- ers, if possible. Label
more economically or texture,” she said. “With ble foods, such canned count stores, grow your and date food. Put older
“Home cooking has
being more thrifty when an increase in home foods and foods like own food. food toward the front so
definitely increased
buying groceries may be cooking, there is also dried beans and rice, n Consider sharing that it will be used first.
during this time,” Lam-
needed.” the need for education which will have the lon- food with family, friends My previous weekly
bert said. “I think people An increasing number gest duration. or neighbors. grocery shopping is now
will be challenged on on food safety, knife han-
of people are garden- dling skills, food tem- n Create a staples n Buy store brands, every two to two-and-a-
what to do with the left- ing and growing their list for each food stor- shop online and try not half weeks, by design.
overs from the meals and peratures and handling
own vegetables. As to prevent food-borne age zone. Stock plenty to shop without a list. On the whole, the
the leftover ingredients. the pandemic lingers, of foods with long shelf At the store, look at unit grocery supply chain has
For example, what do illnesses.”
Lambert said she sees lives so that a meal is cost to help choose the been resilient. Perhaps
you do with the leftover a tremendous need and never far away. least expensive product. by the next time I shop,
half-head of cabbage? opportunity to educate Shop smart n Repurpose ingre- n Use your freezer it will be even more so.
What about leftover egg the public on what to do Lambert shared dients through the week to save meals and other Now, if they would only
whites? When should with all the produce they suggestions on making and batch cook. Find foods that might other- open up more check-out
you freeze food or throw grow. food supplies last longer. ideas on meal planning, wise go bad. Make sure lanes. And, please, 6 feet
it out? “People need to learn Most are from a Food including using apps or a you can see all the food apart in that long line.
“I also think they may how to can and freeze and Culinary Specialists simple pen and paper. you have on hand. We all want this to be
be shocked at their gro- produce and still main- newsletter and include: n Look for sales, shop n Use clear contain- over as soon as possible.

Butter Together
Continued from Page 4B
and drop the slices into a turn “ewww…squash” into 1 egg about ¼ inch deep; when a at once, complete this step
SQUOODLES pot of boiling water for a few “mmmm…squash!” Sadly, 3/4 cup water droplet of water sizzles madly in batches. When batter is
OR ZOODLES minutes while you cook your
regular noodles. You can do
our youngest detests summer
squash so far, but she thinks About half an hour before
on contact, the oil is ready.
Working in batches, coat the
set on one side of the fries,
turn them to cook the other
this in a separate pot or in she loves zucchini because frying time, slice zucchini strips of zucchini in batter side(s). When batter is set
A year or two ago, I bought the pot along with the regular she loved these “fries.” lengthwise into strips. Lay and drop into the hot oil. Do on all sides, remove fries to a
a special tool for making noodles. You could also add strips out onto a plate lined not overcrowd the pan; if your paper-towel lined plate. Taste
chunks of squash to the 2-3 medium zucchini or sum- with several paper towels. pan cannot hold all the fries fries and salt if needed.
spiralized vegetables. I finally sauce instead of the noodles
took it out for a test drive this mer squash Salt strips liberally. Wait
— just sauté it before you Salt about 20 minutes and then
week and discovered that the add the meat to the pan, and
multitasking version I bought Tempura mix, mixed accord- turn strips over and salt the
it will be soft enough to prac- ing to package directions other side and wait. (The salt
works very poorly for this tically disappear in the sauce.
particular task. I also don’t (I used some I bought on will draw out some of the
really love using ALL squash a long-forgotten trip to the moisture and help the batter
in place of the pasta; I felt
like I was getting ripped off.
ZUCCHINI FRIES Asian market)
OR homemade tempura mix:
stick.) Mix up tempura batter
ingredients in a shallow
So save your money: slice 1/2 cup flour bowl. Heat a large skillet
the squash or zucchini thinly There’s nothing like frying to 1/2 cup corn starch over medium heat. Pour oil

Continued from Page 4B
Fresh California flavor and nutrition, in- olive oil to medium-high heat.
grapes, for example, cluding dark leafy greens, 1/2 cup carrots, thinly sliced n Rub chicken breasts with
1/2 cup tomatoes, diced harissa paste, olive oil and
make for an ideal snack cauliflower, broccoli, 1/2 cup parsley, leaves only salt. Grill on both sides until
because they are tasty, whole grains, legumes 1 1/2 teaspoons ras el hanout just done. Set aside to cool.
healthy, hydrating and and lean proteins (Moroccan spice blend) Slice into 1/4-inch slices.
refreshing, but grapes Try recipes like Mo- 1 teaspoon salt n To make vinaigrette: In
can also be used to make roccan Grape and Grilled blender, puree green grapes,
Chicken: lemon juice, lemon rind, olive
good-for-you dishes that Chicken Bowls with 2 chicken breasts (8 ounces
oil and cilantro until smooth.
are also satisfying and Grape Vinaigrette, Spiced each)
Add salt and pepper, to taste.
delicious. Grapes of all Chickpeas and Grapes 1 tablespoon harissa paste
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive n Toss couscous mixture with
colors — red, green and with Yogurt, and Cauli- oil vinaigrette and portion into four
black — are a natural flower Steaks with Grapes 1 teaspoon salt bowls. Top with sliced chicken,
source of beneficial to pair heart-healthy red grapes and almonds.
grapes with other nutri- Vinaigrette: Nutritional information per
antioxidants and other serving: 590 calories; 30 g
1/4 cup green California
polyphenols. Plus, they tious ingredients and add grapes protein; 44 g carbohydrates;
are naturally fat-free, cho- variety and fresh appeal 1 lemon, juice only 32 g fat (49% calories from
lesterol-free and contain in the kitchen. 1 preserved lemon, rind only fat); 4.5 g saturated fat (7%
virtually no sodium. Visit 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil calories from saturated fat);
2 tablespoons cilantro, 65 mg cholesterol; 720 mg
Grapes are prized for and GrapesFromCalifor- chopped for more nutri- sodium; 3 g fiber.
their taste and crisp, juicy Salt, to taste
texture, but fresh grapes tious family recipes. Ground black pepper, to taste
are also a heart-healthy,
1 cup red California grapes,
hydrating snack choice. MOROCCAN GRAPE halved
Grapes contain more than 1/2 cup sliced almonds,
1,600 natural plant com- AND GRILLED CHICKEN toasted
pounds, including antiox- BOWLS WITH GRAPE n To make couscous: Cook
idants and other polyphe- couscous in boiling salted wa-
nols, which help protect VINAIGRETTE ter. Drain, rinse with cold water
the health and function of Servings: 4 and combine with olive oil.
the body’s cells. Grapes Add carrots, tomatoes, parsley
Couscous: leaves, ras el hanout and salt.
can be paired with other 1 cup Israeli couscous Mix well and set aside.
healthy foods to enhance 2 tablespoons extra-virgin n To make chicken: Heat grill

Continued from Page 4B
a source of dietary fiber, 1/4 teaspoon pepper utes, or until softened and
vitamin C, vitamin B6, translucent. Remove from
potassium and other key
n To make dressing: In bowl, heat; cool completely.
whisk vinegar, olive oil, lemon n In large bowl, toss onion,
nutrients such as folate, juice, honey and Dijon mustard kale, apple, chicken, salt and
calcium and iron. They until well combined. Set aside. pepper with dressing. Stir in
are also rich in heart- n In saucepan, bring quinoa cooled quinoa.
healthy nutrients and and broth to boil. Simmer, Nutritional information per
covered, 12-15 minutes, or serving: 407 calories, 36.5 g
have been shown to help until broth has been absorbed. protein, 11.6 g fat, 39 g car-
prevent some cancers. Cool completely. bohydrates, 297 mg sodium,
Visit n In medium skillet, heat 4.2 g fiber.
for more recipe ideas. canola oil over medium-high (Source: National Onion
heat. Saute onion 3-5 min- Association)

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Servings: 6

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1 1/2 cups red quinoa, rinsed

2 1/2 cups vegetable broth
1 teaspoon canola oil
1 white onion, sliced
3 cups baby kale
1 red skinned apple, chopped
2 cups cooked chicken,
1/2 teaspoon salt

Send in
your church event!


Religious brief
6B WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 The Dispatch •
ee in said deed of trust, will on

July 8, 2020 offer for sale at
public outcry and sell within

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,

legal hours (being between the
hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
p.m.), at the Southeast Door of
the County Courthouse of
Lowndes County, located at
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum-
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
bus, MS 39701, to the highest
and best bidder for cash or cer-
tified funds the following de-
To place ads starting at only $12,
scribed property situated in
Lowndes County, State of Mis-
call 662-328-2424 or visit
sissippi, to-wit:

lying in the Southwest Quarter
of the Southeast Quarter of
Section 32, Township 16
South, Range 17 West,
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
Lowndes County, Mississippi, General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: West Apts For Rent: Other

more particularly described as

IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF The following vehicles have follows: JAMIE'S SALON is seeking
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- been abandoned at TVG Paint a barber, cosmetologist or
SIPPI & Body, 305 Evergreen Dr., Ab- Commencing at the Northwest

nail technician. Must have
Call us: 662-328-2424 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF GAYRON
erdeen, MS 39730. Corner of the Southeast
Quarter of said Section 32, run clientele. Ask for Jamie,
A. WITTKE, JR., DECEASED Year: 2015 thence South for 1534 feet; 662-327-3132.
Legal Notices Make: Nissan thence South 89 degrees 23 Apartments & Houses
RETHA M. WITTKE, EXECUTOR Model: Altima minutes East for 353.0 feet to THE COMMERCIAL
CAUSE NO. 2020-0086-F
continue South 89 degrees 23
DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
ated, contracted carrier for
1 Bedrooms
Bryan Jones, who was sen-
tenced for two counts of Sale NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Year: 2009
Make: BMW
minutes East for 500.1 feet to
a point on the circumference of the Brooksville & Macon 2 Bedroooms
of Cocaine and one count of
Aggravated Assault in Lowndes STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
Model: 528I
VIN# WBANU53509C118539
a cul-de-sac at the end of a
public road known as Canon
area. Excellent opportunity
to earn money for college. 3 Bedrooms
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Drive; thence Southeasterly Must have good transporta-
County, Mississippi, has ap-
If these vehicles are not along said circumference and a Furnished & Unfurnished
plied for executive clemency. tion, valid driver's license
curve to the left (Delta = 13 de-
1, 2, & 3 Baths
Persons wishing to comment Letters of Testamentary have claimed they will be put up for & insurance. Delivers on
should send information in writ- been granted and issued to the sale on the 29th day of June grees 33 minutes, Radius =
Sunday morning and Mon-
ing to the above address with- undersigned upon the Estate of 2020 at 7:00 a.m at TVG Body
GAYRON A. WITTKE, deceased, Shop, 305 Evergreen Dr., Aber-
50.0 feet, Chord South 36 de-
grees 34 minutes East - 11.8 Fri afternoons. Apply at The Lease, Deposit
in fifteen (15) days after the
date of publication. by the Chancery Court of deen, MS 39730. Contact TVG feet) for an arc distance of Commercial Dispatch, 516 & Credit Check
Lowndes County, Mississippi, Body Shop at 662-346-9426. 11.8 feet to the northwest Main Street in Columbus.
Bryan Jones was arrested in on the 4th day of May, 2020. corner of Lot 4 of an unrecor- No phone calls please.
2007, and subsequently con- This is to give notice to all per- PUBLISH: 6/10, 6/17 &
victed of two counts of Sale of sons having claims against
said estate to probate and re-
ded plat of the William W. Can-
on property; thence South 17
degrees 59 minutes West
Cocaine and one count of Ag-

along the west line of said Lot4

Need fast cash?

gravated Assault, following his gister same with the Chancery The following vehicles have
plea and sentenced to six (6) Court of Lowndes County, Mis- been abandoned at Moore's for 297.41 feet to an existing
years to serve in the custody of sissippi, within ninety (90) days Garage Auto Repair, Guntown, fence corner and the southw-
Mississippi Department of Cor- from the first publication date est corner thereof; thence
MS, 38849.
rections for each count of Sale of this Notice to Creditors. A North 88 degrees 46 minutes
West along a fence for 415.0
Ads starting at $25
of Cocaine to run consecut- failure to so probate and re- Year: 2009
ively to each other and one gister said claim will forever feet to a point that is 353.3
Make: Toyota Apts For Rent: North
count of Aggravated Assault to bar same. feet South 88 degrees 46
Model: Camry
serve ten (10) years in the cus- minutes East from a fence
VIN# 4T4BE46K19R088834
tody of Mississippi Depart- THIS the 18th day of May, corner at an existing 30-inch- FOX RUN APARTMENTS
ment of Corrections to run con- 2020. diameter gum tree; thence 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
Year: 2009
secutively to the two counts of North 00 degrees 05 minutes
Make: Chevy $595−$645 monthly.
Sale of Cocaine. /s/ Retha M. Wittke West for 288.88 feet to the
Model: Tahoe Military discount, pet area,
Retha M. Wittke point of beginning.
VIN# 1GNEC233X9R289984 pet friendly, and furnished
Mr. Jones is by any measure Executrix
rehabilitated and ready have all I WILL CONVEY only such title corporate apts.
rights restored based on my PUBLISH: 5/20, 5/27, 6/3 & as vested in me as Substi- 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL
encounters and correspond- 6/10/2020 tuted Trustee. GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
ence with him. In addition, as
evidenced by the character let-
DAY OF JUNE, 2020 AT 7:00
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Sell your unwanted items in the classifieds today.
ters from family and friends, this 28th day of May, 2020.
Mr. Jones has demonstrated
his willingness to work well IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
2578, GUNTOWN, MS 38849.
Shapiro & Brown, LLC SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
Shop Classifieds
within the rules, policies and SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE
SIPPI PUBLISH: 6/10, 6/17 &
expectations of society. Mr. 6/24/2020
Jones presents no danger to Shapiro & Brown, LLC
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite Medical / Dental
himself, and is not a threat to
terests of justice have been DECEASED TICE OF SALE Flowood, MS 39232
fairly and adequately served. (601) 981-9299
CAUSE NO. 2020-00090-PDE WHEREAS, on November 12,
PUBLISH: 5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 2009, Jason B. Willingham, a 107 Canon Dr
6/10, 6/17 & 6/24/2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS married man and wife, Amber Caledonia, MS 39740
Willingham executed a certain 20-025724
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI deed of trust to Title & Closing
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Services, Trustee for the bene- Publication Dates:
fit of Mortgage Electronic Re- June 10, June 17, June 24 and
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Letters of Administration have gistration Systems, Inc. as July 1, 2020
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- been granted and issued to the nominee for JTS & Co., its suc-
SIPPI undersigned upon the Estate of cessors and assigns which
GLORIA JANE BUTLER, De- deed of trust is of record in the
ceased, by the Chancery Court office of the Chancery Clerk of

ESTINE W. COCKRELL, DE- of LOWNDES County, Missis- Lowndes County, State of Mis-
CEASED sippi, on the 26th day of May sissippi in Book 2009 at Page
2020. This is to give notice to 26773; and
JOHNNY FRANK COCKRELL, EX- all persons having claims
ECUTOR against the estate of GLORIA WHEREAS, WILMINGTON SAV- Call us: 662-328-2424
CAUSE NO. 2020-0081-S Probate and Register their TRUSTEE OF QUERCUS MORT- General Help Wanted
claims with the Chancery Clerk GAGE INVESTMENT TRUST has
NOTICE TO CREDITORS of LOWNDES County, Missis- heretofore substituted Shapiro
sippi, within ninety (90) days & Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- CARPENTER NEEDED w/ at
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI from the first publication date strument dated February 14, least 4 yrs. of experience.
COUNTY OF LOWNDES of this Notice to Creditors. A 2020 and recorded in the Ideal candidate will have an
failure to Probate and Register aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- eye for detail, be depend-
Letters of Testamentary have a claim will forever bar that fice in Book 2016 at Page able, have good communic-
been granted and issued to the claim. 4602; and ation skills, reliable trans-
undersigned upon the Estate of portation & basic tools. We
ERNESTINE W. COCKRELL, de- This the 26th day of May WHEREAS, default having been
made in the terms and condi- specialize in home remod-
ceased, by the Chancery Court 2020.
of Lowndes County, Missis- tions of said deed of trust and els & new construction.
sippi, on the 27th day of April, /s/ Anthony Butler the entire debt secured thereby Call 662-312-3130 for info.
2020. This is to give notice to Anthony Butler having been declared to be due
all persons having claims and payable in accordance with
against said estate to probate PUBLISH: 6/3, 6/10 & the terms of said deed of trust,
and register same with the 6/17/2020 WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND AREA BUSINESS
Chancery Court of Lowndes SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF is seeking a mature,
County, Mississippi, within QUERCUS MORTGAGE INVEST-
MENT TRUST, the legal holder motivated person who
ninety (90) days from the first enjoys interacting with
publication date of this Notice of said indebtedness, having
to Creditors. A failure to so pro- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS requested the undersigned people, being outdoors
bate and register said claim Substituted Trustee to execute and multitasking. Skills
will forever bar same. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI the trust and sell said land and related to maintaining
COUNTY OF LOWNDES property in accordance with the equipment and/or farm
THIS the 18th day of May, terms of said deed of trust and work are desired but not
2020. Sealed bids will be received by for the purpose of raising the
the Board of Education of sums due thereunder, togeth- required. Person needs to
Lowndes County, Mississippi er with attorney's fees, be flexible enough to pitch
/s/ Johnny Frank Cockrell
Johnny Frank Cockrell until 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, trustee's fees and expense of in where ever needed but
Executor June 17, 2020, at the office of sale. also keep their core
the County Superintendent of responsibilities in mind.
PUBLISH: 5/20, 5/27, 6/3 & Education located at the NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & If you enjoy a different ex-
Lowndes County Central Office Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust-
in the Columbus, Mississippi perience on the regular,
ee in said deed of trust, will on
for the following bid items: July 8, 2020 offer for sale at meeting new people and
public outcry and sell within believe in customer
Bank Depository legal hours (being between the satisfaction this job might
The following vehicle has been hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 be for you.
abandoned at Pull'em Auto Re- Interested bidders may secure p.m.), at the Southeast Door of Please submit resume to:
pair, 1811 Main Street, Colum- specifications from Sayonia the County Courthouse of Blind Box 675 c/o The
bus, MS, 39701. Garvin, School Business Ad- Lowndes County, located at
ministrator, Lowndes County Commercial Dispatch
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum-
School District, 1055 Hwy 45 bus, MS 39701, to the highest PO Box 511
Year: 2009
Make: Nissan North, Columbus, MS 39701 or and best bidder for cash or cer- Columbus, MS 39703
Model: Maxima call (662) 244-5000. tified funds the following de-
VIN# 1N4AA5AP2AC8083706 scribed property situated in
PUBLISH: Lowndes County, State of Mis-
IF THIS VEHICLE IS NOT June 10 and June 17, 2020 sissippi, to-wit: CALEDONIA BUSINESS
CLAIMED IT WILL BE PUT UP needs General Laborer.
FOR SALE ON THE 29TH DAY 3.09 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, Valid driver's license,
OF JUNE, 2020 at 7:00 A.M. lying in the Southwest Quarter transportation & experi-
PULL'EM AUTO REPAIR, All legal notices must of the Southeast Quarter of
ence helpful. Will train on
COLUMBUS, MS 39701. be emailed to Section 32, Township 16
the job if needed. Call
South, Range 17 West, Jesse & Beverly's Lawn
PUBLISH: 6/10, 6/17 & Lowndes County, Mississippi,
6/24/2020 more particularly described as Service at 662-356-6525.

Just a click away!

Commencing at the Northwest
Corner of the Southeast
Quarter of said Section 32, run
thence South for 1534 feet;
thence South 89 degrees 23
minutes East for 353.0 feet to
continue South 89 degrees 23
minutes East for 500.1 feet to
a point on the circumference of
a cul-de-sac at the end of a
public road known as Canon

The best place for personalized

Drive; thence Southeasterly
along said circumference and a
curve to the left (Delta = 13 de-
grees 33 minutes, Radius =

advertising in your community.

50.0 feet, Chord South 36 de-
grees 34 minutes East - 11.8
feet) for an arc distance of
11.8 feet to the northwest
corner of Lot 4 of an unrecor-
ded plat of the William W. Can-
on property; thence South 17
degrees 59 minutes West
along the west line of said Lot4
for 297.41 feet to an existing
fence corner and the southw- ADS STARTING AT

est corner thereof; thence


North 88 degrees 46 minutes
West along a fence for 415.0
feet to a point that is 353.3
feet South 88 degrees 46

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

minutes East from a fence
corner at an existing 30-inch-
diameter gum tree; thence
Premium placement
North 00 degrees 05 minutes
West for 288.88 feet to the Preferred placement in search
on classifieds home page.
point of beginning.
results and highlighted online.
I WILL CONVEY only such title

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

as vested in me as Substi-
tuted Trustee.

Highlight your ad
this 28th day of May, 2020. Enhance your ad with
Shapiro a dash
& Brown, LLC of color. an attention getter.

Shapiro & Brown, LLC

1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite
Flowood, MS 39232

One call will bring you results. 662-328-2424

(601) 981-9299

107 Canon Dr
Caledonia, MS 39740

Publication Dates:
June 10, June 17, June 24 and
July 1, 2020
8B WEDNESDAY, June 10, 2020 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: North Lots & Acreage General Merchandise

OWNER. 220 Mclemore Good/Bad Credit Options. WHITE POSTER BOARD
$0.50 each − 24"x23"
RENTALS Road, Columbus. 1750sqft Good credit as low as 10%
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Brick house in quiet neigh− down, $299/mo. Eaton Visit 516 Main Street
or call 662−328−2424
borhood. 3 bedrooms & 2 Land, 662−361−7711.
1 BEDROOM full baths. No HUD, for a printable copy of
Columbus City school
2 BEDROOMS district. $1000/mo with
Waterfront Property Lawn & Garden these puzzles.
3 BEDROOMS 1 mo deposit. Serious
inquiries only please. Call HAYES DAYLILIES
bedroom, two 1/2 bath
LEASE, 662−574−3202 to see the Open mornings. M−S.
© The Dispatch

house or make application. home in private community 1069 New Hope Rd. Call
DEPOSIT with community boat 662−251−6665.
landing. Property sits on
AND Tibbee Creek and is
Real Estate
conveniently located to

West Point, Columbus, and
662-329-2323 Starkville. Home has a
screened in back patio with
Ads starting at $25 a deck that overlooks
Ads starting at $12
2411 HWY 45 N Tibbee Creek. $198,800.
COLUMBUS, MS Houses For Sale: New Hope
Autos For Sale
Houses For Rent: North 16 WIDNER IN NEW HOPE
2004 FORD T−BIRD. Two
Garage Sales
Newly remodeled. 3BR/
2BA home. Approx. 1,500 tops, hard & soft. Little
HOUSE FOR RENT over 100k mi. Excellent
2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath sqft. Has 25’x30’ wired
metal shop w/ roll−up front Condition. Call Holly at
Fenced in yard. $675.
662−549−9555. & side door. $158,500. Two free signs Eaton Motor Company in
662−549−9298. Houston, 662−705−1143.
Ask for Glenn or text.
Garage Sales: New Hope
Houses For Sale: Other
Th/Fri 9a−2p & Sat. 8a−12
Purses, jewelry, h/h items,
antiques & collectibles.
Ads starting at $12 Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

Travel & Entertainment

Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 3 5 7 4 2 1 6 9 8
@ 130 Hillcrest Drive. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 9 6 4 7 5 8 3 1 2

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Ads starting at $12 based onthe a 9x9
Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p is to place numbers 1 8 2 9 3 6 7 5 4
Bargain Column
Call for pricing.
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 9 1 2 6 5 8 3 7
so thatnumbers.
each row, each The 5 2 3 8 7 9 1 4 6
Ladies Ring, Size 9 with object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 8 7 6 1 4 3 9 2 5
Read local. contains the1same to 9 number
large garnet stone and 4
small topaz stones. the empty spaces so 2 4 9 6 1 7 5 8 3
Sterling Silver. $15. only once. The difficulty 7 3 8 5 9 2 4 6 1 that each row, each
662−497−4626. level increases from
column and each 6 1 5 3 8 4 2 7 9
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 6/09

the same number only once. The difficulty level

Massage Hand Shower.
Peerless. New never used. Five Questions: increases from Monday to Sunday.
4 spray settings including
Pause function. $10.

1 Caspian Sea

Purses 3 Rockwear Hobo

2 Michael
purses, excellent condition
$20. 662−245−3635

General Merchandise Douglas

2018 40FT Gooseneck
3 Canada
Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12
ton axles, 10−4inch straps
& tarps. $7,000.

4 Ralph Lauren
Collectibles, Santas,

5 Internet of
snowmen, longaberger
baskets, antiques, lamps,

Things (IoT)
some furn., & pewter. Call 662−312−6207

1 Climber’s
7 Glade grazer
11 Change over
12 Jane of fiction
13 Hold back
14 Feudal farmer
15 Necklace
17 Like Solomon
20 Pound
23 Squid’s squirt
24 “Understood!”
26 Cunning
27 Sedan or DOWN home
SUV 1 Warning color 22 Convenient
28 Relatives 2 Broad st. 24 Less friendly
29 Keep at it

Service Directory
3 Poker prize 25 Argon or
31 Termination 4 Site ethane
32 Go piece 5 Wicked 30 Looks of
33 Order to Spot 6 Singer Horne scorn
34 Breakfast 7 Tyrant 33 Bed boards
choice 8 Hole in the 35 Tombstone
Promote your small business starting at only $25 37 Small dog, for head name
Carpet & Flooring Electrical General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping short 9 Mess up 36 Open space
39 Mideastern 10 Game caller 37 Some music
Re−Stretch & Repair also WASHING. Commercial/ LAWN SERVICE 43 Finished
avail. I accept select jobs. Residential. House, Mowing, cleanup, softball prepare
Call Walt, 662−574−8134. concrete, sidewalks & landscaping, sodding, 44 Come back 17 Bits of smoke 40 Except
mobile washing. Free est. & tree cutting. 45 Darlings 18 Bay 41 Hot blood
662−386−8925. 662−356−6525 46 Stuck, in a 19 Shoot up 42 Linking word
way 21 Panda’s
Commercial & residential. Mowing, weed eating,
MOUNTING TV’S AND Bricks, concrete & siding. blowing, etc.
HIDING WIRES Call for quote, Free estimates.
Mount TV: 662−295−6880. Reasonable prices.
$60/TV (mount not incl) 662−549−3790
Mount TV & hide wires:
$120/TV (mount not incl) CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY
DAVID’S CARPET & Johnny Beamon $545 plus Filing Fee Painting & Papering
CLEANING All Attorney Fees Through The Plan QUALITY PAINTING.
1 Room − $50 General Services Ext/Int Painting.
2 Rooms − $70 Jim Arnold, Attorney Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
3+ Rooms − $30 EA A & T TREE SERVICES 662-324-1666 • 601-656-6914 Repair. Pressure Washing.
Rugs−Must Be Seen Bucket truck & stump 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Free Estimates. Ask for
Car Upholstery Cleaning removal. Free est. specials! Larry Webber,
Available Serving Columbus 662−242−4932.
662−722−1758 since 1987. Senior SKILLED CRAFTSMAN. Any
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ kind of work! We can build,
242−0324/241−4447 paint, drywall, clean, SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Childcare "We’ll go out on a limb for pressure wash & cut grass.
Special Prices.
you!" Reasonable rates. Safe &
Emmanuel’s Christian Reliable. 662−386−3658. Interior & Exterior Painting.
Academy−Child care WORK WANTED:
AVAILABLE SOON For ages Licensed & Bonded. Lawn Care / Landscaping
6 weeks to 12 years old. Carpentry, minor electrical, minor plumbing, insulation, Jake’s Mowing
or text 662−245−6998 painting, demolition, Mowing, Weed−eating, Got leaky pipes?
gutters cleaned, pressure Blow off walks, Trim shrubs Find a plumber in the
Are you a painter? washing, landscaping, Free quote. Great pricing. classifieds.
cleanup work, moving help. Call, text, leave message.
Advertise here! 662−242−3608. 662−570−8815

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